#reggie is a clothes thief
innytoes · 2 years
Sleepy prompt 4 for Luke/Alex/Reggie!!
For all Reggie had a very distinctive, very uniform style, he was a dirty little clothes thief when it came to bedtime.
It started with Luke's cutoffs. Luke was shirtless as often as he could, so obviously he went to bed shirtless. Hell, in the summer he slept naked, which was a very pleasant surprise for both Alex and Reggie.
Reggie, however, didn't like to sleep shirtless. Sometimes Alex thought that he'd prefer to sleep in one of those flannel pyjama sets you saw in cartoons. Preferably a plaid one. Usually though, because this was LA, it was a pair of thin, threadbare pyjama pants and t-shirts.
And since Luke wasn't wearing his shirts to bed anyway, that meant they were free game, right? And well, Alex couldn't complain, something about Reggie in Luke's shirts was really, very sexy. Luke seemed to agree, and more often than not, the shirt came right back off.
But then they went on tour. And it started to get out of hand.
First, his favourite fuzzy socks disappeared. Then Luke's boxers. Then...
"Dude, is that my hoodie?"
"The bus is cold!" Reggie whined. "Why couldn't we have done the winter part of the tour in like, Hawaii or something?"
"Dude, we're playing some of the best venues in New York and you're complaining about a little cold?" Luke asked. He was still shirtless, which even to Alex was a little bit over the top. The bus was kind of cold, okay?
"Yeah well maybe you can bask in the warm glow of applause and music, but some of us have human bodies that get cold," Reggie said testily. He still snuggled into Luke's arms demonstratively, hoodie and all. Fair, Luke was like a human furnace.
"You do look really cute in my hoodie," Alex said. He nudged them both over, crawling into the bed as well. It was a bit of a squeeze, but they'd insisted on the largest bed available in a tour bus. The label had finally allowed it, if only because Reggie had made sad eyes at them and said he couldn't sleep otherwise.
"Yeah?" Reggie said, grinning over his shoulder.
"Hmm-hmm..." Alex said, hand sliding up under the fabric.
"OKAY SO WE'RE GETTING REGGIE A PAIR OF EXTRA WARM PYJAMAS NEXT TIME WE STOP," Julie said much too loudly from the other side of the bus. "And you better not be trying to warm up any other way."
Whoops. Okay, so maybe they'd have to wait until the next time they got a hotel for that.
"Yes Julie."
"Sorry boss."
They settled down in a very wholesome, very not-sexual cuddle.
"He does look really cute, though," Alex said into the darkness, just to hear Julie groan and the guys snicker.
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invisibleraven · 9 months
Stealing their shirt to sleep in / Rulie
Reggie sighed as he entered the house, finally able to breathe after a hectic day. He tossed off his outer layers and went into the kitchen, finding Julie at the stove, and wound his arms around her waist, kissing her temple. "Hey good lookin', what's cooking?"
"Turkey stew," she replied, nestling further into his arms. "Figured it was a good way to get rid of the last of the holiday leftovers, and something warm given it's unusually chilly out."
"Sounds perfect," Reggie hummed, swaying them side to side. "Where's moonbeam?"
"She and Isla had a playdate, Alex should be dropping her off soon," Julie replied, turning in his arms to give him a kiss. "Long day?"
"As always, but tomorrow should be a shorter one, only have one commercial shoot," he said, "How about you?"
"Oh you know, the after holiday blahs have set in," Julie replied. "But the kids are excited to start learning with the percussion instruments."
"Your poor eardrums," Reggie commiserated.
"I'll survive," Julie hummed, the two of them slow dancing to a silent tune in their heads as the stew bubbled away and the wind blew outside.
Suddenly the door slammed open. "Mami I'm home!"
"Luna Rose you go back and close that door before you let all the heat out!" Julie called as she went into the hallway, waving at Alex as he drove off.
Luna pouted but did as she was told, then noticed Reggie standing there, racing into his arms with a shriek of "Daddy!"
Reggie huffed as he caught her, but spun them around. "Hello moonbeam, did you have fun with Isla?"
"Oh yes! We had a tea party with her dolls and Unca Willie made us tiny sandwiches, and even joined us, even though he looked silly in the hat," Luna said in seemingly one breath.
Reggie snickered at that but smiled at his daughter, carrying her to get washed up. "Well that sounds like a lovely afternoon. Now I hope you have room for supper, because mami made stew."
Luna stuck her tongue out at that. "I don't like stew."
"How would you know? You haven't tried it yet," Reggie replied, ushering them to the table where Julie had set out the bowls, plus some bread and milk. Luna screwed up her face again, but when Julie sent her a look she took up a spoonful.
"Oh, this is yummy!" she exclaimed, slurping up more. Reggie and Julie smiled at each other, and the three of them enjoyed their supper amidst catching up on their days and discussing what homework Luna had to do before bathtime.
Soon enough it was time for bed though, and Reggie bit back a smile when Luna pulled out a old shirt with a Sunset Curve logo on it to sleep in. "Now where did you get that Luna boo?"
"Oh, mami said I could have it-it used to be hers, or yours, she said she couldn't remember," Luna explained as she slipped it over her head.
Reggie honestly couldn't remember either-Julie and him had similar clothes thief tendencies, so half their wardrobe was shared at this point. Though he was sure he had given Julie the shirt with the size beautiful line at some point, though how he ended up marrying her after that awful line he'd never know.
"Well it looks awesome on you baby girl," he said, tucking her in.
"Not like we don't have lots more of them," Julie said from the doorway, showing off her own shirt and Reggie had to laugh when she threw another at him. He'd have to remember to get a shot of them in it tomorrow to send to Luke-he'd get a laugh out of it.
"And they all fit still too," he said, pulling the shirt on as he closed the door to Luna's room.
"Of course they do," Julie said, pulling him into a hug. "They're size beautiful after all."
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jmrothwell · 9 months
Fake dating prompts! wearing eachothers clothes publicly to 'keep up the image' for the Julie (clothes thief extraordinaire) pairing of your choice!
also for @bananakarenina who asked: FAKE DATING MY BELOVED wearing each other's clothes to keep up the image, rulie
This was absolutely absurd. Julie could hardly believe what she was reading, not to mention the audacity to push this kind of decision to them via email. She and Alex were really the only ones who even regularly checked their emails so she wasn’t even sure if Reggie had even seen this and she really did not want to be the one to break this particular bit of news to him. 
He had already acted weird enough when all the tabloids and even slightly more legitimate magazines and websites had latched onto the rumor that she and Reggie were dating. 
Hot on the heels of their recent Grammy win Julie Molina, frontwoman of Julie and the Phantoms, seen hand in hand with bassist and fellow phantom Reggie Peters while sporting his signature flannel. Are we seeing the sparks of a new romance? Anonymous sources near the pair…
Sure, just ignore how she had borrowed Luke’s fleece and Alex’s hoodie twice earlier that same week or how she, Flynn, and Willie had all ended up in some particularly compromising positions at the skatepark. 
