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Recycling oak wine barrel
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So I'm cleaning out my sock drawer and good lord. So many missing socks. Anyone know a good way to recycle these if I can't find the pair? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #masonjar #missingsocks #recycleideas https://www.instagram.com/p/ByGb8SDB6P6/?igshid=l8bvfel89y1u
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Non importa cosa è. Se è rosso deve diventare una fragola.🍓😌 . . #fragole #fraise #redcolor #red #riciclocreativo #recycle #recycleideas #redfruits #kawaii #ichigo #ricicloartistico #riciclosmalti #riciclotutto #adesivi #stickers #cute #strawberry #frutta #strawberries #homemade (presso Roma, Italia / Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_5FXCPlpx4/?igshid=1stw22qphlylg
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Reuse your OLD T-SHIRTS with this DIY hack. Follow @1minutediycrafts for more interesting crafts and hacks.
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3 simple Reuse Old Waste Cardboard ideas||Easy Best Out of Waste|| DIY O...
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Now all we need is some succulents on the terracotta pot. #diyblogu #woodwork_feature @1001pallets #scrollsaw4all #craftedaus #halpaustralia #recycleideas (at Sydney, Australia)
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When I made book planters and clocks and candle holders I end up with lots of these. They are the circle that I cut from the cover. I recycle all the page circles but I now have LITS of these in various sizes, depending on what I made. I HATE waste and refuse to toss these so I need something to do with them. What do you think? The best suggestion I've had so far is to use them for coasters. But it's not a perfect idea for a few reasons. Mostly because of the hole in the center. So what do you think? #whatisthis #creativeideas #recycleideas #circles #ideasforhome
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. @nightbusfilm indonesian movie actors @brotherhops . #beercafe #casualdining #gardencafe #beer #steak #appetizer #italianpasta #friedrice #beersolo #beermurah #beercorner #beerhouse #rusticdesign #recycleideas #customfurniture #artgallery #urbancafe #livemusic #nongkrong #hangout #chilling #nightplace #ngebeersolo #cheers #wisatasolo #wisatamalamsolo #kulinersolo #jelajahsolo #dolansolo #wisatakulinersolo #soloindonesia #cheers
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Making To-do List Notepad #recycleidea
I have like a tons of papers at home, mostly from my college days.
I always want to throw them because they takes some space at my shelf, but I ended up reuse them for some doodle.
At the end, I think I’ll just make the best out of it.
And I always love notepad, and in need to sort my everyday to do list.
So I made a couple of design on canva, and printed them, glued them.
and here’s the result :)
I am happy.
It serves it own purpose \(^-^)/
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#Recycle kids #craft item to useful everyday item … From fuse/perler beads to cup coaster. #craftidea #craftideas #recycleidea #gogreen #ecofriendly #sustainablelife #greenliving #greenlifestyle #Ecoliving #ecolifestyle #greenlife #ecologicalliving #carbonfootprint #sustainability #sustainabledevelopment #sustainable #earthcare #earthfriendly #greenbeauty #green #eco
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No you don’t need a new pair of Air #popart #popspective #popdada #popminimalism #popartisuseless #useless #fashiontrash #artofinstagram #artoftheday #artwork #fashionbag #recycleideas #art #artforsale #famouswhendead #richwhendead
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Today is the Dollar Tree DIY TOUR #DTDIYTOUR30 Not a broken ugly photo frame anymore 😃 The hosts of the tour: Christi: @christicreatesdiy Annalee: @annalee_ashby_diy Heidi: @heidisonboul . This weeks featured guest hosts: @dollar__mom @unicorn_dust_designs @faithful.creative.quirky @kraftyleeny . 🌸 The tour is every Wednesday, 6 pm EST 🌸 If you would like to join the tour message AnnaLee Ashby (hostess) 🌸 Your account must be public to participate! 🌸 For more inspiration check out the #DOLLARTREEdiytour ##trashtotreasure #trashtotreasuretransformation #drabtofab #designonadime #diyrustic #trendyhomedecor #homedecor #art #interiors #shabbychic #shabbychicmakeover #shabbychicdisplay #tealightcandle #upcyclecrafts #repurposeideas #upcycleideas #recycleideas #homedecorideas #interiordesigners #getcreativewith #crafterslifestyle #creativediys #diy #farmhouseshabbychic (at Kitchener, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLsXNqvJYGm/?igshid=f6gj7ocu92lh
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Vi è mai capitato di trovarvi in casa delle spezie scadute? Fortunatamente a me non spesso, ma se accade, mi raccomando non buttatele! Si possono riciclare in moltissimi modi. Io ho deciso di provare a usarle per dipingere! . Link in bio🌶️ . . #dipingere #spezie #riciclocreativo #ricicloartistico #recycleideas #recyclespice #spicy #spices #paint #paintwhitspices #colors #colorare #nowaste #senzasprechi #mondoecucina #experiment #painting #pepe #cinnamon #cannella #paprika #zenzero #jinger #colorfood #colorwhitfood https://www.instagram.com/p/B-FUomUFz5C/?igshid=14q4v0kzcy5hk
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Reuse your OLD T-SHIRTS with this DIY hack. Follow @1minutediycrafts for more interesting crafts and hacks. #useofoldtshirts #reuseoldtshirts #reuseoldclothes #diyideasfortshirts #recycleideas #diyoldclothes #howtomakeatshirtbag #nosewtshirtbag #tshirtreuseideas #oldtshirtintonew #oneminutecrafts #1minutediycrafts #dyetshirts #howtoreusetshirt #diytshirtideas #diytshirts #recycletorntshirts #DIYideas
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#amazingproject #awesome #purse #unbelievable #handmade #purse #clutch have u watched it #click the #linkinbio #recycleideas #diy #art #crafts #design #fashion
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"Ho sbagliato lavoro" - Cap. 897 #design #garden #plants #verticalgarden #recycleideas #recycle #ecodesign #ecofriendly #wood #creativeideas #creative
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