#refrences everywhere
idontcaboose · 1 month
Haunted car Au part 11
Previous. Masterpost
When Duke woke up, he remembered the fight he had with Bruce last night. All in all, it was actually what Duke wanted to happen in a way. Duke got full access to “fix” the Batmobile, but just the way Bruce made it sound was just… Infuriating. Like, sure, blame the newly 17 year old kid who had only moved the car, not even a hundred feet, for everything wrong with the car. Being benched until he figured out how to get whoever was possessing the car sucked though.
The good news is that the only people who would be awake to bother him or ask unwanted questions would be Alfred and maybe Tim. If Tim got on his case it would be simple to call in Alfred or to threaten him with calling in Alfred. The only other people that use the cave like the front door are Dick and Jason. Both would be up for hiding the issue from Bruce once explained. Dick would be a bleeding heart to a potential meta/alien kid getting stuck because of their powers. Jason would keep the secret just on principle, especially if told Duke got blamed for something he had no hand in. Jason would probably help set the kid up after he gets out of the car too, assuming Bruce doesn't pull a Bruce. It would be nice to not be the only meta in the family though, and the kid would already know about the family, but that would be the kids choice.
After a short breakfast, Duke made his way back down to the cave, only to hear a…Rave?
He made his way through the cave following the muted music to… the car…
“What in every hell are you doing?” Duke could not help to exclaim as he saw the Batmobile, for lack of a better comparison, dancing.
The car was strobing its headlights from the yellow driver's lights, to the brights, to the color changing LEDs Jason and Dick put in for a party prank that Bruce never removed, all to the beat of some techno that had to have been in Tim's Playlist. The car stopped in its perceived dancing to open its door in another mockery of a wave causing the music to become almost deafening as the door opened. Duke had to cover his ears as the kid in the car panicked and set off its alarm before turning everything off. If Duke thought the cacophony before was deafening, the silence after was even more so.
“Seriously, what the hell kid?” Duke said with as much incredulity as he could muster.
The car responded with a slow turning of its front wheels and a quieter sound of ‘Sorry’ by Justin Beiber playing, which could have been from either Dick or Steph’s playlists.
“You know what? I am not going to deal with song names and lyrics to guess from. Give me a second.” Duke went to the Batcomputer and found Tim's folder containing all of the sound bytes and clips that he uses when he gets real malicious with the power points for his team, the JL, or for Bruce when he is being exceptionally pissy, and downloads it onto a large USB stick. It took a little longer than Duke expected, but within an hour the USB was downloading its new playlist into the Batmobile’s radio storage. The sound bytes should be better than songs, right?
“God dammit Tim”
@kizzer55555 @sebas-nights @candeartist422   @trappednyourheart @fandom-life-corrupted-me @tkiesai @2lbballpeenhammer @admiralwidow @rewrittenwrongs @whotfevenknowsanymore @symmetricalastigmatism @thespacedragons @atinygracie @okami-love  @lesbian-spider-drone @1n0sss @forgetmenot-bluepurple
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moopbox · 7 months
do you ever just...
draw a char so so out of character... but its funny to the point you render it
rave girl GLaDOS ;-;
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im sorry miss GLaDOS it will happen again
what if ... rave boy wheatly..
and they dance together.... no nonononono what have i done
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nothing makes me more anxious than promoting my art buisness that i just set up.
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ducknotinarow · 6 months
[2k3 follow up from the RaphFatal Blow meme ;3; literally from everyone for everyone ;3; Don's there, Casey's there, Von's there, Master Splinter, and I imagine Mikey too so everyone suffers]
Donatello frowned as he looked to his phone, a hand rubbing his throat, feeling a weird lump forming,
"I'm sorry Master Splinter, but I still can't track Raph's Shell-Cell," Don murmured, soon coughing in an attempt to shift whatever was stuck in his throat.
"Well I say we jus' go out there an' fin' him!" Casey spoke up, worry in his voice, "I know Raph's got his moments but this still aint like 'im, I've seen 'im mad he wouldn't jus' ghost us all this bad!"
"I'll have to sit the search out," Don murmured, "Sorry, I think I may be coming down with the flu; I've just felt really tired for once, and had a headache I just can't get rid of, the sore throat isn't helping..." He forced a smile, "Don't worry, I'll do what I can from my lab..."
The soft sound of boots clicking touched the air, as a familiar stranger slowly approached them. Yvonne. She had her head bowed, a solemn look on her face. She had avoided all of them for so long, ever since the blow up from Raphael. The event that led to him disappearing.
Yvonne didn't speak, as she walked passed Casey, Mikey, Don, not saying a word as she approached Master Splinter. It was what she was carrying that revealed why she was here, without a word said. Her voice shook as she did find something to say,
"...I'm sorry sir..."
Her hands trembled, as she held the two Sai, and red mask, out to him; they rested gently in her palms. The usual stone face she wore cracked, she did not hide her tears. Death was an inevitable in life, but it still twisted like a knife. Even when their last moments were an argument, it didn't make it any better.
"I tried to bring him home...I swear I tried..." Yvonne promised Splinter through tears, "I'm so sorry..."
| Continued from [here]
No one was sure what was going on, Casey came to the lair trying to find Raphael which already seemed to settle in worry among the mutants. They had all assumed Raphael had been with Casey this whole time. That was often always the answer, or in the slightest someone would have known about him leaving. He hadn't had any major blow up least from what they could think of. Soon they were all recounting the last time they may had seen Raphael trying to map out the time table and maybe narrow down when exactly the last sighting of Raphael had been. Try and understand if he might be in trouble or not. Everyone seemed to pause and think over the past few days.
Donatello spoke up first, taking a moment because he seemed to be dealing with a headache but was able to recall that Raph and him had spent time together looking at making some upgrades to what they named the shellcycles. Mentioning that they were going to work on them together even. Leo offered if maybe Raph was out scooping for the parts they might need then. Splinter shared in the thought, it was often how Raphael tried to assist Donatello when it came to trying ti lighten the load Donatello bared on to his shoulders so often. Michelangelo spoke up next pointing out he didn't think so because Michelangelo had managed to rope Raphael in to playing a game with him. Even recalled he intercepted Raph when he had left Donatello's lab, literally hooking them by the arm and dragged them to the living room. Splinter did recall the same event playing out though. Raph was grumbling about it but still went along with getting 'forced' into playing with his brother. Michelangelo didn't shy away from even making a mention that he won and beat Raph. And of course mentioned that Raph beat him physically after all his gloating. Leonardo piped in from there because he had pulled them apart.
