#redeemed-ish Vlad
tiny-space-platypus · 2 months
Never really fit back in
Part 2 Daniel or Danyal or Danny?
Danyal took a deep breath. There was only one person who could bring him to his brother. One person who could get him into the Wayne household. Vlad Masters, his godfather, though things were getting better with Vlad it was still awkward. He doubted he'd ever fully trust him but he was the only adult around who knew what he was and at least for right now wasn't trying to kill him for it. Plus he had access to the Wayne Galas and as his heir Danny did too.
"Daniel" Vlad smiled at him and offered him a seat at his table. "I was quite surprised when you asked to have a meeting with me" Danyal took a seat as dinner was served to them. He hesitated before speaking. Danny had been trying to prepare what to say to Vlad all day but now he was here, his mind went blank.
"I-" He paused as he pursed his lips before stealing his nerves once again. "I'd like to take up your offer of being your heir." Vlad stopped moving for a second as his smile faltered. he stared at Daniel. The silence was deafening. Danyal continued or well rambled after an uncomfortably long few minutes of silence. "The Fenton household hasn't felt safe in.. Well it's never been safe but ever since my accident it's just gotten worse. The house is always attacking me, even though my parents- Even though Maddie and Jack know I'm Phantom now that hasn't stopped them- actually I think they've just been ignoring me. And-"
"Since Jazz left for college, I've only really had Sam and Tucker but-"
"They're now busy preparing for their own futures and all that-"
"Daniel!" Vlad spoke a little louder silencing Danny again then sighed. "I will gladly take you in, Daniel. It's the least I can do for you" Danyal relaxed a bit, though not too much. Vlad might be better now but he's still a power hungry fruitloop. Danny still had to be careful but at least Vlad's manor wasn't actively trying to destroy him. At least Vlad acknowledged his existence. And so Danny's new life began.
A few new changes happened after he started to live with Vlad. One he changed his legal name to Danyal (it just felt more real), he and Vlad still argue over changing his last name over to Masters but Danny's not ready for that. Danny had to start taking etiquette classes from both Dorothy and Vlad, Vlad had gotten him plenty of suits and other more comfortable clothes, and Danny had full access to his lab. Though Danny didn't go down there often, it gave him the creeps in a bad way. Most labs did at this point. Instead he had taken over a large room and had a work desk where he tinkered on what ever her felt like tinkering on, or schoolwork, or the loads of paper work he had to do for the Infinite Realms. It was kind of nice having Vlad help with that though at least someone could explain what half of it meant and wasn't as secretive as Clockwork.
Four months passed and things were going great actually. Things were finally starting to feel alright again, maybe this was the best decision. Eventually Danny did tell Vlad about being Damian's brother only because he would have to confront Damian at the Wayne Christmas gala.
Damian just like his other siblings dreaded the galas but they were important. It was important to keep building relationships with the public and the rich. It was important to keep a mask on and play the very rich found family of Brucie Wayne. It was important to keep their night life out of the picture.
Damian got ready with his siblings as usual. He listened and complained with them about the Gala as Jason laughed and praised being "dead". At least being the youngest meant he wasn't as bothered by the guests as the rest of his siblings were. All he had to do was introduce himself to the guests, have his picture taken a thousand times and lurk around the party. A boring night that would be much better spent on patrol. Though he was just has confident that the others could Patrol Gotham without them as his father.
The gala was about normal, he greeted guests with his father as Tim went out to do some networking. Dick playing as his usual self, Cass lurking around, Steph tormenting people by being her eccentric self, and Duke wandering around and making small talk. The night was normal till Masters arrived.
By that point Damian had broken off from his father and went to see and spend time with his siblings. Though something felt off after about a half hour. Damian went to report this to his father only to find him still speaking with Masters who had a boy with him. He paid no mind to him. "Father there's-" Damian paused then looked at the boy standing next to Masters who was smiling at him.
