#reblog please 😁
ladyclwriter · 2 years
The Corinthian imagine
Prompt: “I wanna be your endgame, I wanna be your first string, I wanna be your A-Team”
The Corinthian x gn!mortal!reader, friends to lovers
Killing mentioning, bad words, toxic blonde nightmare behavior, friendzone, angst and fluff
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“No way there is people worshipping you”
It was one of these not so rare casual afternoons when you and your best friend did casual things just for casual's sake. It was a glimpse from a normal life, the only moments when he actually relax and easy his mind, he admitted once. And that phrase was the very beginning of dozens of nights, afternoons, even mornings of hanging out. None of you ever came to an agreement, in fact, none of you planned anything at all. A text saying "be there in 5 minutes" was everything you needed. It didn't mattered where or when, nor if it was convenient or not.
“You laugh when I say humans are intriguing, but I'm sure you agree now”
“Never said I didn't” he tilted his head, giving you a point.
“I've been here by enough time to witness many things. People already called me a lot of names and gave me many species”, you handled him the bowl with snacks, even if he didn't actually liked the taste, he would eat for, well, the concept. “A demon, a god. A monster, an icon. At this point, I don't give a damn, sweetheart”.
“Still, you're attending to the Cereal Convention of this year” you said slowly, accusing him.
Blonde hair fell back as he looked at the blue sky behind the sunglasses. He clicked his tongue, reading you like a book on his very own thoughts. For some time, it was scary. Uncomfortable. You always looked at him as a mighty being, and for sure feel him analyzing you wasn't pleasing. Still, after a while, you got used to it. And sometimes, indeed, it was satisfying; butterflies flied on your belly every single time he gave you his thoughtful silence.
“I acknowledged you realized I'm planning something. And you know I'll never tell you my stuff” you rolled your damn appetizing eyes, crossing arms as you cliched jaw with bittersweet anger. “It's dangerous, don't give me that childish rage.”
“You said just being near you was dangerous, yet you're here, blondie. Everyday, always here.”
Not there, at the rooftop of your most recent apartment, playing cloud shape and snacking, with some random old rock-'n'-roll in the back. Here meant with me. You forgot the last day you didn't saw each other. Even if it was just a meeting, a high five, a coffee, or a sleepover. You always met.
“You acknowledge that I do know who you are, right? You told me a long time ago. Oh, and I'll never forget all the times I saw you covered in human blood-”
“Enough” he cuts in, all the relaxed posture flowing away with the hot summer wind. “We know who we are. I know I endanger you. You know you endangered yourself. And that's it, sweetheart. Not satisfied?”
Then he cuts himself.
Some birds chirping surely helped at preventing a heavy atmosphere. He didn't had to finish, though. He said it three times before. “Let's just end it”, with one finger pointing at the door, or any close exit. It always broke you down, and he never beared seeing you cry.
So, you both just sighed. Pinky lips opened in vain, a "sorry" hanging from them, never being told. The Corinthian surely had some forgiveness issues, and you accepted that.
“Anyways. I'm visiting my family this weekend” he instantly frowned. “I know they live pretty far from here, but it's mama's birthday. I can't let it pass”.
He always forgot you actually had other people in your life. Those were the moments he got conflicted the most — and you always knew. Sliding on your seat, you broke the distance, arms and legs touching, making the heat of the sun feels like nothing to you. “Hey. We already discussed it. I can have a family and be your friend simultaneously”.
“You look too sweet and... Normal with them. Then you come back to this creepy fucked-up life I have”, his tone was low, looking at the horizon as if he couldn't look at you. “I feel guilty for taking away your ordinary life and turning you into this sickness we have”.
“I never killed anyone. I never ate eyes or hidden bodies for you” even if his gaze was distant, yours was only locked on him. The flowy silky hair, shining gold with the hot sun waves. Oh, how your fingers were aching to brush it. “We all live with deep, forbidden secrets. There is no saints in this world. I'm a friend of a murderer, and so what? Better than an abuser or something”.
“Well, we still think your auntie's husband is one” you shivered, remembering the long investigations you took with your BFF.
“Exactly. See, it's not that bad. My mother loves you, in the end” you shrugged, like if it was some ordinary subject.
He kept quiet, still staring at the endless blue sky. Suddenly he chuckles, giving you a small nudge. “You're sick”.
Sick of love you almost said. Indeed, you learned how to love him as a friend, with time. You never knew how it turned out that your feelings towards him became romantic. And no, it wasn't surprising to you that you loved him as your bestie. But being actually in love with a nightmare-serial killer? Now that was isnane.
So, ever since you noticed the change, you started to deny it. Even if the more time you spent with him, the more your feelings grow, to the point even him realized something was up. You both caught you staring at him from time to time like a puppy looks at his owner. Or like he was the most precious prize in the world. Like he wasn't who he was.
Corinthian tried not to feel disturbed at this. He didn't cared about you gazing at him as you would marry him, no. He just couldn't take you acting like you weren't in love with a nightmare, but with a dream. You even tried to convince him one. “Nightmares are dreams too, but creepy”. His answer was a chuckle followed by some rage you couldn't deal with. Not even him could.
