salon-maiden-anabel · 9 months
still being not normal abt lucy family headcanon stuff anyways . battle facility meeting in unova. Invite to blueberry bc of the siblings for the clubroom thing to give some how-tos on how the mechanics of different battle facilities work outside the battle tower/subway/maison/tree ect work bc i feel like thats smtn a battle academy would have at least one or two things on and be interested in such a high tier of battling . anyways team .
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no steelix or shuckle bc they arent in gen 9 . arbok reference to kitakami . dudunsparce bc its a new 'mon. Serperior bc a lot of them seem to have at least one starter on their teams in the clubroom . serpentine
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onlysoftly · 5 months
wrapping the one night stand by shaking their hand and saying good game
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hubillusion · 2 years
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gayriddleussy · 1 month
Im too deep into nerd culture.
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celiaboren · 6 months
En Soluciones & Anclajes, somos una empresa que ofrece calidad y seguridad en remaches, tuercas remachables y remachadoras diseñadas para optimizar tus futuros proyectos.
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grimmdogs · 2 years
happy birthday!!! i hope you find joy today<3
Thank you so much!! I got to enjoy it with my partner and eat good food today ☺️🖤
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lescroniques · 2 years
Un prototip ideat en la UMA permet escoltar música a través del sentit del tacte
Un prototip ideat en la UMA permet escoltar música a través del sentit del tacte
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timeisawheel · 2 years
i wish i could keep this puppy omg…hes so small and so sweet
i live with many animals already and things aren’t getting cheaper unfortunately…
look at this little guy!
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"[Celene accepting Duke Remache's proposal of marriage, which would likely eliminate Gaspard's challenge to her rule] is worth considering," Briala said, interrupting Celene's thoughts. Celene glanced over to see that Briala was refilling her teacup, her eyes still downcast. "It is not." Celene took the elven woman by the shoulder and gently tilted up Briala's chin until those beautiful eyes met hers. "If I tie myself to some lord, it will be for more than good hunting grounds in the Deauvin Flats." Perhaps it was selfish. Perhaps it was a mistake in the Game, even. But Celene had lost enough of her own life to the Empire of Orlais already... as had Briala. Briala's gaze softened. "Majesty."
A favorite moment from The Masked Empire, encapsulating a lot of what I find so compelling about them, particularly the drive-by interruption by Celene's guilty conscience and how much of a colossal understatement "perhaps it was a mistake in the Game" turns out to be
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bingusbongu · 10 months
Hello !! :3 i hope you are having a lovely day !! Imma here to request a Demencia x reader !! 🦎💗 // you can barley find any content for the chaotic gremlin/affectionate, Lmao-// anyways!-what about some headcanons with dem & soft but feisty gn! Hero reader? :> lol chaotic good x chaotic evil 😌 JGBFBGBHB srry if this ask sounded awcward im shy lol-ok byeeeeeeee ✌️
Authors note: omg thank you for my first request!!! I actually love this prompt, i got alittle stumped here and there, but goodness this was fun to write! We stan the chaotic lizard<333
Demencia × gn Soft but feisty Hero!
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• Demencia first met you when she and the gang were out on one of their missions. You werent the target, they had no intentions of harming you but another commission they got. Another, entitled stuck up hero
•they were doing great! As great as Demencia completely sabotaging Flugs plan
•though, they werent prepared for when another hero showed up to back up the target.
• Flug was absolutely panicked, while Demencia was still trying to rough house with the other hero(and was winning too)
• Until she was completely tackled off her target, which winded her for a moment, before pouncing on you as you attempted to hold her down
• you attempted to reason with her, trying to get her to stop and just give up, but Demencia just kept trying to bite at you like a feral dog
• what she didnt expect was how easily you managed to pin her down, with hardly any struggle
• no hero actually managed to pin her down as easily as you had, let alone, you weren't spitting out at her for her to give up, you just pinned her down without any word. And actually managed to hold her down for a long period of time.
• of course, being Demencia, she managed to wiggle her way out from underneath you, and retreated with the rest of the gang
• Demencia, for the remainder of the time, had a hard time getting you out of her head. How you managed to pin her down so easily, even if she was giving a fight, you were strong. Alot stronger than she seen other heros
• she definitely made Flug look up some stuff about you, which would suprise him, but She would shrug it off and actually listen to the information about you
• the next thing she knows, she is sneaking out the mannor to go find you. She was curious about you, and wouldnt mind a remach with you!
