#realised I never posted this like a month a go whoops
ja3hwa · 3 months
♡ 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 | 𝐊.𝐘𝐒 ♡
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【Synopsis】 : You make a friend... A very... Spiritual one.
『Word count』 : 665
-> Genre: Romance, Thriller.  
Pairing: Poltergeist!Yeosang x Religious!Reader
[Warnings] : Death, Rituals, violence. Ghosts. Religion. Hints of romance. Witchy business, hehe. Cute little note passing? Yeosang is a little cutie. I swear, hehe.
Note : Just a little something, something for Sangies bday. I almost forgot to post this... so... whoops, hehe. ♡♡♡ Happy birthday, yeosang!!
Networks : @newworldnet @blossomnet
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I had an idea while doing some research. And i found something interesting, so i had a thought. What if one of the boys was this witch (I thought of Yeosang sinc it's his birthday and he would fit this so well arghhh).
Yeosang was the rival of a noble family that managed to wipe out his whole family. Through years of a family affair war and death on both sides, Yeosang was eventually caught by the noble family and put to death by being burned at the stake. They trailed him as a witch.. necromancer, in fact.
And he vowed to rue the day they took his life. Never screaming as they set him a flame. This angered the family. Wanting to cause the ultimate pain and show off their power towards the witch, they buried Yeosang facing down, performing the ritual of their church.
He shall not rest. Not move on. Find no peace. He shall forever walk this plane until the worlds dying breath.
Yeosang didn't take this too kindly, and of course, if the nobles wanted to play a game, he would play it also.
He picked them off one by one. Using his newfound power as an undead worlock. He set his plan into action, picking off each and every one of the scum in the noble family. He brought fear to the married couple that damned him, causing terror with every step they took. He was going to kill everyone around them first before he neared them. Letting them know they one day they will be next and they would never be able to stop him.
He wanted them to feel what he felt when they took his loved ones away. One by one. They were terrified and questioned, and then their death would arrive. They tried to hide their kids, shield them from their cruel past, but Yeosang didn't care for the young children.
Not even their eldest....you...or so he thought.
He enjoyed scaring them. All the kids, but he couldn't scare you. Throwing objects, leaving dead things around your room. Even setting your curtains a light. Nothing even caused a peep out of you.
You were different.
He started to watch you late at night. At first, of course, it was to try and find what might scare you. But he found something way more interesting than scare material... You were studying the brothers grimm in secret. A young christian reading the devils work.
Oh, how this intrigued him.
He spent many nights watching you try to perform small but effective spells. A good luck spell to help you on your test. A protection charm that actually seemed to work given he could no longer connect with you on the physical plain. To say Yeosang was impressed was an understatement. He was almost proud of you in a way.
Your parents had reached out to a priest about a haunting problem. And he had suggested salt around the house. But you didn't put any on your window like your parents had begged. You knew Yeosang watched you while practicing spells. You wanted to teach yourself in hopes you could communicate with him.
You would try to speak aloud, starting one-sided conversations with him. He would sit there at your desk, drawing with your lipstick on the mirror. This would make you laugh. You ended up finding a piece of paper on a pencil so he could stop ruining your makeup.
You had both grown an attachment with one another without even realising. Both finding comfort from your lonely lives.
And as months went by and Yeosang kept killing other noble relatives and spending his nights watching you. He found himself growing tiresome of death and more interested with you. The cruelness of it all... he was falling for a mortal.
And little did he know you were falling for him too.
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everlasting-elegy · 2 years
What’s in a Name? | Scaramouche/Wanderer x Reader
The Wanderer has accumulated so many titles over the years, you wonder if you can give him one of your own.
Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, You’re not the Traveler, Slightly OOC? (Idk man just let me write my fluff 😭) Word Count: 1.2k Warning: This was loosely inspired by a potential leak for the 3.3 Archon Quest so please don’t read if you don’t want spoilers. Also not proofread WHOOPS A/N: I usually post on my laptop but I’ve only got my phone right now so the formatting’s a little off. I’ll fix it up once I get access to my laptop again 👍
“Stop that.”
“Stop what?”
“That staring. It’s disturbing.”
In truth you didn’t realise you were staring. You couldn’t help it when there was nothing else to do. The two of you had found a freshwater lake to recuperate at. Both of you situated on your respective rocks by the water, your gaze naturally drifted to him when he took up your mind.
Despite travelling together for months, the stubborn little man was somewhat of an enigma to you. But the mystery wasn’t his past - you were fortunate to have him finally open up to you - but what you two were. Months of wandering through Teyvat with no choice but to trust each other with your lives and you still had nothing to personally call him by.
You cleared your throat as you angled yourself towards him.
“So, uh, Scaramouche-“
“It’s Wanderer now.”
“Right, sorry. Force of habit. Can I ask-“
“No, you can not.”
“… Rude. Anyway, is Wanderer a new name? Or a title like ‘Balladeer’?”
“It’s a title.”
“Can I ask what your name is now?”
“… Wanderer is a title and name.”
He always thought he was slick, skirting around answers but he always conveyed more information than he realised. How his cold gaze went from hostile to distant but lonely all the same. He simply had no name, not anymore.
A title can only go so far. You remembered a time you met the fabled Traveler, and instead of calling them such, called them by their actual name the instant they entrusted it to you. You’d never forget the special glint in their eyes when they heard it.
How far could the blue themed man beside you last walking aimlessly across Teyvat with nothing to hold onto except for the very clothes on his back and hat on his head?
“Do you want a name?”
“What’s with all these questions?”
“I’m just curious. If you haven’t realised, your situation is pretty unique.”
“I told you the name is ‘Wanderer’.”
“That’s pretty lame.”
“You-“ His head snapped to you, face lit up in anger until he saw the teasing smile creeping up your face. He didn’t bother stifling his groan as he rolled his eyes and angled his head back to the ground.
“I’m figuring out a new one,” he replied.
“I could give you a name if you want.”
“What, are you worried I’m going to give you a stupid name?”
“I know you’re going to give me a stupid name.”
“I’ll have you know my pet seelie loves the name I gave them.”
“That isn’t reassuring.”
Pouting, you turned your full body to him.
“If not a name, can I give you another title then?”
He fell silent, facing forwards to the water as he averted your gaze. His face was unreadable but it was better than his perpetual scowl so that was a good sign, at least.
The Wanderer, hoping you have given up your antics, spared a glance at you only to snap it back to the water when your eyes met. He blames the scorching sun for his cheeks heating up, even though his hat shrouds his entire figure in shade.
“You don’t have to take the title up yourself,” you bargained. “Just a little thing I can call you myself.”
Scaramouche shot you a look that said if anything, that’s worse. But then after some contemplation and mutterings of ‘how the hell do I put up with you’ he shifts a little closer to you. As always, when it came to you he found himself relenting.
“Thank you, my love,” you beamed.
One second.
The Wanderer almost fell into the water.
“You-“ He’s nearly choking on air, dryly coughing into the back of his fist as he sat on the ground having fallen off his makeshift chair. “I- huh- what?!”
“Shhh, you’re going to wake up the entire forest at this rate,” you snickered before you leaned over him, offering a hand to him. He stared at it like it was a foreign appendage before batting your hand away and scrambling up on his own. Situating himself back on his rock, he angled himself away from both you and the water. You didn’t even bother to hide your crestfallen expression.
“Your attempts at humour are pathetic.”
“It wasn’t a joke.”
You faced him still, fighting how every fibre in your body was telling you to look away with how he scrutinised you over his shoulder. He needed to know you meant it, you prayed silently to the archons he knew from your face how genuine you were. But at the sound of his scowl you instantly moved away and faced out to the water.
It had been a long time since the Wanderer was given a title beyond one he set for himself. Of course, “Balladeer” was appointed by the Tsaritsa, but since when was such a title so affectionate? A title so personal, so full of warmth. His first title was the title of “friend”, given to him by someone he would call “friend” back.
And look where that got them. Look how such a title caused him to be left behind.
And now somewhat wants to call him “my love”? Especially you, of all people? The very one who has been transforming his perspective on the world even though he wanted to be stuck in his old ways? The sunlight wasn’t warm enough as a shiver went down his spine.
“No one has used such a title for me before,” he stated as he reoriented himself to face you again, heart cracking just a little at your dejected figure. You jumped at his voice, but you didn’t look at him, eyes focused on your hand that created ripples in the water that sparkled under the daylight. He wanted to continue and say that such titles are weak but his mouth only hung open. No more words came out, but why?
In his silence, you eventually came to face him. You tried to play off your smile as cheeky but he knew better. It was timid, masking over your true vulnerability and uncertainty.
“Well then, I can be the first…?”
His eyes were distant as he looked straight ahead at nothing in particular. On his face, a small but rare smile as he clicked his tongue in mock contemplation.
“Hm… I guess you can.”
Blinking, you shook your head in disbelief. Did you just hear that right? The Wanderer accepting the title you offered him? When you refocused on him, his head was down, hat tipped over his burning face as he looked away.
“We’ve rested long enough. We should keep moving...”
You nod dumbly, hurriedly moving past him to pack your items. As you brushed shoulders with him, your momentum sent a breeze against your ears, the gentle wind carrying a whisper.
“… my love.”
You whipped around to the source of the voice to see the Wanderer looking very amused. Wearing the widest smirk, you’d believe he was mocking you save for the rouge dusting his cheeks, how his icy irises were only thin rings against his dilated pupils.
“What? Cat got your tongue?”
You shook your head, not trusting your voice so you sent him a bright smile as response. A smile that he couldn’t help but mirror as he tipped his hat back down over his face.
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Genshin Impact Masterlist
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this post was initially gonna be like a lazy rant about how the Klaww Gang's team dynamics suck ass but the more i wrote the more i realised there's so much to discuss. so today let's discuss how the Klaww Gang's team dynamics suck ass but not on like surface-level y'know?
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i'm not even sure if the Klaww Gang qualifies as an actual gang because they barely even acknowledge each other? their interactions are very scarce. off the top of my head we get Rajan's party which they all attend apart from Dimitri (Dimitri attending Rajan's party would be so bizarre btw) and Jean Bison's phone call with Arpeggio. these are things friends do so maybe they should be the Klaww Friends ? i mean they have the sinister-looking conference room but we never see them hold a meeting there. moreover, they all act out of pure self-interest. they each got a Clockwerk part and just went on to do their own thing like counterfeit, drug production, etc. i mean what's even the point of forming a gang if their goal was to just split Clockwerk parts and then disband? did they have any other operations in the works? Arpeggio was planning on double-crossing the rest of the members anyway and he needed them to actually have the parts for his plan to come to fruition but still seems a bit pointless.
interesting question: how exactly did the Cairo Museum heist go down? was it like a group activity or pulled off by a single member? or did Arpeggio have Neyla break in and take them? because i can't imagine the Klaww Gang members coming together like an Ocean's movie to steal a bunch of robot owl parts? in fact, i can't imagine any of them stealing in the traditional like robber kinda way. with the exception of Bison and maybe Arpeggio, they're all shown to have some sort of prestige in their own part of the world: Dimitri was an established artist and nightclub owner and as shown in the comics hanged out with elitist socialites; the Contessa was a high-ranking Interpol officer; Rajan threw a lavish ball with hundreds of guests. like i wouldn't be surprised if the Klaww Gang members had institutional power. maybe they just bribed the museum to give them the parts?
and then there's the fact that they were a complete failure. i can't help but compare them to the Fiendish Five, who, let's admit it, won. they "won" in the sense that they achieved their goal. it's not like anyone stopped them. sure, Sly whooped their ass years later but they still killed ConnEr and split the Thievius Raccoonus. they went on with their lives until Sly grew up. like the first game is very much a revenge story. the Klaww Gang? not so much. the game takes place right after the Cairo Museum heist so all their scheming and plans could only take place for like maybe a couple of months max. and let's not forget they were also tricked by Neyla. flops.
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i'm not sure why but i also think the Fiendish Five can evade the criticisms highlighted above even though they were also a bunch of strangers? Clockwerk was a much more menacing boss than Arpeggio (if Arpeggio can even be considered a boss. more like a final member), like i don't think anyone from the Fiendish Five would dare question his plan or motivations. but also, i think there was an underlining sense of camaraderie when each of them warned us about the next one post-bossfight, like at least some respect. i can't say the same for the Klaww Gang, like i can't even imagine the Contessa, Jean Bison and Dimitri interacting with each other (and now i suddenly can't think of anything i need more in my life). Clockwerk feels like the Fiendish Five's employer and he brought them together to pull off something kinda sacred like continuing the cycle of raccoon murders. basically they got together and did a thing and that was it like they just casually went on with their lives after that. Clockwerk was immortal, for all we know and as i have previously theorised there could have been previous iterations of the Fiendish Five throughout history. just baddies recruited by Clockwerk to help him take down the Coopers.
so yea. the Klaww Gang very much sucked ass but !!! i think it was for the better. even if i compared them to the Fiendish Five, i feel like SP wanted to set the expectations by making it seem like we were going to receive something similar just to then have things go down very differently. the Klaww Gang is different because its members (were under the illusion that they) were autonomous. they weren't let in on the big picture (What is this with clocks, bro? Have you no vision?) and they all thought they were the gang's top dog. this made for something very different, especially when you throw Neyla and outlawed Carmelita into the mix. but their team dynamics still sucked ass.
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freeuselandonorris · 1 year
(for the writer asks here!)
