#regina trevelyan
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lordwoolselytaxservices · 6 months ago
Why are brown eyes impossible in DAI?!?! WHY?!?!
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persephoneggsy · 1 year ago
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animal crossing but it's my dragon age babies and their boyfriends
personality types/animals for the curious:
Fiora Cousland: Sisterly cat
Alistair: Lazy dog
Marian Hawke: Snooty squirrel
Sebastian: Smug deer
Hildegarde Trevelyan: Normal rabbit
Cullen: Cranky lion
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sciatu · 2 months ago
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Le nuvole grigie ricoprono l’azzurro del cielo, coprono i monti sopra Taormina e velano l’Etna fino a nasconderla. Scendiamo tra le vie di Taormina, lucide di pioggia, per andare nella grande Villa. Ci accolgono viali pieni di fiori e di profumi, e panorami in cui si intravede l’infinito, mentre il mare quieto, si svuota di sagge barche che prevedendo la tempesta, tornano lentamente a riva. La Villa è piena di alberi di ogni specie perché chi la iniziò a creare, Lady FlorenceTrevelyan, la cugina della regina Vittoria, volle creare una piccola oasi con fiori e piante di tutto il mondo dove gli animali potessero vivere indisturbati e lei potesse trovare il suo paradiso lussureggiante. Così, alberi tropicali crescono accanto a pini del lontano nord, fiori del nuovo mondo brillano luminosi accanto ai fiori locali lussureggianti ed eterni nel loro instancabile fiorire. I rumori del mondo sono lontani. Lontani il caos e le follie di chi crede nell’acciaio e nel cemento. Qui vi è solo il canto dei cardellini, il richiamo delle ciaule, il saltellare delle gazze, ed il sospiro del vento appena nato dal mare, che nervosamente sfida i monti a fermarlo, rubando nubi e stracciandole nel cielo. All’ingresso della villa due giovani amanti alati. Perché l’amore dona le ali degli angeli a chi di lui si nutre e con lui sogna.
The gray clouds cover the blue sky, cover the mountains above Taormina and veil Etna until they hide it. We go down the streets of Taormina, shiny with rain, to go to the large Villa. We are welcomed by avenues full of flowers and scents, and panoramas where you can glimpse the infinite, while the calm sea, empties of wise boats that, foreseeing the storm, slowly return to shore. The Villa is full of trees of every species because the person who began to create it, Lady Florence Trevelyan, cousin of Queen Victoria, wanted to create a small oasis with flowers and plants from all over the world where animals could live undisturbed and she could find her lush paradise. Thus, tropical trees grow next to pines from the far north, flowers from the new world shine brightly next to the local flowers lush and eternal in their tireless blooming. The noises of the world are far away. Far away is the chaos and madness of those who believe in steel and cement. Here there is only the song of goldfinches, the call of ciauli, the hopping of magpies, and the sigh of the wind just born from the sea, which nervously challenges the mountains to stop it, stealing clouds and tearing them in the sky. At the entrance to the villa two young winged lovers. Because love gives the wings of angels to those who feed on it and dream with it.
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hnnny · 2 months ago
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B O O !
Have yourself a Halloween costume palooza! We got matching costumes all over the place!
Under the cut is what everyone is supposed to be:
Left to right, top to bottom, starting with the first picture:
Torellia (Revan): One of those inflatable cowboy type costumes, but instead of a horse or dinosaur, it's a gizka! She is having the time of her life :3
Zena and Atton: Zena is Sophie, and Atton is Howl, both from the end of the film. This is mostly a reference to a piece of art I did of them a while back.
Anders and Felicity Hawke: Anders is Rapunzel, and Hawke is Flynn Rider specifically from the movie Tangled. Hawke explains why XD
Cassandra and Ben Finn: Cassandra is Hercules, and Ben Finn is Megara from Disney's Hercules. Cassandra goes from zero to Hero in her story, and well Ben's just there to be eye candy 🍬
Gale and Tavara: Gale is Princess Daisy, and Tavara is Princess Peach. Honestly I just thought it fit Gale pretty well to be Daisy. Tavar isn't even blonde, but she is kind of pink 🤷‍♀️
Marissa Trevelyan and Cullen: Marissa is a witch, and Cullen is her cat familiar. Well, as much as she can dress him up for anyway. And yes, I do have terrible taste in men, why do you ask?
