#reblog as much as possible to canon this if it isn't already a canon
koreanchimchim-blog · 2 years
Hey if LITA ever have a season 2, it would be about Pakin and his boytoy, wouldn't it?...cuz i remember them talking about it in one of the episodes where his right hand man says
"Pakin's busy with his boy so he wouldn't be attending today's race"
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Common on! We already have a plot!
Here take the plot, give me season 2!!!!!!!!!
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(this is me to mame right now!!)
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(i just stole someone's video! Credits to the original owner, don't know who they r though🤧😭😬🤷🏻‍♀️)
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lume-nosity · 2 years
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an: this is a reupload!! (copy and paste pain) because for some reason my original post wasn’t showing up on the tags?? even my own??? if this doesn’t show up again i’m just gonna leave it as is. also the og’s who saw the post before i took it down are the real ones <3 anyways, requests are closed but i took this as a suggestion because i wanted to do it. when i saw this in my inbox i felt productive/determined to fulfill this ask so you're welcome /Ih and holy shit 2k+ notes on part one you guys are crazy thank you so much i'm so glad you liked it!! you take care of yourself as well dear anon <3
‘i've got my eye on you.’ (pt. 2)
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prompt: what would they do if they saw their s/o in an uncomfortable situation
characters: itto, diluc, zhongli, ayato, tartaglia, thoma, kaeya
style: fluff, much fluff
notes: not proofread, lowercase intended, possibly ooc because i used character demos/teasers/ a few voicelines as references, gender neutral reader, the smaller text is whispering, no dialogue/use for [name], kuki shinobu mention in itto's part, how tf do you write zhongli and kaeya, petnames: beloved, treasure, love, swearing, blood mention in tartaglia's part, tartaglia getting a little violent, got lazy while writing the last few portions
reblogs are appreciated!
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"HEYYYY THERE YOU ARE!! so uh, are these guys bothering you?"
"huh, so they are. hey! hey, no worries! ill getcha outta here. i'm THE arataki numero uno they’re dealing with."
"hey, so, you're making my lovely super amazing wonderful partner uncomfortable and i would absolutely LOVE it if you leave em alone."
"oh wait, they're already gone. OHHHH did i scare them?? HAHAHAAA, man, that was great. totally worth the scare. anyways! want to have an onikabuto battle? yeah? OKAY! come on, come on, come on!!! i know the best spot to find them. but just so you know, i will beat you this time!"
let me tell you itto's was a lot of fun to write. i don't have to write too seriously!!!
he was looking for you actually, to have a little onikabuto battle since he's determined to win. (despite the many losses he has under his belt)
but seeing you look so uneasy from afar, yeah no he's not having it. ran towards you at mach 20.
one simple glance at him, those creeps are running to their mothers. the best part was that itto was confused as to why they've run off but he assumed it was because of him.
well, he's half right, because what really scared them off was kuki shinobu's shadow quite literally appeared out of nowhere next to you and itto. mvp! you guys weren't aware of her presence, because after they ran off, she just walked away. stealthy. like a boss.
i find it canon that if itto has a s/o shinobu would do anything in her power to keep those two away from trouble/danger. it's her job as deputy leader of the arataki gang, right?
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"look, i'm not interested in small talk, but i'll get straight to the point. if you wish to make things simple for the both of us, see yourselves out. i won't ask again."
"what am i going to do about it? well, wouldn't you like to know." (casually readies his claymore)
"what a bunch of imbeciles. *sigh* i apologize for not arriving here sooner, i'll escort you home."
"you. want to stay with me? alright, i'll arrange a room for you at the winery right away. no? ah. i see. then i suppose my bed would big enough for the two of us to sleep on. are you satisfied with that? good. now let's go."
he isn't the darknight hero for nothing
like the gentleman he is, he was going to accompany you until you get home safely and then exchange goodbyes.
but no, you wanted to stay with him for the night. he has many rooms for the guests to use, but when you in particular suggested to sleep with him in his room, he of course doesn't mind since it's you.
should it be anyone else, it'll be an immediate no. so be glad you get to have this privilege from the guy because he loves you and is willing to do anything for you
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"pardon the intrusion, but i believe now's the time for the both of us to take our leave. please excuse us."
"it'd be wise for you to not place your indelicate hands onto my beloved. lest you'll see a rather.. grotesque, outcome."
"my dear, are you alright? ... how did i find you, you may ask? oh, please do not underestimate me. i'm far more than what meets the eye."
"we are sharing a contract, after all. to live and cherish life with one another until the end of time, to be safe, filled with tenderness and warmth within our hearts, and to not have anyone interfere that great deal of a bond. for you are my greatest treasure."
rip my brain for having to push zhongli's portion out because it clearly cannot comprehend this man's vocabulary.
you and him are to follow a contract, yes. but it's similar to a confession, if that makes sense?
basically zhongli was the one to confess to you first with his built-in thesaurus (to which you accepted of course if you like him too) and then have you and him sign' this sort of contract as a promise to stick with one another for as long as life can allow it. and by sign...
it's a kiss. to seal the contract :)
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"a pity. hm? yes, i am 'the head of the kamisato clan. but your concerns about my reputation is irrelevant."
"you're harassing my lover, and if i catch you doing this unsightly act once again, then i'm afraid i'll have to resort to something that'll make you wish you've never been born."
"ah, my words were too harsh? nonsense, it was vitally necessary. at least it'd driven them away. well, i guess there are benefits for someone of high status."
"come now, i'll have my staff cook you something to your liking. you are my lover, so they'll be sure to suit your needs. you needn't worry."
fun fact: i've never finished ayato's story quest so i was writing this blind (with the help of some voicelines/demos/teasers, this goes along with the rest of the men on this list)
originally, you two were going on a nightly stroll since he was free but were stopped by a group of creeps. however, ayato handled the matter in his way.
in his head, those creeps are a waste of time and mere bugs because, well, they are. and pathetic, because they immediately recognize him for his high status and they all shrank in his presence. which made things easier for ayato. he made a small threat, and then they zoomed.
afterwards, he wanted to bring you home for dinner instead. continuing to stay out after that ordeal was not an option in his book.
what a good man
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"wow, you all are quite bold. daring to do that while i'm here? hah, how risky. i'm actually impressed, by how wrong of a move you've just played."
"say, wouldn't you guys be interested for a sparring session? i'll be delighted to fight you all at the same time to enhance my combative capabilities. no? are you sure? okay, the offer's still on the table you know. and don't think i'm letting you all off so easily."
"love, are you alright? did they hurt you? if they did then i'll be sure to give them the same pain as they did to you. but worse. hm? no? okay, if you insist."
"moving on, let's go home shall we? the more i think about those creeps, the more i'm itching to grab my blades and hunt them down. oh! no, it's nothing. let's move, wouldn't want to stay out for too long."
we all know that he'll definitely end them
the thing is, he was right next to you when it happened and it's almost as if those asshats were blind!!!
blinded by his beauty ig
well, those assholes should sleep with one eye open every night now that tartaglia has seen them.
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"excuse me, my partner and i are in a hurry. we have important business to attend to and we wouldn't want to be late."
"we won't take up the rest of your time, so please, if you'll excuse us."
"phew, that was rough. i didn't like how they were treating you, so i wanted to help you out. oh nonono, there's no need to thank me! as your boyfriend, it's my job to make sure that you're safe and happy at all times!"
"to get your mind off of what happened, i'll cook dinner for you tonight. any preferences? favorites? recipes? ill be sure to write them down!"
thoma based
instead of staying and insulting them, he just makes up an excuse to leave! it saves less time!!
..which shunned the creeps to bits. because you see, to me, people who are as kindhearted as thoma are equivalent to sunshine. and by sunshine i mean blindingly bright.
too nice and polite to the point the creeps are blind and deaf, you get what i mean?
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"well, well, well, how amusing of you all to act in such a way while i'm here. clearly you weren't cautious about your surroundings nor able to understand the differences between common courtesy and disrespect."
"how do i think so? from what you were displaying a few seconds ago, there's an obvious answer to that. it's allill written in your face. uneasiness. just like my partner."
"run along now, before your feet will run cold."
"ah, please, spare me the thanks. i only did what i had to do. as long as you're safe, that's all that matters to me. now then, allow me to treat you to dinner. it's all on me~"
honestly i got very lost in writing kaya's portion despite listening to his voicelines for like 2-3 times :,)
but, what i can conclude from this is that he'll be the sly bro he usually is with people
except in here, it's a bit different. his words are like that of a snake, wrapping around its prey.
makes sense, because kaeya doesn't stand people who make his s/o uncomfortable. if he scares them off or anything, then so be it. anything to keep you safe.
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
Someone already covered how the influx of antis impacted F/F in the Disney fandom, but another major component was people shifting from shipping lots of pairings to disparaging people for shipping things they didn't ship. This isn't unique to F/F or Disney, but this fandom culture change from multishipping being the norm to it being something you needed a specific name for puzzles me in any fandom. I don't see why it happened. I also don't get what the point of it is. I love my blorbos as much as anyone, I've cosplayed as some, I write fic, I draw art, etc., but even if I'm really into, say, Belle/Elsa, I don't see how someone shipping Belle/Esmeralda or Elsa/Merida means anything to me. I also don't see why I shouldn't ship those things in addition to Belle/Elsa. Infinite number of fictional AUs, infinite blorbos, thus, infinite possibilities. It's not as if this is canon where there can only be one pairing.
I really wish there was someone who had the answers on why this shift from "I reblog all Disney femslash" to "multishippers DNI" as the norm happened. It's not helping any fandom, and it is - and I say this as someone who hyperfixates on characters so hard I have dreams where I am them - kind of ridiculous given these are fictional characters. Make believe can have anything you want.
Recently I saw someone get snapped at for having made a moodboard for a character with two different partners, one in 2017, one in 2024. And I know this is completely abandoning the original focus of the conversation on F/F but I feel like this really shows just how bad things have gotten. Even if their main ship has changed, that doesn't make them a "disloyal fan". Loyalty is something you can owe real life people, but not fictional characters.
There were times in the past where having multiple fandoms was seen as weird, never mind multiple ships. This isn't one distinct recent change in one direction.
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Considering the canon kwami’s personalities, the way the full ML story ended up panning out, and the following proposed powers, do you think that having Tikki and Xuppu as Order and Chaos for the yin-yang duo assigned to Marinette and Adrien respectively would’ve been better than having the canon setup of Tikki and Plagg as Creation and Destruction? Why or why not?
I like the Order and Chaos idea! Chaos would be a much better fit for Xuppu's ability and Tikki's personality feels like it could fit Order possibly even more than it fits Creation. I also like how this maintains the contrasting personalities for the Kwamis as I think that's a key element of Plagg and Tikki's dynamic so you'd want something similar if you replaced Plagg.
However, I don't think that Order is a great fit for Marinette because, mask or no mask, her power is creativity. Creation isn't exactly a synonym for Order. They're two very different things. Creation can be - and often is - chaotic! This would mean that Tikki's power set would need to be reworked as Lucky Charm would feel even more out of place than it already does with the whole "Creation isn't Luck" thing. The restoration power could possibly still work for Order, but that power isn't why Marinette is the best ladybug. Anyone can cast the cure and it's only important so the fights have no real consequences like death or property destruction. Lucky Charm is the important part for the actual fights. I'm not even sure what power Order would grant. Feel free to comment or reblog with suggestions!
