#ref: jules' background
whispercddesires · 6 months
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livewireprojects · 5 months
Lost Prince AU
I had another post setup but I felt it was getting pretty long & needed more organizing so I made this to be the master post. I'll try to edit it occasionally when needed to add posts to this.
So basically this is my version of the Sonic, I call it the "Lost Prince AU" cause I needed to call it something & it is kind of that.
Pretty much (a rewritten version) Sonic Underground happened long ago but when they celebrated the final defeat of Robotnik, Sonic disappeared. Everyone searched for him but failed to find his body but knew in some way he was out there. Four decades later Knuckles(who was put in stasis as my excuse) meets Sonic & Tails, there were some slight changes(Sonic now having green eyes & some other stuff) but Knuckles knows enough details to know in some way Sonic is the one he use to know.
Another problem though is that Sonic doesn't remember much of his past but remembers a couple things that match with the missing prince. There are moments over time were something manages to help him regain missing parts of his memories but the effects of it scare everyone.
So pretty much Sonic going about his current life while occasionally wondering what he lost while moving forward. There's people out there that know very well who he is but there's complications with this from not knowing who these people are & also worrying about Sonic's amnesia having weird conditions that scare his friends.
Just a prince lost to time slowly finding himself as stuff happens in the background.
I'm not entirely sure how to type this post out.
This version of Sonic is an amalgamation of Sonic Underground, some of the Sonic games, Sonic X & a couple things I found from interesting in the comics & decided to add it. I don't read the comics the only comic I read was the Sonic Universe one were it was just Shadow doing stuff for his job then showing a preview of Lara(Knuckles's daughter) at the end. Any bits from the comics are stuff I found at some point & worked into this.(I at one point added Zonic & made implications to Scourge but took them out cause it wasn't working out)
Some stuff is getting reworked/edited, a lot of this is a work in progress at points.
Feel free to ask about stuff involving this AU, I might not be fully able to answer stuff but I can try
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Previews of Sonic; Sonic during Sonic Underground, Sonic near the end of Sonic Underground & modern Sonic(outfit inspired by Miku Hatsune's Sonic outfit)
I'm not good at drawing Sonic characters in more mobian proportions unless I draw a human next to them
Links for stuff
Just stuff tagged for this on my blog - LINK
Posts about parts of the AU - Sonic Underground | Sonic 06(Post game)
Sketch refs (These are in not in order past when I decide to upload them to Tumblr)
Sonic(I rambled WAY too much in this) | Shadow | Royal Triplets | Queen Aleena | Jules & Chuck(Slight spoilers) | Big the cat | Cake(OC) & Vanilla | Cream, Cheese & Chocola | Cosmo | Maria | Blaze(More rambling) | Flare(OC & rambling) | Nicole | Gadget/Buddy/Newbie | Younger Venice & Silver | Amy Rose
Scrapped ideas - Zonic | Scourge
Old stuff - Old Silver & Venice refs(with a side of old designs & old vers of fankids) | Solaris Twins(Mephiles & Iblis) | Sally & Sally Jr Acorn(Slight spoilers & so much rambling) | All my old Lara the Echidna Bat Sketches | Comics/sketches from the predecessor to the Lost Prince AU(Contains content from when I was in middle school & high school, spoilers for the original version that are slight spoilers to the current/update version & questioning what I was on at the time)
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thecreaturecodex · 5 years
Gremlin, Lethargarian
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Image © Jules Pfieffer, accessed at Wordpress here
[Commissioned by @menaceomysterio, from The Phantom Tollbooth. I figure that the lethargarians are evil because they actively encourage other people to do nothing, and to set them up among gremlins as passive hazards. But I can absolutely see an argument for them to be True Neutral instead. They’re not motivated enough to make moral or ethical decisions.]
Gremlin, Lethargarian CR ¼ NE Fey This tiny humanoid figure looks lumpy and half-formed, its body covered in folds as if wearing heavy clothing. It is the color of its surroundings.
Lethargarians, or sloth gremlins, are dull and lazy little creatures that spend their time eating, sleeping or merely shirking. Their skin blends in with their environments, but at a leisurely pace. A lethargarian’s color shifts over the course of a few minutes to precisely match its background without it doing anything at all. They are slow, so they often try to ride larger creatures, or simply allow themselves to fall from heights if they need to get somewhere lower.
A lethargarian in combat is not exactly fearsome—they carry knives, but use these mostly for cutting food on the rare occasions they can be bothered to eat anything but mush. The real danger comes from their touch, which slows the reactions of other creatures. Lethargarians themselves are too lazy to attack people in general, but they can be roused occasionally by other gremlins; after all, it’s easier to go along with their more ambitious kin for a short while and then be left alone, rather than have to muster up an argument as to why to not do anything. Crueler gremlins such as jinkins and vexgits use lethargarians to set up traps or allow for easier hit and run strikes.
A lethargarian is about a foot tall and weighs 10 pounds or so. They simply cannot be bothered to go through the trouble of aging, and so can survive for surprisingly long times if undisturbed.