Leonardo said Raphael seemed upset about something and felt it wasn't just cause of Michelangelo being well Michelangelo . Having offered to help Raph work it out with a sparing session even. Raphael agreed but during the fight Leonardo could just tell it wasn't a usual temper issue. It seemed like Raphael was miles away from everything going on. It was one of the rare times where Raphael seemed to seek Leonardo out for advice. Though it was hard to give with how vague Raphael was being. Just admitting his mind had to much going on in it so Leonardo suggested maybe Raph needed a breather away from the lair. Seemed funny now because Leonardo was often always having to be on their case about going topside. Maybe spend time with Casey even and Raphael seemed to take the suggestion said he would text Casey but wait till it got later.
There Splinter spoke up next. Splinter had mentioned Raphael being in the kitchen he seemed troubled. Not too willing to speak about what exactly had happened. So Splinter offered his son some tea. Hoping it would clam whatever was working through his son’s troubled mind at the time. Raphael did seemed to open up a bit more to confirm that something had been on his mind at the time. They seemed to be more at ease after the one on one time. Raphael had smiled and offered Splinter a word of thanks. Before he told them he was heading out to see Casey. Which is the last anyone could say they had saw him. Casey said they had played around in the snow together.
Something felt off. Splinter couldn't explain it. They all seemed to notice something off with Raphael was it connected? His son was troubled looking for distractions at best. Till they weren't working so he took advice? Which wasn't very much like his son to do in the first place. Splinter was the last of the mutants to speak to him he knew his son looked troubled. What had they talked about Raphael said he felt guilty about a fight he had. But Splinter knew it could been between him and Michelangelo that was a far more usual sibling spat. Didn't seem like it was with Casey either though, they didn't show any sign of that having happened.
"I'm sorry Master Splinter, but I still can't track Raph's Shell-Cell,"
Splinter didn't like the sound of that, something was truly off about this all. Where are you my son, was all he could really think over and over.
"Well I say we jus' go out there an' fin' him!"
And it wasn't just him alone, as his ear flickered to the sound of worry in Casey's voice. Something very rarely heard from the human. But looking at his other son's their faces each reflected that same feeling.
"I know Raph's got his moments but this still aint like 'im, I've seen 'im mad he wouldn't jus' ghost us all this bad!"
It's ture. Splinter may hardly understand his own phone but as he slipped it out for a quick look even he lacked anything from Raphael. They always texted him no matter what. The last message he had was he made it to his meeting spot with Casey. But nothing since. That wasn't like him, it was their deal. Why Splinter never worried much when Raphael took off he always texted Splinter so they would know at least that he was okay.
"I'll have to sit the search out," Don murmured, "Sorry, I think I may be coming down with the flu; I've just felt really tired for once, and had a headache I just can't get rid of, the sore throat isn't helping..."
"I think that be for the best Donatello, we don't need you out there in the snow like that." Splinter spoke up showing he was still part of the conversation at least. Hand extending to rest on to Donatello's arm a moment. "No need to push yourself when sick again." Raph may be missing but he still had three others son's to look after.
"Don't worry, I'll do what I can from my lab..."
Leo gave a nod and turned to Michelangelo and Casey seeming ready to start forming his plan. When again Splinters ear's twitched to the sound of foot steps echoing in the tunnels. Turning to the entrance just moments before Yvoone of all people walked through. And for a small second Splinter wonder if Raphael would show up behind her but there was no other sound to accompany Von's own steps. Having wondered if the fight was with her, she hadn't been around after all. But something seemed wrong the moment she came into the lair. Something that cause his fur to stand on end, turning face ever as he tempered the rising fear in himself. He felt this dread before when his master Yoshi was taken from him. She paid no attention to anyone else. Not even Mikey who spoke up to her. Or Donatello who was involved with her.
No she was here with purpose. Only stopping by Splinter, the rat took a moment to look up at her. She been through something fur sure. Shaken so badly a mess in the shape of Yvoone stood before him. The poor women.
"Yvoone what is?" Splinter began to speak clearly she went to him for a reason. And he already knew it had to do with his missing son. The twist in his gut the way his heart seemed to quicken. The sense of fear triggering all around him.
"...I'm sorry sir..."
Splinter had his answer. She didn't even have to say it her just knew. From the way the words trembled out from her mouth. "no" and yet he still couldn't believe it. Looking down to find Raphael's red mask and sai held in her hands. "..Raphael." Splinter spoke the name so soft and so sadly. Reaching out he let his can fall to the floor he hardly noted how the wooden can sounded as it dropped on to the bricks.
"I tried to bring him home...I swear I tried..."
Splinter looked at the weapons, he had given to Raphael they were meant for him specifically. Splinter waved the red mask between his fingers. Tattered fabric. Splinter closed his eyes as he let his hands curl around both the sai and mask. Ears flooded back as he worked to control his breathing in that moment. He could feel the remaining traces of Raphael's soul lingering on them. Such important parts of Raphael's identity. His son who put all the worlds problems on his shoulders. It was a trait to admire because all Raphael wanted to do was to protect. Protect his brothers, his family. His temper always seemed at risk of that want. Never himself. Never allowing himself to be protected either.
"I'm so sorry..."
Those three words were all the confirmation any of them might have needed. "it-it's okay Von you that just means you know where he is right?" Michelangelo spoke up, his voice shook as he seem to try and keep his usual tone. "we'll just go and get him right?" He looked around to everyone else around him who all seemed to be coming to the same harsh truth. Splinter opened his eyes and lifted his head looking over everyone one before locking eyes with his youngest.
"it's fine Splinter we can go get him back." they insisted, and Splinter heart ached for his son. As they walked over seeming ready to ask Yvoone more about his brother's whereabouts. So Splinter spoke up again.
"Raphael was strong, passionate and loyal to fault. His greatest merits"
"He is you mean is those are his merits!" Michelangelo shouted on shakey ground. "We'll go get him back! he's fine he's" "Raphael was more stunboorn than anyone" Splinter continued.
"He is you know he is!"
