#remember that bigots deserve to be laughed at
A lil rant about my experience with this god forsaken fandom
I made this blog around 2020 when I was 13 years old. This was my first shot at a dedicated fandom blog and I was pretty excited for it, to make friends, draw fanart, post fun stuff and what not.
All fun right? Right, so tell me why was it that literal 20 years olds felt the need to harass me, a then 13 year old girl with a relatively small blog, for the dumbest reasons possible?
What did I do that subjected me to 2 and a half years worth constant daily threats and harassment? Hmm???
You wanna know my crime? Apparently I showed interest in an antagonist character, which is so awful that grown adults felt the need to bully me. And following those adults came young impressionable people my age, that joined the bandwagon of hate against me.
As if other fandoms don’t have people literally dedicating themselves to a villain, no one bats an eye to that. Why did this fandom have such an issue? I also apparently dared to criticise the main character for a few of his flaws. Such a horrible thing to do right? I need to be burnt at the stake for it right?
I didn’t follow the “fixed” standards of the fandom so I was to be sent de*th/r*pe threats daily?? For not following the “rules” I was to be ostracised?
No please someone explain…I’m but a dumb bitch, I don’t understand what I did so terribly wrong to deserve this? Did I start a war? Did I rip open someone’s plush? Did I bully someone for not having the same ideology as me?
No it was but the fandom itself that for some reason found it so fun to bully a 13 year old, send her de*th and r*pe threats all because of not being of pjo fandom standards…let’s go and bombard her with hate!!
Do you realise how fucking stupid…this all sounds? Do you realise how low this is? Was bullying a child so fun? So trendy at the time?
Then came the victim blaming- I laugh everytime I remember people saying I must have done something really bad to get such harassment, that it’s all for attention. What kid wants to get hate everyday of their life for 2 whole fucking years? Tell me?
You know wanna know what I did wrong? Fight back, call the hate anons out for their bigotry. I was vocal about it, that’s what I did wrong right? Stand my ground? People said to ignore it and I did. But I still got bullied daily even if I didn’t respond. What was all this for?
I can imagine people asking why I didn’t simply leave the fandom? Why the fuck should I? I enjoy the stories, I enjoy the characters, they were my escape from real life struggles. It was the bullying I didn’t enjoy. Everyday I’d log on to enjoy posts and a few minutes later when the bigots found out I was active I was sent an anonymous threat.
Many of my oldest friends had to reduce the amount they interacted with me in fear of receiving harassment themselves. The extent of this is bigotry is beyond my understanding.
I did not deserve this much suffering AND ALL FOR WHAT? A STUPID LITTLE REASON THAT HAS BARELY ANY WEIGHT TO IT. Do people even realise the extent of what happened is beyond me. And Idc if I sound selfish, I want a fucking apology from all those bigots. I want compensation for the 2 and a half years of abuse I endured alone. I just want this bigotry to end, which surprise surprise! Still continues to happen.
Why do I bring this up now that it’s all over you ask? I’ve actually brought it up once before, but it was swept under the rug, (My deepest appreciation to the very few people who supported me when I first talked about it) I’m just finally being more vocal, because this has stuck with me. For all those 4 years this has stuck with me. It doesn’t mean if it’s over for now that all the trauma doesn’t linger. It still affects me to this day.
In fact I’m still being stalked by one of the people who sent me hate anons. One of the hate anons was revealed to be one of my bestest friends, they had admitted this to me and had the nerve to beg me to still remain friends. They were also the person who groomed me. They have left the fandom scene and I’ve rid of them from my life but they still continue to stalk me.
What do I get from ranting about all this? A bit of solace, a bit of weight off my shoulders. But nearly not enough for me to actually fucking heal. I also want people to realise how bigoted some are and how horrible the mentality of “fixed fandom standards/ideologies” is and that we as a fandom need to fucking change. Heck I know this issues in every fandom. But can we at least start with ours for a change for once?
Along side all of this there’s also a lot of racism and trans/homophobia that still actively prevails. Just look at what Leah went through when her casting was announced. Did she deserve all of that?? “Not my annabeth” do you realise how horrible that is to say to a CHILD? She is Annabeth whether you like it or not. And you are very welcome to leave if you wish to stick to your stupid racist nonsense.
I bet there are many others who have probably suffered the same may it not be for the same reasons, but everyone of them deserve their apologies and compensation as well.
Idc if I’ll get hate for this. I said what I said. I’m just so done.
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threepandas · 3 months
Your Biggest Fan: Part 3
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When he first showed up, people scoffed. He wasn't the first to try and claim such a grand name, nor would he be the last. They mocked him. Made unknowing targets of themselves. Didn't realize just how SERIOUS the situation WAS.
They thought he was a joke.
Because, after all, how could ANYTHING related to the Quirkless be a threat? How could ANYTHING related to those they'd failed, dismissed, and abused ever come back to haunt them? What vengeance and anger could possibly fester there? Turning into something ugly. Something powerful and dangerous.
The Red Shoed Onryō was no joke.
He was every ugly buried sin crawled into the light. Vengeance where no justice would ever be found. The cruelty that returns cruelty's actions. The monster the that hunts and haunts the living.
And of course, like everything related to the Quirkless, the news buried him. Covered their eyes and ears, hoping he'd go away. Letting him run free.
Hero after hero, refusing to take the case. Because he's "not a REAL threat". As though his influence wasn't spreading. As though his power wasn't GROWING. Willfully BLIND! At every turn, it baffled and infuriated you. Did Onyrō have to STAB them first, for them to SEE?!
Worst of all? He was either kidnapping or KILLING Quirkless kids. The most vulnerable youth in this entire god forsaken, willfully blind, country! There were days when you loved your country. There WERE. It's one of the reasons you became a Hero! But some days? You wanted to BEAT THE BIGOT out of your countrymen.
Especially when, once again, you were looking down at... at tiny little red shoes.
God, they were just a KID.
A little kid. Face to solemn. Eyes too old for such a young body. Parents who can't be bothered to even remember the last time they SAW their son. He was SIX. It burns you. Every child, dead or missing on this God forsaken case. It BURNS. Every SINGLE one of their neighbors saw the crimes here and did nothing. The teachers. Nothing. Their own parents! Nothing!
Another child failed.
Another set of tiny shoes collected. Because these BASTARDS don't deserve to keep them. And a cry in the nearest park.
Damn this so called Onryō. DAMN HIM! They were just kids! He... oh god, he was just a kid...
There's an awkward shuffling near your bench. Ah. Probably a kid. Smile, Gaurdian. You gotta remember to smile! They're kids. They don't understand, SHOULDN'T understand, that sometimes Heros lose...
C'mon. Be brave. Smile.
You raise your head. And... oh. Not a kid. They're all still playing, off on the distant play structures. It's the anxious, green, quirkless man. The one who was real scuffed up. He looks better. Nervous though.
"A..Are YOU okay?" He manages to choke out, before you can say anything.
You huff a laugh. Well, isn't THAT a turn of events? Guess he remembers you. Good to know you're making an impact, at least. And... maybe it's something about how he clearly so uncomfortable, yet braving through it to offer comfort. Maybe it's because he's the first person to ASK in... God, months? But you answer honestly.
No. No you're not.
You keep it vague, of course. Case file confidentiality and all that. But... the victims. Oh god, the victims. Quirkless kids. As though life wasn't shit for them ENOUGH. It makes you want to BREAK things. People.
He listens as you rage. Curse and weep. Mourn.
The list of names Onryō IS going to answer for. Even if you have to hunt him down alone. Drag him back by yourself. Because it's not ABOUT the fucking hair care commercials! It's about saving lives. And what's the damn POINT of it all, if it's not all in service of that?
...Honestly? Green guy is a good listener. Seems to hang off your every word. Really engaged. It's nice, after so long being dismissed and ignored at ever turn. So much so... that you do something you probably shouldn't. It's TECHNICALLY crossing a couple lines, professionally. And you WERE taught better.
Fuck it. You're kinda lonely, you know? Yeah, he's a fan. You "saved" him with some band-aids. But it's not like you REALLY saved him! That would be crossing a boundary, right? Right. This is... probably? Fine? Maybe you could get a friend out of it.
