#red embrace hollywood headcannon
reh-ldjen · 10 months
Heath, Aleusha and Randal with an MC that attracts dogs
Note: I am only writting this because this whole week dogs are noticing me and either just watch me or just trying to straight get to me. Of course not in an aggressive way.
He enjoys it at first
Just how cute is it
Like a disney princess just with dogs
But soon he doesn't get notice as much as the dogs
He may be a tiny bit jelly
So he just help you getting away from the dog much to your dismay
Is so suprised and excited
More reasons to pet dogs (of course ask the owners first)
Dogs are also attracted to her
Dogs lover that attract dogs
But still both of you sometimes get away from them when is to much
Just laughing off and happy that the things happen
He is a very dog person
So he is very hype about the realization
He wants to test out how far some dogs would go for you
If he is to stressed he grabs you and brings you both to the next dog park
Even strays come for you so he would be very happy to take care of them
Given time you both just have seven dogs to take care off
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lusifernocturne · 3 years
Happy ending headcanons(Red Embrace: Hollywood)
I have mixed feelings about this game. On one hand I love it, but on the other, well, I hate the lack of an actual happy ending. The first game had the vampires being so much more feeling, so I do prefer it. I will be take some inspiration from a few of my characters here.
-When you first came to Hollywood everything seemed so bright and hopeful.
-You ran into Heath a few time while you where still human, but you guy hadn’t exchanged names until after you were turned.
-He was the first one to actually be nice to you in you’re new reality. That’s why you chose him as your mentor.
-Thing differ quite a bit depending on your house.
-As an Iscari, you pick up how sad he is, how lost he feels, and sense his worry. 
-A Mavvar likely wouldn’t pick up as quickly on how he feels, but you do see how others treat him. It pisses you off. You happily tell off anyone who’s rude to Heath, much to his amusement and concern.
-But a Golgatha? Well in game you can already see Heath fading. That quickly becomes something you want to stop. You do eventually notice other things as well, such as his emotions and the way he’s treated.
-Regardless, after the kiss and how much it bothers him, you take things very slowly. Sticking to talking, and maybe hug and some hand holding. You want him to feel safe and happy, especially around you.
-Every time he choses to open up to you, your so attentive. Actively listing to what he has to say. You end up wanting to help him figure out who he is.
-Taking a bit more from my character, Onyx, you refuse to have sex with him. Instead you sit there with him and talk.
-When you find out Saorise may be planning to get rid of him, you’re pissed. You want to go give her a piece of your mind, but Heath stops you.
-After much talking, you two come to the conclusion of leaving Hollywood. This place has left a bad taste in your mouth.
-So you both fake your deaths and leave. I can’t say neither of you looked back, but you guys left and are better off.
-You two help each other find the beauty in the world again.
Now I’m going to go with he’s truly a Golgatha for this.
-Something about him got your attention from the moment you met him. By default you were his enemy, but he was being so nice? This man is strange.
-You were surprised that Saorise even brought him up as an option, but you were happy to take the opportunity to go talk to him.
-You end up getting along with his group, Mavvar or not. 
-As an  Iscari or a Mavvar, it’s hard to tell much. You know somethings up but can’t quite tell what. 
-That until the night you both get chased by hunters. When he pushes the gun to you something clicks. You’ve never seen him fight. That’s when you relise he can’t be a Mavvar, but at first you figure he’s an  Iscari.
-As a Golgatha, you catch on to more. Things don’t click fully until you met Andrei. Randal’s eyes glow slightly, a trait the only Golgatha can have and even then it not a common thing.
-The more you piece together the more you just want to help.
-When he brought up the possibility of having sex, you were hesitant. But you heard how he talked about himself? You snapped a bit.
-You think Randal is wonderful, so when he called himself filthy it upset you. You told him just what you thought of him.
-Initially he tried to interrupt you, but after a moment he just stared at you with a shocked expression.
-When you finally stopped, you realized what had him so speechless.
-For the first time since you’d become a vampire, tears where running down you’re face.
-You two talk for the rest of the night.
-As it goes, you guys leave Hollywood in the end. You drift a lot.
-Randal ends up changing a lot. After coming to terms with his past he doesn’t exactly go back to who he was before, but he’s not quite the man you met the first night you were a vampire though.
-He ends up somewhere in between. 
This is going to take a lot from my boy Lucifer. Sorry bout that XD
-You never actually intended to stay in Hollywood long term. But getting turned did kind of complicate things.
-At first you were content to just banter with him, not quite trusting him but also not distrusting him.
-The first night you spent with him was more annoying than anything. Rearranging dildos wasn’t your idea of a nice night.
-But he was clearly amused.
-Then he stole the car and threw you around the back seat.
-You started off yelling and trying to take the wheel.
