#remade because I wasn't happy with how the other one turned out; not only did I forget some things
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daisyssousa · 4 months ago
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rio vidal is the silliest of gooses (remake of x)
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glittergelpensblog · 2 years ago
Shadow and Song (Azriel x Reader) Part Two
Part two! Thank you so much for all of the support for part one! I have so many ideas for this series and can’t wait to see where it takes me :)
Azriel x Reader
Word Count: 2,577
Part One
It wasn't until you felt Elain's hand on your back that you finally let go of Feyre.
"Mrs. Laurent, draw up some tea and bring it to the drawing room." Elain spoke.
Mrs. Laurent looked like she wanted to do no such thing, glancing between the three of you. It was with one final glare to Feyre that she turned around and made her way to the kitchen.
Elain and Nesta sat on the opposite side of you and Feyre. Everyone quiet, too scared to speak, too scared to find out what made your sister return home.
It was she who finally broke the silence, "Where is father?"
"In Neva," Nestas voice was sharp. " Trading with some merchants from the other half of the world and attending a summit about the threat above the wall. A threat I wonder if you've come back to warn us about."
You drew in sharp breath. A threat above the wall? Why hadn't Nesta mentioned that to you? Why didn't she tell you anything?
"Whatever the reason, Feyre," Elain spoke softly. "We are happy to see you. Alive. We thought you were--"
"I never thought that." You sent a look to Elain before your gaze met Nesta's. You knew it was coming, knew the look in her eyes.
But before she could snap back at you, words bound to be as sharp as knives, Feyre pulled down the hood of her cloak down.
Elain's hands immediately began shaking, teacup rattling in her saucer. Your eyes widened as you took in your sister. Her slimmer figure, her taller stature. Her ears.
She was Fae.
"I was dead. I was dead, and then I was reborn--remade." Feyre's voice shook.
Elain set down her cup and Nesta angled herself, the movement barely noticeable, between them and Feyre. Her hand slightly stretching out, as if she wanted to take you behind her as well.
Feyre did nothing but hold her gaze with Nesta. "I need you to listen."
You were silent as she told her story. She spoke of the trials Under the Mountain, about Amarantha, how the red-headed witch had killed her, and then how the other Fae gave her back her life. She briefly mentioned leaving Tamlin and her new life in the Night Court. Her job with the High Lord. She explained why she was back. The threat at the border. Hybern. What she needed you to help her with.
You knew Feyre was different the moment you saw her. Yes, she was beautiful, almost glowing. But you knew something was wrong. You saw it in her eyes, her tight lipped smile. You felt it in the way she barely hugged you back. The horrors she endured, they had changed her, had taken her warmth.
"You--you want other High Fae to come... here. And... the Queens of the Realm." Elain's soft voice was nearly shaking.
"When?" you asked, not bothering to look at your other sisters, your gaze only on Feyre.
"Find somewhere else." Nesta spat.
Feyre turned to face Nesta, getting ready to speak again.
But Nesta wouldn't allow her. "Find somewhere else. I don't want them in my house. Or near Elain. Or near Y/N."
"Nesta, please," Feyre begged, "There is nowhere else; nowhere I can go without someone hunting me, crucifying me--"
"And what of us? When the people around here learn we're Fae sympathizers? Are we any better than Children of the Blessed, then?"
"Because they cared so much about us when we were starving!" You snapped. "When we were nothing but a poor, dirty family in a rotting cottage? Why do we care what they think when they never cared for us?"
Nesta ignored you yet again. "Any standing, any influence we have--gone. And Elain's wedding--"
"Wedding?" Feyre blurted, eyes scanning Elain's left hand, the dark iron wrapped around her finger.
"In five months," Nesta said. "She's marrying a lord's son. And his father has devoted his life to hunting down your kind when they cross the wall. So there will be no meeting here. There will be no Fae in this house."
"Do you include me in that declaration?" Feyre's voice was quiet, the answer found in Nesta's silence.
Your mind was a blur as you took it all in. The Fae are what took Feyre, what had taken many lives before hers. They would cross the wall to torture, to kill, the Beddors a recent wound still fresh in your Village's mind. But the Fae had also saved Feyre, gave her life. If they truly were as bad as human's thought, then why did Tamlin spare Feyre's life? Why did the High Lords resurrect her?
"Nesta," Elaine spoke again, "If... if we do not help Feyre, there won't be a wedding. Even Lord Nolan's battlements and all his men, couldn't save me from... from them. We keep it secret-- we send the servants away. With spring approaching, they'll be glad to go home. And if Feyre needs to be in and out for meetings, she'll send word ahead, and we'll clear them out. Make up excuses to send them on holidays. Father won't be back until the summer, anyway. No one will know."
"There is no other way." Feyre held her gaze with Nesta.
"We'll send the servants away tomorrow." Nesta said.
"Today, we don't have any time to lose. Order them to leave now."
"I'll do it." Elain stood, brushing off her skirts.
"I'll help," You joined, following your sister into the kitchen, mind racing with a million thoughts. You would never get Feyre back, never the way you thought you would. You would never live together again, never have her head against your shoulder as you played the piano late at night. There was no way she could come back, not with her new found life.
You pushed back the tears in your eyes as you approached Mrs. Laurent.
"Why didn't you tell me?" You asked Nesta.
Feyre was still in the drawing room when you called Nesta from the hall, feigning that you needed assistance with getting something out of your Father's study.
"Why didn't I tell you what?" Nesta said.
"What Father was truly doing in Neva? That there was a threat above the wall. Why didn't you tell me?"
"Like you could've done anything," Nesta's voice was low. "There is nothing you could've done but worry."
