#reader fem
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alessabriel · 4 months ago
And it didn't.
Summary: with the scars left by civil conflict, of broken relationships and shattered bridges the years passed, and she was finally caught up with the consequences of what she did.
Cw: NO CAITVI, angst for Caitlyn, post arcane 2 and my soft imaginings, Vi x Reader.
✄ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Caitlyn had lost herself and neither time, nor regret could bring back the people she lost what was important to; I saw the one she pushed away so many times because of that stupid instinct to see her down for being from Zaun who contaminated and infected her, Jayce who even though I told her everything was resolved I still saw that resentment in her eyes and did not blame, her father still loved her and was there for her but in his eyes at times there was a disappointment so palpable that it hurt to see her because she had destroyed what her mother worked so hard for costing lives in Zaun. She knew that her owner and suffering was not justification, it would never be, just as she knew that she had made many decisions that were wrong and even today, at 35 years old, they still haunt her, stalking her in every free moment to think, in every corner of her psyche and heart, it is a curse that would never leave her and she accepted it, she let the remorse bite her skin, scratch her bones fragmenting them until it reached the organs underneath and stay there forever. Not that all Zaunites' looks at her were better or let her forget what she had done in the past, they all looked at her with a well-hidden and civilized rancor, which, in contrast to what happened years ago showed that Zaunites were not animals.
"It's in your blood, it will always be in your blood!"
These are words that still to this day follow her relentlessly, spoken to a woman who stood by her side unflinchingly, daring to wear the uniform of the very beings who murdered her parents, who oppressed her for years and who were part of Zaun's continuing misfortune. Vi wore the uniform and became an enforcer for her, and a with it at that moment, after a shared kiss hurt her and it was not the blow that hurt the most, but hearing Vi cry at the bottom of the well and left her without looking back, at that moment she never regretted it and thought she deserved it for not letting Vi go, she herself pushed her away. Now, as Sheriff with Piltover restored and Zaun in better condition after joining forces to drive away Noxus and his threat, she is surprisingly alone. She had managed to catch Jinx and served her sentence, helped restore Piltover as part of that sentence but even with everything Jinx was never left alone but was supported by all of Zaun and, to her own selfish pain; For Vi, Vi was in the process of Jinx's improvement and her mental treatment, when she was imprisoned and released by herself, she watched as Vi received her and although there was an uncomfortable air Vi saw her with a filial love and bright, shy accompanied by Ekko, Sevika, Isha and another person who did not hesitate to embrace Jinx. Even Jinx even with all the crimes on her list, she had so many people surrounding her and she on the other end just and Sheriff was alone, she knew it was her own fault.
There was a sea of guilt that was always at her feet, threatening on her worst days with a huge swell, monstrous waves that threatened to swallow her whole and sometimes she wished they would but, it would be selfish not to bear the consequences of her actions.
The council had been renewed for the sake of progress since they all had such archaic and cruel ideas by the next leaders of those same houses who were young, people who saw beyond prejudices and painted a difference, a before and an after. A renewed council, like Piltover, with Jayce and Mel at the head, but there were two representatives of Zaun who never showed up leaving two chairs together empty in their name. They had all changed, Piltover finally after seeing how hundreds of Zaunites risked themselves to drive Noxus away without caring about coming back alive showed them how much damage they inflicted on their twin city.
Damage she contributed to, added to, and how it tainted her mother's contribution so that the Zaunites could breathe.
She hated herself but dared not ask for forgiveness, because she did not deserve it and she knew it.
She lives each day mechanically in the Enforcers base office, and with documentation up to her neck, in a cold and monotonous rhythm until that day came, a day where Loris was coming to visit her as she had not agreed to stay in the Enforcers corps with the others but rather, was sentinel in Zaun an organization created by two people in Zaun along with other creations that Zaun did not have before.
"Wow, you're still dating the paperwork Sheriff?" questions Loris, walking into the office with a lazy smile looking at the paperwork by the pile.
"Let's just say they're nice dates" replies Caitlyn, inviting him to sit down, it's the little visits and sincere interactions he has that let him see that he kept too good people away from his surroundings because even Seb kept her at a distance, Maddie walked away from her after he had used her to forget Vi; spoiler he never could, Vi as soon as the conflict ended and the trials came she didn't return to Piltover, so Loris was the only one who still maintained some pleasant air between the two "Something going on? You usually come over on Fridays when I go out for a drink together."
Caitlyn looks at her former partner and notices it, a nervous uneasiness almost shy about how she keeps herself hidden and how Loris tries to keep the air light, jovial and pleasant. Loris was a very short time active part of the Enforcerd but damn but he was a good element and the Sentinels would take a good element. She watches silently as her former partner takes a seat, but it never goes unnoticed the conflicted eyes of the man in front of her and she honestly can't blame him as Loris is one of Vi's best friends and continuing to talk to her feels like some sort of betrayal, or so Caitlyn assumes.
"Well, I'm not wasting your time with my humble visit Sheriff" she concedes, lightening the mood and tension, pulling out a simple envelope sealed with wax and a unique flower that only grows in Zaun "Consider coming, she asked me to deliver it to you."
Caitlyn with that, spends the rest of the day dreading opening the letter leaving it on her office bookshelf as if it has the toxic and poisonous in it, so at the end of her day with the evening light streaming in through the glass she plucks up her courage. She sits up from her chair and takes the letter, it is made of a soft and in plain sight recycled paper but it has a fresh floral scent, with some fear creeping up her joints she opens it using the letter opener seeing how the black wax falls on her desk next to the small single flower of Zaun that she takes and keeps it, inside the envelope is a paper folded in three and when she opens it something stirs in her gut with such force that she feels her organs pushed into her bones and the physical exterior of her body, she restrains herself and swallows the bile to start reading, though she knows that doomed her because she suspects it is.
† Violet and [R] ���
Just reading that line generated an immense, monumental dismay in him, had he stopped loving Vi? She didn't want to know the answer because it would hurt, because when she pushed Vi away, making her feel guilty for everything, guilty for not being able to stop loving her sister in spite of everything, what was she thinking back then? Making her choose implicitly only served to further establish the imbalance and mistrust in whatever it was they had, and lo and behold the consequences years of loneliness and minimal, if any interactions with Vi that were for matters merely concerning both cities. At the very thought, the very image of it tightens her chest.
Vi was getting married and he was inviting her to his wedding, with a +1.
She dropped into her chair, tossing the pretty invitation on the desk before scrunching up her face, stressed, hurt, regretful and with an amalgam of feelings of self-pity and cruelty towards herself for the past, for the hatred her being since she was a child had harbored towards Zaunitas which only incubated until it exploded that fateful day where she took it out on Vi, took it out on a woman who knew how to read her better than she did herself and prevented her from doing something she would regret more. He knew he could not give, if he would fail as Vi said but his pain did not allow him to see, understand, or comprehend. His hands tremble running it over his face in an attempt to get rid of that mutilating feeling in his chest, and he feels the pain climb up his bones, Vi was going to marry someone and by name it's a woman; [R]. A short, concrete text, a wedding which will be held in the newly opened temple of Janna, signed below in sweet, flowing calligraphy in Violet's name, next to another straighter, linear calligraphy signing with [R]. They sure did that cute thing of writing each other's name would Vi love her? Would that unknown woman love Vi? How long had they been in a relationship? Did they love each other? Why was Vi inviting her?
