harmonyusinc · 4 years
9 Natural Ways to Combat Anxiety from a Medical Expert
Overcoming anxiety can seem like a tall order - especially if you are not sure where to start. Whether your anxiety stems from work-related stress, relationship troubles, or a larger-scale crisis, you need to take action to ensure your anxiety does not evolve into serious health complications. Fortunately, there are some simple, cost-effective ways to relieve your anxiety. And the good news is that you can put many of these techniques to use whether you are on the road, on vacation, or from the comfort of your own home. Below is a look at some causes of stress and nine natural ways to combat your anxiety.
What are some key causes of anxiety?
Before diving into some creative ways to alleviate anxiety, it is helpful to understand what causes us to become anxious. Anxiety often begins to emerge when people are in their early 20s, so learning to combat symptoms during early adulthood is helpful. This process begins by understanding the factors that can cause anxiety. Here is a look at four common circumstances that may lead to anxiety: Relationship troubles, such as a break-up, separation or divorce The illness or death of a loved one Challenges related to work, such as a layoff or trouble with a boss or colleagues An unexpected crisis such as a natural disaster or the COVID-19 pandemic With the four stressors above affecting most Americans, it is no surprise that anxiety affects over 18% of our population. Typical symptoms include restlessness, feelings of apprehension, and a tendency to fear the worst. Many people also experience headaches, racing heart, gastrointestinal distress, and insomnia. If left untreated, these symptoms can morph into more severe health problems.
What are some simple, natural ways to relieve your anxiety?
The path to relieving anxiety begins by making some lifestyle adjustments that will alleviate symptoms or prevent them from emerging in the first place. Fortunately, there are many surprisingly simple ways to prevent anxiety from rearing its ugly head. Below are eight natural ways to combat anxiety. 1) Adopt an anti-anxiety diet
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You might be surprised to learn that specific foods have been shown to reduce anxiety. Researchers point to foods that are naturally rich in magnesium, zinc, antioxidants, vitamin C, and omega-3s have been shown to have a calming effect on people. For this reason, foods like nuts, whole grains, leafy greens, and berries are good choices to enjoy with your meals and snacks. Waking up to a healthy breakfast that contains anti-anxiety foods is especially important, as it will help you start each day on a calmer note. Here is one of Dr. Mehmet Oz's favorite anxiety-reducing breakfasts: " Try a cantaloupe parfait with cottage cheese, dried oats, and pistachios to start your day. Cantaloupe is an excellent source of vitamin C, cottage cheese contains tryptophan, and dried oats provide your complex carbs, while pistachios provide omega-3 fatty acids." - doctoroz.com 2) Perform deep breathing exercises Many people are surprised to learn that they can relieve anxiety simply by breathing deeply. The Mayo Clinic's Laura A. Peterson, R.N., calls breathing deeply a "powerful tool," and recommends that people "Learn breathing techniques that ease anxiety, depression and other stress-related issues." Breathing deeply helps to quell anxiety by sending a message to your brain to stay calm. Peterson outlines some simple breathing techniques that you can try alone or with a partner. 3) Enjoy the power of your own touch "This year, the company Hot Octopuss debuted 'masturbation booths' across New York City to give men a public place to 'relieve stress'...Women wanted to know where their masturbatoriums were. Why should men have all the fun?" - Nico Lang, Ravishly Masturbation and other forms of touch are powerful anxiety relievers. In fact, self-touch can be so effective that doctors are calling masturbation a "great way to relieve tension and stress". Some doctors even suggest that masturbation breaks at work would boost productivity and increase smiling. If you are open to trying a masturbation break as an anxiety reliever while you are at work or on the go, you can do so discreetly with the help of Poco, a pocket-sized portable vibrator. With its unique, bendable design, Poco will help take your mind off your stressors as you stimulate your G-spot, clitoris, and perineum. 4) Focus on what you can control In times of crisis and even in everyday life, it can be easy to become anxious. Unfortunately, there are many things we are unable to control. And no matter how much time and energy we spend worrying about them, we will never be able to change them. And our anxiety just intensifies. The good news is that you can make a change in many areas of your life. For instance, you can control what you choose to eat, how hard you work at the office, which movies you watch on TV, and how much time you devote to your partner. By shifting your focus from things that are beyond your control to those you can control, you will minimize your feelings of helplessness and become more confident in the process. 5) Minimize your exposure to the news "More than half of Americans say the news causes them stress, and many report feeling anxiety, fatigue or sleep loss as a result...Yet one in 10 adults checks the news every hour, and fully 20% of Americans report "constantly" monitoring their social media feeds—which often exposes them to the latest news headlines, whether they like it or not." - Markham Heid, Time Constant exposure to the news can be downright depressing - especially during challenging times. But Americans are monitoring the news more regularly than ever. Many people connect to the internet from the moment they wake up in the morning and don't unplug until their heads hit the pillow. For an anxiety-prone person, this "constant connectedness" can cause their stress to worsen, causing them to lose sleep worrying about the things they can't control until the wee hours of the morning. While it is wise to stay informed, you can still remain abreast of the latest current events by setting aside fifteen minutes in the morning and fifteen minutes in the evening to monitor the news. 6) Play your favorite game Many people are surprised to learn that they can reduce their anxiety by doing something as simple as playing their favorite game. From video games to card games, researchers are discovering that fun pursuits can alleviate anxiety symptoms. In fact, there are now apps that turn the battle against anxiety into a game. 7) Establish a regular exercise routine "It's a common experience among endurance athletes and has been verified in clinical trials that have successfully used exercise to treat anxiety disorders and clinical depression. If athletes and patients can derive psychological benefits from exercise, so can you." - Harvard Health Publishing Exercise is one of the best natural anxiety relievers on the market. In addition to reducing stress hormones in your body, exercise boosts the production of mood-enhancing endorphins. But the benefits of exercise do not stop there. Exercise will help you keep your weight in check, improve your cardiovascular fitness, and keep you mentally sharp. Best of all, you can choose a different type of exercise every day. Here are a few options to try: Go for a brisk 15-minute walk once or twice a day to get your blood flowing Reduce your anxiety and burn 4 calories per minute by having sex Go for a short bike ride 8) Wind down with a warm bath... and a waterproof toy
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For years, warm water has been known for its relaxing, healing properties. In addition to being therapeutic, a warm bath is a great way for you to destress alone or together with your partner. And if you really want to relax your body, you can introduce MysteryVibe's Crescendo. With its flexible waterproof design, Crescendo is more than just a smart, body-adaptable vibrator. It is also a doctor-approved device that as known as a one-stop-shop for men and women alike. After you warm up in the tub, you can continue your anxiety relief mission in the bedroom with your partner. Sex is a great way to relieve stress for you both and will help you maintain your special connection with your partner. You can really make the night smooth and special by adding a bit of organic lube to the mix. Another way to reduce anxiety in the bedroom is to check out MysteryVibe's Playcards. In a matter of minutes, you and your partner can discover pleasure positions you never knew existed. More importantly, your worry and stress will begin to take a backseat to curiosity and pleasure. 9) Resolve to get seven to eight hours of sleep each night "You might think you can get by on 5 or 6 hours' sleep a night, but people who get less than 7 hours are more likely to have mood or mental health problems...A severe lack of sleep has been linked to mood disorders, depression, anxiety and Alzheimer's disease." - Catherine De Lange, New Scientist Sleep is essential to our overall health and well-being. Unfortunately, many Americans are sleep-deprived. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 1 in 3 adults don't get enough sleep. And a lack of sleep is linked to anxiety, depression and a variety of physical health problems. You can put yourself back on track by establishing a regular routine and striving to go to bed at roughly the same time each night. You can boost your odds of getting a good night's sleep by limiting your intake of caffeine and alcohol right before bed, and by making sure your bedroom is cool and dark. Most importantly, turn off your electronic devices and let them recharge. You cannot sleep soundly for seven hours when you are receiving text notifications and phone calls.
The Bottom Line on Overcoming Anxiety
Combating anxiety does not have to be complicated or costly. As outlined above, there are many natural ways to alleviate your anxiety from the comfort of your own home. We invite you to contact us at MysteryVibe to discover why thousands of Americans turn to us for fun, creative ways to reduce their stress. We look forward to hearing from you! Read the full article
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harmonyusinc · 4 years
Getting Birth Control May Be Easier Than You Think!
Paige Alexandria If you're a young person, you may not know it, but you can probably access methods of birth control without your parent's permission, and even for free! Here's a starter guide for those in the United States, as well as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, South Africa and India. Talking to parents or guardians about birth control can be really intimidating, and if you’re wondering what you should do — you’re not alone! You may be looking into birth control because you’re thinking about becoming — or already are — sexually active in ways where pregnancy is a risk. Or, you might be looking into methods of contraception to address health issues, like painful periods. Hopefully, the primary people in your life are supportive of your interest in birth control, especially if you’re a minor or otherwise don’t have full legal rights. But sometimes using birth control, for whatever our reason, is not something our parents or guardians support. You should be trusted to make these decisions, and you deserve access to the resources you need. And while some teens can and do involve their parents, as Scarleteen has pointed out before, those who don’t often aren't for good reasons. If you know birth control is right for you but can’t — or just don’t want to — involve your parents or guardians, accessing methods may be easier than you think! I want to help you learn how. Your support network Confiding in others with private information — like whether you’re sexually active or thinking of starting a method of birth control — is a decision that is entirely yours to make. You don’t have to involve anyone other than medical professionals in this if you don’t want to. But if there’s a supportive person in your life who you trust (like a partner, friend, or family member), and who you know will respect your privacy, sometimes involving them can lessen the burden you may experience through the process. They may be able to help you with transportation, money, or just by providing a shoulder to lean on. Accessing birth control as a minor in the United States For some, involving our parents or guardians can prevent us from accessing the healthcare we need entirely. Others may not have a way to involve them even if they would provide support and help. The good news is that certain clinics in the U.S. will allow you to access birth control without parental consent or notification and for free. For information about other areas of the world, scroll down! Family planning clinics participating in the federal grant program Title X (pronounced Title Ten) are required to provide services to legal minors regardless of age, citizenship, or any other socioeconomic status. Those services — which include birth control, pregnancy testing, breast and cervical screenings for cancer, and STD/STI testing and treatment — are confidential, which means they won’t contact your parents, and you don’t need their permission to access them. These clinics can also provide some degree of pregnancy options counseling, but keep in mind that under current law, they aren’t allowed to talk to you about abortion. HK Gray, a storyteller with the National Network for Abortion Fund’s Youth Testify leadership program and Advocates for Youth’s 1 in 3 campaign, told Scarleteen that: Even though I was already making independent reproductive decisions when I became a teen mom, I wasn't allowed to get birth control from my OB/GYN without parental consent. I didn't know about Title X clinics where I could have gotten birth control as a minor. And since my dad was experiencing homelessness and my mom was on the run from the law, it wasn’t an option for me to involve them.” Contraception options Title X clinics provide the full range of safe, available and effective birth control options, including long acting reversible contraception methods (LARCs) — like IUDs (such as Mirena or Paragard) and the implant (Nexplanon). These options can last for years, and can be good methods if you want a form of birth control that’s both highly effective and easily concealable. LARCs have a 99% success rate. Title X clinics also provide other options like contraceptive pills, the Depo-provera shot, the patch, Nuvaring, and emergency contraception. To learn more about the birth control options available, check out the Birth Control Bingo guide Scarleteen provides! You can talk to Scarleteen staff in our direct services if you want more personal help, or you can determine which method or methods may be right for you with the staff at the clinic. How much will it cost? For most young people, it won’t cost anything: both your visit and your birth control will be completely free. When you call to make an appointment, you’ll be screened for financial assistance, which is determined by how much money you make or have, not how much your parents do. If you’re not working, you just say you don’t have an income! And even if you are working, it can still be low cost or free. If you have insurance, you don’t need to provide them with that information if you don’t want to, for any reason; and it can be a better option for maintaining your privacy, too, since no insurance claims will be submitted on your behalf. How to make an appointment at a Title X clinic Finding a clinic: You can use this search tool to find your nearest Title X clinic. On the results page, you can change the distance on the drop down bar to view more options that may be further away, in case there aren’t any clinics nearby. If you need assistance getting to the clinic, this may be a time where a supportive friend or family member in your life can help. There may be a bus route available, too!
