#red-hooded tanager
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#god's creatures#gods creatures#wildlife#nature#birds#Red-Hooded Tanager#bird#love#cute#adorable#god's creation
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I guess it's time I share my list of birds from this past Jewish year (I've been keeping two Big Year lists, Jewish year and secular year). All are from the US, except the last few which are indicated.
1. Ruby-crowned kinglet
2. American Robin
* Leucistic American Robin
3. Song sparrow
4. Rock pigeon
* Melanistic rock pigeon
5. Chipping sparrow
6. Hairy woodpecker
7. Mourning dove
8. Northern flicker
9. Eastern towhee
10. White crowned sparrow
11. White-throated sparrow
12 Savannah sparrow
13. House sparrow
14. European starling
15. American Crow
16. Common Raven
17. Gray catbird
18. Northern mockingbird
19. Canada Goose
20. Spotted Sandpiper
21. American herring gull
22. Marsh wren
23. Limpkin
24. Great white heron
25. Cattle egret
26. Anhinga
27. Snowy egret
28. Great blue heron
29. Black-crowned night heron
30. Wood stork
31. Common gallinule
32. Blue-gray gnatcatcher
33. Turkey vulture
34. Black vulture
35. Yellow rumped warbler
36. Tufted titmouse
37. Little blue heron
38. White ibis
39. Cooper's hawk
40. Cardinal
41. Green heron
42. Carolina wren
43. Palm warbler
44. Pine warbler
45. Sandhill crane
46. Carolina chickadee
47. Bluejay
48. Osprey
49. Chimney swift
50. Red-tailed hawk
51. Prairie warbler
52. American kestrel
53. Glossy ibis
54. Pied-billed grebe
55. Double-crested cormorant
56. Grey kingbird
57. Brown pelican
58. Fish crow
59. Royal tern
60. Bald eagle
61. Painted bunting
62. American white pelican
63. Common grackle
64. Boat-tailed grackle
65. Great-tailed grackle
66. American purple gallinule
67. American coot
68. Brown-headed cowbird
69. Tricolored heron
70. Mallard
71. Black-bellied whistling duck
72. Eastern kingbird
73. Yellow-billed cuckoo
74. Muscovy duck
75. American bittern
76. Ring-billed gull
77. American Pekin
78. Mallard-Pekin hybrid
79. Eastern bluebird
80. Yellow-bellied sapsucker
81. Red-winged blackbird
82. White-eyed vireo
83. Mottled duck
84. Broad-winged hawk
85. Dark-eyed junco
86. Brown thrasher
87. Sharp-shinned hawk
88. House finch
89. Eastern Phoebe
90. Downy woodpecker
91. Fox sparrow
92. Loggerhead Shrike!!!!
93. White breasted nuthatch
94. Red-bellied woodpecker
95. Brown creeper
96. Pileated woodpecker
97. American goldfinch
98. House wren
99. Barn swallow
100. Tree swallow
101. Black and white warbler
102. Red eyed vireo
103. Yellow warbler
104. Mute swan
105. Rusty blackbird
106. Common yellowthroat
107. Warbling vireo
108. Northern waterthrush
109. Veery
110. Swamp sparrow
111. Wood duck
112. American redstart
113. Orchard oriole
114. Greater Yellowlegs
115. Lesser Yellowlegs
116. Baltimore oriole
117. Hermit thrush
118. Wood thrush
119. Ovenbird
120. Indigo bunting
121. Black-throated blue warbler
122. Scarlet tanager
123. Worm-eating warbler
124. Northern rough-winged swallow
125. Blue-headed vireo
126. Northern parula
127. Prothonotary warbler
128. Philadelphia vireo
129. Blackburnian warbler
130. Magnolia warbler
131. Cedar waxwing
132. Blackpoll warbler
133. Yellow-throated vireo
134. Eastern wood pewee
135. Acadian flycatcher
136. Tennessee warbler
137. Caspian tern
138. Laughing gull
139. Forster's tern
140. American oystercatcher
141. Green-winged teal
142. Purple Martin
143. Least tern
144. Field sparrow
145. Killdeer
146. Grey-cheeked thrush
147. Rose-breasted grosbeak
148. Great-crested flycatcher
149. Swainson's thrush
150. Bay-breasted warbler
151. Chestnut-sided warbler
152. Willow flycatcher
153. Ruby-throated hummingbird
154. Peregrine falcon
155. Hooded crow IL
156. Laughing dove IL
157. Eurasian collared dove IL
158. Eurasian jackdaw IL
159. Common myna IL
160. Rose-ringed parakeet IL
161. White spectacled bulbul IL
162. European bee eater IL
163. Chukar IL
164. Short toed snake eagle IL
165. White stork IL
166. Little egret IL
167. Pygmy cormorant IL
168. Eurasian hoopoe IL
169. Alpine swift IL
170. Graceful pinia IL
171. Eastern Olivaceous Warbler IL
172. Tristan's Starling IL
173. Fan tailed raven IL
174. Eurasian black cap IL
Here's to at least 200 next year!
