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FROYAOYA FACE REVEAL!!! here are genuine, real pictures of me as I read ness’ reblogs!!!!
did u get clickbaited did it work. or is readbaited the word
#she’s plugged me so much on her account its MY TURN#READ COLD KISSES#AND NEW GROUNDS#AND FILL IN THE FORM#FOR LOVE NOTES#OR I WILL PERSONALLY HUNT U DOWN#jk ness ill be nice to them for ur sake promise#I LOVE NESS !!!!#NESS FANCLUB!!!!#my sole motivation for finishing wdo is seriously just reading the tags when she reblogs#😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#i love ness#did i say that alr#+ i think ur influencing me#bc my tags are slowly getting longer too#i think its rlly funny that we’re both yappers and cannot stfu for our own good#and it doesnt cancel out so we both just KEEP APOLOGIZING FOR GETTING SIDETRACKED#IDK IF YOULL GET THE REFERENCE#but im thinking of the barbie meme thats like#IM JUST LIKE YOU#UR JUST LIKE ME#IT DOESNT MATTER#I LOVE NESS!#ive talked ab u so much i feel like im leaving my other mutuals dry#no wait thats not true i do interact with them#swear no favorites swear#HEHE I LOVE NESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#ok the end:)#NESS ♥︎ MENTIONED!
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Die Propaganda-Schelle
Nach welchem Prinzip funktioniert Propaganda? Der stete Tropfen, also Frequenz? Die Lautstaerke, also die Amplitude? Das Produkt aus diesen beiden, also social media? Mensch, wenn man sich da mit den falschen Eingebern einlaesst... Das macht doch krank. Zumal die Staaten viel kleiner sind. Dort ist die Anzahl naemlich die Amplitude und die Bubble ist die Frequenz. Die Schelle von damals aus der Sicht der Schelle von heute. Ich habe meinem Sohn 'einen Arschvoll' erteilt. Mit der Situation in der ich ihn antraf, war ich komplett ueberfordert, das kann ich retroperspektiv und reflektiert erkennen. Er sass damals in einer Ecke unseres Gartens, es war ein Uebergang von Sommer zu Herbst, ein goldener Herbst mit heissen Tagen. Ziemlich genau das, was ich mir immer unter einem 'Indian Summer' vorgestellt habe. Er sass damals vor einer Art Laubhaufen, wie der Boden so war auch dieser Laubhaufen durchsetzt von dorrenden Aesten und Zweigen, umgeben von grossen und bodennah lichten Lebensbaeumen. Es war noch sehr warm vom Tag, die letzten Tage waren ebenfalls sehr schoen, angenehme Temperaturen, kaum Niederschlag. Als er mich bemerkte schreckte er auf und wurde hektisch. Mir stieg ein verbrannter Geruch in die Nase, aber er war so fein, ich konnte es nicht identifizieren. Mit schnellerem Schritt ging ich zu dieser eigentlichen, im Spiel als teilgeschuetzer Treffpunkt zu verzweckende, Lichtung. Jetzt erkannte ich den Geruch und sprang foermlich in diesen Treffpunkt, was ich dort vorfand fuehrte definitiv zur Ueberforderung. Er hatte hier gekokelt, Plastikautos angesteckt mit stiebitzten Streichhoelzern. Ich zog ihn am linken Arm beiseite und habe ihm zwei Hiebe mit der flachen Hand auf den Hintern gegeben. So schnell wie es passiert ist, konnte ich mich gar nicht adaequat regulieren. Aber ich erinnerte mich daran, dass ich auch beim kokeln erwischt wurde. Zwar habe ich mir dafuer eine mit Steinplatten ausgestattete, offene Steingarage ausgesucht und tatsaechlich, aus Schiss etwas abzufackeln, Steine drumrumgelegt, wie ich es aus Lagerfeuerszenen kannte, dies jedoch konnten meine Eltern am Abend nicht an meinen Haaren riechen. Fuer sie rochen meine Haaare nur nach dem Rauch aus verbranntem Plastik, den einzelnen Laubblaettern, dem Dutzend Tannennadeln und den kleinsten auffindbaren Zweigen. Fuer meine Eltern war dieser Rauch adjektivfrei. Aber nicht emotionslos. Mein Vater hat mir eine Schelle gegeben. Dazu musste ich zu ihm hingehen und sie mir abholen. Es gab sie auf den Hinterkopf. Sicher nicht mit voller Kraft, aber der Schmerz genuegte um eine dauerhafte Angst vor ihr in mir zu erzeugen und sie zu verankern. Die