#reading comprehension yayyy
malo-mart · 7 months
Finishing up my side quests in totk and I left the absolute bottom of the barrel stuff for last. Currently going to every stable to take photos for them
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cherubcallremade · 1 year
(explodes) ok uhm. uhm. GRABS HIM (well he uses he/she)
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this is martin riley (born mary james riley yes this is important) and "his" spider name is spidershfiter :) he has DID but he's from 1976 so he has no clue what the fuck that is and nobody will tell him because MPD isn't even in the DSM until the 80s.
he was generally a kid who stayed by himself bc he spent all his time outside of school helping his mom out w the rooms that she rented out in their home (her dad was a mechanic and they were outside of town, so it was normal for someone who needed to get their car repaired to stay overnight etc etc) BUT he was best friends w a boy named peter parker :) peter called her MJ.
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and then peter got bit. and riley found out about spiderman by complete accident! but he promised peter that he'd never tell a soul about it. so that went on for a couple months, with peter secretly acting as spiderman and riley being a big supporter of it but still dealing w his system & frequent loss of time etc etc
THEN. uh. there's a car accident. and peter dies, riley lives, and he doesn't quite know what to do with himself? but one of the thoughts in his head gets louder and louder demanding that he needs to be spiderman because without peter there IS no spiderman. nobody knows that spiderman is dead. riley does not want to be spiderman. but He Does:
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nick forms as a trauma response to the crash. he wants to be spiderman. and goddammit he's gonna BE spiderman. so he starts to force himself to front and reverse-engineers all of the spider tech that peter was using to use for himself. and it works! he's able to be spiderman without having any powers, it's a miracle. but he's doing his best to hide it from riley. imagine hiding your secret identity from yourself.
meanwhile riley is going to college and getting an english degree. he picks up a job at his college library doing copyediting for other students. then someone from a big scientific organization comes over and is like "hey we need copyeditors. you're good at your job. c'mere." so he gets hired at alchemax, not for anything cool, just to copyedit people's papers/research/etc to make sure everything is clean and comprehensible.
that's when he meets jonathon ohnn :) who is a scientist as part of the budding space program but really his passion is alternate realities! he writes a lot. and riley keeps getting his papers. so eventually they decide to close the gap and start working one-on-one.
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(i'm still debating what i want jon's backstory to be, my main thought is MAYBE Vietnamese family that immigrated? i don't know i gotta do more research on that)
they fall in love and start living together :) jon learns abt riley's system and tries to be as adaptable as he can towards it, which amazes riley bc he's never had someone in his life active acknowledge it.
THERES SOME EXTRA LORE ABT THE SPIDERS JUST KNOW FOR NOW THAT THERE ARE THREE WAVES OF SPIDERS. the original (bit peter) the spy (bit riley. spoilers oops) and the brute (bit eddie/venom and carnage bc aliens do not exist in my timeline but fucked up science does!)
riley gets bit when nick feels really bad about the "neglected" spiders and when trying to feed one gets bit. that gives them powers. the thing is w the spy powers is that a majority of them focus on stealth/reading people/etc. so like for example riley's webs are laced with a mild amount of hallucinogenics that it acts as a "truth serum" etc.
woahh now she's spiderman (SHE DOES NOT WANT TO BE SPIDERMAN.) nick is spiderman yayyy he likes being spiderman.
and uh! then jon dies. riley wasn't there. he was supposed to be at work that day but he called out. and he gets a phone call. jon's dead. he dies and it's never clear how he dies. his funeral is open casket and riley never gets full closure because his relationship w jon was never seen as what it actually was.
he stops fronting. nick starts fronting. nick is fronting for months. then an anomaly shows up in his dimension and he has to fight it, peter b shows up, is like "hey kid you need a part time job?" and nick's like YEAH I WANNA SEE THE OTHER SPIDER PEOPLE!!! PLEASE!!!! so into the multiverse they go!
but it had a strange reaction on riley and his system. basically, now, whoever fronts, the body shifts into (thus the name spidershifter).