So, the subject was never brought up again. Never mentioning these two words — dream and nightmare — was your rule.
“Can I go with you?” he asked lowly after cleaning his throat, since both of you got lost in your thoughts, lost with the city landscape down the building. You raised an eyebrow, surprised.
“Really?” he gave you a why not? silently. “I mean, lately you've been so busy and focused on your things. I didn't thought you would accept to leave the city”.
“It's alright. If you say yes, I'm coming with you” actually, the really surprising thing was him being assertive. He just wasn't. He never was.
“Why did you asked? You never do. You just go”, you couldn't hold the curiosity.
“You don't want me to ask? We were talking about this yesterday. You said something about communicating feelings. I thought it was some sort of message”
“Oh.” it was the very only thing you could say. Well, it would never be bad to have your avoiding spontaneous best friend to be communicative. Still, it was... Weird.
With your shock, he laughed. And everytime he did, your world seem to lighten up a little bit. Then, without noticing, you did it. Looked at him with passion. He kept staring at you behind the glasses — you would never know how he could see with the teeth instead of eyes —, puzzling something on his mind.
At this friendship point, you could skillfully read what he was feeling, even if he never expressed more than smiles and a frown. But not now. He was emotionless, expressionless, gazing at you without moving one single inch.
“What? Did I got crumbles on my face again?” you started brushing your face with the back of your hand, for your fingers were totally dirty from the snacks. After scrubbing for a while, you realized you weren't with any crumbles at all. You frowned, staring at him with confusion.
In that pretty blonde head, he was pondering about every single variation dating you would include. Every destiny both of you could face. Well, he didn't loved you. Infact, he didn't knew what love was. Never wanting to let someone go and barely being able to be far from one wouldn't be considered as love, would it? Nah, it wouldn't. What about feeling yourself getting unmade every time he sees tears rolling those beautiful eyes? Or getting angry to the point he growls like an animal when someone messes with that specific person? Or being totally scared about one day living without it? Or maybe fighting your own nature and ignoring it to make that person happy?
Nope. It wasn't love. Maybe a friendship-ish one? Yeah, maybe.
So, dating you wasn't an option. Killing definitely not. What was he supposed to do? Keep acting like nothing was going on, and let you look like an idiot? He didn't want to. But, what else?
“Corinthian?” for sure he loved how you said his name. That made him bent his head a little, making clear he was listening. “What's up? You're making me worried”.
“It's nothing” finally, he spitted. “I just caught myself thinking. There is something I didn't told you, sweetheart. Waiting for the right moment”.
Jesus Christ. You shivered from head to toe. The cold breeze wasn't guilty, specially for the sunlight hitting you two, who started sweating. Noticing he was actually really serious, you put the almost empty snack bowl aside, taking one last sip from your Coke bottle. Cleaned your fingers in a towel, handling it to him, then took a strawberry bite — giving to him too.
After prepping, you turned to him, barely able to hide your expectations. Your heart was racing, riding wildly like a horse in the mountains. You did your best to keep breath in control, holding your own hands to not start fingering. With a deep breath, pushing away every single romantic "teenager with a crush" thoughts, you asked. “Yes?”
“I'm actually busy with something. I'll visit your family with you, for it will be our very last trip”.
You surely weren't expecting that. Your body lost a little of balance, eyes loosing focus as the words were sinking in. “What do you mean?”
“I'll have to stay away for a while, preparing myself to some serious stuff. Things with my...” hesitated, the Adam's apple waving as he swallowed the bittersweetness from the words “Creator”.
It wasn't enough. You needed to know more to say anything; you needed to think to say anything. The world turned completely silent, the sun felt like cold shadows, the cheese in your belly starting to swirl.
“It's dangerous. Really dangerous. I'm going to mess with Dreaming stuff. I can't get you involved, and I need total focus on my task” he tried his best to say it casually, but with a sight of his emotions, after all, he didn't wanted you to be heartbroken. “I don't know when I'll come back. We can text and call, but I won't be able to visit you until it's ended.
He didn't even knew if he would be alive in the end. You didn't knew that, but deeply, you felt it. It was a goodbye, not a farewell. Something inside you told what he couldn't; his fate was written since always, and no, you would never be able to be together til you grew old, and he remained fucking handsome. Your mind was racing silently, a lot of painful truths like the previous one hitting you like knives in your back. Heart aching, body trembling, eyes completely wet, you felt desperate.
“Take me with you” you said instantly, giving up on any rationality. “I'm clever, swift, and useful. I don't care about the dangers, I'm sure we can handle it and-”
“For fuck's sake, stop! Just stop.” his big hands cups your face, somehow staring at your eyes. “Like I said, I've been called a million things. Most of them are true. And I might be a monster, but I would never take you away from your life, sweetheart”.
You didn't knew exactly what he was talking about. Still, tears started popping in your eyes. You did your best to hold them back — he would loose all his honesty and courage just by the mere sight of a salty drip rolling down your cheeks.