When the PR team said they’d come up with a plan, Julie had foolishly thought they meant some sort of damage control. Maybe their typical ‘ignore it and continue on with their lives until the gossip rags find a new fascination’ approach. Not this nonsense. 
And her attempts to protest the decision by calling Andi were completely useless. 
“They're not saying you have to actually date each other.” Andi said, like she wasn’t one of the ones pushing forward with this stupid decision. “The rumors are already there, the label just wants you to lean into them to try and boost interest in the new single.”
“By lying to our fans?” Julie snapped back, rolling her eyes at the BS reasoning Andi no doubt was parroting from someone else about how since they weren’t putting out an official statement, just letting the rumor mill spin a little longer, it wasn’t lying. 
Thankfully for Andi, Julie got distracted halfway through that particularly banal drivel by Alex and Luke letting themselves into her apartment. Unfortunately for Julie, they were dragging along a particularly beleaguered Reggie clearly trying to act like nothing was wrong. 
So they’d all definitely read the e-mail then. Julie didn’t have the time or headspace to try and navigate why Reggie’s understandably negative reaction made her insides twist up. 
There was also no way she was going to be able to out maneuver the prepared PR answers Andi had been given. Last time she tried had not ended well for anyone. 
“I thought the Grammy stirred up plenty of attention?”
“Cam is worried that all the focus would be on your last album,” Andi started to say but Julie quickly tuned out. Ugh, Cam. She was going to strangle whoever decided to hire Cam as the new head of PR. 
“Well, ask Cam,” Jule started hearing her bandmates echo her sentiments, “How does a fake relationship put any focus on the album at all?”
It was no good, the loop began anew and Julie was not in the mood to talk circles for the rest of her morning. She handed the phone off to Alex to see if he could manage to talk some sense into anyone since he’d had the most luck with it in the past. Luke handed her a warm mug of coffee as she settled on the counter while Reggie quietly fussed around with her coffee maker. 
“Good news, bad news.” Alex said, after finishing the call with Andi and after some sense of normalcy had returned to the three in the kitchen–Reggie had managed to lighten the mood with some theories behind Cam’s credentials. 
“They’re planning on releasing a more appropriate marketing campaign for the single.” Alex said as he handed Julie back her phone.
“But?” Luke was the one to prompt, though Julie already suspected what the bad news was and going off the look she exchanged with him, so did Reggie. 
“But they still want you two to “look the part” of a happy couple.”
Reggie had an idea, which given past experience had the potential of ranging from absolutely genius to extremely downright worrying. Julie was really hoping this leaned more to the former than the latter since she honestly didn’t know what else to do. 
She sat waiting near the bus stop where they agreed to meet.
“Hey, Jules!” Reggie’s voice carried to her from down the street, and all of her overthinking was swapped out as she looked up to see him heading towards her, typical black pants and leather jacket. Standing out amongst his ensemble however was the bright yellow smiley face shirt he was wearing. 
In all the time she’d known him the most color she’d seen him wear was red, maybe the occasional muted or dark brown or blue, but mostly he stuck with his black and white. The shock of seeing him in such a bright color was so much it took a little too long for her to even register it was her sweater. She hadn’t been able to find it and was almost certain she’d lost it. 
“This is your idea?” She said, finally getting the gears in her brain to work again.
“Yeah,” He smiled down at her, bright as ever, looking down at the sweater then back at her.  “Hope you don’t mind, you accidentally gave it to me when you returned my flannels last week.”
“And it fits?”
“Mostly, the sleeves kind of bunch up funny under my jacket.” He grimaced, then pulled said jacket off handing it over to her, pushing the sleeves of the sweat up to his mid forearm. Then waved off her efforts to hand his jacket back. “You wear it.”
Her brain froze again, trying to think of any other time Reggie had willingly let any of them borrow his jacket. He laughed, no doubt at what must be her gobsmacked expression. 
“But I will be taking it home with me.” He said, throwing an arm around her shoulders once she donned the jacket. “Now, I think you still owe me pizza from last month’s game night.”
Julie attempted to blink back the surprise of the past few minutes, not sure why her thoughts were so eagerly trying to run away from her.
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arcaneprism · 2 years
Wearing Each Other’s Clothes
Number 8!!! I think I started this when I was unwell cause I have no idea where I was planning to go with this but well, it went. It’s done. It exists.
This one is Julie & Everyone but mostly Sunset Curve for the clothes stealing and Flynn for the interactions ???? idk what was happening here but this was not my original plan it kinda just happened akdjlsfjklg
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Okay so Julie might be a bit of a clothes thief, sue her. You would think her friends-slash-housemates would have gotten used to her habits by now but somehow they still haven’t. Really, if you asked Julie, that was more their problem than hers, but they still insisted on making it her problem. They’ve known her for years now, they should get used to her stealing clothes. It wasn’t like they didn’t do it as well.
“I do not need an intervention,” Julie insisted, as Flynn looked over her with their arms crossed.
“Julie, not a single thing you’re wearing right now is yours.”
Julie looked down and she had to admit, Flynn was almost right. Julie was wearing one of Alex’s t-shirts tucked into Flynn’s jeans. She had layered up for the cold weather with Reggie’s flannel. Accessories wise, Julie had ended up stealing Bobby’s belt, Willie’s hair tie, and Carrie and Kayla’s hair clips. She’d try to argue that most of her bracelets were her own, but she definitely had a few of Luke’s tossed in which… she honestly wasn’t sure when she had grabbed them but they were there now. She wasn’t even wearing her own shoes, having stolen a pair of Nick’s sneakers this morning.
Julie opened her mouth, trying in vain to form an argument before she gave up, crossing her arms across her chest instead.
“At least I look cute.”
Flynn huffed out a laugh, grabbing Julie’s hand and dragging her out to the kitchen for lunch, “Yes, yes. You do, obviously, but girl, you’ve gotta start wearing some of your own clothes.”
“Hm… maybe.”
When they did get to the kitchen, Flynn ended up realising that her words would never have any effect on Julie’s thieving tendencies. As much of a clothes thief as Julie was, her band was equally as bad.
Julie grinned as she saw Reggie wearing her smiley face jumper, detaching herself from Flynn to compliment the colour on him. It was rare that she got to see him wearing something that wasn’t red, black, or white and the grin on his face when he saw Julie look all comfy in his flannel rivalled the grin on her jumper.
Alex was wearing one of her hats instead of one of his own. He looked to be in a rush and Julie remembered that he had had a date with Willie planned this afternoon. He dropped a quick kiss onto Flynn and Julie’s heads when they entered, patting Julie’s shoulder and scrunching the fabric of his t-shirt with a fond smile as he hastily said his goodbyes.
