#red striped garter snake
birdieboyy · 4 months
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mutant-distraction · 2 months
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California Red-Sided Garter Snake
- This striking snake features a beautiful pattern of blue stripes on a black and red background, typically reaching about 55 cm (22 inches) in length.
- They thrive in wetland habitats and are primarily found near rivers and marshes in California.
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ruffled-serpent · 6 months
Do you happen to know which snake the 'Daffodil of Mistral' is based on? It's so stripe-y and I'm curious about the real life equivalent
My best guess is the California red sided garter snake, but maybe there's others!
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herpsandbirds · 1 year
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Red-stripe Ribbon Snake (Thamnophis proximus rubrilineatus), family Colubridae, found in central and West TX, USA
A sub-species of the Western Ribbon Snake
photograph by Garter Kings
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neopronouns · 8 months
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flag id: six flags with 9 stripes, with the second and eighth being smaller than the others, the first and ninth smaller than those, and the fifth the smallest.
the top left flag's stripes are light brown, faded yellow-green, light yellow-green, bluish-white, pale yellow-green, bluish-white, pale green, dull light green, and medium dark faded yellow-green. the top right flag's stripes are dull green, light grey-green, light yellow-brown, very light sandy brown, pale green, very light sandy brown, yellow, faded yellow-green, and medium dark yellow-green.
the middle left flag's stripes are very dark bluish-green, dark bluish-green, faded green, faded light yellow-green, very dark green, very light sandy brown, light brown, red-brown, and green-black. the middle right flag's stripes are dull dark green, medium dark green, soft green, pale green, medium dark faded green, golden yellow, yellow-green, dark yellow-green, and very dark yellow-green.
the bottom left flag's stripes are dark yellow-green, yellow-green, light yellow-green, cream, medium dark yellow-green, very light silver, soft green, green, and dark faded yellow-green. the bottom right flag's stripes are dull green, dull light green, pale seafoam green, very light seafoam green, green-yellow, bluish-white, pale yellow-green, soft yellow-green, and yellow-green. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
honeysucklecolauric | sagecolauric forestcolauric | greencolauric mosscolauric | chartreusecolauric
honeysucklecolauric: a colorgender related to the color honeysuckle, succulents, key lime, glow-in-the-dark stars, blown glass, honeydew, garter snakes, and notes in bottles
sagecolauric: a colorgender related to the color sage, herb clippings, matcha, bullet journals, mini backpacks, needle felts, pistachio, and laptop stickers
forestcolauric: a colorgender related to the color forest, fern leaves, greenhouses, cloaks, bookstores, pine trees, chokers, and snake scales
greencolauric: a colorgender related to the color green, climbing ivy, snake eyes, frogs, rainboots, koi ponds, abandoned places, and clovers
mosscolauric: a colorgender related to the color moss, marshes, microscopes, crocodiles, green juice, grid notebooks, long socks, and algae
chartreusecolauric: a colorgender related to the color chartreuse, handbooks, spring buds, bamboo, forest ponds, glass, vintage sofas, and fairy circles
[pt: honeysucklecolauric: a colorgender related to the color honeysuckle, succulents, key lime, glow-in-the-dark stars, blown glass, honeydew, garter snakes, and notes in bottles
sagecolauric: a colorgender related to the color sage, herb clippings, matcha, bullet journals, mini backpacks, needle felts, pistachio, and laptop stickers
forestcolauric: a colorgender related to the color forest, fern leaves, greenhouses, cloaks, bookstores, pine trees, chokers, and snake scales
greencolauric: a colorgender related to the color green, climbing ivy, snake eyes, frogs, rainboots, koi ponds, abandoned places, and clovers
mosscolauric: a colorgender related to the color moss, marshes, microscopes, crocodiles, green juice, grid notebooks, long socks, and algae
chartreusecolauric: a colorgender related to the color chartreuse, handbooks, spring buds, bamboo, forest ponds, glass, vintage sofas, and fairy circles. end pt]
first set of colorgenders based on the results of this 'what color is your aura?' uquiz for anon! i'm organizing them roughly by color into sets of 6, so there will be 9 sets total.
these are in the colorgender flag format with the aura color from the uquiz as the center stripe and colors inspired by the listed things as the rest of the stripes. the terms are the aura color, 'col' from 'color, 'aur' from 'aura', + 'ic'!
tags: @radiomogai, @colorgendered | dni link
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Let’s play “spot the snake” !
