dndtreasury · 1 year
Regraftable Flesh Golem Arm
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i understand the intent of fic being like “kerry eurodyne? 89 year old globally famous rockerboy?! He doesn’t have a mr. Studd” like i get it the implication that he’s down to earth and not like lizzy wizzy and humanity vs machine blah blah blah but can you imagine the length of his fucking ball sack. how am i supposed to mentally reconcile this. he doesn’t get a mr. Studd but he does have to go in for monthly cyber-botox for his balls? they’re absolutely smooth no wrinkles.
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theosphobia · 2 months
GRIB 😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛
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GRIB !!!
lots of scars and stretch marks (also ik skin grafts even out the longer theyre there but , this is fantasy and patchwork skin looks awesome)
id imagine Sarge did not try to regraft his whole titty so , impromptu second mastectomy. also unrelated hysterectomy scar
grey hairs bc tht mf is stressed 2 hell despite what he tries 2 lead u to believe
i also see him w a lot of tattoos but i hate drawing the mfs so obviously the blade tattoo on the back of his neck, a barbed wire around his wrist he got when he was young and a thundercats logo he got to spite Simmons bc he prefers He-man over Thundercats
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💎 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗺! Regraftable Construct Arm
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a creature missing an arm) ___ This sickly flesh golem arm has been repurposed by a powerful necromancer, allowing it to be used as a prosthesis by any creature missing an arm. The prosthesis attaches to your arm at the shoulder, and it can't be removed as long as you're attuned to it. To attune to this item, you must hold it against your shoulder for the entire attunement period, at which point it magically sews itself into place. The arm detaches from you when your attunement to it ends. Unarmed strikes made with the arm are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. While attuned it, your Strength score becomes 19 (unless it's already higher), and you have advantage on saving throws against any spell or effect that would alter your form. 𝙂𝙤𝙡𝙚𝙢 𝙎𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙠. You can use a bonus action to allow the arm's necromantic magic to flood into you, granting you the following benefits for 1 minute. This property can't be ended early by any means. This property can't be used again until you finish a long rest. • You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks not made with adamantine weapons. • Your unarmed strikes with the arm use a d8 damage die. A creature hit by an unarmed strike takes an extra 1d6 necrotic damage. • You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. • Any lightning damage dealt to you is reduced to 0. When this happens, this property's duration is extended by 1 minute. The maximum remaining duration can't exceed 10 minutes at any time. 𝘾𝙪𝙧𝙨𝙚. This arm is cursed, and attuning to it extends the curse to you. While you remain cursed, you must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw whenever you take fire damage. On a failed save, you spend your action on your next turn reeling and panicked. This saving throw can't be made with advantage. If you're under the effects of the Golem Spark property, you make this saving throw whenever you take any damage while you have less than half your hit points... ...Continued below! ___ ✨ Patrons get huge perks! Access this and hundreds of other item cards, art files, and compendium entries when you support The Griffon's Saddlebag on Patreon for less than $10 a month!
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post top surgery bea was so !!!. so many feelings, just like when you first wrote about it a few months back. would love to read more if you’re ever feeling inspired. maybe ava observing her feel even more at home in her body?
[idk how many ppl love this headcanon but it's rly lovely? to me at least lol. so a little gentle mama s & bea pov for u]
you've gotten better at caring for your children in different ways as the years have gone on — fostering passions, listening carefully, allowing them to expand into who they were meant to be, within and beyond the order. you've fought a holy war with so many of them — some you have lost forever; some have come back, in one way or another. love, god's love, the highest form of grace, is full of grief and sorrow, and you know that better than most.
but — 'you're sure you've got it?'
you fight back the urge to sigh because ava's eyes are big and earnest and you're reminded of when they were nineteen, and terrified, and so so brave. 'yes, ava. we'll be fine in the brief amount of time you're gone.'