Aria and Astarion: Aria is the Phantom of the Opera, and Astarion is Christine. Aria's a bard, and Astarion just looks fabulous 😂
Frederick Cousland and Leliana: Frederick is Leliana, and Leliana is Frederick. They are imitating some of their iconic voice lines. I heard Lel say "Allow me, I could do that for you" so many times that it's now ingrained in my mind lol.
William, Regina, and Cassie (Cassandra): William is the Beast, Regina is Belle, and Cassie is Gaston because she's a kid and thinks he's silly and fun...and because I didn't want to design an outfit based on an inanimate object 😭
Asher and Theresa: Asher is Gandalf, and Theresa is Galadriel. I thought it was fitting since they're both mirrored examples of prolonged lifespans and being visibly old and not visibly old.
Paloma Shepard and Garrus: Paloma is Sally, and Garrus is Jack Skellington. I will never draw a Turian ever again (she lied).
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thedragonagebigbang · 5 months ago
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Bang Creator Interview: Tumblr: @crabs-with-sticks  |  AO3: CrabsWithSticks
The Collaboration period has begun! In these quiet months before works are due, we want to foster a sense of excitement, camaraderie, and celebration among our participants. To that end, all participants were given the option of a formal interview by our mod, Dema, or an informal “ask-game” survey. We hope you enjoy getting to know our phenomenal creators as much as we have!
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Found Family in Crisis!!!!!! How This Local Woman's Life Just Keeps Getting Worse!!!  
Jacs and Dema talk music, tragedy, DMing tabletop games, and OCs who won't follow the damn rules
Dema: Good morning! Happy Saturday. Are you writing today? 
Jacs: I'm hoping to! Though I might be taking a break from my actual project to do some fun oneshots. Give myself a bit of time away from the tragedy of my bang fic and write something happy haha
Dema: That is very fair! Especially with heavier fics. How do you get in the zone to write, regardless of the project? Or does it vary depending on the vibes of your fic?
Jacs: Normally it involves getting nice and cozy under a blanket on the couch with a good cup of tea. I'll sometimes put a playlist on to get into a particular vibe, I've got a bunch of character playlists which can help get into the perspective of whatever oc I'm writing that day.
Dema: I won't get too specific with this question but, if there is one song on your playlist that especially fits your bang fic, what would it be?
Jacs: Hmm, I'd say probably 'Sampson' by Regina Spektor. The song is based on a tragic biblical story and is all about what could have happened if things had worked out differently. If the love had been enough to save them, then they wouldn't have been remembered by history but they would have been happy.
Dema: Oh okay, arrow straight to the heart. I see, I see.
Jacs: Yeah, I'm a known tragedy enjoyer, just rolling around in the sadness like a dog in a puddle. In order to get optimal levels of tragedy you gotta have some happiness first just so that readers can really see that it didn't have to be this way (but they never could have changed it).
Dema: I can't wait to read it! I also love tragedy, and especially in that ratio. Is there a particular one-shot idea you have kicking around, to cleanse the palate?
Jacs: Not sure! Though probably something with my oc Luca Trevelyan with Dorian, though I haven't actually managed to get very far through that particular playthrough yet....I'm a bit of a serial oc creator who then never gets around to actually playing them in the game.
Dema: Do you always make your OCs in game? Even if you don't get around to the playthrough? 
Jacs: Yep! It’s probably my favourite part of Dragon Age, or any CRPG. I really like thinking up characters, with their conflicts and histories. I'm a forever DM in real life, so I'm fairly used to making up characters and then never playing them, although at least with Dragon Age I already know the events of the game they'll be going through, so I have a better idea of their development arcs. I am trying to do a re-playthrough of the whole series before Veilguard comes out, but we'll see how successful that is haha.
