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ellathebirb · 2 years ago
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Greenn!!!! Nooooooooo!!!!!!
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randymarshiszaddy · 1 year ago
aww rip Paul Rebuens . 
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specifiedshippinglover13 · 5 years ago
Anyone else ship Reuben and Gantu? Asking for purely scientific reasons of course
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eatswithemilie · 5 years ago
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Made a run for a Reuben! Arby’s Georgetown, Texas So, one of my favorite sandwiches is a classic Corn Beef Reuben. I can’t resist this the beef, Swiss cheese, sauerkraut, and Russian dressing, grilled between slices of rye bread... I’ve been wanting to check this “newer” restaurant out, in our area, so when a flyer showed up, had to go. Added a small orange cream milkshake because my favorite fruit is... an orange, blended in cream, makes it better! Gotta say: nice sandwich, liked the marbled bread, very fresh & light creamy drink! Excellent price point, friendly service & all around a great lunch. More than just meats, check them out in Georgetown @arbys Searching Local Sandwich Stops from Eats with Emilie • @eatswithemilie @arbys #arbys #classicreubensandwich #rebuen #orangecreamshake #sandwichreview #foodfinder #foodblogger #texasfoodie #foodie #foodphotography #foodphotography #texasrestaurants #restaurantreview #shake #sandwhichesofinstagram #sandwhich #arbyslife #restaurantreview #atxeats #gtx #georgetowntexas #ryebread #lunchreview #sandwhichphoto #texasblogger #eats #eatswithemilie #texaseats #drivethru #foodstagram (at Arby's) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1wqGcQlLlk/?igshid=2ed6t2j5xjb3
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avatardoggo · 2 years ago
*tells you about a dream I had where all of my eleven siblings (you) bowed down to me lmao but then you get mad and throw me in a pit* hi friend!!! this is your weekly reminder to do some stretches, eat something if you haven’t in a while, and go drink a glass of water!! also tell me something that made you happy this week! love youu <333
hi claire!! <3 ty for the reminder i've been up since 7:30am and i havent eaten anything (yet!) this week i got to leave work early bc it was pretty dead and go see my sister at her new place
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naturallymendacious · 5 years ago
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Mustard pizza. Mustard sauce, pastrami, saurkraut and mozzarella.
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thefriendlesssociety · 5 years ago
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Reuben Colley, Reed Square, Castle Vale 1968 // Hockley Flyover, Icknield Street 1968.
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aishmejik · 4 years ago
Jadi, diliburan yang sangat Panjang ini, rencananya mau pergi mantai Bersama bardak kuliah, tp gataulah bardak kuliah udh kaya gapunya semangat hidup atau dunia kita emang lg beda aja buat kali ini. Setelah 2 hari diem dirumah, pas beli es late bluedoors yang 40rb itu, aku akhirnya dapet inspirasi buat liburan, terus ngajakin temen les aku, yaoh sama sarti, kabupaten pride!. Dan setelah meeting di whatsapp Bersama tur guide dan warlok, akhirnya kita mutusin buat ke pangalengan. Jam 8 pagi aku udah berangkat ke planet baleendah tempat berkumpulnya warlok, dimobil kita ngegibah dan nyari destinasi pertama yang mau dikunjungi. Tapi, setelah sampe pangalengan, tepatnya di situ cileunca, kita bingung mo ngapain, dan mau kemana, akhirnya kita menyusuri jalan sampe akhirnya nyampe di cukul, terus tetiba di kepalaku terlintas ide tolol “oh, lamun ka rancabuaya sabaraha lila deui ? ningal di maps cik”, yaoh pun menjawab dengan santai “2 jam deui lamun didieu mah”, dan tiba2 kita ngomong “gas!, nanggung udah deket ini”. Setelah liat bengsin dan mikir bakal cukup, akhirnya kita berangkat ke rancabuaya dengan duid dan semuanya yang seadanya, kecuali spaghetti yang udh aku buat aja yg udh siap.
