#red son is so fucking obnoxious and silly
blu3cl0v3rs · 1 year
I have watched the lego monkie kid pilot and i'm??? in love??? i kinda wanna punch something affectionately rn
Anyways, I see why people like this show, the animation blew me to fucking Saturn and I love all of the characters so much, also someone needs to tell Red Son to stop trying so hard
Anyways, I'm going back to finishing Day 1 of Morrotober, byeee!
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ratedfleur · 4 months
gunwook and his favorites.
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📝: i figured i’d experiment with this post so i do hope it makes sense. also i think someone asked for something along the lines of “gunwook’s fave porn plots” until the ask disappeared so idk who that anon was 😭
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at first gunwook would be into those cliche step son and step mother porn plots but he got into diving deeper into the porn lore.
yoga instructor and poorly trained student porn is definitely a favorite because gunwook himself was into maintaining his body in terms of physicality. gunwook likes it especially when your leggings magically rip in the crotch and he has to watch you bend over, shaking your hips when you can no longer hold her position. his hands are shakily placed on your hips as you shake your ass against his crotch, slowly dampening his shorts with your slick. gunwook could no longer hold it in before he reaches for his cock beneath his shorts before slamming his cock into your pussy, watching as you panicked underneath him, trying to stop him from further slipping deeper into your cunt before moaning as you took more of his cock.
another porn plot he likes is the masseuse one where the masseuse is a man and the client specifically chooses him to do her massages. gunwook likes to watch how you— his favorite client twitches and whines when his fingers get a little too close towards your cunt which inevitably leads to you whining as you looked up at gunwook when he told you to lie on your back. now, his hands were on your breasts, massaging your globes before pouring the oil all over the fabric, watching as your nipple appeared from beneath the white and thin fabric. gunwook would waste no time as he undressed his lower half before hopping on the table, reeling in the feeling of finally fucking his favorite client after months.
another cliche plot gunwook loves is the audition plot where an audition is held in front of a couch and the one auditioning has sex with the man behind the camera. it always has to be on a couch where the other cameramen have to come in closer, filming as the women slowly gets fucked by more men. most of the times gunwook imagines that he’d be one of the cameramen who joins into the fun, getting his cock sucked by you. he’d specifically shoot your face where you’d be staring straight at the camera as your mouth got stuffed by gunwook and your cunt by one of the directors. if he were lucky, he would’ve gotten the chance to fuck you in the cunt as he filmed you take his huge cock.
delivery guy is one of the funnier plots for gunwook where the customer doesn’t have any payment but is willing to pay with other things. he just likes it when she goes down on the delivery man, sucking him off with the door wide open for people to see what the commotion was. it was silly but gunwook’s eyes would nearly pop out of his eye sockets when he saw how your tits were on perfect display when you opened the door for him. your hands touching his wrist got him going hard when you pulled him into your apartment, begging him to let you pay with something else. gunwook’s cheeks would blush when he saw you get on your knees, hands busy taking his cock out of his obnoxiously red uniform for the pizzeria. all he could do is take what you gave him as you sucked his cock like a professional, bobbing your head up and down without gagging before making him cum into your mouth. it would’ve gotten gunwook to fuck you when you opened your mouth, showing him his own cum before swallowing it all up and showing him that you swallowed everything.
his top favorite would be the poorly shot porn that’s posted on twitter, he likes it best when the phone is simply propped up against the wall as he presses your chest flat against the mattress as it muffles all of your loud and whiny moans as you begged him to go faster. gunwook likes to make sure his princess is well fucked before switching positions, now fucking you on your back with his hand pressed against your neck to stop you from moaning a little too loud for his liking. though gunwook makes sure every angle that’s caught on his camera wouldn’t include your face, he still has to ensure that both your and his identity is hidden away before he shamelessly posts yours and his videos on twitter.
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atopvisenyashill · 11 months
Had some fun thoughts about Aegon’s sons while I was re-reading. This is the passage:
At the feast afterward, King Aenys compounded his misjudgment by granting the title Prince of Dragonstone to his presumptive heir, Prince Aegon. A hush fell over the hall at those words, for all present knew that title had hitherto belonged to Prince Maegor. At the high table, Queen Visenya rose and stalked from the hall without the king’s leave. That night she mounted Vhagar and returned to Dragonstone, and it is written that when her dragon passed before the moon, that orb turned as red as blood.
It’s kind of funny to me because Aenys is doing something normal - he’s just naming his oldest son as his heir (and also pointedly bypassing Rhaena as heir but that’s also incredibly normal behavior bc Westeros and Earth are a patriarchal hellscape).
But he always does shit like this. Every major decision Aenys makes is the one he’s “supposed” to make, almost like he’s following a script. The patriarch must have heirs, must make proper dynastic matches for his heirs, must support and defend his heir’s claim so the transition between their rules is smooth. He wants to live up to the legacies of both Aegon and Rhaenys, be decisive and strong but kind and charming as well, and he freezes right in the middle of the two into something obnoxious and indecisive.
So he takes the title “prince of dragonstone” a title created for Maegor by the lords and people and hands it to his son for funsies. He wants the titles and signals of legitimacy to belong to only him because he’s the first born so of course it belongs to him; that’s not just arrogance, that’s law. At the same time, “prince of dragonstone” was not an official title that Aegon gave Maegor as a sign of legitimacy, the way he tried to give Aenys blackfyre. See here:
Prince Maegor remained with his mother, sitting by her side when she held court. Queen Visenya and King Aegon were oft apart in those years. When he was not on a royal progress, Aegon would return to King’s Landing and the Aegonfort, whilst Visenya and her son remained on Dragonstone. For this reason, lords and commons alike began to refer to Maegor as the Prince of Dragonstone.
They call him that because he grows up there at his mother’s side instead of at his father’s with Aenys. And then not only does Aegon back down from fighting the Faith by betrothing Maegor to a Hightower, he is essentially rejecting this sign of legitimacy for Maegor by refusing to go to bat for an incestuous marriage that would make Maegor and Rhaena his heirs together. Maegor may have some symbols of legitimacy but they are not given to him by Aegon - he doesn't get Blackfyre or Balerion until after Aegon dies. He barely sees his father. He can't even give his father grandchildren. But he has this one thing, this title given to him by the lords and commoners of Dragonstone, the seat that once belonged to his father. And then Aenys takes that away. It’s his right! He’s the oldest son! Why is Visenya turning the moon weird colors when she knows her son is the younger!
But of course, her son is the younger because Visenya and Aegon couldn’t stand each other, and by the time they got around to really attempting to fuck, Visenya was already a bit old. And Visenya is the oldest, maybe the least loved wife, but the original, the first wife. It doesn’t matter; Rhaenys had a baby first, Rhaenys is the one the line now descends from. And her son can’t even leave Visenya’s son a silly little title given as a nickname, a nickname he earned for being Visenya’s son, always on Dragonstone with his mother and never at King’s Landing. But Aenys stubbornly ignores this because this is how he operates. They’re the ones not following the script!
It’s exactly what he does when it comes to Rhaena and Aegon marrying; it never occurs to him that people will be angry because he has the right. Never mind the High Septon making it clear he wouldn’t approve. Never mind it’ll piss off Visenya and Maegor, the only competent generals with dragons that he has bc his kids aren’t grown.
The storm that greeted the king’s announcement took them all by surprise, though the warning signs had been plain enough for those with the wit to read them. The Faith had condoned, or at the very least ignored, the marriage of the Conqueror and his sisters, but it was not willing to do the same for their grandchildren.
There’s soooo much going on here in why Aenys acts like this. It’s not just the general royal/noble “i have the castle and the swords i do what i want” but a very specific Targaryen “i have the dragons i do what i want” and an even more specific “i have the divine right i do what i want.”
He is Aegon the Conquerer’s first born son and he can do what he wants. It’s in the script his father followed when Aegon used The Divine Right Of Dragons to subjugate most of Westeros. He completely convinced himself that he is allowed to run roughshod over social norms, politics, religion, his own family’s feelings, because he is Aegon’s son.
And Maegor takes the exact opposite approach. He is Aegon the Conqueror’s second born son of his least favorite wife and he will always have to conquer like his father to prove he is worthy of doing what he wants.
It is in effect the same problem basically every Targaryen past Aegon has had. They see him (and Rhaenys and Visenya) just as godly as the people of Westeros do. They are all demi gods aspiring to the immortality of the Conqueror while refusing to see the bigger picture surrounding him which is that Aegon didn’t do whatever he wanted and he was miserable for large portions of his life which is why he was so effective as King! He’s an annoying bitch but he’s an annoying bitch who realized that the throne was not there to make him happy!! It is only when Aenys and Alyssa give him Rhaena, and a new family to love, that Aegon lives happily again.
Basically every Targaryen ruler misses some aspect of this. They focus on how he conquered with dragons so they use extreme force and forget how often he conceded, how smartly he chose to sort his spoils of war, and put their yes men in powerful positions only to watch those dudes get eaten alive by their post. Or they focus on the concessions, on the miracle of his negotiations, the myth making around Aegon the Dragon, and do reckless, foolish shit without a thought for consequence because They Are The Blood Of The Dragon.
The Dragon was a man and not a god! He died of a stroke! Not of dragon fire or a thunderbolt sent from the gods themselves. Ultimately, what was special was his ability to know when to fight and when to negotiate and even that wasn’t always easy for him, see: the dragon’s wroth. But every Targaryen after him believes in The Dragon, The God, and makes a claim at his godhood, even his own sons. And all of them fall short because of their belief in his godhood, even his own sons.
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part 3 of #FreeRei (temporary title) with a Rei POV! and I finally get to explore my favourite flavour of Rei Todoroki, completely fucking unhinged and absolutely determined to make it Endeavor's problem
(you can read from the beginning here)
She felt a little silly, practically vibrating with glee over a bit of basic shopping, but it had been so long, even just the feel and sound of the money jingling in her hands was almost nostalgic, like something from a long ago dream. It almost didn't feel real.
The woman behind the counter was tilted back on a tall stool, a braided tendril of dark brown hair streaked with grey lifted a can of coffee to her lips as she flipped through a gossip rag. There were was a photo of two heroes on the cover that Rei vaguely recognised, one with long white ears and one with red wings, she was pretty sure they were both in the top ten, but it was hard to keep up with current hero rankings when she wasn't allowed to watch the news. They were covered in obnoxious yellow text declaring something about a secret relationship, they just looked like friends having coffee together to her.
If only they knew of the scandal sitting right beneath everyone's noses, she wondered what kind of mockery the bright yellow text would make about her husband's misdeeds, had they not been covered up at every turn. Something outrageous and distasteful probably.
'No. 1 Hero or No Good Husband?'
'Flame Hero's Marriage up in Smoke!'
'Endeavor Beats Villains in the Streets and his Wife in the Sheets!'
Rei put her items on the counter and tried to hold back the giddy grin she could feel pulling at her lips, she failed to keep from bouncing on her toes. The woman put her magazine down and shifted her seat back onto all fours, she paused as tired eyes tracked Rei's constant motion.
"Someone's in a good mood this morning." she commented in a husky monotone, her hair grabbing the items to scan them. "What's got you so excited?"
"Oh you know," Rei laughed nervously. "It's just nice to be out of the house, I'm not normally allow- I don't get out much." she clamped her lips shut with an airy little chuckle.
Be careful be careful don't be suspicious don't get caught can't go back can't go back-
"Right," the woman said, gaze flitting over Rei as if looking for something, Rei tugged her sleeve down, making sure her hospital grade quirk cancelling cuff was well hidden beneath her hoodie, the woman's keen eyes tracked the motion before quickly glancing to the side. "He got something to do with that?" she asked, jerking her head toward the window where Touya was pacing back and forth on the phone.
"Oh, no! No no that's just my son, he's a good boy, he's nothing like his- he's just helping me with my shopping!" Rei could feel her legs trembling, she'd barely been out of the hospital for a few hours and she was already fucking everything up, shit she shouldn't have said he was her son shit shit shit.
"Alright then," the woman's narrowed eyes shifted back down as she bagged the items, ringing up the total and counting the scattered change Rei's trembling hands dropped onto the counter.
"Sorry, but you're 100¥ short." The woman shrugged, frowning at the bag, a tendril of hair fidgeted with one of her earrings.
"Oh," Touya had scrounged through all of his pockets to gather that change, she was pretty sure it was the last of his money. "Um, you can take out the toothbrush then."
"So just the face masks and hair dye?" the woman asked in a carefully neutral tone, her braids curled over on themselves in the air behind her. "Going for a new look?"
"Haha, yeah I just figured it was time to do something different you know?" Rei tilted her head innocently, putting on her best unassuming polite smile, the one she'd learned could keep the new nurses from checking under her tongue after giving her sedatives at night.
The woman kept staring at the bag as she chewed at the inside of her cheek. Rei could feel sweat beading at her hairline, she glanced around at anything she could potentially use as a weapon should it come to that, she didn't particularly want to bludgeon this woman's head in but-
I won't go back I won't I won't I won't I won't I won't I won't I won't I won't I won't I won't I WON'T-
The woman sighed heavily and pushed the plastic bag toward Rei, the toothbrush still inside.
"I'll overlook the 100¥, if you answer a question for me," she said, eyes locking onto Rei's, her expression sank into something softer, concerned. "If someone comes in here later asking if I've seen a woman with white hair, should I keep my mouth shut?"
Rei's stomach did an odd little swoop, her heart was beating in her throat. "I would... I would be very very grateful if you did." she said in a small, trembling voice.
The woman nodded, her smile melancholy, a braided tendril picked up the bag and dropped it into Rei's hands before going lax against her back, the rest stopped their antsy fidgeting to follow suit. "Good luck girl, stay safe alright?"
Rei's hands and feet tingled as she walked out of the store, as soon as the cool early morning air hit her face she took in a deep and desperate lungful, her chest ached like she couldn't get enough in.
Touya seemed to have finished his phone call as he was simply lounging low on a public bench just outside. His head was tilted back as he stared up at a nearby streetlight, eyebrows furrowed, lost in thought, his pale, almost translucent eyelashes practically glowed under the yellow tinted light. Despite all of his scars his face still looked so... gentle, so unlike Natsuo who'd inherited Enji's squared jaw and broad shoulders, Touya was all soft edges and elegant curves.
He looks like me.
The thought lightened her chest and her breathing slowed back down to a regular pace. A different emotion climbed up her throat, something warm and pleasant, this was her son, all grown up. Even after everything Enji had done, after he tried to mould Touya into a monster like him, after he left her baby boy to burn alive alone on that mountaintop, he was here, right in front of her, alive.
And he looks like me.
Touya lifted his head, whatever thoughts were ghosting behind his eyes cleared as he stood up and offered her his arm, Rei took it, and they walked out into the early morning, the barest hint of light seeping into the dark sky.
You tried to take him from me but he isn't yours anymore, he's mine mine mine mine and I will rip you apart with my bare hands before I ever let you come between me and my son again Enji I swear it on my breath and my bones I will never let you have him you don't deserve him you don't deserve any of us.
The distant sounds of birds and traffic began to wake the sleeping streets, as the edge of sunlight peeked at them between buildings, Touya pulled one of the medical facemasks from the plastic bag hanging from Rei's wrist and handed it to her. He tugged her dark blue hoodie over her head before the light could catch on the bright white strands of her hair, she always loved seeing her children play at dawn and dusk, especially in the winter, the angled sunshine from the snow making their hair practically glow, they looked almost ethereal, otherworldly.
You were right to be afraid of letting me out, I spent years pretending I wasn't clawing at the walls, fooling the doctors, fooling my own children, but I couldn't fool you, you knew you broke me beyond repair, you knew I wasn't going to forget what I promised you the last time you dared look me in the eye.
Sometimes she would hope that some spirit of light would realise it had left its children down on earth where they didn't belong, she would hope that one day when they played out in the late afternoon they would chase those sunlit snowflakes up up up into the sky, far away from the house that had wrongfully trapped them within its walls, far away from her husband's burning cruelty and blistering neglect, she would hope that when the sun finally set and took its light away from her garden, it would take her children home with it. Some days, the bad days after the fire on Sekoto, she would forget that it was only a daydream, she would sit in the yard with Shouto held up to the sky, and with tears in her eyes she would beg those sunlit snowflakes to take her baby away somewhere safe, to take him to wherever they took Touya.
Mark my fucking words Enji Todoroki I will bathe myself in your blood I will carve your hollow heart from your chest and crush it in my fist as I watch the light die in your eyes and I'm going to laugh and laugh and laugh and LAUGH-
"What's so funny?" Touya smiled gently down at her, his eyes as blue as his father's but utterly void of the terrifying cold indifference that once haunted her daily waking life.
"Oh it's nothing," she assured him, hysterical giggles still fighting their way up her throat, her cheeks ached but she couldn't stop smiling. "I'm just so happy to have you back sweetheart."
Touya was quiet for a few moments, when he finally spoke his voice was thick with something close to melancholy.
"I... yeah... me too."
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I decided I think it would be funny to imagine Melli failing to confess to Ingo so I’m going to share my silly ideas every once and a while
Scenario 1
He is Emmet. He has finally arrived to his destination, that destination being wherever Ingo had disappeared off to. Hisui, apparently, which he knows isn’t a region that exists where he is from, so this is either many many years in the past, or he is in an entirely different world altogether.
It is fine, either way, of course. He knows how to get back. All he needs to do is find his brother and drag him back home, back to his friends, his family, his life. He is Emmet, and he shall— and— and there is someone approaching him from behind very quickly—!
Emmet turns around, smile frozen on his face from the sheer audacity of this stranger. Said stranger is ridiculously tall, face beet red, and goes from looking at him nervous to suddenly beaming in happiness.
“Ah! Well received, then, Warden Ingo?”