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Make sure to click on the clinic name and view the birth control options they provide, as there are a few clinics who may not provide what you’re looking for. You’ll also be able to view their hours of operation. What do I say? Wondering how to make an appointment? It’s easy! You just need to call and say something like: “Hi,I need to make an appointment for birth control without my parents finding out, and I can’t pay for it myself.” This is when the clinic will screen you for financial assistance, and they’ll also ask you for some personal information, like a home address and phone number. Remind them not to send any mail to the address you give them. If you’re still concerned about your parents finding out even if they don’t, you can also provide the address of someone else you know. 
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What do I bring? All you need to bring with you is a form of identification if you have one, but you won’t be turned away if you don’t! You also won’t be asked to provide any kind of proof of income. What if I can’t access a Title X clinic? People under the age of 18 in the United States who have Medicaid, with the exception of CHIP, can access birth control at any clinic that provides it. But if privacy is a concern, this may not be the best option since services can show up on insurance claims which your parents may have access to. You can also likely access birth control at any Planned Parenthood health center if you’re 16-17 years old; supporting yourself, and live apart from your parent or guardian. Planned Parenthood can provide condoms as well as pregnancy and STI testing at any age. What if I can’t access any clinic? Emergency contraception pills (Plan B, My Way, Next Choice) and condoms can be bought online and in grocery stores and pharmacies! It’s over the counter, so you don’t need a prescription — and you can buy Plan B at any age in the U.S.! There is no age restriction on condoms, either. Most pharmacies also carry contraceptive sponges and spermicides, which are also available without a prescription. You may also be able to order condoms online for free, like through Texas Wears Condoms and these programs in NY and D.C.. Seventeen Magazine has compiled this list of where else to find them for free, too! How do emergency contraception pills work? Emergency contraception is proven to prevent pregnancy by delaying or inhibiting ovulation and inhibiting the fertilization of an egg. Keep in mind, emergency contraception does not terminate a pregnancy! It will not have any effect on a pregnancy that’s already developed. In Birth Control Bingo: Emergency Contraception, Scarleteen shared that using emergency contraception within 24 hours of unprotected sex or sexual assault is 98% effective in preventing pregnancy. If taken within 120 hours, it’s still as much as 75% effective! But keep in mind that the manufacturer advises against using it as regular birth control — and taking it can make you feel a little sick, cause spotting, and even delay your next period. Some teens who take Plan B become concerned it didn’t work because of this, so taking a pregnancy test if you miss your period can give you some relief! Ella, which requires a prescription from a doctor, is another form of emergency contraception — and it may be more effective for people who weigh more than 175 pounds. Can I get emergency contraception online? Yes! You can buy Plan B from Amazon Prime by searching for My Choice or My Way, and it’s only $10. It’s even cheaper to buy it online than in a grocery store or pharmacy. And if it’s unsafe to receive mail like this at home, you can choose to pick it up at an Amazon Locker. Ella can only be obtained at a clinic. It can sometimes be intimidating to access this type of healthcare, especially if we live in areas where we know friends or family may work or visit the clinic at the same time you do. If this is a concern, ask a nurse when you check into the clinic if you can wait in a private area away from others. And if you need help finding a clinic, check out the direct services Scarleteen provides to those living internationally! You can chat online, post to the message boards, or submit a question to the advice column. Those outside the United States can learn about some of their options for accessing birth control below: If You're in Australia If you’re between 14-18 years old, you can access birth control method without involving a parent. So if you have Medicare — Australia’s universal health care plan available to all residents — you can go to any clinic that provides birth control! But if you’re uncomfortable using your health plan at a private clinic because of privacy reasons, there are low or no cost sexual health clinics that can still provide you with confidential services for contraception, like at these clinics in Victoria. Shine SA also provides free family planning services to anyone under 30 with a Medicare plan at their clinics in South Australia. Their services include: contraception, pregnancy testing and referrals, and STI/STD testing and management. You can call their Sexual Healthline for questions about birth control, safe sex, and your rights to access the care you need! Keep in mind that without using your Medicare plan, you’d only have to pay around $30 for a consultation at clinics who provide contraception — but possibly more for certain methods. To find a low cost clinic that provides birth control in your area, you can Google “ + sexual health clinic”. In New South Wales, the Family Planning Condom Credit Card program is available for young people under 25 years old. At services displaying “CCC”, you can request a condom credit card to redeem 12 free condoms at any time. Click here to view participating services in the area! If You're in Canada There is no age restriction when accessing birth control in Canada — including at health clinics like Planned Parenthood — and they may even offer you financial assistance. But overall, young people may experience difficulty when attempting to access certain methods of contraception due to high costs, especially when they can’t risk involving their parents by using insurance. Unlike Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, the full range of contraception isn’t covered through universal healthcare in Canada. While birth control pills are usually covered, some plans may not provide coverage for the patch or vaginal ring, as the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technology has stated they aren’t more effective than contraception pills. IUDs — like the Mirena and Kyleena — are the only LARC (long acting reversible contraception) available in Canada — but they’re “variably” covered by insurance because they’re considered devices, and the Implant (Nexplanon) is not available in Canada at all. The diaphragm is also not readily available, as the spermicidal jelly used with the diaphragm is difficult to purchase. Emergency contraception can be accessed over the counter at any pharmacy in Canada among the following provinces: Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Nova Scotia Nunavut The Northwest Territories Ontario Prince Edward Island Yukon Keep in mind that in Saskatchewan, emergency contraception is kept behind the counter — you’ll need to ask the pharmacy staff for it. In Quebec, a prescription from a doctor is required. Teens in Quebec who need emergency contraception should seek a local sexual health clinic to access this! In Ontario Earlier this year, teens in Ontario lost their ability to access free birth control, even under their parents own health plan. Under the new changes to OHIP+ — which automatically provides health coverage for all people in Ontario who are 24 years old and under — the only birth control methods covered are older brand contraception pills, emergency contraception, the Depo shot, and the Kyleena and Mirena IUD. The non-hormonal IUD, Paragard, and Nuvaring (vaginal ring) are not covered. But young people under 24 can apply for the Exceptional Access Program, which provides total coverage for things not covered under OHIP+! Despite the lack of universal healthcare coverage for contraception, certain sexual health clinics across Canada will provide you with low or no cost birth control options! The clinics below receive funding specifically so they can provide you with affordable birth control: Ottawa Ottawa Public Health Toronto Sexual Health Clinics Birth Control and Sexual Health Centre Vancouver Options for Sexual Health Victoria Island Sexual Health To find another no-cost or low-cost clinic that provides birth control in your area, you can Google “ + sexual health clinic”. Schools in certain provinces may also offer prescriptions for birth control. And while some doctors in Canada may discourage the use of IUDs in young people, you can read information about the safety behind it here. If You're in India Young people in India can access the full range of birth control at public and private health clinics, but education surrounding the available methods may vary. While sterilization is the most popular method, you can learn about other methods you may be interested in by clicking Unfortunately, some young people in India may find that they will not be able to access most birth control if you’re not married. But Marie Stopes Family Health Centres — located in Jaipur, Ajmer and Bareilly — provide contraception to anyone for free, with the exception of injectable contraception. (They also provide medical and surgical abortions for a fee!) And through the Clinic Outreach Team (COT) with The Foundation for Reproductive Health Services — an affiliate of Marie Stopes — access to contraception is provided in rural areas where access may be more limited; in Bihar, Rajasthan, and Uttar Paradesh. The COT is made up of medical professionals who travel to public sites to provide family planning services to those who need it; including birth control options like the IUD, oral contraceptive pills, condoms, and emergency contraception! You can also access emergency contraception anywhere it’s sold. It may even be free at public health clinics. And while you can also buy condoms anywhere they’re sold, experiencing judgment during the transaction is something many teens in India experience. If you’re comfortable, this could be a good opportunity to bring someone in your support network. Having someone there with you could make your experience less stigmatizing! If You're in New Zealand Under The Contraception, Sterilisation, and Abortion Act, teens under 16 can consent to birth control without involving their parents. Residents of New Zealand who are under the age of 22 can visit any Family Planning to receive confidential care when seeking birth control. Fill out their online form here to schedule an appointment with a clinic near you. If you’re needing emergency contraception, you can call and ask their drop-in hours to access it without an appointment! In New Zealand, a wide range of birth control methods are available and include: LARCs — like the IUD, Implant, Depo injection, — contraception pills, barrier methods like condoms, and tubal ligation. Check out this youth contraception pamphlet that Family Planning created to learn more about your options and right to access the care you need! If You're in South Africa Under The Children’s Act, teens over the age of 12 do not need parental involvement when seeking birth control at public health clinics, so long as you show you understand the decision you’re making. In South Africa, the most popular methods for birth control are the barrier method (condoms), contraceptive pills, the Depo-Provera and Nur-Isterate injection, IUDs, and sterilization. But the Implant is available, too! The cost is completely free at public hospitals and clinics, but obtaining birth control from a private clinic can range in cost; around R90-2100 for hormonal birth control methods. And this year there’s been a shortage of certain birth control in the region — such as hormonal injectables and contraceptive pills — which has unfortunately limited access in some areas. But you can always ask the clinic about what methods of birth control they can offer you in the meantime! If You're in the United Kingdom Young people 13 and older can receive confidential care when seeking birth control in the UK. When you seek it out through the National Health Service (NHS), the cost for all available options is completely covered. Sexual health clinics among the NHS also provide pregnancy advice and STI testing. And while the clinic staff may encourage you to involve your parents, it’s still your decision if you do that or not. You won’t be turned away for not telling them. The only time they would be required to break confidentiality is if they were concerned your safety is at risk. The NHS provides a search tool to find your nearest provider for contraception. But did you know there’s other places you can go, too? You can visit any Brook centre — a sexual health charity for young people — for free contraception. Brook states on their website that contraception can be accessed at sexual health clinics, GP surgeries, and GUM clinics. But you can also use their search tool here to find a Brook centre near you. There are over 400 Brook centres throughout the UK, and their locations include: Bedfordshire Blackburn Bristol Burnley Cornwall Essex Jersey Liverpool London Manchester Milton Keynes Northern Ireland Oldham Rochdale and Bury Salford Sandwell and Dudley Scotland Teesside Wigan and Leigh Wirral Emergency contraception such as Levonelle and ella can specifically be accessed for free at the following places, according to the NHS: Contraception clinics Brook centres (a sexual health charity for young people) Some pharmacies Most sexual health or genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics Most NHS walk-in centres and minor injuries units Most GP surgeries Some hospital accident and emergency (A&E) departments Marie Stopes and bpas may also provide emergency contraception for a fee. And if you’re 16 or older, you can purchase emergency contraception (EC) from any Boots pharmacy, and it’s totally confidential. The cost starts at around £15, but can increase depending on the type of emergency contraception you want. Boots provides four different forms of EC: Ella (can be used up to 120 hours after unprotected sex, and may be a better option for those who weigh more than 175 pounds) Levonelle One Step Boots Emergency Contraception Levonorgestrel The cost may be covered through the NHS with a prescription from your GP. And you may be able to access it when under 16 this way, too! Moving forward Navigating reproductive health services on our own can be intimidating, but hopefully after reading this guide you feel more prepared for the next step! It’s easy to feel alone when going through this, and if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed with the process, remember that you aren’t doing anything wrong by wanting to access birth control. Using contraception is a completely normal and common part of our lives, and if it’s something you think is right for you, you deserve access to it!  
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united states UK United Kingdom Australia India New Zealand Canada South Africa birth control contraception international methods access how to Title X teen minor young parents privacy rights healthcare protection clinic permission notification Bodies Politics Sexual Health Read the full article
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harmonyusinc · 4 years
March is Endometriosis Month: Exploring Sex and Endometriosis
From the Desk of Mysteryvibe Getting diagnosed with endometriosis can be extremely scary and difficult to cope with. This condition causes chronic pain and can affect many different aspects of your life. Many women who suffer from endometriosis can sometimes find sex to be very painful. Because intercourse can cause a lot of pain, you may find yourself not wanting to be intimate with your partner. While there is currently no cure for endometriosis, there are a few things that you can try to help alleviate painful intercourse.
What is Endometriosis?
Endometriosis is diagnosed whenever a group of cells that resembles the lining of the uterus (called endometrial cells) is found outside of the uterus. The tissue can cause painful lesions to form in different areas of the pelvic region. Not every woman that is diagnosed with endometriosis will experience pain on the same level or even in the same area. Some of the most common parts of the body that are affected by endometriosis lesions include: Bowels Intestines Fallopian tubes Ovaries Peritoneum (a continuous membrane that forms in the lining of the abdominal cavity) Rectovaginal Septum (a thin structure that separates the rectum from the vagina) Diaphragm and lungs (only in extremely rare cases) Many people think that endometriosis is a rare condition. In fact, it's estimated that around 176 million women around the world suffer from this disease. No one really knows exactly what causes endometriosis, but according to Medicine Net, there are some theories that suggest that the disease occurs when a woman's altered immune system is unable to destroy the endometrium cells that are outside of the uterus.
