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cryo-lily · 2 years ago
Theron [Looks up from a datapad toward RE-M1]: Hey Rem, Have you seen Issie? I have a report she needs to see.
RE-M1 [Happy beeps]: I think so! Last I saw this way.
[Theron gets led down a mostly abandoned hallway, RE-M1 stops near a specific door]
Theron [Pauses briefly and squints suspiciously at the muffled un-identifiable sounds beyond the door before knocking]: Uh... Is?
[Loud crashing & scrambling noises followed by a loud thud before the door slides open as Isadola steps out from a dark room]
Isadola [Out of breath, clearly disheveled. Hair down, mask loosely put on & crooked, no gloves or bracers, jacket with only one sleeve on, tube top pulled dangerously low, missing belt & only one boot on, lipstick markings trailing down her neck & beyond]: THERON! uh... Hi... What’s up? [Pauses to catch breath] Did something happen? Wait... Did Taskar piss off Hylo again or something?
Theron [Grimaces as he takes a step back]: Something like that... Listen it can probably wait...
Isadola: No, what is it? I can-
[Isadola gets pulled back in to the room by an unseen force swiftly before the door slams shuts and locks]
Theron [Turns back toward the small scout droid now emitting laughter like beeps as he begins to walk away]: You knew they were in there didn’t you?
RE-M1 [Indignant beeps]: I did not, how dare you even assume such?
Theron [Looking at the small droid now riding on his shoulder]: You’re a terrible liar for a supposedly sentient droid.
 RE-M1 [More indignant beeps]: Don’t be such a sourpuss... Well If you’re feeling lonely I can holo your partn-
Theron [Pinches the bridge of his nose]: Please don’t... They are- You’re the worst you know that?
RE-M1: [More beep like laughter]
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flosophy · 11 months ago
moved out after the first, but tick tock bang the second shot  left only thirst, starvation rot. for rivers black  how does one scream?  guess i forgot my lords got two wings beaks and marbles way of true kings
silver lining down the cheek reeks of frailties corpse unique
[ai generated song to my emo lines - ai = "suno"]
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basilnth · 2 years ago
I think I'm onto something here folks
I am fascinated by this difference between the games and the audience reaction, and while I wanna make a more detailed and entertaining breakdown, I think positing my theory will be good enough to keep me busy and boredom free while at my desk job whilst also getting your guys thoughts.
I think when it comes to the meta builds between the two titles, a massive disconnect for folks is that Remnant 1 was very trait necessary and the equipment was the additional bits to anyone's character. You'd get cool rings to help with stat increases or utility, but they weren't the big pull. Armor was sort of the base start for what you wanted and when you got a set that leaned more the direction you desired, your traits would help either fill in gaps or greater increase this. True fun power gaming.
BUT with Rem 2, its been heavily flipped. Archetypes are now your base with the class system setting up your initial experience, gear like the rings and charms are the true boost to your kit when the right instigators are hit, which are more often than not easy to trigger, and traits have taken this weird (but i think fun) in-between as a minor boost to allow experimentation and progress based on your build concept, whilst also acting as the rounder for your builds that may be weaker/missing for your overall build.
It makes more sense to me that Rem1 standards are pushed so hard because traits WERE remnant, but now they are a more subtle but constantly active system that can help you survive and explore to find the real treasure.
That's not to say some traits don't need buffs or some need full reworks, not unlike remnant 1 (vaulting speed for walls, spending point to level faster to ge more points, the sneaky trait to help not draw agro which is wear didn't work for me); its just interesting and something to look at when it comes to the discussions and arguments over whos system feels better to who. I honestly think both systems work, I just feel Rem2 isn't being given its does with being more subtly different from its counterpart until you really dive in.
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starwurst · 8 months ago
The following are encrypted emails, meant to remain unsent, journaling all that Varawn wishes to say to his estranged fianc��. In an unexpected circumstance, all of the following emails were sent to Mars Kaynich.
I DO NOT EXPECT FORGIVENESS. (dated the night he left)
I will not blame you if you never speak to me again. We did not part... amicably. You did not come with me and that cannot be held against you. To leave would have been an immense risk and required you to abandon everything. It hurts and I am angry. About many things, at many people... angry with you, though you do not deserve it. At myself, most of all. I am afraid, too.