“Of course it was, as it comes from I, the Great Melli! In any case, I shall be waiting this evening at our usual spot.”
With that, the man somehow manages to sprint off despite looking as though he’s leisurely walking away, all with the flip of his obnoxious purple hair.
Does Ingo have a fucking boyfriend?!
Son of a bitch, this retrieval mission might be a little more difficult than he had planned. 
anyways later Emmet barges into Ingo’s home later and is like INGO YOUR BOYFRIEND KISSED ME! To which Ingo is like, holy shit, Emmet? And also wait what boyfriend I don’t have a boyfriend???
And then Emmet realizes oh shit he totally just ruined that poor guy’s confession to his brother.
Eh. Whatever. Reunion time!!!
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 3 years
3 for the meta asks!!
Meta Asks
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
Well, as it happens, I have one such scene written! Warnings for mildly gory thoughts because Jiang Cheng happens to have a lot of pent up rage and aggression. This is supposed to be in the feral cats 'verse (with all the warnings that entails lmao) but I never got the motivation to flesh out the fic I had planned around this scene.
“I’ll kill you,” says Jiang Cheng hoarsely.
His teeth are mere inches from Wei Wuxian’s throat. He could do it. He could lean forward, cross the space between, and tear at those fragile veins pulsing so close to the surface of his skin. He wants to, he wants to so badly he can already taste Wei Wuxian’s blood in his mouth and feel it running down his chin. Let him sink his teeth into his brother’s throat, oh God, because he wants it more than he’s ever wanted anything.
But Xue Yang’s shadowy restraints are firm and unyielding. Jiang Cheng can’t cross that divide no matter how he struggles, and Wei Wuxian looks at him with a wide-eyed expression of hurt. Good. He knows that Jiang Cheng means it.
“Don’t make a decision you’ll regret,” Xue Yang says lowly, and Jiang Cheng has just enough leeway to turn his head slightly. He glares at Xue Yang, who glares right back at him with a fierce, unyielding expression.
“I do what I damn well please,” Jiang Cheng breathes. Summoning all of his considerable strength, he tears at the restraints made of resentful energy. They’re made of grief and anger and bitterness, aren’t they? All the failures and the regrets and the terrible, heart-wrenching agony of living.
Old friends, Jiang Cheng thinks grimly, and for the first time in his life, grasps hold of those emotions and pulls.
It’s the closest he’s ever gotten to demonic cultivation. But it pays off, and the restraints loosen for just a moment. He sees Wei Wuxian’s red eyes widen, sees Xue Yang stumble backward in surprise, as he lunges forward. He doesn’t even have Sandu at the ready. Zidian is too slow. All he has are his teeth and the burning, incoherent rage he feels, that he’s felt since Wei Wuxian toppled off the Burial Mounds so many years ago.
But at the last moment, he reconsiders. Jiang Cheng can’t say why. Maybe it’s the astonished, frightened look in Wei Wuxian’s eyes. Maybe it’s the inarticulate cry of frustration from Xue Yang, so utterly out of character. Hell, for all he knows, it’s the way the sun glances off the lake at the last second, blinding him slightly. Whatever it is, Jiang Cheng’s teeth snap shut just before the skin of Wei Wuxian’s neck and instead he twists forward, throwing his entire body weight behind his fist. He punches Wei Wuxian so hard there’s an audible cracking noise, throwing his head to the side and sending both of them stumbling.
Jiang Cheng’s knuckles sting in an entirely too satisfying way as he drags himself upright. He’s breathing heavily, like he’s just finished some long, harrowing race. He looks at Wei Wuxian and flexes his hand once, twice, just to make sure the knuckles are still working properly.
“You’re so fucking righteous,” he growls, and punches him again.
Jiang Cheng knows on an intellectual level that Wei Wuxian is a Devastation-level ghost king who can probably teleport out of the way of his silly mortal punches. He knows, then, that Wei Wuxian is allowing himself to be hit. And he knows that Wei Wuxian is exactly the sort of self-deprecating bastard to genuinely accept that getting hit is his due.
This does not pacify Jiang Cheng. In fact, this makes him want to punch him harder.
But he’s gotten in two very sizable down payments on the debt that Wei Wuxian owes him for breaking too many promises to count, and so after the second punch, Jiang Cheng lets himself stagger and fall on his ass in the dirt. His knuckles hurt, because Wei Wuxian has an unreasonably bony jaw.
“I hate you,” he tells Wei Wuxian, because he feels like it needs to be said. But it comes out more exhausted than vitriolic. He feels so, so tired, down to the bone.
Wei Wuxian, rubbing at his jaw with a slightly dazed expression, nods. “I didn’t expect any less,” he admits absently, and Jiang Cheng suddenly finds he absolutely has the motivation to get back up from the ground, lunge forward, and grab the collar of Wei Wuxian’s robes in his good hand.
“Then why,” he spits, full of a wild rage even he doesn’t understand, “did you come back?”
Why did you come back late? Why did you come back dead? Wei Wuxian, you son of a bitch, why didn’t you ever ask me for help back then?
Wei Wuxian’s hazy red eyes seem to focus on him then, and Jiang Cheng is subjected to his serious, deadset expression. But then he smiles, ruining it—because Wei Wuxian’s smile hasn’t changed a bit since they were children.
He still shines like the sun.
“Jiang Cheng, didn’t you know?” Wei Wuxian asks, his voice light and teasing somehow. “Lotus Pier is my home.”
Jiang Cheng finds, upon hearing this, that there’s a lump in his throat he desperately tries to swallow down.
“Wei Wuxian,” he curses, and looks away.
He’s not crying. He’s not. He’s the sect leader of Yunmeng Jiang and—
And he’s had a long day, and his brother is still dead even if he’s somehow standing right there, and he’s going to commit a murder. At least one murder. And Xue Yang will help him because he is definitely extracting recompense for that stunt with the restraints.
Jiang Cheng is not crying, and so he buries his face in his sleeve to hide the fact that he is not, in fact, crying.
Blessedly, Wei Wuxian doesn’t say anything. But Xue Yang has no such tact. He walks over, and Jiang Cheng can tell it’s him by the light, skittering way he walks.
“Jiang Wanyin, how did you break out of Xinyi’s restraints?” he asks.
Jiang Cheng doesn’t reply. But he hears a quiet thunking sound and a grunt of pain from Xue Yang.
“I stopped him from killing you,” Xue Yang retorts, presumably in response to getting whacked.
“Leave him be,” says Wei Wuxian, and the tenderness in the words nearly makes Jiang Cheng get back up to punch him again—sore knuckles be damned—but Xue Yang lets out such an obnoxious snort that he chokes on a wet laugh instead.
“‘Leave him be, Xue Yang,’” parrots Xue Yang in a high-pitched voice. “‘Save me from Jiang Wanyin, Xue Yang. Explain your Skull-Piercing Nails, Xue Yang. Lick my—”
Then there’s a sound like fabric rustling and Xue Yang is making muffled shrieking noises. The next thing Jiang Cheng hears is an indignant yelp from Wei Wuxian and the distinct, delighted sound of Xue Yang’s laughter.
“He bit me!” cries Wei Wuxian. “Are you—is he your guard dog?”
Jiang Cheng sighs, long and loud, and lifts his face carefully from his sleeve. “Down, Xue Chengmei,” he says, and Xue Yang smirks at him in a distinctly cat-like way.
Wei Wuxian squawks in outrage and Jiang Cheng, hearing that familiar sound, feels boneless and light. There’s a weight off his shoulders that he’d never noticed was there. Like he can breathe again.
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Unfortunately it happened
A short story about two of my ocs that I've been writing for a while, please read the trigger warnings carefully before proceeding to the story.
Genre: magical realism with hints of psychological horror.
Word count: 4293 words.
Tw: Abuse, domestic abuse, past abuse, ptsd, hallucinations, claustrophobic scenes, blood, glass shards, mild sexual scene, possible sexual assault, disrespecting the boundaries of an autistic child, abandonment issues.
If there are any more possible trigger warnings that I didn't write, please let me know.
The thick warm blood irregularly dripped onto the rotting floor as Theodore tried to wrestle out the large glass shard that was lodged deep in his skull. He knew that pulling it out would only cause him to bleed more, but he had no other choice, his body just wouldn't heal around it. It's not like he could even go to a hospital. They ask questions there. Too many questions. He hissed in pain, fingers slipping over the smooth, wet surface, making the job ten times harder than what it already was.
Fear and pain overwhelmed his senses to the point where he couldn't even hear the squeaks of the wooden planks that normally annoyed him to no end. He only noticed that someone was in the small room with him when a pair of tiny pale feet stopped right infront of him.
"Stay back baby, there's glass on the floor." He let his hand fall down, the stubborn shard finally dislodged from his forehead, "Go back to your room, I'm okay." The obvious lie slipped through his blooded lips like smooth butter, if there was something Theodore excelled exceptionally at, it was lying with confidence so great that you would believe him over your very own eyes.
"Why don't you stop him?" Fran asked meekly, shoulders tense and lips pouty, his fingers fidgeting with the hem of his favourite shirt violently enough to tear the delicate embroidery his dad had spend countless hours on.
Theodore lifted his head, his tired eyes taking in the heart wrenching sight of the boy he grew to call his son. Fran's whole body was trembling, his small fingers red and bruised from unconsciously fighting with the thread, his nose was swollen, the skin around his eyes was puffy. It was clear as day that the little boy had been crying for a while now.... probably since the fight started.
"Franny," Theo started softly, "I'm alright now. It's over, okay? Just go to your room, I'll follow you in a bit. Promise."
But the little vampire didn't budge, his cold feet planted firmly on the floor, lips forming a thin line accompanied by a deep frown barely hidden by loose white curls. Theodore sighed, he wanted so badly to hold his son's hands and carry him back to his room like he did every night before, but he was scared if he'd moved even an inch more he'd tear his shirt even further, revealing more bruises and cuts, subsequently traumatizing the boy more. So he stayed put.
"Why don't you stop him?" Fran repeated.
"Baby you know I-"
The abrupt outburst took Theodore by surprise, making him flinch back on the bed. His wide blue eyes were chaotic as they searched the smaller one's face for any ounce of sympathy. It was silly, really, to be looking for such emotions in a clearly overwhelmed and traumatized kid, but Theo couldn't help himself, couldn't help the fear that was eating away at him, one angry word at a time.
"I know you can, Teddy. You used to stand up to daddy! And he was a VAMPIRE!" Fran said with a bit of pride in his voice, "You know what? I think we should go back to living with him! Maybe Elliot is waiting for us there! And the-"
"Elliot left. He isn't waiting for us anywhere, he doesn't want us anymore." Theodore shrunk back to himself when he noticed the amount of venom in his voice, "Besides Franny, you know I'll never let him hurt you. I'll never let anyone hurt you." He tried giving the most reassuring smile he could muster with the dull ache in his bruised cheeks.
Fran was silent for a long, dreadful second before hot tears raced down his face, "You can't even protect yourself..."
That sentence was like a punch to the gut. He never thought about the consequences that their constant fighting had on his son. He thought, no, he made himself believe that as long as Fran was in no immediate physical danger, everything was okay. It almost frightened him just how much he was willing to ignore and sweep under the rug just to let himself feel like a good father.
"I don't feel safe here... I'm scared." Fran sniffled, "I'm scared that one day I'll wake up and-and find you dead!" It was getting harder for the little vampire to speak as the tears kept flowing, "Or.. or  that you would... would just leave me here like Elliot did... or.. or yo-" violent sobs wrecked his body, forbidding him from finishing his sentence.
Theodore was lost. He promised Rouge and Elliot.. fuck those two, he promised himself that he would give Fran the best life possible, and yet here he is... shaking and wailing helplessly... He needed to do something, and he needed to do it fast. But what? What could he do?
What would dad have done? Dad wouldn't let himself be in this fucking situation. But if he was ... what would he have done?? Theodore's hands were now shaking uncontrollably as he tried to think of an answer. He would've pulled me close. Held me tight in his arms and told me that he'll keep me safe no matter what. That everything will be okay. Yes. Yes... that's what he would've done.
And so he reached forward, taking the now bloodied tiny hands in his and pulling Fran into his arms, holding the sobbing boy as tight as he could.
But the truth is. What his father would've done is vastly different that what Theodore should've done. Because in that moment of pure loss and desperation, he forgot one crucial detail... Fran can't handle being touched. Especially not being hugged.
Fran yanked himself backwards with powers unnatural to him, his body was sent flying until he hit the floor with a loud thud that almost made Theodore's heart stop, but to the boy, anything was better then being held like that.
"Franny... I'm so sorry... I forgo-" Before he could finish his sentence, the vampire was on his feet and running out the room. His loud footsteps quickly fading into nothingness before the deafening slam of a door shook the old house to it's core.
Theodore let himself fall back on the bed, sending small dust particles flying all over him and irritating his allergies. He quickly placed a hand over his nose to stop himself from inhaling any of that dust, he can't afford having his brains ooze out his wounds if he sneezed.
His eyes closed before he could decide otherwise. It's okay... it will be okay.. he'd probably gone to bed now, I should do that too. Tomorrow will be different, it will be better, I'll make some scrambled eggs and bacon.. wait no, Fran is a vegetarian you idiot, he doesn't eat that shit!... fuck. I can make uh... grilled cheese sandwiches.. yeah he'll surely like that....
But deep down Theodore knew that he isn't a kid that can go to bed when he is tired or in pain anymore, he is an adult now, with a kid of his own and all the responsibilities that come with it..
The obnoxious sound of the sports channel blaring from the living room and the rhythmic pouring of rain on the window along with phantom barking of a distant dog were like a hammer smashing into Theodore's head over and over again. Every little sound was cranked up to a hundred, even his own heartbeating was agonizing.
He forced his body to sit back up, becoming face to face with the long mirror nailed to the wall which seemed to be closing in on him. Theodore instinctively pushed himself backwards until his back hit the cold wall as the room began fold in on itself until the mirror was nearly touching his feet. He wrapped his arms around his body in an attempt to ground himself as his claustrophobia kicked in and his breathing quickened to a painful degree.
He forced his eyes shut, trying to focus on anything but the walls that were now touching every inch of him. And his thoughts drifted back to the only place they could... Is it possible Franny is scared like this now? He feels unsafe.. he said that himself.. I can't just leave him alone in his room until the next sunset... that's not what dad would've done.. that's..that's what mom did... leave me alone and ignore me when I needed her most then pretend nothing happened the next day... that's what I was going to do...
The thought made his eyes shoot open only to be faced with her image in the mirror, blue eyes staring down at him with familiar disappointment. His blood boiled. He is becoming her! Repeating the cycle of neglectful abuse and torment until noone survives. In a moment of blind rage he balled his fist and swiftly moved to shatter the mirror and all the pain it was causing, but he found himself slammed to the floor, bloody knuckles causing a dent in it... it seems as tho the wall was still as far away as it always had been.
He stayed there for a moment, tears pouring down unapologetically as he tried to compose himself. He soon found enough willpower to stand up, but before he could take a step forward, sharp pain shot up straight to his head, forcing him to grab onto the nearest wall for balance.
Once the pain dulled down enough for him to be able to open his eyes, he looked down at the apparent source, only to see that his right ankle had doubled in size, blue and swollen as if there was a tennis ball underneath the skin. He rested the back of his head on the window, feeling the cold droplets of rain leaking through and falling on his cheeks.
He sighed, he would heal, he always did. But it would take time, and unlike Silas, this fucker never cared for him after beating him up. Theodore chuckled to himself, never in a million years did he think he would use Silas as a positive example for anything, goes to show just how low his life had sunk.
Nevertheless, he needs to persist, not for himself but for the little vampire that depended on him.
He thought about taking a quick shower to wash off all the blood, but something told him not to, to just check on Fran as soon as possible, and Theodore's gut feeling had never failed him before, so he always followed it, even if he knew that his son was safe in his bed, wrapped in a fluffy blanket that Theo had spent all his money on. He smiled, remembering how Franny's eyes twinkled when he first saw the bee pattern on it. Oh how he wishes he would see him this happy every second of every day.
Still smiling, he managed to take off the ripped shirt without aggravating his injuries too much. He held the black tee in his hands, staring at the bright neon pink "Angel♡" written on it in a metal font with the white signature of the singer along the neck.
He got this shirt 2 years back when he went to the live performance, Angel wasn't even the main performer back then, they were merely the opening act. Given how small they were, they didn't have a signing booth, it was actually pure luck that Theodore managed to meet them outside while they were waiting for a taxi.
And he thought that Rouge was tall! Angel was at least eight feet, to the point where he felt like a little cat after cranking his neck up so high just to be able to see their face, and what a truly terrifying face it was! Almost nightmarish with their black bug eyes and their long pointy teeth! But they were nice, maybe a bit blunt and lacking a social filter, but after being with Fran for a while, Theodore got used to unwanted comments... wait.. Fran... now THAT is what he was here to do!
He immediately put his favourite shirt down on a nearby wooden chair, promising to fix the rip the moment he can carry something as delicate as a needle without his hands shaking and dropping it, he threw on an oversized sweater that used to belong to Elliot, a pair of ghost patterned pyjama pants and made his way to the corridor.
Theodore was still grabbing onto the walls as he limbed his way to the door covered in stickers, it was slightly ajar which was strange considering that Fran had slammed it, but with how rusted the hinges are, anything is possible. He slowly pushed the door open, peering into the dark room, noticing how the moonlight softly illuminated the blanket-covered lump on the bed.
He should be happy? Maybe relieved? But instead, all he could feel is the bile rising to his throat, and he just couldn't tell why, perhaps he was just anxious about the impending talk. Yes. It must be that.
Theodore slowly stepped toward the small bed, feeling the mattress sink under his weight as he sat on it. "Hey Franny..." no answer, "It's me Teddy," again, nothing. He sighed, rubbing his hand over his aching neck, "listen I came here to apologise, and I... are you asleep??" He pulled down the blanket only to see that it was only a group of plushies in the vague shape of a kid.