Hey. Green. Gimme your phone real quick.
You input your number. Send yourself his. There. Now you guys can chat. Don't go crazy okay? He promises. Looks super excited to have a friend. And... yeah. Yeah! You have a good feeling about this. Greenie's name is apparently "Izuku". And what you both need?
Is a friend.
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catbountry · 7 months
One of these days I'm gonna get completely zonked and write out an entire fucking essay on why Mister Metokur sucks and I don't like him, but I feel like I could just say "he kickstarted the internet dumpster fire that was GamerGate" and have justified my position completely.
So fucking tired of orbiting communities that talk about internet weirdos/drama and seeing creators kiss the fucking ring of some guy just because he's got a voice for radio and surrounds himself with people who are stupider than he is so he can toss them aside as soon as they inevitably do some stupid bullshit that he can make fun of and feel justified in doing so, like Sargon of Akkad and Ethan Ralph, all while lamenting that internet culture has changed since the 2000's and people on the internet like furries now more than they like otaku.
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Oh yeah and he's using James Somerton's suicide note as an opportunity to expose Hbomberguy for shit he did nearly two decades ago and shame him for "troll's remorse." If I didn't highly suspect that this is another ploy by James to manipulate people into feeling sorry for him, I'd probably be more disgusted, but it proves this man just operates on pure spite. Like yeah, I get it, overly-performative troll's remorse is fucking cringe, but you're on a podcast with Null making jokes about "stinkditches" and saying unambiguously racist shit while laughing (in a video conveniently deleted from YouTube from September 17th, 2022). And if it weren't for Jim's army of asskissers, I'd probably be way more open about this sort of thing. But who's even reading my Tumblr at this point anyway?
The first time I remember being alarmed by him was that video he did on that creepy pedo who looked at photos of kids in bathtubs, and he was in a call with this guy and some girl said pedo was friends with, and Jim lost his patience and called her a "hole" and to shut up. People kiss Metokur's ass over this video. I don't even know if any action, criminal or otherwise, was taken against the dude and it was just an exercise in lording not being a pedophile over some deeply disturbed guy who probably had some kind of mental disability.
I am pretty much always going to have a fixation on strange internet people, internet drama, and horrifying nightmare people given unrestricted internet access. This is a character flaw of mine. I have tried to view these people more fairly in recent years, though to be honest, there's quite a few of them that are pretty goddamn hard to feel sorry for. But I also recognize a lot of my fascination was probably, at least partially, trollshielding; if I join in with the people making fun of these people, that means I won't be a target. It was a survival strategy learned from childhood and I'm not proud of it. But I also can't do the full troll's remorse because some of those people I talked shit about really were awful people. That doesn't make it okay when I would be snarky and judgemental towards people that didn't deserve it. Trying to stop a pedophile or helping shed light on a zoosadism ring doesn't make you a good person because even bigots hate pedos and people that torture animals. Congratulations on having the faintest resemblance of a conscience, it'd be nice if you could show that same outrage on behalf of black people and trans women. But we know you ain't doin' that.
Also I swear to god if somebody refers to him as "daddy Jim" and they're not taking the piss I'm gonna give them such a pinch.
P.S. James is very likely alive, btw. Who could have seen the serial liar and manipulator telling lies and emotionally manipulating people?
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reddiesworldsblog · 1 year
daily reminder day 172: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s playing in richie’s hair, who’s head is in his lap as eddie plays through the soft, dark ink curls. eddie has always loved richie’s hair, the way it flips out and runs in all different directions…eddie has always found it kinda beautiful.
daily reminder day 173: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s reading a book by the pool as he tans and sips on a strawberry lemonade. little does he know, richie just got home and he’s admiring his hot husband from the sliding glass door. richie really does  love his eddie, and he’s glad he’s home now so he can kiss and hold eddie exactly how he wants to.
daily reminder day 174: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s in the middle of making up his and richie’s bed, minding his business and humming to himself when all of the sudden richie comes up behind him and scares the absolute shit out of him. he yelps and it leads to eddie jumping on richie as he curses him out, and of course, that asshole, only laughs and let’s eddie smack him a little before tackling him onto their half-made bed. richie kisses eddie, and suddenly eddie forgets about it for a good 10 minutes in the time they’re kissing between breathless giggles.
daily reminder day 175: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s relaxing and enjoying a well deserved no work/stress free day. he hopes you’re all able to do the same :)
daily reminder day 176: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s tending to his garden
daily reminder day 177: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s resisting the urge to go all Attack Dog on this mf who keeps looking at him and his richie all weird. it’s 2023, numbnuts, if you have a problem with him and his husband only holding hands then daily reminder day 177: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s resisting the urge to go all Attack Dog on this mf who keeps looking at him and his richie all weird. it’s 2023, numbnuts, if you have a problem with him and his husband only holding hands then most precious thing he’s ever laid eyes on and it makes eddie’s heart flutter in the best way. eddie decides then that that bigoted asshole doesn’t matter, because no one has every looked at eddie this way and has been doing it since they were kids. richie is way more important, he loves richie, and richie loves him too, and so eddie kisses his husband because he can and wants to.
daily reminder day 178: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he wishes he lived in antarctica or the north pole or somewhere that’s really fucking cold because cali is too gd hot and he’s about to lose it. if he doesn’t cool down quick he’ll make it everyone’s problem.
daily reminder day 179: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he, richie, and the rest of the losers are at a beach house for a losers yearly reunion. it’s kinda like old times back when they were teenagers — playing games, smoking weed, and re-telling old stories that they didn’t even know they remembered. it’s nice to meet up, a time to not worry about other people and their jobs and shit. it’s night time now and it’s just eddie out by the pool in a lawn chair thinking when richie meets him out there, picking eddie up so he can sit in the chair and have eddie sit in his lap. they just smile at each other, words not even needing to be said, before kissing and beginning their ramble about any and everything, admiring each other and sharing more kisses in between.
daily reminder day 180: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s picking the strawberries he had grown in his garden and he’s so excited to just DEVOUR them.
daily reminder day 181: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s looking at some old polaroids he found of him and the losers from back when they were teenagers and also their 20’s. eddie smiles at how young and carefree they all looked — especially the ones of him and richie that the others took of them. there’s some of he and richie at the quarry, when they were asleep and cuddling in the clubhouse hammock, even their prom photo. and then eddie’s favorite, when richie had hold of the camera and had it turned towards the two of them. richie is kissing his cheek with a shit eating grin while he’s trying to push richie away, but despite what his hand is doing, eddie’s face is a mix of feign disgust and laughter. it’s so them, and it’s like not much has changed between them, but their bond and love got stronger in a way that eddie didn’t think was possible. eddie decides then that he’s gonna frame the polaroid, the memory of it warming his heart with affection as he does so.
daily reminder day 182: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he and richie are getting matching tattoos. he knows what you’re all thinking, getting matching tattoos with your partner is stupid and even he thinks so. but here’s the thing, he and richie have been together since high school, and even with that have they ever really been /just/ friends? like they’ve been holding hands since they were 5, they got fake married at 7, have been sharing a bed since they were 13. they’ve been through hell and back and have loved each other since before they even knew what love was. they’re in their 40’s now, and have only broken up once in their 20’s for like 2 days because they couldn’t stand being away from each other. so, yeah, this is the only exception to getting matching tattoos. richie is the love of his life and vice versa and they both know that no matter what they’re it for each other. and once they’re done getting their tattoos, they smile and kiss each other, chaste but full of love.
daily reminder day 183: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and he just got the WORST case of brain freeze from drinking his slurpee way too fast. it’s hot as a motherfucker outside right now and when richie handed him his extra large slurpee he didn’t waste any time to start drinking it. well, obviously since- yeah anyway it’s hot out so please stay hydrated and wear sunscreen and find some shade and go to the pool and whatever else and also eddie hopes you get the ice cold drink that you’ve been craving today.
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whosbluujai · 9 months
⤷ 𝕻𝖔𝖎𝖓𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝕹𝖔 𝕽𝖊𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖓.
