#regardless......SOMEBODY needs a hug
pinkanonwrites · 2 years
Hi! Hope you're doing fine and feel well! If you're okay with this, can I have headcanons with dorm lideres(but with Jamil instead of Kalim) reaction when their s/o comes to them with the news of Crowley finding a way to their world only to add that they refused it so they can stay with them and seeing more opportunities in twst world?
OHHHHHHHHH I loved this one. I dunno what else to say other than I just really enjoyed writing it, so I hope y’all enjoy reading it!
He was there with you when Crowley had broken the news, and frankly he had been so shocked himself at the Headmaster’s sudden show of competence that he hadn’t even registered the expression on your face. He’d forgotten, somewhere along the line, that your time together was finite. It always had been. You had a home, somewhere out there, and it wasn’t with him.
At least, that’s what he’d thought. He’d also thought that when you called him out that afternoon to speak alone, that you would be breaking up with him. Easier to sever the connection now rather than later. But as he faced you, awaiting your rejection, the last three words he’d ever expected you to stay fell from your lips.
“I’m staying here.”
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Before it’s even sunk in what that actually means, for him, for the two of you, he’s already trying to argue it. What do you mean, you’re staying? Isn’t this what you had wanted? You’re being terribly hasty, giving up the world you had gushed to him over to stay in this unfamiliar one.
But as you begin to argue back with him, to explain yourself, the full force of the confession hits him like a train. Your world wasn’t your home anymore, he was. You’d give it all up just for the chance to stay here with him, see what your relationship had to offer. You’d seen the absolute worst of him, the temper tantrums and the break-downs and the obsession and compulsion... and you still wanted him.
He doesn’t realize he’s crying until you’re cupping his cheeks. You wipe away the fat, shimmery tears as they roll down his face but they just keep coming, pouring over your fingers as Riddle gasps out a shuddering breath before hugging you like he’s afraid you’re going to dissolve through his fingertips. Once he’s composed himself he’ll apologizing for losing face like that, but for now all he wants is to hold you.
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Stupid. Stupid stupid stupid you’re so, incredibly stupid. That’s what he’ll keep murmuring as he holds you, but you can tell he doesn’t really mean it by the way his entire broad frame is practically shivering with relief. Stupid, dumb herbivore choosing the unwanted, the second son, the wannabe prince, over the world that was awaiting your return home.
Leona’s always been second place. Second to his brother, second to his own nephew, second to Malleus Draconia; He was fully prepared to be second to your home world too. Everything he’s ever desired in life he’s lost to someone just a half step ahead of him, regardless of his own skill. He’d long since given up on fighting for what he wanted.
But he didn’t even have to fight for you. You chose him, quickly, assuredly, like it would be foolish to even consider anything else. You would give up a literal world for the chance to stay by his side, and the only thing Leona has really ever wanted was to be the one somebody chose first. You gave that to him, without him even needing to ask.
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The first thing he does is scoff, tell you not to offer him foolish placations if they aren’t even true, to chide you for attempting to pull one over on the most accomplished, silver-tongued businessman at Night Raven College. But the truth of the matter is that he genuinely cannot and will not believe that you would actually choose him over the opportunity to return home.
It takes some pushing for him to finally believe you, but once he does he’s completely stunned into silence. What is he even supposed to say? What does anyone say when they’re being told you’re giving up your chance to go home for... For him? For Azul Ashengrotto, the slowpoke, the poor, pudgy octopus, the scam artist?
His entire face burns red and his eyes sting with tears, bubbling over like waterfalls down his cheeks. You hug him and he hugs you back with crushing force, pressing his face into the crook of you neck and trying to focus on the sound of your breathing to quell his tears. He most likely won’t let you go for the remainder of the evening, but not leaving him behind is what you wanted in the first place, so you can hardly say you mind.
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No matter how badly, how desperately he wants you to stay, Jamil’s first instinct is to try and convince you to reconsider. It’s hard to fault him for it, seeing as it’s what he’s been doing his entire life. He’s always had to put someone else ahead of him, make them look better, more appealing, regardless of his own wants and desires. Why would it be any different here?
But not only is he surprised when you begin to argue back, frankly insulted that he’d try to convince you to leave after you’d made up your mind to choose him, he’s also relieved. Of course he wanted you to stay, of course he’d fall to pieces if you’d left and he had to stay here without you. But Jamil spends every waking moment weighing what he wants against what would be the better thing to do, and his instincts kicked in in place of his shock.
He’ll interrupt you mid-rant with a kiss, cupping the back of your neck gently but with an intensity that says he’s never going to let you go again, so you’d better be ready to be stuck with him. Whatever life throws at you from now on, at least you’d have each other to help get through it.
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His soft, almost knowing smile says "I always knew you’d choose me," on the outside. But on the inside you’ve quelled a raging storm of insecurity and concern down to a light, fluttering breeze with just three little words. Vil knows he isn’t the easiest person to be with, and he recognizes that his particularities and tastes have led to plenty of disagreements in the past, and will probably lead to more in the future.
But regardless of that possibility, you chose to stay. You dug in your heels and chose to stay anchored to him despite all the ways he knew he could drive you mad. But you did it because you loved him, and because you were terribly, terribly stubborn when you wanted to be. But that stubbornness is just what made Vil fall head over heels for you in the first place.
He doesn’t want to let you out of his sight until it’s fully sunken in that you staying is actually real. He’ll lend you some of his pajamas, dress you in wonderfully soft silk as he does your evening moisturizing routine for you and you can curl into bed together. He’ll cradle your cheek so gently with his hand, forgoing his own strict sleep routine so he can stay up and watch until you doze off in his arms.
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Haha, real funny joke you’re making right now. Actually, no, it isn’t funny. Not even a little bit! How could you joke about something like that, try and get his hopes up for something he knows isn’t gonna happen? Idia is a raging pessimist, so it’ll take a while for you to even convince him that what you’re saying it the truth.
Once you finally do though? It takes everything he’s got not to completely shut down. He crumples into your arms like a fall leaf, shaking just as much, gripping you so tight as to almost be unbearable. You’re actually choosing... Him? You know this is endgame, right? You can’t reload your save after something like this, this is a decision you can’t take back.
Part of him wants to crawl under his bed and never come out, but another part of him is terrified that if he lets you go you might change your mind, so instead he just hangs off you like a barnacle as his brain refuses to fully process what  this means for the two of you. He curls around you like a second skin in bed, for once shoving all his anxieties to the corners of his brain and just fully immersing himself in your wonderful warmth.
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Oh, his darling. His wonderful little Child of Man. Are you certain? The last thing Malleus ever wants is to lose you, but he wants this decision to be yours and yours alone, not swayed by his words or actions. But when he looks into your eyes he sees it. That determination, that finality. You’ve already made up your mind, and nothing he says right now will change that.
And oh, if he doesn’t fall in love with you all over again from that gaze alone. Malleus loves you, he loves you so deeply and so intensely that he’s certain he would have fallen to pieces the moment you’d stepped foot through whatever portal Crowley could conjure to send you home. How fascinating you are, how utterly brilliant that with only your kindness and your friendship you were able to bring the Prince of Fae to his knees before you.
Whatever you need of him, whatever you desire, Malleus will gladly do for you. He’d move the stars to make you smile, walk to the ends of the earth and back to hear your laughter. Whatever may come your way in the future, Malleus will spend every waking moment proving to you that you made the right decision.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
Reaction to mc saying she's pregnant? Like they had NO idea. It's their child, maybe she hide it with magic or something and they generally couldn't tell, if that is okay! It's okay if not,
I just think it's a cute conecpt, like just pretend barbs doesn't look into the future,
Again it's okay is not! No pressure,
Wolf !
Hi, wolf! Of course it's okay! I hope you like it
they find out mc is pregnant after hiding it
-> brothers and side characters x mc (no luke)
mc's gender is not mentioned, but is pregnant, not proof read (somebody lmk if the tag is wrong)
content warnings: pregnancy, mild angst
he's a little offended (??) hurt (??) that you hid it from him, were you afraid of his reaction or was he scary?
regardless, lucifer loves both you and the child to death from the moment he finds out they exist
he's going to take great care of you (though he might come off as a little overprotective)
if you are standing up for a minute too long he will let you sit down
oh no, you were play fighting just yesterday, did he accidentally hurt you or the baby?
when those worries ebb away, mammon is so happy he's telling everyone at rad about it
yes he's sad you hid it for a long time but the happiness is way stronger than the hurt
'mc I'm gonna go to the mall to get baby's first gold bar' 'mammon the baby isn't even born yet-'
of course you hid it for a long time, imagine you're the child and you find out your dad is a gross otaku
you're gonna have to calm him down
it takes levi a while to warm up to the idea, but when he does he's really excited for his baby
he's going to want to read tsl to your stomach as a bedtime story (if the baby is a boy he wants to name him henry too)
satan is kind of in denial, if you were pregnant he would have known right? why didn't you say something?
he's never thought about being a father, he needs a moment to let it sink and do research on babies
but he warms up to the idea eventually, and he'll be the softest you've ever seen
satan got little children's books and those cute music boxes for when the baby comes
out of everyone, asmo would me the most upset you tried to hide it
but he loves you and the baby so he forgives you soon
asmo might not know how to be a father at first, but he's willing to learn and raise the baby with you
plus he's going to want one of those maternity photoshoots, but if you don't it's okay
yes he's not happy you kept it from him but baby :))
beel would do anything to make you and them happy
he's really worried you're going to get hurt though, if you're cooking together beel does not let you pick up a spatula or get close to the stove
also beel loves to hug your stomach, it's basically what he does every night now
he's not happy about it at first because he honestly did not want a child
but seeing you pregnant, realising you'd make a great parent, it changed his mind
belphie gets the best pillows and blankets so you can be comfortable while sleeping
if the baby is keeping you awake belphie will try to calm them down
he understands why you hid it from him, imagine getting pregnant with the demon prince's child- oh no are you scared?
it doesn't matter whether you are actually scared or not, diavolo will take his time to show you all is well, he's really happy to welcome his child
he took a picture of you and your cute baby bump, made it his ddd wallpaper and stares at it when he doesn't want to work
it took him by surprise, but barbatos can adapt quickly
he's really happy to be having a baby with you, he's ready to give you anything you need to make the pregnancy easier
do you want tea, a massage or something else? barbatos has got you
he can't wait to meet his baby, he doesn't want to use his powers and spoil it for himself
...so that's why you could eat solomon's soup last week without getting sick
he forgives you for hiding it, surely you had a good reason
simeon loves the baby so much he sings lullabies he used to sing to luke for them already, this man's face physically softens every time he sees the baby bump
but really, maybe you should stay away from food that randomly appears in the fridge that simeon didn't make
he's a little upset but that's okay, in all his years he's never felt this happy
he can't wait to hold his little baby for the first time
being a human too, solomon knows plenty of stuff about human pregnancy so that's great
'simeon why are you stopping me I'm just going to offer mc a sandwich I made'
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lukolabrainrot · 24 days
It's me again. I don't have any ideas for a name, But let's discuss what came out today. Seems like Jake is in Malta. As I've said before, it's not a big deal. He's in the industry. It's called net working. He had a show canceled. Again, this is a good opportunity for him to meet Directors and production people. Nicola is the type that wants to help her friends. She's always said she has her friends back. Nothing that we've seen suggest that they are more than friends. They side hugged, which is what you do to friends. And the boat picture they weren't even talking to each other They were on their phones. Nothing what we have gotten indicates anything more than friends. So let's not build a narrative. No, he's not being like A. He doesn't know how crazy we are. I will say, though we are being kept busy with this Nicola thing. When is the last time we discussed Luke and his group? I promise you I'm not a conspiracy theorist. It's just funny how every single time somebody from that group post or does weird stuff we get a Jake/Nicola post. I read body language and Nicola and Jake scream friends to me. So there are two rumors I've seen some people say that JD has a person with him there. 👀 also another thing I've heard is people have asked the people that Nicola has taking pictures with if she was with anyone and they said she was by herself. Now if JD is there with someone as well that explains why fans have seen her by herself. This is just my theory, but maybe Jd and his partner whomever that is was having problems and Nic is helping. I got Nic is the type that wants to help her friends. Maybe this is what Luke needs. Things happen in mysterious ways.