Danyal. That was Danyal. That was Danyal. That was Danyal.
Damian just stared at Danny with a look of horror that his father caught quickly. Before Bruce could pull Damian away he heard his brother speak.
"Hello, Damian. It's nice to see you again"
Bruce had never seen his son like that before. He had never seen that look on his son's face before. Something had to be wrong he just didn't know what yet. Bruce excused both himself and Damian from the Masters and brought Damian over to the others. He looked at his son who looked both terrified and shell shocked. Bruce spoke softly.
"Damian, are you alright chum?"
Damian started to hyperventilate and mumble in Arabic. Damian normally spoke in Arabic when upset but this was very clearly different. Bruce brought Damian to his room, not because he was in trouble but because he was freaking out and needed some quiet. That night for the first time Damian openly cried in front of Bruce. That night for the first time Damian held onto Bruce like his life depended on it and sobbed. That night for the first time Damian sobbed into his father.
Bruce didn't know what the Masters did to his son but they won't get away with it. That he swore. He'll have Tim and Barbara look into them later for now his son needs him.
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itshype · 2 years
Kingmaker, Kingbreaker, Crowntaker, Realmshaker (DC x DP)
Idk how many people who follow me know but I love my notfics so here...
A Kingmaker Danny Phantom where he's not (technically) king after defeating Pariah Dark because he's still uhm… a child (who is untrained in diplomacy and barely knows anything about Ghost Culture), but whoever replaces Pariah is fully aware than Danny could at any time beat them up and install someone else in their place. Maybe it's not even explicit and Danny doesn't know.
Pandora tells him: "Oh, we got a new king of the ghost zone, nah, you don't know her but she's tight with me and Frostbite. But we're not really having her use the crown and ring, they're going to be for emergencies only." and Danny is like "oh cool, my buddies approve of the new king, I don't need to be further involved!" but because of this assumption, he doesn't go to the coronation, and it turns into a huge source of tension because like:
"Why should we be concerned about any decrees given by the new king, when at literally any moment, Danny Phantom, the BAMF, the myth, the legend, is probably going to show up and give a legendary smackdown and make this ghost Pariah's new roomie?" Then some of Danny's long-time foes start to play very nice with him, in the hopes that when (not if) Danny decides to replace the new king that they might be in the running for a minor barony or something under the new regime. Danny does not think this about-face through, just thinking 'oh this is neat! how convenient that everyone wants to be my friend now!' Ghosts often refer to him as 'ghost child' and I love the idea of him being the little brother of the entirety of the amity park-adjacent section of the infinity realms. Johnny could teach him how to ride a motorbike, skulker could teach him some ghost engineering (assuming he is involved in the construction of his own suit) etc. These rumours of the upcoming 'next king' who doesn't even exist, of course gets back to the new king and she's like
"idk what I have done to anger Kingbreaker Danny, he hasn't even given me a chance!" SO!!! She decides to reach out to some humans she knows for advice on how to win over a little boy (her creepy insinuation very much unintended on her part). Here are some options of varying hilarity for how she could go because I couldn't pick just one!
Vlad!: Your standard, non-crossover option. I personally love redeemed Vlad content (maybe Maddy crosses a line and his Obsession with her snaps), and this could be amusing if the king doesn't give many details so he doesn't realise it's Danny, and then when he does realise, freaks out about having adoptive parent competition.
Constantine/Zatanna: Both magic-y people, they could have summoned her at one point before or after her coronation.
Wonder Woman!!: If the king knows Pandora maybe Pandora referred her as an old buddy of some of the gods or other amazons. The king could just say they need to talk to a human expert not connected to Danny without giving more detail and pandora could say "oh yeah, the gods who created me have some human-ish relatives and one of them even lives with other humans. she's basically my cousin!" meanwhile Diana has never met pandora and doesn't know anything about her outside of the OG myth.
