#real rap is back but dang
throne-for-queens · 5 months
Me listening to the 6:16
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bump1nthen1ght · 3 months
Fair Winds, Following Seas (M!Reader x M!Siren)
Pairing: Male!Captain!Reader x Male!Flirty!Siren
Genre: Pirates, Pining, Flirting
Word Count: 2257 words
Warnings: N/A
Summary: As a captain of a feared pirate crew, not much terrifies you. Not even keeping the company of a man-eating siren. 
Based on this request: (A/N: WHELP I clearly misread this request haha, a more accurate version of this request can be found here, but for now enjoy this piece!) May I request a flirty male! siren! reader with a male gruff pirate captain? I'll leave the details up to you! Love your works by the way, take all the dang time you need. :3
One of your favorite things about being captain is being at the helm. With nothing but an endless ocean in front of you and a steady grip on the wheel, you’ve never felt more at peace.
Except for right now, with an incessant rapping on your shoulder.
“Yes, Mr. Brightley?”
Your nervous, newest third mate jolts at your voice, probably just having worked up the nerve to approach you in the first place.
“U-um, the lookout has spotted a stranded person sitting out on the rock.” His shaky hands point out on the horizon, where a large outcrop stands solitary amidst the waves. The kind of rock that could sustain no other life than a seagull and crustaceans.
Your brow furrows.
“Yes, captain. The crew was wondering if we should stop and help them-”
“What do they look like?”
That stops Mr. Brightley in his tracks.
“Check for me, will you?” You nod your head to the nearby telescope. Your ship is slowly riding the waves, the rock just within viewing distance.
Mr. Brightly shakily takes the scope, extending it and trying to catch any general features.
“Uh, long black hair, tan-” Brightley’s free eye squints, “It looks like they're wearing a sheet?”
You sigh.
“Tell the crew to get the rowboat ready, I’ll go and check this out.”
Your younger crew looks at you like you're crazy as you insist on going out to the rock by yourself, bringing nothing but a rope, a ladder and a bucket of fish with you. You told them you’ll be back in a few hours, another baffling fact.
As you row through the crashing waves,  a beckoning, melodic voice calls out to you.
“Oh, my savior!” The tenor calls out in fake falsetto, white linen flowing around his nude figure like Aphrodite. “I’ve been stranded for days. I thought I was a goner.” You throw a rope up the side of the rock, a snake-like hand grabbing it with precision. 
His face is beautiful, practically carved out of marble. His warm brown eyes are that of a doe, all innocent and alluring. “Whatever can I do to repay you?”
“Cut the crap, Harris.” 
You toss the pail of sea sweater directly into Harris face, the sheet wrapped around his chest going sheer. Harris just tosses his hair, water speckling like a rainbow as false skin fades into green scales, those doe eyes glowing a bright yellow and his demure smile becoming full of sharp teeth. He still resembles a human, a handsome one too, but this form is much more real.
“Ah, you always know how to make my day, Captain.”
Harris knots the rope around a sturdy rock, foregoing your rope ladder entirely and diving into the water with perfect precision. You roll your eyes.
“Showoff.” Haris flips back his long hair, now dark and tangled with sea water, as he pulls himself up onto the rowboat. His triceps flex and he gives you a wry smirk “You know you could send me a letter, like a normal friend does. Don’t have to do-” You gesture to the giant rock, to the diaphanous sheet now barely hanging off his hips, “-all this.”
“Nonsense, Captain.” Harris leah's over and sends a wave to your crew, most likely absolutely gobsmacked at this point. “These meetings are special! Special things deserve some drama.”
Harris flops his body over your legs, hand thrown over his forehead like the cover of a bodice-ripper. The sheet wraps around his waist, somehow making his sharp v seem all the more pronounced.
You scoff, setting your large oars aside and giving your arms a break. The sun is bright today, reflecting off the wear and right into your eyes. Sweat has begun to pool onto your brow.
A calloused, scaly hand runs up the side of your face, drawing your attention. The tips of Harris’ claws just graze your skin, lingering over a strip of puckered skin right by your jaw, no bigger than an inch.
“Is this new?”
You hum, remembering the scuffle at the bar they gave you the scar. It wasn’t even a good enough story to tell, the mark itself easily covered up by some facial hair, if you wanted to.
“Well, it makes you no less handsome.”
Harris sits up on his elbows, eyes dangerously darting across your lips. His tongue, long and black, darts in between his teeth.
You throw your thighs up and even Harris’ strong core isn’t enough to keep him steady. He falls off of you, quite ungracefully.
“Hey! Watch the merchandise, these looks are important, y’know?”
Harris brushed back his hair, showing off the sharp cut of his jaw and his perfectly pushed up cheekbones. They glimmer green and gold in the sunlight.
You grab a fish from the bucket and throw it in his face. Harris catches it between his teeth. He gives you a wink as blood and bone crunch under his fangs. 
“Hope you like mackerel, cause that's all you're getting.”
Harris pushes your knee in jest, lips so pouty, but graciously accepts the heaps of fish you give him. You’re lucky you're almost completely nose-blind, as you're sure the boat reeks of fish guts and brine at this point. 
“Now tell me Captain,”” Harris says, still picking flesh from his teeth, “-what ya been up to?”
“Nothing much.”
“You always say that.” Harris whines, stripping flesh clean of the bone with one bite. “Must I pry out every battle and plunder you’ve gone through? You’re a fearsome pirate Captain, brag a little.”
“This coming from the man who's been inside the Marianas Trench and didn’t tell me until I knew him for a year. ” You pull out a fresh orange, thankful you didn’t get any of the fish-stink on your hands. “Pot calling kettle black, Harris.”
“Ugh, you’ve seen the Marianas Trench once you’ve seen it you’ve seen it 
hundred times.” Harris throws a fish bone over the side, crossing his arms and leaning on your seat. “Now, suck it up and tell me about a ‘port’ of some sort!”
This was how it always went with Harris. For a siren, he was weirdly fascinated by your land-locked tales. You’d think he’d hate human stuff, given you met when rescuing him from a fishing net.
“Meh. Some sirens are shitty, some sirens are good. I’m sure humans are the same. I mean, you seem pretty cool.”
The next time your paths crossed had been accidental. Harris almost lured one of your men over the side. But after that snafu, he agreed to let the poor soul go in exchange for another story, something exciting like you had distracted him with when cutting him free. 
After that began the trade; he told you about his underwater escapades, you told him about your land ones. You seemed to be like magnets, paths always crossing in a wide wide ocean. 
“Ooh, like this.” Harris lunges forward, clawed hand going for your neck. After years of this, you don’t even flinch. The claws pull at the lace of your new necklace, pulling out the mother-of-pearl pendant ensconced in gold in the center. “I bet this has a story. Where did you get this from?”
“Hmm, just a bet gone right at a port bar. The one I told you about, with all the seashell decorations”  It was a common haunt of you and your crew, your face well known and respected. “Stupid bastard just wouldn't stop playing. He must have been a stupid noble or something, trying to make it on his own. Too much gold and not enough sense.” You look at the pendant, seeing the faint colors shimmer in the sunlight. “He only quit after he lost this, must’ve been an heirloom cause he got real red in the face afterwards. Lunged at my neck with a fork.” 
