#release lessons
levia-chan · 3 months
I had such a funny thought running through my head. I know that it has already been written about, but I will post this post anyway.
Just imagine: The MC were sitting doing something in the living room, the brothers were there too, in general, everyone was doing their own thing.
And at some point, the MC are like, "Hmm, I'm all numb. It is necessary to stretch out" and begin to crunch the limbs, the back. They get a kick out of it, but there was a deathly silence in the living room.
After a few seconds, the brothers are in a panic, because, oh my devil, man, did you just break your back?!? And hands with a neck?!?!?! What should we do?!??! You're going to die!!!
MC would probably be sitting with such a face "🤨", and Solomon would be laughing somewhere in the corner of the room at the ignorance of the brothers.
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haptronym · 1 year
A while back, there was a manga page explaining that Izuku does a "gear-shifting" hand motion while using his Gear Shift quirk in order to help visualize the move. And the person who taught him to do this? None other than All Might, king of "visualization" exercises.
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Of course, my very first thought upon seeing this was "ALL MIGHT GAVE IZUKU DRIVING LESSONS." And so I drew upon my own many tragic experiences learning to drive stick shift.
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And then... we recently learned the secret of All Might's cool car. One has to wonder how obvious it was...
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there's a moment in lesson 45 of nightbringer where mc falls off a thing (again?? is this foreshadowing?? i'm going to rule-of-three this and wait to see if it happens again) and satan tries and fails to grab their hand to catch them, but now i'm imagining the same thing happening with satan and ik except he does succeed, but it's her right hand and the prosthetic just POP comes straight off
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cnl0400 · 1 year
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finnick002 · 1 month
I personally think that we Wyll fans should collectively stop asking (or, in some cases, begging) some artists and modders for Wyll stuff or including Wyll in their works. If they keep leaving him out, it's an obvious hint what they think of him and what kind of people they might be. By constantly asking, you're only making them feel good about the fact that their works is desired by you, and they'll continue to ignore you until they hit you with either "go play another game if you want a Black protagonist" type of outright racist shit or "people keep asking me to make Wyll stuff so I'm doing it this one time" type of reluctant and condescending response.
This also applies to Larian. They've already given us obvious hints by the way they keep ignoring us while rushing to respond to other fans' feedback and demand. Couldn't even bother to mention him at all in the latest stats. There's no way in hell they don't see our feedback or don't know what they're doing. They. Just. Don't. Care!!
I'd rather spend my energy and money on supporting people who do care about characters of color and especially Black characters. There are plenty of creators who do. As for studios, none of the major ones seem to have a good record in this regard. I'm super intrigued by the upcoming Dragon Age game and Assassin's Creed game just for the fact that both have a dark-skinned Black protagonist with Afrocentric features and beautifully styled and textured hair. It's a good start and I see their efforts, but I'll wait for the reviews from people I trust, cuz BioWare and Ubisoft both have displayed anti-Blackness before.
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nerozane · 1 year
Something you can definitely tell with a lot of talk with the Devs development with Astarion's story, to Wyll's story. Wyll's rewrite was crunched to the point a new actor had to come in for him (the EA actor for Wyll is a theatre actor and judging timelines on the rewrite, if he's in a production he's Def locked in for months at a time plus preparation and rehearsals). Compare to Astarions story arc, where the writer was allowed to mull and write the best stuff in parts where he was stuck writing for astarions arc. And have some long term input from Neil.
And I can't help but feel sad. Because both EA Wyll and release Wyll both deserved to have time to stew and mull and have input from both actors to how his character arc goes. And it just makes me sad that both players and larian had absolutely no faith in receiving/writing a black character. Or even the desire to take risks that the writer for astarion's arc took.
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toxycodone · 2 months
Imagine trying out handcuffs during sex and laios has you cuffed to the bed but he loses the key and you have to call Chilchuck to get you out
I honestly think I’d rather just be stuck there. Laios gonna have to gnaw at it until it breaks tbh.
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impish-ivy · 1 year
Why is Raphael now coming to the Devildom?
A theory on the reason why Raphael is just now coming to the Devildom and what it could mean.
Me and @melody-ruskin were talking about how much we wanted to punch Michael what else is new? and we ended talking about Raphael.
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In case you aren’t caught up to lesson 16 here’s the only thing you need to know. Raphael is coming to visit the Devildom.
