#reader x zack morris
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thinkingaboutbetterdays · 8 months ago
see you later. ( zack morris x reader )
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gif belongs to me
When your father mentioned that his promotion required moving away and leaving Bayside, you immediately voiced every reason why you couldn't leave again. You had only been in town for two years, and in that time, you had forged important friendships with Zack and his friends. For the past year and a half, you had been in a relationship with the infamous Zack Morris, and you broke down at the thought of saying goodbye.
You were used to moving around since you were young but had never found a place where you were so passionate about remaining in until now. The thought of saying goodbye to your friends and being forced to leave your boyfriend behind had left you sobbing into your pillow upstairs.
"There will be other boys." Your father brushed off when you mentioned Zack in your argument for staying at Bayside. "Unfortunately so, but this is a crush you'll forget about when we move."
"I won't! I love him! You don't understand. I'm not leaving! You can't make me."
"We're going and that's the end of it!"
As you replayed it over and over the next day at school, tears formed in your eyes as you stood by your locker, taking out textbooks you needed for classes. You closed your locker slightly, to hide the fact you were crying from people passing by.
"Good morning, beautiful." Zack greeted, flashing a toothy grin as he walked over to you. A frown formed on his lips when he noticed you were hiding behind your locker. "Hey, what's wrong?"
You turned to him, wiping your tears away, "I'm moving."
His eyes widened, jaw hitting the floor. "What? You can't leave! You love it here."
You looked at the ground, cradling your books to your chest. "My dad got a promotion. We leave at the end of the week."
You had told Zack about your childhood and Zack couldn't count on two hands how many times you had moved around due to your father's job. Bayside was the longest you had stuck around in one place. You had started planning your future, where you wanted to go to college, and now you felt it was all being taken from you.
His jaw dropped, "Four days? We have four days?"
You nodded, swallowing the lump in your throat. "I don't want to go."
His shoulders slumped when he saw your tears, "I don't want you to go either." He stepped closer, and you closed your eyes when he hugged you, resting your head on his shoulder and clutching the back of his plaid shirt.
Later that day Zack approached Lisa who you had grown the closest to, often going shopping together and Zack joked that she was trying to steal his girlfriend from him due to how long you could spend at the mall. He even went along just to spend time with you, and although his feet were killing him by the end of the day, he enjoyed seeing you trying on clothes. From the sympathetic glance she sent his way Zack realized she knew you were leaving and released a long sigh as he walked with her.
"Hey, Lisa. You heard the good news, huh?" He shoved his hands in his pockets as he turned to her.
"Excuse me, but I think you've made a big mistake."
"She just told me." Lisa frowned, placing a hand on his arm briefly, seeing how distraught he was and couldn't imagine what he was going through.
When you arrived at Bayside, you parked in his space, and Zack had to park further away from the building. He entered the school, making everyone stop in their tracks before asking who took his parking space. You were walking to your newly assigned locker, and he came over to confront you.
You closed your locker, turning to the blond, "What?"
"Yeah, you parked your car in my parking space," Zack explained with a toothy smile that you could tell was somewhat strained.
"I didn't see your name on it."
Zack put his hands on his hips, licking his lips as he suppressed a chuckle. "Let me introduce myself, I am Zack Morris."
"Is that supposed to impress me?" You raised an eyebrow, and he gestured with his arms, not believing you could not hear about him. He shoved his hands in the front pockets of his jeans, and you checked your watch with a sigh. "Sorry, look, I'm new here, and I've had a really bad start to morning, but if it means that much to you, I'll move the car. No sweat."
"Really?" Zack was surprised by your change of attitude. "I wondered why I didn't recognize you. You're not from the Valley, are you?"
You shook your head, "I have no idea where that is."
Zack's smile becomes more genuine, "It's not important." He took a hand out of his pocket and held it out to you. "Let me start again. Zack Morris."
You returned his smile, "Y/N L/N."
As you walked out of the school, Zack learned that you had moved from out of state and when you asked about the Valley, you were amused by his assertion that Bayside was much better. Zack parked in the spot and caught up to you as you headed back into the school, thanking you for moving your car. 
"If you're new you won't know your way around yet. I can be your guide if you want?" He offered.
You noticed he was more nervous this time from the way he flashed a quick smile and put his hands in his pockets, to avoid gesturing with his hands too much. "Sure. I could use a guide. Thanks."
Despite your rocky beginnings, Zack Morris quickly grew on you and the blond would seek you out, inviting you to join his table at lunch with his friends or to meet up at The Max. You fit into the group well, as dedicated as Jessie when it came to homework or school assignments, a shopaholic like Lisa, and as bubbly as Kelly. Lisa was the first to notice how Zack was always by your side, even arriving to classes early when he shared them with you. Slater was the next to know about his growing attraction to you when Zack would watch you and compliment you, or in a daze ask silly questions like what color was your hair. When Slater told him, sending him a look of bewilderment and raised an eyebrow when Zack claimed it was his favorite color.
You were the first to hear about Zack's latest scheme and the blond liked that you didn't shut his ideas down, only voicing some minor improvements. For four months you were like a couple without the lip-locking or hand-holding. But Zack decided that it was time to get out of the friend zone before he 'lost his cool' as Slater put it.
You were writing in your notebook when Zack passed a note in class. The blond almost had a heart attack when another girl opened it and thought it was for her. He pointed at you and her expression soured but she tapped your shoulder, leaning forward to hand you the note.
The longer you stayed in Bayside, the more serious you and Zack got, and when you exchanged I love you's you prayed to a higher power that you could remain in Bayside forever. And for a while you believed someone was listening until one evening during dinner your father broke the news. You had confided in Lisa about how you felt like you didn't belong anywhere, afraid to get too close to people because you had done so many times before, and saying goodbye never got easier. But this would be the hardest goodbye of all.
You shot her a confused glance, turning around in your seat to open the folded note. You recognized Zack's writing immediately and bit the inside of your cheek. You knew the odds of you moving again soon were high, but at that time you decided it was worth having a few weeks together instead of never dating at all. You looked at the blond who hadn't taken his eyes off you, his knee bouncing anxiously, freezing when your eyes met. You sent him a small smile and a nod, a blush forming on your cheeks when he grinned goofily.
"What am I going to do, Lisa? I have four days left to spend with her before she leaves forever."
"It's not forever," Lisa spoke softly. "We'll be going to college soon and I know Y/N is dead set on joining you. That won't change." Zack looked at the ground and she sighed at his wretched expression. "You have four days. There's the dance on Friday, and although you won't see each other, you can still call or write letters?" She suggested.
Zack slowly nodded. "I hear ya."
