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That’s not Brynden Rivers, Lord Bloodraven, that’s Brandon Puddle, Lord Redpigeon.
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I've made this shots next day after previous post's photos. Before releasing the pidge. It was sad to release, I've had already used to her and amazed by her trust: for a feral pigeon to sit calmly on my hand and loaf on my lap. But the henny was healthy and I've decided that it will be better to return her to the flock, while it's still early September, the weather was not cold yet. When I've held her under ny chin, she waved the head, touching my neck with her soft fluffy forehead so gently, like a sleepy kitten. I'm glad that I've had another chance to hold this wonderful birds. It's many time passed since my last pet pigeon. #pigeon #bird #redpigeon #голуб #голубь #голубка #рыжийголубь #курчатко #годпетуха #петухи #roosters #півні https://www.instagram.com/p/B5M8LrQlF8f/?igshid=15xxuvifek9of
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Feeding time at one of our Mixed aquariums, sizes are from 3″ to 5.5″ couple different strains of discus fish.
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في العام الماضي قمت بأعطاء صديقي الخاص زوج واحد كهدية، ومن هذا الزوج الوحيد انتج خمسة ابطال على مستوى بولندا. وقال لي كولباكي انا اشكرك على هذه الطيور القوية والجميلةالسلام عليكم انا احب ابلغكم انه الحمام الي عندي حمام الزاجل ودوش ڤيتا واشترناه بمبلغ وقدره وانه فار بمسابقات كثيره وهو من النوع الاصلي والنادر وانه من دم اصلي ومن افضل الانواع وانه صحته جيده جدا وانه ناس كثير اخذو مني و من الاطفالهم ونسلهم وفازو في مسابقات كثيره وكبيره وهم ومن افضل واجود الانواع الموجوده لدي وانه النوع النادر وواجبنا خدمتكم 👍🏻You can order by me original pigeons 100% bloodlines best quality of racing pigeons in Europe Contact tel +49 1511 290 1511 YOU WANT PERFECT PIGEONS? YOU WANT HELP IN RACING AND BREED? THEN CONTACT ME Tel or Whatsapp: +49 1511 290 1511 English,German,Polish,Arabic,Farsi KULBACKI international 2017© YOU WANT HEALTHY PIGEONS WITH BEST RESULTS YOU LOOKING AFTER BEST BLOODLINE IN PIGEONS SPORT YOU WANT MORE INFOMATIONS ABOUT THE MODERN NEW RACING AND BREEDING SYSTEM IN EUROPE; THEN CONTACT ME I HELP YOU TO BE THE BEST IN RACING PIGEONS SPORT. Kulbacki Racing Piceons Champion 1999-2017 ONLY NATURE FOR MY PIGEONS, NO MEDICINE AND BEST RESULTS OVER 79 BEST PIGEONS IN CLUB IF YOU HAVE MY PIGEONS I HELP YOU WITH SPECIALE RACING AND BREEDING SYSTEME TEL +49 1511 290 1511 I VISIT LOFTS AROUND THE WORLD WHATSAPP +49 1511 290 1511 Come to my channel on youtube PRZEMYSLAW KULBACKI #videopigeon #middleeastpigeons #pigeonsfood #pigeonspedigrees #GERMANYpigeons #birds #chinapigeons #futurepigeons #fastpigeons #pigeons #pigeonsfans #birdphotography #strongpigeons #pigeonsofnextcentury #pigeonsofinstagram #kulbacki #2pacshakur #redpigeons #forsalepigeons #iraqpigeons #filmpigeons #taubentraining #girlcollection #musicpigeons #janssenpigeons #snowpigeon #blackpigeon #pigeonphotography #modernpigeon #wonderpigeon