Signs and Symptoms of Endometriosis
Endometriosis symptoms can vary greatly from person to person and endometriosis is sometimes categorized into four different stages. Stage one is considered to be very mild and usually has minimal symptoms while level four is the most severe stage. Some common symptoms include: Lower back pain Severe menstrual cramps Feeling tired or worn-down all of the time Infertility issues Pain when urinating or having a bowel movement Painful sex Most women who suffer from endometriosis pain say that their symptoms usually get worse while they are on their periods.
How Endometriosis Can Impact Your Sex Life
Sex and endometriosis don't always go well together. The deep penetration and the fast motions can pull and tug on parts of your pelvis that cause sex to be extremely painful. The pain can range anywhere from a mild cramp in your lower abdomen to severe stabbing pain that makes it impossible for you to finish. Because of this pain, many women try to avoid sex altogether because the orgasm is just not worth the pain.
Sexual Positions to Try if You Suffer from Endometriosis
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Just because you have endometriosis doesn't mean that you have to say goodbye to sex. There are a few different sexual positions that endometriosis sufferers can try that will help make sex enjoyable again. 1. Spooning For some women with endometriosis, deep penetration is what makes sex so painful. To have sex while spooning, you need to lay on your side and your partner cuddles up behind you in the same position. Penetration is more shallow in this position, which usually causes less pain. 2. Face-to-Face Face-to-face is pretty much like spooning, but you and your partner are facing each other. This will allow you to communicate with your partner better and let him know what is working and what is not. If this position feels good, you could try to throw one leg over your partner to expose your clitoris and make things a little more pleasurable for you. 3. Reverse Cowgirl With this position, you are in total control. Basically, your partner lies on his back while you straddle him with your back to him. Because you are on top, you get to set the speed and the rhythm. You also get to decide how deep he goes inside of you. You can ease into things at first, then you go faster and deeper when, and if, you feel you can handle it. To add a little more comfort to this position, you can lean forward, resting your hands beside your partner's legs, which will put the penis at a different position when it is inside of you. 4. Modified Doggie Style Because of the deep penetration, doggie style is not really recommended for people with endometriosis. But if you do miss it, there is still a way to get all of the benefits of doggie style without having to endure the pain. Instead of being on your hands and knees, you lay flat on your stomach. Your partner then lies on top of you and enters you from behind. Penetration is much more shallow in this position than it is with traditional doggie style, but the position is also very intimate and pleasurable for you both. 5. Sex in the Shower Getting hot and steamy in the shower is definitely a fun way to have sex. For people with endometriosis, it isn't just fun, it can also be very beneficial. Having the hot water run over your body can help relax your muscles and reduce any pain that you may have from the penetration. If standing up doesn't work for you, you can always try the bathtub or jacuzzi. Tips to remember when having sex: To help make sex even more enjoyable, be sure to use plenty of lubrication. Engage in foreplay beforehand to get yourself naturally lubricated and apply lubricant to your partner to ensure that he is able to slip in and out with ease. Also, different positions will work better for some people than they do others. Make sure that your partner is aware that sex may be uncomfortable for you and that you will need to try different positions to figure out which one works best for you.
Other Sexual Options to Try
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In addition to trying different positions, there are plenty of other things that you can do to still be intimate with your partner. You and your partner can perform oral sex on each other or use toys to spice up your love life. The Crescendo, for example, is a great vibrator to try. Its innovative design allows you to use your hands to bend Crescendo into different shapes, for both internal and external stimulation. It has 6 motors and comes with 12 pre-set vibration patterns and 16 levels of intensity so that you can personalize your pleasure experience. The OhNut is another product that can help make sex much more pleasurable. It's a set of soft and comfortable rings that easily slide onto the penis and allows couples to explore comfortable penetration depths during sex. Orgasms have been known to relieve pain. So, if you and your partner get creative with ways to get each other off, you could not only revive the romantic spark but you could also alleviate some of your endometriosis pain.
Talking to Your Partner about Sex
When it comes to having sex, making sure that you and your partner are on the same page is critical. Your partner may understand that your condition causes you to feel fatigued and uncomfortable, be he also needs to know how you are feeling while having sex. Don't Be Afraid to Communicate It can be uncomfortable having to talk in detail about your sex life. But you need to remember, your partner can't help if he doesn't understand the extent of your pain. When talking about endometriosis, be sure to be as descriptive as possible. Let him know what your pain is like during penetration, how it feels when you have sex at a fast pace and a slow pace, and what positions cause you the most pain. You should also let your partner know what to expect after sex. If you start to feel pain after you have finished, be sure to let him know. Also, don't be afraid to tell him that your endometriosis could cause you to bleed during intercourse. Once he is able to truly understand every aspect of your condition, he will be able to work with you to find solutions. Come Up with a Plan Together Once your partner has a good idea about how uncomfortable sex can be for you, tell him that you would like for the two of you to work together and find a way to make sex enjoyable again. Make sure to tell him what you are comfortable with trying and try to find out what he is comfortable with too. Then, together, the two of you can experiment until you find a way to have sex that you both enjoy. Also, while you are having sex, be sure to tell him at the exact moment that you start to feel pain. This will help him to quickly understand what is okay to try and what is not. Plan Ahead Endometriosis does not usually cause extreme pain on a continuous basis. Fortunately, there are times when your endometriosis symptoms will ease up a bit. Usually, women report their symptoms being much better about two weeks after their period. Try to plan your sexual activities for a time when your symptoms will be the least severe. Having to mark a date on your calendar for lovemaking probably doesn't seem that romantic. However, by picking the perfect time, you will be more inclined to try out new things to see which one works the best for you. Endometriosis can change the way you do a lot of things. However, it doesn't have to stop you from doing your favorite things. With a little bit of understanding and patience, you can still have a very active and pleasurable sex life. March is National Endometriosis Month.  If you want to learn more about Crescendo, OhNut, and other products that can help increase your pleasure, check out our product line. Read the full article
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harmonyusinc · 4 years
10 Tips for Intimacy When You're Struggling to Connect with Your Partner
Are you struggling to connect and be intimate with your partner, perhaps in spite of the fact that you're spending more time at home together than ever? Many people simply aren't feeling romantic at the moment. Not only is increased stress killing your libido before you even have a chance to get close to the bedroom, but being together 24/7 may be creating its own set of stresses. Luckily, intimacy isn't just about sex! Get creative and find other ways to connect with one another during this time. You may find yourself feeling considerably closer to your partner--and in many cases, that translates to increased sex drive. In others, it can simply decrease your overall stress levels and help make your relationship stronger, even in the midst of a difficult time. Try some of these tips to increase your overall intimacy and sense of connection to one another.
1. Shower together.
When you're staying at home, showering might not even be on your priority list--especially when combined with actually getting dressed, fixing your hair, or, for the ladies, doing your makeup. You do, however, have to get clean eventually! Instead of hopping into the shower separately, get in together. Turn up the steam on the shower and help get each other clean. Wash your partner's hair or back for them, then allow them to do the same for you. Those simple steps can help you feel substantially more connected and intimate.
2. Have a long bath together.
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Getting in the bath doesn't have to be about getting clean. In fact, it can be more about getting intimate and relaxing together. Use some of your most luxurious bath products: the bath bomb you've been saving for a special occasion or the bubble bath that you usually reserve for those endless days at work when you feel like nothing is going right. Then, lean back and relax together. It's a great chance to let the water wash over you, chat about the things that are bothering you, and reconnect away from the stresses of the world. If you are feeling a little sexy, you can also bring Crescendo into the bathtub with you for added intimate fun.
3. Give each other a relaxing body massage.
Chances are, you and your partner are both carrying quite a bit of tension in your bodies right now. Help your partner relieve some of that tension--and many of the aches and pains that go along with it--with a long, full-body massage. Choose a high-quality massage oil like Sliquids Escape massage oil, turn down the lights, and give your partner a full-body rubdown. A firm surface, like a table or the floor, can make it easier for you to move around your partner and deliver a great massage. Focus on the areas that bring your partner the most pleasure or work out the knots that have been plaguing him or her. You can chat while you work or simply focus on helping your partner relax. Later, once your partner has had a chance to enjoy that relaxation, ask them to return the favor. Sometimes, an intimate massage will turn into sex--but go in without expectations! While a massage that turns into sex can be a lot of fun, a massage alone can help deepen the intimacy between you and your partner and help you feel more connected.
4. Have a long make-out session.
Do you remember the early days of your relationship, when you couldn't get enough of one another? Those long kissing sessions or make-out sessions helped you feel highly connected to one another, releasing endorphins and increasing that sense of connection. Revisit some of those feelings with a long, intimate session with your partner. Don't pressure each other to take it further. Instead, take pleasure in the feeling of your partner's lips on yours and their skin under your hands. Let your hands wander where they will. Discover new ways to bring your partner pleasure or increase your desire, even if it doesn't translate immediately into sex.
5. Have a date night in.
You might not be able to enjoy your regular date night out, but that doesn't mean you can't set aside special time just for your partner. Try having a date night in, instead! Get dressed up, open a bottle of wine, and have a nice dinner. If you want to keep it simple, order in or bring in takeout from one of your favorite restaurants. Set your phones to the side and talk and reconnect just like you would if you were out on a date together.
6. Watch a movie and cuddle.
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Curl up together on the couch with your favorite blanket and put in a movie you know both of you will enjoy. Many studios are currently releasing movies that would have gone to theaters direct to digital, so you might be able to find something new that appeals to the two of you--or, you can revisit an old favorite and let yourself get swept away into another world for a little while.
7. Send each other sweet texts.
Sure, you're already spending time together; but you'll often find that sending each other sweet messages is easier than saying those things out loud. Let your partner know how much you appreciate them or how much you admire them. Comment on how you enjoyed his muscles while doing yard work or how much you admire her dedication and focus. Those little compliments not only boost your partner's mood, but they can also help you remember why you love them.
8. Don't forget to take care of yourself.
Self-love is often the key to connecting with your partner. Stress can cause many people to disconnect from their own bodies or to stop taking care of themselves. Make sure you're taking care of yourself during this time! That could mean a long bath or shower, curling up with a book, or spending some time on a hobby that you enjoy--one that helps relieve stress and take you away from current events for a little while. If your sex drive is high while your partner's seems to have dwindled due to stress, masturbation can help you satisfy those urges. On the other hand, if your sex drive is low, masturbation may seem like less effort than sex with your partner--and increased sexual stimulation can increase your sex drive so that you're more likely to be in the mood for your partner. You may also want to spend some time exploring with a vibrator: Crescendo for women and Tenuto for men.
9. Commit to trying something new together.
If you're struggling to connect sexually, shake things up in the bedroom! Experiment with something new: something that, for example, you've always wanted to try but never quite had time for, or something that you've just never gotten around to including in the bedroom. Try a new type of lube. Bring in a vibrator. Crescendo and Tenuto are both great choices for enhancing your pleasure and your partner's -- and with so many settings and intensities to choose from, even if you already have those products in your bedroom, you may find a new way to use them! Playcards are a great way to find new positions or strategies to try--or a way to add a little mystery to your experience.
10. Schedule time for intimacy.
Even when you're at home all day together--or perhaps especially when you're home all day together--it can be difficult to find time to connect with your partner. The kids may have an impeccable sense of timing, or you may note that the moment one of you is finished with a task and has a little free time, the other one is right in the middle of an important task. Schedule time for each other. It doesn't have to be at the end of the day, right before you fall asleep--and in fact, by then, you may both be tired and worn down by the events of the day, instead of being ready to enjoy each other. Try different times of the day, and check out different parts of the house or apartment. Shut down your computers, turn off the television, and focus on each other. If you have the opportunity, you might want to spend an entire day in bed together--but even if that's not an option, look for time that you can set aside just for the two of you. Don't rely on chance to make it happen, especially if you're struggling to connect with your partner during this stressful time. Not only is being intimate with your partner important for helping to build your connection, but sex and orgasms are also great for health and immunity. Orgasms offer a number of benefits that can help you through this stressful period, from stimulating your brain and increasing blood flow to enhancing your immune system, countering pain, boosting confidence, and improving your overall quality of sleep. Intimacy with your partner can also help improve communication, which may help both of you deal with stress more effectively. Read the full article
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harmonyusinc · 4 years
3 Stimulation Types for Your Perfect Pleasure Product.
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Happy Masturbation May, or Maysturbation! We educate and encourage pleasure all year long, why not celebrate? The good things in life are meant to be celebrated. If you’re new to self pleasure, welcome! Coined the safest form of sex, and the best way to explore yourself, it’s never too late to start. Thinking about adding The post 3 Stimulation Types for Your Perfect Pleasure Product. appeared first on MedAmour. Read the full article
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harmonyusinc · 4 years
Gay Millennial Male Explores the World of Kink: Vol 1.