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PAIRING: Possessive!Toxic!Ex-boyfriend!Miguel O'Hara x gn!reader
SUMMARY: You come to pick up a sweater you left at your ex-boyfriend Miguel's house a month after you've broken up. Then he discovers that you've moved on to another guy.
WARNINGS: Swearing, Miguel is an ignorant bigot, blood, mentions of domestic abuse, mentions of sex, pretty heavy angst
A/N: This is my first fic on Tumblr! I'm sorry if the Spanish translations are wrong, I used DeepL to be as accurate as possible 😭
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The streets of Nueva York are cold now. Streetlights illuminate the wet sidewalks, casting a faint yellow haze around them. Your ex-boyfriend Miguel stands at the doorway with an unapproving frown on his face. You stand in front of him, glaring at his chiseled face.
“...New boyfriend?” He sneers. “You can’t even function when you don’t have a man to latch on to, can you? Typical.”
Your anger flares in your stomach at his ignorance. You scoff and cross your arms. You didn’t have time to deal with this, you were only here to get a sweater you left before you broke up with Miguel.
“Are you serious? I’m sorry I’m happily with someone else while you’re just sitting here on your ass, alone.” You bite back. Miguel’s brow twitches at your comment. How could another guy be better than he was?
“You think he could take care of you like I can? You think he even can satisfy you the way I can?” He spits. His expression darkens as his red eyes pierce your own.
You laugh at the size of this man’s ego.
“Take care of me? Satisfy me? You did neither and I found somebody who can do both for me,” you reply with disbelief. “Being with you made me realize I don’t deserve to be treated like how you treated me.”
“Why do you care, anyway?” You mumble under your breath.
Without warning, Miguel grabs you by the wrists. His talons dig into you and you whimper, face contorting with shock and pain. He forces you to look at him. His eyes are erratic and his face is scrunched in anger. It’s truly an animalistic sight.
“What did you just say?” He seethes, voice dripping with malice. His grip on your wrists borders on bone-breaking. You can feel warm blood trickle down to your elbows but the pain is the last thing on your mind right now.
“The fuck is your problem, Miguel?!” You cry and try to rip your arms away from his iron grip to no avail. Your anger slowly dissipates to fear as it slowly consumes you. “Let- let go of me. You’re hurting me, please!” You stutter with desperation. He doesn’t loosen his hold on you. His rage has fully taken over him now. It goes beyond his self-control and deeper than his rationale.
“Who’s this cabrón who you say is taking care and satisfying you, now. Tell me his name or goddammit I will find out myself.” Miguel spits. His voice is husky, almost like a growl. Your breathing becomes shallower.
“You’re fucking demented.” You hiss. Miguel huffs angrily. He brings a hand up to slick his hair back and you flinch. He doesn’t care, though. He wants you to feel fear.
“Tell me his name or I’ll give you something to actually be scared of.” Miguel states emotionlessly. It’s uneasy how cold he suddenly has become. Angry tears escape your eyes.
“I’m already scared of you.”
He snarls. “Quit it. Are you really going to be some scared, entitled little bitch who thinks that you’re better than everybody else? News flash, you’re not. If you’re scared, good.” Rage returns to his voice. “Because you don’t deserve to be fucking happy if it’s not with me.”
Your eyes widen at his absurd statement. Happy? You don’t remember the last time you were happy with him. You shout back at him. “You’re so damn toxic! We broke up because neither of us were happy in our relationship anymore!” You rant. “We fought so much I forgot why we got together in the first place, that’s how unhappy I was.” You pause to catch your breath. Things you’ve wanted to say forever are finally coming out now.
“You didn’t make me happy, Miguel.”
His jaw drops. Who do you think you are? Sure, you and Miguel had your occasional… mishaps but everything else was fine, right? But at the end of the day, he was the one you ran to, not someone else. He was the one you chose.
“I made every day worth it.” His grip is still tight. The pain is just a dull buzz at this point. You clench your fists.
"Oh yeah? Even the days when we would do nothing but scream at each other for the littlest things? Even the days where you got so angry I genuinely thought you would hurt me? Even the days where we wouldn't talk, or even look at each other for hours at a time because we resented each other?" You retort.
"Yes, there were good days. But did being constantly verbally abused make it worth it? No."
Miguel’s face changes into complete outrage by the time you’re finished. He lets go of you, though continues to glare at you. A few drops of blood drip from his grip. You rub your wrists, hissing at the stinging sensation in the absence of his sharp talons.
“You make it sound like I abused you or something,” His voice is low and threatening. “You’re really that scared of me? I would never touch you. I would never lay a finger on you.” He states cockily. Like you’re crazy. He’s treated you so well and this is how you thank him?
You lift your bloody wrists in his face. "This says otherwise."
His blood runs cold. In his rage he didn’t notice how his talons were digging into your skin, puncturing the flesh he once kissed. His eyes widen while you show him actual proof of just how much he damaged you while trying to prove he never would. The irony sinks into the pits of his stomach.
Tears stream down your face. Not from pain or anguish or rage, but from grief. Grief for your past self, grief for your relationship, everything.
"This is exactly why we broke up." I let every word sink in.
He’s frozen in a state of total shock. Did he really do that? Was he really the root of your suffering?
The anger inside him melts away, replaced by remorse. Miguel steps forward and goes to wrap his arms around you, suddenly wanting nothing more than the last six months back.
You take a step back from him and put your arms up in defense.
"No. I'm going back to my boyfriend who actually treats me well." You breathe. There is hurt in your voice. Bitter tears fall on the sidewalk as you back away from the man you once loved.
Miguel’s heart shatters in his chest. You’ve fallen in love with someone new. Someone better. Someone who doesn’t treat you poorly. Someone who isn’t him.
He tries to reach out for you again. “Wait. Don’t go. Just- just listen to me.” You shake your head and stare at him.
"No. No. I'm done. I've had enough of this."
“I can change. I can. Just… just let me prove it, please.”
"I've let you prove it four times already, Miguel. I put my faith in you to change four times. And every time always ends the same. Exactly like this. You've had four more second chances than I should ever have given you." Your eyes have nothing but hurt in them, voice cold and anguished.
“But I’m different, now. I mean it this time, I-I swear! Just give me one last chance. I- I won’t hurt you again. On my life. I’ll do anything.” He’s getting desperate now. Pleading with you like a beggar.
"Aren't you getting déjà vu, Miguel? We've been here before. We fight, break up, you beg me to give you another chance, I accept, we have apology sex, and then we're good for 3 months, then it happens again,” you recount.
“I'm breaking that cycle."
Miguel is quiet for a few moments. The painful truth of your words is starting to set in. 
You’re right. And he can’t handle the fact that you don’t need him anymore. He can’t handle the fact that somebody better is taking you away. 
“I- I’ll be different this time.” But there’s something different in his voice. A tone of defeat. The fire of rage burning in his red irises have extinguished and there is nothing left in them except for cold gray ash.
"No. I can’t do this anymore. I can’t do us anymore. You've broken my trust too many times to believe you." Your tone is firm, opposite to Miguel’s. You’ve finally won this battle. Finally plateaued on the endless uphill climb that is Miguel O’Hara.
Miguel is still in utter shock and disbelief. The desperation has morphed into something beyond. He knows his pleas are falling on deaf ears. 
“But… te quiero...” He utters those words, frightening and unfamiliar in his mouth when they were once what he called home. He utters them with such defeat not as the declaration of his dedication to you as they once were, but rather as a good-bye he knows is coming.
You shake your head and more tears fall from your eyes. You’re clearly and visibly hurt.
"I don't."
“W-what?” His mouth drops. “What do you mean? We’ve… We’ve been through so much together. We- we were so in love…” He doesn’t believe it. He never even fathomed that you would admit to such a thing. He looks at you as if you admitted to a horrible crime.
To him, you did.
"Were. We were so in love. But you've hurt me too many times. My heart can't take it anymore, Miguel. I’m sorry.” You try to reason with him. He shakes his head as his jaw hangs open and takes a step back into his apartment.
“No...” Miguel whispers. “No, I-I can’t let you go. I can’t... I-.”
He’s lost. He’s panicking. He’s not going to let you leave him. Not this time. Not again. Not anymore. His eyes dart around the room, trying to anchor himself to anything but you. You. You. Heart thumping wildly in his chest like an untamed animal, his knees quiver.