“Oh! Oh! Did you stab his hand into the table? Did you grab him by the collar, hold your sword up to his neck and say ‘Unhand me, fool, or I’ll wear your guts for garters’?”
You raise your eyebrow.
“You’ve been reading too many of those romance novels. No, I punched him and he was out like a light.”
Harris flops down, a pout.
“Well, what about the gold?”
“Spent most of it that night. Well, the crew did. I think they bled that poor tavern dry.” You laugh, fiddling with the pendant. That had been a fun night. “I held onto the rest.”
“Well surely you spent some of it. Didn’t you party with your crew?”
“Nah, I love the lads but they make poor company when drunk.”
“Hmm, so you prefer the company of others.” Harris wiggles his eyebrows, leaning forward and an elbow. “Anyone in parti-cu-lar?” Harris gives an exaggerated wink, scrunching up his cheek and all.
You aren’t moved by the performance
“Like I said, too many romance novels.”
“Oh come on!” Harris grabs another fish, ripping its head off with one movement. “Do you know how small the eligible siren population is? There's only about 500 of us, and you’re lucky if the siren you're courting isn't an ex's ex of an ex. There’s like, thousands of you humans-”
“More like billions-”
“-and you’re saying no one comes to mind? Not even a young ingénue waiting for their fearsome captain to come back from the sea? Or pining over that rugged lover they took one night, who blew their stockings right off?” Harris takes a bite of the fish, spitting out pieces of bone over the side. He leans forward further on his elbows, chin just inches from brushing against your thigh. “You’re telling me they don’t just throw themselves at you, Captain. You? Surely there must be someone who caught your eye.”  Harris gestures to your whole body. 
You exhale through your nose, staring right into Harris' deep yellow eyes. You’re no artist, nor a writer, but you wonder what the right words would be to describe him.
Someone with big eyes, with that aquiline nose. Whose eyes are like the sunset on the water, clear yet vibrant. With a black tongue, sharp teeth and even sharper claws.
“Nope, no one.”
Harris rolls his eyes, shoving your thigh with a half-strength push. 
“Fine, keep your secrets. I’ll pry you open one day, Captain.”
Fortunately, the conversation quickly drifts from your love-life to his recent misadventures. Mostly boring, according to him; Riding the gulf stream all the way to Iceland, helping a whale calf back to its mother, and sinking an English ship with some siren buddies.
“All Royal Navymen, so not the tastiest meat. But my god, do they make interesting sport.”
You show him the scar on your side you have from when such a Royal Navyman had grazed it with a bayonet.
“Lost lots of blood. But I walked away with my head intact, can’t say the same for him.”
“Not that he had much to begin with.”
That gets a laugh.
Only the setting sun can cut your meetings short, the night at sea bringing a deathly chill you’re ill equipped to deal with. Harris offers to pull your rowboat back to your ship, knowing how the sun tires you to the bone.
Curious crew members flee from the side as Harris draws closer, his handsome face poking out above the water. You’re sure some of them have already stuffed cotton in their ears, terrified of Harris. It takes your second hand, Ricky, to let the rope ladder down after you call everyone else cowards.
“I see what you mean about your crew, Captain. Who’d be afraid of little ole me?”
He presses a finger to his cheek in faux innocence, smile still filled with teeth. You splash some more water in his face.
You hop onto the bottom rung of the stepladder after typing up the rowboat, sluggish crew still too afraid to approach the side and pull the boat up. You turn back to Harris, who lingers in the water.
“Well, Farewell Captain! May your adventures be plentiful, so I have something interesting to listen to next time”
Harris propels himself upward, giving a dramatic bow half-way out of the water. You can’t fight the smile. Such a drama queen.
“Hey Harris?” You call back, now hanging off the ladder with one hand. The other gestures for Harris to come closer.
“Yes?” Harris asks, leaning up with brows furrowed.
His lips are just as salty as you’d expect. With only a three second peck, you’re already fiending for some water. It’d be harder to pull away, otherwise.
Those eyes are blown wide open, cheeks flushed an unnatural color you’ve never seen before. It’s a brand new expression on Harris, it shoots a pleasant bolt down your spine.
“Until we meet again.”
You tap the side of the rope, quickly yanked up by Ricky. You shoot only a glance back and see Harris, jaw dropped open like a guppy.
By the time you’re back on the deck, he seems to have dived back in the water, and your crew are pulling cotton out of their ears.
You give Ricky a pat on the back and he gives you a knowing smile. He’ll never let this go, that’s for sure. 
You saunter off into your quarters, Mr. Brightley and the rest still as befuddled as before.
“Absolute madman, he is.” Mr. Brightley says, wondering how he’d fit all your escapades into his letter to his sister. Hopefully her Captain was more sane than his.
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barblaz-arts · 2 months
Real real real random ask.. Buuutttt- what's your favorite song? Mine's either this or this, and not even because I'm into the dsmp, I just like cg5 lol. So yeah! Just was curious ig, also thought I should mention that you actually got me (back) into (obsessed with) the Crane Wives! I used to listen to them a little while back and got back into them again when I watched the Chaggie animatic with Curses for the song. That's all, have a good day!
Oh that is a very dangerous question. I LOVE talking about/recommending songs I like. I cant just choose one tho, especially when there are artists who have so many songs I love and there are many genres I adore, so sorry for the long ish list
With The Crane Wives my favorite changes from time to time. I remember when I was ill and basically bedridden for two months, I'd spend hours just listening to all of their songs. Rn my favorite is I Aint Done. Apparently it's supposed to be based on some urban legend? I like to think of it as some tragic sapphic story
Marianas Trench is another one of my favorite bands. If you were a teen like me who loved watching AMV's in the 2000's to 2010's, their songs are often used for ships lol. (i get the feeling you might be a bit on the young side tho, so sorry for talking about some oldies here) Hard to pick a favorite too, but maybe this one since it's the first one of theirs I heard
I havent ventured too deeply in rap heavy songs, but this is one I like a LOT. The pre-chorus and chorus are such killers too and a lot of fun to sing lol
Jordan Fisher is such an underrated gem. Their songs take me back to the classic RnB from the 2000's. And watching them perform is kinda captivating.
People who have followed me for a while now know that I also love kpop/Loona, so lemme plug in my girls real quick. This is my favorite from one of their subgroups
Kiss of Life is a newer group I've been getting into lately, and they're real dang talented. They kinda remind me of Little Mix, which I also really liked
If you're into anime, you've probably heard of yoasobi because they've had songs that feature in anime. It's really really hard to pick a favorite with them but the one they wrote for Beastars is the one I'm currently obsessed with
There are also a lot of good songs in my country I could talk days about, especially this one by Ben & Ben. The mv stars their bassist and keyboardist who are dating irl, which makes it even cuter
And then there are so many broadway songs i like.... oh my god so hard to choose........
Beetlejuice is my favorite musical, so I gotta choose one from it. The lyrics for the songs in this musical are so good, but especially with Dead Mom. The bridge where Lydia turns all soft because of how much she loved her mom gets me everytime. (fun fact for those who dont know, the voice actors for Pentious/Adam and Rosie were the OG actors for the title character and the step mom)
Lastly, I havent actually watched the Waitress yet(I'm talkin about bootlegs ofc) but the soundtrack's really good. The voice actor for Niffty was also there, so you might wanna check it out just to hear her sing, she's phenomenal. This song is undoubtedly the best of the bunch, and there's actually a version song by Lucifer's VA that is absolutely heart-breaking, but I'm putting the original version in the post for the intended message of the song because its important. Also this animatic is kinda insane. Jeremy Jordan's version of this song really is worth checking out too for sure
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alfiely-art · 3 months
Finished act 4!!!!
