#red skies crossover
burningexeter · 7 months
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I guess you could say this is probably the only good thing to come out of whatever the hell Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League was but it got me thinking since it wasted such a fun as hell concept —
I now want to see something like this, a big ass and full-on crossover movie where Los Angeles, California or Manhattan, New York (either one of those two) is under attack by alien forces and our U.S. Government has no choice or as a last resort to round up and force against their wills all of these numerous different heroes and villains to go in and clean this shit up or else.
Have it not only be what Battle: Los Angeles tried and wanted to be but pretty much failed miserably at but also be that type of grand scale, epic in size and scope fun that movies such as The Mummy (1999), Pacific Rim, Guardians Of The Galaxy, The Rock and even Armageddon all had.
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athynathens · 3 months
chapter two : fancy ass bird
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“So you’re a fancy ass bird? That’s your quirk?”
PAIRING. Bakugo Katsuki x Amphyr Domino (m-free)
ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE. This short story is a crossover between the Boku no Hero Academia world and Winx Club world. It will take place after the battle with All for One and Shigaraki. Let’s just all assume that the villains are defeated and everything is back to normal.
SYNOPSIS. Bakugo’s sudden request took Amphyr off guard, now she is contemplating whether or not if she should accept it or not. However, Bakugo’s remarks about her identity made her rethink her decisions. Now she’s debating if she should accept his damn sudden request — a fight.
AUTHOR’S NOTES. So incase yalls won’t get it as you read, Amphyr’s on her Harmonix stage already!! Now, i am contemplating what color scheme she should have, do yalls have any ideas? if you do hit me up in the comments or pms!!
TAGS. @lovra974 @selmasemlan @andysdrafts @citrustsuki . If you want to be tagged, comment down below!!
amphyr domino’s profile | the world in betweens masterlist
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“FIGHT ME” Bakugo calmly spoke, his hands were on his pockets. The cold night breezed around his black sleeveless shirt, as the leaves flew up in the skies of twilight.
Moonlight shone down on Amphyr, emphasizing her brown locks dancing with the wind. Her eyes went wide, blinking thrice before saying, “Heh?”
When he didn’t react, Amphyr knew that he was fucking serious. That’s when she finally screamed, “HEHHHH?!?”
Her screamed caused birds flying off the trees, causing leaves to fall down. She moved back a bit, shivering from that request. “We haven’t talk in months, and this is the first thing you ask of me?!?”
“Don’t be such a fucking pussy. We exchanged greetings in the hallways, didn’t we?” Bakugo clicked his tongue, looking away briefly.
“THAT WAS BARELY A GREETING!” She retorted, remembering the times when she would greet this explosive student, and he would just walk past by her and hum in response.
The blond rolled his eyes, “At least I fucking responded!”
She sighed, bringing her hand to the temple of her nose and asked, “Why are you even asking me to suddenly fight you? The latter rubbed it, her forehead aching from this sudden request.
“Because you ain’t from here, aren’t ya, fucking Croissant?” He spoke out, catching her off guard.
She gulped, trying to stay composed. “Of course, I’m not. I am a foreigner after all.”
Small blasts exploded from his palm. “Foreigner…” He chuckled lightly. “As in you’re a fucking white person or…” He asked, staring at his palm emerging explosions.
His red orbs snapped to his front, staring at her soul deeply “….you’re someone from another world?”
“A-Another world? Don’t joke with me, Bakugo-kun. T-There’s no such thing as—” She was interrupted by a loud blast. The next thing she knew is that she’s being held by the collar of her shirt.
Bakugo held her up so high, her feet are not touching the ground anymore. “Don’t fucking give me that bullshit!!” He exploded, causing her to fall back to a tree harshly.
This heavy impact made her back hurt, choking a bit of blood from her mouth. With shaking legs, she used her wrist to wipe out the blood from the corner of her mouth. She panted, “I don’t know what you’re talking about Bakugo-kun.”
The blond clenched his jaw in annoyance, hate being stalled when he asked a question. “That’s fucking bullshit. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking the past months. Your fucking so-called quirk? I analyzed that shit. The fucking blast on my face, the shitty barrier you made, the damn power wave you caused? Those quirks already belonged to someone.”
“Those blasts? That’s my fucking quirk, and you sure as hell are not related to me or my parents. Never seen you in any of our family meetings nor have I heard of you. The damn barrier? That fucking belongs to that villain that Shitty hair fought when saving that white-haired brat,” He continued, making her pale up in fear.
“And that power wave? That goddamn quirk is similar to Nejire-Senpai’s quirk, but there’s no way in hell you’ll be related to her. She’s a fucking talks for shits, she wouldn’t miss the chance to talk with anyone, especially to a relative,” He added, causing Amphyr to be agitated by the fact he is closed in knowing the truth.
When she thought it was over, there were still more to her surprise…
“From where I’m from, you’re called a dwarf,” Bakugo repeated the words she said to Mineta in the past.
“Does that sound familiar to you, Croissant?” The blond’s side mouth lifted. Amphyr can only stay silent, knowing that her defending right now will make everything else so much obvious.
“From where I’m from,” He repeated slowly, staring at his fingers as he stretched them.
“That means something else, right? The where is definitely not a damn place in the US, Europe or any part of this world, ain’t that right?” He asked, doing one small blast in his palm.
Suddenly, he grinned and released a blast towards to Amphyr, “The where is in a place that’s not in this fucking world, right?!?”
Her eyes went wide, immediately reacting to the blasts so she flipped to her right, doing a back tuck tumbling to save herself. When she landed on the grass, one knee up and the other on the ground, Bakugo chuckled as he releases more blasts from his palms.
“So let me ask, fucking extra…” He rasped, blasting some of his quirk in the air. “…who the fuck are you?”
Amphyr breath in and out a couple of times, contemplating if she needs to come up with a lie or not. It’s not like her family is asking her to keep her identity a secret since a small town called Gardenia knows about fairies already. However, she likes it better if no one knows who she truly she is. It’s like she’s reliving her life once more; doing a reset, a break, a rest from her usual life as the Crown Princess of Domino and one of Alfea’s prodigy.
“Before I answer,” She panted, standing up from the ground. “Why did you ask to fight me?”
Bakugo’s jaw clenched in annoyance, he hates being stalled when he asked a question after all. But if she means to cooperate, then he can let this go.
The latter clicked his tongue, placing both of his hands on his pockets. “I already fucking knew that you’re some kind of being from another world so I decided to fight you. Fighting someone who’s from another fucking world sounds fun to me after all.”
Amphyr’s eyes soften, the light on her eyes vanished. “So you’ll really give it your all to fight me or you’ll just hesitate and make it easy for me because I’m a fai—something…?”
She recalled the amount of times she was understimated as a fairy. In Magix, there is a division of work between men and women, fairy and specialist, and princess and princes.
If you’re a woman, a fairy and a damn princess, you will be an object of protection, hence, people mistakenly saw Amphyr as weak and timid.
Amphyr’s hands clenched in annoyance, remembering the amount of times she asked for a fair battle from her fairy friends; they took it too easy to her as they were afraid to harm the princess. She recalled the time when she opened up to her friends that she wants to practice fighting. But, they degraded her by gaslighting that her powers are enough. They even emphasized that fist fights are supposed to be for the males only.
Honestly, the only person who understood her was her mother, Daphne of Domino. As the Supreme Nymph, she was hard on Amphyr. She taught her everything that a Nymph should do and follow. She trained her till she sweats to dawn. She fought with her as if she was an enemy. She coached her like a warrior fairy.
However as a mother too, she also had to hold back in certain aspects, especially when they duel together.
Since then, no one has given her the fight she fucking desires the most — a fair fight.
“HAH?!?” Bakugo’s loud voice echoed. “Are you fucking with me? Ya looking down on me, aren’t you?!? You think I’ll go easy on you? In your goddamn dreams, fucking extra!”
Amphyr’s eyes twinkled, light of hope counterclockwise her pupils. “W-Will you really give it your all?” She stuttered, wanting confirmation.
The blond clicked his tongue, “You’re underestimating me, aren’t ya, damn Croissant!?!” He roared, squatting a bit while releasing small blasts from his palms. “I don’t give a shit on who or what you are! Just fucking fight me!”
She felt the sincerity of his words. Will I really get the fight I want from him? The side of her mouth twitches, she can’t contain her excitement any longer.
“You better not hold back, Bakugo,” She sternly told, closing her eyes.
“Don’t fucking tell me what to do. It is you that should not hold back! Don’t even think of using my rehab as a damn excuse,” He smirked, licking his lips from the adrenaline rush flowing through his body.
Swirls of winds surrounded her, the strands of her hair flowed gracefully with the wind. Amphyr opened her eyes to reveal her glowing pupils of gold, “You asked for it, Bakugo.”
The blond flinched, witnessing her newly formed aura. He saw her jumped to the sky, screaming a word he didn’t know. That’s when a ball of glowing magic surrounded her. Soon, the magic ball exploded, revealing Amphyr in wings.
Bakugo was left at awed. His so-called Croissant does not look like an extra at all in the sky — she looks like more of a celestial ethereal being.
He watched as her long skirt flew side by side, being one with the night breeze. The latter noticed long ribbons attached on both of her legs, those ribbons were connected to some-kind of high heeled sandles. His eyes moved up to her upper body, it was a top with one strap to her right side and it was decorated with ruffles like a ball gown.
His red orbs shone a bit when he finally saw her face. Amphyr’s eyes blazed up with determination while her hair moved in the same direction as the wind carries. The sea shell tiara on her forehead emphasized her royalty aura to him.
Amphyr channelled her magic energy to both of her hands, releasing fire then circled her arms to the top. She looked down to Bakugo and roared, “Don’t you dare hold back on me now, Bakugo!! You need to keep your damn promise!!” She threw the ball of fire towards him.
Smokes from the fireball scattered all over the ground. Amphyr’s wings flapped foward, in hope to find him easier, yet suddenly a loud blast from behind. Her eyes quivered, feeling an ominous sensation rushing towards her from behind. With the support of her wings, she flipped in the air and that’s when she noticed Bakugo grinning in excitement.
When he landed back in the ground, he yelled, “I ain’t holding back for nothing, Croissant!! This shit’s getting better!! Fight me!” He blasted up in the sky.
She used her wings to accelerate her movements. The brunette brought her arm back, chanting a small spell on her fist. After the enchantment is finished, she toughen her fist.
The blond’s smirk widen, almost smiling at her attack towards him. He placed more power on his palm then yelled, “DIE!”
The two collided, causing a strong drift of wind to hover through the forest.
Bakugo and Amphyr fought in the air, blasting each other with their quirks. The blond kept using his quirk to avoid her attacks, but he had a hard time dodging them. Since he had no idea what her quirk is, Amphyr became unpredictable.
He can only click his tongue in annoyance, realizing that he has no clue who he is fighting.
Meanwhile with Amphyr, her reputation as a support student has its uses. She knows what fighting style what Bakugo is into. She took advantage of her knowledge to battle this student hero.
The sounds of small explosions appeared from his palm, he aimed it to her midair and blasted it out.
Bakugo smirked, thinking he had won but to his suprised, he saw Amphyr flying above his explosion. His body shivered in excitement and screamed, “Not bad, Croissant!!” He used his explosion to rotate his body, accelerating his movements towards Amphyr.
The two fought like there’s no tomorrow. Explosions, blasts, waves, omitted around the forest. The smell of burnt wood surrounded the area, the trunk of most trees broke in half with a hint of fire and water around it.
Suddenly, a robot drone flew over them. “Hey! Who’s there?!?” It screamed, accelerating it’s movements to capture the people in the act.
Amphyr and Bakugo were quick to react, hiding among the trees. They used the trees with the most leaves which can help camouflage their presence. As their heard their robot drone flying away, the two sighed in relief.