Hi Calm Theory Anon! As always, I like your thoughts!
You know who we haven't been talking about for a while... little miss 🐜! Regardless of what is actually happening BTS, it's just interestingggg 🤔
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nightwonder7 · 28 days
i’m so :(( thinking of fool’s golden being afraid of hurting alice he avoids her like the plague for a while but he’s still norton so there are times where he can’t help but want to pick her up and hug. at first alice was freaked out, norton or not fool’s gold is huge and any sudden movement could end up with a broken bone on her end, but when she notices how still he’s trying to be as to not hurt her and how his grip is surprisingly loose compared to how norton’s survivor identity hugs her she can’t help but pull through the rough edges and cold seeping through her clothes as she tries to comfort fg as well as she can. she’s smaller and her arms are cramped from trying to hug as much of him as possible but she can feel how the rock formation seems to loosen slightly, as if his body was relaxing the longer they stayed in the position.
compared to norton, i think fool’s gold is significantly more open about his emotions (most negative) so there are times where the two will just sit in silence as norton grapples with the reality of his double identity in the manor and alice does her best to support him in all his forms – because at the end of the day norton will always be someone she loves regardless of his appearance or how afraid of himself he is. she doesn’t know what he’s gone though and she can’t fix his mistakes or regrets, all she can do is offer her support and assurance that she’ll stick by his side even if it means having to endure awkward hugs and long nights where no words are shared.
nortalice makes me sick to my stomach :(( i need to grab them as dolls and make them kiss
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HHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh God they are destroying me! ;;;0;;; I'm a real sucker for this right here >o<
Norton trying to protect Alice from himself by staying far away from her while she tries to prevent him from isolating himself completely cause she knows it'll just hurt him in the long run and she wants none of that ;_;
He has become a monster with a body that was made to destroy, and he tries to come to terms with it. Is it karma? A cruel joke? His past finally catching up to him? Or maybe he was always rotten and it's just the Manor unlocking his full, horrid potential. Who could ever love somebody like that? He withdraws from everyone; especially Alice, yet despite his efforts he still can't shake off his desires for warmth and closeness. It is with Alice's insistence of not letting go of their bond, not giving up on him, that he caves into these desires. He will pick her up or kneel down to embrace her ever so carefully. Sometimes he will lie down or sit leaning against a wall with her on his lap or lying on top of him. While he is basking in her soft touch, he forgets all about his troubles for a moment. When he isn't focusing on not hurting her, he can finally relax. She's so bright and gentle and everything he is not. Norton sometimes wonder how someone like her could fall for someone like him. But he doesn't dwell too much on it while he is holding her, because these moments are too good to let go of in these gloomy times.
Gosh, I love them so much,,, Thank you so much for sharing this, anon!! QAQ I truely enjoyed it!
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svt-rosalie · 1 year
. . . ♡ HYUNG ! ? 🌷 LINE ★ ゚๑
ׁ ׅ ୨ ❪ relationships! ❫ ୧ ⊹ ࣪
© 2023 , svt-rosalie rosalie masterlist!
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˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ POPULARITY — 80%
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ SHIP NAME — seungcheol + jihye ❪ JICHEOL ❫
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ DESCRIPTION — jihye is seungcheol’s literal child. doesn’t matter if they are only 5 years apart, he raised that child since she was a baby (at least that’s what he tells everyone).
seungcheol adores jihye, in every sense. he feels very overprotective of her and always tries to steer her in the right direction. ever since they met for the first time in the ugly green training room back in 2013, he’s been very protective of her in a fatherly sense. honestly, he thought she was adorable with her chubby face (from all the pastry’s she would bake and eat) and how enthusiastic she was to finally be living in south korea and getting to learn more about her culture.
as the two grew older, seungcheol became less overbearing you could say but was always 2 steps behind the girl. he’s there when she needs a hug, when she needs someone to jump for joy with, or when she needs a shoulder to cry on. seungcheol would never let his daughter sister think she was alone in this world.
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˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ POPULARITY — 71%
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ SHIP NAME — jeonghan + jihye ❪ JEONGHYE ❫
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ DESCRIPTION — when roaslie first came to pledis entertainment and korea, she was a sweet girl who was very innocent and such a peaceful aura to her. don’t get anyone wrong she still is that way but if you put jeonghan into the mix, little peaceful rosie turns into menace to society rosie.
if jeonghan wants something from somebody else, he’ll make rosie go get it and flutter her eyelashes because he KNOWS nobody will say no to her, not the managers, the the boys, even the fans. of course jeonghan never wants to get rosie in trouble, that’s his little sister but that doesn’t stop him from wreaking havoc in all of pledis/hybe entertainment.
regardless of the trouble these two get into rosie really is like a mini me of jeonghan. she’ll copy him and get a lego set to build with him and even try and learn to play the same games as him just so she can spend some time with him, even when they are together a lot of the time. it’s cute, a mini little jeonghan.
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˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ POPULARITY — 87%
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ SHIP NAME — joshua + jihye ❪ JOSHYE ❫
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ DESCRIPTION — her best big brother joshua. never let rosalie hear ANYONE talking shit about this man or there will be hell to pay for. in the most platonic way ever, they are IN LOVE, i kid you not — jihye wishes joshua was born into her family or that they were related somehow.
he’s one of her best friends and a person that rosie looks up to in life. jihye has always been a little sensitive when it comes to the world despite her extravagant personality, and joshua is the one who can see behind the facade but never discourages her when it comes to expressing herself!
honestly jihye finds everything that joshua does is amazing. he makes a joke that the other boys don’t laugh at, instead of silence you’ll hear rosie laughing the loudest you’ve ever heard — if you can’t find jihye she’s probably in joshua’s room making bracelets with him.
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˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ POPULARITY — 61%
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ SHIP NAME — junhui + jihye ❪ JIHUI ❫
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ DESCRIPTION — these two did not know how to act around each other. poor babies, they were so awkward when they first met, what with little 13 year old rosie being stood at 5’6 at that time, junhui called her his big little sister.
junhui gives love to jihye and takes care of her in silence. when jihye was in middle and high school she would always have a lunch packed for her with her favorite snacks by none other than jun, junhui would make jihye’s bed for her when she left for school knowing she was always in such a rush to get out the door and knows she loves coming home to a freshly made bed, even when she would fall asleep at her desk from staying up too late studying — junhui would tuck her in for bed and make sure she had her favorite stuffed animal, clementine the cow.
jihye always thought jun was the coolest person. he spoke chinese and was learning how to speak korean at the time they met, he was one of the tallest people she met at that point (excluding mingyu) and he just had the coolness she thought was extremely awesome. she never thought he was awkward or weird and always loved to be around him and be around him.
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˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ POPULARITY — 55%
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ SHIP NAME — soonyoung + jihye ❪ JIYOUNG ❫
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ DESCRIPTION — the tiger and the cow (she is not an actual cow or looks like one for that matter she is just obsessed with them. do not argue with rosie on this though. . . it will not end well — just ask jihoon how it ended for him). a chaotic mess you can’t tell if you need or not, it’s 50/50 thing.
soonyoung and jihye are like one person when they are together. rosalie already has an extroverted big personality but you put hoshi in the mix it turns into one big chaotic loving mess (jihye is usually the one who starts the chaos).
jihye was always the one to keep hoshi up at night talking about her most recent interest (the latest one being snakes) and usually fell asleep cuddling him with a smile on her face. the next morning usually involved the member next door to them to shut up because they could hear jihye’s squeals about snakes from next door. hoshi would very much defend her and stay up the next night again talking, just cause.
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˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ POPULARITY — 49%
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ SHIP NAME — wonwoo + jihye ❪ JIWOO ❫
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ DESCRIPTION — wonwoo is obsessed with jihye, he literally looks at her like she holds the stars in the sky (platonically of course). she was such a (not so) little baby back when she came to korea and met wonwoo that he just wanted to hold her close and never let go. he calls her his little squish because of how chubby her cheeks were when she showed up and the nickname has stuck.
wonwoo helps jihye win when they play mario kart and any other game they play weather it be a video game or a board game or even when they have a mission during going seventeen, wonwoo will help jihye first before he tries to win.
so much love is put into their friendship and wonwoo always knows that he has jihye by his side with everything he goes through and the same goes for jihye. sometimes jihye’s social battery just runs out and when she needs some cuddles and just a quiet place to go to she will seek out wonwoo and he loves it. it’s the greatest thing.
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˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ POPULARITY — 98%
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ SHIP NAME — jihoon + jihye ❪ JIJI ❫
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ DESCRIPTION — jihoon is jihye’s biggest hater. YOU’VE HEARD IT HERE FIRST PEOPLE, jihoon is a rosalie anti. i’m just kidding, jihoon loves jihye just as much as he loves picking on her.
ever since the two met it’s been like a tom and merry friendship — rosie will do whatever just to annoy the older boy and claim “you can’t do anything i’m younger than you!” and then woozi would do whatever he can to get on the girls nerves and say “you should respect your older brother, stop being a brat”.
i promise, they love each other — but come on it’s so much fun to see rosalie get frustrated and try not to curse at jihoon because he knows she doesn’t like to use profanity. it’s funny though because jihoon is usually one of the first person the defend jihye if someone try’s to pick on her because only he can say that she’s not a miniature cow (more like a giraffe) but those are his words and if you try to bully her, he’ll bully you.
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dsireland86 · 8 days
I recently had a precious request hit my inbox anonymously regarding a Jolly fic where he and the reader are in a relationship. He's homesick, so the reader decides to make him a Kladdkaka, which is a Swedish cake, to help cheer him up.
Somehow, Tumblr screwed up, and the draft I was working on got deleted 😒 💔
So, here I am fixing a mistake and hope whoever it was that asked for the one-shot, enjoys it!
TAGS: @philomenie @supersquirrel1996 @foliosgirl @angelmarie89 @fadingintothegrey @theanarchymuse95 @thisbicc @lma1986
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"Noah, you were supposed to have Jolly out of the house by now! What's going on?"
You fussed at Noah quietly, hoping your husband did overhear.
"Annnd I already told you..."
"I already told you," Noah repeated, quieter this time, "that I have it covered. I'll have him out of here in a few. Stop worrying."
You threw your hands over your face, trying to hide the worry and concern you were having over this whole thing.
Today wasn't just an ordinary day. It was your day with your husband, with Jolly. It was your one year wedding anniversary, and you were determined to make this first year celebration perfect for him. Especially since he was feeling a little more homesick than usual.
The past few days had been hard on Jolly. His family back in Sweden was going through some tough stuff, and it was killing Jolly that he couldn't be there, helping and supporting them like they've always supported him. Even though his mother insisted everything was fine and it would all work out, it didn't stop Jolly from worrying and feeling just plain homesick. It hurt you deeply to see him this way. However, Jolly did what he always did best, and that was put on a happy face and tried to convince you that he was fine. But you saw right through it. So you came up with a plan, recruited Noah, and dived in head first this morning into executing said plan.
"How can I not worry when you know I do nothing but worry, Noah! Worry is my middle name!"
"Y/N, calm down." Noah sat his glass of water down on the counter and placed his large hands on your small shoulders.
"Look at me."
You did, instantly relaxing when you saw the soft sweetness in Noah's eyes.
"I've got you, okay? I know how important this day is for you both. I'm not going to let anything ruin it, including my procrastination."
You laughed, wiping away the few tears that slid down your cheeks.
"Hey, come here," Noah cooed, pulling you in and coddling you for a moment. You relaxed, knowing fully well he was right and that you could trust him.
"It's going to be fine, Y/N. In two days the two of you will be in Sweden, eating all of that weird ass chocolate cake you both like, and having the perfect anniversary getaway."
"It's call Kalddkaka," you irritatingly corrected him, shoving him gently in the chest.
"Well, whatever, the point is, what you're doing for Jolly is the sweetest thing I've ever seen somebody do for the person they love. And regardless if it's your anniversary or not, what you're doing is incredible."