Luke barely looked up from his songbook when Alex left, completely engrossed in whatever new song he was writing. Julie figured she’d get to take a look at it later. His hair was growing long, his bangs starting to cover his eyes often and nowadays he often complained about how it got in the way of his writing. Julie nearly giggled when she realised that his solution to that was stealing one of her headbands to keep his hair out of his face.
“Oh, I was looking for that,” Bobby spoke suddenly, an eyebrow cocked as he placed the last of the dishes on the table, taking off the apron he was wearing and- oh. Somehow, despite being far taller than Julie, Bobby had managed to fit into Julie’s overalls. The pants of it somehow looked longer than Julie remembered it being given that Kayla had sewed the folds up for her last week.
Julie narrowed her eyes, “Did you take out Kayla’s stitching?”
Bobby shrugged, “Figured you could just fold it up when you want it again. You took my belt.”
“Well, you have Reggie’s.”
“Yeah, cause I couldn’t find mine.”
They started bickering, and Reggie looked at both of them fondly like he was watching kittens play fighting adorably. Luke appeared to not even hear what was happening around him, so engrossed in his writing.
Flynn sighed as she took a seat at the table and started scooping up some of the food Bobby had prepared.
Yeah, they were never solving Julie’s clothes theft thing. Not when it wasn’t just a Julie issue but a general Julie and the Phantoms issue.
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x-starshines-x · 4 years
Tumblr media
reg in julie's sweater wasn't something i knew i needed until now,, clothes thief reggie hours
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kybee1497 · 3 years
Julie likes to borrow people’s clothes as a comfort thing. A visual, sensory, physical reminder that she’s loved and she has a little piece of that person with her sometimes. It helps her feel more grounded and present and it helps when she has bad days.
Before her mom died, it was less about comfort and a little more about being one of her love languages.
She was only friends with Flynn for four months before she ‘stole’ Flynn’s monster slippers for a few days. Now it’s a standard part of their Christmas presents to each other. They get a new pair of slippers and wear them once or twice before swapping for the new year.
Before things went down with Carrie, the three of them had clothes stashed at each other’s houses and weren’t shy about wearing whatever they grabbed first. Julie came to school once when she was 12 wearing Flynn’s cheetah print hat, Carries pink sweatshirt, and her own jeans she’d doodled on.
She borrowed her dads shirts for playing pirate queen when she was little.
But after her mom died it became a little more about keeping the people she loved closer to her. A reminder that they were there and loved her and everything was okay. And she wears her moms clothes sometimes to help her feel a bit closer. Her mom was gone but sometimes, when julie pulled a sweater out from the back of the closet, it still smelled like her moms perfume, and when she wrapped herself up in the warm, soft material it almost felt like being wrapped in her moms arms when she was small. For just a minute, it’s like having her back again. Then the feeling fades and Julies left with a time worn sweater with its fading scent, and it’s still enough, for now. It’s not the same, not at all, but it makes it a little bit easier to get through the day when all she wants to do is crawl back into bed with her head under the pillow and forget the world for the day.
She wears one of Carlos’s hats the entire week he’s gone at baseball camp the first summer after her mom died, reminding herself that it’s fine, and Carlos is fine, and he’ll be home in a week, and everything will be fine.
We already see in canon that she wears a lot of her moms clothes for performances because it helps her to feel closer to her mom. You can’t tell me julie wouldn’t have her own. Eventually she stops wearing her moms clothes for everyday activities, but even years down the road, Julie still incorporates something of her moms into each performance outfit. A dahlia pin, a necklace, a belt, etc.
Slowly as Julie heals and grows, borrowing clothes slowly regains some of the playfullness and affection it had before. It’s still got some of the needing an anchor bit that it had before but it’s not the only thing keeping her afloat anymore.
The first summer after Julie and the Phantoms was formed. Julies summer wardrobe consisted half of her own clothes and half Luke’s cut off shirts because “It’s really fucking hot outside Luke and these are more comfortable than anything else I own.” Luke just about dies a second time the first time he pops into Julie’s room while she’s laying across the foot of her bed, scribbling in her song book, and he sees that she’s wearing a pair of cut offs and his Rush shirt. You would think after the first few times he would be used to it but the boys brain glitches every time. Flynn thinks it’s hilarious.
She falls asleep in the studio one night and walks up warm and content with Reggie’s leather jacket draped over her. The boys are out for the morning and she’s running late so she slips her hands in the sleeves and wears it to school for the day. Luke trips over the air when she walks in that afternoon wearing it because Julie and leather jacket and pretty and adorable. He doesn’t even clock that it’s Reggie’s until Julie is handing it back at the end of the night with a soft smile and a thank you.
Julie wouldn’t dare to borrow Alex’s fanny pack, it’s sacred. No ones really sure exactly what he keeps in there but he always has exactly what they need. Reggie’s convinced it’s magic and Julie almost agrees, but Alex’s pink sweatshirt on the other hand, that’s fair game. It’s softer and cozier than it looks and it becomes julies new favorite thing. Alex is fine with it. Sometimes he grumbles about being cold but he just curls into Willie instead and always cuts her off when she offers it back.
Flynn won’t say it out loud but sometimes she buys clothes that are more Julies style than her own because Julie hates buying new clothes but she loves borrowing (and keeping) them and Julie needs some new, cute clothes in her wardrobe because while her boys may be cute, none of them have good fashion sense. Except for maybe Alex, but his style is more 90’s gay icon which is incredible but not really Julies thing. So flynn gets a new sweater or a dress and wears it a few times, maybe leaves it out when julie comes over or throws an extra jacket in her backpack on days that she knows julie was up late writing with Luke and would likely forget her lunch, a text book and at least a jacket on her mad dash out the door. It’s what Flynn called working the system. Julie got to show her affection and cute clothes, and Flynn got to play stylist. It was the best of both worlds.
A year later, when Carrie wants to talk and apologizes, when they slowly work their way back into a friendship. Julie fishes one of the triple threat shirts she had stashed in the back of her closet that she liked to forget she kept and pulls it on under a hoodie before school that day. Thankfully they’d messed up when they were ordering the shirts and ordered adult sizing instead of youth. So it fit perfectly at 17 where they’d been night shirts at 8. Interestingly enough, Carries also wearing a sweatshirt that day and Julie catches a glimpse the familiar lettering of -antoms on the back of the shirt underneath when they’re changing for PE. The day they both wore something that reminded them of the other without talking about it or showing it off, was the day the tentative part of tentative friendship was finally removed. There’s still some days where old hurts ache a bit more than usual because even small wounds leave scars, and some of the wounds were far from small. Sometimes Carrie starts to mention rose and Julie flinches. Just a bit, it wouldn’t even be super noticeable if they hadn’t known each other that well, if carrie hadn’t spent a year watching Julie flinch every time she opened her mouth. Carrie hates a lot of things about herself, but that one, that one was by far the worst. Not everything can be forgiven, but they can move forward and sometimes that’s enough.