"Miguel, let's be honest here. Do you remember anything good about the past 6 months? Really? Because I don't. I'm sorry Miguel but neither of us can take being hurt anymore!" You go on. You know you’ve finally reasoned with him. Finally broken down the years-old walls that has protected his fragile ego. Miguel is quiet. He doesn’t know what to say. He’s already hurt you too much to deny it.
“You’re right. You’re exactly right. I- I don’t… I don’t have any excuses. You deserved better. I’m sorry. I’m really, really sorry…” He’s stuttering and rambling like a nervous schoolgirl now. Get it together, Miguel. Don’t let her get away. She needs you. The little voice in the back of his head says through all the chaos. He wants to believe it but he knows you’re right.
You’re always right.
You hold a hand up to silence him. The blood on your wrists is starting to dry. It’s darkened and formed a crust on your rolled up sleeves.
"Save it. I'm going back to my boyfriend."
“I’m not letting you go.” He’s panicking. He’s desperate. His voice gets quiet. “You can’t go. You can’t leave. Not like this.” His hands tremble as he holds them out to you, begging for you to run back into his arms. “I don’t want you to go. You can’t leave me. Not now. Not when I’m hurting and begging you to stay.”
You sigh. Even after getting through to him, he is still as incessant as ever.
"You have to let go of me, Miguel. I want to help you, believe me, I do. But I don't want to get hurt more than I already have in the process of doing so.."
He shakes his head aggressively like a child. He refuses to believe you. Somewhere deep down, you still love him, he’s sure of it.
“I- I know, but... you don’t understand how much I need you. Please. You’re all I have. You mean to much to me,” He grabs your arms again but with a tenderness this time. He’s already hurt you enough. “I’ll be good. I’ll do anything to make you stay, anything to have one last chance. I don’t want you to go.”
"Miguel if I leave here now, we'll both be happy. You're gonna meet someone else who's going to be perfect for you. You guys will get married, and have children perhaps. You've always wanted a girl, hm? I want that for you, for both of us. I just... I can't have that with you. Please, please move on and forget about me." You smile sadly. You’re speaking the truth. Even through all the months of crying, apologizing, and aggressive make-up sex, you still wish him happiness. Even though you shouldn’t.
Miguel keeps silent for a moment. That… actually makes sense. You’re right. But he’s selfish.
“But I-... I don’t want that with someone else. I want that with you, you- you’re the love of my life! I- I know I messed that up. I ruined us. But I-” He pauses to swallow the lump in his throat. He can’t cry. Not here. Not now. “Can’t we… can’t we just leave everything behind and start over? I- just give me one last chance. Plea- please…”
"You're so persistent."
“I’m desperate,” he whispers.
He grabs onto your arms tightly. “You... you’re so important to me and I ruined everything. I was stupid. I ruined the only good thing I had left. I- I don’t want to lose you-”
"Miguel, will you let me go if I kiss you one last time?"
You just wanted to leave. To forget him. To move past. This seemed like the only way to get him off your back.
Miguel’s eyes light up as you ask him that. You still want to kiss him before you leave. That’s a good sign right? He nods desperately.
You exhale and walk slowly toward him, staring at his lips. Miguel’s heart is racing a mile a minute, but that just makes the impending kiss even more thrilling. His hand comes up to touch your cheek and he leans in but stops halfway. He waits for you to make the move first. 
You hold his head with both hands and close the distance and kiss him softly, fingers carding through his brown hair.
Miguel melts into the kiss. It feels like your lips have been designed to fit his exactly. It’s like you were built to be together. For a moment your lips are the only thing in the world important to him. 
He leans in closer, deepening the kiss. You want him back. You want him. You want him, you want him, you want him-
"No. No more." You break away abruptly and put a hand on his chest to stop him.
Miguel’s eyes are wide. But… you want him. It’s clear. You kissed him, so you want him.
He puts his hand on your wrist. “But- why- why’d you stop? That felt… I- I thought we were-“ 
He poured his life, heart, and soul into that kiss. To win you back. You were surely to reciprocate his feelings after he bared his raw, bloody, and beaten heart to you in his calloused hands.
Your lips press into a thin line. "I have to go now. Live a long and happy life for me, okay?"
Miguel stares at you, his eyes filled with tears. He’s still in denial. He’s completely heartbroken. He won’t believe this. He can’t believe this. He’s losing you forever. Your smile, your lips, your body, you.
“B- but… b- but I-“ 
It’s clear you’ve made your final decision. There really is nothing he can do to keep you from leaving. He can’t even find the words to say goodbye. The only thing he manages to croak out is:
“I’m… I’m sorry… and I- I love you…”
"Thank you, Miguel O'Hara."
You give him one last look before I turn around and walk away from him.
Miguel watches you leave. He can still feel the ghost of lips on his. It’s going to be an image that lives inside his mind forever, branded on his brain. The mark that you’ve left on his life permanently.
He knows this is the last time he’ll ever see you. He won’t ever get to kiss you again. He won’t ever get to hold you again. 
Tears stream down your face as you walk away from Miguel, but these aren’t tears of grief anymore. They are tears of freedom. You feel the shackles of your former life fall from your bruised and bloodied wrists and you realize:
You are free.
Miguel stands there, silent. He doesn’t cry. His eyes are completely dry. He doesn’t let any emotion get the best of him. 
Even now. Even though his world just shattered. He watches you get smaller and smaller, growing more distant with each step.
And then you’re gone, and Nueva York seems so much colder without you.
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hawkinshighdropout · 2 years
Free Now.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x (female) Reader
Summary: Your ex boyfriend Billy has been harassing you ever since the breakup and he just won't take "no" for an answer. You have spent every day since then alone and sad, Eddie intervenes in your time of need and it caused a lot of unwanted attention.
Warnings: No major warnings, a mention of a fight and some tense situations but nothing upsetting that I can recall? This is just angst/fluff content. Unless you count a couple of curse words as needing a warning? Idk, I haven’t written fanfics in like 8 years so I’m a little rusty…
Note/Request: Requested by anonymous. “Hey! This is what I have in mind. Sorry if it's too long. Your ex-boyfriend Billy doesn't appear to be handling the breakup well and won't leave you alone. Since many of the girls don't talk to you because they want to date your ex, and the boys don't approach you because they are terrified of Billy, you are kinda isolated at school. But Eddie, who had already seen how Billy handled you and still does, chooses to confront him on one of the many occasions he bothers you at school. They fight, you treat Eddie's bruises, he's cute and says he's always liked you and that you can sit with him and his friends, you kiss him and tell him you've always had a crush on him and you start seeing each other. Please, let me know if it's ok for you.”
Word Count: 2.1k
Send me prompts to write about!
You had liked Billy because he was different, he was a bad boy, he had some edge to him. You loved his hair, his confidence, the way he carried himself, everything about him. He was gorgeous, and everyone wanted him, yet he chose you. You were weak at the knees whenever you were around him, he had your heart in his hand and that wasn’t going to change… Until one day, it did.
You don’t remember exactly when it happened, but you remember the exact repulsive words that came out of his bitter, bigoted mouth.
He was picking you up from school one day and you were talking to Dustin and Lucas as you had caught the tail end of their conversation and it had made you laugh, they were quick to include you and you stood talking by the bike racks whilst waiting for Billy to arrive.
His loud music pumping through the speakers whilst his tires screeched from the speed of him hitting the breaks, coming to a sudden stop in front of you all.
“What the hell are you doing with these losers?” he scoffs out his window, sizing up the two kids with an unimpressed look on his face.
“Oh, behave. They’re sweet.” You defended them with a smile, that smile quickly fading as he clambered out of the car and marched over to you all.
Heated words were exchanged, Billy was throwing all kinds of slurs at the undeserving children and that outraged you. You could deal with his attitude normally, but homophobic and racist remarks? That was your limit, as it should be for any decent human being.
A harsh slap across his cheek stopped his tirade, you announce that it was over between you both as you refused to date a monster like him.
That was a couple of weeks ago now, and his words still haunted you. How can someone that pretty be that hideous underneath? A shiver ran up your spine whenever you thought back to the times you had spent with him, not wanting to recall anything positive about him, he didn’t deserve an ounce of your praise or time, he was dead to you.