Adrenaline shot through his body making him forget all about his pain and injuries as he quickly opened the closet, looked under the bed, tore the covers from the bed. Yet.... Fran is nowhere to be seen.
"FRAN!" Theodore yelled at the top of his lungs, "FRAAAANN!" He stood aimlessly in the little room filled with the missing boy's trinkets and drawings, his breath so fast he could hear it as he impatiently waited for an answer, "Baby where are you?!"
He could feel the little plushies staring at him, knowing where his baby is but not telling him, they don't want Fran to go back to being with such a horrible father. Theodore grabbed his son's favourite one, a large fluffy bee he had won for him during a passing carnival. He forcefully held it, his fingers smearing the blood all over the bright yellow as he shook it back and forth in the air.
"Where is he goddamn it! Where is he?" He screamed over and over again at the defenseless bee.
To anyone passing by, this seems like complete and utter madness, a father interrogating a stuffed animal instead of searching the whole house for his missing son? But to Theodore in the moment, it made sense. These plushies were the closest to the little vampire, they know his secrets and feelings more than Theo ever apparently did. So it must be obvious that they would be the ones knowing where his precious baby would be.
"I know you know! So just tell me!" His voice broke as a pained sob took over him, making him hold onto the door handle as his knees seemed to buckle under him. "I'll make it better... I swear.."
"He went out you crazy bitch!" The familiar gruff voice came from the living room, it was naturally loud enough to drown out everything else, even the news channel. Or perhaps that was just Theodore's mind only focusing on what matters to him, whichever case it was, he heard it loud and clear.
"What?" He whispered, soft and almost silent; like a deer caught in headlights, he couldn't move a single muscle in his body. He was painfully aware of this, too; the fact that he is just. Sitting. There. Like a useless piece of shit. His brain screamed at him to 'MOVE IT YOU FUCKER! MOVE!' But his body was almost paralyzed, unable to do anything, not even blink.
It may have taken mere seconds to get up and be in the living room, but it felt like years. Years of him being useless and worthless.
He ran down the short corridor.
He ran.
And ran.
And ran.
And with every step, the corridor seemed to stretch further and further, the end feeling more like a mirage as countless doors strung on the walls. Screams were erupting from behind them, defeaning and terrifying. A minute of thinking would've made him recognize the voice as Fran's, and this was one of the many instances where he regretted ever doing that. Theodore shut his eyes, covering his ears with his hands and just ran forward like a fish in the deep dark ocean where the sun can't reach.
"What do you mean?" His voice was erratic when he finally made it to the living room, gripping the worn down sofa that his "boyfriend" was sitting calmly on, as if a kid isn't out in the dark and rain all on his own.
"He's just breathing some air after all that shit you caused!" The man turned to look at him, "You think I didn't hear all that? Well news flash baby, I have ears."
His absolute nonchalance about the whole thing was irritating Theodore to no end, and Theodore wore his emotions on his sleeves. His eyes darkened dangerously as he almost felt himself growl, but he had to control himself as that would definitely get him another beer bottle to the head.
The man chuckled softly, putting his large hand on top of Theodore's much tinier one, "You're too worried about him, Francis is-"
"Fran." He corrected in a low, deep voice.
"Whatever, same thing. Point is, he is a little man now! If he wants to go out and calm his nerves after you wrecked them, then let him!" He smiled, trying to pull the shorter man towards him, but he didn't budge. "Listen baby, you need to give him some time to work out his emotions, stop getting in his business you little helicopter!"
The man pulled again, this time successfully getting the half dissociated Theodore around the sofa and onto his lap. When he said it like that.... it almost made sense. Fran isn't eight and he really was hurt by all that Theo had done tonight and most nights before that, he does need some time to process all that. Or maybe that was just his way of feeling less guilty, believing that this is just a natural reaction rather than face the fact that his son's terrible immune system won't handle the cold and rain.
"That's right baby," the man held Theodore close, and like a moth to flame he leaned into it, craving any sort of affection and sympathy, "calm down now," his rough hands gently petted Theo's curls which were now matted with a mixture of blood, bear and sweat, "it's all okay," He moved his hand down, moving over Theodore's back in slow and rhythmic circles. "Daddy's here," testing his luck, the man moved his hand further down and gripped Theodore's buttocks firmly.
This sent reality crushing down on the poor man, this isn't okay. Nothing about a frail and sickly eleven year old kid being alone outside in the raining night in a place surrounded with dangerous wildlife is okay. No matter how hard he wants to shake the guilt off. How hard he wants to lean into this rare moment of gentleness. He can't. Not when his son is all alone. Not in a million years.
Theodore placed his hands on his boyfriend's large chest and pushed himself off his lap, getting to his feet as quickly as he can without losing his balance and running to the door as if he is a prisoner that just found the keys.
"Well fuck you too slut! I never wanted your trashy ass anyway! Go get eaten by wolves! You and your annoying ass kid!"
But Theodore had already made it outside and started the long process of running around aimlessly and yelling Fran's name at the top of his lungs. After thoroughly running through the front yard, he took a deep freezing breath and made his way into the surrounding woods where the fading moonlight didn't reach.
He quickly lit up the lighter, the rain putting out the flame before he could do anything, so he bent down, wrapping his body around it like a deer would to her fawn, and tried lighting it up again. The small flame persisted long enough for it to turn blue and be transferred onto Theodore's palm.
He extended the demonic flame infront of his face, making his eyes twinkle with otherworldly lights, he was hoping that animals would find it's strange color intimidating rather than inviting, and that Fran would recognize it as his and find him. Clearly too much faith in a silly little flame, even if it is magical in nature.
Theodore's feet got sliced and bruised by the rocks and thorns on the ground, but nevertheless he persisted, his dark fingers gripping the ancient trunks for dear life, not caring about the skin being scratched and peeled off if them.
He opened his mouth to yell for his boy, "Fraaan.." he coughed, hoping that his voice would come back, "Fra.... fuck me." His voice was gone, almost completely after the endless screaming and yelling he did this night, both while searching for Fran and the big fuckin fight that had happened before.
With no voice to speak of, Theodore felt... weak. He couldn't yell for Fran and the hope that the boy would see the flame on his own and follow it is... statistically very low. He was defeated. He failed himself, his father, Fran... everyone that can be failed.
He made his way out of the forest, he had already searched the surrounding area on foot. He had the small tiny twinkle of hope that Fran had made his way back home alone, that he really was just breathing some air. That he is now safe and cuddled underneath the blanket. Safe. And sound.
Theodore stood infront of the closed door. Body shaking from the cold rain and pain, he stood there for a while, just letting the tears silently fall down, not daring to go inside and face the truth.
"Teddy?" A small familiar voice echoed in his head, making him smile a little. He had been first given that nickname by his mom, but now that Franny used to call him that, it no longer feels... humiliating. It feels warm and comfortable, it feels like a purpose and having someone that depends on you and trusts you.
"Teddy!" The small voice came again, this time angrier, like a tiny kitten's hiss.
Is it possible that this.. isn't in Theodore's head? That Fran was actually yelling for him?
He tore his eyes away from the door and looked around, and sure enough, he easily spotted the head of white fluffy hair struggling to get out of under his boyfriend's car.
Theodore rushed to help his son get out without being scratched or injured, he held the boy's tiny hands and pulled slowly, stopping to fluff down his shirt to make the sliding easier. Once his bottom was out, his short legs were an easy task.
"Thank gawd! I thought I was gonna be stuck under there forever! Or that that bastard was gonna drive tomorrow and I'll become tomato paste!" The little boy was flailing his arms around as he spoke, finally settling for a dramatic break as while saying "tomato paste!"
He tried keeping himself composed, he really did, slowly stroked his son's curls, but quickly enough Theodore crumbled. Exhaustion, pain and all that worry that he was barely holding, finally broke him. He hid his face behind his hands as he cried uncontrollably. His drenched shoulders shaking with each painful sob.
"Teddy?" Fran asked worriedly, his soft voice kept quiet as if Theodore was a rabbit that he didn't want to scare off. "Why are you crying?"
It might seem like a stupid question given the circumstances, and if it was anyone else, Theodore would've given them the deathglare. But he knew that Franny genuinely couldn't understand the consequences of actions, wether they were his own or others. So he simply sniffled and smiled as bright as he could, resuming to fluff up his baby's hair.
Fran's face scrunched up as if he had tasted a lemon, his soft features all grouping in the middle of his face. But he didn't mind this, not really, he just found it fun to do this face because he doesn't get to often. And Theodore knows this, they spoke about this before... before this..  him.
"I wanna sleeeeeeeeeeep." Fran whined while pouting, earning him an honest chuckle from his dad.
Theodore opened his arms as his son jumped up, landing perfectly on his waiting shoulder. Fran swung his feet, accidentally hitting his father's chest a few times, not too many times tho as he was doing his absolute best to avoid it. But that swinging was making it harder for Theo to safely stand up, but he made do and made his way back indoors carrying his son like a sack of potatoes, which is the only way Franny likes to be held.
Deep in his mind, Theodore knew that this won't be the end of this abusive relationship, he was too dependent, too afraid of being abandoned and left alone to leave. But the cracks were only becoming more and more prominent, and hell was knocking on their door.
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dance partner ~ geralt of rivia;the witcher
word count: 1707
request?: no
description: when jaskier convinces geralt to go to yet another royal party, he attracts the attention of a princess
pairing: geralt of rivia x female!reader
warnings: swearing
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Royal parties were not Geralt’s forte. They never were. Last one he went to landed him with a kid that wasn’t even his, and that he didn’t even want. But the only way to get Jaskier to shut the fuck up was to go.
“I need to take opportunity I can to perform so people will finally take me seriously, and maybe I will be paid more for my music,” he had explained to Geralt.
“Maybe they’d pay you if you could actually sing,” Geralt muttered in response.
All eyes were on the pair as they walked into the room. Of course everyone knew of Geralt of Rivia, the Witcher, and of his obnoxious Bard. The expressions were mixed; some were disgusted, some scared, some curious. Geralt tried not to make eye contact. The last thing he wanted was anyone asking him questions.
“What’s this for anyways?” he asked Jaskier. “Am I going to have to watch some poor fools fight to the death for the amusement of some royals?”
“No, no,” Jaskier responded. “Not to the death anyways. The King and Queen recently passed away. They did not produce an heir, just an heiress. She must choose a husband before sunrise tomorrow or else she loses the kingdom and her people are left without a leader until one is appointed.”
“She was not betrothed to anyone?”
“No one thought she’d have to be. Her parents were still young, they were trying for a son. Their deaths came so suddenly, they weren’t prepared to marry off their daughter.”
Geralt hummed in response. It was such an arbitrary ritual to him; should a king and queen produce only a daughter, she was forced to find a suitable husband before she could run a kingdom. A man never had to do such a thing. Geralt had met many women who were stronger and more wise than any man he had known, he knew a woman was capable of running a kingdom on her own without a king by her side. If only everyone else would come to this realization.
Jaskier and Geralt took their places just in time for one of the palace’s servants to announce, “Ladies and gentlemen, Princess (Y/N) of the Northseed Kingdom.” (I made up a name for a kingdom)
Everyone stood around the bottome of the stairs that led into the ballroom as a beautiful woman in an elegant dress entered and stood at the top of the stairs. She looked nervous, Geralt noticed, but she hid it well behind her smile.
“I want to thank you all for coming,” she began. “I wish my mother and father could be here to share this day with me, but I know they’re here in spirit, and they’re guiding me to make the right decision.”
The crowd politely applauded as (Y/N) began to descend into the room. Jaskier excitedly elbowed Geralt.
“This is where she picks someone for the first dance. Whoever she chooses is bound to become her future husband, and the king of the Northseed Kingdom.”
“How do you know all this?” Geralt asked him.
Jaskier shrugged. “I keep up to date on royal courtings in case I ever find myself betrothed to royalty.”
Geralt scoffed at the comment, earning him a glare from Jaskier.
The men waited anxiously as the princess reached the bottom of the stairs. They were all hoping she’d approach them first. Her eyes had been scanning the crowd as she descended, and the minute her feet touched the bottom she headed in one direction - towards Geralt and Jaskier.
Everyone, including Jaskier, watched in shock as (Y/N) extended her hand to Geralt and asked, “May I have this dance?”
Geralt merely looked down at (Y/N)’s beautiful face, how own betraying nothing. “I don’t dance, your highness.”
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow. “You are denying the princess her first dance?”
Geralt looked around the room at the men staring in disbelief and anger, then back down at (Y/N), who was still waiting, expectantly. He sighed and muttered a silent, “Fuck”, before taking the princess’ hand. She smiled triumphantly and led him to the center of the dance floor.
“This may shock you, but I have never danced,” Geralt informed her.
(Y/N) smiled and responded, “Just follow me.”
He took one of her hands in his and placed the other on her waist as she put hers on his shoulder. As the music started, Geralt let (Y/N) guide him across the dancefloor. The other partygoers stood around and watched, Geralt catching a glimpse of angered faces every now and then.
“I am not a good choice for your husband,” he told her. “As in I will not marry you, no offense.”
“Who said anything about marriage?” the princess questioned. “I only asked for a dance.”
“My...Bard seems to believe that the first person asked to dance is who you’ll choose to marry.”
(Y/N) looked around at the people watching them dance. He could see the concern on her face again, the worry from earlier. As the music came to an end and the dancing stopped, she leaned towards Geralt and whispered, “Meet me in an hour. The hallway in which you came, but take your first right. Wait at the very end, I’ll meet you there.”
Before he could say anything, (Y/N) pulled away and curtsied. Geralt followed suit, watching her curiously as she walked away to socialize with another suitor.
“I can’t believe it,” Jaskier commented, coming up behind Geralt. “All these noblemen to choose from and she chooses a Witcher?” He laughed as he clapped Geralt on the back. I guess you’ll be the new king of Northseed now, huh?”
“Get your hand off me,” Geralt growled, and Jaskier promptly removed his hand form the Witcher’s back.
An hour passed and the princess was nowhere to be found. Plenty had come up to Geralt to question him on his dance with the princess, and he brushed them all aside. He had no answered for them anyways. He had no idea as to why the princess chose him, she just did.
When he finally freed himself from another disgruntled suitor, he followed (Y/N)’s direction to meet her. He found a long, empty hallway. At the very end was one room, and no (Y/N). Geralt was already annoyed as it were, he was in no mood for any silly games from the soon to be queen.
He was about to leave when the door opened and a hand grabbed him and yanked him inside. His first instinct was to reach for his sword, but soon remembered that Jaskier made him leave it behind. Through the dim lights of lit candles, Geralt found that it was only (Y/N).
“Did I startle you Witcher?” she asked, an amused smile on her face.
“No,” he responded. She playfully rolled her eyes. “Why did you ask me to meet you here? Where are we?”
“The maid’s quarters,” (Y/N) told him. “We only have the one maid, so it’s a small room. She is helping with the food tonight, so I knew it would be empty. As for why, I have a proposition for you.”
“I told you I wouldn’t marry you.”
(Y/N) shook her head. “No, I do not want to marry you either. I want to come with you when you leave. To follow you and your Bard on your adventures.”
It was Geralt’s turn to shake his head. “No. It is bad enough that Jaskier follows me around against my will, I am not taking care of an untrained princess.”
“Then train me!” she begged. “Show me what to do, even the simplest of things. Just give me a chance to leave here and to live a real life.”
“What about this thing about you finding a husband and becoming the queen?”
(Y/N) sighed and turned away from Geralt. She walked towards the only window in the small room, which looked out over the Northseed Kingdom.
“I was never meant to be queen,” she explained. “Mother and father were trying for an heir. Mother was with child when they left, a boy she was sure. A young king to take over when they were gone, to take the burden off of my shoulders. Then, on their way home, their carriage was attacked. All were killed, including my parents, and the unborn heir to our kingdom. Which left me suddenly in charge.” She shook her head and looked back to Geralt. “I do not want to be queen. I do not want to marry a nobleman and be used only to smile next to the king and to bare his children. I want to live.”
She approached him again, taking hold of his arm and looking up at him with begging eyes. “Please, let me come with you. Even if it’s just to get me out of this kingdom, then I’ll leave you alone.”
Geralt wished to turn her down again, but there was something about her. Maybe it was the innocence Geralt saw in her, or the begging in her eyes. Maybe it was the fact that she was just short enough that Geralt could look down her dress and it remined him of how long it had been since he had been with a woman. Not that he’d defile the princess without her permission first, which he was hoping he’d receive very soon.
Whatever the case, Geralt sighed and responded, “Fine, you may come. But you must understand the risks - ”
But (Y/N) was hardly listening. She exclaimed with excitement as she warpped her arms around Geralt. Without thinking, she pressed a kiss to his lips. Before either could register what had happened, (Y/N) pulled away, her face red with embarrassment.
“My apologies, that was quite bold of me,” she said, looking down at her feet.
“I wasn’t exactly complaining,” Geralt told her.
(Y/N) looked up at him, a small smirk on her face. “In that case, we shall say this is to be continued. Meet me at the front gates when the moon is at its highest.”
Geralt nodded once. “I’ll be there.”
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magalidragon · 4 years
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Tiny Dancer | a drabble set in the “It Is What It Is” universe
a/n: For @stilesssolo I said I would do a drabble of smol!Jon in ballet tights. 🤣 Here it is! Also I just threw his moodboard together in like ten min which is why it is trash.  But then again, so am I, just absolute Jonerys trash, lol.