Idk this got super long and idk if it makes sense anymore and I’m too lazy to edit it but JULIE MOLINA IS A CLOTHES THIEF and I love that for her. Also I might fuck around and flesh this out into a fic later when I’m not so slammed with wips.
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saladbroth · 3 years
hello i have stumbled upon jukebogs and oh my god i love it sm. do you have any fun hcs for them? i really loved clothes thief julie & everyone loving bobbys suspenders (if you're actually writing a fic for that then hell yeah) i think the bobby&julie dynamic is really underexplored, which makes sense bc they don't know each other like that in canon but like i would like to see it yknow? anyway this was a long way to say that jukebogs is great thank you for it and it really needs more content <3
hi!!  asjdksdfs ahhhh i’m always down to scream about jukebogs i love them so much so tysm for asking and also this ask in general, it made my heart rly warm and v happy!! :))) also yes, i am indeed writing that fic, i hope to get it done sometime this or next week :))
ty @a-tomb-with-a-view & @wadewaits for screaming about hc’s with me, some of these are theirs
bobby is the tall boyfriend, bobby takes full advantage of that and holds stuff over the others’ heads, hides snacks in the highest cupboard so they can’t get to them
bobby is not prepared for his three partners to climb him like a tree when they want something, usually in pairs or as a trio
julie and bobby seem like the sensible ones but lose all brainpower around each other. they’re a disaster waiting to happen and luke and reggie have to be the sensible ones
jubobby ideas usually include arson, weird and/or dangerous constructions in the house, standing on a kitchen table and arguing whether or not they can be held by the fan and spin around (they can’t)
peterpatter/ruke are always confused as to how they became the sensible ones and they have to make sure the others don’t hurt themselves
look. they’re all in love, very much so. but they also know that julie is >>>> and her boys treat her like that. they also don’t know how they got with julie because look at her
julie disagrees because she’s got her three idiots and they make her ridiculously happy
bobby is kiss averse at times and doesn’t like lip kisses so there’s lots and lots of cuddle times and kithes in the temple, forehead, shoulder, jaw etc. they soft
reggie rambles about their hyperfixations, everyone listens and asks questions. same thing goes for luke
julie and bobby want to commit crimes against the peters’ and the pattersons
luke and reggie try their best to get ray’s approval, as if they don’t have it already
self doubts are not allowed because the other three partners have lists on why they love the insecure one, bobby has a full on scientific powerpoint with graphs
so much singing together, screaming along to the radio, singing lullaby’s, singing for the fun of it
reggie and julie dance together while luke and bobby sing sometimes
bobby and luke try to be stronger than each other, julie and reggie don’t mind because they get carried around
they’re all just incredibly soft for each other. so soft. so in love. them <333
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kikikiwi27498 · 3 years
Things That Are Now Canon in Julie and the Phantoms Because I Said So
I needed to get these out so here we go. Feel free to add more.
(In no particular order)
Willie uses he/they pronouns
Reggie is bi
Luke is pan
Luke is a clothes thief
Luke and Alex dated when they were 15. They broke up after a few months and decided they were better off as friends
Alex's parents didn't kick him out when he told them he was gay, they just treated him differently and didn’t really speak to him. He spent most of his time in the studio from then on
Reggie definitely has tattoos
You know what so does Luke. He got one after he ran away and planned to get more but he died
Bobby has one tattoo: his friends’ initials on his ribs. He got it after Luke, Reggie, and Alex died
Alex never got tattoos because he couldn’t decide what to get and the thought of putting something permanent on his body was too stressful
The boys will say Alex is the Dad Friend, but it's really Bobby
Alex has the band's one (1) collective brain cell. He keeps it in his fanny pack. Sometimes he gives it to Julie, but Reggie and Luke never get it
Bobby asked Rose to save the boys' instruments because he couldn't bear to get rid of them but didn't have room for them
Rose's parents owned the garage Sunset Curve rehearsed in and didn't care if the boys stayed there. Rose inherited the house and the studio when her parents died and she was the one who fixed it up
Julie was mortified when she learned that the boys knew her mother
After the Orpheum the Phantoms are visible to everyone. Willie is too once Julie and the others free them from Caleb because Friendship
Ray and Tiá Victoria love the boys So Much
Carlos and Reggie are bffs
Luke reconnects with his parents after the Orpheum
Bobby wanted to honor his friends by keeping their music alive but signed a bad contract and couldn't give them credit (I think I got this from "My Name is Luke" by @wr0temyway0ut)
Alex, Reggie, and Luke forgive Bobby once they learn this
Rose saved Alex, Luke, and Reggie’s instruments at Bobby’s request
Reggie’s parents got divorced after he died
Willie died in the ‘80s when he was 17. He didn’t go to the Dark Room like the Phantoms and isn’t sure why
Willie joined the HGC for community and to have somewhere to go in the late ‘90s. Caleb taught him most of the ghost tricks he knows
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faorism · 3 years
needing the au to drop wherein i can commit to writing a historical au,, because since i first watched the db cooper job my mind went straight to OT3! OT3! OT3! (unlike with the van gogh job, since i aint playing with that fucking lieutenant)
one day maybe one dayyyyy i will sit down and i will write the ot3 into that episode's story. so, it'll be the backgrounds for the characters in the flashback (so, stephanie ritter, steve reynolds, and reggie wilkins), but with the necessary personality adjustments (parker, eliot, and hardison respectively). basically, vintage ot3 with some hot as hell aesthetics and secrets and avoiding as much as possible producing copraganda.
so. my thoughts. what i see happening. and this got super long so im throwing this under a cut. and for ease i will call them by their modern day canon names except when making a point.
first, general thoughts about the characters.
and so: steve to eliot. nothing much here on the surface. eliot still volunteers, too much an indoctrinated white man to have been forcibly drafted. so its still one man gone to war. one man come back. eliot would had been noticed early in training for his ability to pick shit up, and they teased at maybe sending him to a special unit. maybe they do, or maybe they don't because they just need to funnel fuckers to the jungle. the vietnam invasion was a terrorist imperialist venture and there's no romanticizing from me about anything done being at all valorous or special or brother-in-arms'y. and eliot commits war crimes under the american stars and stripes instead of just to keep moreau's champaign running. but also maybe moreau is eliot's superior. he certainly would have been rewarded for this ruthlessness. (eliot of course strove to impress moreau because there aint an eliot spencer who wasn't that man's dog at some point, i!!!! dont make the rules). eliot's friend died and eliot's gone off to carry out his wishes and moreau lets him because he Knows eliot is gonna come back. whether its to come back to the same squad, or follow him into deeper spy shit for the military, or to fuck off and go private. then eliot meets parker.