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List of Birds organized by Order + locations:
Bearded vulture
California condor
Cooper's hawk
Red-shouldered hawk
Steller's sea eagle
Bar-headed goose
Barnacle goose
Black swan
Common merganser
Red-breasted goose
Snow goose
Trumpeter swan
Common swift
Ruby-throated hummingbird
Eurasian hoopoe
Red-legged seriema
Southern cassowary
Black vulture
Turkey vulture
American oystercatcher
Atlantic puffin
Black-headed gull
Black skimmer
Black-tailed godwit
European herring gull
Northern lapwing
Ruddy turnstone
Western sandpiper
White stork
Common wood pigeon
Eurasian collared dove
Luzon bleeding-heart
Nicobar pigeon
Victoria crowned pigeon
Blue-capped kingfisher
Common kingfisher
Asian koel
Greater roadrunner
Yellow-billed cuckoo
American kestrel
Common kestrel
Palawan peacock-pheasant
Plain chachalaca
Scaled quail
Western capercaillie
Common loon
American coot
Australasian swamphen/pūkeko
Blue crane
Common moorhen
Sandhill crane
Whooping crane
American bushtit
American robin
Australian raven
Baltimore oriole
Barn swallow
Black-billed magpie
Black-capped chickadee
Black-headed grosbeak
Black-throated sparrow
Blue-headed vireo
Blue jay
Brown thrasher
California scrub jay
California towhee
Canada warbler
Canyon wren
Cave swallow
Cedar waxwing
Common blackbird
Common chlorospingus
Common raven
Eastern wood pewee
Eurasian blue tit
Eurasian bullfinch
Eurasian golden oriole
Eurasian jay
Eurasian magpie
European robin
Great-tailed grackle
Great tit
Hooded crow
House sparrow
Indigo bunting
Kirtland's warbler
LeConte's sparrow
Long-tailed tit
Mexican jay
Painted bunting
Pine siskin
Pin-tailed whydah
Pinyon jay
Pygmy nuthatch
Red winged blackbird
Saltmarsh sparrow
Satin bowerbird
Spotted towhee
Steller's jay
Tufted titmouse
Warbling vireo
Western tanager
White-breasted nuthatch
White-throated dipper
White-throated magpie-jay
Yellow-rumped warbler
Black-crowned night heron
Brown pelican
Great blue heron
Great egret
Great white pelican
Least bittern
Roseate spoonbill
Shoebill stork
Snowy egret
American flamingo
Chilean flamingo
Acorn woodpecker
Clark's nutcracker
Great spotted woodpecker
Lewis's woodpecker
Northern flicker
Pileated woodpecker
Red-bellied woodpecker
Red-headed woodpecker
Tawny frogmouth
Pied-billed grebe
Wilson's storm-petrel
Australian king parrot
Chestnut-fronted macaw
Citron-crested cockatoo
Gang-gang cockatoo
Pacific parrotlet
Red-masked parakeet
Rose-ringed parakeet
Sulphur-crested cockatoo
Barn owl
Barred owl
Eurasian eagle-owl
Blue-footed booby
Double-crested cormorant
Elegant trogon
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Fun fact!