"We could've helped, like we are right now--"
"Which we shouldn't be doing! We are putting ourselves in jeopardy--"
"As Feyre did for us," You glowered, "As she did every day in those woods, nearly freezing to death every winter. For us. We are helping Feyre in the way she helped us, in the way she kept us alive!"
"All of the servants have left," Elain's soft voice interrupted, saving you from the next cruel words to spew from Nesta's mouth. "Feyre said there are others here, for us to meet."
You followed Elain into the drawing room.
Feyre entered the room, cloak gone, and you couldn't help but stare at your sister. This was her life now. She wore an intricate gown, probably worth more than you and your sister's gowns combined. Her body was adorned with jewelry, including a crown at the top of her head.
Behind her stood three men, the first, in the middle, seeming to radiate power, the High Lord, you assumed. His dark hair and fine black clothes contrasted with his violet, almost glowing, eyes. The one to his left seemed wild, ancient. He wore an outfit made of leather, adorned with glowing red jewels on his hands, chest, and shoulders, his dark brown hair almost reaching them. And he had wings, giant wings, almost like a bat's.
And to the High Lord's right was what had to be the most beautiful man you had ever seen. He was dressed similarly to the man on the left, wearing black leathers, but with blue gems rather than red. His face was narrow, sharp, expression calm as he looked at you and your sisters. His dark hair slightly covering his forehead, a strand nearing his hazel eyes. Like the other male, he also had large, bat-like wings.
You tucked your head down as Nesta stepped in front of you and Elain.
Feyre stopped a few feet in front of you before she spoke, "My sisters, Y/N, Nesta, and Elain Archeron." She paused, allowing you all to take in the men before you.
"Cassian," She gestured to the man on the left, then slightly turning to the right, "Azriel, and Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court. "
You stood silent, surveying the powerful men. The hairs on you neck stood, and your heart was pounding wildly in your chest. You tried to calm yourself. Though the were Fae, they wouldn't hurt you. They had taken in Feyre, cared for her. And they were here to protect you.
Rhysand bowed to you and your sisters. "Thank you for your hospitality--and generosity," A warm smile graced his features.
You smiled back at him, and the other two men. "It is nice to meet you," You fought to keep your voice steady.
Nesta looked at Feyre, then the men. "The cook left dinner on the table. We should eat before it goes cold." She said before she strode off to the dining room
You followed Elain out as she sputtered a "Nice to meet you" to the three men.
Nesta sat at the head of the table, Elain to her left, and you took the right. Feyre sat beside you and Cassian next to Elain, Azriel on this other side. Rhysand slid into the seat next to Feyre .
The two winged males struggled to sit, adjusting their large wings with the back of the chair.
"Would you like a stool?" You asked, noticing their efforts to remain comfortable.
Nesta scoffed at your gesture
"Thank you, but we'll be fine." Cassisan said to you with a reassuring smile.
Feyre was the first to open the dishes of steaming food. Everyone was silent as they began preparing their plates and eating.
Nesta eyed Feyre as the latter took a bite, struggling to chew.
"Is there something wrong with our food?" Nesta clipped.
"No," Feyre replied, reaching for her water, her face slightly tinged pink.
"So you can't eat normal food anymore--or are you too good for it?"
Nesta truly could not leave it alone for one night. You fought the urge to roll your eyes.
"I can eat, drink, fuck, and fight just as well as I did before. Better, even."
Your face became hot as you blushed at your sister's words, and you heard Cassian nearly choke on his water. Nesta just laughed lowly.
It was Rhys who intervened, attempting to diffuse the building argument. "If you ever come to Prythian, you will discover why your food tastes so different."
You didn't even know visiting Prythian was an option. Perhaps there was hope that you would be able to see your sister outside of the circumstances you were in.
Nesta's glare shifted from Feyre to Rhys. "I have little interest in ever setting foot in your land, so I'll have to take your word for it."
"Nesta, please," Elain whispered.
Nesta ignored her, looking at Cassian who was assessing her with a smirk on his lips. "What are you looking at?"
Cassian's brows rose, the amusement on his face gone. "Someone who let her youngest sister risk her life every day in the woods while the other youngest dealt with sleazy men at the pubs, all while you did nothing. " Your face flushed at his words, not knowing what Feyre had told them of you. "Someone who let a fourteen-year-old child go out into that forest, so close to the wall. Your sister died--died to save my people. She is willing to do so again to protect you from war. So don't expect me to sit here with my mouth shut while you sneer at her for a choice she did not get to make--and insult my people in the process."
Nesta ignored him and turned to Feyre, Cassian's face filling with rage.
"It... it is very hard, you understand, to... accept it," Elain spoke to him, "We are raised this way. We hear stories of your kind crossing the wall to hurt us. Our own neighbor, Clare Beddor, was taken, her family murdered... it's all very disorienting."
"We know you are not here to hurt us," Your voice was steady a you looked between the three men, "But it is rare we experience Fae who are to help and not hurt."
"I can imagine," Azriel spoke, the first you had heard his voice the entire night.
"Nesta and I did not know what to do, how to work or hunt. Our lives were taken from us overnight. We were scared, had received no training, we failed them. Both of us." Elain said.
Feyre turned to face Nesta. "Can we just... start over?"
It looked as if it took everything in Nesta to back down. "Fine."
"Can you really fly?" Elain took Cassian's attention from Nesta.
The rest of the dinner went well after that, Nesta being as civilized as she got while the Fae explained their magic, the Illyrian race, and "Lesser Faeries" or Cassian called them. The meal was ended with a discussion of the sleeping arrangements for the night, Nesta assigning you the task of showing them their rooms before they began working on their letter to the queens.
After you had given them the directions to their rooms, you pulled Feyre aside while the three men began their work, most likely eavesdropping on your conversation.
