#recommission everyone
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jikothemartian-z · 2 years ago
I make GKND Poster for some people
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kommandonuovidiavoli · 7 months ago
When Syd's skils of being a KND mapist got hardwired into his brain so hard that even after decommission he can still guess almost any places with the vaguest desc
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There are some limits.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 3 months ago
Random post-AoC ideas/fun
Link and Mipha get married about two years after Age of Calamity. Link is 19, Mipha is roughly 18 by Hylian years (she’s actually 21, but Zora aging is different)
Zelda steps up as queen, having come of age. Urbosa is her closest advisor, alongside Impa.
Zelda has a royal lab recommissioned after the previous one was destroyed during the war, and Purah and Robbie are happy as a clam helping to rebuild the place
Revali is knighted and serves Zelda proudly
Daruk and Link hang out a lot when Link isn’t busy helping Mipha or Zelda. Link spends the majority of his time in the Domain, but he still wants to help Hyrule as a whole
Link and Mipha’s son, Koden, is conceived pretty soon after their marriage, surprising everyone, but their second child isn’t conceived until a decade later
The Guardian technology is decommissioned and repurposed, as well as the Divine Beasts. No one really wants any other mishaps of corruption or anything happening. The Sheikah towers remain, however, to try and increase security and help connect the kingdom. Purah starts working on more Sheikah slates for high security clearance to use. She calls it the Purah Pad, but it takes years to develop.
About five years after the Calamity, there are strange, random occurrences of new monster hordes or discoveries. Zelda summons Link to help Revali handle some monster out in the frozen tundra of Tabantha, and Revali shows off that his gale can now push forwards instead of just bolstering upward into the air. He and Link work together to defeat a gleeok, and come back triumphant and thrilled, but Zelda is worried - this monster has not been sighted in Hyrule before, at least not within recent recorded history. What could this mean?
Seven years after the Calamity, there’s a strange substance called gloom popping up. Link’s father, Abel, gets exposed to it protecting Zelda, and falls ill. Zelda determines that it’s originating from beneath the castle. They have to investigate this. Link and Impa go with her while Mipha works on trying to heal Abel. She asks Revali to stand at the ready with the army. Urbosa and Daruk ready their own warriors, alongside Dorephan. (Baby Sidon is now around preteen age and desperately wants to help. He may or may not try to sneak to the castle before being redirected to guard his nephew.)
No one knows what happened beneath the castle. All they know is that an earthquake shakes the kingdom, the castle rises into the sky, and the team is missing. Rhoam has to take over as de facto leader while the queen is MIA, Mipha is a mess because her husband is gone, and the Sheikah scramble with their chief gone, leaving Purah to reluctantly step in for her sister. (Purah proceeds to hand the responsibilities off to the nearest person so she can continue investigating the situation from the royal lab just outside of Castle Town)
The Sheikah shrines all lock up when the Sheikah slate is shattered beneath the castle. It’s an ominous sign to everyone above ground when it happens.
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nothingavailable · 1 year ago
Change.org Petitions of Popular Demand
Please sign these petitions if you want more groundbreaking entertainment from those hesitant to offer it.
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project-sekai-facts · 10 months ago
whats bfby and the situation around it ? /gen
Oh bfby is Bout for Beside You, An’s second event that ran in October 2021 (sorry I’m a vbs oshi and forget not everyone knows the acronyms orz). The original producer commissioned for that event fell ill and couldn’t complete the song, so it was recommissioned to Yunosuke and Awake Now released 8-ish months late with her wedding event.
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starsfic · 5 days ago
Indigo Play stuff
- Playtime Co as a reputable company is long defunct, but they are not out of the picture as an antagonistic force, and I'll leave it at that.
- When returning staff tried contacting other coworkers with the prospect of returning to a reformed and friendlier Indigo Park, Jackson responded with a selfie of himself flipping the bird in Las Vegas. And Dave Miller mysteriously vanished without a trace before they could spring this on him.
- The android mascots of Indigo Park were surprise commissioned by an out of state tech company called NewtBerry (an original creation of mine I plan to use in original works in the future; consider Indigo Play a preemptive fandom crossover AU), by which I mean the park hired them to help repair the park's aging power grid only to reveal after they got to work that they picked NewtBerry specifically because its founder was known to have created a soft-robotics companion in college who's advanced enough that they're recognized as a co-founder of the company, and Indigo Park wants to get Rambley and the other recently recommissioned AIs more sustainable forms. NewtBerry founder Dr. Alanasoff reluctantly agreed only because the AIs were already actively running as people in their own rights and deserved as much.