• it didnt take her long to find you, she was a suprisingly good tracker, she followed you for awhile, observing your movement witg curiosity. How you talked to people so gently, like youve known them for years on end. Unlike other heros who basked in the glory, you were nice, and friendly to them! Demencia didnt know if shr should been disgusted
• she attempted to sneak up on you, but to your suprise, you twirled around and greeted her with a friendly smile.
• now this stunned Demencia for a moment
• you didnt attack her, yell at her, you welcomed her like a friend.. even after that battle.
• Demencia tried to tease you or do nasty remarks towards you, but you just laughed like she was joking. Making her stumped
• what was with you? You were so fearsome in battle, but now outside of it, you were... nice to her! She had never met someone nice to her. Usually they would run away an fear
• but you actually welcomed her into your home
• Demencia was just '?????'
• after your litter interaction, you would now find her in your house after missions, going through your fridge
• and you just let her
• you would occasionally go into conversations with her, while she would raid through your apartment or devour your food
• it became a routine
• and of course, Demencias coworkers wouldnt even care that se was gone, which atleast was a regular occurrence. They liked the quiet
• So Demencia took any shot she could to come hang out with you, and you always invited her in with a smile on your face, you were hapy to see her!
• and she was happy to see you
• sometimes, you would have to go on longer missions, and Demencia would be right there, following you like a puppy. Sometimes she would join in the fight just to bash someone in the head, or just watch from the sidelines while rading a nearby shop
• she found herself mezmorized by the way you fought, how easily you could get a villain down under you, how you could put them back in their place without a break of sweat
• Sometimes, she would just stand and watch you... it was unlikely for her, usually she wouldnt care one bit, but she would stop everything just to watch you deal with your target
• she never had done this before, it confused her
• when she got back to the mannor, she just... couldnt get you out of her head! It was annoying.. she even stoppd her daily routine of bugging Flug because she just couldnt think about anything else.
• why??? Why wouldnt you just leave her alone?! Why couldnt she stop thinking about you?! It made her frustrated. She was a villain, shenever cared, so why did she now?!
• once she realized she stopped in her tracks
• she tried denying it, that it was NOT possible, but your smile and your kindness couldnt leave her mind. You welcomed in the feral lizard with happiness and acceptance
• no matter how mich she denied it, it wouldnt stop! She would ask Flug, but she couldnt admit that she was going weak!
• you were making her weak!
• "oh fuck"
• she was absolutely blown over the moon by you
• she now had a new duty, to bother you as much as she can
• she liked you, and there was absolutely nothing you could do to get her off you now
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la-semillera · 3 months
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Días y noches. Días y noches. conectados por remaches de placer. Nuestra caldera de amor calentaba el tiempo y soldaba la separación entre las horas, de forma que el tiempo se convirtió en lo que el profeta dice que es: continuo, ininterrumpido.
Para mí, aquellos días no terminarán nunca. Estoy siempre allí, en aquella habitación con ella, y si no soy yo, es mi huella; mi amor fosilizado, y tú lo descubres.
_ Jeannette Winterson, El Powerbook, Traducción de Àngels Gimeno-Balonwu. Edhasa.
_ Elise Ferguson, Double Headed, 2018 Pigmented plaster on MDF panel 30 x 60 inches (76.2 x 152.4 cm) EF125
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kevotsuka · 3 months
Porfa di más del preg!bezz fic
from the Wip Ask Game
ENTONCES tengo un fragmento escrito! un poco fome pido disculpas eso si orz orz orz / no beta y todo eso
ba-dum, ba-dum
"Podría no tenerlo", pero la idea deja un sabor a ceniza en su boca. 
"No debería tenerlo", porque es egoísta traer al mundo a alguien sin planearlo, sin quererlo, pero-
¿él realmente no lo quiere? 
"Me siento solo", desde que rompió con su ahora ex, ha tratado de no pensar en el hueco que quedó en su pecho en donde debería de haber estado. Buscó olvido con cuerpos calientes y sin importancia, rostros perdidos en un mar de placer que le obligó a no pensar en cómo, cuándo o quién y le dejó obtener lo que deseaba: no sentir la ausencia. 
La simple idea de que haya alguien a quien amar y querer sin condiciones lo anima, siempre ha sido una especie de sueño lejano para él y ahora está allí, al alcance de su mano.
incluso si sus sentimientos sobre ser padre son complejos por el tipo de vida que lleva. 
"¿Está dispuesto a dejarlo todo por un niño? ¿Va a cambiar la esencia de lo que es para poner la de otro ser humano por sobre él?"