After all that we have done, Skayn, I cannot stand by the Empire any longer. We followed orders well and in doing so, took the lives of innocents and destroyed their homes. And yet I dare to desire a home for us. I dare to want a peaceful life. I do not deserve it. Loathe me all you will, call me a coward if you must. I will not deny it.
You did not see what I saw. There were children. Crying in the ruined streets for relatives crushed beneath the destruction we wrought. But the killing did not stop. It never stops. Some would demand my death as payment, say it would bring justice to the families I helped to destroy. That, I believe I would deserve. But I am a coward. I chose to run, despite having nowhere to go, and in doing so left behind the only person who truly cared for me.
I am sorry. Goodbye.
THE IRONY IS AGONIZING (dated one week after the crash)
Fate is a wretched creature. I crashed the ship I stole. And who is it that comes to the wreckage to aid me, to offer me sanctuary? A Jedi! I allowed him to take me back to the Temple. They are training the next generation here. I doubt they would allow me to remain if they knew what have I done.
I did not tell them. I have nowhere else to go. They seem to believe I am an unusual looking Pantoran. It had been a long night, I did not have the will to correct them. It is better if they believe that anyway.
It has been a been a week since I crashed here. They gave me time to recover but I am speaking to the one in charge tonight. Seeing the trainees... it reminds me of our time in the academy. It makes me wonder, if circumstances were different, what I could have become. If my family had not sought to suppress my connection to the Force or if the Empire provided a teacher to develop my power.
There are many things I regret, Skayn. Too many to count. Having met you will never be one of them.
THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK (dated one month after the crash)
I may have left the remnant but I cannot escape the Empire. I hear whispers of it, people discussing what the Empire has done. I hear the fear and the hatred lacing some of their voices. At the briefest mention of it, I feel sick. I hate the Empire for what it made us, for letting me believe we were in the right overall, despite some of our shortcomings, because we wished to protect society and maintain an orderly, peaceful world.
Then there is the guilt. I did those things. The Empire did not force me. I chose to follow my orders. And I loved the Empire for a time. It was my home, my family. How wretched am I to miss it, knowing what I do about the lives we destroyed in its name? I am both coward and traitor. A coward for not leaving sooner. Also a coward for not facing what I have done. And a traitor for abandoning my squadron – my family – no matter what the reason.
JEDI ARE NOT WHAT I ASSUMED. (dated two months after the crash)
It has been an interesting transition. I cannot stop seeing them as the enemy. Not fully. Not when they do not know who I once was. I am afraid of what will happen should they discover it.
But that said, the Jedi are simply people. Many species from many planets, living and training together. Just as anyone else, they get frustrated or sad. They can play jokes on one another, get excited, wish for things. They are not emotionless or cold.
This New Order of Jedi may even maintain meaningful relationships. I never wished to be a Jedi. I would still prefer to live somewhere quiet, at your side, and forget about fighting. But perhaps, perhaps I could come to accept this life.
YOU WOULD LIKE IT HERE (dated three months after the crash)
It is not so different from our squadron, the way people interact with one another. There is familiarity and warmth between them. You have always been good with people.
I hope the squadron is doing well. I hope you are doing well.
I AM STILL AFRAID (dated five months after the crash)
I never corrected those who called me a Pantoran. It feels as if I have waited too long now. It would be difficult to bring it up. There are others here who are ex-Imperials as well. And yet, despite seeing that those individuals are not shunned or banished, I still fear someone realizing. I fear that, somehow, I would be the exception. The one to be disposed of, tossed aside as trash and left to rot for the things I have done.
... Not to mention it makes bathing and getting changed bothersome. Thanks to that tattoo you had me get.
I LOVE YOU AND I MISS YOU (dated six months after the crash)
[This email has no text. Varawn left it at the subject line and then couldn’t think of anything more to say]
ON LIGHTSABERS (dated nine months after the crash)
I have been instructed to craft my own lightsaber. I am afraid to. Afraid to commit to this life as I am still lying to most of the people here. Afraid of what it will mean for me. I am afraid I do not deserve one. Allegedly, the color reflects something about you. I do not want to know what mine will say.