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
hmmm. a lot of my fics are either for very niche pairings, niche fandoms or niche kinks, so I’m kind of used to posting into the void to an extent 😅
that said, two fics I’m particularly proud of that didn’t get huge traction are:
all the blood runs hot before it’s cold (F1 RPF, toto wolff/christian horner, christian horner/geri halliwell, E). look, i get it. it’s a weird fic about two very rich and quite obnoxious middle aged men being vile to each other, and one of them gets pegged by a spice girl. it’s not for everyone. but I love what I managed to do with that fic and I think it’s the one I’m proudest of overall in terms of showing off my actual writing ability.
crosstown traffic (our flag means death RPF, taika waititi/rhys darby, E). this one actually did okay for the bounds of a tiny fandom, given it was posted between seasons. but again, I feel like I did a decent job of making this a character study of LA Taika (as opposed to Aotearoa NZ Taika, a very different beast). I’ve actually been thinking about doing a sequel to this at some point, set during the filming of Flag S2, where I look at Aotearoa Taika in more depth, like a mirror image piece somehow.
I guess I haven’t entirely answered the question directly here but yeah, I think they’re the two I would be happiest for people to revisit!
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
oh god I have like…five WIPs on the go currently because I have poor impulse control.
so I’ve been working on a sequel to the toto/christian fic I mentioned above, set from toto’s POV this time (one of my favourite POVs to write from).
“You know,” Toto says. “I read this book over the winter break.”
“Oh dear,” Christian looks pained.
There’s something different about him today. In the intervening period since Toto was last alone with him, something has changed. He’s taking up the whole cradle of the armchair like he thinks he belongs there.
“It was about Mithridates,” Toto continues, ignoring Christian. “He was the ruler of Pontus in Anatolia in the first century BC. His father was assassinated at a banquet, and so Mithridates spent seven years in the wilderness, ingesting poisons at sub-lethal doses.”
“Right,” Christian says impatiently. “Why, exactly?” His fingers twitch against his thighs.
Toto leans back against the desk, legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles. The sharp edge cuts into his glutes. He flexes, letting the discomfort translate itself into another stirring of blood.
“He built up an immunity,” he says, and leans forward. His cock throbs with every beat of his heart. “Eventually, these repeated small exposures to the deadliest of poisons accumulated in his system. It no longer affected him.”
I also started writing girl!Lando/Oscar filth yesterday whoops
“Hey, Osc.” Lando drops her phone to her chest and fixes Oscar with a scrutinising gaze. She’s been sprawled on Oscar’s sofa for the past hour, feet up on his coffee table, gnawing on the beads of her bracelets and largely ignoring him. “You ever made a girl squirt?”
Jesus. Oscar should be used to this kind of thing by now, really, but it never stops startling him when Lando pipes up have you ever done spanking or did you know that you can train yourself out of a gag reflex if you like, really commit apropos of nothing.
“Uh,” Oscar says. “Nope. Can’t say I have. Have you?”
and wonderful OP I realise you might be glazed over now while I talk about motorsports fics when you followed me for Flag stuff! but the other day I remembered I got halfway through a Roach/Blackbeard cannibalism fantasy (look, it’s canon, alright) fic that I abandoned a few months ago. I’d like to go back to it at some point, though!
“They say you’ve tasted human flesh,” he says. The words are astonishing coming out of his mouth. He keeps his voice deliberately low, his words audible only to Blackbeard before the breeze and the waves wash them away.
“Do they, now,” Edward says, musing. He’s still smiling, but it’s changed now. He’s eyeing Roach speculatively; Roach feels pinned, like something to be inspected under glass. He forces himself to look up at meet Edward’s gaze, more boldly than he feels inside.
Edward leans a little closer, voice low. “Yeah, I’ve tasted flesh.”
Roach can’t stop the way his eyelids flutter, hearing it. He sucks in a breath. “You have?”
“Oh, yeah,” Blackbeard says, and tilts his head. “A man can work up all sorts of appetites under the right circumstances.”
thanks for asking! 💕
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coffeedrgn87 · 10 months
2023: Notes On Writing
It’s the 1st of December today, which means that 2023 is officially on its way out. 30 days left before 2024 takes over.
This post is me choosing to reflect on the writing I did throughout 2023, and it saddens me to realise that I didn’t do much writing at all. I had a quick glance at my AO3 stats and they tell me that my word count for the year stands at 96,633, spread out over six stories. One of those is an ongoing multi-chapter sequel to a series I’ve been writing on for a while.
While some may say that just under 97K is quite the achievement for 11 months, to me it feels like peanuts. Especially when I compare it to the nearly 518K words I wrote in 2022. This made me curious and interestingly, in 2021 I only wrote a little under 100K while I finished 2020 with 325K under my belt. 2019 was apparently my most prolific year with record-breaking 863K words. Even 2018, which marks the year I returned to writing (after an almost 7-year-long hiatus), beats 2023 by a whooping 50K (according to AO3 I published just under 149K in 2018).
Now, I know that numbers shouldn’t matter and that it should always be quality over quantity, but for someone who enjoys writing immensely, 97K feels like nothing. Granted, 2023 wasn’t the easiest year. A lot of big things happened for me this year and a lot of those things took a lot of time, required focus, and drained me mentally and physically.
Having said that, throughout the year there have been plenty of moments where I desperately wanted to write but didn’t have the energy to actually follow through. Those moments still hang about. I don’t really want them to, mainly because I do have a couple of good ideas, but also because the longer I feel this way, the harder it gets to give myself a good kick up the arse. I seem to be floating in a world between inspiration and writer’s block, and while I’m all for breaking the binary, I’d much rather stick around with my pals Inspiration and Muse.
If I’m being bluntly honest, when it comes to writing fanfiction the spark isn’t quite there any more. I wrote a lot of stories for the Harry Potter fandom, and I love the characters to bits (but also fuck you, JKR you absolute TERF!), but these days, I find it hard to write them. I’ve never felt part of the fandom, never even felt welcome, but I always carried on writing while simultaneously trying my hardest not to think too much about it. Not the easiest thing to do when you battle anxiety, are a complete hermit, get easily overwhelmed in group chats, and don’t have the best track record when it comes to confidence. Add to that that I’m far more likely to receive hate for my Harry Potter works, and what you’ve got is a slowly fraying rope.
Luckily, I was able to find solace in the Captive Prince fandom. Although, I did go into a tailspin just after finishing the trilogy. I questioned all my writing, was seconds away from deleting all my published works, and seriously considered never again using a keyboard for the express purpose of creating a fictional piece of writing.
That tailspin was short-lived though, and instead of following through on this mad idea of giving up writing altogether, I channelled all my fear, frustration, confusion, and anxiety into propelling my writing forward. I created a couple of works that gave me immense joy and propelled me forward, boosting my confidence. It wasn’t as though I was getting a ton of hits and a flood of comments, but there was something about those creations that drew me in in a way my older works never did and still don’t.
Personally, I feel like my writing has improved vastly over the last two years, and although it won’t ever be perfect (there’s no such thing!), I finally reached a stage where I am a different kind of proud. I want to nurture that pride, encourage it to grow, but I am seriously wondering whether writing fanfiction is going to give me that opportunity. I still enjoy penning the one or other short story, but the more I think about it, the fonder I become of the idea of devoting 2024 to the creation of a book. I want to write a queer, kinky, wholesome love story. I want to write something that represents the various parts that make me who I am. I’m still sceptical about the whole thing and my skills, but I feel like I’ve got to at least try. I mean, I don’t necessarily have to write the book with the intention of getting it published or self-publishing it, but I sense that this is the direction into which I’ve got to stretch my wings.
I’m not going to make it a resolution for the new year, that would be an idiotic idea, but I reckon it’s high tide for me to finally tick off an item that’s been sitting on my bucket list, catching dust, since I was an impressionable teen.
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greywaysart · 2 years
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Okay so, technically this one should have gone with the previous post as like, this series of images that just don't belong in their own post.
But also, consider:
I love my phoenix soul sorcerer daughter.
Her name is Arista and this is the first drawing I did of her. I need to draw her again some time (I drew her once after this) and maybe nail down her clothing a little more.
Arista is a Haunted One background Phoenix Soul Sorcerer. She was born as Agata Duricz to, oh, just the most famous assassin in the region, the legendary The Raven's Talon and an equally as famous hero adventurer who sooort of didn't know he was, you know, Lawful Evil. Oh and her dad Soooooort of made off with her in the night while her mom was cleaning up the mess he'd made of the guy she'd been hired to protect. It's fine! It's great! It's okay! This has no consequences whatsoever!
(There were consequences, my friends.)
While her father was an infamous assassin, he had different desires for her. He used his connections to the upper crust to get her the best a commoner child could get: Good education, a stable upbringing, healthy food.
And, once she'd set her nursery on fire with her budding magic, the best tutor in the city he'd fled to all those years ago. A lord or lady's hired sorcerer was his desired outcome for her.
With the fortune he'd amassed over the years he even had a large amount of time to spend with her, to instill morals into her that he never really found time to follow for himself.
And. Well. I'll let her character sheet say the rest:
A future life as the hired sorcerer to a lord or lady was not to be however, as she was abducted by the cult of [Talk To DM] at the age of eight. The cult saw in her (they thought) the signs of their hidden master, a forbidden deity of flames locked away since time immemorial. They thought she was their chosen one. Agata was taught to embrace the flames, an easy task to give a child who would set things alight for the delight of it, training her to give into destructive whims.
All was going according to their plans until they saw fit to have her take part in a sacrifice, to set ablaze the pyre upon which a 'traitor' pleaded for their life. Rather than fear or joy at the action, Agata felt unease. Her father had impressed upon her that taking a life, while necessary, was not something to be done for the sake of amusement, a sentiment echoed by her tutor. After much thought she came to realise that by killing someone, you took away someone else's father, or tutor, or important person.
Empathy may not have been her favourite discovery in life, but it lead to her keeping her head even as the cult tried (and in some cases, succeeded) to twist her into something unrecognisable. It led to her understanding that what they were trying to unleash was awful, far worse than she'd imagined.
After months and months of preparation, Agata left the cult behind in flames, praying every soul perished so their dirty work couldn't be continued, but not staying around long enough to find out.
In the three years since, she has come to the name Arista, changed her appearance wildly, and traveled far from both home and where she started, all in service of a new life. A life without the expectations of housing a dark god."
So anyway she's loosely based off of ANOTHER one of my OCs (the cult background, yep. She and Ruby share a background) put into a D&D setting and I love her.
Oh, and, the phonix soul thing?
See, before her mom realised she was pregnant, she saved a phoenix, but died in the process. The phoenix revived her (and her child with her) and whoops that's a magic baby, folks!
Anyway I have yet to play her in a game but I love her. I partially love that she both does not know how to be a normal person (and thus became an adventurer) but also REALLY wants to not be found, two traits that ultimately conflict with each other.
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minhomygod · 6 years
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Minsung shenanigans
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holychocopie · 2 years
Bodyguard!Sanemi x F!Reader - part 2
Getting bullied at school 😭
Authors' notes: I am so sooooo SO sorry it took so long for me to update. I went on holidays to from New Zealand to France then back, 18.000km, 30 hours flight... Before that I had to pack and organise, then I was so jetlagged for 2 weeks after that!! Now I'm also job-hunting so I'm busy af. But hey, part 2 is finally here, and part 3 is half way done so hopefully it will be posted by the end of the month! Bear with me friends 💗 Warnings: F!Reader, swearing (as per usual), R-word, mention and depiction of bullying (I tried to keep it soft-ish), not proof-read Word count: 1812 Intro - Part 1 - Masterlist
After the fiasco of your last shopping trip, you decided to take your little war against Bodyguard!Sanemi down a notch. All things considered, he isn’t that bad. As long as you mind your own business and follow his rules, he will remain nothing but a discreet shadow.
School, on the other hand, has become a problem.
There is a new transfer girl and she wants it all. Her name : Ume.
She’s not as rich as you (not many people are, even in the elite school where your parents signed you up), but in a matter of days, she’s become definitely more popular.
You don't mind too much at first; you have always been the weird one after all, the dork with only a handful of real close friends, and it’s been perfect this way so far. Not perfect for her visibly, since she started attacking you from her very first day on campus.
At first it was only mild mockery and childish provocations, so you shrugged it off. But Ume is persistent and visibly determined to get a reaction from you, although you aren’t sure why. Does she want your friends to herself? Is it because you have more money? Is it because, despite being a nerdy introvert at school, you are more popular with the media?
So eventually, it has become more concrete: she would spill food or drinks on you by ‘accident’, push you when passing by, make it very obvious when whispering or cackling with her group that they are gossiping about you…
And then the last incident to date: at the end of your day, as you were leaving the campus while chatting enthusiastically with your best friend Mitsuri, you unexpectedly lost your footing. You stumbled forward not so graciously and would probably have landed straight on your face if it hadn’t been for Mitsuri and her ninja-like reflexes, catching you in extremis. You totally scratched the palm of your hands though! 🤧
You hadn’t seen your nemesis walking up to you, and the damn bitch tripped you. "Whoops! Do you even know how to walk properly, or are you a retard?" she chuckled nastily as she passed you. "Where are we now? Back to fucking primary school?!" you had mumbled angrily as you rubbed your hands on your uniform’s skirt with a pained face while she walked away from you without a second glance.