Superman: Danny shares a lot of superman's powers, plus they both have that OP vibe, PLUS share the "one foot in each world" type of thing that could lead the king to think he was the best option. Unsure why they would've met so reaching out as a stranger would add a different vibe.
The Flash: his speed powers canonically come from another dimension that he calls the speed force. do you know what is also another dimension? the ghost zone. The flash is that annoying neighbour who occasionally dangles an extension cord over your fence to use your electricity, and will not stop using your Wi-Fi because it runs faster than his. The king figures he owes her and if he won't then she'll change the speed force Wi-Fi password...metaphorically.
Actually, you know what, ghost king threatening all speedsters on Earth if they don't help her woo a teenager is the funniest option. So, we’re continuing with that. Obviously, the flash doesn't want to lose his abilities! But also, this smacks of a creepy grooming situation. The flash then has to awkwardly explain to the entire justice league that his speed is being held hostage by a dead cougar who wants to seduce a human teenage boy for reasons that may be illicit but are jenky at the very least. There are hundreds of Danny joins the batfam fics so I don't think this story needs to go in that direction, but batman would probably have to be involved at this point just to figure out who the "teenage victim" is. That is how Danny Fenton meets most of the main justice league with them not even having an inkling he's dead/secretly a ghost hero. Most batpham fics I've read where the batclan figures out Phantom's identity, they see him fight ghosts and look up ghost experts, find his parents, see a family photo and then make the visual connection. Like superman, Danny's identity is mostly in the clear because no one would think that a ghost would even have a secret identity - he's dead (and thanks to the time travel he's done appears to have been dead for centuries), who would he need to be protecting?? But this time, the ghosts are all playing buddy-buddy with Danny so phantom hasn't necessarily had any super public fights recently that would make investigating protections against ghost attacks a priority for the bats that would lead them to holding up a picture of Danny next to a picture of phantom. Mostly, Danny goes ghost to play with cujo (I love cujo), or visit the ghost zone. Casper high students are BAFFLED at Fenton's eclectic friend group btw, though considering his parents the ghost dog totally tracks for them. *GASP* service dog Cujo....but that's another post for another time. Jasmine Fenton is not impressed. This could also be Sam or Tucker, or any of Danny's newest ghost buddies if you like but as an oldest sibling I have OPINIONS. She thinks Danny is safest taking this perv ghost on himself and not risking a possessed/overshadowed justice league or even just the justice league themselves. That's right kids, the justice league is often in canon closely associated with the USA government - the same government who put the anti-ecto acts into place. NOW! a lot of crossover fics have the justice league completely clueless about the anti-ecto laws and GIW. I don't always find that realistic. The entirety of the justice league dark is pretty closely involved with the dead and ghosts (deadman IS a ghost), clark is an investigative journalist married/dating/besties with another, award winning investigative journalist, Bruce is the most paranoid and well informed man alive with two sons plus one batgirl who have died and been brought back through mystical or scientific means, Diana is (in some canons) meant to be an ambassador representing her people to the entirety of mankind. So, none of them even being vaguely aware of this new law does NOT track for me. I think a few possibilities are...possible: - They know about the laws, read a few scientific papers on ecto-entities written by "experts" which would include the Fenton parents and pre-redemption Vlad, and think 'yeah that checks out no reason to fight this' - They know but as they rarely deal with the national justice system as a team, and therefore don't think about it as a positive or negative thing. It doesn't apply to their lives. Think about how much you know about your local laws, let alone obscure federal ones (in some parts of Australia it’s illegal to be holding more than 50kg of potatoes, just as a random example!). - Some of them agree with the "experts" or don't even know about the laws, whereas Batman, John Constantine and Martian Manhunter know they're a crock of shit but themselves lack the political capital to fight them without leverage and can't justify it without an emergency.
