#regina torne
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schlock-luster-video · 5 months ago
Wishing a happy birthday to The Big Cube star Regina Torne!
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swanqueenffprompter · 5 months ago
As a newborn, Emma Swan was found abandoned on the side of the road and adopted by the Swan family, who lived next door to the Mills. The Mills had two daughters—12-year-old Zelena and 6-year-old Regina. From the moment Regina laid eyes on baby Emma, she adored her. She would visit the Swan house every day, playing with Emma, who quickly grew attached to her. Their bond blossomed despite their young ages.
However, when Emma turned 3, her adoptive mother became pregnant. The Swans, deciding they could no longer care for her, sent Emma back into the foster system. Both Regina and Emma were heartbroken, and neither understood why they were torn apart. For Regina, the loss marked the first in a series of emotional scars, while Emma endured a lonely, turbulent childhood.
Fast forward 25 years. Emma, now an attorney fresh out of law school, has just started her career. She meets a mysterious and striking woman—Regina Mills—through an unexpected professional encounter. Neither of them realizes who the other is at first, but there’s an undeniable pull between them. As they begin to interact more, long-buried memories start to surface, and they both find themselves wondering why they feel such a strange sense of familiarity.
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tricornonthecob · 11 months ago
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live Radcliffe reaction to chap 18.
If your own windows are glass, ch. 18
“I just want it noted, for the record, that this was your idea," he said, sounding resigned.
and of course ao3 was down all afternoon while I tried to post this lol
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chaengluva · 9 months ago
Dare - 2
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Part 2/2
Regina gets dared to date the loser, no one thinks that she could make Y/n fall in love with her, (Resulting in a bet with Shane) Regina ends up doing the unexpected
Warnings: Nothing too extreme, just light bullying and mocking
As the weeks passed, Regina found herself genuinely enjoying your company. The initial dare began to blur as she laughed with you, shared secrets, and experienced genuine moments of connection. You were kind, funny, and smart—qualities that Regina hadn't expected to find in someone she initially labelled as a "loser."
She liked you
You had another date with each other, she took you out to the theme park and you played games and rode on roller-coaster for hours, at the end of the night was when she asked you to be her girlfriend, of course you said yes.
That was 5 months ago and 29 days, Regina dreaded knowing that she had to break your heart soon, but she didn't want to.
You were sitting on your table alone, eating your lunch and patiently waiting for Regina, as soon as she sits down, you speak up. "Can we go out tonight." You ask Regina, looking at her with hopeful eyes, Regina sighs, looking down at her feet, "I'm hanging out with my friends, sorry."
You always thought that it was strange that she never allowed you close to her when her friends were around, you knew about her high status but it still was sad.
"It's okay, I'm watching a movie with my dad anyway." You say, you were hoping that she would come with you, "Maybe it's time, we meet each others parents." You suggest. Regina frowns, knowing that she doesn't want to break your heart because, she loves you.
"My parents are homophobic, I don't think they would want to meet you." Regina lied, she told her parents that she was lesbian a while ago and they expected her but she didn't want for you to form a bond and then be heartbroken so it was easier if she lied. You frowned at first but then you said, "Well maybe you could meet my dad!"
"Yeah, Maybe." Regina said, giving you a kiss, then the bell rang, "I'll see you tomorrow baby." She hated knowing that she would have to break your heart tomorrow or she would have to deal with the embarrassment of her friends making fun of her, she had to spend her time thinking which one she would rather bare.
She made her way into Shanes house and they all smirked at her, Shane and the others pulled her all into the living room and told her to tell them everything., she put on a façade, boasting about how easy it was to fool you. But inside, she was torn. She started dreading the moment when the truth would come out, knowing it would hurt you deeply.
Regina's friends noticed the change in her behaviour. Aaron, in particular, began to suspect that Regina was no longer just playing a game. "You know, if you keep this up, you might actually start caring for her," Aaron teased one afternoon.
Regina scoffed, but her heart wasn't in it. "As if, she's a fucking loser." she replied, rolling her eyes her friends laughed along to Regina's reply, but her heart broke having to talk about you like that.
"Are you ready to break her heart tomorrow?" Shane asked with a smirk, Regina nodded sadly, she wasn't, but she thought that her social status mattered more so she agreed to go along with the original plan.
The next day at school, you had planed to get her a gift for your 6 month anniversary, you got Regina a necklace that you picked out with your dad.
You make your way to Regina, but, your heart breaks when you see her kissing Shane, you walk away before she could see you, but her friends did and everyone of them laughed. "She looked so sad!" Gretchen exclaimed, "She's probably going to cry to her dad." Aaron said.
"I wanna give her a hug." Karen frowned, Regina agreed, that was all she wanted to do but she was stuck next to Shane.
During lunch, Regina made her way up to you, she knew you would try to walk away or not listen, so she had to play it suddenly. "Uh hey Y/n." She whispered, You stood up and tried to walk away but she grabbed your wrist and pulled you down. 
"Don't touch me." You said, she nodded pulling away, "Can I please explain this to you." She says, you throw the necklace you bought her on the table. 
"Explain what? That you got dared to date me then break my heart?" You asked and she stepped back, "Look, I'm really sorry." Regina said again,  but you weren't having any of it, you just stood up and walked away.
The next few days were the worst Regina had ever experienced. You avoided her at all costs, and she felt the loss deeply. She realised she had to make things right, not just for the bet, but for herself and you.
Regina decided to confess everything in front of her friends. She spoke up  when she was sitting on the cafeteria table, drawing everyone's attention. "I have something to say," she began, her voice shaking. She explained the dare, her initial intentions, and how everything changed. "I hurt someone I care about deeply, and I am truly sorry," she finished, looking directly at you. Who happened to be walking by the table and overhearing the conversation.
The table was silent. You were stunned by her confession to her friends, it felt like for once her status  didn't matter. After she told everyone she came up to you, "Hey." She said, "Hi." You smiled.
It took time, but eventually, you forgave her. You saw the sincerity in her eyes and realized that people could change.
Regina and you began anew, this time without any lies or dares. She worked hard to prove her sincerity, and slowly, you started to trust her again. The experience changed Regina, making her more genuine and considerate.
Your relationship grew stronger, built on mutual respect and understanding. Regina's friends saw the change in her and slowly began to accept your place in her life. The bet was long forgotten, replaced by a real, meaningful connection.
Regina learned a valuable lesson about honesty and the importance of genuine connections. She no longer cared about the opinions of those who thrived on petty games. She had found something real with you, and that was worth more than any dare or bet.
In the end, Regina won something far more valuable than $200—she won your heart and discovered her own capacity for true love.
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thatfandomslut · 1 year ago
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Regina George x Reader
Word Count: 1k
Trigger Warnings: descriptions of an injury & cussing
Valentine's / Celebration Request; Regina George w/ quote 17 and piece of chocolate number 3. Or: “I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” w/ injury
Valentine's / Followers celebration requests are closed.
Regina stared at (Y/n), her jaw slackening open in shock. There her girlfriend was road rash covering her chin and ripping through her hoodie and jeans, successfully causing her knees and arm to bleed along with her chin. In (Y/n)'s hands, Regina eyed the skateboard that (Y/n) had made but let Regina design three months ago when they started dating. Eventually, Regina began to process what was going on. "Please tell me that you didn't ride here for twelve miles and cross a highway when you could've just called." She stated, knowing that was exactly what (Y/n) did.