PREFACE: Picture it: Sicily 1922. Just kidding. It’s 2019. I’m a 24-years-old and I identify as a gay, masculine, bearded man that is relatively new to everything about the gay scene. I came out in 2016 and I grew up in a world MUCH more accepting than most of my friends and other gay men. I’ve done my fair share of exploring gay bars, parties, events, and even gay softball. I am definitely not an expert on the history of gay culture, especially the leather or BDSM scene. It has sparked my curiosity, and I thought I could provide an interesting perspective by writing about my experiences along the way. (This is a blog, I might not always use direct sources for my facts)
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Is the BDSM Leather Scene in Gay Male Culture Dying? It seems like every time you step into a gay bar these days you’ll find at least a couple of men sporting a tight and shiny harness or some sort of flashy piece of leather gear. Even men that aren’t into kink or the lifestyle will get behind it for aesthetic or sensory purposes. It’s a way to express yourself, show off your body, have fun, and most importantly, feel free in your own skin. I own a couple of harnesses and some other gear myself that I will proudly sport at a leather themed party or bar. As more and more people seem to have fun dressing up in leather and going to extravagantly themed parties, the more I hear about the old school leather lifestyle dying. I agree and disagree. Agree It is my understanding that the leather scene broke out in popularity back after World War II in the 1940’s. People were drawn to this lifestyle when they became discontent with the direction of mainstream culture. I see it as the equivalent of angsty teenagers not conforming to societal trends. I’m a punk rocker and emo kid myself, so naturally, I love it. As more and more people were drawn to the biker vests, cigars and leather outfits, it developed into a need for a safe space for people to explore their sexuality and kinks. These clubs and bars became a sanctuary for people that needed to escape from being looked down on by societal norms and express themselves in a safe setting. I agree that the old school leather scene is dying, but not in a bad way. It’s dying because the need to have a safe haven for people that may act or identify differently is fading. The world is more accepting and more people can be be who they want to be. Technology and apps also make it a lot easier for people to meet with specific fetishes or lifestyles. Disagree The scene is adapting. No matter what societal norms might be, there will always be people that want to stand out from the crowd or explore their sexuality through kink. It’s my opinion that leather bars these days are seeing an influx of people through their doors; people like me who are exploring themselves and finding out their identity, people that are looking for sexy, exciting parties, and people that are already established in the lifestyle that continue to gather as a community. Read the full article
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harmonyusinc · 4 years
How to Gift Your Significant Other a Vibrator
A vibrator is an incredible gift to give someone you're in an intimate relationship with. After all, it shows that you care about their sexual health and enjoyment in the bedroom. Unfortunately, it's also possible to gift a vibrator in a way that offends the other person: suggesting, perhaps, that they aren't good enough in the bedroom, or perhaps offering a gift that your partner has no interest in at all. Do you want to gift a vibrator to that special someone in your life — and have it be a much-appreciated gift, not one that gets tossed back in the box and never used, or, worse, one that drives a wedge between you? Don't worry — these strategies will help.
1. Talk to your partner about sex. A lot.
Talk dirty to your partner. Talk about your desires. Talk about your fantasies. When the lines of sexual communication are open, it's often much easier to choose a gift that your partner will appreciate — and to explain why you chose it. Get comfortable talking about sex with your partner. Discuss your likes and dislikes. Not only will this give you a better idea of what your partner likes in bed, but it will also give you the ability to choose a vibrator that will meet their needs. If you think your partner may be offended by the gift of a vibrator — or you know your partner just isn't into sex toys — it may not be a good idea to give this particular gift. Instead, you might choose to pick one out together, or to forego purchasing a vibrator for the time being. You want any sex-related gift you give to be an exciting one, not one that's going to end with your partner being upset!
2. Choose a vibrator with your partner in mind.
There are a lot of vibrator options on the market. Some of them are intended for his use, others for hers, and some can be used by either partner. More importantly, some of them will fit your specific sexual desires and fantasies, while others will be a better fit for your partner's. It's fine to pick a vibrator with yourself in mind and introduce it to the bedroom. You can tell your partner, "I'd love it if we could use this together," or, "I can't wait to try this on you." If you're choosing a vibrator as a gift, however, make sure you choose one with your partner in mind. Discuss vibrators with your partner ahead of time. Ask what they're interested in. Poco, for example, is a bullet vibrator: a smaller, more easily concealed vibrator that can be used almost anywhere. You can even include it with the included app whether you're in the bedroom or out in public. Tenuto is designed to provide stimulation to the male perineum, but can also be worn during sex to deliver extra pleasure to both partners. Crescendo is a fully adaptable, bendable vibrator that can deliver varying levels of stimulation to her or him--and can also be used during intercourse. There are many different options available on the market, and choosing one that clearly has your partner in mind is the best way to ensure that the gift is well-received. When in doubt, discuss it with your partner ahead of time.
3. Choose your timing with care.
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If you're gifting a vibrator to your partner, it should be an intimate experience, one shared just between the two of you. This is not a gift that should be opened at a restaurant, shared during a gift exchange with friends and loved ones, or opened in front of the kids. Even if your partner is comfortable with their sexuality, they may not want to share that particular gift with anyone but you. Choosing the wrong time can definitely put a damper on the gift. Instead, choose a time when you can be alone. Take your partner back into the bedroom or wait until the house is empty or everyone else is asleep. Make giving the gift as intimate as its gift. This could be an excellent time to practice talking dirty — or, if you choose your timing properly, an excellent time to make use of the vibrator together. If you're in a long-distance relationship, make sure you prepare your partner for the gift before you send it. Don't just send it out of the blue. Instead, take the time to talk about it a little ahead of time, so that your partner isn't negatively surprised by its arrival.
4. Do a little research before giving the gift.
If you want to be able to make the most of your vibrator gift, do a little research before giving it to your partner. Learn how to use the vibrator properly. If you purchase a MysteryVibe vibrator, you might want to go ahead and download the app and get familiar with it, as well as checking out our playbook, which might offer a few more ideas and positions that you'll want to try. You don't have to be an expert on vibrator use, but you may want to get to know the vibrator a little better before you gift it — and have a few ideas of what you'd like to do with it first. Once you gift the vibrator, you and your partner can also do a little extra research together. Flip through the playbook again together, highlighting some of your favorite ideas and positions for your partner. You may be surprised by what a turn-on it is just to discuss what you might do with the vibrator together. As you explore and become more engaged, you may find that it enhances intimacy and brings you closer than ever.
5. Create the right atmosphere.
If you're giving a vibrator to your partner, you aren't just giving any gift, and you want to make sure that you set the right tone. An intimate, romantic atmosphere is perfect for exchanging a gift like a vibrator. Dim the lights. Drink a little wine, if you often drink together. Create a sexy mood with scents that arouse and entice your partner (jasmine and vanilla are popular choices). If you're going out to dinner shortly before or after giving your gift, choose a light meal together that will leave both of you ready for a little frisky time beneath the sheets later. Simply creating the right atmosphere can make a big difference in how your partner receives the gift. You want it to be a sexy, romantic choice, not something that feels forced or uncomfortable. Lean in close. Let your eyes show that special sparkle of anticipation. Then, share the gift with your partner and wait for their response.
6. When in doubt, choose a vibrator that offers options.
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Tenuto, Crescendo, and Poco all offer a range of options in their vibration patterns and intensities, making them the perfect choice for a partner when you don't know what they might like (or, potentially, when they don't even know what they like). Many vibrators on the market offer only a couple of levels of stimulation, not to mention little advice about how to actually use them. By choosing a vibrator that offers plenty of options, you and your partner can experiment together to discover what both of you really enjoy. Some women, for example, may need stronger vibrations in order to reach orgasm, while others may find them overwhelming. With the MysteryVibe line, you can tantalize, tickle, tease, and stimulate in just the right way for your partner, ultimately creating the perfect experience no matter what your partner likes best.
7. Be ready to practice and experiment together.
Sometimes, even when you research ahead of time and think you have a great idea of exactly what you want to do with your new vibrator purchase, you may discover that it's more complicated than you think. You might, for example, choose one of Crescendo's pre-programmed vibration patterns, only to discover that it has her frustratingly hovering on the edge of orgasm, unable to get the full stimulation she needs to finish--or you might find that he doesn't care for intense stimulation while wearing Tenuto, while she prefers it as high as possible. Be prepared to practice and experiment together. You may need to try out different positions and intensities. Explore your new vibrator just like you would explore any sex toy. What you and your partner enjoy most together may surprise you, and you may just discover new ways to bring each other's pleasure to new heights. Giving your partner a vibrator is a great way to increase their pleasure and provide an intimate gift that could enhance your sexual play. If you're going to give that gift, however, make sure you do it correctly — and choose a quality vibrator that will deliver exactly the experience your partner deserves. Read the full article
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harmonyusinc · 4 years
Do you need a pelvic exam? Maybe... or maybe not.
Alexa Karczmar Do you really need that pelvic exam? Here's a quick primer of how to figure out if you do and how to talk to your healthcare about it, including if they say you do when you think you don't or just don't want one. A new article published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that a majority of pelvic examinations performed on young women* between 2011 and 2017 may have been needless. Of the 2.2 million women* ages 15-20 included in the sample, 54.4% of all pelvic examinations and a whopping 71.9% of pap smears were “potentially unnecessary.” This confirms something that Scarleteen has long known and pushed against: much as we appreciate and value them and the work they do, we know that doctors don’t always know best just because they’re doctors. Physicians aren’t always aware of and don’t always adhere to best or most current practices with their patients. * The study cited used this gendered language, but all of this is ultimately about people with vaginas, not just women or girls. In all the work we do here, we try to always identify paths to sexual wellness that focus on patient-centered, trauma-informed care. For us, one thing this means is that it’s critical we try and help anyone who comes to our site learn their rights with medical care. For example, you always have the right to know why doctors are examining or testing you, and to have a say in when and how that happens. Some of our older pieces don’t include the more current protocols for pelvic exams, so over the next week, know that we’ll be popping into them to drop notices about this so we can be sure our readers walk into the clinic empowered with the information that you or they need. In the meantime, our staff wanted to reflect on two important questions with you all: when is it actually necessary to perform a pelvic exam, and how can you advocate for yourself if and when you feel your doctor may not be acting in your best interests or adhering to current medical guidelines? When do I actually need a pelvic exam? As with any medical procedure, whether you “need” to be examined is a decision that should be made by your doctor and you. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), pelvic exams are primarily indicated for folks who are experiencing symptoms, like vaginal or vulval pain or visible sores — not people who feel fine — for people who would like an exam, and folks who are pregnant. Pap smears are also recommended every 3 years starting at age 21. Outside of these factors, a pelvic exam is probably not necessary unless the patient “expresses a preference for the examination.” That’s right - it’s up to you! If it would feel reassuring to have the exam, or if you would like to be introduced to your own anatomy, that is your right. It’s just not, and shouldn’t be presented as, a *requirement.* Why is this essential? Not everyone is comfortable with having a pelvic exam performed. People who have experienced sexual assault and other forms of violence or abuse, who have difficult relationships with their bodies, including people experiencing gender dysphoria, or who experience anxiety during a visit can actually be harmed by the experience of a pelvic exam. The first principle of medicine is “do no harm!” So, it is your doctor’s actual job to protect you from harm unless it is absolutely critical for your health. In sum: a pelvic exam should be your choice, which means you should get them when you need them, or when you want them, but you do not have to get them every time you visit the OBGYN as has often been thought or suggested in the past. If a healthcare provider is recommending one for you, but you think that it isn’t necessary and you don’t want one, for any reason, then you can have a conversation about that with them. Physical examinations are like every other occasion in which someone is touching your body -- it should only be done with your explicit consent. I don’t need or want a pelvic exam, but my doctor insists on doing one. What do I do? If you feel like your doctor wants to perform an unnecessary exam, it’s always good to start with a little curiosity. Ask questions like: Can you tell me why you think this exam is necessary? What do we hope to learn from this physical exam? Is there someone here who could give a second opinion, or can I postpone the exam until I get a second opinion somewhere else? If you’re able, you can bring a trusted support person to any healthcare visit, whether that’s a friend, partner, or guardian. You can also express to the doctor or other clinical staff that you’d like that person to join you for your appointment if you are worried about standing up for yourself when you’re alone with your provider and that other person would help you stand up for yourself and feel supported. As best you can, listen to and trust yourself. If you feel doubt, worry, or fear in your body, it may not be a good time for an examination, even if it is necessary. Getting a second opinion or giving yourself a minute to be alone or discuss with a friend can help you decide whether you’re comfortable with continuing the visit. Unless you’re getting emergency care, it’s usually just fine to wait on an exam until you can be sure you even need it and until you feel more comfortable with it. We also love coming in prepared! Check out this article on getting ready for a medical visit. It helps to know why you are there, what you hope to get out of your appointment, and what a standard visit might look like. In sum: your body, your choice! Just so you know, if anything about a medical visit ever makes you uncomfortable, it is totally within your rights to get the hell out of there. We should always seek out the medical care we need, but trusting our bodies is not just seeking care when we hurt -- it’s finding care that feels good and safe. Don’t be afraid to try different providers, bring advocates with you to appointments, or to be assertive in a visit. This time is for you! Your provider is supposed to be just that -- a provider of a service -- and it’s their job to help, not harm, you. If you ever need help figuring out what kind of medical care you need for a sexual health question or concern, you can always turn to our message boards or, if you’re in the US, use our text service to ask us a question, at: (206) 866-2279! The folks at Scarleteen are here to help and we’re dedicated to doing what we can to make sexual healthcare something that’s always something positive for you.  