Dany grunted, separating back the heel of her ballet shoe from the fabric, reaching down with her knife and gouging out the shank of the shoe, releasing a triumphant cry when she yanked it out, holding it into the air like a prize. She dropped it to the floor with the rest of the detritus that accumulated when she prepped her shoes. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her boyfriend frowning at her, over top of his book, his glasses glinting in the light coming off the fireplace in front of them both. “What?” she asked, chuckling, not stopping her destruction of the shoes.
“Aren’t those things rather expensive?”
“About 200 dragons a pair, yes.”
“And you just…destroy them?”
She folded the shoe backwards and forwards, easily moldable now that the shank was out. Once she had it the way she wanted, she picked up her darning needle and threaded it, beginning to work on the ribbons. She shrugged. “It’s a disposable product at the end of the day, these need to fit me perfectly.” She wiggled her toes out, so he could see the broken nails, bruises, and calluses that covered her small, yet strong, feet. It used to upset her, how she couldn’t wear sandals or get cute pedicures the way all her friends could, but she was proud of her feet. They showed how good at her profession she was, how athletic and strong. They were what kept her going. “Because they protect these, ultimately.”
“I guess I won’t understand.” He set his book aside, crawling onto the floor to sit with her. One of her cats, Drogon, was fussing with an end of her ribbons, batting it back and forth in his paws. Ghost eyed them all and she kept watch on him out of the corner of her other eye, lest he run off with one of her shoes again. He’d taken a liking to them.
Although she’d discovered one day that his chewing on one of the shoes had actually softened the toe box a little. It wasn’t a habit she wanted him to get into though. “You didn’t see your mom doing this?”
Jon laughed. “Yeah, I did, sometimes helped her. She would give me the shoes and have me bang them on the floor with her.”
“That’s actually genius.” Little boys were all about that loud noise and screaming. Lyanna getting a small tiny Jon to beat the shit out of her pointe shoes was actually a nice sight. She pursed her lips up, smacking a kiss to his cheek. “Baby Jon.”
His palm came over, pressing to the very tiny bump on her waist, his face soft and goofy. “Baby Dany.”
Her hand covered his, squeezing lightly. “Baby You and Me,” she said, accepting his kiss. He patted her belly gently and moved, getting to his feet. She glanced down at her bump, which had not deterred her from dancing; if anything she wanted to keep it up, to stay in shape throughout the pregnancy. It had been quite a shock, discovering that after only a year they were expecting, but it was only a matter of time.
The bell at the front of the house, a small cottage they’d located on the outskirts of Winterfell, rang—more like gonged—Ghost released his high-pitched whine, closest thing he could do as a mute. He jumped up and bounded after Jon to the door, while she remained on the floor, stretching out her legs to either side into a semi-splitz and forward bend, figuring maybe she’d prep for a workout later and get some stretching in.
At the front door there was a happy laugh, the sound of bags rustling, and a moment later Jon entered, smiling wide. “Mom came to visit.”
“I actually come bearing gifts.” Lyanna, who wasn’t quite as petite as her, nimbly stepped around the various objects on the floor, and held aloft two gift bags. She glanced at the shoes piled up that Dany had been working on, and chuckled. “Oh, I remember those days. Shoe prep. You know I used to get Jon to…”
“He told me,” she laughed, coming up and reaching for Lyanna. It was still amazing to her that this woman would be her mother-in-law one day, when she idolized her as a small girl. She poked at one of the bags, nudging into the tissue paper. “You didn’t need to bring anything.”
Lyanna patted her belly, which Dany pushed out a bit obnoxiously, since at five months she wasn’t quite as big as she’d expected to be. Doctor said itw as because she was an athlete, she might not pop until the end. “I did so have to bring something for my future grandchild. Also…” A devlish look crossed her face, her gray eyes twinkling. “I found something while cleaning out the house.”
Whatever it was, Jon was wary, his matching gray eyes narrowing. “Oh?”
“Hmm. Be a dear and get me some tea.”
“You don’t need tea, what is it?”
“Jon, get your mother some tea,” Dany chastised. He huffed, storming out of the room, throwing a censuring look over his shoulder. She stuck her tongue out at him. Once he was out of earshot, she whipped around to Lyanna. “Oh gods, what is it? What did you find?”
Lyanna grinned, hand diving into the other bag. She removed a DVD case, smirking. “Had to get this transferred from the recorded copy but it is so worth it.”
One of the things that Dany had wanted desperately to see when she’d begun dating Jon and after learning that his mother had forced him into ballet shoes when he was little, were ballet photos of him. Except, to Lyanna’s enduring disappointment in her son, when he was a teenager, Jon had gone through the house and purged it of any photo of him in ballet clothes, lest his friends or Robb might locate them and humiliate him. Lyanna was still pissed off at him for it.
“Didn’t leave me with one photo!” she raged, when Dany had asked her about it at their first dinner together. Jon hadn’t cared and calmly continued eating, saying it was for the best.
Lyanna hurried to the TV and plugged in what she needed. A moment later, the screen flickered and Dany was greeted with the greatest thing she ahd ever seen in her entire life. Except maybe the sonogram of her child. This was an exceptionally close second.
The footage was homemade, from someone’s old-fashioned camcorder, and from the front row of what she recognized was the main auditorium at the ballet academy. The curtain pulled open, the audience applauded, and then a line of little girls in pale pink leotards, tights, and tutus walked onto the stage, eagerly waving at their parents. They couldn’t be more than five. And then….teh greatest thing ever….Dany yelped, covering her mouth with her hands, tears springing to the corners of her eyes.
In both adoration, love, and because she thought she might start laughing nonstop.
A little Jon Snow, dark curls tangled on his head, in a white shirt and gray leotard tights, bringing up the rear of the line. He looked down at the camera and to her amusement, he scowled. Then he reluctantly lifted up his little hand and waved, before focusing his attention on the instructor, who Dany couldn’t see. He snapped to attention immediately and began to follow the program, little feet moving as they ran across the stage, prancing and doing plies and jumping here and there.
“Oh my gods,” she breathed, a hand on her belly and the over stilly over her mouth, watching the tiny Jon on the stage. She kept repeating it, while Lyanna giggled nonstop beside her.
“He’s so adorable! Oh, I forgot how tiny his frown was. Such a grumpy little boy I had.”
”What the bloody seven hells are you watching?!”
Lyanna paused the video, turning to glare at her son. “Your dance recital when you were five. It’s all I have of my only child doing ballet. Give your mother this much, you burned all the other pictures.”
Jon was flushed so red, Dany worried he’d stopped breathing. He closed his eyes. “Where did you find that?”
“The studio actually. I’m sure there’s more I can locate soon enough.” She picked upt he other bag, handing it to Dany, beaming. “And here’s your other gift.”
Dany giggled, almost jumping in place, so full of love and giddiness. She grabbed something soft from inside the bag and tugged it out, bursting into tears. “Fucking hormones,” she complained, wiping her eyes and holding up the little cotton onesie. She sniffed. “Oh Lyanna! It’s so sweet!”
Lyanna wiped at her own tears, hugging her tightly. “Well you’re having a little dancer.”
“A tiny dancer,” Jon read from the onesie, as Dany held it up, placing it over her belly. He chuckled. “Thanks Mom.” He pointed to the television, his image mid-leap in gray tights, intense focus on his small features frozen on the screen. “But not for that.”
“Oh hush and give your mother a kiss. I need to get back to the school.”
Dany couldn’t stop, wiping at her tears and saying thank you to Lyanna, for so many things. The onesie, the video, for producing Jon, even. They managed to get her out of the house, even with the tea Jon had made for her and put into a travel mug, like he knew she wouldn’t be long. He probably was hoping she wouldn’t stay long. He hugged her, wiping at her eyes. “Don’t cry,” he chuckled. “It’s just a silly little gift.”
She shook her head. “No, it’s everything. I just love yo so much.”
He softened, touching his forehead to hers. “I love you too.”
A few days later, at the studio, Dany finished with her workout and went over to the stereo to turn off her music, when the door opened. She glanced over to tell whomever it was she was almost done, when she saw Jon slip in. “Jon!” she exclaimed. He held two cups of coffee in his hand. She grinned, flicking off the music and rushed to him, shoes clomping on the hardwood. “You brought me tea!”
“Herbal, no caffeine.”
She flicked down the coffee collar, his writing scribbled out. <i>Baby might need this more than you.</i> She patted her belly, kissing him. “Yes, baby did need it. Thank you.”
“I have something else.” He shifted, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out an envelope, passing it over to her. “My mom isn’t always right. Contrary to her belief.”
Dany took the envelope, curious. She set the tea on the top of the piano and flicked opent he envelope, pulling out a few old photos, the glossy images spilling forth into her hands. She stared, mouth falling open, at the treasures she now held. “You didn’t destroy them!”
They were of little Jon, just like the video from the recital, only in these ones he was in a studio, very small and holding his mother’s hand, while she wore her ballet leotard and skirt, his little chubby feet and legs in tights. Another holding onto the barre. She beamed, flicking through them. They were bloody adorable. She looked up, pressing them to her heart. He smiled, sheepish. “I guess I subconsciously held onto those because I was going to fall in love with a dancer.”
She giggled. “Maybe you did.” She looked down at them again, shaking her head, still smiling. “They’re perfect. Thank you.” The photos returned to the envelope, she put them carefully into her bag, and bounced back up. “Come on, dance with me.”
Jon smirked. “I don’t dance.”
“You’re having a baby with a dancer. Guess what Jon? You dance.” She giggled. “I’ll hsow you my baby pictures of me in a tutu. I think my mother ingrained me young, just like yours.”
“Funny how that works,” he laughed. He spun her around, tugging her up to his chest, and kissed her softly. “Love you.”
“Love you too.” She took her coffee and together they clinked the lids together, before he spun her back around, dancing lazily around the studio, both of them laughing goofily.
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kiribaku-queen · 4 years
Home [5/10]
Pairing: Bakugou x reader, Kirishima x reader
Fluff, angst, werewolf!au
Warnings: cussing
Word count: 3.6K
A/N: I just want to thank you guy SO MUCH for the overwhelming amount of support I got from the last chapter. I was not expecting it and seeing each and every comment and ask made my day. Your support means the world to me and is encouraging me to make a better story for you guys! Read till the end for another author’s note! Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
Summary: Being called the beauty of the clan isn’t as nice as it sounds. The beauty of the clan is supposed to exude confidence, power, and well, beauty. You were quite the opposite, only possessing one of those traits. Yet, the older you got, the more you fit into the role you were given. After your brother and all the boys of age come back from their training period, it was time to find a mate. But who will steal your heart? Is it Bakugou, the rising leader of the pack, or is it Kirishima, the personal guard and the strongest in the pack? 
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
You got out of there as fast as you could. Nothing could have prepared your heart from what you just saw. You’ve been heart broken before. Sure. You were heart broken when the other kids didn’t want to play with you. You were heart broken when Bakugou left for training. You were even heart broken when he practically ignored you for days on end. But even with all that experience, this hurt on a whole new different level.
Kirishima took you far away from his place, far away from the city, from the people. And as soon as you guys were alone and he held you in his arms, you cried. You cried until the tears blurred your vision and stained your cheeks. You cried until your voice was hoarse and burning. You cried till you started hyperventilating and you were gasping for air. Your heart and emotions were reacting but so was your body. You were trembling. You held on tight to Kirishima for dear life. He didn’t know what to do or what to say. If he said the wrong thing, you could run away from him and never return. He was scared that if he let you go, you were a goner. So he held you and continued to hold you until you let go.
All of it didn’t make sense. One day he’s telling you he loves you and then the next he’s kissing another woman? Sure, that’s his fiancée, but… he loved you. Didn’t he? The more you thought about it, the more you could feel your heart break and tears would well up with tears. And soon you were a crying mess again. You were in Kirishima’s arms for hours. Nothing but the sound of you crying, sniffling, and heavy breathing. You sat in his lap, head lay on his broad chest as he cradled you in his arms. When you felt yourself having another crying episode, he could pat your hair and lean into you so that he laid his head on top of yours. When your quirk would appear to whisper depressing thought into your ear, Kirishima was quick to cancel those words out by saying sweet, encouraging words to you.
You’re useless.
“Look at how much you helped this clan.”
You’re nothing without him.
“You don’t need him. You’re strong. You are still you even without him.”
No one will love you now.
“I still love you. Your family still loves you.”
Your life is meaningless.
“You mean the world to me.” He counteracts every single comment, but you can’t help but feel that black ghost’s words are true. So you continue to break down in Kiri’s arms until you are physically unable to move. Crying takes a lot of energy out of you and by the time you finished crying, you were exhausted. Kirishima was so comfortable at the moment. The way he held you to the warmth his body was radiating to the way he smelled. All of it helped you calm down to the point where your eyes were slowly drooping down. The next thing you know, you were asleep.
Kirishima sighed as he looked down at your sleeping body. It hurt. It hurt seeing you in so much pain and there wasn’t anything he could do to make you feel better. His heart was hurting for you but at the same time, he was filled with so much rage. Bakugou always had the best life. He was born into a high-class family. He was destined to be the next alpha. He had the looks, the body and the girl. Ever since they were little, Bakugou only had eyes for you. What a coincidence, huh? So did Kirishima. But he never made a move or confessed because he was already aware of Bakugou’s feelings, even if he never talked or acted like it. Bakugou had everything he wanted. No matter how bad Kirishima wanted you, he already knew he didn’t stand a chance against Bakugou. He didn’t have the status or the charisma like his hot-headed friend. He was only the right-hand man. So he gladly gave you away and didn’t chase you, if it made you happy. But you weren’t happy. Right now, you were crying in his arms miserable. He gave up the girl only to see you being treated like this. That enraged him. As you fell deeply asleep, he picked you up and carried you princess style back to your home.
He was greeted by a worried and somewhat angry-looking Sero. No matter how much Sero wanted to bombard and interrogate Kirishima, the moment he saw your tear-strained cheeks and frown that was secured on your lips, he knew you were first priority. Interrogation can come later. Sero led Kirishima through the house until they got to your bedroom door. Kirishima gently laid you down into your comfy bed. As soon as you touched your pillow, you immediately relaxed and snuggled into the pillow. Despite feeling many emotions, Kirishima pulled a small smile upon seeing your action and he lifted his hand to gently pat your head. You’ve been through a long day and you were finally safe inside your bed. After admiring you for a quick second, Kirishima swiftly left your room, passing Sero on the way out.
“Watch her while I’m gone?” he asked which earned him a scoff from your brother.
“I don’t need permission from you to take care of my own sister,” he retaliated, speaking from his feelings. He knows Kirishima means well but he didn’t like seeing your tear stained face. Whether or not Kirishima did it or someone else, he took it out on the first person he sees, and that so happened to be Kirishima. As Kiri left, Sero sighed, letting a hand brush through his hair. He walked to your room and sat on the bed next to you.
“Silly girl, what am I going to do with you?” he asks himself while caressing your cheek with his thumb. 
 Kirishima enters Bakugou’s home, storming through the halls. He was on a mission. To find Bakugou. Kirishima spots Bakugou in his room just relaxing on his bed. This made Kirishima even more furious. When Kirishima slams the door open, Bakugou’s head snaps towards his direction.
“Oi, where have you-” Bakugou starts to say when he felt a hard force slam into his right cheek. As if it was in slow motion, Bakugou doubles over, his cheek throbbing. Teeth bared and eyes glowing, Bakugou leaps at Kirishima, holding him by the collar and flipping him over so that Kirishima’s body slam into the cold, wooden floor beneath him. The red head groans in pain as Bakugou has him pinned underneath him. “What the FUCK do you think you’re doing?!” Bakugou snarled at his best friend. With all his might, Kirishima flips him over. Now he was the one on top.
“Trying to show you a fucking lesson, you son of a bitch,” Kirishima snarled just as harsh back, if not even harsher. Without warning, Kirishima started punching Bakugou in the face from left to right. “How. Could. You. Do. That. To. (y/n),” he punched in between word with an emphasis on the last word. Upon hearing your name, Bakugou snapped out of it. He swung his leg up, kicking Kirishima in the head which caused him to pause his actions to clutch the back of his head. Bakugou took this opportunity to tackle him back to the ground, this time a death grip landed on his neck.
“Don’t. Fucking. Say. Her. Name. You don’t know anything so I suggest you shut your fucking mouth before I do something really fucking stupid,” Bakugou warned, face dangerously close that Kirishima could feel his breath on his face. But Kirishima was filled with so much rage and adrenaline that he didn’t want to stop.
“I don’t care what your reasons are. I gave up too much to see you break (y/n) like that. I swear, if you make her cry one more time, I will never forgive you,” Kirishima threatened. Bakugou just laughed in his face. His low chuckle turned into a loud, obnoxious laugh.
“Big talk for a guard,” Bakugou emphasized the word guard. He had to remind him where his place lied. Although they were friends since childhood, Kirishima’s job is to now be Bakugou’s personal guard. Bakugou was always lenient when it came to Kirishima, but right now, he was crossing a very thin line and Bakugou had no hesitation to put him in his place. “You talk as if you’re in love with (y/n).”
“I am,” Kirishima confidently says. He was a little too quick to respond. And this was the first time every revealing his true feelings out loud to anyone. The smirk that was on Bakugou’s face slowly faded into a frown and now he was glaring daggers into Kirishima’s soul. Kirishima looking unfazed. “I can make her happier in a week than you did in 4 years,” and with that, earned Kirishima a few, hard punches to the face. His fists causing open wounds to his face and his lips. Blood splattering everywhere.
“You don’t know when you shut up, do you? Fine,” Bakugou let go of Kirishima’s neck, shoving him back to the ground one last time. As Bakugou got up, Kirishima propped himself up on one elbow while the other arm went to wipe the blood from his lips. “Have her. Don’t come crying when she doesn’t want you.”