Act 1 reaction here
Act 2 reaction here
Act 3 reaction here
Intermission reaction here
Act 4 reaction:
“Next image” or “end game” What. What we just started ???
Ohhh I like this music tho
This looks like an rpg lol
HI??? FROG??? SALAMANDER???? Whatever you are you're adorable
Hi adhd amphibian
These guys are great I love then
Ohhh they're salamanders
This section would be a lot more fun if I could. Play Homestuck. Curse my computer for not allowing me to read homestuck
This section is also taking a very long time to load. It is pictures you're fine phone
Did he lift thr pumpkin off wv's head. Gay
HELP don't kill him he's turned gay it's okay
Yay hi Jade!!!!
???? There IS a pumpkin there what the fuck
Love the difference between John and Dave's reactions to Jade's dog
hi karkat!!!!!! You're being so mean… be nice to john or I'm Gonna bite you
Man I can like. Feel John's frustration karkat you're being so annoying I'm gonna bite you
Dave schizo arc … no I know he's being silly about the psychosis thing
Slur count: 9
“I love him” Dave why are you so random. Good for you though beeeee who you aaaaaare for your priiiiiide
ROSE IS IN PAN LAND!!!! They're putting chemicals in the water to turn the Rose's pan
Okay so we're going through the game thing again
???? Dave why do you want john to drink your piss,
Well that's one way to wake Jade up
I think WV, PM, and AR could be a poly
Oh :( Rose's mom left…
Slur count: 10
Okay which troll is this. Don't be rude about Rose's mom!!!! Bad troll
Best hatefriends forever <33 who are you
“Shit the bed” KARKAT TALKS LIKE ME!!!!
I understand why i was told i am karkat-coded
Slur count: 11
Laughing at a blind girl? Not cool egbert
OHH it's that one. The. Vriskas girlfriend!!!!
Guy with cat ears <4333
Oh. Oh that map is. Not great
Yo that shot looks sickkkk…
Yo rose is metal af
“TG: i command her alright i am like the pimpmaster hustledaddy of all snippy bookshrews” Dave what
Okay my font changed here. Easier to read tbh. Idk if it'll translate to tumblr but oh well
Omg… yuri?????
Help why do trolls sound so gay
Oh green troll is pretty… what's her name….
I KNOW THIS ONE!!! Great rap Tavros
Whatever video they linked to for “I got a present for you casey” is unavailable… rip
Trolls watch movies with modern manga titles. Will keep in mind
Terezi is so right. John is a stupidly adorable little guy
Awww… jaspersprite kinda types like my buddy. Meow meow
John's blasting off again
Did I miss something. When did Dave get a suit. When did Cal get added to the sprite. Wha
Yo what. John and Jade died??? Terezi noooo why did you ruin their session…
Slur count: 12
That didn't happen the way I thought it would. I think it's sweet that Dave chose to become a sprite to protect his friends. If they don't treat him nicely I'm killing all of them
But dang… doomed timeline…
Dave and Davesprite are so chill. Love them
AWWW. John remembered Dave's note….
Ohhh sick… jack is a queen(?) Now!!!! The guardian people are fighting!!! Yayyyyyy
Oh thank God Hussie will explain what's been going on
My reaction to Hussies's joke ._. That was. Lame
Aww. Terezi just wants to be his friend :> this better not be a trick my baby boy is so gullible
Dr Meowgon Spengler
John :( he's real Dave. John don't be ungrateful… honestly it's fair of Davesprite to be mad. Like John died in his timeline. He went back and chose to help the other Dave and all his friends and. Ourghh. Be nice to him
Yooo cal gets a cute little outfit !!! He's zipping around <333
Awwww… more bunnies!!!
IS THIS SOLLUX. I've heard of this one. Eridan lover
They are jamming!!
Maplehoof Maplehoof
Haha get pranked
I love the differences in how Rose and John name things
John you're So stupid why would you just stand on it
Fuck yeah ride the pony
AR so swaggy
Okay so. I swear. These guys are the midnight crew. That is literally Deuce. I'm not crazy right. They look the same. Maybe this is their sleepy selves… godtier… do they get godtier. Hmm
Idk what just happened in that animation but yay WV
Omg that's such a cute outfit for Rose I love it
Welcome to the party motherfuckers
Okay I'm really excited to see what Jade’s sprite is
I don't remember Dave getting thay suit. Did he steal it from future Dave. I mean future Dave doesn't really need clothes anymore but…
Oh okay yeah it's future Dave's. but cool!! Not a bad suit at all
Beautiful sword actually
Dave you're scaring the hoes
Dave looks like the autism creature in that selfie he took
Wizard fanfic!!!!
Dave is so real here. Rose and her mom could've talked :(
Uhhhh. Dave ded :( that's not good. Present Dave you gotta fix this
Man what if that Dave was still alive
I'm gonna bet 10$ that the goo John's getting is gonna be the alpha kids
Oh there are more beta kids as well okay
They are holding hands !
karkar you can't say that. Wait that's not his name. Whatever. Karkat bad!!! Unless you're like me as I am like you. Schizophrenic I mean.
Awww.. Lil dirk loves Lil cal… that's so sweet
Babysitter au!!! John be careful with all these babies
These babies are uglJAKE PUT THE GUNS DOWN!!!!
Karkat never say daddy again thank you
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Harley… like Jade Harley…
Jack Noir…
That was the best ending of an act. Oh my fucking god. I am crying
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miintsprigz · 2 years
Ohio RTC live-blogging
I watched the Saturday stream, and I documented my thoughts because hyperfixation goes brrrr
there was a lot of ableism in the chat (I do discuss what it entails below so you’ve been warned) so I was distracted at the end of the stream
-Karnak’s frantic tone during the accident + freeze frame moment, very cool
-them holding up the prizes
-Constance’s mumbled “sorry”
-post-possession Noel and Mischa stuff is so good (the o.e face and shoulder shake)
-I don’t like Ricky’s disability being stolen again, but I do like the fact that they’re happy that he’s happy, seems to be “bro”ing it up with Mischa a bit, I do love that
-JANE! (OVERANALYZES LIKE CRAZY) The way she tips her head a lot like it doesn’t fit her body comfortably. She sounds so timid…awww, honey…she moves a bit like her body is off-balance from the new head, I love the details
-I see evidence of platonic (at least) spacedolls already. Ricky waved at Jane!!!
-even in the “ocean’s life” segment Jane’s movements are just a BIT off. I think it’s cool when the Jane is taller in the cast, makes me think of a Barbie/pos
Poor gal seems real uncomfy in those lenses tho, can’t blame her
-all of the cast looks like they’re having the time of their life
-Mischa’s mannerisms are already cracking me up
-I am appreciating Noel very much in this production tbh, very sharp-tongued and excellent emoting in the face
-Jane’s delivery of That One Line (I hear it gives you an—)
-despite the small theatre and tech limits because of that, they really do well getting the point across with the props
-gosh props to Noel that change takes too long even in the main show, but he works it
-ngl I’m in love with this Ricky
-these dances are so fun!