Danny's ghost buddies are told that apparently some ghost is threatening the justice league to get to Danny and go back into the zone to investigate. I genuinely think once their obsessions are no longer at cross purposes, Danny could totally help ghosts to fulfil their obsessions in ways they hadn't considered, and they could be buddies for real now. Think Tucker setting Ember up with a YouTube or streaming account, playing paintball with Skulker, introducing Walker to one of those uber-elaborate RPG or tabletop games with massive amounts of rules and letting him be like Matt Mercer in the Rules Lawyer round of Um, Actually. There’s an entire separate fic here I swear.
Either way! Jazz is trying to warn her brother away from the justice league while he and probably Tucker are all 🤩. Danny knows it's dangerous for him personally but his Obsession with protecting the town knows that Amity has never been safer with all these heroes milling about so it's hard for him not to be over eager and relaxed. The flash is explaining how his powers could be removed if he doesn’t comply and Danny says, “oh then just tell her?” and the league is like “oh no, not another self-sacrificing teen.” Unfortunately for everyone involved, Superman has super hearing. He heard Jazz telling Danny to kick the Justice League to the curb. Now the Justice League thinks there's something foul in the Fenton household, but they think it's Jazz instead of Danny.
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radiance1 · 10 months
Hc where Vlad genuinely loves Christmas.
Like, it's not even to drive Danny up the walls for his hatred of it, bro just genuinely loves Christmas. It's how that even someone like Vlad could stand by and not break the Christmas truce despite his personality.
The one day a year where Danny gets left alone before Vlad somehow, someway, got redeemed and became an ok-ish guy.
Danny, genuinely, thought it was because Vlad being the careful fruitloop he is, doesn't want to get dogpiled like Ghost Writer did when he, himself, broke the Christmas Truce.
But no, biggest reason is that he genuinely loves Christmas.
Unfortunately, Vlad has no one to celebrate with.
So, he celebrates with himself, using his many duplicates of course!
Danny finds out when he encounters one of his many duplicates trying to buy gifts for himself, Danny sees it as very sad honestly when he found out, but was he going to do anything about it?
Vlad can go bugger off to his mansion for the holiday and leave Danny alone for one day a year. Fudge, the guy even seemed to be aware of it by saying that he wouldn't want to oppose when invited by the Fentons, even though he's literally obsessed with his mother.
When Vlad somehow became redeemed, and stopped being a creep towards his mom and trying to force him into being his son he... sorta grew a conscious. I.e, going over to Vlad's mansion and dragging the man out to join his family in celebration.
Apparently, he still never got the hint that he's invited, like, at all. So Danny has to drag him over, every. Single. Year.
At the very least, the man made great non-living treats.
This, has gone on for years, Danny still looks 14, Vlad for some reason stopped aging at 45 and everyone else in the Fenton family knows that they're half ghost and has no problem with it (Jack and Maddie don't anymore after realizing everything they knew and thought were wrong) and celebrated Christmas just as hard as before, if not more so.
Even Dani stopped travelling the world to come back and join in.
It eventually turned into a tradition at that point, and after their family lived and died at a rip age (they never became ghosts) it sorta put a damper on the mood.
Then Vlad left, suddenly thinking he isn't invited anymore since Danny hates Christmas.
Danny, come next year, proved him wrong by showing up out of nowhere, as Phantom, wearing a Santa hat and star cape in the shape of a tree that Vlad stitched himself, with Dani also in ghost form also wearing one with a Christmas themed gas mask on her face.
Danny then just floated down towards him, took him by the back of his Christmas themed cape (Yes, Vlad is also in ghost form), looked at both the heroes, and villains who decided to fight on Vlad's personal property since he was probably funding one of either, or even both sides.
Then said they were taking him, his treats (Dani picked them up because she missed them) and excused themselves.
Vlad won't lie, he's incredibly touched by this event. But he was also a bit sad because he spent so long carefully manipulating both sides for one final, climatic, giant crash that he could sit back and watch while enjoying his cup of hot cocoa and enjoying his goods on one of the best days of the year.
