alasforyou · 11 years
...Of course; could he have ever expected more? Emmeryn was not greedy. She found beauty in the ugliest of creatures, found mercy where others only found hate... found forgiveness even in the face of the harshest spite, and shone brightly even though the world around her remained far too unkind.
She was his Exalt, and Frederick was never more proud to be in the service of another.
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"You speak wisely, Your Grace; even here, you serve as a beacon of hope and an inspiration to us all." And these were not empty, flattering words; these were words coming straight from his heart, expressing the admiration that no doubt every Ylissean and countless Plegians, even, felt towards the one woman who returned her enemies' hatred with love. "I swear to continue my search for a way to escape this wretched city, so please, rest assured. In the meanwhile, perhaps I can find you some tea to drink?"
"Remaining… strong… That’s good… " 
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"I don’t… need much. My home here… is simple. Quiet. The relaxation… is welcoming. I have… my worries… concerning… Ylisse… " She paused, folding her hands together in thought. Certainly, not every person from the Shepherds had been sent here. Whether that was fortunate was yet to be seen..
But fractured elements could remain strong, despite the difficult circumstance. No… she had a firm belief that everything would remain well.
"And yet… high spirits… remain. Let’s… do our best…"
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alasforyou · 11 years
As soon as the man approached him, Frederick lowered his sword to appraise him properly. It was in his nature to be rather wary of anyone who approached, but that was more in regards to his lord than himself. And in a place such as Hive City, where it'd been made clear that he'd be best making acquaintances with the other people who had been brought here much in a manner that he had, he had little reason to be suspicious unless under some unfavorable circumstances.
This, fortunately, was not one of them, and Frederick had absolutely no reason to turn down the stranger's offer. After all, when practicing for combat, it was always best to practice with someone else. What challenge the mind could not provide, someone else could--and Frederick desperately needed the reminder that regardless of where he was, he needed to remain in top shape if he wished to best serve his lord.
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"It would do me good to have one. Are you perchance offering yourself as my opponent, sir?"
♘ a place to call home.
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alasforyou · 11 years
Frederick followed along easily enough, if only because he didn't get much chance to truly observe his surroundings. His attention was on his guide--or rather, her words. Was she... telling the truth? Well, certainly, she had no reason to lie, but--gods, how could one woman, or anyone, for that matter, be? To lead such an undisciplined life...
...He would never condone such a thing, but he also knew that he was in no position to judge her for what she decided to do with her life. After all, what did he know about her world, her past, and her life? If what she did was enough to bring her happiness without bringing much trouble to others, then that was all well. 
Clearing his throat, Frederick opened his mouth to offer her some further details of his beloved home when one thing in particular made him pause. She'd said angels, didn't she? She did--as in, "some angels would tell me stories".
"...Forgive me, milady, but before I describe my home, I must ask--when you say angels, do you refer to the winged messengers and guardians oft mentioned in religions?"
...No, that was impossible. Angels were the very image of piety and virtue.
“Yes we should excatly!" Panty hustled the other along the streets of citta. Mildly commenting now and then about how this city calm compared to her own city. She would spare the details, though would comment increasingly of the times she fucked a lot, "At one point I wanted to fuck a thousand men. And I fuckin’ did. Let me tell you. That was great shit.”
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“You should tell me some things about your home. You know, ya metal oaf. You seem like you come from some old ass world. I remember soem angels would tell me stories about how you humans would dress in all this metal and run around trying to skewer each other." The girl yawned finding mild interest in the subject. If she hoped to win herself points with the male she’d have to do a lot of ass kissing and impressing before she could convince him to fuck her. At the same time, she wondered how hed even handle the situaton.
“We’re almost there too. The fucking big ass building over there is where ya’ll be staying.”
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alasforyou · 11 years
"Ah, forgive my lack of manners. My name is Frederick, and I serve as the head knight in the Halidom of Ylisse. And you, milady?"
Oh, it was very fortunate that he'd decided to speak with her, then. Though Frederick had taken care to explore some of the areas of Hive City--after all, it was imperative for him to get a good grasp of his environment if he wished to remain vigilant against any sort of harm that could befall either him or the other Shepherds, wherever they were--there were still many sectors that still escaped his knowledge. Sector One, in particular, worried him, with how often it changed its streets. Any place with a constantly shifting landscape required equally shifting plans--though, plans against what remained the ultimate question. (There was nothing truly to plan against, but habit alone had him preparing for every possible scenario that could go sour.)