“You are the most lovely, amazing human I've ever met in a ninety years. You have a family, a job, a cat and a precious soul” he said it without breathing or thinking; he couldn't dare to. If he stopped talking, he knew he would hesitate and regret. “I will not dare to sacrifice you for my own reasons. And, believe me, he would end you”.
You shivered once again. Raising one hand, you took one of his, holding tightly. “Corinthian. Please” almost begging. “I... I am willing to give it a try. Just please, say you want me to go”.
“I can't” he didn't even thought before answering. With a sigh, lowered his head and hand, now for hands holding each other as you held his. “You are the very only thing to trigger any sight of honor and worries on me. I can't be the reason you would let your life behind”.
“I don't want to live without you. I need you” finally, you let it out. He backed up slightly, seeing surprised. Knowing what was done was done, you gathered that desperate courage, and faced it. “I can't bear the idea of not having you in my life. Not touching you, taking care of you, even only observing you whenever I can.”
Too much. Way too much for him to say anything, so he told himself he would keep quiet, letting you storm out.
“I love you so fucking much, blondie” your voice came out like if your throat got squeezed, half high because of the imminent crying, trembling. “I don't want you to be a bittersweet memory. And I don't want to be your lost best friend”.
Tears staining down your face, you got on your knees, smiling sadly. Holding his hands tighter, you took your nose to the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent — like in all your sleepovers, and every single hug. He remained stiff, just a little bit shocked.
“I wanna be your endgame” you whispered, holding back a hiccup from an intense cry “To all matters”.
The Corinthian didn't knew what to do, for one of the very few times in his existence. Fuck, fuck, fuck. No, this wasn't supposed to happen. Why now? Why he would have to deal with this shit right now? But damn, you held it for so long. Fuck. Well, it was his duty as a friend to sympathize, and try to soothe things down. So, he decided to do what he does the best:
“You must understand this, sweetheart. I do not feel the same, though I'm pretty sure you already know that” you shook your head, confirming. That made something inside him twitch — it would be a heart, if he had one. “I can't make you my endgame. Even if I did felt the same, I would never risk your life for my very own self. I... You don't deserve it. Dying for a nightmare”.
There it was. Death. The word he'd been avoiding. In that moment, it didn't scared you. Raising your eyes, you looked at him. The sun was going down, more than ever casting golden rays towards the gorgeous man. He was a piece of art. There, staring at this man made of gold, you actually felt like you could die for him. It didn't mattered why or how; it just felt like it. He was pure gold — stained with blood, maybe, but still gold.
He couldn't take the way you looked at him. He would never feel worthy of your adoration, even if it wasn't like a god, but as a mere man. To all the goods, he found you appeasing too. From time to time he caught himself mapping every single detail of your body under the moonlight; and he would always check on your outfit — specially the endearing ones. So, in that little minute, he took his time to look at you in his own adoring way.
He would surely remember you like this when he felt like a, well, nightmare. The Corinthian could be the biggest motherfucker at the last century, but still, he had that delightful human to love and adore him as the best of the men. He promised himself he would try to spoil you a lot for it before going away.
“I am not taking you with me, and I am not saying I love you. You do know I don't feel this sort of thing” the most futile excuse he could've ever said, but it was fair. “Since we are parting our ways soon, there is one thing I can do. It's not enough, but... It'll do”
You couldn't ask what. You could barely speak. Anyways, knowing he had consent, Corinthian just bent forward, not touching your lips, but sucking them into his. He didn't left time to start slow, nor you needed time to process. No, you just took everything in.
The warmness of the sun and your bodies melting together, sweat running down your back, right where he laid one of his hands. His cologne mixed with specific salty and sugary tastes in your mouth felt like a really Earthly heaven, while tucking one hand on his slightly wet blonde strings, the other tracing all his body. It all came together, invading your senses. You moaned lowly as he laid you down on the picnic mat, hard rooftop against your back, arched with his hand. The sadness, the excitement, the anger and lust mixed when your lips parted, still hungry for him, yet understanding the moment.
As much as you both wanted to go on, and as much as you had a lot to say, he just laid by your side. Hugging you, who freezed looking at the sky, the man took his sunglasses off. It was weird, of course, but you didn't cared about the sight of the small teeth.
He exhaled loudly, squeezing you tight on the hug, chin against your shoulder. Well, if he had a way to show, you would say he closed his eyes, trying to relax his now very, very tensed muscles.
You were thinking about the last millions of seconds, trying to absorve the now colorful sky and the last heat from the sun to wash away all the fucked up feelings you got. With a similar sigh, you whispered: “Thank you, blondie. For the kiss. Now I'll have something to overthink every night”.
He chuckled, but you could tell he was as sad as you were. “Thank you for being in my life. Now I have something to think all the time” your cheeks surprisingly flustered, as your heart sped up. “Am I accompanying you to your mom's party?”
Another quick subject change, which made you smile. It was, indeed, bittersweet. Laying there with a normally dominant killer just clenching to your body as a kitten, staring at the now dark not-so starry sky, with something really hot between your thighs while your heart was at a torturing rhythm change, while facing the fact that the man you love would go away forever, bittersweet was definitely the word.
