#relationship: elite: carla x christian x polo
smuganya · 2 years
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make me choose (élite edition): polo/cayetana/valerio or polo/carla/christian?
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chiliconsharls · 6 years
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Every Élite OT3 scene: 1/?
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queennsansa · 6 years
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HIT AND RUN | a christian/carla/polo elite fanmix
all dressed up for a hit and run
music to watch boys to - lana del rey | whatever you like - anya marina | rich friends - portugal. the man | casual affair - panic! at the disco | secret - the pierces | tag, you’re it - melanie martinez | run - san cisco | becky - keep your own pet | killer queen - queen | nfwmb - hozier | hit and run - lolo
listen: spotify / youtube
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piecedbytheear · 3 years
Carla and Samuel deserved better...
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If you think I’m talking about the ship you better keep scrolling 💀 Sorry, I’m not here for Samuel huffing and puffing about Polo running around the school as a free killer but simping for Carla’s rich white girl ass, as if that bitch didn’t send his brother iPad Nano to jail...😭 Christian’s Himbo ass needs to come back and woop Samuel’s ass for falling for Carla 😳 After Marina he didn’t learn about toxic rich girls??👎
Okay here me out ! This rant isn’t about Carmuel necessarily but their storylines in s3 and lack of development.
Elite followed the Clay Jensen archetype when writing Samuel because his character follows the basic white boy protagonist archetype...no originality at all! He wants justice for the girl he was in love with yadayada 🥱 Not much depth was given to him unfortunately to make him interesting, but that was a flaw given to most of the characters tbh. Samuel was probably the strongest in s2 but s3 didn’t give him much to do. s3 didn’t give Carla any depth too 😐 Them as a dynamic was wasted unfortunately.
If Samuel was more so focused on getting justice or revenge for the collapse of his old public school that arc would tie him close with Marina’s being that in s1 Marina’s original motives were to expose her father and Carla’s father for their corruption and criminal activities that ultimately caused the ruin of Samuel, Nadia, Omar and Christian’s public school. That was justice deserved...I could care less about Nano going to jail 🥱 🤣 The show missed an opportunity on continuing the stolen red watch plot line that symbolised a lot of importance in s1 and it tied the arc’s of Carla, Nano and Marina together. That brings me to Carla...
One of the reasons the show messed up was the victimisation of Carla. She’s this strong, quick thinking young girl who puts her family before anything. She had people framed for murder,never defended her ex boyfriend after his “accident” instrumented by her father and was complicit to her father’s corruption. Despite her characteristics she fell for Samuel and felt bad about his disappearance, causing her to confess to Marina’s murder. It was kind of out of character considering the person Carla was but you can argue she didn’t want the bloodshed to continue. That being said remember when Carla was rebellious??? In s3 she’s this submissive Daddy’s girl, who still abides to his supremacy. She doesn’t change much, she’s just victimised even more.🥱 She doesn’t face much consequences for her actions, nor is she properly called out on them.
What should of happened for Samuel and Carla storylines
In a perfect world Carla would actually develop and grow out of the sex-symbol rich girl the writers held her to. Unfortunately her s3 storyline didn’t give her a lot of storytelling 🥱 What I WISHED that happened in s3 was Carla EXPOSING and freeing her self from her father. If Samuel continued Marina’s work in exposing Carla and Marina’s fathers corruption and Carla joined him, Samuel and Carla would:
Both be given interesting arcs because wtf were their s3 storylines 💀😐🥱
Carla would develop and free herself from her toxic, criminal father and try to learn from her actions.
Samuel would get the justice he so badly wanted but this time to his old public school, than just avenging Marina and Nano.
The watch and it’s information exposing the elite’s corruption plotline in S1 would have a resolution.
Carla’s father would be investigated and have a chance to rot in jail!
Carla and Samuel would work as a dynamic because in s2 they were tied together and this would put a resolution to their relationship.
Carla and Samuel would get a perspective into each other’s world, coming from two different socioeconomic environments despite fighting the same cause. For example Samuel would understand that justice is not so easy when dealing with corrupt people like Theodore💀 and Carla would see what her father’s actions caused and fight against him.