Perhaps, if he asked kindly, she would offer him some information on how best to get a firmer grasp on his surroundings?
♘ a healthy body, a healthy mind [closed]
Sion sensed no ill-will from the iron-clad man’s greeting, a drawn-out sigh of relief escaping her lungs. With her hypothesis proven to be nothing more than a sign of paranoia over the possibility of the Church showing movement within Hive, she pushed her weight from the bench to genially converse in a more hospitable manner. Yet with both hands held behind her back she brushed over her bangles, still contemplating the preferential action to take if formalities proved efficient for her cause.
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With violet eyes and a stoic demeanour she eyed up the man before her. ’I would not say I have been here long. Three months at best. However, I do have a mind understanding of each of the sectors.’ The present one considered substantially high-risk when comparing it to the rest. A playground for criminals. ’I pass many people over each day within them, however, you do not have a familiar face. Might I ask your name?’
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alasforyou · 11 years
"I see. Certainly, there are merits to both, so I presume your army works to accommodate speed more than defense."
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"And no; I hail from a kingdom called Ylisse, just across the sea from Valm. Have you heard of either?"
"It varies from individual to individual, but the plating is generally less thick. Mobility is more important than protection."
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"Oh? Are you not from around here either?"
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alasforyou · 11 years
"...And I, yours, milady."
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When Emmeryn had sacrificed herself, Frederick had mourned. She was his Exalt, the very personification of peace herself. She was one of the people he'd sworn to protect, and yet...
...No; that was in the past, now. All that mattered was that she was safe, and he was being given another chance to perform his duties correctly.
"I cannot say I've grown used to this place yet; it is certainly a far cry from Ylisse. But all things considered, I've no reason to complain. And you, Your Grace? Is there anything I can do for you? I pray you've settled in comfortably."
"Do not… apologize… I’m glad to… hear… your voice again." It was nice to hear a simple response for once.  No glimmers of pity, no atmosphere of discomfort. With little tension to hinder her, Emmeryn allowed herself to relax.
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"I am well… though this all… takes.. some getting used to. Have you… adapted?"
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alasforyou · 11 years
"Then what sort do they wear? In Ylisse, this is more or less what is expected." Did they perhaps have more metal plating? Less? Different colors, perhaps, or a different design entirely?
But, more importantly--Ylisse. Home.
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"This is the first time I've heard someone mention home, here." It'd almost seemed like most everyone was simply resigned to remaining in Hive City forever.
Richard inched closer.
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"There are knights, but they don’t wear armor quite like yours, sir knight. Perhaps I will commission a set like yours when I return home."
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alasforyou · 11 years
"Ah. Yes, feel free."
After all, what harm could there be in simply allowing someone to take a closer look? The man looked genuinely amazed--not that looks ever mattered much in convincing Frederick of much--and the knight was still holding onto his unfortunately wooden sword.
"Are there no knights in your land, sir?"
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"M-may I have a moment to admire your armor? It reminds me of the knights I would read about in my childhood."
Richard must have known that such bulky plating would never have fit upon Asbel’s much lither frame.
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alasforyou · 11 years
"Your Grace..."
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Leisure--what time, what need, had he for leisure? It was his duty to protect the royal family and to serve them in any way he could; he wouldn't fail in doing so again. (Never, ever again.)
"My apologies; I hadn't thought anyone would hear me." Nor had he thought so many people from Ylisse were here, but there was strength and comfort to be found in numbers. "You've no need to concern yourself over me, milady. How are you?"
"Moments of… leisure… are important as well…" The former exalt chuckled behind her hand. As always, she felt a prickle of nostalgia from a forgotten time when graced by the sight of a familiar face
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"Don’t… overwork yourself… okay?"
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alasforyou · 11 years
Well, since the man's staring wasn't the most subtle thing in the world, it hardly took Frederick long to notice.
"May I help you?"
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"What dazzling armor… The curve of the breastplate… The girth of those pauldrons…"
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alasforyou · 11 years
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"Despite the many distractions offered in this city, I mustn't forget to adhere to my training regimen..." After all, what if Chrom or Lissa suddenly needed him? It wouldn't do to be out of shape. Even with a mere wooden sword, he'd continue to serve as a proud knight of Ylisse.
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alasforyou · 11 years
"Indeed; amongst the Shepherds, I believe you have one of the greatest learning capacities." If memory served correct, she was only rivaled by perhaps Donnel. "Now, let us begin."