-Yet somehow by the end you found yourself laughing.
-He had to pull you from the car.
-You didn’t want to admit the trust that was building towards him.
-You prove more than a few times that you can find trouble without him, but the two of you have more fun with it together.
-The night he rant/lectures the Mavvar, you don’t say anything. You just listen.
-When you guys leave, you stick close to him.
-Then you find him in a puddle of his own blood in his shop. You fucking panic. You weren't even this scared when you died.
-You’re fighting back tears, as you talk to him. But when he passes out you can’t help it.
-You tear up, but still go to the phone and call the only contact you trust, Aleusha. You don’t even bother with  Saorise or Randal.
-After the other night, why would either of them help.
-Once he wakes back up and you help him get up and get his coat. The two of you end up sitting behind the counter.
-Am I the only one who thinks he seems scared when the Mavvar that attacked him come back?
-You were going to get up but he make you stay.
-But when they start breaking thing and you see the look on his face.
-Well you don’t hesitate, you shout up and are about to shout at them.
- But Aleusha, Jack, and their friend to the rescue!!!!
-You stay next to Markus as they chase those assholes out.
-Once thing calm down, you now have another problem.
-It’s not safe for Markus to stay here. But you’re both sure Saorise and Randal wouldn’t allow him to stay with them. But you still try.
-He comes back to the hotel with you but, as expected, Saorise makes him leave.
-You want to go with him, but he sends you can inside and leaves.
-You struggle to sleep after that. It’s hard to relax when you don’t know if he’s safe.
-You end up scaring the piss out of a few of the Mavvars who attacked him.
-You find the longer you stay in this city, the more thing you hate about it.
-You don’t even hesitate to tell Markus that you don’t need to have sex to feel close to him. You already feel closer to him than anyone else in your life.
-You two don’t stay to long after the night in the cemetery with the Golgatha.
-After all, there’s nothing left here for either of you.
-You two don’t necessarily settle anywhere. But you most stick to large cities, where you run shops here and there.
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reh-ldjen · 11 months
Andrei, Markus and Zhang with a poison drinking MC
Note: I have been watching The apothecary dairies and I am just curious in general if Vampire are completly fine qith poison and such things. MC is experimental and obsessed with poison like MaoMao in the anime.
He would be very worried
He may have many many years on his back but he never once though of consuming poison on the base of an experiment
He is constantly worried
Always have one of his Gols on look out
Like a petowner making sure their pet doesn't eat something they shouldn't
Since in constant watch MC doesn't have any opportunity to test poison
He would look at you weirdly but yet he is also intrigued by the idea
He wouldn't really stop MC
Instead he would try some himself if its interesting enough
While MC is doing it for sience (if you could call that)
Markus is doing it for fun
Also he would gladly help MC getting more guine pigs and the poison themself
Zhang is in the middle of Andrei and Markus
He is worried but not opposed
He is also somewhat interested but not enough to do it himself
He will be observing you if you do try something
Get some information from Andrei if it's even safe
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reh-ldjen · 2 years
Red Embrace
Red Embrace: Hollywood
Red Embrace: Mezzanine
Red Embrace: Paradisus
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reh-ldjen · 4 years
Nicknames for everyone
The first nickname is given by Eve with/without her Gol intel.
Aleusha: Lusha, Miss Fun
Andrei: Andy, Gol Dad, 
David: Davy, Cinnamon Roll
Dorian: Dori, Mr. Bartender
Eve: the revolutionist
Evelynn: Lin, Protector
Heath: HH, the Fallen
Iscari Agent: E.B
Jack: Jackie, Newbie
Jasper: Jass, Ghost words
Lazarus: Laz, Dhampir
Marcus: Mac, Doppelganger
Markus: Mark, Sloth
Morgan: Mor, Wisdom, Sibyl
Nik: N, Wolf
Quingying: QiYi, Yue-Lao
Randal: Randy, Nopperabo
Saorise: Rise, Mother Queen
Zhang: Inzhang, Mad Hatter
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reh-ldjen · 4 years
Leader trio with Kids
he wasn't sure what to do first
cause the children are rather scared of him
just stares
zhang comes to help
gives thze kids ideas
they are playing with his hair
warms up to them a little
Andrei telling stories about his life
them falling asleep in his
or in his arm
hope of humans and vampire living together
basically Mavvar just smaller and not controllable
fear to hurt them
fear of ruining them
but is so great with them
kids hanging around his arm and him lifting them
teach them to stand for themself
the little girls having crush on him
boys find him awasome
wants to be like him when they grow up
cold on the outside
but totally overwhelmed on the inside
they do something dangerous
mom Saorise panicks
gets her agents to take care of them most of them time
gets the a timed schedule for them
the girl finds Saorise cool and elegant
the boy not so much
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reh-ldjen · 4 years
Main Trio during quarantine
want to hang out with the gang
but can’t
phone calls
listening to metal
maybe watch some cartoons
drinking if can get the drinks
polish his motorcycle
some reading
has to close the shop for the time
he would still take care of the cats
reorganizing his merchandise
reorganize the whole shop
ordering new merchandise
reads magazines
and books
thinking, a lot of thinking
definitely gonna watch movies
but must do some paperwork for Saorise
he finishes his work quickly and go to his movies
he is gonna catch up on all the new movies he hasn’t watch yet
binge watch avengers
watching 50 shades of grey
rewatching old movies
if he really feels like it he will start to watch some series
starting from romance series
if he does he would enjoy k-dramas
Stay safe out there.
