#redraw over those
thatmooncake · 1 year
Aaaa by the way thanks for all the mentions and asks, my iPad has been dying for the last few weeks so I’m struggling with no big screen I can reliably use at the moment and my art software has been cutting out a lot even when it is deciding to play ball but just know I love and cherish every interaction I get 💖
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hinamie · 2 months
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i loved the colours in this scene too much not to do a redraw
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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At rest, your lungs wish to deflate, and your ribcage expands outwards.
#better drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#yiling laozu#Happy Friday the 13th!#This is scientific fact btw!#Ventilation operates through a series of active and passive forces#The active forces being muscular contraction with inhalation and exhalation having their own set of muscles.#but the interesting part is the passive forces at work:#The lungs have a certain level of elasticity to them - meaning the more they expand the more the those elastic forces are functioning-#-to try and return the system to rest (exhalation passive forces). Your diaphragm is the main force - pushing against the lungs at rest.#Your ribcage on the other hand is under a state of being pulled outwards. It *wants* to be as open as possible.#These to contradicting forces create a constant push and pull which assists in the ebb and flow of air. Most significantly with exhalation.#Now that being said - the primary action of inhalation ventilation is through control centers in your brainstem.#If you lose connection to that due to trauma you're going to need ventilation assistance.#Small note: Respiration is the cellular event of chemical exchange in the alveoli. Ventilation is airflow and pressure.#They are both important but also very different things. Sadly used interchangeably.#My anatomy nerd brain is screaming over the inaccurate ribcage...but its...recognizable. I will get it right one day.#Okay nerd rant over (I cut out a lot of stuff about pressure gradients. They are cool. To me.)#This is a redraw of an mspaint doodle I made back in april. I yearn to make the Yiling Laozu eerie as he deserves#Tear that bitch (affectionate) apart!#Been playing around with hatching for a while and its amazing how many styles there are! Not sure I'll stick with this one (but it was fun)
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quee-r-code · 9 months
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some hnk art ideas i never manage to finish
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starry-bi-sky · 2 months
Danyal Phantom Doodles uhhh i’ve got a handful of Danyal Al Ghul drawings that I like enough to share.
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#dp x dc#dpxdc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dpxdc crossover#dp x dc crossover#mediocre starry art#danyal al ghul au#danyal al ghul#dpxdc art#jumpscare appearance of shoddily done digital version of phantom done from mobile pocket procreate#he's looking at vlad fyi. that's why he looks like he's .5 seconds from committing a violence#second row middle is that one popular screencap of danny looking at lancer and iirc kwan. the fourth row middle is from a scene#where valerie as huntress tells phantom 'you're not the boss of me!' and he without saying a word. yanks off her mask right in front of#her dad. revealing her identity. before smugly sing-songing “no. but HE is~” and it was so funny i had to attempt to redraw it with Danyal#phantom was doing the soldier 'arms behind back' pose too which is like. somehow makes it funnier#those first four are recent. i drew all but the second one today. same with drawing 6. the rest are weeks old#anatomy practice is helpful but ANNOYING. wdym drawing the back profile is HARDER. why is it harder#also drawing front profiles my beloathed. how do i stop drawing you Prepubescent#out of all things Vlad was expecting from Jack's adoptive son. a sword was not one of them#shot myself in the foot with digi phantom by not doing lineart. but i guess him being hard to see is. Kinda The Whole Point LMAO. his suit#IS. after all. mimicking his dad + the whole assassin shtick.#its the brat himself. the bastard. he likes to climb things over flying.
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fujii-draws · 1 year
Realized now that the first time Dusknoir unhinged his stomach mouth wasn’t during the stoneship fight but ACTUALLY right before the betrayal???
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disruptivevoib · 2 months
One funny thing about the "drawing a piece for each song in CCCC" project is you can see my line-art progressively get thicker and thicker.
Which is why I've made a habit of updating the pieces. I keep copies of the old ones, and they're forever preserved on this hellsite, but also I want them all to fit together in a nice way once I'm done with em all. I could update each piece ofc at the end but.. ahh I like it more when I just start doing it randomly? ig?
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todayisafridaynight · 4 months
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no ones ever gonna understand how much i love daigo doin this stupid shit after dissolving the tojo
#snap chats#is this a gaiden spoiler. its been like five months catch up you nerds#ANYWAYYYYY NOO I LOVE HIM ....... this whole bit is like four seconds long but i love it so much#i just reminded myself i should probably make gaiden/y8 videos for daigo.. i'll make it a JP/ENG comp or somethn.. one day#not soon tho like its barely anything since he's not in those games Long At All but still. im lazy 💀#excuse me while i gush about daigo for twenty minutes now because hehee HE'S SO CUTE I CAN'T GET OVER IT#this is literally the middle aged equivalent of going yippee like YOU CAN TELL HE'S SO RELIEVED IT'S SO CUTE#got the energy of a student with crippling anxiety after they somehow get through giving a presentation without throwing up#AND his lil smile ......... thank you gaiden you made me wanna eat drywall with daigo's sad puppy dog eyes about kiryu#and then immediately made up for it a minute later#sorry i keep scrolling up to look at him and i love him so much. what if i threw up#i dont like using babygirl lightly but this is actually the most Babygirl frame of him ever ive decided#thats my boy .... i love my boy so much ..... he's so cute ... come so far in life congratulations king ..... ily ...#him lookin up at the sky for a minute just to breathe i know he thankin god for the fact he somehow isnt dead yet#im gonna ignore the fact all of this was for naught so i dont bash my head against a wall anyway stan daigo#im gonna be sick i love him so much#if i redraw this later shut up. i love him...#this is why i try not to look at cutscenes anymore cause when i do i feel my brain being put in a microwave and start to melt#its not my fault i love my guys so much .... ok bye i have work to do ....#and then when i finish that work i can go back to loving my guys YAAAAAY !!!!!!!