Frederick stepped forward, placing his right hand at her waist while his left reached for her right. "Place your left hand on my right shoulder. This is the standard waltz position, and the first I shall teach you. Though unfortunately, we do not have any music available to us currently, it should be fairly easy to follow the rhythm once we have some. The beat is in threes--1, 2, 3; 1, 2, 3. All throughout the dance, you will be mirroring my movements--thus, if I take one step to the left, you will take one to the right. Am I clear thus far?"
"Very well. As you say, the basics surely cannot be too difficult a challenge for me to overcome."
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"I am certainly free as of this moment, and gratefully subscribe to the notion of your lesson beginning forthwith."
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alasforyou · 11 years
"Ah, of course; it would be my pleasure to teach you. Have you the time now? If we were to dedicate an hour of practice a day, I've no doubt that by the time of the ball, you'll have mastered the basics."
After all, if he remembered correctly, Miriel was a quick leaner.
"I am sorry but dancing is not a part of the repertoire of skills which I possess."
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"However, as it seems that you already possess the skills necessary to engage in such an activity, I would be more than willing to learn it from you in an attempt to perform the activity of dancing."
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alasforyou · 11 years
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She may have been a stranger from another world entirely, but he understood the need. Though he'd never quite dealt with stress in the way she had--he tended to avoid alcohol; it clouded his judgment, and there was no telling when Chrom, Lissa, or Emmeryn would need his blade--he, at the very least, felt sympathetic.
"I've arrived not too long ago myself, but I would dare say that I've grown rather familiar with our surroundings. Since I cannot offer you a drink, may I at least offer whatever assistance I can give?"
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“Just in need of a good drink, that’s all."  Nice to know people cared, but answering the same question was getting old.  "I just got here, and it’s really frustrating not knowing what’s going on.”
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alasforyou · 11 years
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"Forgive me for intruding, but are you alright, milady?"
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This is gonna be one of those nights she needs a drink, isn’t it?
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alasforyou · 11 years
// #i mean ilu clara
alasforyou replied to your post:[[ I come back to my dash and there are boobs…
//I was on my phone and I just saw “I was tempted to pull out something” and I was like ??? w ow sasuke i knew u could do some p amazing stuff but i didn’t know u could conjure up boobs
[[ cLARA n ooo nonono—well i did read a doujin once but—nOOO
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in other news have this ]]
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alasforyou · 11 years
♘ a place to call home.
Though he’d only been in Hive City for a few days—or perhaps, because of it—Frederick found himself feeling rather homesick.
It was a rather nostalgic feeling, one he hadn’t quite felt for years now. He’d suffered from it frequently when he was but a young soldier, just one amongst many in Ylisse’s royal army. But as he grew older and spent increasing amounts of time away from home, securing the kingdom’s borders and accompanying Chrom outside the castle in whatever endeavors he found just, he found himself able to appreciate the slightly different cultures and the variety of topography he came across in his travels. Home, he’d learnt, was not only in the barracks of the castle and the safety of his room; home was, indeed, where the heart was.
And his heart, undeniably, remained with his lord and his fellow Shepherds. It belonged in each grassy terrain within Ylissean territory, each mountainous region, and each thick forest. It belonged in the tents set up under the stars, the inns in the smallest and largest of villages, and in the never-ending stretch of roads that traveled all across Ylisse.
But he was not in Ylisse, not even close, and… here, in Hive City, he was useless. He could not serve neither Chrom nor Lissa in ways that he had back in their world, and he felt utterly exhausted from the absolute lack of work to do. There were no weapons to sort, no campfires to start, no training sessions to lead, and no war to win. Here, he felt absolutely out of place, like a sorry knight who only remained one in name, and that tired him. Still, he was not one to give up hope; at the very least, he knew that his comrades were safe, wherever they were within the confines of this city. And was that truly not enough cause for joy and relief? They would find a way home eventually; he was certain of it. That was why, depressing as it was, he found it good to feel homesick. Feeling homesick meant he had no attachment to this strange experimental place, and that he still kept a part of Ylisse in his heart. 
Thus, he refused to simply lounge around and pace aimlessly. (Lissa would have been proud; he’d spent much of his day wasting time that he hardly knew what to do with himself.) Grabbing his wooden sword, Frederick left his temporary housing to find a small, grassy field, identified by a nearby sign as a park. And there, even alone, he trained, honing his skills and trying to recall the pains of wounds he would have gotten in battle if he’d made a mistake.
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