I HAVE A MISSION (dated eleven months after the crash)
A handful of us were chosen to guard someone important. That person selected us themselves. I am not a Jedi, not truly. And this person, I am confident they know the truth about me. So why select me? Why trust me? I have done nothing to deserve that faith, nothing to deserve this opportunity.
I do not want to go. If I leave this place, I may see you. And if I see you again... I have no idea what I might do.
FAR AWAY (the start of the campaign)
This planet is not one you would want to live on. It rains too often. But the cold air here reminds me of home somewhat. Csilla is cold. Korriban, too, is cold.
I AM CONCERNED (the start of the campaign)
The person we are protecting, who to my knowledge chose us all herself, stated that she is glad I was chosen for this. I am unsure what to think of that, but it is hardly the most significant problem we face.
There was someone here that we were not informed of and suspicious figures lingering. They attacked us later in the day, trying to abduct the individual in our care. They did not succeed.
Skayn, they were such an unusual species. Do you remember hearing rumors of Darth Vader having personal command over a very obscure warrior species from an unspecified planet? For some reason, I cannot shake the fear that these are related despite the captured assailant claiming to work for Saw Gerrera. I was under the impression Saw was dead.
Perhaps it is the lingering reminders of the Empire on this planet that has me on edge, perhaps I am thinking too much. I am worried about the woman we are protecting. She is a good person, truly. I am worried, too, that being surrounded by memories of the Empire like this will cause the mask to slip.
I cannot let them know. I have nowhere else to go should they cast me aside.
We stopped on a different planet to take care of some things. One of the others I am traveling with is a former Imperial soldier himself and yet seems to be treated no differently than the others. But at the thought of speaking of the past, it feels as if my throat is sealing itself. It becomes hard to breathe.
And if I thought for a moment that I might be able to tell them before, after seeing the New Republic’s memorial... how could I? The list of names is staggering. It makes me feel sick to think of it, Skayn. How many of the names etched into that plaque are there because of us? Because of me? How many grieved for them?
A companion, he lost family. Their names are on the memorial. They died when Tatooine was bombed. I... I do not know if our attack on Tatooine was the only one. I hope it was not, if only so that I can cling to the hope that perhaps it was not me who stole his family from him. Tatooine. We destroyed a city of innocents because what, there may have been a few rebels among them? Because they were mostly force users and Moff Hilcox could not risk them turning their power on us?
If that was such a concern, the Empire should have killed me too.
On the bright side, we think we found out where the assassins came from.
I have piloted several ships and smaller craft since I left the remnant. Each has pros and cons, of course, but I miss our starfighters. I remember hearing once that other Imperial pilots considered TIE Fighter pilots to be suicidal due because our starfighters were considered expendable. Perhaps it is true. I never considered it. All I know is there was never a more freeing, more thrilling feeling than flying a TIE Fighter into the vastness of space.
It was beautiful. And despite the dangers, despite how vulnerable the TIE fighters really are when flying out, I want to do it again.
Anyway, we are plotting to steal a ship. I am somewhat concerned that this will become a pattern. And I know, I know I should not be excited but... oh how I love to fly. It is one of the few things that still brings me happiness.
We secured the ship and have left the planet. We did not lose anyone. I am... relieved. Part of the goal had been to free someone who owed a debt to the crime lord we stole from. He is dead, she is not. She and her family are now able to live a peaceful life, if they wish.
I will write more once we have had some time to breathe.
My companion... co-worker? I do not know if I am allowed to call them friends. But one of them, the Jawa, has realized I am Chiss and not Pantoran. It is somewhat of a relief, to tell you the truth. That there is someone I can discuss my former home with. He will be teaching me the Jawa Trade Language, and I will in turn teach him Cheunh and Sy Bisti. He is brilliant. He baffles me but I wish to be able to work with my teammates more effectively and come to understand him. An intelligent and resourceful individual, he is an asset to the group.
The others are good, as well. Though I have not grown close to anyone yet. I fear I should not. That I would not be allowed to. A part of me wishes to call them my friends, to have with them what I had with our squadron, but that is not possible. Friends are no longer something I deserve.