You smiled up at Noah and hugged him tighter, thankful for his support and friendship
"You're great girl, Y/N, an awesome friend and an even more amazing wife. Jolly's lucky to have you."
"You bet your ass I am. Are you hitting on my wife, Skitstövel!"
Jolly came walking into the kitchen, wearing a black t-shirt and a pair of worn-out jeans, with his bare feet patting loudly across the tile floor. His long dark brown hair, which was normally down, was tied up in a loose bun, showing off his perfectly angled jawline.
"Hahaha, yeah, no, I'm not that stupid," Noah joked as soon as you pulled away from him.
"Smart man,"Jolly praised, sliding his arms around your waist the second your arms wrapped around his neck. He lifted you up, and you immediately wrapped your legs around his waist, taking his handsome face between your hands and kissing him.
"Mmmm, god yeah, I need that," Jolly smiled between your kisses. He sat you on the countertop, lightly caressing your back as you continued to attack his lips.
Your lips trailed from their sweetness over his cheek and jawline, brushing the fine hairs of his trimmed facial hair, and then down the side of his neck. You breathed him in, soaking up the warmth of his skin, feeling his chest move in and out with each breath he took.
"Mmm, happy anniversary to you, too, again, mi Älskling," Jolly sighed, slipping his hands around your neck. He trailed them all over, lightly messaging your shoulders and the back of your neck and snaking their way up into your hair, massaging your scalp tenderly. You let your head fall into his chest as he did this, feeling all the extra unnecessary stress instantly fall away.
"Did your mom call you?"
"Hmmm, she did. Told me things are getting better, but I don't believe her. I need to get over there to see her, Y/N, all of them. I miss them."
You looked up into your husband's handsome face, taking a moment to drink him in. It was then you really saw how tired he looked. Jolly seriously needed a vacation. Luckily, you had one planned for him and you as an anniversary gift. Ten days in Sweden with his family; no work, no music, no responsibility. Just the two of you.
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"That smells delicious!"
You pulled the cake out of the oven and sat it on the counter just as Matt and Folio walked into the kitchen. The Kladdkaka turned out perfectly; at least you hoped it did. It was the first time ever making it. You wanted to give Jolly a piece of home to help cheer him up and it would go along perfectly with his anniversary gift.
"Ok, I'm not a chocolate cake kind of guy, but damn Y/N, that looks delicious."
You smiled at Matt, admiring your creation. The dark brown top was baked to the perfect crispiness and when you tapped the cake pan, it jiggled ever so slightly, just like the directions said it should, giving you hope that the inside was baked to the correct consistency.
"Can we eat it?"
"No! It's for Jolly, for our anniversary," you scolded Folio. He was grinning and had a slight glazed look in his eyes.
"Folio, are you high?"
Matt looked at you then at Folio, grinning from ear to ear, before busting out in laughter.
"Oh my god, you are!" you said, joining him and Matt in laughter.
"Okay, okay, I'm not that high. I just took some gummies, that's all."
"That's all huh? How many?"
You looked from Matt to Folio, waiting for his response.
Folio looked as if he was in trouble. "Umm, I don't know, not a lot," he giggled. "Like three, maybe."
You rolled your eyes, knowing Folio's high would last him the rest of the night.
"Great! Now I'm going to have to babysit your ass just to make sure you don't do anything stupid," Matt groaned.
Folio giggled again, making you snicker.
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"What is this about, mi Älskling," Jolly questioned you as you made him sit down on the couch. You were so excited to give him his gifts, that your could barely contain your excitement.
"You'll see. Just wait right there, okay."
Jolly's brown eyes stared at you in wonder, lighting up the moment they met yours.
"Come here first" His hand was stretched out towards you. You took it and he pulled you into his lap where he nestled his face in the crook of your neck, wrapping him in a warm embrace.
"I love you, Y/N, my wife, my woman, my love." he mumbled against your skin. making you smile.
"I love you, too, Jolly," you responded, looking down into his face. His hair was down, so you gathered it up in your hands and pulled it back, caressing the side of his face. He hummed, then pulled your face closer to his before snatching your lips with his own. It was a very slow kiss, passionate and heated, making you dizzy with desire and longing to hurry this moment up so you could take him upstairs and give him his "other gift".
"Mmm, okay," you stressed, regretfully pushing away from Jolly. "I want to, baby, I want this so much, but I want you to have your gifts first."
Jolly kissed you again, smiling against your lips.
"Well, then I'm so glad I got you something, too."
"Joakim, this isn't about gifts," you frowned.
Jolly grinned. He knew you hated getting gifts. You found joy in the giving, not the getting. But he was positive that you were going to love his gift.
"Okay, fine, whatever, just wait right there," you giggled, running into the kitchen.
Moments later, you carefully carried out the tray with the Kladdkaka and the envelope on it after telling your husband to close his eyes.
"No peaking," you squealed with excitement.
Jolly smiled, big, tightly keeping his eyes closed.
You sat the tray down the coffee table before him, careful removing the lid.
"Okay," you sighed, wringing your hands in excitement. "Open them!"
Jolly opened his eyes and stared at the cake before him. The dark brown color, coated with the powdery white sugar on top and garnished with the few dark red raspberries, instantly reminded him of home. His dark brown eyes welled up with tears as memories of his childhood and home came rushing back.
"Mi Älskling," he gasped, barely above a whisper. "You did this? All for me?"
At first, you thought he hated it, but now, looking into his eyes swollen with tears, you knew he really loved it. The moment made your heart almost exploded with happiness.
"You really like?" you asked in a worry filled tone.
"Like it? Baby, I love it!"
Jolly reached out and pulled you back into his lap, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist.
"Well, the true test is how it tastes. I mean it looks pretty, yeah, but I have no idea what the inside's like."
"I'm sure it's perfect; like you," Jolly praised, kissing your cheek.
You blushed, cutting a small slice.
"That looks exactly like how my grandmother used to make it!"
You broke a small piece off and picking it up with the fork, you brought it to your husband's lips where he opened his mouth and devoured the bite, closing his eyes.
You held your breath, praying it tasted okay.
"Well?" you asked as he finally swallowed.
"Fuck... that's good."
"Yeah?!" you smiled
"Yeah. Fucking good!"
You squealed in delight, as Jolly took the plate from you and gave you a piece to try and, damn it was so good.
"Okay, one more gift. Here," you grinned, handing him the envelope after hopping off his lap.
Jolly frowned.
"What's wrong?"
"Umm, what's that?"
"What do you mean? It's an envelope. Open it."
Jolly reached behind him, producing the same kind of envelope.
"Yeah," he chuckled.
"Okay, well you open yours and I'll open mine."
You took the envelope and slowly opened it, as did Jolly.
"Close our eyes?"
He nodded.
You did, pulling out the contents of the envelope. When you opened them you gasped, eyes filling up with tears instantly. In your hands were two plane tickets to Ireland; you're most favorite place in the world, next to Jolly's arms. You looked up at Jolly and he was staring down at the tickets in his hand. You watched the tear drop fall and hit the paper, soaking it immediately.
"Are you okay," you whispered through your tears.
Jolly wiped his eyes, then looked up at you.
"I don't deserve you," he whispered, lightly shaking his head.
You let out a small chuckle.
"I don't deserve you," nodding at the tickets in your hand.
Jolly stood up and reached for your hands. After pulling you up, he scooped you up bridal style and kissed you once you threw your arms around his neck.
"Is this how it's always going to be?" he asked, walking towards the stairs with you tucked securely in arms.
"No, we both know it won't be."
"Hmm, well, " he said taking the stairs, one at a time. "Then lets hold on tight to memories like this, bringing them back to the light when things are too dark and don't seem real. I don't ever want to loose you."
You held onto your husband, burying your face in his chest as your fingers trailed up the back of his neck, feeling his skin prickle.
"Do you feel that?"
"Yes." He shivered beneath your touch.
Jolly looked down at you, standing outside the doorway of your bedroom.
"I am here, Joakim, and I'm real. I'm not going anywhere. Ever."
He kissed you, rolling his tongue over yours.
"You promise," he asked once you parted.
"I promise."
He walked you over the threshold of your room, just like he did on your wedding night one year ago, and with his foot, closed the door, locking you both away from the world for just one night.
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cryptidcorners · 10 months
Mike Schmidt x childhood friend headcanons pls
Mike Schmidt x GN!Childhood Friend
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Description: You've been friends with Mike ever since you were kids, but your relationship rippled after he moved away due to the loss of his brother Garrett. Now, you're his nextdoor neighbor. Despite Mike's graphic changes, you still hold a great care for him, and possibly more.
# requested by anon
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Media: FNaF!Movie
Character: Mike Schmidt (+ Abby)
Tags: Childhood Friends, Headcanons, Fluff, Reconnecting, Romantic Implications (up to your interpretation), Soft!Mike, Found Family, Comfort, Domestic, Sweet Stuff as usual.
Warnings: FNaF Movie Spoilers, Mentions of Kidnapping, Depression, Childhood Trauma & Trust Issues.
read my TOS + Mike Schmidt Masterlist
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When you saw each other again, Mike couldn't believe his eyes, and neither could you. It had been over a decade since you two had been together, and now, you both were shyly delivering compliments and lazy stories as an attempt to rekindle your friendship.
Mike trusted you around Abby despite everything that happened in his youth, even if he hadn't seen you in years, Mike had an intense soft spot for you. Besides, Abby should know the person brought him intense joy as a kid.
You were surprised how private he was despite being incredibly outgoing before he had moved away. If you two go anywhere in public, he strays close to you. Not because it makes him feel safer, but because it eases his paranoia. Plus, Mike is a lost puppy dog when it comes to being around strangers.
Semi-affectionate. Especially with back hugs. Mike doesn't use his words too often to describe how he feels, so he'd rather express it in other ways. He also really enjoys patting your back and holding your shoulder.
Loves talking about all the shenanigans you both got up to while you were kids. Of course, you'd definitely keep it far away from Garrett territory. Anytime there's a mention of younger relatives, he gets very silent. + Mike loves listening to you to you talk.
Will buy things relating to your childhood interests. Another way he shows affection. Even if you weren't into a certain band or sitcom, he'd get it for you regardless. You probably have a mini-collection.
You're one of the rare few Mike will actually open up to. Of course, you'll probably only hear the tip of the iceberg, but you're content with him taking it slow. Speaking of which, he'd drop everything for you.
Mike loves spending time with you and Abby. Seeing you two close together makes his heart melt. Especially when Abby said you all together was like some strange family.
Something Mike enjoys is showing you around his neighborhood, or some of his favorite places to go. He's even taken you to Sparky's a couple times, somewhere you were surprised he liked (of course, he'd always go there devilishly early to avoid people and noise.)
Absolute sweetheart towards you. Due to being a huge part of his life, Mike can't bring himself to get angry at all, even if you're both in an argument. It hurts too much to get upset towards somebody so important.
You're definitely Abby's babysitter. And if Mike could, he'd pay you triple. You cannot tell me he doesn't get sad when you come over with no payment.
Loves the nicknames you give him.
Mike probably wished you could live with him, but he doesn't want you to get hurt because of him.
There are several moments you need to take care of him, whenever it's from a hard day of work or life in general. Mike always smiles when he wakes up on the couch with a blanket over him.
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crypticcowboys · 5 months
omg hi !!! i just read ur new mike hc and OMG ITS SO CUTHEUERU will cry everyday thinking abt it. but i also saw that ur requests are open for mike and i’ve been DYING FOR SOME MIKE SCHMIDT FICS the rage abt him was too short😔 i was thinking something similar with the hc that you already have but with a little angst? maybe him waking up from a bad dream and just needing his gf? i just wanna see some domesticity with him and abby and just the gf taking care of them just to help him a little THE MAN NEEDS A BREAK PLS idk i think it would be super sweet. i hope ur having a good day!! if u don’t wanna take up this request that is totally a-o-kay🩷
a/n: i am so sorry. i completely forgot about this sizzling in my inbox and it has now been SEVEN MONTHS since this movie's release. but this was such a cute idea, i needed to finish it!! im so sorry and i apologize if youve moved on from this man omg LMAO pairing : mike schmidt x gn!reader warnings : kind of heavy angst w/delving into mike's thought process, mentions of nightmares, otherwise fluff. partly proofread. SPOILERS! (but you guys... probably dont need the warning by now, right?)