(Y/n) opened her mouth to speak, her words wanting to spill out urgently. Instead, Regina tugged her inside and to the bathroom where she was forced to dig around for the first aid kit. "Regina, please, I have to tell you something. It's important." (Y/n) said, her adrenaline still high enough to not feel the pain until Regina promptly poured hydrogen peroxide on her knees, the chemical compound bubbling up on her skin. "Fuck, babe! There was absolutely no warning with that pour." (Y/n) whined as the sizzling continued as Regina began to provide aid to her knees.
"Yeah, well, if you're going to ride to my house at midnight on your skateboard like an idiot, you're not going to get a warning." Regina huffed as she shook her head. There were two reasons that she found herself growing frustrated. The first one was that her significant other decided it was okay to ride to her place at a late hour. She would say that (Y/n) could've gotten hurt but she did. The second reason, it was incredibly hard to clean up her wounds away from the jeans. She could only imagine how it was going to be when she got to her hoodie. "Take off your hoodie because I'm going to need to clean your arm too."
(Y/n) looked at her arm, realizing she had injured herself there. Suddenly, the pain became known as she rubbed at the drying blood on her chin. "Aw, man," she instantly complained, pulling off the hoodie. Not only was it torn but it was now stained with blood, along with the shirt she had under the jacket. "This was my favorite hoodie." (Y/n) sighed as she began to fold the hoodie, not hearing the short 'it was mine, too,' from her annoyed girlfriend.
Regina continued to work, snapping at (Y/n) anytime she tried to speak. "I'm sorry, but I'm kind of upset with you. Just let me clean up and we'll talk." She eventually said, knowing that (Y/n) speaking wasn't helping her aid any of the injuries that (Y/n) had procured during her late-night excursion. If she wanted to come over, she always could've called. Instead, (Y/n) put herself in danger. Whatever reason she had better be a good one since Regina found herself growing more frustrated by the second. Especially when she got to (Y/n)'s chin and wanted to kiss her girlfriend's incredibly kissable lips. "Okay, I'm done. Now, please tell me why you thought it was okay to ride to my house at midnight." Regina began throwing away the supplies, looking over (Y/n) to make sure there were no unmissed injuries.
"Oh, right," (Y/n) cleared her throat, a bit lost in Regina's eyes. As cliché as it sounded Regina did look very beautiful when she was mad. Only, that wasn't the reason (Y/n) made her way over twelve miles on a skateboard and through a highway. Though, in her defense, the highway was almost desolate due to the time. “I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. I love you, Regina.”
Regina's eyes widened for a moment before she practically facepalmed. As cute as everything (Y/n) said was, she still didn't understand why this couldn't wait until the morning. "(Y/n)…" She trailed off as she tried to place her words carefully. "I love you, too, but… If you ever come to my house, twelve miles away on your damn skateboard, I'm going to kill you. You could've definitely not experienced the rest of your life with me because you decided to do something incredibly dangerous and stupid. You're an idiot… You're also my idiot." Regina finished, her eyes softening as she couldn't stay mad at (Y/n).
(Y/n)'s eyes lit up as Regina bent over as she pressed a kiss onto (Y/n)'s lips. (Y/n) automatically kissed back as she cupped Regina's cheeks. Eventually, Regina pulled away and (Y/n) stood up. "I guess I should go back home then." (Y/n) said, getting her skateboard ready. Regina almost rolled her eyes over the lesson that had not been learned. Of course, that was what it was like having a golden retriever girlfriend sometimes.
Grabbing the back of (Y/n)'s shirt as she tried to pass her, Regina stopped her with narrowed eyes. "Absolutely not. You're staying here. Get yourself upstairs and change into those pajamas I bought you last week for our impromptu sleepovers." Regina instructed causing (Y/n) to grin as she bounded upstairs and made her way to Regina's room. The action caused the blonde to smile slightly and shake her head over how excited her girlfriend could get over the smallest things at times. "God, she's so fucking cute but such an idiot," Regina muttered to herself as she followed at a slower pace.
Once Regina finally made her way up the stairs, she lay in bed with (Y/n). Automatically, she felt herself get wrapped into (Y/n)'s arms. The action made her smile as she leaned into her girlfriend happily. Internally, she was also excited over the fact that 'I love you, Regina.' replayed in her head over and over again as she fell asleep. (Y/n) was just as excited, kissing the back of Regina's head. She needed to tell Regina as soon as she realized she was in love with her. That was just important to her. The fact that Regina felt the same lulled her into a content state of sleep.
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ratchet-ratch · 5 months ago
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Spooky Looks
Look 1: overlay | eyes | eyelashes | hair | dress | belt | fishnet top | fishnets | garter/chain | boots | body blood | tattoos | pentagram hand accessory (benevolence - witchcraft hand accessory) | rings | choker | earrings | piercings (face) | nose piercing | lipstick | lip blood | eyeshadow | eyeliner
Look 2: overlay | skintone | skin tint | eyes | eyelashes | hair | dress | tights | lace top | shoes (akrsims - mary jane pumps) | nails | earrings | piercings |  lipstick | eyeshadow | eyeliner
Look 3: overlay | skintone | eyes | eyelashes | hair (simandy - seong-jin hair) | dress | fishnet top | torn top | tights | boots | choker | earrings | piercings | lipstick | blush | eyeliner
CC Creators: @waekey @simulationcowboy @leahlillith @blahberry-pancake @the-crypt-o-club
@deathpoke1qa @kijiko-sims @magicbot @sentate @simstefani
@caio-cc @dangerouslyfreejellyfish @simandy @ms-marysims @lamatisse
@growfruit @maxiematch @angelapleasant @nell-le @bellassims
@saruin @twisted-cat @ceeproductions @evellsims @myfawnwysimblr
@pralinesims @s-club-tbr @joshseoh @crilender @suzuesims
@arenetta @regina-raven @chewybutterfly @dissiasims @sewersims
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wholoveseggs · 1 year ago
hi! I see you have a bunch of requests so I’m sorry to request but do you think you could write an Elijah angst with fluff ? Like y/n is upset because she thinks that elijah likes Hayley but he’s actually in love with her and has been for centuries but has always been too scared to tell her.
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18+ ---- {Masterlist}
Upon your unexpected appearance at the compound, centuries after being presumed dead, Elijah has to grapple with feelings he long buried and the consequences that come with it.
~♡♡ Thanks for the request anon(s) & @vervain3 ♡♡ - I combined all three ideas and made a jealousy triangle {square? circle? idk}~
3k words - Warnings: a little smutty right at the end, drama, angst, jealousy... vaguely refer to events from season 2 & 3... Klaus interfering & loving all the drama (Regina George energy)
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It was a rare thing for Elijah Mikaelson to fall in love, but when he did, it was forever. In his one thousand years of living he could count on one hand the number of times his heart had truly belonged to someone else and he could recall, with exact detail, everything about them.
There was Tatia, the first woman he ever fell for, and then there was Katerina, or Katherine, who was a thorn in his side and a constant source of regret.Then Celeste came into the picture, a beautiful and powerful witch, her loss and betrayal still a bitter taste in his mouth.