She doesn't want to go.
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pmaxshay · 9 months ago
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Love Conquers All
Benedict Bridgerton x Reader (Fem)
~ Part 2 ~ ~ Part 3 ~ ~ Part 4 ~ ~ Part 5 ~
~ Part 6 ~ ~ The End ~
~ Part 1 ~
Y/N strode into the ballroom, her Pa, Richard, on her arm acting as her chaperone for the evening. A surreal notion for Y/N as her Mama would always be the one to do so before now.
“Are you nervous?” Richard asked, a concerned scowl on his face. Like Y/N, this was a new, surreal feeling for him. His dear wife would always be the one to take on this role.
“Partly, but do not worry Pa. I will disguise the nerves with grace and hold my head high.” Y/N spoke with such confidence that even she was convinced by her words.
Richard smiled, a genuine one before ushering the two of them further into the room.
This was their first encounter with Mayfair and all its grandeur. Having moved away from the country recently they decided this was the best fresh start for them both.
A few eyes were cast their way as they made their debut. Lots of hushed whispers and words behind hands were shared between members of the Ton.
“I fear they mock me Pa.” Y/N mumbled, using her free hand to smooth down the front of her dress.
“If they mock it is only out of jealously my love. You are the most beautiful here.”
Y/N smiled shyly at her father’s kind words.
“You have to say that, you are my Pa.” Y/N sighed.
“I speak only in truths Y/N. You are eight and twenty years old. You should know this of me by now.” Richard chuckled, scooting the two of them over the marbled floor to stand away from the entrance.
Just as he did so, a lady came bounding over with such confidence. Y/N was impressed by how she seemed to carry herself, a cane by her side as she made strong strides.
“Good evening to you both.” The lady curtsied, to which Y/N and her father followed suit.
“Good evening.”
“Forgive me for being so blunt but I fear do not know either of you? I am Lady Danbury.” The stranger smirked slightly.
“No do forgive us. I am Lord Richard Pembrooke and this is my dear daughter Miss Y/N Pembrooke. We recently moved to Mayfair.” Y/N and her father both curtsied once more.
“Pleasure to meet you Lady Danbury.” Y/N cooed.
“Well… the pleasure is all mine. Mayfair has become somewhat ‘normal’ as of late. Some fresh blood may shake up this town. And if the fresh blood is as charming of face as you my dear, well… it will be very shaken up indeed.” Lady Danbury smirked once more, before spinning to stand next to the new members of the ton.
The three of them watched as couples waltzed around the dance floor, charmed smiles and nods shared between other members strewn around the room.
Through the doors across the room entered a large party. A beautiful, older lady strode in with a handsome man on her arm. Another equally handsome man behind, a younger lady on his left and an even younger lady on his right.
It’s like the room had to stop to take notice of them, everyone exchanging pleasantries with the new partygoers.
“Pardon me Lady Danbury but who might they be?” Y/N asked quizzically. The man with the two ladies on his arm catching her eye.
Danbury watched as Y/N’s eyes followed the man across the room. That familiar, cunning smirk on her face still.
“They Miss Pembrooke… would be the Bridgertons. A well endowed family, whom I am quite well acquainted with. Their mother Violet Bridgerton, Anthony on her arm, Benedict behind with Eloise and Hyacinth. Hyacinth being the youngest lady of the family.”
Y/N nodded and hummed, continuing to watch as the Bridgertons made their way around the room. She noticed that Violet took Hyacinth by the arm and paraded her around. Anthony accompanied them. Benedict sunk into the shadows with Eloise, the two of them laughing as they picked at the food.
“Quite the duo those two it seems.” Richard chuckled.
“They do make quite the double act. This is Eloise’s third year on the marriage mart. Although she would much rather be anywhere else. Likewise with Benedict.” Danbury stated.
“I do hope we may have hope for you Y/N? Hmmm?” Danbury continued, glancing over at Y/N.
“Oh.. I… uhhmm… my apologises but I am not interested in all of that. I am just happy at home with Pa and my books.”
Danbury glances between Y/N and her father with a disapproving stare.
“Hmm. Despite what society may lead us to believe, age may just be a number Miss Y/N. Do not count yourself out yet.” Danbury hummed, before exchanging her goodbyes to speak to other people.
Y/N glanced at her father.
“Well… she was quite the woman.” Richard coughed with a slight chuckle.
“She is… brilliant. If I am to be an old spinster I would like to be just like her.” Y/N announced proudly.
Despite the need to keep his daughter close and keep her in the nest, he knew Danbury was right. Y/N was an incredibly bright, beautiful woman and deserved to find love. Just as he had done with her mother.
“Lady Danbury has a point Y/N. As much as I would love to keep you at home for as long as I shall live…” Richard paused, realising the power of those last few words.
Y/N frowned slightly.
“Life is incredibly short my dear and you deserve to be happy. You also deserve to find love.”
Y/N huffed in annoyance before replying.
“I’ve told you Pa. I am not interested in love. Love is all well and good but it doesn’t last. Something always comes to destroy it. Take yourself and Mama. I do not want to experience that kind of heartbreak.” Y/N let go of her father’s arm and began to walk away in a huff.
Her feet carried her away from him and further into the grandness of the ballroom.
She was so distracted by what had just happened that she had not seen the handsome Bridgerton, known as Benedict, standing close by.
Her shoulder collided with his arm, causing them both to stumble but Benedict had managed to reach out his hands to steady Y/N in time.
“Steady. Are you alright?” Benedict cooed, staring directly at Y/N. His hands holding onto her arm.
“I… I… am… alright. Apologies.” Y/N mumbled out, curtsying rather clumsily.
Benedict smirked before releasing his grip and straightening up.
“Oh that is quite alright Miss…”
Y/N was just staring at him. She’d missed her queue to tell him her name.
“Y/N. Y/N Pembrooke!” She bowed once more.
“Y/N Pembrooke.” Benedict repeated in a soft whisper. The way he said her name and the hushed tones he used caused goosebumps to rise on Y/N’s skin.
Benedict now turned to his sister who had seen this whole event go down.
“Eloise do you know of the Pembrooke’s?” Benedict asked.
“I do not know. Are you someone new?!” The tone in Eloise’s voice had indicated that she was excited by the prospect of someone new in town.
“That would be correct. Myself and Pa just moved here from the country.” Y/N had also now straightened up.
“The country? We always visit when the season is over. How have we never crossed paths?” Eloise continued to quiz Y/N.
“I do not know.” Y/N chuckled at how giddy Eloise seemed to be. From first meetings it seemed Eloise would be a great confidant to have. Someone to rely on and possibly become friends with.
“Brother would we not have remembered such a face as Y/N?” Eloise pushed for Benedict to join back into the conversation. He had just been eating a handful of grapes as he stared at Y/N as she conversed with his sister.