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mike's nightmares (dreams?) about garrett didn't really... go away after everything that happened at freddy's. sure, it gave him some ounce of comfort knowing that he'd found the man who took his brother-- one of his lifelines, away from him, and also knowing that the same man who took his brother was now dead. but regardless, it didn't take the memories nor the guilt away. mike is, and has always been convinced that everything bad leading up to now must've been his fault. starting with garrett, all the way up to vanessa's coma, no matter how many times you've told him otherwise.
and that lingering guilt seeps into his dreams, too. he's had less dreams about garrett, and he's slowly started to have actual stupid, brief, 'normal' dreams that he can't even remember once he wakes up ever since he stopped taking the ambien; he could now safely fall asleep to the sounds of your breathing, the soothing motions of your hands in his hair, and the crickets outside rather than the repetitive nature sounds on the walkman. but when the dreams about garrett happen, they're... different. they aren't the same sequence that would usually happen in his dreams like before. he can't even remember what happens in them anymore, his memory fading as soon as he wakes up as if he hadn't dreamt anything at all-- but he's always waking up with sweat condensed on his brow, his heart racing out of his chest, and a lingering feeling of dread tugging at his heart, always feeling like somebody was watching him. he'd often wake up with a gasp, or a brief shout. it brought an aching feeling like no ofher— and while he doesn't remember the dreams anymore, the aching feeling is still the same he used to get when he was searching for why, and who kidnapped his brother. and there's another overwhelming feeling of guilt too— how could he ever even think of trading his sister for garrett?
sometimes you wake up from his violent shudders or sobbing, sometimes you don't. and when you do, you're there in a heartbeat-- your body moving faster than your sluggish, tired brain to pull him close and hug him tightly into your chest as he sobs incoherent words, not caring about his cries moving through the thin walls. he'll always apologize no matter how many times you tell him that there's no need to. he woke you up. shouldn't he feel bad about that? he just doesn't want to inconvenience you anymore. but you're pulling him out of his thoughts quickly, comforting him before he even gets a chance to regret waking you up.
it doesn't take him long to calm down whenever you're around to hold him, just like how he needed. the both of you breathing softly, the only sounds audible being your heartbeat and the wind rustling the leaves of the trees outside. quiet, just what mike needed. just like what he craved, with you.
"'m so tired." he'd whisper, blinking slowly as he traced absentminded patterns on the skin of your collarbone, the repetition soothing him. he always liked doing that. and he liked when you did the same thing with him.
"i know." you'd whisper back— and he didn't need to head anything else to feel your overwhelming care for him. it was still so confusing for him to adjust to— the fact that you wanted him even after all of the fucked up shit he went through. no— you didn't just want him, you loved him. held him without a care in the world, and you'd do it in a heartbeat. you learned his body language— knowing exactly what he needed and when. you were his home— you and abby were his home.
one morning, he's waking up alone. not really something that concerned him— you had stuff to do. like work, taking abby to school when you insisted he stay home and rest. he rubs his eyes as he stares up at the ceiling for a bit longer before pushing himself out of bed— there's no use in dwelling on last night, anyways.
mike shuffles out of bed with a yawn, scratching at the skin riding up on his shirt before feeling something wrap around him at torso level. he looks down, and it's abby. he gives her a small smile, bending down slightly to wrap his arms around her, and she giggles. "i'm not supposed to say anything." she whispers, rocking back on her feet slightly. okaaay... secrets right when he woke up, just what he needed. but he smells something good— pancakes? that has him shuffling right into the kitchen, staring at you tending to the stove, the perfect image of domesticity.
as abby's shuffling into the living room to go watch labrynth once more, mike paddles behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, giving a small kiss to your collarbone as he's staring down at your perfect hands, watching you make breakfast. usually he was the one to make breakfast— what was the special occasion? "i'm guessing this is what abby was being secretive about?" he grinned softly, breathing in the warm scent of your hair. soft. you were soft.
"i told her she wasn't supposed to say anything." you replied back, giving a soft 'hmph' as you eyed abby from the kitchen with a soft smile on your face, turning the heat off to the stove before turning around to face your boyfriend. the eggs were done cooking, anyways. "just... thought i'd do something nice for you. let you sleep in a little." your voice was soft, held implications of last night's nightmares shaking mike violently awake. he... didn't get much sleep whenever they happened. his eyes fluttered softly at the feeling of your hands carding through his hair again, and he's already about to fall asleep right at the stove.
you're prepared for him to pout, claim that breakfast was his job and that you shouldn't have gotten out of bed so early with the fact that you had so much stuff to do. but instead— he gives you a soft, bashful smile as he grabs your hand gently, kissing your palm. "thank you. y'know I love you, right?" he whispered, giving you a gentle peck on your lips. fuck morning breath.
"i love you." you whispered back, moving to lean in another time before you're hearing a dramatic gag from the living room, coming from abby. you and mike are scoffing with soft grins as the both of you depart from eachother— but still never looking away.
he never really worried about his nightmares after that, anyway.
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zacki0gaming · 27 days
Season 2, Episode 3 Rant
Ladies and gentlemen, another episode, and unfortunately, it is yet another bad one…
The Video
In continuation of Parts 1-4, Ajacent is finally and completely cured of her corruption by Pyrare's hero, Gold. Unfortunately, this episode still undermines Ajacent's entire character arc, leaving it in tatters.
In addition, her purified form's design is fine, but it lacks inspiration, appearing goofy to laugh at. The headpiece resembles a fucking large, unsightly cheese cracker, like the ones I enjoy from a box of Cheez-Its on the weekends. Her overall appearance evokes the look of checkered cheddar cheese from Pine River Dairy, the kind I typically find at Stop & Shop.
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Back to the Video
Ajacenus and Ajavex warmly embraced Ajacent in a heartfelt reunion, welcoming their youngest sibling with a big sisterly hug. Meanwhile, Pyrare, concerned for Gold, noticed that he had lost part of his face. Despite this, Gold reassured him, implying that he had faced far tougher corrupts in the past.
After this, watch how some of these lines in this conversation plays out.
Ajacent: What in the world happened to me? - What’s wrong? You can’t even damn remember how you got corrupted with also no explicit explanation!
Ajavex: You were corrupted! But that cheesy nacho over there cured you! - SHE DID NOT BRING UP THE NACHO JOKE FOR GOLD!!!
Ajavex: Hmm. Maybe I should’ve stayed in the mountains.
Pause the video hard.
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Ajacent: I didn’t think this virus was gonna be this bad - YEA NO SHIT THE VIRUS WAS THIS CHAOTIC, YOU CHEESY FU-!!!
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Pyrare then approaches the sisters and informs Ajacent that his friend Pentellow has successfully restored the Poly Forest in the Land of Pentagons. He suggests that she consider staying there instead of returning to the mountains. Pyrare also cautions her that the inhabitants of the Land of Pentagons are easily frightened, with some even breaking apart at the sight of monsters.
Ajacent, laughs a bit, was not suprised and says as long it’s not the mountains then says that she will be on her way. Ajavex, still excited, also says she’s going too as she flies off with Ajacent. Ajacenus tells the duo to wait and cautions them to be careful. Ajacenus then says to Pyrare that they will meet again soon as she leaves off-screen.
Also, watch what Pyrare fucking says next, chat…
Gold: How come you did not fight her? - YEA PYRARE, HOW COME YOU DID NOT FIGHT AT ALL AGAINST AJACEARE!?!?
Pyrare: How come? Well, it isn’t right for men to hit a female. Corrupted or not. - HUH!?
Pauses the video again.
So let me get this straight… Pyrare...
Puts mic close toward my mouth Regardless of the villain's gender, whether it's corrupted or not, in your universe, whether it's a female or male, you STILL need to DEFEND yourself from harm. Just like how Ajacenus, Ajavex, and even your fucking hero, Gold, were fighting off Ajaceare while you were standing in the background doing NOTHING!!!
This is exactly why I find pacifist characters like Pyrare to be frustrating and overrated. My frustration with Pyrare is only growing because of this. At least Ajacenus and Ajavex, while still pacifists as well still fight against Ajaceare UNLIKE YOU!!!
Back to the Video
Pyrare notices a storm approaching and tells Gold that they should return to the village. The scene shifts back to Dub at the tower. In a fit of rage, he yells and questions the corrupted female flower about Ajaceare's defeat, his feet stomping from the force of his anger.
The corrupted female flower answers that it was the caretaker of the yellow tree, Pyrare. The corrupted female flower explains to Dub that she and the others have a witness (this word was spelled wrong as withness here) who saw the entire fight. Dub then asks her which caretaker it was, also expressing hope it wasn’t the anxious one, Cube. The corrupted female flower responds that the witness was Pyrare, the caretaker of the yellow tree.
Pyrare, shocked upon hearing this, tells her to return to her post. After the corrupted female flower leaves, Dub says that he has decided to come out of retirement. He then looks at the large pink and white octagram, which likely holds his notes and other important information.
Pauses the video.
Let’s look at this btw while providing screenshots for it…
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According to this, this first one showcases Dub tracking the Caretakers’ current status.
Pyrare - Pyrare's status was previously marked as 'Disappeared' for some reason. If I can theorize that at some point before the main events of the series began, Pyrare unknowingly went missing as Dub used to contemplate whether Pyrare was dead or not. Up until now, Dub likely never realized that Pyrare had been with the other Caretakers and Heroes the entire time without his knowledge.
Pentellow - Pentellow's current status is marked as 'Evolved,' which essentially means that she has reached her full strength (her Tree Form) since Season 1, Episode 10.
Iris - Iris’s status is interesting because it is labeled 'Altered.' I suspect that this alteration is connected to his link with the Reaper creature, which may have changed his state after his revival. I can further evident this with features like his now black-glowing triangle chest and the new abilities he gained from the Mark behind his head.
Cube - Cube’s status is currently labeled 'Infected', which means that he is still semi-infected with the virus because of his corrupted counterpart, Cubic as a clone re-infecting him once again since Season 1, Episode 9.
Now on to the second image. It shows off a check list of what Dub has did so far in the series.
Every flower is infected ✔
Caretaker of the cyan tree is infected ✔
Lythorus is infected ✔
Purpex is infected ✔
Ajacent is infected
Circumsphere is infected
Cube’s data has been collected ✔
Hexagram is infected
Cyanide has been created ✔
Green tree beast (or Tree Monster) has awoken
Reaper is infected ✔
Circusic is infected ✔
From what I can observe, Dub has been meticulously tracking shapes that were previously or are currently infected by the virus. He’s been checking off completed tasks, reviewing the Caretakers’ statuses, and receiving reports from the corrupts, all while working from his tower through this large pink/white octagram.
Also, Dub. You need better servants my guy…
Back to the Video
After scratching off Ajacent, who was now formerly infected, Dub stated he needed to find a replacement, adding that those pieces weren't going to search for themselves. He then called Lycanthropy, informing him that Ajaceare was gone and no longer in charge of searching for tree pieces. Lycanthropy, after briefly acknowledging Ajaceare's loss, readily accepted his boss's request, assuring him that he wouldn't disappoint him. Dub responded that he better not.
Let me fucking guess, Lycanthropy is gonna be the next to go somewhere in Season 2…
After hanging up, Dub then sighs and says that he should check up on Cyanide, knowing the feeling that she somehow failed her task.
Dub: I get the feeling that she somehow failed her task. - NO SHIT, TWICE!!! YOU CREATED A FUCKING NAIVE CORRUPTED HERO THAT CAN'T DO SHIT IN HER TASKS SO FAR!!!