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connorsbonez · 2 years
DC/DP Crossover Idea #52
Where a redeemed-ish Vlad pops into DC and becomes a worse serial adopter than Batman because he doesn’t have the same quota about orphan kids, Vlad will ‘pspspspspspsps’ some non-orphan kids if he wanted
Most hero’s with underaged sidekicks are keeping a close eye on them.
On a side note: Superboy/Conner was missing
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As much as I believe Vlad to be an iredeemable asshole in cannon, I like the idea of a begrudging mentor Vlad. Like, say in an alternate universe everything starts of the same but he's not got some evil plan to kill Jack and marry Maddie. He's bitter and resents them for turning him into this abomonation, resents them for being happy when he can't, he tries to stay connected, but he just can't stand being near them and fears their reaction to his ghost side. (1/3)
(2/3) He takes advantage of his new powers, he steals and cheats his way to power, living life lavishly, but it doesn't make him happy, none of it fills the emptiness in his heart. He spends most of his life miserable up until one day he invites the Fenton's on a whim, perhaps in some desperate attempt to find happiness again, where he meets Danny. It goes similarly how it went in the show, Vlad discovers he is a halfa like him, see's how his parents treat him... ~ ~ ~ i think part 3 got eaten, bro, but i'm gonna work with what i got.
Vlad sees this kid who's like him who's parents still talk about killing ghosts and destroying them in front of him. not knowing that they're threatening Vlad. that they're threatening their own son. he see's these so called scientist haven't learned anything about ghosts in the years that they've been estranged and that they've managed to make the same mistake twice.
and he see Danny, a moody teenager, going through the traumatic process of dying and gaining hard to control powers on top of being a highschooler and social pariah. he sees this kid in desperate need of guidance and sees his parents who are neglectful and unaware of a fact he learned within a day of knowing Danny. and he says, "if you can't handle the responsibility of having a kid, he's mine now." yoink
except, obviously, he's really, really bad at it. being a mentor, winning Danny over, being a good person. all of it.
initially he just straight up offers to help Danny learn his powers and that works, Danny agrees, because Vlad isn't trying to kill danny's parents or attacking him, or stalking them, so Danny has no reason not to accept the help. Vlad seems okay for all his rich guy eccentricities.
but then the lessons actually start and danny realizes. oh. this guy has no idea how to teach. and oh this guy has the moral compass of a rotary fan. and Danny initially goes with it. in canon danny's can be swayed by petty stuff and money up to a point. he can let a lot of shit go and is even willing to do some soft crime if he thinks it's for the right reasons. and Vlad might beat him up when trying to teach him to fight, but that's part of training, right? and he might be changing a little under Vlad's influence but danny doesn't see that as a bad thing, until Sam and tucker basically call him out and he accidentally hurts one of them. something that Vlad had told him to do.
so danny bails. basically confronts Vlad and tells him he's a shitty mentor and that he's gonna peace out. suck eggs, fruit loop.
but Vlad had thought things were going well. he's gotten attached. he doesn't want to go back to being alone and he and danny are the only two of their species in the world. so typical villain/stalker stuff happens between them for a bit. Vlad tries to win danny over with money, with manipulation, with blackmail. and Danny isn't having it. (he has blackmail on Vlad too). Vlad is growing increasingly desperate and looks and acts a mess. this is a vulnerable Vlad. we're not getting well kept always cocky and put together except when danny embarrasses him Vlad. we're getting a pathetic man trying to cling to the only human(ish) connection he has and slowly falling further into depression and insanity.
and Danny pities him. because Danny had that human connection too. in the early days before he decided he got to see vlad's dorky and cool side. Vlad was generous with his money. vlad only swears in food. he lights up when he watches a packers game and is a total fanboy.
and Danny kinda gets how he became like this. how his isolation and loneliness and fear drove him further and further down the road of corruptness and evil. Danny learns what he would become without his friends and if anything Vlad is better than that. it's almost similar to how he is with val. he understands where she's coming from and sees that she's a good person even if her actions have taken a turn in the wrong direction. he feels the same about Vlad. he thinks maybe he can convince Vlad to be better.