Of course, Sanemi saw everything since it happened just by the gates, and when you reached the car, he opened the door for you and casually asked: "What was that ?" "Nothing." You didn’t want to give him any reason to mock you, you didn’t need any more bullying.
What you didn’t realise though, was that Sanemi hadn’t asked in order to gloat or mock, but because he was worried. Professionally, of course. It’s his job to keep you safe after all. Of course, from obvious threats such as terrorists, gangs, your father’s competitors, etc. But that also includes protecting you from school bullies.
Your bodyguard isn’t allowed in classes but he is free to roam around the school grounds. So far, he has stuck to the outskirt of the campus, since the school has its own security system and intervention team, and Sanemi seemed satisfied enough when reviewing their lockdown procedures. But since the last incident with Ume, you have seen him more often than not whenever you’re not in class.
He’s not shadowing you like he usually does when you go out, but he is never too far. Is this jerk worried? you wonder. ‘Cause he certainly acts like a helicopter mom…
Yet, you can’t help the feeling of safety when he’s in your field of vision.
There has been no further incidents over the last couple of days. You can tell it’s more of a ‘calm before the storm’ kind of situation, and sure enough the calm doesn't last: on the third day of peace, you’re very grateful for Sanemi's most intense scruteny…
While on your way to PE – horse riding of course, ‘cause yeah, rich people school and all… and you suck at golf anyway – you find yourself cornered by Ume and her followers, behind one of the many buildings on the way there. You had nearly forgotten about her and her obsession with you, so you slightly jump when she appears from around the corner, a sly smile on her painted lips, her hands on hips, posing like a victorious villain.
"What’s with the surprised Pikachu face… You didn’t think I was done with you, were you?" she asks when she’s close enough to poke you just under the collarbone, her well-manucured pointing finger painfully diging in your flesh as she steps forward menacingly, forcing you to step back. "Who’s that guy following you around by the way? Your babysitter?" she chuckles, triggering her friends' laughter.
At the mention of the white-haired bodyguard, you look around, intuitively searching for him. That’s when you notice that Sanemi, for once, is nowhere to be found. You gulp.
You put on confident face and shrug nonchalantly, trying to appear as casual and relaxed as you can when, in reality, fear is starting to creep up at the back of your mind. You know too well what the crowd effect can lead to, especially when cruaulty is involved, and right now it’s you against half a dozen other teens.
You hope she won't notice the slight tremble in your voice when you say: "Why do you care? He’s your kinda guy or something? I thought that you were more into that green, curly-haired guy who picks up… Oh, wait! He’s your brother, is he not? My bad…"
You knew you should have stayed quiet and be the better person, but she was getting on your nerves and this was the straw that broke the cherry on your cake. As you could expect, Ume doesn’t take your hints at her slightly dodgy relationship with her older brother very well. She also really doesn’t seem to like that you talk back to her this time around.
She steps forward angrily, her perfect model-like silhouette only centimetres away from yours. And while you expected her to threaten you, she unexpectedly pushes you roughly against the wall, the fancy red bricks hurting your back and ribs with the shock.
As you painfully land on your ass, you hear a few people in her group gasp, not quite ready for the straight up display of violence. The others however giggle like shameless turkeys.
She looks down at you with a victorious expression on her face, but before any snarky comment can come out of her mouth, her features turn from desdain to pain. She bends forward as a loud crack can be heard.
Sanemi appears behind her; he’s holding her arm twisted and locked in her back. "You wanna die, brat?" It sounds more like a death threat than an actual question when the words leave his mouth.
His expression is pure wrath, but a nasty, dangerous grin is spread across his lips, which gives him the look of a deranged psychpath like Nicholson in The Shining.
"What the hell? You can’t do this to me! I’m a student here!" Ume screams. But Sanemi takes his job very seriously and he would use any means necessary. So his answer didn’t really come as a surprise.
"I don’t give a shit. You can be from the emperial family, I’ll still break your arm if you touch her again."
"I’ll report you !"
He laughs. "Please, do so. That way my employer will praise me for doing a great job and I’ll get a payrise."
You stand up and dust your pants off. "She got the message, let’s go." You wrap yourself in your dignity, your best resting bitch face on, and walk away from the group. You don’t see Sanemi letting her go, but you hear her overly loud, painful moan and your bodyguard’s footsteps in the peebled pathway that leads to the stabbles as he follows you closely.
Once you’re far enough from Ume and her group, you stop and turn to look at him. "What? You hurt or something?" he asks grumpily.
If you didn’t know him better, you’d definitely believe he is seriously worried for you. He even checks your figure up and down, scanning you for potential injuries. And that makes you feel good, warmth sorta blooming inside as your heart skips a beat.
You sigh and shake your head no as you speak: "If she reports you, my dad may not fire you for it, but the school will ban you from accessing the grounds. They might even take trespassing measures to keep you at a minimum distance if Ume’s brother makes noise about your little display of strength just then. And, if you can’t physically look after me and protect me, you’re no use to my dad eventually, and he will replace you."
"Why do you care? You made it pretty clear that you hate me."
He didn't hesitate when he asked and you don’t know if it is the question itself, or the way he cocks his head curiously at you, or even the sound of legit surprise in his voice, but you wonder why, indeed. Why do I care that he doesn't get fired when that's pretty much all I ever wanted since we met? Wouldn’t it be amazing if he could just disappear?
"I… I don’t—hate you," you admit in a barely audible voice. "I just don’t like you…"
"Same shit, isn’t it? At the end of the day, you want me gone."
It hurts you. Sanemi’s resigned words, and how aware he was of your resentment. He probably thinks of you as some spoiled, heartless bitch. You sigh, put on an annoyed face as you answer with exagerated pride: "I do. But if you get fired, I want to be the one to get you kicked out, not some random bitch. Besides, ‘better the devil you know’, right? My dad would replace you anyway… So might as well keep you around rather than having to cope with some Rambo. You’re not so bad after all."
He looks at you in a weird, undescribable way, with his lavender eyes fixed on you. For a hot second, you can't help but notice how pretty they are when they catch the light like amethysts.
Then eventually, he shrugs and chuckles. "Whatever," he says as the both of you start walking again.
When you reach your horse, you get him ready in silence, Sanemi only half a dozen metres away from you. Then as you climb, you mumble just loud enough, "Thank you anyway."
You don’t linger around and quickly take off. You don’t see Sanemi's expression soften.
"Looks like you’re not so bad after all either, you little shit."
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czenzo · 3 years
Jonathan Stroud & Raka Livestream Info!
For anyone who missed the stream, or if you just want a summary of it without having to watch the recording. I may have missed small bits of info but tried to keep up as best as I could! Thanks once again to @jonathanstroud​ and @doodlingraka​ for doing the livestream, it was lovely!
First, some info about their fundraiser and raffle: over on Stroud and Raka’s Instragrams are links to donate to their Ukraine fundraiser. Not only do you get the chance to support such an important cause, but everyone who donates any amount to their fundraiser will be entered into a raffle for the chance of winning an original digital artwork by Raka, signed L&Co books, and original Jonathan Stroud doodles! [link to Stroud’s IG] (update 19/03/22: the raffle winners have been drawn, and although the links on Stroud and Raka’s profiles are gone, you can still donate to UNICEF to support Ukraine here!)
Okay, now onto everything that happened in the livestream:
Stroud only found out the cast announcement was going to happen the day before
he avoided talking about the skull’s actor and followed up with saying the skull will appear ‘later in the series’, perhaps meaning the skull won’t be present unless the show gets a second season?
Stroud didn’t have a hand in the casting process, but he’s completely happy with the cast and is excited to see them all on screen
he recently finished the second draft of the Scarlett and Browne sequel
he doesn’t know when the L&Co show will drop, there’s no release date yet, but he hopes it will be later this year (they’re officially in post-production now after 9 months of filming)
his favourite dinosaurs are the mamenchisaurus and utahraptor (he seems oddly knowledgeable about dinosaurs)
Stroud’s Bartimaeus drawing:
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followed by a L&Co skull:
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the skull originally wasn’t going to have such a key role in the series, Stroud intended for it to not appear again after the interview scene but brought it back when he realised he needed a ghostly guide/intervention
he likes to imagine the skull floats in its jar despite knowing it’s meant to be attached to the base
on how he’d draw a Scarlett and Browne logo: “I’d probably just do a skull again because everyone gets killed”
he’d never heard of Legwood before, and was intrigued and very concerned upon Raka informing him of it
he then proceeded to try and draw Legwood…
“it’s difficult to draw someone who’s meant to be good looking”
“so he just turns into a pair of legs?”
“I hope there aren’t any children watching” - Jonathan Stroud, award-winning children’s author, whilst drawing Legwood
the masterpiece itself:
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he treated himself to a biscuit after experiencing the trauma of drawing Legwood
even his publicist has now been informed of Legwood:
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Stroud forgot Lucy’s left handed, whoops
he agrees that diplodocuses are great (dinosaurs seemed to be a recurring theme in this stream)
though Stroud doesn’t have a sole favourite scene from L&Co, his top parts of the books are Lucy’s interview scene (it was one of the first scenes he wrote, it allowed him to see how the main trio interact with one another), the Red Room, and when Lockwood and Lucy visit the Other Side in TCS
he found it difficult to keep having to create and write unique ghosts throughout the books, but his favourite and the most fun to write was the Ealing Cannibal
all of his main characters have aspects of him in them, but the character he’s closest to is Lucy (he seems very fond of her it’s so sweet)
he added that he’d like to be like Lockwood with all the charm but it’s a shame about all the repression he’s got going on
his favourite international L&Co book covers are the Ukraine ones by Ivan Sulima
they resumed sketch requests, to which Stroud then said: “I’ve done Legwood, so what could be worse than that?”
enter “Pork Lockwood”
Stroud: “I like a challenge, I’ll try and draw it”
(god bless Raka for explaining all of these crazy fandom inside jokes to him)
Stroud: “I don’t think this Pork Lockwood is quite as thin as the original Lockwood. He’s been eating too many doughnuts … I don’t think Lucy will be too impressed by this guy, really.”
he then goes on to clarify that “it looks like he’s holding sausages but it’s meant to be iron chains”
I cannot believe this drawing is a reality
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the Q&A continues, and Stroud explains that the key to having such a large cast in the L&Co series was to slowly add them throughout the books. he liked that L&Co as a company went from being small to growing into a wider family, including Holly, Flo, Kipps, Barnes, etc.
Barnes gets called the “friendly, grumpy uncle” of the family
he’s doing the same sort of thing with Scarlett and Browne, slowly introducing a wider cast of characters
Stroud gets asked if he’d ever write any more Lockwood-related things, and he says that he’d like to write more Lockwood, perhaps a series of short stories about the different ghosts from George’s casebook (but unfortunately he’s too busy drawing Pork Lockwood to get on that at the moment)
another drawing request, a Hornbeak from Scarlett and Browne
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a quick reminder that if you want a chance of winning original digital art by Raka, signed copies of L&Co, or doodles by Stroud, donate to their fundraiser for Ukraine in Stroud’s Instagram bio! (link to Stroud’s IG at the top of this post)
more Q&A: would L&Co ever play Dungeons and Dragons? No—they’re too busy living that kind of scary quest narrative in their day to day life, they’d rather spend their free time eating and sleeping
at this point Raka finishes her Lucy and Lockwood piece and moves onto sketch requests, including Legwood, George doing yoga, Danny DeVito as Lockwood, Bartimaeus, Skull, and Scarlett. she’ll be posting a sketch dump at some point (along with the incredible Lockwood and Lucy piece), so I won’t post them here. (update: here’s the post!)
god bless Georgia Lawe
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Stroud’s go-to biscuits are Choco Leibniz and chocolate digestives
on what Stroud likes most about writing: you sit down and you haven’t got anything in front of you. it’s an empty piece of paper, and you get to create something new that wasn’t there before—it’s thrilling to make something new and bring it to the world (he then takes a long moment to observe the creation of Raka’s Legwood)
in the L&Co Netflix show the main characters still young, but slightly older than they are in the books (he confirms that book Lucy is around 14 in TSS, while Lockwood and George are 15, and they age 2 to 3 years throughout the series).