And oddly enough Simeon and Luke, seem just as unaware as everyone else. Why else would Lucifer ask them to stay and listen to what he had to say?
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It’s especially odd that he’s coming now because Simeon and Luke have been in the Devildom for quite a bit now, over half the season. Luke and Simeon are visiting to see the ceremony for the founding of RAD and to represent the Celestial Realm, but why would Raphael be visiting? Surely two angels are enough to represent the Celestial Realm.
Here’s where the theorizing starts!
Raphael is a stickler for rules and angel morality and is not afraid of enforcing it. He’s been seen chasing the brothers around with a spear for minor offenses in Devilgrams in the OG app.
He’s also incredibly loyal to Michael, choosing to stay with him instead of following Lucifer. Given how close the two were that’s a big deal.
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Why go through the bother of sending another angel when he’s got two angels already in the Devildom? Luke himself idolizes Michael, surely he’d be more than willing to share information with him?
Here’s the thing, both Luke and Simeon have spent time in the Devildom and have gotten closer to the brothers. But more importantly they’ve gotten close to the two humans residing there.
I think Raphael is being sent by Michael to spy on Solomon and MC.
Raphael’s introduction video
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The biggest reveal here is that Raphael is a hit man.
Unfortunately, this character aspect seems to have been dropped as there is no mention of it outside of his introduction. So I don’t think he’s being sent to kill someone. unfortunately
I do think he’s being sent as an extra pair of eyes. A hit man would be an expert in espionage after all.
Michael makes it very clear in Lesson 13 that he does not like what MC is getting up to, outright threatening them. And promised if they were to go further in their plans they’d make an enemy of the Celestial Realm. And while incredibly odd that this supposed “past” version of Michael knows exactly who we are and our connection to the brothers, we’re not here to talk about that.
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Obviously Michael would wanna keep track of the two humans he thinks are siding with a very powerful demon. Heck he may even be wanting to keep an eye on Simeon, who has never been keen on following rules and is/was incredibly close with Lucifer.
So don’t be surprised if Raphael asks to live in Coctyus Hall.
Loud booing in the background from the Solomon stans
I nod sadly
💛 Self promotion time! 💛
Melody has had the idea to start a blog dedicated to theories about ObeyMe Nightbringer and has generously allowed me to join in on the fun! So if posts like these interest you check out @nightbringer-theories!
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yourlocalgrass · 4 months
Wait I’m soooo confused
The twitter post said that 8th June a teaser will be released, which is on youtube
So… it’s a teaser, not the actual lessons right?
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But the way they phrased it makes it sound like both ways 😭
And it’s already set as a premiere on youtube so I’m pretty sure it’s just the teaser?
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Die Toten Hosen - Blitzkrieg Bop (Ramones)
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freaky-flawless · 6 months
Oh, it is cruel to release highly sought-after dolls the day after a holiday.
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- Theory on Dazai's family -
- Why I think that Dazai is closely related to the former boss of the Port Mafia - A BSD analysis based on facts from the main manga series, the light novel "Bungo Stray Dogs: Dazai, Chuuya Age Fifteen" and the manga "Bungo Stray Dogs: Dazai, Chuuya Age Fifteen" -
Contains heavy spoilers for Dazai's backstory, the Dazai, Chuuya Age Fifteen manga and the Age Fifteen light novel
TWs: Dazai typical mentions of sewerslide, mentioned abuse, picture which shows a scene in a hospital explicitly
English isn't my first language so I apologize for any grammar mistakes.
Not completely proof read by now since I realized that I have a lot of homework while proof reading and panicked. Will be proof read in the next 24h.
Okay so I had this theory since I read the age 15 novel last year but I've never got around writing it down since some pieces were still missing.
In the following I will first talk about Dazai's relationship with Mori and showing parts of the age 15 novel to proof why they very popular theory that Mori is Dazai's father/a relative cannot be true. Afterwards I will talk about my theory that Dazai was already in Mafia, way before he met Mori before I will talk about my theory about why I think that Dazai is closely related to the former boss of the port mafia is either Dazai's father or a close relative like a grandfather or uncle and gonna show supporting proof from the BSD light novel "Dazai and Chuuya age 15", the BSD age 15 manga and the main BSD manga series.
1. Why Mori cannot be Dazai's father or a relative
Mori being Dazai's father or being directly related to him is a very popular opinion in the BSD fandom and which is very popular especially under anime onlys or new fans. To be honest, I had this theory too when I first started watching BSD but by now I am completely sure that this cannot be true.