 from Eve
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reh-ldjen · 4 years
Lazarus, Quingying , Evelynn and their fitting Video game genre
rhythm games
he will beat everyone at dancing games
also at singing
but games like osu are gonna be weird to him
he needs some time to get used to it
but if he gets it and has the songs in his hand
best player in no time
but rather sticks to just dance series
just dance with full body tracking
if someon beats him
pray that he doesn't kill them
romance related game
visual novels?
she is a bit old (not to age shame her)
easy to understand
good story telling
good art
she is gonna enjoy everything
maybe take dating tactics from the game
(admin note: don't take my words take matpats)
maybe playing monster prom with her love
puzzle games
more of a detective games
protecting the innocent by solving puzzle
finding the truth
putting together all the pieces together
asking all the question
one question open need the answer for it
gets angry when there is some unlogical mechanics
open mysteries here comes a theory
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reh-ldjen · 4 years
Do you have any headcanons on what dance styles each of the three house leaders prefer?
It's difficult to say what dance type would fit him
I would say something more calm
He would watch Ballet performances
And he would appreciate folk dances since he is quite old
Also he can't diconnect from the past
He would still remember the dance he was dancing with his wife
Something that doesn't fit him at all would be the modern dances
Punk, rave and disco dance
I mean his favourite music he hears is mostly metal
And image Randal headbanging it just fits
He will also do some rave dancing
But rarely since it's not so fitting for him
If he has a parnter to dance Salsa would fit the energy
Quick and flexible moves
But he is gonna fail at Waltzer for the first few times
He is doing the steps to quick
He doesn't like ballet
After hearing how hurt they can get
"Why make their life hell with dancing that?"
She more the classy type so more into ballroom dances
Waltzer and similar to that
She is probably gonna dance it with Heath
I think she also learned ballet when she was small
She probably can still dance it but she is not so flexible anymore
She will attend ballet performances
She has never seen Andrei while attending one but he does
Country and Saorise forget it
Never gonna happen
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reh-ldjen · 4 years
Heath and Lazarus + Internet fame
• It isn't the same as being an actor
• But he would enjoy the attention
• Would be on almost every social media network
• Saorise isn't happy about this
• It's just to dangerous
• If something leaks out or they make some research and the society is out
• He knows and is careful about it
• First instagram
• A lot of model pictures
• Pictures of his drinks
• On tumblr he would post the cocktail recipes
• Holds 2 livestreams a weak on twitch
• Talking about the newest trend and stories of his own live
• Of course he isn't gonna tell everbody he is a vampire
• Also no Informationen of his work place
• Or else it would be flooded with fans
• On Youtube doing short films with the help of rivers' friends
• Only on Youtube
• Singing videos
• Wearing a mask
• Fans love the mask
• Uses a different name
• "Pretends" to be the supposed dead Lazarus
• Everyone is thinking that he is the real one
• Does song covers
• Also different versions of the songs
• Post his upcoming songs on twitter
• Take requests
• But there are probably someone make request songs in different languages
• He is not gonna do it
• He is probably never gonna be on a stage again
• History will repeat itself
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reh-ldjen · 2 years
MC falling asleep on Andrei and Zhang
Alright @beauxzeybeck here are your darlings
You were resting at the graveyard
Watching the moon
But you were tured since you had some missions to do earlier
So you get sleepy before you knew it you fell asleep on Andrei's shoulder
Andrei was really relaxed he understood that some just needed some rest but this is not going to be good place to rest
He carefully pick you up bridel style and brought you inside
He told one of his agnets to not disturb them for the day
You two rested inside you leaned to him and Andrei just watching you (not in a creepy way) having a good rest
Still it won't stop the gols talking about what the one agent saw
They find it cute and happy that their leader has found someone to relax with
You two were just spending time at saturnalia
After that you were sitting at a bench at the park
You were a bit more tipsy than you thought so you started to get sleepy
Zhang noticed you slowly falling asleep so he put his coat on you and put you on his back
Since you are on his back and the hat is a bit in the way you took it and put it on you head
Zhang made his way to his home with you on his back
You didn't care that he moved so you were asleep on on the way there
When he arrived his destination he put you on his bed and let you rest
He made sure to have something normal to drink for you when you wake up
So he called a friend to grab a bag and went into bed with you
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reh-ldjen · 2 years
Mentor Trio with my cats
I just wanted to show off my very affectionate cats. Right is Luci and the left is Cas.