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(small image wip etc)
they get assigned on spy missions because all things consider, it's impossible for them to cause a paradox because nick/mickey/vanessa/etc do NOT exist in these universes! (but what about riley? you may ask. aren't there other rileys?)
here's the thing about riley: he is dead in most universes. he's a canon event. he's the uncle ben for johnathon (if he lives long enough to see him at all). he's supposed to be dead. why isn't he? because he became mj. so he's an outlier from a realistic timeline shift and he hates it. he hates it so much but. he tries to find jon in the universes that spidershifter is sent to spy on. he just wants to see him. talk to him, maybe.
the spot happens and uh why does he sound like his dead boyfriend. why does he remember him. why is he talking to him. Help. (my hc is that when 1610 jon became the spot, he fused with all other versions of him. there is no other jon. there is just him and he remembers all of them)
uhm and that's all i have rn bc that's where the movie ends and i dont want to go into detail talking abt specific alters or interactions w specific characters unless asked. bc this is already so much. im so sorry.
TL;DR: this is spidershifter vvvv
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marlene-asks · 3 years
i was doing reading comprehensions with a kid
Yayyy 😚
Hmm that doesn't sound particularly fun 😗
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genyyasafin · 4 years
🐷 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 so much fireeeeeeeeee hehehheheheheheh 😇😇
Yayyy friendly! And I thought the Angel emoji was another character trait at first 😭😭😭. reading comprehension 😭. And you can SHUSH I am a perfectly reasonable height child :((((
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o-daintyduck · 5 years
AWAE 3.08 Reaction feat. MY FREAKOUT
The synopsis is giving me hope kinda.. We’ll see Ka'kwet but she’ll still be at the school so more weeping, Aunt Jo visits and brings a devious scheme,.. is it about Diana?? Will she or won’t she have to go to Paris? But why is it devious? And what about shirbert?????
Here we go.
Bruh Anne looks gorgeous in this still photo. All that fire just accentuates her looks!!!
Like an animal??? I’m angry already.
Mr. Avery is back!!! They’ve certainly hatched a plan of some sorts… But I guess it won’t be successful *sighs*
I knew she was in the barrel… Lol everyone knew that.. prolly.
How long will she hold her breath.. and will that poor boy hold the nun without giving anything away.. she’s going to hit him, isn’t she? WTF
Omg Mr. Avery is a beacon of light in this scene… he’s so pure.
Oh my Gods!! Did the plan actually work? She’s holding on it…
Anne is so happy!! Is she lying to Marilla tho? Lol 
Wait did they make up??? Moira won’t let me de clown in the Dianne fight too!! Insufferable… But I’m so happy at the same time.. Wait is Anne imagining this?
Well I figured it out before “Diana” ran away, cut me some slack guys… Normally I’m not this stupid..
Gilbert sure loves to think out loud,“ the printing press can’t just up and walk away by itself!!”
Yep the fault of small minds…
Man I really miss the schoolhouse… I’m weeping already..5 minutes in..
Miss Stacy is so hurt… the memories i can’t...
Rachel’s gonna throw a fit too!!! Rachel had memories in the school too.. I can’t -
Yass things will not be the same… I said it once and say it again.. Rachel will go rogue by the serie ends… And I’m living for it!!!
I still can’t believe Ka'kwet actually fled that place… So proud of her!!! And anxious too rn.
Ahhhh Bash’s mom is here!!!!!!!!!!!! I already love her… Finally some of that mother’s love for Bash that he missed and Gilbert too!!!!
It’s a diff actress maybe but don’t care … It’s Bash’s mom y'all!!!!!
Yass someone to keep Bash in check too.. love it!! *chef’s kiss*
Lol Anne and Gilbert talking sooo loud!!! And nobody seems to care… Lol
Okay petition for a new gc name– “Can I borrow your pen?”
Okay so the shirbert scene just ended like for the 5th time… And I was gaping all along… Wtf
I really need to meet that kid of Rachel’s… Such chaotic energy to have burned down the shed multiple times.
Was this how Marilla and Rachel behaved when they lived together in the books??? I know the discussion is serious but so precious at the same time.
Lol Bash’s mom definitely is going through a “cultural shock” atm I CAN’T. Two white women cleaning his house while he was away *no offense* but so so hilarious…
Bash’s face says it all..
This first meeting of Grand mamma- Delli is too much for me too handle… Gonna go hug my Nana..
Wait Hazel is fine!! Mom still thinks that she was only summoned for childcare… Welp
Ruby couldn’t speak in front of Gil b4 if her life depended on it.. but oh look now with the crush gone- she’s a new person!!! And the things she saying have me jumping up the roof!!!!