Direct proof for this can be found in the BSD light novel "Dazai and Chuuya age 15" which reveals a lot about Dazai's and Chuuya's past in the Port Mafia as well as about some characters in general.
In this light novel it gets clear that Mori and Dazai are still pretty much strangers which are connected through the murder of the former boss of the Port Mafia. This also gets specifically stated in said novel on page 8 and page 7.
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As stated here, they've been brought together by common destiny.
On page 7 however, is a even better proof that they aren't related at all and it also gives out another very interesting information about Dazai's family.
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As stated here, on page seven, Dazai is "neither Mori's secret illegitimate child nor an orphan he adopted [...] ". I think that with this information, we can be pretty sure that Dazai isn't related to Mori at all. It also gets stated again that they are bound together by "common destiny" instead of any kind of relation.
Very interesting is, that it gets mentioned that Dazai isn't an orphan which Mori adopted since this information can be read in two ways. One option is, that he simply isn't adopted by Mori while the second option is, that he isn't an orphan at all. (English isn't my first language so I don't know if it can be read in only one way so feel free to correct me.)
The last proof for that Mori and Dazai aren't related to each other, can be found on page 9.
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The whole page makes clear, that Mori doesn't really know Dazai at all/ that he only knows him for only one year and that he only knows him on a "Coworker level". He isn't familiar with Dazai's way of thinking, speaking and acting. He simply cannot figure Dazai out and he is kind of scared of him. Dazai isn't someone he knows since a long time. If anything, he is still trying to get to know Dazai and his ways of thinking. If Mori knew Dazai since a very long time, I'm sure that he would know at least a bit about how Dazai acts and reacts to things so that he wouldn't get as uneasy as on this text page, when Dazai is showing his serious, cold and calculating side again.
This is only a speculation though since Dazai and his ways of acting and thinking are in fact nearly completely impossible to figure out for nearly everyone.
Besides this, there is a clear distance between them without any familiarity. This distance can be often found between strangers who know each other solely through working together for whatever reason, but who never hang out together in the way friends or relatives do, which creates this distance between them.
Now that I've shown some proof which supports the theory, that Dazai isn't related to Mori in any way, I'm firstly going to show proof for why I think that Dazai was already in the Mafia, way before he met Mori before I will talk about why I think that Dazai is specifically related to the former boss of the Port Mafia.
2. Why Dazai had to be in the Mafia, way before he met Mori
Now, about why Dazai had to be in the Mafia way before he met Mori.
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As seen in one of those panels of the first phase of the age 15 manga, Dazai is dressed on somewhat formal attire, wearing a white button up shirt and dress pants. Those clothes suit him perfectly and they look rather formal and expensive so it's unlikely that they were given to him after he got brought to the hospital. Those are his own clothes.
Now, if he would be an orphan who lived on the streets, which is another popular theroy in the fandom, he wouldn't be wearing such clothes.
Also such black and white, formal clothes/suits are commonly worn in the port mafia, often by people of a higher rank or by guards which suggests that there is some kind of a dress code among the Port Mafia. The clothes which Dazai is wearing, suit perfectly into the dress code of the port mafia.
Another point as to why he had to be in the Mafia already is the fact that he was brought to Mori, an shady underground doctor and the personal physician of the former boss of the port mafia after attempting suicide. If he would have been a normal child, no matter if orphan or not, he would have been brought to a normal official hospital in Yokohama and not to Mori.
Besides this, Mori is well aware who Dazai is, calling him by his name which suggests that Dazai isn't only already in the port mafia but also that he is known there and not just another nameless assistant.
Of course, Mori could have been informed about who this kid is by the person who brought him to him but if Dazai would really have been a random kid who wasn't involved in the Mafia, they wouldn't have any information about his name.
All of these points like the expensive and formal clothing, the fact that he seems to be involved with the Mafia already, the fact that he was brought to the underground doctor Mori (who is also the personal physician of the former boss of the port mafia) and the fact that Mori knows who Dazai is, lead me to the next point which is why I believe that Dazai is closely related to the former boss of the port mafia.
3. Why I think that Dazai is closely related to the former boss of the Port Mafia
Firstly, all the previously mentioned facts like the expensive clothes and all, are things which support my theroy in some ways but of course they aren't enough proof since alone from those facts alone, we could also think that Dazai is simply related to a executive or someone in the Mafia who has a higher rank but there are things which lead me to think that Dazai is related to the former boss of the port mafia.