Splinter reached out his hand holding the mask out to his youngest son. Watching them step back as if touching it would make it real. He shook his head hard unsure where he could even go. "Raphael carried the worlds problems on his shoulders, and though he may have acted other wise. His family his loved ones were his whole world to him. There was nothing he wouldn't" Splinter reached over to place his other hand on to Yvoone feeling she needed to hear this part most. "Have done for those few in his life that made up his world" "....he can't be though." Michelangelo took hold of Raphael's mask vision blurred by the tears that soon filled his eyes. Trying to swallow back his cries but he couldn't as he lowered his head into his hands. Letting his tears drop on to the fabric and soak into it. He turned towards Leonardo and Donatello. Not wanting to keep it to himself huddling in with his last remaining brothers. As Splinter Lowered his head once more looking down to the sai. Recalling the moment in the kitchen. Wishing he had just noticed a little more that night.
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smuttysunny · 11 months
[ADA]Osamu Dazai NSFW Alphabet!
Genre: Smut
Synopsis: NSFW alphabet for our favourite bandaged suicidal maniac!
Contains: Overall GN reader, regardless of sex! Refrences to bdsm, public sex, pregnancy and breeding kinks, sex toys and more overall sexual stuff 😭🙏 there's way too much in here for me to list
Warnings: Not proofread‼️ English is also not my first language so there might be grammatical errors cuz despite me being fluent, i'm dumb asf!
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Ngl... May seem a bit ooc but I imagine him actually being really sweet after sex, that is if you two are like together and not just a hook up or something lol. He'd praise you and tell you did so good and def help you clean up and take a bath/shower afterwards. Maybe even order food if you two feel up for it.
I imagine he'd also be pretty cuddly, holding you tightly as he nuzzles his face in your shoulder. Moments like these where he shows his vulnerability to someone yk?
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partners)
On himself, probably his eyes or hands. He just loves looking at you and watching all your adorable reactions! And with his hands he, of course, gets to touch you anywhere and everywhere!
On you, the fav is either your face or thighs. Your face of course because of how it can twist and contort in pleasure! Again, he loves your reactions very much. As for thighs, he just loves grabbing and holding them, thin or thick, doesn't matter to him! He loves caressing them, kissing them, licking, biting, leaving hickeys on them, you name it! He also ADORES how your legs try to close when giving you head! Squishing him to death between your thighs truly seems like a great way to go!
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically)
Cummin on you. This fucker definitely loves coating you in his cum. If you can get pregnant he'd definitely be against the idea of cumming in you if you're not using a condom, he is NOT ready for the responsibility of raising a kid, sorry breeding kink people.
But if you can't get pregnant then he's more than willing, he still prefers to see you coveres in his load tho, it's just hot to him, yk?
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
I think he'd have a liking to purposefully walking in on you changing, just seems like the type of guy to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Oh boy this man is def experienced from all the sleeping around he does 😭🙏 for all sexes too, not just afab ppl.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
Following on from the hc from earlier, any position where he can see your face will have him satisfied! Although I don't think he'd be particularly picky, just would prefer to see your face.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
I'd imagine him to be quite silly while not ruining the mood, unless he's absolutely tired and done and needs something to let his frustrations out, ofc, but even then after he starts relaxing he'd def go back to his usual teasing and cracking jokes here and there!
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He'd do the bare minimum grooming 💀🙏 listen, he's too occupied living to really care about his hair down there but ig in some way the carpets would match the drapes because no matter how unkept he has his hair, it still looks shampoo commercial worthy so probably same thing down there aswell. Would occasionally give himself a trim tho, not fully unkempt.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect.)
Depends on his mood and what it is. Quickie? Maybe less intimate as it's just meant to be a quick fuck but if it was proper sex at home he's def be on the more romantic side, unless again pouring his frustrations out on you, and even then, the way his eyes shine looking at you would still reveal the love he holds for you so <3
J = Jack off (Masturbation Headcanon)
This cunt has the sex drive of a teen boy so he'd def be jerking off often, maybe like at least 2 or 3 times per week? Although he can hold himself back pretty well. I can also imagine him absolutely obliterating No Nut November just because he thought it'd be funny.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Can of worms... Which we will be disecting and studying as if its our finals hitting!
For starters, def maintained some of the less healthy kinks he had from his PM days like sadomasochism and gunplay, but at least now it's more of an overall roleplay/bdsm kink with no actual danger. Speaking of which he would LOVE to get tied up or tie you up, same for choking but more on the receiving end. Both giving and receiving for edging and orgasm denial too. Probably also has a big thing for being dominated; he doesn't mind domming but he'd absolutely LOVE to be stepped on and get his brains fucked out!
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
He's shameless but not entirely. As far as he'd go is semi-public places like an alley or his car. As for favourite place, peobably the ADA office LMFAO particularly when it's empty because there's a risk of getting caught!
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
As mentioned previously, this guy has the sex drive of a horny teen so even the smallest touch could accidentally set him off.
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He would NEVER hurt his partner on purpose. Even for his more extreme kinks he'd make sure you're okay with it first and foremost before anything. Also ik dacryphillia is a big thing in these kinds of fics but if you ever started properly crying he'd stop IMMEDIATELY.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
I think he'd prefer giving slightly more than receiving. He just loves being in between your legs, you know? And again, would love to get choked to death by your thighs <3
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends. If he's making love he'd 100% go slow and sensual, but if it's a quickie his pace would def be fast, a bit rough too but unintentionally! If he's fucking though... Walking privileges will 100% be lost from how rough he'd be lol
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He LOVES them. Legit cherishes them as if they're god's best gift to man, and to be honest to a man like him they sure are.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
Seeing as how he'd be more than willing to fuck you in his car he'd def enjoy risks here and there, with consent of course(minus pregnancies goodness gracious, if you two are at it without a condom he'd immediately rush you to take your morning after pill afterwards). Again, he would never hurt his partner on purpose and if risks aren't your thing he'd be more than understanding
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
His stamina matches his horniness. If it were after him, he probably wouldn't stop till the sun rises so really it's up to his partner for how long sex will go lmfao
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Ohhh he'd love toys. Most likely owns a fleshlight for when you're not there to please him lolol
And don't feel left out! Because he'd love using toys on you too! Be it vibrators, dildos or something more obscure!
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
King of teasing™ will not miss a minute to joke about how desperate you are for him or any of the sort
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Loud but he does it on purpose just to add to his teasing. Also because he enjoys annoying the neighbors and if he'd doing it in a semi-public place, adds to the risk
W = Wild Card (A random headcanon for the character)
Loves getting pegged.