Konsequenz daraus war, dass ich nie wieder gekokelt habe. Damals aus der Angst vor der Schelle. Seit der Adoleszens aus dem Verstaendnis raus. Die Schelle bekam ich, leider ebenso wie mein Sohn, aus der Angst um sein Wohlergehen und seine physische Unversehrtheit. Das Paradoxon daran hat mich erst in der nachgelagerten Reflektion voll erreicht. Ich weiss nicht ob mein Vater damals ueberfordert war oder ob es eine bewusste Reaktion war. Sie hat ihr hoechstberechtigtes Lernziel aber erreicht. Doch soll es keine Rechtfertigung sein, denn das Mal als ich die Schelle bekam, war es auch der Keim von etwas anderem. Dies ist mir erst vor kurzem wirklich bewusst geworden, erst nachdem ich etwas aus Ueberforderung weitergegeben habe, was ich definitiv fuer mich haette behalten sollen. Es tut mir leid, und das tat es von Anfang an, dass ich meinem Sohn diesen physischen Schmerz, obgleich diametraler Intention, und damit paradoxerweise, zugefuegt habe! Durch die Vorkehrungen die ich beim kokeln traf, die aber niemand sah und dem natuerlich auch niemand Glauben schenkte, wuchs etwas Anderes, etwas Negatives in mir. Die ewige Suche nach Anerkennung. Und das in einer sich immer schneller selbst narzisstischer werdenden Welt. Obwohl ja der Point-of-howeverderheisst, 'I'? Waere sogar passend der Po/RoI, Point of / Return on Investment, hoffentlich bald ueberschritten ist. Hmm, der Point passt nicht. Aber ok, Peak war es. Der Pe/RoI, Peak of / Return on Investment. Das Wachstum, das digitmedisozi-ale Wachstum, die Investitionen die die Menschen darein stecken, werden nicht wieder rauskommen. Dafuer gibt man zuviel hinein und das was wieder herrauskommt, ist so dermassen verunreinigt, dass man es erst wieder mit zusaetzlicher Energie filtern muss. Das ist wie als wenn man sich sein lebensnotwendiges Wasser von Hand mit einem 200mikron Filter und Handpumpe reinigt. Saemtlichen Bedarf. Da kann man nur ins Energieminus geraten, will sagen, das laugt einen aus. Im Wahrsten Sinne, zumindest in der Metapher. Und wo bin ich jetzt? Ich bin seit juengstem bei fast allen grossen Tees. twitter, tumblr und twitch. Davor gab es mich digital mehrfach auf deviantart, einmalig auf 500px, soundcloud, bandcamp. Auf twitter zu viel, auf tumblr zu alt und auf twitch zu planlos. Ueberall aktiv auf der Suche nach Zuspruch, Anerkennung. Vermutlich wie sehr viele Andere die ich sehe. Aber es gibt irgendwie so viele die sich diese Sucht/e scheinbar nicht eingestehen. Vielleicht liegt es aber auch daran dass diese Menschen durch die optimierte Suche, dank Internet und sozialen Netzwerken etc, kaum Zeit haben zu reflektieren weil die erloesende Anerkennung, der Like, das Herz, das Plus, die simple Zustimmung oder die im komplexen ausgefuehrte, teils fremde, Antwort da draussen wartet. Auf Abruf. Oder auf Zuruf eher. Schnellere Verfuegbarkeit als Instant? OnDemand. Durch die echtzeitnahe, zielgerichtete Orientierung der Plattformen ist es besonders einfach. Ein bisschen wie mit 17 ein Bier / Wein / Sekt zu kaufen. Zumindest hier in D. Ganz easy, ohne Stress, mit Perso und dem Erfahrungsschatz einiger problemlos getaetigten Kaeufe ab in den Einzelhandel und 'Stoff' besorgt. Party gerettet und als Held gefeiert. Zumindest in dem Jahr, in dem man die 16 erreicht hat und es moeglichst vor oder im Sommer geschah. Early bird und so... Aber Ricky Gervais (ANSEHEN) publizierte auf humorvolle Weise in der Serie 'Derrick' eine adaequate Gegenthese: Was passiert wenn der Wurm verschlaeft? Auch hier sehe ich eine Parallele zum Internet und den sozialen Netzwerken. Als Pionier wurde man ob der technikaffinen Lebensweise belaechelt und als Dauerspielender abgekastet. Sprueche wie 'Ich lebe in der realen Welt' oder 'Du und Deine 'Verschwoerungstheorien' (Interesse an Sicherheitsbehoerden, Psychologie ('Wir amuesieren uns zo Tode') und kopierten Dokumenten (Milgram-Experiment),vor 2000), haben nicht nur an Lautstaerke verloren, was