"If anyone can survive long distance, it's you two. She adores you, Zack. And I know you feel the same way about her. This will only break you if you let it."
Zack clung to her optimism and spent as much time with you as he could. Your excitement for the dance was outweighed by the fact you would be leaving Bayside the next day. You hadn't spoken to your father in days, and your mother had spoken in your defense, knowing how difficult it was to pack up and go when you had built a life here and that he shouldn't dismiss your feelings for Zack so easily.
On Friday night she helped you get ready for the dance. You painted your nails as she styled your hair, and met her gaze in the mirror when she spoke up over the music. You hadn't said much in the past hour, only humming in response when she tried to talk about the new town you were going to.
"I know how hard it's been for you with your father's job. Never feeling comfortable letting people in because you might only be there for weeks or even days." She began, "And we were both hoping this would be the final place - that we'd be staying here for a while, or at least until you went to college. It won't be easy, honey, but just because we're leaving doesn't mean it's over."
You blinked away your tears, "I know, Mom." The truth was, you didn't, but it made her feel a little better.
When Zack arrived a half hour later, you answered the door and smiled faintly when the blond's eyes slowly widened as he took in your appearance.
"You look...incredible."
He always knew how to make you blush. "Thank you. You look great in a suit."
"I look great in everything." He swiped a hand over his gelled hair and you jokingly rolled your eyes, smiling when he chuckled.
"Are you saying I don't?"
His smirk immediately dropped and you giggled when he began to stammer, stating that you did in fact look hot in everything. You were the only girl to ever make him nervous and Zack hated it as he always wanted to look cool, but he also loved it at the same time.
"Your chariot awaits, m'lady."
You looped your arm with his and Zack led you to his car, holding the door open for you. He was your first boyfriend. You had many crushes over the years but never acted on it due to the unpredictability of your father's job which had him moving all over the country. Your first kiss happened in his bedroom. He agreed to let you study and you worked on homework together, helping him when he got confused. Afterward, you lay on his bed side by side, legs hanging over the edge as you listened to music and talked about whatever came to mind. Zack was so easy to talk to, and when you shared your doubts about college, worried your grades were slipping now that you had joined extracurricular activities with Kelly, he immediately put your mind at ease, reminding you of how hard you worked.
"Sometimes I think you work too hard and I want to tell you to slow down a little, but then I remember that you've never had the full experience before, and I want to be there in case you burn out." He held your chin, turning your head to meet his gaze as he propped himself up on his elbow, gazing down at you with raw emotion that made your heart race. "I would call you brilliant but that doesn't seem close enough."
You knew right at that moment that you were in love with him, but would never confess so until two weeks later after he took you out to see a film where you spent more time whispering than paying attention to what was happening on the screen. His arm was around your waist and his breath would tickle your cheek when he spoke quietly so only you could hear and you knew then that this was rare. You couldn't imagine feeling like this about anyone else and Zack had admitted that while he had girlfriends before, this felt different and it was all new to him.
You swallowed thickly when he wet his lips before he leaned in and closed your eyes when he kissed you for the first time.
You often thought back to that night as he drove you home, kissing goodnight and the words just flowed off your tongue with such warmth that it surprised you both. Zack recovered quickly, placing a hand on your cheek, smiling as he declared his love for you before reigniting your kiss with more passion and you didn't want the moment to end. But your father turned on the porch light, a sign he was watching and you reluctantly went inside, smiling ear to ear, biting your lower lip as you leaned your back against the door.
When your mother asked how your date went, you told her that Zack had told you he loved you for the first time and she cooed about how he was such a sweetheart while your father dampened your mood by scoffing.
"He's a teenager. What does he know about love?"
Your mother said his name scoldingly before telling you to get ready for bed. You kissed her cheek, saying goodnight before going upstairs to your bedroom.
You thought back to that night often, recalling the stars above your heads, the way they seemed to shine a little brighter and the twinkle in his eyes. You should've known it was all too good to be true, that Bayside was destined to be another pitstop to your father's latest promotion.
When you arrived at the dance, you took in the decorations and while you had planned the event, you hadn't been able to help set it up as you had been packing every night after school this week. Your attention was drawn back to Zack when he squeezed your hand, running his thumb over your knuckles as he nodded to the photographer.
"We should commemorate how great we look tonight."
You smiled, nodding in agreement. You joined the line as you drifted back into your thoughts, reminiscing about the first dance you attended with Zack. You kept the photograph on your bedroom wall, above your desk, so that when you studied you could always see it. Zack had turned his head at the last second to smile at you and your eyes flickered to him, mirroring his adoring smile as he took your hand, unseen in the photograph.
It had been a wonderful night, and you were sure this dance would have been too if you both weren't dreading the moment it ended. After he dropped you home tonight, Zack wouldn't get to see you again for a long time - that is if you decided to attend the same college as you had planned to for months. And it was like waiting for a bomb to go off, happy to be there but hating it at the same time because soon you would be forced to say goodbye.
When it was your turn, Zack stood behind you, his hands on your hips as you tried to smile for the camera. You wouldn't see the result for a while but Zack often looked at the photograph, seeing how strong you were trying to be, smiling despite the pain in your eyes.
Later that night, he held you close as the music played, surrounded by the other students and their dates, but feeling as if you were alone as you clung onto each other.
You were the first to break the silence between you, and Zack almost didn't hear your whisper that was muffled by his suit. "I don't want to go."
"I don't want you to go either." He pulled back to meet your gaze as you lifted your head from his shoulder. "We'll call as often as we can. And everyone will be writing letters." He wet his lips, shaking his head, "This doesn't have to be the end. We don't have long until we go to college and if we still decide to go to the same one, then it won't be as long. But if you change your mind about which college you want to go to -"
You shook your head, swallowing the lump in your throat, blinking away the tears pricking your eyes, "I won't."
"We shouldn't look at this as saying goodbye. More like, I'll see you later."
"And if you meet someone else?"
"I won't." He spoke with such conviction that it made your heart skip a beat. "Meet someone prettier, smarter, and incredible than you? I've already gotten the upgrade."
You stopped dancing, placing a hand on his cheek to kiss him tenderly, expressing everything you felt for him in the kiss and Zack held you closer, feeling his eyes glistening at the thought of you being thousands of miles away. 
"You're the only girl I want. Now and in thirty years."
Your hands rested on his biceps, his hands on your waist as you swayed to the slow song that was playing, eyes closing when he rested his forehead against yours. This was the last dance of the night, and you wanted to savor every second of it.
