#relentless excution
puyogho · 2 years
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Just Like Old Times| Rex
I should probably start putting like "rex x reader' so ya'll know what your reading lmao
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"General! General Y/n!"
Y/n stopped in her tracks, turning her head, the sun almost gone on Coursaunt, Rex stood in the light, the doors to the Jedi Temple behind him, while the Shadow from the temple incased her and the stairs behind her.
Rex stood there, panting heavily, the news of General Y/n L/n leaving the Jedi order spread worse than wild fire and a plauge. It had gotten to the barracks within seconds of being said.
Rex had just caught her in time as she was leaving.
He had grown attached, he had grown to love Y/n , and she knew that. She knew the feelings Rex harbored for her and she harbored them as well.
They're relationship kept a secret, for a long time, and still was.
"General you don't have to leave!" Rex argued, "Please- I-"
Turning herself around fully she walked towards him, standing at the edge of the Shadow.
"Why- Tell me why!" Rex begged walking forward meeting her half way.
"Rex..." Y/n spoke reaching a hand out, carassing his cheek, " my moral code is so much more diffrent than the jedi code..."
"So that's why your leaving?" He asked, tears struggling not to fall out his eyes.
"Its wrong. The way everything is treated. Is going...its not human." Y/n responded, "nothing about the Jedi council is human."
"Then leave the council. But stay. With me." He responded hand holding her hand which carassed her cheek.
"Rex. We believe in two diffrent things." Y/n spoke with a solemn smile, "You in honor, and loyalty."
"And what? You don't believe in them?" Rex asked, "you don't believe in me?"
"I'll always believe in you." She responded rubbing his cheek with a thumb, "truth be told your the only bit of hope I have left...and- because I need to leave- I don't want to leave. But I have to...and that means...I have to leave you."
"Please. Not another one..." Rex begged, "not you...out of all people not you!"
She pulled away from him, he still gripping her hand but she pulled from it softly.
"Its just my time." Y/n spoke, "but remember. Just because Im gone. Doesnt mean Im not with you. There is always hope if you believe in that."
Rex watched her walk away, another one he loved so dearly.
This one was diffrent. His lover gone- the one keeping him grounded for so long.
Rex somehow pushed through it. He didnt understand how but he did- and with Ashoka's return a while after he found himself looking over a little sister again.
Rex did share his pain with her, telling Ashoka of where his lover had gone and that she wasnt coming back. It was only the calm before the storm as order 66 was excuted. The two luckily escaping together by the tip of there noses.
It was finally they had to go there own ways. Rex had made his way around, running into some old friends, clone force 99, wolfee and Gregor. Maybe not all at the same time, but was happy to know that there was hope out there, meanwhile he never did forget about Y/n. He figured thats where the hope came from, the idea she was still out there. Even as he aged he contuied to remember her. Sure old with a gray beard and all.
He never knew you'd show up once more.
"Master- I can call you Master Y/n? Right?" Ezra asked as Y/n chuckled.
"Yes young one. Y/n will suffice though." Y/n smiled, even though she wasnt a Jedi, she'd atleast let him have idea of what it was like to be a Padawan.
"So. Master Y/n," Ezra spoke as Y/n sighed, this young boy was relentless, "You seemed to know Ashoka before hand did you?"
"I did." Y/n responded taking a seat across from Ezra on the Phantom, "Very well. But...I left the Jedi order."
"Why?" Ezra inquired.
"During the Clone wars, many clones were killed. They were discarded like trash. It started on Umbara. My master had sent both forces of clones against each other. The clones were like family. But they turned on the Jedi in the end," Y/n told, "I left before the order was excuted. I had left because my morals over threw my Jedi judgement. The jedi council did some bad things to some good people, and the clones were forced to excute things such as Order 66 and 37."
"Order 37?" Ezra asked.
Y/n nodded, "It was a day I knew what I was part of wasn't me. And that I'd never stand with the Republic again, thats all I wish to say about it."
Ezra frowned as Y/n crossed her arms, as the ship landed. The others getting out as Y/n rubbed her temple.
"He means no harm." Kanan told.
"I know." Y/n spoke, "i havent heard the word Master since talking to the masters at the high council."
Kanan put a hand on her shoulder as she nodded, him leaving the small ship as Y/n sat in her thoughts. She had been through a lot. Met the Bad Batch along the way, blew up one of Maul's spice ships.
She'd have to apologize for that one day-
Fought Maul, and a new character named Vader, just to realize, Vader was indeed an old friend Anakin. That devastated her even morez but somehow she was alive- maybe not well- but alive.
"They're clones!"
Y/n's entire body went into immediate action, rushing out of the phantom and pushing the boys aside as she looked up at the walker.
"General Y/n!?" Wolfee asked.
"Its General Y/n! Would you look at that!" Gregor laughed, "I knew you were still kicking! Rex! It's General Y/n!"
Y/n was frozen as she stared up at him, he had aged- but that was Rex alright.
"Well...General... it is a surpise..."
"Commander." Y/n responded smiling up at him, "you look like absolute shit."
He chuckled rubbing the back of his neck, "I guess I do don't I. Look at you!"
