#red embrace: hollywood randal
reh-ldjen · 10 months
Heath, Aleusha and Randal with an MC that attracts dogs
Note: I am only writting this because this whole week dogs are noticing me and either just watch me or just trying to straight get to me. Of course not in an aggressive way.
He enjoys it at first
Just how cute is it
Like a disney princess just with dogs
But soon he doesn't get notice as much as the dogs
He may be a tiny bit jelly
So he just help you getting away from the dog much to your dismay
Is so suprised and excited
More reasons to pet dogs (of course ask the owners first)
Dogs are also attracted to her
Dogs lover that attract dogs
But still both of you sometimes get away from them when is to much
Just laughing off and happy that the things happen
He is a very dog person
So he is very hype about the realization
He wants to test out how far some dogs would go for you
If he is to stressed he grabs you and brings you both to the next dog park
Even strays come for you so he would be very happy to take care of them
Given time you both just have seven dogs to take care off
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lynx-1512 · 1 year
Red Embrace: Hollywood analysis
When at the end you are escaping with him with no accountability and all the vampires are dying in the fire, most probably Heath, Randal, David too in the conflict, it was kinda horrible when in contrast there was upbeat music and Markus was happy.
But thinking about the matter, the way Markus was acting cryptic from the very beginning so that the metaphorical clues he gives are not so out of place, because otherwise, no one would believe if he said stuff bluntly as one won't keep thinking about the actual meaning behind his words to eventually try and find out the truth oneself.
The truth was that Markus was exactly doing what you're doing before you arrived and he was hopeful about the outcome you both subconsciously wanted: unifying everyone. So him and your sire brought you in this situation. But like him, as you travelled through parallel realities and tried again and again, maybe because of some 'butterfly effect' you're facing the same symptoms as him; not being able to do the basics what a vampire does...or getting away from this 'reality'. So the void is your reality now that you're already dead and the dead don't exist. Ridden with guilt, and unable to change the inevitable Markus has only one mission, that's of course, depending on your choices, to free you from this place together with him.
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acquiredmen · 2 years
I've been replaying Red Embrace: Hollywood, so I've got some ideas for the boys and their vampire houses. This is strictly RE:H, I'll probably do another categorising once Paradisus (and their "fourth house") comes out
I'm going with the idea that they were human-ish before. Demons don't exist in the RE:H universe, vampires can't have kids, so they all have to be turned humans
Shiki - Golgotha
It's one of those things that I can't explain to anyone who hasn't played the game, Shiki is just so Golgotha. You don't even know how and when he was turned, he settled in so well, you'd think he was born into it
His visions would be of the recent past or present, hidden details about people that let him read them like an open book. Think MC's visions, needles for a drug addict, a red flame for someone with a fiery personality, a man buried in cash and gold because he's been stealing money
Turned willingly. Or was he?
Mage - Mavvar
Maybe it's cliche to say Mavvar because "hurr gurr the rowdy ones", but given how he tells Ritsu that he doesn't hate her for what Maxxis did, that she is her own person and her father's deeds aren't hers by default… Yeah, Mavvar.
Mavvar are very "I follow my own rules", and more community focused. They tend to stick with the people they care about through anything
Turned willingly, and he's greatly enjoying the vampire life
Urie - Iscari
Urie is Iscari, he just is. It helps that he has literal hypnosis powers. As if the others don't, but you get my point
He does live in façades and deception, uses his lust deal to get what he wants. Does it make sense if I say he feels safer being in control?