ava nods, more to reassure herself than you;.she's just going to get groceries — a task you had bullied her into, mostly to get her out of the house for a brief moment — and beatrice has mostly slept on and off this past week. it's a joyful time, so deeply, but you know also that seeing beatrice in pain, even for the best reason, is hard for ava. perhaps, you admit, hard for all of you.
but beatrice smiles when ava kisses her forehead, pausing the season of some reality tv show she and lilith appear to be quite invested in that, reluctantly, you have watched enough of at this point to follow along with something slightly more than disinterest. she smiles still when you sit down next to her on their big couch in their sundrenched living room, and you feel peace settle in your soul the way you really only do when you see your children happy.
'okay,' ava says from the door leading to the garage, 'text me if anything happens.'
beatrice rolls her eyes, the soft smile still on her face. 'just make sure to get the proper chocolate.'
'that was one time.'
beatrice laughs. 'bye, ava.'
'love you.'
'i love you too,' beatrice says, then turns to you when ava closes the door softly.
'you are feeling okay, right? i've known you for too long for you to lie to me.'
beatrice touches your wrist gently, in some kind of thanks. 'i'm feeling good. sore, but they took my drains out yesterday so i finally got to shower.'
'well i came at the perfect time, then.'
beatrice huffs a laugh. she shifts a little, sitting up more, and there are freckles all along her shoulders, muscles toned and visible without a shirt on, a blanket over her legs. 'i — uh, i have to let my skin breathe for a few minutes, is it —' her brow furrows — 'is it okay?'
you have known her for so long, seen and still do see so much of yourself in her, and so you understand. 'of course it's okay, beatrice.'
she nods, just once, and then reaches to undo the tight surgical binder. you had read all about top surgery diligently after she had told you — with a nervousness in her voice that had made you ache — that she had a date scheduled for her procedure, even asked one of jillian's surgeon friends to explain the details. you know the expect the bandages over her regrafted nipples, the stretch of the new scars across her chest. there's old scars along her abdomen, but these are different: these are imbued with joy, and care, and a becoming that is so quietly holy you feel blessed to witness it. the deep breath she takes in, the way her shoulders relax and she smiles when she looks down at her chest — it is all you have ever wanted for any of your children.
she looks over at you, a little shaky, a little unsure, and so you offer her what you know she needs, after so many years. 'these were the results you were hoping for, yes?'
she swallows, but it's still impossible for her smile to fully slip. 'beyond what i had hoped for, honestly. it's hard — it was hard to imagine, just how much better i would feel.'
'i'm quite happy for you.'
her smile grows — less shy, more certain — but then her brow furrows in a way you recognize by now that means she's been sitting on something for a while. 'are you — are you ever disappointed?' she pauses, then clarifies quietly, 'in me?'
when beatrice was recruited to the order years and years ago, you recognized quickly that she would be more than fit to run it in your stead. she always had been: brilliant, organized, kinder than you could ever hope for. generous. forgiving. devout. she hasn't changed at all, only grown brighter in her faithfulness.
'i am so proud of you, beatrice. profoundly.'
beatrice sniffles, and you turn toward her fully.
'you have been a beacon for god's love the entire time you have known you, through a great deal of pain. i'm proud of you for finally starting to give that love to yourself.'
as you expected, she does start to cry; it's not uncommon even though she still tries to pretend it's a rare occurrence.
'i'm deeply sorry if i have ever made you to feel that way, especially after you renounced your vows.' you worked with her to bring ava back; you won a war; you walked her down the aisle. 'i am in awe of who you have become, beyond what i ever could have hoped for you.' you look pointedly to her chest, flat and tender and, in the ways you have learned matter most, beautiful.
she wipes tears and then huffs a laugh. 'you haven't,' she says, 'made me feel like that. not since i was brand new at the order and couldn't properly shoot a pistol, at least.'
you laugh fondly, remembering how horrible a shot she had first been, too tightly wound to breathe through the kick properly.