We wouldn’t have to watch Carla x Yeray and Rebe x Samuel struggle “relationships” 🤦‍♂️
Thank you for coming to my TED TALK 😘🙏
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fcbabyx · 5 years
Elite S2 - Worth It
Hola, hola, hola, ¿cómo están? 
Netflix España’s hit teenage drama, Eilte, is back with its second season and surprisingly, is worth it. In only 8 episodes, the writers managed to reveal who Marina’s killer is to the Elite squad while introducing 3 new characters that serve as catalysts for some of the main characters. - spoilers ahead, just a heads up.-
The Good
The writers found a new way to keep Marina’s storyline alive with a different point of view. The communication between the teens and how open they are talking about sex, drugs, problems, etc... is nice to see that. 
The Bad 
The temporary write off of both Nano and Christian was unnecessary. To some point, I understand why Nano would leave, but Christian’s case, that was some real  class bullshit right there. You have the one main character that knows the truth and you decide to get rid of him in the first episode? The fuck? Oh yeah, you know why? Cause, that’s how you set up the whole Samuel x Carla bullshit... 🙄
The show is still 8 episodes long. I personally believe that at this point the show could afford to at least hit the double digits. 
The Ugly 
Cayetana - Talk about a fucking unnecessary character. Her arc is so bland that  the best the writers could do was turn her into a modern age con-artist, cause mind you that’s what she is, until her purpose was finally exposed a.k.a Polo. Also, Cayetana is the one character that is used to give in house bitch, Lucrecia a redemption arc and humanize her again, she is still a bitch tho. 
Samuel goes missing. Okay. Christian gets run over by Carla’s dad hit squad. Okay. Let’s stop. As mentioned above Christian gets written off by a car “accident” that paralyzes him and hey, the in laws are willing to pay for his recovery in Sweden....so  off to Sweden and just like that the one character that could have ratted out both Carla and Polo is taken care off. The only reason that shit had to happen is cause Carla had to fall for Samuel. I personally think is bullshit, that Christian didn’t asked for a moment by himself and Samuel and just spilled the beans. Por que puñetaaaa, if your bestfriend’s brother who is also your other bestfriend is in jail, you would think some he would try to do something, realistically speaking that’s what teenagers would do. However, that shit doesn’t happen. So Bye bye Christian. 
Samuel and Carla, talk about, de el odio al amor hay solo un paso, bullshit. Fans are going crazy over this ship but is an excellent example of the writers doing a good job at setting this bullshit up and getting away with it. Let me remind you that Carla not once looked at Samuel, like oh yeah I wanna fuck him in season one. She was swayed by Christian and that was the introduction to the Polo x Carla x Christian dynamic. So in season  2, it took Samuel giving her a little attention when her boytoy, Christian is not around, and she just gives in. Literally that’s all it took, like one episode. It took Christian more effort than Samuel, just  throwing that in there. However, this happened because, in order for Samuel to be found, Carla had to “break” and confess and expose Polo. That is the plan that both Samuel and Guzman come up with and it works. She “out of love” breaks and exposes Polo. 🙄To be honest with you, i was waiting for the moment that she would also deal with legal consequences for helping him out but you know, una puta con corazon de oro. Let’s be real Carla’s character has no purpose except for sex appeal and the Polo expose, that’s it, that’s the character. Cool thing that came out of it is Samuel and Guzman’s friendship. 
Nadia and Guzman, let’s be real, their  appeal is the whole Romeo and Juliet trope in a modern society. Guzman goes through a lot of emotions due to Marina, Lu, and Nadia. Eventually he breaks, it was bound to happen but he also finally,  leaves Lucrecia. Now, it is  Nadia that is getting all the backlash from the fans. Nadia in the eyes of many has been reduced from a badass proud Muslim girl to I’ll do anything to get Guzman, which is bullshit. Nadia’s transformation is 2 seasons long. One she finally breaks free on her own accords and 2, she takes control of her own actions without being forced by outside forces. Example, Lucrecia and the hijab bullshit at school. People have to realize that Nadia is the character that will defend her right to do what she wants, when she wants to, not because someone is forcing her to do so. It takes two seasons of context for her character to come alive.