X = X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
As a non dick haver I actually had to search a bit for this bit-
Uhhh maybe just a little above average idk??? Maybe like 6.2 inches or smth? I o ly rlly have a vague image of him not really being too thick but making up for it in lenght so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'll just leave this one up to your guy's imaginations 💖
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Already mentioned it like 5 times but omd he gets so horny so often you might aswell assume he's a rabbit
Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Although I hc him to have slight insomnia because of depression, probably after sex is one of the only times he can actually fall asleep rather quickly. Just snuggle up to him nice and warm and he's out like a light in approximately 3 minutes. And he def sleeps like a log too lmfaooo
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ellieisbored3537 · 2 months
Tw: Life Is Strange true colors spoilers
Tw: Yap alert
First of all I started playing this a few months ago and I fell in love with the game. I finished the first 2 chapters but literally played the rest today because I was tired with school and stuff and I kinda forgot about it and started watching a ton of shows.
So first episode I literally sat and listened to the entirety of Scott Street (Like 5 times) I fell in love with the town. The record store was awesome I love it so much.
Colorado is an amazing state and this game gave me a lot of nostalgia from the town to the mountains.
The Black Lantern was amazing. I'd love to have a place like that like I loved the whole set up and I have like ideas of how to make it like my dream place or something idk. Like instead of a bar it would be like a cozy cafe and in like the other room it would be a library and like queer flags everywhere. And like I'd keep the arcade things there and I'd make them free to play. Then there would be like music in the background and people could always like reccomend music and I'd add it to queue and it would just be an awesome hang spot. Then the middle floor where Alex's home is already has an awesome set up like I love it and I'd add all kinds of decorations and add like my favorite artists albums to the record stand so I can just blast them forever AND THE ROOF BALCONY OH MY GOD ID KEEP IT BASICALLY THE SAME BECAUSE WHO DOESNT LOVE A FLOWER GARDEN ON YOUR VERY OWN ROOF. Like I'm literally gonna make a whole layout of it because why not just cuz I'm bored.
Also I love Ryan and Stephs dynamic so much like the lesbian and her himbo. (I chose the adventure with steph ending and I saw Ryan standing alone and I had so many regrets because that's Stephs himbo so now he just lost his best friend, dad, and crush 😭 but like I like the idea that Steph and Alex got to tour the world together cuz I feel like that's what's best for them (if it were me I would've stayed and renovated the black lantern)
Also I went back in the game and now I'm listening to Scott Street on life is strange on repeat so when I look up from my phone it's just life is strange and scott street because phoebe bridgers ❤️
Also on tiktok I got a few spoilers about Jed being a bad guy BUT I WASNT EXPECTING HIM TO FUCKING SHOOT HER SO SHE'D FALL LIKE A MILLION FOOT DROP.
Also I may have not forgiven him (He literally killed Alex's dad and brother and like 6 other people and tried to kill alex)
Also everyone believed me except elanor (I told Riley she had alzhiemers so she ended up having to stay here (sorry) and she said that Alex was crazy and needs help 😭)
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About to add stephs wavelengths onto this let me just play it first >:) -10:23pm
I'm so getting steph fired I suck at this
I just took all the pride decor down :( (it's already 11:51pm plz help). "People are always afraid to take the ones chloe made," Chloe? CHLOE PRICE YIPPEE!!! CHLOES VOICE OMG OMG OMG HI!!!! What the hell am I doing here? LIFE IS STRANGE TRUE COLORS ALEX CHEN SINGING CREEP REFRENCE???
😭😭😭 She was having storm flashbacks on October 11th that's why she was being so avoident.
The flashback with Rachel and Chloe was priceless chloe would say that
I like how Steph and Mikey talked on that day and got through the day.
She's so me for having a million different things at her desk to keep her occupied
I love how it ended with the start of the actual game.
Also I love how all 3 dlcs had a scavenger hunt
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goofy-clan · 3 months
“you’re traveling through the woods, it’s calm. It’s quiet. And then it’s not. A bunch of cats are just- doing Non-cat things. It’s strange, and nothing seems serious. The “lore” isn’t working. A small cat with odd eyes asks if you want to come over and have fun! Do you wish to join…?”
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Hey! Click more for important info and links to comics below!
Welcome to the blog!
You can call me ‘Legume’. I’m the writer and artist for this blog!
This series is mainly meme filled and goofy. It’s a kind of way for me to relax and just let loose with art. So let me explain the universe!
Anything and everything happens. That’s all.
Want to read? Start here! —> Beginning
This series has been inspired BY-
@circus-clangen , @dawn-clan , @moons-of-dewclan , @echoes-in-echoclan , @castaway-clan , @fallenclan , and @juniper-clan !!
The entire thing wouldn’t be possible without viewers like you @officialclangen !!
* Each eyes represent a Goofyclan member. Regular eyes represent outsiders or “Normal” cats. Kits born from founders sometimes inherit this
* goofyclan cats have more simplistic designs, whereas other clans/Outsiders have detailed
* Starclan probably hates them
* MoonMoon is technically our Protag
* Rombus eyes/Stars are for starclan cat only.
* Most ciphers I use for clues are Atbash, Ceaser, Morse, and Pigpen!
* Most cats can stand on their hind legs, for comedy reasons of course.
* Memes are refrenced everywhere
* the crater brings life to all
🌀 No weird/NSFW asks. This is a cat game, be sensible.
🌀 Sometimes asks move plot along, so don’t be afraid to interact!
🌀 If you want to ask, ask as much as you want! It may take a while for me to get to it though-
🌀 NO Magic asks/Self insert stuff
🌀 You can asks kits, but they ain’t gonna say much.
🌀 If you wanna ask me directly, Use “Legume” so I don’t mix asks up!
Tags will be: #Goofyasks , #ComicPages , #Doodles , #Asks4Me , #Fanart
AND that’s all! Happy reading!
Don’t eat yellow snow
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lemony-lemonz · 2 months
*most people after finding out i tend to carry around a knife with me everywhere go "wow thats weird and creepy why the hell would you do that" and theres also the 15% of the population that yell at me for being a poser and trying to act tough because its just a box cutter, meanwhile my target audience is people that go "holy shit kris deltarune refrence?????
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wrongcaitlyn · 2 months
Just read chapter 17! It was sooo worth the wait!
It totally flew over my head that nico and will got a apartment (had to go back and reread, lol) but I feel like someone needs make a pintrest board on what there house looks like, what do you imagine?