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badartbyg · 3 months
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gave birth for the first time in stardew valley. i was chatting with pam when i saw magnus in town (bookseller day) and i was like "haha wait if magnus is also here, is the baby alone?" apparently the game doesn't care about that but the image in my head of them running back to home full speed the moment they lock eyes and realize they left the baby alone is very funny.
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oozeandgoo-art · 3 months
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#oc#haven#rex#monochrome#contents: a little raunchy for tumblr#doodle#really high effort one but it's about the shapes more than anything else lol#meme redraw#comic#i may color this. the original plan was to color it. however i spent all my energy for coloring on drawing an aftermath coda#im fond of this one. there's a lot happening in it#haven and rex are both dressed "up'' to annoy the other's plus-one minor enemy#<- specific au element#rex is wearing a weezer shirt because haven knows that'll piss off taran. haven is dressed up like rex's best attempt at a mid-00s surfer#because he knows felyx cant fucking stand haven and is also into buff masc dudes dressed in jeans with rhinestones and thinks it'll be funn#to put felyx in the Lustful Colander#(he is right)#haven's house is not actually a cool neat influencer home or whatever there's no like open floorplan white walls light bamboo floor bullshi#going on here. it's all like green and red granite tile and shit. the man has been around for a very long time he knows what kind of decor#he's fond of. those ARE fish tanks in the walls though. and a spiral staircase#the man has been around for a very long time. he does not give a shit if what he likes is 'tacky'#also when the one speechbubble he says gets weird it is because he is using a magic power and forcing rex to put his cigarette out. rex is#naturally kind of annoyed about this. it used to make haven wince when he put his cigs out on his hands so he keeps doing it every time thi#happens but he has not yet cottoned on to the fact that haven has fully stopped wincing and now just thinks it's a normal habit he has#and has no idea that it's specifically aimed in his direction#also haven has no issue with giving head but rex isn't aware of that. they don't communicate well#and what Rex is actually aware of mostly consists of 'asking him to bottom turned into a giant argument and then a physical actual fight#and he broke my jaw in like four places over it and it was awesome but i didnt get what i wanted' and kind of gave up on the subject#he couldve been getting his d!ck sucked this whole time and he didnt know it. so sad#lineart
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inspirationalstarlet · 7 months
I’m interested in how other people draw flowers, as the flowers that other people draw look how they’re supposed. Like it looks like the real life flower, the flower I draw don’t really look like the real life one. Was wondering if you could give advice about how I could make them look more like the real thing?
"Of course ! I will try my best !"
"Ahem ahem !"
*Muse opens her book, out of which pictures of flowers and real flowers appears. She also gets a pen and start drawing*
Zoom in to see the whole text ! I just realised it's a little small ^^`
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"In all, what is important is to understand the shapes and colors of flowers and try to portray them. If you are curious, you can look up why each flowers look the way they do ! Some will mimick insects to attract specific pollinators, while others will just create the most colors they can to be easy spot among the green of fields or forest. Some are turned to the ground, other to the sun. They all have reasons and meaning !"
As a creator, my advice is to study, and yes, trace a bit. Most of the pictures I used here are photos I took myself, and then I traced over it to understand how the flower work. Four petals, over, under, all the little parts, the core, the stem.
And then I redraw without tracing, see if it looks alike, if not, I try to understand what I did wrong and then try drawing it again.
It comes with such training
Have some more watercolors studies I did for school !
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peppermintfreak · 1 year
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chibishortdeath · 9 months
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Random assortment of silly doodles of Simon being silly cause I think he should be allowed to be silly sometimes.
The text says (in order):
1. “God won’t let me die” on the back of some shorts lmaoooooo
2. CAUTION: Smokin’ Hot Dad and there is a grill in the middle of the shirt too. Especially hard to read cause he also has a cross necklace over it.
3. Knows exactly the abomination he is wearing and is just waiting for someone to notice it -> and the shirt itself says “Je-Sus” and as an AmongUs Jesus on it.
4. <- Looking up cool rocks (on Google)?
5. He says “eh?”
6. No text for this one but that is one of those gag shirts that has the NES controller on the chest in a specific spot, if you’ve seen them you know lol idk how else to explain them.
7. (Imagine the Simon’s Quest text box sound) HAVE SOME CHOCCY MILK CAUSE UR AWESOME! (Choccy as in chocolate, every time I read this one I think of chalk-y milk and then die a bit imagining the texture of that eeee)
8. No text, but haha dragon ball death pose
9. The one in the bottom corner says “evily scheming” in quotes cause whatever he’s thinking about is not evil at all lol
10. No text for this one, but I doodled this cause I kept missing the jump in this level, it was my first time playing it when I drew this so I was not very good yet. I love how the rings have little bats tho, like that’s such a cute detail. :3
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feisaru · 11 months
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@soccerpunching you're genuinely one of the best people I've met here bc you like almost every media I like
Apropos fighting. Remember when Adora jumps on Catra at Prom. Just them rolling on the floor. I wanted to draw that but didn't get round to it. The scene had such an energy
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cicicolorao · 8 months
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Hiiiii ummmmmm…. Elfen Lied……..
An excuse to rewrite the entire anime hidden inside an AU
I might draw more of it one day because the anime just grips me SO HARD, and also using one media’s personalities for another media’s story
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