I never it took it off. I knew that if I wished to hide myself, shield myself from questioning, I should have removed it. Perhaps even gotten rid of it entirely. But I could not bring myself to do so.
Today I was approached about it. I have no idea how to feel. To say that I am engaged feels wrong. I have not spoken to you in so long. Is it wrong of me to want to hold your hand once more? I miss our mornings together. Your coffee always tasted terrible, but if I were to taste it again, it would be the best coffee I have ever had.
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my3dartblog · 1 year ago
Diana is a cute and beautiful character with natural and detailed morphologies that make her more realistic and beautiful. Diana For Genesis 8/8.1 Female Zip contains: 1 Diana Head Apply/Rem1 Diana Body Apply/Rem1 Diana Full Apply/Rem 1 Character Preset G81 Character Preset G8.11 Navel apply/REM1 Nipple apply/REM1 Nail apply/REM1 Full IRAY Skin Material apply 1 Eyelash Material For G81 Eyelash Material For G8.1 18 Makeups (9 eyeliner ,9 no eyeliner + 1 default option)7 Lip Glossy Colors, + 1 default colour7 eye color options All are iray materials Requirements: Genesis 8 FemaleGenesis 8.1 FemaleDAZ Studio 4 with iray Pc system (not tested in mac) Compatible figures: Genesis 8 Female, Genesis 8.1 Female Software: DAZ Studio 4 With IRAY Coming soon: https://3d-stuff.net/ #daz3d #dazstudio #3drender #3dart #daz3dstudio #irayrender #3dartwork #blender #blenderrender #blenderart #noaiart #noaiwriting #noai https://3d-stuff.net/
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bamboomusiclist · 2 years ago
8/14 おはようございます。Aretha Franklin / Lady Soul Sd8176 等更新完了しました。
Toni Harper / Night Mood lpm2253 Lucy Crane / This is Always daagnim15 Hampton Hawes / Hampton Hawes Trio vol1 Trio C3505 Gene Ammons Sonny Stitt / We'll Be Together Again PRST7606 Howard Rumsey / Jazz Structures PHM200-012 Jonah Jones / Muted Jazz t-839 Buck Clayton Buddy Tate / Buck and Buddy Blow the Blues svlp2030 Paul Horn / Something Blue j615 Lester Young Harry Edison / Pres and Sweets Mgv8134 Dexter Gordon / Ca'purange prst10051 Small Faces / Small Faces LK4790 Jet Harris And Tony Meehan / Remembering rem1 Aretha Franklin / Lady Soul Sd8176 Aretha Franklin / Soul 69 sd8212 Erma Franklin / Her Name Is Erma BN619 John Sebastian / the Four of Us ms2041
~bamboo music~
530-0028 大阪市北区万歳町3-41 シロノビル104号
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thesandersinitiative · 3 years ago
Wow that sure is cool Remus but that's not an answer
"If I told you, it would ruin the surprise," Remus says. "And I love a good surprise! You'll have to promise me something just as good or better before I give up that juicy secret."
He winks at the camera, ignoring the electrifyingly murderous look that Roman is giving him. Something about what he said previously has his brother on edge far more than before, which doesn't bode well, considering "before" included Remus going on a murder and brainwashing spree.
Logan and Patton both seem to pick up on it too, if the shifting in their weight is any indication. Patton's gaze is firmly on Roman, watching him for any sign that his emotions will take him back to another extended cold water nap, but Logan is looking to the cockpit. His AI, REM1 jumps into existence throwing finger guns at his charge. "Landing in one minute. Notified all the SHIELD teams to be aware of the crazy psycho god we are letting waltz onto the hightech ship-- wow I will take "sentences I never thought I was going to have to say for 500"."
"Aw," Remus coos. "That's adorable. You think I'm crazy."
"Babes, I don't think. I know."
"Remy," Logan says, warningly.
"I'm churning the numbers, bitch," Remy says. "All those fucking people--"
The plane lands, jostling them all in the process. Roman stumbles a step grabbing a portion of the plane ceiling to keep from falling over. Patton is standing up before the plane engines even begin powering down, smiling pleasantly in that way that's been on a million trading cards and promotional posters. Logan rolls his eyes behind him and grabs Remus by his arm and hauls him to his feet, positioning the god between him and Patton with Roman behind them.