Let me show you.
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First of all, Higuchi telling Dazai that Dazai's blood is not only "Mafia black" but also that it's more Mafia black than anyone else's in the country.
While this could also be seen as her referring to him being the feared demon prodigy, it also suggests that he is deeply connected with the port mafia. Also, talking about a connection to something through someone's blood gets often used to hint that someone is connected with something through family.
With saying that his blood is more black than anyone else's, she also says that he is deeper connected with the Mafia than Mori, Hirotsu, Chuuya or any of the other loyal members of the Mafia and besides this, she also tells him through this, that he would be more cruel than any of them.
Now the only other person about who they talk like this and who gets referred to be more cruel and deeply involved with the port mafia, who is basically anchored in the history of the port mafia, is the former boss of the port mafia himself.
Higuchi saying that his blood is mafia black, more than anyone's in the whole county, could easily be a hint that Dazai is in fact, related in some way to the only other person who's blood is mafia black, the former boss.
While this point is more based on speculation, the next point is based a lot more on the things which are actually specifically shown in the manga.
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During the flashback which shows how the former boss of the port mafia died, we can see that Dazai isn't standing next to Mori but far away from the bed next to the big window.
If Mori wanted to make Dazai pretend that he would be his new assistant, Dazai would stand next to the bed or would stand at least close to Mori to "watch and learn", to assist him or to hand him any tools or medicine he might need but this isn't the case. He is standing far away from Mori and the bed, silently watching and not assisting at all. He isn't holding any tools and he also obviously isn't looking for anything which he needs to bring Mori. Here he has the role of a bystander and is the witness.
But why would Mori bring a random child with him, only to watch him and which would later be his witness. It would make no sense and it would make him seem even more suspicious. Even if he would have waited with the murder, bringing Dazai with him a couple of times before killing the boss, it would make him look suspicious. After all, suddenly bringing a child with him which then suddenly happens to be the only witness, really is suspicious and I doubt that Mori would have made such a risky and unwell calculated plan.
If that would be the case he also could have picked any child or like any person in the Mafia. After all, there are a lot of people who wanted to see the former boss of the port mafia dead because of his brutal and cruel way of leading the Mafia and because of all the terrible crimes but again.
However, despite the large amount of people who would (most likely) happily assist Mori with getting rid of the former boss, he directly approached Dazai and he does so confidently as shown here:
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He seems like he knew exactly that Dazai wouldn't deny his request and he also seems as if he had picked Dazai to be his perfect assistant for this case but I genuinely don't think, that it's only because Dazai is a suicide patient.
In both, the manga and the light novel, Dazai tells Mori that of course the latter would see him as the perfect assistant because he would need to get rid of everyone who was aware of what really happened during that night and since nobody would suspect a thing if Dazai would suddenly commit suicide under unknown circumstances but while this is a good point, more on the other hand states in the light novel that he can't let him die because then the supporters of the previous boss would turn on Mori and claim that he would have killed the predecessor but I will come back to that in a second.
As previously mentioned, I don't think that Dazai being suicidial was the point which made Mori choose him as his assistant. After all, it wouldn't make anything less suspicious due to the reasons I mentioned previously.
So why did he pick Dazai if suddenly bringing a person with him, shortly before murdering the predecessor would only raise suspicions?
Well it would only raise suspicions if the person wasn't already in the room before he came to visit the boss and if they weren't in this room already since quite some time.
This is one of my main points to support the theroy and it also suits to the fact that Mori wouldn't risk seeming any more suspicious throughout bringing a random person with him and it also suits to the fact that Dazai is standing far away from the bed, obviously not pretending to be a new assistant of Mori.
Dazai stands far away from the bed, like someone who was in the room already, way before the doctor came in and he steps away from the bed to give room for the doctor so that he can do his work properly. It is a common thing to do for relatives, friends or coworkers who had been staying at the bedside of the bedridden person.
Now why would Dazai be in this room, staying with the pervious boss of the port mafia as the only person.
He is too young to be a guard and he can't be a person who was carrying out missions for the previous boss since Mori is in fact the person who gives Dazai his first mission ever which is to investigate about the rumors of the previous boss of the port mafia coming back as a ghost. It can be seen on this page of the manga where Mori specifically states that this is Dazai's first job as a official member of the Mafia.