Dema: Do you find that DMing has informed the way you structure your stories?
Jacs: I'd say that it probably has. When I DM I'm always keeping a hand on the pulse of all the characters, their emotions and where they're at in their arcs, because my aim is really to tell a good story. So I think it can help me to see things from the big picture as well as a more mechanical perspective. Though sometimes I do need to tell myself to stop looking at the big picture and just focus on what is at hand.
Dema: I'm a bit in awe of DMs. To me it seems like being the conductor of an orchestra, except all your musicians are improvising. Do your characters sometimes feel like players? Or do they tend to stay within the lines?
Jacs: They do end up getting away from me sometimes, or they'll do something that leaves me going 'huh, why did you just make that decision', because I know it's accurate but I'm not entirely sure why. Though sadly there's no actual player to ask...just my brain. I was intending to make quite a whimsical and happy Brosca, but she just keeps doing morally grey things!
Dema: HAHA ah yes, relatable. I find it's such an interesting balance, for me, between wanting everything in the story to feel a bit inevitable (especially in a tragedy!) and embracing the realism of some things just not having a clear explanation, especially character decisions.
Jacs: Yeah for sure! It's great when characters are messy and contradictory, I just wish it wasn't so hard...I had a character at one point who was making a whole bunch of decisions I wasn't expecting or had planned for, and I'd try to think 'ok why is this character doing this?' and all she supplied in return was 'I'm lactose intolerant'...which honestly was a very in character response; just straight up ignoring the question. 
Dema: A character in writing, or a character in a campaign you were DMing?
Jacs: A character I was writing.
Dema: Hahaha, incredible.
Jacs: I sometimes have, I guess little 'conversations' with my characters in my head where I tap into the section of my brain that they live in.
Dema: That's a great strategy! Is that how your characters first come to be?
Jacs: Hmm, I think the conversation part comes a bit later when I have some context for them, either in their history or in the game itself. It starts off as a lot of collaging together different ideas until it makes a full character. Often I start off from a particular theme or emotional angle I'm interested in exploring. So one started off as 'religious trauma', and another from 'idealism in a cruel society' and so on.
Dema: Has that first theme or idea ever come from a really unexpected source? And related to this, do you tend to be primarily inspired by the source material itself? I know that's a big reason so many of us love DA in particular.
Jacs: I think the themes are usually all ideas that I'm already interested in, but it's super fun seeing the way it can connect to the worldbuilding and lore. I think it's really important for characters to have specifics which tie them into the world around them, so thinking about how their family might have lived in the particular part of the world they're from, how they and the people around them either adhere to or go against it, and what impact that would have on their story. It's really fun looking at how a theme can change based on where the character comes from, like a character with conflict based around religious trauma is going to be different if they're human, Dalish or a city elf, and the world will react to them differently because of that.
Dema: Now I simply must ask you if you ever write AU fics.
Jacs: I haven't written many to be honest, though I do have some ideas for some. It can be hard translating a story that is really rooted in the specifics of one particular world and translating that to another. So I'm always really impressed to see when other people do it so well! I often find you can find a good parallel for one aspect of a character, but then you have to try to fit a second aspect or character conflict in and it doesn't fit the new world at all!
Dema: I feel the same!
Jacs: Writing; it's hard man.
Dema: It is! So why do you do it!? And a follow-up question: writing is hard, and you're signed up for a Big Bang! What made you interested? Is it your first one or have you done this before?
Jacs: It's like a wonderful little puzzle; except it can be all wibbly wobbly and just like real life it doesn't always need to make sense- it's lovely just to embrace the humanness of character writing!
So a bit of context, I recently finished postgraduate studies, and realised I didn't have any hobbies! I used to love creative writing of any sort when I was but a young whippersnapper (they say, in their mid 20s), so I decided to embrace the cringe and get back at it. I've never participated in any fandom events, or even written something this long that wasn't academic! But I'm really loving the community around this event and getting to chat to other writers as we all write (and suffer) together!
Dema: In the last minutes, and just for fun: can you come up with a click-bait title for your fic? Without giving anything major away, of course.