- There are less detailed robotic versions of the mascots replacing the cutouts in Rambley's Railroad, still running on prerecorded messages so the actual AI mascots can focus on their own areas.
- Salem got to be their own AI android, and they cause Problems On Purpose, but only on a minor scale. They are well aware that the park's revival failing would be bad for them. (They may or may not later on find a disillusioned feline starting to follow them around like a lost puppy. For spoiler reasons.)
- Rambley and Lloyd's relationship is somewhat less antagonistic by the time the park reopens, given a mutual understanding gained by then that the old executive board screwed Lloyd over as much as they did everyone else.
- Mollie's android body is built with a beak that's tough around the frontal areas and softer around the sides to move and emote, looking kinda like bird character beaks from DuckTales when they spoke. When park engineers took the design specs NewtBerry left behind of the park mascots to design the new Smiling Critters bodies, KickinChicken utilized the same kind of beak.
- Kickin and Hoppy were the usual correspondence between Playcare and Safe Haven in the years after the Hour of Joy. Kicken got his leg bitten pretty roughly by a Mini Maggie Mako during a supply run turned into an ambush and had to be treated back at Safe Haven. After his return as an android, he would gripe about this incident to the other present Critters for a little bit but quickly shut up after DogDay "casually" dropped what happened to his own legs.
- Bubba took advantage of the fact that they're all androids and an apparently abandoned project in the park servers to create a Virtual Reality server that androids of their design can link to to create environments based on the collective memories of those plugging in. The Smiling Critters' collective memories of Playcare were strong enough that it became a permanent "hub world" of sorts for the server, which earned its nickname "Virtual Playcare". The primary goal of this project was to pick at their suppressed memories of their human lives from before they were experimented on. I plan to make Virtual Playcare a plot point for multiple story arcs.
- After Rambley sees the Critters getting outfits, he asks Crafty if they could make something for him. He gets an old-timey train conductor overalls outfit. And loves it.
- DogDay knows "Ollie" was a trick by the Prototype purely because CatNap oh so casually dropped that bombshell on him in the middle of an otherwise unrelated conversation.
I love all of these, especially the first one!
I've been having thoughts about that...
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fallen-gabrielle · 1 year ago
KND: a Christmas Story
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Joyeux Noël, everyone!
I wanted to make this comic for quite some time. And now it's done.
I know it's pretty sappy, but I just wanted a wholesome story for Christmas with the Uno family. So here it is.
Numbuh 91,12 sometimes gives people existential crisis and she's not doing it on purpose. Monty always sends letters and leaves messages call to Ben for any kind of celebrations, he just wants to spend time with his bro TTmTT
This is still part of my headcanonverse/incorrect quote-verse where Monty and Margaret are recommissioned and Nigel is aware of the social services shit the bros went through. He also knows his friend and how much influance she has on Father. Gabrielle is also the name of an angel, so he was able to put 2 and 2 together. At the end of the day, Nigel can't bring himself to ruin the moment between the brothers, and is glad that is dad is happy to have Ben around.
And if you're wondering, Monty gave Ben a framed picture of their mother, yes this one.
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typezerostudios · 8 months ago
Bastion: Fire Nation Floating Fortress
Created after the Great Flood, Bastion was cobbled together out of the surviving ships of the Western Fleet. When the flood waters did not recede, the Fleet Admiral had to make decisions about continued operations. Rather than disbanding the fleet, allowing ships to scatter and fend for themselves, they decided to consolidate.
Former soldiers were repurposed as welders to combine the more damaged ships into a semi-coherent base of operations. Even sunken ships were sealed, purged, and grafted onto the sides and bottom of the growing monstrosity, acting to buoy the Fortress and add valuable living space, as rescue missions brought in waves of Fire Nation colony survivors.
Without a steady supply of coal, they were forced to rely on Fire Bending to power the steam engines, limiting their ability to function without trained specialists. This lead to the majority of the functional ships to be integrated into the Fortress. Most were fully integrated, while a few were partially assimilated with the hope that future improvements would allow them to detach from the Fortress to resume standard operation.