The two had the time to catch their breath, wiping their sweat and panting their lungs out. The blond looked to his side to see her outfit a bit ripped from the blasts, her face covered with ash and some burns. Her soft arms covered with scars while her fair legs were covered with debris of soil and dirt.
“You look like shit,” He panted.
Amphyr looked at him. He was covered with ashes and burns from each other’s quirks. His black shirt was ripped, revealing his abs and scars from his previous battles. His arms bulged as he moved, showcasing his veins.
“Your arm, how is it? Nothing’s wrong with it, right?” She asked, wiping some ash off her face.
He chuckled, “Don’t worry about me. ‘M fucking fine.”
Her eyes traveled down to his injured arm, it was shaking a bit from overusing it. She sighed, “Sit your ass down, Bakugo-kun. I’ll heal you.”
His eyebrow arched, “Don’t tell me what to fucking d—” He was silenced by a spell chanted by Amphyr.
He muffled through his mouth, trying to speak but he couldn’t in the end. The vein on his forehead became more prominent as his eyes turned white in irritation. The next thing he knew he was floating a bit, then he settled on the ground.
The brunette sat down in front of him, placing both her legs on one side. She stared at him for a brief moment while grabbing his arm. Amphyr snapped her fingers then swiped them left and right while moving her hand down.
Bakugo watched as golden flakes traveled down his injured arm. He felt his arm feeling less painful. She swiped her two fingers up, releasing the silence spell from his mouth. The brunette carefully turned his arm around, double checking for more injuries or anything.
“I didn’t completely heal your arm cause that’s not how magic really works. The injury is still there. I just enhanced the healing process by—Bakugo Katsuki,” She was interrupted when he spoke his full name.
“I-I’m sorry…?” She asked with confusion.
He stared at her again, not breaking eye contact. “That’s my fucking name. Bakugo Katsuki.”
Amphyr stared at him with bafflement again, unsure why he is introducing himself again. As she thinks, she finally realized what he was doing.
He’s acknowledging me…The brunette smiled, realizing that his introduction is a new beginning to their relationship chapter. The fact he is introducing himself to her shows a declaration of her strength.
“Amphyr Domino,” She smiled, not breaking eye contact with him.
He grinned, satisfied that she understood what he was implying.
“So, you’re gonna fucking explain who you are? You weren’t entirely trying to hide your fucking quirks from me anyway. Those blasts? The fire? The water? And this damn healing? Just who the fuck are you? And why the hell do you have so many quirks?” He asked, removing his arm from her grip.
“Remember when you asked if I was a princess?” She asked.
His eyes went wide, “No fucking way. You’re a princess?” He caught on very quickly. “So what? Am I supposed to bow down or some shit?”
She shook her head and pleaded, “Please don’t.”
“Okay good, cause wasn’t fucking planning to.”
Amphyr rolled her eyes, slightly hitting him on the chest. Bakugo stared at her with wide eyes, his eyes gave the ‘what’ look which annoyed her a bit further.
“You really have the ability to annoy people, huh?” Her eyebrow twitched violently, a vein on her neck became slowly prominent.
“It’s a fucking gift, Croissant,” He placed his tongue out while revealing his middle finger to her.
The brunette sighed in aggravation. The latter crawled to sit beside him against the tree trunk. She placed her head back, positioning her legs on one side. “But yep, you’re right though. I am a princess.”
He leaned his head back, gazing at his side to look at her. “Princess of what exactly?”
“Domino — Princess of Domino.”
“Hah? Isn’t that your last name?”
“Y-Yeah…I forgot this world requires a last name so when U.A. asked what my last name is…well…I kinda panicked and just said Domino…” She answered, remembering how she just screamed her kingdom’s title as her last name.
He scoffed playfully, “You fucking serious? You panicked because you forgot? Goddamn, Croissant. You better fucking tell me what you are or else I’ll think you're a damn alien or something.”
A vein in her forehead appeared, “I’m not an alien, you damn moron!” She faced him completely, pointing at him aggressively.
“Then what are you?” He questioned, bringing one knee up and placing his elbow on that knee.
“I’m many things, but I’m mostly known as a fairy,” She responded.
A sudden wind breezed upon both of them, causing their clothes and hair to dance with the wind as one.
“So you’re a fancy ass bird? That’s your quirk?”
“What the fu—fine yes, if that’s how you interpreted it.”
Bakugo looked at her briefly before gazing up in the night sky. “Fairy, huh? So you do magic or some type of shit?”
She sighed at his poor choice of language. “Yes, Bakugo-kun. I do magic, but it’s a bit different from quirks. Magic is quite flexible compared to quirks, but like all wonderful things, it does have limitations. I guess an example is when I silenced you. That’s a common spell for fairies. Let’s say you say the chantment, you can’t silence someone since you’re not a fairy. This means that as long as you’re a fairy, you can chant the common spells. This also applies in witchery.”
He listened attentively as Amphyr continued. “What differentiates each fairy is their chosen ability from birth. An example is my Aunt Bloom; she’s the Fairy of the Dragon Flame or my Aunt Flora; She’s the Fairy of Nature. These attributes help people differentiate us from other fairies.”
“What ‘bout you? What you’re the fairy of, Croissant?” He asked.
The brunette stared at him for a moment, trying to think of a satisfying answer. “It’s a bit complicated…”
Bakugo clicked his tongue, “Fucking try me, Extra.”
Calling a princess extra really shows what character he is. She sighed, “Okay, if you insist. I’m only classified as a fairy for now since I have not yet reached a certain level, but I’m really a Nymph.” She responded, but he just gave her a perplexed expression.
“A Nymph is one of the oldest magical creatures of my realm. They hold greater powers than any other fairy because the possess more than one power. In my case, I can manipulate any elements like fire, water, ice and others,” She added.
“WHAT THE FUCK? You’re old?!?” Bakugo blasted, creating tiny blasts from his palms in shocked.
Amphyr twitched in anger, slapping his left arm. “I’m not old, dumbass!! I’m literally 17 like you!! I was born from a Nymph, fool!”
“You didn’t fucking specify that shit!!”
She rolled her eyes. “I wasn’t even done explaining, moron!”
Bakugo clicked his tongue again, leaning back a bit more while placing his hands on his pockets. “You seemed like a strong motherfucker. Heck, you’re even a damn princess. So what’s a princess like you doing here in Japan anyway?”
Amphyr’s eyes soften with his question. “That’s a story for another time.”
His eyes turned white and exploded, “There is no other time!!”
She was caught off guard with his sudden explosion. But she was quick enough to understand what’s happening. Amphyr definitely does not want Bakugo to leave just like that after giving her that fight. This blond has given her the fight she wanted, and she sure as hell want to experience it again.
“How about this,” She spoke. “If you fight with me again, then I can tell you all about me and where I’m from.”
Bakugo scoffed, “What makes you think that I want to fight with you again, Croissant?”
Amphyr grinned, swiping her one arm to the side which released a strong wind that sliced up trees in half. “Because I didn’t show you everything yet, Bakugo-kun,” She kept her cocky smirk as the trees fell harshly to the ground.
“I’m sure you don’t want to miss a fight with someone like me after all,” She added.
“Are you playing with me, damn Croissant?” He chuckled, somehow getting fired up again.
“No, of course not. After all, you should consider yourself lucky because….” She stopped her words. “….you’re fighting with Domino’s precious princess, you big moron.”
His eyes flared up, feeling his adrenaline boosting through his veins. As much as he hates to admit it, a fight with Amphyr again is an exhilarating offer.
Over the course of their fight, he had witnessed her combat style — he could conclude she was definitely strong, hence why he didn’t back down and kept his guard up.
She’s strong in all places he can think of, but Amphyr’s main strength lies in strategy. He noticed that she’s quite observant with his tactics so she would carefully strategized on the spot.
Additionally, he also noticed that she would aim her powers at his left area, she was so careful not to aim too much on his right injured arm. Bakugo looked down at his injured arm, reminiscing the moments of his battle with Shigaraki.
His heartbeat made a sound he never anticipated.
There it goes again. Another beat on his heart.
“—ugo? Bakugo? BAKUGO!” His train of thoughts were interrupted.
His eyes quivered, looking around his area then looking up to see a small blasts on her palm.
“Oi. Were you ‘bout to slap me with that?” He pointed at her palm which was creating small blasts already.
“Uhh…n-no…?” She replied, immediately distinguishing her blasts from her palm.
Bakugo’s eye twitched. “Fucking Croissant! Don’t lie to me! I saw that shit!”
His entire body twitched violently, not liking that she isn’t responding. “At least fucking answer!!” His vision turned white and explosions occurred in the forest.
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A Haunting
dannymay day 26 art/fic switch
dp x dc crossover
1905 words
Danny was so done with Skulker. It was one thing to chase him and try to catch him to hang his skiing above the mantle, but it was a totally different thing to yeet him into an alternate timeline/dimension. Danny didn’t really care which. And he was extra annoying about it too. 
Skulker had been chasing Danny through Amity when a natural portal had opened up. Danny had been distracted and Skulker had used the opportunity to grab him and throw him through the portal,
And that was it. 
And so here Danny was who knows where, who knows when, for who knew how long. Well, Clockwork knows but that’s the equivalent of no one knowing because the Ancient doesn't know how to communicate.
Maybe Danny should sick Jazz on him to teach him the importance of communication. And also sick her on Skulker to teach him that it’s rude to launch your adversaries into unknown portals.
But first things first. He was hungry and required sustenance, preferably the greasy kind. 
Invisibly and intangibly he floated down to search for some food. Just in time to miss a bat swooping down onto the roof.
Red Hood had been in the middle of…persuading one of Falcone’s members to talk when he saw a flash of green in the corner of his vision. He tossed the man aside and turned to see a crack in the sky the same color as the Lazarus pits open up above an abandoned apartment building. He could just see something falling through before the crack in the sky closed up. 
He was moving before he really thought about it.
It took him less than 5 minutes to land on the building's roof but as far as he could see there was nothing.
He hesitated for a moment before reaching up to his com.
“Oracle, I need you to pull up any feeds around the old Adam Apartments.”
“What am I looking for?”
“You’ll know when you see it.”
“What do you mean… oh. I’m patching everyone else in.”
“What is it, Oracle?” came NItghwing’s voice amidst the sounds of fighting.
“Hood spotted an anomaly over the Adam Apartments. It looked like a Lazarus Pit.
There was silence for a moment, then…
“What do you mean a Lazarus Pit!?”
“Are there any League members nearby?”
“Do we know where Talia is?”
“Are you sure Hood saw a pit?”
“Quiet! Hood tell us what happened.: came B’s voice.
“I was doing some business when I spotted a green tear in the sky. Something or someone fell out but when I got to the building I couldn’t find anything.”
“Alright, Nightwing heads over to Hood’s position and help investigate. Oracle, keep looking through any nearby cameras.  Everyone else, stick to your normal patrols and keep a lookout for any other anomalies.
A chorus of ‘yes, sirs’ and ‘will do , B’ sounded before the coms fell quiet.
After Danny had eaten, a burger he had to swipe because apparently money was different in this dimension, he decided to explore. After all, there wasn’t much he could do except wait for a natural portal to show up. He stopped a few crimes because why not. And, he had to admit, it was hilarious to spook people with his slightly more eldritch form. Though, the muttering about another bat was confusing.
After flying through the shadier parts of town he came across some large mansions. And, well, Danny had always wanted to try his hand at haunting. 
Danny had only just started exploring the mansion and he had already found out that the owners were either furries or vigilantes. Then again, this was a different dimension. Maybe everyone here had secret basements and furry costumes. Danny shouldn’t assume. Then again again, his parents had a secret basement (kind of) and he was a vigilante (kind of). So, he totally had the right to assume. And judge. Who dressed up like bats and traffic lights?