Later that night he parked outside your house and you took the slip of paper that contained the address of your new house with the phone number on it, out of your small bag, holding it out to the blond who bit the inside of his cheek as he took it. "I'll write to you every day. You'll be sick and tired of hearing from me." His lips briefly formed a smile before it fell almost as quickly as it started.
"Like that would ever happen." You smiled softly, reaching out to place a hand on the crook of his neck. "I'm sorry, Zack."
He shook his head, "I'd wait a week or forty years for you." 
You felt a warm tear escape down your cheek as you leaned over to kiss him. "I love you." You murmured against his lips.
"I love you too." He replied with a smile as he rested his forehead against yours.
He held your hand as you both took small steps towards your porch and you knew your father was waiting inside when the porch light turned on. You sighed as you turned to Zack who brought you into his warm embrace, pressing a lingering kiss to your head before pulling away to peck your lips.
"I'll see you later?" You smiled weakly, teary-eyed as you gazed up at your boyfriend, seeing the vulnerability in his eyes - something he only showed around you.
No one knew him like you did. Zack felt like he could confide in you about anything whether it was school or family-related. When he told you about his father, you encouraged him to be blunt with him about how he felt second to his job. Zack did take your advice and the two had reconnected a little more.
"Definitely." He held your hips as he brought you closer. "How's next weekend?"
You nodded, giggling as you wiped a tear that had fallen down your cheek. "Two thirty?" You played along.
"I'll be there."
You wrapped your arms around his neck and he buried his head in the curve of your neck. "I love you, Zack Morris. Now and in thirty years."
Zack pulled back with a smile that revealed his pearly whites, "I love you too, Y/N L/N." He lifted a hand to your cheek as he leaned in to kiss you with a passion that made you want to melt against the front door.
You regretted having to pull away before your father came outside and sent the blond the biggest smile you had given all night. He held your hand as he stepped back, fingers brushing as he got further away until his touch was gone. You watched him walk away and placed a hand over your mouth, holding back tears as he opened his car door. He looked at you over the roof, sending you a blinding smile and a wave.
You returned it, feeling a little more content knowing that it was possible that this wasn't the end. You wouldn't get to go to prom with him, but you would see him again. He would wait for you, just like you intended to do.
You headed into the house once he got into the car and when he saw you were gone, Zack leaned back in his chair, exhaling a long shaky breath. After a few moments, he pushed his palms into his eyes, before starting the car.
This wasn't goodbye.
It was simply 'see you later'.
He would make sure of it.
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stargazing-imagines · 9 months ago
Saved By The Bell Rewrite *Season One Masterlist*
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Summary: After the tragic death of your parents in a car accident, the Kapowski’s take you in as one of their “many” children, unfold the chaos of Bayside with Kelly and the Gang up till graduation day! Good luck!
Pairing: Zack Morris x Fem!reader, slight Male!OC x Fem!Reader, as well as slight Slater x Fem!reader
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Dancing to the Max *Coming soon*
The Lisa Card
The Gift
Fatal Distraction
Screech's Women
Aloha Slater
The Subsititute
Cream for a Day
Pinned to the Max
Beauty and the Screech
The Friendship Buisness
The Mama's and The Papa's
The Election
The Zack Tapes
King of the Hill
Save that Tiger
Coming Soon
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whatstruthgottodowithit · 2 years ago
can you do a zack morris from the college year x reader Smut? if you have time
The only requests I’m doing are Elvis ones at the moment.
Sorry x
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sunnydaleherald · 11 days ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, February 19th
ANGEL: She's not gonna run, Buffy. BUFFY: Well, why would she? When she has her brave knight to protect her? Got you. (Buffy glares harder.) BUFFY: Does she cry? Pouty lips, heaving bosom? I thought you needed help.
The Sunnydale Herald is looking for at least one new editor. Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! Find out more here.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Quadruple Drabble: Unthinkable by badly_knitted (Joyce, Buffy, PG)
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Something Absolutely Wonderful by xaeyrnofnbe (Buffy/Angel/Spike, T)
Sugar Rush by lily_alphonse (Giles/reader, E)
Don’t you Dare say I’m Gonna Make It by hpg (Spike/OFC, G)
Making Amends (and Pottery) by bookxish (Buffy/Angel, G)
Flesh and Blood by SomeKindOfADeviant (Angel/Spike, T)
impossible, inevitable by [author reveal] LiraelClayr007 (Buffy/Spike, T)
Love Language by vampbrat (Angel/Darla, M)
Pedestal by MadeInGold (Spike/Drusilla, E)
История о призраке [Русский translation of A Ghost Story by iwillrememberyou_archivist] by B_E_S (Buffy/Angel, T)
Ужасная ситуация [Русский translation of Dire Situation by a2zmom] by B_E_S (Buffy/Angel, G)
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Valentine's Day (Spike x reader) by itsalwaysteatimeinwonderland (Spike/reader, unrated with NSFW text)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Tell me, what do you see?- ch. 6 by KatyAmberAuthor (Buffy/Giles, E) Complete!
