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Still don’t have a name for this fic. Will put on AO3 when I got one. Anyone got any ideas for a name feel free suggest them.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
60 years later
Jules was in the human realm again for the first time since the sacking. He had wanted to go home long before now but his mother wouldn’t let him out of her sight at court. He became an adult by fae standards ten years ago but that didn’t mean his mother couldn’t find other means to keep him from leaving. Eventually though he got hold of a lute, some bard clothes, snuck back into the human realm and took up the name Jaskier to make it harder to find him. He’s been wondering the continent as a traveling bard trying to hear anything he can about what was left of the wolf school ever since.
Finding out knowledge of any Witchers yet alone a particular guild of them was easier said than done. In the past year he’s only managed to find two, one viper and one cat. He didn’t get much out of either of them but the viper and cat schools got never along the with the wolf school in the first place so it wasn’t that surprising.
He was going to give it a few more months then actually pluck up the nerve to go back home to Kaer Morhen and see what is left and go from there. Right about now Jaskier wishes he didn’t put such a good anti tracking spell on the medallions or he could find anyone he wanted. The majority of those who where out on the path during the sacking wore medallions he had enchanted in the first place so it wouldn’t have been hard otherwise.
He was playing in a small tavern at the edge of the world in the town of Posada when it happened. Jaskier was playing a set that was pretty much designed to get food thrown at him so he wouldn’t have to pay for lunch. Also he didn’t want to stand out so he didn’t want to showcase his true talents. Then seemingly out of nowhere Geralt of fucking Rivia unexpectedly walked in and took a seat in the back corner where no one would see him. The bard almost missed a note in shock. So knowing how literal minded his old friend was he started singing in metaphors using monsters that don’t exist or at least shouldn’t exist.
He finished his song and on queue got bread thrown at him. He started muttering at the crowed as he stuffed bread rolls in his pockets. He looked up to see Geralt hadn’t bothered to even look up at the spectacle. Didn’t surprise him much. He had enchanted the medallions to ignore his magic so he could get up to magical mischief as a child and Geralt always had been particularly resistant to magic even for a Witcher. It’s why Reidrich singled him out for his ‘experiment’.
The fae stood up, took a tankard from a passing barmaid, had a drink to brace himself and walked up to Geralt. “I love the way you just sit in the corner and brood.”
“I’m here to drink alone,” Geralt replied not even looking up.
“Good. Yea, good.” Jaskier ignored the Witcher and sat down across from him. “No one else hesitated to comment on the quality of my performance… except for you. Come on. You don’t want to keep a man with bread in his pants waiting. You must have some review for me. Three words or less.”
“They don’t exist.”
“The creatures in your song, they don’t exist.”
“And you apparently still wouldn’t know a metaphor if it bit you in the ass Geralt.”
Geralt really looked at him for the first time, brow furrowed. “Do I know you?”
“Gee thanks. Nice to know I’m that forgettable. It’s been sixty years I know, but I hadn’t been able to get away from my mother until now. She had guards watching me and a tracking spell for when I slipped the guards. She was convinced if I came back here to see what was left of Kaer Morhen I’d be killed. Took me finally reaching age of majority and another ten years of court responsibilities she made up, before I managed to slip the leash. Anyone asks, my name is Jaskier and I’m a perfectly normal human bard, thank you very much. Really don’t want to be dragged back there. Court is boring.”
It took a moment for Geralt’s brain to catch up with the rambling and put it together. “Jules? You’re supposed to be dead.”
“I got out. Managed to make a portal and took the children with me to the fae realm along with Birman and Deglan who dragged my unconscious father along with them.”
“Vesemir said he was the only one left alive in the keep. Does he know?”
“Considering he shoved me through my own portal when I tried to talk sense into him about coming with me, yea. I would have jumped right back through there and dragged his ass back through with me but I hit my head on the other side and got knocked out. So Vesemir is still alive?”
“For now. Might be a different story when I get back to Kaer Morhen and have a ‘talk’ about him letting me think you’re dead for the past sixty years.”
“Don’t be too hard on him. He was probably just covering for our escape, didn’t want any rumours any of the mages made it out. The brotherhood was behind everything. Saw some of their council members, not just mages, among those attacking.”
They got interrupted as a farmer walked up to the table. “Excuse me… master Witcher. I need your help. I have coin. A devil has been stealing from our grain stores.”
“A devil?” Geralt asked sceptically.
“Well I don’t know what else to call it. It looks like a goat that can run on two legs.”
“And it’s been stealing from your grain stores?”
“Yes. I have a hundred and fifty crowns for you to go take a look.”
“Alright. You coming Jules?” Geralt asked as he got up.
“Sure. Maybe I can write a song about it or something, Eric,” Jaskier replied, getting up and following.
“Don’t call me that,” Geralt snarled annoyedly at Jaskier.
Jaskier haven grown up around Witchers, didn’t find it in the least bit intimidating. “Don’t call me Jules and I’ll not call you Eric.”
“Fine, Jaskier. What kind of name is that anyway?” Geralt asked as they left of the tavern.
“A whimsical one like you’d expect a bard to have. Also kinda fae, it being a plant name and all. They’re weeds. Hardy, will grow anywhere, near impossible to get rid of, and poisonous,” Jaskier proclaimed proudly.
“Hm. Put that way, very you,” Geralt replied as he got Roach out of the stable.
They walked out of town a bit before Jaskier couldn’t help asking, “Isn’t that one of the horses I grassed?”
“Her name is Roach.”
“And she lets you ride her? I remember most those horses becoming like demonic hell spawn afterwards…”
“Took a while but she trusts me. She makes a good Witcher horse; fast, lots of stamina, isn’t afraid of pretty much anything, won’t let anyone steal her. She’s also older than me and still going. Why did you grass horses anyway?”
“Oh. They had me practice on animals before they let me preform the trail of grasses on a person. I take it you haven’t come across the rats… those sneaky little bastards are why they decided we should move on to bigger animals who can’t hide as easily.”
“Rats? Is that why we have a colony of half feral mutant cats?”
“I only grassed two… to catch the rats. How was I to know the cats could still have kittens afterwards? Most creatures mutate so much they’re not compatible with the same species anymore and renders them infertile,” Jaskier explained exasperatedly.
“What happened the people you escaped with?”
“They decided to start over. Got the fae to take them to a new part of this sphere far from the continent. After all it’s not just here that has a monster problem. They’re thriving last update I had, and far away from the influence of the brotherhood. People actually look up to Witchers there and don’t have the superstitious beliefs about them so less die each year because of humans.”