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So if Dazai can't be a guard, isn't pretending to be Mori's assistant, if it's too suspicious if Mori would bring a random person with him shortly before carrying out his plan and if Dazai can't be someone who carries out missions, and especially if he isn't an official working member of the Mafia until that very moment in which Mori gives him his first mission and welcomes him as an official member of the Mafia, which, by the way, takes place around one whole year after Mori killed the predecessor, why should Dazai be staying in that room since quite some time, by the bedside of the former boss of the port mafia?
The only logical reason for this would be that he is in fact related to the boss of the port mafia in some way and due to this, stays by the side of his relative to help him in his weak, dying and bedridden state. There wouldn't be any other reason for him to keep Dazai around and if there would be, all the other points like Dazai being dressed formal and expensively and Mori knowing who Dazai is wouldn't suit into the whole situation anyways.
If Dazai only would serve as some kind of a servant, he would be someone unknown in the Mafia and they probably wouldn't have brought him to Mori after his attempt.
My last proof which supports my theroy is Dazai's reaction to having to face the former boss of the port mafia again during the fight against Arthur Rimbaud/Randou but also the bosses reaction to facing Dazai again.
On page 95 in the light novel, Dazai and Chuuya face the former boss for the first time in the whole novel and both, the reaction of Dazai and if the both is very interesting and supports my theroy a lot.
Chuuya who was never directly involved with the port mafia and the former boss and only knows about his crimes /was indirectly another victim of one of his crimes, hasn't a very specific reaction towards facing the boss and the boss also only sees him as someone he has attack without any personal connection between them.
Dazai however reacts not only chaught off guard like Chuuya upon seeing the dead body of the former boss of the port mafia standing in front of them, talking and moving but during the whole fight he doesn't say as much as he usually would and is more confused, tensed up and seemingly very uncomfortable and nervous. He does try to cover it up with sarcastic remarks and through smiling but it is very noticeable in the way he acts and talks.
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Upon seeing the port mafia boss, Dazai's smile becomes tense and he seems uneasy and he continues to act like this even after knowing that it's only Arthur's ability. It can't be only because he is worried about the boss telling others what really happened since they are currently in Arthur's hyperspace and the boss isn't going anywhere. The whole situation of having to see and having to talk to this person again seems to make him feel uneasy and uncomfortable which makes him turn more quiet, confused and more serious during the whole battle. It actually takes some time until he acts more relaxed and calculating like he usually does during a fight and until he stops bombarding Arthur with questions.
The former boss of the port mafia on the other hand, (and this is an incredibly interesting and overlooked part), calls Dazai "My boy" upon seeing him again, asks him Mori/ "The good doctor" has been treating him well and refrers to Dazai's face as a familiar face before he calls him my boy upon fully recognizing him. He also tells Dazai that it feel like ages since he last say him which implies that they saw each other and knew each other regularly. Him calling him my boy definitely supports that Dazai is related to him and I think it's self explanatory why. If Dazai was only some coworker, he wouldn't be referring to him as my boy.
The way Dazai talks to him also seems like he isn't talking to someone he only vaguely knows.
The distance which is present when he is communicating with Mori isn't present here and the whole way he talks to him and how he is building the sentences but also how the former boss of the port mafia is referring to him as well as how he talks to Dazai, is making clear that they know each other past the level of only coworkers as well as that they aren't just boss and normal subordinate.
The fact that Dazai refers to him as boss, the fact that Dazai assists Mori's with his plan, the way they talk to each other or better the way in which Dazai talks to the predecessor and that the fact the former boss of the port mafia isn't having any issues with killing/attempting to kill Dazai and even shows some kind of enthusiasm towards it, talking about it in a way which is implying that he already hated Dazai way before Dazai assisted Mori ("[...] I never imagined a day would come where I could behead this boy with my own two hands", the previous Mafia boss crowed hoarsely." (p.98;ll.26-28;" Bungo Stray Dogs: Dazai, Chuuya, Age Fifteen") shows the nature of the relationship between those two.
Most likely, the predecessor wasn't treating Dazai good, most likely abusing him which lead Dazai to assisting Mori and which would explain the way they talk to each other as well as Dazai's negative and almost scared reaction upon seeing the previous boss again.
Given the predecessors cruel, cold and brutal personality as well as his obsession with surpressing and killing people/people who acted against the Mafia, it isn't unlikely that he was also abusive towards Dazai.
