fempadre · 11 years
ooc; bed, and a note
I believe I have three titled threads (with Fran, Miriel, and Tooth) from before the event I need to do. I will continue these for sure, I just need posts from those involved.
For other interactions not specifically threads (thinking of, like, Casca and Tharja)- they can continue as well, and will be treated as threads. If they are not chosen to be continued as threads, they will be treated as completed conversations and not continued.
However, in accordance with the rules, from now on until the event's end, all new threads, musings and interactions will be held according to the event.
This applies to Kenshin as well (I'll be sure to reblog it on his blog), but I don't believe I have any open threads with him other than his intro thread which people stopped responding to, so yeah... And he'll be busy trying to find Kasuga in this storm anyway!
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manipulativevixen · 11 years
do it
15. My muse sneaks up behind yours to hug them
Lust is a woman who was skilled at stealth, depending if she wanted to be heard or not. This time, she was quiet around a certain woman. Approaching her from behind, wrapping her arms around her waist, resting her chin on her shoulder, inhaling the other’s scent.
"My, you do smell lovely."
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eyebrand-archive · 11 years
rebarbativefool replied to your post:♜
but they brought 2 robins here
yeah and man robin fucked the divine voice
that's like my mom and my bff fucking
that's fucked up
scientists u fucked up
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enchantedpoofs · 11 years
Honey, I'm home... and I accidentally turned the children into lizard creatures.
"Ahh my dearest welcome ho-" Edward blinked and stared at his wife in awe. For once he had nothing to say but then again she has done so many things in their marriage was this  emotion even needed. He laughed and shook his head.
"I trust you that you can fix them right? Once I err round them out!"
With this he grabbed is coat and set out of the apartment. He waved his beloved goodbye and ran out the apartment before stopping midway and raised his eyebrows.
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ibukitten · 11 years
☮ - Do they have an idol or someone they look up to?
There are too many to list, but they're mainly rockstars and group bands she takes inspiration from for her music. In general, though she admires people who are talented at anything, either materially or socially. Basically if you are a good person on the surface, she'll love you. She especially looks up to people who never give up despite being in dire situations. In a way she also really adores Twogami, even more since what happened in Chapter 1.
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alasforyou · 11 years
For the sake of science! 16.
a pickup line from my character to yours
A pick-up line? He wasn't familiar with many, but if he could think of one, then it would have to be...
"Would you perhaps like to go running with me, Miriel? Exercise is the best way to simultaneously foster camaraderie and improve one's health!"
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alasforyou · 11 years
Do they sleep with the lights on or off?
Off. Back in Ylisse, Frederick typically arose with the sun to begin his day, so he’s simply grown accustomed to waking up when there was a bit of light.
Since being brought to Hive City, though, he’s been struggling with this a lot due to there being so much noise at night from people just wandering around, drunk or otherwise, after dark. He's not the lightest sleeper, but he's trained himself not to sleep too heavily because he wants to be prepared for whatever may happen in the course of the night.
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