he talks about how part of the fun of an adaptation is that it’s an interpretation; it will be slightly different but that’s the whole point, and that everyone involved in the making of the show loves the characters and their stories, and the show has been created with great love and care (he restates here that the show is likely to come out later this year)
on why Lockwood and Lucy don’t kiss in the final book: some things are so special and intimate that it’s better to have to imagine it rather than have it laid out in front of you. he wanted to keep it as something implied, to leave the readers to connect the dots and fill in the blanks rather than shove it in our faces (he admits he was also nervous about ending the series with a big kiss, and feels that it would have been a letdown)
Stroud acknowledges Ali’s lack of trousers in that BTS trio on the bed in Portland Row picture, he was very pleased to see Ali doing such a George thing
on how involved he’s been with the Netflix show: he’s been a consultant from the beginning, and though he’s not been involved on a daily basis, he’s frequently spoken with everyone, seen the scripts, and discussed problems and questions with the show-runners. he’s been close to the production, but has let them get on with it because at the end of the day, they’re the experts on all of this, not him
on how he came up with the concept for the Bartimaeus series: he wanted to turn a convention on its head; it was meant to be the opposite of Harry Potter in regards to the fact the child magician is the ‘bad guy’ and the genie was the hero. that was the starting point, and the books evolved from there
Stroud’s favourite recent reads: The Sisters Brothers - Patrick deWitt, and True Grit - Charles Portis. both are famous westerns that served as inspiration for Scarlett and Browne
Stroud’s great advice for creating stories: “add a few giant otters into it and it’ll make it more exciting”
will we ever find out what happened in Mrs Barrett’s tomb: No, unless he decides to write it into the casebook short stories that he mentioned earlier
how long did it take to write the first Lockwood book? roughly 1.5 to 2 years since he had to build the world before writing the story, and then every book after that took a year each to write
on whether the show is going to stick to the books: he can’t talk about the show in too much detail, but confirms that the guys are trying to stick close to the books and that they know them really well. he’s not against them adding extra cases and the like if they feel the need, but the show-runners are already having to strip unnecessary things from the books to make it fit into a tv show format, so he doesn’t know if they will ever choose to do that
he says it would be interesting to see what would happen if Scarlett met Lockwood and Lucy… perhaps he’ll have to have weird fusion of them one day
he says Raka’s artwork inspires him 🥺
the stream then came to a close, but both Stroud and Raka would like to do it again some time! fingers crossed they do :)
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twentytarot · 3 years
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hello, everyone!! i know it's been a hot hot minute since i've posted a PAC but uni has actually been whooping me like a piñata at a kid's party so i've been on my school grind. recess week is approaching, though, so hopefully i'll have time for another reading soon! anyway, today's advice is on your career. what do you need to know to get through the next few months and year? pick your pile, scroll down, and let's find out! enjoy~ 👩🏻‍💻
it seems like act one of your career life was a success, and you're ready to move on to bigger and better things! congratulations, friend, but the future will not be easy if you want to reach your full potential.
you need to know and remember that you can do anything you set your mind to. people are going to tell you otherwise: some because they want to keep you down, some because they truly believe it. you are nothing like any of these people. you are meant to climb higher, you are meant to do the impossible. it might feel like what i'm saying is too far-fetched right now, but all you need to do is look around you, look at all these weak foundations that are about to crumble, look at all the things you need to do, and you'll realise that the castles are crumbling beneath your feet because they are meant to be built back up by you.
so people aren't going to like it. people, especially those that have no intention on allowing you to lead them, are going to call you young and naive for thinking you can make impactful change. but here's the thing: you know you can. so do it anyway. don't let your passions turn into burdens because of a few moments of cowardice. it's part of your career purpose to change the way people do things, to grow into a full-fledged leader, to break traditions that no longer serve your workplace. have courage, and you can do anything you set your mind to. good luck!
right now, you're scared, my dear. you just feel unprotected by the people around you; in fact, you feel like some of them may be out to get you when you haven't even done anything other than mind your own business and get work done well. half of it may be true, because either you're starting something new or your existence is something new to others at the workplace, and people may be trying to size you up. but there's good part of this that's just your anxious personality talking. i feel like people disappoint you and treat you carelessly often, so you sit there and brace yourself for the next person to attack, a weapon in each hand, instead of developing yourself and growing. it's not that they won't disappoint you or treat you badly— this is unavoidable. they will promise you the world and give you a spinning globe. however, knowing this should not paralyse you. once you desensitise yourself to these people, you free up so much space in your mind and heart to focus on other things that really matter. people being nasty in general is something that will never change, so put your effort into something that can be changed like your knowledge and skills. have the courage to keep moving on your own, and lean on the people that have been there, supporting you from the start. believe that you are supported; if not by your colleagues, then by the universe. you got this!
it's time! time for you to tie up the last few loose ends of whatever you were doing and finally start doing what it is you were meant to do. your world is about to change quite drastically, but don't look back and feel like you wasted time— see it all as a rite of passage that you had to go through in order to get right here, right now. with a tad more wisdom and inspiration, you can find a way to put everything you wanted to achieve mid-life together. i see you also wanting to make some space for a new family, how sweet! honestly, i don't think you need much advice. just one thing: when you feel like the weights on your ankles have been removed just to be replaced with another pair, think about the line that divides stability from getting weighed down. does it feel like you're on the right side of that line?
make sure you're always reading up and keeping yourself up to date! you're not really the kind of person to just jump in out of nowhere— either you've never been like this, or you're past your impulsive days. stay wise and in control, and very happy, fulfilling days of being able to give back and lead are in your future!
unlike all the other piles here, you're going to need to be a little patient because things will take a while to fall into place for you. many of you are young, looking for your first position in your career, looking for a place in university that fits, and i don't see you being extremely committed to anything yet, career-wise. that being said, there is something that you've been hoping for, some kind of aspiration or pipe dream, and you're going to be led to the first step in achieving that goal soon. it looks like either a job or a scholarship; whatever it is, it's going to be something that demands more of your commitment and effort, but it's going to be very good for your career, especially in the long term. when called upon to make your choice, don't be wishy-washy about it. you will know what you really want, so don't second guess yourself and go for it! your hard work and determination is sure to be rewarded.
in the meantime, use this knowledge to keep moving forward and don't be discouraged if things are taking longer than you expected to work out. take life's moments as they are, because they only pass you by once. the future will follow whether you think about it or not. have a great day!
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one-real-imonkey · 3 years
Wild anon with far too many ideas is back! Have you seen @thatfunkyopossum's headcanons for the Guard being dumpster divers (post/621942185340846080/coruscant-guard-culture-hcs)? It's so interesting! Does anything similar happen in the Corrie Guard AU? Now I'm just imagining clones organizing furniture / clothing drives for the refugees in the lower levels. Or having a huge system of trade and bartering for supplies / bacta / etc. There's a lot of potential!
Hi anon with so many ideas, I love them all and I'm adding to my answers for all of them, some of which will be fics some will just be notes like this one. Anyway, thank you so much for asking, and here we go...
Yeah, my Corrie Guard AU has some very similar things.
Overall, they're opportunistic, and they don't waste things or look down on what they're offered. They get very good at repurposing and fixing things. They don't actually have a lot of oversight, the Senators and nat-born Senate Guard don't care about the Guard barracks or what they do in their free time, so their base and their free time is theirs.
A lot of what they get is donated though. Some of its from the lower levels, started up by people who realised what the Corries were going through and decided to act, and it's often not much, but a pad and some colouring pencils or a homemade meal can go a long way emotionally to show you someone cares. Thanks to Palpy and the Senate, just giving them money isn't easy, not to mention many of the people in the lower levels don't have the money to spare. However, even if they can't be given credits, they can be given other things.
One of the most amazing things the Corries managed to get is access to food from the upper levels. Hound managed to wrangle a deal in which all the day old food that none of the rich snobs would buy because it was 'no longer fresh' from some of the high end patisseries near the base would go to the Guard instead of being thrown away. The Guard noticed all that perfectly good food going to waste and decided it was stupid that the food would be wasted when they didn't have enough. They managed to sort out a few deals like that, and while some of it is a little stale or has a little mould, most of the food is perfectly fine and the Corries are more than happy to have it.
A lot of the items that are donated from people rather than businesses are also things they can use to create things to sell, including toys for kids and pieces of art (and a few tattoo designs or just tattoos (Inky goes down to the lower levels twice a week to do tattoos and their costs are reasonable and fair)). A haberdashery sells their hand made dolls and soft toys in exchange for a small cut and a discount on the cost of the materials. That same haberdashery also gives them all the left over offcuts of materials for them to do with as they wish. They get sewn together or hung off of things and just generally used to spruce up the base.
They Corries do a lot of charity work and give a lot away to help others, if there's been a large accident like a fire or public transport crash or an outbreak of some sort of illness, supplies from the Guard may go 'missing'. They often spend their free time creating things they can donate or sell, especially to people who need them.
They also ended up in weird situations where they do favours for people in exchange for small but weird things. It started with Pup breaking off of a patrol to help a little old lady called Mirka carry some bags she was struggling with, and then she made an off hand comment about how very strong he was and how useless she was at doing things nowadays in her old age and he volunteers to help out. (He doesn't quite believe she's as weak as she claims, but he's not rude enough to doubt her aloud).
Pup was happy to help move some furniture for her, especially when she gave him a whole huge box full of home baked cookies ('Because you young boys deserve it') and then he offered to help again if she needed, and she told her friends about it...
Within a month a great deal of the Corries were going down to do all sorts of things these elderly citizens couldn't manage, and being rewarded with all sorts of things. Sometimes it was credits, sometimes it was food, sometimes it was books or fabrics or hand made clothes (theres a knitting group dedicated to making a jumper for every single Corrie) and sometimes it was even more random things, included but not limited to a day at a spa for 20, 4 gallons of homemade jam, a karaoke machine and a slightly broken but still working hydroponics device for growing plants.
And of course the plotting of conspiratorial little old ladies is never containable, so quickly all sorts of other opportunities are set up for the Corries to earn money without stress or danger, including youth clubs, charity drives and anything else they can 'disguise as work'. It's not like the people on 998 can't use the help but similarly they want to help people. Especially other people the Senate treat like dirt.
Mirka, the little old lady who Pup had first helped, gave him her extensive amount of sewing and knitting equipment, claiming her hands just shook too much nowadays and oh, her eyesight, surely some of your lovely siblings will be able to use them better than little old I. She also gave him her old curtains, which she claimed she no longer needed, along with several blankets and old pieces of clothing and any fabric she could find.
Weave and Loom just about cried when Pup handed them over.
A few weeks later all of those pieces of fabric returned to level 998, either in the form of clothes worn by the Corries so they didn't have to be in their blacks or armour, or as soft toys to sell (or donate) for the little kids.
Weave and Loom finally made their way down to level 998 with several head-scarfs for Mirka as a thank you, which she wears frequently. Her children moved away long ago, her siblings and other family members are gone, she saw her grandchildren maybe twice a year before the wars started, but they live on a Separatist planet, and travel is limited. Its why she started looking out for the Corries and why she roped in a tribe of other grandparents to join her.
Oh no, I'm going to have to do something about level 998 aren't I?
As for trading things to like bacta and supplies, they're selfless. If they get ahold of them, they'll make sure those things go to people who need it. They'd never take the food for themselves when there are children without, they'd never take medical supplies for themselves when there were people who needed it more. They had the Guard's limited amount, they had their own medics, they could make do, but not everyone on the lower levels had the same access, and with the war and Senate forcing things like the Jedi-operated Clinics closed in favour of those supplies and staff going 'where they're needed' every little helps.
Anyway, yeah, the Corries do a lot of scavenging, a lot of repurposing old items, fixing broken things to make them work. Curtains don't always get cut up and made into clothes or toys or other fabric items, sometimes they're put in the med bay to work as dividers, or in the bunk rooms to add privacy for the bunks themselves.
Any item they can give a new lease on life, repurpose, or fix and sell, they do. They fix up the hydroponics device so they can grow some herbs and spices for their food, they create clothes for themselves so they don't just have to live in their armour or blacks, and they spend a lot of time helping people who need it.
Thanks for the ask, this was a little longer than I meant it to be, and I kinda went off on a tangent, whoops, but the 998 are becoming a thing, haha. But yeah, long story short, they're incredibly pragmatic about things, will not waste a thing and are utterly selfless.
Inbox is always open. (-:
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mgg-theprettiestboy · 4 years
Just a thought. A blurb or smth with Spencer where you’re dating him but Elle’s really snappy and blunt towards you because she thinks she’s entitled to Spencer [she took his virginity i will not be queationed] and he gets mad at her?
ooooooh interesting interesting i like
you had moved to the BAU about a year ago now, and you and spencer had started going on dates a few weeks ago. you made it official last week, and you were still on cloud nine. spencer was just the perfect guy, nothing like any of the boys you dated before. he was going on 25 now, and you were only a few months younger, so the BAU team were constantly doting on you both, the BAU babies. well, everyone except elle. who seemed to hate your guts.
maybe it was because you were another woman? internalised sexism was common among women her age, but you didn’t dare say that aloud. you’d probably get slapped. so you just kept your head down and ignored the daily glares you got.
but as time moved on, elle became more blunt about her dislike of you. instead of glares, it became shoves and harsh nudges. then that became snarky comments. never around spencer, though. or really around anyone. she might let the odd comment slip around gideon, but that was only because he wouldn’t get involved. no, when she harassed you, she usually did it in private.
but even that became less of a priority, making comments about you behind your back now as well, to JJ or Derek or anyone who would listen. she would always make it out as though she was ‘just kidding’ or ‘only being honest,’ which didn’t help. you didn’t know for a fact she was talking about you behind yo back, but you could put two and two together. especially when the team gave you sympathetic looks whenever elle said or did something.
but one day, spencer finally began to realise that elle’s ‘helpful’ comments were actually hurting your feelings. he wasn’t great at social cues, but the more elle spoke, the more upset you seemed to get, so it didn’t take the genius long to figure it out.
after a brief consultation with JJ, where he could make sure he wasn’t imagining this problem in his head, he went to cut off elle was she walked towards the kitchenette.
“oh hey spence. what’s up?” elle asked, and he frowned at her, “i need you to leave y/n alone.”
“what? what are you talking about? what did she say to you?” she folded her arms, and spencer folded his arms too, to match her pose, “she didn’t have to say anything. i’m not stupid, you know, i know what you’re doing. your backhand comments are hurting her feelings, and i won’t have it.”
she scoffed, “i’m not doing anything. besides, if a little constructive criticism hurts her feelings, that’s it my problem. i’m only being honest.”