He paused chewing and glanced between the two women now. A confused look on his face.
“What was that sister?”
Eloise grinned.
“We would have remembered someone like Y/N had we met before. Would we not?”
Benedict glanced between them once more. He most certainly would have remembered a face like Y/N. Her features were soft but her eyes seemed to tell a different story. He could see the hard, tough persona she seemed to have built. It was clear she was clever and carried herself well, a trait that Benedict couldn’t help but adore.
“I certainly would have.”
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nemmxx · 2 years ago
🕷 Stepdad Miguel O'Hara! Who is in an established relationship with your mother, thinks he loves her or feels the closest thing to love until he meets. She met you at the Spider Society headquarters with your suit still on; you were a gorgeous girl, a beautiful curvaceous body, a velvety voice that caressed her ears in a good way, exceptional humor but what seals the deal was how you could simply keep up with her on your first mission, you followed orders and the ones you didn't seem to like you defied it on solid grounds. You were a damn challenge that ignited something dull in himself and when he looked at you without the mask, embarrassingly he had a damn unchecked hard-on; delicate and soft features, you were beautiful and with a tender air that sweetened your image but that your mischievous eyes rendered toxically sweet. When he recruited you he had not listened well to your data, distracted by the way you fought, but he listened well after the mission to what land you came from and it sounded familiar, almost like deja vu (his fault that he was captivated by the mere image of her).
🕷 Stepdad Miguel O'Hara! I had had to work close to you since you were new to the headquarters but you seemed eager to learn, to collaborate and participate. You were someone pleasant but not invasive, optimistic but not bordering on over the top and with a particular sense of humor (always deny that you made him laugh a couple of times). But as the days went by and you went on missions together he noticed how you were somewhat similar to someone close, it was as if you shared something with someone you knew. Miguel didn't inquire any further, you asked for it and he complied with your request. So time went by and you were sneaking under his skin, between his ribs to get to his heart although he tried to stop it in a thousand possible ways because he was in a serious relationship but with every talk, glances met, shared anecdotes, signs of affection that respected his limits and shared time you just sneaked into his soul, it was impossible not to think of you.
🕷 Stepdad Miguel O'Hara! He had to pretend not to be surprised when he looked at you in his partner's house (at that moment he didn't know about your family) opening the door with a soft groan of irritation and recognized your voice, your scent and the rhythm created by your heartbeat. Miguel could only remain speechless and only admired you for a few seconds as you did, just an awkward exchange of glances (he never wants to remember that disconsolate look in your eyes). Only for the awkward moment to be cut short by your mother with hurried introductions and chatter in which everyone sat in the living room, things Miguel didn't hear because he kept his eyes on you; in short and somewhat disheveled pajamas (you were still cute), you both share a glance between the sea of words emerging from his partner and your mother, until he dares to say or rather ask you to call him 'papa' you just go with the flow with a tense smile, you say nothing either (he would never say what whipped his mind).
🕷 Stepdad Miguel O'Hara! He starts to get to know you more in the comfort of your home, and simply falls in love with you; every flaw, virtue, and particularity fascinated them. So he begins to spoil you with your tastes; if you mention that a food pleases you he goes out of his way to make it or take you to a restaurant to satiate that craving (he forces himself to ignore how your sweet whimpers when you taste his food are not reproduced when he was with your mother), if on a family outing he catches you looking at something in a shop window it only takes a day before you find him in your bed, and he begins to show you physical and emotional affection and to be present in your life in a special way. Your mother is on cloud nine, her new partner accepts her daughter without any problem and even does what your biological father never did.
🕷 Stepdad Miguel O'Hara! He is a total sweetheart to you, and that starts to play with your mind in a good way due to his specific attention, his innocent touches brushing against areas of your body that border on private and his lingering kisses, his lips making a nice steady pressure on your cheek, you fell at his feet (little did you know Miguel would be able to kiss the ground you walk on), and there is a small ember of guilt given that you love your mother but also hated her for her zero care for you and little to no interest in you as a daughter. It was a shame that she didn't want you as a daughter because you didn't want her as a mother either, so getting into your new stepfather's pants wasn't so much to blame. But all your mother could see was that her partner was affectionate with you, attentive and almost like the father you never had and she always smiled encouragingly at her partner's good treatment of you and you of her new partner, on that occasion you could only laugh as you carefully rubbed your butt in your stepfather's lap.
You had heard his breathing hitch as you brought the snacks for movie night and leaned across the table from him before falling into his lap. Through your heightened senses you could hear his racing heartbeat and when he placed his larger hands on your hips you felt your fingertips on his skin savoring the warmth and rapidity of his blood circulating in his veins as you settled better into his lap leaning against his broad, muscular chest. Miguel almost covered you completely, barely your head reached his collarbones and without foreseeing it you squeezed your legs together. You both suddenly relaxed when your mother and her partner came into the living room with the drinks (Miguel couldn't ignore the lack of the drink you asked him to bring you as a favor but his and hers). "I am so glad you two are getting along so well!" Joyfully exclaimed the woman taking a seat at the other end of the couch between pillows before handing father and daughter a blanket which the younger one put to cover her legs and those of the older one who let her sit on his lap. The older woman could only smile contentedly at seeing you so affectionate with your partner "Are you comfortable?" Feeling naughty you settled better on your mother's partner's lap and took him by the arms making him wrap you snugly, you wordlessly affirmed feeling Miguel affirm the same. For your mother it was a pleasant evening. For Miguel it was hell, his hands were intertwined with his fingers on your belly and he knew with your movements you were taking his hands between your legs under the blanket, as normally as if nothing was happening until his palm was covering your crotch where from time to time you were rubbing yourself in his hand. You were a warning in itself, but he didn't deny that he was getting turned on by how your sweet scent was intensifying and sweetening even more, he knew where that sweetish aroma that graced your normal scent came from; it was that of your honey emanating from your sweet pussy being made even more delicious by the racing beat of your heart. That day you both had ended up in hidden kisses in the kitchen when your mother was asleep on the couch, you felt guilty? They lied to each other saying yes when it wasn't so. ||
🕷 Stepdad Miguel O'Hara! That night when they kissed you had been chaste and innocent kisses, completely different from how Miguel touched you when he was hugging you, big hands squeezing your waist tightly and touching your ass mercilessly, almost as if he was taking the stress out bruising you.
🕷 Stepdad Miguel O'Hara! It was over breaking up when they are alone one night, you all pretty leaning against his side snuggled comfortably and relaxed with your small hand on his abdomen drawing circles on his t-shirt not paying much attention to him but by the way he had his hand on your hips without much intention he felt the thin strip of something over the waistband of your tiny shorts that barely covered the entirety of your ass, It was as if you really hypnotized him the instant he caught your bright gaze on his face, you smiled sweetly without looking away and it was as if there was magnetism between the two of you that you slowly came closer kissing each other. It had started innocently with chaste and harmless kisses, just your soft lips on his but Miguel felt how little by little you were handling him to your liking and way, until you were in his lap with his tongue deep in your mouth and his big hands groping you shamelessly. That day they could not continue as your mother interrupted him in the middle leaving you wet and him with an almost raging erection, but Miguel had reassured you before he left.