So, while I like the general idea and even think that Adrien wouldn't be a bad Chaos wilder (he's already pretty chaotic), I don't think that this beats the canon setup from a powers perspective. I also wouldn't replace Plagg with Xuppu because Xuppu doesn't seem like the kind of character people will enjoy in large doses. During the rare moments where he's allowed to have his own personality, he comes across as pretty annoying. Plagg isn't perfect, but he's not going to do this sort of nonsense:
Kim: Awww! A flying monkey plushie! Xuppu: I'm no plushie! My name's Xuppu, you nitwit! (blows a raspberry at him) Kim: My name's not nitwit! My name's Kim! (he and Xuppu make faces at each other while Master Fu watches from afar) Master Fu: I'm wondering if this was the smartest move after all. Xuppu: (while Kim puts on the Monkey Miraculous) Just say showtime already!
I think that a character like this would get real old, real fast! Plagg may dish out insults, but he's a lot more clever about them and does come across as generally caring about Adrien. Xuppu would need similar fleshing out if he was one of the main Kwamis and, at that point, you're basically going to get something similar to Plagg so I'm not sure it's worth the work. Especially since Xuppu's power isn't super well defined and stories where the powers are used all the time tend to be stronger when the audience has an understanding of what the powers can do. It establishes stakes and makes fights make sense. If a fight if just whatever the writers want to write today, that's a lot less engaging.
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I've decided to reduce my social media activity drastically to protect my mental health. Right now, it's being detrimental to my already low confidence and every post I make and every hour I spent in social networks only exacerbates my feelings of not being enough.
It's been two years since I came to this fandom, and in all this time, I failed to feel a part of something and form connections, and I very keenly feel the effects of this in everything I do. People who came here after me fared better in a shorter time. I don't blame anyone for this except myself. I've always been the misfit with the edgy uncomfortable opinions, I suck at social interactions, I've been told that my dry and academic tone comes across as condescending, I prefer dry facts over speculation, headcanons and vibes, and canon is my Prime Directive. Or in other words: I'm the antipode of what people love about fandom, I'm not fun. I see the result of this every day and it makes me feel like a failure (I even went so far as to analyse the stats of my posts and compare them to similar recent posts to confirm that this is not a sentiment).
Sharing a passion with hundreds of other people should make you happy. Most of the time, I only feel miserable.
My former fandom was so small that I never noticed these things, but now that I've in this very big fandom for two years, it's painfully clear that fandom is not for me.
In the past, I've tackled such situations by actively trying to change them. After I did that poll in January, I decided to post more and tried to interact more. But too many failed past attempts at interacting have left me disheartened and I can't possibly spend even more time on writing up a comprehensible post. Over the next couple of months, I'm going to face the biggest change in my life so far, and I need to focus on the things that bring me joy like writing. I can't afford keep doing things that only drag me down.
You're likely going to see posts from me now and then when I feel that I have something to say (I was working on a couple of metas) or because I posted a new chapter on AO3, and I have also a couple of scheduled reblogs left, but for the near future, I won't hang around to see what's going on. So please know that if I seem to ignore you, it's not because of you.
I'll probably be more active again when I feel more confident, but since this a permanent issue that has existed for as long as I can remember, this isn't magically going to change in the future.
Last but not least, I want to thank the handful of people who so far supported me by sharing my posts or recommending my works on a social network, or I had nice interactions with. Without you, I would have come to this point much sooner. Please know that you're appreciated <3
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thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year
do you think NHS will ever be satisfied with the way things have turned out in the end? or is he already? I've seen polar opinions on this one and honestly can't decide which one I like more
oooh, what crunchy questions, anon.
short answer: I think he thinks he's satisfied.
the tl;dr answer: I don't think it's possible for us to know with any degree of certainty how nhs feels about anything post-canon, because the text gives us almost no insight into his interiority outside of wwx's speculation in the aftermath of the guanyin temple sequence. but I think we can make some educated guesses based on what we do know about his character.
rather than just rewrite stuff I've already written on this subject before, I'll drop some links to previous posts that I think are relevant to your ask:
nhs took so long to enact his revenge quest because he could not make up his mind about what he wanted to do. also this one, which includes discussion of his cql performance as well. indecisiveness is as core to nhs's character as his desire for vengeance, and I think that extends to his feelings about his situation post-canon, too.
this is definitely more within the realm of headcanon and speculation but I went deep on this the magnus archives-mdzs fusion reblog speculating on why I think nhs would be an avatar of the hunt, and a big thing about the hunt is that once the hunt is over, the hunters... don't really know what to do with themselves. womp womp.
now on to the point I don't think I've spilt much digital ink on yet:
nhs is, and always has been, a people person. this is extremely obvious when you dip back into the gusu lan summer camp for wayward young cultivators chapters, where nhs is at his most effervescent when he is bopping around the cloud recesses as wwx and jc's bubbly tag-along, lamenting how much lwj and lqr clearly hate wwx while cheerfully offering to give wwx more porn to make up for what he's lost. (it was nhs's porn, too! he'd be justified in being a bit cheesed off about it, but he really isn't!) if he sees a didi-shaped hole in a prospective friends' group, he sees an opportunity to make himself lovably indispensable as the court appointed littlest brother no one asked for, and quite frankly who could blame him? he loves to be spoiled and doted on, but imo there's some clear self-awareness and reciprocity at work in these dynamics that goes beyond a desire just to be pampered and looked after. I suppose an uncharitable read on teen!nhs would be that he's lazy and manipulative and finds easy marks to do the heavy lifting for him so he can sleep and paint and catch birds for his private collection, but tbh I think that interpretation does his character dirty. most people who end up spoiling and doting on nhs in the text are clearly happy to do so and seem to get something out of making life easier for this charmingly incompetent dandy. good for him--and for them!
...and then, post-canon, he is a people person without any people around him. sure, we can presume the existence of some unnamed nie sect subordinates who are stuck dealing with a sect leader who allowed his sect to languish and decline in the years after nmj's death, but I think if any of those unnamed subordinates were inclined to be people nhs could rely on to fill the 3zun and/or wwx and jc-shaped voids in his life, we'd at least know their names. I think it is telling that we don't, and that the last meaningful interaction we see between nhs and the characters who used to be his closest friends in the text amounts to an interrogation. whatever affection wwx used to feel for nhs has clearly withered on the vine and has been replaced by mistrust and suspicion--to say nothing of lxc's dead-eyed silence as soon as he begins to put the pieces together.
also: the last glimpse we get of nhs in the text before he disappears from the story altogether is him picking up jgy's hat and walking off with it. why does he do this? why is this the very last thing we see him do in the story? there are a few different possibilities:
"he's taking the hat to keep as a trophy!" I mean. maybe? I suppose I can't entirely rule out this possibility, but it is the least interesting one to me because it glosses over the complexity of nhs's pre-existing relationship to jgy.
"nhs doesn't know why he picks up the hat and takes it with him. he just does it." this is the idea I vibe with the most because it is most consistent with my read on his character--namely that he is never 100% sure about anything (except what qualifies as good erotica). but I think the part of him that still cares about jgy (it's there! it's tiny and shrivelled and warped by his transformation into the wuxia version of montresor, but it's still there) does not want to see his hat abandoned in the mud and dirt, and also does not want to interrogate his feelings about why he feels that way that closely.
"nhs can't abide littering! he's doing his part to keep the city streets clean." doubt.jpeg
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luneariaa · 6 months
Hi there!how are you?! Could you write hc about the life of ash lynx x (fem)reader in which they've get rid of dino golzine? Please take your time and thank you!!
hii OMG so sorry this took quite a bit of time to do!! 🌻 had to revisit some BF stuff just to refresh my mind lmao,,
(^▽^" ) 💛💛💛
and i'm doing quite well THANK YOU DEAREST ANON!! 💕💕 hoping you're doing well too!! 💖💖💐💐 and i tried my best w/ this so i'm sorry if it's not to your liking!! :")
. dividers by @/cafekitsune ! 💛
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first things first, of course, life would be way more peaceful as ever for ash. he doesn't particularly need to feel worried as much. his guard is still up at times ofc, but not as bad as bef.
which means he is able to see you freely now.
and like, he might leave the whole gang/mafia stuff behind, just to try pursuing a normal life with you.
with your constant support ( and maybe sometimes he wouldn't admit it ), he'll get through it well! <33
and i couldn't really decide but-- i feel like he wouldn't need much studying anymore anyway bc of his IQ level :")
buuuuut if he ever did, he probably would've wanted to take the same classes as you do if possible. i mean, he isn't that, yk introverted or anything. he still possesses the feeling of deep mistrust toward people, and i feel like maybeee it's smth he might do.
but yeah i also feel like he would try to actively avoid the whole school stuff. he wouldn't want to be asked with unnecessary questions about his past, lifestyle, etc.
he already wishes to live a normal life, after all.
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and like, i somehow able to imagine him working as a barista/waiter of some sort for some reason?? idk why.
anyway, life would still be much better despite on whatever he decided to do ( away from the whole old stuff he experienced ).
he's still healing himself; both physically and mentally. and whatever your role might be around this time-- either as his best friend or even as his girlfriend, you would've support him either way.
just know that ash appreciates you a LOT. even when sometimes he doesn't even know on how to express it that well :")
okay so if the romance route happens somehow, he would be taking you out on a casual date during your break days or even his. depending on your schedules.
but his protective and cautious instinct is still present as always. he wouldn't want anything to potentially harm you when he's trying to move on from his old life with you.
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his trauma and his past still haunt him at times, so he's just so, so lucky and grateful that you're there with him even during his lowest moments.
if he ever works or something, you probably will join him so you both work together in a way ( if it's smth you're able to do ).
you both def would live together if you two finally got some stable jobs ( or if you're still studying somehow, part-time job then ); separating the bills smth like that so you both would pay in a fair amount for the monthly rent and even for the groceries stuff.
omg dunno why but the idea seemed comforting-
he wouldn't mind for anything else bc if it meant to live a normal life with you, then so be it.
eiji and shorter would def pay you both a visit occasionally 10000% ( idc this will be my canon now )
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i wanted to add more but i'm quite short on ideas rn :") TY FOR REQUESTING HIM OMLL <333
@luneariaa. do not repost; reblogs are alright. all rights reserved.
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blubushie · 10 months
90% of your sniperposting posts are of the ship speeding bullet, or Sniper x Scout. Any thoughts on that you would like to share to the public, sir? (Sorry if youre not accepting asks rn :p)
Yeah gimme that microphone. Bet you didn't expect "Blu analyses shipping" when you sent this ask in, didja? ;]
I, Blubushie, hereby declare:
Tbh I just reblog all the Sniper art I see what tickles my brain. Most of that happens to be Speeding Bullet art, which makes sense since Speeding Bullet is a very very popular ship and art isn't often done of Sniper by himself. He's usually on somebody's arm, whether it's Scout or Spy or Demo. I'm there for Sniper, not for the shipping.
Awkward moment to mention that I don't really ship anyone in canon except for Soldier and Zhanna, who are canonically engaged. And that's more of a "Whelp, they're engaged, so reckon that's legit then." There's no one that I go feral over, but I've never really been involved in shipping in fandoms even as a teen when I was much more into fandoms. It's never caught my attention.
For me shipping usually verges into headcanon territory and I try to stay as true to canon as possible because of my love for source material. I'm a lore bloke. I like scanning for shit in the media to see where people get these ideas from, especially crackships for the shits and gigs, but at the end of the day I'm still a lore bloke, and also an author, and there's something a mite uncomfortable to me about what happens once stories leave your own mind and enter into the minds of others. In a "if this was the creator's intention they would've shown it more clearly" kind of way. I know most people are aware their ships will likely never be legitimised in media--that's a good thing, that awareness--but the reason why people cram two canon characters together and decide they're A Thing in their own minds is largely a mystery to me, because I've never really done it.