She also gains a new female bestie, Rebeca. Rebeca is one of the catalysts of this season. She is one of Nadia’s biggest cheerleaders and confidants. A teenage girl usually needs a female bestie, and Rebeca is that for Nadia. Rebeca is also kinda used by Samuel, but Samuel is also used by her mom. The point is that Rebeca’s biggest purpose in the show is to be Nadia’s girl. I’m okay with that. 
Lucrecia and Valerio, the Cruel Intentions + Flowers on the Attic dynamic, just doesn’t cut it. So here is my theory and the more I think about it and analyze it, it makes sense. The writers needed someone to beat Lucrecia with her own tactics, and who better than her half brother former lover Valerio? This is the perfect example of taste your own medicine. Nadia went head to head with Lu and won and lost. Guzman, lord knows it took too damn long for him to call it off and be honest about his lack of love for her, so here comes Valerio and does what needed to be done, he breaks her but in the process he breaks himself as well. I am not a fan of the incest, but Valerio is by far the best introduction this season. He, for the wrong seasons, wanted Nadia and Guzman together; however in the process he becomes friends with Nadia, which I personally appreciated. He also, makes the selfish stupid decision in recording her and Guzman having sex and sending the video to Lu, hoping that Lu would wake up from Luland and see that Guzman, just doesn’t love you anymore and it works. The backlash is that she spreads the video, to which he tells Nadia that he is the one who took it, and there goes their friendship. Mind you, all of this is after, he tells Nadia the whole incest thing. Eventually Lucrecia snaps in a fake gala by truly yours, Cayetana, exposes Cayetana, Guzman’s relationship, and has her emotional bullshit breakdown after she fucks her brother, then she fucks him again. So Valerio done with her bullshit, in the family dinner text’s daddy to look underneath the table y puta madre, quedo cabron!!!! Daddy gets to see how close his 2 kids really are. Now my only complaint is that at the end of season 2 Valerio is nowhere to be found while Rebe and Cayetana are still there, which makes sense. I personally would have liked to see the del amor al odio es solo un paso, cause let’s be real, Lucrecia will always be the greedy bitch of my way or my way and the only one that can beat her at it is her own fucking brother. I needed that. I need that. 
Ander and Omar,  the growth, their communication, the trust, the love, the love, fucking amazing. Omar, gets kicked out for finally standing up to his father, so he goes to Ander’s. He gains freedom and a non-toxic home that he, himself, said he is not going back to. He gets a job, he gets to dress up, and just be himself, fucking shit, HE DESERVES IT, PUÑETA! Ander on the other hand, has to deal with the hey my bestfriend killed my other bestfriend’s sister, cause Polo actually tells him. Ander’s emotional and mental state, did get the best of him to some point, his relationship with Omar gets affected, his relationship to Guzman eventually goes to shit, and Polo, well you know. However, Omar and Ander do figure things out, cause somehow, they are a mature couple that do loves each other. 👏👏👏👏👏👏
Cayetana and Polo, let’s be real, I don’t like the bitch. She gets introduced as another high class snob and immediately becomes friends with Lu. In the process she falls for Polo. Cayetana is ashamed of her poor life background and literally lies and fakes her way through life. It gets to the point that to pay off a debt of a dress she stole, she makes up this fundraiser gala that Lu eventually makes it a reality for her, in order for her to get the money to pay off the debt and keep the rest for her school, family, etc... that’s a con-artist, period. This bitch has no purpose except that she becomes Polo’s new partner in crime.  She hides  the trophy, y’all. That’s it, that’s the character.  She’s so bland. She is so useless. In all honesty, she is not needed, Polo could had turned on Carla and bring her down too, but deep down he is still in love with her and  his anxiety gets the best of him, and that I understand. Cayetana is now the worst character in the series. Con artist and partner in crime with a killer. 