As soon as I read that will was going to a party I KNEW he was going to trigger nico with alcohol. It was really sweet though how he just kept confessing his love to nico, I couldn't keep giggling at that part
Oh poor will, the dating accusations with ncio are only going to get worse lol. In all honesty I guess he's not going to care that much about people knowing he's bi, but I don't think nico will like the speculation
Nico making the luckey one the seventh track omg we love the cabin 7 refrence!
I am so ready for this new album (my spotify playlists consist of nicos music from this au, not even egsagurating) I'm so happy with the addition of all falls down (I hc that the saxophone was Austin's playing!)
Also will Hazel and or Frank ever make a appearance in this au? If not why? (Genuinely curious)
This was a great chapter! I hope you have so much fun at the eras tour, and I hope you get a good suprose song!
so sorry it took so long for me to respond to this!!! at first i wanted to wait till i was able to make a pinterest board, but then i couldn't really find exactly what i wanted (but still made a board - here's the link!) so i decided i'd just describe it:
it’s a penthouse, and right now it’s veryyyy empty. they moved into it just before will’s next semester started so not much time to decorate!! they kept all like the basic furniture, so i do think they have a sort of living room connected to the kitchen - hold up, now i’m realizing i sorta based that layout off my uncles house. don’t know why i did that but!! we’re going with it. so they have two couches in the “living room” and a tv, leading to a kitchen with the generic appliances + a kitchen island - then i think that there’s a hallway with doors to one of the bathrooms, the guest room, and the studio, and then the master bedroom is also like. right across from the kitchen. if im even making any sense. i actually don’t know what a penthouse looks like so im just going off of pinterest vibes💯💯 anyway i think that eventually, they’ll also def have a lot of (fake) plants (bc lord knows they don’t actually have time to water and take care of plants), and LOTSS OF BLANKETS. i think that like almost every time they go to a target or smth to get smth they actually need, they walk out of the store with at least one blanket. they’re all over the couches, the beds, the chairs, idk why but i just want their apartment to be very very cozy :) aside from that, will 100% has his record collection moved to their room, with a few hanging from the living room- there’s definitely shelves of a bunch of awards or posters and things like that - A PHOTO WALL TOO!! definitely a photo wall. i also think that both nico and will are very messy, at least when they’re busy with something (and they always are) so every countertop and table and desk is filledddd with clutter. like so much. papers and textbooks and headphones and laptops they’re everywhere.
i realize it’s actually really hard to explain my vision for their apartment, which is funny bc i have a very specific layout in my head - and also one for nico’s apartment in so american btw!! so maybe sometime ill figure out how to draw a floor plan just so i can show yall what im thinking, but in the end, that’s the general vibe of it!!
now on to the rest of the ask‼️
will is ADORABLE he’s just such a simp and i love him for that. drunk words r truly sober thoughts in his case
youre 100% right with will not really caring abt people knowing!! i know some people assumed that will was the one being outed, and this was going to lead to some sort of angsty plot line, but seriously- will doesn’t care for that stuff. in his eyes, he’s already out, because he’s come out to all of his friends and the people he knows. the people on twitter are trying to search for something that just isn’t really that important
YES YES YES FOR THE ALL FALLS DOWN HC!!! i forgot to mention the songs and the artists in the end notes but seriously, all falls down by lizzy mcalpine is SOOOO fucking nico. i almost considered it being apollo (which i think it could also be) except the production style just wasn’t rlly very him if u get what i mean?? he’s much more like mainstream pop, and nico is too but he’s less worried abt sticking to a genre and i think it matches him perfectly
hazel and frank WILL be making their appearances soon!! i’ve had their backstories planned for sooo long and i can’t WAIT to finally include them. it’s been a long time coming but i swear it’ll be worth the wait!!
thank you SOO MUCH and i’m sorry again for taking so long to respond to this!! i had an incredible time at the eras tour and got some AMAZING surprise songs so thank you for that!!
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maydayissleepy · 1 year
A list of the most useless random hcs about the twins (ft. Cyrus occasionally) that I've sent to my friend who was cursed with the burden of receiving my visions
- If Acronix, Krux, and Cyrus played monopoly together it would end in arguments between Krux and Cyrus. Acronix is the race car. This is non negotiable.
-Acronix would absolutely attempt to stand on the wall in a gravitron carnival ride
-if you gave Acronix a lazer pointer he would immediately shine it directly into his eyes
- Krux can cook really well, and if in an au where both of the twins get a redemption, I can see him trying to teach Acronix how to cook too
- Acronix and Cyrus would watch Barbieheimer
- in refrence to the Fnaf pizzeria simulator game, Acronix would think the ballpit mini game is the funniest thing ever
-Acronix has the vibes of a cat that you'd have to hold back from stealing your food
-Krux would be godly skilled at tetris
- Acronix would love abbreviating words while texting so he could text Faster but eventually his texts become borderline incomprehensible
-Acronix is a true listener of every type of music. You could put on any genre and he's groovin.
-Acronix would love beyblades and the Beat Saber game
- Acronix would like sour candies and hard candies (because it's a colorful tasty rock you're allowed to eat). Therefore his favorite candy would be a juicy drop pop.
- Krux knows Morse code
-It would be so realistic for Acronix to just get sick during his first week in the modern era due to like. Not being used to the new modern germs or whatever. And to whoever did that one fanfic I'm forgetting your name at the moment I do agree that Acronix would be so dramatic about being sick. Sickly victorian child vibes. He could get the slightest fever and suddenly he's bedridden asking to be brought outside into the sunlight one last time before the illness takes hold
-on a similar thread Acronix is the kind of person who, if you tell him he has internal bleeding, would be like oh okay that's fine, that's where the blood is supposed to be.
-Krux has probably accidentally drank oil a few times while working on his steam bots
- Acronix cannot resist the urge to bite into a glowstick. It's his curse.
- I have concluded that, in terms of beach activities, Acronix would be a Sports In The Sand kind of guy except on a day where the waves were especially strong, he would run in there immediately for the danger. He would probably also end up digging a giant hole just for the hell of it. Krux would be fishing// wants to be on a boat. And tbh Krux would love collecting sea shells as well but hate that sand gets everywhere.
-If you've made it this far here's a bonus doodle
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goldfishontheceiling · 8 months
Pronouns for these HCs:
Izzy: She/They/Xe (Izzy uses neoprounouns it's canon I'm Fresh TV /j)
Eva: She/He
Owen: He/Him
Noah: He/They
- insists on driving (do NOT let her drive!!)