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CHERUB ROCK 🪽🦇 - ch. 1 part 1 by iamagod51 (Spike/reader, unrated)
CHERUB ROCK🪽🦇 - ch. 1 part 2 by iamagod51 (Spike/reader, unrated)
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A Stroke of Bad Loop - ch. 6 by Tikiriaaa (Buffy/Spike, R)
Ghost - ch. 9-10 by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Restructuring Reality [Series Part 3] - ch. 6 by Ragini (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Scenes From a Session - ch. 6 by In Mortal (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
An Enmity Most Engaging - ch. 17 by HappyWhenItRains (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Animal I Have Become - ch. 12-13 by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Guitar Villain - ch. 9 by RavenLove12 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Ghost - ch. 9-10 by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Animal I Have Become - ch. 12-13 by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Scenes From a Session - ch. 6 by In Mortal (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
An Enmity Most Engaging - ch. 17 by HappyWhenItRains (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: yeah i turned all the main(ish) btvs characters into cats now too. what of it by uss-genderprise (Buffy, Scoobies, Angel, Spike, Dawn, worksafe)
Artwork: They're not Big Bads, they're Little Bads. by the-nerdcave (Ensemble, worksafe)
Artwork: DRUSILLA from BTVS - digital sketch by cocohayu (Drusilla, worksafe)
Artwork: I need Drusilla as the queen of hearts by canciqer (Drusilla, worksafe)
Artwork: Kendra the Vampire Slayer by gothamsgaygirlgang (Kendra, worksafe)
Artwork: [OC based on Zack Morris with Spike for Spuffy fic Harbingers of Beatrice] artwork by flyora. post and fic by elysianholly (Spike, worksafe)
Artwork: i believe in spuffy supremacy by julydel (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Meme: (is this anything) caps frm by tenderjock (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Edit: and it ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe it'll never do somehow by tenderjock (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Edit: The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived, Taylor Swift by sunnydalelibrarian (Buffy/Angel, worksafe)
Moodboard: 365 characters; tara maclay (buffy the vampire slayer) i’m cured. i like the boys! by sylthrein (worksafe)
Moodboard: bi bigender lilah morgan by courtillyy (worksafe)
Moodboard: willow & buffy & xander by courtillyy (worksafe)
Moodboard: ne/zie/ze/he nb gay connor (ats) by courtillyy (worksafe)
Moodboard: genderfluid ace lorne (ats) by courtillyy (worksafe)
Vidlet: my perspective of s7 ngl by innit1 (Buffy/Spike)
Gifset: BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER      (2x13) ꜱᴜʀᴘʀɪꜱᴇ by likeafantasy (Drusilla, Willow, Buffy/Angel, worksafe)
Gifset: ANGEL THE SERIES | 3.05 "Fredless" by dailyats (Fred, worksafe)
Gifset: BEST OF BTVS: Buffy & Willow — Season One by clarkgriffon (Buffy, Willow, worksafe)
Gifset: angel + touching buffy's collar 2x13 Surprise | 3x05 Homecoming by reborngrace (Buffy/Angel, worksafe)
Gifset: Maureen Medved, "The Tracey Fragments" by andremichaux (Buffy/Angel, slightly NSFW)
Gifset: bangel + sexy back by reborngrace (Buffy/Angel, NSFW)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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it is devastating to me personally that a lot of buffy fans didn't vibe with the boom comics by xaeyrnofnbe
Buffy Rewatch: Episodes 1-4 by sunnydalelibrarian
— ats episode sanctuary...an absolute character statement for angel... by themoonofblueside
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This is such a perfectly Buffy scene [Some Assembly Required] by tinypabitch
So I just recently watched the last season... [of ATS] by Ok-Contribution7622
[Recs & In Search Of]
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ISO: Register_Slight seeks advice for Convention VHS tapes
ISO: GimmeMauve seeks Buffy phone wallpapers
ISO: Boring-Temperature59 seeks info on HD Remaster Fix Edit?
Recs: various Cangel (Cordelia x Angel) fanvids recced by theravennest and others
[Community Announcements]
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fic_promptly: Wednesday, February 19 - Theme: Trips
[Fandom Discussions]
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How is Buffy different? [from other slayers] by meltedbrains
The thing about BTVS is that it's fundamentally a tragedy. [Buffy relationship talk] by lost-in-frog-land
connor literally never doesn't make me upset like aughghgh he should have been a mall goth!!! by all-seeing-ifer
Ask: Angel is AuDHD, probs non binary, and deserves as much appreciation and love in S5... answered by xaeyrnofnbe
The reason people often read Faith as being openly and unashamedly attracted to women (or at least more so than Buffy)... by coraniaid
[parallels between Angel and Faith] by themoonofblueside
[why] would you rinse and repeat the "teenage boy casts spells to make all women (including adult women) go crazy... by bluehairedboyfriend
It's easy to be glibly dismissive of Giles' plan to stop Willow in Season 6. by coraniaid
my most consistently controversial opinion about BTVS is that willow and Anya should have kissed in season seven by z0mbied0gz
POLL: Spike from Buffy by does-this-character-eat-pussy
POLL: Buffy fans, have you watched Angel? by fish-in-need-of-a-bicycle
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SEQUEL: If the reboot happens should Alyson Hannigan return as Willow? by Kristine
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How do you think the characters would respond to the trolley problem? by FaveStore_Citadel
IGN lists the 15 best episodes by thisguy49
Did Buffy *have* to send Angel to hell? by missbitterness
A Fool For Love--Spike & Buffy [when did their spark start?] by Nayaritism
Rewatching the show, I had no memory of this disturbing thing happening… [Faith's actions] by ManyMention6930
In case you needed proof of how good SMG is in “Who Are You?” by Madzos
Do you think Buffy jumped for herself? by cleverlynamedgrl
SEQUEL: if the buffy sequel gets 2 seasons [then BTVS will be the] longest running action show to star a female lead in history by shane0072
Remaking the UPN Years [AU outline for S6 and S7] by AssociationTiny5395
Who is your favourite Big Bad? [with fan art] by Honey_Banana1
The Scoobies Never Liked Anya by cicigal8
Rewatching after 20 years, can finally say: Riley is hot! [Marc Blucas praise and movie recs] by tinypabitch
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: The 15 Best Buffy the Vampire Slayer Episodes by IGN via redditor thisguy49
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hannahsmulti · 5 years ago
Making some changes
Hey if me and I decided to make some changes, now before you ask yes I’m still going to be posting Shirbert stories and all that but since there is a lack of saved by the bell x reader stories and stuff like km thinking about making a two book story that isn’t getting very big on Wattpad
So basically what it is going to be about is a Zack Morris FanFiction because like he is a major babe and the reader, the two have been best friends all there life to where Zack has a crush on the reader in high school until a new girl Kelly Kapowski who Zack has had a crush on in grade school (elementary school) to where it will cause a huge love triangle between the reader, Zack and Kelly Kapowski
Now if you don’t know what saved by the bell is I’ll try to find some gifs about it so you can get an idea but trust me it’s a great show if you give it a chance
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rediscoverthe80s · 5 years ago
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I'm what you'd call your non-traditional #comicbook reader. Instead of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern, I want Zack Morris, #KidNPlay, Peg Bundy, and #RenandStimpy. #80s #90s #savedbythebell #marriedwithchildren (at Game X Change Montgomery) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6t6C_UA-19/?igshid=1v40dhm3m1xuu
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tessatechaitea · 5 years ago
Darkstars #6
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Art directors were suffering from some weird brain parasite in the early 90s.
In the 90s, the way you could tell the difference between men and women in comic books was that men's faces had full of lines to express tension and rage and determination while women's faces were smooth blank canvasses to express their beauty and their lack of a nose. No wonder I hardly date in the 90s. A woman would start flirting with me and I'd think, "Ugh! She's got too much nose!" People think 90s comic art was all about lots of pouches and big guns. But it was just as equally about lines all over men's faces, gritting teeth, clenched fists, adult women who look no more than fifteen, and characters that had one weird eye because drawing symmetrical eyes is hard. The issue begins with Darkstar and Homeless Mo flying off to help Flint stop the space sex slave traders. Homeless Mo can tell something's bothering Darkstar because he has even more lines on his face than normal. Homeless Mo says, "You look way more like a male character than usual. Is something bothering you?" And Darkstar is all, "Let me tell you the story of the day everything went wrong and I lost my innocence about the job and I became a cynical bastard who flaunts the rules because the rules can't save anybody!" Darkstar's origin is that his planet was destroyed by a race raiding it for resources. He was one of the few survivors and was approached by a Darkstar to join the force. He did because what else was left for him? Also maybe he could help some other poor planet. When he finally got his chance to help out, he screwed up and everybody on the planet under his protection died. So now he's bitter and angry and guilt-ridden. But he's still got a job to do so he's going to stop pitying himself and do it. Plus he'll probably need to beat whomever he suspects of doing anything wrong and maybe kill them because playing by the rules just didn't cut it for the people on Jenuwyne.