Southern Ontario. I think its just a common garter ? But he had a sort of red blushing from the belly up. You can see it in the photo if you look closely. What do you think ? Common garter with a red phase ? Or a different species ?
I think this is actually a Butler's garter snake! The reddish tint wouldn't be uncommon for a common garter, but the side stripe positioning looks to be more consistent with a Butler's to me. Hard to tell from zooming in on this picture, but an adorable garter either way!
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Warrior Cats Prefixes List- G
I had a WC Name Generator on Perchance that I made but I don't seem to have access anymore, so I'm remaking it here as just a simple list. The definitions used are the ones that Clan cats have for those things, and thus are the origins of the names. Definitions used are whatever I found when I googled it.
Gale-: "[noun] a very strong wind"
Galerina-: "[noun] a species of extremely poisonous mushroom-forming fungus in the family Hymenogastraceae of the order Agaricales"
Gannet-: "[noun] a large seabird with mainly white plumage, known for catching fish by plunge-diving"
Garlic-: "[noun] a strong-smelling pungent-tasting bulb; [noun] the plant, closely related to the onion, that produces garlic bulbs"
Garnet-: "[noun] a precious stone consisting of a deep red vitreous silicate mineral"
Garter-: "[noun] a common, harmless North American snake that typically has well-defined longitudinal stripes and favors damp habitats"
Gentle-: "[adj] having or showing a mild, kind, or tender temperament or character"
Gill-: "[noun] the paired respiratory organ of fish and some amphibians; [noun] the vertical plates arranged radially on the underside of mushrooms and many toadstools"
Ginger-: "[noun] a hot, fragrant spice; [noun] a Southeast Asian plant, which resembles bamboo in appearance, from which ginger is taken; [adj] of a light reddish-yellow or orange-brown color"
Glade-: "[noun] an open space in a forest"
Gleam-: "[noun] a faint or brief light, especially one reflected from something; [verb] shine brightly, especially with reflected light"
Gloom-: "[noun] partial or total darkness; [adj] have a dark or somber appearance"
Glow-: "[noun] a steady radiance of light or heat; [verb] give out steady light without flame"
Glowworm-: "[noun] a soft-bodied beetle with luminescent organs in the abdomen, especially the larva-like wingless female which emits light to attract the flying male"
Goat-: "[noun] a hardy domesticated ruminant animal that has backward curving horns and (in the male) a beard"
Gold-: "[noun] a deep lustrous yellow or yellow-brown color; [adj] made of or colored like gold"
Golden-: "[adj] colored or shining like gold"
Goldenrod-: "[noun] a plant of the daisy family, which bears tall spikes of small bright yellow flowers"
Goldfish-: "[noun] a small reddish-golden Eurasian carp"
Goose-: "[noun] a large waterbird with a long neck, short legs, webbed feet, and a short broad bill"
Gopher-: "[noun] a burrowing rodent with fur-lined pouches on the outside of the cheeks"
Gorge-: "[noun] a narrow valley between hills or mountains, typically with steep rocky walls and a stream running through it"
Gorse-: "[noun] a yellow-flowered shrub of the pea family, the leaves of which are modified to form spines, native to western Europe and North Africa"
Goshawk-: "[noun] a large, short-winged hawk resembling a large sparrow hawk"
Gosling-: "[noun] a young goose"
Graceful-: "[adj] having or showing grace or elegance"
Grain-: "[noun] wheat or any other cultivated cereal crop used as food; [noun] a single fruit or seed of a cereal"
Granite-: "[noun] a very hard, granular, crystalline, igneous rock consisting mainly of quartz, mica, and feldspar"
Grass-: "[noun] vegetation consisting of typically short plants with long, narrow leaves; [noun] the mainly herbaceous plant that constitutes grass, which has jointed stems and spikes of small, wind-pollinated flowers"
Grasshopper-: "[noun] a plant-eating insect with long hind legs that are used for jumping and for producing a chirping sound. It frequents grassy places and low vegetation"
Gravel-: "[noun] a loose aggregation of small water-worn or pounded stones"
Gray-: "[noun] gray color or pigment; [adj] of a color intermediate between black and white, as of ashes or lead]"
Grayling-: "[noun] an edible freshwater fish of Eurasia and North America that is silvery-gray with horizontal violet stripes and has a long, high dorsal fin; [noun] a mainly brown European butterfly which has wings with bright eyespots and grayish undersides"
Grebe-: "[noun] a diving waterbird with a long neck, lobed toes, and almost no tail, typically having bright breeding plumage used in display"
Green-: "[noun] green color or pigment; [adj] of the color between blue and yellow in the spectrum; colored like grass or emeralds"
Grisette-: "[noun] a common edible woodland mushroom with a brown or gray cap, a slender stem, and white gills"
Grouse-: "[noun] a medium to large game bird with a plump body and feathered legs, the male being larger and more conspicuously colored than the female"
Grove-: "[noun] a small wood, orchard, or group of trees"
Grub-: "[noun] the larva of an insect, especially a beetle"
Gull-: "[noun] a long-winged web-footed seabird with a raucous call, typically having white plumage with a gray or black mantle"
Guppy-: "[noun] a small, livebearing freshwater fish"
Gust-: "[noun] a brief, strong rush of wind"
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snakeswagbracket · 2 years
Snake Swag Bracket Round 4
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Here we see two notoriously shy snakes, despite their bright beauty. Will the brilliant blue and red striping of the San Francisco garter snake or the red, black, and yellow speckling of the golden tree snake be sliding into the final match up?