🕷 Stepdad Miguel O'Hara! Who begins to avoid your mother's affection on the pretext of being tired, which in itself is not as such a lie at all since he did get tired of his jobs and of an insatiable young girl who couldn't seem to get enough of him.
🕷 Stepdad Miguel O'Hara! He is ecstatic at how you are so bold to make out with him, with your tender tongue almost failing his mouth within earshot of your mother at the risk of being overheard (he can't ignore your infectious giggles between kisses) and hidden barely in the hallway. And he couldn't deny you anything with his hands on your sweet body, groping you hard and smacking your buttocks as punishment. It wouldn't do to get caught.
🕷 Stepdad Miguel O'Hara! He was intoxicated with you, you were the person who made him fall in love with just a blink of an eye and even more with how daring you were, how behind your mother's back at the table you bent over slightly spreading your legs in the kitchen where he could see you well to give him a clear view that you were wearing nothing under your skirt just your pretty little pussy on display to his eyes which distracted him from whatever he was talking to your mother and when your mother turned around you were gone. You were an expert at getting him hard in seconds.
🕷 Stepdad Miguel O'Hara! He fucked you for the first time at headquarters, at his desk he had just ripped your tight Spiderwoman costume at the crotch promising to give you a better costume.
Miguel walked his tongue all over your pussy from the drooling entrance to your little pearl to which he devoted more attentions feeling you trembling, he held your legs wide open feeling your strength to be reckoned with trying to close your pretty legs but he avoided it with his sheer strength too, he had to have space between them to be able to eat you as he had dreamed so much. Like a pretty girl like you deserved. He had lost count of the erections you gave him when you displayed yourself before his eyes; lifting up the skirts you liked to wear giving him views of the lack of panties or thongs that left little to the imagination, how he lifted your blouses behind your mother giving him a view of your perky tits or how you had hot kissing sessions near where your mother was. And now, in that instant he was finally tasting the delicious honey dripping from your sweet pussy on his tongue. "D-daddy I'm going to c-c-come" you whimpered squeezing his head between your thighs tighter and taking his calloused and larger hands between your hands intertwining his fingers tightly as you removed them from your legs. You felt so sensitive, as your body tensed and the knot in your belly tightened as it loosened, the beginnings of your orgasm were not the same as the ones you brought on yourself with your fingers this one ran from your head to your toes and you felt slightly frightened, it was so much that it managed to overwhelm you in a way you had never felt before, you squeezed his hands and closed your eyes clearing your vision only to have it cloud over again and it was so much, so much but you couldn't get enough "E-eat me more d-daddy." And that alone dictated a clear sentence for your battered body that convulsed in the major's mouth, almost riding his face in search of prolonging your climax. Miguel swallowed all that your sweet center oozed from your needy hole, every drop of honey he wiped with his tongue until you came down from your orgasmic stupor but kept rubbing your pussy over his mouth gently letting out soft, needy whimpers. "Did you like it my girl?" mockingly questioned Miguel getting up from his previous position without letting go of your beautiful hands, shamelessly licking his lips savoring the last drops of your sweet climax catching you self-conscious. You barely managed to listen carefully and laughed, you couldn't help it your orgasm had whipped you so hard you felt overwhelmed, lost in something fluffy. "I really liked it" you replied watching as Miguel leaned over your body to kiss you, you could taste yourself on his lips even though you had done it before when you made yourself cum with your fingers only and took them into your mouth sucking them until you fucked your mouth with them but the very conception of making out with the man you liked after he ate you so voraciously turned you on even more as he sucked your tongue before running all over the inside of your mouth to part and breathe both of you, sharing breath "Will you fuck me?" Miguel smiled before kissing you again, your sweet lips and bright eyes catching him nonchalantly, almost as if he couldn't escape and it's not like he wanted to either.
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h0neysiba · 1 year ago
¡Yan! ¡hombre rico! x lectora!
(TW: Menciones de sangre, secuestro, esclavitud, leve mención de desnudez, muerte y solo eso. Si olvido algo por favor dímelo!)
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¡Yandere! ¡Hombre rico! que te compra joyas caras semanalmente para demostrarte la gran devoción que tiene por ti
¡Yandere! ¡hombre rico! quien se enamora de ti en el momento en que te ve
¡Yandere! ¡hombre rico! que le encanta comprarte vestidos, sabiendo que es el único que te los puede quitar.
¡Yandere! ¡hombre rico! que le encanta ver como las cuerdas rojas que te ha puesto cuelgan de tus muñecas y tobillos cuando te secuestra
¡Yandere! ¡hombre rico! que se frustra al ver que no eres feliz en tu nuevo hogar. ¿Por qué no lo amarías? Instalo todo lo que necesitabas para que pudieras tener una vida plena con él.
¡Yandere! ¡hombre rico! que no dudarán en encerrarte en su habitación compartida si alguna vez intentas escapar.
¡Yandere! ¡hombre rico! que mata a uno de sus sirvientes porque intentó ayudarte a escapar de sus garras
¡Yandere! ¡hombre rico! que adora tu presencia y te trata como a una diosa, besando el suelo por donde caminas con devoción
¡Yandere! ¡Hombre rico! que te mima con todo lo que deseas. ¿Un cachorro? Ya lo estás comprando, ¿ joyas nuevas? No preguntes dos veces.
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Dios mío, esta es la primera vez que hago este T-T espero que les guste :O
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gojoscinnamonroll · 1 month ago
dating nerdy bf! gojo— everyone thinks your sweet little dork of a boyfriend is innocent, but little do they know how much of a horny freak he is, especially when you’re sitting on his lap in the library studying; his weakness.
you were too concentrated on jotting notes down to realize his hard length was poking you from underneath your skirt nor hear his breathing starting to become heavy until he moves your hair to the side and rasps in your ear, “baby…you look so beautiful when you’re focused.”
confused, you flip your head around to see your pathetic boyfriend in a complete haze– flushed cheeks, eyes full of hunger, lips glossy and red. “satoru, are you okay? need some water? a snack? we can take a bre–“ he cuts you off.
“no.” he breathed out, “what i need…” starting to grind up against your heat, “is to feel you around my cock.” groaning against your neck as his veiny hand snakes around the other side.
you can’t help but feel the slight warmth starting to take over your face once he begins grinding his aching dick back and forth against your throbbing cunt, the stimulation nearly bringing you over the edge until you realize the two of you were still in the library, bringing your shaky hand over your mouth to muffle your slight whimpers.
“toru, we can get introuble if someone catches us right now.” you quietly whine, “can we finish this first then we can go…” almost slipping out a moan when he bucks his hips into you even faster.
“no, can’t mmh wait, need you now.” he mewled out (almost) out loud, that you had to turn around to shush him with your hand and caught a glimpse of his fogged up, tilted eyeglasses almost falling off his face and his mouth dangling open.
the roll of his hips against you came to a halt as his body began to squirm underneath yours, his eyes rolling back and sweat starting to drip down the sides of his face as he pants again your hand, the tent in his pants now becoming a stained wet spot. “so sorry sweets i-“ profusely apologizing. you sigh and get up from his lap.