Turned willingly, but it's in the nature of many Iscari to lament the loss of their humanity, so sometimes he really wonders if he made the right decision
Lindo - Mavvar
I'm leaning towards Mavvar because of the temperament, yeah. But also how he fights to protect Ritsuka. Yeah, he keeps her in a bubble, but outside of that bubble, he goes out and fights himself, he doesn't stay hidden with her. He fights to protect what he loves and I'd say he needs his community, no matter how small
Turned… in less than ideal circumstances. Whether he was coerced or just grabbed and turned by force, I can't say, but he's not happy about it. Maybe he's a Stryx, "a human with exceptionally appealing blood". The game says "Strices tend to have… rather extreme reactions to being turned" but we don't see a turned Stryx, so I can't say for sure
Rem - Iscari
Rem… Rem was a bit more complicated
The key thing about RE:H is that vampires don't get turned "just like that"
A vampire shares common traits with their house because they likely chose that house themself. They got along with someone from that house, then they were turned in that house. Because otherwise, there are unpleasant consequences for everyone. Suicide, revealing vampires to humans, or whatever creative punishment they might have for their sire, it's never a good time
So most Iscari are sad star-children who are stuck in the past because they mostly turn humans who were already like that. Most Mavvar are rowdy and easily swayed into a mob mentality because they were like that as humans. And most Golgotha are the "everything else" weirdos because they were already "everything else" (whatever that "everything else" is, Golgotha is the most varied house in Hollywood in terms of that)
When it comes to Rem's house, Glax already gives me BIG Iscari vibes. Relying more on trickery and threats than brute force, but not enough trickery to be Golgotha. Golgotha are also described to "crawl from the dirt when there's an uprise", taking the opportunity to take the lead rather than making that opportunity themselves
Glax's trickery and threats (to me) are calculated, planned out, not an instinctual "I just felt like doing it." The Golgotha's deception in game (again, to me) is also about the process, not just the end result. Randal says "Golgotha would cheat a blind man at dice", but I feel like it's because they also enjoy the game of dice, you know?
And Mavvar want a leader who will speak for them. As Randal puts it, "50 voices shouting at once makes negotiations hard. But one guy speaking for the group, now that's how you achieve something."
Glax does not seem like the kind of leader to do that. Glax feels like he has his own ideas that he wants people to follow, rather than "speaking for the group". And I don't think he'd want to be part of the group either, to have someone else speak for him
So, I feel like Glax would choose to be Iscari. In the game, Iscari in general tend to be the leaders of a coven, just because they turn more people who need to have control over their lives
Even in the first Red Embrace game, the BL one, the factions are called Helgen and Serei I think? But the devs revealed that Bishop, the leader, is an Iscari, and the two vampire love interests are, classified by RE:H houses, Mavvar. So it's just that more leader-type people end up as Iscari
Back to Rem, I feel like he wouldn't choose to be a vampire. He would like to live his life as a human. But with Glax choosing Iscari, Rem would be dragged into it too
Status: He prefers not to think about it
I don't know Roen enough to categorize him. Could be either Golgotha or Iscari. And I want to see Ritsuka as a Mavvar
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cinemapsychosshow · 3 months
What Makes Wolf (1994) a High-Class Schlock Horror Must-Watch?
Get ready to dive into the wild world of werewolves, corporate drama, and top-notch acting? Join us as we dissect the 1994 cult classic "Wolf" directed by Mike Nichols, starring Jack Nicholson, Michelle Pfeiffer, and James Spader. We explore the burning questions: Can Jack Nicholson's Will Randall handle his wolfy transformation while navigating office politics? Will Michelle Pfeiffer's Laura Alden embrace her inner wolf? And why did James Spader's Stewart Swinton have to be such a backstabbing piece of work?
If you're a fan of classic monsters, Hollywood legends playing in the supernatural sandbox, or just love a good werewolf movie, this review is for you!
Mentioned In This Episode: Great Documentary on Wolf (1994)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5lJAuAT0Os
Vampire Films Episode - https://youtu.be/xtpEi23en6s
Dracula Films Episode - https://youtu.be/VOh004zDgfY
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  MAIN TITLE: “Red Alert” 
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golgotha-visions · 5 years
RE:H as Tarot Cards Series. #3- Randal as The Magician
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What does The Magician card symbolise?
The Magician symbolises power, control, ability and persuasion. It’s the power to draw on what isn’t there and make it real. It’s the ability to channel your own power into action and that action into results.
Why I see Randal as The Magician.
Randal fits all of the above. Sure, I could have given him Strength, The Chariot or even Judgement but The Magician really called out to me. Randal has the ability to turn peoples thoughts into action, he can create a maelstrom from a light breeze, a rebellion from a group of friends.
He has the uncanny ability to connect to others and draw out their inner fire, what makes them tick and, most of all, their potential. He wants us to shine for who we are. When our character is first introduced they have no idea who they are anymore but Randal helps by guiding you to carve your own path.