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fischotterkunst · 11 months
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Thanos, our ambassador Eastern garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis), is from a very common species, but his coloration is rather unique in that he has a very vibrant stripe of red down his side!
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drcuriousvii · 2 years
'Trapgender' pride flag by @bontemp36o
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Trapgender: A person whose gender presentation and performance is a conscious and intentional act to create ambiguity or mismatch between externally perceived gender and internal gender identity, especially to their own advantage or benefit.
Red for power and agency
Silver for deceit and trickery
Purple for queer identity/genderfuckery
Diagonal stripe (Lower left to upper right) for ascension/elevation, in gradient for ambiguity
Garter snake (Some males will perform pheromonal mimicry of females to share body heat) entwined with transgender symbol
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thecreatureawaits · 1 year
Creature Awaits #213
Each week I plan to feature an amazing creature, admiring God's fantastic artistry. Hopefully it’ll brighten someone’s day to see something new and interesting if they haven’t seen it before. : )
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(Stunning capture by skilled photographer, Natalie McNear (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0))
The California Red-sided Garter Snake
Scientific Name: Thamnophis sirtalis infernalis
Region: Coastal dunes, shallow waters and marshes across California in the United States
Size: About 22" (~55cm) long (average length)
Interesting Notes: This gorgeous snake, considered by many to be one of the most beautiful in North America, can easily be mistaken for the San Francisco Garter Snake. You can tell the difference if you remember that this snake is shorter, more slender, and has black and red blotches along its sides instead of the plain black and red stripes of their San Franciscan cousin. It is also interesting as it is a viviparous snake, meaning their embryos develop in eggs within the mother rather than them laying eggs externally.
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moths-wc-aus · 2 years
Prefix Meanings - R
Rabbit - "A burrowing, plant-eating mammal with long ears, long hind legs, and a short tail." A grey cat; A brown cat; A long-legged cat; A lanky cat; A social cat; A cat with a short tail; A cat with large ears; A skilled tunneler
Raccoon - "A gray mammal that has a fox-like face with a black mask and a ringed tail." A grey cat; A cat with a striped tail; A cat who is skilled with their paws; A mischievous cat
Ragged - "Having an irregular or uneven surface, edge, or outline." A cat with messy fur; A cat with spiky fur; A cat with jagged stripes
Ragweed - "A North American plant of the daisy family." A tall cat; A spiky-furred cat; A coarse-furred cat; A resilient cat
Rain / Raining - "Moisture condensed from the atmosphere that falls visibly in separate drops." A white cat; A grey cat; A blue cat; A black cat; A calm cat; A thoughtful cat; A wise cat; A playful cat; A soothing cat
Ram - “A male sheep.” A black cat; A white cat; A grey cat; A cat with thick fur; A fluffy cat; A cat with curly fur; A social cat; A loyal cat; An aggressive cat; A temperamental cat
Raptor - “A bird of prey, e.g., an eagle, hawk, falcon, or owl.” A brown cat; A white cat; A grey cat; A dark-furred cat; A tabby cat; A strong cat; An intimidating cat; A cat with sharp eyesight, An observant cat; A swift cat; A skilled hunter
Raspberry - “An edible soft fruit related to the blackberry, consisting of a cluster of reddish-pink drupelets ; The plant that yields the raspberry, forming tall, stiff, prickly stems.” A red cat; A spiky-furred cat; A sweet cat; A soft-furred cat; A thick-furred cat; A protective cat; A defensive cat
Rat - "A rodent that resembles a large mouse, typically having a pointed snout and a long, sparsely haired tail." A brown cat; A grey cat; A clever cat; A cautious cat; A fierce cat