"I missed you," You spoke, gently grabbing Feyre's hand, "How are you, truly?"
There was a long pause before she replied, "I don't know how to feel... I don't think I know how to feel. What happened Under the Mountain, the horrors I had endured... I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy."
"Is it better, at the Night Court?"
Feyre breathed deeply, looking out the window, up towards the night sky.
"With Tamlin, it was like I was drowning, suffocating. Everywhere I went there were sentries behind me. I was never left alone, I couldn't leave the house. What happened Under the Mountain broke me, but living in that house, it felt like I was trapped under there all over again.
"At the Night Court, I feel... free, I suppose. There's no breathing down my shoulder, no one telling me what I cannot do, where I cannot go. What people think of what I do doesn't matter. I have a job, people to protect... but it doesn't feel like a burden, I don't know what it feels like..."
A purpose.
"What Rhysand said, about visiting Prythian..." Your voice was barely above a whisper, a dream you were too scared to say aloud, like telling one a wish so it wouldn't become true. "Can that actually happen, can I actually visit you there?"
Feyre struggled to keep the tears in her eyes, you were so full of hope, so full of life, of innocence.
She couldn't let you visit, not right now, with war so close. She needed you here, safe.
"Maybe someday in the future, when things are safe. When this war is done with. Maybe then, you can come see me."
"I would love that."
"I would too."
Tag list: @lizziesfirstwife @waytoomanyteenagefeels @starryhiraeth @knmendiola @bionic-donut @caosfanblr @lena-davina @starriestarlight @younxii @starsdoulikedem @lucyysthings @esposadomd @naturakaashi @carolinaflicker @missusbarnes-rogers @vlysseve @lollipop974 @whydohumansss @spaxxxi
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sparkbeast20 · 3 months ago
In such a Ikemen Prince brainrot right
I remade my tier list :3
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Silvio, should've been a character that I would have stayed away from. However it all started to change when my friends started to say they don't like him. Which makes me kinda curious and joked with a hint of defending him. That he might not be that bad. But after looking more into him... I started to like him and did some of his event stories, then I decided to play his route and I loved him ever since. He the type of Tsundere that I kinda started to like. Cause I wasn't the biggest fan of that trope.
Gilbert... Oh boy. The "Main Villain" of the story, and he turns out to be "playersexual" that would kill anyone that gets in his way. Sign me up. Usually I'll see all characters the same and wait until I like their personality, and Gilbert won me when I played some of his event Stories. Plus, my love for "Silly, yet killer" boyfriend is written all over him.
Chevalier, Honestly. When I started to play Ikemen again cause my friends made it more fun than when I started, I never saw Chev as that good. But when I saw that he was popular among the Japanese side and English side of the fandom. I started to look more into him and read some of his event. And there I saw that he is a cold, logical and somewhat heartless man. Who thinks about the future of the kingdom. But learning more, Chev is a character that hard to love at first, but after learning how he thinks and his reasoning on things it make sense. And mention that he change a bit of himself because of the player and his brothers.
Luke, by short has good caring Boyfriend vibe. Sure I had to go through his "You seem like my Sister" phase. Knowing his past and meaning with some of his habits. I started to fall for him. And mentioning his... revengeful side. Man, that trope hits me hard in my heart. I love that trope.
Nokto, Funny that I only went to him from the start cause he was the unpopular of the twin. But his backstory and his personality won me over.
Jin, I don't have too much to say with Jin other than his route won me over to him. Plus... big guy~
Leon, No opinion for now cause I haven't gotten a chance to read any of his event stories and main routes.
Licht and Clavis. No opinions but happy that my friend loves these two a lot.
Keith, maybe cause this is one of my friends fave. I don't feel that strong for him, but I like both of his event and route stories. And having a other self always helps.
Sariel, Yves, and Rio No strong feelings.
These are all my personal feeling with these characters.
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whattraintracks · 4 months ago
I wasn't really looking forward to anything going into High Potential 1.05 "Croaked" because, honestly, HPI 1.04 "Phyllobates Terribilis" is an episode I'm kind of meh about. After re/watching both and writing this, I appreciate them more, though.
Thoughts and comparisons below.
Things unique to "Croaked" that I liked:
Karadec to Morgan: "I am not listening to you for the rest of the day" (later) "I am still not talking to you"
"I know it kinda doesn't seem like it right now, but I do feel really bad about shooting you" Morgan says hardly bothering to conceal her laughter
Oz using the nickname Daph (as Karadec did in 1.04) highlights how familiar these three are with each other
I don't remember Daphné having any particular desire to emulate Karadec in HPI. I'm interested to see what they do with that here
Karadec, referring to the number of dates he goes on: "I cast nets"
Karadec, after Morgan swipes his phone: "You have exactly one second before I arrest you for theft" (and the look he gives her, my guy, please chill out) ((but also don't this is so funny))
I'm happy we got to see Fernanda reunited with Rodney!!
Morgan and Ava's conflict was a sweet demonstration of their relationship and the effects of Morgan getting emotionally invested in a case or, more accurately, in the lives of those involved. This time, it helped her, but I hope we continue to see the effects/toll this takes on her
Things "Croaked" did differently that I liked:
this is the first remade episode with a name change that I really like. It's both clever and easier to remember lol
clearly showing Morgan walk past and notice the dart gun on the wall and that the tank has one frog in it but nametags for two
Karadec turning to stare at Morgan in shock and betrayal just before he collapses
establishing Céline is a mom is something I wish HPI had done earlier, so I'm glad it's been brought up between Selena and Morgan a couple of times now
Daphne and Oz having a more visible contribution throughout the episode, even if it's weird (not bad, just different) seeing Daphne in the field
the 'we investigated different clues but ended up in the same place at the same time' trope is one of my favorites, and I like that all four ended up together again
Morgan bursting into the salon, declaring, "Bethany, you lied to us!"