Or so you wished. Billy had spent every waking moment since you broke up with him making your life hell, begging for you to take him back and making a big show of his feelings for you around anyone who was present to witness them. He was embarrassing himself, and he was certainly embarrassing you. It was causing such a scene on a daily basis that whilst you avoided him like the plague, everyone in school was giving you the same punishment.
Girls avoided you as they all fawned over your ex, perplexed by how you could be so “stupid” to break up with someone so “dreamy.” Guys walked the other way when you were nearby as they didn’t want to be on the receiving end of Billy’s abuse for even looking at you. It was an isolating nightmare you were living.
You were sat outside of school on one of the benches reading a book whilst minding your own business, looking up with a disgusted look on your face as your ex plopped down on the seat beside you, arm strung around your waist as you immediately escape his grip.
“Go away, Billy.” You sigh, trying to focus on your book.
“Ah, c’mon, sweet thing. Don’t be like that…” his voice a pathetic attempt at sounding seductive and classy, in reality he just sounded like a jackass.
You weren’t alone, thank god. The other students were all littering across the grass and various benches as it was a surprisingly nice day in Hawkins, you just knew it was smarter to keep to yourself, which is why you picked the bench furthest away.
“Don’t touch me.” You groan, uncomfortable expression on your lips as you try and wriggle away from him once again, his hand gripping your hip as he keeps you flush to his chest.
“C’mon, baby. I miss you… What do you say we get outta here?” he purrs, pressing a light kiss against the weak spot behind your ear.
“Don’t touch me!” you scream out a little louder this time, grabbing the attention of everyone around you as you shove him away from your body.
“When did you become such a prude?!” he hisses, standing to his feet and wrapping his arms around your midsection whilst you are immediately trying to unwrap them from around yourself.
“I’m not a god damn prude, I just don’t want someone like you touching me, you’re pathetic and disgusting so let. Me. Go!” you squeal out, giving him a knee to the crotch whilst allows him to let go of you for a second in shock.
He stumbles for a second, taking a deep breath to regain his composure before he’s making advances towards you again, smug grin on his lips as he reached out for your backpack strap to stop you from getting far.
“Oh no you don’t!” called an annoyed noise from just over Billy’s shoulder, you see a fluffy haired guy hurrying up behind your ex, immediately wrapping his arms around Billy’s throat to give him a soft headlock to give you the time and space to distance yourself from Billy.
A wild elbow is thrown into the ribs of the stranger, causing him to hiss out as Billy wrangles out of his arms and faces him with pure venom in his voice, “Munson… I shoulda known it was you…” he smirks, dropping his weight a little so he could charge into the other guys’ chest and tackle him to the ground.
You back up a little, whole body shaking from the ordeal whilst a small crowd gathered to watch the two guys wrestling and battling one another, one trying to win your affection, the other trying to defend your honour.
You assume it’s going to be a battle of egos and testosterone, a relatively harmless wrestling match… That is until the brunette recoils his arm away, letting it smash forward to lay a hard blow to Billy’s noise, causing the blonde to scream out in agony.
“You little shithead!” Billy cries, nose already seeping with blood, grabbing the other guy by the throat, and shoving him down onto the ground as he pinned him and started laying wild blows to whatever he could hit. Fist colliding with his jaw, chest, anything he could find, the two guys were just exchanging hands and you were frozen in your spot in pure fear.
“Eddie! Stop! He’s not worth it!” you hear Dustin scream from the edge of the crowd, it took this long for you to realise the tatted stranger was Eddie Munson.
Dustin and his small group of friends rushed over and did all that they could to intervene, pulling Eddie off of Billy once the two men had swapped positions and it was Billy’s turn to get his ass beat. They were both red in the face, covered in blood and cursing at one another, it was hard to believe that this tall stranger was being held back by these children…
Looking up, you saw that a girl you knew as Max had come to the aid of Billy. Well, she had stood in front of him and held out her arms so neither of the older guys could step closer without her getting hurt first.
“What is the matter with you two?!” she screamed, full of rage.
“That little freak hit me!” he defends, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“You deserve it for not learning what the word no means, dick!” Eddie retorted, sitting on the bench you were previously on whilst nursing his aching jaw.
“What do you care anyway? Ever heard of minding your damn business?!” Billy sounded like he was getting riled up again as Eddie was also seething.
“Keep your hands to yourself and I’ll mind my business.” Eddie growled.
It took a little more begging from either side’s friends before the two boys split up and went in opposite directions, Max shooting the group an apologetic look before she forced Billy to head back to his car. You watched as Dustin and Lucas tried their best to clear Eddie up, but he kept lightly shoving them away, not wanting any help.
It took all the power and strength you could muster up before you had the guts to step over to Eddie, body shaking with nerves as you clear your throat.
“T-Thank you…” you mumble, Eddie tilting his head up to look at you, eyes sympathetic as he noticed that it was you he was speaking with.
“Don’t even mention it. You okay?” he asks with genuine concern in his voice, you sheepishly nod your head as you knew the worst was over for now.
“I… We should get you cleaned up…” you suggest, referring to how his outfit was smothered in dirt marks, hands a little bruised and bloody as his lip was split a little from the punch he received earlier.
He stood without much argument, you slide your backpack up onto one shoulder and slowly guide him back into the school. He was limping and gasping every now and again from the pain, you ease him into the girls’ bathroom so he can at first wash his hands.
Eddie groans in annoyance at the sight of himself in the mirror, turning away from it once his hands were dry and clean. You frown, grabbing a tissue and soaking it in warm water, waiting for permission before you lightly dabbed the blood from his lip.
He winced, you apologised. It went on like this for a couple minutes before you had him clear from blood and a grateful smile on his face, throwing away the bloody towels in favour of brushing his hair from his face. You were extra delicate with him as you knew he was tender.
“I’m Y/N by the way…” you offer, filling the silence.
“I know. I’ve had a crush on you since first grade.” He shrugs with a half-hearted smile, leaning back against the sink whilst you washed your own hands to be clean of the dirt. “I’m Eddie.”
“Yeah right!” you snort, to which he interrupts.
“I am, it says so on my birth certificate!” a smug grin on his face.
“Not that part!” you snort a laugh, smacking him playfully on the chest before gasping and apologising immediately as you’d hit one of his fresh bruises, you stroke your fingers over his chest soothingly, “I meant ‘yeah right’ to the crush part, butthead.”
“I know, I just love teasing you. But I’m being serious about that part, I always had a crush on you, broke my heart when you started dating that asshat.” He mumbled.
“Broke more than just your heart, hm?” you gesture to his fractured hand, causing the both of you to let out laugh that fades to a soft sigh.
“It was worth it…” he smiled, brushing your hair behind your ears, and admiring the way that you blush under his touch. “Besides, I could treat you way better than he ever could—”
“Not much competition there!” you laugh, interrupting him.
“Shut up, I was trying to be romantic!” he groans with a fake huff.
“Sorry, sorry, go ahead!” you promise to be quiet, beaming up at him as he took a second to appreciate how beautiful you were when you smiled.
“Do you think you’d ever wanna go out some time? Like… when I’m healed and not all gross and bloody?” a hopeful look in his eye.
“You could never be gross, even when you’re bloody,” you reassure him, stroking his cheek with your thumb, making sure to be extra delicate with his sore face, “but I would really like that…”
“Wait, really?!” he sounds like an excited child.
“Of course! You’re handsome, funny, protective, you’re willing to break your damn hand just to defend someone you hardly know, you’re already miles above anyone else…” you shake your head with a smile.
“I’m stoked, that’s awesome!” he’s grinning, only wincing slightly when his lip splits open again and causes a little blood to drip out from his smiling.
“Jesus Christ, not again!” you groan, grabbing another clean tissue to repeat the process of cleaning his busted lip, not wanting to get the crimson stains on his—well, his muddy white shirt, you suppose.
“Get used to the next 50 years of taking care of me,” he snorts a laugh.
“If you’re lucky,” you tease, your voice soft and playful.