When the loading door opens, there are at least three teams of trained SHIELD soldiers waiting to escort them.
Remus waves. To them, to the camera, to the last breath of fresh air he's hopefully ever going to get...
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seanchou77 · 6 years ago
Broken Prams
Death is the scariest thing you could dream about. For other people, it’s falling or being chased. But I hate dreaming about death. And I’ve dreamed of the worst kind - children dying, in the most violent ways. They get run over by trains or cars. I never see blood or their bodies properly. But there was one time when I saw a broken pram getting picked up from the side of the road and you could tell it was run over. It was goddamn awful.
Every beginning knows its own end. According to Sigmund Freud, without death, there wouldn’t be growth; the same growth principle which allows the organism to break out of the constancy principle must eventually resolve its ontological contradiction and die.
With that sentiment in mind, this essay will be discuss about death and what it means, inversely, for life. Discussions on death have taken place in a lot of quarters; while this essay will approach it through mainly a psychoanalytic lens, it will also borrow voices from philosophy and religion to add a more nuanced perspective.
Firstly, death is tied into long-held views about our mortality, impermanence and transitional status as human beings on earth. Whatever views we have on the after-life, it’s clear in our modern day, secular society such views do not hold traction for a lot of people.
Schopenhauer provides a modern perspective on death, through his transcendental metaphysical theory called, ‘will-and-representation’. Arthur Schopenhauer argued that everything in the world could be divided into subjects and objects, but that they were byproducts of an anonymous force called the ‘will’. This creates an active/passive binary, where ‘representations’ are byproducts of a ‘will’ which drives us as subjects; we feel this in our passions, desires and emotions.
As a result of will, we desire and suffer when our will is frustrated. Schopenhauer compared human beings to blind mole rats, digging underground without vision or directionality. This pointless suffering can drive us to despair, disappoint our expectations and leave our desires unfulfilled.
Schopenhauer argues instead we should accept the dissatisfaction of our will; instead of the temperamental and fickle nature of our will, we should accept pain as a constant and practise life through non-attachment. Only through aesthetic experience, in arts or music, could we temporarily transcend our direct experience of space and time towards a more perfect, timeless universe.
Schopenhauer must be understood for our next theoretical steps. To really understand Nietzsche’s work, he must be read in conversation with Schopenhauer. Friedrich Nietzsche followed Schopenhauer in his early 20s but then quickly abandoned him - he cried when he learned he had been living his youth like he was already old.
Nietzsche disagreed with Schopenhauer. He thought he was too pessimistic and neglected questions about power and self-transcendence. For Nietzsche, Schopenhauer was another example of a philosophical ascetic: self-denying the potential for human beings to live self-generative and flourishing lives through the will-to-power. According to Nietzsche then, our understanding of death shouldn’t be understood as just as certainty - this was true, as ‘God is dead’. But Nietzsche understood that it was a greater fault to live our lives as if we were already dead and deny our living potential; instead, we should embrace our heroic drives and attain the Superman status which exceeds previous horizons of outstanding achievement. Thus, through the transvaluation of all values, we can create new values.
The discussion between Schopenhauer and Nietzsche reveals several things about death. Firstly, we should be concerned about what it means for our phenomenological existence and selfhood; it can be self-defining and constructive of wider life missions. Furthermore, it could be understood as a self-transformative process, where the self achieves spiritual enlightenment (for Schopenhauer) or self-transcendence into Superman (for Nietzsche).
So far, the subject/object binary and notions of the self have been taken for granted.
Lacanian psychoanalysis can help to deconstruct these notions. Jean-Jacques Lacan introduced ‘mirror theory’ as a type of mimicry; Lacan argues that the self is introduced to the child during the ‘mirror stage’ between the age of six to 18 months, as an image or signifier which stabilises their notion of personal identity. The self therefore cannot be understood in isolation, but as a construct which must be stabilised within a wider language context of signified chains of meaning.
Julia Kristeva was interested in stages of child development prior to the mirror stage. Kristeva introduced the notion of the ‘semiotic’, of meaning as continuous, undemarcated and fluid - similar to the fluidity of a child being in the mother’s womb.