Raven - "A large heavily built crow with mainly black plumage, feeding chiefly on carrion." A black cat; A dark-furred cat; A cat with glossy / shiny fur; A smart cat; A mysterious cat; A clever cat
Red - "Red color or pigment." A red cat
Reed - "A tall, slender-leaved plant of the grass family, which grows in water or on marshy ground." A flexible cat; A dependable cat; A resilient cat
Ribbon - “A common species of garter snake in Eastern North American found near lakes, streams, and marshes.” A dark brown cat; A yellow cat with dark stripes; A gentle cat; A swift cat; A skilled swimmer; A quiet / stealthy cat
Ridge - “A long narrow hilltop, mountain range, or watershed.” A tabby cat; A large cat; A cat set in their ways
Ripple - "A small wave or series of waves on the surface of water, especially as caused by an object dropping into it or a slight breeze." A white cat; A grey cat; A blue cat; A black cat; A quiet / stealthy cat; A skilled swimmer
Rising - "Going up, increasing, or sloping upward." A cat with great potential; A cat with a strong connection to StarClan
River - "A large natural stream of water flowing in a channel." A white cat; A grey cat; A blue cat; A black cat; A swift cat; A headstrong cat
Robin - "A large thrush that typically has a reddish breast." A grey cat; A grey-brown cat; A brown cat; A red cat; A vocal cat; A protective cat; A cat who is musically gifted
Rock - "The solid mineral material forming part of the surface of the earth." A white cat; A grey cat; A blue cat; A black cat; A sturdy cat; A reliable cat; A trustworthy cat Rocky - "Consisting or full of rocks." A white cat; A grey cat; A blue cat; A black cat; A reliable cat; A temperamental cat
Rook - "A crow with black plumage and a bare face that nests in colonies in treetops." A black cat; A dark-furred cat; A dark cat with a white muzzle; A clever cat; A social cat
Rooster - “A male domestic chicken.” A vocal cat; A social cat; A protective cat; A bold cat
Root - “The part of a plant which attaches it to the ground or to a support, typically underground, conveying water and nourishment to the rest of the plant.” A practical cat; An honest cat; A protective cat; A sturdy cat; A firm cat
Rose - “A prickly bush or shrub that typically bears red, pink, yellow, or white fragrant flowers.” A red cat; An orange cat; A yellow cat; A white cat; A sweet cat; A kind cat; A friendly cat; A cheerful cat; A charismatic cat
Rosemary - “An evergreen aromatic shrub of the mint family.” A spiky-furred cat; A cat with a good memory; A loyal cat; An honest cat; A loving cat
Rowan - "A mountain ash tree that grows scarlet berries." A red cat; A brown cat; A reddish-brown cat; A thin cat; A lanky cat; A tall cat
Rubble - “Waste or rough fragments of stone, brick, concrete, etc.” A white cat; A grey cat; A black cat; A temperamental cat; An adventurous cat
Rue - “An evergreen shrub with bitter, strongly-scented lobed leaves used in herbal medicine.” A yellow cat; A tall cat; A caring cat; A soothing cat
Running - "The action or movement of a runner." An energetic cat; A swift cat
Rush (1) / Rushing - “Moving with urgent haste.” A swift cat; An energetic cat Rush (2) - "Any of several flowering plants distinguished by cylindrical stalks or hollow, stemlike leaves and found in temperate regions, particularly in moist or shady locations." A tall cat; A brown cat; A spotted cat; A fleck cat
Russet - “Reddish brown in color.” A reddish-brown cat
Rust / Rusty - “A reddish-brown color.” A reddish brown cat
Rye - “A cereal plant that tolerates poor soils and low temperatures.” A tall cat; A tan cat; A golden-brown cat; A flexible cat; An adaptable cat
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legally-brief · 56 minutes
MOVIES WITH MEN IN UNDERWEAR (This is outdated- website shutdown early 2000’s)
Hadley’s Rebellion (1984) Griffin O’Neal at 15 wearing just underwear.
Hail, Hero! (1969) Michael Douglas makes a big splash in his first film by stripping down to his plaid trim-cut boxer shorts, then jumping bare-ass into a pond.
Hair (1979) Another army physical scene.
