#red hood: the lost dadys
laufire · 5 months
You’re so right about Jason being way too into a cat and mouse with Oracle. There would be so much picking and prodding at her to get her to come out and play until she finally catches him. If you were writing them would you include her past relationship with Grayson? Would she be older than Jason or would you retcon her age? Would they know who the other was or is their identity a secret to each other until it is revealed?
if I go with my idea of setting it during the last year or so of the lost days era, barbara is still dating dick, albeit seemingly in the last throes of their relationship which. is definitely an interesting set-up lol. also barbara as oracle can get really flirty with whoever she's communicating with; it often doesn't mean anything buuuuuut. with her relationship falling apart... aldskafsjdf xD
I definitely would keep her older than jason. I'm less fixated on her age than I am with other characters, especially since she apparently graduates early and that gives her life experience above her other partners, but I usually like her to be at least a few years older than dick. around talia's age, ironically lol. like, if we go with a dick that's, say, 4 years older than jason, barbara is at least 6, maybe 8 years older. so during that time I picture jason as 19-20, and barbara as 26-28.
I only have the vaguest details of an idea, but what I have could significantly alter the last issue of lost days, in terms of changing and even cancelling any plans jason could have about returning to gotham and confronting bruce. among other things this might translate to jason NOT having A Persona, not like does in the comics, albeit barbara would have no idea about who he is (because why would that be the conclusion where she immediately jumps? eventually she'd figure it out, but at first she wouldn't know there's something to figure out beyond "guy must have a name" and jason's identity, fingerprints etc. was completely scrubbed by the bats). at first jason would have no clue about hers either, though I kind of like the idea of jason finding out first, maybe due to some comment that reminds him of something barbara said in the past? it's a complete accident and a shock to his system.
I think this would happen circa/before lost days #6 (and precipitate those alterations regarding it), and he'd need to completely disengage for at least a few months, maybe up to a year. I'm talking full radio silence while barbara is chasing after hints of this anti-hero frenemy of hers because she needs to know what he's up to, like she needs to know what everyone's up to lol. AFTER jason has dealt with some of his shit (not all, he's full of it <3), the cat and mouse games can continue, and here, knowing who's at the other side, he would up his jerry-ness (it's just how he flirts).
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