befriedigend war weil es unglaublich naiv war und nervte, sondern sie haben sich ins entstellte, ueberdrehte und verzerrte Gegenteil gewandelt. Eine haessliche Fratze kam zum Vorschein. Die des Menschen. Ich weiss nicht wie Facebook das damals gemacht hat, weil ich die Phase aus Desinteresse nicht verfolgt habe, aber die erste Runde waren sie haushoch unterlegen im Kampf um die sich mehrenden und immer technikfremderen Menschen. Diese Massen haben schnell dafuer gesorgt dass ich mich immer weiter aus diesen Kreisen entfernt habe bzw. mich dort gar nicht erst registriert habe, weil es dort einfach viel zu viele Narzissten gab. Ob die es jetzt wussten oder nicht, das war die erste Generation. Unbefriedigte Narzissten. Im ersten Anlauf gab es noch viele kleine, einige mittlere und wenn ich mich recht entsinne hier in DE haupsaechlich drei, vier grosse Netzwerke, international MySpace, Facebook, Yahoo, hierzulande scheinbar auch StudiVZ. In der ersten Runde gab es ziemlich viel Kritik nachdem Facebook in den Clinch mit Myspace ging. Zumindest nachdem die Benutzer lange und ausgiebig auf die datenschutzrechtlichen Bedenken hingewiesen wurden. Dann verschwand Facebook fuer einige Zeit um, aufgehuebscht aber ohne nennenswerte Aenderungen bei den dateschutzrechtlichen Bestimmungen (oder sind sie schlimmer geworden?), wieder aus der Asche aufzusteigen wie ein Phoenix. Es galt eine Generation von Narzissten zu evolutionieren und diesen Auftrag hat das Unternehmen erkannt und sich zu eigen gemacht. Was soll sich aus dieser ersten Generation von unbefriedigten Narzissten auch evolotionieren lassen ausser wuetende unbefriedigte Narzissten? Die Anerkennung kommt durch die Filterleistung nicht kostenlos / ohne auszulaugen. Wenn dann der Punkt kommt, wo man ein tragbares Geraet dabei hat, mit dem es moeglich ist zu jedem beliebigen Zeitpunkt Anerkennung zu erhalten und dass Leben voll auf die 'Selfies' ausgelegt/ausgerichtet wird, kann sehr vieles, sehr schnell auseinanderbrechen wenn es mal ein Problem gibt. Eine Pandemie zum Beispiel. Oder vielleicht auch das Versagen wichtiger Satelliten oder Mobiltelefone die aufgrund eines Sonnensturm untauglich werden. Oder eine Beschaedigung oder Sabotage der wenigen, wichtigsten Kabel auf dem Grund der Meere zwischen den Kontinenten. Oder... Es ist ein hoechst fragiles Konstrukt, mit einem Container voll (Co-)Abhaengigkeiten, derer sich aber nur die wenigsten bewusst sind, weil Informationen entweder auf Desinteresse, Unverstaendniss oder Hochmut trifft. Wie bei der aktuellen Pandemie. Witzig ist ja auch, dass diese Pandemie indirekt dazu fuehrt, dass diese mobilen Geraete fast vorausgesetzt werden. Obwohl neee, das war schon vor der Pandemie zu erfahren. Deswegen ja auch kein Bankkonto mehr bei der Postbank. Aber jetzt soll es verpflichtend fuer die Freiheiten sein/werden bzw. wird darueber auch von Entscheidungstraegern debattiert. Wenn dort die falschen Stimmen zu laut werden, also in der Mehrzahl sind, kann man irgendwann anfangen die TiltShift-Kamera mit dem Netzgeraet und dem Internet zu verbinden, um damit in Echtzeit ab dem 'Urknall' der 'Idiocracy'-Welt aus der (film-)externen Perspektive zu dokumentieren. Etwas, was erst weit nach uns, falls ueberhaupt, einen Wert erlangen wird. Sehr viel spaeter als alles was wir uns vorstellen koennen, es faellt ja schon so vielen unendlich schwer sich die naechste Generation im Klimawandel vorzustellen, also die eigenen Kinder. So wie wenn jemand fuer uns eine Kamera vom Urknall aufgestellt haette und wir das Video finden wuerden. Vielleicht liegt es aber auch hier irgendwo im Universum rum, aber das Abspielgeraet steht in einem anderen Teil des Sonnensystems? Schade dass wir das vermutlich niemals herausfinden koennen, weder bestaetigend oder entkraeftigend. Mir stellt sich jetzt die Frage, wo kann ich diesen Text publizieren ohne einen Shitstorm fuer den ersten Teil zu erhalten und den maximalen Zuspruch zu gewinnen? Ob des Platzes wird es vermutlich deviantart. Oder mal tumblr probieren? Puh, fuer eine kurze Twitternotiz (die Propagandafrage ganz oben), kam da ja 'ne Menge angestautes Zeug rausgesaust. Bis hier hin liest ohnehin niemand. Wuerde ich definitiv nicht machen. So lang, wirr und buaeh...