“yeah yeah, c’mon lets go before someone notices you stained your pants you nerd.”
tags: @beanietopia @cuntphoric @alifromanotherworld @takumasimp @webism @yemmuisworld @xixflower
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frid4y · 2 months ago
"just one feel, please! I won't ask again, I promise!"
that was the agitating sound of satoru's desperate plea to feel your tits. crazy, I know! yet his persistence is admirable. but you would never give in! even if he has been asking for days.
but satoru doesn't see it that way. he thinks he weighing you down, he knows it. just a some more convincing and begging, and his pretty little roommate will give in! and there's no way you couldn't want him to, especially with how your casually wearing no bra in front of his prying eyes.
"satoru, for the millionth time. no! there are so many girls on campus who would let you squeeze their boobs. i'm not one of them, give up!" for some reason, your annoyance only pushes him to try harder.
"it's for good luck! i have an exam today, i swear i'll never ask again!" satoru shines his big blue eyes at you and pouts, plopping down right next to you on the large couch. he pokes your arm impatiently, his gaze occasionally averting to the slight bounce of your chest. fuck, he's determined.
but you stay strong, your no's firm. until your sick of hearing "please" over and over again. especially coming from satoru's whiny little voice. "holy shit, fine satoru! if it'll get you to shut the fuck up. fine." you reluctantly give in. anything to get him to be quiet, right?
his eyes light up, his hands moving faster than his mind. suddenly, your laid on your back on the couch, satoru's large figure huddled over you. he immediately pushes up your tank top, his brain short circuiting as he stares at your tits. the first instinct running through him is to take your nipples in his mouth, suck on them until they're swollen. but he doesn't think that's on the agenda today, so he'll wait until his next opportunity.
satoru's large hand reaches out and brushes his thumb over the bud making you gasp softly. he wants more, he needs to hear that again. his other hand reaches out and pinches your nipple, before both of his hands squeeze each of your boobs, kneading and squeezing the flesh.
satoru watches how your lips part in pleasure, your head tilted back slightly. a surge of desire fuels him and he feels his cock stiffen in his pants, along with the growing urge to run his tongue along his—your perfect tits. "o-okay, that's it satoru. you said one feel!" you whine, trying to peel his hands away with all your strength, but he doesn't wanna let go.
"wait! hold on, just a little bit longer! they're just so pretty—can i just suck 'em!" he pleads again, almost drooling at the thought. you groan, such a fucking perv. yet, even if you wanted to deny that his touch felt off, it didn't, if anything, you enjoyed it.
"let go and I'll think about it." and that was all you needed to say to get satoru back on his best behavior and he'll be waiting for his next chance, even if it means begging again.
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chososcutie · 19 days ago
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warnings: baby fever, mating press, unprotected sex, cumming inside
art creds to @hercaptain and @narutoss.ramen
dilf!nanami who is the girl dad ever.
in fact, when dilf!nanami heard you were expecting girl twins, he was already ordering the matching pink strollers and cribs and little newborn baby onesies.
dilf!nanami who throughout your entire pregnancy, was plastered to your side, making sure your every need was meet, and constantly with a hand on your tummy, feeling for the little baby kicks.
dilf!nanami who when the babies were first born, was with you every step of the way, getting up out of bed at three in the morning if it meant his tired wife could get a few extra hours of sleep, feeding bottles to both of them if your breasts were too sore, rocking them in his big beefy arms and whispering how “daddy’s here”, and even strapping them to his chest in baby slings while he ran errands.
dilf!nanami who you can find cooing at your baby girls, making them giggle as he bounces them on his lap, blowing raspberries on their tummies and tickling them as he keeps them entertained for you.
and not only is dilf!nanami the best father, but he’s also the best husband.
dilf!nanami who after tucking in the babies to bed, tiptoes away to your bedroom.
because while he has to make sure the babies are tended to, he also needs to tend to his baby.
dilf!nanami who takes quick strides to your shared bedroom, wasting no time in sprawling his buff frame over you, pinning you easily down as he huffs hoarsely in your ear, “kids are asleep” while his bulge presses into your soft tummy.
dilf!nanami who is already half-hard at just seeing your chubbed belly and plush hips, your post-pregnancy body was just so tantalizing to him.
dilf!nanami whose hands roam your body with a desperate kind of need, squeezing and kneading tenderly as he places kisses all along your neck and jaw.
dilf!nanami who grunts lowly as your grabby hands reach for his cock, hastily pulling down his boxers until his length slaps against his stomach, spilling pearlescent beads of oozing precum across himself.
dilf!nanami who is huuung, swollen balls and thickened base all leading up to a perfectly symmetrical cock, the tip flushed an angry red and twitching wildly at your gaze.
dilf!nanami who quickly hooks a finger into your panties, shoving them aside before lining himself up, so heavy between your legs you can't help the small moan of anticipation you let out, wriggling your hips up impatiently.
dilf!nanami who only chuckles at his wife's eagerness, too quick to oblige as he begins to push in, past that first tight ring of muscle while you suck him in deeper.
dilf!nanami who groans at the greediness of your slobbering pussy, already trying to milk him for all he's worth as you clamp on tight around him.
"f-fuck, m'.. hah.. gonna cum if you don't stop sucking me in like that sweetie."
dilf!nanami who begins to roll his hips forward, filling you up inch by inch as your moans slur together, tongue lolling out dumbly.
he was just so big, you couldn't help it if you were already cock-drunk!
dilf!nanami who watches as your eyes roll back in your head when he starts up a mean pace, hips snapping into yours ferally while your spit-glossed lips hang open helplessly.
dilf!nanami whose hand comes down between your legs to stroke your twitching clit, the cool metal of his silver wedding band making you jolt with pleasure as you squirm under him.
dilf!nanami's baritone rumble of your name brings you back, as he suddenly throws your legs over his broad-framed shoulders, candied pink lips crashing onto yours in a craze as he folds you into a nasty mating press.
"wan' .. hah.. make ya a pretty mama again.."
"what?" you're gasping for breath, eyelashes fluttering as a familiar coiling heat begins to pool low in your tummy, winding closer with every harsh smack! of his hips into yours.
"can you do that f'me, my love?" dilf!nanami's words have begun to slur, eyes glossy as his throat bobs, pushing your legs up higher 'n higher. "have my babies again?"
drool has begun to seep out of the corners of your lips and with a mindless nod, you find dilf!nanami's hips bucking sloppily as he gets closer.
"say it."
you feel your tummy knotting achingly tight and with a hoarse cry you practically scream out, "k-ken' make me a mommy again! please!" before you're cumming, and cumming hard, creaming all over his cock until it's forming a little ring at his base.
dilf!nanami who is cumming seconds after you, your filthy words sending him over the edge with a soft groan as ribbons 'n' ribbons of hot, milky cum are shooting into you, filling you endlessly up until you're clawing at his back and crying with how stuffed you feel.
dilf!nanami who shudders and jerks over you, whispering small praises as the last wispy remnants of his seed empty into you, fingers coming to stuff the glossy dredges beginning to seep out of your ruined pussy back in.
you hiccup softly, whilst dilf!nanami shushes and coos at you to take it all, lovingly stroking your cheek and placing small kisses on your face while you recover.
dilf!nanami who after giving you a couple more orgasms and tiring you out, hears the babies begin to wail from the other room, tucking you in snugly before whispering “i’ll do it, you get some rest my pretty mama..”