so redemption arc/reverse mentor relationship because danny is gonna be trying to teach Vlad how to stop being a fruit loop and start making some friends his own age. the comedy potential of that is amazing. i have the mental image of Danny convincing vlad to go on a date with Harriet Chin and coaching him from behind her even though he has next to no dating experience either. pure shenanigans.
i also see there being several back and forth instances of kidnapping. Vlad locks Danny in his house because he doesn't want to be alone (Danny eventually escapes and gets mad. Vlad learns never to do that again). Danny kidnaps Vlad to be a chaperone at a school event, mostly to get Vlad to lie for him. another time Vlad kidnaps danny to go to a rich person party because he said he had a kid in a pathetic attempt to make a friend (moral of the episode is lying to make friends doesn't work) so he just has Danny pose as his son that whole episode and they're trying to get along and seem happy, meanwhile snipping at each other in whispers. they think no one is buying that they're related but ironically them arguing at the end of the night is one convinces the person they're family. "me and my daughter would fight all the time, especially at events she didn't want to come to." probably muddies the moral but that's common enough in dp.
just gradually develops into a weird redeemed uncle/mentor dynamic. Vlad really isn't teaching Danny much. he still occasionally has his moments to shine with explaining new powers and showing danny how to commit tax fraud or lie to the police. but he's mostly just this weird guy who's first friend in twenty years is a teenager.
- Hestia
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Imagine this, Phantom Chloe in a more Forged-ish Ladybug situation with a Vlad that’s only recently been redeemed and still does frequent villainy. Instead of the class trip, she spends a couple months in Amity Park, and immediately goes full Doofenshmirtz once she returns to Paris, declaring herself as Ladybug’s nemesis and engaging villainous flirting with most of the female heroes
Honestly the only reason that Chloé is acting differently than she does in Forged is because she knows Ladybug is Marinette, and that Marinette isn't a cruel person who uses people as pawns.
But if she hadn't seen the reveal? This is exactly what she'd do.
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cielospeaks · 4 years
summer review? summer review
Story- 7/10. not bad by any means. im not super fond of horror movies, and im disappointed that they couldve had fujinon do more but chose not to, and other small ish gripes, but overall it wasnt bad. my favorite parts were probably emiya getting self conscious abt being called old by ilya indirectly (honestly. their sibling ish dynamic was so good and i actually liked main story emiya in this without having to redeem his writing w my own headcanons) and the whole shining/psycho reference sequence (tells bad end was so sad tho ;n; ), the door scene and the yu chan shower scene esp. like i said im not interested at all in the horror elements but they did a lot better at it than they couldve. xu fu cute too, pls become playable eventually
Free servant- 11/10. 100 percent u are my top choice for summer servant! yu chan is... a fave, she was my ticket pick last year after failing to come home on emperors gacha ;n; tbh i was worried free servant would be someone i didnt care for (most popular limited 5 star picks- tho next yr id love if it was guifei lol) but the initial announcement/trailer i was yeeting that it was yu chan! i like her dynamic in the story, her abilities, ect. some ppl take really weird (and delusional) interpretations of her dialogue, but the actual yu chan herself is wonderful. beautiful. amazing.
Gacha servant- 8/10. if i was to roll itd be on gacha 1, but thats nice also bc all the characters id rather not roll are on 2 and the ones id be more down to roll are on 1. maybe next yr ill try for bryn or ilya. this yr i spent all my quartz (dont ask how much..... regret emoji) on sigurd, who didnt come home. lanling and emiya are maxed out, diar, tamacat, and tolfy are +1 np, and vlad zerker is here, but. sorry bryn. pien face
Event gameplay- 7/10. nothing really bad here, just average gameplay. if i was to complain itd be abt that space ishtar fight, which might keep my yu chan at np4 but theres always next yrs rerun so. the day/night cycle’s a bit confusing at first but not hard once you get used to it.