Other tarot cards that fit Randal:
Strength ( compassion, confidence and victory), Judgement ( transformation, accounting for your past) and 2 of Swords (pulling the wool from your eyes, seeing through peoples lies)
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vvidderschynnes · 2 years
My Markus playlist has been getting a bit of attention lately, so I gave all 3 of my RE: Hollywood playlists a listen again and updated them. Please check ‘em out and if you like what you hear give them a like on Spotify for me! It would be very much appreciated~ c: 
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miphorim · 3 years
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Day 25 of Otometober - Randal from Red Embrace: Hollywood
no happy ending in this game ;_;
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lusifernocturne · 3 years
Happy ending headcanons(Red Embrace: Hollywood)
I have mixed feelings about this game. On one hand I love it, but on the other, well, I hate the lack of an actual happy ending. The first game had the vampires being so much more feeling, so I do prefer it. I will be take some inspiration from a few of my characters here.
-When you first came to Hollywood everything seemed so bright and hopeful.
-You ran into Heath a few time while you where still human, but you guy hadn’t exchanged names until after you were turned.
-He was the first one to actually be nice to you in you’re new reality. That’s why you chose him as your mentor.
-Thing differ quite a bit depending on your house.
-As an Iscari, you pick up how sad he is, how lost he feels, and sense his worry. 
-A Mavvar likely wouldn’t pick up as quickly on how he feels, but you do see how others treat him. It pisses you off. You happily tell off anyone who’s rude to Heath, much to his amusement and concern.
-But a Golgatha? Well in game you can already see Heath fading. That quickly becomes something you want to stop. You do eventually notice other things as well, such as his emotions and the way he’s treated.
-Regardless, after the kiss and how much it bothers him, you take things very slowly. Sticking to talking, and maybe hug and some hand holding. You want him to feel safe and happy, especially around you.
-Every time he choses to open up to you, your so attentive. Actively listing to what he has to say. You end up wanting to help him figure out who he is.
-Taking a bit more from my character, Onyx, you refuse to have sex with him. Instead you sit there with him and talk.
-When you find out Saorise may be planning to get rid of him, you’re pissed. You want to go give her a piece of your mind, but Heath stops you.
-After much talking, you two come to the conclusion of leaving Hollywood. This place has left a bad taste in your mouth.
-So you both fake your deaths and leave. I can’t say neither of you looked back, but you guys left and are better off.
-You two help each other find the beauty in the world again.
Now I’m going to go with he’s truly a Golgatha for this.
-Something about him got your attention from the moment you met him. By default you were his enemy, but he was being so nice? This man is strange.
-You were surprised that Saorise even brought him up as an option, but you were happy to take the opportunity to go talk to him.
-You end up getting along with his group, Mavvar or not. 
-As an  Iscari or a Mavvar, it’s hard to tell much. You know somethings up but can’t quite tell what. 
-That until the night you both get chased by hunters. When he pushes the gun to you something clicks. You’ve never seen him fight. That’s when you relise he can’t be a Mavvar, but at first you figure he’s an  Iscari.
-As a Golgatha, you catch on to more. Things don’t click fully until you met Andrei. Randal’s eyes glow slightly, a trait the only Golgatha can have and even then it not a common thing.
-The more you piece together the more you just want to help.
-When he brought up the possibility of having sex, you were hesitant. But you heard how he talked about himself? You snapped a bit.
-You think Randal is wonderful, so when he called himself filthy it upset you. You told him just what you thought of him.
-Initially he tried to interrupt you, but after a moment he just stared at you with a shocked expression.
-When you finally stopped, you realized what had him so speechless.
-For the first time since you’d become a vampire, tears where running down you’re face.
-You two talk for the rest of the night.
-As it goes, you guys leave Hollywood in the end. You drift a lot.
-Randal ends up changing a lot. After coming to terms with his past he doesn’t exactly go back to who he was before, but he’s not quite the man you met the first night you were a vampire though.
-He ends up somewhere in between. 
This is going to take a lot from my boy Lucifer. Sorry bout that XD
-You never actually intended to stay in Hollywood long term. But getting turned did kind of complicate things.
-At first you were content to just banter with him, not quite trusting him but also not distrusting him.
-The first night you spent with him was more annoying than anything. Rearranging dildos wasn’t your idea of a nice night.
-But he was clearly amused.