Though, it would be cool to have a whole big lair with lots of gadgets instead of just hiding things under floorboards and in walls.
At least now he knew why the criminals he scared kept muttering about bats. 
But now it was time to start haunting!
Time knew he should be in bed. Had been told repeatedly that he should go to bed. Had been  threatened that if he didn’t go to bed there would be consequences. But, well… he was technically in bed. Even if he wasn’t sleeping, or resting, he was sitting in bed. That had to count for something. Besides, he’d sleep as soon as he finished updating this case file. Maybe. He reached for his cup of coffee (decaf if anyone asked) and went to take a sip. But nothing came out. Tim frowned; he was sure he had just refilled it recently. That’s why he kept the secret coffee maker in his closet. He looked away from his computer to his cup and his frown deepened. His coffee was frozen.
Dick was staying at the manor over the weekend to help finish up a case which would probably now be delayed because of the Lazarus green anomaly that had been spotted. Oh well, that was a worry for tomorrow. Right now he was ready for a nice hot shower to relax his muscles and then a good sleep before waking up to a delicious Alfred made breakfast. 
After walking out of the shower he found his window open. Dick frowned. That was strange. He was sure the window had been closed. He shrugged, it was probably one of his siblings. He closed it and went to pull his sleepwear on. He was about to turn his lamp off when he saw that the window was open. He narrowed his eyes. He closed it again and watched it, but nothing happened. He turned towards his bed when he heard the window opening. He turned quickly but there was no one there and the window was open again.
Damien had just laid down when his door creaked open.
“Who is it?” 
No one answered. Damien huffed and got up to close the door. It was probably Drake or maybe Todd. Regardless, Damien thought as he walked back to his bed, he would find out who and would show that they shouldn't mess with an Al’ Ghul.
His door creaked open again and Damien growled as he stalked open and slammed the door closed. Before he could turn around the door creaked open.
Damien inspected the door but couldn’t see how someone would be opening it remotely. 
He closed it again and when nothing happened headed back to bed. Had just closed his eyes several minutes later when the door opened again.
Jason had debated going to his safehouse but, and he wouldn’t admit this to anyone except maybe Alfred, he was nervous. Anything related to the Pits made him nervous. He didn’t want to fall back into a murderous rage. So, he’d stay at the manor just for tonight.
He still felt a little off. The Pit felt like it was stirring, but he didn’t feel angry. It felt like the Pit was calling out to something. Jason tried to ignore it as he made his way to his room where he hung up his leather jacket. Which promptly fell down. Jason rolled his eyes and picked up, he shivered his room felt colder than usual. He hung his jacket up and turned around only to hear it fall again. He scowled. If one of his brothers had done something…. But no, the hook looked normal and his jacket was fine.
But it wouldn’t stay hung up! Everytime he hung it up it promptly fell back down.
Well fine! If it wanted to lie on the ground then it would stay there. He was going to bed.
Bruce was typing up tonight's report on the Batcomputer when the screen shut down. He frowned, The Batcomputer wasn’t supposed to randomly shut down. He turned it on but when he clicked on the report it opened up a video with some music video with some guy sign ‘never gonna give you up.’ Bruce scowled harder and clicked out and went back to the file. But this time when he tried typing no matter what keys he hit the only words that appeared on screen were the same lyrics.
He sighed. This was undoubtedly one of his kids trying to get him to go to bed. But just in case.
“Oracle, is there anything wrong with the Batcomputer?”
“Not that I can tell. Oh wait.”
Bruce tensed.
Oracle sounded like she was laughing.
“What is it?” 
“It looks like someone activated the “Rick Roll Procedure.”
“Don’t worry about, it was probably one of the boys.”
“Oracle, what’s the “Rick Roll Procedure”?
“Sorry, B. Got to go.” she signed off.
Bruce grunted. Fine, he’d go to bed, if only to please Alred.
Alfred was in the kitchen beginning preparation for tomorrow's breakfast. The scone dough was ready, all he needed to do was add the apples and then he could b=put it in the fridge to bake tomorrow. When he reached for the bowl containing the pre-cut apples his hand found nothing. He turned and saw that the bowl of apples had been moved farther away and a bag of chocolate chips had been placed near his mixing bowl. Alfred raised an eyebrow and went to retrieve the apples, but just as he reached it the bowl slid further away. 
Alfred froze. He looked around the kitchen but didn’t see any of the boys. But his eyes caught on an odd shimmer in the air near the apples.
Well then.
“Hello, there. I was unaware we had a guest. If you’ll allow me to take the apples I’ll make another batch of scones with chocolate chips.”
Nothing happened for a moment, but the bowl of apples slid towards him.
“Thank you very much.” Alfred said before returning to his work. He’d let Master Bruce know tomorrow morning that they might have a new family member soon.
The next morning at breakfast there was much glaring and staring at one another through squinted eyes trying to establish guilt.
Finally, Damian spoke up. “Alright, which of you kept childishly opening my door?”
“What are you talking about? The real question is who messed with my coat hanger?” Jason said, pointing his fork at Damian.
“Well someone kept opening my window.”
“And someone froze my coffee.”
“What are you boys talking about?” Bruce said, setting down his newspaper.
“Someone’s been messing with things around the manor and it wasn’t me,” Jason said.
“We’re being haunted!” Dick said with way too much enthusiasm.
“What?” Bruce asked, sounding somewhere between confused and concerned, a common occurrence when it came to his sons.
“Are you discussing our guest?” Alfred asked as he came in carrying two plates of scones. “It is thanks to them that we are having both apple cinnamon and chocolate chip scones.”
A clamor arose.
“What do you mean?”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“What is their purpose here?”
Alfred cleared his throat and everyone fell silent. “Perhaps, they’d like to introduce themselves?” He looked toward the back corner of the room, one eyebrow raised.
Everyone turned to stare just as a floating figure materialized. “Hi, I’m Danny, you’re resident Casper.”
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dailydegurechaff · 4 months
Now what if. Here me out, Tanya meets the legend himself. The King of the Skies. Manfred von Richtofen aka The Red Baron
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Today's Daily Degurechaff is… a crossover with... a real human man
... im gonna be honest i dont know what to do here
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five-rivers · 6 months
Season of the Skies
I started playing a game called Sky: Children of the Light recently, and although this isn't a crossover, it's definitely inspired by the vibes of that. It's a cute game!
Also, based on the feedback I got on AO3, there seems to be a significant overlap between the Phandom and Sky: Cotl players? Is that the case?
Reality had broken a month ago, and Danny was having the time of his life.  
He leaped lightly from rooftop to treetop and back again, gravity a dreamy afterthought.  The tiles and bark were rough beneath his bare feet, but not so rough he regretted not wearing shoes.  His impacts shook loose pollen, glitter, and a few stray petals, but did the trees no harm.  On the roofs he was silent, and no one came out to yell at him, but the window glass chimed with flashes of light.
The colors around him were bright and soft. Easy to look at, easy to fall into. The sky above was marbled with dawn-colored clouds and stars caught among distant nebulae.  Light and color were some of the first things to break, and Danny wasn't sorry to see light pollution go.  Most Everything glowed, now, and stargazing would have been terrible if eyes still worked the same way.  
At his next jump, this one taking him up a good ten feet, the feather-soft edge of the shawl he was wearing flared out behind him, brushing his arms.  The shawl was huge on him.  An old project of his great-grandmother's, it had been made with the typical Fenton girth in mind.  Honestly, it fit him more like a cape than a shawl, but he liked it that way.  
He landed safely and straightened the cape.  His dad’s needlepoint hobby had been inherited from her, so the dark blue fabric was covered in fine embroidery, lace, and tiny glass beads in shades of clear, pale blue, and white.  Great Grandma Fenton hadn't been into ghosts the same way the current Fentons were, but she'd been into something, so the patterns were strange.  Icicles, snowflakes, stars, clouds, and trees competed with lightning, runes and sigils, and strange, spirit-like creatures.  
“Hey!” shouted someone from the street below.  “Hey, Fentwerp!  What the hell do you think you're doing?”
Ah.  Dash.  Charming.  Danny leaned over the edge of the roof.  “What does it look like I'm doing?” he asked agreeably.  
“Getting your dumb nerd self killed is what it looks like,” said Dash, glowering up at Danny, his face turning red.
There.  See.  That's what Danny didn't understand.  No one else seemed willing to experiment with how the world was now.  They were all operating under the old rules, or, worse, looking for ways to fix things, as if the new world wasn't better than the old.  
Sure, it had been scary the first few days.  The suddenness.  The uncertainty.  The way systems they had relied on for so long had stuttered or failed outright.  Danny knew people had been hurt, that, in some places, they were still getting hurt.  He had been one of those people, having been in the hospital when the change rippled through the world, a result of an equipment malfunction in his parents’ lab.  
Maybe his opinion would be different if he was still getting hurt.  But as it was… why would he ever want to go back to how things were?  Why would he want to leave this world, where the colors were soft and bright, and the light sang?  Why would he want to leave this world where the air itself seemed to bear him up?  Where the possibilities seemed limitless?
There was so much more potential for good, with the world as it was than as it had been.  So much less potential for harm.  This was a more finished version of the world.  All the rough edges were gone, and filled with wonder.  He could feel it.
“Get down here!” demanded Dash, when Danny didn't respond.  
“No,” said Danny.  
“Get down here or else.”
“Or else what?” asked Danny, genuinely curious.  Dash couldn't get up here.  No one else could, as far as Danny knew. They hadn't taken the time to work out the new rules for gravity. 
Dash clenched his hands into fists, then stooped to grab a fairly large rock.  Danny, seeing no reason to just let Dash throw it at him, left.  
“Hey!” shouted Dash.  “Hey!  Freakton!  Get back here!”
Names like that were a lot less distressing when the people using them had no power to hurt you.  
Danny continued on his path upwards, touching on higher and higher buildings.  It was tough to get the proper amount of momentum to make some of his jumps, especially since he'd stopped to talk to Dash, but he managed to make all of them, and soon he was standing on top of the tallest building in Amity Park.  
In the center of the roof was a small tree, a sapling.  It hadn't been there the first time Danny had made it up here, and it had grown rapidly since then.  Next time he came, it'd probably be taller than he was. 
For now, though, Danny knelt to check the roots where they grew through a widening crack in the building's roof.  He'd warned the people in the building (he had warned everyone in buildings that had suddenly found themselves with roof trees), but he hadn't heard that anyone had done anything about it, and the roof trees felt friendly to him, so he hadn't pushed the issue.  From the descriptions and pictures Sam had given him, this one seemed healthy enough.  
He pulled a bottle from his backpack and gave the tree a generous sprinkle.  Then he stood up, gave the crown of leaves an affectionate ruffle, and made his way to the edge of the roof.
The city spread out in all directions below him, vibrant and changing.  Towards the edges of town, some buildings had lifted off their foundations, becoming floating islands.  Across the viridian, iridescent forest to the north, he could see blue-bright-gray flashes of Lake Eerie.  Fentonworks was easily visible off to the west, silver dishes and spires chased with green halos.  The parks bloomed with flowers both alien and familiar, vines trailing up into the air, trees growing explosively fast.  A breeze from behind turned his attention south, and he saw high clouds letting down shimmering curtains of rain.  
It wasn’t like Amity Park had been drab and horrible before, but why would anyone want to go back?
He looked away, back down at the street far below him.  Steeling himself, he grasped the edges of the shawl, he spread his arms wide.  
“Time to lift off,” he said, quietly.  “T-minus ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two–” Where he would have said one, he instead inhaled deeply.  Where he would have said zero, he jumped.  