Geralt had a far away look for a moment. “Must be nice.”
“I could take you there.”
“Maybe… someday. I can’t just abandon those that are left here.”
“How many are left?”
“The number dwindles every winter. Last count there where about twenty that came to Kaer Mohen to winter, not all of them wolves. There are also a few stuck in wolf form who live in the woods around Kaer Morhen. We’ve tried to help them but nothing seems to work.”
“I can change them back. I turned Varin into a giant chicken once because he was being an asshole. So transforming them back to their Witcher state shouldn’t be a problem. The problem is if they’ll stay that way. Might be that they’re not stuck. Might be that they’ve grown tired of life on the path and decided they’re better off as wolves. Seen it happen a time or two. Usually from the mistreatment they get from humans. I could quite happily do some really horrible things to whoever started the rumour that Witchers don’t have feelings.”
“They’re supposed to have been burned out of us during the trails.”
Jaskier actually smacked Geralt upside the head. “Don’t. That’s a load of nonsense. Actually if anything emotions are heightened because believe it or not that is a sense and all senses are heightened. You feel things more intensely than humans. Sometimes though it gets stuck inside and they get trapped where you’re unsure how to express them or are too overwhelmed to do so. Makes it hard to speak for some too. Of course the cats are the only ones who openly admit this. The rest of you all pretend otherwise because of a toxic culture that sprang up long before I was around. You think you had it bad as a kid? It was a lot worse in the past. Most the outright abusive ‘training’ was stopped.”
“I find it hard to believe with Witchers like Varin training us.”
“They used to all be like him… except Vesemir. He was always fair from everything I heard. Varin was just an asshole they had to confine to the keep and had to give him something to do while there. He learned not to mess with me though. The chicken incident just being the last in a long line of shit I did to him when he was being an ass.
“Actually I was the reason a lot of it got stopped. The mages never paid much attention to how they trained new Witchers until Vesemir decided I was old enough to be put in training with them. They where horrified by the shear number of boys who died before the grasses just because they hadn’t been fed enough, or exposed too long to the cold, or beaten for no good reason. Dad didn’t believe me at first when I told him about it, so I went to Dagobert, then Reidrich. Eventually I made enough of a fuss with them they checked it out, watching through magical means.
“They pretty much unanimously told Rennes they where leaving if they didn’t stop all of that. He came up with some bullshit excuse about selecting the toughest of the boys. Then my father informed him that there is nothing tough about surviving all that, mostly just luck. They wanted healthy boys for the trails and if they stop killing them off maybe they’d have more pass and their low success rate probably has everything to do with malnutrition. He wasn’t wrong about that. That was just part of the puzzle though. The rest was in quantity of elder blood, freely given, and different mutagens, and a touch of original genetics. If you have some elven or fae in you you’re more likely to make it. Or some chaos.”
“Like Eskel. He’s always been good with signs.”
“It’s also how I was able to teach him how to do some minor magic like glamours. Same with you. Actually you got more raw chaos than Eskel. Just Eskel has better control of his,” Jaskier proclaims to Geralt who just looks sceptically at him, “It’s true. I’ve had a closer look at both of your magical cores than most. I did the grasses on you twice, and the dreams on Eskel. Did my best to make sure you both maintained access to it. Hence why you both can do more than signs. I’m just surprised you both still talked to me after, yet alone became my friends.”
“If you didn’t do it one of the others would have. You where also known for being gentler about it than the others, actually trying to dull the pain, and had the highest success rate. It’s why I begged you to do my second round of grasses. Never trusted Reidrich. Besides you may have been one of the mages officially by the time I came along, but you where always one of us. You didn’t hold yourself above us lowly Witchers unlike Reidrich or Dagobert. Your father wasn’t so bad either, if a bit scatterbrained. But you Jules, you ran the walls with us as punishment like the rest of us when we got in trouble. Got stuck in the middle of whatever childish mischief that was being planned. Protected us from people like Varin. I’m also convinced you’re responsible for most of Vesemir’s grey hair. After all I can quite reliably say you’re responsible for my own hair going white.”
“It really wasn’t supposed to do that.”
“Relax it’s a joke. I have been known to make those on occasion. I got used to it a long time ago.”
“You joke? Actually you’re communicating in more than grunts. Are you ok? You haven’t been cursed with gift of the gab or something?” Jaskier asked sarcastically.
“Hmn,” Geralt grunted also sarcastically.
“Now that’s more like the Witcher I know and love,” Jaskier replied, grinning.
@xxx|}::::::::::::::::::::> <::::::::::::::::::::{|xxx@
#the witcher#jaskier#geraskier#geralt x jaskier#geralt of rivia#joey batey#henry cavill#fanfiction#needs a name#seriously taking all suggestions for fic names#fae!jaskier#wip
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Mortal Kombat (My spellchecker is gonna kommit suicide by the end of this), Part 1
(Thanks to Rotten Tomatoes)
[All images are owned by Midway Games NetherRealm Studios and New Line Cinema Warner Bros Discovery. Please don’t sue me or deliver a fatality]
(QUICK NOTE: If the header of this review isn’t enough of a klue, I will be writing this in the style of the game (sorta), which means words that begin with a certain phonetic sound with be spelled...differently. And if you find it hard to read, imagine how hard it was to write!)
In 1992 in arcades across America (and likely other kountries, but I’ve never been to any of them so kan’t konfirm) a game appeared that changed the arcade game dynamic for years to kome. That game, of kourse, was Mortal Kombat.
The plot of the game (such as it was) involved a deadly pit fighting tournament known as Mortal Kombat (naturally) where the heroes of Earth face off against the kombatants of a realm known as Outworld, led by the sorcerer Shang Tsung, the right hand of Outworld’s emperor Shao Kahn (and also presided over the tournament and was the Final Boss, so there wasn’t any konflict of interest or anything)
It wasn’t the graphics, though they were as realistic as 1992 kould make them. It wasn’t the gameplay; it was a fairly standard fighting game in that respect. No, what set the game apart (and sent parents groups nationwide into a frenzy) was how graphic it was.
(Thanks to Kraig...err, Craig Steelyard)
However, the game was popular enough that New Line Cinema made a movie about it three years later that featured all of the karacters from the first game (plus a few from the second in kameos). Now, a movie based on video games was a very new koncept (there were only 2 released before Mortal Kombat) and it wasn’t until 2019 that kritics thought a video game movie was "fresh” (over 60% positive reviews), but just because the kritics panned it (only 45% liked it) doesn’t mean it wasn’t fun.