Well ruby I trusted you too much, didn’t I? Aren’t Anne and Gilbert enough on there for bringing up Winnie and now you too!
Gilbert peeked at Anne, I mean how can a boy be so stupid.. no I’m not saying ooc calm your spears,people. my heart is breaking for Anne I can hear it almost.
Diana is going to fight with Jerry too, isn’t she?
LEAVE JERRY ALONE!! he deserves to be happy!!! Not hating on Diana… But he deserves better ..better than this.
My fav gal Aunt Jo!!! Diana wrote to Cole, maybe..and he told her.
Lol its not even been 15 minutes and I’ve written an essay already!!!
I’m confusion.. why does Diana have no choice??
Bash’s Mom lived all her life like this.. it will take her some time to break free from that. But until then, welp
Bash teasing Gilbert is out of this world!!!! And have you heard that Delphine is cho cho cute.. i cringed myself typing this.
I swear Anne is me!!! Had to take a test just today!!! And I was cramming until the last moment.. Matthew and Marilla are so proud.. and jittery too
Diana looks like she’s holding back a flood of tears even while eating.. ohhhh she gonna take the test!!!!!!! YAYYY
Aunt Jo’s happiness and pride knows no bound (mine too)
Moody dude, in the words of the ever so great Taylor Swift, you need to calm down.. Diana hasn’t studied nothing think of her..
Where is Gilbert ?? The gc needs to renamed to may I borrow your pen… To commemorate another one of Gilbert’s shenanigans. Ehh called it ! He didn’t take the test..
I’m all for bromance bw Miss Stacy and Bash but nothing more than that please….
This is the 4th (and presumably last) appearance of Winifred… I want her to remain involved, shes too cool, but just can’t figure her out even now…
Here it is!!! An advantageous marriage.. very few people could have called it b4 the season.. but it is canon.. I’m not worried about shirbert.. but just how far Gilbert is willing to go for his ambitions.
Okay the kids are wasted!!
A drunk Anne and somewhat sober Gilbert, the perfect combo!!!!!! I have read atleast 5 fics head canoning this…*another chef’s kiss for the fic writers*
Okay nobody imagined this …I take that back… That look Gilbert is giving her made my stomach to leap a mile…
What’s holding you back? Ahh the question of the ages… I’m gushing at this so much,like this is serious but the first person Gil wanted to ask was Anne about all of this.. and she’s so drunk but at the same time utterly heartbroken, still encourages him to do it…. Slow burn madafuka.
Okay the PROPOSAL just happened !!!
And I’m freaking out just every bit as Anne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m really not okay and they had to show Ka'kwet feeding off of berries… The poor girl *cries yet again*
They are searching the letters, aren’t they???
No, the dictionary and a wedding ring… And here I go weeping again…
I really went outside to scream at the sky a second ago… But need to scream again!!!! I’ll not be okay this week or this year at all.
Anne needs her bosom friend now… She’s just been PROPOSED!!!!!!! I know it’s gonna go haywire any second now but please let me live this for now… I can’t even imagine this is happening..
Aunt Jo with the best advice… Just hope Anne takes it as we want her to..
Bash has his mother with him.. i’m just happy for him.
He’s gonna propose Anne and I too need to get up for this again…. BASH IS THE WHOLE FANDOM RIGHT ABOUT NOW.
And that’s how you shatter a million hearts!!! “Now I can be happy with Winnie”.. I’m still happy that they didn’t stretch this till the finale atleast.. the heartache would have been unbearable.
Marilla is onto something. Now Rachel has full reign over these old hacks.
Go Rachel Go go Go Rachel!!! They just got vetoed!!! And I love it… Other 2 women will have to be Muriel and Marilla..
And in her mother’s arms!! Is it too late to give those nuns and that whole school HELL
Poor Minnie May and Diana.. atleast she’ll understand now that she always has a choice to be herself no matter what anybody says…
I love that They’ve made up!!! They are made for each other… #DianneForever
“I’m in love with Gilbert Blythe!”
Aren’t we all? Anne.
It took me 3 hours to watch this episode because i was freaking out so much, tell me if this was comprehensible at all if you came this far…
This episode was different for so many reasons but the proposal...oh the proposal... excuse me gotta scream again..