The red hooded tanager is a type of songbird
Like robins they’re passerines
Have fun with this knowledge
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hi! thank you for your kind words on my ST ii fanart!! to draw i referenced sparrow wings for the shape which is why i put it in the tags but your suggestions are intriguing. tbh i havent decided on which bird i want to go with for the actual design for ii (and for the rest of them). i was thinking something along the lines of spotted woodpecker iii and maybe hooded crow iv?? no clue about vessel q-q though i would prefer it if his type of bird displayed very clear sexual demorphism. just rolling around concepts in my brain atm--- i would love to hear your thoughts if thats ok with you! if not, then thats perfectly fine too, of course. either way i wish you a lovely day :>
Right, so I’ve taken enough time to somewhat compose my thoughts here. I have many more.
Okay I can go a couple of routes:
- Per this ask: woodpecker III extremely good, the jokes about head banging would write themselves. Hooded crow IV also very good. That man refuses to take off his hood, huh. Species thoughts as far as sexual dimorphism go: I’m back on the northern cardinal track. There are also a couple of chicken breeds and specific varieties with bigger color differences. Brown leghorns are particularly striking. If waterfowl are appealing, mallard and wood ducks, eiders, and mergansers
- Taking height into account because I think it’s a little funny: II and IV get the shorter, rounder, more maneuverable wings- game birds and passerines, possibly hawks and kestrels thrown in. Low aspect ratio. Vess and III get longer- sea and shorebirds, soaring raptors. Very high aspect ratio. Vess with water bird wings very much fits with the aquatic theme.
- The Miscellaneous: I wanna give III some nice heron wings or maybe secretary bird wings because their legs match, but really the funniest option for him that still follows that line of logic would be flamingo wings. I have a note elsewhere for a mostly unrelated thing where I want Vessel to get golden Sebright wings, which is famously a chicken breed that exhibits far less sexual dimorphism than other chicken breeds. Essentially the opposite of what you’re talking about, which I thought was an interesting coincidence
- Also very good: catbird!Vessel, hoatzin!III, Give That Man Peacock Wings (which one? I have yet to decide. Probably IV because I can)
Themed ideas:
- All red: wallcreeper, turaco, northern cardinal, red-winged blackbird, summer tanager, etc. (Saw red wings, brain said “that’s a wallcreeper.” And then I wanted to give IV red and black wings because of his jacket. And then I started spiraling.)
- Oops all cockatoos: sulphur-crested, black palm, cockatiel, red-tailed black, Mitchell’s, Moluccan, umbrella, etc. because: noisy, II going bangbangcrash, III occasionally headbanging, and Vess and IV screaming. The intro to Gods really gives me big parrot vibes.
#asks#hey thank you for prompting me to think even more about ST and birds at the same time#this isn’t even scratching the surface of the ideas I’ve generated in the last 2 days#sleep token uhhhh thoughts?#I have no idea what to tag this as its not really a headcanon#Art ideas. for me and whoever else wants ‘em.#yeah there we go#sleep token art ideas#give those silly guys some wings
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🦚Send in a number + Character and I'll draw them in an outfit based on that bird🦚
Allen's Hummingbird
African Crowned Crane
African Emerald Cuckoo
American Goldfinch
Anna's Hummingbird
Asian Emerald Cuckoo
Asian Koel
Atlantic Puffin
Azure Kingfisher
Bald Eagle
Barn Owl
Barn Swallow
Barred Owl
Bat Falcon
Bearded Vulture
Bee Hummingbird
Black Swan
Blue-And-Yellow Macaw
Blue Crowned Pigeon
Blue-Footed Booby
Blue Jay
Bohemian Waxwing
Brahma Chicken
Broad-Billed Hummingbird
Bronze Fallow Cockatie
Canadian Goose
Common Raven
Dusky Lory
Diederik Cuckoo
Eastern Brown Pelican
Emerald Starling
Emperor Penguin
Eurasian Hoopoe
Eurasian Magpie
European Starling
European Turtle Dove
Fruit Dove
Gambel's Quail
Golden-Breasted Starling
Golden Pheasant
Gouldian Finch
Great Hornbill
Great Horned Owl