Jacs: Maybe something like 'Found Family in Crisis!!!!!! How This Local Woman's Life Just Keeps Getting Worse!!!’  (To quote the venerable Sir Terry Prattchet: And all those exclamation marks, you notice? Five? A sure sign of someone who wears his underpants on his head.)
Dema: Ten out of Ten, would click again. Thank you so much for setting aside this time to chat with me!
Jacs: No worries! I had a great time!
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gifsofhubris-a · 8 months ago
hey look at all the tags I tracked down yesterday
I'm going to work at expanding it even further into individual posts eventually but
Alfred Molina ⌈ Harding Hooten ⌋ ⌈ Anna Karenina 1998/Koysta ⌋ ⌈ Andres Galan ⌋ ⌈ Bram Shepherd ⌋ ⌈ Close To The Enemy/ Harold Lindsay-Jones ⌋ ⌈ Raimi Doc Ock ⌋ ⌈ Hugh Weldon ⌋ ⌈ Maxim Horvath ⌋ ⌈ Pink Panther 2/Randall ⌋ ⌈ Ricardo Morales ⌋ ⌈ Roger Stephenson ⌋ ⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋ Sean Bean ⌈ Joseph Wilford ⌋ ⌈ Alec Trevelyan ⌋ ⌈ Father Micheal Kerrigan ⌋ ⌈ The Hitcher ⌋ ⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋ ⌈ Channel Zero ⌋ ⌈ Daveed Diggs ⌋ ⌈ Eragon 2006 ⌋ ⌈ Ian Mcshane ⌋ ⌈ Jeremy Irons ⌋ ⌈ John Wick ⌋ ⌈ Leverage ⌋ ⌈ Regina Hall ⌋ ⌈ Repo! The Genetic Opera ⌋ ⌈ Rahul Kohli ⌋ ⌈ The Outer Worlds ⌋ ⌈ Trick r treat ⌋ ⌈ 1048 Doc Ock ⌋ ⌈ 1048 Martin Li ⌋
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crownrots · 1 year ago
❄️ mobile links.
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follows from @carrionsflower
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oc master list under the cut:
Corbyn Webb - tag | ♡ /
Niamh Murray - tag | ♡ angel pagan
Shivani Norton - tag | ♡ /
Margaux Moreau - tag | ♡ /
Phillipa Marwood - tag | ♡ gale
Aerona Zonvasses - tag | ♡ shadowheart
Marik Thayer - tag | ♡ astarion
Varyamë of the Lythari - tag | ♡ lae'zel
Prim Skarnak - tag | ♡ halsin
Jacqueline Dubois - tag | ♡ john price
Drew Guidry - tag | ♡ helen espinoza
Holly McDowell - tag | ♡ esteban rojas
Alessandro Messina - tag | ♡ marnie daniels
Tatum Maslany - tag | ♡ /
Christian Morrisey - tag | ♡ /
Dove Hart - tag | ♡ /
Vanessa 'V' Lennox - tag | ♡ panam palmer
Vianna Salvatore - tag | ♡ jamie valentino
Ami Mccormick - tag | ♡ kiki navarro
Terrence Walker - tag | ♡ regina angeli
Richie Scott - tag | ♡ beckett estrada
DC ──
Eloise Rigby - tag | ♡ adrian chase
Yvette Maxwell - tag | ♡ sunny santoso
victoria cousland - tag | ♡ alistair
twila hawke - tag | ♡ anders
guinevere trevelyan - tag | ♡ cullen
marius d'abonville - tag | ♡ /
victoria pentaghast - tag | ♡ /
minerva ingellvar - tag | ♡ emmrich volkarin
octavia mercar - tag | ♡ neve gallus
llorva aldwir - tag | ♡ bellara lutare
cosette d’abonville - tag | ♡ hrærek
hrærek gæirmundsen - tag | ♡ cosette
Archie Atkinson - tag | ♡ tris monroe
Emmett Turner - tag | ♡ kitty
Eddy Sayer - tag | ♡ claudia maris
Hattie Milford - tag | ♡ ricki silva
Evelyn Lawrence - tag | ♡ /
Robert Lawrence - tag | ♡ hildy larmar
Jaxx Ackerson - tag | ♡ jojo
Ivy Wilson - tag | ♡ andy rivera
Eraesella Storm - tag | ♡ clifton stark
Myra Ryger - tag | ♡ gwayne hightower
Cassian Lannister - tag | ♡ lorenza martell
Grimm Harmlet - tag | ♡ nymora sand
MCU ──
Roxanne James - tag | ♡ /