Another quote which implies that they know each other since quite some time, can be found on page 98 in the light novel where the boss is "mourning" about the fact that his body isn't capable anymore of talking about the past before he kills Dazai. ("" If only we could chat about old times first, [...] "" (P. 98; ll.28-29)
The fact that Arthur also states that he preserved the former bosses personality and memories (P. 99; l.1) proofs that the memories of the boss as well as the way he acts isn't altered at all.
With all of these facts which suggest that Dazai is related to the former boss of the Port Mafia, it also makes sense why Mori needs Dazai to stay alive. Not only it would seem suspicious if Dazai suddenly dies, even if he would die of suicide but also because then, if Dazai would truly be related to the former boss of the Port Mafia, it would seem like Mori got rid of the person who rightfully is the next boss of the Port Mafia in order to be completely sure that he can be the next boss until he dies.
If we see it like this, it would also make even more sense as to why Mori was so scared that Dazai would kill him one day, just like how he killed the former boss in order to become the next leader of the Port Mafia because then he wouldn't just be afraid because of the "Evil expects evil from others" rule, but also because he and Dazai would both be painfully aware of the fact that Dazai is rightfully the next Boss of the Port Mafia and not Mori.
To summarize, Dazai cannot be related to Mori at all. Not only is this specifically stated in the light novel "Bungo Stray Dogs: Dazai, Chuuya, Age Fifteen" but the fact that Mori is still trying to figure out Dazai, that he isn't familiar with Dazai's way of acting and thinking and the fact that there is a constant, somewhat formal distance between them suggests that they genuinely didn't know each other before Mori asked Dazai to be his assistant/witness in his plan to murder the former boss of the port mafia.
Now despite not being related to Mori in any way, Dazai still seems to be involved with the Port Mafia already, way before he met Mori. Proof for that can mainly be found in the BSD Dazai, Chuuya, Age Fifteen manga.
There, Dazai is shown to wear formal and expensive looking clothes when he wakes up after another suicide attempt and Mori greets Dazai with his name, seemingly being well aware of who Dazai is. If Dazai would have been a random kid p.ex. from the streets, he wouldn't be wearing such clothes and Mori wouldn't know his name but he also wouldn't have been brought to the underground doctor Mori who also happens to be the personal physician of the former boss of the port mafia but to a normal and official hospital in Yokohama.
Alone due to the fact that he got brought to Mori, he had to be involved with the port mafia already otherwise he wouldn't had end up in that hospital. Now, him being well dressed, Mori knowing his name and him being brought to Mori instead of to an official hospital could also imply that he is only the son of an executive or another person in the Mafia who is of high rank but the fact that Higuchi tells Dazai years later that his blood is mafia black, more than anyone else's in the country as well as the fact that Mori chooses him to assist him in his plan of murdering the former boss of the port mafia as well as Dazai's position in the bosses room while Mori carries out his plan and his role in this plan imply that he isn't just related to a random person but rather the former boss of the port mafia himself.
Mori could have chosen anyone to be his witness, especially in regards of how many people want to see the former boss dead but he directly approaches Dazai and does so confidently as shown in the age fifteen manga. He seems to be sure that Dazai would assist him but he also seems to be sure that this won't raise any more suspicious.
If he would have started to bring a random person with him to his regular visits to the former boss, shortly before he murders him and the fact that this random person is suddenly his only witness would raise only more suspicious about him killing the boss and given Mori's character, I doubt that he would plan something so risky and uncalculated where it's sure that it would cause him more trouble than anything.
So why did he choose a seemingly random kid as his witness if suddenly bringing a person with him would only raise suspicions in the end? Because there won't be any more suspicious than there are already if the person is located in the former bosses room anyways and regularly.
The theroy that Dazai stays at the room of the former boss gets supported by the fact that Mori is specifically choosing him, seemingly being sure that this won't raise suspicions and the fact that Dazai isn't staying close to the bed or at least next to Mori while he is "treating" the former boss, not pretending to be Mori's assistant. Dazai is standing far away from Mori and the bed as a silent witness next to the window. Stepping away from the bed so that the doctor can treat the person is a common thing to do for relatives, friends or coworkers who had been staying at the bedside of the bedridden person. If Dazai would have pretended to be Mori's assistant he would be staying close to Mori, only stepping away from the bed to get something which Mori needs but this isn't the case. Also the suspicions didn't raise because of Dazai and everything went as Mori planned which is supporting the theory that Dazai was already regularly in the room.