I think Scout and Sniper would make a good pair, with Scout keeping Sniper busy enough that he's satisfied and also doing much of the talking for him so that he won't have to, but Scout also doesn't know when to shut the fuck up and some quiet is necessary for sniping. You can't have outside distractions and Scout, largely, is one massive distraction. They're great as a friendship, I can see them as a romantic pairing, but they'd be absolutely terrible for working together unless Scout learns to shut up sometimes when people need him to.
Anyway, I'm more inclined to enjoy Sniper/Scout than I am Sniper/Spy or even Sniper/Medic or Sniper/Demo, and these are the largest Sniper ships in the fandom. But shipping has never really been my thing. Even with my fic, the focus isn't necessarily on Jesse and Mundy's romantic relationship (though that defo plays a massive part), but rather it's about Mundy's own quest for redemption and forgiveness in his own eyes after he's already been redeemed in the eyes of the person he's wronged. She's forgiven him, but he hasn't forgiven himself.
Ain't that hell, ay?
Anyway, that got off on a massive tangent. All this is to say that no, I don't really have any thoughts to share on why I reblog so much Speeding Bullet. I'm there for Sniper. It just happens that the best art I see and the level of skill that usually tickles my brain and makes me want to reblog is art of that particular ship.
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hannahhook7744 · 4 months
Who are Carter and Scarlet in ur au ?
This isn't really about who they are in my au.
It's just about my theories on who their parent/parent is.
You know they're Eilonwy and Alexander in my au but I like to theorize on who they are in case anyone wants to switch it up.
Also, be warned, because seeing as I can't remember if Carter and Scarlet ever interacted in the game, I'm assuming their one of those characters who's gender and name is dependent on the gender you chose for your character.
Which is why I've made them twins.
Keep in mind, I played the game once when I was like eleven and then forgot it existed without finishing it before it got deleted. So I remember nothing of the storyline or if it was ever stated in the game.
To be doing this, I will be removing characters who already have children like Rapunzel and Aurora.
So. Here are my theories based on their looks only pretty much since we have little more info:
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Princess Eilonwy from the Black Claudron.
The Blue fairy.
Kristoff and Anna.
Bo Peep and Woody (seeing as Lotzo/Lotso apparently has a kid as seen on an application).
Terrence the fairy.
Charlotte La Bouff.
Lewis Robinson.
The Radcliffes.
Basically anyone with blonde hair could be their parents but that's assuming they aren't adopted.
They could even be the kid of someone we've never heard of.
Though, again, my money is on someone who's royalty because I'm pretty sure that Scarlet said she was a princess.
Again, my memory isn't too great so I may just be wrong.
Feel free to make other possible suggestions in a reblog or something.
I know people don't really use the game characters or even some of the comic/manga characters but I thought it'd be nice in case anyone wanted to pad out their fanfic world more with semi-canon characters.
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gutsfics · 8 months
can you give specific examples of what happened to help people understand what happened
this is non-extensive, just the ones i think are the most egregious of what shes done and said
i'm not sure how much of this is stuff she's deleted, as these are all from screenshots i already had on hand, but i would like to say that deleting a post doesn't necessarily mean you no longer agree with what was said in it, especially if you double down on what was said when you're called out for it. which she has done Plenty of times
and for the record, this is not something i enjoy doing. part of the reason this took me a few days to post is because this is stressing me the fuck out and ive been trying to spend as little brainpower on this as possible
First point: queerphobia in the form of homophobic jokes, sharing panphobic rhetoric, and talking for transgender people on a topic she (as far as i am aware) has no
the pelicansexual "joke" was told at the expense of Ethan and Tobias during the "Ethan Bisexuality Canonity" argument she & i got into in June (which btw i would like to apologize for starting that up, i was frustrated w pb's coddling of the cishet part of the fandom & i was having difficulty phrasing it bc of how upset i was w it. i did not mean to attack the fandom specifically but intent doesn't cover for outcome)
the pelicansexual joke was a since-deleted tag on one of her posts which went something along the lines of "my Ethan and Tobias are now pelicansexuals, which means they have to break up with [her characters] as they are not pelicans". i dont have a screenshot of this unfortunately, but i do have a screenshot of her response to an anon calling her out on it.
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in case you don't understand why her "joke" was homophobic, before gay marriage was legalized in the US in 2015, a common anti-homosexuality talking point was "homosexuality being legalized is a slippery slope to bestiality being legalized". while it is good she deleted her "joke", its frankly worrying to me that when called out on it she doubled down on how she was joking when she said it, instead of listening and learning. her bisexuality and queer activism do not mean that she is incapable of saying and doing homophobic things.
the panphobic rhetoric & her talking for transgender people are, if i remember correctly, both part of the same incident wherein she reblogged something panphobic and then, when called out for it, said something that something that most trans people consider transphobic isn't actually transphobic at all
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screenshot 1: bisexuality and pansexuality are two very similar sexualities, with the main difference between the two coming down to personal preference for what term you feel like best. while bisexuality does mean "sexual attraction to two or more genders", some people prefer a term that focuses on the "or more" part. neither sexuality excludes transgender people. pitting queer people against each other because theyre not the "right" kind of queer does nothing but damage the queer community as a whole
screenshot 2: agreeing to delete the post, but doubling down on what she said and refusing to listen to anon simply because they're anonymous
screenshot 3: the highlighted part is what we're focusing on here. "We don't consider cis gay men who only date the same to be anti-trans". hi, I'm a trans gay man. Yes We Fucking Do. i don't understand why she thinks she has the authority to speak on this. what "we" is she referring to here?
Second point: lack of respect or understanding of boundaries in fandom spaces, including both blocks and simply not wanting to interact with someone
i'll be honest, i'm a bit unsure if the above paragraph is the right way of describing what i mean, but she has a bit of a history of being.... openly weird about people who have blocked her for "no reason", and not only that has stated she thinks that not wanting to take place in an event run by someone you are uncomfortable with is childish
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i believe the first one is about my friend Jay, who has her blocked for similar reasons that i do. while it is perfectly fine for her to assume whatever she wants about the reasoning for a block, her phrasing of "all i ever did was be supportive" in a public post about it allows her to victimize herself over a boundary being placed. speaking of Jay, Elsa has, knowing full well that she's been blocked by xim on the "peonyblossom" blog- which, again, is a boundary that has been placed- decided to message xim on the choicespride blog xe runs
the second one is specifically about a tumblr user who i do not know personally and do not wish to drag them into this as they have left the open heart fandom. she was sent an anon about this user blocking her which, yeah, is really weird and suspicious. but this isn't about that, this is about her response to learning she's been blocked. she refers to herself as this users "biggest fan" and says that it "isn't normal" to block your biggest fan. once again she is victimizing herself over a boundary someone else has placed, only this time she has done it in a post talking about a person with their username in it. when you have a blog as big as hers, people are bound to go after someone in the name of defending the person they feel was slighted
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& here's her essentially calling people childish bc they might not want to interact with someone who causes them harm. iirc this was either about certain event blogs in the fandom not disclosing who's running them bc they know full well that some people might not be comfortable interacting with them (hiding ur identity will not help with that) or about people choosing not to participate because they know that the person running the event is someone they don't want to interact with. this ones just bizarre to me. no one has to interact with anyone ever, and calling them childish for it is, frankly, childish
Third point: her callout post for Jeremy and her non-apology
to get it out of the way: i'm friends with Jeremy. i'll try to keep this as unbiased as possible, but i am deeply deeply upset and frustrated with everything thats happened to rain. also, just so yall know, Jeremy gave me permission to talk about this. i'm not just dredging up old drama for drama's sake here.
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first- the callout post
the thing that started this was a post to the playchoicesconfessions blog where an anonymous user said- and i'm copy/pasting it here- "Ethan said he and Tobias were like brothers. Weird how many people in the fandom want to get with their brothers.’" essentially, this anonymous user accused people who ship Ethias as being into irl incest which..... we will not be getting into all the ways thats problematic here.
(as an aside, Elsa did at some point reblog and then delete this post, but her commentary was focused squarely on "ship and let ship" which is a sentiment i agree with but she completely ignored the blatant homophobia in this post. here's a version someone reblogged from her in case you're curious as to what she said)
Jeremy reblogged this confession post and added "i genuinely hope this person and others who think like this eat a fucking bullet holy shit" specifically in reference to the anon insinuating incest. in turn, anons on rain's blog assumed rai was referring to people who don't ship Ethais and sent rain nasty messages, which rai would respond to and get more anons who saw the latest response and again assume rai was talking about not shipping a ship they ship and not the actual genuine fucking homophobia from the original confession post.
one of these anons sent screenshots of rain's posts to Elsa, without the context, and told her rai was talking about her. rai was not. not until the post where rai (rightfully, ihmo) called both Elsa and another blogger (this one who also got a similar ask about being blocked by the user i mentioned earlier but who decided to put it in the open heart tags instead of keep it on their blog the way Elsa did. that's the only props i'll give to her in regards of that- yes it was shitty she posted it in the first place but at least she didn't tag it) for complaining about and villainizing someone who blocked them.
tldr version is- Jeremy was venting about anons that were being homophobic to rain, another anon sent screenshots of those posts to Elsa without the context who who rai was talking about and said they were about her, and Elsa, without bothering to verify in any way, decided the best course of action would be to publicly call rai out, painting rain as a bully who has been targeting her specifically and once again victimizing herself. on her blog with a bunch of followers. many of whom also chose not to verify, and instead just heaped more hatred onto Jeremy's blog.
this went on until September, when they talked to each other at first with a third party go-between, and eventually person-to-person. Jeremy explained the context of the vent posts, Elsa explained that she was getting the screenshots with no context from an anon and admitted she should have verified them herself instead of going full nuclear, and they both agreed to apologize publicly
all good, end of story, right?
while in Jeremy's post, rai took accountability for their side of what happened in this awful game of telephone and apologized for rains part in the whole thing. if you want to read it, here is a version of it.
Elsa, on the other hand.... well she apologized, but to be honest I'm not quite sure what for.
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she says there's been misunderstandings on both parts led on by one or more anonymous sources (no arguments here), says she understands that the posts that were sent to her were not actually about her (okay good) and says that its a tough world and that she's deleted her posts.
okay.... but that doesn't specify what she did at all to need the apology. which was publicly call out Jeremy on her blog with.... well, i'm not sure how many followers she has, but i do know that she's got the most well known blog in the choices fandom. by publicly calling out Jeremy in the way that she did, she (whether intentional or not) set her followers out to attack rains blog. she did not apologize for this. asking people to stop sending hate to rains blog is not the same as taking accountability for sending those people to rains blog in the first place
so. yeah.
again, non-extensive list, but i dont wanna mention things she's done without having screenshots or links to show proof that she did it, and i dont feel like finding more of her bullshit bc this just. really fucking stressed me out.
also this isn't me saying "shes a terrible person forever and i hate her and nobody should like her ever" this is me saying "hey, shes done/said some hurtful things in the past and it sure would be cool if she acknowledged any of it" but i think coolsville sucks or whatever.
also also most importantly: its possible for queer people to say and do things that are queerphobic. being queer yourself does not give you a shield from people calling you out for that. neither does real life activism. its great that she's done real life activism! but pointing back to things you've done in the past, or for a different group of people than the one youre in does not exempt you from the harm youre causing today, to the people you're interacting with.
i dont have a proper ending to this
thanks for reading i guess
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black-bentley · 5 months
TC tag game
Thanks for the tags, @spudodell and @renaultphile, sorry it's taken me so long to actually get to this!
Rules: Answer the questions and tag other TC fans!
1. "He would not fucking say that" only they did and it's canon. When/who?
Laurie to Andrew, at their first meeting:
"... I read somewhere once, Tchaikovsky was queer."
It just feels a bit... 0-100 at that point for someone as repressed as Laurie is.