Video ends here
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Final Verdict
Overall, I would rate this episode a 4/10 (Below Average). Season 2, Episode 3 continues the disappointing trend of Season 2 thus far in my opinion. It lacks little to no good substance and completely ruins Ajaceare's character by getting pathetically overpowered. The only somewhat interesting part is at the end, where we learn more about the Caretakers' current status, such as Iris's status being 'Altered', which actually catches my attention. However, we could've been focusing on something else entirely then seeing Ajaceare getting clapped...
P.S. Ajaceare's boss level was quite cool to watch.
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deltaharrington · 2 years
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PAIRING: John B Routledge x Female!Reader
WARNINGS: Small bit of angst, unrequited love, dramatics.
SUMMARY: It hurts you to see John B and Sarah together, and it hurts the Pogues who know about your love for the blonde to see you in pain.
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“Somebody help!” You heard, your heart immediately racing at the familiar female voice.
You and the rest of the Pogues rushed to the sound, only to see John B on the ground. He had either fallen or been pushed.
“John B!” You said, about to rush to his aid when Sarah Cameron cradled him close.
You couldn’t deny the jealousy that coursed through your veins, and JJ saw this, pushing you back.
You knew now was not the time for this.
John B had been your best friend since you two were in diapers. Your dads knew each other and we’re best friends, so it was only fair that you two were.
JJ entered and you three became a trio in the third grade. All was well until you made it to middle school.
That’s when you began to realize your feelings for John B were not just platonic.
As the years went on, the more you craved and yearned to be with him. He was perfect for you.
The other Pogues assumed you guys were macking, until Sarah came into the picture.
Earlier that night, John B had brought it up and you and Kie were both shocked. You were more hurt, and JJ knew. Of course he did.
He could always read you like a book. That made you hate him and love him at the same time.
He knew that John B was hurting you. It was only a matter of time before your pot overflowed.
When John B met the Pogues at The Wreck the next day, he was surprised when he didn’t see you.
Regardless, he told the others about his current situation, how he was staying with the Cameron’s and that they finally had a map of Tannyhill.
When you didn’t arrive after an hour, John B became worried. Where had you gone?
“Where’s Y/n?” He asked and JJ sighed, looking towards his friend with a cast.
“She wasn’t feeling too good, she was going to stay home but work called her in.” JJ said with a shrug. In reality, you didn’t want to see John B, you couldn’t face him after the night before.
“I’m gonna go find her” John B said “To make sure she’s okay” He added and JJ tried to stop his friend but John B was intent on finding you.
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You worked at the Country Club in Figure 8 part-time as a waitress. Even though you had to deal with Kooks, it paid well, and you gained a lot of tips.
While on your break, a frantic Topper approached you. Knowing what he did to John B, you tried to retreat back inside, but Topper stopped you.
“I didn’t push him” Topper explained and you looked shocked “You have to believe me. I don’t like him, but I’d never-“ He continued but a hand on his shoulder interrupted him.
“Get the fuck away from her, Thornton” John B said, pulling the Kook away from you. Topper pulled his hands upwards in surrender and he backed away.
“I didn’t do it!” He called and you shook your head before turning around to walk back inside, not even acknowledging John B.
“Hey! Hey, where are you going?” He asked and too stopped, turning to face him. God, you wanted to hug him so bad.
As if he could read your mind, he held his arms out to you. You fell into him, soft cries leaving your throat.
“Y/n…why are you crying?” He asked and pulled back enough so that he could see your face. He gently cupped your cheek with his non-broken hand, wiping your tears away.
“You could have fucking died!” You said and he laughed a bit, causing you to hit him on the chest, laughing a bit too.
“I wouldn’t ever leave you.” He said and you swore your heart stopped in your chest.
“Don’t do that, John B.” You said and he looked confused. He was confused. What did you mean?
“Don’t do what?” He questioned and you looked hurt. You were.
“Nothing, I need to get back to work” You said and he nodded his head, a sigh leaving his lips at your mood change.
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A few weeks had passed and you distanced yourself from the Pogues. You worked more so that you wouldn’t have to be around John B and Sarah.
It hurt your heart too much. The other Pogues knew, but John B didn’t.
“Why doesn’t Y/n come around anymore?” John B asked and JJ and Kie both looked at each other before him.
“It hurts her too much” JJ said and John B’s head shot up.
“What?” He started, running a hand through his hair “How can hanging out with your best friends hurt?” He asked and Kie huffed.
“She’s in love with you, idiot” She said and John B immediately felt like shit. “She can’t be around you and Sarah and not want to break down…” She added.
“Me and Sarah aren’t even together anymore” John B said and Kie sighed.
“How would she know that?”
“You fumbled” JJ said and got an elbow from Kie “I heard she’s seeing Rafe Cameron now” He added and John B was shocked.
His Y/n wasn’t seeing anyone. Was she?
John B was going to find out.
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John B found you at work, Rafe Cameron was perched by the monitor you were cashing people out at.
You laughed at something he said and John B swore he felt his heart clench in his chest. He couldn’t let you be with Rafe.
Fuck, maybe he was in love with you too.
He walked into the club and right up to you, the sight of him making your heart race.
“John B?” You said and Rafe turned to look at the Pogue, glaring.
“What are you doing here?” He asked and John B scoffed, stepping in between the two of you.
“Back off, Cameron” He said “She’s mine” John B said and your heart stopped.
Wasn’t he with Sarah?
Rafe didn’t want to fight John B in the Club so he backed off retreating to his seat.
You had just gotten done with your shift so you moved to put your stuff away and John B waited.
“Can I walk you home?” He asked and you shrugged, nodding.
The wind hit you as soon as you both stepped out of the club. You looked to John B and he looked at you too, stopping at the entrance of the club.
“John B” You said and he smiled.
“Kiss me” He said and you nodded, pulling him close in the collar of his shirt. You both kissed each other with desperation, his hands trailing along your exposed waist.
You smiled when you pulled away, John B doing the same.
“I love you too” He said with a laugh, grabbing your hand to walk you home.
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anyasathenaeum · 1 year
Request/question of the century: would Wolfwood be down for platonic cuddling, and, if so, headcanons for that?
A/N: A very, very good question, Anon. *Pulls out an entire PowerPoint presentation on the subject.* Let us discuss (aka headcanon time!).
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Listen, this man? Touch-starved.
Seriously, both him and Vash are touch-starved as HELL.
Unlike Vash, though, Wolfwood strikes me as somebody who'd initially be very, VERY uncomfortable with touch that he himself didn't initiate
Cause we see him touch other people (ex: when he grabs Meryl and tries to shove food in her face), but it's on his terms
So, when you try to initiate any sort of touch, even platonic touches, this man freezes.
You'd immediately apologize for making him uncomfortable, and he'd just try to brush off your concerns while trying not to implode on himself a bit
Because even just hearing you wanting to do stuff as simple as hug him or hold his hand makes him feel... good.
It takes time for Wolfwood to get comfortable, especially if you're a person who's cuddly by nature, but if you're patient with him and allow him to initiate cuddles and other platonic touches, he'll gradually open up to you being the one to initiate
It takes time, but soon, you notice Wolfwood doesn't freeze up or tense when you play with his hand or hold it
You'll see him accept your hugs or you cuddling up to him, even if he doesn't quite reciprocate the gestures juuuust yet
Then, one day, Wolfwood is the one coming up behind you, wrapping his arms around you and resting his head on top of yours
"Hey, sweetheart."
After that point, Wolfwood becomes borderline insatiable, constantly wanting to be touched or touch you in some way, whether it's holding your hand, or playing with your hair, or hugging you - is this what he's been missing all this time?
The comfort of another person's touch becomes a source of peace for Wolfwood, especially if he's particularly troubled or upset
He really, really, really likes it if you hug him and play with his hair when he's upset - he finds it calms him down, for some reason
I feel like he'd have difficulty voicing what he wants, though, cause he'd feel embarrassed, so you'd have to learn to read his cues with time
None of these touches have to have romantic attachment to them - Wolfwood would be exceptionally happy just to have the comfort of somebody else who's there with him, regardless of your relationship status with him
If you're his friend? He's cuddling you.
If you're his romantic partner? He's cuddling you.
Overall, Wolfwood would need some time to get used to the concept of skinship and human touch, but once he becomes comfortable? It's over for him and it's all he wants
Taglist: @ryuukami4, @spacioussoul, @iceoblivious, @yuudofu
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cultofdixon · 1 year
Taking Time
Daryl Dixon • They/Them Pronouns | AFAB • The fall of the prison brought these two together, and it meant so much more • ANGST/SFW/NSFW • TW: Canon Violence / Insecurities / Night Terrors / Burn Scars / PTSD / Abuse
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The familiar voice rang through Daryl’s ears thinking he was dreaming until he looked up spotting Y/N standing amongst a strange group. Looks like a biker gang. Without the bikes of course.
“Well shit boys. They modified the rules once again, but I’m kind of likin’ it” the man circled Daryl as he brought himself to his feet stepping close to Y/N about to embrace them when they retracted into themselves. “Aww. No hug for the newbie, anyway, you’ll learn about how we run things as we go along. But for obvious “what the fuck we doing” reasons. We’re tracking somebody”
“And helping this sweet piece of ass find that weird sanctuary place thinking the rest of their friends are there” and to the one’s mistake, he wrapped his arm around Y/N’s shoulder as Daryl watches their whole body tense and suddenly swing back one of their fists to meet his nose. The guy falls back with a thud and before he could get up Daryl aims his crossbow at his head resulting in a gun aimed at Y/N’s.
“Now now. Len here clearly never learns from his mistakes when dealin’ with the feral animal like times before.” The man from before, became obvious that he’s their leader. “He won’t do it again Y/N. But since you claimed this fella here, until he proves himself. Anything he does out of turn…will result in punishment on you” he whispers his threat up close and personal to Y/N making Daryl surrender to make him step away, but the defensive body language from his…Y/N. Started to stress him out, thinking they’ll snap a bone if touched.
Once the group got themselves settled into a building for the night, Y/N quickly claimed the truck and shoved one of the guys of the way for it. They gestured for Daryl to join them as the others fought for the other places. The two sat in the bed of the truck watching the others get settled as Daryl brought his attention back to Y/N seeing the exhaustion in their face along with the stress that he doesn’t know entirely about.
Until he had woken to the sound of fighting that was quickly muffled by one covering the other’s mouth. In this case being Len covering Y/N’s mouth as he drags their struggling form outside the garage. Daryl didn’t wait another second but did his best to keep quiet going to save them when—
“Where you going?”
“You let this shit just happen?”
“Y/N has always been a piece of work with us. Not only is the helping one another find whatever either of us is looking for being a reason to stay, but because they’ve caused us trouble. And instead of putting a bullet between their eyes, they agreed to work with us. In any. way. shape. or form” The leader by the name of Joe, that was earlier told to Daryl while the group migrated, stated watching a bit of the horror his words intended write itself on his face. “Nothing sexual if that makes yea feel better. You should just let’em fight”
“Nah. Fuck off” Daryl hissed and before he could even get to the door, Tony knocked him onto his ass. “Piss off—-“ and he stopped when he heard the click of Joe’s gun.
“Just let’em fight”
Daryl was willing to take a bullet for Y/N in that moment, but there’s so much more to it. He felt like a monster letting it happen…but he didn’t want them to die in a quick way either. He needs to find a way for this to stop.
The next morning came and Daryl stayed up all night with Y/N. After they came back in, they stopped speaking. Part of it was the injuries to their throat, another was the rage brewing inside them. But one thing they did do was take Daryl’s hand at some time during the night to reassure him not to blame himself, even if he does that regardless.
“Explain your shitty rules”
Joe chuckles to the tone but was going to comply anyway. “You see somethin’ you want. Claim it. Before another does. Y/N picks fights—-“
“Shut it. Am I still claimed?”
“Nah. I think that fine ass did it so we wouldn’t have killed yea the second we saw you. Cuz we really didn’t trust how you just sat in the middle of the road and didn’t get bothered by any walkers. Force of nature in your own strange way” Joe took out a pack of cigarettes that he managed to find, offering one to Daryl as he shook his head. “So do whatever. But don’t pick a fight. Imma still keep that rule in play. You do shit. They pay for it” he gestured to Y/N walking in the center of the group.