Sabe lo que dicen de la gente que vive como él lo hace, escucha los susurros que lo llaman un buscador de peligro que roza incómodamente a la muerte más a menudo que no, que no siente ninguna preocupación o respeto por su familia que debe verlo arriesgarse cada día por ser más rápido, por convertirse en el mejor.  
Un niño pequeño, alguien que dependa enteramente de él, no merece que su padre esté a un mal inicio de carrera de dejarlo para siempre.
También está bastante familiarizado con los sacrificios que sus padres y hermanas han hecho para apoyarlo, como su padre ha dejado su casa la mayor parte del año para perseguirlo alrededor del mundo.
Incluso para si, no puede no pensar en todas las partes de sí mismo que ha dado para ganar, cada cada remache puesto para que sus huesos vuelvan a su lugar y sanen más deprisa, con el único objetivo de vivir al límite para poder volver a subir a la moto (volver a ganar).
Mira la tira de la ecografía. Son tres imágenes de formas extrañas que se supone que son de su vientre, y realmente no entiende mucho, pero ahí está la prueba de que hay algo creciendo en él.
No necesita leer la nota en la base de la tira para saber lo que dice, ya lo ha memorizado.
Pasa su mano por su vientre. No se abulta, pero la doctora le dijo que pronto lo haría. Su cuerpo cambiaría para acomodar una nueva vida. Un pequeño bicho que crecería a partir de él.
Que debería de tomar su decisión antes de que eso ocurra, pero…
¿ya la ha tomado, no es así?
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Your hand for Childe, Heizou, Yae Miko win
You were rambling about TCG to your friend a lot lately, and they suggested a little competition which of course you taked gladly
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⊱ from your stories it sounded like something similiar to sparing but instead of using muscles you have to use your brain, and Childe was up for the challange!
⊱ after you explained the rules to him he almost immidietly suggested a duel
"I understand so what if we... gamble a little? Well if I win then I receive your hand in marriage and if you win you can choose what you want. Up for the challange, comrade?"
⊱ let me just tell you that he gives his best in this duel, he seriously want's to marry you, it's not just so he can show off or treat you like a slave, he wants to live a happy live with you
⊱ if he wins, his ego just grew and he's more than ready for his reward
"Haha! It looks like I won! So YN, I know it's already set but I still prefer to ask" that's when he goes on one knee in front of you "Will you marry me? I know it was the deal but I want to be truly happy with you so I'm still ready to accept denial"
⊱ although if he loses he's a little disappointed but accepts the failure
"I see... just for you to know I WILL get my revenge! But a deal is a deal, what's the prize you want?"
⊱ if it's money he's willing to pay, after all it's really not a problem to him, if it's something romantic he might ask you for a remach on the spot with the same prize on line
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⊱ when you introduced TCG to Heizou, he acted like he had no idea something like that existed but in reality he's well aware of this game and even won a couple matches himself
"It sounds like interesting game! Would you like to play with me? If so then how about we put a prize on the line to make the match more intense? Then if I win I get to marry you and if you win... you can have whatever you want from me, what would you say?"
⊱ did you saw his detective skills? He definitely uses them to predict your next move, and it actually helps him a lot!
⊱ you would have to be SUPER good at TCG to beat him so if he won, he's really confident about his abilities but also feels a little bad for not telling you earlier about him wonning TCG matches before
"Hehe, I think you know what this menas YN, so is there anything specific you want on our wedding~?"
⊱ but if you somehow win he's a little suprised by the fact that you beat him but at the same time he saw it coming around half of your match
"Well congratulations YN, you beat a detective in logic game, you should be proud! So what is that prize you want?"
⊱ if it's something like money or his help with something, he's willing to do it, but if it's something more romantic he definitely will pay more attention to you so he can find out if you like him as well
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⊱ Yae Miko knew very well about TCG so when you started talking about matches you played, she also says couple of words about matches she played
"Since we both know what TCG is, what if we play a serious game? If you're worried about how serious let me just serious that our lives will be on the line? Oh don't worry nothing dangerous! I meant your hand in marriage if I win and if you win I will be your trustworthy companion!"