Other- 8/10. id say introducing a new npc is neat, the thing w xu fu masquerading as the non player guda is a neat way to implement the meta. i hope theyre summonable, give mashu a friend! and theyd be neat too, as a silver archer. i also somewhat appreciate the skip over lb1 reps, gives me hope for summer salieri next year lol. ordinarily wouldve been mad at no silver costume but i dont mind, would rather have funny and good emiya + ilya dialogue over generic uninspired cu and emiya interaction (and emiya just being overbearing + everyone wants him like in every other thing), and lanling was great for being in the event as a friend for yu.
Overall- 7/10.
summer events are kinda. not the best but not the worst, with a slight lead towards the positive for how generous they are. esp considering this year, getting 6 new servants (+ a npc who isnt an awful fanfiction) is quite nice. i dont know if id rate it higher than the others, but it def has elements that are better than the others. the story felt more engaging than the previous ones, though the setting/horror tropes.... id prefer the vegas setting over that. now, a camping murder mystery (like. an actual good murder mystery not the travesty that was last yrs mystery event) id be super hyped for, but theres no shortage if u look to conan. here’s hoping for playable xu fu (along w the tactician cutie w the glasses and bird from lb3... and everyone from gudaguda... and louis...and olga... and def not bad fanfiction and the npcs from lb5.2)
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han100894 · 7 years
Boko no Hero Academia and Girl Genius AU
So, once again i can’t watch something and not turn it into a AU...
Agatha, Gil, and Tarvek as the big three of Central/Eastern Europe. They run a Hero Agency, name pending (The Tri Pax?)
Their hero names are all legacies: The Heterodyne, The Baron, and The Storm King.
The former and first Baron was Klaus, who was part of the big three of the generation before with Bill and Barry, who didn’t use Heterodyne in their hero names since before them their family was that of villains, though they are sometimes as a group referred to as the Heterodyne Boys. I have no idea what their names were.
Agatha decided tor reclaim the Heterodyne name and make it heroic, it has had some mixed results.
Tarvek took the name of an ancestor who was the #1 hero in the early years of Quirks.
Agatha’s quirk is called Heterodyning Spark—aaa Heterodynes have Heterodyning as part of their quirk but the second part varies as their quirks are prone to mutate. Agatha’s basically makes her a Spark in this universe.
Tarvek’s quirk is storm powers, not sure what to call it, something over dramatic probably, like Storm Legacy or something. He was also a child (late teen) villain since redeemed.
I’m not sure about Gil. Could have him go sparky like Agatha, or maybe super strength? Undecided.
The Jägers all have the quirk: Jäger/Immortal Hunter and are basically the same in universe (mutations and all). Vlad a long time ago started what basically accounts to arranged children, experimenting with quirks and how they mutate with each other and trying to build the perfect soldiers through breeding. What he managed was a very sticky Quirk that doesn’t get overridden easily and leads to enhanced abilities, extremely long life/ immortality, random physical mutations, and minor regeneration.
Jägers are also much younger than in canon as Quirks have only been around for 7-generations or so and Vlad would have started around 5 maybe? So the oldest are likely only a little over a hundred?
Higgs quirk is called Immortal despite him being a Jager becuase spy purposes and also because for whatever reason he has no noticeable physical mutations and a significantly higher level regen ability compared to the average Jäger. He’s also not very public, basically being an underground hero (nowadays, mostly he dose what the Heterodyne says, though he isn’t upset with the change). He and Aizawa/Eraser head actually have some similarities but I digress. He, the few times he is named, is the Unstoppable Higgs. He didn’t pick the name. It makes his sigh and Zeetha smirk.