And then there was you, the brightest light in his dark life. Your face still burned brightly in his memories and your name still danced on his tongue like the sweetest melody. You did things to him that no one else could, dissolving his burdens with just a smile.
You had captured his heart with just one look and he had been yours, mind, body, and soul. He was so in love with you, it hurt.
So when you died, he was shattered, torn apart and left to deal with the pain alone. He would see your face everywhere, haunting him and reminding him of his failure to protect the one he loved. To never be able to tell you how he felt was the most painful thing of all.
Centuries had passed since he lost you, his grief now a dull ache in his heart, but nothing had ever truly made the pain go away.
Hayley's presence in his life mended the broken pieces somewhat, but they were still damaged. His feelings for the hybrid would never be enough to erase the ghost of his love for you.
He accepted being content with what he had, knowing he didn't deserve anything more. That he was lucky to have met his soul mate, even if you were never truly his. To know that true love was real, if not fleeting.
So when he saw you, sitting on the sofa in the courtyard, laughing and chatting with Klaus, his heart stopped. He wondered if he was imagining you again, if his mind was playing a cruel trick on him.
But you turned, your gaze meeting his and the world stopped. He felt his knees grow weak, and his heart race.
You were real, you were here, you were alive.
And you looked just as beautiful as the day he last saw you.
But there was a bit of a problem, he was with Hayley now. You were back and he didn't know how to feel about that.
"Elijah, how long has it been? You look well." You greet him with a smile, pulling him in for a hug.
Elijah hesitated before wrapping his arms around you, inhaling the scent that he had thought he'd never experience again. He couldn't help but hold you a little tighter, afraid that if he let you go, you'd disappear.
"Y/N," he whispers softly.
You pull back, noticing the way his eyes seem to burn brighter, full of emotions you couldn't read.
"How are you? I haven't seen you since..." you trail off.
"Since you died," he finishes, his eyes looking at you curiously.
"Since you left me behind," you corrected him.
Elijah frowned, not understanding what you were talking about. The night Mikael returned, you were killed and your body burnt, at least, that's what Klaus had told him.
"Klaus said you were killed, we didn't have time to retrieve your body."
You shake your head. "That wasn't me, he was mistaken."
"So where were you?" he asked, still unable to believe you were really here.
"Here and there," you said with a smile, none of that mattered now.
You always had a soft spot for Elijah, when you first met him and his family, you found him to be so stoic and melancholic. You delighted in making him laugh, his smile lighting up his whole face and giving him the air of youth and carefreeness that you knew he had buried deep within him.
Nothing ever happened between you, he tended to fall for more serious types. But you never stopped loving him, he was always going to be the one you couldn't forget.
"You're as bad as Niklaus," Elijah said, chuckling lightly.
"I'll take that as a compliment," you grinned.
You were interrupted by a beautiful brunette with stunning hazel eyes, she walked up and placed her hand on Elijah's shoulder, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"Y/N, this is Hayley," Elijah introduced, his hand going to rest on her back.
Of course, you thought. She was exactly his type, beautiful and fierce.
You gave her a small smile, shaking her hand.
"How do you know Elijah?" she asked, curious.
"We met a very long time ago, in another place," you answered, giving Elijah a sidelong glance. "In another life."
Hayley looked between the two of you, sensing there was more to your relationship than you were letting on. She wasn't going to let you anywhere near what was hers.
"What brings you here? To New Orleans, I mean?"
"I heard the original family has settled here and I wanted to catch up with old friends," you replied. "But mostly, I'm just passing through,"
Hayley frowned, "old friends," she repeated, her hand tightening around Elijah's shoulder.
She had only just met you, but already, she knew she didn't like you. You seemed to have a permanent smirk on your face that reminded her of Klaus, and that made her distrust you instantly. And the way Elijah was looking at you made her feel uneasy, she had never seen him look so...happy.
"Oh," Elijah's expression faltered, his disappointment barely noticeable. "You're leaving?"
"Well, I don't want to overstay my welcome," you joked, your eyes flickering to Hayley's.
"How about you join us tonight for dinner," Klaus said, walking up and joining the group, he always knew exactly how to make an awkward situation worse. "There's someone I'd like you to meet."
You gave him a small smile. "Sure,"
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When you arrived for dinner, you were surprised by the amount of people Klaus had invited. It was a bit of a relief, it would mean that you didn't have to be alone with Elijah and Hayley.
Klaus stood at the head of the table, making introductions, there were a number of vampires and werewolves present, including a werewolf alpha named Jackson and a handsome vampire named Marcel.
You greeted them all politely, before taking a seat next to Marcel.
"Y/N, this is my dear friend Marcellus," Klaus greeted, "you two have a remarkable amount in common."
Marcel smiles, "hello, beautiful."
"Hi," you smiled back, your eyes lingering on his, he had a killer smile and a charm to him that was difficult to resist.
You were glad to have someone to talk to, you could tell Marcel had a great sense of humor and you enjoyed his company. You also found yourself attracted to him, he was definitely your type.
"So, how do you know the Mikaelsons?" Marcel asked, a little confused. "I didn't think they had any friends outside their family,"
"Klaus turned me centuries ago, when they were hiding out in my town." You explain, taking a sip of your wine. "They needed allies, so he made some of us into vampires."
"Ahh, been there, done that." Marcel replied with a smile, leaning in closer, his hand brushing against yours.
Elijah watched from the other end of the table, his eyes flickering between the pair, his stomach knotting with every touch and look exchanged between you.
You didn't miss his glances, or his frowns, and you wondered what his problem was. He had his gorgeous girlfriend by his side, why was he looking at you this way?
Klaus delighted in the growing jealousy he could see bubbling up inside Elijah. He knew his brother had always loved you, but never made a move. And now, he was paying for it.
Klaus watched as you flirted with Marcel, enjoying the sight of Elijah growing increasingly frustrated.
"They seem cozy, how cute," he mused, his eyes gleaming.
"Yes, it appears that way," Elijah replied, his jaw clenching.
Hayley smiled at you and Marcel, "they’d make a good couple,"
"Would they?" Elijah asked, a hint of irritation in his tone.
Hayley didn't notice, she was too busy watching the way your eyes lingered on each other's and the way Marcel leaned in close and whispered in your ear, making you laugh.
Elijah didn't miss the spark in your eyes as you spoke with Marcel, the way your face lit up and the way his fingers traced patterns on your skin.
He wanted to rip his heart out.
He felt himself growing angrier by the minute, his hands clenched and his jaw tight. He could barely keep up with the conversation, his attention focused on you, his jealousy eating away at him.
There you were, so close, your laughter filling the air, the sound he had been longing to hear for so long. And he was stuck sitting across from you, watching you get closer to another man.
"Jackson, tell me about this ritual you mentioned earlier," Klaus said, interrupting Elijah's thoughts.
"Well," Jackson began, looking between Hayley and Elijah awkwardly. "It could possibly give the pack hybrid-like abilities,"
Hayley smiled, "that's exactly what we need Klaus, an army to protect our child."
"What would this ritual involve?" Elijah asked, trying to distract himself from the sound of your laughter.
"A marriage," Jackson answered. "Between myself and Hayley,"
"A marriage?" Hayley asked, confused. "I thought this was just a ritual?"