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In the beginning of September I brought home a young pigeon hen whose legs was tied with string. Not tightly, but it obstructed the movement of her legs. I removed the string, and since the pigeon was quite emaciated, kept her in my home for two days before releasing. Gave her a good amount of food. It's interesting how quickly the pigeons become more tame and start to trust. They don't afraid of human hands as strongly as untamed chickens or quails. #голубь #голубка #рыжийголубь #птица #голуб #пташка #курчатко #цыпа #pigeon #redpigeon #youngpigeon #pigeonhen https://www.instagram.com/p/B5CJQ3Rlg2u/?igshid=z6yr2vklnhh8
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Nowy film na youtube new video on youtube neue Filme YOUTUBE CHANNEL PRZEMYSLAW KULBACKI KULBACKI BEST QUALITY OF RACING PIGEONS 1999-2017 CHAMPION Subscribes my channel on youtube: https://m.youtube.com/user/przemek9540?sub_confirmation=1 Tel or Whatsapp: +49 1511 290 1511 English,German,Polish,Arabic,Farsi KULBACKI international 2017© YOU WANT HEALTHY PIGEONS WITH BEST RESULTS YOU LOOKING AFTER BEST BLOODLINE IN PIGEONS SPORT YOU WANT MORE INFOMATIONS ABOUT THE MODERN NEW RACING AND BREEDING SYSTEM IN EUROPE; THEN CONTACT ME I HELP YOU TO BE THE BEST IN RACING PIGEONS SPORT. Kulbacki Racing Piceons Champion 1999-2017 ONLY NATURE FOR MY PIGEONS, NO MEDICINE AND BEST RESULTS OVER 79 BEST PIGEONS IN CLUB IF YOU HAVE MY PIGEONS I HELP YOU WITH SPECIALE RACING AND BREEDING SYSTEME TEL +49 1511 290 1511 I VISIT LOFTS AROUND THE WORLD WHATSAPP +49 1511 290 1511 Come to my channel on youtube PRZEMYSLAW KULBACKI #buchweizen #boxing #kurdistan #pigeonsfood #pedigrees #GERMANY #birds #chinapigeons #futurepigeons #fastpigeons #pigeons #pigeonsfans #birdphotography #strongpigeons #pigeonsofnextcentury #pigeonsofinstagram #kulbacki #2pacshakur #redpigeons #forsale #iraq #anhänger #taubentraining #girlcollection #music #janssen #taubenanhänger #blackpigeon #pigeonphotography #erbil (hier: Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany)
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Гули всегда так рады пшену! Одни из любимых зерен у голубей и маленьких цыплят. Они инстинктивно тянутся к круглым желтым зернышкам, даже если видят их впервые в жизни. #голуби #гулечки #кормлениеголубей #птицы #голубинаястая #гулі #голубинастая #годуванняголубів #голуб #голубь #рыжийголубь #pigeons #pigeon #pigeonflock #pigeonsfeeding #redpigeon #birds #pidges (Алея) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPvEiV2FiXz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Nowy film na youtube new video on youtube neue Filme YOUTUBE CHANNEL PRZEMYSLAW KULBACKI KULBACKI BEST QUALITY OF RACING PIGEONS 1999-2017 CHAMPION Subscribes my channel on youtube: https://m.youtube.com/user/przemek9540?sub_confirmation=1 Tel or Whatsapp: +49 1511 290 1511 English,German,Polish,Arabic,Farsi KULBACKI international 2017© YOU WANT HEALTHY PIGEONS WITH BEST RESULTS YOU LOOKING AFTER BEST BLOODLINE IN PIGEONS SPORT YOU WANT MORE INFOMATIONS ABOUT THE MODERN NEW RACING AND BREEDING SYSTEM IN EUROPE; THEN CONTACT ME I HELP YOU TO BE THE BEST IN RACING PIGEONS SPORT. Kulbacki Racing Piceons Champion 1999-2017 ONLY NATURE FOR MY PIGEONS, NO MEDICINE AND BEST RESULTS OVER 79 BEST PIGEONS IN CLUB IF YOU HAVE MY PIGEONS I HELP YOU WITH SPECIALE