Halfback of Notre Dame, The (1996) (TV) There is a lockeroom scene after a football game where the quarterback of the team (young guy) stands in the middle of the lockeroom talking about a party in his underwear (white boxer briefs).
Hamburger Hill (1987) Vietnam war drama. The entire cast is HOT. Tons of bare-chested boxer scenes (was waiting for some jockey ones though).
Hamburger... The Motion Picture (1986) Guy strips to his jockeys in a helicopter.
Hands Across the Table (1935) Fred MacMurray. Gets drunk, sleeps in woman’s apartment in suit. She walks in on him while he’s standing in his boxers, pressing his pants. Then date comes to her door, he answers it in his underwear ... then lounges about in boxers, shirttails, shoes, socks and garters.
Hanky Panky (1982) [? c/f Haunted Honeymoon (1986)] Gene Wilder in long white drawers riding a stuffed moose.
Happy Together (1997) (Cheun gwong tsa sit) Drama. Visually impressive movie about a gay Hong Kong couple's doomed relationship in Argentina. Several scenes with the principals in their underwear.
Haunted Honeymoon (1986) Comedy. Gene Wilder, escaping from a snake, climbs up onto a stuffed moose head on the wall - he's in his shoes, dark socks, garters, white undershirt and pale boxer shorts.
Hazing, The (1977) (Campus Corpse, The) Comedy. Long frat initiation scene with two guys running cross country in jockstraps.
He Got Game (1998) Drama. Ray Allen, woken by the phone, lying on the sofa in his white boxer briefs.
Heartbreak Ridge (1986) Mario Van Peebles and several other marines standing talking in their underwear, about 90 minutes into the movie.
Hearts of the West (1975) (Hollywood Cowboy) Comedy. Jeff Bridges joyfully greets the morning, stepping out on the porch roof in his white boxers and undershirt. Sitting below on the porch, the landlady hears him and looks up to see what’s going on. Embarrassed, Jeff slinks back inside through the window.
Heathers (1989) Couple of young guys run around in their Jockeys and white sweat socks while Christian Slater chases them with a gun.
Held Up (2000) Comedy. "We see some overweight and skinny local men in just their underwear as Rodrigo makes them strip down to that point so that there are no surprises when he has them move a crate inside the store".
Help! (1965) Beatle Ringo Starr is strapped into a metal-expanding machine in a bid to get a ring off his finger. It has no effect on the ring, but causes his pants to unzip and fall, revealing his striped boxers.
Hero and the Terror (1988) Chuck Norris gets out of bed in blue bikinis.
Hidden in America (1996) (TV) Very brief shot of Beau Bridges getting out of bed dressed in T-shirt, boxer shorts, and black dress socks.
High Risk (1981) Heist caper. Two men see a chance to escape from their police cell, and get a boy passing by outside to help by offering him a watch. The kid accepts, then reconsiders and says he also wants their shirts and boots. They try to bargain and he agrees to take just the shirts, but by the time the guards return, the boy has gone, taking their shirts, their boots, and their trousers. The guards find them, the white guy sitting in his socks and white briefs, the black guy standing sheepishly in his socks and red, pin-striped briefs. Great sequence ensues as the guards chase them through the crowded streets.
High Time (1960) Bing Crosby, Richard Beymmer, and a couple of other guys in the dorm, wake up during freshman year and get dressed. Bing wears his white boxers, Richard wears large printed boxers. Boxers were the rage in this sped-up scene.
Higher Learning (1995) Drama. Chasing after his date who runs out on him, guy finds himself standing in the hall with everyone laughing at him, and realises his pants have fallen down, revealing his tartan boxers.
Highway Patrol (Inhand Video) XXX Contains lots of sex scenes with policemen working hard on their boners in briefs and jock-straps, letting others suck at underwear etc.
Highway to Hell (1992) Young Chad Lowe ... near beginning a quick scene where he is roughed up - his jeans slide down for a glimpse of briefs ... the entire second half of the movie is Chad in the hottest white ribbed cotton undershirt, if that counts!
Hill, The (1965) Drama. Outraged by brutal treatment and racist insults, prisoner Ossie Davis defiantly ‘quits the army’ by stripping off his uniform and ripping it up. In his white undershorts, he then marches out across the prison compound to confront the commandant.
Hollow Man (2000) Sci-fi horror. "We briefly see Josh Brolin in his boxers".
Homegrown (1998) Comedy thriller. Billy Bob Thornton in robe and boxer shorts.