now. stephanie to parker. beth plays normal so well im mad at her, but there's something edgy and strategic about stephanie that i think parker can grab onto. i feel that maybe she was kind of a thief still, but there's more realism to this world so archie wasnt a super secret spy with lasers to practice with, but just a guy with sticky fingers whos a little bored and wants a protege. parker is good really good at what she does, and not having to deal with lasers makes me easy. but she's into scams that are less grifts and more Catch Me If You Can slight of hands. she's always looking for easy money (she was into lifting cars at one point! literally she follows where the crime is). she's doing something in an airport and someone tries to recruit her as a flight attendant because she's got the Look. and yall, flight attendants? that shit was like being a model and an astronaut and a time traveler back then. and according to a teacher i had, who once worked as in the f.a. union, those ladies back in the day were rad and queer and free spirited and runnnnning shit. i think, yes, it's a Job which i think we might resist placing parker into. but! of the jobs, at the time, i really see her rocking it during the time period. (also come on, the opportunities to swindle distracted people of their shit would be endless. they would just think they dropped their stuff in the airport! not that it was stolen.)
finally, reggie to alec. i think hardison will be the hardest to translate. even tho i admittedly listen to a lot of true crime podcasts, i dont know much about fbi life and also definitely don't know about it historically. part of me desperately wants to put him somewhere else even if it does have to stay within the fbi. i might cheat and make him like a Q(uartermaster) to 007/00s like in james bond, and he's like UGH this is horrible god i hate working for the fbi but they will give me funding so...... anyway, here's this totally cool [radio term]. that said, if hardison is stuck in the fbi, why he ends up there is that he is a fucking savant when it comes to research and the man can put together a presentation like no one else. that white man gets all the credit for profiling but it was hardison who goddamn was the google of the microfilm days. reggie felt super square but that might be because he had to deal with mcsweeties db cooper shit day in and day out for years. hardison is more himself. and definitely still a nerd. alec would be into dime fantasy novels and comics and ham radios and oh god he also would be into star trek like the original star trek as it came out and he would be into the zines yes! yessss. omg. also he plays a mean arcade cabinet. but he's mostly well adjusted but lonely. his colleagues dont appreciate him because fbi esp during that time were fucking wilding out and racist as hell aaaaaand im sorry im srry im trying so hard to have fbi hardison make sense but also! acab. ANYWAY.
second, the relationship
i think it would be fun to play with what it means to have parker/eliot start off first and bring in hardison afterwards. (if white collar is your thing, it would be like this canon divergent ot3 fic wherein peter burke is the last to join in.) i feel they would be Super Intense esp since they are carrying this big ass secret. kind of broken and dysfunctional and there's the passion and the commitment, but i think there's also a tenderness that's super hard for them to achieve? and i think there's a way that hardison plays such an important part in who they are and how they are. like, sure i think parker/eliot would have joy but they won't have levity. they would have compassion but they won't have gentleness.
eliot meets hardison after being recruited by nate. i think they get close because while nate and eliot have an interesting and compelling mentorship/friendship, nate is still eliots superior; sometimes its nice to complain about your boss, as hardison will say to eliot to try to make friends. i think hardison and eliot would become legit friends and not just work buddies because they are just not cut out of the same cloth as the rest of their colleagues. they grab beers after work. after hard days, hardison cajoles eliot into going to the arcade. they are friends. real real truly deep best friends, in a way hardison didn't think he could have with a fed and eliot didnt think he would have after his friend died. but also? they are like "buds" who are buds who are desperately tryna to cross any lines because there's a.... tension? an UST between them they dont know what to do with.
parker meets eliot by way of a "lets have my friend for dinner, he's a blast." and immediately immediately hardison is like... wow this woman is beautiful but like, really attracted to her personality. and parker things hardison is kinda dorky but cute dorkie? anyway, they have a puppy love situation growing. and it keeps growing until bam. eliot and parker are like. are we into alec???? fuck we are aren't we.
i think stephanie and steve would never tell reggie (even if somehow they were to be a thing). but parker and eliot? hell yeah they tell hardison. eventually. after a while. sooner than maybe they should. the tension if they should say something is one of the things that build up as UST between them for so long; parker and eliot know they are carrying this huge thing. two huge things. eliot being db cooper and also their massive crush on him.
if i could control myself to stick to a pwp, it would be another christmas. maybe the christmas nine (more?) years down the road. the damn snow grounded hardison's flight back to his nana's, and parker and eliot hear this and invite him over. the egg nog gets flowing and parker eventually is like,, fuck this. and comes onto hardison. and hardison would be like wow wow what but... idk, free love and swinging were In The Thoughts And Minds Of The People. he still checks in with eliot who is like. her body, man; i aint gonna tell her what to do. and for a sec hardison is like, man is this a cuck situation? i guess i can be for it but also...... aint mad if i aint alone. and eliot is so grateful and idk. i just want them all to be happy and having fun and no one to be left out. and yeah i am kinda brushing over a lot of the racial politics which, in a more developed fic rather than a pwp, would definitely need to be brought in; but idk that needs to just be in the bedrock of whatever plot is going into this.
it takes a lot of maneuvering of their lives but they make it work and eventually hardison is a keeper of eliot's secret too.
(apart from the historical aspect, another reason i probably won't actually write this is because i know myself. i would want to do worldbuilding. i would follow eliot and alec to their jobs, but i wouldnt want to write outright copaganda. the grit/realism i would be comfortable with would take a level of research i dont think i can commit to. but if someone wants to take this up or if you figure out a way around this issue, pls do i wont be mad)
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Hi! I hope it’s okay to ask a Willex request
“I swear, if you take another one of my shirts, I will have no clothes.” (Or in Alex’s case hoodies)
I love all of your other prompts answers, hope you have a great day!!
you’re so sweet!! here’s some dumb boyfriends being cute <3
Alex doesn't know where his laundry disappears to all the time. Luke and Reggie never do their own laundry but at least they don't steal his clothes. Or, at least, he doesn't think they do. If they are then at least they have the good sense not to wear them around him.
Which, Alex isn't sure they have any sense let alone good sense, so maybe he's just really forgetful.
But then Willie shows up in one of his hoodies, and it all suddenly clicks. His boyfriend is a little thief.
"Nice hoodie," he says. Willie smiles widely.
"Thanks!" He looks down at it and smooths down the front. "It's yours."
"I know it's mine." Alex laughs. "I swear, if you take another one of them, I will have no clothes!"
Willie contemplates this for a moment and then wiggles his eyebrows. "Promise?"
Alex rolls his eyes and gives him a good-natured shove. Willie laughs and grabs Alex's arm, pulling him into a hug.