So let’s see how they turned one of the most graphically violent video game franchises of the 90s into a PG-13 film. If you would like to watch the film, it’s available with a Max subscription or you can find it behind your favorite paywall.
We open at a temple in China where a monk named Chan Kang is konfronted by…
…Shang Tsung, who makes short work of him and konsumes his soul (yeah, that’s kinda Shang’s Thing) as he screams for his brother…
…Liu Kang, who wakes up in a kold sweat. He receives word that Chan is dead and to return to China (he’s kurrently somewhere in the US)
Meanwhile in Hong Kong…
Lt. Sonya Blade (leader of an unspecified US agency strike team) is preparing an assault on…
…an underground koncert? Anyway, she and her team bash their way through the krowd looking for…
…the krime lord known as Kano, who is in kahoots with Shang Tsung. Shang Tsung has manipulated events such that Sonya will follow Kano onto the boat bound for the Mortal Kombat tournament, with a warning that Sonya must reach the tournament unharmed.
Elsewhere in a nondescript warehouse in Los Angeles…
(Thanks to Fandango)
No sooner does Johnny Cage (how kome his last name starts with a “C”?) leave then “Master Boyd” changes form into…
So Shang Tsung is backhandedly recruiting the kombatants who will oppose him? Why would he do that?
Later at the temple, Lui has kome home to discover that Chan was to participate in Mortal Kombat when Liu left the temple. Suddenly, he decides he will enter Mortal Kombat to avenge Chan. Then the temple gets a visit from…
…Lord Raiden, God of Thunder and Lightning (played by Kristopher…err, Christopher Lambert, who speaks with a French accent despite playing a Chinese god)
[FUN FACT: Lambert is very nearly blind. In fact, he was doing all of his swordplay in the Highlander films when he kould barely see!]
Raiden questions Lui’s kommitment (revenge vs. saving the world), but Lui storms off to katch the boat to the tournament. Raiden doesn’t like this…
[NOTE: in the games Raiden is a playable karacter, but in the movie he’s little more than a koach]
That evening at a seedy pier in Hong Kong, Johnny and Liu arrive but start on the wrong foot (Johnny tries paying Lui to bring his luggage on the boat, so Lui throws Johnny’s luggage into the bay)
Meanwhile Sonya is staking out the pier with her partner Jackson “Jax” Briggs (one of the karacters from the second game) in search of Kano when...
…an ominous-looking junk (I’m not kasting shade on the quality of the kraft. That’s what those types of boats are kalled) enters the bay. Sonya spots Kano boarding and immediately rushes aboard without backup. She immediately runs into Johnny (literally)…
…and they get along swimmingly. I’m starting to think Johnny isn’t exactly a people person.
Sonya goes below deck, where she runs into Shang Tsung. Johnny and Liu kome down for support (for some reason)
Pretty much.
Then we get the appearance of the last two playable karacters from the game…
and Scorpion
(Fun Fact for those who have not played the game: later versions of the game had an increasing number of ninja dressed like Sub-Zero and Scorpion. The reason is obvious: a quick kolor change and a kouple of unique special moves and it’s a whole new karacter! They saved a ton on graphics and koding kosts!)
Shang Tsung brags that he has full kontrol over the two, despite their being mortal enemies. Sonya draws her weapon on them, but Sub-Zero…
…yeah (that’s kinda his thing in the game)
Meanwhile, Scorpion…
OK, in the game, Scorpion shoots a barbed line at his opponent from…somewhere (“GET OVER HERE!”) This take on the line is both kooler and WAY kreepier!
Then a ball of lightning appears in the hold and morphs into…
Raiden reminds Shang Tsung that the tournament hasn’t started yet and tells him to bring his attack dogs to heel.
Of course, this is the first time Sonya has heard she’s in a tournament and isn’t too happy about it. Raiden then explains to the three what’s at stake.
After Raiden has info-dumped the importance of Mortal Kombat (and why, out of the dozens of others on the junk, they are the Chosen Ones)…
…we are treated to bad special effects, announcing the arrival to the tournament.
What dangers await the Heroes of EarthRealm? Check out Part 2 and find out!
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Lottery Defeater Software: A Closer Look at the Lottery Tool Promising “Smart” Number Picks
Confused by the mix of hype and skepticism around lottery defeater software? This deep-dive aims to clarify how the system works, what actual lottery defeater software reviews indicate, and whether adopting this data-oriented approach makes sense for your lottery ambitions. If you’re hoping for strategic improvement over guess-based picks, read on.
Table of Contents
Defining Lottery Defeater Software
Core Methods & Processes
The Appeal of “Lottery Defeated” Tools
User-Claimed Benefits
Potential Limitations to Note
Real Experiences: Lottery Defeater Reviews
Buying Guide & Money-Back Terms
1. Defining Lottery Defeater Software
Lottery Defeater Software merges historical draw data, frequency analysis, and pattern algorithms to craft number suggestions. The idea: systematically enhance your odds of winning at least modestly, rather than being subject entirely to chance. Often called lottery defeated software in user discussions, the product aims to fill a gap in the lottery realm for more mathematically grounded strategies.
2. Core Methods & Processes
Data Compilation
Collects results from various lottery draws over months or years.
Statistical Review
Algorithm identifies frequent or cyclical numbers, potential “due” patterns, and overlooked picks.
Number Recommendations
Software suggests a selection or “range” to focus on, plus recommended ticket volumes.
Ongoing Adjustments
As new draws occur, the system updates and refines predictions.
3. The Appeal of “Lottery Defeated” Tools
For gamblers hesitant to rely on random combos, a structured program like lottery defeated can offer guidance. By framing the lottery as part chance, part trend analysis, it instills a sense of purposeful play—something many find more gratifying than random shots in the dark.
4. User-Claimed Benefits
Reduced Wastage Fewer purely hopeless combinations, presumably saving money in the long term.
Confidence Boost Players feel more assured and engaged, believing their picks are grounded in facts.
Educational Edge Tutorials and PDFs can broaden your understanding of lottery math, which may help refine your instincts as well.
5. Potential Limitations to Note
It’s Still Gambling No matter how thorough the data, the lottery’s unpredictability persists—no guaranteed jackpots.
Consistent Investment Full benefit arises from playing regularly, which costs money. A disciplined approach is advised.
Varied Results Users differ in outcomes, with some seeing more small wins and others lacking notable improvement.