Only a few ships were excluded from this endeavor, mainly Empire Class command ships , and smaller, faster cruisers. Bastion acts as a regional power, able to relocate based on needs and its current missions. Most often it resides near trouble prone regions as a threat to pacify any rebellion. Military Command is unwilling to commit to anything else, as even minor damage could lead to a catastrophic loss of life if the right ships are sunk.
Major Areas:
Command Tower: One of the few structures intentionally crafted, the Command Tower is built atop the Empire Class Flagship of the Western Fleet, allowing military command to assess the status of Bastion at a glance. While initially planned as a command center once the Fire Nation regrouped following the Flood, it is mainly used as civilian oversight, ensuring that everything is working at peak efficiency, and everyone is fed. Some say that the bones of the Moon Spirit are hidden at its base, a prize kept by Zhao the Accursed for his "victory" against the Northern Water Tribe, but no one has ever seen them, and if it were true, the Ocean Spirit would not stand for such desecration.
Farming Platforms: Distributed throughout of Bastion, these wrecked ships have been repurposed to provide food. Some of them are kelp farms, others are fisheries. A rare few have been filled with soil to produce crops, mainly Fire Nation specialties, or sustain livestock.
Fleet Dock: Little more than a massive ring of decommissioned ships, the Docks act as the first line of defense against any attack, and a source of emergency parts as the ships composing it are stripped to maintain the remaining fleet. There is never a moment of silence on the docks, as workers labor every hour of the day to refit, resupply, and repair the still functioning ships. Inside of the ring are several ships in disrepair. Rarely, one of them will sail out to join the fleet, if it can be repaired and sufficient firebenders can be spared to power it. More often they are merely moved to join the ring, as their parts become more useful than a fully functioning ship.
Trade Dock: much smaller in scale, the Trade Dock was authorized when the loss of supply chains became apparent. Unable to produce many of the goods they rely on, the Trade Dock allows for trade with other survivors without compromising Bastion's Security. Most recently, four cruisers have been recommissioned to act as a Trade Fleet, hollowed out to maximize space for bulk purchases. Most often they are loaded with rice or other bulk crop, feeding the entire Fortress for days or weeks.
Landing Field: A few of the Airships build before the Flood survived, and space was quickly set aside to preserve their aerial advantage. Rarely used in combat, they act as mobile command centers to oversee the area, and coordinate with deployed fleet assets. While they represent a major advantage, without the equipment to repair or replace them, military command is reluctant to commit them as military assets. Most often they serve as luxury observation posts for warlords with delusions of grandeur, allowing them to watch their army fight and die from a secure position, as they gleefully redraw a map to show their accomplishment. The crew always tolerate them with a smile, knowing that their petty wars are nothing compared to the Hundred Years Wars, and that the final price will always be the same.
Life Ships: The vast majority of Bastion is made of of Life Ships, military vessels repurposed into civilian housing. Cramped and uncomfortable, they nonetheless allow for some facsimile of how life used to be. Families are able to gather for dinner, discuss their day, and sleep in relative peace. Most of them have been decorated with momentos of the time before the Flood, or drawing depicting life outside of Bastion. While many still hope, most have learned to content themselves with life on Bastion.
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Ok, everyone kind of thinking of watching Good Omens Season 2 - go do that now.
Everyone meaning to finish Good Omens Season 2 - go do it now.
Everyone who absolutely loves Good Omens Season 2 - replay it now. Over and over again please.
Don’t wait for the inevitable push to get it enough views to recommission, it’s week 1,
Go. Do. It. Now.
And a hearty congratulations to @neil-gaiman, it’s perfect.
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gamerbearmira · 2 years ago
The way that Alma gets recommissioned back into the KND is funny, because Agustin clumsiness strikes him when Nigel was finished rewinding the recommissioning module, and Agustin trips and falls on #1 on accident, which has the ray hit Alma first.
Now Alma not only has her memories back but she still has to recommissioned Monty Uno into #0 again as Nigel is yelling at Agustin for his clumsiness, Isabela and Dolores are busy checking up on Mirabel because they just lost Camilo who’s now a part of Grandfather’s Army.