Both provide contrasting perspectives on death. Lacan argues that death should be accepted and internalised as the No-Thing; later on, Lacan replaced the ‘No-Thing’ with petit objet a (or the ‘object of desire’) and argued that jouissance helps us to overcome transitional, changing desires with permanent drive towards jouissance. For Lacan, drive is the horizon which already anticipates its death but envelops everything into a single plane.
Kristeva however suggests that death is one of many meaning-making exercises. We should be more interested in how the Other is constructed in opposition to the Self. The Self already recognises its death because it sees it in the Other and rejects the Other for that reason; the Abject Other suggests a fear of death is needed to stabilise a symbolic hierarchy of meaning. We could escape this instead by inverting, destabilising and playing with the meanings of things like death which would otherwise indicate notions of permanence and prescribe strict, disciplined action.
Lee Edelman helps us to understand how death can be queered. Death is an affront to heteronormative society, which builds a teleological narrative of families and future generations, who inherit what has been accumulated and preserved for the future. Edelman criticises the heteronormative assumptions of this narrative, which depend on the bio-power, reproductive force of straight, monogamous couples to perpetuate their lifestyles, at the exclusion and Otherising of alternative queer relationships.
Queer experience and identity can be constructed on alternative readings of death. Instead of death fitting into a linear timeline of marriage and having children, queerness means to explore alternative metonymies which can frame our identity: our creative pursuits can be our most powerful voices, but to also fundamentally retain our critical engagement skills to critique a heteronormative society which systematically excludes or assimilates us. Like Adonis, we are born through cycles of life and death and know no generation to inherit our legacy onto; our stories are tragic and beautiful.
But we could find an alternative understanding of death without pandering to pessimism. An an analogy in psychoanalysis on death runs like this: death is the bones which frames the flesh it upholds; without the hardness of death, our lives are supple, docile and lack self-definition.
Ernest Becker discusses this in his thoughts on heroism, as response to (and denial of) death. Becker argues for the need for genuine heroism where the individual is led, through self-acceptance and non-attachment, to accepting the reality of death but feeling inspired by the awe and opportunity of living even temporarily in the wide expanse of the universe and the mystery of the cosmos. We are not driven by the conformity of cultural heroism or the excess of personal heroism, but simultaneously humbled and driven to make the most of our time here.
Thus, this essay has touched on multiple perspectives on death. We could understand it as an elaboration of contradictions in our phenomenological experience; as a semiotic interplay between semantic systems of meaning; contrast desires and drives which arise from death; which lead ultimately to maturity, spiritual enlightenment and acceptance which opens our abilities to self-flourish and be responsible towards others.
I’ve had moments when I’ve been too scared to say anything or do anything.
I just feel so self-conscious, like my face is burning and my palms creasing with sweat.
I feel like I’m always being judged and I’m scared I won’t be good enough. It’s moments like that when I don’t want to do anything at all; I just want to feel invisible and hide. Maybe it’s because it feels like I’ve already died inside. Everything now is just the excess you want to scrap off your plate and pretend you never asked for. Actually, I didn’t ask for any of this.
I want to escape from all my responsibilities.
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exetercitygraffiti · 7 years ago
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E to the X....
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beatrixl21 · 7 years ago
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Dude. Rem1 is ....djiskdkqjsidkdhjpdls
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my3dartblog · 1 year ago
Diana is a cute and beautiful character with natural and detailed morphologies that make her more realistic and beautiful. Diana For Genesis 8/8.1 Female Zip contains: 1 Diana Head Apply/Rem1 Diana Body Apply/Rem1 Diana Full Apply/Rem 1 Character Preset G81 Character Preset G8.11 Navel apply/REM1 Nipple apply/REM1 Nail apply/REM1 Full IRAY Skin Material apply 1 Eyelash Material For G81 Eyelash Material For G8.1 18 Makeups (9 eyeliner ,9 no eyeliner + 1 default option)7 Lip Glossy Colors, + 1 default colour7 eye color options All are iray materials Requirements: Genesis 8 FemaleGenesis 8.1 FemaleDAZ Studio 4 with iray Pc system (not tested in mac) Compatible figures: Genesis 8 Female, Genesis 8.1 Female Software: DAZ Studio 4 With IRAY Coming soon: https://3d-stuff.net/ #daz3d #dazstudio #3drender #3dart #daz3dstudio #irayrender #3dartwork #blender #blenderrender #blenderart #noaiart #noaiwriting #noai https://3d-stuff.net/
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docpresseesj · 5 years ago
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Les adjectifs numéraux cent et vingt prennent un s dans le cas où ils sont multipliés par un autre nombre et qu’ils “terminent” l’adjectif: deux cents, deux cent quatre-vingts…
depuis plus de sept cents ans
il y a presque quatre-vingts ans
Rem1. Il est également possible, en accord avec les Rectifications de l’orthographe, de lier par un trait d’union tous les éléments qui composent le nombre, sans exception.