Greater Blue-Eared Starling
Green-Legged Partridge
Gurney’s Pitta
Hawaiian Honeycreepers
Hooded Crow
Horned Sungem
Hyacinth Macaw
Keel-Billed Toucan
Lilac-Breasted Roller
Long Tailed Tit
Luzon Bleeding-Heart Dove
Mandarin Duck
Mountain Bluebird
Montezuma quail
Mute Swan
Nicobar Pigeon
Northern Oriole
Painted Bunting
Paradise Tanager
Peafowl (peacock/peahen)
Peregrine Falcon
Pileated Woodpecker
Pink Cockatoo
Rainbow Lorikeet
Red Crested Turaco
Red-Necked Tanager
Resplendent Quetzal
Ribbon-Tailed Astrapia
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
Scarlet Macaw
Secretary Bird
Snowy Owl
Stork-Billed Kingfisher
Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo
Superb Bird-Of-Paradise
Superb Starling
Victoria Crowned Pigeon
Violet-Backed Starling
Violet-Green Swallow
Wood Duck
Wilson's Bird-Of-Paradise
Yellow-Crowned Woodpecker
Yellow-Faced Myna
Zanzibar Red Bishop
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The bird and bat names could use a makeover
'Red Robin'? Seriously? I mean, at first I get it, he still wants to be Robin, but can't because it was stolen, but I feel like he eventually gets over it at least somewhat. And it's confusing, you can't call Tim 'Red', because here is Jason being Red Hood, and you can't call him 'Robin', because Damien is Robin. So. He should rename himself to another name. Probably a bird, maybe Cardinal, or Sparrow. Maybe Sunbird, they are red.
Or if we want to forget the red theme, than we can do a smart bird that uses tools, like Raven, but then again that is taken up by another hero. Maybe Crow, or Bluejay or Rook. They are smart.
Maybe Spurwing, they have literal spikes on the wrist of their wings.
Jason got his name, Red Hood, from it being a past alias for the Joker for irony purposes. He could have gotten a cool name like Phoenix. Seriously, he rose from the dead, he is a bird, he dresses in red, he likes FIREarms. Phoenix. It's right there.
And Duke, buddy, why are you Signal, is it like the Bat Signal? The light with a bat on it because you have light powers? Boring. You could have been a bird too. And Oriole is basically his design anyway, yellow, black, and white. Other cool birds are Tanager (many different colors of those) or Goldfinch.
Or you could have referenced light or shadow. There are several birds-of-paradise that have blackhole-like feathers. The one that most closely resembles the design of Signal being the twelve-wired one. And while that is not the best name, there are a few better ones. Superbs have vantablack feathers. Manucodes have iridescent black feathers, which is cool. There are Riflebirds that have superblack feathers too, but I'm not too sure that Bruce I-Hate-Guns Wayne would allow RIFLEbird.
The point is, why didn't the boys continue the bird theme? Like. Why?
But then the girls are bats, and it makes sense, except Stephanie being Spoiler... But she was Robin at one point, and Batgirl at another, so really either works. I think Batgirl fits more tho. If she wanted to be a bird, I think some kind of hummingbird would work with her personality.
Literally all the guys are birds, and girls are bats... Except for Batman... Lol
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behind the scenes ask meme! ✍️🖋️❤️
ngl, i have no memory of reblogging this meme, but that doesn't matter! Answers!!!
thanks for asking! <3
✍️ I have a concrete date for my first posted fanfic :D 2007. I remember writing "serious" stories in 2006. I was more of a doodler before that, thinking I would be a visual media artist. Then writing grabbed me by the throat and never let go
️🖋️oh gosh. i get inspiration from a lot of places. quotes. pictures. other people's writing. prompts. if you give me a specific fic I could probably tell you what inspired me
️❤️uhhhh my favorite scenes. there's so many. I *Really* like this scene from my tanager WIP (under read more cos it's longer)
He leans back as the rest of the group is taken down swiftly and brutally. His attention follows the figure that’s doing the beatdown. They move like a Bat but a little choppier. They have the initiates on the ground, groaning, before Tim can fully finish his next thought. They’re fast like a Bat too.