⊱ if you agree on that then good luck because she will try every trick in her book, going from just being smart to (minors or people who don't like suggestive stop reading here and start reading when you see 💗 emoji again) playing some dirty tricks on you
⊱ if you also play dirty let me just tell you that it's going to be very hard to fluster her and she might just fluster you even more, but if you somehow do just know that now you have higher chances of winning
⊱ but if you tell that she's cheating she will say that there's no rules saying anything about dirty play so she is actually playing fair
⊱ (💗 you can start reading again from here ^^) so if she won, she thinks that it's well deserved win, after all you sounded so confident about your abilities while telling your stories about TCG
"It looks like I won, and you know what that mean~! Is there any specific ring you want or should I just go with the one I think would suit you the most?"
⊱ although if you win, she's surprised by how good you are in this game, and that you managed to go through all her teasing that she gave for whole game
"My, my, congratulations YN, you just granted yourself a kitsune companion!"
⊱ if you would like her to just accompany you on your adventures, she will beat any enemy in a second, but if you ask to pet her ears or tail, you better ask her for that when she's in a good mood and she may enjoy it as well
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fisurarte · 1 year
Tuvo el poder hace algún tiempo de encender la llama y por consiguiente el calor en mi. Pero eso se derrumba fácilmente en los desencuentros. Ayer nos estacionamos en euforia y mañana en ausencia. La semana que sigue probablemente volvemos a la ciudad del amor y al domingo es como si nos quedaramos sin combustible. Es un vehículo difícil el afecto, con tantos remaches y componentes. Algunos golpes, algunos choques. A pesar de tener las ruedas gastadas de tanto andar, aún conserva la esencia primordial del accionar. A veces te cobija y a veces directamente no enciende. Tiene los cables pelados y en cortocircuito, la cerradura tan gastada que no distingue llaves. Sin embargo ahí va mi viaje del amor, antiguo y descalibrado, ruidoso y afectuoso. Puro y consentido.
Amor de cápsula del tiempo
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conkdekiwi · 1 year
El castillo ambulante y las corrientes artísticas
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El castillo ambulante es una película del estudio Ghibli, conocida por su estilo característico. Su estreno fue en 2004, y fue dirigida por Hayao Miyazaki. El público no solo es testigo de un espectáculo visual, sino que cuenta con relatos llenos de magia y emociones y enseñanzas que nos acompañan durante toda la vida.
Si estas películas destacan por algo es por la belleza de sus planos, sobre todo en el caso de esta película, influenciada por estilos que van desde el Art Nouevau del siglo XIX hasta el Steam Punk, pasando por el estilo de decoración gótico clásico.
Pero, ¿Dónde vemos todo esto? Bueno, a lo largo de la película hay escenas y elementos que nos recuerdan a estos estilos. Yo me voy a centrar en explicarlo en el castillo ambulante. En el interior nos encontramos con la habitación de Howl, y es probable que lo primero que nos venga la mente al verla es: "¡Oh! Cuántas cosas". Y si, resulta que no somos los primeros en pensar algo que algo es demasiado. En el siglo XIX se empezó a usar la expresión "Horror Vacui" cuya traducción literal es el miedo al vacío. Por aquel entonces se aplicaba estilos barrocos, rococó, y victorianos, que resulta que influencian sustancialmente esta película.
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¿Cómo? Todos estos estilos tienen en común el maximalismo, por lo general se expresa en: colores, elementos, patrones, o materiales que cubren todo el espacio, dando personalidad a los diseños. En el caso de la obra de Miyazaki, en la habitación, vemos el gran uso que se hace de los colores rojo, verde y, amarillo, jugando con sus tonalidades y su saturación.
También aparecen una gran variedad de elementos repetitivos, flores, cristales… Que recuerdan a los patrones del movimiento del Art Nouveau que estaba surgiendo en ese mismo siglo, un ejemplo de esto serían los patrones de las sábanas. Así mismo, vemos la influencia del maximalismo en la gran cantidad de joyería que hay en la habitación, representando los valores hedonistas de este movimiento.
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Avanzando un poco en el tiempo, en los años 90, aparece un estilo llamado Whimsigothic, consiste en una amalgama de elementos: místicos, plantas, cristalería, lámparas, patrones, colores, vibrantes… Crean un balance entre lo oscuro y sombrío del gótico y la diversión y suavidad de cluttercore. ¿Te suena de algo esto? Es una gran descripción de la habitación de Howl ¿Verdad?.
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En contraposición con el interior, lleno de vida, plantas y luz, en el exterior nos encontramos con una corriente retrofuturista que pone su foco en la Segunda Revolución Industrial. Esto, desde luego, no es una casualidad ya que el director tiene mucha influencia de artistas como Alpes Rovira, que encaja con la mirada al futuro desde el pasado que este estilo pretende transmitir.