-not a ton of Nischa in here with the end of the lament but—
-Constance’s “w h y” after the F word joke
-B O N S O I R
-them adding improv in ESGAL is a bit silly, but oh, RuPaul ref. That blindsided me lol
-they seem to be sort of un-possessed in TSIA, and Mischa seems a bit more friendly in this production so I think that fits decently
-I love how they try to make it like he can’t remember his rap—or can he actually not remember? Either way they played it off like it was on purpose and I appreciate that
-interesting how Jane’s a stand-in for Talia, cuz she could be anyone, she’s a blank body sorta
-I love the dances so so much, how they seem to be fencing Mischa in, and HE SINGS SO WELL, they did their best with the projector and got it across
-NOEL AND MISCHA HUG? NOEL AND MISCHA HUG!!!! AWWWWW IM CRYIN they seem so genuine about that whole part! person I’ve tagged said they noticed Mischa is audibly crying for quite a bit, poor dear
-again, Mischa encourages Ricky, I appreciate this! They see the Ricky and Mischa friendship supremacy!!!
-Mischa and Jane acting like generally strange parents and tHE FAKE ACTION SCENES which I genuinely think should have been in the original
-the implication that zolar daydreams came from food poisoning, this poor lad, I know it’s not exclusive to this version but dang
-this Ricky is just very captivating, I think this is a part that takes a lot of…uhhh, chutzpah, to play
-(sees Jane being a very passionate kitty) … (adds to spacedolls evidence folder)
-hehe I love that Mischa is Count Dogula
-also that black hole sound frequency reference made me so happy (“68 octaves below the middle C”)
-this Mischa has ADHD imo and I live for it
-AW JANE HAS SUCH A TINY MEMORY BOX. …big enough for a head. Cruel.
-they really worked with what they had for the background on Jane’s song. The way she blends into the scenery fits. That’s what she’s been doing this whole show. Also her trying so hard to grab her memory box and it’s always out of reach ;A;
-HER VOICE IS EXCELLENT this is impressing me in a bigger way than I thought it would
-the shadows moving!!! the way she can kind of recall knowing them, but not enough to know their faces or names
-the circling with the lights does make me think she’s falling, and the fact that she’s holding an umbrella…and sounds like she’s crying at the end…she’s so alone dude, I care her
-that last note was like a final scream
-Noel and Jane interaction!!! something I never see!!! I love it!
-Ricky is so gentle with Jane ;-;
-(chat is ableist about someone either ticcing, stimming, or having a meltdown in the audience and distracts me)
-Sugarcloud was excellent sorry I was too busy being full of rage
-Piano go breaking noises
-“you will soar to great heights” o u c h
Do I have criticism? Uhhh well it wasn’t perfect but hey, from what I saw they didn’t have a ton to work with (nobody’s fault there) and they used their resources well.
I also constantly have to remind myself of the fact that this show has a cast of at most eight people acting, and it makes sense that it’s difficult to remember all of your lines, and the fact that everybody has a solo song!!!
I dream of some day playing an alto Jane, although I doubt it will ever happen, but I’m not sure I’m talented enough to do with this cast attempted
Also frick the people in chat who were being jerks about that audience member. git gud, Ricky would hate you you’re breaking the one rule
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noxexistant · 1 year
- mystery anon
oh i love this SO dang much!! the trio i never knew i needed.
splasher catches morris eyeing the graffiti curiously and eagerly points at each letter of their signature in turn, “this is s for splasher. m for morris. r for romeo.” he knows morris can’t read or write, splasher couldn’t either for a while, but the newsies have all been teaching him. elmer helps teach him maths too. splasher wants morris to learn too, but morris is adamant he’s too stupid. (he’s terrified the newsies, most of whom already just barely put up with him, will stop liking him if they have to do anything to teach him or help take care of him. he doesn’t want to be a burden. he knows that never ends well.)
romeo cuts himself off from his flirting with a passing girl literally mid-sentence because he sees splasher encouraging morris to join him in painting and he refuses to be left out, instead rushing right over to join them. splasher lets morris take and use the makeshift brush he was using - often just a stick - while he and romeo dip their fingers in the paint to smear it on the wall. doodling nonsense, their own names and standard “manhattan best” “eat it jo” “weasel” fare. morris paints a couple clumsy swirls at most before he hands the brush back and goes back to guard duty, adamant that he has to keep a lookout for the two other boys’ sake.
morris also definitely LOVES infodumping to romeo and splasher!!! they’re both so bright and energetic and receptive. splasher in particular loves listening to morris, and loves to imitate morris’ stimming because it’s always fun - bouncing on his heels and swaying and flapping his hands. but he’s also good at helping morris regulate if he’s getting too excited, bouncing and dancing with him to help him burn off some of that restless sort of sizzling energy before he gets too loud or incidentally starts hurting himself. (splasher will quietly sit and hold morris’ hands tight if he’s trying to hit himself, whether he’s upset or just sensory-seeking. often, he’ll squeeze morris’ fists and play-fight with him to try and imitate the same sort of feelings. just throw his whole body at morris and knock him flat on his back while he’s sat on the floor.)
romeo, meanwhile, just sits silent and still and listens to morris’ infodumping while staring at him like he hung the stars.
also, oh my god, modern romeo would so make shitty rap songs. auto tuned to hell and back, 🤖BAaaAAbYYY—🤖 type deal. he posts them on soundcloud, where his artist name absolutely incorporates “romeo” somehow despite the fact that he has still never read nor seen the play. morris fights for his life to not laugh when romeo’s showing them to him, but splasher is shameless with his laughter.
“did you make this song with a microwave?” “we’re you in the microwave? is that why you sound like that?” “some real bold lyrics from a guy whose never got a text back in his life.”
romeo takes their comments as “valuable critique”
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redpiperfox · 1 year
....Wasn’t expecting to do this, but I’ve listened to this album enough to do this, I think. XP
Blue Blood
What a song. I love the militaristic, soldier undertones, the seriousness melded with the same musical themes from Eleven. It’s the sort of song that kicks in your core and rewrites your heartbeat, but in a focused, calmed beat. 
I Am
I love. Powerful elegance, angular black-and-white with golden rivulets, expensive heiress with all the ambitions of the world in her designer jacket. The best part? I love that each member has their assigned part, where their skills and vocal personalities are highlighted, and a pretty decent line distribution dang! The music video is stunning, the cinemetography, the solo shots, the character, yes! I love!
The video didn’t do it for me, although all the challenge clips I’ve seen from it are cute. This song was the sort I didn’t expect to like after the first listen, especially with the chorus, but man, the addiction to this one is real. There were no powerful vocal moments to draw me, but the sass, looking down their nose as they bounce in the club, is a vibe I didn’t realize I would love as much as I do. And Rei and Gaeul write their raps! Go off~!
There are several songs on this album where I thought “Twice, that’s a Twice mood” and this one was Alcohol Free on my first couple of listens. But it’s waaaay more laid back, it’s basking in a hammock on a private island beach, while the attention is a full ocean away trying to look at you through binoculors while you mock them. Very chill, very cute.