Also, Polo is technically a killer but not really. He killed Marina, in what it looks like as a pre-anxiety breakdown and a fit of rage trying to protect Carla. Keep in mind he didn’t wanted to kill her, he actually asked  multiple times for the fucking watch , is not premeditated murder, he was trying to get the watch back and his worry over Carla pushed him to a breaking point. On top of that Marina coming at him made him snap. In season 2 his anxiety is in an all time high, due to the secret. He and Ander do bail out  Nano, but he never confesses. In a way I  do blame the writers in not wanting to bring Carla down, by not having Polo confess and point her as the one to suggest to cover up and shit, cause she was trying to protect daddy, who needs no fucking protection. This would have been completely different season, if Polo and Christian would had teamed up against Carla. That right there would have been fucking fantastic. In reality the culprit and catalyst of this are Marina and the watch, but the main problem is Carla’s dad. If Polo and Christian would had teamed up with Samuel and Guzman, it would have been a total different season, granted that also meant that Polo had to confess his act to Guzman, but it would have been a total different season. In reality Elite needs a villain and right now Polo is the easier choice. Is clear that if season 3 comes through, it will be a them vs  Polo + Cayetana, which is fine I guess, but it steers away from the actual reason it happened, the fucking watch. I’m not saying Carla’s dad is corrupt, but Carla’s dad is corrupt. 
Tl;dr: Season 2, exposes Polo by making Carla fall in love with Samuel. Lucrecia breaks cause she can’t have everything she wants, from Guzman to her brother, so she spreads a video of Nadia and Guzman having sex, real classy. Omander is still alive. Rebeca is a true friend. Guzman and Samuel are a good combo. Cayetana is a con artist that helps Polo to walk free by retrieving the trophy from the lake and hiding it. That’s it that’s the season. 
I do believe that Elite’s downfall is not wanting  to finish the murder storyline. Ideally they would wrap up the Marina murder storyline and shift the focus onto Carla’s dad and the  watch, but that shit  is not  going to  happen let’s be real. 
Overall score : Is a solid 4/5. 
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colourofmagic · 5 years
Ok you see i‘m not just into the Elite for the couples I want to see Nadia and Carla you know like damn but also Polo Guzman Christian Ander Omar I want them all to be happy and get their fair share of character development and attention while not just being reduced to their relationships
But then again I am like
Just give me Omar x Ander and make them happy!
Let Nadia x Guzman get the beautiful love story they deserve
Please have Polo sort his shit with Carla and Christian and give me some bi love
also where tf is Christian??! I really need him to be there
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paquim · 6 years
Oh so you watched Elite? What did you think?
Hi :)Yes, a friend recommend it and I ended up binge- watching the whole season intwo days. I really liked it. It had an interesting story with the “whomurdered Marina?” I loved the ander x omar love story, I was surprised by thewhole christian x carla x polo relationship although the writers messed it upby the end. My favourite characters were Ander and Christian. I love them
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smuganya · 4 years
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Your threesome with Christian... That really turned me on, by the way.
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smuganya · 4 years
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smuganya · 5 years
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smuganya · 5 years
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Have you ever had a threesome?
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smuganya · 4 years
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We’ll throw a party they’ll never forget.
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smuganya · 5 years
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polo & ander in every episode ↳ season one, episode one: “bienvenidos”
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piecedbytheear · 4 years
Unpopular opinions
A lot of the people (mostly girls 🙄) that criticise Carla for breaking up with Polo because she’s “biphobic” are male identified and need to get over the fact that Carla has the self esteem to end a relationship with someone who betrayed her trust over some dick! (Idc if he was exploring 🤷‍♀️) and it was obvious from the start that miss Carla always called the shots and doesn’t play about cheating and betrayal. Carla tried to save their relationship with Christian and Polo ended that relationship with his betrayal with Christian. 🤷‍♀️
Lu and Guzman, had the potential to represent the social dynamics of the “ELITE” 🤷‍♀️ Lu had more legitimacy than Guzman in terms of status and birth. Although foreign, she is a diplomat’s daughter, upper class white Latina who probably comes from a descendant of Hispanic conquistadors in her family tree, hence her status and wealth. Guzman’s family was rich, now corrupt and he’s only claim to his status was by his adoptive family. The show did a disservice to Lu and what she meant to Guzman. It made sense as to why they were together, he needed her on his arm to be fully accepted into “their” world. That’s why Guzman was so insecure and made those unnecessary xenophobic, classist remarks because he knew he was not “equal” to Carla, Polo and even the foreign Lu. If his birth parents didn’t overdose, he would’ve never been apart of that world. Albeit toxic there should’ve emphasized on why Lu believed her and Guzman were the power couple she always thought they were.