Kirishima dusted himself off and glared in Bakugou’s direction. He couldn’t believe his friend, your lover, could let you go so easily. Shaking his head in disbelief, he started to walk out the door. “Wouldn’t even dream of it,” he breathed under his breath, still loud enough for Bakugou to hear. Bakugou’s eyebrow twitch in annoyance.
“Oi, KIRISHIMA!” Bakugou shouted at the top of his lungs. Kirishima stopped in his tracks to look over his shoulder. Bakugou turned around to face him, a fiery finger pointed at him. “Don’t you ever think about coming back. You’re done.” Kirishima’s heart clenched slightly but at the moment he couldn’t care less. Without another word, he left his house. When the door could be heard being shut, Bakugou screamed in frustration. He continuously punched a nearby wall until his knuckles were raw and bleeding.
“What happened?!” you asked, concerned when you saw what kind of state Kirishima was in. You woke up feeling thirsty. Your throat so dry that you couldn’t even swallow your own spit. Luckily, your brother was right by your side and provided you with a glass of water. You downed the whole thing in one sitting. As soon as you finished your water, you suddenly realized how dirty you felt. You went to go check yourself out in the mirror, only to find yourself looking hideous. God, your skin was dry because of how much crying you did. Not to mention that your tears dried on your face which caused streaks to appear. Your hair was all over the place and you just looked like a mess. Groaning, you went to go wash up and relax. Despite a small distraction by your looks as soon as you woke up, your mind immediately drifted to Bakugou and how he was kissing another girl. If you could, you would continue to cry but you didn’t know if you had it in you anymore. Kirishima was at your door when you finished cleaning yourself up. But his appearance was not what you were expecting. His was all cut up and bruised. Blood was spilling out of his lips and a cut was opened on his cheek. You hurriedly ran to him to give him support. He gladly leaned on you.
“Don’t worry about it,” he gave you a reassuring smile but you weren’t falling for it. You led him to your bathroom and made him sit on the side of the tub so you could clean him up.
“Right, now tell me what happened. Who did this to you?”  you roughly grabbed his chin out of frustration because he wasn’t telling you anything. You weren’t being gently with him until he you everything. When you touched the wound on his cheek, he hissed and flinched away. But thanks to your grip on his chin, he couldn’t move far away from you. After a few more attempts to try to get him to talk, you did the only thing you could do. “Eiji, please tell me what happened,” you pleaded and looked up at him with the most convincing puppy dog eyes ever. He looked at you and sighed. You knew he couldn’t resist.
“I just got into a fight, alright?” he said, defeated that you got it out of him.
“With who?” you raised your voice a little. He looked away and that could only mean one person. If he fought anybody else, he would be bragging at how well he fought and how he won, even if he didn’t. But when Kiri fought with him, things would always get awkward and he would never admit that he lost. Your motions to clean his wounds stopped momentarily to just stare at him in disbelief. Why were they fighting? It just didn’t make sense. Furious that Bakugou could do this to Kirishima, you stood up and went for the door. You ran out there so fast that Kirishima didn’t have enough time to process what was happening. By the time he went to your front door to chase you, you were already long gone. Kirishima cursed under his breath. As he was ready to go after you, Sero stopped him. When he looked back to look at your brother, he just shook his head, knowing that you can handle it on your own and that you should handle it on your own.
Despite recent events, you stormed into Bakugou’s house like how you would on any day. You headed straight for Bakugou’s room to see him laying on his bed. Hand around his eyes and legs crossed, he laid there taking deep breaths. When he heard someone walk in his room, he groaned loudly and sat up. As he was about to scream at whoever entered the room, he saw you standing at the door with arms crossed against your chest, a disappointed look plastered on your face. His groan turned into a sigh and he laid back in his bed, going back to the previous position.
“How could you do that to Eiji,” you started you scolding. Bakugou refused to look at you but he was starting to feel the anger rise in him again.
“He was asking for it,” Bakugou plainly said. That wasn’t good enough. You needed an explanation.
“That’s no excuse,” you argue back.
“Yeah? Well maybe you should ask lover boy why he decided to show up in my house to punch me in the face first,” he snapped at you.
“What are you talking about?” Kirishima hit him first? Nothing was making sense. Kiri never initiated violence first. Bakugou swiftly got up and stalked towards you. He was coming at you with such power that you had to back up. Your back hit the wall but Bakugou wasn’t stopping. Both his hands slammed on the wall against your head, making you flinch. You looked up and frowned. You could see his face more clearly now and he also had cuts and dried blood on his face and lips. Instinctively, you brought your hand up to touch his wounds but stopped yourself. No, you were still mad at him. You were very upset at him. So why did you do that? You put your hand down but your actions didn’t go unnoticed. He saw the hesitation in your hand and he let out a deep exhale.
“I made you cry,” he voice softened immensely. Your shocked eyes looked at him and he was already staring at you. You looked back down, not really wanting to say anything. He took your chin in his hand and gently made you look at him. “Tell me. I did, didn’t I?”
“Why does it matter,” you removed his hand and continued to face away from him.
“It matters because even if I’m acting like an asshole, I don’t like seeing you cry,” he says. You let out a soft sigh. Bakugou was confusing. He knows he’s acting like a dick, yet he doesn’t want to see you hurt? How could he be so bipolar?
“Then maybe you should just tell me how you feel instead of kissing other girls,” you finally let the cat out of the bag. Bakugou looked at you surprised and somewhat embarrassed.
“You saw?” his voice barely above a whisper. You nodded, feeling the tears coming back. Your heart was racing and aching. The anxiety was coming back and you fiddled with your fingers. Standing still was killing you. You had to move something. Bakugou let out another breath, louder this time and removed himself from the wall. That gave you a little more breathing room. Bakugou paced around the room, ruffling his hair in annoyance. You could tell that he wanted to let out his anger and frustrations but he was trying to contain it. He was having a hard time doing so, it looked like he was about to explode.
“Why did you do it? Is it because you want to make things work with her?” you questioned. You closed your eyes, preparing to hear the answer to the question you’ve been wanting to ask forever.
“She kissed me first,” he started. You opened your eyes to look at him. You felt a little better at least. “But I do want to make things work.”
Crack. A sharp pain hit your chest and you bit your lip to stop it from quivering. For some reason, that hurt you more to hear those words than hearing he didn’t love you anymore.
“What about us?” your voice cracked asking that question.
“(y/n), this is more than just you and me!” he raised his voice once again. “I’m going to be the next alpha. I am responsible for this clan and its people. You heard my dad! Our clan is getting weaker by the day and if I don’t merge with this other clan, we might survive to see another alpha rule. I refuse to let this clan die out during my reign. So yes, I want to make things work with Uraraka because that’s my duty as alpha.”
“Why couldn’t you just tell me? Why did act that way for the past few weeks? Why did you make me feel unloved and unwanted? Why couldn’t you just tell me the truth?!” your voice raised with each question. Tears were streaming down your face as the questions were just getting more desperate. You were desperate for answers. You didn’t want to feel this way anymore. You didn’t want your heart to take this pain anymore.
“Because I knew you were going to ask like this! You wanna know why I acted like that? I wanted you to hate me so that it was easier for you to move on. I distanced myself so it would be easier for you to live life without me. But that made me feel like shit. You know how much I wanted to hold you in my arms every second of the day? If distancing myself wasn’t working, then I tried to be an asshole to you. But that didn’t feel right either. Seeing you cry because of me, made me feel so fucking shitty. I wanted to run after you and apologize but that would defeat the whole purpose. Fuck! I still want you. I need you. But I’m also trying to do what’s best for the clan.” He explained. Out of desperation, you clung onto his arm.
“If you still want me, then let’s be together! We can run away together! We can start our own family like you wanted. Please, I don’t want to lose you to someone else. Please…” you begged. Bakugou could be seen getting even more frustrated.
“What do you want me to do (y/n)?! Just run away from my responsibilities?! Abandon everyone and everything here? You didn’t want to do that in the first place. And I suggested marking you but you denied that to! What, do you want to be my mistress?” he questioned you. No, you didn’t want that either but you didn’t know what to say so you just stay silent. “See, you don’t want that. I’m throwing out all these ideas for us to be together and you just keep rejecting them! Do you even want to be with me? Because I’m trying to make an effort but I don’t see you doing the same” he was shouting now. You clutched your head, tears fully streaming down your face. You didn’t know what you wanted. You didn’t like this change all of a sudden. So many emotions were taking over your body and so many thoughts were running through your mind that you looked like you were in so much pain. Granted, you were. You were conflicted on what to do. So you just stood there, sobbing.
The sight of your crying was breaking Bakugou’s heart into a million pieces. He reached his hand out to comfort you. He wanted to hold you and kiss you. He wanted to tell you that everything was alright. But he would be lying to you and himself. So he retracted his hand. Fuck, it was taking all of his might to not touch and comfort you.
“Sorry (y/n)… let’s break up.”
A/N: I’d love to know your thoughts on this chapter and if it pulled on your heartstrings like it did mine when I was writing it! Also, this may or may not happen, but what do ya’ll think about a small smut scene??? I don’t write smut ever but I think it’d really fit??? let me know!
Tagged: @goodpop9 @superblyspeedydragon @tspice283 @marvelobsessedteen @rosetheshapeshifter @cabbagesquadfam
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nialledfromfics · 4 years
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The Dating Game | Chapter Seven 
By three weeks into dating Ross, and their fourth date, he had invited Joey over to his place for dinner and drinks. To say she was a bit anxious was an understatement, she knew what dinner and drinks at his place really meant in the unspoken terms of dating and it wasn’t that Joey was against sleeping with Ross, the thought had very much crossed her mind, there was just this small piece of her that was still unsure. It was like a tiny tickle in the back of her throat, or this barely-there knot at the pit of her stomach that just kept whispering ‘not yet, not him’ and it was more frustrating than alarming to her. Ross was a nice guy, he was sweet and kind and, up to that point, other than some heated making out in his car a couple of times in front of Joey’s building, he hadn’t even attempted to go further. 
Joey appreciated that he seemed to be respectful of her, and she was well aware of how rare that was in the current day and age. But she wanted it to go further, that was a big part of dating, to experience new things with new partners and if she didn’t take that leap, what was the point? 
So she found herself standing at his front door on a Friday night, bottle of wine in hand and that nagging, obnoxious knot pulsing in her stomach. Brushing it off as best she could, Joey knocked on his door and within a few seconds she was walking through the threshold of his small, modest house. He greeted her with a kiss to her cheek and led her all the way inside where she was met with a beautiful candlelit dinner set up on his dining table, soft music playing in the background and the lights dimmed low. 
She knew exactly what it meant. 
Smiling at him, Joey kept her composure throughout dinner and over the course of a few glasses of wine. Ross was very much the gentleman, only holding her hand and kissing her when she initiated. And Joey very much did initiate it. She wanted to take their relationship to the next step, she really did. And she had it set in her mind that it was going to happen that very night. 
After making out pretty fervently on his couch, Ross brought her back to his bedroom. Joey could feel the sweat beading up on the palms of her hands, gathering at the dip of her lower back and she struggled with easing the nerves that were coursing wildly through her. But those nerves felt...different. It wasn’t the normal excited and antsy anticipated kind of nerves, no, it was more like a twisting, unsettling feeling that she just couldn’t kick. And it wasn’t but ten minutes into it–Ross having his hand slid up her dress and his fingers between her legs–that Joey couldn’t breathe. 
His mouth was attached to her neck sucking and nipping at her skin, and he was rutting his lower half against her thigh as his touch moved roughly under her panties. It felt weird, perverse almost and not right in her mind and Joey gasped as he went to yank her underwear off her hips, screaming at him to stop. 
He froze, lifting his head to peer down at her. “What’s wrong?”
She swallowed hard and lightly shook her head. “I’m, uh...I’m not ready for...this. I’m sorry,” she muttered.
Ross let out a heavy sigh and tucked his lips into his mouth, yanking his hand out from under her dress. “That’s okay,” he grumbled, almost as if he was trying to convince himself. He reached over and cradled her cheek, pressing a kiss to her lips. “Another time.” 
Joey smiled and thanked him, as a flood of relief soared over her entire body. She decided that it was probably best that she go home and Ross told her that was fine, he would call her the next day. As Joey hopped into her car and started to pull out of his driveway, she glanced up at Ross to see him standing in his open doorway, waving goodbye to her. She could only muster up a half smile as she drove away, her mind reeling with what the fuck had just happened. 
That Sunday Joey found herself headed over to Alexis’ apartment for mid-morning coffee and some much needed girl talk. Her best friend had called her the night before inviting her over, more than eager to know what had happened on Joey’s big date with Ross. Joey had yet to tell her anything about it, she almost felt silly and like she was overreacting, but she had to tell someone and Niall did not need to know that she couldn’t put out to her own boyfriend, so Alexis was the only person she really could tell. 
Lincoln, Alexis’ son, was the one to greet Joey at the door and he happily gave his teacher a hug. “Ready for school tomorrow?” she asked him as she walked over to where Alexis sat on the couch. 
“Nope!” he called out, his little feet running back towards his bedroom. The girls laughed and Joey plopped down next to Alexis on the sofa, the blonde handing her friend a much needed cup of coffee. 
“So…” Alexis began, crossing her pajama clad legs up under her and turning towards her best friend. Joey hadn’t even had one sip yet before Alexis was diving into the thick of the conversation. “What happened on Friday?” 
Joey let a small sigh slip past her lips. “Not much, actually,” she mumbled, peeking down at her full mug, “nothing happened.”  
“What do you mean ‘nothing’,” Alexis pestered, narrowing her eyes.
“Exactly that,” Joey began, looking back up at her friend. “We had a nice dinner that he had made, some wine, started making out...it moved to his bedroom and...he, ya know, was touching me and stuff but...I stopped him.” 
“Why’d you stop him?”
“I don’t know!” Joey told her, rolling her eyes up to the white ceiling of Alexis’ living room. “It just didn’t...feel right. I got this weird feeling inside me when he was touching me and I can’t even explain it, Lex.” 
Shifting her body to set her coffee cup down on the table, Alexis leaned her back into the side of the sofa, crossing her arms over her chest. “I know what it is.” 
“Do you?” Joey asked, raising her brows, “ ‘cause to be honest, I’m fucking stumped.” 
She nodded and pursed her lips in a line. “You’re still hung up on Niall.” 
“What?” Joey snorted, shaking her head as she glanced down at her mug, picking at the rim with her thumbnail, “I am not.”
“You are too!” Alexis went on, “Look, if you’ve got real feelings for somebody else, then it's going to be hard to get it on with another person.” 
Joey shook her head and peered up at her friend. “I don't have feelings for Niall, I told you we’re nothing more than friends.” 
“When’s the last time you saw him?” 
Joey licked across her lips, her light brown eyes dancing across the room. “Um…I dunno, like, a week ago? We hung out at his place and watched a movie, and we’ve texted a few times but other than that, I haven’t talked to him much. He’s been working a lot lately.” 
Alexis tipped her head to the side. “Well, maybe you should talk to him.”
“I’m dating Ross, though,” Joey said with a furrowed brow, “it’s kinda weird to be hanging out with a guy that’s not your boyfriend when you have a boyfriend.” 
“Why would it be weird if he’s just your friend?”
“I dunno,” Joey scoffed, “ask any male alive.” 
Throwing her head back onto the couch in a laugh, Alexis looked back over at her friend. “Touché,” she said, grabbing her coffee from the table and taking a sip, “but really, if you’re just not feeling it with Ross...maybe you’re just not that into him.” 
“But I am!” Joey insisted, “I do really like him and he’s very sweet and fun, we have interesting conversations…and I do want to sleep with him, I just...I don’t know what my deal is.” 
Joey took a small sip of her hot drink, her eyes peering over at Alexis past the rim of her mug. She could already see the smug look on the blonde’s face, the corners of her mouth tugging into a knowing smile. Joey rolled her eyes in haste and pushed out a groan.
“It has nothing to do with Niall!”
Her overwhelming and confusing thoughts stayed with her over the course of the following week. She had taken Alexis’ advice; she did end up face-timing Niall a couple days later. It was just a 20 minute chat, very friendly and easy, and filled with their usual banter, and it actually did make Joey feel a bit better about the whole situation. Her and Niall were friends and that’s all it was ever going to be. So with that out of the way, she was able to really put her focus on Ross. 
He had invited her out that Saturday night, and Joey accepted, wanting to kind of start fresh and forget about what had happened that past weekend. She was determined to get past whatever bullshit she was hung up on in her head and really try to make it work with Ross. He had mentioned that he had plans earlier in the day, but he was going to text her the place and they could meet up for drinks after he was done. Joey took the day to thoroughly prepare for the night; tidying up her house, making sure to primp and preen and she was fully ready to push back any weird or odd feelings she was having, to make sure the evening was smooth sailing. It was going to be the night that they took their relationship to the next level. It had to be that night. 
Around 8:30pm, Joey received a text from Ross. He gave her the name and address of the bar, and Joey should have been shocked upon reading it but she just rolled her eyes and let out a chuckle at the absurdity of the whole thing. It was Chris’ bar. Of course. Grabbing her purse, she straightened out the red form fitting dress she was wearing and said goodbye to Sadie before heading out. 
Ross was waiting for Joey up at the bar when she arrived, practically in the same exact spot where she had first met Niall just a few months back. The reminiscing made a soft smile spread over her lips as she stepped up to Ross and he immediately snaked an arm around her middle, yanking her into him to plant a kiss at her cheek. The bar area was abnormally packed from what Joey had remembered previously, but they were able to snag one barstool right at the end, Ross letting Joey take the seat as he ordered them some drinks. 
“You look amazing in that dress,” he complimented her, Joey tipping her face down slightly in a smile.
“Thank you,” she said, peering back up at him as he stood next to her, “you look great too.” 