And “Anne rejected” him... i guess Moira couldn’t stray far from og on this one.
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gukyi · 4 years
discord server sounds awesome! I would def join uwu
yayyy i’m glad you’re interested !! it’ll hopefully be really comprehensive and easy to navigate ;-;
read this post and let me know if you’d be interested in a discord server!
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qvestchen · 6 years
Lockscreen // Yuwin NCT : Chapter One
Summary: There’s a thin line between reality and playacting, and Dong Sicheng tripped hard over it when he fell head over heels in love with Nakamoto Yuta.
Author: qvestchen
Status: Ongoing
Chapters: Home, Next.
Lockscreen // Yuwin NCT
Chapter 1 : He thinks he’s a prince
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It was already late on a long and tiring day at the practice rooms when Johnny had let himself out into the cold night air. His mind was a swirl of thoughts fighting amongst each other but he found himself stopping by the figure who was sitting huddled on the edge of the stairs.
“Yuta?” he asked, his tone incredulous.
The figure moved slightly. “No, umm, it’s not me. Please ignore and move on.”
Johnny crouched down beside him. “Didn’t you go back with the others? Since when have you been outside here? You must be freezing.” He reached for his hands and it felt like he was holding ice.
Yuta giggled. “Everyone is too fucking busy. Taeyong was busy with Jaehyun. And Winwin…well, fuck him. He thinks he’s a prince.”
“Are you drunk?” Johnny helped him to his feet but he could see how he was swaying.
Yuta smiled. “Just a tiny bit. It feels amazing. I can’t feel anything. Take that Winwin!” He threw an empty can towards the fence.
It was then that Johnny realized that Yuta was sitting with a bunch of mostly empty beer cans throwing them at an anime version of Winwin he had drawn clumsily on the fence.
They walked back to the dorm together, stopping for coffee but not finding comfort, each lost in his own thoughts. It was three-thirty in the night when they let themselves into the dorm. Maybe it was something Yuta had said but Johnny was already leaving again, feeling slightly hopeful that he could work things out with Ten.
“You’re going to Ten right now?”
Johnny nodded.
Yuta took a deep breath, looking slightly green. “Okay, good luck. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I’m going to be sick.”
“Oh, should I help?”
“No, please. Go away now.”
Johnny grinned as he watched Yuta grumbling in the dark. He said, “Yuta, it’ll work out with Winwin. I’m sure of it.”
“Johnny, there’s nothing going on to work out. You’re reading too much into my drunken rants. I don’t mean half of the things I’ve said. This isn’t me but the drinks talking. So, don’t worry about me and just go. Now. Before I throw you out of the door.”
Johnny quirked an eyebrow at the slightly swaying figure but knowing his friend had closed the discussion, he quietly tip-toed over to the room Yuta shared with Winwin and Taeil.
“Winwin?” he whispered, tapping the sleeping guy’s shoulder.
Winwin cursed sleepily.
“I think Yuta is sick. Could you take care of him? I have to leave.”
He sat up. “What happened?”
“Had too much to drink, I guess. Just—”
But Winwin was already rushing out of the room.
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Winwin was totally sure that this was a bad idea but he couldn’t help it. He couldn’t help but agree when Yuta said he wasn’t tired and a movie wouldn’t be a bad idea. In fact, as they squeezed together in Winwin’s bed and balanced the laptop precariously on the blanket, his brain was screaming “BAD IDEA” in all of the languages he knew.
“Shut up,” he mumbled.
Yuta frowned at him. “I didn’t even say anything.”
Winwin stole a quick glance at him. There were so many questions he wanted to ask him. His nerves were still on edge, mind still processing sleepily what had happened.
Johnny had woken him up in the middle of the night and told him Yuta was sick. Maybe he should have asked for more details but he had rushed off to help Yuta. Now, he wanted to know why Yuta was drunk and being sick in the washroom at three in the morning. He wanted to know where Johnny had disappeared in the middle of the night without telling him anything. Most of all, he wanted to know why Yuta was behaving like nothing had happened. As if finding your roommate drunk was no big cause for concern when said roommate had a fixed early-to-bed schedule otherwise.
Are you okay?
“What do you want to watch?” Yuta asked.