Y/n responded back with her own chuckle, "I suppose it just like old times huh?"
"I suppose it is."
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78elite-blog · 7 years
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Our CEO, Darryl Lyle, being recognized for 78 Elite’s amazing work over the last year. 
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exyzuk · 5 years
Ed Woodward facing defining summer at Manchester United
Ed Woodward facing defining summer at Manchester United
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This summer could prove a defining one at Old Trafford – not just for Manchester United but for excutive vice chairman Ed Woodward.
They have seen Liverpool pull away at the top and Manchester City continue their almost relentless pursuit of silverware.
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is under fierce scrutiny as United remain adrift of the Champions Leagueplaces, but there is more than just the…
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twes2000 · 5 years
Discussion about employment and employers.
Talks started years ago about if employers know how to ask questions and if they know how to read employment, sheets without person as it was brought to question about attitudes. In 1997 talk in circles about employers and there decisions as employment agencies around United States Questioned business and there activaties.
first off in the talks you walk in first thing you feel is pressure, there shouldn’t be any and the fact that it’s there means employer doesnt’ know how to interview. let alone read resume.! cause sure were all nervous and make it known if you are but insure person starter questions might be needed to remove such pressure. Or Simple conversation to make it easier to ease tension.
With talk it was concluded in such, with this can cause the person to say things in mis-step and cause interview to go on bad conversation or miss understanding of person.
Let alone why they in some people, in  thinking pick wrong person first off is which works cause there use to work load coming with the problem.  In it way around are you religious. ? “ few conversations alot of employers don’t  like to talk about let alone highly since mostly in being warned or written warning leads to spiritual fight or something have to do with another person in no touch non touch situation like magic. bad question let them include it as hobby cause doesn’t belong in work. practice like being nice and being social in work they can exist but god in work were religion and marriage and weddings are outlawed and were person not any of these are fended outside the prison before here incarcerated.
so hold your saying i’m looseing it ok but think about constuition and everything from work to home to other things you keeping to yourself. Problem with  is truthfulness in what was originally written. So when you do the research You find different answer by law this which can not be excuted by that of thing they know nor membered too for if this is done such your make aggreement done in secret that is relentless to your wants.
Asking about past employment are you looking for good in people or bad cause 75 percent interviewed said it felt bad and number of interviews good were on lower average cause it was more like going back thru incident . Based on bad interviews as  bad if turns bad thats on employee not employer but in other ways based on another employer. Which legally can’t be discriminateing  on employer or employee but if the employer did then it can be sayed it happened.
yes a past employer or employee can be sued or arrested in any field for discrimination of current interviews that are damageing to person. like market research of you own self opinion.
So when employ has a bad history but needs a job, then interview in alot of ways can be expunged , and they just set boundaries and limits for some thing as it required for companys that are legal by law to do with employee’s if it go’s outside policy.  So as a company we have to over all the decision and make sure it doesn’t violate company policy or international law  and since wether you beleive it or not simple basis law which is law which there thousands of law for normal people and disabled people.
Far as independents that say not big deal alot of them over look bigger discrimination practices that they end up allow.
Overall in law how do we handle people that can’t work in government go’s to UN for a decision and exception. which paper work follows. Cause judges aren’t last answer out there. or only answer and connection with people and other agency will let you know if UN is write or wrong or if what they put online and signed can damage you and them.
first thing in being boss i’m going generalize the phrase for reason is for fact of talking about it so you gotta use little smarts when i mess up in words or the one thing you don’t do and know it. ! Ask question  “ what do i mean “ and copy question back in reply. !
Question : employee says in past life i was a carpenter but was he?
test him out or he can prove it. if proven it with tools supplied then you got a 50/100 employee which means you can start at minium wage assumeing he past all test.payrate miniuem . so this employee is flexable in how he learn so thats noted. because of how he learned so resume there 102 employers it was sent too well and he worked is impressive and could be looked at easy in 50 years that he moved around and had busy time or hard time with imployment.   But was willing to fail and learn the job and it doesn’t seem to bother them but is more likely on there nerves with that number of jobs. So be easy and try not to break that last nerve while questioning. Since job market is that unstable.
In this also means employee can be trained and is adaptive to training were some with careers are only career minded which isn’t first on list it’s wether the i need  books study and further training can in learn. but in that of people who excell by little training save company time and money and value, hours of them willing to learn on there own, and even if it’s same as online college can learn by reading without a teacher which for company is invalueable.
Programable people wether in company or corporation are in valueable but one’s who need the needy side of being seen heard class to go to don’t mean there invalueable means they can cause hardship to get or become in the required training. So it means bachlor degree student who class’s out at the wrong level of bachlor which is not a course level how smart they are.
so In nice way your were shown truth which backed up by truth and lie in college. Were people questioned if they were being told truth.so if you didn’t catch what i was saying bachlor is not a class or level in college. so show’s how far some colleges that  may teach good or not aren’t very reliable.
sorry about accent but make it easy for non english speaking people to understand what being said as well as english people who problem understanding words and how to make sentences.
Continues  as this is on going on conversation and topic.
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