ibukitten · 7 years
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I feel bad for posting this after being idle for a couple weeks, but a lot happened this month and I had zero energy to log on tumblr at all. First I got swarmed with writing projects, then I caught an awful cold that had me stuck in bed for almost a week, and now I’m swarmed with committment once again. My brain just won’t settle for pretendy funtimes.
I’m going to place a hiatus on Ibuki and Eli ( @hxrasho ) because I need a breather from everything. I’ll still try to post all the replies I owe before I send the ask to the masterlist. I wanted to do ball-related things but it kinda fell flat eventually. I hope you don’t mind dragging threads on and waiting for me to settle down once again.
Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, guys!
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ibukitten · 7 years
In front of Ibuki's place, there's a big package wrapped in a punch pattern wrap. There's a card alongside it, which reads: "You know, Ibuki, I hope that next year the two of us can become stronger, so we can kick down any asshole's face if needed! Here's my way of helping you. Merry Christmas, Maya." Inside of the package, there's a punching bag, ready to receive a bunch of punches!
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[ ♬ ]—— “How super fantastical nice! Maya-chan is so thoughtful! Ibuki will hang this in the basement and swing her guitars at it for practice!” Don’t do that...
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ibukitten · 7 years
There’s a gift basket on her doorstep, clearly addressed to Ibuki. Inside the basket are a large assortment of bath bombs (all of them of the glitteriest kind imaginable), as well as a couple other jars of glitter and two tickets to a night at Magilou’s Menagerie. Included with the gift basket is a handwritten note:
I hope you like glitter as much as I do~! I chose only the best and jam-packed with glitter bath bombs I could, and I hope you enjoy them~!
I also included a couple tickets for you to drop by for a night at Magilou’s Menagerie for entertainment and drinks–all on the house of course~! Feel free to redeem them whenever you like~!
Your Secret Santa,
Mazhigigiki Miludin do Din Nolurun Dou
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[ ♬ ]—— “Uwaa so much glitter! Will it stick to Ibuki’s hair forever? That’d be amazing!” She reads through the note and beams happily. “Hey, not a bad idea, Ibuki’ll give that place a visit and drag Rei-chan along for a nice girl party night!”
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ibukitten · 7 years
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“Kind of like the mirrornet back at Ever After High. That was free, as well.” Though it wasn’t nearly as fast as the internet here. Headmaster Grimm would have to look into that.
As Bunny made to reply to that, the sudden flicker of the screen alerted her to the app being fully downloaded.
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[ ♬ ]—— “Is it?” Ibuki chuckles. “Well, now you should look at your home screen and be able to find an icon with a cute girl on it. Tap on that, make yourself an account, follow all instructions, and then you’re done!”
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ibukitten · 7 years
The formalities were still a pain in the ass, and let’s just say that the night hadn’t been all holly-jolly Christmas spirit for our favorite otaku assassin. But if Travis had to give this ball one thing? It was at least considerate enough to give him a battleground where he could forget about all that other shit for a blissful few minutes. A physical competition to see who was the best? Bring it the fuck on!
Even if it was just a snowball fight!
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“If you think I was just planning on dodging, you don’t know me enough!” Travis went on the offensive, chucking frozen sphere after frozen sphere, almost every one aimed with deadly accuracy… at Ibuki’s own snowballs! Mid-flight!
Sure, Travis could probably be taking this more seriously. But the otaku had confidence in his teammates to handle things without him, so why not give the audience a show? Plus, he owed it to Ibuki. Friend-turned-rival battles had to have some flare to ‘em, after all!
[ ♬ ]—— That’s amazing. It’s the harmless snowball equivalent of two battleships trading laser attacks that explode in the middle causing a stall situation. Usually, the one crew with more resources wins the fight. Ibuki’s stamina can keep up with the rhythm for now, as the motion of throwing balls and piling snow to create new projectiles comes automatic to her after paritcipating in various matches earlier.
      But they also can’t keep at this forever, or the crowd will get bored. Ibuki sacrifices a bit of time to build up an even larger snowball, sidestepping a couple attacks from Travis.
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      “Then let’s see what you can do against this!” Ibuki launches her big snowball attack. If Travis doesn’t want to dodge this one, what will he do?
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ibukitten · 7 years
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“You must be mistaken, I was using my indoor voice quiet well thank you! I don’t believe I was speaking as loud as you, but I shall try and… ‘tone down’. Is that not what other friends say to others?” Listen he is trying. “In any case, I say this as well in case I miss hearing how there was someone being very loud by the food area! Because there is a chance someone will say something. Hence the warning.”
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[ ♬ ]—— “You have no indoor voice, dude.” Try harder, Kiyo-chan, she believes in you. “But anyway, there’ll be loud people around here no matter what you do or say! Moreover, it’s much better to have loud people in general than, say, allow people to keep their powers here. This ballroom would have been reduced in ruins before we could even chat like this!”
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ibukitten · 7 years
Badou, firstly, hunches those shoulders of his defensively once his space is approached, but when he recognizes its Ibuki, he nods, lopsided smile of his own in place.
“Hey. Nah, I mostly came to eat and watch people embarrass themselves. You out on the dance floor already?” She seems the type, is all.
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[ ♬ ]—— “Of course! Ibuki’s party animal instincts drag her to wherever people are happily consuming their need to, well, embarrass themselves as you say, but also have fun! The food here is delicious, can’t blame you for coming here just to snag on it!”
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ibukitten · 7 years
Shakespeare, a philosopher and poet, the great bard, had mused on many different topics in his life. Feelings, ranging from anger and revenge, to love and forgiveness, no topic was untouched by his pen.