RACING AND BREEDING SYSTEME TEL +49 1511 290 1511 I VISIT LOFTS AROUND THE WORLD WHATSAPP +49 1511 290 1511 Come to my channel on youtube PRZEMYSLAW KULBACKI #videopigeon #middleeastpigeons #pigeonsfood #pigeonspedigrees #GERMANYpigeons #birds #chinapigeons #futurepigeons #fastpigeons #pigeons #pigeonsfans #birdphotography #strongpigeons #pigeonsofnextcentury #pigeonsofinstagram #kulbacki #2pacshakur #redpigeons #forsalepigeons #iraqpigeons #filmpigeons #taubentraining #girlcollection #musicpigeons #janssenpigeons #snowpigeon #blackpigeon #pigeonphotography #modernpigeon #wonderpigeon
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#голуби #гули #гулечки #голубинаястая #коричневыйголубь #голуб #стаяголубей #городскиеголуби #стаяголубів #міськіголуби #рудийголуб #pigeon #pigeons #pigeonflock #redpigeon #citypigeons #loafing #sunbathingbirds #голубигреются
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في العام الماضي قمت بأعطاء صديقي الخاص زوج واحد كهدية، ومن هذا الزوج الوحيد انتج خمسة ابطال على مستوى بولندا. وقال لي كولباكي انا اشكرك على هذه الطيور القوية والجميلةالسلام عليكم انا احب ابلغكم انه الحمام الي عندي حمام الزاجل ودوش ڤيتا واشترناه بمبلغ وقدره وانه فار بمسابقات كثيره وهو من النوع الاصلي والنادر وانه من دم اصلي ومن افضل الانوا�� وانه صحته جيده جدا وانه ناس كثير اخذو مني و من الاطفالهم ونسلهم وفازو في مسابقات كثيره وكبيره وهم ومن افضل واجود الانواع الموجوده لدي وانه النوع النادر وواجبنا خدمتكم 👍🏻You can order by me original pigeons 100% bloodlines best quality of racing pigeons in Europe Contact tel +49 1511 290 1511 YOU WANT PERFECT PIGEONS? YOU WANT HELP IN RACING AND BREED? THEN CONTACT ME Tel or Whatsapp: +49 1511 290 1511 English,German,Polish,Arabic,Farsi KULBACKI international 2017© YOU WANT HEALTHY PIGEONS WITH BEST RESULTS YOU LOOKING AFTER BEST BLOODLINE IN PIGEONS SPORT YOU WANT MORE INFOMATIONS ABOUT THE MODERN NEW RACING AND BREEDING SYSTEM IN EUROPE; THEN CONTACT ME I HELP YOU TO BE THE BEST IN RACING PIGEONS SPORT. Kulbacki Racing Piceons Champion 1999-2017 ONLY NATURE FOR MY PIGEONS, NO MEDICINE AND BEST RESULTS OVER 79 BEST PIGEONS IN CLUB IF YOU HAVE MY PIGEONS I HELP YOU WITH SPECIALE RACING AND BREEDING SYSTEME TEL +49 1511 290 1511 I VISIT LOFTS AROUND THE WORLD WHATSAPP +49 1511 290 1511 Come to my channel on youtube PRZEMYSLAW KULBACKI #videopigeon #middleeastpigeons #pigeonsfood #pigeonspedigrees #GERMANYpigeons #birds #chinapigeons #futurepigeons #fastpigeons #pigeons #pigeonsfans #birdphotography #strongpigeons #pigeonsofnextcentury #pigeonsofinstagram #kulbacki #2pacshakur #redpigeons #forsalepigeons #iraqpigeons #filmpigeons #taubentraining #girlcollection #musicpigeons #janssenpigeons #snowpigeon #blackpigeon #pigeonphotography #modernpigeon #wonderpigeon