Dengan skill nyetir aku yang amat pas2an dan sim yang nembak, ternyata jalan pangalengan ke rancabuaya sungguh sangat bangsad pake d, jalannya ga keliatan, kaya pintu doraemon, tiba2 di depan ada mobil lain yang kenceng. Kita berenti 2 kali karena bujur aku panas, dan di pemberentian kedua kita nemu sungai yang bagus, dan chill sebentar sambil minum kopsus abc. Kepikiran kalo misalnya kita nyutrungin yaoh biar palid di sungai itu, soalnya kepo, kalo misalnya palid bakal sampe rancabuaya atau ngga yah ? tapi setelah dipikir-pikir kasian juga bisi ketemu buaya yang beneran yang udah calangap. Terus lanjut lagi, tadinya mau jumatan, Cuma kata sarti kita lagi perjalan jauh, jadi gpp kalo sekip jumatan, nanti lanjut dhuzur aja. Dan akupun nurut aja sama sarti, soalnya sarti yang dosa hehe. Dan akhirnya aku beneran sekip jumatan. Pas udah mo sampe pantai, yaoh ternyata punya satu mejik yang ga semua orang punya, dia bisa tau kalo udah deket pantai tanpa ngeliat. Tiba2 dia ngomong “Ih ini udah deket pantainya”, terus kita berdua bingung, dan yaoh lanjut ngomong “soalnya bau asin jambalnya udah kerasa”, dan ternyata 10 menit kemudian kita ngeliat pantai dari jalan, MEJIK is really happen!. Dan kita memutuskan buat ke puncak guha. Di puncak guha kita Cuma 3 jam aja, minum es kelapa, makan spaghetti sambil ditemenin anjing, dan ngomongin batur sambil sasarean di rumput yang bawahnya langsung laut. Kita berasa di Santorini, apalgi pas gerimis eropa udah turun. Terus kita popotoan sambil buat video buat di updet di ig. Setengah lima kita mutusin buat balik, soalnha takut kemaleman sampe ke planet ciparay dan baleendahnya. Karena takut begal, kita pulangnya lewat garut aka pameungpeuk aka gunung gelap kalo kata yaoh mah. Pas mo balik, pas liat jalan yang banyak lumpur, udah neting aja, tapi bismillah we, dan akhirnya bener, mobilku selip pas di lumpurnya, udah panik pisan, sampe akhirnya ada 2 orang yang ngebantuin dorongin mobil kita, baik banget, udah hampir dinikahin sama yaoh dan sarti padahal, Cuma merekanya gamau gegara bau asin jambal cenah. Terus ngisi bengsin di pertamini, beli 100rb, Taunya Cuma keisi 50rb, kena prank, sedih. Di santolo aku mampir dulu ke indomaret buat beli kratingdeng biar tidak tu’nuh dan beli gehu pedas 25 rebuen. Di sepanjang jalan, ternyata emang gunung gelap banget dan mobilnya pada napsuan, pada pengen nyusul semua. Akupun tu’nuh, kratingdeng ga ngefek, akhirnya sepanjang jalan aku buka kaca buat udud biar ga tu’nuh, sedangkan sarti sibuk ngebacot “kapan jalannya habis” dan yaoh sibuk dengan gehu pedas yang ternyata sisa 2 biji lagi. Ohiya, hampir kelupaan, sarti sepanjang jalan terap sama hitut gegara jendela aku sama yaoh kebuka terus, dan sarti bisa terap dari idung, MEJIK!. Dan akhirnya kami pun sampe di planet ciparay jam 11, di planet baleendah jam set 12, dan aku sampe uber jam 12.
Satu lagi liburanku yang penuh cerita bukan dari tempatnya, tapi sama siapanya. Aku iri sama yaoh dan sarti, mereka punya energi yang sangat positif dan Bahagia. Bahkan mereka bisa bikin hal2 absurd yang bikin ketawa dan itu bisa ngebuat orang lain lebih “hidup”. Mereka ngingetin sama lutfi yang dulu, dimana setiap hari rasanya lebih “hidup”. 11 jam dijalan, 3 jam di rancabuaya, dalam satu hari, dan aku dapet pelajaran untuk terus “hidup” dengan senyum, terimakasih.
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anythingbeer · 7 years ago
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Winner of the Homebrew competition that Rebuen's Brews out of Seattle hosts. Solid haze.
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chuchadiscurpa · 7 years ago
Tienes rebuen gusto, el otro día te iba a hablar por el chat, pero se me hizo jajaja
No sé qué decir 😶
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adventuringjessie · 7 years ago
(( because i can’t draw at the time being, i’m going to throw my self-indulgent ideas of which jessie and petra were childhood friends au, this was inspired by how the reactions Olivia and Axel had when they saw them in Endercon and the ‘before we were cool’ dialogues between them during the bridge scene))
Petra was and still Jessie’s first friend, well for a human ‘cause no matter what, Rebuen was and still always be her first friend, but he was a animal.
The two were almost inseparable and Jessie used to drag Petra into their little game of let’s pretend we’re having a adventure! as kids. (She still do, except it was actual and dangerous adventures years down the road) 
Jessie wouldn’t ever mention that Petra was actually the first reason she took up a sword. The second reason is Gabriel the Warrior. 
Jessie used to have a hard time in pronouncing some words as a kid, so Petra’s name was ‘Peanut’ that later became a stupid nickname between these two. Of course Jessie stopped once she finally correctly Petra’s name later on. ( ‘Wait, it’s that why your sword is Miss Butter, because of the nickname Peanut?” “...No.” “Petra.” )  
They once dressed up as pirates one day and Jessie comments, “Your bandanna makes you cool!” “You think so?” “Yeah!” and since then, Petra wears it on her person.
Between Season 1 and Before Season 2, the two would always glance at each other as if they’re having a telepathy. They have been doing this for a long time since they were kids.
The reason these two never stay in touch for almost a year before Witherstorm happened was a fight they had that cause a rift in their friendship. 
Despite that, they still greet each other. Jessie still watches her leave everytime, still feel hurt. (What? I like angst, okay?) 