Ophelia Cohen - tag | ♡ dana andrews
Nora Higgins - tag | ♡ arthur morgan
Jeremy Stanford - tag | ♡ fatima pavan
Brooke Todd - tag | ♡ /
Maeve Peralez - tag | ♡ jake muller
Rowena Albrecht - tag | ♡ reese kelly
Lenore Scarlet - tag | ♡ sam wayne
Jack Haggerty - tag | ♡ stella richmond
Amara - tag | ♡ owen yonhatt
Patricia Upton - tag | ♡ jim hopper
Avery Slaughter - tag | ♡ eddie munson
Wynflæd - tag | ♡ finan
Ingrid - tag | ♡ eadith
Wulfwyn - tag | ♡ sihtric
Arne - tag | ♡ osferth
Rian Mccormick - tag | ♡ mari cross
Teagan Montgomery - tag | ♡ xavier cruz
Mason Novak - tag | ♡ raquel quint
Parker Novak - tag | ♡ milly vanelli
Kyle Alpert - tag | ♡ tommy miller
Savannah Alpert - tag | ♡ calum jackson
Mark Hudson - tag | ♡ gladys page
Wesley Chase - tag | ♡ eugenie doucett
Kit Slater - tag | ♡ alondra carrera
Dory Sinclair - tag | ♡ alonso carrera
Tammy Shaw - tag | ♡ /
Vince Shaw - tag | ♡ ginny tate
Perry James - tag | ♡ johnny slaughter
Sandra Underwood - tag | ♡ kerry reed
Iris - tag | ♡ leslie astor
Nash Duvall - tag | ♡ casey, ?
Tracey Mitchell - tag | ♡ /
Michelle Fletcher - tag | ♡ /
Peggy Ward - tag | ♡ robin holley
Cindy Ward - tag | ♡ juniper mckinney
Derrick Ward - tag | ♡ addie bautista
Garrison Abbott - tag | ♡ gemma crawford
Sosie Sanchez - tag | ♡ deacon crawford
Eliza O'Rourke - tag | ♡ nix
Daisy Dunn - tag | ♡ /
Winnie Madison - tag | ♡ dominic cross
Emmett Turner - tag | ♡ lola
Nina Bird - tag | ♡ william bird | ♡ adam du mortain
Eleanore Greene - tag | ♡ farah hauville
Agatha Elwood - tag | ♡ mason
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glamfellens · 4 years ago
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finally made a trevelyan ... ner name is regina and shes Gay
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artist-rat · 4 years ago
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detail of an Inquisition tarot of my Hawke, Rene. (kinda prefer this cropped version to the whole piece, so... just posting this lol :D)
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lordwoolselytaxservices · 6 months ago
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I made a thing...
All of the individual OC pages are under construction and need a lot more work but I've finally created a directory of sorts for my babies!
I still have a few OCs to work out and get proper screenshots for as well as adding my Warden and Hawke into the mix. I won't be putting my Rook on here until I play the game and can really feel out the direction I'm looking to go with them.
Anywho, if you'd like to check them out:
Periwinkle Lightning Universe
~I used Canva to make this site which isn't the most ideal for things sometimes so if you see any errors or have feedback, please let me know! ^.^
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My ruthless (aka evil) OCs
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Template here for anyone wanting to give this a go
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persephoneggsy · 7 months ago
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My canon worldstate for Dragon Age
template here, by @omgkalyppso
ages are as of 9:52 Dragon, which I'm fairly certain is the start date of The Veilguard (but I may be mistaken).