The bartender set down their drinks and Joey grabbed her glass to take a sip. The two enjoyed a bit of small talk as they sipped on their beverages, Ross cracking a couple lame jokes and making Joey laugh before she felt a light tap on the round of her shoulder. Swinging her head around, she was instantly met with a pair of bright blue eyes. Ones that she was more than familiar with. 
A huge smile swept over Joey’s face upon seeing him and he mouthed a soft ‘hey’ as the young woman clambered up from her seat and tugged Niall into a tight hug. Her nose buried down against his shoulder, and Joey’s eyes fluttered slightly as she deeply inhaled. He smelled out-of-this-world good. “I wasn’t sure if I should come over and say hi,” Niall said as Joey inched back, her hands casually slipping down his broad shoulders. “I didn’t want to interrupt.”
“Oh, no, it’s fine!” she assured him, glancing back at Ross. “I’m glad you did.” 
Taking a step back, Joey flicked her eyes between the two men that were situated on both sides of her. “Um, Ross this is my friend, Niall,” Joey began as she introduced them, “Niall this is Ross.” 
Niall graciously shook Ross’ hand. “Nice to meet ya, man.”
“So what are you up to? Meeting Chris here?” Joey then asked Niall.
Running his hand up through his softly mussed hair, Niall pulled in a breath and gave her a slight nod. “Yeah, me and a couple of the other boys–” Niall paused and threw a thumb back behind him. Joey peered around him as three of Niall’s friends that she had yet to meet, gave her a wave. “We’re just watin’ on Chris to be done and then we’re goin’ to some comedy place.” 
Joey perched a hand on her hip, tipping her head to the side. “Oooh, that one place we went to?”
“No, no,” Niall said as he played with the fold of his short sleeve shirt that rested across one of his biceps, “it’s some other place that my friend, Evan here, likes to go to.” 
“Oh okay.”
“That sounds like fun,” Ross interjected, both Joey and Niall shooting their attention over to him. 
Niall pushed out a low snort before settling his gaze back to Joey. “Anyway, it was good to see ya, Jo,” he said, giving her a lopsided smirk. It made that damn flutter go off in her tummy and Joey sunk her teeth down into her bottom lip. 
As her eyes darted over Niall’s, it quickly drew her in deeper and deeper, like a tangled tether that wouldn’t let her go as the space around them folded into a blur of static noise. It felt like a thousand years of his gaze on hers in that split second and it wasn’t until she felt the heat of a body step up behind her that she was able to knock herself free of the tempestuous hold of his stare and come back down to earth. 
Joey shook her head, swallowing hard as Ross slid a hand around the small of her waist, clearly trying to lay his claim. “It was, uh, good to see you to, Niall,” Joey finally uttered, tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear. 
Niall threw her a subtle wink and turned towards the crowd, taking off with his friends in search of Chris. She held her view of him as long as she could, watching him weave around the other patrons of the restaurant until the soft dark of his hair could no longer be seen. No sooner had Niall vanished from Joey’s sight, Ross had spun her around within his arms and pushed his mouth to hers. 
At first wanting to pull back, Joey quickly changed her mind and went with it, leaning into him and urging him to kiss her even harder. She knew this was yet another power move by Ross, knowing that he had felt somewhat threatened by Niall and the thought made her smile into the kiss. She quite liked that idea; that Niall could provoke such a reaction just by the way he looked at her and Joey reached up to cup around Ross’s jaw, nipping gently at his tongue before easing her lips away. 
They spent the rest of the evening sipping away at a few more drinks and talking and laughing and Joey couldn’t argue the shift in Ross’ behavior. He seemed way more touchy, more possessive; his hands on her thigh, soft kisses on her lips for no reason other than there had been a break in Joey taking a sip of her drink. And while it felt a little on the strange side, a little too controlling for her liking, Joey decided to just go with the flow of it all. 
By the time they had made it back to Joey’s apartment, they both had a good amount of alcohol in their systems, but Joey was definitely feeling it more. Her head was cloudy, her words slurred between her unstoppable giggles and she almost didn't register his mouth on hers the second they had stepped through her front door. But she let him kiss her. And she let him take off her dress. She let him pull her back into her bedroom. She let him suck at her neck and bite at the flesh of her breasts. She let him pull off her panties and slide his naked body between her legs. She let him enter her. 
Her mind had gone numb, her skin dank and crawling with an influx of aberration as he started to move on top of her. She felt absolutely nothing as he worked above her; not an ignited spark of heat, not a heavy rush of passion, not a single ounce of pleasure, but she didn’t stop him. After a few minutes of him pushing inside her as his sweat dripped onto her exposed flesh, he had her flipped onto her stomach, Joey’s red hair plastered to her sticky face and her balled up fists tucked up by her head as her body fell limp. 
Trying to make herself feel something, anything, she rolled her hips back towards him slightly. But all that did was make Ross push her face further into the mattress and thrust into her harder, so much that it had started to hurt and by the time Joey had squeezed her eyes closed under the protection of her crumpled duvet, it was over. An animalistic grunt barreled from his throat and greased the back of her neck, his heaving, drenched frame halting to a stop on top of her for only a moment before he hoisted himself off. 
Joey released a long held breath, her eyes slowly peeling open to see the glow of the moon from her window shining on the wall behind the head of her bed. Uncurling her fingers, she softly brushed the hair away from the front of her face and rolled herself over. Grabbing a small throw blanket from the end of her bed, Joey bundled it over her exposed body and carefully sat herself up. 
Rubbing at her eye, she could barely see in the dark of her bedroom the shadow of Ross getting dressed and she furrowed her brow and peaked around him, hearing the faint whines of Sadie at her closed bedroom door. “Are you leaving?” she asked him, Ross having yet to say a word to her. 
“Yeah, I gotta get home,” he mumbled as he pulled on his shirt, “my girlfriend is getting back from San Antonio early in the morning.” 
With her lips falling to a part, Joey shook her head as she wasn’t sure she had heard him correctly. “Excuse me, your...your what?”
He looked over at her through the tops of his eyes as he buckled up his belt. “My girlfriend,” he said, “she travels a lot for work, so I’m allowed to, ya know, sleep around. Have a little fun when she’s gone.” 
“You’re...kidding me, right?” Joey said to him, a slight tremble in her voice.
Ross planted his hands on his hips in a chuckle. “No. You didn’t actually think this was a...thing, did you?” he asked her. Joey remained silent, her jaw hanging open as she stared at him in what one could only assume was complete shock. And embarrassment. “Oh...you did.”
Joey carded her fingers through her tangly red hair in a huff, wrapping the blanket tighter around her bare chest. “I can’t believe I just slept with you,” she began, her voice raising with each word that spit past her lips as her eyes darted across the floor at his feet. “You’re a total piece of shit!”
“Well, you’re an uptight bitch–”
“–and...and it wasn’t even good, what the fuck!” 
“Yeah, well, fuck you, it’s not like I had much to work with!” he yelled back, snatching his dress shoes from the floor. “I can’t believe I wasted a whole ass month trying to get into your pants for that. Glad I’ve been getting laid on all the other nights ‘cause that was the worst fucking sex I’ve ever had to wait for.” 
She gasped. “Right back at you, you cheating fucking dick!” 
“Kiss my ass, Joey,” he sneered. “This is 2020, wake the fuck up and stop being such a prude.” 
Sadie was full on barking and scratching at the bedroom door by that point and Joey slammed her hands to the bed beside her thighs in an agitated ‘humpfh’. She couldn’t even believe this was happening. “Just...just get the fuck out of my house!” she screamed at him. 
“No fucking problem!” 
Spinning around, he stepped over to her bedroom door and swung it open, Sadie going ballistic and growling at the man’s feet. “By the way,” he sniped as he paused in the doorway, “common decency is to at least shave your fucking pussy, ‘cause believe me, no one wants to know that the carpet matches the drapes.” 
With her eyes going wide, Joey snatched one of her pillows that was beside her and threw it at him. “Get out!” she screamed at the top of her lungs as Sadie chased after Ross, barking at his heels until he had slammed her front door closed behind him. 
Pushing a hand to her chest, she was struggling to breathe, like a thousand bricks were being piled on top of her one by one. Joey lowered her face into her open palms, attempting to pull in long deep breaths. She felt so gross, ashamed and violated and she fought to hold back her tears as she reached for her phone that was left on her bedside table. 
She sniffled as she attempted to open her texts, her hands shaking nearly out of her control. Her glassy eyes scrolled over her messages, but she knew without a doubt who she was looking for. There was only one person she wanted, only one person she needed at that very moment and she sent him one simple text. 
J: I need you. Please.
That was all it took. 
Niall, with his heart pounding in his chest and a lump forming in the back of his throat, was at her place within 15 minutes. He walked in, immediately noticing the dress she had been wearing in a heap on the floor and was then greeted by Sadie, hopping at his leg. He bent over to give her a pet. “Where’s she at, Sadie, huh?” Niall said quietly, before the little dog took off running towards the bedroom. 
Niall followed the pup and stopped at the cracked door to slowly push it open. His stare caught the sight of her, mussed up red hair and makeup smeared under her eyes, as she sat haphazardly at the edge of her bed. In the time it had taken Niall to get to her place, Joey had slipped on her panties along with a thin white camisole, the only thing covering her upper half. She had also managed to down about a ¼ bottle of gin, the same one that Niall could see still clutched tight in her hand. It seemed to be helping, but not nearly enough. 
Her head teetered upwards to lock her stare on Niall as he shuffled quietly into the room. “Jesus, Jo, are you okay?” he asked, his tone soft. 
She didn’t answer him, just faintly shook her head. Niall stepped over to the bed and eased himself down next to her. Staring at his lap, he picked at a tiny fuzz that was on his striped shorts before glancing over at Joey. The bottle of gin was pressed to her lips and she had her head tossed back as she took a big swig. “Jo…” he whispered, “what the hell happened?”
“He’s a fucking dick,” she declared as she brought the bottle back down and wiped her mouth with the back of her other hand. Moving her body to face Niall, she slid her one leg up onto the bed. “All men are fucking dicks!” 
Reaching over to her, Niall softly brushed some matted hair off her forehead and away from her face. “Darlin’, are y'alright?” 
She took another swig of gin. “Why did he do that to me?” she whined to Niall, tipping her head to the side. Her eyes were dark, wide and hopeless, her cheeks blotchy and flushed with what he could only assume was the abhorrent amount of alcohol swimming through her body and he furrowed his brows at her words, hooking a hand over his thigh. 
“What’d he do? Did he fuckin’ force himself on ya?” 
Joey noticed the aggravated rise in Niall’s voice and she shook her head. “No, no...it wasn’t like that, I wanted to have sex with him,” she started, her words slurring, “and we had sex, it just...it didn’t...feel right, ya know? The whole time it didn’t feel right.” 
Niall swallowed hard as he listened. “I just wanted him to like me,” she went on, a slight break in her voice as she waved the bottle of gin in the air, “I wanted it to actually be something.” 
“You can’t force somethin’ that’s not there, Jo,” Niall said, pushing out a breath. 
“I know,” she softly whispered, her stare falling to the bend of her knee as she pinched at the skin. “It doesn’t really matter anyway ‘cause he has a girlfriend.” 
Niall pulled his face in. “Jesus Christ, are ya kiddin’ me? You been datin’ that guy for a month!”
Joey peeked back at him. “Apparently she works out of town a lot,” she said with an eye roll, “and he is allowed to sleep with whoever he wants. And of course he didn’t tell me that until after I slept with him.” 
Resting his elbow on his knee, Niall leaned over and ran his fingers up through his hair in a sigh. “I’m sorry, Jo.” 
“I just feel so...stupid,” she said, Niall peering back over at her and noticing her chin begin to tremble. She had dragged her gaze away from his, staring out of the window on the adjacent wall. Niall could see the gleam of tears welling up in her eyes and Joey sniffled as she went on. “I feel so stupid and used and...gross and….no one is ever gonna want me. I’m-...I’m never gonna–”
Her words broke as she dropped her face into her hand in a full on sob. Pulling in a breath, Niall reached over and grabbed the bottle of gin from her, setting it down on the nightstand. He tugged the sad girl into a hug, wrapping his arms around her and cupping the back of her head, Joey tumbling her face into the crook of his neck as she cried. “Hey…hey, shush, love,” he mumbled out into her hair, “that’s not true, okay? You know that’s not true. That guy is a fuckin’ prick, he doesn’t mean shit.” 
Joey pulled back slightly, her stare meeting Niall’s as his hands moved to cradle around her face. She sniffled, a few tears slipping down her cheeks and he used the pads of his thumbs to gently wipe them away. “Niall?” 
“Can you lay in my bed with me?” Joey asked him, watching his blue eyes dart over hers as she let out a soft sigh. “Can you...just hold me? Please?” 
Niall breathed out a half smile. “Yeah, petal,” he whispered, “I can do that.” 
Joey gave him a slight nod as she started to scooch her body backwards up the bed. Niall quickly tossed off his shoes, and by the time she had situated herself under the covers, he was right in there next to her. They both rolled to their sides, facing each other and Joey moved her hair from off her neck as she shifted closer to Niall, using his one outstretched arm for a pillow as his other encompassed her curled up frame. Their faces sat merely an inch apart, their noses nearly touching and Joey pulled in a shaky breath, still settling herself from her tears. 
Letting her stare glide over his, Joey bit at her bottom lip as she reached up with her fingertip and gently began to ghost along the side of his face. From his temple down to the arch of his jawline, her finger dragged over his soft warm skin tracing the faint shadow that was caused by the glowing moon. Niall kept his eyes glued to hers as he watched her follow her delicate movements, all the while his heart pounded wild in his chest. The room around them was still; silent as the dead of night like everything around them had vanished into the bottom of the dark sea and the only thing keeping them alive was the beating of their hearts and the tiny faint breaths of Joey that puffed out across his mouth. 
A soft smile eased over her lips. “You’re so pretty,” she whispered. 
His big hand gently pet down her hair as he gave her a low chuckle. “Not nearly as pretty as you.”
“I look like dog shit,” she commented under her breath, lightly rolling her eyes. 
Niall smiled at her, his heavy lidded eyes locking with hers as his fingers twisted into the ends of her hair that rested at her upper back. “No, ya don’t.”
With her eyes falling closed in a smile, Joey nestled her body further into Niall, tucking her arms against his chest and burying her head into the crook of his neck. Her bare legs intertwined with his under the sheets, and Niall wrapped his arms fully around her barely covered frame, nuzzling his face against the top of her head. He slowly breathed in the sweet scent of her hair and it took him right back to one of the first times he had met her. 
Swallowing hard, Joey eased into his warmth; his body thick and soft and melded around hers like a familiar quilt that you could bury yourself in on the darkest of days and it always left you feeling safe and calm. Niall made her feel secure, he made her feel comfortable as if he could protect her from anything. As if this was the place she was supposed to be. As if the world around her no longer mattered to him, only her. 
“I’m so lucky to have you as a friend,” Joey hummed out, burrowing her face further into his neck.
Her words circled out around him like a storm cloud, yanking roughly at the strings of his heart and snatching it right from his chest. The way she felt for him, it would never match the way he felt for her. And no matter what he did, what he said to her, how she felt in his arms, he would not be able to change that. And it broke his heart into a million pieces. 
Pulling in a deep steadying breath, his eyes fell closed. Niall licked across his lips and tried with all he had in him to tame the wobble of his chin as he tugged Joey closer into him. He held her tighter, he breathed her in deeper, his skin soaking her in as his body felt her harder because he knew, with all certainty, it would be the last time he ever got the chance. 
And it wasn’t long before they had both fallen into a deep, much needed sleep.
The sun rose early that next morning, beaming in through Joey’s bedroom window and waking up Niall. His blue eyes blinked through the brightness, his head turning to the side as he reached up with his hand to rub the sleep away. He was on his back; Joey still asleep and nestled against him with her head laying on his chest and Niall peeked down at her. The side of her face was mushed into the fabric of his shirt, little melodic exhales pushing past her pouty lips and using his hand that was holding onto her, he very softly brushed her hair away from her temple. Her cheeks were ruddy, her lips a bit dry and she still had a bit of makeup smeared under her eyes, but as Niall stared down at the girl that was in his arms and wrapped around his body, he couldn’t help but think about how undeniably beautiful she was. And how he wanted to stay like that forever with her. 
But he knew he couldn’t. And he knew that was beyond anything she wanted from him. 
So he picked his head up off the pillow and gently pushed a kiss to her forehead, his lips lingering slightly before he carefully shifted her head off his chest and down into the mattress next to him. Easing himself up off the bed, and moving around Sadie who was curled up at the end, Niall was vigilant with keeping his motions slow and quiet so as to not wake her up, knowing she needed her rest after the night she had dealt with. Grabbing his shoes from the floor next to her bed, he started to tiptoe out of the room.
Pausing just at the threshold of the doorway, Niall turned to glance at her one more time as he slipped on his shoes. His stare trailed her body, watching her chest rise and fall with her subdued breaths and seeing the glisten of the morning sun on her skin. 
His heart could not have sank anymore. 
Roughing his hands through the sides of his hair, Niall sighed and eased the door closed to barely a crack as he left the room. He had just made it to her front door when he heard the patter of little feet come up behind him. Peering down over his shoulder, he was met with a cheery Sadie, who was hopping up to request a pet. Niall breathed out a chuckle and bent down to oblige the tiny pup. 
He gently scruffed up her head. “If only your mommy felt about me, the way I feel about her,” Niall quietly confided into the little dog, her big brown eyes pinching closed in contentment. “You be a good girl now, Sadie.” 
Standing back up, Niall rolled his lips into his mouth as he stared down at her. After another brief moment, he stepped out of Joey’s apartment, leaving Sadie sitting at the closed door and whining out for him.
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ghostsray · 4 years
Ch9: Glow
(first - prev - next) (AO3)
Niel was seeing red. Literally.