The guy doesn’t leave after, just stands there sizing Tim up in return. He’s taller than Tim by half a foot at least, shoulders broader but not by much. His outfit is homemade – a black cloth mask that takes up the bottom half of his face, a thick red hoodie is pulled low over his face, a black canvas jacket with various patches and pins. His jeans are dark blue and worn. He wears biker boots and fingerless leather gloves. There’s no visible weapons except the studs on his knuckles and the four-way lug wrench that’s spun deftly in one hand then stopped smoothly to tap against his thigh –
Like a threat.
His head tilts. Tim can feel the intense gaze staring at him from under that hood and he stands firm under it even though his skin crawls. There’s something off about this guy.
Tim stiffens when the lug wrench is lifted and tucked under Tim’s own hood. It’s cold against his skin. His gaze flickers from the weapon – confirmed now. There’s blood on two ends. Dried so not from the grounding bodies around them – then back up. The guy is so disconcertingly quiet.
The lug wrench lifts then pushes the hood off Tim’s head. It stops when the wrench taps the brick tall, fabric pinned, metal pressed against his ear.
It stop. And it doesn’t move away.
They stared at each other for a long, long moment. Tim’s curiosity has a too tight of a grip on him to even think about fighting back.
“…long way from home,” a low, hoarse voice rasps out.
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when i was like 9-10 i had a guide to florida birds that i would just look at constantly. i would take it with me everywhere. i still have it
i have a mental list of a bunch of birds i liked and formed a vaguely parasocial relationship with but hadnt to my knowledge seen in my one decade of life but really wanted to. the mental list has never left me and i get so excited every time i see something on the Mental List that i havent seen before
the birds:
common loon [i found a dead one once does that count]
pied billed grebe ✅
white-tailed tropicbird
northern gannet
american white pelican
magnificent frigatebird ✅
american bittern
least bittern
snowy egret ✅
little blue heron ✅
reddish egret
glossy ibis ✅
roseate spoonbill ✅
wood stork ✅
fulvous whistling duck
wood duck ✅
hooded merganser ✅
ruddy duck ✅
crested caracara
american kestrel ✅
northern bobwhite
purple gallinule ✅
black necked stilt ✅
black skimmer
white-crowned pigeon ✅
common ground dove ✅
downy woodpecker ✅
pileated woodpecker ✅
loggerhead shrike ✅
florida scrub-jay [i apparently saw them as a child but barely remember]
cedar waxwing ✅
blackburnian warbler
black and white warbler ✅
ovenbird ✅
summer tanager
scarlet tanager
rose-breasted grosbeak
indigo bunting
painted bunting
red winged blackbird ✅
scarlet ibis
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Colombia 10,000 Pesos Banknote, 1994 The Colombia 10,000 Pesos banknote was released by the Bank of the Republic in 1994 to commemorate the Quincentennial of Columbus' voyage. The banknote comes in a color combination of green, brown, red, and yellow. Its obverse design features a plant, two sailing ships, an Embera Indian woman, a plate, and a gold figure. The back of the note depicts a greater flamingo, an Andean condor, a green honeycreeper, an Andean cock of the rock, a blue and yellow macaw, a hoatzin, a scarlet ibis, a yellow-hooded blackbird, a metallic green tanager, a white pelican, a frigatebird, a keel-billed toucan, a Baltimore oriole, a scarlet macaw, a yellow-crowned parrot, and a red-capped cardinal. It also shows Martin Waldseemullers 1507 world map, the cornucopia bank seal, and Cristobal Colons Santa Maria sailing ship. The paper bill is 140 x 70 mm in size and bears one plain security thread and one with printed BRC 10000. The banknote also has a watermark that reflects an Embera woman
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I have some more birds!