“no, no you’re not. i didn’t believe anyone was perfect until i met her,” spencer glared down at elle, “this doesn’t have to be a big thing. i’m not going to go to hotch. yet. but if you keep this up, i will not hesitate. i won’t let anyone hurt her, with words, or otherwise.”
elle just watched as spencer stormed away, as the rest of the office turned their heads away, having previously been staring at the confrontation.
you wondered why spencer was in a stormy mood all day, and why elle wasn’t even looking at you anymore. even after interrogating JJ, she wouldn’t budge, so you had to go straight to the source.
you intervened spencer when he was going to the kitchenette to grab his lunch, “hey.”
he forced a smile, “hey.”
“you’ve been in a bad mood all day. wanna tell me what’s up?” you asked, wanting for him to open up. he raised a brow, “a bad mood how?”
you shrugged, looking away from him, “i don’t know, you just seem off. not talking as much, not coming out with as many interesting facts, and whenever i look at you, you’re brooding. you can tell me what’s on your mind. if you want.”
his hand slipped into yours, and led you down the hall instead of towards the kitchen area. you walked until you reached penelope’s cave, stepping inside a after him and watching as he closed the door.
“why didn’t you tell me about what elle was saying?” he folded his arms as he asked. you quickly looked down to your feet, before back up to him as you tried to muster up a facade, “i don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“that’s a boldface lie. JJ told me everything when i asked her. why wouldn’t you tell me about how you were feeling? about how she was making you feel?” he asks angrily. his anger quickly disappeared though, when he saw the tears in your eyes, “because it’s stupid.”
“it’s not stupid. it’s borderline harassment– no, you know what, it is harassment. i’ve half a mind to go to hotch right now and tell him what’s been going on,” he said forcefully, not wanting to upset your further, just to reiterate how serious he was. that didn’t work though, as a sob wracked through your body, “i don’t want that.”
he frowned, sighing before enveloping you in a hug and rubbing your back as you cried. he shushed you softly, resting his head atop yours and letting you cry as much as you needed.
after a minute, you wiped your face and sniffled, “it’s not a big deal. i can’t go running to hotch that elle is saying things that are ‘hurting my feelings’. we’re not preschoolers.”
“don’t invalidate your emotions like that. she’s been belittling you, and like it or not, that’s bullying and harassment, and can result in a suspension, maybe even a transfer,” spencer pointed out, before raising his hand as you went to speak, “but i know you don’t want that. what my issue is, is that you didn’t come to me.”
you sniffled again, “you’re a genius with an IQ of 187, and a doctor in the behaviour analysis unit of the FBI. why should you have to deal with the fact that i’m a little insecure?”
he cupped your cheeks, “maybe because i love you? if i had known what was going on, i would’ve moved heaven and earth to stop it. dont belitte yourself like that. you mean everything to me.”
you smiled up at him, “i love you.”
“i love you too,” spencer leaned down to peck your lips, “and don’t worry. i won’t let elle bother you again.”
i got carried away with a blurb again whoops
also i didn’t really mention the whole virginity/‘elle has a claim’ thing, but that’s the underlying reason she’s acting the way she does
idk if people on the mgg taglist want to be on the spencer reid taglist so i’m not gonna tag anyone this time, but i probably will if i post a spencer reid fic, not a blurb
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booksforevermore13 · 3 years
I know now
Summary: Harry heaved in a breath, and looked at her, this time seeing her for herself, and not the little girl he had gotten used to in his mind.
"I know now," he said.
And Lily smiled.
Read it on AO3 if you prefer.
"I learnt about fishes today." Harry heard Lily's voice and turned to look at her.
A smile tugged at his lips as he saw the small, though hazy figure of his daughter by the edge of the bed, red hair bundled on her head in an angry halo as she tugged her dress further down her knees.
One hand reached out beside him to find his glasses, flailing around when he felt a pair being gently put over his eyes. Harry kissed Lily's hands, brushing his beard against her palm and smiling as she giggled.
"Now, about the fishes," he started as Lily climbed up on the bed and crawled onto his stomach, Harry holding her by her side to keep her steady.
"I saw a movie today," she said, "about Dory. And Nemo. But I liked Dory the best," and Harry nodded, though he hadn't the slightest idea what she was saying. "Dory is blue in colour and she has yellow fins, like the yellow of the sun and she can breathe in water and make whale sounds, like this." She oohed and Harry laughed as she oohed until she lost her breath.
"Dory sounds good," he said seriously, lips set in a half-smile.
"I think she's really pretty. Even prettier than Mummy."
"Then I bet she's good."
"Mummy said so too. She said I was right."
Lily smiled triumphantly, and Harry smiled back, gently stroking her hair out of her bun. Lily hated her hair like that, but at three, it had grown past her shoulders, and Ginny had resorted to tying it every morning before school.
Lily didn't like that either.
"Daddy," she called now and Harry's eyes left her hair and settled on her.
"Can you make me Dory?"
"Make you - wait, what?"
Lily looked expectantly at him and he stared blankly back at her as he fumbled with what she said.
"Dory's a fish, Lils," he said after a while. "I don't think anyone can be Dory."
"But you can do anything," she protested. "And Mummy always says anyone can be anything they want."
And that was what Lily asked. Never an extra side of ice-cream or a piece of fudge in the middle of the night. A few months back, she'd asked him to turn her into a tiger. The month after, she'd wanted to be a princess. He'd agreed gladly to that, before she'd proposed he turn into a frog so that she could kiss him and he'd turn into a prince.
Now, it was Dory, the blue fish.
It seemed as if she took Ginny's advice most literally.
He was tempted to turn her down, at least the logical part of him did, but then he looked at her and saw the way she was staring at him, with that hopeful glint in her eyes and almost immediately knew she'd won.
She always did.
It wasn't a surprise when an hour later, when they looked into the mirror, they met with a disgruntled orange dad carrying his elated blue daughter, yet, both of them happy.
Dory and Nemo indeed.
"Think you can catch up, old man?" Lily said as she took off after the Snitch, her hair flying behind her, like her mother's had, years before. Harry watched with a smile as she flipped her broom in the air, hands steady as she shot off again in typical Weasley fashion. He had to warn her about that, but part of him — the part that defended his children from his wife after a poorly executed prank — knew she had it handled.
It was only after James had hollered at him to get moving, did he realize that he had to catch the Snitch too. "Sorry," he yelled as he took off behind Lily, searching for that familiar golden glint of light he'd gotten used to over the years before realising there wasn't any to follow.
He slowed down. A Wronski Feint, she'd been attempting and almost succeeded in pulling off.
She'd almost got him.
"Why are you slowing down?" James yelled from his Keeper post as he dashed to block a Quaffle. Instead of kicking it away from him, he caught it, turned around and put it through the hoop.
Cheating it was, him playing Keeper and Chaser at the same time, but there were only four players, and his children were set on making it as realistic as possible.
Harry only smiled knowingly at James, the Dad-smile, the one that his children hated, before he heard Lily yell and took a sharp turn to face her.
She was holding something, something small and grinning widely and as Harry squinted, he saw a golden object in her fist, wings folded as it struggled against her grasp, a futile attempt to get out, as every Seeker knew.
"Yes, Lily!" Albus yelled, before he even had a second to register his disbelief. He whooped and stuck out his tongue at James. "Take that, you oaf!"
"Oh, shut up," James muttered as his glare turned to Harry. "I swear Dad, if you took it easy on her—"
"I didn't!" Harry defended. "There - I thought - there wasn't any Snitch when I followed her!"
"What's she holding now, a trumpet?"
"Yeah I transfigured it into a Snitch," Lily said sarcastically from behind Harry and he could hear the distinct flutter of a Snitch caught. "Look around, you'll probably see the real one behind your shoulder.
Albus was laughing hysterically on his broom while they fought and Harry had a distinct feeling that there was something else going on between them three. He watched them for a few seconds, before turning to Lily.
"How did you do that?" he asked her, glancing yet again at the Snitch in her hand.
Lily shrugged, an arrogant smirk plastered on her face as her eyes gleamed with what he knew was glee. A smile made his way on his face as he took in her stance, one he'd seen many times before.
James yelled behind him, breaking through his reverie and Harry turned around, just barely catching him pass over a coin to his brother.
"You had bets?" he asked incredulously and Albus slipped the coin in his pocket with a sheepish grin.
"I thought that was obvious," Lily said flippantly from behind him and Harry frowned.
"What were you betting on?"
"Which of you'd catch the snitch first," James said, "thanks Dad. Really appreciate it."
"Your welcome," Lily piped in again and James glared at her. "What?" she defended, "everyone here knows I'm the only one here who can beat him."
"Yeah?" Lily mocked and Harry chuckled as he watched James rise up to the challenge, not long before they were yelling at each other, mostly led by James and Lily with the occasional comment from Albus that fuelled their entire brawl.
It'd take their mother to make them stop.
He laughed out loud when he saw Ginny walk outside with a chocolate covered spatula and brandish it at the three of them as she yelled something he couldn't hear.
He had been right.
Harry flew towards the ground, landing on his feet a few metres away from his wife. He smiled as he saw her turn to face him.
"Lily caught it," he announced, entirely unaware of himself and watched as Ginny smiled in amusement and turned away from him.
"Didn't expect that, did you?"
"Absolutely not."
They walked into the house, Ginny heading towards the kitchen and Harry following her. He watched her for a while as she bustled about, taking out the eggs from the fridge and flour from the cabinet, attempting to open the sugar with one hand before Harry did it for her.
"Where are they?" he asked after a second, noting the absence of his children hovering around the kitchen.
"The boys are upstairs," Ginny stated, "Lils said she'll be at Luna's. Said she had some work."
"Yes, well, we both know what work she actually has."
Ginny looked up at him, grinning. First year off at Hogwarts and Lily had stepped out the train with her three newly indicted friends, two of them being her cousins. The Marauders, they called themselves. The two years that had followed, they'd only grown closer, choosing to spend all their time together, Luna's house being their place.
Mostly because she never interfered.
Harry had only grown to notice the striking similarity they had to the original four.
"It's an acquired name, but I don't think they'll mind," Ginny said softly and Harry laughed, recognizing the words Lily had said the day she'd come back from Hogwarts.
"They won't," he agreed. "They'd be proud, actually."
He dipped one finger in the batter, laughing as Ginny swatted it off.
"Are you upset?" she teased as she continued mixing the batter with her spatula.
"About what?"
"Third time this week you couldn't catch the snitch" she pointed out and Harry laughed.
Five years ago, he'd been the one teaching Lily how to catch a snitch. How the roles had reversed.
"She's clever, I'll give you that," Harry said. "Though I can't fathom how she managed to hide the Snitch from me."
"She didn't," Ginny said with a smile. "I thought you of all people wouldn't fall for that."
"What do you mean?"
Harry waited for her answer but then frowned as he saw her smile fall.
"Nothing," she replied finally and sighed. "One day you'll realise she's more like you than you'll ever know."
He didn't know what Ginny was hinting at. It had become obvious over the months that he was struggling, reaching out to Lily. At fourteen, it seemed whatever he said, it wasn't enough to understand her. His own daughter was a mystery to him, and sometimes he envied Ron for the easy understanding he had with Rose.
"I don't get it," Harry muttered as he slipped her hands around Ginny's waist, bringing her back closer to his chest. He bent forward, pressing his lips below her ear and Ginny smiled sadly.
"I hope you don't mind getting flour on that shirt."
Harry didn't answer, and Ginny arched her neck to look at him. "You're going to tell me what you're thinking?" she asked, and he smiled down at her as he saw her eyes shrouded with concern. Even after all these years, she knew exactly what he was feeling, every time.
He shook his head and Ginny turned around, Harry's arms still around her.
"I don't know her anymore," he admitted. "Not like-not like I did back then." He sighed. "I don't think I even know what her favourite colour is now," he said, looking down at his wife.
"It's still green, I can tell you. Green like the forest—"
"After the rain," Harry finished and laughed.
He remembered when Lily had said that for the first time. She was three, her biggest fascination then, being his eyes. He remembered how she had begged him one day to change her brown eyes to his green, and he'd wondered why. Her eyes were the most exquisite ones he'd seen, exactly like her mother's, but apparently, the three year old thought differently. He'd taken her to the forest the next day and told her to choose a leaf, any leaf so that he could transfigure it to something she'd be able to keep with her always. He'd not expected her to choose the entire forest, and Harry had simply smiled then at the innocence with which she'd looked at him.
"She's going to be seventeen soon," he said finally. "She's not… my little girl anymore."
"Yet she still looks at you like she's three."
"And I hope that never changes."
Ginny was outside. He knew she could listen to each and every word he said. He looked across him at Lily, and then back at the ground again.
This was not for Lily.
She was not made for the Ministry. She was not supposed to be an Auror.
How was Ginny not seeing this?
How had she accepted it so easily?
Twenty-five years ago, when he'd walked into the Ministry, he'd vowed that things would change. They had to at that time.
Fifteen years later, he'd found himself vowing he'd not let his children suffer the same fate he had had. That he'd not let them become a pawn of the Ministry.
To his credit, he'd succeeded.
Three years ago, when James decided to become a Curse Breaker, he'd felt the relief that one felt after a hard job well done. One year later, when Albus claimed his dreams of becoming a Healer, he'd been satisfied. He had been so sure he'd saved them from a miserable future.
