#redacted hydrus
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pycth · 10 months ago
I’ve been wanting to make a d(a)emon character for so long, but couldn’t decide between which branch—the recent Redacted 101 video though with the 5 new types 👀👀 ya got me
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A few headcanons~
- Hydrus is the 3rd demon to ever be created by the Sovereigns, first-formed of Misery.
- Originally known as the Hydra constellation, “Hydrus” was self-created in the wake of his change after the cacophony. He no longer goes by the former. (Due to this change, some of the newer d(a)emons now believed the original Hydra may have died at some point during the war or even simply disappeared.)
- Most of his time is spent hidden away in Aria. Even The Chorushas a hard time getting a hold of him.
- General anxiety. Doesn’t really like interacting with humans or even other d(a)emons in some cases. He’s blunt and can very harsh when pushed.
- The only reason he tends to stay on Elegy for longer than he prefers after feeding is to go swimming.
- He likes the ocean. Or any body of water he can manage to get in. He also LOVES the rain.
- His eyes are sensitive to natural lighting, but doesn’t see (lol) the effort in trying to help it.
- His white spots are bioluminescent!
- Hydrus likes doing origami. He’s practiced and mastered a few complex pieces—but his favorites are flowers because they remind him of a certain Soft Sadism Demon by the name of Cebalrai 👀 ( @sincerelywhistler ‘s oc<3)
- He has a odd fascination with the DMV.
- Isn’t very fond of most clothes. He prefers loose fitting or none at all.
Voice Claim bonus :>
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sincerelywhistler · 10 months ago
stunning gorgeous beautiful incredible amazing
Time to relinquish the miserable fish man.
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This silly character belongs to @pycth and let me tell you my strange obsession with their character because this is not the only art I’ve created of him—-
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comedyl0ser · 9 months ago
Meeting a Miserable Demonic Jester backstage [M4A]
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i did a thing no way The template ↓
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thatoneelisa · 2 years ago
rainstorms make me calm.
rain rain stay right here, you've made me feel at peace for years
fun fact: while i was at my first college, a constant argument between my dad and i was a need for an esa (emotional support animal). first i wanted the one i had originally (buddy, who later swapped to the sister's side), then to get a new one when i realized buddy wasn't going anywhere. i argued with him from september to january, until he and i reached a breaking point. a screaming match was had, and he told me i couldn't bring it home. i also had been job searching for months at that point, until a job in the school stables came up. out of the blue, one hour after i put the application in for the job at the stables, i was checking instagram and saw my friend had posted her boyfriend's mom's facebook post, a kitten for adoption. they were giving him up because there was a baby on the way and they didn't know how'd he react.
three days, one job interview, and several hijinks later, the kitten was mine. with my first paycheck i went to buy the kitten essentials at the local dollar tree, and five days later my baby boy came to me fresh off a rabies shot and scared out of his mind. his name was originally wallace, but i had my heart set on a new name for him. with all the paperwork filed and turned in, hydrus was mine. he's a tuxedo, however missing that distingushed mustache, and the lovely @dizzy--dino (go check out her art btw, best thing on this planet) listened through the joy of having him, the frustration of him escaping twenty times in three days, and later on, the disappointment and hurt of dropping out and having to transport hydrus home.
hydrus was feisty at home, not getting along with buddy (we still to this day don't have a reason as to why), his supposed-to-be buddy syl, and my friend's cat jonesy. i accepted it after jonesy nearly got hurt; hydrus was a loner cat, like me.
he is my companion, having survived three colleges, several jobs, my brokeness, and even more. but at the end of the day, he's my little buddy. i love him so much (even though he went from a tiny seven pound kitten to fifteen pound monster). and now, as thunderstorms hit redacted college town name, he's stayed by my side through thick and thin, and i wouldn't change anything.
so you've met me, but now, meet my companion. hydrus. (ignore the sleepiness; being on esa duty constantly must be exhausting.)
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sweetcedar · 3 years ago
3: Temper
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character: ianthe pyr visellia || wc: 514
I’m sure you’ve been dying to hear from me. As always, I’ve thought of you, too. We’re on leave this week, so if you want to give me a call, for once I’ll be able to answer. The pilots docked us at Ala Mhigo. Interesting place. We’re not staying long, but we need the break. I can’t tell you where we’re headed, but I can tell you that it’ll be cold as home. A few weeks ago, some flyboy got cocky and got his craft clipped with an outsized harpoon on the same route we’ll be taking, so I’m taking this time to write to you before some Eorzean artilleryman spears this big fucking ship like a fish.