Jackson shook his head, "in order for it to work, we need to marry,"
Hayley frowned, looking between Jackson and Elijah. She wasn't sure how she felt about the idea of marrying anyone but Elijah, but she had no choice, she would do anything for her daughter.
"It would give us the power and numbers we need," Klaus agreed. "We could protect Hope from anyone who wished her harm."
Elijah felt strangely relieved, despite knowing how selfish it was. He thought he loved Hayley, that her marrying another would bother him, but he was more bothered by the way Marcel was touching you, he realized that his feelings for Hayley weren't enough.
He still loved you, and he always would.
"I guess that's it then," Hayley sighed, glancing over at Elijah, wondering what was going through his mind.
"We can discuss it further tomorrow, but I'm sure it's something that would benefit us all," Elijah said, his voice steady.
Hayley nodded, her heart breaking at his indifference. She didn't understand, she had hoped he would argue against it, at least a little bit, but it appeared she was mistaken.
She glanced over at you, seeing the way you kept looking at Elijah. She realized that your presence had shifted something in her relationship, and she couldn't help but feel a twinge of anger towards you.
After dinner, everyone had a drink or two and mingled. Elijah and Hayley found a private corner to chat about her wedding, their conversation awkward and strained, filled with hidden meanings.
"Are you alright?" Elijah asked, noticing the pain in her eyes.
"Yeah, fine." Hayley nodded, taking a sip of her drink. "I just thought you would... I dunno... Protest the wedding more."
Elijah hesitated, "we need to do whatever we can to bring home Hope." He spoke carefully, "you know that I... care for you."
Hayley looked away, trying to hide the hurt on her face. He 'cared for' her, but it wasn't enough.
"You care for me," she repeated, her voice lacking the inflection of surprise. "But you don't love me, do you?"
She looked up at him, their eyes locking. He looked at her sadly, the regret in his eyes telling her all she needed to know.
"You'll always have a place in my heart, Hayley," he said. "It's just-"
"She's back," she finished, nodding sadly. "You've always loved her."
Elijah didn't respond, instead he simply stared at her, their eyes full of unspoken words, unshed tears and the promise of a life together that would never be.
Hayley took a breath, blinking back her tears.
"I should probably go and join the others," she said, turning to walk away. "I'll… see you around,”
Elijah released a breath, running his hand through his hair. He stood there, debating whether he should go over and talk to you.
Hayley could tell from the way you'd been looking at him that your feelings for him were the same. She was hurt, and a little drunk, and a more than a bit angry.
Her eyes narrowed as she saw Marcel whisper something in your ear, his hand resting on your shoulder. You seemed to have every man here wrapped around your finger instantly, even Elijah.
Hayley walked up to you, her eyes flashing. "It's incredible how you just return out of the blue and have every man here panting at your heels."
You raised an eyebrow, not expecting the hostility.
"I'm sorry, have I offended you in some way?" You asked, giving her a confused look.
"No, you're just a slut who can't seem to keep her hands off the men around here." Hayley snapped.
You looked at her in surprise, a small smirk tugging at the corners of your lips.
"Well, if it makes you feel any better, Marcel and I were only flirting," you replied.
Hayley glared at you, her fists clenching. You could see the rage burning in her eyes, and you were tempted to push her further, just to see how far you could take it. But before you could, Jackson was by her side, a worried look on his face.
"Come on Hayley, let's get some air," he said, pulling her away from you.
Marcel watched as they left, his arm draped around your shoulders.
"What was that about?" He asked, glancing down at you.
"Your guess is as good as mine," you shrugged, your gaze drifting over to Elijah.
He was looking at you as well, his eyes wide and searching, as if he couldn't believe you were really there.
"I'm sorry Marcel, I think I'm going to turn in early," you said, smiling apologetically. "It's been a long day."
Marcel nodded, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
"Call me sometime, if you're interested," he said with a grin, winking playfully.
"Sure, thanks." You nodded, returning his smile.
You made your way over to Klaus, thanking him for the dinner, and bidding him a goodnight. You then approached Elijah, a small smile on your face, your heart pounding.
"It's wonderful to see you, after all these years," he said, his voice a little hoarse.
"You too, Elijah." You said, giving him a genuine smile.
"I want to show you something, before you go." He said, extending his hand out to you.
You hesitated, glancing down at his hand, a part of you afraid to get your hopes up, to believe that he saw you as more than a friend. But when your eyes met his, you could see something in his gaze, and it gave you the confidence you needed to take his hand.
"Lead the way,"
Elijah gave you a small smile, leading you to his study. He walked over to his desk, searching around until he pulled out a wooden box.
He placed it on the desk, opening the lid. Inside was a pendant necklace, a gold chain with a small emerald medallion hanging from it, with your initials engraved.
You hadn't seen it in centuries, not since the night you parted, and the sight of it brought a flood of emotions crashing down.
"You kept it," you whispered, your eyes stinging with tears.
"Of course," Elijah replied, his voice quiet, a smile playing on his lips. "It was yours, it belongs with you."
Your fingers gently grazed the pendant, the cool metal a reminder of your human life. It was given to you by your mother, the only thing you had left of her. You had treasured it, and when it broke, Elijah had offered to get it fixed for you.
But when Mikael arrived and you were separated, you thought it was forever lost.
"You got it fixed," you whispered, a tear rolling down your cheek.
"Yes, it was important to you." Elijah replied, his voice soft, a smile on his face.
"After all these years, after everything, why did you keep it?" You asked, confused.
"It was all I had left of you," he replied, his voice barely audible.
You swallowed, unable to speak, your throat tight and your chest aching. You'd never imagined he'd held onto such a keepsake, a reminder of you he held onto for centuries after he believed you to be dead.
Elijah gently picked up the necklace, placing it around your neck, his hands lingering.
"I'm happy to return this to you," he whispered. "It's where it belongs."
Your hand went up to the pendant, tears streaming down your cheeks. You turned to face him and his hand cupped your cheek, wiping away the tears. You leaned into his touch, his skin warm against yours.
He stared into your eyes, his expression filled with emotion, his heart beating erratically.
"I want you to know that I..." his voice trailed off as he struggled to find the right words. "That I have never forgotten you."
"I never forgot you either," you whispered, your gaze dropping to his lips, your own parting.
He leaned in slowly, closing the gap between you. His lips were soft, gentle, as they pressed against yours, you both sighed, melting into each other. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you close.
He moved you back until you hit the desk, his lips moving down your neck, nipping and kissing, causing you to moan. Your hands grasped at his clothes, tugging him closer, desperate for him.
Elijah lifted you onto the desk, pushing his body between your legs, his hardness pressed against you. His mouth was on yours again, his hands roaming your body, exploring every inch.
"Wait, wait," you panted, breaking the kiss. "You are with Hayley,"
Elijah paused, his eyes locked with yours, his chest heaving. "Not anymore."
You stared at him, confusion and desire muddling your thoughts.
"What?" You managed, still struggling to catch your breath.
"We broke up, tonight," he explained, his voice husky, his hands caressing your thighs.
You shook your head, trying to clear your mind, but his closeness and his hands on your body were making it impossible to think. He kissed you again, his lips hungry, his tongue delving into your mouth, tasting you.
You moaned, arching into him, your hands roaming his body, pulling him closer. His hands tugged at your dress, hiking it up your thighs, moving your panties to the side.