© 2025 CHOSOSCUTIE. please don't copy or translate any of my works. all rights reserved.
tagslist: @stickyyyv4mp @iluvgogurt445
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cuntphoric · 1 month ago
satoru gojo p✰rn links .ᐟ
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gojo's tongue is mean, rough against you as he's got no patience to take it slow. the blindfold stays on, that hungry look never leaving his face as his fingers and tongue dig into your folds.
gojo just loves grinding against you, his cock sliding between your folds, already slick with your arousal. you can see the way he pushes in, the fast thrusts as he fucks you.
idk what you want me to say, but gojo just LOVES having his finger(s) in you, fucking it into you though.
gojo is all over your tits, mouth greedy as he kisses and suckles, flicking and biting. he shows you just how much he loves them.
gojo's pathetic, so fucking submissive as he gets a handjob, his breath ragged. the oil just makes it worse, slick and messy as you straddle his face, riding it slowly.
gojo's hands are slick with oil, loving the way it makes everything feel so much smoother as he works over your tits. he massages them with a desperate need, his eyes glued to the way the oil glistens - so what if he loves oiling your pretty bod up?
you grip gojo firmly from the behind. with slick strokes, you give him a mean handjob, his body tense and desperate as you work him over, each pull making him whimper and groans.
FINALLY it's the girls eating the guys asses out. so sweet.
he's groaning, his head thrown back as your sweet words slips from your lips, each sweet word making him laugh and shiver. he can't help but laugh between gasps, loving how you have him wrapped around your hand. literally.
you're torturing him with his own cock, your hand tight and teasing as he whimpers uncontrollably. gojo's desperate, his breath shaky, begging you to stop overstimulating him. he's a mess, groaning and twitching. but that's what you wanted, right?
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thank you @webism for making the divider, love you abby ! trust i WILL be using the other ones 💗💗
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rintareo · 23 days ago
nanami’s never experienced having a young girlfriend before. he used to shame others who hit on women significantly younger than them. big age differences always seems iffy to him. plus the idea of dating someone younger only made him feel old.
yet he became such a hypocrite when he started dating you. his young girlfriend in her early twenties. practically a ten year gap.
he wanted to be disgusted with himself sometimes. it felt shameful but he couldn’t resist. all those thoughts were thrown out the window the moment he’d sink himself into the welcoming young pussy of yours.
so cute and eager to please him. screaming for him to fuck you, praising him for how well he filled you up. you were just an ego boost for him and you didn’t even know it.
he’s never felt more alive than when he comes home to you ready to leave his stress. either with your warm mouth or tight pussy. always something new with you. you know how to keep him on his toes.
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randommultifandomrants · 10 months ago
Being a girl is: wanting to go to bed early but deciding to just get on tumblr/wattpad/Ao3 for a little bit and then end up finding a fic series that you really like and read until well past your usual bedtime then keeping on because it’s already past your bedtime. Then being mad when you wake up in the morning because you overslept your timer.
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alessabriel · 7 months ago
Pink shimmer
Summary: In Zaun you don't always live, everyone, each and every one of the inhabitants, no matter what level they live on, knows they must survive, you always survive every day and surviving involves paths you don't want to take.
Cw. Scenes with blood and violence typical of the canon, angst with ambiguous ending, reader with characteristics: white hair and pink eyes,
✄ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
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Vi hated silence, it was something despicable to her and her psyche, five years inside a four-walled room with no one to talk to, no one to listen to, and nothing to do was hell. She never stopped to think about how much she heard in Zaun, between streets and alleys there was always the industrial hum, voices she never fully recognized, the laughter of her brothers and that voice that always made her skin crawl, a voice that could bring her calm like no one else ever could, a voice that in her brain was within the category of unforgettable. It had all been a hell plagued by some beatings that she had seen herself provoking to be given in order to get even and respond, that earned her isolation but it was no different from day to day, that had been her life until that day.
Someone got her out of jail.
At first she didn't believe in that enforcer, just another Piltie who believed she could handle something that was bigger than all of Piltover and at the beginning she wasn't wrong, it was that very thing, but, as time went by Caitlyn Kiramman stopped being just an Enforcer and an insufferable Piltie to be someone inside her chest, even though she was someone inside her chest she never saw herself telling her life beyond what she allowed herself, she had to preserve that, so that no one else would contaminate it but between that night after a fight that she couldn't contain herself to start with someone from her past, someone from her past who knew where she would be.
|| The first blow came unexpectedly, and out of nowhere, treachery was the implicit message. The same blow ended up bringing the brunette to the ground, who in seconds stood up and faced the pink-haired girl.
Everyone in the alley fled.
Vi knew that what spoke for her was anger, courage and rage at knowing that Sevika had betrayed Vander, what he meant before and everything he brought. A betrayal that still burns and gives her the strength to deliver each blow until having Sevika against the ground, her voice came out.
"Where's Powder?! What did they do to him?" she questions with a firm and demanding voice, anger and anger tinting her tone "Where's [Name]?!"
And perhaps Vi should have suspected that amused smile, that dark and mocking smile, almost poisonous and toxic, destined to contaminate, to hurt, to destroy.
"...she works for him" Sevika answers briefly and amusedly, feeling the weakness in Violet's grip and taking advantage of that, there is no reason to hold back or soften anything, because between alleys and the rest of the Zaunitas the rumor spreads, a true fact that Violet, Vander's daughter is with a Piltie "he even treats her like a daughter, she is no longer Powder but Jinx"
Vi did not know when or how, but the ringing in her ears became deafening, and heavy, her head had contaminated cotton filling every space and disbelief, desperation, helplessness and emptiness fill her. Powder with Silco?
"[Name]?" she finds herself questioning in a small voice, not what her loud and firm voice is, just a vestige of before when the edge of something is embedded in her side with a hefty, bloody, violent and perhaps sadistic slowness.
Sevika turns the blade around by rising from the ground, bringing Violet's weight to the edge of the blood-soaked blade and pulling her out, watching her fall to her knees like a puppet whose strings have been cut. It's satisfying in a way. With her mechanical hand she takes a handful of pink hair, slipping a single engraved gold coin between her lips and closing her mouth herself, before retracting the mechanical arm to strike the first blow.
"...she's worse"
But it all ends with a bullet landing on metal.||
So, in retrospect, I didn't expect to be able to find her, but I try, I try amidst all the persecution, and together with Caitlyn they reached that area, climbing and jumping, dodging Silco's men. It was an isolated area with only one door through which they entered, being pursued only by one last man inside the room, who in a matter of seconds is shot down by a bullet that makes her stand still. She admires the room, in the heights there are circular windows with bars. The area where she was was empty, but where the darkness converged, she saw something, a pair of pink eyes that make her feel and not feel at the same time.