Karadec's face is so cool to watch once Oz shows Nathan the book. The way you can tell he can tell something is up with the sudden confession
in HPI, Karadec is the one who wants to keep working on the case that night, is baffled Morgane leaves, and actually remains at the station after everyone. In this version, well, allow me to sum it up:
Karadec, trying to go home: Yeah, well, like I said, let's just dive back in on Monday Morgan, her eyes enormous: you tell morgan to WAIT? you tell her look with fresh eyes MONDAY? oh! oh! jail for karadec! jail for karadec for One Thousand Years!!!!
from the date: Karadec not seeming too bothered by the interruption, Ava asking before stealing his food, Morgan's "I thought we agreed that we were only gonna splurge on hookers as a couple?", the partners/not partners banter, and how quickly he and his date get into Morgan's revelations
the flip flops during the robbery detail and the ear dimples, since those are more likely to be genetic than the way one folds their thumbs
the grandma getting to meet her grandson!
something I didn't love so much was Oz saying "Or I'm so good, I got an innocent man to confess" like
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Things I'm glad they kept from "Phyllobates Terribilis":
Morgan/e putting the very-out-of-it Karadec in timeout at the salon while she interviews the friend
Oz/Gilles' love of treats and snacks, plus his overall silliness and kindness
Daphne/é's tech-savvy and tendency to condescend a little
Karadec and Morgan/e feeling sure the case isn't over but for different reasons (the confession v. the karate photo)
Karadec continuing to manage Morgan/e's expectations (as seen in his original "welcome to my job" and new "hate to tell you, but it's like that a lot" in response to her frustration about the case's ending. I love this aspect of their early partnership. Karadec who's learned to shield himself emotionally v. Morgan/e getting invested in everyone they encounter in a case. She calls him heartless. He calls her ridiculous, but still tries to warn and shield her <3)
Things not included from "Phyllobates Terribilis" that I miss:
Dr. Bonnemain! Though I don't miss Morgane flirting with him
Karadec's allergies and the equally hilarious bit where Gilles lists all of them
Morgane shooting Karadec without warning (and in the butt)
Gilles pulling his gun on Morgane after this (could've had Daphne do it to emphasise her respect for Karadec? 🤔)
Morgane promising to take Karadec home safely; cut to her driving his car like a maniac, sirens running, and music way too loud
still in timeout, Karadec very seriously asking about the nail polish color (which would've been a BRILLIANT callback to 1.02!!)
High Potential missed the opportunity to name Bethany Beatrice or something, so it would fit with bees like Camille fits with Camellias
Karadec's little "Ha. Ha. Ha." when Céline finds him on the stairs and asks about his butt
also his insistence that Morgane didn't save his life
a ton of development on Romain's case! Actually, if they cut those scenes to take a different course or at least take their time with this plot, I won't be upset
Eliott, Albert, and Théa helping Morgane find the bad reviews
Karadec not taking Morgane to check out the second apartment because he wants to be discreet
then he says it feels good to work in peac—HONK it's Morgane! She's already here! Staking out! Would you like to join her in the very red car she just drew attention to? She brought beers!
Morgane noticing the realtor's pen at the vet clinic and the second apartment
Morgane picking up lunch for her and Karadec, switching the phone to speaker every time he changes it back, her soda exploding, him putting the call on speaker after all, her little HAH! when he does, and her stealing his laptop. They're work spouses
from the date: Ranir's, the kids sneaking Karadec's food, his exasperated "Alvaro" x3 then very exasperated "Morgane," his date staring at him to nonverbally commiserate but he's not even paying attention to her anymore bc he's sucked back into the case
Karadec's interrogation of Camille: his barely concealed anger that she's letting her husband take the fall, "there's no such thing as the perfect husband, but that man loves you" (which could've tied into the scene where Nathan explains to Oz why he falsely confessed)
the soundtrack! Rewatching this episode reminded me how much I love the motifs and character themes
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hellsideangel · 7 months ago
So I recently watched wish and at first I was like meh cuz all the new Disney animation films have the same vibe. Felt like a mix between Moana encanto and Raya? Is it Raya? Forgotten the name of the other one. The songs were good but it didn't really stand out to me much. But I did really like the concept mainly because it tied together Disney really nicely. Like if I worked for Disney this would be the last ever film to make to tie everything together "the magic of Disney" or so to speak.
Cuz the premise is around wishes and that when you wish upon a star your dreams will come true hence the ending song which was quite a cute end scene and was totally what I was thinking throughout the film so glad they put it in. Now I also know alot of conspirast people trying to link every film and story together and I'm all for a good conspiracy however, the stories themselves are meant to be separate roles but within the Disney message. So for me it feels like a reach to say all the references to other films from wish is because wish is the pilot film for every Disney film. Cuz it's definitely purposefully referencing the films to celebrate the 100th film. And we know conolocally that alot of Disney films are actually from darker tales like grim brothers or 101 night etc and are remade into something more light hearted with a positive message of magic and dreams. So ya defo a stretch.
But I do like imagining these correlations and it spurred this overwhelming desire for Disney to do more villain or at least context backstory related films to fill in the gaps in which they reference. For instance, the trapped in a mirror thing. If this was for viewers to assume that the evil queens mirror had a sorcerer whose consumed by a book (even if it wasn't wishs villain to be exact more like foreshadowing U know) then why isn't there a film about this sorcerer and their backstory in being trapped in the mirror or from being a slave to their power?