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السلام عليكم انا احب ابلغكم انه الحمام الي عندي حمام الزاجل ودوش ڤيتا واشترناه بمبلغ وقدره وانه فار بمسابقات كثيره وهو من النوع الاصلي والنادر وانه من دم اصلي ومن افضل الانواع وانه صحته جيده جدا وانه ناس كثير اخذو مني و من الاطفالهم ونسلهم وفازو في مسابقات كثيره وكبيره وهم ومن افضل واجود الانواع الموجوده لدي وانه النوع النادر وواجبنا خدمتكم 👍🏻You can order by me original pigeons 100% bloodlines best quality of racing pigeons in Europe Contact tel +49 1511 290 1511 YOU WANT PERFECT PIGEONS? YOU WANT HELP IN RACING AND BREED? THEN CONTACT ME Tel or Whatsapp: +49 1511 290 1511 English,German,Polish,Arabic,Farsi KULBACKI international 2017© YOU WANT HEALTHY PIGEONS WITH BEST RESULTS YOU LOOKING AFTER BEST BLOODLINE IN PIGEONS SPORT YOU WANT MORE INFOMATIONS ABOUT THE MODERN NEW RACING AND BREEDING SYSTEM IN EUROPE; THEN CONTACT ME I HELP YOU TO BE THE BEST IN RACING PIGEONS SPORT. Kulbacki Racing Piceons Champion 1999-2017 ONLY NATURE FOR MY PIGEONS, NO MEDICINE AND BEST RESULTS OVER 79 BEST PIGEONS IN CLUB IF YOU HAVE MY PIGEONS I HELP YOU WITH SPECIALE RACING AND BREEDING SYSTEME TEL +49 1511 290 1511 I VISIT LOFTS AROUND THE WORLD WHATSAPP +49 1511 290 1511 Come to my channel on youtube PRZEMYSLAW KULBACKI #videopigeon #middleeastpigeons #pigeonsfood #pigeonspedigrees #GERMANYpigeons #birds #chinapigeons #futurepigeons #fastpigeons #pigeons #pigeonsfans #birdphotography #strongpigeons #pigeonsofnextcentury #pigeonsofinstagram #kulbacki #2pacshakur #redpigeons #forsalepigeons #iraqpigeons #filmpigeons #taubentraining #girlcollection #musicpigeons #janssenpigeons #snowpigeon #blackpigeon #pigeonphotography #modernpigeon #wonderpigeon
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Nowy film na youtube new video on youtube neue Filme YOUTUBE CHANNEL PRZEMYSLAW KULBACKI KULBACKI BEST QUALITY OF RACING PIGEONS 1999-2017 CHAMPION Subscribes my channel on youtube: https://m.youtube.com/user/przemek9540?sub_confirmation=1 Tel or Whatsapp: +49 1511 290 1511 English,German,Polish,Arabic,Farsi KULBACKI international 2017© YOU WANT HEALTHY PIGEONS WITH BEST RESULTS YOU LOOKING AFTER BEST BLOODLINE IN PIGEONS SPORT YOU WANT MORE INFOMATIONS ABOUT THE MODERN NEW RACING AND BREEDING SYSTEM IN EUROPE; THEN CONTACT ME I HELP YOU TO BE THE BEST IN RACING PIGEONS SPORT. Kulbacki Racing Piceons Champion 1999-2017 ONLY NATURE FOR MY PIGEONS, NO MEDICINE AND BEST RESULTS OVER 79 BEST PIGEONS IN CLUB IF YOU HAVE MY PIGEONS I HELP YOU WITH SPECIALE RACING AND BREEDING SYSTEME TEL +49 1511 290 1511 I VISIT LOFTS AROUND THE WORLD WHATSAPP +49 1511 290 1511 Come to my channel on youtube PRZEMYSLAW KULBACKI #buchweizen #boxing #USA #pigeonsfood #pedigrees #GERMANY #birds #chinapigeons #futurepigeons #fastpigeons #pigeons #pigeonsfans #birdphotography #strongpigeons #pigeonsofnextcentury #pigeonsofinstagram #kulbacki #2pacshakur #redpigeons #forsale #taiwan #anhänger #taubentraining #girlcollection #music #janssen #taubenanhänger #blackpigeon #pigeonphotography #nasa
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Nowy film na youtube new video on youtube neue Filme YOUTUBE CHANNEL PRZEMYSLAW KULBACKI KULBACKI BEST QUALITY OF RACING PIGEONS 1999-2017 CHAMPION Subscribes my channel on youtube: https://m.youtube.com/user/przemek9540?sub_confirmation=1 Tel or Whatsapp: +49 1511 290 1511 English,German,Polish,Arabic,Farsi KULBACKI international 2017© YOU WANT HEALTHY PIGEONS WITH BEST RESULTS YOU LOOKING AFTER BEST BLOODLINE IN PIGEONS SPORT YOU WANT MORE INFOMATIONS ABOUT THE MODERN NEW RACING AND BREEDING SYSTEM IN EUROPE; THEN CONTACT ME I HELP YOU TO BE THE BEST IN RACING