For a heart-stopping moment, he wondered if he’d made a terrible mistake, if he’d made an error in his calculations, if reality had chosen that moment to reassert itself and he was about to drop like a rock.  
The moment passed quickly.  He was flying.  Or, at least, gliding.  
He laughed, and flapped his ‘wings.’  The shawl snapped behind him and gave him a small amount of lift.  
He was doing it.  He was doing it.  
And now that he was doing it, it felt as natural as breathing.  All that planning, all those calculations, all that running, climbing, and jumping–
He could fly.  
Oh, maybe it wasn’t as impressive as it would have been in the old world, where gravity was a cruel mistress.  But it was still flight, unpowered, human flight, and no one he knew of had done this before.  
He laughed, and banked to the side, flying in spirals.  He wasn’t brave enough to try a loop, yet, but he would, eventually, when he learned more about this.  
His spirals took him over the park, the school, the mall, even the Nasty Burger.  But he was losing altitude, his arms were getting tired, and he knew that if he got too close to the ground, gravity would get him again.  Not to the point of hurting him at all, but he didn’t want to land just anywhere after all this work.  
He tipped his wings westward, and started gliding home, pumping his ‘wings’ as infrequently as he could get away with.  He didn’t quite make it all the way back to his front door, but he got close, just a few houses down the street.  He rubbed his shoulders.  That was going to leave him sore.  He’d have to work out and practice more if he wanted to fly any real distance.  He'd also need a way to take off that didn’t involve climbing the tallest building in town. 
The front door of Fentonworks slammed open, revealing a pale Jack and a furiously pink Maddie.
“Daniel James Fenton!  What do you think you're doing?”
Danny looked down at his bare feet, then back up at his parents.  “Walking?”
Maddie sucked a breath in between her teeth.  “Inside,” she said
Danny hurried to obey, taking the steps up to the door two at a time and squeezing past her and Jack to get into the house.  Maddie closed the door behind him. 
“So, um,” said Danny, shuffling from foot to foot.  “What, um.  I thought you guys were going to be working all day today?”
“On the Ops Center,” said Jack.  “Not in the la– Not downstairs.”
Danny made note of the near-slip but didn’t comment on it.  He was already in trouble.  He didn’t need to remind them that the lab didn’t exactly exist anymore and make their mood worse.  
“Oh,” he said.  “What were you–?”
“Never mind what we were doing.  What were you doing?  What were you thinking, jumping off a building like that?  You could have died?”
“Or been seriously hurt!”
“But I wasn’t!  I’m fine.  I planned it all out, and it worked.”
“And it shouldn’t have!” shouted Jack and Maddie at the same time.  
Danny blinked up at them.  “What?”
Jack explained.  “We’ve been tracking the changes to gravity, too, Danny.  We’ve been measuring it, measuring all the changes, to see what those darn ghosts did.”
Danny held back a sigh.  There still wasn’t any sign that ghosts had done this, or even that ghosts existed.  
“Gravity might have changed a bit,” continued Jack, “but not enough to keep a human being airborne like that.”
“There are whole buildings floating,” said Danny.  “I’m a lot smaller than a building.”
“The rules seem to be different for different masses, as well as different altitudes,” said Maddie, making a face.  
“Yeah!  It’s really exciting.  We’re trying to measure the ectoplasm levels– It has to be related, but we haven’t been able to detect any yet– Those ghosts are tricky, son–”  
“Well, yeah.  But the rules are also different for things that are alive.”
“Really?” asked Jack, leaning close.  
“Uh, yes?  Otherwise I wouldn’t have done, um.  That.  I tested it.”
“You tested it?  Did you write it down?”
Danny nodded, cautiously.  Jack swept him off his feet.  “Our boy has been doing science, Mads!”
“He’s been jumping off of buildings!”
“Putting his research to practical use!”
“He’s been jumping off buildings without being peer reviewed!”
“Oh, yeah, son, you should have had someone check your work.”
“You never get peer reviewed,” said Danny, scowling.  
“That’s different,” said Maddie, quickly.  
“If anyone else believed in ghosts, you’d be sure we would be!”  
Hanging limp in Jack’s arms, Danny grumbled.  
“Danny,” said Maddie.  
“Yes?” he mumbled.  
“No more testing theories without checking in with us first.  Safety first.  You should know this by now.”
Danny hunched his shoulders and tried not to think too hard about his scars.  They weren’t very visible, and the doctors had said that they’d fade away, probably entirely, eventually, but they were still there now, if you knew where to look.
A month ago, reality had broken.  
A few days before that, Danny had almost died.  Lab accident.  It turned out that his parents thought portals to other dimensions which may or may not exist needed a lot of electricity and chemicals to function.  Danny had been curious.  He’d wanted to explore, to investigate.  He’d stepped on a loose wire that had led to a capacitor.  He’d been horribly electrocuted, and then exposed to a chemical cocktail.  Sam and Tucker, who had been in the lab with him, had called for an ambulance, and he’d been brought to the hospital.
At least, that’s what he was told, later.  He hadn’t woken up until he’d been in the hospital for a few days.  Of course, when he had woken up, he did so because a bunch of the medicines going into him had started to do weird things while reality restructured itself, and that had been… incredibly unpleasant.  Everyone had been grateful that only a very few things - like whatever Danny had been on to take care of the chemicals he’d picked up in the lab - had acted like that.
Later, Jazz had told Danny that for a brief period of time between the accident and reality breaking, Jack and Maddie had sworn off ghost hunting.  Presumably forever.  But once the laws of physics, chemistry, and biology started to rebel and twist, they’d taken it back.  Well, to be fair, apparently they didn’t take it back until the lab disappeared.  And the Fenton Stockades.    
Although, to be fair in the other direction, it was more a case of everyone’s basements disappearing and being replaced by weird misty caverns than ghosts specifically targeting his parents.  It was a whole thing. 
(Personally, Danny was glad to see them go, although it had sounded like Sam was mourning hers.)
“Danny,” said Maddie, “tell us that you understand.”
“I understand.  I don’t test theories without you,” said Danny, grudgingly.  “Not even about cool things like flying.”
Maddie scowled.  Jack beamed.  
“Great!” shouted Jack.  He whirled Danny around again.  “Let’s go see your data!�� Where is it?”
“Upstairs,” mumbled Danny.  “I’ve got a notebook.”
“A notebook, Mads!”  
Maddie sighed.  “Alright, let’s see the notebook.”
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bluebellofbakerstreet · 5 months
A-Z Sherlock Fan Fiction Tropes Bingo
Many thanks to @swissmissing for creating this bingo card! Because I'm like that, I decided to go for a blackout bingo! And because, even as I was typing these, I kept thinking of more wonderful fics that would fit the brief, I hope to fill in my bingo card again. Writers are amazing and deserve to be lauded, and I have left off so many amazing fics and authors. Besides, we all need fic recs. 💙
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AU/Amnesia The Murder of Emory J Amat by chriscalledmesweetie. Sherlock and John in 1920's AgathaChristieLand. It's a WIP but is currently updating weekly. (52k, T)
BDSM/Bodyswap - Certain Skills by NoStraightLine. John expressly told Sherlock that if he stole his gun again he’d get the fucking he was asking for. Sherlock “Boundaries Are Boring” Holmes stole John’s gun. (3k, E)
Crossover/Crack - Repo Men by Anyawen. In which Mrs Turner's married ones are James Bond and Q. Q is kidnapped; everybody is a BAMF. (7k, G)
Domestic/Disability A Building of Bridges by pengke. Alternate first meeting. No one would ever send Sherlock in to defuse a stand-off; but on one unlikely day, that’s exactly what happened. “Congratulations, Lestrade,” he called out sarcastically. “You’re traumatizing a war veteran.” (11k, G)
Established Relationship/Enemies to Lovers - Interview by bluebellofbakerstreet. In which the boys are in an 80's punk band, and are being interviewed by Rolling Stone. (2k, G)
Future/Fluff 50. Be You - No one Else Can by KittenKin. John's had a bad day and Sherlock doesn't know how to help. They both feel better at the end, and you will, too. (1k, G)
Gen/Genderswap - The Art of Communication by stillwaters01. Lestrade is receiving odd texts from Sherlock; he reads between the lines and brings help. (2k, T)
Historical/Humor - Acceptable Behavior by bbcatemysoul. Sherlock isn't really sure why John wants to shag him, but he's certain that if he's careful to behave properly about it, John can be persuaded to keep doing it. (3k, M)
Illness/imprisonment -  Radioactive Trees in a Red Forest by Maribor_Petrichor. Harrowing account of John's battle with mental health issues and addiction after - you know - everything. (280k, E)
Jealousy/Jilted - Hungry by LipstickDaddy. John can't figure out why Sherlock is being so nice to that new guy working with the yard. (7k, G)
Kids/Kink - The Alchemy of Sea Glass by reveling_in_mayhem. Salt and air and sand surrounded their little party of three. Crashing waves, gull cries, and the exhilarated exclamations of an excited three-year-old served as the soundtrack to a day filled with blue skies and bright sunshine. (22k, E)
Long/Love Triangle The Edinburgh Problem by snorklepie. “A nice holiday, just a bit more...murdery. ” John said drily. “Yes! The best kind of holiday!” Sherlock beamed. “So we won’t get bored!” (152k, E)
Magical Realism/Major Character Death Left by LifeonMars. John Watson is left-handed. He’s tried not to let it affect his life, but as any Lefty knows, that’s almost impossible. (45k, M)
NSFW/Next Gen. Warzone by abundantlyqueer. Three smutty stories that pick up where the first two episodes left off. (13k, E)
Omegaverse/Only One Bed - Scars Don't Lie by CumberCurlyGirl. The prospect of going undercover as husbands to a couples retreat is just too enticing to refuse. (33k, M)
Parenthood/Platonic The Man With the Cartier Frames by JRow. Sherlock's top priority is The Work, just as it's always been ... in between trips to Putney to help with Rosie, collecting Rosie from school, and preparing for Rosie's sleepover at Baker Street. (32k, T)
Queer/Quest Dance With Me by TotallySilverGirl. Sherlock's queer quest for johnlock requires dancing, and some help from Sally Donovan. (28k, E)
Retirement/Road Trip - The Winter Garden by Callie4180. As Sherlock nears the end of his career, he's given the gift of a cottage in Sussex. The honey from the beehives out back is amazing. Almost...magical. (31k, T)
Soulmates/Slow Burn Soul Mate by Mottlemoth. Mystrade. The words appeared on Mycroft's arm aged fourteen. He's now lived with the unfortunate words all his life, not certain that he even wishes to meet his soul mate if that's how the man talks. (4k, T)
Teen AU/Time Travel - The Curious Adventure of the Drs Watson by ShinySherlock. What if ACD Watson and BBC Watson switched places? (40k, M)
Undercover/Unrequited - Last Call at the Homesick Pub by Chryse. During the hiatus, Sherlock is both undercover and suffering from unrequited love. (3k, T)
Vampires/Villain POV - Nine Tenths of the Law by bendingsignpost. John knows what's his - of course he'll kill for it. (Modern vampire AU) (18k, M)
Whump/Werewolves When Your Belly’s in the Trench by Morgan_Stuart. The next time that door opens, John Watson will kill the person on the other side. (4k, T)
Xenomorphism/Xmas - Ghost Stories by SwissMiss. Sherlock's parents think he and John are a couple. They might be onto something. (22k, M)
Zombies/Zoomorphism - Aim for the Head by Breath4Soul. Sometimes you don't really find yourself until everything has ended.A fic about finding love, healing, and purpose after everything has gone to hell. Still a WIP, but worth it. (44k, M)
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fandom-friday · 5 months
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Thank you so much to everyone that submitted recommendations this week! A comprehensive list of this week’s submissions can be found under the cut! Recommendations are organized by show/media, and any main pairings will be listed after the title.
