#red riding hooded mercinary
Queen of hatred: Screams
Little red riding hooded mercenary: Screams louder to assert dominance
Der Freischütz: Should we do something?!
Black Swan, observing: No, I want to see who wins this.
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holygamerdragongamer · 4 months
Feelin bored heres some abnormalities written as madoka magica witches
All around helper
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All around helper the cleaning abnormality
With a automatous nature
The abnormality will follow any orders it's
Givin, when given the order to clean it kill any human it deems as filth with it's sharp blades, the abnormality takes pride in it's job as a helpful machine
Snow white's apple
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The poisoned apple abnormality with a patient nature
The abnormality wishes for a prince to take her away, so she waits and waits and waits for her prince charming even though in reality her prince will never come.
Little red riding hooded mercenary
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The red hooded abnormality, with a hunting nature, The abnormality is plauged by nightmares by a wolf, her only purpose is to hunt down that wolf for her nightmares to end, to this day she wanders in her domain searching for the wolf anyone tresspasses in the abnormality's domain shall be deemed a wolf will by the mercinary and will proceed to hunt down that individual
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The gift giving abnormality with a innocent nature. The abnormality is a kind and friendly and wanted to see people happy, if laetitia sees a sad human she will give them a special hand made gift filled with her familiars to surprise her new found friends, but she's forever ignorant the despair her gifts brings
Laeta (aka wee witch familiar) (laeta is not there actual name i just add it to fit in with the madoka theme)
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The gift giving abnormality's minion, there duty is to surprise. There the close friends to the gift giving abnormality there job is hide in the gift and jump out to surprise the human once the gift is open, but after that they become violent since they don't know that laetitia wan't them to be friends the humans not kill them, not like laetitia is aware to care tho
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bad-lobcorp-aus · 2 years
Au lobotomy corporation, but the big and will be bad wolf, acts and runs by cartoon logic, little red riding hooded mercinary is the only serious one in the dynamic despite she's being victim of the wolf's antics
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hangmaster10 · 2 years
Smash or pass: abnormalities
Red shoes: pass
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If you're the type whose into psychotic murderers, that will brutally kill you, well it would be the one for you but not for me, cuz i belived in the mantra of never stick you're dick in crazy
Fairy festival:smash
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Even though the fairies will kill you, to me if look pass that, i gave it a smash cuz shortstacks are my fetish,..also the feeling of the smaller fairies ganging on you're would be a pleasurable experiance..as long they wont decided not to eat you out, and not the good kind
King of greed: smash
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For starters im not into vore, i gonna say smash because cuz 1, has that tomboyish personality, 2 she's probably jacked which is also plus, and 3 asaid the whole vore thing she would be pleasent person to hangout with so yeah smash not into vore but smash none the less
Scorched girl: pass
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1 im not necrophile, number 2 she's underaged,number 3 she'll either burn or blow me dong off and finally 4, i wanted to fucking give her a hug, and tell her that everything is going to be ok, she deserves better, but not fucking this
Road home: pass
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Second verse same as the first, 1 she's underaged so thats a no go from the start,
Scardy cat: pass
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Not into beastiality
The big and will be bad wolf:pass
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Not into vore
Singing machine: pass
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Just like red shoes if you're into psychotic murderers then this would be the thing for heck nothing screams screams intimentcy of having sex with the music of you're latest victem..and then have probablity to get thrown in to singing machine after you're finished so thats a big no for me
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holyequine-blog · 5 years
Send in “?” for a sample from another muse I’ve considered or would like to play.
Red comes speeding in with her gun drawn, blade at the ready, before she stops short. Wait. Hold on. Hold on one fuckin’ minute. She lowers her gun, cocking her head to the side.
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“Eh? What th’ fuck are you? Some kinda fairy or someshit? Weird. I never expected ‘fer someone to send me out on a hit for a fairy… Well, whatever. Sorry kid, it’s just good business.”
One couldn’t see her smile from under her fang riddled mask, but it could be seen in the single eye looming from under her hood. Yet again, she draws her gun up and cocks it. It’s good money, too.
Little Red Riding Mercinary - Lobotomy Corporation
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jeweledstone · 5 years
I just got an idea for a BATIM/Lobotomy Corp crossover AU
Here is what I’ve got so far for roles and stuff
X/A = Joey
B = Henry
Angela = ???
Malkuth = ???
Yesod = Sammy
Netzach = Shawn?
Hod = Wally
Tiphereth A and B = Susie and Alison
Chesed = Norman
Gebura = Thomas
Hokma = Bertrum
Binah = Lacie?
