hvacreferguy · 7 years
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Last weekend, I got a chance to go to the Hangar 24 Brewery in Redlands, CA. What a cool place with some great beers. Personally, I love wheat beer. Was not able to see the chiller in action and how the beer making process works. However, it was well worth the time. #hangar24 #redlands #redlandsca #redlandsairfield #brewery #brewerylife #beer #hefeweizen #wheatbeer #cool #supercool #😍 (at Redlands Municipal Airport)
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assaultind · 7 years
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What a day!!! We love all things #aviation! #airfest2017 #redlandsairfield #h24 #hanger24 #AssaultEquipped💪 #playdirty #assaultmedia (at Redlands Municipal Airport)
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