Home Alone 3 (1997) Juvenile comedy. "If Hughes isn't pummeling his characters senseless, his wit is benign to the point of nonexistent: His idea of a huge laugh is sending Dad off to work in a suit coat, shirt and tie--and boxer shorts."
Honkytonk Man (1982) A drunken Clint Eastwood is bleary-eyed, lying on a bed in just his white boxers and A-shirt.
Hooper (1978) Comedy. Burt Reynolds crawls out of bed while Sally Field is sleeping. Stands in front of the bedroom mirror and rubs his belly. He's just wearing navy blue low-rise jockey shorts. Nice bulge. Hot scene!
Hornet’s Nest Young boys run around in skimpy shorts and underwear.
Horse Feathers (1932) Marx Brothers comedy. Baravelli is forced to strip to his underwear as Pinky watches. Modestly, he turns the ballerina's poster toward the wall for Baravelli's sake. But then Pinky is forced to strip as well, and he is coyly embarrassed. The two athletes leave them locked in the room and then depart to play in the big football game. The climax of the film is the funny sequence of the wild Huxley-Darwin afternoon football game. Pinky and Baravelli are still in their underwear when the game begins. They escape by sawing into the next room below and falling into a ladies' card party.
Hot Tubs ?
Hotel de Love (1996) Stephen (Simon Bossell) is undressed by a woman (down to his underwear).
House Party (1990) Teen comedy. At the end of the film, after narrow escapes from hoods, the police and his dad, Kid (Christopher Reid) finally sneaks home late, strips down to his white briefs, and is just getting into bed when his father catches him.
House Party 2 (1991) College comedy. Inferior sequel, superior boxers. Catch a glimpse of some lovely big colorful boxer shorts at the pajama party, and in the opening scene.
Houseguest (1995) Comedy. A group of boys challenge Sinbad and his young friend in a basketball game. Sinbad suggests they play for his car against their clothes, and the overconfident boys rashly agree. Game over, they're seen standing in the park in their underwear, acutely embarrassed and begging for their clothes back (unsuccessfully).
How Stella Got Her Groove Back (1998) Romance. Whoopi Goldberg adds some padding to shop-window mannequins displaying assorted CK underwear. Angela Bassett's fine young Jamaican lover (Taye Diggs) apears several times in his underwear, the first time at a pajama party where he wears a brilliant red ganzie and colourful boxer shorts. Several other partygoers are well worth a look, too.
How to Be a Player (1997) Comedy. An underwear scene, but can't recall details.
Hucksters, The (1947) Clark Gable changes his pants revealing full-cut white boxers, in front of his valet. The scene is early on in the film.
Hudsucker Proxy, The (1994) Both Tim Robbins and Paul Newman exhibit their proud hairy legs in corporate boxers and garters in this film about big business.
Huevos de oro (Golden Balls) (1993) Spanish movie. Two guys running around on beach in briefs. Another guy spends most of movie in a Speedo.
Hunk Do not know the actor’s name (C-movie player) in this HORRID fantasy/comedy. Many scenes of near naked/bikini or towel-wearing California-boy type. Much partial nudity throughout.
Hurricane, The (1999) Drama based on true story. Denzel Washington a couple of times in his prison cell in white boxers.
I Love You to Death (1990) Kevin Kline in blue briefs.
I Still Dream of Jeannie (1991) (TV) Weak comedy based on 60's TV sitcom. Tune in about half an hour before the end, and catch the scene where the black MP (D.J. Jackson) is sent to arrest Jeannie. She lets him into the house, then uses her magic to make his combat uniform instantly vanish, leaving him standing shocked and embarrassed in his boots, red socks and underwear - white T-shirt and heart-spotted boxers. She then ties him up with rope, and leaves. We see him later, still tied up, trying to phone for help.
I’m Gonna Get You, Sucka (1988) Blaxploitation spoof. Incidental extra flees brothel raid in open shirt and white briefs, putting his trousers on while he runs (try it - it’s quite difficult!). Also features bizarre ‘Pimp of the Year’ beauty contest with swimsuit line-up.
Ice Castles (1978) Robbie Benson in briefs.
Ice Storm, The (1997) Nice shots of Kevin Kline lounging around the house, no pants and black socks.
If.... (1968) Kid gets his pants taken off and is turned upside down into a toilet - a slow pan of him upside down in his underpants.
If Looks Could Kill (Teen Agent) (1991) Comedy. Richard Grieco hopping around in white briefs.