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Zack Morris could be jerking off into Steve Urkel's mouth while the Spice Girls girl powered each other's buttholes and it would be less 90s than this page of art. Not?
Hawkman and Hawkwoman stumbled upon the space sex slave traders when they tried to kidnap a friend of theirs. Apparently she and Carla White are the only two women worth missing on a massive rocket ship filled to the brim with kidnapped women. Also, did Hawkman lose Superman's number? He could have just called him to stop the ship and then...oh wait. Never mind. I forgot Superman is dead. Loser. Oh man. I'm so sexist. I mean, oh woman. I'm so sexist. I assumed only women were being taken as space sex slaves but there are male humans in shackles aboard the ship too. That seems weird because why kidnap men when you could just tell them, "Hey, you want to have tons of sex with strange and exotic space women?" And then before they heard you mumble "and space men too," they'd have already been shouting, "Yee-haw! I'mma gonna get my dick space wet! Whoopee!" If that reaction doesn't ring true as a universal way of pre-celebrating the coming loss of your virginity, forget I even said it.
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Somebody needs explain Earth slang to Colos and also the term "Phrasing!"
Hawkman slips into a hatch on the slaver ship before it closes. Weird to still be closing hatches in the middle of a space launch but since I don't work for NASA or Space X, I can't say if that's all that improbable. I'm sure it's totally fine. Darkstar and his sidekick follow close behind Hawkman but since the hatch is closed, they have to smash through it. That also doesn't interfere with the launch. I'm glad I know nothing about the incredible frictional forces and heat build up produced by launching a large metal ship out of Earth's atmosphere or I might now be stroking my chin and shaking my head while mumbling, "Oh, come on!" Also it's a fucking comic book so who cares? As long as some people get masered and Hawkwoman shows more ass and cleavage, the audience is going to come back for more.
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Hawkman is crying because another man saved his life. On Thanagar, that means you're now Hawkwoman.
That last caption may have sounded like a sexist joke but it was commentary about the hyper-masculinity of Hawkman. He probably also said, "No homo," after being saved and then punched holes in five different walls. Meanwhile, Hawkwoman and Detective Jamón-Face continue fighting the space sex slavers on Earth.
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Here's half of what the audience is clamoring for.
Even Hawkwoman must be tired of Hawkman's toxic masculinity or else why would she call him half-cocked? What an insult! Darkstar Flint and Hawkwoman stop Pappas and his alien crew. Flint takes off to leave the clean-up to Hawkwoman and the cops. But before he leaves, he shoots his maser at people so the audience can get the other half of what they want out of this book. Is "Darkstars" an anagram of "tits and masers"? Close though, right?
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This was the most practiced pose in 90s super hero comics.
What were we fucking smoking in the 90s?! I only say "we" metaphorically; I fucking hated this style of art even back then. There's a reason I don't own Wild C.A.T.S. #1 or any of the other debut Image books. I didn't even pick them up for investment purposes! Don't think I didn't buy my share of crap though! I kept buying The New Titans well past issue #100; it's just that I didn't buy crap simply because everybody was raving about the new kinetic art style by a bunch of young up and coming artists who probably had high school year book quotes like "Why would I study anatomy?" and "Thigh legs are as thick as torsos, right?" I just discovered, six issues in, that Homeless Mo's name is Douglas. How did I get it so wrong?! That's the most rhetorical of rhetorical questions. I could go back through the issues to see why I thought his name was Mo but that feels like work. Also, I probably just forgot his name and made up Homeless Mo subsequently fooling myself into believing that was his real name.
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What the fuck?! Darkstar just called him Douglas in the previous panel!
Well, I guess that solves the mystery. His name must be Mo Douglas and he's homeless. Grandmaster comic book reader? As Darkstar and Mo and Hawkman break into the slave pen, Carla White rallies the other prisoners to pick up the fallen guards weapons and fight back. They respond by throwing their fists in the air and yelling, "Yeah! We can fight too!" But things don't work out too well for them because they aren't established characters.
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If I ever wind up in a battle for my life and I'm killed, please do not chastise me for giving up.
With the help of Carla White, Darkstar, Mo, and Hawkman take control of the slave ship and turn it back towards Earth. Darkstar stares at Carla and begins calculating how much gold he brought with him to see if his budget can afford another deputy. Although judging by the next issue's cover, Carla will just be taking over Detective Flint's job. Darkstars #6 Rating: B. Was this the type of guest appearances that go us comic book readers so fucking excited back in the day?! Hawkman and Hawkwoman could have been any character at all based on the level of interaction they had with the other characters. I guess all we comic book fans need to be happy is somebody in our favorite character's costume and we'll dish out the cover price of books we'd otherwise not read. On one hand, I think it's poor form for DC to use Hawkman and Hawkwoman so shallowly just to get fans to buy this book. But on the other hand, I hate Hawkman so fuck his fans.
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harley-sunday · 7 years ago
Requested by anon: Hii would you mind doing a Mouse x reader where the reader has trust issues but he’s really persistent and all and eventually the reader says yes??
Pairing: Greg ‘Mouse’ Gerwitz x reader
Warnings: language.
AN: Another Mouse request, yay :) Enjoy!
You look up from the paperwork you’re filling out and see Mouse standing in front of your desk. From where he’s stood he has to look up to you a little and he does, smiling, eyes twinkling, “It’s Wednesday again.”
“I know,” you bite back, a little louder than you intended, not really looking at him but instead keeping your eyes on the paperwork in front of you.
“So, then you also know what I’m about to ask you,” Mouse replies, unfazed by your attitude.
Still not looking at him, you nod slowly, your lips pursed together, because you do, you know what’s coming next. For the past seven weeks, since you began working here, filling in for desk sergeant Platt who’s on a two-month honeymoon, this has been his spiel every Wednesday without fail.
“(Y/N),” he starts, waiting for you to look at him. You do, eventually, because it would be rude not to. He smiles again when he has your attention and continues, “Will you go out with me on Friday?”