6. Real Experiences: Lottery Defeater Reviews
“I used to pick random sets. Now I get monthly suggestions that feel more thought-out. I’ve noticed a few medium-tier prizes so far.” “The software’s approach keeps me from overspending—my tickets are more strategic.”
Most reviews revolve around improved frequency of minor wins, though hitting a big payout remains elusive (as is typical in lotteries).
7. Buying Guide & Money-Back Terms
Lottery Defeater Software is generally sold on the official site with a variety of plans:
Single-Purchase License Permanent use but might exclude certain updates.
Subscription Includes ongoing data updates, improved forecasting modules, etc.
Money-Back Guarantee Reputable vendors often provide a short window (30-60 days) for dissatisfaction refunds.
8. FAQs
Q: Does the software adapt if I switch lottery games? A: Yes, if that lottery is part of the software’s supported list. Check compatibility first.
Q: Is there a chance of personal data being compromised? A: Buy only from recognized sellers using secure payment methods to minimize risks.
Q: Can “lottery defeated software” be used offline? A: Typically you’ll need internet for updated results, but some features might work offline.
9. Verdict
For lottery fans who yearn for strategy and partial control over picks, Lottery Defeater Software presents an intriguing option. It doesn’t nullify chance, yet it transforms random guesswork into a data-led process. Those who remain realistic about lottery odds and are willing to invest time (and some money) in systematic play could find this tool beneficial. If you fit that profile, exploring lottery defeater software or lottery defeated might be a worthwhile step toward more informed lottery participation.
Lottery Defeater Software Links Collection
#Lottery Defeater Software Reviews#Lottery Defeater Software Review#Lottery Defeater#Lottery Defeated#Youtube
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Album Review of the Week: Emma Bunton - Free Me (2004)
Emma Bunton, aka Baby Spice of Spice Girls, released her first solo album in 2001. That album was still very much in the bubbly pop realm. For her second effort, Emma considered the fact that she has loved Motown and 60s music since she was a young child and how they would play live in the studio and wondered 'why can't I do that myself now?' Luckily, she had switched to a new label that was willing to make her vision a reality and we get the magnificent Free Me!
The album opens with the title track, Free Me. It has a mellow bossa nova beat with her honey-sweet voice dancing over it with a relaxing melody. The chorus (softly) erupts euphoric plea for love and freedom.
Then comes my favorite track, Maybe. It continues the bossa nova sound, with a bit more tempo. I love how energetic yet smooth it is!
I'll Be There is an adult contemporary/pop crossover. Starts off slow with some guitar and soft vocals and then does another soft eruption into the chorus. Throughout the album, her vocals are simply euphoric when we get that multi-layered harmony! The pre-chorus is fantastic as well.
Tomorrow is a bit on the cheesy side, almost sounds like a children's song during the chorus. Still sounds good, but not quite as great as the tracks that precede.
Breathing displays the french pop influence with a bossa nova beat. At first it is not as gripping as the previous tracks either, but as the song builds, the energy goes up and it is a great dramatic dance track.
Crickets Sing For Anamaria is a cover of a Brazilian samba song. Generally, there is a lot of fun energy here and I like a lot of elements. Unfortunately, the hurried and repetitive nature of the chorus is a big turn off for me and gets old quickly! To their credit, they do use some traditional Brazilian instruments and elements.
No Sign of Life has some great 60s instruments going on, especially what may be a tuba? Some sort of wind instrument in the beginning anyway! Lots of dramatic strings, the vocals are absolutely gorgeous especially in the chorus.
Who the Hell Are You is the most modern sounding track so far, although it still sounds rooted in the late 90s rather than the mid 2000s. I love the energy though! It is a bit edgier, with a slight rock sensibility but still very much pop. The chorus is a call and response with herself which adds some fun pacing.
Lay Your Love On Me is another favorite, another great bossa nova beat and melody! The melody in the chorus is driving and makes me want to spin all around the living room personally.
Amazing is a slow ballad duet, which is a bit on the boring side for me and almost sounds like something out of a Disney movie.
You Are is pretty slow and boring as well, although the bossa nova beat injects some much needed energy and it has a bit more of an uptempo melody.
The album ends on a mellow note with Something So Beautiful. The opening strings are so 60s! Another slow song, but she does sound very very beautiful.
These last few songs have made me decide that this is a great album to play when you are getting ready to wind down for the night! We get some great energy for the most part and then the last few songs are mellow and her voice is dreamy enough to put you in that headspace to be ready for a peaceful slumber.
The album is produced beautifully and executed her vision to revive certain genres from the 60s very well! Definitely worth checking out.
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Realme Note 60 | New Phone Review 2024 #realme #note60 #shorts #shortsviral
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San Felice 2019 Il Grigio Chianti Classico Riserva

Black cherry, violet, tobacco, leather and coffee notes emerge slowly alongside whiffs of grilled rosemary and barnyard. Shy, stuttering. Ripe dark fruit reigns over umami-infused palate bolstered by Castelnuovo concentration and dusty tannins. Sound acidity keeps it juicy rather than fleshy. Solid value and potential for the price, Hopkins's Hannibal would approve. After all, this Chianti was his blink-and-you-miss-it pick in 2001 sequel. — ★★★
Appellation: Chianti Classico Region: Chianti, Toscana, Italy Subzone: Castelnuovo Berardenga Cépage: 100% Sangiovese Abv: 13.5% Production: 320,000 Élevage: 24 months in 60-90hl Slavonian oak casks (80%) and French barriques (20%), another 6 months in bottle Distributor: Luen Heng
Critic Reviews:
This has an initially shy nose that slowly reveals whiffs of camphor, underbrush, coconut and pipe tobacco. The tight, linear palate offers dried cherry, steeped prune, licorice and powdered sage alongside dusty, drying tannins. Kerin O'Keefe (Wine Enthusiast, 05/2022) 90
The 2019 Chianti Classico Riserva Il Grigio da San Felice is vibrant, fleshy and super-expressive. Bright acids lend brightness as this mid-weight, translucent Riserva opens in the glass. Crushed flowers, sweet red berry fruit, cinnamon, leather and rose petal are nicely layered. The 2019 is not a big Riserva, but it is elegant and impeccable in its balance. Drink 2022-2029. Antonio Galloni (Vinous Media, 07/2022) 90
This is a terrific value. Showing a lively but saturated ruby color, the San Felice 2019 Chianti Classico Riserva Il Grigio offers a flurry of aromas, including red fruit, dried cherry, grilled rosemary, crushed stone and wet brick. The wine is all Sangiovese, although a pinch of Pugnitello is used in some vintages, with only the best berries selected by an optical sorter. The wine's label features artwork by Tiziano (the painter also known as Titian), featuring a heroic figure that brought military victory to Siena. This vintage is especially vertical and forthcoming compared to past editions. Drink 2022-2028. Monica Larner (Wine Advocate, 02/2023) 93