2. Did they kiss in the study? Yes/no + why you are 100% correct about this.
I think they did, and it was very much a peck rather than anything more. And I think Ralph's main motivation for it was to try and shock Laurie into backing off to save him being (as he sees it) corrupted by their continued association.
It makes sense of both their reactions, for me - I can see Ralph semi-angrily planting one on him more or less out of nowhere and then, when Laurie is (understandably) startled, going, "Now you see what I mean..." and then just steamrolling over Laurie's attempt to talk about it.
3. Mandatory question about Ralph's alleged tattoos.
I can see him having got one or two early in his career when he wanted to fit in. But somewhere easily covered (and possibly where he can't easily see them himself?), as I think they'd offend his desire for order and tidiness otherwise.
4. 53 vs 59 edition: quote a line or paragraph that is better in the edition you like the least.
I've only got the '53 edition to hand at the moment, but I think the hand on the knee in the car was cut for the '59... I like that little moment, it's just very clear what's going on there in comparison to a lot of their other interactions around that time.
I do also love the "Don't insult my intelligence" exchange that @spudodell picked out, I love Laurie - who's inclined to take himself a bit seriously - already being comfortable enough with Ralph to tease him like he does <3
5. Which TC character would feel right at home here on tumblr dot com?
Ralph. He'd be reblogging posts about polar exploration left, right and centre. And he'd be incredibly into The Terror but would never admit it.
6. Tag yourself at Alec's birthday party.
I'm definitely the "is it a queer book?" guy.
7. Post a TC meme.
Not actually a meme, but it always makes me think of TC...
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8. Easy to talk about who deserved better. Who deserved worse?
Possibly controversial - Alec. He doesn't seem to care about Sandy's feelings or respect him all that much, and strikes me as someone who likes being in a relationship so they've got company when they want it, but isn't all that interested in actually making a commitment himself.
9. You can break the fourth wall (at any point in the novel) and say a single sentence to our protagonist, Laurie Odell. What do you say?
I'd tell him not to dismiss Reg as abruptly as he does. That friendship could definitely have continued, because Reg clearly knew Laurie was queer and was determined to (albeit clumsily) make the point that he didn't view him differently because of it.
10. What's a question you have about TC? One you haven't found an answer for yet.
What was in Ralph's letter to Laurie, the one that was returned after Dunkirk?
I'm pretty sure everyone has already been tagged but if anyone hasn't, and wants to join in, then please do!
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quinloki · 1 year
Age play, blood play, mfm for Marco, Thatch, and Sabo pls
Alright, we're going to do this one by Kink.
MFM, Blood play, Age Play.
I want to note two things before I go into this: I know almost nothing first hand about age play, and just spent the last 20 minutes reading up on it via a few sources I trust. I'm going to do My Best <3 but I apologize if I get something wrong.
Second Note: Honestly, I shouldn't have to say this, but in the lesser known kinks I feel compelled - if you're going to come into reblogs and chat being a fuck about someone else's style of consenting adults kinky times, I will block you in as many ways as I can.
If you're particularly unlucky, I will bury you publicly.
If any kink mentioned in these asks isn't your vibe just - move. along.
MFM - Threesome involving two straight guys and a straight girl because the guys don't interact (so I'm assuming straightness, otherwise why would you let a whole human body alone like that?)
Marco - Sure - A lot like Shanks, this man has spent almost his entire life as a pirate and on a pirate ship. Marco is pretty open to just about anything, but he's so laid back that nothing really comes across as enthusiasm. There's plenty he is enthusiastic about, but I think the damper on this situation would be in only giving attention to one of two available partners. He's all for following the boundaries of the session, don't misunderstand, but those bedroom eyes of his can admire a full range of people.
Thatch - Yes - Look, Thatch is here for a good time, and he's all in for the parameters provided, why not? It makes everyone else comfortable and he can make breakfast for three in the next morning just as easily as two. He'd be less inclined to invite someone in between him and his partner, but joining in with another couple is fine in his book. (Thatch, I feel, is not lucky in love xD So he can be pretty soundly in the "not-sharing" category when he gets into any kind of relationship.)
Sabo - Rather Not - It's not that Sabo's a stick in the mud or anything like that, but he is a bit of a control freak. He's also a little shy outside of an established relationship, and not very good at sharing when he's in an established relationship. Sex is also a vulnerable activity, never mind the emotional and physical vulnerability, but also tactically - and he's got a lot on his shoulders already. There's too many variables, and for better or worse, I don't think he's interested in much of any kind of group setting. A polycule sure - something established and vetted is something I could see for him.
Blood Play - A risky form of edge-play. Please, please, please practice this as safely as possible. (Also, I swear I do head canon some characters being for this kink, just not really any of these people XD - sorry!)
Marco - Sure - There's that continued "it's hard to get enthusiasm out of Marco" again, but in this case, it's a sure because Marco is Marco. There's a lot of risk with Blood Play (unless we're talking menstrual (well, there's still risk there, but differently)), but between his profession and his devil fruit, he's just about the absolute safest partner you could have for this particular kink. He's not much of a sadist though, and honestly I think he'd prefer to be the one getting cut than the other way around - but only if it's something that gets you off.
Thatch - I dunno - Thatch is, to me, kind of squeamish about blood. In battle it doesn't get to him, in the kitchen, it actually kind of does. He manages to deal with it well enough that only maybe a couple crew mates know about it. Blood belongs inside the body, and that's his stance on it. He's not going to pass out or hurl, but Thatch knows how to do two things with knives - cut food, and, well, cut people.
And how he does both aren't techniques he's comfortable using on you. You could maybe bring him around with Marco's assistance, but I can't see Marco helping since he'd definitely know about Thatch's mild squeamishness.
Sabo - Yes and No - Sabo has, to me, a bit of madness in him. I mean, he's been through a lot, and I think there's a lot of extra risk in blood play with him. I feel like it would trigger bad memories, and I feel like he would be all for trying it. It's a kink of control, and there's an intimacy to it no matter how you go about it. So he would want to, carefully, try it. It might not be the first time, or the second, but at some point I think the light would flicker across that crimson liquid in the "right" (wrong) way and if everyone is lucky, the knife is buried in the wall, and no one gets hurt.
Age Play - Consenting adults role-playing as a different age.
(psst, hey, not all kinks are sexual and a lot of BDSM is actually not sexually motivated! -- I say this as a very sexually motivated human, if I can understand it, <3 so can you <3 )
Marco - FUCK Yes - Marco's actually a little enthusiastic about this because it's new to him. You lay everything out for him, and spend a few hours educating him and going over the finer points. He's attentive, ready, and willing. It's pretty chill for both of you, and honestly it's become a good way to bond, and stress relieve together. Thatch probably teases him at some point that he's treating you more like he's your father, and not your lover, but the two of you just laugh about it. It's a sweet little shared secret between you.
Thatch - Starts as a I guess, moves to a Yes - It takes Thatch a little while to really understand the assignment, but the more you explain, and the more you spend trying, the more he gets into it. It is a nice change of pace from the normal rhythm of the day to day of the ship, and he shifts around in the different kinds of roles pretty often. You two played tag one time and it ended up being half the crew playing as well before it was all over and done with. Though, no one else really understood why you were both acting child-like, but that just for the two of you anyway.
Sabo - I guess/Sure - There's just so much muck around Sabo's childhood and his concepts of family that I think this would be more a can of worms than anything good. He'll try, a few different ways, and a few different times, but younger play would make him sad for reasons he doesn't understand (until his memory comes back), and older play would make him angry for reasons he doesn't understand.
Given time he could probably come into a full Yes, but he's gonna need therapy to unravel those memory traumas and family issues first.
I honestly feel like I learned more about myself than these One Piece characters with this particular ask, but that's life sometimes XD <3
Kinky One Piece Head Canon
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hereforthefunnyguys · 8 months
okay okay marik ishtar getting psychosexual in the club brain time. (Sorry in advance for the bigass text block. also if you are an ace/aro marik truther then A) I can see it but also B) this is very much not that. be forewarned.) I know things along these lines have been said before, but I truly cannot picture him being some kind of crazily sexually/romantically liberated flirt like you see a lot in fanon. Feel free to argue with me if you want in the reblogs or comments or whatever I am not sure about what I'm saying here. (+1500 words of Help Me under the readmore!)
He grew up underground, with no one else around but his abusive highly religious dad, personal manservant/extremely protective brother figure, and what seems to be the only even somewhat normal family relationship he has with his sister that's almost as isolated and frankly seems moderately socially awkward outside of telling mysterious prophecies. I do not think he was not getting Helpful and Informative Sex Ed, to say the least, and also if/when he started going through puberty he would have functionally nowhere to project those urges. Maybe he can get a crush on a particularly well-drawn wall carving or statue idk but the point is that he doesn't have any actual human reference for what the feelings mean other than his immediate family which is a uhhhhhh different and much more uncomfortable conversation!
Also, even when he and Rishid finally get out of there and start up the Ghouls, I don't think Rishid would bother with telling him about sex and romance as he gets older - if anything, he would be less likely to tell him, because if there's one thing Rishid would want to do as little as possible, it would be to allow more opportunities for Marik to act out in more "depraved" ways - I mean, come on, the guy already forces people to commit suicide, brainwashes them to fight in death matches, and do weird little dances in public for his entertainment (I know that one isn't as intimidating as the other ones, but I do think it's important to establish the sheer level of pettiness and self-indulgence he's at by this point.)
We've already established by this point that his ability to empathize and sympathize with other people is currently somewhere at the bottom of the Marianas trench, assuming he may not have had low empathy before then, which he might've judging by how he treats his siblings (diversity win! the arc villain has low-functioning empathy!), though that may also be due to being the "favorite" and getting what he wants all the time and not being raised to consider them real people on par with him and his father. But I digress. I do think Rishid would be at least considering the ways that those behaviors would intersect with teenage hormones, to say the least (plus the whole Yami Marik thing, which I'll discuss. Later.)
But by contrast, I don't think it makes sense to say Marik's completely innocent to the concept - he may be a very socially isolated 16 year old, but he's still like. a 16 year old. He regularly pries inside of peoples heads to manipulate them, and if you go by anime canon, he is definitely aware of very strong romantic feelings (and therefore possibly sexual ones, though maybe not? arkana ace king ig) in the form of arkana/pandora's little anime lost love scenario. Also, I think its fair to assume a Good Number of the Ghouls would possess sexual or romantic feelings as well. However. However. I am going to go out on a limb and say that learning about sex from people's personal fantasies is to sex ed what learning about how to cook from Hell's Kitchen is to chef college; everything you absorb is overdramatic, unrealistic, extremely emotionally charged, and often involves a surprising amount of violence and degradation for a day-to-day activity.
I'm going to say Marik then is Aware of sex, but doesn't fully "get" it. Like. It makes him uncomfortable to think about it for too long, and in general, it's just something Other People do. It's something he can use to get close to people (sign that says ASK ME ABOUT FEMME FATALE MARIK ISHTAR PROPAGANDA), but its not really something he fully accepts as something he would do just for the sake of it. He's aware of it, but it's still a moderately alien concept to him, at least that's how he would think about it.