“Mouse, I-” you start but he holds up his hand to stop you.
“It’s another no, isn’t it?” He says, looking defeated if only for a second. He soon regains his composure and throws you another one of his wicked smiles, “No worries. I’ll just try again next week.”
And with that he leaves you behind, making his way upstairs without so much as looking back at you. Your eyes follow him and you mentally curse yourself and your stupid trust issues.
A series of knocks on your desk pulls you out of your thoughts mere seconds later, “You and I, we’re going out for drinks on Friday,” Erin says, pointing her finger at you and then to the stairs Mouse just disappeared onto, “Because we need to talk about this.”
“Girl, that man is willing to tear down your walls brick by brick if he has to, no matter how long it will take him,” Erin states simply before she takes another sip of her drink.
“Yeah, but-”
“Nah-ah, no buts, not this time,” Erin counters, shaking her head, “He’s one of the good guys.”
You sigh, annoyed at Erin, but only because you know she’s right. You glance at the bar, where Mouse is enjoying drinks with the rest of the guys. Her words echo in your mind and unsure of how to reply you start peeling at the label of your bottle of beer, biting your lip, trying to fight the tears that have suddenly formed in your eyes. Erin’s hand stops you from completely shredding the label and it’s then you look up at her, “What if I’m not good enough?”
“Oh, honey,” Erin places her arm around you and pulls you close, “You are, believe me.”
But the self-loathing has already begun, and you can’t stop, “Erin, come on, look at me! I am average-looking at best, I’m a desk sergeant, but not really, because I’m just a temp, so I don’t even belong to a station, instead I’m just floating from one job to the other because nobody wants me all the time,” you take a swig of your beer, “I’ve been single since, oh about forever, and my last boyfriend broke up with me because he thought our relationship had been a waste of his time. The fuck? Who even says that?”
“An asshole,” Erin mutters under her breath. She only met your ex once or twice, but she hates him with a passion that might even rival your own. She sits up and looks you in the eye, “Listen, I know you’ve been through a lot with that fucker,” she all but spits out the word, “but I promise you, Mouse is nothing like him.”
You shrug, trying to leave the pity-party that you threw yourself but failing, so you wallow some more.
“This is the last I’m going to say about it,” Erin says, interrupting your thoughts, “because one; you need to get your shit together and just enjoy life, easy as that, and two; I’m getting frustrated and I really don’t want to get mad at you about this but I know I will if this goes on any longer, so,” she puts her bottle down on the table and turns toward you, “give him a chance. You won’t be disappointed, I swear.”
“On Zack Morris’ life?” you ask, one eyebrow raised, referring to the goldfish you both took care of when you shared a dorm while going through the academy together. The important stuff was always validated by swearing on the damn goldfish’ life. 
Erin lets out a throaty laugh, “On Zack Morris’ life, you dork.”
You smile and glance at Mouse again, no longer ignoring the butterflies you feel every time you look at him.
Today has been a blur of phone calls, paperwork, and a case that has the entire team dispatched to the other side of town while you try to hold down the fort on your own. All while you’re trying to compile a list of everything you need to hand back to sergeant Platt this Friday. You keep getting interrupted and by the time the end of your shift is drawing near you are so over this day you could cry.
It’s then the phone rings and your tone of voice isn’t the nicest when you answer, “Chicago PD, how can I help you?”
“It’s Wednesday again,”
You let out a laugh, because honestly, you had forgotten all about it. “I know,” you reply, your voice soft now. Judging by the background noises, Mouse is in a car and you hope it means the case has been solved and he’s coming back to the precinct.
“So then you know what I’m about to ask you,”
You nod, but then realise he can’t actually see you, “Yes.”
“(Y/N), will you go out with me on Friday?”
“Mouse, I,” you start and you can hear him starting to protest so you continue before he has a chance to stop you, “I would love to.”
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gurlcreature · 8 years ago
movies I watched (for the first time) in 2016
(my favorites are starred…)
Spice World, Big Fish, Welcome to Me, Jawbreaker*, Practical Magic, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Charlie’s Angels, Pee Wee’s Big Adventure*, Montage of Heck, Austin Powers 2*, Super, American Beauty*, Room*, Diary of a Teenage Girl, Bridesmaids, Kelly & Cal, Seven Chinese Brothers, Stanford Prison Experiment, Hackers, Be Kind Rewind*, Reality Bites, Jennifer’s Body, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Young Adult, It’s Such A Beautiful Day, Pulp Fiction*, Room 237, There Will Be Blood*, Adaptation, Requiem For A Dream, Me and You and Everyone We Know, Where the Wild Things Are, Eraserhead, Slums of Beverly Hills, Brazil, Life Aquatic with Steve Zusso*, Fish Tank, The Revenant*, Steve Jobs, Birdman*, District 9, Being John Malkovich*, Hateship Loveship, Heavenly Creatures, Midnight Special*, My Left Foot, World of Tomorrow, Tracks, SLC Punk, 2001: A Space Odyssey*, Somewhere, Bronson, Eagle Vs. Shark, Rubber, Kill Bill: Volume One*, Kill Bill: Volume Two*, Trainspotting*, Walk the Line, Django Unchained, Just Jim, Zack Galifinakis: Live at the Purple Onion, Comet, Take Shelter*, American History X, Anomalisa, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, Reservoir Dogs, Fargo*, The Royal Tenenbaums*, Synecdoche New York, Swiss Army Man*, Beginners, The Game, I Love You Phillip Morris, Harold and Maude*, The Big Short, Ex Machina*, Spring Breakers*, Obvious Child, Beautiful Losers, Lost in Translation*, Talulah, Creature from the Black Lagoon, The Double*, Suicide Squad, Little Miss Sunshine, Basketball Diaries, Revolutionary Road, Little Children, The Reader, Wolf of Wall Street, Submarine*, Shotgun Stories, Boyz n the Hood, Girl Interrupted, Blue Valentine, Elephant Man, The Silence of the Lambs, Cut Bank, One Hour Photo, Watchmen, Amy, Whiplash, Precious*, The Fighter, Black Swan, Brokeback Mountain, About Schmidt, The Voices, Hairspray (1980)*, John Waters: This Filthy World, The Blob, American Honey*, Psycho*, Mud, Cleo from 5 to 7*, The Captive, Charlie Countryman, Under the Skin, Beasts of the Southern Wild*, Closet Monster, Certain Women, Stanley Kubrick’s Boxes, Scream, The Bling Ring, Full Metal Jacket*, As Good As It Gets, Moonlight*, Running on Empty, The Grand Budapest Hotel*, Queen Mimi, O Brother Where Art Thou?, Burn After Reading, Austin Powers: Goldmember, There’s Something About Mary, Punch-Drunk Love*, Repo Man, Loving, Funny Games, Homemakers, The Fisher King, Stranger than Fiction, Junebug, Cake, La La Land*, Space Jam, But I’m a Cheerleader, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
my favorite 2016 release was Moonlight. I watched 226 movies total this year!!