You tried to ignore the bad stuff for now. Instead of holding back, you let some tears fall. Instead of fighting the urge, you actually let your fingers run through the yellow strands of his hair. With the free one, you searched for his hand, interlocking fingers.
“She would kill me if I went there without you” he chuckled, sliding his thumb against your hand, some light kisses in your shoulder making butterflies invade your belly.
Yeah, he would never love you back. Yeah, he was going away at, who knows, a few days? But it was okay. You would never be his endgame; but you were his very only game. As long as you could be with him, it would be okay.
As for the Corinthian; he knew he would never love someone. But if love was nearly close to what he felt towards you, then he was satisfied with what he did with his freedom. Despite the killing, the fucking and the manipulation; he was happy he got to meet you. He was the luckiest nightmare in the whole universe.
It wasn't endgame, but for sure it was enough.
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I had a totally different concept of this. Turns out I absolutely can't write things without angst. Anyways, hoped you liked it! Please tell me your thoughts.
While writing I got so many ideais for this plot, so if you'd read a prequel or sequel, please let me know 💗
English is not my native language, so forgive me for any grammar. Love ya, see ya, bye bye 💐
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mostly-him · 2 months
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Adoptable on sale!!!
-You can ask me to change the colors and also to add a faction symbol to them
-Includes clean Lineart + color file in full resolution
Price: $105 usd
Send me a message if you are interested 😙
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ashmp3 · 2 months
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notachair · 6 months
Since atla is again having an extra surge of popularity, I'm shooting my shot:
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[ID: (Rest of image description in alt). At the bottom of the image sits the text: "Zuko: Okay. Well, I can't remember how it starts, but the punchline is "leaf me alone, I'm bushed."" ID end].
Did we ever find out what the setup for this joke was? I feel kinda haunted by it. If not- anyone wanna make their best or worst guesses?
edit: I now know what "I'm bushed" mean, but go ahead anyway 👍
haunted thoughts in tags ↓
#atla#the way I was early out for this next surge in popularity 🤗 I was in a different phase by 2020#it's not like it haunts me day and night but it does bother me thinking back on it. please tell me I'm not the only one 🧍‍♂️#I'll have to reblog the 'closure is a myth' post jk#what kind... of joke is it? leaf pun on leave i get. I'm bushed however I dont get. it implies the punchline sayer is a bush at least I#think. but what prompts the 'i am bushed' I dont get. is it not contextual? is it a phrase ive not connected like 'leaf me alone'?#is there anotger layer between leaf and bush? again what kind of joke (social:joke purpose. what is funny? only pun?) + (in-joke set up)?#is it about the kind of bush it is? is it between two plants? the plant & someone picking on the plant like a teamaker collecting?#is it about a plant that has grown into bush and thus (somethingsomething)?? is it not a plant at all? other elements? iroh *what*.#if the creators actually had a setup in mind- I fear it will be lame. but yet I am haunted#it must have cracked someone up for him to try relay it. (set in term of endearment here) 🧍‍♂️👈 *poking him*#either way. me 🤝 zuko @ being bad at remembering & relaying jokes 😁👍#at least in that instance anyway#I mainly stick to irony & sarcasm. running along with an mistaken assumption or replying w something silly & blowing it out of proportions.#puns if I'm lucky. ect. fun when I can reference it later tho I try not to overdo it. not like I'll likely remember it for too long anyway#now to lay in wajt see if anything happens....#avatar the last airbender#zuko#atla zuko#a:tla#my rambles#its lie and not lay is it not.....
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amber-lucca44 · 1 year
(Please reblog to get more votes 💕)
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chelseahotel2004 · 23 days
it’s crazy how much easier being conventionally attractive makes your life. it’s absurd like your appearance is least controllable thing ever and it means literally nothing lol but it still affects every aspect of your life…
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bangobeep · 1 year
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dontyou guys love it when the um uhh uhmm uhh um uhh
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s-lay-ing · 2 years
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GOING SEVENTEEN 2022: Seungkwan edition 💎
#경축_아기귤탄절_승관이날 #OUR_BOOtamin_day
ʰᵃᵖᵖʸ ˢᵘᵘᵘᵖᵉʳ ˡᵃᵗᵉ ᵇᶦʳᵗʰᵈᵃʸ ᵇᵒᵒᵎ
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bloodydeanwinchester · 6 months
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hehehehe im so sorry that’s immediately where my mind went but also you started it 😌
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theforgetter · 9 months
hiii if u like homestuck and music and connecting characters to songs you should listen to my autism playlists
^ the most recent and longest one but theres more on my channel! some of these songs r what i think r popular fandom opinions, some were suggestions from my friends, and many were just from my beautiful mind. enjoyyyy :3
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mostly-him · 2 years
❤ 5 slots this time
❤ Please DM me if you feel interested:
moss . himm @ g mail. com
Instagram/twitter: @mostly_him
Or here in tumblr
❤ More info in the link below: 👇🏼
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poppibranchlover · 1 year
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Meet John Dory, Branch’s long-lost brother! 😁💚
He wants to get the BroZone band back together again, and now he needs Branch’s help to do so! 😊
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arisu-reblogs · 1 year
Artist ask game: 🖍✏️☕️?