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pelvic exam pelvic Hippocratic oath current protocol bimanual GYN OB/GYN exam healthcare pap smear vaginal choice JAMA study best practice doctors communication self-advocacy agency patient rights Bodies Politics Sexual Health Read the full article
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harmonyusinc · 4 years
Couples in Conflict:The Top Three Articles for Conflict and Repair
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Manage Conflict: The Six Skills
Today on the Gottman Relationship Blog, we continue the discussion of Manage Conflict by introducing Dr. Gottman’s six skills of conflict management. Many of us connect all too well with comedian Mitch Hedberg’s feelings when he quips, “I got in an argument with a girlfriend inside of a tent. That’s a bad place for an argument, because I tried to walk out, and had to slam the flap!” While his commentary on the frustrations all couples feel in the face of conflict may hit close to home, or deeply amuse us, we know that problems in real relationships are rarely solved through stand-up comedy. In the interest of finding more constructive solutions, we would like to direct you to a different quote, that lovely old adage: Love is saying “I feel differently” instead of “you’re wrong.” Read More
Managing vs. Resolving Conflict in Relationships: The Blueprints for Success
In The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, Dr. John Gottman’s research proves that 69% of problems in a relationship are unsolvable. These may be things like personality traits your partner has that rub you the wrong way, or long-standing issues around spending and saving money. Their research findings emphasize the idea that couples must learn to manage conflict rather than avoid or attempt to eliminate it.
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Trying to solve unsolvable problems is counterproductive, and no couple will ever completely eliminate them. However, discussing them is constructive and provides a positive opportunity for understanding and growth. Let’s look at three “conflict blueprints” to help you and your partner constructively manage conflict around unsolvable problems. Read More
5 Steps to Fight Better if Your Relationship is Worth Fighting For
Conflict is inevitable in every relationship. Psychologist Dan Wile says it best in his book After the Honeymoon: “When choosing a long-term partner, you will inevitably be choosing a particular set of unresolvable problems.” However, Dr. Gottman has found that nearly 1/3 of all conflicts can be resolved with the right approach.
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The popular approach to conflict resolution, advocated by many marriage therapists, is to put yourself in your partner’s shoes, listen to what they say, and communicate with empathy that you understand their perspective. It’s a decent method if you can do it. But most couples can’t. Even happily married couples. After studying couples for the last 40 years, Dr. John Gottman has recognized that even happy couples do not follow the experts’ rules of communication. By studying what these couples did, Dr. Gottman developed a new model for solving your solvable problems in an intimate relationship. Read More   Read the full article
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harmonyusinc · 4 years
8 Ways to Make Your Bedroom Sexier in 2020
Are you looking to improve your sexual health or connection with your partner this year? Start by making your bedroom sexier! When your bedroom is a comfortable, sensual place, you'll be more likely to give in to your desires and enjoy your partner as often as possible. Not sure where to start? Try some of these strategies to make your bedroom sexier for 2020.
1. Provide dim sources of light.
There's something about dim light that immediately makes us feel more comfortable with our flaws. Shadows hide those areas we may feel self-conscious about while adding a special romantic touch to the occasion. As you're aiming to make your bedroom sexier, start by changing up your lighting sources. Add at least one lamp with a dimmer switch or a bulb that offers soft, diffused lighting. Make sure it's accessible from the bed so that you can easily turn it off when you're ready to settle in for the night: when it's easy to use, you'll be more likely to use it!
2. Take out the technology.
If your room is filled with technology, from that corner of the bedroom that's set up as your home office to a television, docking station for all your personal electronics, and tons of devices, it's going to feel more functional than sexy. While those devices have their place, you don't want them to be a distraction. Ideally, your bedroom should be used primarily for two things: sleep and sex. If you've been using your bedroom as a multipurpose room, the first step in making it sexier is cleaning out the technology and using it for its intended purpose again.
3. Clean up.
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Whether your relationship is comprised of one person who is significantly neater than the other or both of you are more likely than not to let the mess pile up, don't let that mess take over your bedroom! A clean, simplified space is sexier than one that is filled with clutter. Not only will it be easier to sleep in that space, but you'll also feel more comfortable in it--and you'll be more likely to draw closer to your partner when you step inside. Have you fallen into the habit of using your bedroom to dump all the items that don't have a place in other areas of your home? Take the time to clean things out and create a more streamlined environment that focuses on what your bedroom is intended for.
4. Keep your toy box close at hand (and filled with erotic toys that both you and your partner enjoy).
Do you have an erotic toy box in the bedroom? It may not be a box, but instead a drawer of your nightstand or dresser, or even a basket tucked under the bed. Whatever it may be, take the time to stock it with items that you and your partner are excited to try or to enjoy again. When your sex toys are close at hand, both you and your partner will be more likely to reach for them to enhance your sexual experience--which means that they'll get used, rather than gathering dust underneath your bed or in the back of the closet. Consider adding some of these items: A vibrator like Crescendo, which is specifically designed to maximize your pleasure, and playcards that offer suggestions for new positions and things to try Water-based lubricant like COCONU Water-Based Lube, Good Clean Love Almost Naked Lube, Sliquid Sassy Lube, or Astroglide Personal Water Based Lube to enhance many types of sexual play Massage oil like Sliquid Escape Organics Massage Oil Tenuto Feathers Anal beads A bullet vibrator like Poco A massage oil candle Wipes like AfterGlow Adult Toy and Intimate Wipes (for quick cleanup afterward) Anything else that you and your partner find exciting! If you have sex toys in your box, make sure you include a sex toy cleaner like Sliquid Shine Organic Toy Cleaner or Afterglow Adult Toy and Intimate Wipes for easy cleanup when you're done. This will help keep your toys in working order and ensure that each session is safe and healthy, with less risk of spreading bacteria.
5. Make sure both partners are comfortable in your bedroom.
If you want your bedroom to be a sexy space, make sure it's designed with both you and your partner in mind. Your partner, for example, might not be entirely comfortable in a room decorated with a frilly pink bedspread and fluffy pillows everywhere. While some compromise is inevitable in any relationship, make sure you know what makes your partner comfortable in the bedroom, then take care to invest in it. Overall, just try to avoid anything that makes them uncomfortable and ruins the vibe.
6. Invest in your bed.
Your bed is the heart of your bedroom, both when it comes to sleeping and when it comes to sex. If you want a sexier bedroom, make sure that you invest in your bed! Consider: The bed itself. Choose a comfortable mattress: one that is the right firmness for both of you. If your mattress causes pain or prevents you from sleeping in your preferred position, it's well worth the investment to go shopping for a new one. The bed frame. A sturdy bed frame that doesn't squeak or rattle is an ideal investment to any bedroom, especially if you have children at home. Consider what you most want in your bed frame before you go shopping: for example, if you and your partner enjoy bondage, a frame with sturdy posts could be an ideal addition to your bedroom. The sheets. Choose a high-quality sheet set that helps you maintain a good sleeping temperature. Silk or satin can be sexy in the moment, but be warned: they're less comfortable to sleep on than they are to have sex on, and they're more likely to stain than cotton sheets. Go ahead and invest in a great set of sheets that will enhance both your sleep and your sex life. The comforter or blanket. Let's be honest: there's nothing less sexy than a comforter that you can't have sex on--or under--because you're worried about the risk of a mess or stains. If you want to make your bedroom sexier, choose a comfortable, soft comforter that can easily be tossed in the washer. Pick a fabric or texture that appeals to you and your partner, and check to make sure it's washable before you make the purchase. Your pillows. Pillows aren't just a place to lay your head, either as you're falling asleep or during sex. They're also perfect for propping under your hips to change up your position, bending over to make yourself more comfortable when approaching doggy-style sex, and using to help achieve the perfect angle in any position. Don't be afraid to invest in pillows that are the perfect shape and size for your favorite sexual activities. It can also be useful to have a few small pillows on hand to place under you or your partner while receiving a massage.
7. Minimize external noise in your bedroom.
Nothing can shake you out of the mood faster than noise outside the bedroom, whether it's the sound of the kids fighting in another room or a roommate turning up the television. Not only can it distract you and pull you out of the moment, but distracting noises may also make you worry that you can be overheard, which can ruin the mood and prevent you and your partner from fully enjoying yourselves. Consider: Artfully using hangings or other items to help dampen sound Pushing a towel or blanket under the door, if needed Using a white noise machine or soft music to help minimize exterior noise
