blaithnne · 5 months
I've been putting off watching Ducktales for ages, but you've singlehandedly convinced me to get off my butt and finally binge the series. I hope you're proud of yourself (as you should be, your art is killer)
Another one bites the dust
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pine-niidles · 14 days
2024 August Monthly Updates
It's a very text heavy update this month, I'm... working on getting back into the habit of regular art. My art muscles have grown stiff and it's slow going training them back up. It is going though - I've even been doing some sketching in my physical sketchbook this week.
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Doodling fish makes for a good warm-up
I've been wanting to set up a proper art blog for a while. Social media has always been hard for me to keep up with, I've never really had fun posting art online ever since deviantart stopped being good. Figuring out what, when, how to post & keeping up with constant changes... it's been said a million times so I won't get into it, and at the end of the day even if it's frustrating it's still worth it for the connections I make and the art I get to see because of it. Still, I don't want to rely on social media to be the only place where my art lives (it's a sad thought!). That's why I've been compiling art pdfs, it's why I've been looking into physical print making, it's why I started these monthly updates in the first place.
So if you're reading this on my new blog welcome! (if not - it's here) I'm planning to eventually move to hosting it myself but so the moment I'm relying on wordpress, I apologize for the banners. I'm still deciding how I want to do monthly updates from now on - I'll be posting all of them on the new blog for sure but I'm still undecided if I want to continue to cross post them on tumblr & kofi. I have a poll just for that running right now if you have an opinion (or if you don't - it's a nice motivator just to see that people are actually reading these).
Other than monthly updates I'll be posting process breakdowns on here, and more in depth looks at individual projects at various stages of their process. Maybe doing some features (or even reviews?) of other artists/projects. We'll see how it goes! I won't be cross-posting those, thought I'll probably post links to them when I write them (you can also sign up to the email newsletter for this blog at the bottom of the page - though you'll have to make a wordpress account). I know a lot of people use patreon for this kind of thing but I like the freedom of not having an expectation of consistency (or quality).
I've started taking part in fanzines again, there's a couple in particular I'm very excited for! Not much more to say on that topic as I'm not allowed to announce my participation yet but that's something I've been working on this month.
All in Good Time
I've done very little (read:none) art for my own projects this month, but I have done some writing for a couple I've yet to introduce publicly.
The first is a short (12-16 page) self-contained comic featuring a friend of mine and my ocs. I've written a rough script for it and will be working on character designs and art for it when I have a little more free time :)
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They Say There is a Monster in These Woods
The second project I was doing writing for is much longer term - I've been toying around with the idea of doing a solo visual novel for some time now and I finally came up with a story idea for one.
The game starts with you in the woods, injured. You stumble across a clear where a lone manor stands and collapse in front of it. When you come to the Lady of the manor greets you, and invites you to stay as her guest for some time while you recover from your injuries and to attend her birthday celebrations in two weeks. You spend this time in the manor getting to know the inhabitants, maybe finding the sparks of romance with one among them, and maybe even figuring out the source of the mysterious rumors that there is a monster in the woods...
\o/ I hope that intro sounds fun to you! I'm certainly excited about it. This will be more of a long term project - both in the fact that it'll be a lot of work to make and because I have other game projects I want to prioritize first, some collab work and some of my own games that are only a couple steps away from completion (Don't Wake the Sleeping Dragon I've not forgotten about you...)
And that's all for August! I'm looking forward to Summer ending and the start of Fall, maybe I can do some plein air watercolors of the leaves changing color when that time comes :)
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keepingthehopealive · 2 years
The big move is going relatively well all things considered. Some hiccups and hard parts which is to be expected and I'm dealing with them as they come. I love my place and my dog loves having the place to himself and a nice yard + a great walkable neighborhood + many fantastic parks all around. I'm currently trying to get the city to pick up my damn trash (it's been almost a month) and need to get a new dresser after an ikea disaster...but other than that, not too bad. I didn't have water the first day I was here which was so annoying and I lost hot water a few weeks ago, but it's all been resolved quickly. The property manager is pretty on top of things.
I already got involved with a shelter nearby and am volunteering there and will be fostering too. There aren't any crazy rules like where I was, and they don't care that I work long days. They have no problem with me using my dog walkers for fosters too. We're gonna start with some short term weekend fosters as I adjust to my job then go from there. Once I'm on nights I'll feel more comfortable taking longer term fosters I think. I volunteered at their pet food pantry which was amazing, they are a great shelter and organization.
My dog is having some seperation and adjustment anxiety which is to be expected, but were using medication and doing lots of training and it's getting better already as he settles. Overall it's been a great move for him
I got antsy and decided to start work a week early so I did my orientation this week (so boring) and tomorrow is my first day on the unit. I am so nervous and so excited. This is my dream job and I really hope it's everything I dream it to be and more. I know I'm gonna love it! I'm nervous for tomorrow as I was given very little (read:none) direction, but I'm gonna get there early and figure it our and know it'll be fine. The hospital is super catholic which I knew but didn't realize how dramatic it is. They call the hospitals "ministries" which I find gross but oh well. I'm sure the hospital and staff won't be as in your face as the higher up people are.
I've been looking for a new therapist and found 2 good options so I have 2 intakes in the next few weeks with them. My insurance sucks so I'm going with private pay and feel lucky to be able to in the position I can do that for myself. One of the therapists does nature therapy where you can go outside and go for walks, and she said my dog could come even which would be awesome. She sounds like a good therapist all around so I'm hopeful for that intake this week. I have one other one next week. My current therapist from home is not pushing or rushing the termination and I'm so appreciative of that because it's been such a huge source of anxiety for me. Plus all the other feelings. It's probably the hardest part of all this. Not so much her specifically but having to start over again and all the triggers of the past terminations coming in full force too. I hope I find a good match and can keep working on things.
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ochnoe · 2 years
oohhh airport scavenger hunt:
find a bedazzled transparent phone case that would fit your own phone in a store
Ok this one was practically impossible bc I own a Fairphone 4, and there are (afaik) no phone cases out there for that model, that aren‘t custom made or produced by Fairphone.
I had the small hope of maybe finding one for the iPhone 7 with a broken battery, which I owned before that (a practically ancient model by apple standards) but no luck.
I also have to say, after walking the length and perusing the shops of the B and C Gate concourse of Dubais Terminal 3 (a massive area in itself, I didn‘t feel like taking the train to the A gates of T3 in addition to that): there are surprisingly few (read:none, at least I didn‘t find any) shops that sell phone cases exclusively. So the best I can do in terms of bedazzled and transparent+bedazzled respectively, are these two that I found in a tech shop.
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wrathofbom · 6 years
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SIGH. Since you ALL (read:none) asked, I’m doing the #artvsartist thing 😆😆! You know what, I don’t even know if the drawings are supposed to be this year or last year 😅! Anyhoo I def am enjoying seeing fellow artists’ posts for this! ✌️ . . . . #drawings #artist #artistoninstagram #starwars #sailormoon #fanart https://www.instagram.com/p/BtwnkopBN83/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ze5hlg1dpqci
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pinkislouder · 7 years
wait you lived in England? I've been following you since spring or something and I'm honestly kind of shocked
aldkdkkf yes I moved back to Germany at the end of May. I worked there for about 8 months! 😊 i regret not having a good (read:none at all) tagging system now because if i did i could refer you to a tag aldkslls. Anyway it was the best time of my life.
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