Yay, thanks for asking ^^ ^^ Game here: https://arisu-reblogs.tumblr.com/post/713846886094798848/artist-ask-meme
 🖍️ When did you start drawing? Do you remember?  
Mmmm..... 🤔🤔 No sure but maybe when I started studying and posting here... before all the changes so... back in 2015 (👀👀 it's long time by now isn't it?) I may point out that constantly, have been recently... if I can call that frequently.
✏️ Do you prefer traditional art or digital to relax?   
I feel like I had skipped the practice first traditional... so I do digital only. I may have done a couple of pieces that started as traditional got scanned and finished in digital.
☕ Do you do warmup sketches before drawing? (Bonus: do you have any to share?)
Sadly, I don't. I normally just sketch out what I want. Keep doing it until happy with it. And then draw on top of it in different layers and so on until it's finished. Maybe a WIP, and see if I ever finish it? XD XD
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Honestly talking I don't even remember what that's supposed to be... just that was save in my drafts for years as it said Valentines 2021... I may just added the "watermark" other than that.... be my guess... I may had planned to adapt it for many... pairs... ?
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sportsallover · 2 months
Curious about what tumblr thinks
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lollixp0p · 8 months
The Video (18+)
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Pairing: Best friend!Hwang Hyunjin x afab!reader
Genre: Smut (MDNI), bit of feelings
Word count: just under 3k!
Warnings: Idol!au, subby!Hyunjin, slightly perv!reader, recording, (maybe a bit dub con because he doesn't mean to send it but reader watches it anyway), mommy kink, masturbation (both but separately), Hyunjin fantasizes about reader, reader fantasizes about Hyunjin, lmk if I missed anything!!
Summary: Hyunjin finally gets some alone time after weeks of hard work and decides to use his time to... relax. The next day he ends up sending you something on accident that sets off a big change in your lives, with or without either of you really realising.
Note: My first ever fic!! :3 Inspired by a video I saw on phub. (@cbini (Ems isn't on Tumblr rn she still wanted to be tagged so I hope it's ok), @comet-falls, @hyunsvngs, @mnwrld and @skz-hell lmao hello everyone, writing blog reveal!!😁 here's this fic I've mention to all of you as an anon<3 (depending on who you are I'm either ❄️anon, 🐾anon or sounding anon😳)). To anyone reading this please give me literally any feedback (comment, reblog, anything!), I want to know if this is good or not since it's my first fic🙏😣
Please do not under any circumstance copy, translate, or repost my works!
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It's been exactly three weeks since Hyunjin's had any time for just himself, though it feels like months at this point.
Recently everyone's been running around like headless chickens and between vocal trainings, dance practices and the studio, there hasn't been much time to just relax and recharge. Preparing for a new album really is the busiest time of an idols life.
There hasn't even been time to see family or friends, which is common during busy spells like this, but always dissapointing to think about. Now even more so, with how much he's been wishing to spend time with you, one of his closest friends... who also happens to be his crush. Not that he'd ever let you know though, not in a very long time.
It feels almost like a blessing, getting back to the dorms from practice late in the evening and realising... he's got the place all for himself, at least until his roommates get back from the studio.
Changbin had messaged him earlier, telling him that they'd probably be there well past midnight, so there was no use waiting up for them. To him though, this was the very opposite of an issue. With that much free time, he'd definitely be able to... make himself comfortable, so to speak.
See, not having time to relax also means he'd basically had no time to get off. The best he'd been able to do had been quick little sessions barely once a week in the shower right before passing out on his bed from the exhaustion of working hard.
The realisation that he'd be able to do anything he wants during his time alone is enough to get his dick twitching in his jeans and he decides the shower can wait until later.
Hyunjin goes to his room and locks the door after himself even though he's alone, it's just become a habit after so many years living with his members. He sets his bag down next to his bed and thinks through his plan.
Hyunjin has a little secret, which is that he loves recording himself do dirty things that range from more vanilla to much less vanilla. Something about the thrill of being recorded even if no one will ever see it just... makes him so fucking horny.
He opens the camera of his phone, puts it to video mode and presses record. Moving his hand off the lense and setting it down where he normally sets it, on the carefully placed pile of books on his desk, he sits down on his bed.
"Hmm... I hope the angle's good... It's been so long since I've had time for this", Hyunjin sighs with a pout and brushes his hair out of his eyes. He knows the camera won't see it though because he's made sure the stand, his pile of books, is at a level that cuts off his head perfectly.
Hyunjins hands run down his body slowly and he exhales deeply, just loud enough to get picked up by his phone. Once they reach his jeans he unbuttons them, unzips the zipper, then pulls the jeans down just enough to expose his underwear. Hyunjin pulls his shirt up over his stomach to be held in place under his chin, rubs his hand over his bulge and hums.
It's been so long since the last time he's been able to take his time making himself feel good. It's almost embarrassing how quickly he's getting hard.