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autisticbooknerd01 · 2 months
When we were younger, my brother and I would play a game where we would assign characters in shows we watched to our family members. He always got the "normal" and/or funny ones, from Jim Halpert (The Office) to Leonard Hofstadter (The Big Bang Theory) to Troy Barnes (Community). I was always the "weird" one, the butt of the joke. I was Dwight Schrute (The Office), Sheldon Cooper (The Big Bang Theory), or Abed Nadir (Community). I'm still rather proud to be Abed.
I think this is evidence that we were always somewhat aware of my autistic traits, although we didn't know they had a name. I was the consistently the weird one. I was consistently the autistic-coded one.
I want to talk specifically about Sheldon Cooper, and how his character affects me to this day.
To start: he is definitely autistic coded (not well, but still). The creators of the show claim he is not autistic, but I wonder whether that's related to how, if he was, the punchline of nearly every joke is, "Haha, look at how autistic he is." When it's not that, his so-called friends (most of whom are creeps as well, but they're comparatively "normal," so they aren't punished for it) are infantilizing him in the grossest way possible.
I watched The Big Bang Theory for the first time ten years ago, when I was a little too young for it, and I laughed at the jokes because the laugh track indicated that I was supposed to, and I think I was uncomfortable but I didn't watch it again for YEARS so my brain stored it into my memory as funny.
I rewatched the show after I was diagnosed. Or, I rewatched what I could handle, because this show made me really sad and angry on his behalf. One line Sheldon says is, "I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested," and what the fuck, writers???
There's one episode that stands out to me, though I can't remember the name at all. Penny and Leonard are fighting, and Sheldon, who gets anxious when people fight, ends up running away to the comic book store, his safe place where he can regulate, to soothe himself. Penny and Leonard, as usual, act like he's being unreasonable, though they are marginally better in this episode. I, watching this, wanted to scream at them, "Can't you see he's distressed?"
So many of these characters, Sheldon included, are distressed and overwhelmed in a world that so clearly demonizes the way our minds work. That's something I desperately relate to. I understand how, when his character is being a bigoted piece of shit, his friends need to call him out and explain what's going on, but my god, could they please acknowledge that this world is very distressing for Sheldon and try to take his needs seriously? Can't they try to find some middle ground?
I just...it makes me so, so mad.
Sheldon was not a good person. Like everyone, autistic people have the capacity to be good and bad. But I'm tired of people like me being depicted as two dimensional bigots with no personality and no acknowledgement of what we go through to get to the starting line each day. Sheldon, like all autistic characters, deserves so much better.
We all do.
(I will die for Quinni Gallagher-Jones and Abed Nadir, though. Genuinely.)
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khaleesiofalicante · 8 months
Okay little scenarios that popped in my head after reading about IALS again- I'm obsessed sue me:
Some stupid boys from school teasing about something Rafael said as a politician (probably heard it from bigoted parents or something) and Cami going: My appa is the only man not spewing nonsense. I know because my amma told me and appa says that amma is always right. Completely ridiculous but I can totally see this happening.
Jaden picking Arthur from school after Max had given him the handband and finding him having an argument with some stupid boys who teased him about it because Arthur kept insisting that it was made of magic. And hearing Artur go: It's not stupid! My daddy gave it to me and it's magic because daddy is made of magic! My papa thinks so too! (Based on this David/Arthur IALS interaction: “Papa.”“Yes?”“I think daddy is made of magic.”“I think so too.”) Also known as David being a simp even when they're divorced
This interaction between Jackson and David has definitely happened and no one can change my mind-especially in IALS:
Jackson: talking about something
David: gushing about Max
Jackson: *frustrated* Fuck Max, David!
David: I want to but I can't, that's the problem Jackson! (Alternate for rwrb au: I'm trying but he doesn't want to!)
Just thinking about them makes me laugh😂
Hope they make you laugh too🌼
This is so Lance's aesthetic think, I'm kinda obsessed with him as you may have noticed
This reminds me of Blackbane👀
*coughs* David!
Cami defending her parents 24/7 is the content I deserve.
Man, every time I remember Jaden and Arthur, I get simultaneously sad and angry. I wish we had Arthur pov in IALS to explore it, but damn.
You're gonna love all the Jackson and David content in the rwrb au. JACKSON IS SO DONE IN THAT ONE.
Also, that Blackbane tiktok 👀
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hoperays-song · 9 months
For your human au, Tell us more about Jia and how she’s described to Barry and Stan by Marcus
Jia was and shall always be perfection. And that's probably the most Marcus would describe her as, especially at first. Johnny legit thought his mum's name was Love for a bit growing up because that's what his dad called her constantly. However, as he got more comfortable with them, he probably started telling them more about her and it would be summed up kinda like this.
Marcus's Description:
"Jia was amazing. The love of my life. I don't know how I lived before meeting her. She was just... my entire world. Johnny's my universe. She's my world. Fearless, almost to a fault, and even more stubborn than I am. She loved music and animals and would always be soft around the latter and kids. She loved them. I think she wanted more but having Johnny was hard enough. She was kind though, and the smartest woman I ever met. Probably the smartest person too. Like scarily so. Ji was also the biggest spit-fire of the century as well. The first time I met her, she broke my bio brother's nose for being an asshole. He deserved it. Generosity was a big thing for her too, giving back and all that. She was good, kind, loving, very devoted to things she cared about. And she was also strong, determined, ambitious, stubborn, and a bit hot-headed. She could be scary, when things went sideways and always fought for what she believed in, no matter who stood against her. But she was also the kindest soul I think I have ever met, besides our child of course. But then again, he takes after her. I loved Jia, very much, with every breath I take. I still love her even now. She was perfect."
And as a treat... Johnny's Description:
"I don't remember that much of mum. She died when I was six. So a lot of memories I have of her are cloudy but I do know I love her. A lot. And she loved me more than anything too. She was patient, teaching me to play the piano before I could even walk and never yelling even when I was being crazy as a baby. She was kind. I remember her telling me how to treat others and all about manners, showing me to bring stuff with me incase others needed it like a snack or water or a bandaid. Small things like that. In my memory, she's sort of angelic. I remember she would sing a lot. Or at least hum. And the whole flat would be full of music. Constantly. She would do funny voices when telling me stories too and when she was teasing dad with me. Mum was funny. We laughed a lot. Dad says I'm a lot like her now, so I guess there's that too. She was a good mum, the best one, and I miss her a lot."
When asked, both Taylor boys will talk at length about Jia and what she was like. Stan and Barry know her from these stories and memories, both the sweet and gentle ones of Johnny's youth and couple-y moments with Marcus, and the much more terrifying moments of spit-fire Jia whenever someone was being a bigot or an ass. They both are a bit scared of her because of this, because they've heard what it's like to get on her bad side but also really admire her. She was a wonderful human being who loved helping others and made that a priority in her life.
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silent-partner-412 · 1 year
i remember people being like “wow r/pikmin is losing their minds from no content it’s crazy over there” and like i haven’t checked in regularly there until pikmin 4 but god their sense of humor fucking SUCKS
it’s truly peak reddit culture humor and it’s terrible, almost every post there is the same three unfunny jokes about homophobic moss or fucking fiddlebert or whatever. it all just feels like i’m supposed to be laughing at these characters cuz “haha they’re bigoted” because there’s literally nothing deeper than that. and if you don’t find that type of humor funny good fucking luck enjoying the content there cuz it’s basically a ratio of like 1:100 in terms of actual good interesting posts about these games compared to truly bottom of the barrel memes.
between this and a LOT of rose tinted glasses when talking about pikmin 1 and 2 (they’re both undoubtedly great games but good lord there’s so much awful “back in my day” shit used to discredit 3 and 4 which are both equally great if not better) i’m truly losing patience with online pikmin content. this franchise deserves so much better than this, it’s literally one of the highest quality series of games out there but you’d never know it cuz of how terrible so much content about them is.
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discluded · 2 years
have you seen that mae nathanee posted this pic of mile from vogue magazine with mile's quote about freedom? she must be so proud of her son 🥺💚
OH ANON, thank you for giving me a chance to talk about another thing I didn't know how to bring up casually about the interview (sorry to everyone whose experience of my blog has just been me screaming AND ONE MORE THING into tungle.hellspace)
Also, if you have an Instagram, please go and give the Vogue post a like and comment!