"I can take it off, if you want."
"No," Alex says as he presses his forehead to Willie's temple. "It looks good on you."
"Good," Willie says with a sharp breath. "Because I'm totally not wearing another shirt under this."
prompt lists | filled prompts
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innytoes · 1 year
Fuck AI ABO prompts: I stole your sweater because it smells like you and it makes me feel safe for the Alex or Julie ship of your choice (or both) because we all want to steal their sweaters.
¿Porque no los dos? I decided to make it the Greater Polyphantoms Polycule, but A/B/O. Polyphantoms Polypack? Plus bonus college au.
The problem with having as large of a pack as they did was that Alex was almost always missing his hoodie. He got it, okay? Sometimes you needed comfort and stealing someone's clothes was the best way to feel like you were getting a hug when there was nobody around.
He'd actually been on a pretty good streak, he'd been able to wear his own hoodie for three whole days before it went missing. It didn't help that they all had each other's dorm room keys, so he couldn't even narrow down the thief.
He debated throwing in the group chat that he wanted his hoodie back, but then he'd have to explain why, and he really didn't want to talk about his bad day just yet. Class had been awful, he'd been called on and of course it was the only question he hadn't been able to fill in, so he'd stammered and squeaked and answered wrong, and everyone stared at him and someone in the back laughed and he just wanted to curl up and disappear for a little while.
Instead, he took a deep breath and decided to go with the second best option: steal someone else's comfy clothes. He rifled through Willie's chest of drawers on the other side of the room, but his coziest sweater was missing (probably stolen by Reggie). And Willie had been wearing the cute colour-blocked one. At least he could steal that tomorrow, and it would smell like him.
So Alex grabbed his keys and went down the hall, opening Julie and Flynn's room. They both still had class, but he knocked anyway in case they were skipping. They weren't, and even better, the bright yellow smiley sweater he'd been hoping to find was draped over the end of Julie's bed.
Alex picked it up, holding it to his nose. Julie's calm, flowery Beta scent clung to it, with a few tiny hints of Flynn and Luke as well. Quickly, he shucked off his t-shirt balling it up, and put on the sweater. It was oversized on Julie, but it fit just right for Alex. Like a hug.
In the end, he didn't even make it back to his room. He just curled up on Julie's bed, stealing her ancient mp3-player to drown out his thoughts, the hem of her sweater pressed against his nose, hooked over his chin.
He hadn't even realised he'd been drifting off until he felt two arms wrap around him, someone cuddling against his back. One of the earbuds was plucked out of his ear. "Bad day?" Julie asked, hooking her chin over his shoulder, and he nodded, inhaling. The sweater was nice, but nothing beat an actual Julie hug. He covered her hands with his own, before looking down when he realised they were covered in fabric.
Pink fabric, because Julie was the one who'd apparently stolen his sweater. "You?"
"Had a performance in class today," Julie admitted. Ah Julie always stole one of their clothes when she had to do solos in class. Like a bit of the band was with her. He squirmed, until she eased up and he could turn around and look at her.
"How'd it go?" he asked. She beamed at him.
"I crushed it," she said.
"Knew you would," he said, snuggling back in, wrapping his arms around her. Julie laughed, stealing his missing ear bed and popping it in her own ear, and they settled down together to finish Alex' nap.
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invisibleraven · 11 months
Loving You is a (Trick Or) Treat
Written for the Year of the OTP challenge prompt: couples costume
On AO3!
Happy Halloween witches! Honestly I had another prompt in mind for this month, but then this idea bit me and I decided to go with it. Just something short and sweet but I do hope you enjoy!
As a kid, Julie always loved Halloween; the pumpkin carving, the candy, the silly and spooky television specials. As the end of October grew nearer and nearer, the more excited she would get. But what she loved most of all was the costumes. Julie loved dressing up as it was, so to have a whole day where it was acceptable-nay encouraged-to wear a costume all day? Sign Julie up!
And it wasn’t just her, she fondly remembers her parents always wearing couples costumes as they went out to parties, or even stayed home to answer the door. Every year they would find some cutesy couple to dress up as, and little Julie longed for the day when she found the person she could do that with.
Only little Julie didn’t know she was going to find herself madly in love with two people at once. Two guys who loved her, and each other just as madly. It was never planned, but then again, love never was. Luke and Reggie were the perfect couple, and Julie hated her traitorous heart for falling for them both, only to be shocked and delighted when they confessed to feeling the same-and the rest was history.
But being with two people made it a little hard for some of her childhood dreams and fantasies, like couple costumes, to become a reality.
Thus, this Halloween, she was slightly grumpy.
“What’s with the long face darlin’?” Reggie asked as he greeted her with a kiss one afternoon.
“Yeah, you look like someone stole your favourite yellow sweater,” Luke added, hugging her tight from behind.
“Is that your way of telling me it’s in the studio because you 'borrowed' it?” Julie asked with a look. “Because I kinda figured that one out earlier.”
Luke buried his sheepish grin in her shoulder, and Reggie rolled his eyes. “Not like you can say much, little miss clothes thief,” he said, gesturing to where his beloved red flannel was tied around her waist.
Julie had the good grace to blush but shrugged, not even displacing Luke as she did. “It looks good on me and you know it.”
Reggie let out a good natured laugh. “You do look good in our stuff.”
“Damn straight,” Luke added, hooking his chin over her shoulder. “But that doesn’t explain your grumple dumpus act.”
“It’s almost Halloween,” Julie said, as if that explained everything.
“Do you not like Halloween?” Luke asked, his confusion clear. “You seemed really jazzed about it last year.”
“Is it a Catholic thing?” Reggie questioned. “Because I get that, my nona always preferred we celebrate Purim instead. But MeeMaw said Halloween wouldn’t do me any harm.”
“I love your MeeMaw,” Luke quipped. They all did, to be fair. Chavala had surprised them by being one of their staunchest supporters after their situation came to light. The less said about Reggie’s nona, or the rest of his family in general, the better.
“No,” Julie replied. “We always celebrated Halloween when I was a kid, then All Saints Day the next day.” Though she was slightly touched that they respected her faith to think of it. Luke was pretty agnostic, and Reggie’s Judaism was a bit lapsed, but they still never said anything about her still going to church weekly, praying before meals and wearing a saint around her neck. They just worked like that, even if their religious beliefs didn’t always match up.
“What’s the problem then?” Reggie asked, guiding them all to the overstuffed couch, the guys flanking Julie on either side.
“It’s stupid,” Julie mumbled.
“Hey, if it’s upsetting you, it’s not stupid,” Luke replied. He squeezed her hand in his, Reggie mirroring the move on her other side before they let go, snuggling in further.