He takes his dick out his boxers and then spits on the palm of his right hand. It's dirty and wet but it just turns him on even more. He grabs his dick with the hand and slowly moves his fist up and down, to spread the saliva and precum all over his dick to make the slide easier and wetter but to also get himself to full hardness.
"A-ah, ohh... that's so good... Feels-fuck, feels so good", Hyunjin sighs. It really won't take him too long to cum, he just knows it. He's been pent up for far too long.
He tries to think of something to help his issue and immediately thinks of you, no matter how embarrassed or dirty it makes him feel.
When you first started showing up in the dirtiest corners of his mind he felt so ashamed. Now it doesn't matter to him anymore. You'll never find out so why feel bad?
He continues to move his hand on his dick while thinking of you. The last time the two of you had time to hang out together you'd worn the lowest cut shirt he'd ever seen on you. He had tried so hard to act normal around you but whenever you bent down he'd been able to see into your shirt.
"Haah, fuck..." , he squeezes himself a little harder at the memory. Everytime you moved he could see your bra poking out from the top, black and lacy. The entire time he'd been doing his best to not bust in his pants. Oh, what he'd give to be able to see your tits. They always looked so soft and they'd probably fit perfectly into his palms.
Whenever the both of you would hang out at yours, watching movies and just hanging out, you never bothered to wear a bra. Why would you? It is your house where you want to be as comfortable as possible.
The feeling of laying down on your couch watching a movie with you on top of him, in just a t-shirt, will end up driving him mad one day. Everytime he'd felt your nipples poking into him he'd almost moaned out loud.
"Hngh... Oh my god, please... m-mommy!", he lets out pathetically, moving his fist faster. God he just wants you to use him, to do anything you want to him. The thought makes him whine desperately.
One of the most common fantasies for him is you on top of him using him to get off, not caring about if he's close or not. You'd sit on his face and ride it until you cum. He could probably cum untouched like that. All he'd need was tasting you and seeing you cum, just for him.
All the sudden he remembers the phone recording him and he shudders. He imagines what your reaction would be to seeing him like this. Would you be disgusted or delighted? Would you tell him what to do and how to touch himself? Maybe you'd touch him... He hopes you would.
"Mommy... please touch me, aah- oh!", he runs his thumb over the head of his cock just right and his thighs twitch but he keeps them open, in perfect view to the camera.
Throwing his head back he imagines you riding him. You'd be so tight and wet around him. Maybe you'd tie his hands behind his back so he wouldn't be able to touch you... he'd really like that. You'd feel godly around him, Hyunjin thinks.
"Fuck, oh fuck! Mommy I'm-haah, I'm so close, please!", his dick twitches desperately. You're so gorgeous, to him you're the sexiest person he's ever seen. He feels himself getting so close that tears spring to his eyes.
"Ah- 'm gonna... mommy, gonna cum...!", he whines out long and loud. It takes Hyunjin two more strokes to let go and he cums the hardest he's cum in weeks. He doesn't even register whispering your name. Hyunjin leans back on his left hand and keeps stroking himself through it.
The feeling is overwhelming, so much so that his thighs start twitching pathetically and the tears in the corners of his eyes fall. He's getting incredibly overstimulated but he keeps going, wanting to keep enjoying the feeling, just a bit more.
He squeezes himself one last time and suddenly everything on him feels gross and dirty. He's just had the best orgasm in weeks so it's no surprise that he came a lot, everywhere. He even managed to get some on his chin.
"Fuuck... Did you-haah... did you enjoy that?", he chuckles to the phone. It takes a while for him to come down from the high, the twitchiness and the feeling of euphoria lingering in his body. Once he's capable of standing up again he stops the video.
With his body feeling like jelly, he takes off all his clothes, drops them into his hamper and prepares to shower, at last.
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Hyunjin wakes up to his alarm the next day feeling more refreshed than he's felt in weeks. He shuts off the still ringing alarm and quickly gets up from his bed to get dressed and go eat breakfast.
Checking the calendar on his phone to make sure he knows his schedule for today, he makes a note of one thing; he'd have a lot of time alone at the dorms today too, since he's only got a dance practice and a recording session today, which obviously means 3racha will stay behind to stress about their songs while Hyunjin can return early. Maybe this time he should continue the latest piece of art he's been working on after he gets back?
Hyunjin gets through the day well enough.
After eating breakfast he messages you a "Good morning pretty <3 please remember to drink water!" like every morning when he has time for it. He gets to the practice room only five minutes late, which is a record this early in the morning, because usually he ends up sleeping in at least ten minutes (which makes Chan scold him for being such a heavy sleeper).
He does well at practice, even though he ends up a little exhausted. That's nothing new though, with how hard they always work to be the best they can be.
The rest of the members leave to take a break but Hyunjin decides to stay behind to film the solo choreography he's been working on for fun. Once he's happy with how it's turned out, it's time for him to go record his lines.
The recording session goes smoothly, without hundreds of retakes and everyone's satisfied with the result. Afterwards they decide to order some take-out, as a reward for a job well done... and also because they're all feeling too lazy to even think about going to the dorms to cook.