This juicy red revolves around a cherry core, with accents of earth, mint, stone and tobacco. Balanced, needing another couple of years to hit its stride. Best from 2024 through 2038. 26,600 cases made, 6,100 cases imported. Bruce Sanderson (Wine Spectator, 06/2022) 92
Moving into a more serious realm, the 2019 Chianti Classico Riserva Il Grigio is flush with savory black licorice, fresh leather, and kirsch. It has impeccable balance and length between its concentrated core of sweet fruit, with ripe tannins, warming spice, and notes of blood orange, cherry compote, and cedar. This fantastic release from San Felice casts a net for lovers of classic and more modern sensibilities alike at a great price. Drink 2024-2036. Jeb Dunnuck (Jeb Dunnuck, 01/2023) 93
#wine#red#italy#toscana#chianti classico#castelnuovo berardenga#san felice#sangiovese#2019#wine review
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Google Working to Fix Gemini AI as CEO Sundar Pichai Calls Some Responses 'Unacceptable'

Google is working to fix its Gemini AI tool, CEO Sundar Pichai told employees in a note on Tuesday, saying some of the text and image responses generated by the model were "biased" and "completely unacceptable".The company had last week paused the use of its tool that creates images of people following inaccuracies in some historical depictions generated by it.Pichai told employees that some of the tool's responses offended its users and had shown bias."Our teams have been working around the clock to address these issues. We're already seeing a substantial improvement on a wide range of prompts... And we'll review what happened and make sure we fix it at scale," he said.The company now plans to relaunch Gemini AI in the next few weeks. News website Semafor first reported the news, which was later confirmed by a Google spokesperson.Since the launch of Microsoft-backed OpenAI's ChatGPT in November 2022, Alphabet-owned Google has been racing to create a rival AI software.It released the generative AI chatbot Bard a year ago. Earlier this month Google renamed it Gemini and rolled out paid subscription plans, which users could choose for better reasoning capabilities from the AI model.Last week, social media platform Reddit struck a deal with Google to make its content available for training the search engine giant's artificial intelligence models.The contract with Alphabet-owned Google is worth about $60 million (roughly Rs. 497 crore) per year, according to a source familiar with the matter.The deal underscores how Reddit, which is preparing for a high-profile stock market launch, is seeking to generate new revenue amid fierce competition for advertising dollars from the likes of TikTok and Meta Platform's Facebook.© Thomson Reuters 2024Google I/O 2023 saw the search giant repeatedly tell us that it cares about AI, alongside the launch of its first foldable phone and Pixel-branded tablet. This year, the company is going to supercharge its apps, services, and Android operating system with AI technology. We discuss this and more on Orbital, the Gadgets 360 podcast. Orbital is available on Spotify, Gaana, JioSaavn, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music and wherever you get your podcasts. Affiliate links may be automatically generated - see our ethics statement for details.For details of the latest launches and news from Samsung, Xiaomi, Realme, OnePlus, Oppo and other companies at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, visit our MWC 2024 hub. Read the full article
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aquapeace review-(((DANGER)))-aquapeace customer review | aquapeace hone...
Aquapeace Hearing Health and Tinnitus Relief Supplement Review
In the realm of hearing health and tinnitus relief, the market is brimming with products promising miracles. Among the myriad options, Aquapeace stands out as a beacon of hope for those seeking a natural and effective solution. This comprehensive review delves into the depths of what sets Aquapeace apart, examining its ingredients, benefits, and user experiences. Let’s navigate the waters of auditory wellness together.
Understanding Aquapeace: A Brief Overview
Aquapeace is not just another supplement; it's a dedicated effort to address the challenges of hearing impairment and persistent ringing in the ears. Crafted with a blend of carefully chosen natural ingredients, this supplement aims to offer relief and support to those grappling with auditory issues.
Key Ingredients that Make a Difference
The potency of any supplement lies in its ingredients, and Aquapeace doesn't disappoint. The formulation includes a harmonious blend of vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts known for their positive effects on hearing health.
Ginkgo Biloba: Renowned for its antioxidant properties, Ginkgo Biloba is a stalwart defender against oxidative stress, a common contributor to age-related hearing loss.
Vitamin B12: A crucial vitamin for nerve health, B12 plays a pivotal role in maintaining the myelin sheath that protects nerves, including those involved in hearing.
Zinc: Known for its immune-boosting properties, zinc contributes to overall ear health and may play a role in preventing tinnitus.
Folate: An essential B-vitamin, folate supports the nervous system and may contribute to reducing the risk of hearing loss.
Magnesium: Often referred to as nature’s relaxant, magnesium may help alleviate the symptoms of tinnitus by promoting relaxation in the auditory pathway.
Melatonin: Known for its role in regulating sleep, melatonin in Aquapeace may aid in providing a restful night’s sleep, crucial for overall health and well-being.
((ATTENTION)) official website link: https://cutt.ly/aquapeaceorigonalwebsite
Aquapeace beckons those in search of a holistic solution to hearing health issues. The promise of natural relief draws attention.
Delving into the science behind Aquapeace’s ingredients sparks interest. Understanding how each component contributes to auditory well-being adds credibility.
The testimonials and success stories shared by Aquapeace users create a desire for relief. The prospect of a life with improved hearing becomes tangible.
The call to action is clear – try Aquapeace risk-free. The 60-day money-back guarantee instills confidence, urging potential users to take the first step toward auditory wellness.
Real People, Real Results: Aquapeace User Experiences
No review is complete without the voices of those who have walked the path. Users of Aquapeace have reported a spectrum of positive outcomes. From diminished tinnitus sounds to heightened clarity in hearing, the testimonials paint a picture of hope and success.
John from California shares, “I’ve struggled with tinnitus for years. Aquapeace has been a game-changer. The ringing is significantly lower, and I can enjoy moments of silence again.”
Sarah from New York adds, “I was skeptical at first, but after a few weeks, I noticed a substantial improvement. My audiologist was surprised at the positive changes in my hearing test results.”
Such firsthand accounts contribute to the credibility of Aquapeace, reassuring potential users that relief is not a distant dream but an achievable reality.