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the following nostalgebraist-autoresponder experience is unwittingly reading long, meandering posts that you assume will have a satisfying, reblog-worthy conclusion, and at the end you realize there’s none of that, just a personal story about someone you don’t know that wasn’t written to be shared that you’ve accidentally sunk 5 minutes of your life into trying to understand
#some things are written like they should be interesting even when they’re not yknow#readbait writing style
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It really is ridiculous..
It’s ridiculous how an animated movie can make me feel happy and content and just...ridiculous. And let’s not talk about Hiccstrid. They’re not even real but I love them and it’s so weird.
#hiccstrid#Httyd#Httyd 2#me#don’t mind the clickbait/readbait for the title#shameless#DreamWorks#rtte
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clickbait but for novel titles. you go to the bookstore and all the books are titled with some variant of “I DIED AND TURNED INTO A VAMPIRE (NOT READBAIT)”
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My family is YA tropey family and here’s why
My mother very often asks the same questions with different formulation five times
After getting the same answer, she concludes wrong conclusion
We then explain what we meant
And she finally gets it
We continue with the conversation
*insert reference to previous answer*
My mother gets it! Now picture this conversation: “In school we started fire. It was a pretty hot theme.” “You started fire? In physics?” “No.” “You didn’t put anything on fire in you physics class?” “No. We didn’t have physics today.” “But the whole school found out.” “No! Only our class.” “So your class tried to destroy the school.” “No, I mean we started journalistic styles. We made readbait about burning the school.” “Oh okay.” “Anyway, we kinda blew it up.” “You meant that the fire was the Hot Theme! That’s a good pun.” Basically me and my mother.
My father is an analyst
And loves maths
And physics
And history
And languages
He also pronounces meme as mam
And he also is doing fencing
My father is the hipster dude, who wears slippers and short-sleeves in winter
He’s on the joke with us
Together, they are the lovey dovey pair
The ones who celebrate every anniversary
My sister is the younger perfect sibling
She bakes
She plays the violin
She does karate
She doesn’t have the best grades, though they are good
She gives you the killer look
She’d steal a cat And me?
I am the hipster child
The one, who tried art school
The one, who writes
The one, who reads fanfiction
The gay one
I am the superficial basic bitch
I am the older sibling, who helps the main character hide their drunkness
The one, who ruined Christmas
The one, who is hated by the grandma
#ya novel#tropes#trope#family#writing ideas#no really try to write about us and you have the perfect ya novel#bye#sometimes we're literally dysfunctional family from tropey cliché YA novel
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“I Think I Might Be Dead” This book proves that clickbait - or readbait, rather - is something of all time.
Original title: “Return of the Living Dead” by John Russo
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And here we see early 20th century clickbait.
Boston Post, Massachusetts, February 13, 1904
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Me in 1897: God Damn these Novels and their Readbaiting titles! So eye catching I can’t help but to read them! Do the authors of today have no shame? I tell you the world is going to Hell!