Also some ideas for abnomalities
Nothing There = Ink Bendy/Beast Bendy
Big and Might be Bad Wolf = Boris/Brute Boris
Little Red Riding Hooded Mercinary = Ink Alice/Malice/whatever you call her idk
That’s all I got so far, if y’all have any ideas, feel free to tell me! :)
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King of greed: Why don't we just call it, "M.C. Donald's?"
Red riding hooded mercinary: Because it just sounds like a stupid rapper's name.
Queen of hatred: It'd just be like- "Eyo, it's ya boy, M.C. Donald!"
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Blue smocked shepherd: I’m the sexiest bitch in this therapy waiting room.
Red riding hooded mercinary sitting next to em: every second you speak the urge to commit a felony grows stronger
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Nosferatu: Self care is stuff like taking a bubble bath or putting on a lot of make up if you like that, or taking a nice warm nap and stuff like that basically.
Red riding hooded mercinary: Self care is the burning heat when rage washes over you. self care is when you feel the bones crack under your powerful fists. self care is the fear in your enemies eyes.
Bongbong: Self care is stealing someones birthday cake just to eat the frosting.
Dakota: If you touch my birthday cake I’ll make you eat your hands.
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Lobotomy corporation abnormalities headcanons
Melting love: at least one or two employees of lobotomy corporation wishes that they are immune to the effect of melting love so they can hug it without the risk of getting infected...also there's bound to be atleast to one or two employees who fantasies fucking the the slime monster
Knight of despair: used to be the team mom of the magical girls before everything goes to shit
King of greed: despite her apperance king of greed is actually a tomboy and is actually pretty jacked
Laetitia: laetitia is actually is a regular doll who is possesed by the actual wee witch from a faraway place. The reason why her "friends" didn't attack her before is because they sense her presence within the doll
You are bald: hates getting it's head slapped
Clouded monk: he actively tries to do good, but is in a constant internal struggle with his petra form due to actually the monk's dark desires made manifest. The clouded monk views his immortality as a trial from buddah to see if he can truely redeem himself
Big and will be bad wolf: after constant faliures of him trying to break free from the villian role he is destined to be, he just gave up and accept his fate, this leads him to be jaded view on his life, because why just even bother trying not to be the bad guy "when you keep on doing bad thing" also he sees any wolf character or wolf abnormality that is actually loved and have possitive traits. He would definately will go and fight and try to kill that abnormality out of anger and envy due that the wolf is playing the role of the hero
Funeral of dead butterflies: his favirote drink is sugar water
Punishing bird: small bird used to have a beautiful singing singing voice, but before he tear open his mouth, he realized that this would cost him his singing voice, so he decided to perch on his favriote branch and sang his final song, before becoming the punishing bird. People who listened to the bird's song cried, to this day punishing bird when in it's containment unit would sometimes tries to sing but is unable to
Judgement bird: judgement bird and servant of wrath don't like each other due to servant of wrath is the representation of fair justice while judgement bird is unfair justice
Little red riding hooded mercinary: she's a tsundere
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If the abnormatily in a fighting game
Little red riding hooded mercinary: all rounder
Der freichutz: zoner
Warm hearted woodsmen: tank
White lake: puppet fighter
Laetitia: puppet fighter/summoner
Big and will be bad wolf: rush down
Funeral of dead butterflies: zoner
Dream of a black swan: stance fighter
Road home: foostsie
King of greed: grappler
Melting love: summoner
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Abnormality headcanon part 3 (or somethin)
Whitelake: when agent gets turn into a white lake's " prince" not only they became highly proficent in sword fighting they became higly flexible, and a pro in ballet dancing. Infact white lake and her prince will gracefully dance a set if white lake desires to
Road home: when dorothy sings somewhere over the rainbow she cries as it reminds her of home a place she would never returns to no matter how much she tried, she really,really missed parents. Dorothy doesn't like wolves, bees and crows due her experiance encounter with the wicked witch of west
Der Freischütz: if he fancied an agent der freischütz is willing tell them his tales of the many worlds he visits, he will also tell tales of about his life when he was once human..but rarely he does that due to his memories of being once human is faded. He not that easy to anger, but if he was he would speak in german
Tangle: her head is surprisngly bouncy although she wont appreaciate it if a agent bounce her on the ground like a basket ball. If she trust a agent she will allows them to pick up and hold her head..she sometimes falls alseep in the agent's arms
Piscine mermaid: her soul absorbtion will only work if she kiss an agent in the lips the the cheek or the forhead just the lips..but she will be plesently surprised if the agent decided to kiss her back
Blue smocked sheperd: has a bitter riverly with red riding hooded mercinary. Whenever the big and will be bad wolf breaches, the two will fight eachother on who will be the one to kill the wolf. Blue smocked sheperd is aware that his actions is cruel, he just doesn't give a shit if someone called him out on his cruelity to his dog
Little red riding hooded mercinary: hates blue smocked sheperd, not only for his lies, but also manipulating and abusing his dog redden buddy to be a wolf. Infact when she fighting redden buddy whenever he breaches she will be hesitent for a moment and tries to make it quick and painless due to the pitty she feel for the dog. Infact blue smocked sheperd is the second person on the hooded mercinary's personal hit list
Dream of a black swan: elija like's to knitt in her past time, she will come and visit her brothers to give them hand made gifts,during the holodays. The brothers doesn't know what kpop and there confused on why agents called them a boyband
Nosferatu: a theater kid and a ladies man, if he ever encountering a female agent or abnormality he will get his flirt on,some times it worked as he charmed agent and sometimes it doesn't (he got shot by little red ridding hooded mercinary)
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Lobotomy corporation abnormality headcanons
Road home and servant of wrath are friends
Scardy and tangle are also homehow friends
Road home has beautiful singing voice but she will breach if she sings over the rainbow
White lake will make random squaking noise if she's flustered
Red riding hooded mercinary,is a good baker.