Additionally, I don't think his vision of romantic love is going to be any better. In between societies massive effort to romanticize (ehehe) those specific feelings as the end-all-be-all of affection and the fact that, again, he didn't really grow up with anyone (and still really doesn't have another outlet) other than his dad and siblings as who he "loves" - I do think he loves his siblings, and, tragically enough, probably his father as well. (Thats something else people ignore a ton. We as The Audience do not like Peepaw Ishtar but Marik himself has NO clue what he did was wrong or bad or unforgivable. If anything Marik considers himself the problem for not being able to take it. But that's another convo. God I'm going all over the place today.) Anyways what I'm trying to say here is that Marik probably sees romantic love as something that's present and he should Want but doesn't quite fully understand the emotional implications of it or investment necessary to make it work. If anything he would know less about romance since while old Egyptian myths do mention sex and sexuality with fair regularity - albeit not with much that would help a clueless 12 year old that associates said myths with his imprisonment and doom - there is very little talk of True Love in there. The fact that his knowledge of marriage extends to "my mother died a horrible painful death in childbirth having me and my dad didn't really care" probably is not helping matters!
Also tying this all together is the fact that Marik seems to have a Fraught and Uneasy relationship with his own body, to say the least. Like. I'm just going to go out on a limb and say he seems to consider it just another damp, dark prison he's stuck in, one that has done nothing other than provide an easy way to hurt him and keeps him tied to the Tombkeeper legacy. And who wouldn't? The guy has a massive scar carved into his back permanently reminding him of how trapped he really. Additionally, that's another barrier to intimacy, since there's no way on Earth he's letting anyone touch his back without an INSANE amount of trust - I imagine even Rishid is somewhat suspect in allowing him to touch his back.
The only time he seems really happy is when he gets to extend his mind outside of himself, into other people's brains and giving him a sense of power in an otherwise very controlled life. So that's definitely one barrier there! How do you even begin trying to make your body feel good when all your body has felt like all your life is completely awful? Especially when it would involve letting another person have access to it in a very vulnerable state??? Nuh uh no way thank you sir but we're staying repressed forever and shoving any and all Perverse Urges into a box deep deep in our Mind Room and ignoring them until we die, which we never will because we're Special. This is to say nothing of the fact that one of his tombkeepers duties is theoretically to procreate and create a new generation of keepers which is. Wow. Another conversation entirely but for our purposes means that he already is not going to have a good relationship to that! (Bonus points if it turns out he's homosexual. I'm not saying he is gay, but layering the Problems with "not attracted to women" would be an interesting intersection.)
Anyways the cherry on top of this miserable sundae is the Existence of Yami Marik, the Good-Times Ruiner. Point number one: in between the weird sadomasochism thing he has going on and the fact that he seems significantly more physically and emotionally liberated than Marik, I think it would be fair to call him a moderately sexualized character, though not a straight-up succubus (yes I am aware the term for men is Incubus. quiet).
Point number two: Yami Marik is generally seen to represent Marik's repressed urges and grudges, so we can pretty easily make the assumption that Yami Marik being sexualized comes from an attempt to absolve Marik of such uncomfortable distractions. So there is the thought there that he considers his sexual urges on par with or at least related to his violent and vengeful ones.
Point number three: You would have thought that at least partially realizing this by the end of Battle City would result in Marik realizing he should stop repressing his emotions. But it won't! Because that's not how that Highly Functional Ishtar Brain works! It goes "I now associate sexuality with one of the worst and most publicly humiliating and traumatic times of my life, so I now consider it an Active Problem to get rid of instead of just a uncomfortable quirk of mine." So no actually I think he would be getting worse! Someone send him to a therapist please or at least figure out a way for him not to simultaneously hate himself while still hating everyone else More.
anyways tl;dr: Marik ishtar knows about an extremely warped version of sex but good lord he is repressing it fifteen feet underground. Again feel free to argue with me if you want I'd like to hear other opinions. Anyways hope yall have a nice day and thanks for reading thru all of that!
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usedtobecooler · 2 years
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hello my loves!! this is my idea of a christmas extravaganza! my plan here is to post between 7 and 10 smutty one shots throughout the month of december as a thank you to all my lovely followers who have been nothing short of incredible this year!
my posting will be sporadic as and when i have time throughout december, including after christmas. all one shots will be requests sent by accounts and anons who send ones in and will typically be between 600-1.5k words! i, obviously, will not be able to fulfill all requests so i will hand pick my favourites to write.
the plan is to make your smutty requests as depraved as possible (though still legal + not completely gross), anything your heart desires whether i've written anything similar before or not is on the table apart from;
pedophilia (that is a given!!!)
the characters i currently write for are;
eddie munson
steve harrington
billy hargrove
billy knight
ralph penbury
i'm open to writing threesomes/orgies also! your requests can be x fem!reader or character x character.
requests are already open!
please make sure you are courteous, respectful and kind with your requests - and remember that just because you've sent one in it doesn't confirm that i'll write it. if i choose your request, you'll know once i post it.
for requests try to make them as short as possible for creativity purposes but remember to add the character you would like, the sexual scenario and any little details you'd like (i.e - reader isn't girly so no skirts/dresses, plus size!reader, alternative!reader, au or canon, etc.)
once again i'd just like to thank you all so much for the overwhelming support and love i've received this year - it's honestly been crazy and i'm blown away by how many people i've reached with my work! i wish you all a happy, healthy and safe christmas and new year!!
*if you plan on participating please feel free to give this post a reblog so we can boost it!
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wifiwuxians · 7 months
Hey, lol here's my ask 😉
Okay, Soo. In my MDZS fic Seeking Solace, I've hit a block lol in my latest WIP chapter.
I only have 2 to 3 chapters left at max of my fic. And I'm trying to find ways to have my OC and Xiao Xingchen interact with Xue Yang for his redemption so he doesn't spiral down the wrong path (my fic is Canon divergent, and memory viewing fic/revival), so much has already changed. Everyyhing that has transpired has happened only a couple of months after WWX death at Burial Mounds. My OC and Xiao Xingchen will be heading to see Xue Yang and I need ideas of how to interact with his character and stuff, ideas that I could use to help with his redemption. I need help brainstorming ideas lol I've run out of fuel lol
I considered using candy still as a likely motivator plus kindness (possibly?) As long as he can feel it's genuine kindness or maybe Xue Yang gets saved by my OC and XXC in the fic when they go to find him.
I can't think of any other ideas or um... Possible interactions that lead to XY redemption.
Any ideas and suggestions I can use would be welcome.
(everyone is welcome to reply to this ask! i'm also gonna link the fic here, we need more OC fic rep! remember to read the tags and be kind)
Hmm well, as someone who has also written an OC fic focusing on keeping Xue Yang from walking down the path that would lead to his death, I frankly do feel like kindness, shelter and candy are good motivators - but we know from canon that sometimes that isn't enough. I'm not sure if it's 'redemption' as much as 'prevention' (predemption as I call it jokingly), but I think a key element is to make sure Xue Yang feels like he's not alone.
Telling him his pain isn't enough justification to hurt others isn't what he wants to hear, so he needs to, if anything, be eased into being able to swallow harsh truths. Before that, I think he just needs to be shown some compassion and understanding. He's a tricky character, and someone like Xiao Xingchen, while nurturing, isn't going to be telling him hurting others was justified, because he's a very morally upstanding person. That said, if the two get to know each other without trickery, they can maybe reach and understanding... However that's not what you're asking, really! LOL sorry
It's fanfic, so generally speaking you can make whatever you desire happen, but I think my suggestion would be something like... Xue Yang getting frustrated at something and showing visible signs of it (he's 17, right? He can let the mask slip a little!), and maybe Xiao Xingchen or your OC pulling him aside to maybe try and get words out of him. Nothing quite like an honest talk! But that might not be what you're after, so I encourage whoever wants to to reply to this post or reblog it too with some help
9 notes · View notes
blaisenova · 1 year
the consequences of enjoying someone's company
Xina Kwan had always been able to make Miguel smile even when no one else could. Maybe a little bit TOO well...
Miguel O'Hara visits with his ex-girlfriend turned friend, Xina Kwan, until, like always, things don't go quite as planned, and Miguel has to explain some rather strange truths about himself, such as why Xina could see fangs when he smiled.
the world needs more xina and miguel content, and i am all too happy to supply it.
xinamiguel lovers, this one is for you!! they're not explicitly stated to be together, so it can be read as either platonic or romantic, but it is entirely possible to read some of what happens as romantic tension. THIS IS CANON COMPLIANT, OKAY?? WE CAN'T KEEP PRETENDING THAT THEY DIDN'T STILL KINDA LOVE EACH OTHER EVEN AFTER THEY BROKE UP IN THE COMICS. dana lovers, beware of dana slander. i'd say i'm sorry but it would be a lie. we stan xina here.
also, an extra bonus for those of you who just want to see miguel be a guy for once. oh yeah, that's right, in this ao3 fanfiction i offer you a miguel o'hara that ISN'T just angry all the time. you wanna see this man have a good time? you wanna see him interact with someone without being an asshole the entire time??? you wanna see how this man acts when he's not under the pressure of holding together the entire multiverse??????? WELL HERE HE IS. comic accurate miguel. come get y'all juice.
gentle reminder that i also take requests if any of you have an idea itching at the back of your brain but don't wanna write it XD
content is below the cut because it is LONG. ao3 link is in the reblogs as always. please enjoy!! <3
It would be impossible to overstate just how much Xina Kwan meant to Miguel O’Hara.
The two had known each other from the time they were young children, back when it had felt like it was them two against the world – and, really, the sentiment wasn’t too far off considering how desperately Kron Stone had wanted to make their lives living hell, up until he decided they didn’t deserve their lives at all – and to say that they were close would be an understatement. So close, in fact, that once they’d matured from intelligent youth to genius adults (and Miguel, from an arrogant child to an even more arrogant adult), the two had gotten together.
Then, of course, Miguel had ruined it by being his selfish, self-absorbed self; though, in the moment, he hadn’t thought it was a mistake to leave Xina for Dana. There’d been a part of him that regretted hurting Xina the way he had, but Dana was a gorgeous, loving woman who never thought him any less than perfect, and Xina… Xina hadn’t let him be content in being the bastard that he was. At the time, he hadn’t liked that about her.
Now, after it was already too late and Miguel had ruined things with Dana, too, he could see how stupid he was for choosing what was easy over what was best. Just another failure to chalk up to the heroic Spider-Man.
It was true that Dana loved him, and it was even true that he loved her back, but it had taken a lot of suffering and bullshit to realise that loving someone wasn’t necessarily enough for them to be good for you. He probably should have known that already, considering the state of his own family, but that would have required any level of self-reflection, and that was still a rather new skill for him, all things considered.
What he knew now, though, was that Xina had never apologised to Miguel’s dad on his behalf, claiming that he didn’t mean his vitriol when he did. Xina had never tried to love George O’Hara when they both knew he didn’t deserve it, and she certainly hadn’t tried to convince Miguel to love him, too. Dana believed that he’d cried at his father’s funeral because he genuinely felt sorrow, and Miguel hadn’t had the heart to tell her otherwise. Somehow, even after everything, she still didn’t seem to understand that some people didn’t deserve love or pity, and that, even if George somehow did, Miguel would never have deigned to give it to him. Though, there was also a part of him that found himself wondering how she hadn’t seemed to get that he didn’t deserve it either.
Complicated and distressing feelings aside, there were simply things that Dana let Miguel get away with that she shouldn’t – like being arrogant, and “pompous” (or so Xina had said, at least, and, frankly, Miguel was starting to believe her), and uncaring towards the world that so desperately needed to be cared for – and there were things she wouldn’t let go that she should – like his relationship with his father, and his mother, and Gabriel, as if she hadn’t hurt him, too; as if she didn’t use the fact that Gabriel used to love her to keep him from being angry with her.
If honesty was what you were looking for – something Miguel had never been very good at, especially when it came to the difficult truths about himself – he would say that, despite his initial regret over his hasty break up with Dana on the day that he found out about his biological father and the truth of his… condition, it was a bit of a relief. They had been in love, but that wasn’t enough. Miguel had adored her, but she’d made him a worse person and he’d hurt her in kind, and, while he might not have cared about that fact before, he did now.