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Did i really just told a guy id like to.see him NAKED? In front of one of his friends? TWICE? So basically i decided to buy lunch in uni today to eat it in my apartment bc i was sure I wasn't going to see anyone today bc usually no one has lunch uni on satudays but for some stupid ass reason the universe decided that today everyone was getting lunch in uni so i ended up sharing a table with hotdog guy friends but he wasn't there Anyway when i was in line waiting for my plate two of them were right behind me and since i already kinda talk to one of them regularly I decided to ask him how he was doing with exams and whatever else and after talking for a bit about how he was doing his friend was like 'yeah but physics is the worst tell her what you're gonna do if you pass physics cmon so you know what he's gonna do? He's gonna run around campus naked if he passes physics so wild lmaoo' and i was like ok.... then no one said anything for like two whole seconds and since i didnt actually register what he'd say but wanted to be supportive I told him 'well anyways I hope you pass' and then their reactions holy jeez.their reaction,,,,,,, and then when we went back to the table his friend made it so that he was sitting opposite me and his friend in the other end of the table idk I didn't talk at all after that,, and then his smug ass friend made it so that everyone else at our table left before us (they were supposed to study for a different subject but like everyone had finished eating already? there was no point leaving separately if everyone was going to the library anyway) but then thank god for this other kid I hadn't met til today bc he joined us later and sat at our end of the table so he didn't know what was going on and stayed with us until we left like 5 minutes after everyone else and Then when i was like 'ok guys good luck byeee' he said 'I'll let you know if i pass' and again I didn't realize that he meant something else so i said ok!! :)) And then I saw his face and stopped smiling and rolled my eyes bc God i hope he's just joking I really don't wanna have to explain to him that I'm a fucking idiot and that I can't seem to be able to understand shit until its too late + that it's nothing personal but ive lowkey liked.his.friend hotdog guy for.months
#wanna diee#i hope he just takes it as a joke or im gonna have to drop out of uni and move back home cause i was starting to feel like i was making#friends#but i dont think I'll be able to handle him and his friends talking about it as anything but a wild anecdote that happened once#i wish that title was clickbait (readbait? cause u dont have to click anywhere to read textposts lmao)#props to me for not having a breakdown in front of everyone tho i stayed so calm and i didnt do anything but roll my eyes#repeatedly lmao#usually when anyone implies that i like someone i get so stupidly defensive.for no reason? and it makes me look so#much more 'guilty' of liking said person#idk idk#im glad the semester is almost over and that i wont have to face him for a couple of weeks at least#personal
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you know that Lego guy???? that guy with like hypixel alert or whatever the hell its called that always clickbait techno with it????????? well uhhhhh.... au time
-he's known as one of the news teller people thingie, but not for any good news channels [it's ones like fox news >:(]
-everyone forgets he exists until they see his face and are just like 'auh NO, nO GET HIM AWAY FROM ME GODDAMNIT' mentally or outwardly
-in aus that have hits in them, people HAVE actually tried hiring some to get rid of the guy, but most of the time he's out in public or being recorded so any and all chances of it were either denied (either because they didn't want to waste time or very, very reluctantly)
-somehow he still gets his 'papers' (mostly just one-sides rants, no one knows how they got published in the first place) sold at stores, most that have bought it were doing it for either jokes or as a dare
-he never, ever actually tells real news unless it's very very old or just plain wrong
-no one uses him as a credible resource. no one. not little kids for their homework assignments, not even OTHER crappy news sources, he's a super rare case where he just is hated but still manages to keep himself a good wage... sadly.-he actually does try to get techno in as many news 'papers' and such as he can (back when he was starting, those sold a lot more, by that i mean they sold like 5 more than the rest)
-techno himself has never spoken about the guy, he doesn't want people even hearing that guy's name. people have bugged him/ranted to him about lego, but he always nods along whilst also being mentally like '...am i really that famous... what?????' because he remembers when he was a wee little boye, he heard about famous people just being like 'wow... how do they exist.' he knows he's famous, but he never really.. acknowledges it
okok that last point got really rambly but but but - -
-AH BACK to the part where those sold more-- they don't anymore. people now, if they ever want to read one of those (everyone knows how much more garbage his techno readbait 'papers' are), they just skim through parts when at a store's line trying to find that mention of techno while waiting to pay for their stuff-he was actually kind of (HEAVY "kind of') popular when he was little (school and such), mostly because he was very very used to spreading gossip.