To the point, I’ve been thinking of what you said when you were in your pillows last month. I know -- I'm ridiculous -- I'm sorry. I promised to tell you if there was any progress with that biotech that van Hydrus wanted to put in a bid for. You’ll be equal parts relieved and pissed to hear that the same crackpot continues to work on it here, but the latest experiments failed, and his funding is finally out the window.
The missive I got about it says a whole lot of nothing, except that we wouldn’t be able to adapt it for protection from tempering after all. Everyone you talk to thinks that it’s idiotic, so I’m sure you and they are right. Still, I'm not the medicus, so while we’re here I was hoping to poke my stupid nose in where it’s not wanted. I can't: everything is redacted past the most inconsequential questions. I wouldn’t even have clearance to ask where the bathroom is.
It doesn't matter much. If you ask my unit, I’ve heard nothing but disappointment that the funding is gone. Asina might as well start offering trials to us— I almost wish our Centurion wouldn’t have told them it was being looked into. Not a soul in the company knows what it would’ve entailed, and most of them don't give a shit. We’re still pouring out drinks for Cassia and Decimus. The newest ones are starting to notice the turnover rate, and it’s all I can do to keep their chins up, let alone convince the big guns it really is that bad. The thought of something that could protect them was important to them, no matter how crackpot the theory was to you. We’re not scientists, at least, most of us. The boys just want to get back home, stupid as it sounds to you in the capital. It’s a dangerous way to think, but I understand. I want to get home, too.
Sorry about the short, sad letter. I haven’t had enough firewine yet to convincingly write the cheerful ones you prefer. I'll write you something that would make an infantryman blush later, after we all get off the ship and get blasted. (Bad joke, or no?) So if dirty talk is right out, there’s not much else I can share without breaking my own security rules. No, sorry. I can add that there’s little risk of tempering on the upcoming missions. If I die up here, I'd just get to be regular dead, instead of getting tempered and then getting blitzed from the gunship by someone I'm about to go have drinks with. Big relief, that.
I know you don’t stay up at night worrying about me, but I’m never forgetting that you admitted you do worry, a little bit. When I’m hellbent instead of homeward bound, that’s enough to keep me going.
Take care of yourself. Write when you can. Tell me how you are, how life is. I love you -- I really do.
Yours, Ianthe
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pycth · 10 months ago
They kept those shells and set them together on the windowsill<33
ocean eyes
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Hydrus (top panel, Misery Demon OC belonging to beloved @pycth) and Cebalrai (bottom panel, my soft Sadism Demon OC) are so down bad for one another it makes them look stupid <3
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pycth · 6 months ago
First Formed of Empathy
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I drew this awhile ago, but I’ve been thinking about her a lot recently so thus into the share pile she goes~
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comedyl0ser · 9 months ago
oOOooooOOOooo OC that has nothing to do with the actual REDACTED canon lets goooooooo
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pycth · 19 days ago
The amount of ocs I’ve made while away is actually insane, but this is the first step to introducing them (Not including Hydrus and Michael who you’ve already met, but maybe I’ll reintroduce them at some point) and where better to pop off than with this fucker right here—
Taken Care Of By Frat Guy At A Party | Audio RP | [M4A]
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Name: Noah Baz (Formerly Noah L. Woods)
Age: Biologically—20
Died: 2006 (?)
Height: 6’1”
Orientation: Unlabeled “It’s all the same in the dark”
Gender: Cis Male (He/Him)
Species: Unempowered Human (Formerly) Vampire (Currently)
Occupation: Prince of House Baz
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A few headcanons-
- Noah was the President of ALPHA PHI KAPPA back at his old college. He has since taken the name and given it to his new frat. He runs the only frat house on the D.A.M.N. campus.
- He was originally turned on a dare at a party his frat was hosting. His maker was the heir to the house he currently belongs to. After his maker’s unexpected death, he became next in line for the crown.
- Being a part of one of the oldest vampires houses, a lot of the members took some time to get used to Noah especially after he became prince. Someone of his era and energy was a lot to comprehend, but they’ve since then grown very attached to him almost like a family pet.
- He is very close friends with Vincent and was a big enabler to his rebellious years back in the day.
- Always has a red solo cup or flask in his hand wherever he goes.
- He wears sunglasses despite no reason for needing them. Rarely takes em off.
- He has a lower back tattoo that says “Lucky You”
- You know exactly what he sounds like.
(Some bonus doodles I did in his making + the post that first inspired it all—)
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pycth · 10 months ago
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Cebalrai belongs to @sincerelywhistler and his silly miserable fish man belongs to @pycth
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pycth · 10 months ago
Time to relinquish the miserable fish man.
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This silly character belongs to @pycth and let me tell you my strange obsession with their character because this is not the only art I’ve created of him—-
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