PIGEONS SPORT. Kulbacki Racing Piceons Champion 1999-2017 ONLY NATURE FOR MY PIGEONS, NO MEDICINE AND BEST RESULTS OVER 79 BEST PIGEONS IN CLUB IF YOU HAVE MY PIGEONS I HELP YOU WITH SPECIALE RACING AND BREEDING SYSTEME TEL +49 1511 290 1511 I VISIT LOFTS AROUND THE WORLD WHATSAPP +49 1511 290 1511 Come to my channel on youtube PRZEMYSLAW KULBACKI #buchweizen #boxing #USA #pigeonsfood #pedigrees #GERMANY #birds #chinapigeons #futurepigeons #fastpigeons #pigeons #pigeonsfans #birdphotography #strongpigeons #pigeonsofnextcentury #pigeonsofinstagram #kulbacki #2pacshakur #redpigeons #forsale #taiwan #anhänger #taubentraining #girlcollection #music #janssen #taubenanhänger #blackpigeon #pigeonphotography #nasa
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في العام الماضي قمت بأعطاء صديقي الخاص زوج واحد كهدية، ومن هذا الزوج الوحيد انتج خمسة ابطال على مستوى بولندا. وقال لي كولباكي انا اشكرك على هذه الطيور القوية والجميلةالسلام عليكم انا احب ابلغكم انه الحمام الي عندي حمام الزاجل ودوش ڤيتا واشترناه بمبلغ وقدره وانه فار بمسابقات كثيره وهو من النوع الاصلي والنادر وانه من دم اصلي ومن افضل الانواع وانه صحته جيده جدا وانه ناس كثير اخذو مني و من الاطفالهم ونسلهم وفازو في مسابقات كثيره وكبيره وهم ومن افضل واجود الانواع الموجوده لدي وانه النوع النادر وواجبنا خدمتكم 👍🏻You can order by me original pigeons 100% bloodlines best quality of racing pigeons in Europe Contact tel +49 1511 290 1511 YOU WANT PERFECT PIGEONS? YOU WANT HELP IN RACING AND BREED? THEN CONTACT ME Tel or Whatsapp: +49 1511 290 1511 English,German,Polish,Arabic,Farsi KULBACKI international 2017© YOU WANT HEALTHY PIGEONS WITH BEST RESULTS YOU LOOKING AFTER BEST BLOODLINE IN PIGEONS SPORT YOU WANT MORE INFOMATIONS ABOUT THE MODERN NEW RACING AND BREEDING SYSTEM IN EUROPE; THEN CONTACT ME I HELP YOU TO BE THE BEST IN RACING PIGEONS SPORT. Kulbacki Racing Piceons Champion 1999-2017 ONLY NATURE FOR MY PIGEONS, NO MEDICINE AND BEST RESULTS OVER 79 BEST PIGEONS IN CLUB IF YOU HAVE MY PIGEONS I HELP YOU WITH SPECIALE RACING AND BREEDING SYSTEME TEL +49 1511 290 1511 I VISIT LOFTS AROUND THE WORLD WHATSAPP +49 1511 290 1511 Come to my channel on youtube PRZEMYSLAW KULBACKI #videopigeon #middleeastpigeons #pigeonsfood #pigeonspedigrees #GERMANYpigeons #birds #chinapigeons #futurepigeons #fastpigeons #pigeons #pigeonsfans #birdphotography #strongpigeons #pigeonsofnextcentury #pigeonsofinstagram #kulbacki #2pacshakur #redpigeons #forsalepigeons #iraqpigeons #filmpigeons #taubentraining #girlcollection #musicpigeons #janssenpigeons #snowpigeon #blackpigeon #pigeonphotography #modernpigeon #wonderpigeon
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Next shipping #AUSTRALIA في العام الماضي قمت بأعطاء صديقي الخاص زوج واحد كهدية، ومن هذا الزوج الوحيد انتج خمسة ابطال على مستوى بولندا. وقال لي كولباكي انا اشكرك على هذه الطيور القوية والجميلةالسلام عليكم انا احب ابلغكم انه الحمام الي عندي حمام الزاجل ودوش ڤيتا واشترناه بمبلغ وقدره وانه فار بمسابقات كثيره وهو من النوع الاصلي والنادر وانه من دم اصلي ومن افضل الانواع وانه صحته جيده جدا وانه ناس كثير اخذو مني و من الاطفالهم ونسلهم وفازو في مسابقات كثيره وكبيره وهم ومن افضل واجود الانواع الموجوده لدي وانه النوع النادر وواجبنا خدمتكم 👍🏻You can order by me original