If a star chooses people to be fairy god mothers and their powers are hard to control, why isn't there a backstory on a fairy godmother and how they came to be. Just turning up and never being explained later is a little unfulfilling. Plus I'd like to know why e.g. Cinderella: shed choose to help just Cinderella go to the ball instead of any other lady? Is it because Cinderella was the only one who wished hard enough? Or were there other fairy godmothers who were summoned and the other people who were at the ball were actually people just like Cinderella. There's been speculation about the glass slipper that if it fits exactly how did she loose it in the first place? Maybe someone else from another fairy godmother also had to run and lost their shoe. And Cinderella's just ceased to be cuz magic. Speaking off why didn't the slippers disappear? Was it intentional? Was it all manipulated?
Have you ever watched once upon a crime? They did a pretty good job at filling in weird blanks in an interesting way. Or have you watched once upon a time? Again they would show all sides of the same fairy tale story to the point where all the stories link by the people who play a part in it. What Disney is inherently missing is the fact they made something interesting but failed to continue on for those interested.
Like take wish for example. I absolutely loved some of the characterisations. Absouloutley love how star just kinda did what they wanted especially the mustache yarn thing. Another one of them being the vain villain. And it got me interested because to me alot of the character felt very Disney you know all happy do lally and unrealistic. But the villain felt very real. The hint of trauma that something had happened to his family, it's his duty to prevent it from happening again, he made a safe city, he saved everyone. So it's only natural he gets pissed of and feels like everyone sees him as a tool to exploit or that he isn't being appreciated. His methods definitely need adjusting and his inability to listen to another side of the story without feeling like it U with me or against me you know. His full on insecurity that if Ur opposed me it must mean Ur attacking me. It makes him a very real and human toxic character which I just love. Not that I love or condone his toxicity in itself, but I love the way it was depicted this time around. Like every real toxic person he's real easy to trigger and very cut and dry thinking. The vanity part still felt very Disney that oh he's a villain so he has to be self obsessed and vain about his looks. But we will make him sooo insecure about everything else lol. I saw alot of anxiety and PTSD in it. Anyways without the book I wouldn't see how he could take away people's dreams, but with the book it can be explained as being blinded or whatever so the book kinda works.
I am interested in what happened. What triggered this desire to 'protect' lol and what is this book? Where did he get it? How did he know it was bad? Why does he keep it?
I don't want an explanation, or just a villains perspective. I just want to see more of the depths of this character and more of the context. This can be done through villains perspective or even though a different characters perspective entirely.
But Disney doesn't do this. Instead they hear people like the villains so we should make a villain based film and try and explain everything or change things for more equality even though it's an obvious change that now draws attention to the past films prejudice that U didn't notice before. Anyways an example would be maleficent. I actual like maleficent despite all these negativities because it was an attempt at something more. I got to see a different story or side that changed everything. But relating to the base movie sleeping beauty, it just didn't hold up. And in a way I prefer it wasn't just a copy from the villains side cuz that would be boring, u'd know everything.
But it wasn't exactly fulfilling for my curiosities. In sleeping beauty I was curious about why she wanted to curse the child and not the parents when it seemed obvious there was some type of drama with the parents. And why so convulooted? Prick finger on a spinning wheel and die. And then why alter it? Why allow her to survive for true loves kiss? Is this a hint? Showing some type of love betrayal? Why was she not invited? Then uve got the 2 or 3 fairies. They have magic. Why couldn't they do anything? Why just raise the kid and change the colour of her clothes? I get they might've given up magic to go into hiding so they aren't caught but if think they'd try and do something like attack or protect or find her true love through magic? There's 3 of them they could've split and tried different things. Such a minute role they played when I'm sure they have the capacity to do more? And since they have fairies magic must be concolical to this world. Isn't there anyone else the king or queen could've called upon?
Then there's prince Phillip. I think he was bethroved to aurora when she was a baby. Ik Ew. But like why was Phillip where aurora was? They made it seem coincidental but was it a set up in hope he'd break the spell? Or was this the plan all along to force her into her betrayed marriage? They also fall in love way too easily. I'm guessing it's probably because it's the first man she'd seen or the first person who tried to be romantic with her who knows. Maybe just Disney being 🤢Disney.
Anyways back to my point. Now look at maleficent. I really enjoyed seeing the raven actually be a person maleficent uses. I would've never thought of that since pets in Disney are the norm. But hey side note-wpuldnt it be cool if Phillip was actually maleficients ravern? So like she put in a I'm not so evil clause I'll let U off if she finds a lover. But she knows she's bethroved so she knows they will pick phillip. So she makes Phillip her pet ravern. Would be kinda cool. Anyways back on track. Also they introduced this idea of fairy racism if U know what I mean. So maybe if U go to sleeping beauty, maybe they denied her marriage into royalty due to her being a fairy. And it does seem like they keep fairies like maids. But in maleficent they explain that the king and her fall in love as kids but distance since he wants to be king. It showed that royalty wants to inade the moors which is like magic land. Showing this war between magic and humans. Which isn't explained either as to why but racism is always a why U know fear of difference. To be king he had to 'kill' maleficent. So he cut her wings instead. Pretty fucked up and kind of explains it. It's why I quite like this film. But it still doesn't flow. Because if Stefan loved her why did he hurt her instead of try and unite magic and humans kind? If he hates magical beings so much, why does he have 3 fairy almost like maids to help secure his child and willingly help?
Now about the major change being that instead of the curse being lifted by Phillips kiss it's done by maleficent. I hated this bit since it felt like they were proving the same point as frozens kiss. We already get the point. I do like the fact true love can come in the form of family instead of lover though but it felt unneeded to the story as a whole. For me it would've been more exciting if Phillip kissed her it didn't work and maleficent laughed. Stefan be crying why. And shed be like U should know as well as I, true love doesn't exist. Instead they had a heartwarming I love U kiss. I do actually like this twist of malefiencint and the daughter forming a familial bond. That it's not the kids fault for who her father is and having her hesitate. But anyways my point is that maleficent still didn't satisfy the CURIOUSITY of sleeping beauty. It did bring the raven and revelation she's a fairy and the prejudice as something new to the table. That's what sold it tbh. But that's about it. It's better to be thought of as a spin off than a continuation of the base film.