Jessie was and still horrified by the fact Petra started doing shady deals after they stop being friends then. But she didn’t want to hurt her anymore, so she tried to help instead, in hope they became friends again. 
The witherstorm changed Jessie greatly. But also makes Petra see the true side of Jesse, thinking that the fight should’ve make Jessie hates her more ( ‘You still cared.’ ‘I cares about you lots, Petra.’ ‘For how long?’ ‘Too long.’ )
The two finally made up after they save the world, and catch up with everything they missed out in each other’s life. 
During Order Up! when Petra comments that it was weird to be in a group than alone,and they look each other after that. Imagine that but instead, it was Petra’s way of being friends with Jessie again. 
They never had a fight after that, but their fights were little things (and they always ended up with ‘we’re cool? we’re cool.’ because they knew each other too much to not wanted each other get hurt again)
They used to braid each other’s hairs, not because it was a girly thing to do but because it was what Jessie’s mom used to do. 
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ellathebirb · 2 years ago
Red with Rebuen
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sheltiechicago · 5 years ago
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Street Artists Take On Coronavirus Pandemic With Powerful, Poignant And Witty Pieces
Los Angeles, California
Artist: Ruben Rojas
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astrologicaa-blog · 8 years ago
Mato a Escorpio (una Escorpio dijo que odiaba a Virgo y son re ojetes).... me caso, beso y cojo a Sagitario están rebuen@s # Hola #vivaAstrologica
Holaa 😂😂😂 todo con Sagi No colocaste tu signo :( Aaw 💖💖💖 #vivaAstrologicaaPiñas y felicidad para ti 🍍🍍🍍🍍
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1wowmom · 5 years ago
Disney Part 2
Not sure how relevant this will be anytime soon... but here goes! 
The magic continues as I highlight some other favorites, we got to experience by taking our time and not making the trip only about the rides.
Animal Kingdom Lodge – WOW, this place was amazing. The art and artifacts they had from Africa were spellbinding. It did not feel like cultural appropriation, it felt like respect and history. It felt like love of the culture, the continent and the spirit. It was a beautiful and spectacular resort.
I had one of the best meals of my life here. I am a foodie too. But this short rib and lamb shank were amazing. To top it all off – the desert of African Liquor pudding cakes, a filo birds’ nest and mocha ice cream over a delicate raspberry puree was simply perfection. In addition – they had the best margarita I have ever had and the largest selection of South African wines, outside of South Africa. It was a very special dining experience. (Note* get the Taste of Africa board and eat all of the wild boar pate – so good!) 
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Imagine this, there are animals at the Animal Kingdom Lodge! I don’t mean dogs and cats I mean giraffes and other animals from the savannah. Best part – you can view them active and moving around with night vision goggles. Between Jiko and the night vision, this place is well worth the visit. It was really cool to see something like this. 
Epcot International Arts Festival
Masterpieces of interactive art – these were fun to step into.
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Rides – we got Fast Passes for Spaceship Earth, Mission Space and Finding Nemo. I have not been to Epcot in years – I do not think I had ever done Spaceship Earth and I loved it! We scheduled our Fast Passes back to back and early, which meant we were able to get another one for Living with the Land – another attraction I loved. I think all of the innovation and environmental awareness was beautiful Since our daughter works at Soarin’ we were given a free trip to the Fast Pass line there, which was a nice perk for a really fun ride.
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Food Booths – the pride of the Arts festival to me were all the amazing artistic food dishes they were serving. Yes, the artist booths were nice, but the food was something else! We had deconstructed BLT and rebuens as the World Showcase, we had sushi in Japan, we had champagne and brie bowel in France, we had scallops and beef wellington in the United States and margaritas and snapper in Mexico. 
The Magic Kingdom and the Contemporary
Chef Mickey – What can you say? Amazing buffet (with Mimosas and adult beverages if you like!) and Mickey and friends. Great photo ops and fun. I love how Disney knows how to load families in from the back to the front, then re-set. They have this flow down and we had a blast!
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Skipper Canteen – if you like the Jungle Cruise and amazing food, eat here. Our waiter had the corny jokes and the over-the-top décor helped seal the deal. On top of all that – the food (and wine) was good!
All in all, it was a great trip and we explored Disney in a way we had not before. We relaxed more, without feeling like we were mission out on anything.
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Stay Well!
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iporich-blog · 5 years ago
Police Have 21 Days To Fish Out Killers Of Fasoranti's Daughter -OPC
Police Have 21 Days To Fish Out Killers Of Fasoranti’s Daughter -OPC
Pa Rebuen Fasoranti
Pa Rebuen Fasoranti
The Oodua Peoples Congress (OPC), the New Era faction, has issued a 21-day ultimatum to the Nigeria Police Force and other security agencies in the country to fish out the killers of Mrs. Funke Olakunrin, the daughter of Afenifere leader, Pa. Reuben Fasoranti.
Mrs Olakunrin was killed last Friday by masked gunmen along the Ore-Sagamu road.
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