Daryl had gotten an idea.
Resulting in Y/N freezing to the hand wrapped around their throat and being pinned against the wall. They had just gotten into a fight with Len again and Daryl was sick of this shit. Putting them in their place which got brownie points from the rest of the group. Joe especially.
“You do what you’re told from now on” Daryl threats watching Y/N tense up a bit more as they nod, feeling a tear roll off their cheek.
“Well done. The feral beast is now tamed.” Joe suddenly grabs Len by the collar and shoved him against one of the cars they found. “Len, we’ll put a bullet through your head if you mess with them. Let Daryl discipline them when they’re out of line” he smirks releasing the poor dude before finding their group another spot to hold up in.
As the others followed Joe leaving Daryl and Y/N to be the stragglers, Y/N wiped away the tear relaxing their body once Daryl removed his hand.
“Sorry” He whispers to them, Y/N still deciding not to speak but they patted his shoulder to give him some sense that it was all part of the plan and okay…it was just going to set them back a bit.
Another few days went by, resulting in one where Len died after trying to plant something of Daryl’s in Y/N’s pack. Joe was sick of the kid’s shit and ended his dumbass. As night fell, Y/N offered to keep watch after setting up another barrier of cans. But Daryl of course refused to let them be alone and the remaining few of the Claimers, something the two decided to call them, turned in for the night.
“I really did get stuck by hurting a few of them” Y/N blurts out to avoid the silence between the two. Thankful that they started the conversation making Daryl internally sigh. “Already didn’t come out of the prison unscathed. Had to fight a few Governor fucks on my way out…they found me bleeding and full of rage. Didn’t kill Lou but he was the one that knocked me down back to square one…” they rub their throat gently not enjoying the bruises, but Daryl noticed how hesitant they were to touch parts of their arm. “I was already found broken…then got thrown back down to that stage again”
While on a run by himself to mainly get something for Maggie, Glenn came back in a hurry startling everybody when he came in running with a body in his arms. Beth and Carl quickly took everything off the table letting Glenn set the person down as Hershel approached with Caleb, both assessing the situation.
“We bringing in walker-like strays now?” Daryl states watching Carol move to block Beth who’s carrying Judith and Carl in case the mysterious person turned.
“They saved me. They weren’t bit or nothing”
“But we know very well that even a bullet wound can turn a man. Carol take’em out of the cellblock” Rick gestures for his friend to take the kids out before turning to the two docs. “Y’all can do what you can. But the second things go south, you’re taking them out” he pointed to Glenn making it his responsibility given he brought them in.
But instead of a walker waking out of the person, woke was a terrified human being cornering themselves while the group mistakenly surrounded him.
“We ain’t gonna hurt yea.” Hershel reassures taking a step back as the person who looked as if they were mummified because of the bandages pressed themselves against the wall.
Glenn stepped into view seeing their eyes lock on him and a sense of relief washed over them but when he stepped close they retracted.
“You were severely burned when you saved me. Clearly you were in something else before saving me…So I had to return the favor when you passed out from I assume exhaustion” Glenn says with a frown watching as his words did nothing to calm them.
Daryl finally arrived back with Rick and Maggie seeing the situation for himself. He watches for a bit seeing the few trying to approach the stranger that was giving clear signs that they didn’t want them near’em.
“Ight. Everybody out.” Daryl states receiving confused looks. “I’ve got it. Now get the fuck out” he watches his family go from confused to he’s serious and did what was…demanded more than asked of them.
The second the few surrounding the stranger was no longer around them and Daryl was left to be with them. He watches them slide against the wall reaching the ground and curling up on themselves.
“Nobody here is gonna hurt yea.” He kept his distance kneeling to the floor to be their level. “What we heard was you saved one of our own. We don’t meet those who help with violence.”
“…He didn’t see the walkers following him, and the foundation was weak enough to knock over to take the crowd out” They sounded weak given their state. “I…Had Uhm…just…”
“You don’t gotta tell me what happened to yea” Daryl starts seeing the relief flood them instantly. “I’ll stop anybody that bothers yea for an answer. You don’t gotta share if you don’t wanna”
Later that day, Daryl helped them get settled into one of the office rooms. Since the cells weren’t giving them any comfort, hell he understands that feeling.
“Holler if yea need anything…uhm”
“It’s Y/N. Y/N…” Y/N gave him an appreciative look as he made his leave to let them settle in.
“You’ve said I never had to bring it up…But this, still doesn’t top being burned alive” Y/N scoffs feeling the tears coming. “Your family made me feel safe again, be able to trust again…then the second I extend my hand in asking for help. I’m shoved back into that place feeling the heat rise and the footsteps fade…”
“Let’s leave then” Daryl whispers to Y/N seeing the pleading look in their eyes mixed with the fear and anxious body language. “I’ve lost and I ain’t gonna keep losin’. I’m not losin’ you to these fucks” he continues to keep his voice low turning back to the group before quietly getting up and extending his hand to them. “I’m not losing you” and with that, Y/N took the chance and they left.
But when the next night came and Joe had found who he was looking for this entire time. Daryl couldn’t let anything more happen and revealed himself from the shadows. Given the two had gotten back onto the road by following it within the tree line, but when they heard the commotion of the Claimers, they knew something was up.
“What the hell you doing?”
“Well lookie here fellas” Joe smirks keeping his gun directed at Rick. “Where’s your partner huh? Len might not be around but I still got a thing or two to pick with Y/N”
“What. Are. You. Doing.”
“Paying respects to Lou. By killing his killer”
“These people…are good people.” Daryl states watching Y/N in the darkness start to pull up without being spotted.
“Yeah? He killed our friend, saying he’s good people…is a lie” and that triggered two of the guys to bring Daryl down. Taking his crossbow off of him and starting to lay a few punches. While the one keeping Carl in the truck, Dan, pulled the kid out so that Rick could watch what he’s going to do with him. “First. We’re gonna beat your friend Daryl to death, then we’re gonna take the girl…and the boy, and finally end you”
Without a second thought, Rick suddenly head butted Joe causing him to release a shot but topple back a bit. As Rick formulated a quick plan, another shot rang through. Seeing the man on Carl drop and the one who fired coming out from the dark being Y/N. Oh how the two tuned out the rest of the world in that moment…
Rick took care of Joe giving him a piece of his mind while Y/N tackled down one of the two on Daryl, giving him a window to take care of the other. As Michonne took down her attacker before checking on Carl.
As the sun started to rise, Rick sat in silence thinking of what had just happened and turned to the two beside him seeing the damage done on Y/N that has aged.
“Why did you stay with’em? Did you know—-“
“We were trackin’ somebody. Didn’t know it was you. I just wanted to find you guys. Got stuck in a predicament” Y/N wipes the blood from their lip after being punched a few times during their recent altercation. “Then found Daryl, and got roped into another problem”
“It was a lot, Rick. Couldn’t step out until there was a window. A bit of an obvious one but still” Daryl kept his attention to the ground below before turning to Y/N when they rest their head on his shoulder. They all were exhausted. Y/N’s body was starting to give in.
“…Need to find the others. Find out if they’re alright”
Following the directions on the signs that passed by to this sanctuary called Terminus the closer they got. Y/N’s anxiety started to eat at them realizing it’s a gated community and remembering they didn’t know much of it. It could be a trap was all they thought as Rick cautiously placed his hand upon their shoulder watching them retract.
“You stay out here in case shit happens and we need rescuing”
“I don’t trust it Rick.”
“I know, I don’t either. But we’ll need someone like you to help us out of there when given the signal”
But the signal never came in the form of the retired sheriff or even the archer or the swordsman.
It was Carol. She had startled them unexpectedly as she had a suspicion on the place when she noticed the signs for herself. But seeing Y/N had been watching the community from the outside and hearing that they received no sign from their group…she knew that the two of them would have to break them out.
With the help of an explosion.
After getting their group out of the hell with cannibals, real fucking cannibals. Everyone reunited with Carol and eventually we’re led to where Judith and Tyreese were.
Y/N watches the Grimes reunite with one another and couldn’t help but grip onto their chest.
Y/N cornered themselves in a cell in the quarantine block as they felt their chest tighten at every breath. They couldn’t remember the last time they were sick but it definitely didn’t feel like this. They were waiting like the rest still standing, for Daryl and the others to return with the medicine and it felt like it was taking forever with how incredibly slow everything was happening.
Then Daryl came through the cell block with those that accompanied him and immediately went to Hershel who made the cocktail for those still alive.
Leading the archer to instantly make his way toward Y/N’s cell as he didn’t wait a second to give them the medicine. And within that moment even if it didn’t go into full effect, he wrapped his arms around them holding them in his embrace.
Something he’s been wanting to do since they reunited
Ever since the prison collapsed, everything seemed to went down hill. Now the group walked aimlessly through the streets after losing a few of their own.
Both happened so suddenly that it will ache for a while.
As the group stopped in the middle of the road investigating the water that was left out there. Ultimately refusing it. The weather changed and it felt like a sign when the rain fell…that some good will come again with time.
The archer didn’t budge from his place letting the rain hit him and ultimately drench him like it did others. He only moved slightly when he felt their hand place itself on his arm. As Y/N looks up at Daryl with that concern look in their eyes, the same one he bore during their time with the claimers. He knew he could do what he wanted right then and there…
Carefully engulfing Y/N in his embrace feeling them wrap their arms tightly around him holding on for fear life. As no one could tell that they had started to cry silently in each other’s arms due to the rain.
It’ll take time to heal from it all.
But he was thankful for them in this moment.
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hatredmadeofgold · 5 months
I'm a terrible person with words, but here I go. (using a translator, my English is a little shit when it comes to writing and a little bit when it comes to pronunciation, ha!)
I would like to say with ALL my heart that I love your work and the writing in "Sing to Me", my heartbeat even accelerates when I remember the existence of this work of art and how wonderful the sensation was, the euphoric feeling of read each chapter and see all the care and dedication put into it. I have immense affection for Raiden, Sam (and Monsoon :)). Seeing how complex they are in the story brings me immense satisfaction, and I just wish all the positive recognition for you, it's impeccable.
(There's a lot I'd like to express, like my hyperfocus- but hey, I'm a terrible person at showing appreciation and affection, I hope you got the message anyway :))
hugs and kisses from a Brazilian! 🇧🇷❤
Oi, não se preocupa! Não sou falante nativo, mas entendi muito bem. Da próxima vez, você pode me escrever em pt-br (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
Thank you so much!! I am really happy to know that you enjoy my work 💕 Honestly, every time someone tells me that they enjoy Sing to Me so much, I am getting really happy. This fic means a lot to me and gives me lots of strength and stability, although on the outside it might look that I am not doing much for it for the past year (I do, it's just background work that I can't show T_T massive spoilers and so on). But I mean, I kept saying that each time somebody came to my inbox about it for the last months.
And I am so glad to know that you're feeling like this for each chapter you've read so far! This fic in itself is really complex and long, I could give you a rough estimate of around ~100 Chapters for the main story (Those would be just arc 1-3, the series, however, has 6 arcs in total excluding the 2 AUs). Sooo... let me say, you've got a lot to look forward to, I suppose :3
Also I hope that you'll be curious about the revisions too. Chapter 5 and 6 will have a darker tone than their current version that is on AO3 at the moment, but also will be much better in quality. Chapter 6 will have major changes I think, especially the second halve of it. I am all giddy and excited myself whenever I think about all the plans I have for this story. The drama, the comedy, the (bitter-) sweetness, but also the chaos, the pain and the darker parts of this fic. I wish I could go on a ramble but it's so many spoilers lmao And I don't want to take that away from my readers. If anything, I might drop a few essays about Raiden and Sam that I've got on my to-do list at some point, that in some cases will directly tie to Sing to Me as well.