-Then he stole the car and threw you around the back seat.
-You started off yelling and trying to take the wheel.
-Yet somehow by the end you found yourself laughing.
-He had to pull you from the car.
-You didn’t want to admit the trust that was building towards him.
-You prove more than a few times that you can find trouble without him, but the two of you have more fun with it together.
-The night he rant/lectures the Mavvar, you don’t say anything. You just listen.
-When you guys leave, you stick close to him.
-Then you find him in a puddle of his own blood in his shop. You fucking panic. You weren't even this scared when you died.
-You’re fighting back tears, as you talk to him. But when he passes out you can’t help it.
-You tear up, but still go to the phone and call the only contact you trust, Aleusha. You don’t even bother with  Saorise or Randal.
-After the other night, why would either of them help.
-Once he wakes back up and you help him get up and get his coat. The two of you end up sitting behind the counter.
-Am I the only one who thinks he seems scared when the Mavvar that attacked him come back?
-You were going to get up but he make you stay.
-But when they start breaking thing and you see the look on his face.
-Well you don’t hesitate, you shout up and are about to shout at them.
- But Aleusha, Jack, and their friend to the rescue!!!!
-You stay next to Markus as they chase those assholes out.
-Once thing calm down, you now have another problem.
-It’s not safe for Markus to stay here. But you’re both sure Saorise and Randal wouldn’t allow him to stay with them. But you still try.
-He comes back to the hotel with you but, as expected, Saorise makes him leave.
-You want to go with him, but he sends you can inside and leaves.
-You struggle to sleep after that. It’s hard to relax when you don’t know if he’s safe.
-You end up scaring the piss out of a few of the Mavvars who attacked him.
-You find the longer you stay in this city, the more thing you hate about it.
-You don’t even hesitate to tell Markus that you don’t need to have sex to feel close to him. You already feel closer to him than anyone else in your life.
-You two don’t stay to long after the night in the cemetery with the Golgatha.
-After all, there’s nothing left here for either of you.
-You two don’t necessarily settle anywhere. But you most stick to large cities, where you run shops here and there.
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x-jinxa-x · 4 years
Bringing this gem back from my old tumblr of when my mom walked in on me playing RE:H at 1am while I was playing Randal’s route and she proceed to shout, “WHY ARE YOU DATING JESUS?!?!”
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Me: *Trying to explain he’s a vampire*
My dad: *Confused and concerned*
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reh-ldjen · 2 years
Red Embrace: Hollywood Info
Vampires - Part 2
Iscari Agent/Erik
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pirunika · 3 years
i also played Red Embrace: Hollywood
Okay so, I knew the game was supposed to be all edgy and depressing before I started but tbh I was not all down... first of all, i loved the concept of vampires - setting in-game, with the houses and all I think it really makes them something of a mythical instead of just superpowered humans, they feel... Real. If you know what I mean. Powerful but not overpowered.
at first, I went with Heath that may be the reason I was not so sad about the ending because I didn't really feel sorry for him.. so after he left when I sided with Saorise I was like... K. Bye I guess.
I like to think my character really became a right-hand woman of sorts for Saorise after that, I think she's a pretty neat character and I find his way of leadership pretty reasonable too so I can't really make myself side with anyone but her...
After though I went with Randal and that one kinda hit me to be honest. I so was not expecting him to leave his group to join our cause when I picked Saorise - what just happened... it was good though. Tragic. This ending was unhappier for everyone involved including the MC and Saorise and obviously Randal...
I don't really like Markus tbh... the only way I can play his story is if I can tell him to shut the fuck up.. which I cant see happening so...
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luna-drinker · 4 years
I like how the MC rolls into town and every vampire in LA is like "obviously this 20-something newbie is the answer to all our problems"
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tell me im wrong i dare you
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missn11 · 4 years
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We side with the Rebellion and Markus’ speech at the beach gets taken out of context and used by a group of Mavvar as an excuse to bully other vampires.
Randal clearly misses Markus despite things ending sourly and we have no postcard in this ending... ;_;
Also interesting name for this ending there...
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lazydeathjen · 4 years
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MC is being protected by Daddy Randal from the mean Vamps
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vvidderschynnes · 3 years
I was bored on my break so I played around on picrew and made these little dudes. 🥰
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