Lethargarian        CR ¼ XP 100 NE Tiny fey Init +0; Senses low-light vision, Perception +3 Defense AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 size) hp 3 (1d6) Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +1 Weakness vulnerable to mental attacks Offense Speed 10 ft. Melee dagger +2 (1d3-3/19-20) or touch +2 (lethargy) Space 2 ½ ft.; Reach 0 ft. Spell-like Abilities CL 1st, concentration +3 At will—feather fall 1/day—touch of idiocy Statistics Str 5, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 14 Base Atk +0; CMB -5; CMD 5 Feats Weapon Finesse Skills Bluff +6, Climb +1, Knowledge (local) +3, Perception +3, Stealth +20; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth Languages Common, Sylvan Ecology Environment any land or underground Organization solitary, squad (2-8) or colony (9-40) Treasure incidental Special Abilities Lethargy Touch (Su) A creature touched by a lethargarian must succeed a DC 12 Will save or be slowed, as per the spell, for a number of rounds equal to the lethargarian’s Charisma modifier (2 rounds for the average specimen). A creature that successfully saves is immune to the lethargy touch of that lethargarian for the next 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma based. Vulnerable to Mental Attacks (Ex) Mind-influencing spells or effects that deal damage, such as a mind thrust, deal 150% damage to a lethargarian.
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arcana-madness · 5 years
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So decided to update the ref info wise on my girl along with most outfits she wears along. Enjoy.
An apprentice with a heart of gold and a soul for adventure
Name: Stella (Reinheart last name but she doesn’t use it)
Nicks: Stell, Star, Demon
Gender: Genderfluid (usually goes by she but any pronoun is welcomed)
Height: 5’3’’
S.O.: Bisexual
Age: mid to late 20’s
Favorite food: Anything made with octopus
Favorite drink: Milk (She is a soft girl, tho can drink like a pirate)
Favorite flower: Hibiscus
Personality: At first she is calm and collected, sweet and always will help out when needed. Humble at heart and a smile always at her face, but let not that fool you much, when you know her further she is more wild, carefree and with a call for adventure. She doesn’t mind at all getting her hands dirty and will take action if needed, getting annoyed or mad when things are going either good or her way.
Beside her cam and carefree demeanor, getting on her wrong side is a sure ticket to hell, being protective and very hands on if needed to be. when she or anyone she knows are harmed or in danger she will try to sort things, as calmly as she can but if not, she will be sure to prove her point at least scaring the fuck out of someone by baring fangs, pinning someone against a wall and being very VERY angry bird.
With her LI, she will switch between sweet and spicy, as somedays she will love to cuddle, bring flowers or anything thay she finds her LI will love, and give chaste sweet kisses and be sappy and on others, will sneak a grab, 100% bedroom eyes, tease A LOT, pin in a corner and try to kiss her LI (she is small, but will manage) or random makeout sessions.
Background: Prior the three years when the plague was on it’s peak, she would always be helping out with potions and herbal cures to ease the soul of those affected, family or patient, by the disease, even before being an apprentice under a certain doctor. Many saw her as as an ally and were thankful for her risking it to help as much as she could, but others saw her as an bad omen; a demon, because when she saw the patients would not be able to resist any longer, she would make sure they could go as painless as she could make it. Stella took matters in her own hands as humanely as possible, whether it was with her own concoctions or her magic, she would work on children and the elderly, easing some families but angering others heavily because of this, carrying a heavy toll. Certain magician tho was always on edge, worried sick of her for helping them out and risking herself in the streets.
After she started to apprentices under Jules, she began to work on the Palace in the investigation on how to find a cure. Helping with her own methods, she helped many as much as she could but for Valdemar’s dismay, causing friction between the two. Stella never liked not condoned Valdemar’s methods, avoiding them most of the time along the dungeons, while Valdemar had a keen interest on Stella in general, wanting to know what made her tick and finding her an interesting subject.
Also while in the palace, she managed to meet Nadia, and cross a few words a couple times. Feeling pity for her of being under Lucio’s thumb and ideas opaque by his pride.
When Stella contracted the plague, she continued to work, struggling to keep the illness under check and not be noticed, but still got caught by Valdemar themselves on A careless action, getting her onto a cell. Somehow she managed to persuade the guards and she escape through one one the many passages around, knowing that her best choice would be to head over to the lazaret. She knew well she was done for so she headed to the docks for for her ultimate demise.
After her rebirth, and relearning much of everything as she could,her personality remain the same, she still loves to help and will always give a hand, tho the adventuring side laid dormant. She would stay most of the time on the shop, just working, reading magic and would go out doing minor house calls for just extremely simple things. But beside that not overall risky things, not even going to the forest for ingredients. This is because after her rebirth, her more wilder side was awoken and Asra had to deal with a few times she had escaped towards the forest, hunting on critters.
Magic: Her magic is elemental, having all elements at her disposal, more prominent on water magic and her secret ace would be blood manipulation, which she rarely uses it (takes s heavy toll on her being).
Flying: As a hybrid from Harpies and Sirens, She can fly plus can call her wings at will with magic. Due this, she had hollow bones to help her flight, so meaning she looks stocky but its quite lightweight.
Enhanced Strength ght: quite short but don’t let that fool you, she is stronger than she looks.
Night vision: Since she is based on Owls as a a harpy/siren species, she has enhanced eyesight and can see very well at night (magical darkness she will struggle tho)
Voice: Her voice is vital, when singing, she can entrance people, and when needed can use her magic to enhance or change its effect (sing to lure, or shriek to deafen something ect.)
Knives: she is well versed on knives and daggers and can use them proficiently.
Winter Feathering: impervious to cold (but overheats on warmer climates)
Outfits: most outfits are kinda obvious on the title, but naming a few that are more special.
The markings are when she is transformed and they will glow. The glow can be brighter or duller depending her emotions. Strong emotions (anger, happiness ect.) will make her glow bright while distressed ones (sad, depressed ect. ) will dull it.
Third outfit would be her traveling one, has a knife on her left thigh and a pouch with blood vials and magical ingredients she might need around. The underside of coat looks like a galaxy.
The hunt one would be the one she used to look for lucio( this girl ain’t hunting on a skirt, excuse me) and literally the only outfit without any blue on it.
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