#Feed RSS
jeypawlik · 2 years
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A Mini Guide to RSS Feeds
With all the talk about Twitter and social media going on, I felt really inspired to do a comic about RSS feeds. This is a really barebones guide but I hope it helps you stay updated with your favourite webcomics, artists and websites. The nice thing about RSS feeds is that almost any kind of site has one, so if you wanted you could add user feeds from tumblr, twitter, mastodon, etc. here’s some helpful guides on how to add those (1) (2) I hope you found this little guide helpful. I’m just a simple guy who’s passionate about RSS feeds, comics and staying updated using both. Go forth and make the feed of your dreams! Topaz Comics | Topaz Comics RSS | Art Blog | Art Blog RSS
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incognitopolls · 8 days
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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raymattos-ix · 9 months
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bwooom · 2 months
we need to normalize easy to read and keep up with webcomics. this isnt even a "we need to restore this old internet thing!" this has Always been shitty i remember giving up on so many comics bc they were literally only on deviantart and i didnt have an account. but we can change it. do NOT make the only place i can read the webcomic a tumblr page where youre also self-reblogging updates/answering asks/reblogging fanart. make a neocities with an rss feed. make a comicfury. this is my agenda.
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wip · 1 year
RSS feeds need love -- they're an excellent way of managing feeds when you're trying to keep track of way more than the dashboard/tabs can handle. It seems to have been left by the wayside: photo posts were randomly broke (some but not all are now fixed), reblogged "asks" only show the original answer, older blogs with "shorten posts in feed" still exist even though the option was removed. Dashboard-only blogs don't even allow RSS. Are there any plans to improve that system at all?
Answer: Hey, @nameless-sdk!
So, your last point is a misconception I’d love to clear up: blogs without custom themes do have RSS feeds! For example, while https://macmanx.tumblr.com/ redirects to https://www.tumblr.com/macmanx, https://macmanx.tumblr.com/rss does not redirect and works exactly as it does if the blog did have a custom theme. The exception is if the blog is “hidden” and requires login to view—these blogs do not have RSS feeds, because there is no way to authenticate with Tumblr over RSS! Since this is a privacy setting, this is fully intentional.
As for the other concerns, I agree—it would be awesome to see RSS get more support. Unfortunately, it’s not really aligned with our current priorities. In the meantime, if your RSS reader has a setting to simply visit the webpage of feed items (I know Mozilla Thunderbird has one), I’d recommend using that to read Tumblr posts via RSS.
Thanks for your feedback and suggestions—it’s much appreciated.
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theayesphere · 3 months
The AyeSphere - The Wonka-verse, AI shenanigans, and the travesty of Madame Web | S3 E2 | RSS.com
On this week’s AyeSphere, Joy and Aye talk about the Glasgow Willy Wonka AI scam scandal, what the new Timothee Chalamet addition to the Wonka-verse gets right and where the other films rank compared to the original Gene Wilder adaptation.
Aye also got Joy to watch Madame Web because apparently he enjoys testing the strength of their friendship ! (Spoiler alert: It’s bad) They also veer into various other media because it’s not the AyeSphere without a tangent.
RSS feed is up and available for your listening pleasure on your favorite podcast platforms.
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sparrowspring · 11 days
i need to know what’s wrong with leander, sure. but most of all i need to know if he genuinely likes mc or if they’re just a means to an end to him
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allidrawscomics · 1 year
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New page today! Razendi is so fun and I want everyone to love her as much as I do
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writerobscura · 4 months
is it wrong
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That I like him ☝️ over him ���
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vinguist · 6 months
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Currently getting hyperfixated on RSS feeds this is not a joke btw. Im at the point im getting genuinely upset when I don't have acsess to my rss reader
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jeypawlik · 2 months
(just sending an ask because im ancient tumblr person who can't use replies on custom theme blogs T_T) a feedbro tailored for webcomics guide would be wonderful!! i'm using it rn thanks to your post but i still wonder if there's ways i can elevate my rss feed experience!
Tumblr tip: you can click the little eyeball at the top of any custom themed blog post and be taken to the tumblr layout for replying!
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I'm glad there's been some reception for another RSS comic, when I'm a little less busy I'll work on a Feedbro follow-up comic! I'd thumbnailed it a few months ago even.
However, I still use Feedly for webcomics because I like the little browser button that takes me to the webcomic's site. I enjoy viewing the comic page on its own site, the size of the image likely isn't shrunk at all, and if the webcomic has ads then I can give some ad revenue to some folks by viewing their sites!
What I do use Feedbro for is a social media replacement, where tumblr, twitter, mastodon, cohost, etc. posts are all in one big feed instead of viewing them all on separate sites.
I like both Feedly and Feedbro, though I know Feedly has some issues (AI integration and limited amount of feeds you can follow) but it's still exactly how I want my webcomics RSS experience to be.
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updated the pinned post, but basically if I am on a platform and wish to be found, I use the handle 'aboxthecolourofheartache' or 'colourofheartache'
that said, I think it's like... here, AO3, and dreamwidth at the moment. and discord, mostly via dms and not servers. perpetually meaning to figure out neocities.
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raymattos-ix · 5 months
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my favorites 🤍
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knaveofheartsad · 1 month
Before The Tone Episode 3, Such Absurd Things As Sleep
Mack tells Daria about the consultants, glassblowing, and someone who inexplicably makes her nervous.
Listen to episode 3 of Before The Tone on your podcatcher of choice!
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wip · 1 year
Years ago, I hacked together a crude system for automatically sending out my blog posts as a daily newsletter, by combining Tumblr's RSS feed and Mailchimp's RSS-to-email feature. My newsletter only has about 24 subscribers, but they seem to like it. My problem is that the newsletter is UUUUUUUGLY. I'd love it if Tumblr would implement its own feature that would let me send out updates in a daily email, formatted in a pretty template. Is that something you're planning to do?
Answer: Hey there, @atomicrobotlive!
A slightly complex answer for you here. So, right now, no, we’re not planning on doing this.
But it is a cool idea. We have actually had similar thoughts ourselves during recent team meetups that would be a daily digest not dissimilar to what you are suggesting. It could be an email, it could be something else, but it is something for us to consider. 
Thanks for getting in touch here, and watch this space. Any news will come through the usual channels: here, @changes.
—Matthew and Cyle
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theayesphere · 7 months
S2 E15 | Insecurity, Plagiarism, and Lies
In the final AyeSphere episode of 2023, Joy once again regales Aye about the latest book world fiasco as they break down the career-ending saga of Cait Corrain, an up-and-coming author who destroyed everything she’d worked for out of insecurity, racism, and lies. They also delve into the perpetuation of plagiarism and lack of accountability from content farms masquerading as creators, and why James Somerton can go fuck himself. What a way to end the year.
Trigger warnings for this episode: This episode deals with fairly heavy topics surrounding racism, misogyny, homophobia, and mentions of Nazism.
RSS feed is up and available for your listening pleasure on your favorite podcast platforms <3
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