- loves sitting in the front
- stares out the window or sings along to the radio most of the car ride
- begs Eva to stop at the gas station
- xe always gets sour gummy worms
- no sour gummy worms? sour patch kids
- no sour patch kids? sweedish fish
- no sweedish fish? RIOT
- absolutely LOVES the water
- they go out super deep and scare the shit out of everyone
- chases the icecream truck until xe gets the whole group icecream
- *borrows bridgette's surboard* *tries to surf* *fails miserably*
- 100% brings googles
- likes catching fish with their bare hands (or teeth)
-she splashed Eva once (and got thrown headfirst into Owen's sandcastle as a result)
- collects seashells
- tries to take home crabs as pets
- a little more chill on the ride home but this is Izzy we're talking about xe's never chill
- designated driver (has road rage)
- *aggressively honks horn* "DRIVE FASTER BITCH"
- always gets some chocolate and a coffee at the gas station
- hates the radio but plays it for Izzy (she keeps the mp3 player on standby incase it gets too bad)
- mostly swims with Izzy or plays volleyball
- *plays volleyball with some strangers* *gets mad and chucks the ball at one of their faces*
- tries to relax (emphasis on the tries)
- she knows cpr!!
- he gets salt water and/or sand in her eyes everytime
- will yell at you (lovingly) if you forget to put on sunscreen
- he makes sure everyone drinks water (no Izzy ocean water doesn't count) and stays hydrated!!
- wears sunglasses pretty much the entire time
- will make sure nobody tracks sand into the car
- sits in the back with Noah
- he gets everyone to play "I spy" with him (Izzy can't focus, Noah's half asleep, and Eva's more focused on trying not to scream then things that are the color yellow)
- if the others are busy/don't want to play he usually whips out the DVD player
- did I mention that he collects DVDs? his favorite movies are cloudy with a chance of meatballs, toy story, and ratatouille
- always gets gummy sharks or jolly ranchers
- Owen packs the best snacks and brings things they all like (strawberries, veggie straws, goldfish, cheez its, etc)
- he even made sandwiches and fruit salads!!
- the water's nice and all, but the SAND!!
- he makes the best sand castles
- since Owen canonically has 3 brothers, he knows a lot of games (sand castle building contest, marco polo, "who can dig the deepest hole in 5 minutes," etc)
- gives the seashells he finds to Izzy
- speaking of Izzy, xe burries Owen in the sand atleast once everytine they go
- he ususally drives for shorter trips, but long car rides make him tired
- you can not convince me that this man doesn't latch on to Owen like a koala when he naps
- Owen angles the DVD player somewhere they could both see incase Noah wakes up
- at first, Noah just reads a book (or stares out the window when he gets carsick) but he always ends up falling asleep at some point
- whenever they stop at the gas station, Owen always makes sure to get something for Noah
- they always bring their book with them to the beach
- he protects that book like a lifeline
- once he either finishes the book or the others bug him enough, THEN he does stuff
- Izzy always tries to convince them to get in the water
- 9 times out of 10 he says no
- but on the occasional times they say yes, they almost drown
- Owen carries Noah pretty much everywhere lmao
- he doesn't really like water (and no I won't be making an IOTS refrence no matter how tempting it is)
- they help Owen with his sand castle!!
- Noah isn't much of a beach person but that doesn't mean he can't have fun
- and ofc he falls back asleep on the ride back
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dubvexx · 2 months
Idk if you guys went through this but when I started playing Undertale and deltarune I noticed just how many places undertale and deltarune music were in. Back when I used tiktok it was practically everywhere. Almost every yutube video and even some other games. (Not the music but ut refrences.)
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daenystheedreamer · 5 months
When did Jon/Satin become so popular??? Everywhere I go I hear people mention them. Usually in refrence of them having sex. What happened to the Jonsansa shippers?
oh babe this is for sure a situation where you have like walked into a fucked up small midwest corn town that's full of fucked up alien children. everywhere else is normal its just in these circles you happen to find yourself. its a twilight zone kind thing. jonsatin is like outrageously small (250 works on ao3 which is of course how all popularity should be quantified).
real answer is jonsa as a juggernaut kinda fizzled out after the show ended and much less book fans are into it. they're out there though and they are many. go into the tag you'll find em.
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love--t · 2 years
Mister Ghostface
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Pairing: Wooyoung x Fem!reader
Warnings: knife play?, mentions of a party and alcohol, refrences from the movie scream, a few swear words, short.
Genre: Fluff? a little bit sexual? Halloween, Secret admirer wooyoung.
a/n: Happy Halloween kiddos! i hope you all have a great day. I intended this to be a Halloween special for my story The lonely hearts club but it can also be read on its own.
I hope you like it, feed back is highly appreciated, please like and reblog, thank you for reading.
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The cold evening wind blew hazardly outside your home, the leafless tree branches tapping against the big living room window, making your two best friends jump up from their seat on the couch, scared expressions on their faces as they looked around trying to find the source of the tapping.
"guys, calm down" you chuckled. "it's just the wind, no need to be scaredy cats"
It was your annual Halloween sleepover. Every year you guys did the same thing. Order pizza, open a few cans of beer and watch the same horror movies in the same order.
"Turn on the patio lights" came a raspy voice from the movie playing on the tv.
"Nah girl don't do it" San begged, as he curled up closer to Sana with a bowl full of popcorn.
This tradition started all because they had crashed your one man horror movie marathon. San and Sana had gone to a Halloween party, you also being invited, weren't interested in watching badly dressed drunk teenagers, grind against each other and drink cheap alcohol. 
You didn't know if you were more scared of the horror films you had picked out or having to watch a drunk San stumble into your living room, carrying an even drunker Sana on his back, the former mumbling that they had left the party because it sucked without you.
"Sincerely San, I don't understand how you can be so scared of these films!" Sana whined "we've watched them a million times!"
She slapped the boy on the back of his head, making a high pitched ouch leave his mouth, watching him as he nursed his head.
"It's not my fault I get scared easily!" he bickerd back, pulling a strand of her pink hair.
She gasped "you did not just pull my hair," the boy mimicked the words back to her in an overly high pitched voice.
You never really understood why they kept watching these movies with you, they were easily scared.
"Can you two shut up already?" you questioned the duo, freezing comically in mid air.  You let them settle back into their seats, getting a bit closer every time a scream would ring out from the speakers of the tv, the volume a little bit too loud.