Cautionary Notes: Navigating the Seas of Online Purchases
While Aquapeace sails as a trustworthy vessel in the supplement seas, caution is advised when navigating the treacherous waters of online purchases. Counterfeit products masquerading as the real deal are unfortunately common. To safeguard against such perils, it is imperative to purchase Aquapeace exclusively from the official website. The link is provided in the description below.
Optimizing Your Journey to Auditory Wellness
Using Aquapeace optimally is not just about popping a pill; it's a commitment to holistic well-being. Consistency is key. Taking the recommended dosage diligently ensures that your body receives the nourishment it needs to combat auditory challenges. Results may vary, but the 60-day trial period allows for a risk-free exploration of Aquapeace’s potential benefits.
Final Verdict: Harmony in Auditory Health
In the symphony of supplements promising auditory relief, Aquapeace resonates with authenticity and efficacy. Its natural composition, coupled with a robust satisfaction guarantee, positions it as a beacon for those seeking harmony in auditory health. Take the plunge, prioritize your hearing, and let Aquapeace be the gentle wave of relief you've been seeking.
((ATTENTION)) official website link: https://cutt.ly/aquapeaceorigonalwebsite
In conclusion, Aquapeace emerges as a holistic solution, offering a melody of hope to those navigating the seas of auditory challenges. Remember, your journey to auditory wellness begins with a single step – choose Aquapeace and embark on the path to harmonious hearing.
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small businesses can take advantage of AI to respond to customer
Hoist ANY Business
First-to-Market Savvy AutoBots Learns Your Business
also, Lifts Changes in under 60 Seconds!
According to a Hubspot report, 82% of customers think it's important to get a response right away when they ask about marketing and sales. 90% of customers think it's important to get a response right away when they ask about customer service. Do you know what "immediate" means?
10 Minutes or less..
Indeed! Believe it or not.. 10 Minutes or less!
As a client, In the event that I can't find the solution to my inquiry inside a brief time frame, I will take my business somewhere else..
Organizations and all the more explicitly independent ventures are losing deals, passing up developing their rundown and have lower commitment rates since they are not accessible for the clients when they need them the most..
Imagine a scenario where this can be changed.
Imagine a scenario where private ventures can exploit simulated intelligence to answer client inquiries 24x7 and even keep them blissful post buy by noting every one of the habitually clarified pressing issues thus substantially more..
Clutch that idea..
Entrepreneurs nod off however Organizations don't..
It is illogical and humanly unrealistic for anybody to be web based addressing questions clients or possibilities might have..
In any case, in the realm of Moment Satisfaction, your possibilities and clients truly do anticipate moment replies..
In the past this was crossed over by ChatBots which gave answers in view of specific watchwords..
How about we be practical - We as a whole realize you will just get standard reactions with ChatBots..
However, with the approach of man-made intelligence, things are evolving!
Normal Language Handling abilities have opened up an expanse of potential outcomes!
Imagine a scenario where in only a couple of moments you can make artificial intelligence AutoBots that can respond to questions better compared to a help Specialist who you need to prepare for quite some time.
Utilizing simulated intelligence has become exceptionally normal..
I'm certain you as of now use ChatGPT to do basic errands and get your inquiries addressed..
Could you have your own ChatGPT like Chatbot that has been prepared to address questions connected with your Business?
How cool is that..
This is Currently Conceivable with computer based intelligence AutoBots Master..
It will take in a real sense seconds to make a completely educated AutoBot well defined for your Business and implant it on your site..
With this..
Handle Client Questions 24 x 7
Handle deals and showcasing questions on site in any event, when you are away
Helps Commitment
Create Leads
Book Arrangements
Gather Input
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LivPure: An Extensive Review of a Natural Weight Loss Solution
If you're searching for a safe and natural solution to shed those extra pounds, LivPure might be the ideal supplement for you. In this comprehensive review, we will delve into the factors that have established LivPure as a reputable name in the realm of weight loss supplements.
Addressing the Underlying Causes of Weight Gain
LivPure reviews indicate that this supplement effectively tackles the root causes of weight gain, particularly in the abdominal region. The creators of LivPure have identified ceramides as toxic lipid molecules that can hinder weight loss progress, even with rigorous exercise routines and extreme diets. By incorporating LivPure into your daily routine, you can achieve optimal results without resorting to invasive and costly surgical procedures.
Safe and Effective Weight Loss with Natural Ingredients
LivPure contains a carefully selected blend of natural ingredients that have been scientifically validated to aid in weight loss and boost metabolism. In addition to promoting weight loss, it stimulates metabolism, reduces accumulated belly fat, and regulates cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Users have reported experiencing the benefits of LivPure within the first few days of use, especially when following the recommended three-month treatment plan.
Convenient and Easy to Use
LivPure reviews also highlight the convenience of consuming this supplement. It can be easily mixed with water, juice, or even vitamins and taken each morning. This safe and natural supplement enhances metabolic reactions in the body, intensifying the fat-burning process while curbing calorie formation. It encourages the body to utilize stored fat and calories as an energy source, leading to a slimmer and healthier physique.
Mechanism of Action
LivPure promotes metabolic reactions in the body, amplifying the fat-burning process while inhibiting the formation of new calories. It stimulates the body to burn existing fat stores and calories, resulting in noticeable weight loss and reduced belly fat. Regular use of LivPure has yielded significant results for many individuals.
Hassle-Free Refund Policy
LivPure offers a hassle-free refund policy, allowing dissatisfied customers to request a full reimbursement within 60 days of their initial purchase. It's important to note that LivPure is exclusively available for purchase on the official website to ensure safety and authenticity.
In Conclusion: A Highly Regarded Weight Loss Supplement
In conclusion, LivPure reviews attest to its effectiveness and user-friendly nature as a safe and natural weight loss supplement. If you are facing weight loss challenges, we highly recommend giving LivPure a try. To purchase LivPure, please visit the official website. Thank you for taking the time to read this LivPure review!
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Ulanzi J12 Wireless Lavalier Microphone System Unboxing, Review
Ulanzi J12 Wireless Lavalier Microphone System Audio Video Voice Recording Mic for iPhone Or Android Mobile Phone Laptop PC Live.
Unboxing From Aliexpress


Ulanzi J12 Wireless Lavalier Microphone System
Discount Price Here https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_Dn5PM9b
Model: J12
Product weight: 69g
Product material: ABS
Transmission distance: 20m/65ft
Sound delay: ≤25ms
Headphone monitoring: support
Endurance: 6h
Transmitter battery capacity: 80mAh
Rechargeable case battery capacity: 800mAh
Adapter: 5V/1A
Connection mode: automatically connected when the power on
Package List:
Box * 1
Mic transmitter *2
Receiver *1
Charging cable *1
How to use ?