Harry had never expected his youngest to say those words.
"Dad," Lily urged now. "Dad."
Harry looked up from the floor, and met with his daughter's eyes, carrying a look he'd seen many times before. It was the look she had before she caught the Snitch, the one she'd had when she'd asked him to turn her into Dory so many years ago.
It was when she was unstoppable.
"How'd it come to this, Lils?" Harry asked. "Why an Auror? I always thought you wanted to play Quidditch. Like your mum."
What had gone wrong?
"That was when I was eleven, Dad," Lily said, and he had that unworldly feeling that he had let her down. "I'm seventeen now. I know what I want to do."
"No you don't, Lils," he said. "The Ministry isn't what it was before. It isn't—"
"You don't think I know that?" Lily said quietly, and he could see the anger flashing in her eyes.
She knew that. She'd known that for years now.
She'd been on the receiving side of it.
Four years back, when she'd needed help, the Ministry hadn't given it.
Four years back, when she'd been cornered by Dementors in broad daylight, the Ministry hadn't come to her rescue.
He remembered the muffled cries he'd heard from her room that night, cries she'd tried hard to suppress, but hadn't been able to. She'd been the witness to the work of a Dementor. An innocent Muggle being a victim. He knew she blamed herself. For not being able to produce a Patronus. For not being able to save a person who'd only ever tried to help.
He'd failed in protecting her.
And she'd paid the price.
Eleven years back and it had happened again.
She had a friend. Julian. He remembered him. When they were seven, they liked to play in the pond at the back of their house, pretending to be frogs turned into princes. He remembered how the cookies vanished when they were together, how the swing he'd tied to the poplar tree in their garden was reserved only for them.
That day Ginny had had to go out, so Lily had gone over to play with him.
Harry had always known his work would one day catch up with him.
Just never like this.
When he'd got that message from Ginny, her horse prancing around the room in a panicked gallop, he knew it had happened. When he Apparated into their house, Julian's parents were the first thing he saw. Lying on the floor, victims of the killing curse.
But nothing could have prepared him from what he saw upstairs.
Julian's body. His eyes gazing into the ceiling, his hands which had never stayed still before, lying limp on the ground. It was very much unlike the sandy-haired boy he'd grown accustomed to see during the weekends, sitting opposite to him in the kitchen as he helped himself to Ginny's pancakes.
Beside him, Lily lay on her mother's lap, sobbing into her shirt, but refusing to leave Julian's side. He could hear her incoherent cries, her mumbles as she repeated a phrase over and over again.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
And his heart broke, because his little girl had seen something no child should ever have to see.
Because she'd watched her friend die.
Because he'd failed again.
And she'd paid the price.
Lily knew the Ministry — better than even he did — how they chose whom to save, how they chose whom they forgot, their cases never to be heard of again. How the Ministry had slowly lost sight of what they were fighting for. How it was just a crumbling shell in the place of what it had once been.
And even though it was the most daunting thing he'd ever admitted to himself, deep down, he knew that Lily was wired to this. Just like he'd been at her age, this was what she knew she wanted to do.
But unlike him, he knew she'd succeed in what he failed.
And even though he didn't understand, he knew he didn't have a choice.
"I always thought you wanted to be a Quidditch player," he said, and Lily smiled, her eyes tired. As if she was tired of fighting for herself.
But he knew she still had fight left.
"I think you lost me there on the way," she replied finally and Harry smiled.
"Yeah. Yeah, I probably did."
"One day you'll realise she's more like you than you'll ever know."
He'd never understand, but he'd try.
He'd vowed he'd never let his children do the same mistakes he had, but perhaps, that vow had been more for him than it was for them. And in the end, he knew that him being an Auror had only fueled the fire he'd begun to see in his daughter.
Perhaps, him being an Auror hadn't been a mistake at all.
If that's what she wanted to be.
"You know, Dad," Lily said, and Harry, for a second there, saw a hint of fear in her eyes but didn't know what it was for. "I don't exactly need your permission."
"I know you don't."
"I'd just really like you to know."
Harry nodded, his green eyes glinting with unshed tears. Green like the forest a rainy day, she'd said. Green like his.
Because if there was one thing he'd always known about his daughter, it was that she knew him. That even when he'd lacked in being a father to her at times, she'd never lost sight of him.
Even when he hadn't listened to her present.
But he'd listen to her now. He'd do for her what he should have done years back.
So he smiled because he'd lost her there, but never completely. Because she was his daughter. Because she was his to protect and let go.
Because she was more like him than he'd ever know.
Harry heaved in a breath, and looked at her, this time seeing her for herself, and not the little girl he had gotten used to in his mind.
"I know now," he said.
And Lily smiled.
Written for the Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition
Huge, huge thanks to my teammates for beta-ing!!
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Hi! Ik it might take you a while to see this but here goes :) Can I request a Sirius x Reader, post-hogwarts (but when Lily and James were still alive) and reader and Sirius are in a toxic relationship where they truly love eachother but things are just always on and off, yk? And nobody ever knows wether they’re going to walk into the room all lovey dovey or walk into the room screaming at eachother, and you can decide the ending but please make it angsty :)
Pairing: Sirius Black x Female Reader Word Count: 4.7k Blurb: James and Lily plan a get-together to tell their friends some exciting news, but it doesn’t go to planned.  Warnings: Lot’s of fighting and yelling, toxic relationship and swearing, little bit of Jily where she keeps slapping James on the chest but it is playful and I couldn’t resist writing it I’m sorry.  A/N: Everyone in my inbox: ‘please write a part 2 to worst of you’, Me: *writes a fic with the same plot but at a different time*
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Everyone seemed to freeze as a loud popping noise was emitted from outside the Potter household. It was an unusually warm January night and the Potter’s were glad the weather had held off for their usual ‘get-together’ with their school friends. 
“Five galleons that they’re angry at each other,” James’ smirk was soon replaced with a frown as Lily playfully slapped his shoulder. 
“James! They’re our friends, don’t be so mean,” she tsked and shook her head, standing up to let the visitors in and missing Remus’ slight nod to James. 
James, Remus and Peter sat in the Potter’s lounge room seemingly frozen as they anticipated the state in which their friends would arrive. They really didn’t intend to be so mean to them. They cared and loved for them and had practically grown up as they had spent most of their Hogwarts life with the both of them. Sure a lot of that time was spent separately, but it was still spent together.
They had begun dating in their fourth year, they were both young and in love and they were both the other’s first, well, everything. They broke up at the beginning of fifth year and Sirius had done it. Something about not wanting to be kept down his entire life and needing a change - the reasons seemed to blur after a while. They had remained friendly with the both of them, but neither of them could stand to be in the same room as the other so that made it quite difficult to spend time with either of them. Until just before Christmas when the odd couple got back together because during their time apart they had realised that there was no one else for them. Until the second week back at school when she claimed to come to her senses and had realised that Sirius was never going to change and she could not spend a second longer with him. That was, of course, until after exams during the small Common Room party when they had woken up to the two of them in Sirius’ bed. All was well until about a month later and then it became hard to keep up with their odd relationship. 
It wasn’t that they didn’t care about them - because they did care about them both very much - but it was hard trying to keep up with them when one minute they were having a screaming match in the Gryffindor Common Room for all the first years to gawk at and the other they were cuddled up on Sirius’ bed pathetically telling the other everything they loved about them. 
Everyone was concerned (more intrigued) about what would happen to the odd couple after Hogwarts but nothing seemed to change. They weren’t dating when they officially graduated Hogwarts but by the next week when James invited them all over for a graduation celebration they were practically joined at the hip. That was, of course, until Sirius realised that he was free now that he was out of Hogwarts which led to a very loud screaming match on the Potter’s front porch where the three boys and Lily were sat in a similar position to where they were now: silent and nervous as they listened to their friends crying outside. 
“Bit awkward that they bought a house together now, isn’t it?” James’ voice was unusually high as he tried to make light of the very awkward situation they were in when they heard a popping noise and realised the screaming had finally ended. Similarly, Lily had playfully slapped his shoulder and scoffed, going outside to go and comfort her crying her friend. 
After that break-up James had asked Lily what she thought they did now that they lived together as opposed to Hogwarts where they could break up and get together as much as they pleased, both having their own dormitory to resign to at the end of it all. Lily had, once again, playfully slapped his shoulder making him exasperatedly ask, ‘what?! I’m curious,’ and so was Remus and Peter. 
“Well don’t tell anyone this but she told me that they have separate rooms and sometimes when it’s really bad Sirius goes to The Leaky Cauldron.” Lucky Remus and Peter weren’t just anyone. 
Now it had been over a year since they had graduated and the odd couple were still on and off and were currently just getting over a break-up which had also occurred at the Potter household during their last get-together. But apparently Sirius had come to his wits and came knocking at her door at two in the morning begging for forgiveness and they were just about to see whether or not it had worked. 
“Sorry we’re so late,” the three boys looked at each other; eyes wide, “Sirius couldn’t decide what to wear.”
“I just want to look the best for you.” They heard a giggle and a smooching noise as Lily reassured them that they were hardly late. Remus smirked as he stood up and reached his hand out to a disgruntled James who sighed as he fished in his pockets for five galleons. 
James didn’t plan on making this a game (especially not with the amount of money he was losing), but how could they not when they knew that the two ‘lovers’ would walk in either at each other’s necks and fighting or at each other’s necks and leaving a few ‘marks’.
“Hi everyone,” she was beaming and cheerful and she came around to give a big hug to everyone with Sirius trailing behind her and doing the same, “we missed you so much.”
 The Potter’s had two single lounges on either side of a three-seater lounge all facing a small table and a fireplace. James and Peter were sat on either side of the three-seater with Lily resuming her place in the middle and Remus on one of the single-seaters. 
“C’mere love,” Sirius mumbled in her ear as his hand wrapped around her wrist and led her to the other single-seater, sitting himself down and bringing her to sit on his lap. She leant her head on his chest and he put his arms around her waist. 
She felt content. She was sure that no matter how strange and chaotic their relationship was, her and Sirius were meant to be together. They were the other’s first love and when she fit so perfectly into his embrace how could she ever think otherwise? 
Sirius let out a sigh and a small smile formed on his face. He wasn’t really sure about anything in his life but this just seemed to make sense. He gave her a little squeeze before pressing a kiss to the top of her head. Sure they had their moments, but isn’t love about getting through them all? 
Lily cleared her throat, trying to bring the attention of James, Peter and Remus to anywhere else but the odd couple. They were being anything but subtle with James and Peter’s bodies completely turned to face them and Remus practically off his seat all trying to get the best view of the time bomb sitting in front of them. 
“So, what have we all been up to since the last time we saw each other?” Lily regretted the words that left her mouth as soon as she said it, but she smiled confidently at them all as if she hadn’t said anything wrong. 
Of course, the last time they had all been together that bomb had gone off and they all had front row seats. 
Really, they should have seen it coming. Her cheerful smile was a blank expression and Sirius’ teasing comments were replaced with a, ‘they don’t know we broke up, just smile and act like everything is fine’ which they definitely weren’t meant to hear and which the odd couple definitely didn’t achieve. 
They had joked about it afterwards that it was the shortest amount of time it had taken them to start fighting. 
“Lily this wine is amazing, where did you get it from?” Sirius was sitting as far away from her as he could manage, their distance - lounges away - contrasting to the close proximity they were in now. 
“Oh, I got it from The Leaky Cauldron as a gift from Tom,” Lily seemed like she was about to continue before she was cut off. 
“I’m surprised you haven’t tried it if it’s from The Leaky Cauldron,” she couldn’t contain the smirk forming on her lips, “don’t you spend a lot of time there, Sirius?” She was going to stop there, she really was, but seeing Sirius’ hand clench on the arm rest seemed to ignite something in her and before she knew it she was asking, “or where you too busy fucking whatever whore came in that you didn’t have time to try their wine?” It took James, Peter and Remus every fibre of their being not to start whooping and shouting because as much as they loved Sirius, it was quite hilarious.
“Yes, I was actually,” Sirius stood up, “best sex I’ve ever had.”
“Oh shut up!” She stood and got up in his face. There was a moment of silence with Sirius’ glare challenging her sneer. Then, in a mumble which the rest of them could hardly make out he asked, “do you think I could have a word with you outside?”
It was more than a word. It was actually a lot of words. A lot of mean and nasty words which they all could hear as they sat inside in a similar position to where they were the first time they had fought like this when they first left Hogwarts. It was oddly silent in the house, with the only noise being their two friends screeching at each other outside. 
“You’re the one who sent me to The Leaky Cauldron,” Sirius’ voice was shrill and loud. 
“Well maybe if you stopped acting like a child I wouldn’t have broken up with you,” her voice somehow was louder than his. 
“Well maybe if you weren’t always so serious about everything then I wouldn’t have to.”
“You always fucking do this Sirius,” her voice started out softly but it rose towards the end. 
“Whatever, I don’t need this,” he sighed and with a quick, “fuck this,” Sirius disapparated and soon she was awkwardly walking into the lounge-room, tears threatening to spill as she excused herself and went home for the night. 
“Well Sirius and I got back together,” she let out a small laughm turning her head to Sirius who was playfully rolling his eyes at her. 
Peter’s eyes widened, Remus almost choked on his drink and James cleared his throat as Lily laughed with her friend and gave James an encouraging kick to the shin so he would laugh with her. 