The sound of your home phone ringing made you all jump, popcorn going everywhere. Then suddenly the warm glow of the living room lights shut off. The only thing you could hear was the howling of the wind and the scared screams coming from your friends.
"Every horror movie starts like this!" Sana screeched, diving in for a hug from the equally scared San .
Shaking your head at their antics, you made your way to the kitchen cabinet, taking out a torch.
"It's the fuse box," you replied, handing the item to San, his shaky hands receiving it. "both of you go check it out".
Smiling, You watched the pair link arms and make their way to the sliding doors of the back yard, fighting about who would walk out first into the night.
The sound of the phone ringing again made your heart stop, not from frightness, but... Excitement.
 With giddy steps, you answered the phone, knowing exactly who it would be on the other side.
"Well, well , well" you said, playing with your hair, a big smile gracing your lips.  I didn't think you'd call me this year, you're late."
The only thing that came from the other side was a deep chuckle and the same question you were asked every year.
"Do you like scary movies?" The enhanced voice rasped, making you bite your lip.
"Meet you up stairs".
And with that you hung the phone and made your way up the staircase to your room. 
You walked in slowly on your toes, searching around your room for your Secret admirer but without warning a white masked intruder, dressed in all black pounced on you.
A small shriek left your body as the figure pinned you against the door, one hand holding your wrists above your head ,while the other held a knife to your throat.
"You scared me!" you laughed out.
The individual stared down at you, as their chest rose up and down, breath coming out in hurried pants, body buzzing from the adrenaline rush.
You tried to push him away but a growl left the male, as he pushed your small figure further into the door, enforcing his strength on you
 The unknown male had been sneaking into your room through the window since you were a kid, sporting a different costume every Halloween with a mask on, not once showing you his face or talking, not willing to give away his identity.
"what?" you questioned, eyes twinkling from the situation, "Do you want me to say the line?"
Everyone who knew you, knows that you have an unhealthy obsession with horror movie characters, especially ghostface from scream, even going as far to tell the male your fantasies with said character.
At your words he titled his head to the left, confused, not one sound coming from him. You just rolled your eyes and scoffed out "okay, fine" as you cleared your voice, preparing yourself for the oscar winning performance you were about to give.
"oh you wanna play psycho killer?" you taunted bringing your face closer to the masked man who nodded at your words.
Bringing up the acting by ten folds, you sported an innocent look, making bambi eyes at him.
"Can I be the helpless victim?" He nodded back once again, making you bite your lip.
"No, please don't kill me mister ghostface i want to be in the sequel" you finished, laughter messing up the last few words.
Out of no where the male dropped the fake knife, now pinning you against the door by your neck, giving it a little squeez, making a pornographic moan leave your lips, a bratty smile gracing your face at his actions.
"you're into some weird shit mister ghostface"
If only San and Sana knew what was going on here, they would have probably put you in a mental hospital.
You heard a tsk leave the figure, as he took his hands off of you, taking a few steps back, he reached into his back pocket,  presenting you with a red rose and a small bag of your favorite candy.
You pushed yourself off the door, happiness washing over you as you accepted the goodies.
"oh how will i ever repay you mister ghostface?" you gushed using the same voice as before.
"you know exactly what to do" he whispered, not loud enough to make out who the voice belonged to.
You made your way to the edge of your bed, sitting down with your legs wide open, enough space for him to sit on his knees between them.
You sighed, lifting your hand slowly to the mask making him flinch away.
"I promise i'll close my eyes," you whispered staring into his eyes, peeking through the small holes of the mask.
without another word he got closer to you, letting you slide his mask up just enough for his lips to peak out.
"Happy Halloween Mister Ghostface"
You closed your eyes and kissed his soft lips, smiling into it when you felt his leather gloved hands hold your cheeks lovingly, caressing your face with his thumb, the action creating exploding fireworks in your stomach.
The kiss was slow, gentle and passionate, a big contrast from your earlier actions.
you wanted to keep kissing him, wanted to see where the night would lead you but you were running out of time, there was only so much San and Sana could do when they found the fuse box.
Once his mask had been placed back to its rightful position, the lights turned back on, making the figure jump to his feet ready to leave out the window.
"Wait," you grabbed his hand.
"Do I know you?"
He sighs and nods.
"y/n?" You heard Sana call from down the stairs.
"Go, go, go," you whispered, pushing the male out the window.
Gasping you peaked your head out the opening, looking down at the male making sure that he was alright.
You smiled as he walked away from your house, twinkling his fingers in a goodbye. Deciding to be bold, you sent him a flying kiss, which he responded, by catching it and putting it in his pocket.
"Are you alright?" you heard come from behind you.
Turning to see sana standing in your doorway, staring at you with a judging look.
"y-y-yeah i was just checking if the other neighbors lights also went out."  a small blush rising to your cheeks at the thought of getting caught.
San makes his way up the stairs, jumping on the last step.
"what's going o- oh candy!" He threw himself at the goodie bag, taking out a red twizzler, gnawing at it cutely making you chuckle.
"y/n?" sana called to you, staring at something on the bedroom floor, you followed her gaze and what you saw made your eyes widen.
"Why is there a fake knife on your floor?
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Wooyoung watched you from the street in front of your house, a love sick smile on his face as he watched you scrunch your nose up in laughter.
His heart was beating so fast at the thought of the kiss you both shared, his lips tingling as he brushed his index and middle finger against them.
Lost in the feeling, he was brought out of his thoughts by the buzzing sound of his phone, he groaned as he stared at the caller ID, knowing he was about to get an earful.
He turned and started the trail back to his house, answering the phone call and bringing it to his ear.
"Wooyoung!" screamed Yeosang from the other line. "Where the hell are you? You literally left your own party and me alone,again!"
He chuckled at his friend's words, not caring a single bit at what he had done, the boy was too happy.
"i'll be there in 5 minutes" he replied, listening to the autmn leaves crunch under his heavy combat boots.
"Did you take my ghostface costume?"
He stopped in his track at his friends words, being caught.
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wisegirl82 · 2 years
I'm not generally a dramionie shipper but I kept seeing manacled refrenced everywhere and well . . . now that ive been ABSOLUTELY GUTTED by it I just cant seem to focus on anything else.
Manacled has a way of getting under your skin and staying there. I wasnt sure if I would care for it by the end even as I was reading it but I could stop myself from reading on and now that I'm done I must say it was 100% worth it.