"...I see it was true," says a female voice, syrupy, almost bored and mocking, like a joke that only she understands.
After that voice she saw a long white hair in the light before it fell, and it was a few meters away from her and Caitlyn, her heart stopped as it could not, it was her, it was her but so different and the same, long white hair lacking any tone or color except for the soft pale pink roots almost just a reflection, body with soft curves but notice there is a certain thinness that remains, features still delicate and feminine but with an expression of boredom, as she tilts her head to one side like a feline not understanding.
It was her, it was her [Name].
And his hands itch to touch her, but a bullet passes dangerously close to him again leaving a soft reddish line on his cheek that almost blew his ear off, a looseness in handling weapons and he notices bandages covering from his fingers to his elbows, bandages tinted red, but he never expected that look to tell him so much but at the same time nothing, a pair of eyes that he remembered as having a dark tone turned to a dangerous and almost toxic pink color.
"With a piltie? I knew you could fall under Violet. But that much?" the unknown female figure questions, with a lazy smile
"It's not what it seems..." Vi tries, in vain, to explain
Perhaps she shouldn't have thought it would be that easy, Sevika had told her that if Jinx was with Silco almost like a daughter and it was true, she should have believed that in those words, when she feels cornered, like a wild animal by a superior predator lurking around her and Caitlyn clings to her jacket, for the first time she knows what it is to be afraid of something that shouldn't generate fear. She knew [Name] since she was little, both of them taking care of younger brothers and sadly [Name]'s younger sister: Lily died at the hands of an Enforcer, and she remembered it late, when she felt the wild tug of Caitlyn's hand and only had a second before turning and seeing Caitlyn on the ground at [Name]'s feet with a firm chain wrapped around Caitlyn's neck. Caitlyn's level, she fears for the first time and more so when the chain continues to tighten, little by little and so slowly that it unhinges her, drives her to despair and she feels the helplessness of seeing how Caitlyn can barely fight, clinging to the chain without being able to flee or move because a boot is pressed hard on her knee from behind, if she breaks her knee it will be impossible for her to get out unharmed herself.
"If it's what it seems Violet, you show up after five years" [Name] hisses in a cold, almost helpless tone of voice "...and you do it with a piltie hanging from your fucking arm, that uniform no matter how much you modify it is still the same" the pink-eyed one ends up saying in the air with an implicit mockery, a fed up and somewhat dull, her cold gaze focused on the chain, on the useless attempt of the enforcer to fight until she cuts off her air enough to knock her down and let her fall to the ground "...you should go back to Piltover, things always change" advises the pink-eyed one
Vi never felt such a visceral fear of being the center of that gaze, of those eyes that she used to love to see because they were a dark tone that cleared up in the sunlight and left a spectrum that fascinated her, eyes that looked at her with shyness and love when they were just two silly teenagers fighting to survive and find themselves among the streets of Zaun. She is afraid, afraid of what might happen and of what she doesn't know, helplessness that runs through her veins so quickly and she wants to fight, her survival instinct comes into play but on the contrary she doesn't seem to care in the least.
"W-why?" Vi questions, with a broken tone seeing Caitlyn on the ground unconscious and only by the slow rise of her back does she confirm that she is not dead but that terrifies her, the notion that she saw death in the eyes of the one she loved and loves the most currently "What happened to you?"
"You say it as if you weren't different yourself" the white-haired girl recites with ease before diving into the dark side of the room and in a second she is out of the opponent's range of vision "... everything changes Violet, people included"
Vi has to swallow dryly, she was moving so fast that she barely managed to keep up with her and that's when she manages to see her, sitting on top of a beam with a bit of dark light coming in from somewhere and she sees her, a long chain in her hands that ends in a sharp end like a scythe or an Oz, but it's so sharp that she fears she might see it cut but she handles it with ease, as if it were an extension of herself.
How much had happened?
"P-powder she, t-she...-" Vi begins uselessly, feeling as helpless and vulnerable as when Sevika told her the truth, because it was the truth and she wants to vomit, everything is coming together in her head
"She works with Silco, like everyone else but with privileges" answers the white-haired one shrugging her shoulders as if it were no big deal
"You too?"
And the taller one with pink hair prays, implores something she never believed in to say no, to shake her head and give her the calm she needs, that there will be no more of that silence so fairy-tale.
"...everyone works for Silco, Violet, don't be naive"
Something breaks, maybe it's the weight of everything and the fear that pushes it as far into her mind as possible, pushing it away so much that she steps forward furiously, fear and terror are changed by anger, courage, indignation and desire to fight, to hit her.
"You too!" Vi exclaimed furiously and when a giggle was heard she wished she could break her mouth "What's so funny?! You betrayed Vander, what he wanted for Zaun! What we hated so much as children!"
"But we are no longer children, understand that once and for all" the pink-eyed woman answers quickly without flinching, playing with the chain, a tacit warning "Vander or not, I needed to survive and make Powder survive, so I had to rip out my heart for that, I was going to do it"
It is like a bucket of cold water, Vi remains silent swallowing dry saliva when the tone of her beloved's voice is heard firm and without hesitation, a ferocity that borders on the unnatural added to the almost violent pink eyes.
"... don't try to tell me that you could have done better, make me laugh" the woman continues speaking before falling from the beam in a single clean jump, revealing for the first time her arms uncovered by the sleeveless blouse and high collar that she wore, a shoulder pad on the right side but fine lines like a break in the skin that light up in a violet pink as if there was light under her skin "Everyone survives in Zaun Violet, don't forget that"
"You talk about survival and all that, but what the hell did Caitlyn do to you that you would do that to her?! You almost killed her!" accuses with a firm and loud tone Vi, quickly approaching the unconscious body when [Name] approaches and leaves her near him, he will not hesitate to fight
"So you already chose, huh? Interesting choice, I hope that doesn't come to bite you in the ass later"
Everything happened so fast that she doesn't know how or when, she should have expected it since what she remembers from her adolescence is that [Name] always managed to take her by surprise and this time is no different, the blow of falling to the ground reaches her extremities first and that's when she notices it, pale, lifeless skin, thin and fine lines of breakage that shine in a pinkish-violet tone as if there was light underneath, her long white hair creates a curtain that isolates them from the world and she sees the dagger so close to her face that she swallows dryly, feeling its weight on herself and the null hesitation of the hands of her beloved, of her heart because [Name] was always her heart and always would be, whether they were fighting eternally or not. He can't help but notice how beautiful she looks, how wild and precious, the intent to kill in her eyes but the emptiness in her gaze.
"...you're just as beautiful as I remember, cupcake" he found himself whispering, despite the sharp edge of the dagger against his neck
And perhaps it was a bad combination of words because the white-cinnamon girl reacted badly, stabbing the dagger very close to his ear, cutting off only a lock of hair.
"...don't you dare call me that name again, it's contaminated" the pink-eyed girl whispered resentfully, before getting up "...take your fucking piltie and get out of here, I don't want to see you, next time I'll kill you and hang you from my tower"
Vi can't help but want to scream when he sees her walk to the window which she opens and jumps through, but when she looks down she can barely see, the pollution and smog make it difficult for her to see, [Name] let her go, she wants to ask so much but she keeps quiet and picks up Caitlyn, they must continue.