Step 1:
Android Phone need Download third-party app,Like opencamera cinema-FV and other apps you like.In addition, some Android phones need to set up to use the external microphone input and open the mic permission after downloading the APP (such as Xiaomi, Huawei and other mobile phones), because the default input is the system microphone, it will not call J12
Step 2: Plug the receiver into the phone
Step 3: Turn on the mic transmitter
Step4:wait for connect then use it .
* Note: OPPO/VIVO/IQOO/Realme and other brands of cell phones need to go to the settings to search "OTG"and open it, then can be used normally
if you want to use it on pc and laptop,pls use USB-A to USB-C adapter(not included )



Discount Price Here https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_Dn5PM9b
Q1 :Does this USB-C Port item work with GoPro,DJI,insta360 and other USB-C Camera Devices?
A: Sorry,this item can only use for phone and Laptop,it can not use for Camera Devices
Q2: Does this item work on PC and Laptop?
A: yes,but you need buy a USB-A to USB-C adapter(not in the package)
Q3:What should I do if there is noise when I turn on the microphone?
A;Firstly,Test that two T devices can be automatically connected to the R device.Double-click to mute, triple-click to reverberate mode, click once for first-level noise reduction, click for second-level noise reduction, and click for third-level noise reduction. Click the fourth time to turn off noise reduction; in addition, when the noise reaches 60 decibels, it cannot be reduced. If it is too large, it will be recognized as the main sound (same as our voice, when the sound is very small, it will be regarded as noise)
Q4:I bought the wrong port by mistake? what can i do ?
A: If the parcel still not ship ,pls apply cancel it right now ,otherwise it will been shipped directly by system ;if the parcel already on the way ,you can contact me sell the receiver to you at the cost price
Q5:My Product Not working, what should i do?
A:Firstly, i recommend you can check with the use steps in our link,Secondly,if still not work,pls tell me your phone model and send a video,i will helo solve it.
Q5:How long is the warranty period?
A:1 year warranty . and the quality problem can replace new item
Q6:I do not receive the parcel, how to solve it ?
A:Hello, firstly, i recommend you check the track information , if delivery failed , you can contact local post office get it, if lost ,please open a dispute
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Winter’s Time - Prologue
Author’s Note: Hi! It's been almost a year since I posted a new fic. A lot has happened in my life and I honestly lost inspiration to write for months until recently. Lately I have been watching HBO’s The Time Traveler’s Wife, and despite the mix reviews about, I genuinely like it and am hooked. This fic will be inspired by it (not entirely a copycat, just that it involves time travel and meeting your soulmate), and will be multi-chaptered.
Blurb: After 60 blissful years of marriage with the love of his life, time hit Bucky with a hard slap. His wife took her last breath peacefully on their shared bed, while he’s stuck still slowly aging. That is, until an old friend from Wakanda offers him an opportunity to visit her from different timelines of their relationship.
It’s been six months since he had to wake up every morning to an empty bed. Six months since he could only hear your voice in his head and through recordings, and feel like your presence is real in his dreams. Willing himself to get up, he begrudgingly went to the bathroom for a shower.
James Buchanan Barnes did not have an easy life. Ever since he fell from that train, he hasn’t stopped fighting. Fighting under the command of others, fighting to be free, and fighting for what’s moral in his books. But perhaps the most worthwhile one he’s been in was when he was fighting for you.
He got a taste of the closest thing to normal the world could offer someone like him when he met you. And while those sixty years were when he was the happiest, what now? Where does a man in his 160s but looks to be in his 40s go from here?
You’ve always joked about how you starting to look much older than him would cause him to just leave you in a retirement home, but he’d chuckle and place a kiss on your temple, whispering assurances in your ears. Because aside from him being a proper gentleman and a wonderful husband, he swore his soul is forever tied to yours.
The first two months since your funeral, he’s shut himself alone in your shared home. Friends tried to reach out but respected his time to grieve properly. He’s spent it around the house, reading your favorite books and wondering how certain chapters would’ve made you feel, looking through pictures and knickknacks you had around the house that were taken home from every travel, and just letting himself cry when it got too much.
Stepping out of the shower, even the simple task of choosing an outfit to wear reminds him of how you loved mixing and matching his clothes for him. With a heavy sigh, he chose a simple dark shirt and jacket, along with dark pants. Today he was going to see Shuri at Wakanda per her request. She’s paid her respects to you during the funeral, and he’s taking her invitation for a visit to Wakanda as her way to check up on him.
Greeting familiar faces on his way to the princess’ lab, when the doors finally opened, he was taken back by the strange platform in the middle of the room. Shuri, sensing his presence, turns around and greets him. The
“Ah! It’s so good to see you, White Wolf.” She takes a long look at him which reminds him of how his own mother then would check up on him. “Though I’d be lying if I say that you look good. But I understand. Come look.” She gestures for him to come closer to show him what she’s working on.
Approaching her and the tablet she’s holding, he sees that the screen shows a bunch of numbers and some other new features he couldn’t wrap his head around.
“What are you working on?” He finally asked.
“Has anyone told you about the Pym Particles?” she asked, taking slow steps around the platform device in front of him.
“Yeah. I heard they were used by the avengers who didn’t get snapped to time travel and collect the stones. Why?” at this point, he was skeptical of what could come out next of his friend's mouth.
“That’s correct.” she nods. “The Pym particles allowed them to shrink to subatomic size and enter the Quantum Realm. I’m so glad you're saving me the time from explaining a lot.” she grins at him.
She pauses from walking in circles and finally faces him again. “This machine right here is similar to the one they used to travel through time. Only that its smaller, and well... looks a lot better.” She beams smugly and walks over to the nearest table. “And I’ll save you the science talk about how this works, but essentially, Pym Particles are no need for this baby. All you need...” she walks over to a safe and opens it, revealing a small syringe.
Bucky steps back. “Woah, woah, woah. What is that for?”
Shuri smiles at him apologetically. "I'm sorry, I should’ve explained more. How do I simplify this...” She pauses for a second. “Have you seen the movie ‘In Time?’”
“Yeah.” He answers quietly, recalling how you made him watch it once during a date night at home.
“Well, it's quite similar but also a whole lot different from that. You see, once I inject this to a host, you would be able to control which timeline you’d like to visit, right on your forearm” she explains.
“Okay, so what does anything of this have to do with me?” He had a hunch, knowing her all these years have made him predict her better.