The way the stroy was masterfully crafted and you can tell how much though and planning the author put into it is just beautiful. It's one of those pieces of literature that makes you think deeply about love and life and right and wrong and actions and consequences and the way the world views all of those those things. It presents the characters with impossible circumstances and choices and even if they aren't doing "good" you somehow still know they're doing everything they can to do right. Even if only to each other.
I had seen the last line quoted around while reading it but the context it was finally presented in totally changed what I thought the line meant and it was absolutely gut wrenching in the most satisfying way.
One of the darkest things I've ever read. But also one of the most compeling.
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surplus-of-sarcasm · 2 years
New Year's Snippet
Yeah, yeah. I know, it's like January 4th where I am at at least. So it is late but wtvr.
TW: Smoking, loneliness, refrences to a not-so-stellar family life
Villain perches themselves on the roof of their house and takes a long drag out of their cigarette. They let out a long-suffering sigh as their eyes flit over to the street below them, filled with bustling people rushing here and there, no doubt to get to their friends and families.
The sight of the New Year decorations makes them sick, and they let out a humourless snort as they think of how much they're reminiscent of the Grinch on Christmas. Except they don't plan to ruin anything. It's not like they care enough about this stupid holiday to harbour any feelings towards it, even those of hate.
Indifference was always the best reaction.
They take in another long drag, trying to use their cigarette as a distraction from that overwhelming feeling that leaves their chest with a tighness akin to thick, unrelenting ropes wrapped cruelly around their heart. Loneliness. And for all it was worth, Villain attempts to lie to themselves that it's not the case at all.
And no matter the number of long drags they take in, nicotine isn't magic. Whatever semblance of mellow feelings it will offer are only temporary. And it can't force Villain to learn indifference any better than they can.
They're snapped out of their miserable reverie by the telltale sound of Hero landing on their roof, clearly not going for stealth. Villain rolls their eyes and lets out an irritated sigh.
"What the hell do you want from me? Don't you have some sappy, little New Year's party to get to?" they sneer coldly.
Taking a seat next to them, rolling their eyes a little but laughing goodnaturedly, Hero simply replies with, "Indeed, I do have a New Year's celebration to get to at my sibling's house. What plans do you have Villain, besides smoking yourself into lung cancer?"
"I've got plenty of stuff to do, Hero," they answer pointedly.
"Oh really?" their nemesis quirks an amused brow, an infuriating grin playing on their lips. "I'd love to hear all about these plans, Villain. Go on, I'm listening."
"Well, I- eh, I'm going to, I'll eh. Oh, forget it!" The criminal's face flushes a bold cherry shade at how horribly they struggle to lie. And their torment is furthered by the fact that this idiocy was in front of none other than Hero.
The crime-fighter in question, finds is quite disconcerting to see the fearsome Villain from the 'WANTED' posters highly reminiscent of a rather sad cat drenched in rainwater. And Hero is determined to change that.
They'd told them once that their family never cared much for doing well, anything together. "Villain, sweetie, do you want to come over to my sibling's party? They really won't mind, and they actually love having guests over. And they do make the best steak and mashed potatoes."
"I don't want your pity!" they snap.
"It's not pity, I just thought you'd have more fun spending New Year's Eve with someone else. And it's been a while since I've brought a friend over, and yes I know we're enemies but when it comes to our relationship these are all just semantics an-"
They cut the hero off with a raised hand. "Fine, I'll go with you. But only because you said your sibling's cooking is good." They slide off the roof and throw the no longrer lit cigarette into a trashcan.
Hero practically skips down the street as they walk to their sibling's house. For the first time, all the colourful lights strung up and the streamers and figurines everywhere didn't annoy Villain, they actually looked somewhat beautiful against the snow.
Hero's sibling doesen't question it at all when they show up. Hero introduces them as a friend, using civilian names all around, and they get welcomed in like Sibling was expecting them.
True to their nemesis's words, the dinner tastes amazing, particularly the steak and mashed potatoes. Sibling is quite obviously talented in the kitchen, and Sibling's Spouse is lucky as hell really.
They pass the next few hours watching some campy New Year's movie that somehow makes Villain laugh, even if it's only a few times. They decide to play Monopoly, and there was quite possibly no one as competitive as Villain aside from Hero.
"Cheater! I saw you take that!" they point their finger at them accusingly.
The crime stopper glares at them. "That is my money. If anyone's a dirty cheat here, it's you!"
And it continues like this, until Sibling breaks them apart and suggests they do something else, so they don't end up throwing hands at each other.
Sibling's kids, two, unruly twin boys with vibrant, curly ,red locks, decide that a game of tag is the best course of action. Spouse gives their lover a wry smile, but they both agree, mostly after the boys' pestering reaches intense levels.
The children, for some odd reason, take a liking to Villain and ultimately crown them worthy of reading their bedtime story tonight. Maybe because they were the fastest and most successful at tag.
Spouse sets a large chocolate cake on the dining table. "I made this because cooking is my passion and not at all to try and impress Sibling." Their sweetheart smirks at them, kissing their cheek and Spouse blushes, kissing their hand.
"Gross!" the twins yell, making everyone giggle. Even Villain.
"It's tradition that someone cuts the cake once it's midnight," Hero tells them.
"And since you're our guest, we all think you should do the honours," Sibling says, smiling warmly.
Villain takes the knife in their hand, heart fluttering in their chest at the strange feeling they have. They feel included, wanted, something they've never felt in their own home, with their own family.
They all do out the countdown together, Villain cutting at the exact time. And it's delicious, in spite of Spouse's original doubts. Everyone, especially the kids gets seconds.
Speaking of the children, the criminal had managed to lure them into their bedroom and was now reading them a story. "Okay, so this story has children with no concept of Stranger Danger, eating a from a candy house in the middle of nowhere and they almost get eaten by a cannibalistic witch whom they murder by burning alive, and you're telling me this is a children's story?" They raise a confused brow as they slam Hansel and Gretel shut, and their words only incite giggling from the twins.
"Goodnight, Villain Civilian Name. Please come here again."
"Yeah, you have to!"
"Night, kiddies. I'll see what I can do about that." They smile fondly and the kids, ruffling each one's hair and step out of the room.
They stay up for a bit, until exhaustion overpowers them, and they fall asleep on the living room couch.
The next day, they somehow wake up in a bed. It may or may not have something to do with the sleeping Hero on the living room couch...
Indifference is not always the best emotion. Whatever it is they feel, this warmth, cannot be expressed in mere words, but it certainly wins over total apathy any day.
HAVE A GREAT 2023! <3
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