Julie sighed, running her fingers through her hair, wincing when her ring snagged on a curl. “Every year my parents would dress up to go trick or treating with us, or to wear to parties as we got too old for it. They would be some famous couple every year. And I guess I’m a little upset that I’ll never get to do that.”
“Why not?” Reggie asked. “We’re down for cute couple costumes. One year we were Frodo and Sam, another we were Batman and Robin. We can totes do it again this year.”
“Yeah, keep the tradition alive!” Luke enthused.
“But there’s three of us,” Julie reasoned. “Not many famous triads out there for us to dress as. Trios sure…”
“So you don’t want to go as Musketeers or Chipmunks, got it,” Reggie joked.
“No Star Wars either,” Luke added, and stifled a laugh when Reggie’s face fell. “Dude I’m not dressing as a character that is canonically Julie’s brother.”
Reggie sagged in defeat. “That’s fair. Even if Julie would kill it in a gold bikini.”
Julie shot him a look, “Never gonna happen buddy.”
Reggie shrugged, “A man can dream.”
“You keep dreaming, but that doesn’t solve my costume woes.”
“What did your folks dress up as boss?” Luke asked. They had never met Rose sadly, though Ray did adore them both, and they liked him in return. Sure it had been awkward at first, getting used to his daughter dating two people at once who were also in a relationship, but Ray came to accept it, and would leap to defend them should they need it. Julie didn’t talk about her mom a lot, which Luke and Reggie got, so every time she opened up about Rose, they lapped up the new piece of her that got revealed as a result.
“One year they were salt and pepper, another they were Lucy and Ricky, and another they were Beauty and the Beast, only from the 90’s TV show,” Julie recalled fondly. “I remember being so confused as to where my mom’s big yellow ball gown was, because she always let me have her costumes after the fact. They got me the Belle dress in my size that year as a result.”
“Well we can’t copy any of those, but I am so asking Ray for pictures later” Reggie said. “But if you wanna do condiments we could be ketchup, mustard, and relish. Or vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry ice cream.”
“Maybe,” Julie hummed.
“We could go as gender-bent Three’s Company,” Luke suggested. “But I call Suzanne Sommers.”
“You would make an interesting blonde,” Julie giggled.
“Or the trio from The Road to El Dorado,” Reggie piped up. “They had definite polyam vibes.”
“Oooh, I do like that,” Julie exclaimed. “But then one of you has to play mandolin all night.”
“You say that like Reggie doesn’t know how to already,” Luke said. Reggie shrugged with a nod, he did know how to play an awful lot of instruments. Julie suspected that was one of the factors that first got Luke interested in him, and it didn’t hurt her own attraction either.
“Oooh what about Steve, Peggy, and Bucky from Captain America?” Reggie asked.
“Pass, I’ve heard Willie’s rant against Endgame waaaay too many times,” Luke said with a groan. Reggie winced and conceded that yes, he could do with avoiding that particular rant once more.
Julie nodded in agreement, then stood up to stretch, browsing their media shelves, as if they would provide inspiration. Or maybe just give them a break with a movie and come back to Halloween at a later date. Stopping as she got to one movie that they all loved, and had a very famous trio, even if Reggie preferred to write an ending where they all got together instead.
“How about this?” she said, holding up the BluRay case. “I think we could pull these three off as a couples costume.”
“Perfect idea boss,” Luke said.
“I love it darlin’,” Reggie replied. “But I call Gene Kelly.”
Julie grinned as her boys playfully bickered over who got to be Don versus Cosmo, and pulled out her phone to research how to manage her curls into the1920’s do. It looked like it might be somewhat harder to pull off, but also like a bit of a fun challenge.
So that Halloween, maybe nobody knew who they were until they pulled out their umbrellas and started singing together, something they totally didn’t practice beforehand, but Julie was beaming the entire time, finally having realized her dream-with plenty of ideas for next year. And years down the line, maybe she put aside the triad costumes, because with Luna and Danny, a group costume was so much easier. Making new memories for her children to carry with them for many Halloweens to come.
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soemthingsparkly · 4 years
so what i'm hearing is conrad was manipulated into hating reggie from a young age by parents who are, i assume, not much better than reggie's himself, has learned behaviors from his parents (smoking, probably the littering and lewd comments too), and doesn't have a support system of good friends like reggie does (smokes alone under the bleachers, only still on the team because he's a good shot) hmmm.. is that possible character development that i smell?
1. I cannot believe you guys are encouraging this. 
2. Let’s say Conrad moved a lot when he was a kid - there’s a reason he's just come back into Reggie’s life. 
Let’s say, unlike Reggie’s parents - who decided it was better to fight than separate - Conrad’s mother has a tight knit relationship with divorce. 
He was seven when his father walked out (these sisters never had very good luck with men). His mom was dating again by the time he turned eight. The next one brought him candy whenever he came by to pick up his mom for a date. When he was nine, he had a step-father. 
At eleven, his mom shakes him awake in the middle of the night.
“Is it time for school?” Conrad asks, rubbing at his eyes. His white bedroom walls are grey in the light, and when he glances to the window, he sees the penny-shaped moon sitting high in the sky, peering in between the half-shuttered blinds. “Mom, what time is it?”
But she’s stuffing clothes from his wardrobe into a duffel bag. She yanks open his underwear drawer and shoves fistfuls of boxers and socks inside. She tells him to stop talking and get dressed.
“Mom?” Conrad asks again. “Mom, what are you doing? Where are we going? Where’s dad–?”
And then his cheek is stinging and his mother pointed finger in mere inches away from his nose. “Listen to me when I’m talking to you,” she says, before she dips her eyes. “Pack your things, baby, we’re not coming back here.”
Conrad sits upright in his bed, hold a cool hand to his warm cheek. The shock of the pain is gone, but his mother looks different somehow. As she rummages through the second drawer, a t-shirt slips from between her fingers. It’s the Ducktales shirt Reggie sent him last Christmas. 
On the front was graphic of Scrooge and the tricoloured triplets: Louie, Dewey, and Huey, riding in a mine cart. 
Woo-hoo! I miss you little cuz. Mom got me the Ducktales boxset for my birthday. I can't wait to show it to you!
Conrad had stuffed it far in the back of the drawer, having recently decided that his cousin was a no-good name thief.
But something twinges in his stomach when his mom kicks it out of her way. 
"Conrad,” she clicks her fingers at him, he snaps up. “If you don’t get up and get on with it, right now, you will be very sorry. Now get up.”
Conrad shoves his quilt back and the air is cold. He pulls on a pair of socks and puts a jacket over his pyjamas. He darts to the corner, where his shirt was kicked and stuffs in down the back of his sweats. 
His mom pulls a cap over his head and he lifts it out of his eyes. She holds and out her hand and he slips his small fingers into hers. “Let’s go, baby.”