I didn’t expect this song to go the way it did, but I love it for the way it does. You expect a harder hitting, powerful anthem with that title and IVE singing it. But it’s almost a tribute to femininity-- flowered and softer but no less full in itself. Written by my girl Yujin, I just had to look up the lyrics and they do not fall short. Yujin wrote a strong, female lead, at the stand of a courtroom and needing no one else to tell her she holds the power. She wears her heels and does her thing, and is the hero in all the little big ways of her life. 
Here’s another song that made me go “Twice!” ...But then we got to the chorus. And it’s like a schoolyard, petal picking girl who daydreams her comic-fantasy where everything swirls in the center of her palm. I saw it was written by Wonyoung, and something about the lyrics is the sort of childish that leads into the twirling, insistent declarations, feels very much like the Wonyoung that grew out of Iz*One into IVE
섬찟 (Hypnosis)
Was one of my favs on the first listens. I had to keep rewinding and relistening whenever I was interrupted. I love the piano pounding in the back that opens, that blends into a darker, snake dancing out of the basket mood, undermined in metallic sounds and taunting in the vocal styles. Gaeul and Rei writing their raps, and they do not fall flat. The song writers let them finish the song off with a statement, and it’s you on the ground as they walk pass. 
And that’s my other “Twice” vibes song. Through and through though, this song is so fun and youthful and cheerful. Gaeul and Rei write their raps again in this one, and I think I’m sensing a writing style for them (which is exciting,  ngl, love that~!)
궁금해 (Next Page)
Nothing outstanding about this one in my head, except the melding of the beats with melodies and vocals that made me think this could be at the back of an anime, or a sequence in a drama. Rei and Gaeul’s raps leading up as the prechorus is a power move, I love. 
This is Disney romantics spun in urban fantasies. Chill lofi sounds mixed with a little pixie dust. Chill, sweet, darling. 
Shine With Me
This song comes right out of the gate with it’s OST emotions. In the rain, as it clears and leaves diamond-tears of starlight in it’s wake. Another Wonyoung written tribute to simple love, that makes me feel like it’s a song for the stage, for them to all turn to each other and sing to each other. (Or maybe make it a fan song, I don’t know, something about this chorus is very big stage, lights to the sky, phone-lights back and forth, crowd clapping and swaying.)
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All in all, Ive has my attention. They have it with both hands, eyes glued, breath held as they bedazzle in their classy bedazzlement. 
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violetsoup · 2 years
slime rap
rise and shine, yo, real boy slime,
ive slept in late, just look at the time!
gotta stretch my back and get outta bed,
ready to face the wicked day ahead.
out the door and strolling down the street,
this sweet summer air just can't be beat!
but im gettin real thirsty, my throat's kinda dry
i wonder if there's a coffee shop nearby?
real boy slime chilling in the cafe
grooved out, smoothed out, and feelin ok
sipping my orange juice real dang slow
i won't get scurvy anytime soon, yo
my sketchbook full of wacky doodles
i look out the window and see a lil poodle
it barks at me and i bark right back
asserting my power, strength ain't what i lack
real boy slime meetin up with the gang
we make beats that go BANG BANG BANG
with my friends on drums, keyboard and bass
these tunes are gonna melt off yo face!
im up in this shiz, cookin dinner for the crew
they love my tostones, my picadillo too
they dig what i make, say it's totally swag
after we eat, we play scott joplin rag
now real boy slime in a warm bubble bath
used so much soap, bottle's drained by half
when i use a bath bomb, i watch it fizzle
spittin' and poppin' like hellfire sizzle
and real boy slime so cosy in bed
mama read me a story, and then she said
"sleep well, my child, see you in the morn"
so now i go zzz till the rise of dawn :)
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regallibellbright · 1 year
WIP Wednesday? Yes indeed! I’ve been waiting to write this segment for a while.
"Hold up. Kabetaijin's back? For real?" Beat asks.
Joshua nods. “He’s been performing at the BB Lounge in Udagawa the last few weeks.” “Dang. I thought Sekitoba Kung Fu was just calling him out again,” Beat says. “So that showdown he was challenging him to…”
“It’s happening,” Joshua says, nodding. Beat pumps his fist.
"Wait. Kabetaijin wasn’t performing?” Neku asks.
Rhyme nods. “He retired about a year and a half ago. Stomach ulcers, apparently. I’m glad he’s doing better!” They blink. “Actually, you were gone for his second championship, too, weren’t you?” Evidently. Second rap battle championship?
“Who’s Kabetaijin?” Shiki asks.
Neku starts, “the Inventor King of the Rap World,” while Beat says, “the Magician of Words,” while Joshua says, “the Precision Machine of Rhymes,” before they all stop and turn to look at each other. Shiki just giggles.
“I hadn’t heard that one,” Neku says to Joshua.
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okami-zero · 2 years
4, 7 and 21 for the weirdly specific asks :)
Man, these ARE oddly specific. xD
4. Mythical creature you think/believe is real? Tough one. Are we talking "real" as in "discovered the critter this was based on" or real as in REAL? Because, for instance, giant squids? Thought to be figments of imaginative sailors' minds for ages. Then we got footage. And remains that look like piles of blech, but that's what happens when you depressurize animals made to exists leagues and leagues beneath the surface of the ocean.
Hard to nail down a specific critter, because I am a skeptical believer - I don't think we've seen everything yet, and maybe some are better at hiding, who knows? And there are so many myths, both hopeful and terrifying out there. Gonna go the safe route and say ghosts.
I know they aren't technically mythological, but for as specific as some other of these questions are, this one is too open-ended and broad. :P NOPE! PUMP THE BRAKES! The "Midnight Special". Might be stretching the limits of "mythological", but bear with me.
As I was writing the answer to the next question, I was typing about why I like sharks - and I remember a tale from when I was a wee lad living with my parents in Cuba, on the Guantanamo Bay base (well, not ON the base, but you know what I mean). Anyhow, my dad was in the Navy and he was invited to go for a flight over the bay with a buddy to see if they could spot the "Midnight Special", which was the name given to this supposedly MASSIVE shark (a hammerhead, supposedly? I think?). Dad ended up having some other obligation or something and couldn't go. But when his buddy got back, he said he saw it, and "They should put numbers on the side of that thing!" which would be sailor-speak for "Dang, that bitch is huge!" Because you put numbers on the big ships. So, yea. I'll put the "Midnight Special" for my answer there. x3
7. What animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium? Sharks. And penguins. And rays of all types. It has been some time since I have gone to the aquarium (Baltimore's not that far, but you need to plan a day and etc. etc.), but I have been a few times. I like sharks because they are an interesting species (see above), and despite getting a bad rap due to movies and fiction (look, I love JAWS, don't get me wrong, but it is not a bastion of scientific information. And do NOT get me started on SHARKNADO... -_-)
And penguins, I mean, come on. They're penguins. What's not to love? Build fancy nests with pebbles to impress their mate, super fast swimmers, always dressed for a party, what's not to love? xD
And rays are just cool. Like, they're just flying around in the ocean, doing their thing. Looks like they're always smiling. Relaxing to watch.
21. A number that weirds you out? Okay, this question, given to a math nerd. xD But I have an answer. And some of you aren't going to like it. The number that weirds me out is i. No, you did not read that wrong.