💕 = 18+ content 🟪 = contains spoilers of a currently running show
The Clone Wars: It Only Takes a Spark (Purge Trooper Cody x f!Inquisitor Reader) by @vodika-vibes 💕 Time After Time (Commander Cody x f!Reader) by @the-rain-on-kamino Theirs (Commander Fox x f!Reader x Commander Wolffe) by @vodika-vibes 💕 Don't Stop on My Account (Commander Wolffe x f!Reader) by @dickarchivist 💕 One Spotchka Too Many (Captain Rex x f!Reader) by @twistedsarchive Captain Rex x OC Nia Ficlet by @eternal-transcience 💕 The Last Word (Fives x OC Mal Darroch) by @ariadnes-red-thread Shattered Sunrise (Mace Windu x OC Danica Morrow) by @pickleprickle The Choices We Make, The Paths We Tread by lildropofmagic (AO3) The Number Lads by @jgvfhl
The Bad Batch: The Hostage by @kybercrystals94 Freeze Thaw by AnEchoInHere (AO3)
The Book of Boba Fett: 💕 This Tender Love (Boba Fett x f!Reader) by @daimyosprincess 💕 Worth the Risk (Boba Fett x f!Reader) by @daimyosprincess
Star Wars Original Trilogy: Revelations by shOokspeared (AO3)
Republic Commando: 💕 Off the Grid (Niner Skirata x f!Reader) by @the-rain-on-kamino
Batman: Lavender Blood by @starkskypines
Hetalia: Axis Powers: Grey Skies Over London by Gemini Star 01 (ff.net) Every Generation by Gemini Star 01 (ff.net) Gutters by Glassamilk (ff.net) Ditches by Glassamilk (ff.net)
Call of Duty: 💕 Riptide (Price x f!Reader) by @the-californicationist
Crossover AUs: Edward's Babysitting Service (Hetalia: Axis Powers X Fullmetal Alchemist Crossover) by orphan_account (AO3) Conversations With Patronizing Jerks (Hetalia: Axis Powers X Star Wars Crossover) by @basketofnova
The Clone Wars: Republic Troops 501st Poster by @boggsart Clone Wars Band Art by @pinkiemme Captain Rex Art by @vivaislenska Captain Rex Art by @kheimerios Captain Rex Art by @rackcty Mace Windu Art by @mudpuddless Fives and OC Elara McTavish Art by @aliettali OC Kazi and OC Daria by @eyecandyeoz (from I Yearn and So I Fear by @enigmaticexplorer) Clone OC Atlas Art by @orionfrommars
The Bad Batch: Bad Batch Selfie Art by @collophora Happy Ending Bad Batch Art by @mroddmod Hunter and Omega Art by @blxem1lk Hunter Redesign by @snw-faatuatua 🟪 (TBB S3) Hunter Art by @soularsss 🟪 (TBB S3) CX-2 Art by @notnyxxy Tech Art by @rexxdjarin Tech and Phee's Children OCs by @nightskyfoxyy A Place to Hide by @the-rain-on-kamino
Star Wars Original Trilogy: Young Boba Fett Art by @mrs2224
Jedi: Survivor: BD-1 Art by @eriadus
Batman: Batman's Boys by @inverted-typo
How to Train Your Dragon: Meatlug Art by @spacenintendogs
Call of Duty: Wraith by @bluegiragi
GIF Sets:
The Book of Boba Fett: Kia Kaha, Kia Maia, Kia Manawanui by @bobafettdaily
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lilacxquartz · 1 month
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THE WAY HE SMILED • mahito x reader
summary: despite taking the correct security measures to protect yourself, one of the monsters still found a way to get to you—however, there was something a little too different about this one.
tags/warnings: monsters, horror, body horror, biting, blood, crossover, one shot, reader insert, dead dove, suggestive themes/but no smut, blood feeding, violence, backstory to introduce plot
a/n: i binge watched the horror show, ‘from’, so i had to write a crossover. season 1 only though.
w.c: 2.6k • mdni • masterlist • ao3
Just two years ago, you and your husband took a road trip to celebrate a full year’s anniversary of marriage.
You remembered it like it was yesterday, in fact.
It was something that you both planned for weeks and you were driving through one of the most beautiful states in the country, together in his cherry red sedan.
The weather was perfect for such an occasion too, with bright blue skies devoid of a single cloud accompanied by the warm glow of the sun just above. However, it wasn’t long before the trip was soon cut short by a dead end in the middle of the road.
Towards the telltale sign that signified everyone’s doom who ended up in this forsaken place.
That goddamned tree.
Just like everyone else, you were confused by the sudden deviation to the trip. The weather all over the state had indicated no destructive weather of the sort and yet the tree appeared to have been freshly fallen and the skies providing a sudden overcast, immediately dimming the bright day.
The two of you tried to combine your efforts and move the trunk over, but the tree simply wouldn’t budge. Eventually, you were both forced back into the car and had to take a different route to get to the destination in mind, realising a little too late that you were stuck in a loop.
Over and over, you would pass through a small town before coming to the reluctant conclusion that there was no escape and that something must have been seriously wrong.
This led to the first time that you both had ever argued with one another. Your husband’s stoic demeanour proved infuriatingly stubborn as he kept trying to leave the town again and again, but eventually he did hear the sheriff out. You, on the other hand, felt too tired from the strange turn of events and wanted both rest and an explanation.
No matter how absurd it was, no matter how surreal this whole situation might have seemed.
Soon enough, your husband yielded at long last after the first night. The gruesome aftermath of those unlucky to make it back home in time was sobering enough to snap him out of his disbelief.
Just like everyone else who had found themselves here, he succumbed to their ways, because just like everyone else… he wanted to live.
The two of you ended up settling in one of the vacant houses from before as a result and though it took a while to get used to, you slowly learned to adapt.
To live simply but safely tucked away in the declining suburbia.
Every night, you would fasten one of the provided runes right by the door and you would hold each other tight, blocking out the relentless knocking and screeching from just outside.
Until one day, the monsters took a personal approach.
Your husband, believing that since these creatures—these monsters—were capable of intelligent speech, that they could be perhaps reasoned with.
And upon letting one of those things inside, you couldn’t quite stop him from meeting his untimely end. Guts spilled from a sudden incision, blood pooling from his throat as he tried to warn you, the stains that will never wash out from the hardwood floor.
You had just barely escaped, too.
Your neighbours let you in and just in the nick of time, lest you would have quickly met your husband in the afterlife.
Returning alone to your home later alone, was a surreal experience. To never see him again. To never be held by him again. To never feel his lips on yours and to be forced to spend the remainder of your years without him felt so damn cruel.
Maybe by some sort of twisted miracle, this was all in fact a nightmare—a strangely realistic dream—something you could soon wake up from.
(But you weren’t willing to brave that experiment for yourself, because death was permanent. It was finalising. If you were wrong, then it would have been for nothing and that was too scary of a risk to face.)
And so despite it all, you persevered.
You would live on.
Without him and alone.
Every night you would secure the stone and close the curtains too. You would lock the windows, choosing later down the line to nail them shut because even though you were a grown woman, you didn’t trust yourself to fully be able to resist his potentially puppeteered body trying to will you outside.
You’d close the door to the bedroom and your dim the lights in the hope that it would deter the monsters that roamed outside, maybe they’d be less interested if you were presumably fast asleep?
For the most part, it did work anyway. You were alive and so was everyone else who stuck to these confining rules. You were safe during the day and as long as you went back by the time set, you’d be fine. It was as though you were all livestock for the hungry top of the food chain—refusing to accept the slaughter that surely soon awaited.
Until one night, a resident of the town claimed ti have an encounter with one of the creatures. Some listened, but nobody believed the guy. It wasn’t that uncommon to lose your mind in this town after a while, so the general consensus was just to ignore the craziness and entrust the sheriff to step in if it’s becoming a problem.
It was a danger to get involved.
You already knew that from a personal consequence.
Just days later however, the person in question died. Just dropped dead in the middle of the diner. The autopsy conducted over at the makeshift hospital seemed to imply that there was nothing wrong with him on the surface but something else was going on with the inside. It didn’t take too long for the word to escape that that the man’s innards were somehow rearranged from the inside, twisted and turned in a way that shouldn’t have been possible.
This revelation was a problem, however.
Because, if this man was telling the truth, then that implied a much bigger problem than before. If this man survived an audience with one of these creatures that were until then just manipulative man eating monsters, then that must have meant not all of them were simply looking to feed.
The implication that it even some of them were looking to purely just toy with people without jumping at their bones to eat them, then that was a concerning prospect indeed.
You didn’t leave your house after that tidbit of information was confirmed, choosing to hide away in your bedroom with the doors fully locked, with the talisman hopefully warding whatever played with one of the townspeople far, far away.
Just about ready to fall asleep, ready to end the night with much anticipated sleep—feeling worn out and tired from your own troubled mind—you jolted awake at the sound of the front door downstairs slowly clicking open and then closing. You could have sworn that you locked the door. You checked it yourself. You did lock it. You did.
And yet, you kept hearing the presence of someone who didn’t quite belong. Heavy-set footsteps that walked slowly upstairs at a calculated pace, the sound of scratching, whining wood as the rails whittled against the grain. The lights were off, the talisman was up in place and yet, whoever—whatever—it was inside your home didn’t sound the least bit human at all.
Your breath caught in your throat as what you prayed to be an auditory hallucination became reality instead. Your eyes trained on the doorknob to your bedroom, watching it rattle and twist and turn… and yet you remained screwed still into your mattress, too terrified to make a single move.
You watched with anticipated unease as what appeared to be man with long silvery locks of hair and dark ragged cloth sauntered into your bedroom, with eyes as extinguished as coals, burning his sights right into your very own.
Finally, you were able to thaw and move, pushing yourself into an upright seated position as your hand extended, scrambling to reach for the switch of the bedside lamp. The light proved dim, just barely illuminating the man before you but enough for you to understand that it was one of those wretched things. Those terrifying, creepy, vile things and this one in particular seemed extra mocking; its smile almost grotesque.
Immediately, you tried to back away as though it was possible to create an unseen barrier between you and the creature but deep down you knew it to be futile.
You stammered on and off, barely choking out your words in frenzied anticipation, “W-wait, how d-did you get in here, I-I have the talisman and—“
“—oh? Those silly things?” the creature cut in, his stretching smile loosening one of the stitches he had on his face, “that won’t work on me.”
“W-what?” you gasped.
“Those runes might work on the others, but I’m a bit special if you couldn’t already tell,” he purred, taking a step closer, forcing you to back up on your feet as he climbed over the bed to get to you.
In a blurt of panic, you choked out an attempted warning, “S-stay back…!”
But he ignored you, of course, choosing to close in on you regardless. His frame was taller than yours and he managed to cage you in back up against the wall, feeling the rough surface of peeling paper chip against your flesh. His own skin felt cold against yours as his pointed fingernails traced against your body, leaving you in a state of pure discomfort.
“Poor thing,” he cooed as he cornered you, “so alone, cooped up in here looking so afraid~”
There was something sinsister with how this creature spoke; his words so carefully thought out yet his vocal patterns were somehow not human at all. Even the other monsters that roamed around outside after dark still somehow sounded more… put together… than whatever this thing was.
Your eyes blurred as they attempted to focus on the creature before you, trying to pick up anything about it that would make sense to you, but nothing did. His pale skin had almost seemed translucent as it stretched over his body, warping at its limit and barely contained through shoddily woven stitches to conceal whatever it was that could have been lurking underneath.