"I want you," he muttered, his eyes dark, filled with lust.
You whispered his name as his fingers slipped inside you, his thumb rubbing your clit. His mouth was on your neck, his teeth grazing your skin, nibbling softly. You gasped, your hands grasping at his belt, trying desperately to undo it.
He pushed his pants and underwear down, his cock springing free. He positioned himself between your legs, easing into you slowly. Your eyes locked, both of you filled with an intense, desperate need for the other.
Elijah groaned, gripping the desk, his knuckles turning white, as he began thrusting into you, slow and deep. You clung to him, your nails digging into his shoulders, your moans filling the room.
His movements became faster, more frantic, his cock hitting that spot deep inside you. You felt yourself getting closer, your muscles tightening, your breathing becoming shallow.
His lips crashed against yours, his hands gripping your thighs, holding them open. The desperate way he was fucking you was a testament to the feelings he held for you, and it only fueled your desire for him.
You moaned into his mouth as you came, your orgasm hitting you hard, making your body tremble, your muscles spasming.
Elijah buried his face in your neck, sinking his fangs into you as he let go, his body shuddering. You held him, stroking his hair, feeling his body relax.
"I've always loved you," he whispered.
"I love you, too." You replied, kissing his temple.
He kissed you again, his hands cradling your face. He smiled at you, his eyes filled with warmth, and a deep love that was reserved only for you.
It felt like coming home.
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♡♡ Hayley is jealous of you -> you are jealous of Hayley -> Elijah is jealous of Marcel... & Marcel is too cool to care. ♡♡ ~What kind of jealously geometry is this??? I'm a writer not a mathematician lol~
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sqsupernova · 5 months ago
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Title: In the Sunflower Field [art] Link: Click Here To View and Comment Artist: jajs Find them on: -Twitter: -Tumblr: jajs
Title: The Staircase to Eternity Link: Click Here To View and Comment Author: Aponi_Aquene Find them on: -Twitter: ReginasLight -Tumblr: fullonswanqueenmode Rating: Explicit Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply Words: 51k Summary: Emma Swan has been secretly in love with her best friend Regina for as long as she could remember but she never had the courage to tell her how she really felt. Emma ended up missing her opportunity when Regina married another. On the night of Regina's wedding, Emma stumbles upon a magical staircase in the woods. It transports her to a magical alternate reality. It's here she meets an alternate version of Regina who is much different from the one she knows. Emma finds herself visiting this Regina and her world regularly to escape the pain of her own reality but they quickly build a powerful bond. As she grows closer to alternate Regina, she finds herself torn between two worlds and two women she loves
Remember - writers and artists spent months creating the fics and art you enjoy, so it would mean the world to them if you commented to tell them what you liked! A creator who feels appreciated is a creator who is more likely to write or create art again in the future!
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yaoimurder · 7 months ago
[plain text: Help evacuate Palestinians from Gaza!]
Ahed and Samah are two women whose lives have been torn apart because of the ongoing genocide in Palestine. Ahed ( @ahedalshaer ) is in university for dentistry, and Samah is supposed to be in her final year of high school.
Their campaign began in May, but has raised only around one twenty-fifth of their goal - €3,314 of €80,000. This is extremely worrying, as their father is diabetic, and their mother suffers from a chest infection. Both require urgent medical attention, which they are currently unable to receive due to the poor conditions in Gaza.
Their fundraiser is verified as #407 on the Butterfly Effect Project.[link]
By August 20th, it is our aim to boost their campaign to 10,000 euros. That is still only one eighth of the 80,000 euros they require, but it is a start.
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pigeonstab · 3 months ago
I must know
What do you think about the apple twins, and do you have your own interpretation of them and their relationship? :D
(Also your art skills, hand them over đź«´ your art is stunning, gorgeous and I must confess that i love to scroll through your blog sometimes just so i could look at your beautiful art chchchchch <3333)
HI hello!! I was not expecting to see you in my inbox person that is way cooler than me JHI
I already wrote this once I'm gonna do it again. just Better and more concise.
Iiiiii think they're tragic, they're the song call them brothers by Regina Spektor to me. The thing about my interpretation is that my Nightmare is very different from yours I think. I also like to throw canon out of the window whenever I please.
SO, to start at the beginning, to me they were very very close as little kids, they only had each other y'know? the apple incident only happened when they were like 12/13 right at that age where you start to question everything and reject what you know. By then there's a lot more friction between the twins, they still love and care for each other yes, but arguments are more frequent, tempers are shorter. They always come back to each other though. They're each other's best friend, biggest annoyance and only comfort. It's the perfect time the tear them apart, they're in a vulnerable state where even their duty is something they question: is staying to guard a tree all they're gonna do with their life? (Nightmare thinks yes, Dream thinks no). The villagers know this, and that's the precursor to the apple incident. Weaker, more unsure and divided twins means Nightmare's the only one at the tree when they come to take it down (I do also think aging them up makes Nm's actions make more sense? Idk) So. Nm's gooped up, Dream's in stone, talk about changes in your body when you reach that age eh.
I think Nightmare for his first years out into the multiverse was very angry. He was alone (as he feels he's always been) and the negativity coupled with the immense trauma, he's really not doing well. he's stewing in all of this hate and his guilt is eating him alive. He hates himself and he doesn't want to think about it. His plan is to shove everything down: He's always been alone anyway. The incident was his brother's fault. his brother was never there for him. He comes to these conclusions and he accepts them as truth. He eventually chills out, he detaches himself. He starts to think he's better than all of that, that he's above it. He's only keeping those ideas more as subconscious truths than mantras to live by. Then he recruits Killer? (and this is where I uh. I don't know Killer's lore. and also I like... when Nightmare's nice. also by now Nightmare has his english teacher meets Silco swag) and it's alright.
Until! Dream gets unstuck, the first meeting with Dream after the whole incident things go ballistic inside his brain. all those truths he's made for himself are making him want to put all the fault on Dream and see him as an enemy (as well as his own denial, guilt and self hatred.) But at the same time that's his brother. His mirror. His blood. His childhood. He knows inside he can't hate Dream. He can say he does, but it's all lies and denial. So he's just torn.
Dream on his end, is completely lost in the multiverse, he's like a bleeding wound where Nightmare's a scabbed over one. Seeing what his brother has become is devastating to him.
I don't really have the whole in between planned, but Nm gets all his tcheam and he acts like their boss, he does care about their safety and wellbeing he just feels like he shouldn't get close. (I like to think he rescued them from their aus like he wished somebody had done with him (Dust and Horror would have stayed in theirs but it's more of a case of 'fuck it why not' than anything, especially for Dust)) he keeps a lot from them, about his brother and how he truly feels. Killer knows a lot though, cause he's like that. And I think Dream get introduced to Ink and all that good stuff.
ALSO are you kidding me YOU draw so good you're like 10x the artist I am that's just thank you so much?? I didn't think anyone went scrolling through my blog to find my stuff, I'm gonnv cry. I didn't think you liked it that much qwq or at all
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demonicbaby666 · 1 year ago
Comforting you after a panic attack
HCs | Once Upon a Time Masterlist | Masterlists
A/N: ty to @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece for checking this through and giving it their stamp of approval xoxo
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Relationship unspecified/romantic undertones
First, she’d freak out a little. Run over to you in a fit of panic and rushed questions she’d give you no time to answer. 