In advanced algebra, i is an imaginary, complex number. It is a variable that is the square root of -1. Because, at some point, some dude was running numbers and this was needed to fill a gap or came up as a solution. Since it cannot exist anywhere except on paper, it's kind of an eldritch horror in the numbers world. So yea, i weirds me out.
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max--phillips · 1 year
Fingernails fjdnxnsks
Nate fkfjdnfjsndnfndkfnndnddj
Shandy Jesus
Incredible. Just getting shit done in a medical setting. Who woulda thought
Jamie fjvjdncjdks
Barbara dkfkdjcjcjcnxnckcjdnxjcjjdj
Outclass ‘em Sam dkvjdnfjdndjsks
Gosh dang the sun indeed
Oh my god Nate. Idk if I can handle the secondhand embarrassment from this
Derek rkgjrnfjdjs
Where Did Zava Go
Jack ekfjenfjdbdjsk
Oof Nate
Rebecca 👀
Oof again
Oh man Keeley
GAY! GAY! THE GAYS ARE WINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET IT KEELEY
Aw Jade comin around
APOLOGY RAP dmfndnfndbsnsm
Dani fkvjdnfjdnsks
It’s thing
Isn’t it weird how you can be mid-panic, switch it off for a second to be a real person for any other person, then it comes back. Like that’s absolutely happened to me before
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trashkerouac · 2 years
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Dang get down with the shit
Baby O cold, G-walk on a bitch
Baw with da baw, kick rocks, get down
Dang house, bitch, muthafucka, who now?
6FEETDEEP, muthafucka, who that?
Baby O beat 'em with a baseball bat
Steel toe, bitch, weigh about 250
Beat a bitch stupid, put a blade in his kidney, damn
Hold up, wait, hold up, stop
Baby O jukin' up the muthafuckin' block
Hold up, wait, hold up, stop
Baby O, bitch, make your body fuckin' drop
Mac, I be pimpin'
Fuck all these bitches
Fuck all these haters and bustas and snitches
Fuck they opinion
Fuck what they thinkin'
Fuck everybody, fuck everyone dissin'
Say what you want
Talk with your chest
Talk to me nice or I'm breaking your neck
Fuck with my team
Fuck with my set
Fuck with me, bitch,
I'll put six in your chest,
I’ll put six in your chest,
Six in your chest ———
So you wanna be hardcore?
With your hat to the back, talkin' 'bout the gats in your raps
But I can't feel that hardcore appeal
That you're screamin', maybe I'm dreamin'
This ain't Christopher Williams, still some
MC's got to feel one, caps I got to peel some
To let niggas know, that if you fuck with Big-and-Heavy
I get up in that ass like a wedgie
Says who? Says me, the lyrical
Niggas sayin', "Biggie off the street, it's a miracle"
Left the drugs alone, took the thugs along with me
Just for niggas actin' shifty
Sticks and stones break bones, but the gat'll kill you quicker
Especially when I'm drunk off the liquor
Smokin' funk by the boxes, packin' Glocks is
Natural to eat you niggas like chocolates
The funk baby.
[I love for the funk|I die by the funk!]
All I want is bitches, big booty bitches
Used to sell crack, so I could stack my riches
Now I pack gats, to stop all the snitches
From stayin' in my business, what is this?
Relentless approach, to know if I'm broke or not
Just 'cause I joke and smoke a lot
Don't mean I don't tote the glock
Sixteen shots for my niggas in the pen
Until we motherfuckin' meet again
Huh, I'm doin' rhymes now, fuck the crimes now
Come on the ave, I'm real hard to find now
'Cause I'm knee deep in the beats
In the Land Cruiser Jeep with the MAC-10 by the seats
For the jackers, the jealous ass crackers in the
I'll make you prove that it's bulletproof!
Hold ya head, 'cause when you hit the bricks
I got gin, mad blunts, and bitches suckin' dick
The funk baby
So I guess you know the story, the rap-side, crack-side
How I smoked funk, smacked bitches on the backside
Bed-Stuy, the place where my head rests
Fifty shot clip if a nigga wan' test
The rocket launcher, Biggie stomped ya
High as a motherfuckin' helicopter
That's why I pack a nina, fuck a misdeameanor
Beatin' motherfuckers like Ike beat Tina
— Dang get down with the shit!
Baby O cold, G-walk on a bitch
Baw with da baw, kick rocks, get down
Dang house, bitch, muthafucka, who now?
6FEETDEEP, muthafucka, who that?
Baby O beat 'em with a baseball bat
Steel toe, bitch, weigh about 250
Beat a bitch stupid, put a blade in his kidney, damn
Hold up, wait, hold up, stop
Baby O jukin' up the muthafuckin' block
Hold up, wait, hold up, stop
Baby O, bitch, make your body fuckin' drop
— Mac, I be pimpin'!
Fuck all these bitches
Fuck all these haters and bustas and snitches
Fuck they opinion
Fuck what they thinkin'
Fuck everybody, fuck everyone dissin'
Say what you want
Talk with your chest
Talk to me nice or I'm breaking your neck
Fuck with my team
Fuck with my set
Fuck with me, bitch, I'll put six in your chest
— What's love got to do?
When I'm rippin' all through your whole crew
Strapped like bamboo, but I don't sling guns
I got bags of funk, and it's sellin' by the tons
Niggas wanna know, how I live the mack life
Making money smoking mics like crack pipes
It's type simple and plain to maintain
I add a little funk to the brain
The funk baby…
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ericleo108 · 9 months
12/29/2023 Click here for Spotify, Apple Music, or Youtube. “Praises” is my 66th official release. This song is energetic, romantic, and intellectual all at the same time. This song is about praising Gaia as if she was your lover. The song officially features Headband Henny and unofficially features Sam Peters who also mixed and mastered the track at La Luna Recording and Sound in Kalamazoo Michigan. It was self-recorded and the beat is by That Kid Goran who I shout out in the song. The cover art is by xoxodesigns from fiverr.
I talk about this blog post and other updates in the latest Sunday update here:
I wanted to make a song basically thanking Gaia and telling her if she brings me more good fortune I will rap her praises in the same way you want to rap the praises of your girlfriend or boyfriend.I’m really talking to Gaia and vessel’s of Gaia about how I wanna rap their praises. And considering the theory is that Gaia influences through inferences of love especial romantic (aka eros) it is appropriate to talk to her as if she were your significant other.  “Get naked” is a metaphor for “baring it all.”
