#religious dialogue 👋👋
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mostlyghostlyy · 4 months ago
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damascenery · 2 years ago
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hi there! 👋 my name's cozy, and this blog of mine started as a dialogue dump and evolved into a bookblr, writeblr, post-graduation studyblr of sorts. basically, it's just a place for me to be a nerd about the things i love to learn about, which is everything, so really you never quite know what you're gonna get. it's an adventure for both of us 🧡
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what do you read?
mostly fantasy, but i do hope to expand my horizons a lot! in terms of fiction, i want to get more into mystery (cozy and traditional), horror, historical fiction, political thrillers, romance, and middle grade lit. in terms of nonfiction, i really like learning about anything, so the sky's the limit! i'm a biologist, so definitely anything within that realm, but i also enjoy math and tech and other sciences (from a much more layman perspective though lol). i also really want to study more history, especially in west asia bc that's where i'm from and i want to learn more about my heritage! also poetry, philosophy, psychology, politics, sociology/social justice, linguistics, and a smidgen of theology (exposure therapy for the religious trauma). so! a super wide range. i especially try to prioritize diversifying my reading, so i'm always open to book recs!
what do you write?
i write pretty sporadically, but i primarily am writing fanfics right now. i dabble in whatever interests me, but the large projects i have gathering dust brewing right now are for the elder scrolls and for a crossover hilda/gravity falls fic (i have quite the range). i do hope to eventually get back into original writing, and i've got more plot bunnies than i can count, but most of them revolve around arabian mythology and west asian historical fiction/magical realism. most of my writing (fic and original alike) has themes of racial and ethnic oppression, solidarity in the face of hardship, grey morality, the importance of hope, good old fashioned power of friendship, and general anti-nihilist, anti-colonial, anti-doomer shit. also lots of romance and found family, because i'm galaxy brained like that.
i might also occasionally write essays or things compiling some info on a topic of interest if the adhd hyperfocus mode makes me go insanely deep in a rabbit hole.
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currently reading
emily wilde's encyclopedia of faeries by heather fawcette
flamefall by rosaria munda
how to read now by elaine castillo
fresh banana leaves: healing indigenous lands through indigenous science by dr. jessica hernanzdez
the 100 years war on palestine by rashid khalidi
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dinandgone · 4 years ago
Fic Recommendations pt 5:
Hi 👋 , well it’s that time of the week again and I am determined to keep this a weekly occurrence, so without further ado, here are some of the writers whose works I’ve been loving recently. Please go and show them all the love they deserve! 🥰
Quick Disclaimer: A few of these fics are 18+ so as always if you are a child the door is there➡️🚪 , please close it on your way out, thanking you. Individual warnings are on the fics themselves. 
Stiches(Series)~ (Din Djarin x F!Reader) by @djarinsbeskar - I’ve recently started re-reading this series because it’s just that good. The tension in the first few chapters is honestly just 😚🤌. But also the way she develops the reader and Din’s relationship is done so beautifully. You can find her main masterlist here. 
Rogue(Series)~ (Din Djarin x F!Reader) by @acourtofsnakes - Another beauty that I have reread recently. I just... this series is one of those that you can binge and just pull an all nighter reading because it’s 25 chapters of hotness fluffiness and just ah the talent shines through. You can find her main masterlist here. 
It’s Nothing Serious(Series)~ (Javier Peña x OC!Reader) by @yourfangirlfriend - Okay so when I read this fic I couldn’t comprehend why in Satan's name does it not have more notes! I usually don’t really read OC reader stuff. But when I say this fic is the shit I mean it! The dialogue, the plot and the 🔥spiciness🔥in between is just so so good. 
It will always be you(Oneshot)~ (Din Djarin x gn!reader) by @manndo - I love this fic with all of my heart. The softness of the fluff is just spectacular. It shows an immense amount of skill to portray such depth in a relationship in as little as 2k words, ah my heart. You can find her main masterlist here. 
Call It A Secret(Series)~ (Helmut Zemo x F!Reader) by @clints-lucky-arrow - Oh boy where do I begin. After reading this I did need a couple of millennia to pick my jaw up off the floor and gather my thoughts. I just... yes that’s it. It was indeed that good.  
Honourable mention to the most recent chapter of The Nomad(Series) ~ (Din Djarin x reader) also written by the lovely Mack (@clints-lucky-arrow ) She’s that good that she gets mentioned twice! This chapter blew me away as per usual. What more can I say? Other than that Mack you deserve a medal, a hug and a break for all the beauteous writing that you’ve produced in the past week. You can find her main masterlist here.
The Best Things Dwell Out Of Sight(Series)~ (Din Djarin x Reader) by @beskar-cowboy - I... this fic had me feeling so many things. The way she writes is just amazing, each chapter is perfectly paced and balanced, which might I add takes a whole lot of talent. You can find her main masterlist here. 
Burning Bright(Series)~ (Oberyn Martell x F!Reader) by @tropes-and-tales - I think I found this fic when it was three or four chapters in, now its at chapter nineteen and I’ve been following it religiously. It has a bit of everything really fluff, angst, romance and conflict. Honestly, I don’t care how the actual programme canon goes, for me this fic is it. End of. You can find their main masterlist here. 