Running from the difficult confrontations and hiding in easy love that allowed him to fester in his grief was a choice he’d made back when he’d cheated on Xina, but he could see now that it was a poor one.
And, really, if honesty was what you were looking for – which, really, was asking a lot of Miguel – he would say that he missed Xina. Maybe not necessarily in a romantic sense (though, he couldn’t quite be sure), but it didn’t really matter, when it came down to it.
There was a reason that Miguel had insisted so fervently that LYLA be fixed. Sure, maybe it was, in part, due to her comforting familiarity in a time that was, undeniably, full of the terrifying unfamiliar, but it was also because LYLA was a product of Xina; she was a constant reminder of the person that Miguel had cared for so much and, frankly, still did. He hadn’t wanted to let that go, and maybe that should have told him something even before things ended with Dana, but Miguel had never been very good at facing difficult feelings. That’s why Dana had been so addicting, and why he’d wronged Xina when he shouldn’t have.
Xina had always been a bigger person than he had, though, and, somehow, she’d found it in herself to forgive him for what he’d done. If Miguel still wasn’t so afraid of what voicing his relief and appreciation might cause, he’d thank her. Maybe one day.
For now, though, the two could be friends as they once were; or, at least, something close to it. It was a nice change of pace, to be able to talk to someone that didn’t want something from him, one way or another. Though, admittedly, that was likely, in part, due to the fact that Xina’s expectations of him were still depressingly low.
It hurt a bit, but Miguel was aware that he’d more than earned it.
For now, mercifully, the difficult conversations could wait, and Miguel could pretend to be nothing more than Miguel O’Hara: bastard of a man that was doing his damndest to become less of one; not Spider-Man and whatever being him meant.
Or, at least, that was what he’d thought. He’d never really been that fortunate.
“Miguel O’Hara,” Xina exclaimed with faux fury, a hand placed firmly on her hip and a brow quirked upward as she attempted to bite back her smile behind a snarl. Her other hand laid casually on the door handle, and Miguel could already see all sorts of twencen junk just a few feet inside her home. “And just what, pray tell, are you doing here?”
“Xina Kwan,” Miguel returned, matching her energy as he, too, placed his hands on his hips and scowled. “I should ask you the same thing.”
Losing the fight against her amusement, Xina desperately tried to obscure her laugh with a scoff. “I remember you being smarter,” she mused. “I live here, as a matter of fact.”
As if the notion was news to him, Miguel’s eyes widened, and he straightened up, making a show of looking around the doorstep and peeking past her shoulder into the house before he raised his brows. “Well, sure enough,” he hummed. “Fancy that. May I come in?”
Sighing, Xina allowed a smile to slip onto her face, and she pushed the door aside, gesturing half-heartedly. “Yes, I suppose, but don’t touch anything. I don’t know what you’re contaminated with.”
“Charming, as always, Xina,” Miguel hummed as he entered. He fixed her with his own smile, and, like usual, took care to ensure that his fangs remained concealed. “I was going to say you were a better doorman than that robot of yours, but now I’m not so sure.”
“What’s wrong with Jack?” The words were accompanied by the sharp slam of a door, and Miguel couldn’t help but to smirk as he turned to see the annoyance on her face.
“He still calls me ‘Miguel the creep,’” he hummed, idly picking up some sort of blocky looking plastic brick with buttons on the side and some sort of antennae coming out of the top. 
Immediately, Xina smacked his hand, and Miguel hissed at the feeling but placed the object back on the table nonetheless. “Does he?” she asked, eyes wide as if she genuinely didn’t know. Which was shocking bullshit. “That’s so strange. I wonder who taught him that.”
“I have a few ideas,” Miguel murmured, rubbing his hand with a pointed look.
“Well, now, let’s not get accusatory.” Xina straightened the item he’d moved, brushing it off gently. She paused, examined the object once more, then moved it slightly to the left before nodding affirmatively.
All the while, Miguel could only watch in muted fascination. “What is that thing?”
“Some twencen tech!” she immediately chirped, eager as always to talk about her number one favourite hobby. “It’s called a ‘walkie-talkie.’”
Miguel’s head cocked to the side, a brow raising. “A whatie-what?”
“A ‘walkie-talkie,’” Xina repeated slowly, grabbing his ear and pulling it to her lips as she spoke, much to Miguel’s chagrin. He batted her away, though couldn’t quite squash down a smile. “It’s basically what they used before holo-messages. I just wish I had another one so I could use it for something besides collecting dust. They only work with a pair,” she huffed.
Again, Miguel picked up the object, taking care in his movement, and, this time, Xina let him. He turned the walkie-talkie curiously in his hands, impressed by its weight when it supposedly had such a simple function. He’d never really understood her obsession with the twentieth century. From what he’d read, things really weren’t all that much better than they were now. He’d been working on a goober – though LYLA liked to call it a gizmo, mostly to spite him, he’s sure – to potentially see for himself in another universe, if he didn’t, y’know… die in the process.
That was later Miguel’s issue, though, and a worthy risk if he might be able to bring Xina a matching machine to complete her set. He didn’t get her obsession, but he didn’t have to. It was important to her, and that’s what was important to him.
Almost inaudible in his concentrated confusion, he mumbled, “Qué extraño…”
“What was that?”
“I said ‘super cool.’”
With another huff, Xina took the artefact from his hands once more, placing it back down onto the table. “Yeah, alright, you liar.”
Despite the practised angry tone, Miguel could see the way her lips quirked up in a smile, and he couldn’t help but snicker a bit. She’d always known him too well to believe nice lies. It was part of the reason why Miguel used to be so afraid of her, though the admission was something he still hadn’t quite come to terms with. Afraid was a strong word, but it was also an accurate one. Miguel was afraid to be seen for what he was, because he was even more afraid that he was something not worth seeing. Xina had never seemed to agree with that sentiment, though.
“Okay, maybe I don’t get it,” he admitted, hands on his hips once more.
“Of course you don’t,” Xina returned, cruel teasing words accompanied by a sweet smile. “I was always much smarter than you.”
“Har, har,” he said sarcastically. “Very funny.”
“Who said I was joking?” Then, before Miguel could respond, “how are you and… Diana, was it?”
“Yeah, that one,” she said, snappily enough that it was clear that she’d actually known the answer all along, which Miguel was well aware of, considering how LYLA had returned to him with intricately coded insults specifically in Dana’s name. “You haven’t talked about her in a while. Did you two finally break up?”
Without missing a beat, Miguel fixed her with a sarcastic smile. “Yes, actually! Thanks so much for asking.”
Despite the nature of the question, his answer seemed to genuinely catch Xina off guard, her eyes going wide and mouth falling open. Her eyes searched his face as her brows furrowed, a mixture of guilt and some kind of indecipherable relief shining in her gaze as the gears turned in her mind and grasped for a response. It was almost amusing to see Xina so stumped when, normally, she was so quick on the draw. There were very few times that Miguel had seen her well and truly left without words, though, unfortunately, the twinge of bitterness and healthy dose of grief made it difficult to enjoy to its fullest.
“Congratulations,” she blurted, then immediately cringed at herself, a hand coming up to her forehead with an audible smack, and, admittedly, Miguel’s eyes widened a considerable degree, too. “Wait, fuck-” she backtracked. “That’s not what I meant at all. I’m sorry, Mig-”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Miguel hastily interrupted, pushing down hurt and hiding it behind a quirked brow. “What did you just say?”
Shrinking in on herself, Xina cringed again. “Congratulations?”
“No, no, not that,” he said, and a hand waved her off almost dismissively. “The other thing.”
“I’m… sorry?” she tried again, brows furrowed in confusion. Her arms, which she’d wrapped tightly around her shoulders, loosened their grip, though the tension didn’t leave her.
Miguel shook his head with another wave of his hand. “Not that either. The f-word.”
Eyes narrowing, Xina tilted her head forward. “Fuck?”
A short, breathless laugh fell from his mouth. “Oh, my god,” he nearly whispered, his eyes wide behind his sunglasses. “What are you, a millennial?”
“Wha-” Again, Xina’s eyes went wide, and her hands fell from her shoulders completely. “Miguel, are you kidding? That’s what you’re upset about? Me saying fuck?”
Face deadly serious, Miguel nodded once more as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Nobody says ‘fuck’ anymore. I know you’re into the whole twencen thing, but cursing is a sacred thing. You need to act like a civilised human being and say ‘shock.’”
As if she was entirely unsure how to react, Xina’s mouth still hung open uselessly, her eyes searching Miguel’s almost urgently. When all she was met with was his carefully practised mask of apathy, she managed a surprised scoff and picked her jaw up from off of the floor. Miguel, to his credit, managed to hold himself together, too, and raised a brow.
“You’re unbelievable,” she sputtered.
“Thank you,” came the response.
Then, “No, you are genuinely…” but she didn’t finish, the words trailing off, and Xina’s eyes narrowed once more. She leaned back on her feet, managing to actually look somewhat intimidating despite how much shorter she was than Miguel. Her arms crossed, and she fixed him with an unimpressed look that made his skin crawl just a bit. “I see what you’re doing.”
“I’m not doing anything,” he lied through his teeth, trying desperately to keep the tension out of his shoulders.
“No, no, you are,” Xina insisted, no longer falling for his antics. “I’ve known you since we were kids, Miguel. I know all of your stupid little tricks, probably better than you know them yourself.” She approached him, and, really, despite Miguel quite literally towering over her, he still felt small under her glare. “I’m gonna apologise to you, whether you like it or not.”
“Xina,” Miguel began uneasily, giving her his best attempt at a placating smile. “Come on… Let’s not be rash. I cheated on you, and you told me ‘congratulations’ when I broke up with my fiancée. We can just call it even.”
“Alright, first of all,” Xina began, a finger waving in Miguel’s face.
“Oh, boy.”
“Those two things are not comparable,” she hissed, though Miguel’s attention was mostly on the way that her finger moved in front of him. “And second of all-”
“I am better than you.”
“Uh huh.”
“I apologise to people when I hurt them, even if they don’t deserve it.”
“Oh, great.”
“So, I- Are you even listening?” 
At that, her hand stilled, and Miguel frowned, his eyes refocusing on her face. “What?”
“I’m kidding! Come on, let’s just forget about it,” Miguel practically pleaded. “We can watch one of those twencen movies you like. One with that actress you really like, uh…” He trailed off, face screwed up in focus, mumbling, “ay, ¿cómo se llama?” then, with a snap of his fingers, “Marilyn Monroe!”
Xina placed her hands on her hips, brows furrowed as she eyed him. “You’re really sad about it, huh?”
A scowl found its way onto Miguel’s face once more, and he ran a hand over his face and through his hair in exasperation. “Ámi, I don’t know how I can be any clearer that I do not want to talk about it, or even think about it, for that matter.”
“Alright, alright,” Xina relented, raising her hands in surrender. There was a beat before she snickered a bit, shoving Miguel’s arm with a smile that was a bit too soft. “Look at Miguelito! He grew a heart, eh? What’d you do with the real Miguel?”
Despite the teasing, Miguel couldn’t help but to return her smile. “I guess someone got fed up with his ‘pompous’ attitude and killed him,” he answered, and the two laughed.
In a way, Miguel knew that it was irresponsible and selfish to hold all of his hurt as close to his chest as possible only to inevitably lash out when someone happened to push the wrong buttons. More than anything, he was terrified of being like his father; or, step-father, rather. George O’Hara had chosen the worst possible way to express his feelings, and it had, admittedly, left Miguel terrified to express his at all. It felt safer to just keep them to himself, up until the point that he couldn’t take it anymore and ended up taking it out on someone else, and, in the moment immediately after, Miguel realised just how much like George O’Hara he really was.