'i've just been in my head, a little. it happens when i'm high.'
you raise a brow, just for fun, and she seems to realize what she's said, blanching.
'not that i've ever been high, ever, other than, you know, pain medicine after surgery or injuries. not once, not one single time.'
'it's still a sin to lie. you know that, right?'
beatrice eventually laughs, happily. 'ava's not particularly subtle, is he?'
'neither is the smell of weed.'
she laughs even harder.
'i wasn't always a nun.'
she calms, quiets. 'thank you, for being a really wonderful mother.'
it fills your chest unlike anything else — ava and their halo; mary and lilith finding their way back home; your new girls getting to train in peace — and you squeeze her hand. 'thank you for being a really wonderful daughter.'
she nods, another layer of peace settling against her skin. when it comes time, a few minutes later, for her to have to put her surgical binder back on, you help with gentle hands.
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tarnussy · 7 months
people speculating the open jaw lion guy is regrafted Godrick
my brother in Marika it is not. even tho I am on that Ricky copium, most definitely that's not regrafted Godrick
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galynakhrushch · 10 months
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In this study involving 79 patients with 105 clefts, 60.8% were male, and 32.9% had a bilateral cleft. The average age at surgery was 8 years, and the average time until the latest postoperative CBCT scan was 2 years and 8 months. All 79 patients were discharged on postoperative day 1 with a regraft rate of 0%. Multivariate analysis revealed that younger patients had a significantly higher chance of favorable results in vertical .Although the association between younger age and horizontal scores was marginally significant no significant link was found between age and nasal support.(☝🏻)Conclusively, younger patients demonstrate improved long-term radiographic success with grafted alveolar clefts, supporting the recommendation for anterior iliac crest bone grafting at a younger age in cleft lip patients.
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ithisatanytime · 1 year
2hollis - all 2s (official video)
ive listed and directly quoted the myriad bible quotes where jesus says directly to the larping edomites posting as israilites that they were no such thing, that they were not of abraham but the devil, and all the rest of the bible quotes that support that or directly repeat it, but think about the circumstances of christs conception, was that merely to show a miracle and to fulfill prophesy that he was born of a virgin? of course that opened christians up to the accusation that mary was simply a liar and christs father was a roman centurion named panthera, a lie repeated by the so called jews in their talmud which was only written down EIGHT HUNDRED years after the death and ressurection of christ (jews religion did not come first contrary to popular belief and they do not follow the torah). his divine conception was because gods line from adam to abraham was perfect in its generations but then the old testament records the line of david being corrupted by the blood of edomites and amelkites and the like, so he had to be conceived divinely to make sure he was free from that taint, and so he was, and through him we can all be regrafted back onto the tree of life regardless of our own racial background that was gods will and his perfect plan.
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bibliobethblog · 2 years
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Hello everyone and happy Monday to you all. This Monday I’m super excited as by this time next week I’ll be on holiday in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿😍 Here’s a book haul! Spare Parts, a nonfiction book about the history of transplant science spoke to me and demanded to be bought! I’m a scientist in my non bookish life and I love indulging my geeky side in popular science. This promises to be a fascinating read from Indian surgeons regrafting lost noses in the sixth century BC to the French seamstress whose needlework paved the way for kidney transplants in the 1900’s. The Arsonists’ City was brought to my attention and my wishlist by the fabulous @tarheelreader This is described as a rich family story, a personal look at the legacy of war in the Middle East, and an indelible rendering of how we hold onto the people and places we call home. Finally, I bought Vera with all best intentions to join in with @savidgereads Patreon bookclub. Unfortunately I didn’t get round to reading it but I’m still keen to give it a go. It’s been compared to Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier which makes me slightly nervous (but slightly excited! 😂). I’d love to know your thoughts on any of these books or authors. Let’s have a chat in the comments! Have a lovely week everyone 🤗😘 #bookstagram #scottishbookstagrammer #ohlookmorebooks #anotherbookhaul #newbooksplease #sparepartsanunexpectedhistoryoftransplantsurgery #paulcraddock #thearsonistscity #halaalyan #vera #elizabethvonarnim #booksimexcitedabout https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck86TK9rFaK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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maxximonstre · 5 years
this man has no nipples
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cactifamily · 3 years
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Moon Cactus Grafting Methods- Moon Cactus is not a common cactus. Since in addition to its enticing features as well as lively color, this kind of cactus likewise needs a host to live. Without other cacti's aid, Moon Cactus can not live.