Though she’s experienced panic attacks herself, seeing someone close to her go through one is a relatively new thing. So, it takes Regina a second to gather that that’s what you’re going through, not the effects of a physical attack. 
Once checking you’re unharmed, Regina would mentally slap herself and offer her apologies. 
She’d back away, giving you the space she regretfully was unaware you needed. 
Her lips would stay sealed, and she’d remain quiet for a minute or two to see if her presence alone would help, and either way, after enough time had passed, she’d scooch a little closer and offer soothing words:
“You’re safe.” “I’m here.” “You’re not alone.” 
She’d help you steady your breath by mimicking a regulated inhale and exhale pattern, counting along to keep you on track
and only when she knows you have the capability to decide for yourself, she would ask,
“Can I hold you?” 
It’s partially to soothe and remind herself that she could keep you safe in her arms and that she still had the ability and power to do so. 
But she also knows physical comfort can help in these situations. 
“I’ve got you,” she’d say as she wraps her hands delicately around you.
She wouldn’t pull you into her or make any sudden movements. Only settle her arms in a comfortable position for you both and wait till you feel safe enough to lean into her and let her take some of your weight. 
You’d stay that way for a while, till your eyes felt droopy and the room around you was once again safe.
Her arms would untangle from around your waist, and she’d let you know she’d be right back.
Listening, you’d hear her feet pad up the stairs, the creak of a door, and then the low hum of the boiler running before water distantly spewed out of an upstairs faucet. 
There’d be constant movement and the familiar smell of honeycomb and vanilla bean soap before Regina would come back down and offer an extended hand with a damp hand towel haplessly hanging from her shoulder.
She’d either leave you to undress in private or tenderly help based on how you felt. But she would ALWAYS ask. 
Once you’d settle into the bath, she’d apply shampoo to your hair, massage it in and ask if you wanted to tell her about your day or hear about hers. 
Either she would be happy to do. 
In fact, she’d just about do or say anything to help ease you back into a tranquil state of mind. 
After the bath, Regina would help you out and guide you to the bedroom - where she’d have laid out the comfiest pyjamas you own.
“I can grab another pair,” she’d offer, nervous about setting you off again by doing anything remotely wrong. 
She knew you well enough to know even the wrong material could bring tears to your eyes on a bad day. 
But you’d smile and thank her, tears gathering in your eyes from the sheer modicum of care she was offering to you. 
“Hey! No, no, none of that,” she’d chide, using the soft tone she reserved for young children. “Come here.” 
She’d take you in her arms again, rock you till the tears subsided and your sobs turned to sniffles. 
The only remaining sound would be her faint whispering of lulling reassurances into your towel-dry hair. 
The rest of the evening would be spent on the sofa, where Regina would cuddle you when you wanted, sit through and endure all your favourite comfort films, even if she found them childish. 
You’d catch the older woman paying attention, her expression more vivid and descriptive than words on a page, and watching her instead of the film would become your entertainment. 
She’d then catch you staring.
She wouldn’t get mad; she would only offer a sincere if not shy, smile and point to the TV with a “pay attention” or “stop that you!” 
Then she’d get lost in the bright colours and the instrumental music coming from the TV all over again. 
And the cycle began anew. 
She’d cook your favourite dinner and make sure you had a full stomach before tucking you into bed with a kiss on your forehead and a promising reminder that,
“Tomorrow will be better.” 
And you’d wholeheartedly believe her.
Tags: @babygirlscout @7thavenger @five-bi-five-mind @supercorpstan97 @kenyakimble34 @12fluffybunny12 @maxinehufflepuffprincess @whosprentiss @asolitaryrose3 @imlike-so-gaydude @awritersometime @bossofcriminalminds @tmlwattpad19 @jareguiromanoff @fayharthy @lovelyy-moonlight @patronagrona @storiesofsvu @mrs-prentiss @scarletchase1989 @bigwhoreywhore @homo-oddity @camciel @agathaandgwenslesbian @dmysterioblog @lift-heavy-be-gay @trashytraveler666 @asolitaryrose3 | click here to be added to my taglist
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killyspinacoladas · 9 months ago
Torn between wanting to rewatch OUAT for Captain Swan and not wanting to deal with Regina's bullshit redemption arcs
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midnightsun-if · 1 year ago
Can we have RO (relationship) reaction getting a note passed them saying
Do you like me?
And see MC hiding behind something looking at them
It was a silly idea you had in the middle of Professor Locke's lecture-- one borne from an ideal mind as you had already prepared for the test thanks to your dorm-mates-- and it's not one that'd leave your mind. Not when you could see the cause of such an idea just a few seats away.
With lips pressed together, a feeble attempt at keeping your growing smile hidden, you rip a small section off the corner of your notes, briefly checking to make sure that Professor Locke was still none the wiser; not that you think he'd care, he was fairly laidback. Your mother on the other hand? If she somehow got wind of this? You weren't so certain of-- so it's better to be safe than sorry... When you're certain you're in the clear, you jot down a few words, trying your best not to chuckle at the absurdity of it, and lean towards your desk mate, dropping your voice to a conspirationally whisper. "Do you think you could send this over there, Willow?" You point towards the person you are directing her towards. "I'd really appreciate it."
Pale blue eyes flicker to where you've gestured, a small hum leaves her lips as she takes the scrap of paper without a word. Pale fingers enclose around it, her eyes taking on a darker blue hue for the briefest of moments as her magic ignites, before everything settles once more; her hand now being empty when she returns to taking notes once more. Something that causes a bright smile to finally break out across your lips.
Hiding yourself behind an old tome, you impatiently wait for the incoming response-- one you had no doubt was coming-- only peeking out every now-and-then to ensure that Willow hadn't accidentally sent it to the wrong person. That would definitely be embarrassing. When you're met with their gaze looking back at you, an innate response to jump out of your seat in surprise is just barely halted, which you're thankful for as not even a second later another shimmer of magic appears softly in front of you as a torn piece of paper lands before you-- a familiar script scrawled across it.
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[Absolutely! Do you want to watch a movie after this lecture? -- Koda <3]
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[I fear this may come as a surprise to you, my heart, but my feelings for you could never be encapsulated in such a trivial word. I adore and love you-- for you loved me when I didn't even love myself. -- Eternally Yours, Scarlett Voltaire]
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[Is this some form of test, my flame? I believe I'm woefully unprepared if it is. To answer your question, however, I absolutely like you. -- C. Aurelia]
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[I do actually. Quite a bit more than I ever thought I would. Something that seems to grow more and more as I spend time with you. -- Quinn]
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[You know that I do. You've brought warmth back into my life when I never thought it'd be a possibility again. -- Caden]
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[Sometimes I wonder why I do when you send me notes like this after we've been dating for months now... But, yes... I do like you... Even if you make me question my sanity. -- Sloane]
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[I can show you how much I like you back at the dorm, if you'd like... ;) -- Blake]
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[Yes! I absolutely like you! Definitely have never had any doubts about that. Do you like me? -- Reggie/Gina]
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erikahenningsen · 10 months ago
26 Janis/Regina
26. “Here, let me help you.”
Janis still has mixed feelings about Regina George.