The thought was enough to make him feel sick, and it just made him work even harder to be everything his father wasn’t, for better or for worse.
George O’Hara never would have taken up the mantle of Spider-Man, and, even if he had, he certainly wouldn’t have used the position for any damn good. Knowing the bastard, he probably would have used his abilities to come up with new and improved ways to torment his family. If Miguel couldn’t say he was better than his father in any other way, at least he could say that he was better than him in that.
Still, there were more days than Miguel liked to admit that he wondered whether he was doing the right thing by trying to use his powers for good, or if he really was just using it to boost his own ego like Gabriel had accused him of.
“Hey,” came Xina’s gentle call, her hand pressed against his bicep gently, grounding him. “Have you ever heard of Pac-Man?”
Miguel was quiet for a moment, then, “not even once.”
“Oh, man,” she said, her face cracking into a smile, “prepare to have your mind blown.”
To say Miguel’s mind was not blown would be an understatement. Of course, he knew by now that the things Xina found to be completely mind blowing were entirely different from the things Miguel would be impressed by, but, even with reasonably low expectations, this was a disappointment. She’d led him through her house, skillfully weaving around the organised clutter of twencen artefacts, then stopped – with the biggest, proudest smile Miguel had ever seen from her – in front of a rectangle with two buttons, a stick, and a screen. He raised a brow at the thing, then peeked over to Xina again.
“Well?” she prompted, gesturing to the box and confirming that Miguel wasn’t mistaken and that the real thing wasn’t hidden behind the rectangle. “What do you think?”
Again, his eyes slid over the thing, and, yeah, it really was just a couple of buttons and a stick, but, nevertheless, he smiled. “Consider my mind blown.”
“Yeah, alright,” she huffed. “Thanks for humouring me. I swear it gets better.” Xina beamed as she pulled the cabinet away from the wall with some degree of effort and pulled what looked to be some sort of tail from the object. Miguel watched in muted fascination as she stuck the thing into some sort of specially made device that connected the thing to the building’s power source… with a wire? Who would want that?
All at once, the thing’s screen flared to life with so few neon coloured pixels that they barely even made shapes but, somehow, managed to be bright enough to hurt anyway, making Miguel flinch even behind his sunglasses. Coupled with the almost ear-piercing music and sound effects that accompanied it, he could safely say that he was less impressed than he was bothered. As Xina once again turned her smile to him, gesturing to the screen with all of the enthusiasm of a child, Miguel wouldn’t have dared to say it aloud.
“I’ve never seen anything like it,” he said, and that much, at least, was true.
“I know, I know. It’s pretty awesome,” Xina bubbled, and her smile turned mischievous. “The best part? It’s two player.”
That made Miguel raise a brow in genuine interest. “It’s a game?”
“Finally have your interest, huh?” she teased. “It is a game. One of the first, actually.”
Miguel peered at the screen again, watching yellow pixels dart across, occasionally followed by red, blue, pink, or orange. His head cocked to the side, and he took a bit of a hesitant step closer. “How do you play?”
With a snicker, Xina rubbed her hands together before lacing them together and pushing them forward with an accompanying crack. “Watch and learn, rookie.”
As it turned out, Pac-Man was actually a relatively simple game; you (the yellow munching thing, though Miguel did not get an answer as to what it was other than “he’s Pac-Man!”) needed to travel through the maze and eat all of the dots (why, Xina couldn’t tell him) and avoid getting touched by the multicoloured “ghosts” that would chase you throughout the map (which, again, Xina couldn’t explain, but maybe it didn’t matter). There was also fruit that occasionally popped up for some reason – though all it really seemed to do was increase score – and bigger dots that turned the ghosts blue (“Xina, there’s already a blue ghost.” “Well, these are bluer.”) and made them edible, apparently. Though, the ghosts never stayed dead; whereas Pac-Man only got three lives. Miguel commented on the unfairness of it, but Xina didn’t seem particularly interested.
So, all that said, it should have been a pretty easy game. Xina certainly made it look easy, weaving between ghosts with ease and timing her dot collection just right to ensure that she could take out each enemy in one fell swoop. She only played a few levels, noting that the ghosts would get faster and faster, before she intentionally lost so the two of them could play together; which was the same as single player except the game forced you to take turns. Whoopie.
As easy as the game looked, though, Miguel ate his words more than he ate dots as he struggled through his first life.
“What the- What the shock?!” he hissed as he got stuck in a corner for the fifth time, struggling to time the joystick movement with the direction he wanted to go. He whirled to face his companion again, eyes blown wide with frustration. “Xina, it’s shocking broken. It’s these controls, I swear. They’re ancient. Are you sure it’s working?”
Barely containing her laughter, Xina gestured to the screen. “The game’s still going, Mig.”
“¡Chale!” Miguel all but screeched as he turned back to the game, furiously pulling at the joystick once more. “Este jodido juego es tan… ¡Qué mierda! Ay, no, no, no… Aléjense de mí, ¡cabrones! No quiero que me toquen, por favor, moriré- Ah! No! Shit, shit- ¡Coño! Shock!”
As the yellow pixels curled in on themselves in death, Miguel wailed at the screen in frustration, though he perked up as he heard the distinct sound of wheezing from behind him. Concerned for a moment, he quickly turned to check on Xina before his concerned expression fell away into annoyance once more. Xina was laughing so hard her face had turned red, cheeks wet with tears as she barely held herself up against a nearby dresser.
“Oh, yeah, laugh it the shock up, asshole,” Miguel grumbled, though the words came out sounding half-hearted at best.
“You are- so bad!” Xina managed to get out through wheezes. “I don’t think I’ve heard you curse that much ever!” With a short yelp, her hand slipped off of her crutch, and she slipped to the floor – thankfully harmlessly – and her fist pounded against the carpeting like a lifeline as she started to laugh once more.
Unimpressed, Miguel squatted down beside her. “Hey, Xina.”
Taking a few more moments to learn how to breathe again, Xina only hummed, glancing up to him with tears still streaking down her cheeks and eyes crinkled in a smile.
Miguel jerked a hand towards the screen, giving her his own grin. “The game’s still going.”
All at once, her laughter died away, and she rocketed to her feet, nearly taking Miguel out in the process. “Fuck!”
Then, it was his turn to laugh as she scrambled to get away from the oncoming enemies, though Xina was certainly much more successful in the endeavour than he was, managing to make it through a couple more levels despite her setback before she finally took her first death. 
With a grandiose laugh, she turned back to Miguel and grinned. “Beat that, bitch!”
Scoffing, Miguel took the joystick into his hand and leaned in close to the screen. “Easily.”
Unfortunately, he did not, in fact, “beat that,” bitch. 
In reality, Miguel only managed to make it through the first level, then near immediately lost his last two lives at the very beginning of the second one while, in the intermission between his second and third life, Xina made it all the way to level twenty-six. Needless to say, she had not only beaten him but, also, thoroughly humiliated him in the process. Not that Miguel could possibly be frustrated with the loss when Xina was smiling at him the way she was. In that moment, it really was like nothing had changed, and he’d be lying if he said it didn’t make him feel lighter than he had in years.
Leaning over her shoulder as Xina prepared herself for last life, she bounced on the balls of her feet and took a deep breath.
“What’s with the face?” Miguel questioned, startling her out of her focus and making her yelp, and he snickered a bit before whispering an apology. “You’ve already beat me, ámi. By no small number, might I, regretfully, add.”
Without so much as a glance towards him, Xina scoffed, the sound accompanied by the skillful flick of the joystick every which way. “Not everything’s about you, Miguel. I’ve almost beaten my highscore.”
A beat, as he remembered just how much effort she’d put into ensuring she beat him. “...You’re sure it’s not even about me a little bit?”
“Shut up,” she hissed. “I’m trying to focus.”
“Alright, alright,” he snickered, putting his attention onto the game right alongside her.
Pac-Man is, admittedly, not as much of a disappointment as Miguel had initially chalked it up to be. In fact, he might even go so far as to say that he was wrong entirely and that the game was actually rather fun, though he wasn’t sure that it would be entirely fair to attribute his amusement to the game so much as the person he was playing it with. At the end of the day, it was just a few pixels on a screen – something that was over a century obsolete and had long since been replaced with far more complex and involved experiences – but there wasn’t anything that could ever possibly equal the time he spent with Xina or make him feel the way her laugh did.
…He’d forgotten the way that she stuck the tip of her tongue out when she was focusing.
As three of the four ghosts closed in on Xina, Miguel couldn’t help but wince. “Uh… please tell me you’ve beaten it.”
“Fuck!” was all he got in response, then, “this fucking game is so… What the hell?! Oh, no, no, no… Get away from me, bastards! I don’t want you to touch me, please, I’ll die- Ah! No! Shit, shit- Fuck! Fuck!”
Yellow pixels curled in on themselves in death as Xina wailed at the screen, and Miguel could barely hold himself up from the force of his laughter, mouth wide open as he cackled unabashedly. His chest heaved desperately for air, only for it to come out in more snorts and snickers, and Xina, clearly just as amused with the situation as he was, turned to him with a poor imitation of a scowl, her lips pulled up wide into a smile.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it the fuck up, asshole,” she chided light-heartedly.
Then, all at once, her smile dropped, and her eyes went wide. The suddenness of it all was enough to near instantly cut off Miguel’s laughter, too, though his smile didn’t quite fall away yet. It warped into something nervous, and a few more uncomfortable laughs fell from him, his brows furrowing into something concerned.
“...What?” he asked cautiously. “What’s wrong?”
Xina didn’t say a word, though she approached him with her own skittishness, taking his cheek in her hand and leaning in close, and Miguel’s face flushed bright red.
There was a moment, however brief, that he was sure that she was going to kiss him.
Then, her finger hooked his upper lip and pulled it upwards, her eyes widening even further as her breath hitched, and, even then, Miguel still didn’t quite get it. It wasn’t until she spoke, voice shaky and small, that he understood.
A terrified bolt of dread lanced straight into Miguel’s chest, getting lodged there and weighing him down; stealing his air. His body immediately went tense, his eyes wide, and a trembling hand reached up and ghosted Xina’s, gently pulling it away from his face.
“Xina.” His voice came out strained, equally as small as hers.
“Miguel, you- you have fangs,” she nearly whispered, as if it was some sort of horrifying secret that might get her into trouble if she said it just a bit too loud.
“Xina, I… I can explain.”
With a squeak, she pulled out of his grasp, and he let her. She held her hand close to her chest, as if he’d somehow burned it, and her mouth hung agape in abject horror. “What happened to you? Miguel, I- I know where you work. I know what you do. What did you… What did you do to yourself?”
“It’s not like that,” he breathed, though the truth wasn’t far enough off.
“Then what is it like?” Xina demanded, though the way her voice wavered made the command fall flat. “What happened to you?”
“It was an accident,” and that, at least, was the truth.
“An accident?” she echoed. The way that it was said made it clear she wasn’t quite buying it. “So, what, you meant to alter your own genetics in another way?”
“No,” Miguel shot back in horror, then, “well- well, yes, but-”
“Oh, my god.” Xina blanched. “Miguel-”
“No, no, it’s not-”
“Yes, ‘it’s not like that,’ I know.”
“No, Xina,” he cried. “Just-”
“I really thought you’d changed,” she muttered, trembling. “I really thought-
“Please,” he pleaded, taking a step forward, “just-”
“Miguel,” Xina interrupted again shakily, stepping back in kind. “How can you possibly justify this?”
Dismayed, Miguel backed away, too, hands raised. “I can explain, Xina. Please-”
“Then do it, Miguel!”
“I’m trying. Please, just-”
“Just what?”