The way that he moved so slowly was almost sickeningly taunting; his skin finally connecting yours after a hot moment of his protruding claws teasing you. It was then sudden, but you felt him dip something sharp into your skin, pulling apart the very tissue that held you together. Slowly, he tore into your flesh, pulling an aching wound open down your arm. You whimpered as the blood pooled and dropped down the limb, feeling the cold air sting against your exposed cut.
Your breathing turned ragged, just barely coming out as shuddering gasps, babbling out pleading gasps that signalled desperation. Quietly, you prayed for the luxury of a quick death, yet the monster before you continued.
His body lowered as he leaned towards you, his lips dipping against your maimed arm as he poked his tongue out to lap against the rolling beads of escaping blood. Such a sensation felt nauseating the longer that he forced you to endure it, sliding his tongue between the wound, almost as though hungry for more.
Bringing himself back up again, he sucked against his bottom lip to savour any remnants of your blood, practically moaning as he tasted it, “So delicious~”
In another attempt to hurry it up, you begged him again, “P-please, no more…”
And of course, he didn’t stop. You were still alive, feeling dizzied from the sensation that he forced you to experience.
“Want to know the difference between me and the others… similar to me?” he asked you instead, his smile unwavering.
You could only shake your head in response.
He continued to explain to you regardless, whether or not you knew the answer already, “The others only need a sample to satisfy their hunger, whereas I need the full course.”
You swallowed a sharp lump in your throat at his words, having an inkling of an idea of what he was talking about which terrified you.
“I’d love to devour you whole,” he continued onwards, dipping his index finger against your still running blood, licking it on and off, his voice sounding almost affectionate as he spoke, “there’s nothing quite as delicious as the meat of a frightened soul.”
“M-make it quick,” you resigned, hoping that he would listen to your protest and shorten your life to spare you from the upcoming torture.
“Ah, ah, ah~,” the stitched up man shook his head, wagging his finger in a mocking gesture, “I don’t quite enjoy the taste of corpses, so I’d rather you be alive for our little sessions.”
(Sessions. Plural…?)
“Y-you’re not going to kill me then?” you asked, confused.
He rolled his head back and smiled an obnoxious grin before winding himself forward again, “Oh, you’d think so, but no, not yet,” he soothed, “I think I’ll have my fun with completely draining you first, picking you apart bit by bit…” his teeth nestling into your bare shoulder as he continued to speak, “until there’s nothing left of you.”
More tears spilled from your welling eyes, feeling absolutely hopeless and utterly broken from hearing his plans. The idea that he intended to whittle away at your body as his living source of fuel was more horrific than any other possibility you could ever imagine.
Rejecting that idea, you shook your head, your words coming in desperate, “A-anything but that, p-please, please—“
“—now, now,” he playfully hushed, his breath hot as he spoke into the slope of your shoulder, sinking his teeth into your flesh; piercing deep enough to tap into bone. The sensation was gnawing yet somehow sharp, causing you to violently thrash as he continued to feed on you, his calloused hands holding you in place, “it isn’t so bad, I promise you, my delicious one.”
“Not like this…” you whined as you wept.
“I’ll protect you from the others, my beautiful delicacy,” he continued to slur, “my food and mine alone~”
Yet all you could do was repeat the same thing over and over again, “…Why?”
“Because I’m bored, silly,” he tauntingly mocked, continuing to take a larger bite from your shoulder as you choked out a scream that was soon muffled by his hand plugging your lips.
Feeling quickly dizzy as a result from such drained blood loss, your legs lost stability as they stood. It was as though your joints became soft, the bones turning into jelly. Allowing you to slump down, the creature held you upright with your back angled up against the wall, continuing to feast upon your exposed flesh until seemingly full.
Soon your vision blurred as you just barely recovered, watching him drunk on your innards with an intoxicated look on his face. His complexion seemed richer too and the wiry threads that stitched his skin together now seemed to be stronger.
“You’ll recover for me, won’t you?” it asked, lapping a final taste off of your mangled shoulder with the flick of his tongue; “heal so that I can visit you again and again and again~”
Unable to respond, he didn’t seem to mind, picking you up and lifting you into bed. His actions felt almost teasing with how close he brought you to the brink of death, only to tuck you in and leave you to recover.
“Until next time,” you heard him sing, your eyelids forcing themselves shut, unable to even imagine what horrors could possibly lie ahead.
Let alone what this meant for the town itself.
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lazerswordweilder · 7 months
What, those aren’t in the same universe- yes they are. <<<the thoughts running through my head when I made a crossover of Marvel, Star Wars, Danny Phantom (Dannys stays in Amity and never leaves though, he literally just happens to become a halfa) and DC.
(Its important to note this was written in 2024)
A fact known to Anakin and Anakin alone is that Obi-Wan was reincarnated to take part in Star Wars. He was born in the year 1849 on earth, it was the earth we exist on today, only the future differs. His name was John Kyle, an archeologist who is a retired medic from a long forgotten war but also had unofficial diplomatic and fighting training from various tight spots. Years ago John found a child lying in the desert.
Anakin however has simple been alive all those years. He was born in a desert to a human mother captured by scientists ahead of their times, the experimented on her, and he was born from it. He lay on the desert dying for years, his unwelcome powers keeping him alive and suffering, this sparked his hatred, of the desert, of the sand, of the scientists. The only thing he remembered were his mother’s dying words “Anakin, you’ll- you’ll be so great, you’ll walk the skies.” as she succumbed to her wounds after giving birth, at least he remembers his name Anakin.
Anakin grew up under John, John becoming the father he never had. By the time he was 20 the war had ended but it scarred him, he never forgot the screams. By the time he was 25 he had stopped aging, blaming the scientists and not explaining his past to John out of fear of rejection. By the time he was 34 and John was 52 John thought he had connected the dots, his apprentice had stolen an artifact they’d both been hunting for and it had carried an ancient plage or power that slowed him down from aging! One day while exploring a volcano it turned active, John saw his chance and pushed the boy in and ran.
Anakin burnt alive, his anger roaring up inside of him the same time a natural portal to the ghost zone opened up in the volcano. Anakins eyes turned fire red, the blood in his veins turned to lava, his rage burnt hotter than the lava ever could. Anakin becomes an oxymoron, even beyond the fact he’s half alive half dead, he died in lava yet his weakness is water (guy never learnt how to swim, after being held underwater and nearly drowned he never really got over it), all ghosts hate what killed them and have weaknesses to it, Anakins death is his power. He takes on an apparence which is basically what he looks like normally but with fangs, sometimes his eyes reflect light or glow though, and when he gets mad his skin heats up, turning charred and what should be exposed flesh turns into lava below the charred skin, also his hair starts to turn to flame. Anakins obsession is revenge and his core is permanently stained with rage.
By the time Anakin gets out a grip on his powers World War 1 starts drafting with the year being 1914, Anakin (despite technically being dead) immediately decides that’s a good idea for blowing off steam and also a way to get actually military experience to murder John with. He hacks a comuptor and signs himself up, putting in his photo, his medical stuff, experience, and everything else on the form, then as he stares at the name box he remembers he’s meant to be dead, he choses a fitting name, Achilles. Achilles wrath matched Anakins rage, Achilles heel matched Anakins weakness to water, and hopefully Anakin will be able to bring the name Achilles some more modern glory.
He gets his dog tag and as sits in a cart heading to war with the rest of his team, Anakin runs his finger over the ingraving in it, careful not to melt it, Achilles. As bordom sets in he remembered other stories of ancient greek, more specifically Aphrodite Areia, Areia was an epithet meaning war like and it seperated Aphrodite Areia from her more commenly known version Aphrodite. He supposes he needs one to if there are to be two great Achilles, in his head he starts referring to himself as Anakin Achilles.
After 4 years at war and another year spent wandering the contry Anakin comes back to where he knows John is just to find out he died of old age around the time the war ended at 68, despite this being quite impressive despite modern medican Anakin promptly decides to go jump into another volcano. It is like a warm bath. But it cheered Anakin up- seriously, who knew volcanos were so nice when you weren’t burning alive?
After this he grabs the blackest clothes he can find and knows will be easy to move in, some fabric which he wraps around his face from nose to chin, tucks his dog tag safely into his clothes, and walked into the nearest bar he knew had shady dealing going on. He promptly intoduced himself as an assasin looking for training and gets pointed to a table full of tough looking people.
Two years later he’s been an assasin apprentice for years, under someone he thinks is called Ra Ah Ghoul. Anakin serves the guy for another 4 years despite thinking he’s kind of an asshole, then runs away. He’s learnt enough to avoid most of Ghouls traps and makes it out with a minor stab wound, he doesn’t really have organs anymore so he’s not worried.
He does take a moment to sit on someones roof top and stare at the stars, he thinks back to his first memories and remembers with a small laugh, the one you give when you’re shocked and in awe and a little breathless but happy, he knows his full name now, his birth name, Anakin Skywalker. He thinks fondly about it and feels like a child for the first time in years, staring up the the stars with the last thing his mother gave him, his name, just for a moment Anakins rage is fully forgotten.
Suddenly he feels to small, he looks down a sees the chubby hands of a baby, he actually physically blinks at that. He can work with this, his life is over due for a bit of normal anyways, he stores his dog tag (the only thing he has attachment to) inside his rib cage using a helpful bit of intangibility and floats down to the door step. He can hear a young, kind, childless couple inside.
Anakin- now named William, danced with his wife, Julia Lotis. He was so truely smitten with her and for the first time in so long he loved the domestic life style, Julia had finally quited the rage always simmering in his core, she was his Angel. He brought Julia in for a kiss and admired her, her long chocolate hair, her warm brown eyes that seemed like cozy fires during the winter rather then his uncontrolled rage. He swung her around in a circle and reached out to catch her when her eyes went wide, he caught her lifeless- pulseless- breathless- body and stared.
He stared at her for a long time, trying to hold back the cracks in his core, but it was like reading a book when the ending was so obvious. He conculded he was going to kill everyone within the city once he got out of shock, Anakin dropped his Angel to the floor, moving to the cupboard on autopilot, he grabbed his darkest clothes and put them on, the knifes he had hidden away just in case were quickly hidden in the folds of his outfit, he pulled out his dog tag, letting it’s reasuring weight lay heavy on his chest.
He walked all the way to Gotham, he didn’t even move as it hailed and stormed, as the ground shook and trees collapses. He walked to Metropolis, it was 1975, anyone who knew anything knew the Justice League was looking for new hires, he wasn’t looking for a job but if he could get to one of the interviews then he’d be immediately be recognised as a threat and subdued.
He stormed into the daily planet building where he knew at least Superman was holding interviews, he scared everyone out of the elevator with a death glare and walked straight into the room he could hear Superman talking in, he pushed open the door “Uh, interviews are over.” Superman abruptly paused, probably taking in Anakins disheveled and disassociating self, Anakin ignored the knife that dropped to the ground “Are you- here for an interview?” Superman asked. Anakin glared at him and jumped Superman as red over took his vision.
Anakin woke up in a cell, a wary Superman stood in front of him dripping his lava “If- you could’ve just said you had fire powers.” Superman said, Anakin sagged down into the chains and Superman looked at him for a second before realisation hit him “You weren’t here to show us your powers, you’re here so we could stop you.” Superman was suddenly no longer hesitant “Sounds like a hero to me, I think we’ve got your powers down, but if you want a spot in the League I only need your name.” It doesn’t take him a second to answer “Achilles.”
By 2002 it was doomsday, for the third time this month. The hero thing certainly wasn’t boring, and various other heros had helped Anakin gain an appreciation for technology, he was a technopath. Any
This is getting way too long, also I accidentally queued it so I’ll just reblog with more.