Colors often looked different in ghost form, but this time, everything was red. Maybe that was from the red glow coming from his eyes. They had begun to radiate at some point on the way home and hadn't stopped. Skulker was casting frequent glances at him, and if Niel didn't know any better, he would have thought the hunter looked nervous.
On any other occasion, that detail would have sent Niel over the moon. However, Niel was feeling too angry to care. He was angry that Vlad would ignore him for two days before finally sending a lackey to check on him instead of coming himself. He was angry that Vlad had done all this after he almost killed Niel's sister and that he was still expecting Niel to come back. Most of all, he was angry with himself for having trusted him all those months.
The glow from his eyes intensified with these thoughts.
The duo made it through the portal and landed in Vlad's lab. The millionaire himself was pacing around the room when he saw them. He approached them with a look of--relief?--before pausing and squinting his eyes at the glow.
"Still angry with me, I see," he noted.
Niel glared, his eyes casting red light across Vlad's obnoxious face. Skulker released his cuffs from Niel's wrist. "I'll leave you two be," he said and flew back into the portal, leaving the father and son alone.
"You were going to kill Ellie," Niel spoke.
"You mean Danielle? I've told you, she's--"
"A failure?" Niel seethed. "She's also a conscious being, and you know that. It still would've counted as murder."
Vlad's face twitched, then he sighed defeatedly. "No, you're right. I'm sorry."
Niel blinked in surprise. He wasn't expecting Vlad to apologize so easily. The glow from his eyes dimmed ever so slightly, but it returned to its brightness as Niel bit back, "You think apologizing changes anything?"
Vlad looked...surprised, like he wasn't expecting Niel to argue back. Niel's scowl deepened.
"Look, just give me a chance to make it up to you," Vlad said.
"By leaving Ellie alone?" Niel retorted.
"Surely you understand, I was only doing it to protect us--"
"But how do I know you care about me when you don't care about any of the other clones?"
"I already told you, I wouldn't have gone public with you if i didn't plan on keeping you around."
"So...you only care about me for publicity?"
Vlad froze, and his eyes widened. He put on a friendly smile. "No! of course not!" He grabbed Niel's hands and said, "You're my son, Niel."
Even though he had started calling him by his name, Vlad still seemed to hesitate whenever he said it, like he was forcing himself not to call him Daniel. Maybe that was what caused Niel to pull his hands away and growl. "If I'm your son, then why do you never care?"
"I do!"
"Oh yeah? What's my favorite science subject?"
Vlad was beginning to frown, growing impatient with Niel. "It's astronomy, of course."
Niel's eyes flashed again as he said, "Wrong. That's Danny's favorite subject. Mine is biology."
Vlad faltered for a second before he spread his arms with a forced smile and said, "Well then, I'm learning new things about you! Isn't that great?"
Niel didn't think that was great. His red vision was starting to get encroached by green, and he realized he was tearing up. "You know, I used to read stories with families in them and think they were unrealistic because of how close the parents were to their kids...but hey, it was fiction, so obviously that was fake, right?"
Vlad's expression grew sober as Niel continued. "I thought you loved me, even if the only times you spent with me were in front of guests and reporters. I mean, you buy me all this cool stuff, so that must mean you care, right?" Droplets fell down the clone's cheeks. He thought back to Jack and Maddie, how they wrapped their arms around Danny and Jazz in a hug, and how happy the family looked together. Even the ghosts in the Far Frozen were tender as the adult yeti looked after their young. "I don't think you really love me," Niel said, "and I don't think I love you, either."
Niel looked at Vlad, waiting for his reaction. Vlad was staring at a spot on Niel's cheek, and as he watched, his expression grew more and more troubled. At first, Niel thought that was because of what he had said, but then he began to wonder if Vlad had even been listening. Vlad raised a finger...then suddenly poked Niel in the cheek.
Niel flinched. "Hey, what are you--"
But Vlad was muttering, "No, no, no. You were supposed to be perfect."
Those words made Niel's stomach sink. Something was wrong. His vision was swimming with green, but he was beginning to suspect that wasn't from his tears. He looked down at Vlad's finger and saw it glowing with ectoplasm.
Niel's face felt like it was being burned by acid. Why did his face feel like burning? He brought a shaky hand up to where Vlad touched him. Something was mushy and it felt wrong and--when he pulled his hand away, it was coated in the same glowing substance as on Vlad's finger.
"Butter biscuits," Vlad muttered. "I shouldn't have let you stay in the Ghost Zone for so long. That much prolonged exposure to ectoplasm, and your body is still relatively young..."
Niel wasn't listening. He staggered and felt the world tilt beneath him. Everything was glowing, but it wasn't from his anger anymore. "I'm destabilizing," he said numbly.
Vlad fixed an intent gaze on him. "It's all right, I can fix you."
"I'm destabilizing," Niel repeated.
Vlad placed a hand on his shoulder. "Niel--"
For a second, the world turned red again, and Niel shouted "Stay away from me!" and stumbled back from Vlad's grip. His chest rose and fell with heavy breaths, except it barely did anything to assuage his nerves considering oxygen wasn't important to his ghost form. He brought his hands to his hairs and gripped at them. The ectoplasm on his hands was spread across his hair, but that didn't matter because he was melting.
"Calm down," Vlad ordered. "Being emotional only makes it worse."
Niel turned frightful eyes to Vlad. "How can I trust you? Ellie didn't let you fix her."
"Danielle is a fool! Come on, are you really going to let a small conflict between us stop you from accepting my help?" Vlad tried to grab him again, but Niel stepped away, causing his father to scowl. "Your form is falling apart. Who else can help you?"
Niel knew he should probably let Vlad fix him, but he couldn't think. Maybe his brain was melting, too. His chest continued to rise and fall futilely while more tears pricked his eyes. "The Fentons," he blurted. "The Fentons can help me."
"Are you an idiot? You'll be revealing all our secret identities if you go to those two for help!" Vlad's voice was steadily rising, but he forced himself to take a breath and calm himself. "Be logical, Niel. You know I love you, right?"
And that was how Niel became certain that Vlad hadn't been listening to a thing he said earlier. Suddenly, his potentially impending doom no longer mattered, and his fear was replaced once more by anger. Vlad's calm demeanor faltered when he saw Niel's eyes flash red again.
"Fuck you," Niel growled.
Vlad was so stunned that all he could say was, "Language."
Niel's fists shook, his teeth gritted, and then--a sob racked through him, breaking him down both figuratively and literally. The destabilization was spreading from his face to his chest and his arms and his legs and everywhere was glowing with his own ectoplasm. He cried, his tears mixing with the green substance and dripping to the floor.
He felt Vlad's fingers wrap around his wrist, but Niel phased his hand through. A thick sheet of goo was left behind on Vlad's hand, like when that slimer ghost from Ghostbuster phased through walls (it's amazing how your mind can still think of silly movie references even when your world is falling apart). "I'm not a perfect clone," Niel said.
"Don't say that. Of course you're--"
"I'm not," Niel said, "and I wish you didn't treat me that way."
He turned away from Vlad and lifted himself into the air. "Where are you going, Niel?" Vlad demanded. Niel ignored him. He shot upward and phased through the lab's ceiling. The last thing he heard was Vlad angrily yelling, "Daniel!"
Niel bit back his sobs and flew out the mansion. He was oozing, bits of his own body falling beneath him and leaving a glowing trail.
Danny, Niel thought. Ellie was able to stay alive because Danny helped her. All he had to do was find the other boy and get him to stop...all of this.
And he had to get to him quickly, before the corruption could reach his head and leave him unable to think.
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simptasia · 4 years
lost characters based solely on how i portray them in my text post memes
jack: constantly crying and/or screaming. no emotional stability. no social skills. terrible bedside manner. endearingly bland. into powerful women. loves the red sox... a lot. daddy issues. doesn’t believe in himself. has shitty tattoos. being crushed under the weight of everybody’s expectations. more or less hot. he is not cool at all. repressed attraction to guys. chronic hero syndrome. adorably embarrassing as a dad. passionately and violently overreacts to the mere concept of people believing in things. mansplains but in a non malicious way because he is literally that oblivious. gets into fights a lot. dissociates in mirrors. gets injured a lot but doesn’t wanna make a fuss. thinking about caves
kate: desperate need to protect women. bi. is frustrated by jack and sawyer’s personalities but wants to fuck them oh so much. rowdy. feminist. biceps. will call you out. is love with claire and jack and sun and- she has a lot of love to give. she can be ur angel or ur devil. exasperated. doesn’t understand astrology but she’s trying. she’s the slytherin friend every hufflepuff needs. uses guns. doesn’t know how to cook. go to relationship advice is “dump him” or “suck his dick”.  just because you put things in her vagina doesn’t mean you know her. gemini
hurley: sad clown. haha laughter! hiding real pain! has debilitating mental illness. he’s doing his best to stay positive. virgin. genuinely kind soul. overwhelmed by food. awkward around girls he likes. much smarter and wiser than anybody thinks, including himself. a special boy who we all love. says dude a lot. the only valid rich person ever. doesn’t like himself. sees dead people. kinda silly. also he’s fat (but i don’t joke about it in a cruel way)
sawyer: compulsive need to nickname people. from the south. bewildered by charlie’s english slang. covering up vulnerability with jokes and being mean. loves juliet. is an asshole but a loveable asshole (this varies, mostly he’s an asshole). conventionally attractive to the point of boring. got a Thing going on with miles. can’t stand daniel being smart around him. babies freak him out. treats animals poorly
locke: very supportive and new agey type. i’ve made two jokes about him encouraging people to jack off, that wasn’t on purpose but Okay. he doesn’t know what its like to have friends. he says Deep Sounding but odd things. he’s super duper into nature. he suffers. he’s very forgiving of ben to the point of absurdity and he desperately wants ben to love and fuck him. or maybe they are fucking. Who Knows. he loves knifes
sayid: sexy, suffering shannon fucker. he doesn’t respect boone. his life is an endless parade of misery culminating in going on autopilot. respects women
jin: he has no idea what’s going on and his life revolves around sun
sun: beautiful. perfect. very passionate about gardening
claire: bi. frequently ignored. cutesy and sweet. super into astrology and new age stuff. her cheery demeanour can only hold on so long before she loses it. kinda dumb. has baby. vanilla, at least for now. loves charlie but is kinda frustrated by him. goes feral and “kitten thinks of murder all day” sums it up
charlie: that he needs attention and validation to survive would be a gross understatement. bi. trans. punk. stupid. english. really horny and slutty. adores music more than anything. drug addict (again, i refuse to be cruel). severe jealousy issues. inferiority superiority complex. hates himself but will get offended if you hate him. can’t take any form of criticism. is bewildered by sawyer’s american-isms. bit of a madonna whore complex. smol but will go the fuck off like a terrier nipping at ya heels. catholic and riddled with catholic guilt. goofy and obnoxious and he knows it. passive aggressive. terrified of bees. nice ass. mood swings. did i mention he’s short? anyway here’s wonderwall
ben: ugly. just plain terrible. beaten and bruised. seething with rage and pain on the inside. virgin. liar. just causes problems on purpose. resembles a lemur or rat, rodents in general. loves bunnies. doesn’t think sex is real. just a really bad idea for him to be around juliet. has no friends. doesn’t care about other people. says creepy shit just because. he knows he’s a terrible person. killed people. the friend nobody likes and a general nuisance to the other characters
(also my literal first text post meme about ben was a joke about him eating his parents??? 2014 sapphire, i wanna talk...)
juliet: mom friend. seems very calm but she’s screaming on the inside. basically she’s the This Is Fine meme. depressed. has big tits. low-key kinky. feminist in a very gentle way. has no ill will towards kate and will only fight her for fun. concerned for daniel’s well being. has no chemistry with jack. loves sawyer. flat measured calm way of speaking. she’s breaking apart at the seams but will offer you a nice glass of water :)))
michael: has a son..... uh...... enjoys minecraft?
(i’m sorry)
desmond: scottish. drinks. easily and constantly confused. magic psychic time powers, like visions and electromagnetic dimensional stuff. easily angered. fucked off by the concept of time and destiny in general. hhhhhhhot
smokey: Hello Fellow Humans I Promise This Is My Own Skin Haha
miles: bi. aro. loves money (trying to fill the hole in his heart with money and things). emo/punk. pretends not to care but he really does care. thinks emotions and romance are dumb but of course is emotional... and kinda wants love. but not that he LIKES you or anything. exasperated. thinks everybody else is weird. kinda slutty or at least trying to be. masochist and into BDSM. mean to daniel for no reason. daddy issues. resting bitch face. jaded, bitter and salty. responds to romantic things dan or char say with vulgar or mocking comments. grew up poor. can hear dead people. trying too hard to be edgy. deadpan snarker. Fuck Off I’m Not Sad Don’t Look At Me [cries only around the audience and his mom]
walt: becoming older than 10 was when things went downhill for him
shannon: seems vapid but is more than that. deeply insecure. feels she can’t do anything right. constantly put down as worthless by other people. yeah she’s sad but she Looks Great. wants sayid to pound her (mood)
(gee, that was dark)
richard: very old and ageless. sees ben as a son figure. really not holding it together. seems smart but he has no fucking idea whats going on. cult mindset. quips curtly back at miles’ vulgar jokes. in love with miles based on very little interaction. misses his dead wife. has a cute giggle. is also hot. overwhelmed and just wants to go into the jungle and scream
frank: doesn’t understand what anybody is talking about. the only normal person here. doesn’t understand these kids today with their weird kinks. just wants to sleep. pilot. bit of a conspiracy theorist
boone: bi. stupid. soaked in blood a lot.  (L I T E R A L L Y all of my boone jokes are about him being dumb and bi and horribly injured and combos of those. i haven’t even made any incest jokes! what the actual fuck)
ana lucia: “[with tears in her eyes] DO U WANNA FIGHT??”. highly volatile. lesbian. bros with jack but will roast him. angery, sad and underloved
daniel: bi, agender, neurodivergent, just, just especially brain weird. The Scientist trope but kind of a shitty scientist. smart. in love with charlotte. in love with desmond. likes rats a lot. talks weird and soft spoken. withdrawn and polite but with bursts of bitterness. his mom won’t let him live the live he wants to live. time travel weirdness. loves music. gifted kid burn out. has a mental and emotional collapse. thinks a hydrogen bomb will solve all his problems. skinny. touches people a lot. he’s not okay. romantic. overwhelmed. memory problems. his lack of life experience and softness is used to contrast miles. takes some statements literally. pretty vanilla (for now) and doesn’t know what certain kinks are. likes that charlotte is Tough & Rowdy. doesn’t swear much. bad hair. was unhinged in college. has radiation poisoning
libby: neurodivergent and in love with hurley
eko: yeah... i’ve legit only used him for jokes where charlie says something EXTREMELY vulgar and eko says “go to church”
charlotte: bi, loud, passionate, beautiful, angery, knows All The Languages, huge nerd, loves daniel and thinks he’s a Snack, outspoken feminist, archaeologist/anthropologist and wants to explore some fucking ruins, The Lost Lenore trope, loves chocolate, exasperated, great smile, subtly insecure, doesn’t get that she could just tell daniel how she feels, has had many indiana jones like adventures (off screen, of course), for example: crashing her dirtbike into all 7 wonders of the world
danielle: french and unhinged, has seen some shit
alex: just a young lady with no chill
jacob: suffers from terminal apathy. has little understand of human behaviour. doesn’t care about people. he just plain sucks. has no endearing qualities. causes many problems. beats the shit outta richard. doesn’t like technology. so removed from humanity that he’s a touch uncanny valley
christian, eloise, charles and anthony jokes each have their own kind of flavours but fuck it, i’ll sum them all up as: contemptuous cunts who deserve to die
aaron: just a baby boy. does baby things. has like 5 parents
vincent: a dog. a good boy. does he know more than he lets on? is he mysterious? no, he is just a dog
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pucks-no-fucks · 5 years
Our future: Auston Matthews X Reader
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Authors note: I just took two requests and put them into one because they fit so perfectly together :)
Requests are open ❤️
Summary: 1) Auston talks about how he sees a future with kids, major fluff. 2) Auston and the reader has a cute family and fluffiness pursues.
Warnings: I think there’s a curse wor. Suggestion towards sex once.
Requested: Yes | No
Word Count: 1,377
It was hot outside. Hot as hell. You grumbled and stood up from the couch and walked to the kitchen. “Where are you going?”, Auston called. “Where do you think dumbass?”, you came walking back into the living room with two cold bottles of water. He rolled his eyes but smiled.
Auston reaches for the bottle, but you pulled it away. He raised his eyebrow and reached again, only for you to lift it high. “How bad do you want it baby?”, you teased.
Auston laughed. “Give me the fucking water Y/N”, he chuckled.
“What about I just drink both”, you giggled sticking your tongue out.
“You wouldn’t”, he said nonchalantly.
“I would”. With that you took the caps off of both bottles and took a drink from both. Auston smirked devilishly. You took another drink eyeing him carefully. Quickly he reached forward and squeezed the bottle. Your eyes went wide as water splashed out of the bottle all over you.
“Auston what the hell!”, you said laughing obnoxiously. He laughed along with you, pulling you down to sit with him again.
“Babe I can’t just relax in wet clothes”, you sighed. You looked down. Your white shirt was now see through and you could obviously see the bright blue bra underneath.
He lolled his head to look at you. “I guess not”. He reached forward and turned the air conditioning on. Max.
“Auston you know it gets too cold when it’s on max. It turns arctic in here. We could house a penguin”. He looked at you bizarrely. “Oh my god babe can we get a penguin”, you said. Auston shook his head with a smile.
“No we can not get a penguin. We can go get you dry clothes though”, he replied, standing up and grabbing your hands. Auston pulled you up off the couch. Lovingly you wrapped your arms around him. Reaching behind him you grabbed the open bottle of water off the coffee table. He cupped your face as you looked up at him with a dopey expression.