Basically, it depends on various other cacti. So, for this cactus to have a long life, grafting is the secret. Which is what this post is all about, and also it will instruct you how to graft Moon Cactus and what are effective grafting methods you can comply with.
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Yet you might be questioning why you require to graft Moon Cactus. Moon Cactus does not produce chlorophyll, and also chlorophyll is responsible for light absorption, as well as photosynthesis needs to transform energy. The only sound result of not generating chlorophyll is the dynamic shade of the Moon Cactus.
What is grafting?
Grafting is a procedure where 2 cacti or plants were integrated, whether for experiment or the survival of the cacti or plants. It has two components, the upper part (scion) and also the lower component (rootstock). In this situation, the Moon Cactus is the scion, as well as the host is the rootstock.
Tools needed in grafting Moon Cactus:
Prior to you start grafting your Moon Cactus, preparing some required devices should first be done.
● Grafting knife-- The blade you are going to utilize in grafting need to be cleaned and also disinfected.
● Gardening gloves-- Using gloves will certainly protect your hands from the cacti's thorns.
● Rubber bands, toothpick, twine-- You can utilize these products to tighten up and also hold the cacti throughout their recovery time, as well as these will certainly additionally make sure that the cacti would certainly not obtain divided from each other.
Can Moon Cactus be grafted on any cacti?
Yes, you can utilize various cacti as rootstocks for your Moon Cactus Nevertheless, these cacti are the most effective to make use of when grafting a Moon Cactus: Cereus peruvianus, Trichocereus spachianus, and Hylocereus trigonus or undatus.
What kind of rootstock can you use for grafting Moon Cactus?
1. Cereus peruvianus, or Peruvian apple cactus, is giant in size as well as thorny, primarily found in South America. This cactus expands vertically, so making it a rootstock for your Moon Cactus would certainly be exceptional.
2. Trichocereus spachianus or Torch cactus is really difficult and immune to various climate condition. It also expands upright, so you can likewise use this as a rootstock for grafting.
3. Hylocereus trigonus or undatus or Dragon fruit is a fast-growing, climbing cactus with a triangular stem. It has superior origin development and also is tolerant to any weather. You won't regret using this cactus as a rootstock for your Moon cactus.
General Grafting Process for Moon Cactus
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Whatever sort of grafting approach you will certainly adhere to, recognizing this general grafting procedure is still necessary.
Preparing the rootstock
● Choose branches that are healthy and balanced, soft, straight, as well as thick.
● After cutting the stems, split them right into much shorter sizes.
● Let the cuttings completely dry for three to four days.
● Plant the cuttings 1.5 inches deep into a container with well-draining soil.
Preparing the scion (Moon Cactus).
ü Cut the scion in a type depending on what method you are going to use. If it has dogs or offsets, you can eliminate them meticulously and graft them as well.
Grafting the Moon Cactus (scion) and the rootstock.
● Place the scion and also rootstock with each other.
● Secure them making use of an elastic band, twine connections, or a toothpick.
● Supply the recently grafted Moon Cactus enough water and also sunlight direct exposure.
● After couple of weeks, get rid of the rubber band.
● You currently have actually an grafted Moon Cactus.
Methods on how to graft Moon Cactus
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There are various methods you can make use of in grafting the Moon Cactus. Right here are some of them.
