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jeremeyjackson-blog · 6 years ago
Pumping iron with my bro feeling the burn!!!!! @mikeconstantine93 #gym #physique #powerlifting #bodybuilding #lit #betaalanine #warrior #purgesupps #pumpingiron #teamjackson #reconfitness (at Anytime Fitness- Asheville) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0KfKIfBAX8/?igshid=1sh4c1bc6kdav
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fuckblizzardbearlover · 5 years ago
What it gods name makes u think that? Nowhere does anything say that a soul being reconfitioned means theybwerent a bad guy. Vashj, kel thuzad and kaelthas are all being fixed. Sometimes it takes a billion years but it looks like most souls can be rehabilitated. Kael commited mass genocide, so did vashj, so did garrosh, so did kel thuzad.
Who are u to say that a soul should be tortured for billions of years cus of 30 shitty ones they had in another dimension.
But the point is that u are completely missing the point. There was nothing in that video about arthas or what he deserved. It was about how uthers pain caused the paragon of justice to fall from grace. Do u not realize that? How screwed up it is that an angel decided to fuck the system and abduct a soul on her own accord and damn it to billions of years of suffering. Who gave her that authority? No one.
And i think its fucking weird ppl like you want to try to act like this is some sort of statement. Most real world religions do it worse. According to christianity jesus died for our sins so that means ppl like hitler and ronald reagan and jack the ripper are going to heaven. Their souls are safe cus jesus died for our sins.
My point is most real world religions dont have the answers but u want to get mad cus someone writing a fake story said "hey maybe being horrible for 2 years shouldnt result in an infinity of torture.
And most of all u are ignoring 1 fact. Who tf said arthas wasnt going to the maw? Thats why i say the point of the story has nothing to do with arthas. The point is that devos VIOLATED law that is older than reality and choose to damn a soul despite not having any literal or moral right to do so.
I just saw the Afterlives - Bastion and I'm mad. They're trying to redeem that fucker. You want to tell me that Arthas didn't deserve to go to the Maw and suffer for eternity? Than only Devos' decision and Uther's revenge hot him there? I saw idiots whining in the comments that their poor genocidal king went to the Maw without being judged by the Arbiter. He fucking deserved that!
We know that later Uther will regret that, saying that it was vengeance not justice and Devos ends up by understanding the jailer...I'm almost sure that they're trying to somehow twist everything and convince us that Arthas wasn't such a bad guy.
I have absolutely no hope for Shadowlands.
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naik4 · 8 years ago
Air Starter | Raw Water Pump | CAT 3412 - { "@context": "http://schema.org/", "@type": "Product", "name...
Air Starter | Raw Water Pump | CAT 3412 – { “@context”: “http://schema.org/”, “@type”: “Product”, “name…
Air Starter | Raw Water Pump | CAT 3412 – { "@context": "http://schema.org/", "@type": "Product", "name": "Caterpillar 3412 Engine Parts for Sale", "image": "http://ift.tt/2mG24jH", "description": "Supplier of CAT 3412 engine parts and available in stock Air Starter and Raw Water Pump for Caterpillar engine, genuine OEM part, used, reconfition, Second hand parts for sale8", "brand": { "@type":…
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faustuschrisriedel · 5 years ago
Dis-moi quel masque tu portes...
Dis-moi quel masque tu portes…
Nouveaux codes vestimentaires… et sociologiques ?
Dorénavant déconfiné – et en péril d’être reconfit si l’on n’est pas sage – quand on emprunte les transports, publics, l’on fixe par pudeur les chaussures des voyageurs.
Puis le regard remonte vers leur type de masque. Couleurs, motifs, tissus, allure, porté… Cela distrait l’oeil, comme une inattention flottante
Les yeux des voyageurs dépassant…
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mhmmdnadeem · 8 years ago
Spotted at an "antique" mall in Dallas
submitted by /u/reconfit [link] [comments]
from Jokes http://ift.tt/2jsPi30 via IFTTT
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trescic · 8 years ago
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Spotted at an "antique" mall in Dallas submitted by /u/reconfit
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