Sure, she's still the demon who ruined her life. Inadvertently got her kicked out of school. Made her lose all her friends. Never apologized.
But after the bus... Regina is different. Well, Janis doesn't know if Regina has changed. Maybe she's still a mega-bitch. But the way people react to her is certainly different.
It's become clear that Regina doesn't have the same power she used to. People still give her a wide berth in the halls, but it's not out of fear. People stare, but not because they're analyzing Regina's outfit and trying to figure out how to replicate it. The looks are pitying, not envious.
Janis isn't sure where Regina spends her lunch period. She hasn't seen the girl in the cafeteria since that fateful final lunch that solidified Regina's fall from power. But when Janis skips lunch to speed-write an assignment she forgot about for her seventh period class, she does a double take while passing through the shelves in the library.
It's Regina—without the neck collar, which is new. She's just standing there, seemingly trying to reach something on the shelf above her, but she keeps wincing as soon as her arm gets above shoulder height. Janis watches for a moment, strangely fascinated. When she's had enough watching Regina torture herself—and she's surprised at how quickly she reaches this limit—she clears her throat awkwardly and steps forward.
"Here, let me help you," Janis says.
Regina startles and turns. When she realizes it's Janis, she takes a step back, seemingly reflexively, like Janis might start swinging.
"Hey, relax," Janis says, holding up a hand. She points to the shelf. "Which one?"
Regina stares at her for a long moment before quietly saying, "The Color Purple."
Before she can stop herself, Janis lets out a laugh. "For real?"
Regina narrows her eyes. "Why is that funny?"
"Do you not know—" Janis cuts herself off. "You know what? I won't spoil it for you."
Standing on her tiptoes, Janis grasps the book by her fingertips and then hands it to Regina. Enjoy your lesbian awakening, she wants to say, but doesn't.
Regina looks at the book in her hands, frowning intently.
"Is... something wrong?" Janis asks hesitantly. "Do you need a different book?"
Regina looks up, eyeing Janis with the same scrutiny. "You're being nice to me."
"I'm a delightful person," Janis replies, rocking back on her heels.
Regina seems skeptical about this.
"Well, I'm sorry," Regina says, sounding a little like someone is forcefully pulling the words out of her—but hey, it's more than Janis has gotten in five years. "About everything. You know, the stuffed animal and the—"
Janis realizes with a mild amount of panic that Regina's eyes are a little glassy, like she might start crying, and Janis is torn between sprinting away before they start having A Moment in the middle of the fucking library and asking what drugs Regina is on and if she's willing to share.
"Yeah, um, thanks for that," Janis cuts in, because if Regina starts breaking down she doesn't know what she'll do. She has this tangled ball of feelings inside of her, fighting competing urges to wrap Regina in a hug and to dig the knife in deeper, to make Regina suffer the way Janis has.
"Let's not do this here," Janis says, noting the way Regina's face falls, just a little, and the way it kind of makes Janis's chest hurt. "But, for what it's worth, I'm sorry, too."
Regina just nods, again looking at the book in her hands, looking sad and a little embarrassed and absolutely fucking exhausted.
"You know what?" Janis taps the cover of the book. "Text me after you've read this book. We'll talk."
"Okay," Regina says, her voice quiet and hopeful in a way that makes Janis want to reach over and squeeze her hand. She shoves it into her pocket instead.
"Alright, well..." Janis says, gesturing vaguely towards the main part of the library. "See ya."
Regina doesn't answer, just gazes at Janis with a look on her face like she's seeing Janis for the first time ever.
For some reason, Janis feels the same way.
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darkficsyouneveraskedfor · 2 years ago
Black Light 1
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Warnings: namecalling, violence, other dark elements. Proceed with caution.
Note: someone said August.
Part of The Club AU
It's retro night. You're looking bomb, feeling fly, ready to get groovy. In a manner of speaking. Platforms, short skirt, a crop top with a faux fur bolero. You are channeling your inner Cher Horowitz.
It's your nineteenth birthday and you can drink your ass off. At last. It's your time. The best days of your life are ahead of you.
Not only are you vibing, you have your posse, your trio of thots. You're not the queen bee but you're a great sidekick. The Regina George of the group is definitely Amanda and her svelte blond hair, but you'd say Kamlai is more the Gretchen Wieners than you.
You smile at the bouncer, a man with a derisive look on his eye that makes you want to dissolve into sand or dust. Whatever. Maybe a nice eerie fog so you can float away. You only catch half his face as he keeps in the shadows, waving in coeds and a few middle-aged creepers.
You wish you got the nice one with the belly. You wait for the silent man to scowl at your ID. He holds it up beside you before he flicks it back to you.
"Thank you, sir," you catch the plastic card against your chest, his eye glinting towards your cleavage.
"Go," he growls and waves forward the next eager club goer.
"Oop, okay, sorry," you make a gesture like Betty Boop, raising your shoulders as you kick a foot up, "have a great night!"
He grumbles and you quickly run to catch up with Kam and Amanda. The pulsing music embraces you and you feel the energy flow into you. This night is gonna be awesome!
"You guys have to make sure to get pics of me!" Amanda hollers above the beat, "with the cutest guy I can find. Seth can eat his heart out."
You shake your head, shrugging off your disappointment. It's supposed to be your day but somehow Amanda always finds her way into the spotlight. You're not going to worry, you're all about fun!
You get your first round of drinks and find a seat. Amanda drinks her pink martini as she scopes out the room. She blows a nonplussed raspberry.
"Ugh, not finding any hunky fuckboys," she rolls her eyes, "I mean, I need someone super fucking hot."
"Don't we all," Kam giggles as her eyes rove, "how about an older guy?"
"Hm?" Amanda gives a pout and twists around to follow Kamlai's gaze. She tilts her head back and forth.
"Not too bad, I'll take the middle one," she winks, "you two can fight over who doesn't get specs."
You look at Kam then back to the three men along the wall. Amanda must be referring to the one with the spiky hair and glasses. He's cute but you're not really into the leering type.
"It's my birthday," you say as Amanda's already on her feet.
You peek at the third guy, sandy brown hair and bright blue eyes. He's not bad. Besides, you just have to dance, Amanda can do all the wants but you're not that kinda gal. You're too damn weird to be the hookup type.
"Fine," Kam rolls her eyes, "I'll take the nerd."
You grab the stranger's hands and once more drag them off your ass. You put them on your waist and give him a look. Dude, really, take a hint.
Well, he's not a stranger stranger. His name is Cole and he likes flowers. Adorable but still, a bit too old for you.
You turn, an excuse too look around at your friends as you shimmy your hips. Kam isn't as detered as she originally let on and Amanda is gone. Alright…
"How about a drink?" Cole startles you as he leans forward to yell in your ear, "I think I owe the birthday girl at least one."
"Oh, uh, alright," you turn back to him, "sure, I needa sit down anyway."
You follow him to the bar and wait by his arm as he orders. Fuck Amanda, really? Where is she?
"Here," Cole turns back to you, handing over the bright blue cocktail, "birthday special."
You nod and smile. You look at the slice of orange hooked over the edge and sniff the sweet drink. You put your lips to the straw but before you can take a sip, it's torn out of your grasp.
"Hey fucker," the snarl bites through the breakdown of the Cyndi Lauper classic.