Guzman and Nadia is not the pure 🥺🥺🥺 they keep pushing around. Guzman “changed” for his love for Nadia but can’t even defend her when Lu says something racist and islamophobic around her 🤔 💀 it’s built on chliches so your expected to like it but it’s ultimately Guzman has a soft spot for the poor Nadia, after trying to set her up to get raped and humbled for Lu and only stopping coz she’s drugged 🙄 and he falls for her so yayyyyyyy Nadia is the therapist that helps the deranged white boy 👏👏👏 bad boy x good girl is so cringe and disgusting when the “bad boy” is only soft for ONE person 🤮 “he’s toxic but his love for y/z tho 😍😍” Nadia’s character had a lot of potential if they used this romance to highlight problematic social issues and ideas but yeh it kinda peaked s1. I felt like Nadia could’ve been a better change in Guzman if she pushed him to unlearn his toxic masculinity and beliefs but I also don’t want her story to be revolved around a relationship.
Polo x Ander would be too self destructive to work 🤷‍♀️ And they prefer their friendship
Polo x Ander x Guzman - This friendship was sooooo forced pls 😭 they grew out of eachother and Guzman just wanted to control them 💀 Ander checked out a long time ago and Polo stayed because he’s a coward. It should’ve stayed in primary school and just brought up for nostalgia 🤷‍♀️ Polo x Ander were obviously closer because they wanted Guzman to back off them so yeh
Christian x Ander, Samuel x Omar >>>>> GuzmanxPoloxAnder
We didn’t need to see Samuel simping for Carla after he used her to find the truth 🤷‍♀️ these rich toxic girls are no good, especially with their corrupt fathers, you learnt that with Marina, Samuel 🤦🏾 this bitch had Nano incarcerated and snitched on Christian, nearly killing him💀 Samuel falling for Carla’s damsel in distress victims card made him very nieve again 🙄 Samuel’s and Carla’s arch in s3 would’ve been better off exposing Theodore, Carla’s dad. Their dynamic would work since Carla wants her freedom from her father and Samuel would get justice for his old school and somewhat satisfaction for the pain that Carla’s dad caused which lead him to the hell that is Las Encina’s. Side note- Samuel’s character would’ve been better following his s1,ep1 arch, when he was outraged at Marina’s father for covering up and causing his old school’s collapse, but instead they made him fall for the rich, white damsel in distress girls like Marina and Carla, evading them of their actions and consequences 😐
Lu x Nadia was bad writing 🤷‍♀️ if you thought Nadia couldn’t get any dumber, she befriends and gives half her scholarship to Lu... the same girl who gave her a reason to even apply for her scholarship 😭 pls Elite, Lu never even apologised to Nadia and will likely ditch her when she encounters a group of “Latinos por Trump” in New York 😍
Valerio and Nadia had potential with the chemistry they had and I bet those too can actually kiss better than Guzman and Nadia mess...
Omar needed to leave Ander for his own mental health and independent storyline but the writers prefered Omar as Ander’s punching bag 🤷‍♀️ Omar getting accepted by his parents in s3 is a better storyline that should’ve been used than his struggles with Ander and Malick 👏
Cayetana and Polo should’ve been had the Bonnie and Clyde arch to thow everyone under the bus and get away with some short of bit of a happy ending 🤷‍♀️ Valerio was only included into their relationship because him and Lu were done and his Christian 2.0 story was done 😘 It would’ve been interesting and fun to watch Valerio using and betraying Polo and Cayetana, as Valerio’s s3 arch instead of the reused throuple relationship. I barely believed the throuple because Caye seems possessive over Polo and would do anything for him...even having threesomes 😐 yunno she kinda parallel Christian with the whole joining a throuple for one person 🤔
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chiliconsharls · 5 years
top 5 elite dynamics
i was gonna reply to this with mostly friendships but since I already got that question, i’ll reply with relationships too
polo x caye x valerio
polo x christian x carla
samu & omar’s friendship
ask me top 5 things
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