I changed the template a bit since I wasn't really sure how to word "origin" for all three girls, so I changed it to class/specialization.
Lots of misc. information under the cut bc I can't help myself:
I forgot to put it in her actual sheet because I just assumed everyone would assume this, but Fiora is married to Alistair and they rule Ferelden together.
Fiora did the ritual with Morrigan and Alistair. Her reasoning was that it would be easier for Alistair if she was there (and it was), but she was also harboring a crush on Morrigan she knew wouldn't go anywhere, so this was as close as she would get. Alistair was also aware of this, and fine with it. They already had a threesome with Isabela, after all.
Fiora's mabari is named Jorah. In universe I pretend it's the name of a storybook hero she likes. Out of universe he's named for Jorah Mormont from Game of Thrones, which I was obsessed with at the time lol.
Marian really only ever traveled with Fenris, Merrill, Carver, and Sebastian. In Act 1, before Sebastian was available, she used Isabela. She's on lukewarm to awful terms with everyone else. She kicked Anders out fairly early in Act 2.
Varric's nickname for her is "Needles" - small, sharp, and related to both sewing and healing. I wanted to use Stitches but one of Bull’s Chargers already has that name lol.
The ‘small’ part comes from the fact that Marian is 5'2'' - making her the second shortest in the DA2 group aside from Varric, the actual dwarf.
Marian's mabari is named Brick, because she found him abadoned in a pile of bricks near an unfinished house by Lothering. Out of universe, he's named for Brick from the Borderlands series, who I've always thought looked like if a mabari was human.
Hildegarde's hair was originally a chestnut brown, but interacting directly with the orb/going physically through the Fade changed it to white. She doesn't realize this until someone points it out to her fter she's named Herald of Andraste. Her eyes, already green, become a more vivid shade matching that of the Rifts. She hates these changes.
Varric's nickname for her is Bunny - she's very skittish and anxious, plus the white hair.
The mabari that Cullen finds in Orlais is named Lapin. The Orlesian who owned him named him that, so it's what he responds to. Cullen finds it amusing that Lapin means "rabbit", the animal people tend to associate with Hildegarde. He jokes that surely it was a sign from the Maker that Cullen and Hilde were meant to take him in.
Hildegarde reforms the Inquisition as Divine Victoria's peacekeeping force. She serves as Vivienne's right hand woman, dividing her time between that and helping Cullen run his clinic for lyrium-addicted templars. They live in Val Royeaux, but own homes in the now peaceful Emerald Graves and Emprise du Lion.
By the time of DA: The Veilguard, they all have children. Fiora and Alistair have a daughter named Bryce (7 years old); Marian and Sebastian have twins, Davinia and Dominic (10 years old) and Marian is currently pregnant with their third child; Hildegarde and Cullen have two children, a son named Ethan (6 years old) and a daughter named Hannelore (4 years old). They'll have three more kids after The Veilguard's story (as long as BioWare doesn't kill the Inquisitor...).
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sciatu · 1 year ago
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Capisci che la spiaggia di Taormina è un posto per ricchi quando anche il parcheggiatore abusivo ti chiede un prezzo a due cifre degno del centro di Milano. Ti adatti a pagare visto che ti sei alzato molto presto al mattino pur di trovare posto nella piccola spiaggia che circonda l’Isolabella. L’isola ricorda con struggente memoria, Lady Florence Trevelyan dama di corte della regina Vittoria invitata a lasciare i palazzi imperiali inglesi per la sua relazione fuori del matrimonio con il figlio della regina e futuro re d’Inghilterra. Lady Florence trovò in Taormina una reggia una popolazione che la considerava una regina e, finalmente, l’amore. Alla sua morte i pastori del circondario accompagnarono il suo feretro suonando con le loro cornamuse siciliane, le ballate scozzesi, la sua musica preferita, mentre le ragazze, spargevano sul suo cammino petali di rose. Lady Florence, era una fervente naturista, amava gli animali ed aveva trasformato un insieme scomposto di piccoli apprezzamenti, in un bellissimo giardino, colmo di piante provenienti da tutto il mondo. Anche l’Isolabella nella baia di Taormina, fù da lei arricchita di piante ed alberi fino ad avere la conformazione attuale, un giardino rigoglioso nel mezzo del mare. L’isola, oasi naturale curato dal WWF, impersona la filosofia di vita di Lady Florence, e ne tramanda il fine ai distratti turisti sdraiati al sole o immersi nelle acque calde e cristalline della baia. Anche qui, per pranzo, pasta alla Norma e ai frutti di mare. Lady Florence, avrebbe apprezzato.