While eating Hyunjin finally realises to check his phone again. "Good morning, take care of yourself too!! :)" is your response to what he sent earlier. It's nothing more than a kind response but it makes him grin to himself like the fool in love he is.
"Yaaah!! Hyunjinnieee, what's making you smile so beautifully?", Changbin leans towards him with his signature flirting-with-Hyunjin grin, mouth half full of rice.
"It's nothing," Hyunjin responds back to him cheeks red, "and don't talk with your mouth full hyung... Do you not have any respect?"
Changbin decides to drop it in favor of eating more delicious food.
"Oh come on... we wanna know!!", Han pouts at him from his seat on the couch in the room. Hyunjin shoves another mouthful of food in his mouth to avoid the embarrassement of explaining how a single text messaged from you manages to make his heart beat out of his chest.
Once Hyunjin's done eating he's free to go back to the dorms and just like he suspected the rest of his dormmates stay behind to work some more, although they all whine at him to stay to explain the previous mystery. He declines and they all keep their sad puppydog eyes on him until he's out the door.
He keeps texting you during his ride, all the way to the dorms. Once he's in his room Hyunjin decides to just change into some clean clothes. He's too excited to talk to you and get to painting, he can wash up later.
He lays in his bed to keep texting you and at some point your conversation changes from how your day's been going to talking about dancing and he mentions how he just today filmed a new choreography bit he's made for fun.
Can I see what you've been working on? :)
I'm sure it's really good, you always are!!
Well... since you asked so nicely😉
[video sent]
Quickly sending the video Hyunjin exits out the messaging app, feeling so giddy he can't help but squirm around on his bed. He still can't believe someone like you could be interested in seeing him dance.
It might seem like a small thing for most but he feels himself turning red just thinking about the way you look at him while he talks about something so important to him. It makes the butterflies in his stomach every time you're near go crazy. It's so attentive, like you actually care and are interested in his interests... and maybe even...?
'No' , he thinks to himself. There's probably no way you could ever actually be interested in him, not in the same way he's interested in you at least.
He leaves his phone charging and finally gets out of bed to go to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. He'd need it if he wanted to stay up late to work on his newest art piece.
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Hearing the familiar 'ping' notification of receiving a message makes you open your phone again and just like you thought, Hyunjin had sent you the video of his latest masterpiece of a choreography. Not waiting a second you press the video just to see.... Hyunjin take his hand off the camera and set the phone down on the desk in his room he draws on. He sits down on the edge of his bed and says something, you aren't really sure what, because the volume's too low. In confusion you turn it up more.
Hyunjin sighs and reaches up to move his hair out his face, probably. You can't see it though, because the camera cuts his face perfectly off frame. Suddenly his hands run down his body to the button on his jeans. He opens it and starts undoing the zipper next. You just look at the video in shock. 'He isn't about to... to take them off is he?', you think to yourself, just as he pulls the jeans down enough to expose his white boxers and then palms his bulge.
Should you stop watching? Keep watching? How long has it even been playing? How long does it keep playing? While you wonder this you almost miss Hyunjin pull his hard dick out of his underwear and spit on his palm and... Oh God...
You've now done something you can never take back. The downright sinful view of his cock is something you don't think you're ever going to be able to forget. How do you even face him after this? After watching him grasp his dick in his hand and pump it a couple of times to spread the spit and precum around.
You exit the video, panting and absolutely soaking through your underwear. Your other hand rushes to your face to feel your cheeks. They're burning and feel like you've been standing out in the sun for hours, when in reality all you've done is accidentally watch your best friend play with himself.
You struggle to decide what to do with the video and in the end save the video without much thinking, then delete the message of it and decide to notify him of his mistake. As long as he doesn't know you saved it, it should be fine, right?
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It takes Hyunjin less than 10 minutes to make and get the coffee. He returns to his room humming the tune of a song he's had on repeat recently. Setting the coffee down on the desk and taking his phone off from the charger he notices new messages from you.
Hyunjin, I don't think you meant to send that.
He looks at his screen confused. What did you mean by that? He...
Oh God.
Did he send the wrong video?
Frantically opening the video he sent earlier he sees himself, in video, move his hand off the phone camera and set it down the desk near his bed and sit down. Oh no...
"Hmm... I hope the angle's good... It's been so long since I've had time for this", video Hyunjin sighs and reaches up to move his hair from his eyes. His head may be out of frame but he clearly remembers pouting while saying this. He watches himself slowly unbutton and unzip his pants, adjusting them so that his boxers are clearly visible in frame. In the video his hand drifts towards his crotch slowly, teasingly.
He quickly exits the video and promptly shoves his head under his pillow and yells. He'd accidentally sent the wrong video while hurrying to get a cup of coffee. How could he have messed up this bad? In his panic, it takes him a moment to respond.
Oh god
I'm so sorry!!
Please don't watch that!
Don't worry!!!
I stopped watching the moment you started unzipping your pants😖
I saw nothing, promise!🙏 It's been deleted already!! 
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Little does he know though, you'd kept the video. You're not really sure why, but subconciously your brain keeps screaming' to finish it later, of course'.