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Esto se enlaza con la estética Victoriana de la que hablaba antes, ya que es donde suele ir ambientado el steampunk, al ser pre-eléctrico y centrarse en el vapor obliga a buscar soluciones creativas para las máquinas. Por esto vemos que cuando el castillo se desplaza suelta vapor. Además, la estética, con las ventanas redondas que sobresalen recuerda a las gafas típicas de este estilo, que son aquellas que tienen cristales redondos y remaches de metal.
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Para terminar, volver a mencionar la contraposición del Castillo con todo su entorno, que parece seguir una filosofía impresionista centrada en “atrapar” la belleza, ya que los colores vibrantes son predominantes y se juega mucho con la luz. Todas las escenas de la película están bellamente adornadas y cargadas, sin perder ese aire misterioso y extravagante que dotan a la película de esta singular estética que atrae a todos aquellos que la ven.
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rakubalka · 1 month
Local Demon Perfect Remembers Previous Life , Fight Right Hand Man , Breaks Into Local Loser Home With Groceries Demanding Be Fed
Kyoya needed to up Komatsu's protection by a lot . And yes his name is now Kyoya . Zebra was a title picked because of his numerous scars by the cocky bastards who made him fight day and night to even have chances of surviving .
By the time he got rescued Zebra felt more like himself than any name he would have gotten .
But he has a name now and that name is Hibari Kyoya , and it's HIS .
And he wants Komatsu to call him by his NAME , not the familial but his own one . It will sound oh so sweet if it's his Komatsu who says it .
But he does need to get Komatsu to stop using those "honorific" . He isn't Hibari-san he is Kyoya . Hes Komatsu's Kyoya the same way Komatsu is Kyoya's . EXACTLY THE WAY ITS SUPPOSED TO BE .
On the earlier note the house needs a lot of reinforcement to even stand afther a punch . Also the kitchen isn't right and neither is Komatsu place in it .
It's like Komatsu hasn't been in the kitchen as the chef , and that doesn't add up . Komatsu is a true chef in heart and soul . He can even now hear how happy both he and the ingredients are to be in the kitchen and to cook . Despite his clumsiness he can still clearly hear that SOUND .
A SOUND of pure joy . A SOUND that only someone doing something they adore with their whole soul can do . A SOUND that has long since become synonymous with Komatsu .
Komatsu isn't being taken care of here .
And if Komatsu isn't being taken care of , then he can come with Kyoya . His house is big enough to have a somewhat decent kitchen for Komatsu .
And if anyone in his house DARE tell Komatsu what he can do and where he can go . They will be bitten to Death .
"U-um , H-Hibari-san the food is ready ." The call was enough to get him out of the ready for blood mood . Not to mention how cute Komatsu looks in an apron . Absolutely adorable .
"It's Kyoya for you little animal ." Starting with the correct name now will make things in the future easier .
"That isn't my name Hibari-san !" Oh he is squeaking that brings back some adorable memories .
"And mine isn't Hibari-san . So let's make a deal . You tell me what you want me to call you and i will call you that . In exchange you will refer to me as Kyoya , no Hibari-san, no Hibari or even Kyoya-san or Kyoya-sempai . Just Kyoya ." Bait .
"T-that isn't how that works ." And here goes the flushing as always adorable .
"And who says so ?" Sinker .
"Ahh a-ahh . Ugh I don't know . But people don't refer to each other so close all of the sudden . " And the mini breakdown caused by the sanity . Kinda forgot it was so common , but to be fair sanity was never their family's strong point .
"Little animal if someone is bothering you , you can tell me . I will take care of it . If they brother you they clearly need to be bitten to Death " Reassurance is important for Komatsu's shaky self-esteem and this is no different .
"No need ! No need to bite anyone ! The thing you said about the names ? Sounds great !" The fake smile is so obvious it's sad , but a win is a win . He will later do an investigation on anyone who might be taking advantage of his chef's kind and gentle nature .
"Yes little animal . What would you like me to call you ? Anything you feel comfortable with I will accept~ ." Huh , so he can still purr that's handy to know .
"Ah . Tsuna or Tsunayoshi , but I know it will end up as Dame-Tauna in the end so no need to be polite ." Insulting himself ? And that look of hurt means people use it . Guess he has several funerals to plan .
"Tsuna then ! Call me Kyoya !" And finally Hook !
And of course the damn tengu wake up and decided this is the perfect moment to come here !
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