“Just listen!” Miguel finally shouted, brows furrowed and hands gesturing in frustrated desperation.
A scream tore from Xina’s throat and she stumbled away, her hands shooting up in front of her as if to push him away, and Miguel choked away a scream of his own, his eyes going wide. Her gaze fixated on his hands, chest heaving desperately.
“Claws!” she screeched. “You’re- You’re a monster!”
“No, I-” Peering down to his raised hands where his talons had inadvertently popped out, he gasped and immediately retracted them, glancing back up to Xina with his own look of horror. He looked distraught, face screwed up in distress, and he stepped backwards once more. Claws, fangs, yelling just as his father had, and Xina looked just as terrified as he’d felt. He loathed himself at the thought. “I- I am. I am a monster.”
Xina’s expression shifted, though only minutely, as she remained poised for fight or flight, breaths still coming in short gasps.
“I’m sorry, Xina,” Miguel sobbed, and his hands moved to clasp over his chest to steady himself. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled. I didn’t mean to- I didn’t mean to scare you. Please, I… I wouldn’t hurt you, Xina. Never. Never. Not like that.”
There was quiet again for a moment, and Xina’s eyes narrowed, sliding over him in suspicion; over his hands, to his mouth, then, to his eyes. Her eyes met his through his shades, and he carefully, hesitantly, raised a trembling hand to remove them, giving her full view of his eyes and all of the ways they had changed. Again she gasped, met with bright red as opposed to the brown Miguel knew she was accustomed to, and his breath hitched once more. He hoped that his eyes didn’t hold the same agony he felt, though he wasn’t sure he was so lucky; pain never was something that allowed itself to be quietly hidden away. Maybe that was another reason for the sunglasses.
Seconds ticked by, and they simply stared at one another, words drowned by terror and uncertainty that stole the air from both of their lungs, then Xina’s brows furrowed, and her eyes softened ever so slightly. She took a hesitant breath and stepped forward, reaching a hand out.
Breathless, Miguel eyed her hand and shuffled a bit back.
With a frown, Xina once more approached him, fear replaced by determination. “It’s alright,” she said, kindness in her voice, so sweet it almost felt placating, and it probably was. “It’s okay, Miguel. I’m listening now. I’m sorry I didn’t before.”
This time, he didn’t move away, but he still hesitated to take her hand.
“Come on, Miggy,” she urged. “I was just… startled. I know you’d never hurt me.” She wiggled her hand a bit, frowning at him. “I shouldn’t have called you a monster,” Xina mumbled, her voice breaking. “You’re not a monster. Fuck, I’m so sorry, Miguel.”
With an exceptional amount of gentleness, Miguel inched forward and took her hand into his. He fearfully met her eyes, all of his hurt on full display, then, “What… What did you say?”
Her eyes shone with sorrow, and she gave his hand a squeeze. “I’m sorry, Miguel. I should’ve never said what I did.”
“No, not that,” he gently corrected. “The other thing.”
Xina’s head cocked to the side, then, all at once, her eyes went wide. “Miguel.”
“The f-word…” he whispered with almost reverent horror.
Laughing wetly, Xina stepped forward and used her free hand to beat against his chest. “You’re unbelievable!” Her fist came to rest against him gently, and she frowned. “Fangs, claws, red eyes, and you really haven’t changed a bit. I should’ve known.”
“I’m Spider-Man,” Miguel blurted, and Xina made a choked sound, looking back up at him.
“Alright, maybe you’ve changed a little.”
A hand came up to ghost Xina’s cheek, and he gently wiped away her silent tears. “Is that a bad thing?”
She leaned into his touch, though her eyes remained fixed on his. “I… I don’t know. Is it?”
Miguel frowned, looking away. “I’m not sure,” he admitted. “I’m… I’m trying to be good; better than I was before.”
“Well,” she hummed, removing her hand from his chest and placing it over the one placed on her cheek, “that’s all you can really do, I guess. For the record, I think you’re better already. The old you never would have risked his neck for someone else.” A beat. “Or apologised. Or pretended to like some twencen stuff just because I do.”
“The game was fun,” Miguel confessed.
Again, Xina hummed, a small smile on her face. “You really think so?”
“I do.”
“Well, gee, how bad of a change could you have possibly gone through, then?” she teased half-heartedly. “Seems like it gave you better taste.”
“Har, har,” he huffed sarcastically. “Very funny.”
“Who said I was joking?” Then, before Miguel could respond, “I really am sorry, you know. For calling you a monster.”
Immediately, he fixed her with a frown, averting his eyes once more as all of the hurt from before returned. “Aw, shock. And here I’d thought my sly tactic had worked this time.”
With a sad laugh, Xina patted his hand, gently pulling it away from her face and holding it down by where their other pair were still interlocked. “On me? Never.”
Miguel glanced down at their linked hands, thinking of his claws and how terrified Xina had been of them mere minutes earlier. Aaron had been terrified of them too, back when the guy had tried to kill Miguel and gotten himself killed instead, and he’d had a right to be when Miguel had shredded his skin without even realising he was doing it. How many times could one person accidentally hurt someone else before it meant that he was simply something evil and wrong; a monster. 
Exhaling shakily, Miguel’s face fell, his shoulders sagging as he tried hard to keep back tears. “Well, you were right. I am.”
“Miguel O’Hara,” Xina hissed, squeezing his hands hard; enough to make him wince.
His eyes met hers again, unwavering. “Xina Kwan.”
She didn’t speak, her expression screwing up into that same withering glare she’d fixed him with earlier, but Miguel still didn’t back down.
“You said it yourself,” he retorted to her silent disagreement. “I messed with something I shouldn’t have, and now I’m here.” The next words were spat, like venom. “A monster.”
“You are not a monster,” Xina seethed once more, as unwilling to give in as he was.
It was times like these that made Miguel less grateful how stubborn she was. It was also times like these that reminded Miguel why he’d left her for Dana; though, even more strongly, why he shouldn’t have. And, really, it was times like these that actually made Miguel all the more grateful that she was, in fact, as stubborn as she was. He knew well that he’d back down before she did. He always had. As arrogant and self-absorbed as Miguel may have been, he was also a coward. Xina had never been a coward.
“Monsters are scary, Miguel,” she continued, insistent as always. “You’re hardly scary.”
Scoffing, Miguel rolled his eyes, brows furrowed. “You seemed pretty afraid of me.”
“Startled,” Xina quickly corrected. “There’s a difference. I could hardly be afraid of someone who can’t even beat me in Pac-Man.”
He laughed shortly, glancing at her with narrowed eyes. “That’s your standard?”
“For you it is,” she smirked up at him, “because it’s never going to happen.”
“You’re unbelievable,” he said.
“Thank you,” came the response.
Looking about as pleased as he felt, Miguel gave in, his head falling forward with a sigh. “You don’t even know what happened,” he mumbled. “What if that changes your mind?”
“You said it was an accident,” she said, leaning her own head forward so she could still see his eyes.
“It was,” he immediately confirmed, a little too desperately. “It was, but…” He paused, teeth gritting as he struggled to get the words out. It was difficult for him to tell if he just didn’t know what to say, or if he was too afraid to actually say it. Both options were equally as likely, and, also, equally as frustrating. “I… If I’d been smarter- If I’d just been more careful in the first place, then I never would have needed to- I wouldn’t have had to- Because I had to, Xina, I swear. Or- Or I thought I did. You have to understand that I- I didn’t want to… But if I’d just- I don’t know. If I’d done better- If I’d been better I… I wouldn’t be…”
When he trailed off for the second time, lips pursed with frustration both at his past self for everything that had gone wrong and for his current self for messing this up, too, Xina hummed and graced his hand with another comforting squeeze, forcing him to look up at her and meet her gaze with misty eyes.
“It’s okay, Miguel,” she gently assured. “You don’t have to tell me. You may have been pompous-”
“I was not pompous.”
“-but you were never stupid, do you hear me? Arrogance or not, I don’t pin you as the kind of man to mess with his genetics just for fun,” Xina conceded, and a bit of the tension left Miguel’s shoulders. Then, she huffed, smiling teasingly and clearly trying to lighten the mood. “Especially since you so clearly thought you were perfect already.”
Miguel glowered at her, though it wasn’t very intimidating with his hands still gently held by hers and eyes still red with unshed tears. “Pushing your luck with the guy with claws. Not very smart.”
“Yeah, yeah. Beat me at Pac-Man, and then try threatening me again.” She laughed, meeting his eyes with her own sparkling with empathetic grief; there was a distinct lack of fear where there had been before, and Miguel couldn’t help but to let out a small breath of relief. She must have heard it because she gripped his hand tightly once more. 
“You don’t have to tell me what happened,” Xina repeated, firm. “It wasn’t intentional. That’s what I was really worried about. That would have been scary.” She brought their hands up between them, glancing to them and smiling. “Claws or not, you’re still the same old Miguel.”
Miguel’s eyes locked onto their hands, too, and he managed to return a small smile. The relief was both light and heavy at the same time, making his shoulders sag in exhaustion as all of the tension and adrenaline resided and left him with the familiar fatigue of the moment the fight ended and he felt safe once more. Although he’d never say it out loud – knowing well that he’d be teased for it – Miguel could firmly admit that none of the foes he’d faced as Spider-Man had ever scared him half as much as this, and, in turn, they’d never left him with half of the respite after the fact.
“Maybe I’ll tell you one day,” he murmured. “Not yet.”
“Whenever you want, Miguel,” Xina replied, genuine, then, after a beat, “I do have one question, though.”
Frowning, Miguel hesitated again.
“It’s really simple, I promise!” she reassured, shaking his hands with a bit of a laugh. “You don’t have to answer. Just hear me out.”
Only minimally soothed, he let out a long sound of dismay that ended with an exasperated, “fine. Shoot.”
Then, face beaming, Xina asked the most stupid question Miguel could have possibly thought of, “Are you a vampire?”
For a moment, he could only stare, too surprised to even remember how to show it. Then, his eyes narrowed, and he cocked his head to the side with a pointed look. “I remember you being smarter,” he deadpanned.
Finally, Xina pulled her hands out of his, raising them in surrender with a vivacious laugh. “I just had to be sure!”
“Oh, you just had to be sure. Of course,” Miguel echoed, unamused. “Well, I hope you’re satisfied with yourself, idiota.” He huffed, arms crossed over his chest.
“Quite satisfied, as a matter of fact,” she shot back, and how could he be mad when she was smiling at him like that.
Biting back a laugh, he tried harder to maintain his frown. “You’re the worst, do you know that? Just the worst.”
“Aw, come on,” she tutted. “If I’m so bad, then why were we a couple?” Xina smirked, quoting his own words from their reunion all those weeks ago.
Then, Miguel couldn’t hold back his smile anymore, returning her exact response. “Because I felt sorry for you,” he quoted. “And it bugged my dad.”
“As good of a reason as any,” she hummed, a hand resting on her hip. Then, her eyes narrowed as she seemed to realise something. “You know, I know I made fun of you for that wall crawling joke back then, but, knowing what I know now, it actually is funny.”
A short huff of surprise fell from Miguel’s mouth at the statement, and he was reminded again just how different Xina Kwan was from Dana D’Angelo; someone who certainly wouldn’t understand what had happened to him, and someone who had pushed him for the truth even when he’d begged her not to; not Xina Kwan; not the person who’d believed he could be better even when he didn’t want to be and encouraged him once he finally did. The realisation was a pleasant one – a rare moment of pure glee that he revelled in amidst all of the sorrow he’d been surrounded by as of late – and his face was overtaken by a wide smile, red eyes crinkling in joy and fangs on full display as he laughed once more.
This time, Xina didn’t even flinch, just laughing along with him.
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