pigeons 100% bloodlines best quality of racing pigeons in Europe Contact tel +49 1511 290 1511 YOU WANT PERFECT PIGEONS? YOU WANT HELP IN RACING AND BREED? THEN CONTACT ME Tel or Whatsapp: +49 1511 290 1511 English,German,Polish,Arabic,Farsi KULBACKI international 2017© YOU WANT HEALTHY PIGEONS WITH BEST RESULTS YOU LOOKING AFTER BEST BLOODLINE IN PIGEONS SPORT YOU WANT MORE INFOMATIONS ABOUT THE MODERN NEW RACING AND BREEDING SYSTEM IN EUROPE; THEN CONTACT ME I HELP YOU TO BE THE BEST IN RACING PIGEONS SPORT. Kulbacki Racing Piceons Champion 1999-2017 ONLY NATURE FOR MY PIGEONS, NO MEDICINE AND BEST RESULTS OVER 79 BEST PIGEONS IN CLUB IF YOU HAVE MY PIGEONS I HELP YOU WITH SPECIALE RACING AND BREEDING SYSTEME TEL +49 1511 290 1511 I VISIT LOFTS AROUND THE WORLD WHATSAPP +49 1511 290 1511 Come to my channel on youtube PRZEMYSLAW KULBACKI #videopigeon #middleeastpigeons #pigeonsfood #pigeonspedigrees #GERMANYpigeons #birds #chinapigeons #futurepigeons #fastpigeons #pigeons #pigeonsfans #birdphotography #strongpigeons #pigeonsofnextcentury #pigeonsofinstagram #kulbacki #2pacshakur #redpigeons #forsalepigeons #iraqpigeons #filmpigeons #taubentraining #girlcollection #musicpigeons #janssenpigeons #snowpigeon #blackpigeon #pigeonphotography #modernpigeon
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Next shipping #AUSTRALIA في العام الماضي قمت بأعطاء صديقي الخاص زوج واحد كهدية، ومن هذا الزوج الوحيد انتج خمسة ابطال على مستوى بولندا. وقال لي كولباكي انا اشكرك على هذه الطيور القوية والجميلةالسلام عليكم انا احب ابلغكم انه الحمام الي عندي حمام الزاجل ودوش ڤيتا واشترناه بمبلغ وقدره وانه فار بمسابقات كثيره وهو من النوع الاصلي والنادر وانه من دم اصلي ومن افضل الانواع وانه صحته جيده جدا وانه ناس كثير اخذو مني و من الاطفالهم ونسلهم وفازو في مسابقات كثيره وكبيره وهم ومن افضل واجود الانواع الموجوده لدي وانه النوع النادر وواجبنا خدمتكم 👍🏻You can order by me original pigeons 100% bloodlines best quality of racing pigeons in Europe Contact tel +49 1511 290 1511 YOU WANT PERFECT PIGEONS? YOU WANT HELP IN RACING AND BREED? THEN CONTACT ME Tel or Whatsapp: +49 1511 290 1511 English,German,Polish,Arabic,Farsi KULBACKI international 2017© YOU WANT HEALTHY PIGEONS WITH BEST RESULTS YOU LOOKING AFTER BEST BLOODLINE IN PIGEONS SPORT YOU WANT MORE INFOMATIONS ABOUT THE MODERN NEW RACING AND BREEDING SYSTEM IN EUROPE; THEN CONTACT ME I HELP YOU TO BE THE BEST IN RACING PIGEONS SPORT. Kulbacki Racing Piceons Champion 1999-2017 ONLY NATURE FOR MY PIGEONS, NO MEDICINE AND BEST RESULTS OVER 79 BEST PIGEONS IN CLUB IF YOU HAVE MY PIGEONS I HELP YOU WITH SPECIALE RACING AND BREEDING SYSTEME TEL +49 1511 290 1511 I VISIT LOFTS AROUND THE WORLD WHATSAPP +49 1511 290 1511 Come to my channel on youtube PRZEMYSLAW KULBACKI #videopigeon #middleeastpigeons #pigeonsfood #pigeonspedigrees #GERMANYpigeons #birds #chinapigeons #futurepigeons #fastpigeons #pigeons #pigeonsfans #birdphotography #strongpigeons #pigeonsofnextcentury #pigeonsofinstagram #kulbacki #2pacshakur #redpigeons #forsalepigeons #iraqpigeons #filmpigeons #taubentraining #girlcollection #musicpigeons #janssenpigeons #snowpigeon #blackpigeon #pigeonphotography #modernpigeon
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