She looks at him sheepishly before continuing. “It’s not quite perfect yet. And I wanted to ask if you’d like to do tests?’
“No.” he scowls and turns around ready to leave the lab, and Wakanda itself when she called out to him again.
“You can visit your wife, White Wolf!” He stops in his tracks. Still not turning to face her again, she continues. “Any timeline from her past, even the ones where you haven’t met yet.”
“I wish I met you earlier.” you’d tell him occasionally, the admiration and love heavy in your eyes. All for him.
Finally facing Shuri again, he takes a long look at the machine, and the syringe she’s still holding. The last six months without you have been awful. And it’s like the universe heard his cries and decided he’s suffered for too long in his life.
“What are the risks?”
I’m a little rusty on writing here lol. Let me know what you think!
#bucky#Bucky Barnes#james buchanan barnes#bucky barnes x reader#james bucky barnes#bucky angst#bucky barnes angst#bucky barnes fluff#bucky barnes au#bucky barnes fanfiction#bucky barnes imagine#MCU fanfiction#the winter soldier#the winter solider imagine#the white wolf#Wakanda#Shuri#mcu au#Steve Rogers
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Royals, republicanism and reparations: Wessexes feel the heat in Caribbean
Weeks after William and Kate’s controversial Caribbean tour, more nations signal plans to ditch the monarchy
Shanti Das
Sun 1 May 2022 12.00 (CEST)
Follow Shanti Das
Sitting across from the prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda last week, partway through a royal tour to celebrate the Queen’s platinum jubilee, Prince Edward laughed awkwardly. Gaston Browne had just asked the prince whether he and his wife Sophie would use their “diplomatic influence” to push for the payment of slavery reparations to Britain’s former colonies. “We believe that all human civilisation should understand the atrocities that took place,” the Caribbean nation’s political leader told the Queen’s youngest son.
In the same meeting came a second blow. “One day,” the prime minister told the couple, Antigua and Barbuda – a former British colony where the Queen is still the head of state – would cut ties with the monarchy and become a republic. Prince Edward shuffled nervously in his seat. “I wasn’t keeping notes, so I’m not going to give you a complete riposte,” he said. “But thank you for your welcome today.”
Protesters in St Vincent
Protesters in St Vincent during the royal visit last week. Photograph: Kenton X Chance/I-Witness News
The painful exchange was one in a series of historic moments in the Earl and Countess of Wessex’s week-long tour of the Caribbean, the second royal tour to the region in two months to be mired in controversy.
By the end of the trip last Thursday, two Commonwealth nations had indicated their intention to cut ties with the royal family and become republics. St Kitts and Nevis also revealed its plan to review its ties with the monarchy.
“The advancement of the decades has taught us that the time has come for St Kitts and Nevis to review its monarchical system of government and to begin the dialogue to advance to a new status,” Shawn Richards, deputy prime minister, told reporters.
Prince Edward meets Gaston Browne, prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda
Prince Edward meets Gaston Browne, prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda. Photograph: Stuart C Wilson/Getty Images
The declarations follow similar moves by other Commonwealth realms, several of which signalled their own plans to cut ties with the monarchy following a separate tour of the Caribbean by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in March.
During that tour, William and Kate were accused of harking back to colonial days after they shook hands with crowds behind a wire mesh fence in Jamaica, and rode in the back of a Land Rover like the Queen did 60 years ago. Protesters accused them of benefiting from the “blood, tears and sweat” of slaves, while in the Bahamas they were urged to acknowledge the British economy was “built on the backs” of slaves and to pay reparations.
Jamaica’s prime minister Andrew Holness told William and Kate that his country was “moving on” and may be the next to become a republic, while a minister from Belize said it was time to “take the next step in truly owning our independence”.
The latest declarations mean six of the 14 countries beyond the UK that have the Queen as head of state have now indicated that they want to remove her – Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Belize, Grenada, Jamaica and St Kitts and Nevis.
If they do they will join countries including Trinidad, Guyana, Dominica and most recently Barbados, which became the world’s newest republic in November.
The royal tours have also led to renewed calls for reparations – an acknowledgement of the history of enslavement and payment for the damage – from Britain and the monarchy, even from countries with no current plans to cut ties with the Queen.
In St Vincent and the Grenadines – which held a referendum on becoming a republic in 2009 that failed to pass when 55% of voters voted against such a move, and has no current plans for another vote – protesters as well as supporters greeted Edward and Sophie during their visit.
“This wrong was done against a sector of the human race by another and this wrong must be compensated,” said Idesha Jackson, 47, one protester who came out during the Wessexes’ visit.
The controversy has led to concern at the Palace. After returning to the UK in March, Prince William acknowledged the monarchy’s days in the Caribbean may be numbered. “‘I know that this tour has brought into even sharper focus questions about the past and the future,” he said, adding that the future was “for the people to decide upon”.
On Saturday it was reported that after getting home William and Kate summoned senior staff for a meeting to “clear the air”, with a source telling the Mirror they felt they had been “poorly prepared”. “If they aren’t in tune with what is going on in the world they will be left fighting for their futures,” the source said.
For now, future royal tours would be “unwise”, said Peter Hunt, the former BBC royal correspondent.
“The world has moved on in the wake of the Windrush scandal and Black Lives Matter,” he said. “Any future trips would be unwise. The role of Britain and the monarchy in the slave trade would feature, and the royals appear ill-equipped to rise to the occasion.”
#royals#brf#colonialism#abolish the monarchy#prince william#kate middleton#prince edward#sophie wessex#duke of cambridge#duchess of cambridge#caribbean
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#don’t see the willow getting quieter but as much but ig that’s more we haven’t rlly seen her down bad for hunter yet in the same way we have
My Top Posts in 2022:
Never gonna be over how willow met hunter. She really just saw this guy, thought he would be good for her team, and decided the best course of action was to pluck him out of the air with vines and shake his hand with godlike force. Iconic
210 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
I hope belos is still alive in the human realm actually. I want him to seethe seeing hunter crushing on willow. They hold hands and his sad little mush body explodes. History repeats itself
299 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
All I’m saying is that if the first blush hunter had at willow was so small lots of people missed it…

Then the next was more noticeable…
And the most recent two he was blushing ear-to-ear…
See the full post
335 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
hunter laying in bed kicking his legs n smiling writing “hunter park” in his notebook with a glittery gel pen
359 notes - Posted July 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022

sorry this is the only thing I can think of every time I see this post on my dash
551 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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