He wants to find her again, he will never be able to live properly without her heart.
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xazse · 2 months ago
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Loser!Gojo with a long distance girlfriend he finally gets to meet and goes mad.
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Loser!Satoru really can’t believe he’s managed to even get a girlfriend let alone an online relationship, he met you on an old game barely anyone plays and instantly clicked with you, you shared the same nerdy interests with things like monsters and magic.
His days with you are spent calling and texting for hours on end, he’ll spend his entire day just sitting on the phone talking about absolutely nothing with you! He loves it so much! It’s to the point where he’ll oversleep from being up all night and miss a lecture, you always scold him for not setting alarms.
Things start innocent and cute at first then you both get needy, the phone calls get nastier and nastier, with you sending him some of the raunchier photos of yourself, he fucking loves it. He’s a loaded dude so sending you some money to buy the next “it” lingerie is absolutely worth it in his opinion.
He’ll almost always in return send you videos of him pathetically jerking off his cock and whining so girlishly into the phone about what you do to him and what he’s going to do to you when he gets his hands on you.
The phone sex is downright sinful: it just exists of nasty squelching noises; you making sure Satoru can hear how wet he makes you and vise versa with him.
It gets to the point where he literally flies out to see you, he needs you in his embrace immediately and so damn badly, he’s straining in his pants thinking about your cute self.
When you see him, you figure out how really awkward he is, you have to carry the conversations but you don’t mind at all! It’s so cute seeing him stutter in your presence trying to formulate a sentence.
That night you two really can’t wait, fucking each other the same day you finally see one another is needed.
Satoru fucks you like he doesn’t even know you, his cock filts inside you so fucking nicely, he’s not big but he makes up for it with his speed and the way he’s perfectly hitting that sweet spot inside of you. You’re practically dripping and gripping his cock no not practically: you are.
As much as he tries to put on a big front while destroying you, you know he’s just a sensitive thing that’s holding his orgasm for you, it’s not long before he’s cumming into the condom with a drawn out groan before you. He gets hard again pretty quickly and after a quick pause he pushes inside your cunt again, wanting to do it all over again.
He also tries his hardest to not drool all over your neck, he doesn’t want to embarrass himself!
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tvgals · 2 months ago
this is choso after you two have been sexting for the past couple days while he was out on a mission. he missed your tits so bad :(
this is what toji sends you after you refused to join him for a bath. it’s safe to say you and toji now love cold bath water.
this is what happens to nanami after you left him so needy this morning, he had to resort to sniffing your scent off of your pillows, poor baby.
this is how suguru punishes you. you’ve been mouthing off to him all day, you even pulled his hair a couple times to tease him, but now you’re bent over his lap in submission.
this is how sukuna fucks you after you voiced your jealousy to him. he’s so upset that after all this time, you could even THINK of him with another woman.
and this is you and satoru after a long day at work. you two have been leaving teasing messages around all day, and now that you two are together, you can’t stop.
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frid4y · 1 month ago
you always looked past that quiet boy in your classes, occasionally sparing him a glance. that was until he became your partner for a project in a random class. surprisingly, he was friendlier than his appearance. the slight, agitated face he always had gone the moment you spoke, and you learned his name was suguru.
the long nights studying in the library & putting together your project helped blossom a friendship. what you only ever saw the relationship as. sure, he was really good-looking, but he's just your friend, right? along with your hunch that he's inexperienced, it's just the vibe he gives off. he probably wouldn't know what to do if he saw a naked girl in real life. right?
wrong. so painfully wrong. what originally was hanging out in your dorm room turned into suguru thrusting into your dripping cunt from behind, his hand pushing your head down into the pillow, which is stained messily with mascara and tears.
"you gotta be quiet, baby… wouldn't want anyone to hear how much you fucking love taking my cock, would we?" you only manage to let out a muffled moan, making him let out a small hum before your head is pulled up from the pillow and his fingers grip your hair.
two sharp smacks are delivered to your ass, and your lips part to let out a strangled gasp. suguru leans forward and captures your lips in a messy kiss, the sound blending in with the harsh noises of you being fucked stupid on his dick. you can't even remember how this happened. you guys were laughing about something, and suddenly you were being split open by his cock.
you want to let out your moans so bad. desperately beg for him to fuck you harder and deeper. but he's right, you gotta be quiet, these walls are thin. the whole floor doesn't need to know how much of a slut you were. or how bad you're clawing at the sheets of your bed, whining for suguru's cock like you've been starved.
suguru's grip on your hair loosens slightly as he begins to lose himself in the feeling of your pussy enveloping his cock, the feeling of your walls clenching around him being the source of his groans and small whimpers.
your mind and body register that you're getting closer, and you're now pleading for suguru to keep going, not caring how loud you are anymore. it just feels so good, and you just can't contain your moans anymore. the louder you get, the more it spurs him on to help you cum all over his cock. the little words of encouragement, mixed in with degrading names. it was just the perfect touch to make your orgasm hit you harder than ever.
suguru rubs your hip soothingly as your body convulses after that intense climax. "you did so fucking good… but i know this pussy can give me one more, can't she? now turn over, i wanna see your pretty little face while you're being a good little cumdump."
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reiyaus · 3 months ago
fem reader intended
husband nanami who quit working overtime because he hated seeing you stay up so late- dozing off on the dining table, a warm plate of food waiting for him at 11:37 on a tuesday night.
husband nanami who carries you to bed, making sure you were warm before focusing on getting unready himself. putting your health before his, like always.
husband nanami who make sures to eat the food you’ve prepared for him, appetite or not, because putting your cooking to waste would make him feel even more guilty (if possible).
husband nanami who likes waking up and catching you in the kitchen, dancing to the music while preparing his lunch. sometimes he even sees you taking small samples of his food before stopping yourself from eating the whole thing.
husband nanami who goes to work with his bento inside his bag, staring at it his whole shift and counting the hours until he gets to read what you’ve written him for the day.
husband nanami who stores all your letters inside the first drawer of his desk, rereading them as if they’re motivational quotes on a coffee cup whenever his coworkers and boss start testing his remaining bits of patience.
husband nanami who leaves the office building the moment his shift is over and heads straight to your favorite café, ordering every single one of your favorite pastries- not minding how the number keeps increasing with every beep.
husband nanami who surprises you, freshly out the shower, with a huge bag full of bread you’ve been craving the whole week.
husband nanami who helps you with your post-shower routine while ocassionally feeding you, laughing at how your eyes never left the bag the moment he came home.
husband nanami who makes sure you actually get to sleep before 10 pm, leaving no excuses as he carries you to the bed again, but this time you’re laughing and gripping onto his shoulders.
husband nanami who traps you in his hold, lulling you to sleep as he apologizes for all the times he made you stay up late- sleeping uncomfortably on the table.
husband nanami who gets to sleep another night with your face as the last thing he sees.
and husband nanami who wakes up another morning, with your skin being the first thing he feels.
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