Lost Faith, Pt 2~ (Din Djarin x Reader) by @arduadastra - Oh the pining in this fic is so unbelievably good and I am here for it all the way, I honestly can’t wait for more, I honestly don’t know why it doesn't have more notes because it’s a masterpiece. You can find her main masterlist here. 
Something More(Series) (Din Djarin x F!Reader) by @amiedala - I binged this entire series in a day a few days ago and never have I ever been more willing to sacrifice sleep in order to catch up on a fic. It’s one of those where you start reading it and you finish a chapter but you see that there’s another one after it and you think okay one more, before you know it it’s 3am and you’ve read one of the best fics out there. It’s honestly... ah the attention to detail and the development of the relationship between Din and the reader is *chefs kiss*  You can find her main masterlist here. 
Bit more than last week as you can tell I’ve had a little more spare time to read, So don’t forget to show these wonderful writers all the love and support they deserve. 💕
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altanjhungid · 5 years ago
I’m doing this wrong, but I don’t care. This is a good point of reflection for any writer, almost every one of these people should answer.
🙌 : When did you start RPing?
I think... In the early 2000s, in Asheron’s Call.
👋: Did you ever think about quitting? Why or why not?
Sometimes. When I’m feeling down about RP, it typically revolves around feeling like I encounter the same characters, reactions, and plotlines ad nauseum with very little deviation. Pattern recognition can be very depressing. RP is a lot of sifting through repetition seeking out your niche. This is especially hard when what you want (weighty, unpredictable, humanizing, morally complex, frequent) isn’t the most prevalent style of writing (slice of life, animeish, moralizing) and you’ve been doing it for so long that novelty is hard to grasp.
💬 : What community did you start RPing in?
Asheron’s Call.
🎉 : What’s your favorite part of RPing?
Laying down infrastructure; slow burns, building, etc.
🎬 : Have you ever done script-style RP?
I have not.
📝 : What’s your go-to: Paragraph RP or one line RP?
Depends on the scene. I find writing paragraphs at all times tends to dampen immersion. When I’m doing dialogue, I want quick-snappy posts, but even then I try to do a few sentences and give an idea of body language. I should note that I dislike omniscient third-person perspectives; I don’t want to know what your character is thinking from what you write; I want the hints of expression that first person experience gives. Ambiguity is a large part of what makes writing enjoyable to me.
👀 : What’s something that you dislike writing yourself, but love seeing others handle?
Uhh... female characters? I don’t think I can do them justice. I could describe some kink-based stuff, but who really wants to hear that.
📂 : How would you describe your character in two sentences?
Kuzhuk - A very smart man with an interest in the application of aetherochemical sciences and other allagan technology to the intersection between technology and psychology. Also his parents probably would’ve been serial killers if they lived in civilization and not on the Steppe, but they did not treat him poorly.
Ezen - Religious zealot turned atheistic, humanist free-paladinesque crusader with plenty of rough edges and regrets. Constantly growing more emotionally intelligent, but still behind the curve.
Wyatt - Ex-pirate and recovering addict who has recently lost the ability to enter an altered state of consciousness from external chemical influence entirely. What’s gonna happen? Let’s find out.
🧣 : Is there a fashion style you think your character would be good in, but they’d never wear it IC?
Kuzhuk dresses ornately and in mostly vibrant cloth with an emphasis on fashion and comfort. Ezen is a utilitarian who wears dark clothing designed for quick movements in combat. Wyatt doesn’t think about fashion. For the most part they’d all look good in each other’s clothing, but it doesn’t fit the character.
📜 : How numerous are your character’s flaws? Are they severe? Do you have trouble writing them?
I think my characters tend to be more flawed than the average roleplayer’s. I ascribe to the philosophy that flaws make for interesting characters, but only if they’re substantive and actually result in unflattering behavior that causes them to lose something that they/you value. I see a lot of characters with “job interview” flaws like “I work too hard” and others still that have flaws which are really just mechanical disadvantages. Because roleplay is fundamentally social, I just don’t think it counts as a flaw unless your character pays a social price for that flaw. Flaws shouldn’t ultimately benefit your character or what’s the point?
👟 : What’s something mundane about your character that you adore?
Kuzhuk and Ezen’s verbal mannerisms are fun to write for distinctly opposite reasons. I love toying with elegant elaboration and succinct summation. Wyatt’s voice in my head is really amusing.
🛑 : What’s a giant turnoff for you in regards to RP etiquette?
Players that are too attached to their characters. When writers are really obsessed with the righteousness of their creation, they tend to bend rules and do unpleasant things.
❌ : Do you think it’s fine for a mun to refuse to RP with someone because they dislike them IC or OOC?
You have a right to avoid another person for any reason.
⚠️ : How do you handle metagaming?
Not well. I’m not very good at being confrontational, so usually I just kind of roll my eyes OOC and try to avoid that pain point again.