You understand that the beach of Taormina is a place for rich people when even the illegal parking attendant asks you for a double-digit price worthy of the center of Milan. You adapt to paying since you got up very early in the morning just to find a place on the small beach that surrounds Isolabella. The island remembers with poignant memory, Lady Florence Trevelyan, Queen Victoria's court lady invited to leave the English imperial palaces for her relationship outside of marriage with the queen's son and future king of England. Lady Florence found a palace in Taormina, a population that considered her a queen and, finally, love. Upon her death, the shepherds of the district accompanied her coffin playing Scottish ballads, her favorite music with their Sicilian bagpipes, while her girls scattered rose petals on her path. Lady Florence, was a fervent naturist, she loved animals and had transformed a decomposed set of small appreciations, into a beautiful garden, full of plants from all over the world. Even Isolabella in the bay of Taormina was enriched by her with plants and trees until it had its current shape, a luxuriant garden in the middle of the sea. The island, a natural oasis cared for by the WWF, embodies Lady Florence's philosophy of life, and hands her purpose down to distracted tourists lying in the sun or immersed in the warm, crystalline waters of the bay. Here too, for lunch, pasta alla Norma and seafood. Lady Florence, she would have appreciated.
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michealtownley · 5 years ago
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let your memories grow stronger and stronger // ‘til they’re before your eyes // you’ll come back // when they call you // no need to say goodbye
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gifsofhubris-a · 2 years ago
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Hullo! Important information from the owner of this blog Name; Hubris Age; 26 Pronouns; he/they [Please leave comments in tags! I love reading them!] [Discord Server][Buy me a coffee][Ko-fi]
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My blogs are the following! @gifsofhubris: movie and TV show gifs, reblogs and originals @heartofhubris: misc personal @writingsofhubris: where my fanfic goes @aesofhubris: 18+ aes blog @hubrisinnate: for the proper adult content (no minors) @memesofhubris: memes! @alfredmagick: selfship
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you deserve a more tender tomorrow.
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Alfred Molina ⌈ Harding Hooten ⌋ ⌈ Anna Karenina 1998/Koysta ⌋ ⌈ Andres Galan ⌋ ⌈ Bram Shepherd ⌋ ⌈ Close To The Enemy/ Harold Lindsay-Jones ⌋ ⌈ Raimi Doc Ock ⌋ ⌈ Hugh Weldon ⌋ ⌈ Maxim Horvath ⌋ ⌈ Pink Panther 2/Randall ⌋ ⌈ Ricardo Morales ⌋ ⌈ Roger Stephenson ⌋ ⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋⌈⌋ Sean Bean ⌈ Joseph Wilford ⌋ ⌈ Alec Trevelyan ⌋ ⌈ Alman Kido ⌋ ⌈ Father Micheal Kerrigan ⌋ ⌈ The Hitcher ⌋
⌈ Channel Zero ⌋ ⌈ Daveed Diggs ⌋ ⌈ Eragon 2006 ⌋ ⌈ Gravity Falls ⌋ ⌈ Ian Mcshane ⌋ ⌈ Jeremy Irons ⌋ ⌈ John Wick ⌋ ⌈ Leverage ⌋ ⌈ Regina Hall ⌋ ⌈ Repo! The Genetic Opera ⌋ ⌈ Rahul Kohli ⌋ ⌈ The Outer Worlds ⌋ ⌈ Trick r treat ⌋ ⌈ 1048 Doc Ock ⌋ ⌈ 1048 Martin Li ⌋
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