Impostors, The (1998) Comedy with at least Oliver Platt, Stanley Tucci and Billy Connolly in their underwear.
In Crowd, The (1988) Donovan Leitch about 15 min. into the movie in white briefs and sharing his bed with younger brother also in briefs.
In The Army Now (1994) Pauly Shore in grey briefs
In the Company of Men (1997) Chad, dressing down a young black intern, insists that the intern drop his pants and show him his balls. After the intern sheepishly drops his trousers, Chad completes the ritual humiliation by asking him to fetch a cup of coffee.
IN THE LINE OF DUTY (?) Maybe the wrong title but definitely the right actor. Adam Baldwin as part of a family of cops He is sleeping in V-neck white T-shirt and briefs. A recent TV movie in the states
In the Name of the Father (1994) Rebellious Irish kids ordered by IRA men to drop their pants on a busy street. Daniel Day-Lewis in patterned briefs.
Indecent Proposal (1993) Woody Harrelson in white boxer briefs with Demi Moore
Independence Day (1996) Sci-fi action. In an early scene, Will Smith gets out of bed in his light blue boxer shorts.
Infinity (1996) Matthew Broderick
Innocent Man, An (1989) Thriller. Tom Selleck prepares for a shower at the start of the movie. He strips off his black T-shirt and is in his white briefs for a moment.
Internal Affairs (1990) Bad cops (Richard Gere is one I think) break into a house with a guy sleeping in white T-shirt and briefs, then kill him.
Into the Night (1985/I) Russian communist changing in Tiffany’s wearing white collar shirt and white briefs then runs outside in them when he sees Jeff Goldblum (the man he’s after). Also has bodybuilder Jake (Bodies by Jake) in black bikinis.
Irony of Fate (Ironiya sudby, ili S lyogkim parom!) (1975) (TV) Nadya enters her apartment and finds a man without trousers in her bed. What's more - Nadya's fiance also finds him there...
Ishtar (1987) Warren Beatty has a moment in his full-cut boxer shorts. The film is considered a bomb by most critics, however - with occasional funny moments.
It's a Wonderful Life (1946) James Stewart dries out in his long underwear after being rescued from an icy river.
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0reotheweirdo · 22 days
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Old drawings but I quite like them,
Left is a character named Mcgillicutty and the right is a Cockatrice I based off the red striped garter Snake and a red roade island chicken.
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lostpetsposter · 3 months
What Type of Reptiles Can I Have as a Pet?
Reptiles are fascinating creatures, offering a unique blend of companionship and the thrill of caring for a living piece of prehistory. However, before you bring a scaly friend into your home, it's important to consider which types are best suited for domestic life. This guide will introduce you to the most popular pet reptiles and touch on the responsibility of pet ownership, including how to report a found reptile if one escapes.
Popular Pet Reptiles
Turtles and Tortoises
These shelled reptilians are known for their longevity, with some species living over 50 years. Tortoises generally prefer dry land, while turtles are aquatic or semiaquatic. The Red-Eared Slider is a common turtle pet, famous for its distinctive red stripe near the ears.
Snakes can make excellent pets for those who appreciate their calm and solitary nature. The Corn Snake, Ball Python and Garter Snake are particularly popular due to their manageable size, docile temperament and relatively simple care requirements.
Lizards like the Bearded Dragon, Leopard Gecko and Crested Gecko are well-loved for their expressive personalities and manageable care needs. Bearded Dragons, in particular, are known for their friendly disposition, making them a great choice for first-time reptile owners.
Caring for Your Pet Reptile
Owning a reptile comes with unique challenges, including maintaining their habitat, diet and temperature needs. It's crucial to research thoroughly to provide the best care for your specific type of reptile. Furthermore, if your reptile escapes or you come across an abandoned one, knowing how to report a found reptile is essential for the safety of the reptile and the community. Various wildlife rescue organizations and local veterinary clinics can guide safely capturing and reporting found reptiles.
Reptiles can make fascinating and rewarding pets for those willing to invest the time and effort into their care. By choosing the right type of reptile and understanding the importance of responsible pet ownership, including how to report a reptile, you can enjoy the unique companionship that these ancient creatures offer.
Read a similar article about where to report a found pet here at this page.
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Pet Snakes That Stay Small
If you're interested in getting a pet snake, however you don't have a great deal of space or you choose smaller sized animals, you may be wondering which species of snakes stay little. In this post, we'll present you to a few of the best pet snakes that stay little, and we'll likewise offer some ideas on how to take care of them.