They spend a month sleeping in a motel. His mom doesn’t talk about his step-dad, but he hears her crying and yelling in the bathroom and he knows she’s on the phone to him. He starts hanging out in the reception and get’s to know the big kid, Daniel, behind the desk. He lets him watch late-night adult cartoons with him on a small box-shaped TV tucked into the corner of the counter.
Conrad doesn’t get the jokes, but he laughs whenever Daniel does, and learns the words, ‘bitch,’ and ‘whore.’ 
When he’s thirteen his mom gets married again. This time it’s to a dentist with two kids of his own, both daughters, aged sixteen and eighteen. She says it’s their new start, that this one was going to be the last.
“Till death do us part, Conrad,” she says, nuzzling his shoulder as she hugs him from behind. He’s trying to do homework, but the faint hairs on her lip tickle his skin and he shivers.
His older sister, Katie, starts teaching him how to play lacrosse. She’s the goal keeper on her high school team and made captain last semester. she’s about to go to college on a scholarship, but he doesn't want her to go.
“Hey, Con, send me ball. I wanna get in some practice before tomorrow’s game.”
So he starts shooting with her, taking the offence position. Katie is a good goal keeper and she goads him like no other. He starts practicing when she’s not around, so that he can kick her ass when they next play.
The first time he scores, Katie throws up her arms. “Shit, dude! Good job!”
“Yeah,” Conrad grins. “Take that you stupid whore.”
Katie’s face falls. “What did you just call me?”
Conrad swallows and makes a decision, either he apologises or stands his ground.
“You heard me.”
At sixteen, they move to New York. His mom is dating a low-level drug dealer. The guy keeps his stash in their bathroom. The boyfriend is out with his friends the night the police raid the flat. 
Conrad’s mother takes the fall. 
He doesn’t know why. 
He can’t work out why.
She is sentenced, but Conrad’s eyes don’t water. He is taken in by child protective services.
“What are we supposed to do with him?”
“He has an aunt and cousin in LA. I’ve just got off the phone with the woman. She says they’ll take him in until other arrangements are made.”
Conrad grits his teeth and realises he’s about to board a flight to California, 2000 miles away from where his mom is being held. 
When they put the offer on the table, Conrad is quiet for a moment.
Until he says, “Sounds good to me.”
I got invested you guys.
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lukepattersun · 3 years
More fic writing is occurring! Writing a 5+1 where Reggie just claims other peoples clothes as his own. It's a Reggie/Bobby, and Bobby gets his own back by stealing Reggie's leather jacket :)
oh. OH.
that's literally one of my favourite tropes!! and Reggie is definitely a cheeky little thief and I can't wait to find out which items he's gonna steal from everyone ❤️
and I need more Boggie fluff in my life so thank you from the bottom of my heart! also... Bobby in a leather jacket?? in Reggie's leather jacket?? give me a minute, I need to sit down
And good job!! so proud of you xx
keep me updated, will ya?
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daintyduck99 · 3 years
Queerplatonic JatP Fic Masterlist
Backpack Cuddles: Julie finally gets to be the big spoon. Fluff, Julie & Reggie, Julie & Reggie & Luke & Alex, Rated G, 800 words
Cold Hands, Warm Heart: Julie's a clothes thief on the best of days. Fluff, Julie & Reggie & Luke & Alex, Rated G, 700 words
Help Me Hold Onto You: Julie's anxious about her sexuality and how it'll affect her relationship with the boys. Hurt/Comfort, Julie & Reggie & Luke & Alex, minor Willie/Alex, Rated T, 1.9k
You Can Afford To Lose A Day Or Two: Luke has writer's block, and it's messing with him. Hurt/Comfort, Julie & Reggie & Luke & Alex, Rated T, 1.7k
Deny Me Air, But Never Your Laughter: Reggie's determined to make Julie laugh. He discovers that his feelings for her have shifted in the process. Fluff, Julie/Reggie, Julie & Reggie & Luke & Alex, Willie & Reggie, Willie/Alex, Rated T, 3.6k
I Don't Want You Like A Best Friend: Julie and Reggie are close friends who bond over pining for their best friend, but everyone thinks they're together. They aren't--exactly. Fluff & Light Angst, Julie & Reggie centric, Julie/Carrie, Luke/Reggie, Rated M, 13.8k
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between-two-fandoms · 4 years
For the headcanon ask game: Could you do Reggie 90's, please? 😊
Once again I’m sorry these asks took forever for me to fill but I’m getting to them very, very slowly.
cw: child neglect, abandonment, mentions of underage drinking and alcohol abuse.
Reggie’s parents used to love each other; until they had to move from Texas to LA for his dad’s job that is.
He had a brother who enlisted into the army the second he turned eighteen, leaving Reggie behind. They weren’t exactly close; five years apart, but Reggie’s brother was the one who taught him how their family ranch worked and he taught Reggie how to play the banjo (which helped him figure out the bass)
He met Bobby first. The first night Reggie ran out of his house during one of his parent’s fights (through his first floor window) Reggie stumbled around the block until he found a path that led to the docks and took shelter under one when it started raining. He fell asleep and Bobby kicked him awake. They were both twelve but Bobby quickly became a brother Reggie never had.
Reggie’s dad would drink their house dry but on the really bad nights when it was pouring rain out and Reggie couldn’t run from the fights he always had a few bottles of beer stored under the loose floorboard under his bed so he could sleep deeply without interruption.
He has ADHD and borderline anxiety (also is also maybe autistic). His teachers couldn’t give two shits about it and his parents sure as hell didn’t, but Luke had diagnosed ADHD so Alex, Bobby, Luke, and Luke’s parents knew what signs to look for. They’d always sneak fidgets and little tools to help Reggie focus during class inside his jacket pocket or his backpack. (Reggie has a thing about not wanting to receive gifts if he can’t pay it back somehow.)
He and Luke kissed on a dare and Reggie spent five minutes in heaven with Alex because Bobby bet twenty bucks he’d chicken out. (this was all in good fun, Reggie’s bisexual panic was at it’s peak when this happened so Bobby and Luke were trying to push it along).
He has a thing against “love” and romantic relationships. Seeing his parent’s marriage fall apart sort of destroyed his perspective of healthy romantic relationships.
Reggie stole his flannel from Bobby one day when he was cold and Bobby has yet to ask for it bet. (Reggie is a clothing thief and this fact is well known throughout the band. Alex often finds Reggie sleeping in his sweatshirt on Luke’s couch wearing Bobby’s sweatpants.)
Reggie is actually smart like; super smart. His teachers just never took the time to figure out a way to help him study and succeed so he throws all of his energy into learning everything about photography and just random things he has questions about.
Reggie loves physical affection but refuses to seek it out for himself. (He’s the epitome of the cat meme “gross what is this?” *physical affection* “wait come back I need more”.)
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