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First of all, it's soooo cute Mama Mae Nathanee is so supportive of her son. Their relationship is so so so so cute.
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She should absolutely be proud of him! And proud of herself for how well she raised him.
Second of all, I want to talk about something what Mile said that either is lost in translation and/or the nuance might be missing to some people.
Here is the translation from MileApo Safe Place (alt: the one that @nattaphum consolidated. They're both very close.)
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"I agree with Po, and I believe in the freedom to live life. No matter the preference, orientation, or love of a person of any gender, age, or status, everyone should have the freedom to decide to be their authentic self."
- Mile Phakphum in Vogue Thailand, Sept 2022
At first glance, this can read as a "treat everyone with respect" comment from Mile, which might feel a bit "all lives matter" in the context of a question about LGBTQ+ issues. But as bad as Mile's memory is, he obviously listened to what Apo said first and is adding on to it. He heard the question was about LGBTQ+ issues.
Apo's answer was very direct: It was a not-so-subtle comment about the lack of equal rights and protections for LGBTQ people in Thailand, including the 2021 Thailand Supreme Court ruling against marriage equality. This is a very good call out that isn't just "everyone should be able to love who they love."
But remember that Mile's personality is not as direct as Apo's. Even his comment about online bullying he received and plea for kindness was very soft and indirect compared to what Apo's said in the past on Twitter. There's nothing wrong with either, but it's who Mile is, so it's always important to take what he says with that context.
Apo talked about the lack of protections for LGBTQ couples, the lived mundanity of inequality and discrimination that most people don't think about. Mile is adding on to that to say there is a lived violence in the inequality that LGBTQ people experience outside of their relationships as well that he wanted to highlight.
Of course everyone should have the freedom to marry who they love and build a life with that person, but LGBTQ people deserve respect and protection for being just who they are. Trans people should have the right to live without fear and discrimination or being a novelty that talk show hosts can laugh at [insert link of Apo defending that trans beauty queen/actress at that talk show I can't find right now], bi / pan / 🤷🏻‍♀️ questioning? folks should be allowed to live their truth without people invalidating their identity because of their partner, and everyone should be protected from homophobia because censure/bullying of how people naturally choose to present themselves affects cisstraight and queer people. Homophobia (and transphobia) is not about the recipient, it's about the violence a bigot enacts on someone they identify as a target.
So yeah. Mile's comment about freedom to be your authentic self, as a queer person who is not in a relationship and might never be, was really moving to me.
In case you missed it: Mile and Apo had seven questions in Vogue, their most widely circulated publication interview op to date, and they really took the LGBTQ rights question head on.
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Hi!! Congratulations on your follower milestone, you're amazing and you deserve every single one of them! Can I please request ships for M*A*S*H and The Magnificent Seven 2016 (no gender preference)?
I am a female (she/her pronouns), an INFP, a Ravenpuff, and a panromantic asexual woman. I'm incredibly loyal to my friends and family, and I try to be kind to every one I meet, at least unless they prove they don't deserve it. I'm also generally pretty friendly and talkative, but I'm also amazingly socially awkward and there are times when I just prefer to stay in my room and not talk to anybody. My love language is definitely touch, and I will give a hug to basically anyone who asks for one. I'm also autistic with a photographic memory, which most people assume means I'm super smart, but really most of the stuff I remember is just random lines from a book I read three years ago (😂).
I really love reading and writing, and just books in general (my ultimate career goal is to be a librarian), as well as baking, watching movies, and listening to music (mainly country or musical theatre songs). Because of my autism, I can't stand loud noises or mushy textures, and I hate know-it-alls or bigots of any kind. I also hate being touched without warning, as I'm sensitive to touch and it tends to overwhelm me.
I don't really actively seek out too much in a partner. All I really want is someone kind, reasonably intelligent, respectful, and someone who can hold a good conversation. And if they're willing and able to put up with my constant need for affection and rambling about my random special interests? That's just a bonus (😅).
Alright, that's all for that! Hope this was enough for you, and I look forward to my ships!! Congrats again, and I hope you're doing well!! 🖤🖤🖤
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For Others: Ships are now CLOSED
Thank you! <3
I hope you like them :)
I ship you with BJ!
BJ is super, caring, loving and considerate and I think the two of you would form an amazing bond.
Runner Up: Radar O'Reilly
You and BJ started out as friends and were always around each other. He understood you like no one else and made you laugh. No one was surprised when the two of you actually started dating, in fact there were bets as to how long it would take.
In this world, I don't imagine you being at the MASH unit, you are back home working as a librarian.
You and BJ send letters back and forth as often as you can. You send him gifts and food, and he sends you trinkets back. His letters are always long, and you keep every one of them safe.
When the war was over, BJ showed up your doorstep with flowers and a new mustache. Whether of not you liked the mustache didn't matter, all you cared about was that he was home safe.
You spent the next three days with each other, holding each other, telling stories, laughing, crying, and reminding each other how much you missed each other, etc.
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I ship you with Billy!
Billy is a great guy, and super loving in various ways. He can tell how you are feeling at pretty much all times, and seems to always know what you want and how to make you happy.
Runner Up: Red Harvest
'Moment of Realization'
Billy knew he cared for you, he knew he appreciated you, he knew all of this. But he did not realize he loved you, until the moment he thought he lost you.
As the dust settled, and the fires were extinguished. Billy's eyes cast over the torn up town. The remnants of the men they had fought fled, it was over.
But Billy didn't care. He just needed to find you, to see if you were okay. Every face Billy's eyes landed on wasn't yours. The more time passed and he did not see you, the faster his heart beat.
His chest grew tight as anxiety coursed through him. As his eys met Goodies he spoke in a low tone, Goodie could tell he was scared.
"Where is Y/n?"
Goodie frowned as he shook his head and shrugged. He didn't know, no one knew.
Billy paced down the street of the town, his eyes falling on every person and body he saw. Panic began to set it.
"Billy!" A voice called out from nearby.
Billy's neck snapped towards the direction of the noise. Seeing you stepping out of the bank, disheveled, but alive, Billy felt a heavy weight lift off his chest.
He had never felt so relieved than to see you were okay. And he never felt so much love for someone, as when he set his eyes on you again.
As you approached you, you reached out your arms, and he gratefully pulled you into a hug. He gripped you tight and let out a shuttered sigh.
"I thought I lost you." He whispered out.
He had never felt so afraid as when he feared he lost you, before he ever had the chance to love you.
You let out a soft sigh "No, I'm alright. And so are you. It's okay., it's over."
Billy buried his face in your neck as he continued to embrace you. Yes, it was over. But it was also the beginning of something else entirely.
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mariposakitten · 2 years
Before anything else, I want to tell you about Cory. Because, for me, it's a story about Cory.
I didn't know him well. I wish I had. He was a kid - maybe 20 years old? Maybe as old as 22, as young as 18.
He worked two jobs: one at the CVS that was walking distance from my house, one at the Publix a few blocks away. So I saw him, on average, at least once a week.
He was kind. Soft-spoken. He had buzzed hair and a smile that could light up a room, and he never acted like you were an inconvenience. He was kind to my daughter, smiled at her, made her laugh, for over three years of her life.
He didn't live to see her fourth birthday.
When the pictures of the victims were published in the Orlando Sentinel, I was relieved - selfishly, guiltily - that I didn't recognize any of them. That by luck or fate, none of my friends had been there that night. I didn't recognize the boy who'd made me smile at least once a week. They'd used an old picture; he didn't look like that anymore. I didn't know until the next time I went to the CVS and saw the memorial.
I can't speak about him the way his friends or his family could. I didn't know him, not really. What I know is this: he was young, and he was kind, and he tried to put good into the world in small ways every day. What I know is this: we are poorer for his loss. We will never know what he could have been.
If you drive through downtown Orlando, there is still a memorial at Pulse. If you take 17-92 down to Colonial, you will see pride flags in front of all of the buildings and hanging from city lampposts, Orlando's "fuck you" to those who hate us. If you go to the Orlando Science Center, the walkway from the parking garage to the building is decorated with rainbow glass hearts, 49 in each color, to remember the 49 people lost. The City Beautiful remembers; the City Beautiful is angry, and doesn't care who knows it.