Fuck it, you don't think you can wait until later.
Taking a deep breath, you open your gallery to find the video he sent you. You hesitate for a second but press play anyway. You can feel how you're already soaking through your underwear but pay no mind to it yet.
You watch him do the things you've seen already, all the way until he spits in his hand... and you pause the video. 'Is it right to watch this? I mean, he didn't mean to even send it...', you think to yourself.
But the thought of seeing him touch himself, to hear him make the sweetest noises you could ever in your wildest dreams imagine him making drives you on.
Pressing play again you dip your fingers into your pants. You rub yourself over your underwear and oh my god... you can't believe the wetness you feel after less than a minute of watching the video. You focus on the phone you're holding in your other hand and finally move your fingers into your underwear to directly touch your pussy.
On your screen you see Hyunjin start to stroke himself faster, the head of his dick a dark pink, you can feel his desperation through the screen. Without thinking you move your fingers to your clit and start rubbing it in circles, aided by the wetness of your leaking pussy.
He moans out loud and even though you can't hear it through the fog in your head, you know he's desperate. You move your fingers down to your hole and dip two of them in. You're so wet you barely need to even stretch yourself out and then he does it.
"Hngh... Oh my god, please... m-mommy!"
You push your fingers deeper and your pussy lets out he lewdest squelch which in turn makes you close your eyes desperately in pleasure. 'Mommy? When he masturbates he calls out for mommy??', the thought makes you lose your mind. You think about what it would be like if he called you mommy in the throes of pleasure.
You want to make him follow every command you give him. The way he'd look up at you on his knees with you standing above him. Maybe you could make him suck on a strap? He'd look so ridiculously delicious with his mouth full, drool dripping down his cheeks.
You add another finger and start rubbing at your clit with your thumb at the same time. The feeling makes you whimper and imagine his hands on you, teaching him how to touch you perfectly. You're getting so close and you remember to focus your screen again.
Hyunjin looks absolutely disheveled. His dick is red and throbbing, you can tell he's getting close. His voice is another thing that gives him away. He's whiny and his voice keeps cracking every time he opens his mouth. Hyunjin bucks into his hand and moans.
"... mommy, gonna cum...!", he strokes himself twice more and then finally cums. You're so close it's maddening. All the sudden you hear him... whisper your name?
It makes you go off the edge and your entire body clenches and seizes while you silently cry out from all the pleasure you're feeling. Your walls suck in your fingers with how you're clenching around them. On the screen Hyunjin twitches violently, working himself through the end of his orgasm.
You pull your fingers out of yourself and slump down on your bed exhausted, but the last 20 seconds of the video that's now over haunts you. Did you hear him right?
You gather strength to pick up your phone again and rewind the video to the part where he cums and turn the volume almost all the way up. Admittedly you end up fixating on the way his dick looks and face twists in pleasure when he cums and then he says, or more like whisper your name. Your brain blanks.
"Fuuck... Did you-haah... did you enjoy that?", he chuckles to the phone, sits in place for a bit to properly come down and then gets up to stop the video.
You're wet, confused and you can feel your heart beat out of your chest. What do you do now? How can you ever face him normally after that... Does he feel the same way you do? Is he sure he didn't mean to send it?
It's all too much to think about, so you decide that instead of thinking about it you'll clean yourself up and... crawl into a hole where no one will ever find you. Probably. The only thing you know for sure is you definitely won't be sleeping tonight.
© lollixp0p 2024 | please do not under any circumstance copy, translate, or repost my works
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barblaz-arts · 21 days
please post them over here some of us have lost access to twt cause elno is a big dumb whiny baby
Ok posting for the Brazilians and folks who have the sense to not get twitter. These are excerpts of Wenclair moments from the official season 1 novelization. Buckle up, because it's A LOT
Wednesday basically saying that Enid is too pretty for Ajax is so vindicating for me as an Ajax hater lol
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Wednesday's first experience feeling compassion for another person outside of family and it is confusing tf out of her
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Feels so good to be right about the fact that Wednesday joined the Poe Cup FOR ENID
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Wednesday being touched by Enid's cheesy WWWD bit is so funny but also so so cute
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"Sometimes, I think Enid is the only person I've met at Nevermore who genuinely cares for me, and not some projection of me they've invented on their own."
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Goddddd I love this part so much! I love how the author wrote Wednesday and Enid's relationship because yes! Exactly! Throughout the show the love interests kept getting mad at Wednesday for not reacting or interacting with them the way they wanted her to. Meanwhile Enid always respected her boundaries, only encouraging Wednesday to get out of her comfort zone when called for(making Wednesday apologize to Thing) or losing her temper when Wednesday crosses a line(the Gates mansion fiasco). But when Wednesday just doesn't wanna hug or doesn't wanna go shopping with her, Enid understands that its just the way she is. Enid treated Wednesday like a person and saw exactly the kind of person she was and still insisted on being friends with her. That's why Wednesday cares for her so much, even compromising for Enid by letting the shoulder bumps happen without complaint or promising to think of a bonding activity that they would BOTH like 😭
More in the reblogs 😁
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