#reh lazarus
variantia · 1 year
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@starfoam said : A concept for you: Lazarus, listening to Lo rant about her situation, and getting a very real laugh out of how smart she actually is versus how she acts to the other vampires... but also girl, the pop culture references you're making do not exist yet, rewind it a good 20 years please.
BELLUM. djfklaflka OK BUT LIKE
"guess it's a good thing you're not an influencer or anything anymore, there's no chance of you eating Tide Pods"
"?? eating what?"
"... Tide Pods? you know, those little packets of laundry detergent that people were stupid enough to eat because they're brightly colored like candy and they thought it'd make them internet famous"
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reh-ldjen · 4 years
Heath and Lazarus + Internet fame
• It isn't the same as being an actor
• But he would enjoy the attention
• Would be on almost every social media network
• Saorise isn't happy about this
• It's just to dangerous
• If something leaks out or they make some research and the society is out
• He knows and is careful about it
• First instagram
• A lot of model pictures
• Pictures of his drinks
• On tumblr he would post the cocktail recipes
• Holds 2 livestreams a weak on twitch
• Talking about the newest trend and stories of his own live
• Of course he isn't gonna tell everbody he is a vampire
• Also no Informationen of his work place
• Or else it would be flooded with fans
• On Youtube doing short films with the help of rivers' friends
• Only on Youtube
• Singing videos
• Wearing a mask
• Fans love the mask
• Uses a different name
• "Pretends" to be the supposed dead Lazarus
• Everyone is thinking that he is the real one
• Does song covers
• Also different versions of the songs
• Post his upcoming songs on twitter
• Take requests
• But there are probably someone make request songs in different languages
• He is not gonna do it
• He is probably never gonna be on a stage again
• History will repeat itself
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bleedinghollywood · 4 years
Last year, someone in the AG fan server switched Heath and Lazarus’s lines.
The results were amazing. (SPOLERS AHEAD)
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Bonus Lazarus/Randal line switch
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Ok so does anybody else think that Lazarus just ends up killing himself throughout all the endings and that why he’s missing? I just finished Markus’ II ending and I was really just wondering it it was the case throughout all of them .... also the whole playlist for Lazarus the devs put in for the special was pretty cool too :) by far I feel like Lazarus was my favorite “side” character
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argentgames · 2 years
Koziol—Red Embrace: Paradisus (+ Answering Asks)
Koziol, the Blood Engineer. (+ Answering a bunch of asks!)
Red Embrace: Paradisus
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 You can play the Alpha for RE:P on our Patreon! 
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House: Golgotha Height: 5’9 Likes: Candles, bones, nanomedicine, bright colors, mercury, dogs Dislikes: Loud noises, smokers, darkness, sharing things
Warm, soft-spoken, and stunningly intelligent, Koziol is an anatomical scientist and surgeon of otherworldly skill. Despite their outwardly shy nature, however, Koziol seems to show rather obsessive tendencies towards the objects of their desire. They possess a poetic, almost romantic appreciation for the body and all its workings.
The Golgotha’s greatest power lies in crafting technological implants, which combine circuitry with the arcane powers of vampire blood to enhance – and transform – a subject. Rumors abound of the dangerously potent strength that these implants can offer.
Koziol mostly keeps to themself, unaffiliated with any faction, though friendly to all. But when they’re implicated in the gathering darkness over Las Vegas, a reckoning may be at hand.
Stay tuned for more character introductions in the following weeks! There is much still to uncover about the strange occurrences of 1999…
Dev Stream
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Tomorrow, we’ll be doing a dev stream at our usual time: 0730PST/1030EST! We hope you’ll stop by to join us. :)
Questions or Comments?
Feel free to send in questions about RE:P and any AG/GAG games (or dev-related questions)! Our Ask Box is always open.
Answering Asks!