Now why would the port mafia boss keep a child around in his room/at his bedside. Dazai is too young to be a guard, he isn't a official member of the Mafia who carries out missions since it is shown in the manga that Mori is in fact the person who gives Dazai his first mission ever and who is welcoming him as an member of the Mafia after giving him the mission, implying that Dazai wasn't an official member of the Mafia until that very moment which took place around one year after Mori successfully carried his plan out and if Dazai would have only acted as some kind of servant, he wouldn't have been dressed this well, Mori most likely wouldn't have known who Dazai is and he most likely wouldn't have been brought to Mori after his attempt. We can see how the most servants/slaves are treated in the chapter with Ace in the main manga and since the previous boss was even more cruel and brutal than Ace, he wouldn't have treated his servants any better. Given those circumstances, the only logical reason for him keeping Dazai around in his room, is that Dazai is in fact related to him in some way and is now staying at his bedside in order to help him in his weak, dying and bedridden state.
That they know each other past the levels of only boss and subordinate/ coworkers gets shown in the fight against Arthur Rimbaud/Randou where the former boss calls Dazai "My boy" and mourns about the fact that they cannot talk about the old times before he kills Dazai. They also talk to each other in a way which suggests that they know each other since a long time in a relative kind of way.
While Chuuya reacts chaught off guard towards seeing the previous boss as well but while he reacts in a way which makes clear that they never knew each other personally, Dazai tenses up and is nervous and feels uneasy through the whole fight upon having to face the boss again. It takes him a while until he acts more collected, serious and calculating like he usually does in a fight again but the uneasyness never fades fully, no matter how much he tries to cover it up.
The way they talk to each other also implies a deep rooted hate from both sides. The former boss also shows no issues with killing Dazai, implies that he already hated Dazai way before he assisted Mori and even shows some kind of enthusiasm towards killing the child.
In general, given the former bosses cruel, cold and brutal personality and given the way they interact with each other/react towards having to face each other again, it is likely that the former boss was abusive towards Dazai/that the nature of thier relationship was abusive.
During the whole fight, both talk with each other in way which suggests that they know each other personally since quite some time and the formal distance which is always present when Dazai and Mori communicate with each other isnt present between them during thier conversations, making it seem even more like they are related in some way.
All these facts, from the former boss referring to Dazai as "My boy" to Dazai's position in the room and his role in Mori's plan, lead me to think that Dazai is in fact closely related to the former boss of the port mafia. I consciously decided not to refer to the former boss as Dazai's father since I wouldn't go as far as to pinpoint the exact relation but I am almost completely sure he is closely related to him and I think it's likely that he is at least his grandfather or his uncle.
If you read all of this, I love you <3
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jadedloverart · 1 year
Free drawing lessons! (18+ discord server)
Hello! This server is for those who are looking for creative community, whether you are already an artist or someone who is looking to learn a new skill.
I'm here to tell you that if you can write the alphabet, you can learn to draw! So every week, I'll be offering a budget/beginner friendly art lessons to anyone who would like to sit in, follow along, or to engage (to individual comfort levels).
All you'll need is a pencil and some paper!
Though all are welcome, this will be a predominantly queer and POC centered space
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stuckinapril · 5 months
snow and dirty rain is genuinely one of the best poems ever written imo i go a little insane every time i read it...i am singing now while rome burns.... we are all just trying to be holy...we are all going forward none of us are going back......obsessed w this poem
Is that too much to expect? That I would name the stars for you? That I would take you there?? The splash of my tongue melting you like a sugar cube????? We’ve read the back of the book…. we know what’s going to happen………. But there’s a litany of dreams somewhere in the middle…….. moonlight spilling on the bathroom floor……. a page of the book where we transcend the story of our lives……… Screaming crying THROWING UP !!!!!!
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zichqec · 2 years
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I wrote an English guide to YAYA.
It’s long and detailed. It’s got a companion ghost that you can use to run the example code snippets. And I hope it will be helpful for many folks, whether you are new to coding, or an experienced programmer that wants a quick guide to the syntax and some of the weird mechanics.
I have poured so much of my time and energy into this as the year has been drawing near to its end. Please give it a look, and if it helps you improve at ghost coding then that is all I could ask for.
More information about it on my article for the 伺的 Advent Calendar 2022, which you can read here.
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schizononagesimus · 29 days
i NEED i need. To dress harrow in trad goth outfits. I need i need
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