Kenyan Sand Boa
The Kenyan sand boa is a little and docile snake that makes a fantastic pet for beginners. They typically grow to be about 2-3 feet in length, and they have a life expectancy of 20-25 years. They are belonging to Africa and are known for their sandy-colored skin, which helps them blend in with their environments.
Kenyan sand boas are relatively low-maintenance snakes that don't require a great deal of space. They can be kept in a 10-gallon tank, and they require a heat source to keep their enclosure warm. They are meat-eating and need a diet plan of mice, which should be fed to them when a week.
Rosy Boa
The rosy boa is another small snake that makes a terrific pet. They normally grow to be about 2-3 feet in length, and they have a life expectancy of 20-25 years. They are native to the southwestern United States and Mexico and are known for their pinkish-red skin.
Rosy boas require a tank that is at least 20 gallons in size, and they need a hiding place, a water meal, and a heat source. They are carnivorous and need a diet of mice, which should be fed to them when a week.
Western Hognose Snake
The western hognose snake is a small and unique-looking snake that makes a great pet. They typically grow to be about 2-3 feet in length, and they have a lifespan of 15-20 years. They are belonging to North America and are known for their upturned snout, which they use to dig for prey.
Western hognose snakes require a tank that is at least 20 gallons in size, and they require a hiding place, a water dish, and a heat source. They are meat-eating and require a diet plan of mice, which should be fed to them as soon as a week. They also take pleasure in burrowing in substrate, so it is necessary to supply a substrate that permits them to dig.
Corn Snake
Corn snakes are among the most popular pet snakes for newbies, and they also stay fairly little. They typically grow to be about 3-5 feet in length, and they have a life-span of 15-20 years. They are native to the southeastern United States and are known for their brightly colored skin.
Corn snakes need a tank that is at least 20 gallons in size, and they require a hiding place, a water meal, and a heat source. They are meat-eating and need a diet of mice, which must be fed to them when a week. They are also understood for their friendly and docile nature, which makes them excellent animals for both kids and grownups.
Garter Snake
Garter snakes are small and active snakes that make fantastic pets. They typically grow to be about 2-3 feet in length, and they have a life-span of 5-10 years. They are native to North America and are understood for their striped skin.
Garter snakes require a tank that is at least 10 gallons in size, and they need a hiding place, a water dish, and a heat source. They are meat-eating and require a diet plan of fish or worms, which need to be fed to them once a week. They are likewise known for their active and curious nature, which makes them fantastic family pets for children.
Tips for Taking Care Of Little Pet Snakes
Provide a suitable enclosure: Little pet snakes require an enclosure that is appropriate for their size. A tank that is too small can stress your snake, while a tank that is too big can make it difficult for them to find their food or water. As a general guideline, the enclosure needs to be at least as long as the snake is, and it should have a safe and secure lid to prevent escape.
Preserve the proper temperature and humidity: Little pet snakes need a particular temperature and humidity variety to stay healthy. It is essential to research the ideal conditions for your specific species of snake and provide them with a heat source, such as an under-tank heating pad or a heat lamp. You must also offer a humidity source, such as a misting system or a moist substrate, to help your snake shed its skin properly.
Feed them the ideal diet plan: Little pet snakes need a diet plan that is appropriate for their size and species. As pointed out previously, most small pet snakes are carnivorous and require a diet plan of mice, fish, or worms. The size of the prey ought to be appropriate for the size of the snake, and it is essential to feed them only as soon as a week.
Supply tidy water: Snakes require access to tidy water at all times. The water dish ought to be cleaned and filled up with fresh water regularly.
Handle them gently: When handling your pet snake, be mild and avoid abrupt movements. Snakes can be quickly stressed, and handling them too roughly can cause them to become aggressive or defensive.
Keep their enclosure clean: Regularly tidy the enclosure to remove any feces, shed skin, or leftover food. A tidy environment will assist avoid the development of harmful germs and parasites.
There are several species of pet snakes that remain small and make excellent family pets for novices. The Kenyan sand boa, rosy boa, western hognose snake, corn snake, and garter snake are all small and fairly low-maintenance. Nevertheless, it is necessary to research the specific requirements of your particular types of snake and offer them with an ideal enclosure, preserve the correct temperature level and humidity, feed them the best diet, handle them gently, and keep their enclosure tidy. With the right care and attention, your pet snake can live a long and healthy life.
Resources: Pet Snakes That Stay Small
Best Type Of Snake For A Pet
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