The series also goes in great detail about Sam's past and who he is as a person because I was a bit dissatisfied with how most fics for this pairing at least that I've read didn't come up with much for his past (but I still liked all of them regardless), hence I went a little bit insane about him. To the point that Sam is technically my OC now (according to my beta reader) lmao
Jsyk, this is my current graph view of my Obsidian vault for Sing to Me and all the dots that connect to him:
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My vault is an absolute mess still tbh because the program is a bit overwhelming when you don't know where to start, so this is far from how complex this fic actually even is.
What I can tell you pretty much spoiler free is that the series is complex because timeline wise, it starts in the year of 2001 and ends (technically) in the year of 2026. I say technically because ARC3.5: The War in Heaven goes a bit crazy with science fiction elements and time is... let's say, "relative". The main fic spans from 2019 until 2023 btw.
The prequel (ARC0: I Come with Knives) is entirely about Sam's past, from his POV entirely, and a collaboration with @thatthereneverwas since he originally requested me to write it. Basically adding more Sam lore that we definitely need :3
Please don't hesitate to come to my inbox or DMs if you want to chat about Sing to Me, samuraiden or just Sam or Raiden with me! I don't bite :] Monsoon is also my favourite from the Winds of Destruction aside from Sam, so I get you! I've been thinking of maybe including him in the fic as well, but it's uncertain how so yet, and if it will just be a flashback of some sort 🤔 But I take notes as I go, we'll see :3
Beijos pra você também 💞
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donutz · 7 months
Bubba Bubbaphant x reader Valentine's Day special[8♡8]
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—☆You are a smiling critter in this, if u want to know which one(but don't know what animal or insect to pick) you could start out as a sheep!
What did they do in the morning on Valentines?
— He woke up at his usual time
— Not worrying about anything
— Not uhh.. Thinking about his gifts..
— Definitely! There's nothing to worry about!
— Nothing… To.. Worry About..
— Basically he was hurriedly checking all of his gifts, hoping you'd wake up after he was done
— He went over your favorite things in his mind, making sure it was perfect.
— He can’t just give you unreasonable gifts! They need to make sense! And you need to like them!
— He was panicking, just a little!^_^
What did they do for you?
— Was the gentleman of the week
— Opened the door for you(he always does that), gave you a rose everyday, was extra loving, pulling out the chair for you
— Y’know, gentlemanly things
— It was funny seeing how proud he was of himself
— He shared facts about Valentine's Day to you
— He wanted to be a little nerd that day
What did they get you?
— A pretty blue themed bouquet
— A card..
— Uhm.. That’s what you’re supposed to give somebody right??
— On Valentine’s Day??
— RIGHT???
What did you give them?
— A pair of glasses, his vision is pretty bad
— A bouquet, along with a card that has many facts about different things that he can use whenever he wants to
— Lasagna.
— I would think that Bubba likes lasagna so you and Picky made that together to gift it to him
— If you’re an artistic person, that I’d recommend drawing him a picture of himself
— He’d love it and keep it inside a folder
— You didn’t give each other a lot of gifts, honestly he wasn’t even mad
— But a little bit of him was still sad(real??)
Did they do anything special? (Extra hugs, kisses, changing their routine etc.)
— He isn’t really good with physical affection
— But he tried to hug you more
— “Uhm.. Bubba, you alright?”
— While he’s visibly shaking just because he’s hugging you, it’s not because he’s hugging YOU but he’s just not used to it
— He can be alright with kisses though
— He’s good with quality time though, so he did actually hang out with you more!
— You told him you appreciate his efforts
— He smiled more brightly and scratched behind his head
— “... Really..?”
What activities did you both do?
— He attempted at studying Valentine’s Day(like facts) with you
— If you’re the type of person to not do that stuff.. PLEASE DO IT ANYWAYS
— Because you did, he was a lot more happier that he could let out his nerdy side
— Plus he could use those facts to share with the kids, and you could use those too!
— Actually! His tail was wagging when seeing you interested in the subject!
— Cutest thing you’ve (sneakily) ever seen
Did they seem brighter today?
— He seemed nervous and bright
— But he wasn’t feeling bright at all
— He was very bright when you were giving him his gifts though
— He loved them very much ^^
Anything new about their appearance?
— He actually wore a suit! Like the gentleman he is! With a little rose on the breast pocket
— If he had hair, he would try SO HARD to slick it back(I headcanon he’s black as a human and has very uncooperative hair)
— He was shaking, a little though, it was kind of subtle
— Lowkey was tapping his feet, waiting for you
How many times did they say I love you?
— When he gave you your gifts
— That’s all. He was really nervous to say it at all, it feels too… Intimate…
— But regardless, he does love you! So don’t doubt it one bit
Did they ask to be your Valentines, or did they ask if you could be their Valentines? There’s a difference!
— He asked if you could be his Valentine’s, the ‘right’ way!
— You wouldn’t even mind if he said it the other way around, you can visibly see how anxious he was even asking
— Of course you said yes, you also gave him a smooch on his cheek
— He might have started happily jumping from that
— Don’t mind him it’s how he is
What did they do the night before Valentine's Day?
— He was fine
— He completely forgot about his gifts, kind of
— He was about to go to sleep, then..
— He panicked and rushed over to them, seeing if anything was wrong, or if he should gift you anything else other than a bouquet with a card
— He actually woke up Hoppy because of his panicking
Were they shy asking to be your Valentines or when they asked if you could be their Valentines?
— He was anxious, but not shy, or confident
— He wasn’t blushing or anything, he was actually just very nervous
— Was very happy that you accepted his ask(because it isn't a request), I’ve said that already but I wanna say it again!!
Did they add anything extra to their areas(their little homes)? Or their activities?
— Over the days he remembered Valentine’s decorating was a thing, and wanted to do it
— But was too caught up on your gifts and just thinking about other things
— One time he did decorate, but that lasted a short amount of time
— He got easily distracted by something else(possibly real)
What did they do when it was time to sleep?
— He doesn’t honk shoo, I mean maybe a little.. But he doesn’t snore too loud or too much
— He did sleep though, forgetting about the fact tomorrow was Valentine’s Day
A/N|| I can't believe I'm still doing these, it's been almost 2 full weeks since Valentine's💀
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2 - 10 Grand Entrance, Grand Exit
Holy crap ten episodes in already it hasn't felt like that long...
I'm in a rush today cuz I gotta be somewhere :'D LAZY INTRO
Logico stands uncomfortably in a tight crowd. Viscount Eminence, Silverton the Legend, and Assistant Applegreen are there all of a sudden, apparently more guests to Lady Violet’s ‘party’.
APPLEGREEN: HEY! Don’t you remember? I’m not ‘assistant’ Applegreen anymore! I’m AGENT APPLEGREEN! I work for Hollywood now! LOGICO: Thank you… for that necessary recap. APPLEGREEN: 😊
President White and Sable SHOULD be there, but I guess they aren’t. The doors rattle. The friends stare expectantly! Out comes Lady Violet.
VIOLET: The holiday party… has officially… BEGUN!!
Some confetti cannons go off and an ensemble plays a fanfare. Everyone cheers (except Logico, because he doesn’t really know what he’s supposed to be cheering for). And they all step inside.
EMINENCE: [amazed mini-vampire noises!] SILVERTON: I appreciate the gold trim… APPLEGREEN: I want to BUY IT ALL!! VIOLET: I am so happy to have you all in the Violet Manor with me on this occasion. First, you will move into your bedrooms.
She walks up a golden staircase and gestures towards many, many doors. There’s a dead person in front of one of them! Violet screams in rage.
Logico tries to calm her down. 
VIOLET: I’m fine… everything is fine… LOGICO: Well. I wouldn’t say everything- VIOLET: IS THAT HELPFUL?? LOGICO: No…
Murder time. Silverton spies something out the window and rushes (as fast as a slug could possibly ‘rush’) outside. Suspicious! Logico follows him at an equally pathetic speed. But it seems he’s only distracted by a rabbit topiary.
SILVERTON: Hello bunny. [pet pat pot] That’s a fantastic bunny… I wish I had my very own bunny… 
He tragically hugs the bush. Logico cringes. This is hard to watch! He goes back inside. A bag of pure money awaits him! 
LOGICO: Okay, who brought this much shopping money? EMINENCE: Not I! I would never stoop so low as to carry my own cash! I only want your blood!
A compelling argument indeed. Violet screams suddenly!
LOGICO: WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED?? VIOLET: That thing got into my house!!
She points aggressively to a pigeon with a note in its beak. Politely, the bird hops to Logico and drops the paper to him.
“Don’t ask how I know, but Silverton the Legend brought a back of cash. ;)”
LOGICO: How cute. 
The bird returns home to Irratino, escaping Violet’s crushing grasp. Logico looks at the body one more time, and realizes the blood has been drained from the individual. 
LOGICO: I probably should have checked that first. EMINENCE: Yes, I did it. He was an agent of the Revolution, and therefore, he had to go, just as the Red Revolution must go! But Old Drakonia shall remain. The aristocracy shall remain! And we of the vampiric race shall have our rights restored! Keep your faith and hold out, and remember, as St. Lupine said, God Fights for Us! LOGICO: Who is St. Lupine? I feel like I’m seeing the name a lot.
Eminence dives out the window and flies far away to a gothic castle in the distance. Who could have thought he lived in a place like this! 
Applegreen tries to sneak out with the bag of money.
That’s probably true, but regardless, like a good person, Logico throws the cash back to Silverton. It hits him on the head and he falls into the rabbit bush, leaving a giant hole in it.
The end!
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I am still obligated to give you them again, their ship name is cheesmallow
Ily baiii
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The power of Goat Lord compels you!
See you next time murdlers!
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The Superman Logs: MAWS Season 2 - Episodes 1 - 3
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Well, hey, it's me again! My Legion of Super-Heroes DCU essay series has been more difficult than expected to put together (for a whole buncha reasons, I won't get into it), but I also haven't written much on this blog in a while. So, may as well get back into the swing of things, which I've been planning to do regardless. Just needed an excuse, and oh look! My Adventures with Superman just released their long awaited second season! And hell, better now than ever!
Since three episodes have released, with some new characters introduced, I may as well jump in. I'll also say that, from now on, I'll be posting actual character retrospectives and concepts on here, in a style similar to what I've done before, but looking at my headcanon versions of characters, as well as already existent versions and adaptations of characters. Spoilers ahead, by the way. Not gonna go crazy with spoilers, but they'll be there, so, you've been warned! And so, without further ado...
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Episode 2.1: More Things on Heaven and Earth
This episode focuses on some of the fallout from the first season, but most importantly gives us and Clark a few answers about his origins. It also throws a pretty major change to Clark's origin our way, but I won't get ahead of myself. The purpose of this post is to look at these episodes from a fan's eye (or an overly picky nerd's eye, but whatever) and inspect them for what happened, and what may be coming. And I have a theory here, so hang tight with me.
As I said, amongst the smaller revelations about Jimmy's quickly decaying fortune and Task Force X discovering Kryptonite (fuck), and the normal shojo stuff between Clark and Lois that is genuinely cute, one of the first big things we get is Clark and Jor-El finally having a conversation. And I gotta say...I really like this version of Jor-El.
Now, I've done a retrospective on Clark's parents before, in my DCCU essay series that you're more than welcome to check out, but at the time of writing that essay, I hadn't yet seen MAWS' version of Jor-El. And I hope we get to see more of Krypton in this universe as well, because I appreciate what they've done so far! We've gone back to the origin of Krypton as a conquering empire, destroying itself by war and inner conflict. Classic, nice. Jor-El, once again a voice of calm scientific reason amidst the chaos, sees fit to send his son to another world as the planet of Krypton is being destroyed. Again, classic stuff. But this version of Jor-El is different from most for one reason: he seems more caring than most.
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Don't get me wrong, we've seen kinder versions of Jor-El in adaptations and original source material (although recent comics have COMPLETELY fucked his character into straight-up villainy; thanks a lot, Brian Michael Bendis, GODDAMN IT). And most versions of the character want and support Kal-El being a hero to the down-trodden. But the vast majority of them are a bit cold and clinical from beyond the grave. Obviously, part of that is the fact that the Jor-El that interacts with Clark is basically always a computerized duplication of his personality, but still. We rarely ever get a Jor-El that expressed emotion towards his son, or even acts like...well, like a father.