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stargazing-imagines · 2 years ago
Don’t leave me! — Zack Morris x fem!reader
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Description: it is the year after summer break and you come back to bayside with a dark side, but with the gangs help you get back to your sweet caring self
Warnings: mention of divorce, mention of new step-parent, bad writing, I had to do research for yandere for this so if half of this is wrong. I apologize
Fandom: saved by the bell
Requested: yes but I changed it because I don’t get the Yandere part so if this isn’t what you want, I’m sorry
It was the first day of your senior year and you were dreading it. After hearing the news of your parent’s divorce you style and attitude towards people has changed.
“Hey y/n.” Smiled zack “how come I didn’t see you much this summer?”
“I was busy.” You said as you didn’t take your eyes off of your locker, before shutting it and walking away
“Wait… I’m not done.”
“Save it morris, I don’t want to hear it.”
With that you walked away snuggling your books to your chest, with Zack looking at you weirdly
You were at the max reading a textbook before Kelly and the girls sat with you.
“Hey y/n! Why weren’t you at cheer practice?” Asked Kelly as she placed her books onto the table, folding her hands. You rolled your eyes
“I don’t know, decided that wasn’t for me.” You said, your eyes not leaving the book, the three girls looked at each other before looking back at you
“Is everything ok? You seem kinda off.” Asked Kelly
“I’m fine.” You said “see you.”
With that, you left The Max.
"Guys we ned to figure out what is wrong with Y/N." said Kelly "It's like talking to another person."
"I agree, she is acting a little weird." said Zack "She doesn't like me flirting with her anymore."
"Its like she is going through an identity crisis." said Jessie
“Maybe something happened to her this summer that she doesn’t want to share it.” Said Mr Belding as he came up the group
“Wait, how do you know?”
“She actually came into my office to talk about it.” Said Mr Belding “apparently her parents are going through a divorce.”
“That’s awful.” Said Kelly as she looked down “What can we do to help her?”
“Maybe you could be there for her instead of trying to figure out what wrong with her.”
“He’s right guys, we need to be there for Y/n.” Said Zack
It was that night and you were sitting on your bed packing your bag, as Zack came in
“Hey, may I come in?”
“Sure.” You said as you kept looking at your suitcase
“Why are you packing?” Asked Zack, you sighed before speaking
“My mom doesn’t want me so I’m living with my dad in South Carolina until my mom can get her stuff together,”
“But you are coming back… because I need you.”
“Look, I need you to but maybe this distance will be best for us.” You said “we didn’t exactly work out last year and-“
“Yeah but-“
“Why don’t you date Kelly?” You asked “she seems like a lovely girl.”
After you said that, Zack grabbed you from behind giving you a hug, as his voice breaks
“Please don’t leave me.” Said Zack “I’m sorry for not realizing sooner.”
“I’m sorry Zack but I have to…”
Saved by the bell masterlist
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stargazing-imagines · 2 years ago
Lose you to love me — Zack Morris x Fem!Reader
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Lose you to love me : Zack Morris mini fic
Description: you and Zack have been best friends for years, but what happens when an old friend of you and Zack comes back and catches Zack’s attention?
Warnings: heartbreaks, cheating, more to be announced
Pairing: Zack x Kelly, Zack x Reader, Slater x Reader, Oc x Reader
I found this on my side blog @hannahsmulti and thought I would transfer it here!
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Table of Contents
The New Girl *coming soon*
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stargazing-imagines · 1 year ago
I’m officially on Christmas/semester break from school so that means I’ll be posting some fics!! Here are the fics coming
Cross: done
Sick — Jeremiah fisher and fem!reader
The grudge — Conrad fisher x fem!reader (part two)
Trouble on ice — Brandon Walsh x FigureSkater!Reader
Taste of fatherhood — Zack Morris x TeenMother!Reader
That all I’ll be working on!! Stay tuned!!
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stargazing-imagines · 1 year ago
Saved by the bell Rewrite Masterlist
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Description: after the death of your parents in a tragic car accident, you are forced to live with your cousin Kelly in the palisades area. Join the gang at bayside for a unforgettable 4 years. Time out!
Pairings: Zack x fem!reader, Slater x fem!reader, Zack x Kelly, Slater x Jessie, oc x fem!reader
This rewrite will only be available on tumblr under the name @stargazing-imagines
*Out Now!!*
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Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
College years
Season 1
Coming soon
Edited — 05/26/24
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stargazing-imagines · 2 years ago
Jar of Hearts ( Zack Morris x fem!reader )
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Description : the reader is in a domestic violence relation ship in which she is keeping it a secret, but that is until Zack Morris intervened...
Pairing: Zack Morris x reader
Warnings : mentions of sexual abuse, a short dialogue of the situation, mentions of domestic abuse, mention of the word slut, stay safe in any kind of relationship girls!
*smack* was all it took, it took all of my energy to smack the boy that I once loved, the man that I recalled a future with straight out of high school.
I may walk around bayside with a warm smile, but what really goes on is a dark cloud that forms into my heart that takes up my emotions.
“What did I say about wearing a top that’s provocative?!”
“What wrong with it?” You asked “Lisa said it was cute on me besides... I’m not showing much.”
You back up into a wall, he was now hovering over you, you squirm under his touch as you tried to keep your cries silent.
“You are mine! And only mine!”
And with that he smacked you, you looked at his face as you held your own. You regained yourself before responding
“So I was thinking that maybe we could meet the boys at the Max after school,” said your friend Jessie
“That’s a great idea!” Exclaimed Kelly
“I’m in.” Said Lisa “what about you y/n?”
You on the other hand zoned out, that was until Kelly snapped you back into place
“Is everything alright y/n?” Asked Kelly
“Yeah, your acting strange,” said Jessie
“I’m fine,” you said as you opened your lockers, you took your jacket off without thought that your bruises were evident.
“Oh my gosh what happened?” Asked Kelly as she looked at your arm
“Oh... I just fell on the stairs I’m fine,” you said as you closed your locker “see you after school.”
And with that you zoomed away, that was until you bumped into your best friend Zack Morris
You and Zack have been best friends since you two were in kindergarten, you could say that he was always there for you.