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e04kj0125 · 17 days
Crack fic/drabble
A scenario wherein Xavier does not end up in the earth of the past but rather a strange world where the elements almost seemed to be alive. . . and is that jelly moving?
genshin x love and deepspace crossover au
word count: 1273
Xavier hissed through his teeth as he slowly gained consciousness His body tensed as he grabbed his sword and took in his surroundings.
A verdant and lively land brimming with life. He knew looks could be deceiving but waking in such a land a contrast to his own decaying world was rather. . . odd.
At the thought of his homeland images of her flashed through his mind.
He needed to get up and possibly find the rest of his crew. Xavier had a promise to fulfill, he would be damned to give up now. It seemed he woke up in a clearing of sorts. Above the skies were white birds leisurely flying, the leaves rustled as birds chirped, and on the ground, a squirrel seeing his figure ran in the other direction. It seemed like this world's flora and fauna was not too far off from his home. Yet there were no signs of his ship or his crew. The place where he woke up provided no clue how he ended up there just a patch of grass.
As he scouted his surroundings he noted what looks like to be some sort of structure from the distance. It likely meant there were people nearby, it could help him to gather information on where he was but where there were people there was also danger. There was no telling what they would do to him, a stranger such as him.
With no other clues about where to go Xavier marched towards the structure, soon it became evident it was a stone statue. In the middle of a lake stood a man or a woman clothed in robes with wings holding a smoothed round stone with no markings. The statue was old showing its age with cracks yet it was well taken care of with no moss or other coverings.
A familiar sound of footsteps came from the back and he swung his sword in stance watching his assailant, who looked at him with wide eyes. In one hand the person held a lyre and the other was open showing off his palm.
"Woah! Easy there, outlander, I did not come with harm."
The young man continued to have his one free hand open, recognizing the universal sign of peace he sheathed his sword.
"Apologies I was startled," his voice was a bit dry, how long was he unconscious?
The young man laughed reminding Xavier of the sounds of wind chimes.
"It is alright with the way you landed here anyone would be startled."
Xavier narrowed his eyes his grip on the handle of his sword tightening.
"Ohh pardon me I must have startled you again," he waved his free hand," A while back I saw a shooting star landing near Starfell Lake, being curious I followed the trail but instead of a meteor crater I found a strange sleeping man," he says and points at Xavier.
"I had actually bought some first aid kid," he shakes the backpack on his shoulder, "but when I returned the strange man was totally gone."
Xavier blinked the hand on his hilt less tense,carefully he removed his grip.
"I see I must have startled you as well, apologies."
The green-clad man shook his hand as if waving away his concern.
"Never mind outlander-"
"Venti where are you?!"
A man dressed in black with a vivid red mane of hair came out of the forest and that is how Xavier got acquainted with Venti the bard and Diluc the winery owner. An odd bunch and a strange combination, from what he could gather from the clothes they were wearing to their occupation this land seemed primitive and behind on technology compared to Philos, yet the first aid kid was well put together and clean. The two strangers oddly did not ask how and why Xiaver was here, which raised some of his concerns but for now, he would follow and see where it goes
They arrived at the stone bridge pigeons flying away as carts and horses traveled from one side to the other. The bridge led to the entrance of the city called Mondstadt.
Xavier was left behind with Venti as Diluc talked to the guards. Venti laughed and patted him on his back. He must have noticed Xavier's tenseness. It wasn't too long before Diluc came back and they were able to enter the city, Xavier had to wonder if it was this easy to enter a guarded city with no identification or that Diluc had that much influence.
The city itself reminded him of paintings and pictures he had seen in history books. People dressed in a similar manner that was mentioned in the same books, they looked carefree and happy not a single worry that their land might wither and die out someday.
"we will take you to the church they have rooms for travelers that have nowhere to go and don't worry it is very nice there and the people working there are kind as well!" the bard chirped, boasting about it proudly.
With that Xavier was taken further north of the city and a giant winged stone statue stood in the plaza with who he assumed was the same winged deity he saw at the lake.
Before he knew it he was at the church entrance and the sky was turning darker. Venti spoke with some nuns who looked at Xavier with pity that almost made him look away from their eyes for..
"I will have to leave now there is some business I have to take care of, Venti will meet you in the morning."
"Hehe, going already master Diluc? Don't worry Xavier we won't just ditch you off see you in the morning I also got some work to do."
The two left shortly after that. Xavier was escorted to a modest rustic-looking room yet it was clean and he could tell the linen was fresh.
Xavier sat on the bed and took a deep breath.
He would love nothing more than to hit his head against the bed and let sleep take over his mind, yet his body was too jittery. Where was he? Where were his crew members what happened to the ship? His circumstances were too strange and his memories before he woke up were hazy at best.
His thoughts were interrupted by a knock.
He rose up and carefully opened the door a hand at the hilt of his sword.
There, at the door was her.
His star.
With a tray in hand, she stood there in the nun's attire, not looking out of place in the church walls.
"The other nuns told me to deliver your meal you must have had a rough trip from what I heard."
Her voice was like heaven itself he wanted to say something, anything, or perhaps he wanted to run and hug her breathing in her scent to commit to memory. It has been far too long since he had seen or been near her presence.
"Y-yes thank you," he hated how he stammered his words out.
She casually went inside of his room and he stepped back to make room for her. She put the tray on the wooden desk and smiled.
"I hope you enjoy your meal and get some rest."
Xavier was dumbfounded unable to say anything before she could leave he had to say something.
"Wait," he took a breath.
She paused mid-step her beautiful smile still on her face.
"Can I ask for your name?" he hated how low his voice got and rubbed at his neck.
"it is Semiramis, pleased to meet you."
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bakerstmel · 1 year
Fall Favorite Fic Festival, Entry 4
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I'm writing this in Memphis, TN, and I can't see any red trees from my hotel window. Too far south to have gotten started, maybe. It's been very overcast. I'm here for a professional meeting, and as is always the case, they've had the AC set to "violent" in the meeting rooms and I don't know that I'll ever be warm again. You know how if you've ever gotten a sunburn, the water in the shower is warmer when it hits your feet than when it comes out of the showerhead, because it's been heated by your skin? My showers here have been the complete opposite of that.
All that to say, I'm still feeling sad, still feeling lonely, definitely facing an anniversary reaction from my sister's passing, and still quite intentionally drowning my sorrows in fic.
I had the best, most angsty fic in mind for this entry, like, call and warn @221bjen level angst, but then one day, this manip came to mind, for no particular reason:
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and oh, yeah, baby. I couldn't sign into AO3 fast enough. If you know, you know, and if you don't, you've got to read:
Whiteout, by SinceWhenDoYouCallMe_John
I will spare your TL by adding a cut here.
This is a fic I re-read fairly often for sheer pleasure, but that is not to say it's fluff. The author tries in the notes to make it sound like fluff, but it's Sherlock and John as part of an aerial rescue team at the freaking Matterhorn and there is ice and danger and multiple CPR events and Greg Lestrade speaking French and secrets and tears and all kinds of relationship drama and it's JUST NOT FLUFF, OK? However, it is written in a fun documentary style (Shane based it on a documentary he came across on Netflix) with mostly dialogue and camera direction and it is a quick, satisfying read.
I've had the pleasure of betaing for this author in the past, and so I've spent more than a little time thinking about his style. He is an extremely versatile writer, and I think this fic really highlights that. If you compare this style to, say, the highly descriptive and romantic (not just in the relationship way, but also in the world-painted-in-perfect-light-way) Gimme Shelter, you wouldn't necessarily know they were written by the same person within a fairly short block of time (8 months). This fic is crisp, well timed, and quickly paced, with perfectly set points of action, snappy dialogue, and not a lot of down time. Gimme Shelter moves well too, but it's a very different feeling, silky and gentle. It's like the difference between taking a shot of great tequila vs savoring a perfect Cabernet. And if that's not enough for you, please note that SWDYCMJ has also written Priestlock, a skiing OT3, a straight-ahead ghost story, Potterlock, and a Black Mirror crossover that kept me on my toes. Plus, of course, the beautiful Brokeback Mountain fusion that still breaks my heart in all the best ways.
I mentioned in my last entry how the artistry in this fandom continues to knock me out to this day, and Shane's collective work is another prime example.
I don't feel like I'm doing this fic justice, but it's kinda hard for me to talk about without ruining the surprise of it. Even discussing the structure is tricky. Just...go read it. You'll thank me later.
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meraki-yao · 5 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers ✒️
I have a bit of time between now and my consultation for my essay so I’m finally answering these! Thank you to @luainthewild and @typicalopposite for the tags!!!!
How many works do you have on ao3?
13 right now! I’m a baby fic writer lol I only started in 2022 as a coping mechanism from university fucking me up, but I’m fully in love with it now. It’s so good to get back into writing for myself after writing for school and exams according to a marking scheme for so long.
What's your total ao3 word count? 43,982!
What fandoms do you write for?
浪浪钉 LLD (The collective ship name for the main ship Wenzhou and the rps Junzhe), Shadowhunters (mostly Show canon but I do have book canon fic ideas in my drafts), RWRB
I have a Sanders Sides Hadestown AU in my drafts too but that’s been gathering dust there for a while😅
Top five fics by kudos:
I’d Hang the Moon for It to Shine on Him Sleeping (RWRB)
I Need Comfort (But I Hate Being Comfortable) (RWRB)
Dancing Under Red Skies (Shadowhunters)
Take Me Out and Take Me Home (Shadowhunters)
Achilles Come Down (Shadowhunters)
Do you respond to comments?
Not really, mostly because I have no idea how to handle compliments🫠
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I’d say my first fic? Four Times Love Meant Sacrifice and the One Time It Didn't Need To, because that was literally four ships with a bad ending (or at least endings presented as bad) with one final happy ending ship. But otherwise I mostly stick with happy endings, or at least hopeful endings
But I will say my WIP that I posted on Wednesday is gonna break that record and have the angsiest ending, because it’s about Arthur Fox’s cancer diagnosis and Henry’s emotional journey through that point of his life
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I’d say most of them are fairly happy? But I do think I do hopeful endings more.
Probably Can I Have This Dance? It ends with Alex and Henry dancing around in the Texas family house after the election
Do you get hate on fics?
So far so good, no, and I’m hoping it stays that way 🥹
Do you write smut?
Very, very tame. The most explicit thing I’ve written is The Word of Your Body, which is a RWRB Movie Paris scene fic. It’s very tame, but writing the main event gave me such a crisis
Craziest crossover:
I don’t think I’ve done a crossover? Between fandoms, that is. And I don’t think I’ll ever plan to? Unless you count what I did for Four Times Love Meant Sacrifice and the One Time It Didn't Need To because I was mixing the actor’s characters from different projects and shipping them together (which is a really prominent thing in the LLD/JZ fandom)
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, not that I know of
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but with my growing interest in translation, I am thinking of translating some of my own fics, starting with the LLD (since that’s a dominantly Chinese fandom to began with)
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, not yet!
All time favorite ship?
Aw, you can’t make me choose, that’s impossible!
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have way too many ideas in my RWRB draft box, so there’s a lot of doubt there
But for fics I actually already started, it’s a song fic on “I’ll Cover You” from Rent for Junzhe. I was like 40% done with the draft, but the last time I touched it was in 2022.
It’s supposed to be a sort of exploration on cross-dressing and femineity which started because I was pissed at the government’s “Anti-sissy” declaration, and Zhehan (one part of the ship, but don’t search him online yourself a lot of shit happened and there’s massive misinformation everywhere about him) was really loved and known for his perceived femininity after holding a dominantly masculine image for most of his career. The gender neutrality in his style during and after Word of Honor suited him better, and I wanted to write about that
What are your writing strengths?
Descriptive writing and character studies, which is why most of my fics are either putting visual media into words, or missing scenes, or canon compliant
What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue and anything regarding movement and action, so choosing to write a Tangled AU for the RWRB Big Bang is a challenge I set for myself
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Be careful with it, and be respectful. (and of course, if it’s Chinese, I will be extra critical)
First fandom you wrote in?