Lyrics: Rap your praises Rap your praises Eric Leo 108 Check it Wow girl, you fine, go ahead and get naked Rappin what I do, never into fake’n  My heart, from your love is what’s been taken I just wanna give it back, and rap your praises Shout out to my producers That work on my music Like That Kid Goran Thanks for this beat dude let’s  Get this money and endorsements Stack it high til it abhorrent Feel’n Amorphous Like the energy course’n (I said) Feeling amorphous Like the energy course n Through my veins and orifices While connecting the Forrests The spirit bomb is real dawg The Egyptians have revealed y’all  Energy and we evolved Connected and involved We can’t even talk to plants Or communicate to dolphins How we gonna talk to aliens Or the earth, even if we wanna So I’m gonna abide And live my life Enjoy the ride And focus my eyes Cuz Not every one observes  The starry nights in verse I step left (right) to learn How To connect with earth Like flowing water streams I see you in my dreams How you treat the people see Is the reason we agree Wow girl, you fine, go ahead and get naked Rappin what I do, never into fake’n  My heart, from your love is what’s been taken I just wanna give it back, and rap your praises Wow girl, you fine, go ahead and get naked Singing what I do, never into fake’n  My heart, from your love is what’s been taken I just wanna give it back, and sing your praises I just want to give it back and rap your praises  This space is where I’m gonna be for now  Matter of fact it’s so amazing  Mother Nature  Nurtured me  And I’ve been patient Ly waiting for  The days in store That earth is worth saving for  We need to treat you like you treated us  We’ve always needed you, you ain’t needed things from us  We’ve been ungrateful and neglectful thus far  So now it’s time for us to get to doing our part  Cuz I know it’s bliss  But I want all of this around for my kids  If it’s hurting you then I ain’t rocking them kicks  Everywhere I go, I can’t help but take a pic  Cuz being picturesque  Is yours best  dang feature  With all the creatures  Chilling and relaxing  But you’re still the teacher  Telling us what to do  I’m seeing all the signs  And we just want you  To be healthy and all fine Wow girl, you fine, go ahead and get naked Rappin what I do, never into fake’n  My heart, from your love is what’s been taken I just wanna give it back, and rap your praises Wow girl, you fine, go ahead and get naked Singing what I do, never into fake’n  My heart, from your love is what’s been taken I just wanna give it back, and sing your praises Rap your praises Rap your praises Rap your praises
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you mrs. oldy honey nut cheerio lefty eyebag 😅
Oh no, that's not good. Are you feeling better now? I definitely hate that feeling, if I packed enough or not. But hopefully you did, and if not, there's nothing to worry about because you can just buy what you missed. The most important thing to remember is that you need to have fun with your family 😌
I'm doing slightly okay but I'll be fine. Just trying not to really think about the things that happened. Oh but I went to get my glasses today. It was the right one that I chose hehe.
Nah don't go to sleep, stay up til 4am and just be ready to go 🤣 just kidding. Hopefully you get to sleep soon and sleep some more during the flight!
Dang I would've cried if I lost parts of what I wrote. Especially since writing it at that moment, everything flowed then when you check again it's not the same feel to it.
Also, I was just asking how much have you written for part 4. Will it be a good ending? A bad ending? An angsty ending? Hahaha and I know I know, you'll probably respond saying "no spoilers!!!" 😒
Hm I think I know what you mean then by pet play. I think I saw some stories on here or on wattpad.. yeah that one I can't read either.
I like country music, but the sad ones lol I used to like Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood. But I don't think I've heard new music from them in a while.
You really like Glass Animals don't you. I need to check them out to see what the hype is all about ahaha.
Songs that remind me of my crush:
1. Secret by Maroon 5
2. Hot by Avril Lavigne
3. Enchanted by Taylor Swift
Hm has anyone ever serenaded you? If yes, what song did they sing?
- CuriousGeorge
Hello hello pouty righty eyebag!
Yeah i feel better, even little thoughts start to think if i forget something. I even think if the house okay, did i forget to turn off something or if i lock the front n back door or if the garage door close or not. 😅
My mind just keep thinking stuff like a rapid flashes but when i need it to think important stuff it turns so slow in a second.lol.
Thank u for the wise word corn-punn! I appreciate it. I will try to remember what u said. 😊
Oh okay..im glad u r better. I really wish i could help u n be a listener for u. 😊
U got ur glasses??? Yaaaaaay. No more headache n annoying contacts! Haha. N also yaaay u got the right glasses! I wish i could see it. 😊
Yeah i almost gave up n didnt want to write it but that dark fic idea has been on my mind for a while so i had to let it out plus it's dark scarlet witch wanda so i cant ignore it..lol. hv u read it? Im just curious. 😊
Oh for pt. 4, i havent write that much but i already know what i want to write. N yess u r right! No spoilers policy..😅 if i answer it here, everybody gonna read it n know.. that wouldnt be fun.hahaha.
Oh i see..yeah i got what u meant. So u r on wattpad too?? So did u find n read my story in tumblr or wattpad?
Yesss i love Glass Animals. Pls do check them n let me know what u think about it. 😊
U really like Maroon 5 as much as I do! Haha. Also, talking about them, i end up listen to their song today because of u. Lol. N some backstreet boys n nsync plus britney songs too.
I was think n wanted to tell u that their accoustic albums are so good n i actually like the accoustic versions of some songs from songs about jane album than the original one. I love how Levine improvise singing it.
The Harder To Breath is really good but my favorite one on that album is The Sun.
Oooh those nice songs for a crush.. is this ur current crush? Now im curious about this crush of urs.. is she in tumblr? Or someone from real life? Tell me more bout her pls if u r comfortable to do so, of course.😁
Hm. Did u mean sing for me? Yeah, my husband sings for me pretty often since we started dating until now 😅 he sometimes sings random songs or sometimes sings n evem rap his own song about me.🤣🤣 but now he sings more about em.lol
What bout u?
Next question?
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marlaluster · 2 years
More fake pro devil land comments I've written and left places online, mostly on Instagram posts...
I guess I'll again share some more fake comments I have put places online, mostly on Instagram this morning and yesterday evening. I have just one comment I put on an article by the Daily Mail about a skunk in the stands during Tom Brady's game Sunday.
The devil has been attacking extremely bad this morning and so far today. It is almost 1 pm now -- or rather was when I first was writing this.
My soulmates and I are disappointed the devil has made a news outlet comment on Gisele Bündchen not using Instagram or social media since news of her splitting from Tom. We thought no one commenting on the social media pause for Gisele Bündchen was making it apparent as fake here, but now it's supposed to be a victory for the devil and supposed to not look as fake here with the news outlet Buzzfeed commenting on Bündchen not posting to Instagram since August of this year.
Despite that loss in regard to people not being able to comment on Gisele Bündchen not using Instagram, we believe the devil will continue to not be able to pretend the people are able to be fake here on the surface reality in the way my soulmates and I are being fake as I comment on Instagram posts and news articles and etc, pretending I think it is okay here when I, of course, do not. In my commenting I am saying seemingly positive things, but I am covertly insulting or criticizing this world and its people. We think the devil cannot mimick the covert criticizing of this world no matter what and so he will be out as not real people as the people here at some point.
But anyway back to me sharing my fake pro devil land comments I've left posts on Instagram. I'll paste them below along with the Instagram post they relate to or a description of the post.
Here's the comment I put on this Instagram video above to covertly try to knock off some of the like killer coolness Billie Eilish was to seemingly have to be the subject of the song: Billie Eilish is subject of a rap song COOL! Dang! That's some SERIOUS COOL!
[Here (following, outside of the brackets) is the covertly exposing comment I left on this post above where the devil was making a fake person say something kind of sarcastic about this woman pictured apparently having some kind of plastic surgery. It was unclear with this post if the woman really supposedly did in my opinion.
We think the devil was trying to fight us back in our effort to be someone who wouldn't be possible to be by making our fake comments online. But anyway, with my comment, I was trying to expose that magic is kind of asserted as not real here, even though it is heavily used to make stuff happen in this reality. The comment I left on the post is next here outside of the brackets.]