She finished rewinding the recommissioning module and lets the ray hit Mr.Uno who’s known to her children’s (as a fact) and grandchildren’s (as a legend) generation as #0, getting everyone’s attention when she was loudly introducing herself to #0 as The Founder of the Colombian Sector of KND, then letting Nigel, Mirabel, Dolores, and Isabela introduce themselves.
After introducing and excited gushing on Nigel’s part, everyone is telling their own point of view on what has happened since Grandfather got reawakened by Father, Isabela explaining how she got thrown into their world when the Citizombie apocalypse happened. Then as they are going to one of the places that Monty says that houses a friend of his.
The questions at #0 and #0.1 derailed when #1 asks #11 if that’s the missing artifact from the 6th generation of KND, Mirabel just starts rambling about the history of kindness, past Colombian Sector Leaders who wielded the giant branch, and the significance of leaving jewelry, cloths, and craving their numbers so that the next sector leader will cherish Kindness like their predecessors.
Alma listening in shares the story of how she found Kindness while out in the woods.
Dolores in her Battle. Ready. Armor is listening in on them and listening to her surroundings in case Citizombies are coming towards them.
Well dang then 💀 Agustín unintentionally coming in clutch. Meanwhile Alma is just. 100% cool with all this. Granted, she had her memories back, so I guess it’s cool. ALSO⁉️⁉️ free Camilo. Free slime, he ain’t do nothing. I mean I know that’d be a little hard to do, but they need to pick up the pace 😭 can’t blame Nigel for being excited either.
Meanwhile Alma just like “yeah I was #0 and what about it 🤨”. Love her for that.
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liquidaudio · 1 year ago
Technics SL-120 Turntable Recommissioning
I love the classic Technics SL-120, so let’s look at how I recommissioned this lovely old girl! Welcome back, everyone. I said you see me sooner than you think, perhaps you didn’t expect two posts in one day though! I’ve been dying to do more writing and I’m trying to stick to a tentative Monday schedule like the good old days, so sit back, relax as we dive again into the mists of the golden age…
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kommandonuovidiavoli · 7 months ago
Alright, here's some random lore/facts about the war!
❤️ The war takes place in 2017, from February to September;
🩷 This will be the last battle Penny will fight with the rest of her Sector V 2.0;
💜 The war will see Kuki getting recommissioned and Hoagie getting decommissioned;
💙 Abby's father will be the key to the final battle;
🩵 The Boogeyman will be the main villain, even if Father will be watching him closely;
💚 A lot of people will be recommissioned from old times;
💛 The Toiletnator will die during this war;
🧡 All villains will be involved in stopping the KND;
🤎 Nigel will almost lose his life to protect everyone;
🖤 The war marks the end of the 7th generation of KND;
🩶 Father created the Boogeyman.
🤍 Wally won't take part in this war as he's still missing.
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spoilertv · 1 year ago
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adambowielinks · 2 years ago
Favorite tweets: Blue Lights has been recommissioned for a second series. Thanks to everyone who watched it and for all the incredible support for the show. We’ll be back on @BBCOne in 2024. Until then - take a beat! 😀 #bluelights https://t.co/LArqf2OmNG — Declan Lawn (@DecLawn) Apr 20, 2023
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echolaliaplayer · 2 years ago
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Okaaayy so like basically this is me still processing it
Cis/Trans lesbian wedding with a small town country Queensland backdrop. I think it was an old prot chapel bc it was built right next to a gully? Idk. Wedding was really beautiful the girls were gorgeous I was nauseous the usual.
I notice a really pretty girl talking to all the older folks there. She's wearing a dark green kind of sweater-top dress thing and matching deep pink heels and earrings. My gaze hangs for a minute but I haven't eaten in 18 hours so it doesn't fully register to me what I'm in for. I have a conversation with a guy whose homophobic partner didn't show up and everyone thought he would be a spineless no show but he was there and the brides didn't seem to have any issue with him so yeah. I move on to another couple I know and have a conversation with them while forcing myself to eat
The conversation kind of annoys me so I throw out a stupid question about the ethics of breeding cows that want to be milked. I just want to jar the conversation in a new direction because the couple is ragging on vegans and like. I've seen this conversation on FB a million times in 2011 I'm bored. Anyway green dress girl cuts in from behind me with some rapid fire shit like
"no the calves aren't weaned off, they're just killed. You should be informed about your choices correctly and make them accordingly, no judgment. I won't eat octopodes they're too smart."