1. Flat graft or seedling graft method-- This grafting technique is just one of the simplest, efficient, as well as finest strategies used in grafting Moon Cactus. In doing this method, you require to reduce both the successor and the rootstock and also guarantee they have the exact same diameter. The elevation of the rootstock should be 3 inches above the soil. After that eliminate some skin of the rootstock, which can interfere with the scion. Next, put them with each other and make sure they matched. After that, placed rubber bands to tighten the two and so they won't get divided. After a number of weeks or three, you can get rid of the elastic band. Right now, the scion as well as the rootstock have been bound together.
2. V graft or cleft graft method-- You can use this in grafting the other cacti. First, you require to cut a "V" groove right into the rootstock as well as to the scion as well. Then integrate the two as well as put twine connections or rubber bands to tighten them. Unlike the flat graft, the V graft takes even more time prior to the heir.
3. Side graft method-- The side graft technique is a simple strategy you can utilize. Initially, reduced the scion as well as rootstock in diagonal kind. Next, link them with each other, make sure it's tight that the scion will not fall. Please await a number of weeks or 3 prior to removing the connections to provide time to recover as well as bond with each other.
How grafting benefit the Moon Cactus
● Grafting helps the Moon Cactus grow-- Moon cactus is dependent on other cacti. It can't generate by itself without their aid. The rootstock improves the wellness of the Moon Cactus since its roots soak up required nutrients for the cactus to maintain growing.
● Grafting increases the lifespan of the Moon Cactus-- You understand that Moon Cactus can not live for a long time. They will eventually pass away because that is their nature. However due to rootstock, the lifespan of the cactus was at some point extended. Rootstock gives the heir the opportunity to expand more and also live more.
How to care for a newly grafted Moon Cactus
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Unlike other cacti, which just require little care, the Moon cactus is sensitive as well as may require additional care to continue expanding as well as prospering. The rootstock requires a balanced quantity of sunlight to function well.
So, it is important to place a recently implanted cactus in an area where it can get enough sunlight however far from straight sun. You need to plant the Moon Cactus in well-draining soil and also pot to make sure proper water drainage and prevent root rot.
When it involves watering, Moon Cactus does not call for excessive and regular watering. Water the cactus moderately and see to it to wait on the soil to dry prior to watering again. You can make use of the "soak and also dry method" for this plant.
This cactus chooses warm temperature levels, so it is best to move the plant indoors throughout the winter season because frost is deadly for Moon Cactus. When it pertains to fertilizing the cactus, it is not needed, but you additionally do so. Fertilizing the plant during its growing season will certainly aid the plant to grow and prosper constantly.
Does Moon Cactus often need regrafting?
Moon Cactus doesn't call for grafting frequently. You just require to regraft the plant when it experiences troubles such as origin rot or the rootstock has insects and also does not function well.
How to regraft Moon Cactus?
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One of the factors you need to regraft the Moon cactus is due to origin rot, or the health of the rootstock is declining. Why is rootstock's wellness decreasing? Well, allow's put it by doing this, the scion is like a bloodsucker to the rootstock.
Related article: Compatible Cactus in Blue Columnar Cactus Grafting
Ultimately, the rootstock is having a tough time flourishing while likewise aiding the scion live. So in time, the rootstock loses nutrients for its growth as well as for that reason led to poor wellness. In this situation, you need to discover another healthy rootstock for your Moon Cactus to keep it living.
Re-grafting has the same procedure as how you initially grafted your Moon Cactus, and also right here is the guide you can follow to.
1. Prior to you start to regraft your Moon Cactus, you require to secure initially a brand-new and also healthy rootstock.
2. Next off, get rid of the scion using a tidy blade.
3. Cut the scion as well as the rootstock relying on what approach you will comply with, whether the level graft, V graft, or side graft.
4. Using a rubber band, secure the scion and rootstock as well as see to it they are both undamaged with each other.
5. Wait on few weeks prior to removing the rubber band to let the scion and rootstock bond.
6. Do not forget to supply enough water and also sunlight to the Moon Cactus.
Can Moon Cactus live without being grafted?