“Hey y/n!” Said Zack “it’s been a while, how are things with you and Matthew?”
“Everything’s great,” you said with a smile, you tried to walk away but that was until Zack spotted your arm
“What’s that on your arm?” asked Zack as he stopped you with a worried gaze “If there’s something that you’re not telling me then you better tell me now.” 
“Zack... I don’t want to talk about it.” you said as you zoomed passed zack, speed walking away tucking a hair behind your ear, meanwhile your ‘Boyfriend’ saw the whole thing with clutched teeth 
You were walking out of bayside with your books clutched you your chest, looking down. You were interrupted when someone slammed your back against the brick wall.
“What did I tell you about talking to that Morris kid?” Asked your boyfriend through gritted teeth
“Matthew, please let go of me!” You said as you were on the verge of crying, you were pretty sure that you’re head was bleeding at this point.
“No you listen, what did I tell you about walking around looking like this?”
“Matthew! I’m practically covered up!”
“I don’t care!” Said your boyfriend, that was before he slapped you
“Hey y-“ said a voice “hey man back off!”
You looked behind your boyfriends shoulder to be met with Zack Morris.
“Stay out of this!”
“I will not if it involves my best friend,” said Zack as he crossed his arms
Your boyfriend looked at you, before looking at Zack.
“This does not concern you so if you would please, leave us alone!” Said your boyfriend through gritted teeth “she needs to know her place, I will not tolerate her dressed as a slut!”
At this point, you were holding back tears. You dropped your head low before breaking out into sobs.
“Y/n, come on I am taking you home.” Softly said Zack as he held his arm out, but at this point, you were scared.
“If you go with him then we’re done,”
You looked at your boyfriend, and then back at Zack. With hesitation, you took Zack hand giving him a big hug.
“You can have her, she’s nothing but a slut!” Said your boyfriend before walking away
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Asked Zack, at this point his shirt was wet from your tears
“He threatened to kill me if I did.” You said as you cried harder “please, get him away from me.”
“Don’t worry, your safe with me.”
And with that, Zack hugged you close.
Saved by the bell masterlist
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stargazing-imagines · 3 years ago
Mystery Girl (Saved by The Bell) *requested*
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Summary: everyone in the group have a crush on the reader who happens to be new and mysterious
Pairings : mention of Zack x Reader, Slater x Reader overall the whole gang crushing on the reader
Warnings: none just bad writing
“Mom I’ll be fine,” you said as you sat in your mother broken down car in the parking lot of bayside high “no one will know about my financial problems,”
“Good and let it stay that way,” said your mother as she gripped the steering wheel as she looked at the middle mirror of the car “that’s one thing we don’t need, people constantly gossiping about us,”
“Mom no one is going to gossip,” you said as you looked at your mother “besides I’m dressed as a a cool kid no need to fret,”
“Ok well have a great day at school,” said your mother as she gave you a hug which you happily hugged back before getting out
“Here is the lockers,” said Mr Belding as he gestured to the lockers “yours will be right there,”
“Thanks Mr Belding,” you said as you walked to your locker
Meanwhile there were three girls who looked at you, they were in awe of what they saw, so they approached you
“Hi I love your hair,” said Kelly as she played with the girls hair as she admired the long H/c locks on your head, you turned around before smiling
“Thanks,” you said as you turned around “I’m Y/n L/n,”
“Lisa turtle and May I say I love your sweater,” said Lisa as she smiled at the girl
“Thanks my aunt gave me this for Christmas a few months ago,”
“I’m Kelly,” said Kelly as she gestured to herself before to someone else “and this is Jessie,”
“Hi,” said Jessie as she smiled
“Hello,” you said as you looked at the three girls before looking down at your paper “I don’t mean to ruin the conversation but can you tell me where Mr Tuttle’s class is?”
“Oh I have him next period why don’t I show you where his classroom is?” asked Kelly as she beamed a smile 
You waved bye to the two girls before walking with Kelly
“So are those your friends?” You asked as you pointed you thumb to the girls, Kelly chuckled.
“Yes that’s part of my friends,” said Kelly “I’m friends with two other boys,”
“Cool,” you said as you looked forward “who are these friends of yours?”
Kelly stops you by placing a hand between you two “there’s one of them,”
“Zack!” Shouted Kelly as she waved him over, Zack looked at Kelly before looking at you, and when he looked at you he messed with his hair before strolling over to you
“Well I believe we haven’t met,” said Zack “I’m Zack Morris your future boyfriend,”
Zack takes you hand before placing a kiss on it
“Zack leave y/n alone!” Said Kelly “Zack this is Y/n she’s new to bayside,”
“Well if you need a tour guide I’m right here,” said Zack as he winked at you, you looked at Zack before giggling
“Thanks but I think I can find the classroom on my own,”
After that you left
“It’s official,” said Zack as he strolled over to the booth where sat Slater, Jessie, screech, and Lisa “I found my soulmate,”
“Yeah who is she a blonde bimbo?” Asked Slater as he looked at Jessie laughing at his joke
“No this ones different,” said Zack “her radiant H/c was so beautiful,”
“Hey Kelly I’m here for my job interview,” you said as you beamed a big smile
“Of course,” said Kelly “let’s go in the back and get you set up,”
“Woah your not wrong Preppy,” said Slater as he looked at you and back at Zack “she’s hot,”
“Hey I saw her first,” said Zack
“No we saw her first,” said Lisa as she stood up
Then it all started to become a big bickering mess which leaded to everyone staring at the main 5, that was until Kelly came over
“Guys guys!” Said Kelly as she tried to break up the bickering but it didnt stop
Everyone stopped and looked at you
“Now I don’t care who started this but this is not how civilized human beings act,” you said “now what going on here?”
“We all think your pretty and we couldn’t settled this ,” said Slater
“Yeah but which one would you rather go out with me or Slater?”
“I don’t know I don’t even know you guys,” laughed y/n “look why don’t we all be friends that way there’s no more fighting,”
“Sounds great,” said everyone as they smiled
“Yeah but who’s cuter? Me or Slater?” Asked Zack
You rolled your eyes before walking away out the door, after you did that Zack turned around and smiled at Slater
“She so wants me,”
“In your dream preppy,” said Slater as he sat back down
For more saved by the bell imagines here some masterlist
Saved by the bell / Saved by the bell *reboot*
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stargazing-imagines · 2 years ago
Famously in love with you // Zack Morris x Reader mini fic & masterlist
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Description : you, the reader come back to bayside after being attacked by the tabloids as your manager decided that it was about time to cool down from the singing industry, all while reconnecting with your childhood friend... Zack Morris
Chapter one (coming soon)
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
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