But this Jor-El simulation? In a short period of time, he gives advice to his son about his love life, he tells his son about his origin story without dicking him around constantly (lookin' at you, Smallville), helps his son as best as he can from the grave, and expresses how proud he is, while addressing him by his Earth name! And most importantly, he does something I have NEVER seen a version of Jor-El do in any of his incarnations.
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He...hugs Clark. Maybe that sounds like the exact opposite of a big deal, but it kind of is. This is somebody who Clark can miss. Somebody who, were he to live, Clark could've had real connections with. Somebody who is...well...a dad. And come on, have you ever seen a version of Kal-El who feels like a caring dad? Not a father, a dad. Somebody you can talk to, somebody who can give you fatherly advice, somebody who would give you the world if they could, and is proud of you and your accomplishments. A dad. Sure, an idealized version of one, but still. It's something I've never seen in Jor-El, and I honestly love this version of the character. Hopefully, we get to see more. Especially because of the...OTHER big revelation to happen in this episode. But BEFORE getting to that, I wanna touch on the smaller-but-important stuff.
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The crashed Kryptonian ship from last season becomes the classic Fortress of Solitude in this episode! Now, I've barely talked about the Fortress of Solitude, but it's one of the most classic of superhero headquarters in comics. Usually composed of either ice or crystal, and on one of the two poles (Antarctica, in this case), this is typically a Kryptonian repository of knowledge for Clark to visit. There's a bit of a trend that says the more alien Superman is, the more he spends time in the Fortress. That is to say, it's a symbol of his Kryptonian heritage, and he uses it as his knowledge of the past increases.
Now, based on the events of this episode, the usage of the Fortress is something yet to be seen. Jor-El, who's traditionally the guardian of the place, appears to be gone for the time being. He may come back yet, though, especially as we see if the effects of the Kryptonite are long-lasting. In either case, this floating temple of ice is here to stay for the time being, and we'll see if this version proves as useful and seminal to the Superman story as others have. Oh, and for the record, by favorite version of the Fortress is from Smallville, but this has my favorite design for the Fortress thus far, from the outside.
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But Jor-El isn't the only thing in this Fortress during the episode. Task Force X shows up with a new member, whom I can't find in GOF form outside of this one above. But yeah, this is also a comic book character, a little-known Rebirth-era one named Damage AKA Ethan Avery. Now frankly, Damage is...a choice to use, especially considering that he was an attempt at a popular character that nobody's really bit into, and is also basically DCs version of the Hulk. MAWS decided to tone down his appearance significantly, but he's presumably kept his army origins, and added Kryptonian technology to augment himself here. Arguably, there were other characters that could've filled this role, but I do get the feeling that we're not quite done with Damage yet. We'll see what becomes of him in the future.
That said, we also get a far more interesting character reveal in the form of Hank Henshaw, an employee of STAR Labs (who also makes their first appearance in this series), former classmate of Lois Lane, budding astronaut, and potentially the future Cyborg Superman! Which is...kind of a big deal, especially considering that I have a hunch that Damage may turn into this series' version of Doomsday. Oh, did I not mention that? Pet theory, and I don't want it to happen, but we'll see. We'll see. In any case, are we hinting at a Death of Superman arc down the line? It'd be too soon for it now, but who knows how far this series is going to go? But continuing with the villain talk...
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We get yet another glimpse of those familiar three circles, and confirmation that this technology is indeed Brainiac! Looks like we're taking from the Superman: The Animated Series version of this character, making Brainiac affiliated with Krypton and Kryptonian technology before the fall of the planet, as well as getting hints from last season that Brainiac is involved with the current remaining vestiges of the empire and their conquering forces. And that reminds me...there is one more little hint that we've gotten about something. And I have a hunch about it.
So, the other big villain revealed in the end of last season was a bruiser in a Kryptonian battle suit, speaking with Brainiac. The symbol on their chest was roughly Z-shaped, leading most people (me included) to assume that this was classic Kryptonian villain General Dru-Zod. But, uh...another likely suspect just reared their head. One who may have been raised by Brainiac technology their entire life up until now, in the tradition of the Kryptonian conquerors of old. One who has a last name starting with Z. And I think you know where I'm going with this. Because, in this episode, we (and Clark) found out about...
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Clark has a surviving cousin, Kara Zor-El. Yeah. I realize that she's a part of the House of El, and their naming conventions mean that the girls take the name on their father, BUT...last name starting with Z. Just saying, I think the bruiser in the armor very well COULD be Kara Zor-El, wearing a new crest, rather than that of the House of El. We know for a fact that Supergirl appears in this series, but who's to say she starts as an ally of Clark's? Especially considering that she has no actually familial memories of him. Which reminds me!
That's a hell of a change, huh? No older cousin turned younger cousin this time; Kara and Clark are the same age! Who knows, maybe we will get time-dilation or suspended-animation shenanigans, because we still haven't been introduced to the idea of the Phantom Zone or such folderol in this universe, but as it stands now, Clark and Kara are age contemporaries! A very different take that I'm not sure we've ever actually seen before in media adaptations of Supergirl. And this Kara hasn't been raised by her parents AT ALL, as far as we know. Meaning, we're going to see a VERY different version of this character. Exciting!
There was some other stuff seen here too, like more Cat Grant, and the hinting at another major antagonist that I'll talk about with the next episode, but still, this was a good amount of set-up for what's to come! With that in mind, time for episode 2!
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Episode 2.2: Adventures with My Girlfriend
OK, before I bring up anything about this episode, I have only one real comment: a REAL Superman villain, baby! WHOO! Up until now, we've had pretty bastardized versions of Superman villains, for the most part. Mr. Mxyzptlk was even a drastically different version of the character, while still being faithful to the original. But no, we now have the best adaptation of a major Superman villain in this series in the form of Joseph Martin, AKA Atomic Skull! And damn, this dude is a bruiser, and a great looking one at that!
There are a few versions of Atomic Skull, with a few different identities, but the Joseph Martin is the most iconic in terms of appearance and ability. In the comics, he's the second Atomic Skull, and a human college student whose metahuman genes are activated via a Parasite-related explosion, triggering an absorption and generation of radiation, as well as a mental break that makes him think he's a character from one of his favorite movies. Comics are weird. Anyway, Martin's continued to be a foil of Superman's, mostly acting as a mook or powerful obstacle, rather than a mastermind of plotter of any kind. It's still awesome to see the character, and this is a somewhat faithful version of him as a result. Hell, him working for another organization that gave him these powers is sort of a reference to the first Atomic Skull (whom some of you would recognize from Young Justice), Albert Michaels, who worked for STAR Labs until joining up with a terrorist group that wanted to take out Superman.
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And of course, we get yet another villain FINALLY confirming his appearance: Lex Luthor. Yeah, a lot of us figured this out last season, and it's nice to see him FINALLY making his fully red-headed appearance. Interesting...very interesting. And he's partnered up with Checkmate and Amanda Waller, a winning combination when it comes to villains. This is, of course, not the first time this has happened in media, comics and otherwise. The two famously teamed up when Lex became president for a minute there, and had an incredible joining of forces in Justice League Unlimited. So, not an unprecedented combo by any means!
Other than this, we get confirmation of Amanda's pure villainy (even worse than a lot of other versions, scarily enough), the rivals to her position in Checkmate, Clark and Lois' first argument, Clark getting the Beacon that'll help find Kara, and the official hiring of the Newsboy Legion working under Jimmy Olsen alongside Steve Lombard for Flamebird! Lots of stuff, not to mention setting up tensions between Clark and Sam Lane. But not much else for me to report on here. SO, moving on to episode 3!
Episode 2.3: Fullmetal Scientist
Hoo boy, THIS is a hell of an episode when it comes to references! We start off with a literal bang with the scientist that Superman saves, Silas Stone! You may know this guy better because of his son, who's referenced briefly as being 9 or 10. This is, of course, Victor Stone, AKA Cyborg! If this series gets a future lasting into the Teen Titans era, we have a contender for a member! Only time will tell, but this is a neat name drop! Plus, who knows where Silas is gonna go from here...
Then, right after that (and a cameo of The Flying Newsroom, a Daily Planet helicopter in the comics reduced to a toy helicopter owned by Flip), we meet AmerTek Industries, CEO Thomas Weston, and the most important character spotlight in this one...
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Vicki Vale is back! OK, obviously, not the most important character in this episode, but lemme milk this a little. Vicki (who is VERY tall, by the way, holy SHIT) made her appearance as sort of a heel at the end of last season, and has now apparently become a rival for the Daily Planet this season, reporting for the Gotham Gazette. I can't wait for this to inevitably lead us to our Gotham cameos, which may hopefully include you-know-who, but her rivalry with Lois here is pretty fun, and sets up some new conflicts down the line for our central couple!
As for Amertek, I should talk about Thomas Weston and the...other cameo made in this episode. Weston is straight out of the comics, as the CEO of AmerTek Industries, a weapons manufacturer based in Baltimore and Washington D.C.. They're important to the comics of one character in particular, who I'll obviously get to, but I want to mention the OTHER thing introduced in this episode...considering how...upset it makes me. Because once again, this series completely RUINS a major Superman villain by turning them purely technological. And if you've read my previous essays, in which I develop a cinematic universe Superman, as well as my desired villains...you'll know why I'm upset.
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Seriously? THIS is Metallo in this universe? God...DAMN IT! Look, I can already tell that Lex is going to use Kryptonite to stabilize the power core in the chest, giving us a Kryptonite beam that fires from their chest like the REAL Metallo, but GODDAMNIT AGAIN! The point of Metallo is that he's humanity corrupted! He's not JUST a goddamn ROBOT! Seriously? This was a slam dunk character for this show; should've been an easy one! But...I dunno, maybe the real version of the character will appear. I just...really hope that this isn't it. But that said, Metallo is sadly not the real highlight of this episode. Still...dammit. Dammit dammit dammit.
One of the other highlights of this episode, before I forget to bring it up, is the extension of Superman's bioelectric field as one of his powers. This is a recent comic book expansion, which has been hinted at as a possibility since the '90s. Basically, Superman generates a bioelectric field of invulnerability which, with enough focus or external energy input, he can extend past his bodily boundaries and around others. It's the reason bullets bounce off his suit without rupturing the fabric itself; they're actually bouncing off his microscopic bioelectric field. Comic books, what can I tell ya? Anyway, it's a very anime power, which is this series vibe, and I can't help but think he'll figure out how to focus that into some kind of energy blast by the end of the season. Time will tell!
But the REAL big feature of this episode is, of course, John Henry Irons, AKA Steel, one of the most prominent supporting characters in the Superman family. His role is extremely important to the Superman mythos, and this is already a fantastic version of the character. It also does something with him I rarely see with the character, and makes him TALLER than Superman, considerably so! He's also a bigger guy, and as a bigger black man myself (well, not vertically), I appreciate the representation quite a bit!
Of course, even though we get to see him in the suit with the hammer, it's obviously soured when Lex Luthor and Checkmate buy Amertek and the Steel suit, as well as all the Metallos. Like I said, Lex'll stabilize the Metallo units with Kryptonite, but it's NOT THE GODDAMN SAME, NOW IS IT? In any case, what we're likely to get is John creating his own Steel suit, closer to the classic suit we usually see in comics and adaptations. I may actually do a full retrospective of Steel, since he is one of my favorite characters. I feel like I'm short-changing him here, but understand, Steel is one of the best supporting characters in DC, who became a major hero in his own right. Hell, his niece Natasha Irons, who's also name dropped in this episode, is a major hero herself! With her and Victor Stone confirmed to exist in this universe, I can't help but think that we're setting up something special in the future.
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With all of that said, that's the summary for these three episodes. I'm actually a bit inspired to do some character retrospectives now, but please let me know if you have any requests for retrospectives. Thank you to the (probably 3 max) people who read this essay, and I'll probably see you after the next three episodes! Unless, of course, something massive happens that requires my prompt response after episode 4 or 5. Honestly, we'll see what happens! In any case, see you later!
See also:
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