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Yes, it will certainly live, but only momentarily. Rootstock aids the life-span of the Moon Cactus, and without its assistance, the plant will certainly pass away quickly.
Grafting is undoubtedly a large help for your Moon Cactus, so it is a must to do so if you love your plant as well as want it to have a long life.
How long can Moon Cactus live?
If you graft Moon Cactus, it can live for one to three years, depending upon exactly how well you take care of the plant. But if not, it will just have a short life expectancy due to the fact that nothing will certainly sustain its growth as well as offer nutrients to maintain living.
Bottom Line
You can graft Moon Cactus in many ways, and it only depends on what method you are going to do. These grafting strategies are easy to follow, so you don't need to be terrified attempting to graft a Moon Cactus. It is necessary to understand that this cactus has only a brief life-span.
That is why implanting will help them to live a lengthy life. And as a gardener, you understand that you can do something for this plant. So why think twice to do so, right? This short article might have worked as a sign for you to start a new behavior, grafting a Moon Cactus. You will undoubtedly enjoy the outcome of this brand-new trip. Pleased growing!
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transdrowned · 3 years
please do i want to hear them
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@salamencerobot @rutilated-quarz 8)
Well lads. The votes are in.
Tiny ones first:
Every living thing is sensitive to Glitches, which are entities that break the laws of their given World, IE Herobrine, Obviously, or someone who has a creative inventory despite being in Survival. Glitches have this sort of unsettling vibe to them, and it makes people avoid or be scared of them.
Illagers are actually extremely organized and cultured, and each World usually has several reigning noble or notable families. Villagers, however, are prone to living in independent communities from one-another, rather than band into full cities or kingdoms or the like.
Endermen call teleporting “blinking”, because that’s how it feels to them. (Get it. Cause pearls can be made into ender eyes. Eyes can blink. Ha.) (Also, I like using DND and other fantasy and RPG terms for Minecraft. Because it’s fun.)
Hostile mobs are intelligent and are having Slamacow parties when we’re not looking. I’m kidding. But seriously, several kinds of hostile mobs also have languages. Endermen who learn playerspeak sound very “fuzzy”, and Spiders and Creepers have some overlap in their very hissing-based languages. I just think it’d be fun for everyone to be at least capable of being friends, alright.
Respawn works for Everyone. Which means, yes, you Are killing the same exact skeleton in your mob grinder. How cruel.
And now. The Big One.
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I think… I think Minecraft should be technofantasy. For fun.
The world is, in fact, a program, The Program, if you will. It’s run by two Administrators, who are the closest things to gods the Program has, and we’re already familiar with them. I choose to think, in a roundabout way, that chapels in villages are meant for them. Mother Moon, Father Sun. Because I think religion is just neat, and so so human.
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The Program is a sprawling mass of redstone and command blocks and computers that hovers in a wide white gridspace, which occupies its own dimension. The Program grows, sometimes in independent parts which it grafts on over time, which is how it updates itself. It does not stop growing. Its goal is to be perpetual, always becoming new, upcycling code and existing forever. The Admins, Poets, whatever you’d like to call them, aid in this by overseeing.
A hot topic in Minecraft worldbuilding theories is the origins of man-made structures that exist in the Overworld and the End. My idea is that it’s upcycled or regrafted code.
Currently, the Program hosts all Worlds on their own separate servers. This was not always the case; there was once one singular world, with an Overworld, an End, a Nether, as well as all the Dimensions from the Infinity Snapshot; the Program could bear the load of hosting all these Dimensions, because it only had to do so once.
The inhabitants of the first World I will dub Worldwalkers; they were adventurers, scholars, a developed people rich in wanderlust and ideas and hungry to know more. They built and explored and lived their lives and wanted to know everything. And so, they managed to stumble upon the Program.