🔊 : How important do you stress OOC communication? What things do you want communicated? Do you prefer things to be kept a surprise or do you like planning things out?
I prefer to communicate as little as possible. I like organic writing that’s driven solely by what makes sense.
💥 : Has anyone ever escalated IC problems with your character OOC?
This has happened to everyone, whether they know it or not. It’s super common in RP. Depressingly so.
👊 : Have anyone taken OOC issues with you IC? What happened?
This I don’t think has happened to me much? I don’t have problems with people OOC generally. I like to get along with other people and even when my interests aren’t compatible with theirs, I try to keep in mind that we’re all just people trying to have a good time because that’s the truth of it. I may be picky in who I choose to write with at times, but I have encountered very few RPers that are actually bad people.
🤝 : Do you like to have all bodily interactions with your character to be asked for beforehand or do you prefer to go along with it?
The only time I like conditional-tense writing is when it’s prompting a choice for me to make about such interactions.
👥 : Do you prefer being friends with someone OOC before you start RPing with them?
Nah. I prefer the opposite usually. I don’t like social pressure OOC interfering with IC.
🌇 : What feelings do you aim for with your writing? Dreamy and romantic? Or dark and grounded? What do you try to create with your prose?
Grounded in interpersonal reactions, high-concept in overall plot. I love exploring esoteric ideas.
🌾 : Do you like a lot of scenery description or do you like to keep it simple? Any reason for it?
I try to keep it simple usually. I’m just not that great at writing descriptions of inanimate things.
🔭 : What are some tropes you really like using? Any you like seeing as opposed to writing it yourself?
I love playing eccentric, flamboyant characters most of all. I really love when other writers play disagreeable women. I don’t mean sassy; I’m not really into the whole sas-catte thing.
⌚ : What’s the longest period of time you’ve spent on a single RP? Was it in one sitting? Did it take place over the span of a few days/weeks/months?
I don’t know if I can answer that. I’ve been RPing in FFXIV now for like, 5 years and all of my characters are part of the same continuity?
🖋️ : Do you find dialogue harder than prose or vice versa? How much? Are they about the same?
Dialogue is much easier for me.
👣 : Which PoV do you prefer to write from? 1st Person, 2nd Person, 3rd Person?
Third person limited!
🤔 : Do you speak another language, and if so, have you ever tried writing a story in it?
I’m only fluent in english.
💫 : Have you noticed any large stylistic changes between your writing from when you first started vs how you write now?
I’m always trying to get better at the things I’m bad at. Physical description is an ongoing struggle that I feel like I’m winning more and more these days, but I’m probably just settling into a routine.
🔜 : Are you guilty of overusing a comma?
By the technical rules of writing, probably. But I don’t care about rules. My writing is 100% feel. This really only comes out with punctuation for the most part though.
⏭️ : Did you ever struggle with linebreaks? Why?
See above.
Neat questions!
Roleplayer Ask Meme
🙌 : When did you start RPing?
👋: Did you ever think about quitting? Why or why not?
💬 : What community did you start RPing in?
🎉 : What's your favorite part of RPing?
🎬 : Have you ever done script-style RP?
📝 : What's your go-to: Paragraph RP or one line RP?
👀 : What's something that you dislike writing yourself, but love seeing others handle?
📂 : How would you describe your character in two sentences?
🧣 : Is there a fashion style you think your character would be good in, but they'd never wear it IC?
📜 : How numerous are your character's flaws? Are they severe? Do you have trouble writing them?
👟 : What's something mundane about your character that you adore?
🛑 : What's a giant turnoff for you in regards to RP etiquette?
❌ : Do you think it's fine for a mun to refuse to RP with someone because they dislike them IC or OOC?
⚠️ : How do you handle metagaming?
🔊 : How important do you stress OOC communication? What things do you want communicated? Do you prefer things to be kept a surprise or do you like planning things out?
💥 : Has anyone ever escalated IC problems with your character OOC?
👊 : Have anyone taken OOC issues with you IC? What happened?
🤝 : Do you like to have all bodily interactions with your character to be asked for beforehand or do you prefer to go along with it?
👥 : Do you prefer being friends with someone OOC before you start RPing with them?
🌇 : What feelings do you aim for with your writing? Dreamy and romantic? Or dark and grounded? What do you try to create with your prose?
🌾 : Do you like a lot of scenery description or do you like to keep it simple? Any reason for it?
🔭 : What are some tropes you really like using? Any you like seeing as opposed to writing it yourself?
⌚ : What's the longest period of time you've spent on a single RP? Was it in one sitting? Did it take place over the span of a few days/weeks/months?
🖋️ : Do you find dialogue harder than prose or vice versa? How much? Are they about the same?
👣 : Which PoV do you prefer to write from? 1st Person, 2nd Person, 3rd Person?
🤔 : Do you speak another language, and if so, have you ever tried writing a story in it?
💫 : Have you noticed any large stylistic changes between your writing from when you first started vs how you write now?
🔜 : Are you guilty of overusing a comma?
⏭️ : Did you ever struggle with linebreaks? Why?
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