His voice was so calm that it jarred Winwin. Was he overthinking this? Was Yuta upset or was this just an after-effect of a night of drinking. “Huh?” He thought for a bit when the question was repeated. “I don’t know. You pick.”
They ended up watching 5 Centimeters per Second and truth be told, he could have done with something happier. He didn’t like the idea of two people losing to time and distance, but he wasn’t really watching the movie. The Japanese dialogue was the only sound in the room and maybe, he should have read the subbed dialogues but he was so busy trying to figure out Yuta…Yuta who sat beside him, eyelids drooping with sleep every now and then, who never looked away from the screen even once.
His brain was full of warning bells. He could feel this wasn’t just about Yuta but also somewhere about him. Was it something I did? But he hadn’t done anything. He had steered clear of the Japanese boy, done nothing to show….He shook his head. No, he had done nothing. It was late and he was just overthinking. His eyelids were drooping and unable to watch the movie or focus on his thoughts comprehensively, he gave up.
The last thing he remembered before falling asleep was Yuta leaning back against the wall and closing his eyes. Winwin remembered reaching over to push away the blonde strands of hair that were falling over his forehead. He didn’t remember the movie ending.
When he woke up next morning, he smiled to himself, enjoying the warmth of the covers, still not fully awake. It was only when he rubbed his face against his pillow that he realized with a start that he was, in fact, not hugging a pillow but squishing Yuta. He was so shocked he nearly fell out of the bed.
He closed his eyes hoping Yuta wouldn’t wake up and see how flustered he was. He let out a breath when he realized that the other boy was still peacefully sleeping. He got out of bed quietly and was in the process of tucking in Yuta when a loud shout came from downstairs.
Winwin froze as Yuta shifted. His eyes blinked open and Winwin could see his eyes widen as Yuta realized how close Winwin was to him.
Quick, damage control. Winwin cleared his throat. “Uh, I was just about to tell you to wake up. It’s uh morning.” Sicheng, seriously? “Also, Yuta hyung, you slept in my bed again!”
Yuta closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. “Sorry, I didn’t realize.” He got up and asked, “What’s the ruckus about?”
“I have no idea. I’m going downstairs to check out,” Winwin said, doing his best to look as nonchalant as possible.
“Give me two minutes, I’m coming with you,” Yuta said, flashing him a smile. “It’s probably just Johnny coming home after making up with Ten. They had a huge fight earlier.”
“Oh? I knew they were having it tough but I didn’t know they had a fight but you’re right they can’t stay mad at each other for long.” He smiled fondly, thinking about his friends. “Be quick. I don’t want to miss their dramatic, sappy homecoming.”
Yuta emerged from the washroom a few minutes later, looking all awake and clean and Winwin had to tear his eyes away with a scowl because, of course, Yuta had to pull on a shirt only after prancing about for a good minute.
“Show off,” he whispered under his breath.
Yuta walked up to him and looking at his blank stare, Winwin felt, for a second, like maybe he should apologize. He opened his mouth but Yuta smiled, tilting his head to a side in his characteristic manner.
“Thank you, Sicheng-ah, for taking care of me last night and I’m sorry for being a burden,” Yuta said. “I—thank you.” He patted his shoulder and turned towards the door.
Winwin followed him. “It’s no problem. You shouldn’t apologize. Just umm…is everything okay? Why were you drinking?”
Yuta stopped in his tracks and let out a small laugh. “You’ll know when you know, I guess.”
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hello! we are back with a yuwin fic this time. put your hands up for this ship of ships. hope you all enjoy it.
just a little note before we start. this fic, "lockscreen" is part of our NCT series, "empathy", and this chapter starts around the time book 2, "ten past six", ends (ch 9, to be exact). while "lockscreen" can be read in itself as a standalone yuwin fic, it would be a better experience if you read the rest of the series too.
we really hope you enjoy this! we're a little nervous but also really excited about this because we've been waiting for so long to write this eep! please let us know how the start is. we promise there's LOTS to come and of course, there's going to be a couple of subplots. we haven't forgotten all the side-ships that haven't sailed yet xD thank you so much if you're reading this after juice cartons and/or ten past six beacuse then it means you didn't leave us yayyy! and if you are a new reader, welcome! <3
don't forget to comment and support this story, yuwin and nct(+wayv). may we get the yearbook soon.
love, positive vibes and good roommates~~
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