With the two smashing recent releases and REP steadily churning along in production (which is looking phenomenal!), is there already plans for another game in store since AG seems to always be producing games concurrently? Do we get a little hint or is it going to be another collaboration such as it usually is with Gallium?
A: There are plans indeed! In fact, we’re working on two new visual novels at the moment–stay tuned for more details in the next couple of months. :)
Hi! I love ReH and is there any hope we’ll ever see Jack in Red Embrace Paradisus?
A: While it’s unlikely Jack would make a major appearance in RE:P, you might very well spot him…somewhere. Probably getting into trouble.
Is Zhang romancable?
A: No, not presently. The currently 3 planned optional love interests are Dakayivani, Rosalind, and Koziol. Any additional LIs will depend on the amount of success/public response RE:P receives in Early Access and/or Kickstarter later!
How old are the male and female characters in Red Embrace Hollywood?
From oldest to youngest: Andrei > Saorise > Zhang > Randal > Heath > Aleusha > Jack > Lazarus. (Markus: ???)
Is there any tip to unlock 100% of the REH text? I can’t seem to go beyond 94% even though I have already completed all endings and have replayed it a few times already.
A: It would be very difficult to unlock 100% of the text, as there are numerous small text snippets that occur for unique blends of House/choices/ending path/route. We actually avoided making a 100% text achievement for this very reason, haha. The best advice we can give is to skip through every route with each house, and make sure you’ve visited Lazarus a second time in Markus’ normal ending. We admire your dedication immensely!
Just wanted to congratulate Zhang for finally getting a pair of eyes! Thank you devs for bringing him back <3 PS @Zhang, how does it feel to have eyes now?
A: We passed along your question to Zhang, who replied:
“It’s simply marvelous! Things did get so dreadfully claustrophobic underneath my hat. I was always bumping into trees and lampposts, too, very inconvenient. But no longer! If anyone wishes to share a third eye with me, however, I certainly wouldn’t say no.”
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robotslenderman · 4 years
Maddy's nicknames for REH folks:
Markus - Loki
Randal - Tightrope
Heath - Starstruck
David - Heather :(
Andrei - Spider
Zhang - Perky
Lazarus - the only guy that Maddy calls by name, but only because Lazarus was already his nickname lmao
I don't know about the others yet tho
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juniormissperfect · 7 years
"Reh Zur Remy" - Remy Kobatake, Honolulu Dance Studio and Boogie Down Productions, mini hip-hop solo, Jump Honolulu, May 2017 ★ Choreography by ? ♫ selections from a number of hip-hop songs:  ♪ Hit 'Em Up (edited) ~ Tyga  ♪ The Buzz ~ Hermitude ft. Mataya, Young Tapz  ♪ Don’t Drop That Thun Thun ~ Finatticz  ♪ My Friends ~ Mr. Hotspot ft. TeamTwin  ♪ Do It Like A Dude* (edited) ~ Jessie J  ♪ Lazarus (GAWVI Remix) ~ Trip Lee ⛔ * due to music copyrights, may not be available on mobile devices
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bleedinghollywood · 4 years
Today, the AG Discord Server, @golgotha-visions​, @haysalhero​, and I made a US map that includes which vampire house owns which state. This is the final result.
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We agreed that Missouri is a cursed state, so it is fitting to give it to Lazarus. Now it shall be called Lazzouri. Looks like he’s trying to eat the US lol
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There was also a discussion about a Mavvar vs Iscari Potato War with the Golgotha throwing cows into the mix.
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bleedinghollywood · 4 years
A Gallery of RE:H Facial Fuck-ups from the dev team and a few players, featuring:
Picasso Saorise
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Our Lord and Savior Heathclops
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Gee, I don’t know what to call him... Dead-eye Randal?
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And Lazarus (no idea what to call him either)
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bleedinghollywood · 4 years
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I don’t know what compelled me into drawing a Lazarus parody of Tomie, but here it is. I can’t get the hair right... T_T
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