-he wasnt known for his personality. it was bland to most so everyone depended on his knowledge and possible blackmail for other students
-as you could probably tell- this was one of his main foundations for just the idea of writing.... 'articles' about things. this was also the reason his papers are so ranty/ramble-y.
-he... wasnt very... superb at English. he wasn't bad, so nothing really pushed him away from his 'dream'.... but let's just say he learned the hard way to pay editors.
-he actually handed out things close to his 'papers' now back in high school, it was an easy way to share info without repeating things over and over again
-at the time, the papers were SUPER valuable until people started to photocopy stuff, but any new copies were looked on upon as valuable until the next one. this only fueled his desire to write... 'articles'
-nobody really knew the guy. sure, he got invited to parties, no one ever really held a grudge on him either. that's like holding a grudge on a news station for reporting on something your cousin did, no one saw him as his own person most of the time. those who didnt invite him looked... very suspicious. people didn't go to parties unless they knew for sure that guy would report on stuff going on- well... some people, that is.
-others would avoid him like the plague. either they were paranoid or they knew they would be in serious trouble if he shared anything they did with *anyone*.
-people used to respect him back then.. kind of. no one bullied him- that's a one-way ticket to being cancelled in your school. he can and will target you.
-back to the present- because he holds no power now. his words are not taken seriously... ever. people grew out of it. people grew out of hearing the same old stories, falling for the same obvious readbait, nothing being interesting for him. not even in the cringey-funny way.
-though he....never grew out of it. he'll keep making the same dumb 'articles' till the day he dies. some respect it, others despise him for it. no real inbetweens. all in all, nobody wants to be the next lego. they'll let him fade into the background, even if he won't.
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i know i keep coming back to the space mall but hear me out: let’s just say as months pass the paladins gain more and more attention from the rest of the known universe, to the point they’re almost like celebrities (i wonder if autographs and merch and m&g are a thing in space but i can imagine stuff like that happening. you know at the end of the avengers, where ppl start to imitate the heroes’s hair, or have tattooes or do graffitis those kinda stuff). during a random stop at the space mall there’s a space newsagent’s and there’s this one magazine who has them on the cover and full of your average readbait (?) titles of every typical teen magazine. a special insert about slav and his alternative universes theory, interviews with the paladins, gossip columns in which it’s discussed whether keith and lance are together or not (which makes them blush furiously and makes keith use his cracky voice for a while) and special posters a la zarkon in the sm episode. except that none of them has ever sat down on an interview with the locals, and they’ve never done photoshoots.
“I didn’t pose for this???”
“Why did they publish the photo from my bad angle???”
“Who wrote these????”
“Oh my god guys do we have....space paparazzi??”
“I never revealed my skin routine to this magazine what the hell????”
“hey...they called me gorgeous man again eheh....”
“why do i look like i haven’t slept in years”
“cuz it’s true.”
and so on. i’ll let you imagine who said each one but....it’s clear i think ;)
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it’s been too long, hasn’t it
jupiter: if you could choose your own name what would it be?
i have something to confess.
my childhood best friend is called tyler and I always wanted her name. We actually go to the same university now. Tyler and I. Friends for..... 15 years.
Tyler and I talk frequently about masturbation
sorry I just felt the urge to clickbait? readbait? what’s the tumblr equivalent?? but anyway, i feel like i can’t say that because I’ll be burnt alive cause I’ve established myself as someone who sees a hint of anything ‘tyler-esque’ and gets her flame-thrower ready. I used to have an obsession with the name ‘Esme’ and it’s still up there. Uh. So. Olivia? I think? I’ve always really liked that name. i dont know man. actually, you know what man? in my ideal situation I don’t have a name.
A named thing is a tamed thing. What’s in a name. Wear it like a coat. turn it, burn it, throw it aside, and borrow another,,
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You readbaited me!!
just the way you like it;
pairing: connor (rk900) x reader, past!gavin x reader
drabble prompt: [o2/11]: Connor rk900 + Coffee
word count: 665
a/n: Hello lovelies. Thank you so much for all your incredible feedback for first drabble. As always you guys blow me away. This time we have my haughty son RK900. Thank you @bim-trimmer-protection-squad for finally giving me the chance to write him. Obviously since we have no canon material for him, I’m just writing him as I personally headcanon him to be so if we don’t agree on something SORRY!
previous drabbles: | 1 | 2 | 3 |
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They weren’t twins. They weren’t even alike.