The Program was never meant to be accessed; it was meant to be insular, never tampered by outside unapproved hands, but there are holes in every firewall and the Worldwalkers managed to poke in the right place.
Their falling was the result of foolishness and hubris; destruction of the physical manifestation of the coding of their universe, resulting in the great Fracture.
The World split into thousands upon thousands, and the Program, struggling to bear the load, locked all Worlds into their three core dimensions and generated dedicated servers to host them.
Everything the Worldwalkers built was destroyed, but not deleted. More and more of their relics are grafted into every World as the Program updates. The End Cities have returned, Monuments and Mansions repurposed, and odds and ends scattered all over creations.
And the Worldwalkers themselves turned into something new, since what they were shattered. Something that still feels the call of wanderlust and now can travel almost completely freely. Something that can’t fit into the cities they live around, trying to build. Something that’s hypersensitive to seeing the codes of others, which drives them to rage.
The same is true for the Dragon. She’s forgotten her purpose. She ignores those she was born to protect, but still guards the End as her own, like a guard dog whose owner is long gone. It is her home, even if she is, for the most part, lost in purpose thanks to the breaks in her own memories, her own code. Shulkers are the same, defending empty homes. The worms… The worms are new.
And that’s where reincarnation comes in, too; since the Program never deletes code, especially for entities, it upcycles it into something new. Sometimes, it’s only a string. But sometimes… Sometimes there is enough of the old code to give you feelings, fuzzy memories that you can’t seem to grasp at. Like fog in the wind, curling away. Everyone and everything, when they die, becomes something or someone new. There is no true death of one’s code.
Endermen are especially prone to this feeling.
So! All Worlds are derivative of a single World that was Fractured beyond repair and glitched out so hard it split itself into thousands upon thousands. Worlds are on separate servers and cannot cross over.
Remember the Infinity Snapshot?
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The Program accidentally reloaded old rejected code that it couldn’t get rid of. You can’t give every World uncounted dimensions; the Program would fry.
So the solution is just one. Make each Dimension its own micro-server.
All servers that were not affected by the Infinity Patch [meant to repair this glaring hole in security and functionality] can still contact each-other, swap servers even.
They just need to be on the same Dimension at the same time.
PS: I have a former glitched Worldwalker OC that acts as a Moderator and Antivirus. Her name is Tek. I’m having fun and I’m aware this is all silly.
Sidenote: I will never count N*tch or any Mojang creators in my lore or headcanon ideas, I don’t care, I respect the people who make the game, I just don’t wanna do that. It feels weird.
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[More stuff from Dark Creed. This scene is just funny to me.
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Just. The thought of an Ultramarines Successor Captain asking for a duel and having this fucking bastard of a Word Bearer just be like.
This is so fucking funny to me.
"FACE ME IN HONORABLE-" "No." "... no??" "No." "The fuck you mean no, that's not how this works!"
Wonderful. Terrific. RIV this Consul.
Image ID below the cut:
A scene taken from Dark Creed, featuring Dark Apostle Marduk and an unnamed White Consuls captain. It reads:
‘Now you die, like the dog you are,’ said Marduk, relishing the moment. The enemy captain tensed himself, dropping into a crouch.
‘Face me, heretic,’ said the captain. ‘One on one.’
‘No,’ Marduk said. The enemy captain seemed momentarily taken aback by the unexpected answer.
‘Have you no honour?’ said the White Consul. ‘Do you fear to face me, to be humbled before your brethren?’
Sheathing his chainsword, Marduk reached up and removed his skull-faced helmet. His face, an ugly mess of scar tissue, regrafts and augmentation, was amused. He cleared his throat and spat a thick wad of black phlegm at the captain’s feet. The floor plating began to sizzle and melt beneath the impact.
‘Coward,’ taunted the White Consuls captain.
‘You are the bastard get of the thrice-cursed Guilliman,’ said Marduk. ‘You do not deserve an honourable death.’