Let's be real: There's no way someone could look so different without plastic surgery because PLASTIC SURGERY or COSMETIC PROCEDURES are the only things that could make someone have plumper lips, a smaller nose, and more perfect looking eyebrows as shown in these two pictures! There's NO OTHER WAY and that's THE TRUTH! Has anyone ever even heard of MAGIC?! Might as well not have ever HEARD OF IT in our REAL and TRUE WORLD! Full of WONDERS that ARE NO WAY MAGIC in any way whatsoever! HOKUS POKUS and BOGUS rhyme for a reason!
[Again with this Instagram post, my soulmates and I feel the devil was trying to fight us saying the people here cannot say things are what they appear to be. It's another instance where the people here seem like fake people. The devil tries to assert that the people here can occur to seem as real as me, the only person really present in a body here. Other bodies are just appearances of people controlled by a magic spell.
With this comment I'll share next here outside of the brackets, I was trying to covertly expose the people as supposing to be truthful when I certainly do not think they are that. They oppress stuff as true by acting like stuff is true as the masses, ie the many. They are horrible as fuck, the people here.]
We value HONESTY SO MUCH, we human beings in OUR AMAZING and WILD WORLD! We CAN handle the truth, I'd say! DOGS are ROUND! There's no denying it's THE TRUTH! Who among us would disagree?! *crickets chirping*
[These breastfeeding posts and this issue in devil land is supposed to be so untouchable as not really okay. The devil puts so much occurrence of superiority and like epitome of beauty or something like this on it. It's extremely irritating and disgusting. It's really fake: pregnancy, childhood, motherhood, all of it. I was trying to be extremely fake sounding and corny in my comment on this post which I'll share next outside of these brackets.]
MOMS are AMAZING! Such a SWEET photo! It brings a single lonely tear to my eye that will not be lonely for long if I continue to gaze at this TRUE AND REAL MOMENT of BEAUTY!
[On an Instagram post I didn't get the link for that shared a video of an overweight woman working up to running again after apparently being physically inactive by first just doing ten minutes of vigorous moving around and ultimately running again, I put the comment that follows outside of the brackets. Of course, it's fake that people would really get fat and would be out of shape and etc, so in my fake pro devil land comment I was covertly trying to expose that it's supposed to be true here that people struggle with things and etc. Really the people that don't have a real presense in their body, so they wouldn't struggle with anything or really accomplish anything. The stuff would just be done with magic.]
A REAL person's REAL ACCOMPLISHMENT! Human beings do such AMAZING and TRUE things! You go GURL!
[On this pretended high level of awareness and high level of creativity post, we delightedly put a fake pro devil land comment. The devil, my soulmates and I think, was trying to act like the people here can be like sarcastic or fake acting in a way that they are still not out as who they are as fake people that are really the devil in disguise.
The voiceover for the video has a man saying that really the red watery liquid in a medium rare cut of meat is really not blood but instead the scientific term for the substance is something like, "I'm being a bitch," something like that. Here next outside of the bracket is the comment we left on this post.]
"Scientific term"! Oh my, what a HOOT! Our world is so rich and amazing with all the FREE and CREATIVE expression and … deadpan humor! How could ANYONE think our world was LACKING?! It's UNFATHOMABLE that ANYONE could think such a THING!
[This Instagram post shared above has a person baking spam filled with eggs and cheese. I was shocked to see the person using spam because spam seems so gross to me. It's weird people act like it's good. In my comment on this post, which follows outside of these brackets, I touched on how it's supposed to be normal here for people to be very different from each other, but it is something that is very horrible, actually for people to be so impossibly and inconveniently different from each other.]
What a wild and kwazy world! Some like spam and some don't! Really it's not such a small difference of opinion, but it is one example of how we in this world are just one big, unfathomably diverse HAPPY family! Who could ever want it any other way?! Whoever could want something else would be POINTLESS since WHAT THEY WANT CANNOT BE! LOL!
Here next is my comment on this article: ANIMALS are so afraid of HUMANS who are so DIFFERENT from them because ANIMALS are WILD, FREE and TRUE, while we HUMANS are tame! What a HOOT the WILD animal was somehow TRAPPED in the STANDS at the game! HUMANS showing their SOFT and HUMANE side, of course, tried to feed it! HOW would we show how SOFT and DECENT we are WITHOUT ANIMALS, oh, AND BABIES! LOL!
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gryffinwall · 3 years
Lucas Friar Appreciation Post
Lucas often gets a bad rap for not being able to choose between the girls during the Not-a-Triangle situation – the phrase “fuckboy” gets used a lot – so it's only fitting he's the next one to receive an appreciation post.
1. Lucas put in a lot of work to be a better person, and it shows.
We know him as New York Lucas, who keeps his cool, makes good grades, and stays out of trouble. But it’s pretty clear he had to work through a LOT before transforming into the easy-going Lucas we've come to know. Not a lot of grown-ass adults can successfully manage their anger issues, so it’s pretty dang impressive Lucas was able to do it on his own.
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2. He’s a great friend who will always be there for anyone who needs him.
Lucas was quick to defend Farkle when cool jock bro Billy called him a nothing. He stood up for Zay against that 30-something middle school kid even though it meant Lucas himself possibly getting in trouble for it. He felt crushed at not being able to protect the gang from the high school seniors. And of course, in spite of everything I just said about his anger management prowess, he was ready to stand up for Riley when he realized she was being bullied. He was the protector of the group, and he took his job seriously.
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3. Lucas truly supported Maya’s art.
Oh look, my Lucaya bias is showing again! But it’s true – Lucas was consistently a huge source of support for Maya when it came to her art. He encouraged her to keep trying when she was ready to give up, and who could forget when he didn’t want the arts program to get cut because he knew those classes made her happy? Sure, Riley and the others supported her too, but Lucas seemed to have a better understanding of how deeply Maya's art meant to her.
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4. The Not-a-Triangle was hard on him because he genuinely didn’t want to hurt either of the girls.
Okay, this one might be controversial. After all, it’s where he gets his fuckboy reputation. But hear me out: Lucas cared more about not hurting the girls and not damaging their friendship than he did about what he would get out of picking one of them. I won’t deny that some of that has to do with guilt, but let’s get real, how many guys would feel that upset over hurting someone he cared about that he was practically unwilling to make a decision at his own expense? And let's call it like it is: Lucas clearly felt unheard for a long time during that whole situationship. The girls were very much a part of why it took him so long to decide, but somehow the blame falls mainly on him.
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5. He was surprisingly well-rounded for being the “face.”
Farkle called him “just a face” a lot and that couldn't be farther from the truth. Lucas was a great athlete, but he worked hard in school to the point of winning an athlete scholar award. He had a clear vision of what he wanted to do in life (become a veterinarian, in case you’ve forgotten). He also was elected class president, was vocal about his religious beliefs, got cast as Romeo in the school play, showed he cared more about ethics than money and won a bull riding competition. He also had a good sense of humour and was able to "tangle" with Maya, her words, pretty easily. We got a hint of an interesting family dynamic, what with his mother being the doting, loving parent and his dad being a bit of a hardass (remember Lucas calling his dad “sir”? Yikes.). And of course, there's also his aforementioned anger issues and his mysterious past involving getting held back a grade. Lucas easily could’ve just been the cute boy with not a lot going on, but he ended up being a far more interesting character than expected.
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