She's so tizzed dude I'm smitten. I reorient my chair immediately to include her in the conversation and it goes on a little bit. She knows the trans now-wife from undergrad and they got back into contact over fashion before the wedding. We all split up to help with wedding prep while the bridal party leaves for photos.
At the dinner we get talking again a lot. We talk about a lot of stuff, we aren't drinking much. She mentioned a partner offhand, so I just kind of planned to enjoy the conversation and fuck off sober at 8. Trans wife comes and sits with us. The next mention of green girls partner, trans wife hits us with a knowing look and invites her to start talking about problems. And she does. Ah shit
This is where my prostate begins to recommission itself after 6 months HRT mothballing. I think a sopping wet pathetic tendency of mine (not top 3 but up there) is that I can be a homewrecker. It just happens? I draw girls to me whose way on top of me is complaining about a relationship that has been in the toilet for six months you literally just have to listen and then keep talking after and idk. They make a move lul.
But she's. Idk. A certain flavour of autistic my own. neurodivergency doesn't fully vibe with so I'm not sure the signs are The Signs regardless of the fact any calcium and zinc I have left in my body after fasting is being redirected into my bolls. The conversation was really enjoyable but we both make vague plans to drive off at the same time as a buddy system. And then she keeps drinking. She mentions there's spare beds and that we could stay over. Fuck it, hell, I was enjoying myself!
"I lied I'm gonna keep drinking", I say
"That's something I'm learning about you. You lie", the reply
We go down to the fire with everyone else. We sit and chat more. Her partner keeps coming up in conversation and she gets all bashful and worried she's tmi and I had another bottle of wine by this point so I just didn't really care. People retire so we go and inspect the loft where we're sleeping. There's a bunch of single beds up there and a double bed kind of off to the side behind a curtain. I put my stuff down and she kind of hangs around and asks if this is what I want to do. I thought she meant sleep so I offered to take her back out to the fire and sit. Mate of mine mentioned he killed the fire but I decided to try and rekindle it.
Her and I sneak back out and I see charcoal still glowing under a log that's clearly had a bit of water chucked on it. There's other logs in a pile off to the side, so I grab one that is termite-eaten, and put the most threadbare devastated bit up against the coals. The fire takes really easily and builds back up and I chuck more logs on. She's impressed.
I'm getting conflicted over a lot at this point and I quintupled the alcohol in my bloodstream an hour ago so I'm not thinking straight. Still not sure what she's about, and now I think I actually like her anyway so I'm in two minds about whether I even do the pretty boy fuck doll routine. Is this what all fuckboys are like? They have no game you just become a convenient out ticket when your normal relationship goes to shit. I don't ask her that. She's talking about what she wants. She's really clucky. She feels like her clock is ticking and this guy doesn't even sound all bad just non-committal. She talks about how she has been compared to trans women but takes it a compliment. We go back and forth about our problems and she drops some pseudo FDS shit about how I could stop the HRT at 45 and go breed with a 25yo woman and ngl I was into that shit (as in like her overall vibe and attitude) even though I think she really meant it as an observation.
I'm still not entirely sure of the signs because of clashing autisms NO WAIT SHE TALKED ABOUT CHEATINGGGG IM SO FUCKING STUPIDDDDX that was it there's no other way fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck but like. In the moment I lost it but. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck no hindsight is painful that had to be. I actually might you don't understand tizzed cishons are my weakness I'm actually down stupid for a girl who complained about her partner half the night to me I'm so hungover and just wet cat about this kms WHY I mean she was actually delightful that didn't help fuck fuck fuck
We ended up talking for like four hours, the fire lasted so long. We snuck back in and tiptoed up stairs. The double bed was taken by the bridesmaids. We wordlessly went to our respective beds across the loft, my snoring mate in between on another bed, and waved goodbye to each other in the morning from across the yard.
Possibly fumbled an engagement-destroying fuck at the wedding because I rebuilt a fire too good
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We are SO CLOSE to getting G:KND! Let’s push it a little harder and show Cartoon Network how much we want this.
If everyone tells them we want G:KND they can’t ignore us!
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