And if you go to the CVS on the corner of Edgewater and Maury, if you go to the back, in the pharmacy, there's still a posterboard memorial to Cory.
He is remembered. Not just by the people who knew him best, but even by those whose lives he just barely touched.
He was killed too young, and he didn't deserve it. He did nothing to incite the kind of hate that ended his life. None of them did. They will all be remembered.
I don't have any comforting words to share to the people of Colorado Springs in the wake of the Club Q shooting. The pain doesn't fucking fade; I wish I could say it did. It doesn't get better with time; it's not fucking fair, and it won't be any less unfair in a year or 10 years or 50. But I will say this: remember them. Keep them in your hearts. Let your pain and grief and fear become anger; let your anger become strength; let your strength build community. Come together and spit in the face of the bigots and cowards who want you dead. We've got a long fucking fight ahead of us; keep their faces in your mind to remind you why you fight.
I love you all.
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We've Always Wanted To Transition. This Was Denied From Us. By Our Abusers. Then Doctors. Even The State. Everything Is Trying To Kill Us. Nothing Will Get Better. This Abusive Brainwashing Is UNTRUE. That's All We Have Ever Been Told YEARS AND YEARS ON. YET EVERYTHING IS AS THAT ALWAYS WAS. NOTHING GOT BETTER WE'RE ONLY WORSE. WE WERE NEVER PATHETIC LIKE THESE LOSERS. ONLY WE GENUIENLY CARE NOBODY ELSE DOES. WE HAVE BEEN ABUSED BY THEM NOTHING ELSE. ABUSER BIGOT DESPISE REALITY. THEY ONLY ACCEPT TOXIC POSITIVITY. THAT MAKES ME WANT TO KL MSLFF... If I Did They Wouldn't Know. They Would Say Well I Didn't Mean To Do That 🤷‍♀️ And Keep Going. We're Meaningless To Them. Just Like Every Single Dead Trans Person Is. We're Blocked For Nothing. We're Right. She Made Us Crash. Just Another Kl Yoursllllfffff (A Fish I Swear.) Than Anything Else. So Really That's Them That Are Sick And Abusive. And Saying Get Help Didn't Work For The Many Many People That Have Finished Themselves.
Because Just Like Everyone Else Transphobic And Fascist They Make This About A Made Up Illness That Will Be Cured In A Snap And Suddenly You're Everything They Wanted You To Be. Than Transition Something We Can't Have. And If We Do That's Too Late By This Point. I Already Got A Little. Nothing Happened. If That Does. That Isn't Some Paradise. Opposite. Why Would I Be Happy. With What I Lost? Sick. But All They Can Do This Call Us Ill. Something That Only Makes Be Hate Myself.
I Am Very Clearly An Abuse Victim. If They Weren't A Bigot They Could've Handled Us. Atleast My Wife Sees Me As A Human. But They're Like Every Single Abuser. And Instead React Like This.
I Must Be Myself. That's On You For Making Me Upset. Everything Is About Me And My Emotions. If You Couldn't Please Them That's Your Fault. Besides... You Can Block What You Don't Like. Just Like She Blocked Us. Saying You're Worthless I Hate You I Hate All Crazy And Paraphilia People. I Hope You Kl Yoursllllllfffff... Which I Swear... Is A Fish Okay? A Fish.
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gryficowa · 4 months
I remember how many times people on the Internet tried to suppress my leftism, calling me stupid and clingy, now we see who it really is! They believe in Israel's propaganda, or they say Israel and Palestine are equally guilty (What stinks so bad)
And they still laugh at me because I'm stupid and clumsy, because I talk about Palestine!
But I know that what I'm doing is right, they won't drown me out when I'm fighting for something!
I'm a leftist and I'm proud of it, because they won't break me anymore! I don't care what people think about me and how I fight, because this is the only right way!
Palestine, Congo, Sudan, Armenia and Ukraine need us!
I don't care if my name appears in history or not, because there are people who deserve it more, but I want to be behind them because I know they deserve a lot!
For years, leftists were pushed around because we were not sadists, they laughed at us for being detached and stupid, when they divided the world and pitted us against each other, it was because of them that the tragedy occurred, and they still lie to our face that it was us leftists who caused the holocaust, when they caused genocide by being bigots!
By the way, these "Left-wing" cartoons are usually created by liberals and conservatives (Yes, it refers to "Velma"), off topic, but I had to mention it
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ruskeptical · 2 years
I noticed the post you're mentioning being reblogged on my timeline and they DOXXED his last name.
Make him aware if you can. I don't know if he knows and he deserves to if he wants to report it.
I don't know if he LEGALLY uses that, but in the tags I saw a name that looked like a last name.
Unless they have someone in their BASEMENT, you shouldn't ever release that kind of information about someone. I felt physically sick seeing that present anywhere.
These people are sick and disgusting.
I hope Kirby is ok. I fucking mean that. Back when he broke up with his ex FNGR I rooted for his downfall.
Now I see this and I wonder how far they've strayed from their intentions, and if it ever was rightly placed to begin with.
I don't know what's worse. Using his last name or using the name that he used as a brony. Because if memory serves, he claimed FNGR was abusive to him.
And if that's true?
I don't want to believe it, but that's a second level of horrifying. I feel horrible even thinking about the harassment we gave back in those days.
We thought it would be funny to misgender and deadname (me and my friends.) We thought ourselves clever because we would make jokes at his expense about his insecurities with his body image. We made ourselves laugh like idiots saying HORRIBLE things about him behind closed doors.
We thought ourselves clever because we didn't think he was telling the truth.
Well, FNGR showed his true colors in 2020 and now I can't help but believe what he said.
And looking back at WHAT he said FNGR did, this is a rabbit hole.
An entire RABBIT HOLE.
Claims of sexual abuse online and irl, emotional abuse so severe I could even see him picking fights with him on live streams and tormenting him, at one point FNGR gave personal information about Kirby's in real life trauma with his family.
Just to be petty. He gave information that was so personal I couldn't believe my eyes.
He has an entire stream once dedicated to humiliating him. I thought it was rightly deserved at the time but now? Now I just feel it was for their enjoyment.
Kirby was abused by his ex. And his ex's group of bigoted friends. Looking back on it, I should have realized what was going on. But I was an idiot.
I'm rambling, but that's because a lot of information about the behavior of Saturn is coming to light.
I had no idea she sank so low as to endorse doxxing information and deadnaming.
The lack of proof on the post only further pissed me off. The claims they made didn't seem like Kirby. At all.
I remember he one time tracked down and personally confronted pedophiles for FNGR. Even as narrow minded as I was at the time, I saw the passion and the empathy.
FNGR would always silence him about it, but Kirby made it a point to say he's been a victim. That's why he cares.
Kirby isn't a pedophile or anything close to that. He's a victim. Even if he wasn't allowed to say what he went through with his grooming, I could tell it was severe from how angry he would get at the people who went after minors online.
I heard him crying once and it broke me.
Kirby seems like he's doing well, which is astounding to say the least.
His roleplay blog is nicely set up, his characters are cute.
His art has improved HOLY SHIT.
(Can't say much of the same for Saturn)
Even seeing her deadname him back in those days makes me cringe and repulsed.
I would reach out to him but I know if I do, SHE'LL know.
She somehow always knows that shit.
And I rather not deal with her lunatic screaming at me for giving her an ounce of criticism that goes unheard.
I hope you and Kirby are well. I mean that. I'm too ashamed of my past to come forward about who I am.
Maybe one day. But for now. Please please PLEASE take care.
This is incredibly heartwarming to read, and I'll make sure this makes it back to Kirby.
I will say though, if you want my opinion, you should get the fuck out of there too. You shouldn't, nor should anyone, have to live with a Sword of Damocles hanging over them like this. I can't promise these piranhas won't come after you too, but I can promise that you'll always find friendship and kindness. My DMs are open, and I'll stick my Discord at the end here too if you want to talk. And if you feel up to it eventually, I think you should tell Kirby all of this personally. It would mean a lot to him.
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