8. Make sure everything smells amazing.
Your sense of smell--and your partner's--are incredibly important in the bedroom. Ideally, you want to start with a clean slate: a room that smells clean, rather than weighted down with dirty socks or overpowered by the scent of hairspray from the bathroom. Cleaning your room regularly can help it smell better on a regular basis. You can also try several key strategies: Use essential oils like ylang-ylang or jasmine, which are known to enhance arousal. Burn scented candles (but be careful to choose high-quality candles!) Use a spray to help direct a subtle scent exactly where you want it. Keep in mind that subtlety is key when choosing scents for your bedroom. While you want to create an arousing, enticing scent, you don't want them to overpower your partner or, worse, cause an allergic reaction. Make sure you know your partner's likes and dislikes as well as any allergies, then start with a low-key scent that will hint at what's to come later in the evening. Preparing a sexier bedroom is one great way to enhance your sex life and improve your sexual health in 2020. Need a little help stocking that toy box? At MysteryVibe, we offer an incredible line of vibrators designed to enhance your pleasure and deliver incredible orgasms. Add them to your box today! Read the full article
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harmonyusinc · 4 years
How to Access a Safe, Self-Managed Medical Abortion
Meira Harris Thanks to the advent of medical abortion, we can now learn how to access and administer safe abortion for ourselves. This guide provides accurate information and resources about how to access and use safe abortion methods. As I said here, the right to a safe abortion and to family planning is a human right. If you or someone you know wants to have an abortion for any reason, the desire to make that choice should be enough. No one should ever be asked to justify why they want to access an abortion. It should be a given that if someone wants to terminate their pregnancy for any reason, that is reason enough. Research shows that self-managed abortions with pills are a safe option for people who choose to have an abortion outside of clinics and other medical settings. The World Health Organization explains, “Abortions are safe if they are done with a method recommended by WHO that is appropriate to the pregnancy duration and if the person providing or supporting the abortion is trained. Such abortions can be done using tablets (medical abortion) or a simple outpatient procedure. Unsafe abortion occurs when a pregnancy is terminated either by persons lacking the necessary skills or in an environment that does not conform to minimal medical standards, or both." Activist Steph Herold wrote about apps that are helpful during an abortion, and which ones are spreading misinformation. The Euki app is another way to get this information and to keep it easily on hand. Cara App is dedicated to helping you find an abortion clinic. Hesperian Foundation’s Safe Abortion app provides information for people outside the US, and Women on Waves’s Safe Abortion app allows people outside of the US to access pills to have an abortion. Some apps that spread misinformation are BYD: Mobile; My Pregnancy, My Future; Obria; Women’s Resource Center; and TrackChoice. These apps are created by anti-choice organizations. Thanks to the advent of medical abortion, we can now learn how to access and administer safe abortion for ourselves. This guide provides accurate information and resources about how to access and use safe abortion methods. Because medical abortions — unlike surgical abortion — are safe to use at home and with limited supervision, they are considered safe so long as the person having the medical abortion has access to accurate information and has access to trained assistance if they should need it. Medical Abortion If you want to have an abortion, a medical abortion is one option. (If you have access to and are interested in looking into the option of surgical abortion, this piece is a good starting place for that information.) "Medical abortion" means taking medications, usually either a regimen of mifepristone and misoprostol, or misoprostol on its own, to end a pregnancy. Medical providers and abortion clinics can provide medical abortions, or they can be attained through telemedicine, which are remote medical services, like Women on Web, Aid Access, or Plan C. Those services provide access to mifepristone, misoprostol, and pregnancy tests. If you have access to mifepristone and misoprostol, using them together the most effective option, but mifepristone is generally more restricted than misoprostol because it is only used for abortions, not for other things. The combined mifepristone and misoprostol regimen is between 95-99 percent effective, whereas misoprostol used alone during the first trimester of a pregnancy is about 75-85 percent effective for inducing an abortion. Since misoprostol is used as an anti-ulcer medication sold under many different names (such as Cytotec (200µg Misoprostol), Cyprostol, Misotrol), not just an abortion medication, it can sometimes be purchased at pharmacies and online. According to Women on Waves, “Sometimes it is sold over the counter without a prescription. Sometimes a prescription is necessary.” In situations where mifepristone is not available, misoprostol can be used safely and effectively by itself. According to Safe2Choose, Jewish Currents, and Women on Web, you shouldn’t use mifepristone if you are taking long term steroids, but you can still use misoprostol alone to have an abortion. You should not use misoprostol if you are taking anticoagulants, have a bleeding disorder or porphyria, or if you’re allergic to misoprostol. You should not have an abortion if you are being forced to have an abortion or if you are not sure you want to have one. First: Find out if you’re pregnant If you aren’t pregnant, you obviously don’t need an abortion, so the first thing you’ll need to do is find out if you are. There are two ways to do this: at home with a home pregnancy test (HPT), or in a medical office. All pregnancy tests look for human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a hormone that appears soon after a person becomes pregnant, so in that way, it doesn’t usually matter if you test at home or in a medical setting. If you can confirm your pregnancy with a medical professional, though, that’s often ideal, since they can counsel you about the options for the pregnancy, test for STIs you may be at risk for, and also potentially help you access contraception for the future, too. If you can’t or don't want to confirm your pregnancy with a medical professional for any reason, an HPT is fine, too. If you want more information about pregnancy tests, this guide here at Scarleteen can fill you in on all things pregnancy test-related. If your test confirms you’re pregnant, the next thing you’ll want to do is to accurately estimate out how far along you are in the pregnancy, to use medical abortion in the safest way. Medical abortions should be used as early in a pregnancy as possible, ideally before 9 weeks or 63 days from the last period. Earlier use is safer, less painful, and more effective. To find out about how far along you are, use the Women on Web pregnancy calculator. If you have irregular or missing periods, the most reliable way to figure out how far along the pregnancy is is by asking a medical professional. People who have an intrauterine device (IUD) in place should take care before having a medical abortion. The International Women’s Health Coalition states that people who are using an IUD should have it removed before having an abortion with misoprostol. The World Health Organization’s safe abortion guide advises that if an IUD is an place during a pregnancy, the pregnancy is at a higher risk of being ectopic, which is a dangerous type of pregnancy. It’s vital that anyone at risk of an ectopic pregnancy seek medical treatment because an ectopic pregnancy can be extremely dangerous, even deadly, and it will not resolve itself, so it is incredibly important that you seek medical help as soon as possible. Next: Before any medical abortion • Make sure you read through the whole process of the procedure, so that you know what to expect in advance. If you can, find someone who can be with you or within easy reach who knows you are having an abortion, supports you, and who also knows what to expect. Ideally, that person also could help you get yourself to medical care, if needed. • You can take naproxen sodium (Aleve is one brand name) or ibuprofen (Advil is one brand name) as the instructions on the bottle suggest for you. Using over-the-counter analgesics like these before taking misoprostol is helpful for reducing pain or discomfort from the contractions that occur during a medical abortion. If you’re worried about nausea or diarrhea, which are common symptoms during a medical abortion, you can also take Immodium or Lomotil. • Make sure you have a box of heavy flow menstrual pads, or 5-6 washable pads. You’ll need to use menstrual pads to absorb flow from the abortion, never tampons or a menstrual cup. • Have the information for a hospital or medical clinic — no more than 60 minutes away, if possible — handy. • Have a plan and a means of transportation in case you need to go to the hospital. This can be the phone number of a taxi and money to pay for the taxi, or having someone who can drive you to medical care. Learn about and be aware of the following warning signs: Completely soaking two to three large pads every hour for two or more consecutive hours. Bleeding that causes dizziness or you can’t see very clearly and feel very weak. Fever for more than 24 hours or getting a high fever (higher than 100.4 F/ 38 C). Severe abdominal pain or chills. Bad smelling vaginal discharge. Bleeding starts and then stops for two or more weeks and then it starts again very heavily. If any of these things occur, it is important to go to an emergency room, urgent care, or other source of immediate medical attention, as these can be signs of an infection or a failed abortion. Women Help Women states that you do not need to share with medical staff that you had an abortion if you do not want to or feel safe doing so, and can say instead that you are experiencing a miscarriage. What to expect with a medical abortion There are two methods that you can use for a medical abortion, mifepristone and misoprostol or misoprostol alone. Mifepristone is a medication that blocks progesterone—the hormone bodies need to maintain a pregnancy—so that the embryonic cells stop developing and a pregnancy cannot continue. Misoprostol is a medication that starts contractions that will empty the contents of the uterus. If you have access to both mifepristone and misoprostol, it’s best to use both, because that way is safest and most effective. But in some cases, misoprostol may be available to you when mifepristone is not, in which case you can have an abortion with just misoprostol. Before you begin taking the pills to start the abortion you’ll want to prepare yourself physically, emotionally and medically. This means getting as physically and emotionally comfortable and being in a space where you can feel as relaxed and safe as possible. Having an emergency plan ready as well as the pain and nausea medications and pads previously mentioned will also likely make you feel more comfortable and confident. When you’re ready, you'll take the pills according according to the guidelines based on how far along you are. As Heather Corinna writes about the experience in their guide on abortion: From a few days to a week after the first dose , the embryo and other products of conception will pass out through the vagina. The experience will be very similar to miscarriage: there will be heavy cramping and bleeding, and what is expelled may contain large blood clots and/or the small, grayish-looking gestational sac created by the blastocyst...The embryo is so small at the time medical abortion can be performed that it is unlikely to be able to be seen. Cramps and bleeding are usually stronger and more intense than during a menstrual period. Side effects can include nausea, headaches, vomiting or bowel problems as well as continued spotting for a week or two, sometimes more.” The smell and color of flow from a medical abortion should be similar to your normal period. Having fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea during the first 24 hours are common side effects and are not dangerous. You can take Immodium to help relieve stomach pain as the bottle recommends. For the fever and chills, ibuprofen should do the trick. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THE PILLS You can also read accurate, clear instructions: On the Euki app At IWHC At Women on Web At Women Help Women In the World Health Organization Safe Abortion guide (page 44-45) If the first day of your last period was less than 12 weeks ago (84 days): These are the instructions for taking the mifepristone and misoprostol pills from Women on Web: First you should swallow one tablet of Mifepristone. 24 hours later, put 4 tablets of Misoprostol under your tongue and keep them there for 30 minutes, until the tablets are dissolved. You can swallow your saliva. After 30 minutes you can spit out any remains of the tablets. We strongly advise you to use Misoprostol under your tongue. This way, no remains of the pills can be found in the event that you need to go to a hospital. There are no blood tests that can show that you have taken Misoprostol, so there will be no way to prove that you tried to do an abortion. If you have less bleeding than expected and you have doubts the abortion started, 3 hours after using Misoprostol, put 2 tablets of Misoprostol under your tongue, keep them there for 30 minutes, until the tablets are dissolved. After 30 minutes, you can spit out any remains of the tablets. If you still did not start bleeding and you have more misoprostol tablets, you can continue taking 2 more tablets of Misoprostol under your tongue, keep them there for 30 minutes, until the tablets are dissolved. After 30 minutes, you can spit out any remains of the tablets. You can repeat this up to maximum 5 doses of misoprostol in total. If you do NOT have access to mifepristone and you decide to use misoprostol alone to have an abortion, you can follow these instructions from the International Women’s Health Coalition: Step 1: Place four 200-mcg tablets (or their equivalent) in the mouth under the tongue or in the cheek pouch. Hold tablets in the mouth for 20-30 minutes to allow them to dissolve, and then swallow the remaining fragments. During this process, you may experience bleeding that is somewhat heavier than for a period. That is normal. You should have a supply of thick sanitary napkins on hand. Bleeding and uterine contractions (cramping) may begin as quickly as 30 minutes following this first step. If bleeding and contractions do not start within 3 hours, see Step 2 (below). Bleeding itself does not mean that an abortion has occurred. Close inspection of the sanitary pad or other receptacle can reveal whether the pregnancy has been terminated. This will be difficult to detect in the very early stages of pregnancy, however, because the embryonic tissue is indistinguishable from the normal clotting of menstrual blood. For example, six weeks into pregnancy (that is, six weeks from the first day of the last menstrual period), the embryonic sac is only about the size of a short grain of rice. By the eighth week it is more visible, about the size of a kidney bean. For terminations from 10-12 weeks, the fetus is 30 mm to 8 cm in length (1+ to 3+ inches) and it will be very clear when it has passed. If it is not clear that the pregnancy has been terminated within three hours of taking the first dose—for example, if the embryonic sac is not visible on the sanitary pad, or if cramping continues without diminishing—go to Step 2. Step 2: Place four more 200-mcg tablets under the tongue or in the cheek pouch and hold them there for 20-30 minutes until they dissolve. Step 3: If the pregnancy has not been terminated three hours after using the second set of pills and bleeding, take four more 200 mcg tablets of misoprostol. The majority of pregnancies up to 12 weeks duration are terminated within hours of the first administration of misoprostol. Generally, more than three-quarters of women experience an abortion within the first 24 hours, although it sometimes takes longer. If unsuccessful, the entire process may be repeated. As for how abortion feels, more on what to expect and some extra tips to alleviate any pain and otherwise take care of yourself, Heather Corinna writes, in their guide on abortion: Massaging your uterus – between your hips, just under your navel (belly button) – can help with cramping and can also help to prevent clotting. You’ll want to avoid tub bathing, hot tubs or swimming, and should not use tampons or menstrual cups to manage bleeding: have washable or disposable pads handy instead. You will also want to hold off on sexual activity until after your check-up. It’s typical to have some bleeding or spotting for a few weeks, and don’t worry if your menstrual period doesn’t show up right when you’d expect: it’s normal for it to take a cycle or two to get back on track. It’s also typical for any pregnancy symptoms you were having to last another few days or so after an abortion, so you don’t need to worry that you’re still pregnant because those symptoms didn’t pass right away. It’s normal, after any pregnancy ends, whether it ends with childbirth or by terminating the pregnancy, for people to deal with some depression or tough feelings, which can vary in degree. Besides any emotional conflicts, pregnancy causes some pretty big hormonal changes in your body, and when a pregnancy ends, by it by birth or abortion, there’s another bunch of big hormonal changes, and that often causes mood changes, sometimes big ones. Obviously, if you have any mixed feelings about your abortion – or if you have an abortion you really didn’t want to have – you’ll likely have to deal with more sadness than usual. If you don’t feel sad or blue, that’s also normal and okay, and it doesn’t mean you’re insensitive or that there is something wrong with you. Plenty of people feel -- understandably -- very relieved and at peace after an abortion, too. So, just be prepared to give yourself good care, physically and emotionally, and to honor whatever it is that you’re feeling. Checking that your abortion was complete A "complete" abortion means you have expelled all of the contents of the uterus and are no longer pregnant, which happens 95-99 percent of the time when using the combined mifepristone and misoprostol regimen, and happens about 75-85 percent of the time when using misoprostol alone. Ideally, you should schedule a follow-up visit with a medical professional to confirm, especially if you suspect your abortion was not successful. That may include a pelvic exam, ultrasound or serum test. Signs that your abortion was successful are: You had cramps You had bleeding at least as heavy as your usual period You passed blood clots or tissue You feel the symptoms of pregnancy (nausea, tender breasts, need to urinate) going away If you took mifepristone and misoprostol together: According to Women on Web, an early ultrasound will tell you if the pregnancy has ended, but it is best wait for an ultrasound for 10 days after using Mifepristone, as only 23 percent of abortions are totally complete after 7 days. If you took only misoprostol: Because the success rate of misoprostol is lower, the World Health Organization recommends having a follow-up consultation 7-14 days after taking the medication to make sure that the abortion was complete. This can be done using a pelvic exam, an ultrasound, or serum test or a urine-based exam. The chemical testing, like a urine test and a serum test, might be positive if you take them too early (tests will show positives after a pregnancy ends, however it ends, for a while sometimes), so you should wait about three weeks before taking a urine test. If you still have symptoms of being pregnant, be attentive to your body and seek medical advice instead of waiting for the pregnancy test. Finding Support If you find yourself in need of support, listen to yourself and your own voice, and reach out to an organization — including Scarleteen, whose direct services are listed here — and a trusted friend or family member who will help support your choice. Remember that the choice to have an abortion is personal, responsible, and should not be questioned, and any emotions associated with the experience are valid. For more information, check out these excellent and accurate resources online: • Jewish Currents' guide to self-managed medical abortion is fantastic, and if you learn better with visual illustrations, it may be a better guide for you. • Steph Herold's article about which apps are helpful and have accurate information about abortion, and which ones spread misinformation. • Heather Corinna’s article about abortion, which includes helpful information about support, emotions, reaction, and making decisions that are sometimes difficult. • Women on Web/Aid Access are organizations that can provide high quality mifepristone and misoprostol to people who need to have an abortion but don’t have access locally. They use the mail, drones, and even boats through Women on Waves. • Safe2choose is an informative website providing information about safe abortions and options for medical abortions. They provide an email to contact a counsellor. • International Women's Health Coalition has a guide for taking Misoprostol at home. • National Network of Abortion Funds provides information about finding an abortion clinic and funding for an abortion. This site is US specific. • Plan C is a team of researchers working to investigate and advocate for access to abortion pills through telemedicine. The have a report card that is frequently updated reviewing the products from telemedicine services. • Ipas: An international organization focused on increasing safe abortion practices and contraceptive use to countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. • World Health Organization: This organization is dedicated to public health generally, but has comprehensive information about abortion and access to abortions globally.  