sept-cents ans
Rem2. Il n’existe pas de règle universelle pour l’écriture des nombres en chiffres ou en lettres. On peut cependant recommander l’usage des chiffres pour les valeurs suivies d’une unité de mesure scientifique, les dates, les numéros de rue, etc.: 21 cm; 2 décembre 1966; 50 rue Gauthier-de-Châtillon...
Voir à ce sujet la Banque de dépannage linguistique.
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thesandersinitiative · 4 years ago
What do your other non-lethal AI do? Can they talk like REM1
“Does it matter?” Remy whines, and Logan shuts his mouth with a sigh before he can get a word out, “It’s not like they can do anything I can’t. Well, except for my grandkid.”
“What Remy means to say,” Logan interjects, adjusting his glasses, “Is that every time I program a new AI he copies part of their code to take over their programmed duties to make them ‘obsolete.’ The only reason he does not do so for the first AI I created, a robot he dubbed Dum-E, is because he incorrectly views it as my child.”
There’s a sound of a shuffle and muffled protest, as Thomas’s com is yanked out of his ear. 
“Wow,” Virgil says, into the microphone, “That’s both sad and pathetic.”
“Just like your Mom!” Remy cries indignantly, and Virgil snorts.
“Wow, sick come back,” He drones, “And totally wrong. She’s actually dead and decomposing.”
Patton hisses through his front teeth, and Thomas’s sigh is audible as he retrieves the comm unit from Virgil. 
“Can we please leave the mothers out of this?” Thomas asks, to no response. A heavy silence permeates the plane. 
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garteaya-blog · 8 years ago
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"SF Rem1" @almubg #drawing #mixedmedia #abstraction #abstractart #abstracto #art #arte #abstraction #painting #pintura #colors #colores #comisariado #curator #artdealer #dealer #exposición #artexhibition #gallery #artgallery #galería #almudenablanco #informalismo #informalism #expresionismo #impresionante #imprescindible #emergentartist #emergentes #bilbao (en Mar Mediterraneo S/n 48015 Bilbao)
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其中,哈佛大學醫學院神經生理學教授艾倫•霍布森(J Allan Hobson)和羅伯特•麥卡利(Robert McCarley)於1976年首次提出了關於夢的神經學理論。該理論研究認為,人腦的某些區域在睡眠期間被激活後產生脈衝。一旦人腦中的這些區域被激活形成脈衝後,涉及情緒、感覺和記憶的邊緣系統,包括杏仁體��海馬體,將變得十分活躍。當外部環境發生變化對人體產生物理或精神上的刺激,這些信號反饋到大腦後,就產生了“夢”。必利勁 威而鋼 犀利士 德國黑螞蟻 壯陽藥 春藥 催情藥 男性增大丸必利勁Priligy® 威而鋼VIAGRA® 犀利士Cialis® 樂威莊Levitra® 萬力可WLIK® 德國黑螞蟻生精片治療男性ED 陽痿 早洩 性冷感 陰莖短小 勃起無力 全面恢復持久戰鬥力
1953年芝加哥睡眠實驗室的兩位學者第一次提出,人體睡眠過程並非單相的生理行為,而是分為快速眼球運動期(Rapid Eyes Movement,REM)和非快速眼球運動期(Non-Rapid Eyes Movement, NON-REM)。
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grusik · 7 years ago
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Rem1 • Orest by Startape PhotoGraff http://flic.kr/p/6PCEvJ
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