Tumblr media
Would really have fun playing with Cas
Always playing with him
When he is tired Cas cuddles with him while Luci give Randal biscuits and him giving her scratches on the back
Everyone at the beach house would have fun petting the cats
Since they are curious cats they always welcome the guest entering the beach house
Randal just needs to be careful that the cats don't get picked up or they start getting angry
Try to watch all movies around cats with them
Occasionally the cats also wath the movie but they rather sleep through it
As long Heath stays still both will just lay on Heath or Heath's side
Heath sometime brings them with him to meet Saorise
She wasn't happy at first. Luci would just sit on her paperwork
But after Sao lets her get into her lap she didn't bother her anymore
Heath was so happy
We know has takes care of some street cats and occasionally letting them in.
The cats have fun looking and sniffing around the shop
Maybe playing with some of the displayed toys
Mostly the whips hanging from the displays
He let's them roam around the shop even in the opening hours
Both of them greets the customers coming in
After that Luci gets on of the top shelfs and sleeps. Cas is hidding in the shelfs
Cas occassionally scares the customers. Markus actually finds it fun
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reh-ldjen · 3 years
Dates with the Mentor trio
Would go to the Theater with you
Or the cinema
Is 30 minutes early
Will pay for everything
There is a chance that he is more into the play than you
But he doesn't mean any harm by it
He is just interested in the story
A drive through the city
End goal is a high point on a hill
Great view of the city
Just sit on the car and talking about all things in the world
It may seem that he would get into crazy dates
But calm ones are also good for him
He just wants to spend with you alone without anyone bothering him
So he takes you on his bike and drives far away from the people
He makes a stop in a more deserted place
He either would stay there and have a nice chat with you
Or walking around the place while talking
And if he wants some more action with you he would drag you to the arcade
Win all the plushies just for you
You have to stop him sometimes to not break the machine
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reh-ldjen · 2 years
Currently I am playing RE:H again for the 100th time. I noticed that Morgan puts her glasses down to look more into her visions.
So does it mean when Gols wear glasses with prescription, the visions get blurred.
Is that the reason that Markus is wearing sunglasses. To not only hide his eyes but also to see "less" of his visions.
My other thought is that some vampires needs glasses to see clearly. It's not like in spiderman with peter parker after turning his visions got better.
Since Vampire just into basically corpses. So some things that have already happened the body will not be restored after being embraced. At least I think it doesn't. Well let's see if the future gives me more information about Gols.
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reh-ldjen · 3 years
Saorise, Sire and Jack meeting the Vampire: the Masquerade Bloodline Cast
Since the last one introduces the world into VtM let me get them to meet the game characters
· Likes the ruling system
· well actually that the order exists and is pretty save for them
· but hates Prince Lacroix
· would be best friends with Therese
· She should better not meet the anarchs
· there will only be fighting
· feels bad for dear protagonist
· is totally neutral
· wish he had the abilities like the Nosferatu
· gets along with the Nosferatus
· besties with the anarchs
· meet his name twin
· finds him cool
· is having fun spending time with them
· maybe a tiny crush on jeanette
· sees the resemblance between Nine and Randal
· admires Nine
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reh-ldjen · 3 years
Poly relationship with RandalxMCxMarkus
• Since Randal and Markus get along quite well is it gonna be alright
• Randal would speak to Markus before he invites MC somewhere to a date
• But it doesn't count for Markus
• He just does what he wants
• A car ride through L.A
• Just kidnappes MC from Randal and goes off
• Randal is just confused what has happened
• After he get a hold of Markus he is having a discussion about suprise date with MC
• But we all know Markus won't take it seriously
• MC has the most cuddle sessions with Randal
• Every now and then Markus joins
• Only because Randal dragged him into it
• Headpats for both of them from Markus
• Also both Randal and MC helps out in Markus' shop
• Since Randal and Markus get along quite well is it gonna be alright
• Randal would speak to Markus before he invites MC somewhere to a date
• But it doesn't count for Markus
• He just does what he wants
• A car ride through L.A
• Just kidnappes MC from Randal and goes off
• Randal is just confused what has happened
• After he get a hold of Markus he is having a discussion about suprise date with MC
• But we all know Markus won't take it seriously
• MC has the most cuddle sessions with Randal
• Every now and then Markus joins
• Only because Randal dragged him into it
• Headpats for both of them from Markus
• Also both Randal and MC helps out in Markus' shop
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