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abortion medical abortion safe access WHO pills mifepristone misoprostol help find self DIY health instructions apps guides prepare needs pregnancy test warning signs pregnancy options choice Pregnancy and Parenting Sexual Health Read the full article
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harmonyusinc · 4 years
How To Bring Up the Topic of a Sex Agreement
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Whilst the following tips are mainly focused at longer term partners, many of them can still be used by new couples too. Many spouses go through sexual “dry spells” on occasion. Other couples experience an imbalance as to libidos at times. These issues are definitely reasons that you may need to discuss the topic of how to improve your sex life with your partner and lover. While it may not be easy to do and must be conducted with some finesse, it is possible to figure out the best way to broach the subject so that the two of you can have a calm and productive discussion.
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Following are 10 tips for bringing up the subject with your partner: Timing: The first thing you must consider in approaching this very sensitive topic is timing. Never, ever begin this discussion either just after sex or just before it. If you try to talk about it after sex, that will have ruined the entire experience and will leave a bad taste in both of your mouths. Approaching the topic before sex will insure that it doesn’t happen that night. Plan a time to talk: While spontaneity may be good for some things, a chat about this topic should be planned. You don’t have to say what you want to discuss, but delivering a heads up that you want to chat to your spouse will provide a chance to prepare for the event. Blindsiding your spouse just may cause defensiveness and this won’t be a successful conversation at all. Looking at the past: Sometimes a great way to start this conversation is to remind your spouse of how the two of you used to kiss for hours or how you couldn’t seem to keep your hands off of each other. Pleasant memories sets the stage for a good talk that might reignite some special fires. Leave reading material in open view: As there have been a lot of books written on the topic of improving your sex life, you may want to deliver some hints by leaving some of these books around in the bedroom. It would be great if your spouse acted on his or her curiosity and asked you about the books. That provides the perfect opening for negotiating a sex agreement. for your relationship or marriage. Ask questions: If you can avoid making “I” statements and ask questions instead, it may cause your spouse to open up to you about things that are troubling to him or her regarding your sex life. This is the best way to find those things out and you may even realize that you have common ground in some areas. Be ho\nest: While this may seem to be common sense for most people, it bears repeating. If you’re going to bring up at topic like this, the least you can do is respect your spouse by being honest. Just do it in a respectful way and you may be able to gain the same honesty and respect in return. Plan a getaway: Sometimes things just get routine between couples and they forget how to have fun in the bedroom. Plan a romantic getaway for only the two of you. If this doesn’t put your spouse in the mood, use it as your excuse to bring up the topic of improving your sex life. Use your body language: Sometimes you don’t have to say a word. Your body language can silently speak volumes to your spouse. If you’re lucky, you won’t have to be the one that starts the conversation. Your spouse may ask you what’s wrong and you can then answer. Watch a sexy and romantic movie together: Use certain romantic and sexy scenes in the movie to comment on how that used to be the two of you and how much you miss that connection. Your spouse may pick up on those comments and want to explore them. It’s not a one time talk: Once you’ve actually had the discussion with your spouse and are on the road to improving your sex life, set a future date to talk again about how things are going. In doing so, you don’t have to bring it up on your own again. When you’re planning to talk with your spouse about improving your sex life, you will want to consider what you know about him or her. Use that knowledge to add to any of these suggestions presented here. Read the full article
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harmonyusinc · 4 years
8 Ways to Carve Out Alone Time When Home With Your Partner
Spending a lot of time at home with your partner is a great way to build your bond and help you feel more connected — but it can also make you feel irritated, overwhelmed, and short on personal space. Carving out some time for yourself, even when you're spending a lot of time at home, can help you feel more connected and make your bond better than ever. Try some of these strategies to make the most of your time at home.
1. Engage in your separate hobbies.
You might be together 24/7, but that doesn't mean that you have to do everything together. Instead, set aside time to engage in your personal hobbies: the same activities you would normally do if you were at home alone. Talk to your partner ahead of time and choose a time for you to engage in those activities. Do you enjoy painting or putting together models? Knitting, crocheting, or crafting? What about putting together puzzles? All of those activities can give you a little solitude. You don't even have to be in the same room as your partner while you engage in those activities — or you can engage in separate activities in the same space, without feeling the need to interact with one another directly.
2. Go for a walk by yourself.
In many places, you can still go outside as long as you're engaging in an approved activity, including engaging in exercise. Go for a long walk by yourself. You don't have to wait for your partner to be free. In fact, that nice, long walk can be a great time to be alone with your own thoughts. You may find that you come back refreshed and better prepared for your next interaction with your partner. Going for a walk in the sunshine can also help boost your mood and leave you feeling more positive in general, which can help translate to warmer interactions with your partner.
3. Get lost in a fictional world.
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If you're looking for a chance to spend some time by yourself, getting lost in a fictional world could be the perfect way to not only escape from your current reality, but help your mind soar! Choose a new book to read, or get started on that series that you've been meaning to try, but never got around to. Sit down and binge-watch your favorite show. Feel free to try a show that your partner might not enjoy. It's okay to carve out a little time for the things that you enjoy, even when both you and your partner at home. Your partner can take advantage of that time to do something that they've been wanting to do alone, but that they haven't felt they had time to take on.
4. Get in a little sexy time alone.
You know that masturbation can have a number of benefits to your relationship. Not only can it allow you to please yourself without having to focus on your partner, but it can also help increase your overall sex drive and help you be more interested in sexy time with your partner. Arousal and masturbation often increase overall sexual desire — so why not carve out a little time for yourself? Try: Spending a little time with your MysteryVibe products. Explore with your Crescendo or try out your Tenuto or Poco. This can be a great way to lay back, relax, and enjoy sexual pleasure on your own — and it can also help you feel far sexier. Getting in the bathtub for a long bath and a little solo play. You can take Crescendo into the tub with you: it won't hurt it at all to get wet, and you're guaranteed a little more alone time! Not only is masturbation great for your sex drive, but it can also help you feel more relaxed and decrease overall tension, whether related to a spat with your partner or outside circumstances. You'll find that fitting in a little time for solo play helps you feel sexier and more confident in the bedroom. If your partner's sex drive has been lower than yours throughout your time at home, you may also find that it eases some of the tension between you.
5. Start that side hustle you've always wanted to start.
Many people have more time on their hands than ever before: nowhere to go, not much to do, and even your commute to work may mean going no further than your home office or even your living room. Why not take advantage of that time to start the side hustle you've always wanted to start, but never had the time for? Do some freelance writing. Dust off your camera and try some photos. Build that website you've meant to build for years. This is the ideal time to start that side hustle, and it's a great way to do something that will have you feeling more positive about yourself and your time at home. This can help create more positive interactions with your partner.
6. Get in some solo exercise.
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Getting sweaty with your partner is a great way to build your bond and help you feel more attracted to each other — but you don't have to wait for your partner to get in some exercise. Exercise can help reduce stress, decrease frustration levels, and help you fight weight gain when you're spending more time than usual at home. Not only that, feeling fit and toned will help you feel sexier for your partner, which could translate to an improved bond. Feeling stuck since you can't get to the gym and many of your favorite trails might be closed? Try out some of these ideas: Pick an exercise video. Many companies are offering free access to their exercise videos during stay at home orders. Others already have free videos available on YouTube. Do some research and pick an exercise video that you enjoy. Many of them rely on body weight alone. Drag out that piece of exercise equipment that's been gathering dust in the garage. Do you have an exercise bike that you've never used? A treadmill that was part of a past fitness craze, but that you haven't actually used in years? Now is the time to dust it off and try it out again. You may find a new dedication to that piece of equipment. At the very least, you'll keep your energy up so that you can dive back in with your usual exercise routine once everything opens up again. Run around your neighborhood, if you can. Run sprints up and down the driveway. Go for a run at the park, if your park is still open and you can do it while practicing social distancing.
7. Experiment in the kitchen.
If you're looking for some alone time that will translate into a quality evening with your partner, let them know that you're planning to fix something spectacular for dinner, then head into the kitchen and plan to make something special. Make use of the ingredients that are left over in the cabinet and explore Pinterest to find the perfect recipe to use as many of them as possible, or plan ahead to include special ingredients as part of your next scheduled grocery run and put together a fantastic meal for your partner. You can also head into the kitchen and bake up something special. Channel your favorite cooking shows or try decorating something spectacular. Not only will it give you some much-needed alone time, but you might also just develop a new skill that you'll keep using for a long time to come.
8. Take up meditation.
Anxiety levels are higher than ever. Even many people who have never struggled with anxiety in the past have found that, in the midst of the shutdown, they're having more trouble than usual. Fortunately, there are strategies that can help you cope with that anxiety — including meditation. Spend some quiet time in your own mind. Use a meditation app, if needed, or simply quiet your mind and spend a little time alone. Many people find that, as a result of that time, they feel more centered and less anxious. Alone time in the midst of social distancing measures: even if you're spending your time at home with your partner, it doesn't have to be an impossibility. Instead, utilize some of these strategies to allow you to experience the benefits of alone time. Too much time together can make even the closest partners start to grate on each other's nerves, especially in a time like this one, filled with enhanced stress and tension. Need to know more about the MysteryVibe products and how they can enhance your alone time? Check out our full product line for ideas on how to spend this time, either alone or with your partner. Read the full article
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harmonyusinc · 4 years
7 Ways to Boost Your Immune System
Whether you're concerned about contracting a specific illness or you simply want to stay as healthy as possible to allow you to care for your family, continue to work, and enjoy your partner's company as often as possible, boosting your immune system has a number of important benefits. Looking for ways to boost your immune system? Try some of these key strategies.
1. Engage in Self-Care Regularly
As your stress levels rise, your immune system often suffers a corresponding drop. Self-care, however, can help decrease your stress levels and bring your immunity back to normal. Find ways to care for yourself, relax, and decrease stress, including: Taking a long, hot bath. Relaxing in a tub filled with bubbles or bath salts is a great way to reduce your stress levels. You can also take a book into the tub with you for enhanced enjoyment and relaxation. Read something just for pleasure. If you spend most of your time reading things for work and rarely have the chance to open a book just because you enjoy it, try choosing a book that you simply enjoy. Curl up in your favorite chair, make a mug of your favorite warm beverage, and enjoy.