‘Let me take him,’ growled Burias-Drak’shal.
‘No,’ said Marduk.
‘Let me face your warp-spawned pet,’ said the White Consul. ‘In the Emperor’s holy name, I shall cut it down and spit upon its corpse.’
Burias-Drak’shal snarled and stepped forward. Marduk halted him with a word.
‘No,’ he said. ‘He wishes to die a noble death. Therefore, he shall not have it. Gun him down.’
Marduk smiled as he saw the shock and outrage written in the eyes of the enemy captain. The White Consul made to leap at Marduk, but he was cut down before he could move, struck from all sides by gunfire.
End ID.]
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cactusjerk · 3 years
Finally!!! My Trichocereus Lobivia hybrid ASTERIX is flowering for the first time. I took the plant from the graft and regrafted it to a better stock because it did so poorly on the previous stock. Picked a strong growing Trichocereus peruvianus and the thing is full of energy now. Made the right choice! ✌😊
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pastelninjaimagines · 5 years
How would an au post canon obito lives work?
So! I’ve thought about this one a lot and about how to make this as realistic to the canon as possible…but if someone doesn’t agree with my logic here, I get it….After Sasuke and Naruto battle for the final time, they’re able to revive everyone from the tree thingy (can’t be bothered to look up what it’s called lmao) but Obito, since he was a casualty against Kaguya, also gets revived from that same energy or whatever. There was a lot of shenanigans that was happening at that point so honestly, fuck logic it just happens kay. But that’s the logic behind it. Everything else fucky is happening so maybe in the afterlife, someone (maybe rin maybe not) tells Obito that he has to go back to life, mostly because he didn’t live his own he basically died at like 14 (?) and wasn’t given a chance to live his own life. Add that to that fact that he needs to atone for the life he actually lived. He’s gotta make up for all that shit he did. So they just yeet him back to earth, partly bc of the shit that was going on and partly bc he didn’t deserve to rest yet….who knows lmao
But! How would this actually work if he did live? Well, he’d probably be in the hospital for a little bit, Tsunade would have had to regraft his body probably (and she’d be able to do this since she gave Naruto a working arm), but he’d probably need a new body. So then he’d be going through physical therapy for a little bit to get used to his new body, and they’d probably want to run some psychological tests on him, since you know, criminal. 
After he would get out of the hospital (and possibly prison if they make him do some time), he’d not want to exactly live in the village with a whole bunch of people. I’d see him wanting to be a bit isolated, so having a little house a little ways outside of the village walls, but still pretty close, just not near people. But of course he’s not left alone. Kakashi visits him literally every day, and so does Naruto. The two of them, along with Guy, are dead set on rehabilitating him to society. And it goes on from there, Obito slowly beginning to live again. 
From there, he definitely becomes Kakashi’s shadow kage, so being one of his closest advisors and helping him make the tough calls. He refuses the spotlight however, and never acknowledges that he has this role. And it’s better that way, since no one’s forgetting this man’s past. But he just tries to be low key with everything that he does. All the good he does, he doesn’t want credit for. And he does try to do a lot of good. That’s his purpose in living after all. 
So that’s kind of a rough outline of how I think an obito lived after the ninja war au would go…though I’d definitely be open to hearing other thoughts lol i’m sure there are numerous avenues that this could go
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skunkes · 5 years
The amount of people discussing top surgery with no nipples after is tiny so if its ok to ask, what benefits are there to have a surgery removing them?
I think the only main one is that one less thing to worry ab when healing after top surgery, because regrafting the nops also takes time, and for me its a big deal bc i worry about recovery stuff, and also because i have no real connection to mine...sometimes theres loss of sensation to that whole area anyway so.
I know some people just dont want em and some ppl want one less thing to worry about, esp since you can get realistic ones tattooed (tho i also fear tattoo needle pain so thats where im all mixed up among other thngs) bt yea!
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