Golden-hooded Tanager (They look straight out of a fantasy world)
White-throated Swift
Pied Lapwing
Violet-tailed Sylph
Horned Lark
Costa's Hummingbird
Red-whiskered Bulbul
Varied Thrush
lahore pigeons are some of the most visually appealing birds out there. like in terms of visual design. very minimalist, good contrast.
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A new variant has been added!
Red-hooded Tanager (Piranga rubriceps) © Matt Clark
It hatches from clear, dark, extensive, female, high, male, red, short, similar, small, striking, uncommon, and yellow eggs.
squawkoverflow - the ultimate bird collecting game 🥚 hatch ❤️ collect ��� connect
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Onscreen npc’s thus far (just for my own organizational purposes)
💕 Winter Schneebird: (Black-legged kittiwake gull) James’ niece, heir, and protege. Disowned in her late teens, she turned to the only family she had left, her then-estranged uncle, who took her in. They have a very emotionally dependent relationship that runs in both directions, but they love each other devotedly and are very good for each other in the long run. She lives with Clover, and they have a very love-hate relationship.
A secret about her: Winter kinda sorta doesn’t want James to have kids because she’s afraid he’ll stop caring about her once he no longer has a need to project onto her. Oh, Winter.
💕 Pietro Polendina: (Louisianna black bear) One of James’ oldest friends and one of the people responsible for his change in character in his youth. Widely considered one of the most brilliant minds in the world and regarded as the kindest man you’ll ever meet. Knows James better than anyone, including Qrow, and can usually talk him into things others would never be able to. Unable to have children naturally himself, he shares James’ frustration with his lack of parenthood, and this is one reason he’s poured himself into developing Penny. Qrow sometimes refers to him as James’ boyfriend.
A secret about him: He sometimes worries that James and Qrow’s relationship is one-sided and will ultimately end with James getting his heart broken.
💕 Qrow Branwen: (common Raven) James’ husband and emotional anchor. Recovering alcoholic. After dating James in their youth, they broke up because {redacted}, and got together again a few years ago. This time their relationship panned out and they eventually got married. For all his outward behavior, Qrow is actually very devoted, often quietly shouldering some of the many burdens James insists on carrying for everyone else. He wants children as much as James does, but feels that he would be detrimental to them in his current state, so they have put off parenthood for awhile.
A secret about him: He regrets how badly he messed up with Winter, because he feels James would have adopted her officially by now if it weren’t for Qrow, and knows she moved out because of him.
💕 Clover Ebi: (golden retriever) Head of security at Amity Labs and one of James’ proteges. Secret identity of Ace, the leader of the Ace Operatives, the Twin Cities’ mahou sentai team. Clover is earnest and sincere and completely loyal to James, who he regards as having given him everything. Despite some rather apparently tunnel vision, he likes to help people, and is always happy to escort the kids if they’re at the lab for the day. He lives with Winter and is also close to Qrow, and both like him more than they’re willing to admit; both are also sure that they’re going to put him in the ground one of these days.
A secret about him: He has a girlfriend who works for SALEM, and is worried James will consider him a security breach if he finds out.
💕 Ruby: (red-hooded tanager) James and Qrow’s niece on Qrow’s side of the family. Thirteen and very excitable. Ruby wants to grow up to study robotics one day, and often hangs around at the lab trying to soak up information. While most of the staff at the lab know her and are somewhat okay with letting her observe their work, she spends most of her time in Pietro’s lab, where she is most comfortable and feels most welcome. Overall a positive force and a friendly girl, she was deemed a perfect first friend for Penny when they got her working.
A secret about her: She has a crush on a girl way too old for her. She knows it can’t be (for that and other reasons) but that isn’t going to stop her daydreaming anyway.
💕 Ozma: (red bantam rooster) A fairy. A troll. A cryptic bastard. James met Ozma in his teen years, and has always found his brand extremely frustrating, especially as so many people take things as evidence of magic at face value instead of looking at the logical explanation. Ozma rarely leaves the tower these days, to the point that most people don’t even know he exists. Those that do are agreed that he’s a fairy, though. Though he won’t give details about himself, he will sometimes drop hints to a sad, despair-filled past.