“What are you doing silly girl”, he mumbled. You hummed in response. His eyebrow raised. You lifted the cold bottle over his head and dumped it.
“Y/N! Jesus Christ that’s fucking cold!”, Auston said in shock. “Well it was sitting in front of the air conditioning”, you smirked. He shook his head like a dog, getting water everywhere.
“Auston come on!”, you squealed. He reached forward and picked you up. Your legs wrapped around his waist, but you leaned back slightly to look at his face. “You have nice cheeks”.
“What?”, was Auston’s confused reaction. “They are so squishy”, you said bringing your hands squeeze his face. “Your my squishy”, you cooed.
Auston hummed joyfully as he carried you upstairs. He pushed the bedroom door open and sat you on the bed. Auston turned and started rummaging through the dresser. “I can get my own clothes”, you shot matter of factly at him.
He looked over his shoulder. “I know”, and then his gaze returned to the dresser. You rolled your eyes. “Here”. Sweatpants and an oversized shirt were thrown to you. Auston stood straight and took his shirt off, looking at you.
“Wait turn around”, you stuttered, suddenly feeling insecure. “It’s nothing I haven’t seen before”, Auston murmured.
You stood and turned away from him, bashfully. “I love you”, he praised. He audibly walked over to you. Austin’s arms wrapped around your stomach. “I don’t know why your suddenly all shy”, he purred. “I don’t know”. Your face was bright red.
“God I can’t wait to marry you”, he mumbled, kissing your shoulder.
“What?”, you said in surprise. Auston lazily turned you to face him. “I can’t wait to marry you”, he repeated. You didn’t think it was possible for your face to get any redder yet here you were.
“You wanna marry me”, you said shyly. He sat on the bed and pulled you in between his legs. Auston was looking up at you intently. “Of course, I think abut our future a lot”, he replied.
“And what do you see?”, you questioned.
“Well I’m going to marry you. That’s for sure”, he winked making you snort. “And then we are going to buy a house. With a big back yard. I know you want a dog so we can get a dog”. It made you smile. “I see us having kids too and-“, you sharply cut him off.
“You want to have kids with me?”, you said in awe. He looked nervous. “Only if you want to have kids”, he spoke quietly.
“Of course I want to have kids with you”, you smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I love you”, you whispered.
5 years later
It was cold. The snow blanketed the ground and you had the heat on high. You held your 2 year old daughter close to you. She giggled and drooled looking up at you with her wide chocolatey orbs.
“Hi princess”, you cooed. You swayed around the kitchen as the music filled the house. Outside loud roars of laughter could be heard. You walked over to the sliding glass door leading to the porch. Outside your boys were skating on the rink Auston spent his time making. Your son, his carbon copy, skates after his daddy. You smiled fondly at the view.
Auston skates backwards reaching towards your boy. You leaned your head against the glass lovingly. Isabella shrieked in your arms. You looked at her and smiled at her happy demeanour. “Look at daddy baby”, you said gently taking her hand and pointing at Auston. Her eyes went wide and she smiled wide at you. She stuck her hands in her mouth and started giggling.
“What are you doing silly silly girl”, you soothed. When you looked out the window Auston was pointing to you, holding Jonathan and talking very passionately. Auston looked at you for a second and smiled before turning back to Jonathan. Slowly they started walking back to the house. You smiled and walked away from the door and back into the kitchen, putting Isabella in her highchair. You stirred the Mac and cheese that you made for dinner.
The sliding door opened. “Okay bud, go wash your hands”, Auston said gently setting Jonathan down “Okay daddy”, he said excitedly, his feet patting against the floor softly. Auston smiled and looked up at Isabella. He walked over and poked her side, causing her to erupt in giggles. “How are my two favourite girls”, he asked. You turned and leaned against the counter, arms folded across your chest. “Doing pretty good, how are my favourite boys”?
“Hey now”, Auston said in mock seriousness. “I’m no boy, I’m a man”, he purred, wiggling his eyebrows, while walking over to you. “I’m no girl either there Matthews”, you retorted with a giggle. “I suppose”, he said with a wink, pinning you against the counter.
You wrapped your arms around his neck. “God I love you”, he mumbles against your neck. “I love you more”, you whispered. Isabella shrieked happily again. Auston turned to look at her. “What are you doing baby!”, he said happily. She started banging her hands against the high chair. He walked over and picked her up, attacking her with kisses. Her laughter filled the house. Jonathan ran around the corner and looked at you. “Mommy!”, he insisted, giving you his grabby hands. You lifted him up and started kissing his cheeks. “What were you up to outside with daddy little man”, you said lovingly.
“Daddy told me about how much he loved you”, he giggled. “Oh did he?”, you said shooting Auston a look. “Yea Mommy”, he smiled. You started tickling the small boy in your arms. Auston looked at you briefly, smirking. Isabella grabbed his face promptly and started blowing raspberries. Auston laughed and kissed his daughters forehead.
You walked over to Auston and rest your head on his shoulder. His wedding band shone brightly against Isabella’s pastel onesie. “I love you baby”, you mumbled in adoration. “I love you too mommy”, Jonathan piped in. You and Auston giggled. “I love you guys more”, Auston mumbled.
“Not possible”, you smirked. He leaned in and kissed you.
“I think it is”
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Survey #255
“who gives a fuck if they hate you; you’re the god that they pray to.”
How many pillows do you sleep with? Two. Could you go a day not talking to the last person you kissed? It would suck. What was the last song you listened to that made you cry? I didn't like, sob, but "Another Life" by Motionless In White does it. Your ex REALLY needs you at 3am and you have a way to their house would you go? Well, I can't with Sara considering she lives two hours away, and that's by plane. If she lived here, duh. For Girt or Jason, yes. Without saying any names what is one thing that you would like to say to someone(s)? I'm sorry. Would your parents get mad if you got drunk while they were present? No. Would you date someone who lived in another state? Eh, maybe. I don't know if I want to do long-distance again. I mean I probably would, but idk. Are you friends with your ex? Sara and Girt, yes. Who is the person you last texted? Sara. When’s the last time you told people you were fine, but really weren’t? I dunno, I honestly don't lie about that often. When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face? Months back when I found out the shit my therapist said about me and disability. Not only did I want to knock her jaw off, but I sobbed for like, a long-ass time. Who did you spend your summer with last year? Just Mom, really. ... Or wait, maybe that was the summer Sara was here??? My memory is such shit, idk if that was last year or the one before. What’s bothering you right now? Stress about dropping out. Have you lost friends in the past year? I don't think so, at least. Have you and the last person you kissed ever talked about going out? We did date. If the person you’re dating said they were falling in love with you, what would you do? I'm not dating anyone. Who was the last person you were in love with for more than a year? Sara. Do you have a secret life? RP stays a pretty big secret. Have you ever seen the last person you kissed without a shirt? Yes. Do your parents know EVERYTHING about you? No. What are you watching? Nothing rn, surprisingly. I'm listening to music. Are you friends with your best friend’s boyfriend or girlfriend? She's single. Don’t tell me lies, is the last person you texted attractive? Yeah. There’s a serial killer in your house, what do you do? Jump out the window. If the last person you kissed went back to their first love, what would you do? I think I am hers. Do you own any bug spray? No, not currently. We need some damn wasp killer. Every spring/summer, they build a nest literally right above our back door. Are you a good gift giver? Honestly think I'm really good at it. I always try to put a load of thought into it. What's the longest trip you’ve ever been on? The drives to either NY or Florida. I can't remember which is further. Are you a daughter or son-in-law? No. Do you know anyone in the military? Multiple people. Do you like your significant other's siblings? N/A Have you ever received a singing birthday card? Yeah. Those always suck when you open them and boom, loud singing to an obnoxious song. Do you own anything made by APPLE? My iPod. Have you ever tried Hamburger helper? Yeah, that was a semi-frequent dinner as a kid. I never liked it that much, though. What was your first car's color? N/A Do you have a best friend? Ye. Do you remember who your Kindergarten teacher was? I do. Do you have a favorite president? A least favorite? No, considering I don't know enough about any and their policies. Can you french braid? No. Were you ever a girl scout or a boy scout? I was as a tiny kid. I met my first best friend that way. What's your least favorite color? I'm just gonna use the very basic colors: yellow or green. Do you know anyone in jail? Not currently. Do you have kids? Ew. What's the strangest name you’ve ever heard? Apples. Yes. I'm serious. How old were you when you learned to walk? Idk. Do you own anything made of lace? Yeah. What's your favorite football team? Idc. What kind of bubble gum do you chew? Just about any. Fruity is my favorite. Do you wear a one-piece bathing suit or two-piece, a speedo or trunks? NOBODY needs to see me in a two-piece. Did you go to your senior prom? Yes. Do you support a charity? Well of course. I used to give coins to those super-old charity things for sick kids back in the day, but I can't remember the exact charity it was. I also donated hair to Children With Hair Loss a couple years back. I haven't donated to any other that I know of bc no personal income and I don't ask my parents for money really, but boy have I wanted to. I always use that Facebook feature where you pick a charity to share and ask for donations for your birthday, though; I've done the Trevor Project and one for pancreatic cancer in honor of my grandmother. I don't remember the others. Do you pop your knuckles? EW no please don't in my presence @ Sara. Do you scrapbook? No. I just don't have the creative drive and dedication to. If you could change your eye color would you and to what color? A much brighter blue. Have you ever had braces? For a long-ass time because we couldn't afford to take them off. One tooth is pushed too far back because of it. Imagine your dream home, does it have a fence around it? No. I want to live in the woods where *that's* my yard. When were you the saddest in your whole life? 2016 OH WOWIE WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you ever seen a ghost? I definitely believe I have. Are you a virgin? No. How many books do you read a month? I like, just started reading again, so I can't say. Can you type fast? Very. In school were you bullied? I'm extremely thankful I wasn't. Have you ever swam in the ocean? Yes, I love it. Do you own a boat? Not me myself, no. Dad does. What about a camper? No. Do you read the newspaper? No. Are you on any teams? Team Mystic in Pokemon Go *waggles fist @ criticism* If you died today where do you think you’d go? Idk. Who really knows what happens when you die. I hope it's some serene existence, but, *shrugs*. Do you know anyone who is pregnant? Ummmm I don't think so. Who is the first contact in your cell phone? Best friend! :') What color are you bed sheets? The one I'm using now is light blue. Do you use online dating? I cannot FUCKING believe I was briefly on Christian Mingle I would actually rather die- How often are you sick? Extremely rarely. Did/Do you miss a lot of school? Eh. I had my mental health days and had to leave early a lot. Do you like scented candles? Yeah man. When was the last time you were told you were pretty/beautiful/gorgeous? When I recently changed my FB picture after forever. Do you hate the last guy, other than family, you had a conversation with? No. What’s the last thing that made you laugh? Roman being silly. If someone were to ask you out right now would you say yes? I don't know. Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone? Yeah. Name four things you want right now: My fucking tattoo updated laksjdlflw, a healthy goddamn weight, my laptop, and a tarantula omg. Do you prefer to hold or be held? I mean, it depends on who we're talking about. I guess generally held? Are you currently wanting any piercings? You have no idea. Are you afraid of falling in love? Very. What was the last thing that made you feel like your life was complete? lol I've never felt that. You ever slept on the floor with someone you liked? Yeah. Do you still speak to any of your classmates from elementary school? Off the very top of my head, no. Does it take a lot to make you cry? NOPE. What is the wallpaper on your computer screen? Why did you choose it? One of my favorite pictures of Teddy, because I adore and miss him. Is there a pattern on the pants you’re currently wearing? Which one? Plaid. Do you like going to baby showers? Do you go only for the cake? I mean, not especially. They're crowded and it's a bad association anyway since it was the last time I hung out with Jason. The cake is indeed the best part, lmao. Mexican food, Chinese food, Italian food, French food or American food? American. What is the color scheme of your absolute favorite fast-food restaurant? Red, yellow, and blue. Do people ever ask you to do things they’re too short to accomplish? Very rarely. I'm not all that tall. Is there carpet or hardwood floor in your bedroom? Carpet. Do you believe in superstitious things such as breaking a mirror? No. Do you get sick of people who call themselves bipolar all the time? As someone who is bipolar, very much so, yes. Ever have an ultra-sound performed on you? What was it for? Yes, for my liver. I was fine. Do you like those "end of the world," "Armageddon" movies? Not especially. Ever been choked severely on something during lunch at your school? No. Do you remember who you sat next to in Kindergarten? Who was it? No. Has anyone ever compared you to an animal? Which one(s)? No. Do you eat more vegetables or fruits? What’s your favorite fruit/veggie? Fruits, by far. Strawberries and broccoli. Something on the human body that grosses you out the most: This is not intentional or meant to be discriminatory of those with 'em, but penises literally repulse me visually. Do you like meeting new people? What’s your most common greeting? Yeah, even though I'm scared. I think I say "hi" or "hey" most. What is something that bothers you about most surveys in general? Extremely heteronormative. Would you survive if zombies were to take over the world? Why or why not? HA no. I'm an anxious mess that is not fast or nimble in any way. What is your favorite color of apple? Red, green or yellow? I like the reddish/yellowish ones. Do you live anywhere near a mall? Maybe like, 15-20 mins away. If you were dying who would you say goodbye to first out of everyone? My mom. Are you someone who actually likes to babysit children? NO. What’s your favorite lunch meat, if you even like any in the first place? Honey ham. Would you rather write with a pen or a pencil? Why is this? Pencil, by far. You can erase. Scibbling stuff out looks messy. Have you ever wanted to be in a band? What position exactly? I am NOT kidding: one of the motivating factors of me going back to public school after 8th grade was the idea of making new friends and maybe making a band to be the guitarist lmfao. Who is your role model or hero in life if you have one? I have multiple for different reasons, but #1's gotta be Mark, man. Were you a really mean kid or a sweet and quiet kid? I was a really friendly kiddo. Do you keep secrets from your parents that you don’t keep from your friends? I don't think so. What is your father’s best friend’s name? Do you know them personally? Idk who that would be. Ever submit a video to America’s Funniest Home Videos? I don't believe we have. The most painful medical procedure you’ve ever had? Jesus fuck, I wouldn't wish having an infected cyst drained without NEARLY enough numbing medication on the goddamn devil. Are you someone who likes to eat Poptarts? What’s your favorite flavor? Yeah. I like the chocolate sundae one most. Ever have a dream you’re being abducted by aliens? Was it scary? No. What is your favorite flavor of Doritos? What do you drink with them? MMMMMMMMMMM cool ranch. Usually soda with chips. What is your favorite nickname you like to be called? Why do you like it? Ozzy. *shrugs* I like my online nickname and the "y" added sounds kinda affectionate ig. Do you already have your outfit for tomorrow planned out? I don’t plan my outfits. Has your favorite song ever been featured on a commercial? No. What would you say was the best year of your life? Why? 2017. SO MUCH DEVELOPMENT AND HEALING!!!!!!! Have you ever been pulled over by the cops for speeding? No. Is anyone in your family a firefighter? Who is it anyway? No.
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solli · 5 years
love is more than just a game for two
"Go fuck yourself, Anderson!" [Nick] shouted. [...] "Well, perhaps I won't need to do it myself. It's Valentine's Day after all."
Blaine and Sebastian should have been getting together the first day of freshamn year but they managed to drag it to their senion year valentine's day. Love hearts get drawn on cheeks. Casual smooching doesn't really count as smooching if you laugh about it afterwards. Same old, same old.
or: welcome to an off-season Simpson's special. i needed the equivalent of four packages of assorted sweets.
Nick sometimes wondered if he wouldn't have hated Phil Collins if he had been rooming with anyone but Blaine. Surely having to hear the Tarzan soundtrack playing on repeat way too early in the morning for a teenager to be awake didn't help his sympathy for the guy.
"Come on, Nicholas! I know you're awake!" was all he had for a warning before he suffered a blow to his head by the hand of a pillow.
"Go fuck yourself, Anderson!" he shouted, sitting up and throwing the pillow square at Blaine, who didn't even try to catch it and took the hit on his shoulder.
"Well, perhaps I won't need to do it myself. It's Valentine's Day after all." he said before joining a verse of Son of Man with unnecessary emphasis.
He rubbed his eyes and ignored Blaine jumping inside his slacks as Strangers Like Me launched.
"No Valentine's day playlist?" he asked.
He had to wait for Blaine to finish belting out a perfectly on key tell me more, please show me, to have a response.
"Why bother when you're going to sing me love songs the whole day?" Blaine smiled so obnoxiously enamored by the concept his friends being contractually obligated to serenade him at least a dozen time by request of half of the student body.
"You really are pathetic. How much validation do you need? You have the whole school at your feet all year long, what difference do a bunch of valentines make?"
Nick didn't know how he had survived three Valentine's Day with Blaine without the comforting thought of his girlfriend. Thinking of. He reached for his phone and pinched in a thousand hearts to send to Ness to find when she'd wake up.
"It's different-" Blaine shrugged. "It's the atmosphere. That spark of love and enthusiasm and romance in the air. Speaking of valentines-" he said, with stupidly wide hand gestures and the biggest smile on his face.
Nick shook his head and watched him open the door.
It was a stupid tradition, really: some Crawford's seniors and a few freshmen slithering inside Dalton's dorms to leave pink cards and store bought cookies in front of the boys' doors. It was cute, and harmless, and anybody who complained was just too ugly and had to be trained to the way of the outside world, where beautiful people always won- signed Sebastian Smythe, sophomore year.
For all that is was silly, it made some people happy. Like Blaine, who had the audacity of having Valentine's Day as his favorite holiday and made Sebastian drew little hearts on his cheekbones with a red pen at breakfast.
(read more on ao3)
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