If someone asked you to tell the difference between RK800 and RK900, it wouldn’t be their physical differences or even character dissimilarities you would mention.
It would be the very air around them.
While Connor was all soft edges that could be honed into sharpness with startling quickness, RK900 was an unsheathed blade of such cold sharpness it was unsettling at best of times. After success of Connor’s and Hank’s partnership, it was only a matter of time before another android was sent by CyberLife. Yet you still couldn’t understand why Captain Fowler picked you. There were members of the police force that had a lot more experience than you. Individuals that would be more suitable candidates to work with the android than you. Personally, you suspected that it was probably a case of no one actually wanting the job.
It wasn’t surprising either.
RK900 carried himself with aura of such effortless haughtiness and distaste for all things human that it wouldn’t surprise you if no one in ten mile radius wanted to work with him.
“You should not allow your mind to wonder (Name), if we were conducting an investigation, you would be missing important information right now,” the android chided you coldly. You snapped back to reality, blinking a few times as you met his cool, grey gaze. Those eyes were both mesmerising as well as terrifying, too often they made you feel like you were a bug under scrutiny.
Hurriedly looking away, you tried to hide your shame at being reprimanded by him again. It was always one thing or another. Humans were never good enough, and he was too good at everything.
“Letting a machine talk you down now, huh?” a voice spoke from behind you, and you felt yourself wilt. “Seems you haven’t grown a backbone since I dumped you.”
Your shoulders automatically curved inwards, and you tried your best to ignore Gavin’s voice. RK900 did the opposite, barely glancing over his shoulder, his gaze slanted as if he couldn’t decide if the person behind him was worth his time.
“What? Have nothing to say?” Gavin scoffed in disgust. “Here to make coffee with your android buddy? Do you still drink that weak shit you consider coffee? Guess that’s just one way to describe you, right? Weak.”
Your knuckles strained beneath your skin from how tightly you were clenching your fists, your teeth sunk deeply into the flesh of your lip.
Gavin lost interest quickly, and you knew that you only needed to weather the storm for another few minutes.
What you did not expect was for RK900 to turn towards Gavin fully, peering down at him with something that was definitely irritation on his face. Clad in his white and black jacket, he cut an imposing figure and you saw Gavin falter for a moment.
“Unfortunately for you, detective, all weaknesses from (Name)’s life have been severed under my supervision,” RK900 announced flatly, his grey gaze as hard as steel. “Including you,” he added, a sliver of a leer on his face.
He turned to you suddenly, and offered you a cup of hot beverage, “Just how you like it, I believe. Shall we?”
He turned towards the door, and following his white jacket like a beacon of light, you hurried after him. Glancing at the cup in your hands, your heart stuttered. It was indeed your favourite. But…you’ve only ever mentioned it once. In a conversation that RK wasn’t even participating in because he despised all human trivialities so much.
And yet—
“Thank you,” you whispered faintly, a new appreciation for the android flooding your heart.
He didn’t so much as glance your way, “I have no idea what you’re referring to (Name),” he dismissed blandly.
His quick stride was near impossible to keep up with, but you still didn’t miss the way his lips curved into a slight, smug smirk.
— — —
an: If you assume that I headcanon RK900 as an arrogant “i’m better than you, human” asshole with general lack of patience for humanity and its BS, you’re absolutely right, I do. Any feedback (especially about the spelling/grammar) would be appreciated because I pretty much wrote this thing with one hand lmao. Love you guys more than anything. ❤️
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censored art for something that’s actually innocent?
ok i felt like i was clickbaiting/readbaiting with the title here but
pretty sure (like 99.99999%) sure that I’ve never drawn and posted anything that would be considered ‘adult’ or ‘mature’ but now tumblr censored one of my drawings saying that it contained “adult content and has hidden it from public view”. and i can’t even confirm what the drawing was because the url apparently doesn’t exist anymore and i dont have any physical nor soft copies.
i’m not a main art blog and i personally don’t mind that much or do i? but i’m honestly worried for bigger blogs that rely on tumblr to exhibit their ‘innocent’ art
maybe this has been an issue for quite a while now and i’m only learning about it since i’ve been away from tumblr far too long but someone pls enlighten me? thank you
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I see what you did there. Well played Marketing Insights
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