Like take wish again. If they just make a film showing a dark magic wizard taking people's wishes from them and killing his family. And the villain from wish sneaks into this wizards domain and learns from his books magic he gets caught fam gets drained of wishes, villain of wish drains the wizard of his wish in a major showdown then he vacates everyone saying promise Ur wishes to me I'll protect them away from people like him. If I don't have them it can be taken. Even this is a pretty generous idea to think Disney would have but this would be unfulfilling. Because it's too explanatory. The reason he's evil is because people stole wishes from his family due to their selfish wish of never having any of their own or because they could or whatever. So he needed power to take wishes store and keep them safe. Or like is someone wish was to murder and so he stores wishes to make sure a bad wish can never be obtained or whatever. It's too simple. Life and films are messy complicated with back stories and characterisations and different connections and flows between each thing that impacts another.
To have such a simple he's evil because of this isn't enough. It needs to be this is what he chose. These are the reasons that drove him here. Also the love story between him and his queen would be interesting to note. For example something fulfilling could be that when of age and U have a wish magic happens. People studied the fenominom and sorcerers were born. There were different groups and different classes within each group. Some groups resorted to control thinking that wishes and magic needed to be controlled to avoid catastrophe. Others focused on freedom that everyone deserves to have a wish fulfilled. The wish villain was part of the light-hearted Disney wish fulfilment sect. His family was proud of his affinity for magic. Another sect came and went rogue taking wishes from others to obtain power. The wish fulfilment and control sects worked together to inprison the rogues. Their books were stored (intro into bad book). Curious our wish villain wanted to read the books friends with one of the control sects. Told don't warned horror. Tried to burn it but fought back flew into the prison and ate one of the rogues. Sealed and told not to open or attack. Wish villain met a woman fell in love. Showed her how his sect grants wishes. Whilst there accidentally witness one of the higher ups granting wishes secretly. Darker wishes being granted like the ability to turn whatever you touch to gold. Saw a human turned gold. They scream or whatever and get caught. They run villain wish hold them off whilst lover runs. So obvs lover don't see this bit. Argues U stole my books, my experiment they were never to be used this way. Meanwhile his control friend is watching and listening. U believe it too don't you. All wishes should be fulfilled! There should be no limit! Why didn't U come to me with the material. Would've saved the journey from having to steal it myself. It was to fulfil a wish for riches and fame. When I realised what it actually did I knew it was wrong. This wasn't what they meant. And we fulfilled that wish. This wasn't meant for you. And now Ur using it to hurt people. Well this is my wish, shouldn't my wish be fulfilled. Control friend joins. This is why I say control is the way. It's ok I can take it from here. Before control could do anything or wish villain could say anything his friend turns to gold. Why do this? Because I want to. Because I desire to. This is my dream in life. We are all selfish you know, we all are willing to do anything and everything to make our wishes come true. I guess the question is, how far are you willing to go? He throws the book sealed int he box that was meant to be back at the prison. Wish villain shouts no and vanishes using his power. He asks his lover to runaway with him. Tells of friends death. And his dream to protect people by protecting their dreams. But inside his fortress he still kept the book. He never wants to use it. But he still hears the words how far are you willing to go? He makes a kingdom. But the people are selfish. They want his magical displays. He travels outside to bring food to the city without flagging any enemies. The people don't know. But they ask for more. He catches thieves in his kingdom. You know humanity being humanity not everyones good. People want their wishes granted and more and more. He establishes a rule of control. It's not the people's fault if I can just control them to bend to my will then everything is safe. Anyways went really off on a tangent now debating whether I should post.
I mean, I doubt you all gonna read this all. And I ain't popular on here so should be fine to post? If U do read this the unlucky few, do let me know how to tailor future posts so I no longer feel permission to make posts as long and messy as I want and see the reality and issue of my ways. If not I will continue on. So please someone stop me 🙏
Also even this version is too explanatory Nd I kinda of went of one. I mean his backstory has to incorporate the thieves that stole his home and family. But I'd like to see the roots of his twisted ways. Above I kinda thought nativity and disillusion could be the roots. But idk. Maybe I want a villain whose just a villain. Like coraline. The other mother. Sure they explain through the cat that the other mother preys upon souls that offer up their eyes to her and takes the form of people's family they wish they had. But they don't explain why she preys upon people or why she chose to target families or whatever. They didn't have to. She was depicted as a hungry spider like monster. The reason she is the way she is is cuz Ur prey and she's playing with her food. The only curious thing was the hand thing at the end was hoping for a sequel if she could interest the real world or only take from her parallel one.
Anyways in this way the villain is still explained contextually, not fully and it's excepted as just evil. So for wish villain we'd want to see his vanity from youth and his love of power. To see what he'd sacrifice for this power. Also some type of explanation to how he reached the extremely of the book, and the book itself. And of course the thievery trauma incident which would be even better if it was the villains fault but he blames others in denial as if he were the victim adding to his toxic character of him being everything almost like a god and how he sees everyone as disrespectful.
Story writing is hard though so I do appreciate that it is tonight to meet the demand even I didn't like my version when trying to think of one less explainy more depth emotion backstory context you know. So points for effort. And who knows what ze future holds. But ye wish ... defo worked to Disney's brand. Felt like a brand film. Love the villain. Like the music. A little too familiar with other recent films but hey Disney can't be the old version. Want to see more potential especially since Ur mixing things up. Maybe some more queer stuff too but not just cut and paste in really odd and obviously done just to tick a box kinda mentality U know. Um ye plz stop me from making future posts. Plz do.