💕 Ozpin: (red bantam chicken) Probably an immortal wizard and Ozma’s counterpart. Met James when James was a teenager, and is one of the other people responsible for James’ change of tune in his youth. James once considered him a father figure; while he still has confusing feelings about him in regards to this, recent actions have led him to feel betrayed by this, so their relationship is messy and complicated as a result.
💕 Arthur Watts: (saddle-billed stork) James’ ex. Hacker for SALEM. Bastard man. Ninety percent leg, even by stork standards. He and James met through Pietro when James was recovering from his accident, and there followed a very toxic couple of years that James would spend far longer recovering from. After James started dating Qrow, Arthur did a tabloid interview about their (up to this point unknown) relationship, both outing James when he’d preferred to keep his sexuality private, as well as casting aspersions on his character (the implications being that James cheated on him, among other things). He is James’ main link when doing his work with SALEM, and never fails to use his visits to remind James he still has a measure of power over him.
A secret about him: He’s still in love with James
💕 SALEM: Not so much a person as a company. On the surface, SALEM is just a regular old r&d company (and a much smaller one that Amity). What’s known is they do medical and robotics testing, do contract work for the military, and develop prosthetics. What’s rumoured is that they engage in shady, unethical practices, experiment on humans, and may have done the sort of genetic experimentation that horror movies start with. The company’s ceo’s identity is unknown, even down to pronouns, so the company is usually referred to interchangeably with whoever is in charge (so “SALEM” could refer to the company and its practices, or the person in charge). James has business with them through some inherited contracts he can’t get out of, but he’s working on that- in the meantime, it’s hinted that he knows more about the inner workings of the company than he lets on.
#i picked arthur's species by googling 'what stork has the longest legs' and it gave me a result that ALSO has a 'mustache'#so it's perfect#also my favorite thing about the red-hooded tanager is that its plumage is partially yellow#so ruby can look like a child of her father for once#james ironwoof verse
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Einige der schönsten Sperlingsvögel in La Selva - Summer tanager/Sommertangare - Green honeycreeper/Kappennaschvogel - Golden hooded tanager/Purpurmaskentangare - Shining honeycreeper/Azurnaschvogel - Red-capped manakin/Gelbhosenpipra
#costa rica#la selva#birds#shining honeycreeper#red-capped manakin#summer tanager#golden hooded tanager#green honeycreeper
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Here's some bird facts for you!
Many songbird species use the stars to navigate while migrating.
Falcons are more closely related to parrots than hawks.
A pileated woodpecker can peck 16 times a second.
The red-legged and black-legged seriemas are the closest living relatives of the "terror birds" of prehistoric times.
The Canada Jay nests during the cold boreal winter, rather than the spring and summer.
Crows can recognize people's faces and remember whether they are friendly or a threat.
Flamingos get their pink coloring from the carotenoid pigments in the brine shrimp that they eat.
Woodcocks can bend the tips of their beaks. This is called "distal rhyncokinesis."
Dippers (of which there are five species) are the only songbirds that can swim. The American dipper, also called the water ouzel, was naturalist John Muir's favorite bird.
The song "Blackbird" by the Beatles uses actual sound recordings of the Eurasian blackbird's song.
Some bird species (such as falcons and shrikes) have notches in their bills called "tomial teeth," usually used for killing prey.
The heaviest wild bird in North America is the trumpeter swan.
Loons have solid bones (rather than hollow bones with struts) in order to make them better divers. (Side note: when people say birds have hollow bones, it doesn't mean their bones are just empty tubes. Bird bones are very light, but very strong.)
Some species of birds (Florida scrub-jays, fairy wrens, golden-hooded tanagers, and others) have "nest helpers" during the breeding season. These are juvenile birds from earlier broods that help raise their younger siblings.
I just want people to know there are other asexual love languages besides expressing a desire to eat cake. Show me pictures of cool trees. Your dice, rock, and marble collections. Your most mindblowing mushroom facts.
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Red-hooded Tanager
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