Lang Lang Ding/Junzhe! Or if you categorize according to AO3 tags, Word of Honor RPF
Favorite fic you've written?
Eh, I’m pretty happy with most of my fics but I’ll go with I’d Hang the Moon for It to Shine on Him Sleeping, The Word of Your Body and Achilles Come Down
No pressure tagging @o0anapher0o @pippin-katz @lfg1986-2 @noemiettedraw @thinkof-england
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thesleutherrr · 2 months
First Assertion: It's All Connected
You've heard it before, but you haven't heard it like this.
In Problem Sleuth, the universe as we know it was split in two. Godhead Pickle Inspector used the Ham Needle and the power cord for the big fan to sew it back together. In Problem Sleuth, the imaginary and the real start out as strictly defined, with the influence of the imaginary growing until the grand majority of the comic book takes place above the skies of the imaginary city. In that sense, the universe of Problem Sleuth is contained- and you can see the point where they escape it when they finally use the Megaton Key to leave their office, and into real life.
But what if there was more than one way out?
On the first page of chapter 18, we see that DMK's Comb Rave, Fill 'Em With Daylight, splits the imaginary universe clean in half. https://www.homestuck.com/problem-sleuth/1248
Behind the split, on the very next page, we can see EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL COSMIC SUPERSTRING STRATA.
There's something behind- beyond- imagination, and it isn't the world of real life. If it was, the gang could have jumped through and ended the game right there. This is the place where GPI keeps Deus Ex Sewing Machina, and presumably any other implements a godhead might need.
Given that this is a space beyond universes, it qualifies by that descriptor as a portion of the Furthest Ring.
I posit that if you were to travel through GPI's portion of the Furthest Ring, you would eventually pass out of that light and into darkness.
At the edge of that darkness, you would see the asteroid field that serves as a boundary to the Incipisphere, marking the edge of the Furthest Ring as well as the edge of Derse's orbit.
When we inspect he tubes within the Tumor that was used to reciprocally create the Green Sun, we see the Kids' universe ravaged by the Red Miles Jack Noir produced.
You know, Jack Noir? Never heard of him?
How about Spades Slick, de facto leader of the Midnight Crew?
The same Spades Slick that made his first appearance in Problem Sleuth- in a non-canonical context.
But we later learn that going beyond canon is completely acceptable, don't we? So I say, why not count him? What quality makes his extracanonical appearance in Problem Sleuth any less legitimate than say, Yiffany, a lifetime later?
I posit that while we weren't looking- and given that the Midnight Crew operates pretty much exclusively in the shadows- they got the hell out of dodge when the imaginary universe ripped in half. While GPI was sewing the universe back together, they drifted right past with the whorls of Cosmic Superstring Strata and into the darker portions of the Furthest Ring, where they'd feel more at home.
Since there didn't seem to be any racketeering, rumrunning, or other prohibition-era crimes to commit in the vast expanse of the Furthest Ring, they kept moving, looking for their next score- and then Derse passed close by, at the edge of its orbit, and they found a new city in which to settle down.
They involved themselves with the highest levels of local government, as any enterprising mobsters would do, and alas, found themselves completely suffocated by bureaucracy in the hilarious way that's so emblematic of Problem Sleuth as a work of fiction. They can never seem to avoid it, because that's where they're from!
The events of Homestuck carry forward as they always do, whether it's Universe A or Universe B or Universe XYZ. Now there's a Spades in parallel- Jack- getting involved with the Kids, while the Spades we know, in the universe of the Trolls (which predates that of the Kids) finds himself entangled in the complexities that Sgrub imposes on, let's be real, fucking everything.
There was a time when I believed that the Green Sun was Sepulchritude itself- that it had somehow bled across universes and was indication of the blockbusting Sleuth x Stuck crossover we were all waiting with bated breath to witness.
I no longer believe this. What I do believe is that the Green Sun is a symbolic phantom of Sepulchritude- it represents the big green explosion that changes everything, which- much like our boy Spades Slick- is an eventuality present in all universes. The white-hot fires of charisma are the very molten crucible that is two universes' worth of creation, fueling the Green Sun itself!
A universe is a mirror, and this? The reflection of a brilliant flash of the imaginary, from beyond the most distant edge of the Furthest Ring.
DMK's Comb Rave lived up to its name, when we look back. He might not have gotten the killing blow, but he still filled 'em with daylight. Every universe across the entire breadth of the cosmoses.
So when I say it's all connected, I'm not playing around. DMK opened the way, the Midnight Crew decided to hotfoot it out of imagination, and eventually landed on Derse, where they became permanently stuck in their new home. They're a part of the Game now, no going back.
Just like the Trolls. Just like the Kids.
Am I overstating my point? Did Homestuck overstate its point?
Now that you've read this, you'll better understand every post that follows it. This is the vantage point from which I'll be looking at the universe of MS Paint adventures- and now you will, too!
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August 2024 Fanfic Recs
Lost in a Feeling by mantabanter
A living marionette and her sky captain discuss souls – or the lack of them. Sunless Skies/Ever After High
The Locked Tomb
For We Are His Workmanship by inphront
A very detailed description of John resurrecting Gideon as Kiriona.
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
moths to the flame (don't let yourself burn) by Woodswolf
A very sad Nausicaä/Kushana story, set after the story, where they spend only one night together.
This is How You Lose the Time War
catching little words by Flammenkobold
How do you tell the tale of Red and Blue?
Witch King
Midwinter Sun by misura
Kai is not happy about Bashasa taking such a huge risk to save the refugees. Bashasa is undeterred.
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nick--knack · 1 month
What's your favorite music album(s)?
oh my god. alright. i have so many in mind that i really like. so.
Well my all-time favourite has gotta be none other than Viribus Unitus by Dragony. I fucking love this album so much, the premise is so ridiculous but also fun and goofy and it feels like it was written specifically for me. The album tells a story about WW1 and Austria-Hungary's participation in it while putting a massive spin on history that includes dark magic, a zombie apocalypse, and more. I'm not good at explaining things but if you want, you can read the entire synopsis here and I guess there are a couple songs that I tend to skip while listening to it but nontheless it is a very good album. cough cough Love You To Death is the best song cough cough. Oh, and since we're talking about Dragony, Masters of the Multiverse is also worth checking out. That album is also full of bangers.
There is also Into The Enchanted Chamber by Timeless Miracle. Its the only album that the band released before disappearing, and every power metal fan eventually discovers it either as a blessing or a curse i'm sure, but goddamn its so good. I really love the sorta dark and gothic theme that the entire album has with its songs - again it's another album thats right up my alley. Good shit.
The last power metal albums I really like is The Monumental Mass: a Cinematic Metal Event by Powerwolf. If you listen to it in order, the songs are set up so the ending of one song blends into the other and I just really love it when albums do that. Also the slightly more intense and... well... cinematic sounding covers of their songs sound nice - Dancing With The dead in particular sticks out to me especially with the loud drums in the latter half. I often listen to this while i'm playing minecraft alone.
If you like folk rock, Herzblut by dArtagnan is absolutely full of bangers. Ruf der Freiheit, Mosqueteros, and The Riddle are my personal favourites, I couldn't stop listening to them on repeat the moment it came out. I also still find it a little crazy that they did some collabs with Visions of Atlantis, like I did not expect them to do a song together, this is like the music equivalent of some crazy cartoon crossover for me. Speaking of, Pirates II - Armada by Visions of Atlantis has SOOO many good songs aswell, this band in particular just keeps getting better with every release. Hellfire is peak.
For more history stuff, Foreign Skies by the Dreadnoughts is an album about WW1. Black Letters and Back Home in Bristol always get me a little emotional, and there's an EP that goes with this album called Foreign Sides (B-Sides) that you don't want to miss. Additionally, I've already mentioned it before but Pack Up Your Troubles - Wartime Favourites by The Billy Watson Band & Singers has a bunch of good history songs and its one of few albums where theres not one song that I skip.
As for classical music, my go-to for when I want some nice calming background music is this nifty little album simply called Viennese Violin by Michael Snyman and the Brooklyn Theatre Salon Ensemble. Alot of the songs in it are pretty short compared to the regular pieces that I listen to, and they all sound very nice so I guess thats another no-skip album on my list. This one is a bit of a random one but Komzák, Kmoch, Fučík: Old Czech Marches and Dances by Czech Philiharmonic also has a nice collection of songs, all of them sound very regal and/or energetic. We got some songs by our boy Fučíc in here. You know, the guy who wrote the circus theme. If regular old classical is too boring then you can listen to the album Wiener Blut by Céline Roscheck which are essentially violin dubstep remixes of a bunch of Strauss songs. I fucking love Strauss, he's probably my favourite classical music composer, so I really lost my shit when I first listened to her remix of Tritsch Trastch Polka and Radetzky March.
If you want something darker and cabaret-ish, Red Hot & Holy by Sarah and the Safe word and Counterfeit Arcade by Shayfer James are good to check out. I don't really know what else to say, just go listen go them.
As for lately, i've been listening to did an oopsie by Uamee alot. It's his latest release and I dunno man, he kinda cooked with this one - ESPECIALLY Dirst Ej Cake. I've also been listening to Rokotsu by syundou lately, it wasn't recently released or anything but that one is also great.
ANYWAYS im cutting the rant short here otherwise i'll be up all night talking about music. As much as I would love to, I have to work tomorrow so I can't.
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catofadifferentcolor · 3 months
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Now That's What I Call Plot Bunnies: A Top 10 List
Sometimes I have ideas for fic that will not let me rest until I've written them down for the world to see. I was going to wait until I hit 100 buns, but RL has been sapping my muse lately... so I figured 90 was enough for me to post my list of top ten favorite plot bunnies.
In no particular alphabetical order, my favorite plot bunnies are:
Of Aerandír and his Coming to Arda: PJO/LotR crossover, in which Percy’s presence in Middle-Earth changes everything and nothing
Dyanna the Defiant: In which f!Jon Snow takes after her most famous foremothers, runs away to Essos, and insults Viserys III into being a better person
Fake It Til You Make It: In which Aemond and Lucerys travel through time to save their families, fake a relationship, and reluctantly fall in love
Forget-Me-Not: In which an amnesiac Inquisitor Trevelyan discovers he is really Domitian Parthalan, Corpheyus’ former second in command, and gradually comes to terms with his villainous past
From Lothering with Love: In which a case of mistaken identity makes Edmund Hawke the Champion of Kirkwall and the Hero of Fereldan and the Herald of Andraste
Hauteville!Nicky: In which Nicolò di Genova begins life as the bastard son of Prince Bohemond I of Antioch
The Last Quest: PJO/Accidental Warlord crossover, in which Percy’s unwilling vacation at Karen Morhen turns out to be the mental health break he needed
The Master and The Padawan: In which Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon Jinn time travel after their deaths, raise a lot of eyebrows, and save the galaxy
Rowena the Red Queen: In which female Jon Snow forms a marriage of convenience with Tyrion Lannister
Queen of the Skies: f!Jon Snow becomes the fourth Lady Arryn, the regent of a great house, and mother of dragons
I love these plot bunnies for a variety of reason - for instance, the Hauteville!Nicky fic feeds into my need to research everything that can possibly be researched on the thinnest pretext possible, which means I've a very detailed itinerary of TOG's travels for the last thousand years and their historical contexts, but very little plot - while I utterly adore my PJO/LotR crossover because by all logic it shouldn't work but I somehow managed to shoehorn it into the mythology of both worlds.
Anyway, these are just some buns I thought deserved more love, and feel free to adopt as always. Just link back if you ever decide to do anything with them.
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