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celestite-caroline · 2 years ago
ouhhh ok I may have remade Scrabble's bio again. let's a go!
• Scrabble •
• Autobot, claw machine mutated by the Allspark in 2007.
• 6'4 feet tall.
• 432 lbs of weight.
• greatly attached to her plushie collection - notable plushies are Mr. Muffins the blue dino, Squeak the bunny and Lisp the snake.
• Doesn't have any weapons, not counting her claw hand.
• 2007 •
• As mentioned, she was created by the Allspark in Mission City when the cube fell down and sent an electric wave towards a nearby arcade. Scrabble ran out soon after and hid away from the humans, getting enough time to calm down.
• Found by Bumblebee a while after the first movie, when the Autobots were hunting down agressive Allspark mutations. She approached him and turned into her claw machine mode, telling him to pick a toy she could fish out. Confused, Bee chose the blue dino, and he watched as Scrabble failed to get the toy out. He moved her to N.E.S.T. after that, since she appeared to not be malicious.
• ROTF •
• Despite mainly staying friends with Bee, Scrabble also got attached to Arcee, who she began to see as a mother figure. The only people she genuinely didn't like were Skids and Mudflap, who oftentimes took away her plushies to bully her.
• In N.E.S.T, due to her young age, she didn't take part in any missions, instead watching DVDs or playing with her toys.
• She felt alienated both from the Autobots and the humans - the Autobots because she was not from Cybertron and most Autobots didn't really seem to understand her childish antics, the humans because, well, even if they'd like her more, she was still a robot that could hurt them.
• During her time in the N.E.S.T base positioned near Mission City, Scrabble snuck out, eager to find where she came from. Using the information she already knew, she eventually found a familiar arcade, one she could swear she came from. She wanted to sneak into the building, just to see how it looked inside, but a human quickly noticed her, understandably freaking out. Despite Scrabble's attempts to tell them that she won't hurt them, many other present humans noticed her, leaving the arcade in a panic.
• Several N.E.S.T. soldiers eventually arrived at the location, taking Scrabble back to the safety of the nearest base. None of the Autobots had the time to lecture her on how much of a mistake her sneaking out was, but she knew she screwed up.
• When she finally met with the Autobots, Bumblebee had terrible news for her. Arcee didn't return from the battle in Egypt.
• DOTM •
• Two years later, and Scrabble remained the way she used to be. While she lost Arcee, she was glad to have everyone else, especially Bee.
• She was in the base in Chicago to see Sentinel be ressurected, but she didn't exactly get involved in the story until the base came under attack much later.
• When informed that the Autobots will have to leave Earth, she made it pretty clear that she did not want to go. She cried and yelled when she was being carried to the spaceship - sure, Earth wasn't the planet she was supposed to be from, but this was still her home. Once they were inside the ship, Bumblebee quietly told her that they aren't actually leaving the planet, putting an end to Scrabble's sadness.
• While the Autobots were about to head back to Chicago, Scrabble was left hiding outside of the city in a remote area near an empty forest. She knew this was a serious matter, so she quietly hid in a bunch of thick bushes she found.
• She was picked up from the area by Bumblebee many hours later and brought back to the N.E.S.T. base. She saw that several of her friends were gone, but for what it was worth, she was happy that this was all over.
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flashfuture · 4 years ago
Okay i’ve been thinking about this post again cause like I’m always thinking about this
Emerald Twilight was the story where Coast City was destroyed. And Hal uses his ring to make a fake Coast City. Which pisses off the Guardians who are like no making constructs for personal gain. So Hal goes up there to give them a piece of his mind when he's stopped in space by the other Lanterns. He kills a ton of them Before he's even made it to Oa. And then when he gets to Oa he plans to absorb the giant Lantern's Light so he can remake Coast City permanently. But he's stopped by Sinestro and then Hal snaps his neck. And then he's interrupted by Kilowog and Hal... melts all the flesh off his bones. So Hal tosses all his rings to the ground saying he doesn't deserve them jumps into the will pit and emerges as Parallax. So even IF Parallax was in that big lantern well Hal still took all of the Green Lantern's light. Which that big a will boost... he left all that will in the sun Kyle taking that will out of the sun turned him into Ion who is supposed to be the entity of Will. So... would Hal not have been possessed by both? Yet he wasn't. Anyways his stupid ass plan
Zero Hour. Zero hour was the idea that Hal was going to "Fix" the universe by correcting all the evil things in it. And once the universe was remade everyone he hurt would be fine because he was going to put them back. And everyone would be okay because there wouldn't be any evil left. <- there was evidently no one intelligent around to explain why that wouldn't work to Hal. (Thinking about Hal explaining his reasonings to Barry later about why Hal personally has to do something dangerous to defeat Parallax or the Black Lanterns and everytime Barry is like "wow that's crazy. you're still not doing that")
WHY oh WHY would one of the emotional space entities want to be involved in universe resetting?? They wouldn't. Parallax feeds off fear how is letting Hal essentially thanos snap the universe and then bring it back all cheery and happy going to provide him with more fear?
But that begs another question. At what point did Parallax leave? Because here's the quick sum. Coast City explodes, Hal freaks out, Hal goes to space and kills the lanterns, Hal absorbs the Green Lantern light and becomes Parallax. So that's where Hal is supposedly possessed. What he does after possession is kill all the guardians. Then Zero Hour. Big fight blah blah. Kyle restrains Parallax!Hal and Ollie shoots him in the heart. But this does not kill him like everyone on earth thought. It fires him and Kyle into space back to Oa for some reason.