“Thank Merlin we did,” Sirius whispered, pressing a soft kiss to her nose as everyone let their awkward giggles die down. 
She knew what everyone thought of their relationship. People might say that she was dumb for constantly going back to Sirius, but they didn’t know him like she did. Sure they all had front row seats to their constant bickering and fighting but they weren’t there when they got home and were tangled up in each other's arms with Sirius telling her everything he loved about her. But, of course, she wasn’t naive enough to think that the people around them hadn’t spoken about the eventful ending to their last ‘get-together’ and so why not address the elephant in the room?
Sirius also knew what everyone thought of their relationship. But he didn’t like people knowing the details, he was very private when it came to his relationships and why did people need to know anything about it? 
But he still smiled at her because this was their friends she was speaking to, they were like family and maybe it was okay if she let slip a few details about their relationship. 
“Obviously, last time we were here it was a bit different,” she turned around to face everyone else, a small smile forming on her lips as Sirius hummed and made a conscious effort to unclench his jaw. “But Sirius came home and apologised and we made up and trust me, we definitely made up,” she giggled before opening her mouth to continue. 
“Okay, I think they get it, love,” Sirius let out an awkward giggle as he spoke through gritted teeth. 
“Well if they can hear us screeching on their front porch then they can-”
“Well they didn’t have to hear us screeching on their front porch.” Her head snapped around to look at him smiling sweetly at her.
“What is that meant to mean?” She squinted her eyes at him as he took his hands off her waist. 
“Nothing, my love.” Sirius let out a deep sigh before pressing a soft kiss to the top of her temple. They were finally in a good place and he really didn’t want to pick a fight with her right here in front of their friends. Again. 
She glared at him hoping that he would understand how mad she was at him for picking a fight and then ending it as if it was all her fault. 
There was an awkward silence before James cleared his throat and everyone’s attention was brought to James. 
She felt a heat rise to her chest in embarrassment as she realised how pathetic their little row actually was and as James opened his mouth to start speaking she mumbled an ‘I’m sorry’ to Sirius who brought his arms back around her waist and whispered an ‘it’s okay,’ before softly kissing her cheek and bringing his attention to James. Maybe he had overreacted. 
“So I know Lily and I always invite you over for little ‘get-togethers’ because you’re our family and we love you all and we want to stay this close forever.” He turned to Lily and placed a hand on her thigh. She put her hand over his and beamed. They all looked around at each other and smiled in an acknowledgement that they were family and they did love each other very much. 
“And while this is all very true, James and I actually invited you because, well,” her and James looked at each other and let out a breathy laugh, “we are going to be extending our family.” Their beaming faces turned to look at their friend’s confused ones before Lily almost screeched, “I’m pregnant!”
A chorus of cheers broke out in the small living room as everyone got up to hug the new parents. 
“Lily, oh my gosh!” she let out a squeal as she hugged her best friend before continuing, “I’m so excited for you, congratulations!” She hugged her tight before letting go and Lily grabbed her hands and placed it on her tummy both of them giggling in excitement. 
Peter, Remus and Sirius gave their congratulations to James, waiting until the two girls broke apart so they could congratulate Lily. 
“Congratulations, mate,” Sirius beamed, patting him on the back before continuing, “can’t wait to meet the little baby and teach them everything you won’t.”
Their previous little feud had been completely forgotten by the majority of the room, fortunately overshadowed by the good news from the soon-to-be-parents. Once everyone gave their congratulations they resumed their positions across the lounges, a sense of excitement filling in the room as everyone was still beaming at James and Lily. 
“Now we want you to know that choosing the godparents was a really hard decision,” Lily’s hand was wrapped around James’ arm as she looked around to everyone individually in the room, “and we don’t want anyone’s feelings to be hurt, because James and I will have more children.”
“That we will,” James smirked, turning his head to press a soft kiss to Lily’s head. Despite their smiles, their friends scrunched up their noses in disgust and playfully rolled their eyes. 
“But we had to make a decision,” they were trying to be sympathetic but the smiling faces of all their friends were infectious and they knew that no one would be offended, “and the godparents will be,” James paused for dramatic effect before turning towards the odd couple in the single-seated chair, “you two!” 
She stood up and beamed at Sirius, grabbing his face in her hands and pulling him in for a kiss before bringing her attention to James and Lily. She pulled them both into her arms and kissed their cheeks, both them letting out a chorus of ‘thank you’s’, ‘I love you’s’ and ‘I can’t wait’s’.
When they sat back down Sirius’ grip on her waist was much tighter and this time she placed her hand over his and gave it a big squeeze. 
“We promise to be the best godparents ever,” she gushed, a large smile forming on her face. 
“Yeah, we’ll let them do everything you won’t let them do,” Sirius continued making everyone laugh. 
“I don’t doubt that you will,” James and Lily shook their heads knowing that as much as the odd couple would live up to their promise, they would never put the baby in actual danger. Well not any real danger. 
If they were being honest, which they would never be to the odd couple, they really weren’t convinced on making them godparents. It wasn’t that they didn’t trust them, they would trust them with their lives if they really had to. Well, they would trust them individually. They were amazing friends individually, but when they were together it seemed only a matter of time before they would explode and as they had experienced from the last few years, they really didn’t care who ended up in the destruction. 
When James and Lily had discussed the topic of godparents it was quite obvious that the odd couple would be the perfect choice because Lily wanted her to be the godmother, being her closest friend and all, and Sirius, who was basically James’ brother, was perfect to be the godfather because he was her boyfriend. . 
Well, at the time he was her boyfriend, but that was not long before they had the massive fight at the Potter’s and their concerns about them being godparents began to grow. 
“Maybe it will bring them together?” James had suggested innocently, shrugging his shoulders and earning a playful slap to his shoulder from Lily. “What?”
“Oh yes that will be great,” Lily beamed sarcastically at him, “I can’t wait to introduce our child to their fighting godparents only to have them go off and fuck in a closet and forget about their godchild!”
But Lily was convinced on having her as a godmother and James was convinced on having him as a godfather and it would have been a bit weird if they had given it to her and Remus and that probably would have led to another fight. 
So they decided to wait until they were in a good spot until they broke the news to them and when she had owled Lily to tell her that Sirius had apologised and they were thinking about getting back together, Lily was ecstatic to hear this (for the first time) and immediately sent out owls to come to their house in two days. She didn’t want to leave it too late in case they broke up again. Usually it lasted a little longer, but honestly who knew with them. 
Maybe it was wrong on their behalf, but godparents didn’t technically need to be together anyways so all that mattered was that they were together when they told them as this was the best case scenario with the least risk of them getting into a fight. 
But even though it was the least riskiest, there was still a risk. 
“And you were going to ruin their announcement,” Sirius chuckled, squeezing his arms around her and making her unsure about how she was meant to take that comment. 
Everyone suddenly went quiet. 
“What do you mean?” She raised an eyebrow but she hadn’t turned to look at him yet. 
“Oh merlin,” Lily whispered as all smiles were wiped off their friends' faces as they braced themselves for the explosion. 
“You tried to pick a fight with me just before they announced it,” Sirius explained, still seemingly innocent to what the outcome of his comment was going to lead to. 
“I didn’t try to pick a fight with you.” She turned around to face him, giving him a confused look but still trying to force a smile. 
“Really, well it seemed like you-”
“You were trying to pick a fight with me, you always do.” She furrowed her eyebrows together as their friends stared intently at her seemingly unable to take their eyes away from the emerging disaster in front of them.  
“I do not,” Sirius huffed, getting defensive as he took his arms away from her waist. 
“You’re picking one right now!” Her voice was getting louder and her expression angrier and Sirius let out a sigh. 
“I’m sorry, love,” he pressed a kiss to her forehead and went to continue before he was cut off. 
“No,” she stood up, “you’re an ass Sirius Black.” She could feel the tears start to pool in her eyes and she wasn’t sure if it was due to the anger or the embarrassment. “You always pick a fight with me and then you apologise as if I’m the one being annoying.” 
Their friends shared a look as they all seemed to shrink back into their seats, their previous excitement getting lost in the explosion. 
“Well at least I’m not the one who always has to make a scene in front of our friends.” Sirius stood up and waved his hand around to their friends who all moved their eyes away before she could turn around and see them staring intently at them. 
“Oh fuck off Sirius,” she rolled her eyes and sniffled as she felt a tear fall down her cheek, “do you really think they can’t hear us when we ‘take it outside?’” She asked, teasing him for always wanting to do so when it was obvious they would be able to hear. 
“Can you just fucking stop?” His voice was booming, “Tonight was about James and Lily but you just couldn’t handle the attention not being on you for more than two minutes, could you?” He was pointing at her and she squinted at him, a few more tears falling down. 
“How dare you?” Her voice was beginning to tremble and she hated that he would think he had gotten to her. She wanted to turn to James and Lily and apologise for being such shitty friends and tell them that she was really happy for them, but it was easier to pretend that they weren’t there. 
“What? Speak the fucking truth?” Sirius taunted, stepping closer to her so their faces were inches apart. “Well congratulations because you ruined their announcement.”
“How dare you accuse me of being such a shitty friend when you’re the one who is always picking a fucking fight with me!” Her voice started soft but as she continued it got more heated and soon she was yelling at him. Sirius clenched his eyes shut and took a deep breath. 
“Fuck this,” he mumbled, “fuck this,” his voice got louder, “you always fucking ruin everything for me.” He leant down so his face was even closer to hers before standing back up and clearing his throat. He finally addressed the rest of his friends as she angrily wiped the tears from her cheeks. “I’m sorry that your announcement has been ruined, I’m really happy for you, mate,” he gave a sincere look to James and Lily, “and I am honoured to be their godfather. But I think it's time I went before anything escalates.” 
“I’m so happy you get to be the bigger person again,” she spat at him, but he didn’t acknowledge her words. 
He walked around the room and gave his friends a hug goodbye, congratulating them once more before giving her a dirty look and apparating to The Leaky Cauldron. 
He leant against the doorframe and took a deep breath. He really didn’t like fighting with her, as much as he did it and as much as people probably thought he liked it, he really hated it. But he just couldn’t help it. She knew exactly how to get his blood boiling and he knew exactly how to push her buttons but that was just because they knew each other so well. Too well, probably, considering their history. 
More than anything, he felt horrible for ruining his best friends, his brothers, announcement. He would never admit it but he did know that the fight wasn’t just one sided. It never was. He would get a room and write an apology to his friends immediately. Maybe they could celebrate together, with just him, to save any more dramas. 
There was the thought in the back of his head that he would be a godparent with her, but he decided to push it to the back of his head. He wouldn’t be able to sleep if he let his worries bubble to the surface. He wanted to be the best role model a godfather could be to this baby and at the moment he felt everything but. 
His heart ached as he replayed the image of the tears falling down her cheeks as she yelled at him and for a moment he considered apparating back to their house and holding her until she stopped crying and forgave him. 
He wiped the tears off his face and walked into the pub. 
She was mumbling out apologies any moment there was a silence. . 
“We are horrible friends, I am so sorry.” She wrapped her arms around both of them as they patted her back and told her it was okay, checking for the umpteenth time that she didn’t want to stay with them instead of going to a presumably empty house. “You’re too kind, but I just really want to go back to my comfortable bed.” And with one horrible attempt at a convincing smile she apparated back to her empty flat.
She threw herself on the bed and let out a muffled scream into her pillow. She hated that he knew exactly how to get her blood boiling and even though she knew exactly how to push his buttons, he had definitely initiated it tonight. 
She hated fighting with him, she hated the horrible twisty feeling she got in her tummy that always made her feel like everything inside of her was going to come out and she hated that he had the power to make her feel like this. 
But this time it was worse because even though they had fought in front of their friends many times, they had never brought so much attention to themselves when it really shouldn’t have been. She felt horrible and decided that first thing tomorrow she would owl Lily and meet up with them to properly celebrate. At least it would give her time to get a gift. 
Her mind wandered to the baby and how she was expected to be their godmother. Not that she wanted anything more than to be the best godmother the little baby could ever have, it was just that right now she didn’t know if she would ever be able to do so. 
For a moment she wanted nothing more than to have Sirius’ arms around her, shushing her and kissing the top of her head and stroking her back and telling her that everything was going to be fine. But she wasn’t sure that they were ever going to be anywhere near being fine. 
Back at the Potter’s the four friends sat in silence. No one knowing what to say. They shared a few looks and many sighs, but the tension was still leftover from the explosion and it seemed that no one knew what to say and no one really knew how to deal with the aftermath of the explosion. 
“So does this mean I get my five galleons back?” James asked innocently.  Lily shook her head and playfully slapped his shoulder as James whined when Remus shook his head. 
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quorras · 3 years
tron fic wip round up - december 2021
ok well, this is going to be a short round up post since I haven’t had much time to actually write recently, whoops! but might as well do it anyway—i do kinda like looking back at these posts to map out my creative timeline, so here’s round three! (and please dont reblog this post, thank you!)
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From last time:
Creation Myth (Chapter 2, part of Gaia) ~ completed, and posted! Currently wrapping up chapter 3 and 4 simultaneously. 
BLACKOUT (part of Gaia) ~ no progress, but will pick up when Creation Myth is wrapped up.
Requeim ~ no progress, hope to pick this up again though because I enjoy the idea it gets to explore.