Zeetha’s Hero name is Princess Guardian which may or may not be a legacy but not from her mother. Her quirk is an old quirk of her family: Warrior, which is basically a super solider quirk. She has enhances speed, endurance, reflex, strength, most senses, a longer prime, ect. She’s not the best in any of them but she’s better than most, though her abilities are not very useful without a lot of martial training to use them. She also uses special swords to fight, they are capable of being blunt or sharp and with Agatha’s help, working as Tasers.
(If Zoe (Ziggs spawn) exists in this world than her Quirk would be Immortal Warrior, basically warrior with a lesser version of her father’s regen and no actual idea if she has gained his agelessness until she’s thirty or so and either seems to still be ageing or not)
Zeetha isn’t anywhere near as big as the big three, but is a little more public than an Underground Hero. People tend to think she’s a sidekick of the big Three’s hero agency (The Tri Pax Agency?), which is wrong as she’s a full partner, and while it bothers her sometimes mostly she takes advantages of people underestimating her, and the ability to easily handled public and underground threats.
When she’s not helping Agatha and co, or Higgs with their work, she works with Violetta, Aka Smoke Knight, whose quirk: Smoke, allows her to go invisible at will and gives her some enhancements to her dexterity, but most of her ability is through training. She works at the same level as Zeetha being something of a middle ground, though while Zeetha is more public, she’s more underground. She’s also a former child villain turned hero.
Bang was once a villain, I don’t even know what her quirk is, and the only reason she’s not still a villain is her loyalty towards Klaus and Gil who keep her on a very careful leash. She’s constantly dealing with paperwork from going unnecessary force and unnecessary collateral damage.
Othar is basically Hero Stain but happy I think, out to kill Hero’s because he thinks them fakes/ part of the problem despite feeling like a hero himself? I dunno, its close.
Bill has died years ago, Barry and Klaus are both retired (Barry being actually retired, Klaus working at the agency in a paper pusher way and constantly getting involved when he’s not supposed to, if nothing else making it difficult to communicate on the field with two Barons (Gil hates being called Baron Jr or Junior (With Klaus Baron Sr, or Senior) but it’s usually necessary).
Zanta is the only one of the old crew still active (I’ve always headcanoned her significantly younger than Klaus plus her quirk gives her a longer prime), as War Queen sharing the quirk: Warrior with Zeetha. She mostly works in the Middle East though. (It’s not unusual for Heroes to wander if the city’s around them all have a dedicated hero or two, it helps keeps Villains from targeting them/ innocent people around them.) Zeetha tends to switch between the Middle East and Eastern/Central Europe with some frequency when needed.
Some random worldbuilding ideas:
Not every country has the resources, funding, hero personal, ect to have a school as useful and experience gathering as the UA. To fill in that gap most countries use Apprenticeships at agencies and with individual heroes. They are referred to as sidekicks, which is used differently than in Japan. fieldwork can start as early as twelve*(A sidekick test is required before being given a licence), but there are pretty strict guidelines and regulations on how it works, what sidekicks can do and face at what age ect, and any injury they sustain goes against a council than can easily take the sidekick away from the hero.
They must always be with their assigned hero / hero of the agency their with (Kind of like a driver permit) and At 12 they at most clean up litter, train and shadow the hero on patrols, if a villain shows up they are to stand back with the civilians (There are always huge crowds no matter how much they push to get them to leave) and watch/ protect them/ help rescue/ escort them away. At 14 they can start helping with lower level villains and thugs, Hero’s digression throughout the fight, and again any injury is reviewed by a council, and while it is understood a hero could have misjudged, it still is required a hero must have a good ability to know what their sidekick can handle/ judge the villains they fight, and a sidekick can get taken away (and if they want usually assigned to another.)
At 16 they can fight anything, but still must have permission/ supervision of their Hero until their 18 in which they can apply for a proper hero licence.
And that’s all I have so far... Well that and the fact I was imagining them around the same age as Eraser Head/ Present Mic, ect and so 30-ish? Or at least Gil/Tarvek/Zeetha being 30-ish and Agatha and Violetta younger.
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