And Hal like talks it out with Kyle who is like hey man maybe resetting the universe won't fix all your problems. And Hal super easily tricks Kyle into giving him his ring anyways and starts drawing power from Oa itself implying the power of will comes from the planet?? And then Hal and Kyle fight and Kyle explodes the entire fucking planet which I forgot happened???? Anyways so maybe Parallax is still in there then that's a trickster thing to do. But what about when Hal goes Back down to Earth and tries to steal Kyle's ring again and then Kyle brains him with a pipe. Did Parallax run off then??? Cause Hal surrenders gives the ring back and goes to sulk by the source wall. So clearly Parallax had to be gone by this point because why else would he be there? But then Hal goes into the sun and leaves behind only pure will no infected energy for Kyle. But that apparently is Ion... implying like I said Hal was infected by both.
Fuck Geoff Johns when I catch you
I’m down for a meta post about the entities, I don’t really understand them.
OOOh okay
So entities are beings that are pure whatever light
So Parallax is Fear
Ion is Will
Ophidian is Avarice/Greed
Butcher is Rage
Adara is Hope
Proselyte is Compassion 
Predator is Love
Entity is Life
The idea is that Parallax the worm was trapped in the central power battery. That it was corrupting Hal for years. Yet somehow no one noticed this. That’s where the Yellow weakness is supposed to come from as well. 
But these entities didn’t exist until 2005 ish. The other emotional spectrums didn’t either. Well, Fear did but that was supposedly Sinestro’s doing. And Star Sapphires were sort of separate. But with Green Lantern Rebirth the Green Lantern Corps, Star Sapphires, Sinestro Corps all became a part of this emotional spectrum. This introduced the Orange, Red, Blue, and Indigo Corps as well.
Mmk but we didn’t even see the last 4 until 2008. And White Lanterns weren’t introduced till the Blackest Night event. 
Parallax itself from even how we saw it act in Rebirth in no way matches how Parallax!Hal behaved during Zero Hour. And when did Parallax even leave Hal? If it was when he gave the ring to Kyle why would he go mope by the source wall? All very strange. Parallax doesn’t seem the type to wanna die reigniting the sun either. 
So I’ve always had this theory in my head that Kyle spawned the entities. Okay which sounds insane but they really did not exist even a little bit until 2005. 
Kyle was the one to ‘discover’ that Parallax was a giant space worm
When Kyle was Ion the first time it wasn’t a being of Will. Kyle just got an upgrade from siphoning off the will Hal left in the sun. Which again either Hal was having a major Will powerup or he was having a major Fear powerup. In which case it would be Parallax in the sun and Kyle would have been possessed. 
That didn’t happen. Ion was Kyle with a lot of power. Kyle wanted to go back into time and stop Hal from ever becoming Parallax, save Coast City. So Spectre!Hal was all please don’t do that for me and Kyle sort of went with it. 
But then the Guardians are like oh Ion is a being of pure will and that’s who possessed Kyle but again Ion 1.0 behaved very differently to Ion 2.0 where it was an entity. Ion 1.0 made Kyle cold and removed it was taking his humanity same as the massive Will boost did to Parallax!Hal. Ion 2.0 was basically just Kyle but more stubborn. 
But the Guardians know everything right about all of history. So maybe they were keeping Parallax a secret. But they certainly didn’t seem to be you know considering Parallax the fear worm nor the other entities existed. But then Kyle was the one to bring them back to life. And as children no less. So Kyle had quite a hand in the second generation of Guardians. He’s their maker. Who’s to say he can’t influence how they think or what they know.
Every one of these entities are parasites. They want to feed and feed until there is nothing left. Sound familiar to maybe Oblivion? Oblivion which was a cosmic-level threat that regular Kyle spawned through his subconscious. 
In fact, all these entities are very volatile. Like pure emotion put to life. And these entities are very strong. Cosmic beings. Yet one human, in particular, has been able to house them all in him and overcome all of them. One Kyle Rayner. Kyle, who, has on more than one occasion had reality-bending powers. Kyle was the one who had to ferry the entities past the source wall to refill the emotional wells almost like they were drained by making giant incarnations of these emotions and the Entities had to be put back. This is where Kyle learned the life-equation too which was just more powerups to be had. Kyle basically became the Life Entity. 
And another point is that Hal adored Kyle after the whole hitting me with a pipe thing. But Kyle also immediately decided at that moment he was gonna do his very best to live up to Hal’s legacy. Kyle was the only one who thought to ask Hal to restart the sun because he believed Hal was a hero. Kyle set up the memorial to Hal and arranged his funeral.
All of Hal’s messes were cleaned up very nicely too. Genocide who? Everyone is alive again thanks to Kyle. Kilowog everyone's favorite hardass? Kyle brought him back to life too. Those lanterns Hal killed in space? Eh, they aren’t really dead, surprise. The Corps and their reputation? Kyle put a lot of work into making that good again. 
So yeah very easy to then say Hal was brainwashed the whole time. Even though every instance of people being possessed by Parallax is nothing like what Hal was like. Because again goes back to really a very poor understanding of Hal’s character. The Man Without Fear. But you know who isn’t without fear? 
Kyle. Kyle was terrified to fight Parallax so if Kyle made Parallax making it the fear entity makes sense. Because Kyle Rayner feels fear, he feels everything. 
Kyle is all Heart and maybe this time his heart was trying to cover for Hal.
This is the only way this makes sense to me. Because it stays true to both stories. Hal really did go evil. And everyone believes Hal was being brainwashed. 
It’s just it’s sad to see Emerald Knight decayed with retcons because we can’t have our heroes go bad. This is just my thoughts and ramblings on it because I’m a stickler for those 90s days and hate things that muddle them up. 
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