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Creation Myth (Chapters 3, 4) ~ Quorra, part of the Gaia series
I’ve posted the two chapters of this already, and I’m currently working on the final two chapters side-by-side. Chapter 3 turned into an exploration of the Grid’s population density and program cultures, shown through Quorra! I think she’s an excellent lens of looking at the Grid’s history separated from ENCOM and Tron’s story. Chapter 4 is where we start getting into heavy AU timeline territory—this chapter is actually an insert from BLACKOUT with perspectives changed. Don’t want to spoil too much for that though as I’m still finalising that plot. Started ??? I’m not sure, sometime this February I think, work still in progress. Chapter 3 at 676 words, both chapters are going to be shorter than the previous two for sure.
Favorite excerpt so far: (Chapter 3)
The new Argon City quickly became Quorra’s favorite. It was built by the Sea, and became home to the best transport designers of the Grid. It was, admittedly, quite far away from Arjia, and Quorra was barely able to do much other running errands for Radia around the Grid to the other colonies. But when she did have time, she willed  herself to get lost amongst the innovative culture of cleverness and games.
It was Argonites who proposed the intercity light rail, for ease of transport. 
If she didn’t love them already, that would have done it.
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Be Wary and Stay So ~ Kevin, Alan, Lora and... the members of Outpost 31? (Tron x The Thing crossover fic)
Ohhhh I am so excited to share this one!! For some reason, I spent the semester binging K/urt Russell movies in my free time and upon realising that The Thing came out in 1982, I had to make a Tron crossover. I was initially hoping to post this on Halloween, but I didn’t want to rush the fic. It’s nearly done and I’m wildly proud of it. What initially started as a Kevin Flynn/RJ MacReady crack fic turned into the most horrifying thing I’ve written and I love it kfdjhgskffd. Extra shoutout to the server peeps for encouraging me during my polar expedition hyperfixation months. Started Oct 2nd, work still in progress. Currently at 3.6k words!
Favorite excerpt so far:
“I’d like to tell you you’re gonna get off this ice hellscape and break it to her in person, but there is no way either of us are getting out of here without making sure that fucking thing is dead.” MacReady says, “Break the game, Kevin Flynn. If we don’t win, neither does it.” Flynn stiffens his lip. It stung, but MacReady was right.
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biutyful. ~ Quorra
It’s kinda cheating to include this because it’s barely a fic but inspired by the latest C/oldplay album, I wanted to write about Quorra and the sunrise. I remember seeing a post years ago about how no matter what, sunsets would always be the most beautiful thing and seeing one was like seeing one for the first time because each one is unique, etc etc. It’s real short, I just missed writing fic :’) Started Nov 10th, work still in progress? Currently at 135 words.
Favorite excerpt so far:
Now, Quorra’s seen the sunrise more times than she can count on her fingers, more than she can keep track of, despite her internal promise to never forget the image of any of them. The sun remains in her world now, on the daily, as it does it’s job and she continues about hers. 
It’s at sunset one day when Quorra asks Sam again: What happens next? 
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The past few months have been so hectic, I can’t even believe there was a point in time I was publishing ~2 fics a month. I did actually publish two non-Tron fics, a Tango & Cash fic as well as a weird Escape from New York poetry dump (both inspired by the Russell film binge lol), both of which turned out much better than expected for random one-nighter fics! In terms of tronfic though, I’ve already got so many ideas, for Gaia or otherwise, that my focus once I have time is just to actually execute the ideas instead of coming up with more brand new stuff. I guess that’s it for now then! If you’re reading this, hope youre doing good :D
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keorami · 3 years
Hiya! This is my Secret Santa gift for @appletiel ! Merry Christmas!
I kinda took a while to figure out what I wanted to write. In the end, this turned out Sapnap-centric even though I've never written him before and didn't mean to. Dream and Quackity do play a big part in it, but they never appear. I realise that's probably not what you were asking for but I still hope you'll like it! Thought I'd write something fluffy for Christmas, but it turned out pretty angsty. Whoops.
A disclaimer: As this is Sapnap-centric, obviously the narration is gonna be hella biased. So it won't reflect my thoughts on the characters at all, okay? If you've seen my other posts, this is probably obvious but just in case.
Alright, let's get a move on already!
Summary: Life goes on, whether Sapnap wants it to or not. He can only reflect on his losses.
It's over, Sapnap thinks. Finally.
Dream has been stopped, for good this time. (He hopes.) After pleading for his last life as Tommy took his first two- how wrong it felt to see the tyrant, the chessmaster so vulnerable- it was decided that he would be imprisoned in Pandora's Vault, a prison of Sam's creation.
He's always the only one left behind. The only one left to pick up the pieces. The only one left that ever cared, it seemed.
It wasn't fair, he thought.
Life isn't fair, he can hear Dream reply. His tone is bitter and condescending. An unusual combination when it came to him.
Even in his own mind he made fun of him. Asshole.
He watches as his former best friend is dragged away to the vault, and hopes that things will turn out better this time.
He passed by the prison sometimes. A lot, actually. It didn't matter how out of the way it was, as soon as he let his mind wander his feet would take him there. Then he'd snap out of it when he was right at the entrance. Just like this time. He didn't know why he kept doing this.
(He did know. It's because he's a stupid fool that can't let go of things. He never could.)
He looked up at the tall, menacing building looming over him, dread gripping at his heart for some unknown reason. Sure, it did look a little- okay, very scary, but he wasn't the one trapped in there.
Well, he figured Dream deserved the gloomy prison for all the shit he's pulled to everyone. To him. He can endure a few months in there. (Unless you remember the main cell, which Sapnap makes a point to ignore.) It's necessary. It's for the best.
He wondered if he should visit again. His last visit... hadn't gone well. He was still kinda pissed at Dream for not talking to him when he bothered to show up. They were friends goddammit, he could have talked to him! It's not like he would have snitched to Sam anyway! Or was Sapnap not worth wasting his breath? (To this day, he wishes he hadn't made that stupid promise. Dream is too dangerous to be kept alive if he escapes, so it has to be done. But could he do it? Could he kill his former best friend?)
He could try again. Make sure to not fall for Dream's tricks or whatever, but still give him a chance. This prison was supposed to make him better. He trusted Sam to do his job. If only Dream would understand that it was for both his and the sever's own good. Wasn't that the reason he did all that? To keep peace on his server? He doesn't even know. It's scary to not know. Because if you don't know, then you can't understand, which is what Sapnap wants more than anything.
And when Dream finally got better... they could be friends again. Just like before. (He misses him. A lot.)
He sighed. For now though, just like every other time, he turned around and walked away.
Sapnap takes a deep breath to calm his nerves. Today is the day.
He fiddles with his tie, unable to tie it properly with his shaking hands.
"Oh my God Sapnap. Just let me do it."
George swats his hands away, and does his job himself, tying the tie so tightly it presses uncomfortably against his neck. Sapnap is sure he did it on purpose.
"This is gonna be the best day of your life. No need to be so nervous."
That's easy for him to say, he isn't the one getting married. There are so many ways he could mess up and embarrass himself in front of everyone. Or worse, ruin the day for his soon-to-be husbands. He can't bear to have anything bad happen-
What the hell did George smack him for?!
"Even I can see how nervous you're getting. Calm down."
"No buts. You love them, they love you. The only way you could ruin it for them is to say no, and we all know you won't. Now go, I got other husbands to give a pep talk to."
Well knowing George, it will definitely go wrong somehow.
...So he says, but he has to fight the smile tugging at his lips.
"Thanks Gogy."
He's definitely feeling better now. He feels ready.
He makes his way to the community house, where everyone must be waiting. He insisted on it being the place where they held the ceremony. It meant a lot to him. Because...
"Hey Pandas."
That was his first home. The one he built with his closest friends. Including the one standing right in front of it, seemingly waiting for him.
"Dream! Not wearing your mask today?"
It was a rare sight, especially in public. Dream never took off his mask much as he disliked showing his face to people. Sapnap never knew why, but it's not like Dream had to tell him if he didn't want to.
"It's your wedding, so no, I won't. I owe you that much at least, don't I?"
That means a lot, especially when Sapnap gets to see his friend smiling widely. His face had always been rather expressive. It's like he feels emotions 10 times stronger than everyone else. He thinks Dream is possibly even happier than him and well, they do say that happiness is contagious.
"You don't owe me anything, dumbass."
Dream simply waves off the argument. His joyful demeanour then changes to something more serious, and Sapnap finds himself tensing up.
"Are you happy?"
God, did he have to ask that with a serious face like that? Don't scare him on his wedding for fuck's sake.
"Of course. I'm gonna marry the loves of my life in a few minutes. I...couldn't be happier."
He replies a bit bashfully, staring at the ground. That sounded really cheesy, didn't it?
"I see."
That... was strange. Why did Dream's voice sound so strained? Looking back at him, Sapnap definitely didn't like the expression on his face.
"Dream, are you okay...?"
Why is he feeling so drowsy?
"I'm sorry things turned out this wrong. I'm sorry this isn't your reality."
The last thing Sapnap can see before his consciousness fades is Dream's sad smile.
Sapnap opens his eyes, and is greeted by the ceiling of his room in Kinoko. He is completely alone, because of course he is. It was all a dream.
A dream...
"I'm sorry things turned out this wrong. I'm sorry this isn't your reality."
(Why did Dream say that? Was he aware? Or was it his mind telling him what he wanted to hear?)
He thinks he's starting to understand George now. He wants nothing more than to go back to that dream, because, as he's figured out by now, real life sucks. It's too painful now that he got a taste of what could have been.
But at the same time, the thought of losing himself to his dreams scares him. (Can't ever make up your mind, can you?)
For the first time in months, he lets his tears stain his pillow. He doesn't go back to sleep.
He hadn't left Kinoko since...
"If you won't give my armor back... then I'll just find this Kinoko Kingdom of yours and blow it up with TNT!"
...since he broke out. And threatened the safety of everything he holds dear. Like he hadn't changed at all. Or in fact, changed for the worse. (Wasn't Pandora's Vault supposed to make him better? To make him go back to the friend he knew and loved?)
Karl is annoyed with him. Why couldn't you just let him have the armor, he asked. Sapnap's only defense was that the armor was too powerful for him to have it. (It felt good to wear it. Safe. In a way, it felt like his best friend had never left.) Now they busy themselves preparing for the worst. In hindsight, putting Karl and their home in danger for an armor set wasn't his brightest idea.
He doesn't go to Las Nevadas as often, and he feels guilty about it. Especially since it's rather close to Kinoko. He couldn't even bring himself to walk a few blocks to see how his (ex?)fiance was doing? Really?
As beautiful as the casino city is, Sapnap can't help the twinge of resentment creeping through him. It wasn't supposed to exist. Quackity was supposed to live with them, in their cute little mushroom kingdom, instead of there. Wake up in the morning in their cuddle pile, try and fail to cook breakfast then clean up the kitchen, go on long walks around the server, maybe stop at Niki's to buy some pastries.
He can imagine it so vividly that it hurts to face reality again.
They shouldn't be so distant from one another, both literally and figuratively. (Sapnap isn't a fool. He's noticed that Quackity is a lot colder to him now. He misses his warmth.)
He wanted to ask Karl why. Why he never gave Quackity the invitation. Why he treated he like an enemy. Why he had so many secrets that he would never confide in. Why he couldn't trust Sapnap.
He was too afraid of the possible answers to ask.
(A coward until the very end, aren't you?)
Today either, he can't bring himself to go. So he climbs to the highest mushroom in their kingdom and watches the casino lights from afar.
Sapnap likes to think that in another universe, Dream and Quackity would have been best friends.
Even if on the surface they seem like they couldn't be more different, at their core they're really similar. Sapnap knows- knew?- them too well to be unsure of that fact.
A heart of gold hidden behind a carefully crafted exterior (reserved for Dream, and carefree for Quackity). Hard to read and really clever. But sometimes just as dumb. A penchant for jokes even at the worst times. A surprisingly sharp tongue. The most stubborn motherfuckers he's ever met, and that's coming from him. He could go on and on honestly.
Really, it's like they're the same person. No wonder Sapnap was drawn to them. Maybe he just had a type, haha.
They were so similar... that it wasn't a surprise that they'd end up the same. Leaving him behind to go on a wild hunt for power. (For it to happen twice, makes Sapnap wonder. Is it him? Is he the problem? Wasn't he good enough?)
No matter how much Quackity denies it, Sapnap knows. He's becoming just like Dream. So obsessed with a stupid goal that he's willing to sacrifice almost everything for it. (Sapnap hoped he was one of the few exceptions.)
He knows he's losing- or already lost Dream. George barely speaks to him anymore. Karl and Quackity don't want anything to do with each other now, and Sapnap is afraid he'll lose them too. They're all he has left at this point. He'll do whatever he can to keep them. He can't... he can't lose anyone else. He can't imagine being all alone on this hellhole of a server, without anybody to lean on when it gets to be too much.
But it's already happening isn't it? How long until George leaves him for good? How long until Karl forgets him entirely? How long until he has no choice but to kill Dream? How long until Quackity throws him away?
How much time does he have left?
Maybe, he often thinks when he's at his most vulnerable, I never deserved to have anyone in the first place.
Word count: 1,431 (holy crap I'm surprised I wrote 400 words over the limit I was having a lot of trouble with this!)
Ending notes: It was hard to find an idea, and even harder to make 1k long, but I made it! I think I tricked myself into liking c!Sapnap haha.
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