If Kaoru had to find a quote to perfectly encapsulate this situation, one would spring to her mind in an instant. A poignant stance, from the great play Julius Caesar, Act II, scene 3:
When beggars die, there are no comets seen; The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes.
The sun was shining, but perhaps, should the moon be glowing in the night sky, it would be hidden under the shine of thousands of blazing comets flying through the darkness. Perhaps that’s what was happening now, but we just mistake it for the bright sun.
In layman’s terms, Kaoru just lost about half of her lifespan from that performance alone.
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「H-How… ephemeral…」
She may have just seen hell that day, but she grinned and bore it, all for her kitten.
[ ♬ ]—— Is that a compliment? Kaoru doesn’t look too good, but not a lot of people walk out of Ibuki’s concerts completely unaffected. Metal brings raw emotion and sheer power, it shakes one person’s internal organs and state of mind like they’re being mixed up in a blender and then spat out. Only people with a strong heart can bear it all with not even a scratch. 
      But metal is a fix everyone should try to listen at least once. Ibuki is the harbringer of that mentality. And so she smiles, seeing Kaoru faring pretty well despite the pale color of her face and the brief comment she should elaborate on.
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      “Was it good?” A barrage of questions assails the other girl as Ibuki steps all up in her face and beams. “Does ephemeral mean it was way too fast? Should Ibuki make an encore?”
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ibukitten · 7 years
✯ Yup, that went just as expected. You have a knack for giving concussions to people, Ibuki. A shame that made the chair get pretty much busted and worthless for bringing down anyone else.
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✯ As for Maya, there she goes, throwing down the second thug. They were carrying a couple of brass knuckles, but that’s nothing compared to Maya’s elegant (?) fighting style. The crowd looks perplexed at her, especially the other bikers.
✯ “Grrrr… What this chick thinks she’s doing?” One of them complains. “Doesn’t she know she’s making us look like weak ducks?!”
✯ “I’m tired o’ this bulls***!!” All of a sudden, the leader with the crazy hair advances. He glares down at the duo, enough to make Maya flinch at his presence alone. “C’mon, me gon’ end this quickly. Which bon’ you’d pr’fer me ta break? I’ll leave da choice ta you!!”
[ ♬ ]—— Things are turning uglier than they already were. Ibuki drops the broken chair and is reaching for another one, muttering an apology towards the restaurant’s owners for the property damage they’re causing. She will pay her own share of money in case they get out of here in one piece.
      And then the guy with cool air leading the folks steps in and wants to break their bones, practically throwing her plans to the bushes. Ibuki feels her blood turn icy cold in her veins as her hand is gripping the new chair tightly, survival instincts kicking in. They can’t stay here a minute longer. She must find something to distract the thugs with, but nothing comes up and the time ticks against the duo.
      Ibuki finds it ironic that the only option she can think of is so crazy it will probably not work, but since they’re both in deep shit and begging her way out of this is totally out of question, then she’ll go with crazy. It’s part of her character after all.
      “Easy answer,” she says, and swings the chair above her head to throw it at the leader with all the force she can muster, straight to his head.
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      “How about you break YOUR UGLY FACE first?!”
      Few seconds of distraction. All she needs to grab Maya by her sleeve and haul her towards the exit. They’re outnumbered. No way in hell they can survive the encounter if they stay in that place a second longer.
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ibukitten · 7 years
“Ah of course! Why did I not think of using a megaphone! Very well, I would need to find which store would have one and ask even louder!”
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“Are you talking about someone literally breaking a human in half!? Not even Oogami could do something like that. Or… at least, I never seen her attempt to break someone in half. Why would someone want to split someone in half literally!”
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[ ♬ ]—— “Ohh, you have no idea how many people here are able to get their hands on someone and totally rip the life out of them! Just say the wrong word and you’ll be in a whole universe of pain! Well, if you have the common sense to be quiet when a dangerous looking person tells you to, then the chances of falling victim to a bone-crushing finisher will go down for sure. Just go ahead and do your megaphone thing!”
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ibukitten · 7 years
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I feel bad for posting this after being idle for a couple weeks, but a lot happened this month and I had zero energy to log on tumblr at all. First I got swarmed with writing projects, then I caught an awful cold that had me stuck in bed for almost a week, and now I’m swarmed with committment once again. My brain just won’t settle for pretendy funtimes.
I’m going to place a hiatus on Ibuki and Eli ( @hxrasho ) because I need a breather from everything. I’ll still try to post all the replies I owe before I send the ask to the masterlist. I wanted to do ball-related things but it kinda fell flat eventually. I hope you don’t mind dragging threads on and waiting for me to settle down once again.
Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, guys!
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ibukitten · 7 years
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ibukitten · 7 years
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澪田ちゃん誕生日おめでとう! by Suta.
※Permission to upload this was given by artist. Do not repost and edit without artist’s permission. Please support the artist by favoriting and retweeting the artwork.
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ibukitten · 7 years
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澪田ちゃんとチョコミントアイス! /  澪田ちゃんおめでと~! by Gohan.
※Permission to upload this was given by artist. Do not repost and edit without artist’s permission. Please support the artist by favoriting and retweeting the artwork.
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ibukitten · 7 years
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Ibuki Mioda flower aesthetic with pastel and dark colours for anon!
- Mod Kaede
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ibukitten · 7 years
can we have a drawing of ibuki mioda for her bday?
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ibukitten · 7 years
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Happy Birthday🌺Ibuki Mioda もうすぐ12月なのに真夏のビーチを描くとは…
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