A large figure pushes between you and Cole, throwing the drink in his face as he sputters. You gape in surprise and look up as the bouncer stands between you and your erstwhile dance partner. He grabs the smaller man by the collar, knocking his drink to the floor.
"Get the fuck outta here."
The bouncer shoves Cole into a stool and rolls his shoulders. You have no idea what's going on. Cole gulps and looks between you and the large man, himself not by any means small but taking a quick hint. He scrabbles away as you check your feet, a few drops of alcohol on your shoes.
"Didn't anyone ever tell you not to take drinks from strangers," the bouncer turns with a bark, "fucking bimbo."
You frown at the insult but can't muster a response before he storms away. You peer down at the puddle of the cocktail then spin to see the bouncer disappear through the door. Huh, he must've seen something you didn't. You should've known Cole was a creep. You just hope his friends aren't the same.
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swanqueenffprompter · 6 months ago
The Enchanted Forest was steeped in shadows, a world of secrets and power, where rulers sat on thrones built of fear. Queen Regina, feared by all as the Evil Queen, stood in her private chambers, the firelight casting flickering shadows across the dark stone walls. The burdens of rulership were heavy on her shoulders today; she was plagued by disobedient guards, petty squabbles among nobles, and a kingdom filled with resentment and whispered curses.
A guard had displeased her, a minor offense, yet it prickled her pride. It wasn’t uncommon for her to inspect the dungeons herself; fear was a currency, and its careful administration was essential to maintaining her control. With a swish of her black cloak, Regina swept out of her chambers, heels clicking against the stone floor as she descended into the bowels of her castle.
The dungeons were dark, cold, and damp, the air heavy with the scent of mold and despair. She marched down the corridor, her steps echoing off the walls, intent on berating the guard who had riled her earlier that day.
Regina descended into the dungeons with an air of command, her black cloak billowing behind her, heels clicking sharply on the stone steps. It was a routine inspection, something she did periodically to ensure that fear, her most valuable weapon, remained sharp in the hearts of her subjects. The dungeons were always cold, damp, and filled with the stench of despair. She liked it that way—every crack of stone, every flickering torch reinforced her control.
Tonight, however, something felt off. As she neared the lower levels, she heard faint cries, not unusual in this part of the castle, but these were different. They were high-pitched, desperate. The sound of a child crying.
Her brow furrowed. There are no children in my dungeons. The thought unsettled her. She quickened her pace, rounding a corner, and that’s when she saw it.
One of her guards was inside a cell, towering over a blonde woman, his hand raised as if to strike. The woman was on the ground, battered and bleeding, her arms wrapped protectively around a small boy. The boy was sobbing, clinging to her with wide, terrified eyes as he cried out, “Mommy, please! Stop hurting her!”
Regina froze, her blood boiling. This was not how she ruled. Cruelty was a tool, yes, but this—this was barbarism. It wasn’t her way.
The guard brought his hand down to strike the woman again.
“Enough!” Regina’s voice cracked like a whip through the dungeon. With a wave of her hand, magic surged from her fingertips, throwing the guard across the cell. He slammed into the opposite wall and collapsed, unconscious or worse—she didn’t care. Her heart pounded in her chest, not from the exertion of magic, but from what she had just witnessed.
The woman gasped, her body trembling as she tried to push herself upright. Her face was bruised, blood trickling from her lip, but her arms never left the small boy, who was still sobbing into her chest.
Regina stepped forward, her anger seething just below the surface. The air around her crackled with power, her eyes blazing as she looked down at the unconscious guard. How dare he act without her sanction? How dare he defy her authority and inflict such cruelty—especially on a child?
“Who are you?” Regina demanded, her voice low and commanding as she turned her gaze to the woman on the ground.
Emma looked up at her through swollen eyes, defiance still flickering despite the pain. She coughed, wincing as she tried to shield her son from Regina’s imposing figure. “Emma,” she rasped, her voice hoarse from screaming. “Just… please… he’s just a boy.”
Regina’s eyes flickered to the child, his small face buried in Emma’s torn cloak, his body trembling with fear. He couldn’t have been more than five years old. The sight of him stirred something deep within Regina, something she hadn’t felt in a long time. Pity? No, it was more than that. Anger, perhaps—anger that this boy had been subjected to such terror.
“Why is there a child in my dungeons?” Regina asked, her voice sharp but quieter now, as if trying to understand what had happened. “I gave no order for this.”
Emma gritted her teeth, her arms tightening around the boy protectively. “He’s my son,” she whispered. “We… we were captured together. I told them not to hurt him. But they didn’t listen.”
Regina’s stomach twisted, a wave of fury surging through her. She was the Evil Queen, yes, but this—this was a violation of her rules, her control. She would never allow a child to suffer for the sins of the mother. Her rule was built on precision, not mindless cruelty.
"And?" Regina asked, stepping closer, her eyes boring into Emma’s. “What did you do to be here?”
Emma looked up at her, defiance still in her eyes despite the pain. “We were running and...We were on your land, though I didn't know it at the time,” she said quietly. “Just trying to survive.”
“Running from what?” Regina’s voice softened, though the hardness remained in her eyes.
Emma hesitated for a moment, as if weighing whether to answer. “From the war. From… from people like him.” She nodded toward the unconscious guard. “People who think they have the right to take what they want, hurt whoever they want.”
Regina’s gaze flicked toward the guard again, disgust curling in her chest. She had built her kingdom on fear, yes, but it was a calculated fear, not this senseless brutality. She knelt down slowly, bringing herself level with the boy, whose sobs had quieted but whose body still trembled against his mother.
“What’s your name?” Regina asked, her voice soft, though still commanding.
The boy didn’t answer at first, peeking out from behind Emma with wide, tear-filled eyes. Regina could see the fear in them, the kind of terror that only a child who had seen too much could carry.
Emma gently stroked the boy’s hair. “It’s okay, Henry,” she whispered. “You can tell her.”
“Henry,” the boy whispered, his voice so small it was barely audible.
Regina’s heart tightened. Henry. She didn’t know why, but hearing his name sent a jolt through her, as if the boy were something more than a nameless child in her dungeons. He was real, innocent, and he had been dragged into her world of darkness and fear.
She stood, her gaze hardening as she turned back to Emma. “This guard will be dealt with,” she said firmly. “And you—”
Emma’s body tensed, her eyes filled with fear, but she held herself tall, defiant.
“—you and your son will be moved,” Regina finished, her voice calmer now. “You don’t belong in the dungeons. This treatment was not my order.”
Emma’s brow furrowed in confusion, disbelief flashing across her bruised face. “Why?” she asked, her voice shaky. “Why would you help us?”
Regina stared at her for a long moment, unsure of the answer herself. There was something about Emma—her strength, her fierce love for her son, her refusal to break—that Regina found both frustrating and admirable. She didn’t know why she was helping them, only that she couldn’t leave them here, not like this.
“Because I don’t condone this kind of cruelty,” Regina said, her voice firm. “Not to children. Not to anyone who hasn’t earned it.”
Emma’s lips parted in surprise, but before she could speak, Regina turned on her heel, her cloak swirling around her. “Follow me,” she commanded, not waiting for a response. “We’ll find somewhere more suitable.”
As Regina led them out of the dark, damp dungeons, she could feel Emma’s eyes on her, wary but no longer filled with fear.
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