All around helper, has a function to play any song you requested it's also can be used buy stuff online
The shrimp people of open can of wellcheers some times sing seashanties
Queen of hatred fantasis meeting usagi sailor moon or madoka from magical girl madoka
Fairy festival ever find a person they found of they will held that person captive and became there prisoner..and if that person betrays them then fairies will them brutally
If the fairy queen kisses you the smaller fairies will gang up on you doing the same
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Things that doctor bright is not allowed in lobotomy corporation part 2
Dr bright is not allowed to read the slime entry from the monster girl encyclopedia and claim it that the entry for melting love
Dr bright is not allowed to tell new employee s that no personal relationship with abnormalities is a lie it's there for a reason
Dr bright is not allowed to show king of greed food porn
Dr bright is not allowed to bring happy teddy bear to build a bear workshop ( i hoped you're happy cuz you're traumatized the poor thing)
Dr bright is NEVER EVER allowed near ppodae, the staff couldn't even imagine what horrors he could do with our sweet cutsy wustsy doggy
Dr bright is not allowed to combine the music of the singing machine and the silent orcestra, and the noise 1.73mhz to create the ultimate mind fuck
Dr bright is not allowed yell "theres danger afoot" at queen of hatred
Dr bright is not allowed to have the knight of despair listen to emo rock like my chemical romance or everesences
Dr bright is not allowed to call the blue star flying foot fetish
No the backwards clock is not the tarterus nor hokma is a time lord in disguised
Dr bright is not allowed give little red riding hooded mercinary a social media account. Spercifically a twitter and reddit account
Dr bright is not allowed to show scorched girl or any of the child abnormalities coco melon
Dr bright is not allowed to show piscine mermaid the little mermaid
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Things that dr bright isn't allowed in lobotomy corporation
Dr bright is not allowed to make a only fans for the female looking abnormalities
Dr bright is not allowed to use the singing machine to make you're new mixtape
Dr bright is not allowed to use scp 006 on the old lady so he we can see if she can deaged, abnormalities cant age so you're just waisting time
Dr bright is not allowed have scp 999 and melting love meet
Dr bright is not allowed to bring to laetitia to an agent's surprised birthday party
Dr bright is not allowed to play the entire doom soundtrack during gebura's core surpression, (you just made it worst)
Dr bright is not allowed use the medallion to on nothing there or any of the abnormalities
Like in the scp foundation dr bright is not allowed to make a scp x abnormality speed dating event
Dr bright is not allowed to show the queen of hatred magical girl madoka
Dr bright is not allowed to make a day care for the childlike abnormalities
Dr bright is not allowed to play baby shark whenever dreaming current breaches
Dr bright is not to challenge little red ridding hood or der freichutz a duel to "see who has the fastest gun in the west"
Dr bright is not allowed to read or show nosferatu twilight
Dr bright is not allowed to give dreaming current scp 420-j
Dr bright is not allowed to bring scp 049 to wall gazer containment unit so they can "cancel eachother out"
Dr bright is not allowed use the joke hokma balls it wasn't funny first time and it's still isn't funny the third time
Dr bright is not allowed is not play still dre on della luna's piano
Dr bright is not allowed to bring the big and will be bad wolf to a furry convention
Dr bright is also not allowed to bring little red riding hooded mercinary to a furry convention
Dr bright is not allowed to sing the wonderful wizard of oz at road home, or any of the wizard of oz abnormalities
Dr bright is to show piscine mermaid the little mermaid
No norseferatu is not you're "hot vampire twink boyfriend"
Dr bright is not allowed to make fanfiction of the abnormalities dating the employees or the scps
Dr bright is not allowed to make arena so he can pit the abnormalities against the scps in a " ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny "
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