2. Change Your Diet
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If you consistently eat more junk food than healthy fruits and vegetables, you may notice your immunity dropping--or worse, you may not realize the drop in your immune system until you've already gotten sick. Try changing your diet to boost your immune system. This may include: Decreasing sugar consumption. Candies, cookies, and other tasty treats may taste great, but that sugar can also decrease your immunity to common bacteria and viruses. Eat a diet that includes more healthy fruits and vegetables. Most whole plant foods are filled with nutrients that can help your body grow stronger and increase your ability to fight off infection. Try eating a rainbow of different fruits and vegetables to help you get the nutrients your body so richly needs. Try lean, heart-healthy proteins. Plant-based proteins like beans, nuts, and legumes will offer many benefits to your body. Lean meats, including turkey, chicken, and fish, can also help boost your immune system and keep you healthy.
3. Get More Sleep
If you're running short on sleep, your immune system can't function at peak efficiency. The more sleep you miss, the harder it may prove to avoid illness. If you're chronically sleep-deprived, you may notice that you're more likely to pick up every cold that makes its way through the office--or, in many cases, that it takes you longer to kick that illness when you do get sick. Instead, try to get at least eight hours of sleep every night.
4. Get Plenty of Exercise
Regular, moderate exercise can boost your body's natural immunity. As you strengthen your muscles and improve your cardio endurance, you'll find that you're also boosting your body's ability to fight off infection and keep you healthy. If you're looking for a new exercise program, try some of these great options: Get out and take a walk. Take a look at the world around you. Try to maintain a brisk pace that keeps your heart pumping, but that you can maintain easily. You can vary your route from one day to the next so that you get the chance to take in everything around you, rather than feeling stuck in a single location. Try out yoga. The flexibility you'll build as you participate in regular yoga practice can help you build your endurance and strength. Get into a dance workout. When you're dancing all your worries away, you may not even feel as though you're exercising. Find a dance workout that uses some of your favorite music--or make up your own. Ideally, you should try to engage in exercise several times a week. Not only can it boost your immune system, but it may also boost your overall mood. Keep in mind, however, that while moderate exercise can boost your immune system, extreme exercise can temporarily diminish your immunity due to your body's need to recover from that intense workout. Choose a workout that will help you build strength and stamina while avoiding pushing your body so hard that you damage your ability to fight infection. If you're worried that you might be fighting off an infection, scale down your exercise routine so your body can focus on fighting that illness.
5. Keep Hydrated
When you're dehydrated, your body simply does not work as effectively as it does when you're well-hydrated. While water may not help you fight off infection directly, it can help your body process out potential contaminants and, as a result, help you avoid illness. Water is also great for your overall health--and drinking plenty of water can help you feel more energetic and ready to tackle the tasks in front of you each day. Try to drink a minimum of 64 ounces of water per day. If you get sweaty from exercise, make sure you drink more water to replenish what you've lost.
6. Have More Sex
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Typically, you may not think of sex as something that helps prevent you from getting sick--but the truth is, people who have sex regularly are less likely to take sick days, in general, than their counterparts who are not sexually active. Sex can help boost your immune system, make you feel more energetic, and help you fight off potential infections. While you don't want to have sex with your partner if you're sick and worried about passing on germs, you should have sex more often to help boost your immune system. Want to boost your enjoyment of sex or increase the fun you're having in bed? Try some of these strategies: Experiment with something new together. Talk to your partner about your personal fantasies and what you would like to try together. Discuss fantasies that you've been thinking about and consider how you might be able to enjoy them together. Shake things up once in a while! Try a new location or position, change up the way you touch each other, or bring a toy into the bedroom to help enhance your pleasure.
7. Moderate Your Drinking
Drinking a little can help lower your inhibitions and make you more comfortable in the bedroom, especially if you need to have a conversation with your partner about fantasies or desires in the bedroom. Significant drinking, on the other hand, can cause your immune system to deteriorate. Make sure that as you indulge, you indulge responsibly. Try not to drink to the point of drunkenness. Don't indulge every night. When you moderate your drinking, you will substantially improve your overall immunity. Read the full article
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harmonyusinc · 4 years
7 Ways to Boost Your Immune System
Whether you're concerned about contracting a specific illness or you simply want to stay as healthy as possible to allow you to care for your family, continue to work, and enjoy your partner's company as often as possible, boosting your immune system has a number of important benefits. Looking for ways to boost your immune system? Try some of these key strategies.
1. Engage in Self-Care Regularly
As your stress levels rise, your immune system often suffers a corresponding drop. Self-care, however, can help decrease your stress levels and bring your immunity back to normal. Find ways to care for yourself, relax, and decrease stress, including: Taking a long, hot bath. Relaxing in a tub filled with bubbles or bath salts is a great way to reduce your stress levels. You can also take a book into the tub with you for enhanced enjoyment and relaxation. Read something just for pleasure. If you spend most of your time reading things for work and rarely have the chance to open a book just because you enjoy it, try choosing a book that you simply enjoy. Curl up in your favorite chair, make a mug of your favorite warm beverage, and enjoy.
2. Change Your Diet
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If you consistently eat more junk food than healthy fruits and vegetables, you may notice your immunity dropping--or worse, you may not realize the drop in your immune system until you've already gotten sick. Try changing your diet to boost your immune system. This may include: Decreasing sugar consumption. Candies, cookies, and other tasty treats may taste great, but that sugar can also decrease your immunity to common bacteria and viruses. Eat a diet that includes more healthy fruits and vegetables. Most whole plant foods are filled with nutrients that can help your body grow stronger and increase your ability to fight off infection. Try eating a rainbow of different fruits and vegetables to help you get the nutrients your body so richly needs. Try lean, heart-healthy proteins. Plant-based proteins like beans, nuts, and legumes will offer many benefits to your body. Lean meats, including turkey, chicken, and fish, can also help boost your immune system and keep you healthy.
3. Get More Sleep
If you're running short on sleep, your immune system can't function at peak efficiency. The more sleep you miss, the harder it may prove to avoid illness. If you're chronically sleep-deprived, you may notice that you're more likely to pick up every cold that makes its way through the office--or, in many cases, that it takes you longer to kick that illness when you do get sick. Instead, try to get at least eight hours of sleep every night.
4. Get Plenty of Exercise
Regular, moderate exercise can boost your body's natural immunity. As you strengthen your muscles and improve your cardio endurance, you'll find that you're also boosting your body's ability to fight off infection and keep you healthy. If you're looking for a new exercise program, try some of these great options: Get out and take a walk. Take a look at the world around you. Try to maintain a brisk pace that keeps your heart pumping, but that you can maintain easily. You can vary your route from one day to the next so that you get the chance to take in everything around you, rather than feeling stuck in a single location. Try out yoga. The flexibility you'll build as you participate in regular yoga practice can help you build your endurance and strength. Get into a dance workout. When you're dancing all your worries away, you may not even feel as though you're exercising. Find a dance workout that uses some of your favorite music--or make up your own. Ideally, you should try to engage in exercise several times a week. Not only can it boost your immune system, but it may also boost your overall mood. Keep in mind, however, that while moderate exercise can boost your immune system, extreme exercise can temporarily diminish your immunity due to your body's need to recover from that intense workout. Choose a workout that will help you build strength and stamina while avoiding pushing your body so hard that you damage your ability to fight infection. If you're worried that you might be fighting off an infection, scale down your exercise routine so your body can focus on fighting that illness.
5. Keep Hydrated
When you're dehydrated, your body simply does not work as effectively as it does when you're well-hydrated. While water may not help you fight off infection directly, it can help your body process out potential contaminants and, as a result, help you avoid illness. Water is also great for your overall health--and drinking plenty of water can help you feel more energetic and ready to tackle the tasks in front of you each day. Try to drink a minimum of 64 ounces of water per day. If you get sweaty from exercise, make sure you drink more water to replenish what you've lost.
6. Have More Sex
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Typically, you may not think of sex as something that helps prevent you from getting sick--but the truth is, people who have sex regularly are less likely to take sick days, in general, than their counterparts who are not sexually active. Sex can help boost your immune system, make you feel more energetic, and help you fight off potential infections. While you don't want to have sex with your partner if you're sick and worried about passing on germs, you should have sex more often to help boost your immune system. Want to boost your enjoyment of sex or increase the fun you're having in bed? Try some of these strategies: Experiment with something new together. Talk to your partner about your personal fantasies and what you would like to try together. Discuss fantasies that you've been thinking about and consider how you might be able to enjoy them together. Shake things up once in a while! Try a new location or position, change up the way you touch each other, or bring a toy into the bedroom to help enhance your pleasure.
7. Moderate Your Drinking
Drinking a little can help lower your inhibitions and make you more comfortable in the bedroom, especially if you need to have a conversation with your partner about fantasies or desires in the bedroom. Significant drinking, on the other hand, can cause your immune system to deteriorate. Make sure that as you indulge, you indulge responsibly. Try not to drink to the point of drunkenness. Don't indulge every night. When you moderate your drinking, you will substantially improve your overall immunity. Read the full article
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harmonyusinc · 4 years
How to do a Cervical Self-Exam
What is a Cervical Self-Exam?
Most of us who have a cervix have no idea what a healthy cervix looks like and most of us have never seen what our own cervix looks like. A cervical self-exam is an opportunity to see parts of your anatomy you may have never seen before! Using a few easy to access tools and follow some simple precautions, you can easily conduct your own inspection of your cervix. A cervical self-exam if mostly about exploring and discovering your own body. It is by no means necessary and should not replace your yearly PAP smears and cervical exams conducted by a doctor. PAP smears are vital in screening for possible issues including cervical cancer.
What You'll Need
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To conduct your own cervical self-exam, you’re going to need a few tools. Firstly, you’ll need a speculum – a medical instrument that you may recognize from your PAP smears that looks weirdly like a machinal duck. You can find many versions of speculums available for sale from medical retailers. The safest and most reliable are made from either stainless steel or ABS plastic. These are ideal as they are able to be cleaned thoroughly before and after use. You may also want to familiarize yourself with how it works, practicing opening and locking it. Next get your hands on a hand-held mirror or larger mirror that you can sit in front of. Hand-help mirrors allow of a little more flexibility and accessibility, but a larger mirror can work too. Finally, a small flashlight will help you see your cervix more clearly and some lube to make everything a little smoother are great additions.
The How-To
The most important step before you begin – make sure all your instruments, your hands, and your environment is clean. The vagina is a sensitive eco-system with its own ideal PH balance. You don’t want to introduce any foreign bacteria into your vaginal canal during this self-exam. To start the self-exam, place yourself in a comfortable position where you can spread your legs wide yet still have visual and physical access to your vagina. Use pillows to support your position. Put some lube on the insertable part of the speculum and try to relax as you insert the tips as far as they will comfortably go. If you feel your muscles tense, slow down and take a few breaths. When you feel comfortable and relaxed, open and lock the speculum like you practiced. Now this frees up both of your hands to grab the hand mirror and the flashlight. Shine the light into your vaginal canal and use to mirror to get a glimpse of your cervix.
So what are you looking at?
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Looking down your vaginal canal with the aid of the flashlight and mirror, you should be able to now see your cervix, which will resemble a pink doughnut-like shape. Your cervix is the bottom of your uterus and the only part visible without special medical cameras. Your cervix is the gateway to anything entering or exiting your uterus. Your cervix and the secretions it produces will be different depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle. You may also see natural variations based on factors like if you’ve giving birth vaginally, has previous surgeries, or take hormonal medication. Cervixes can vary in color from a light white pink to a deep purply red. There may also be small white spots or a variation in color around the opening. Depending on where you are in your cycle, the opening of your cervix maybe be wide or very tight. If you’re menstruating, this is the opening in which blood and tissue leaves your uterus. If you have an IUD, you should be able to see the string from the base of the device coming out of the opening of your cervix. If the IUD is relatively new, the string will be firm. If. You’ve had it for a while, the string will be softened from the slightly acidic environment of your vagina.
Additional Resources
Check out what a cervix looks like here - https://www.womenshealthspecialists.org/self-help/menstrual-study/29-year-old-womans-cervix/ https://www.beautifulcervix.com/ Additional information on cervical cancer - https://www.webmd.com/cancer/cervical-cancer/cervical-cancer Read the full article
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