#read fics or saw art and fell in love with characters they dont know
bloodanddiscoballs · 6 months
I love not going into fandom tags but seeing multiple people vague about something in there. like ah yes I'm just gonna ignore and continue to never go into the fandom tags
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stygianheart · 11 months
its a shame your fics dont have more art theyre so good like if I could draw well id probably turn them into picture books. do you wish you had art?
but besides the point I actually have questions and I wanna ask em.
first up, who’s the back up? luffys mentioned the backup a few times and I cant help but wonder who it is. if thats a major spoiler than you dont have to answer but considering your love for this one guy i kinda think its sabo or the rev army. either that or like traffy. it would be funny if it was sabo though because of koby’s brief jealousy of how luffy was talking about him.
this might be just me as an aot fan overanalyzing everything but I feel like that devil fruit in the beginning was something important and so was the auction in broad daylight.
also ive seen a lot of fics where kobys favorite food is buttered potatoes but i think yours is the first where his favorite food is downright plain butter. the guys a psychopath for that. like why would you do that. where did you even get the idea.
I also have some other questions! unfortunately uh revolving around the second favorite ship brymeppo…
does helhippo realize he likes bryan or no? also i really came into the fic thinking I wasnt gonna give a crap about him but somehow you made me like him a lot so kudos to you. his relationship with bryan is so rivals to lovers coded and thats one of my favorite tropes. I really do hope helhippo lives up to his promise and takes bryan to the symphony. I know that wont happen in tsats but if you could make a one shot of helhippo and bryan going out on small dates that would be amazing 🙏 for us rymeppo shippers #rymeppo shippers unite oh and as much as i wanna see bryan take revenge on elijah for all the things the guys done to him i also wanna see helmeppo smash the guys face in. please. kill elijah. I hate him.
omg sorry that this is so long but I still have some more questions!
kobylu wise, who do you think fell first? koby or luffy? its obvious that luffy likes Koby but why hasn’t he said anything? does he understand how he feels? and after this is all said and done how are they going to stay in contact? it’s not like koby can just talk to luffy whenever he wants since hes a marine and luffys the pirate king.
anyway thats all! I hope i was able to help your creativity in some way :)
I mean, yeah, art would be cool. But when it comes to engagement with my fics, the most I hope for is for someone to simply read it. Besides, it’s self indulgent! I’m just writing the stuff for me and sharing it along the way.
Anyway, questions. *pulls out glasses*
The back up? Well, it’s not Traffy, that much I can say. Considering we (last I checked) don’t know if Trafalgar is alive or not, I just decided to…y’know, leave him out.
Greetings, fellow AoT fan, you are NOT mistaken! I kinda like hiding little things in the fic—not EVERYTHING has a purpose like AoT, but a lot of things are put there for a reason. I like being sneaky like that.
And yes. Koby’s a psycho. He eats straight up butter—and said it tastes better when dipped in sugar. I got this weird headcanon from my bestie who also happens to eat butter sticks. I once saw him dip it in sugar and was so disgusted by it, and he was just like “it’s good for you. Besides, it’s ✨tasty✨” like sir no. What on earth. That’s weird. You do you, but please, not in front of me. Besides the point—for some reason I decided to implement that onto Koby. I have a habit of weirdifying characters.
As for the RyMeppo question… I seriously never expected people to love this ship so much wtf. In Chapter 5, Helmeppo is completely unaware of his very obvious crush on (B)Ryan. He thinks he hates Ryan, when it’s obvious it’s more than that. As of Chapter 10, however, the moron is 10000% aware of how he feels. He and Ryan’s relationship is really fun to write with the constant bickering/flirting. I never intended them to be a romantic relationship, but alas, that’s where it headed.
And the KobyLu questions! Yay! Koby definitely fell first and he fell hard—don’t think anyone could fall harder if they tried. As for Luff: he knows how he feels about Koby. Buddy went to Sanji’s school of flirting and failed the classes spectacularly yet tried showing off his grades to Koby. He’s made it very clear how he feels—Koby, unfortunately, is just too damn dense. Luffy could yell “I LOVE YOU” to Koby and he would probably think Luffy meant platonically. He gets his density from me, of course, I’m the exact same way.
I hope I answered your questions well! Thanks for the ask, it actually did help a bit.)))
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francis-writes · 2 months
I also got into the fandom kinda late and every damn time i like a fic and click the blog it is either unactive since 2016 or something or has its requests closed, and a lot of People dont really read the books and dont know about a lot of characters and dont know MUCH about the regular characters since show cant really show us the way they think unlike in the books, i love to discuss for paragraphs but there is not much People to do that anymore, it is sad actually.
Oh and RAMSAY 💯 HAS A MOMMY KINK AND NO ONE CAN CHANGE MY MIND! I absolutely feel the same about it! Also yes i think he has a praise kink too, he craves validation and acceptance, he thrives on praise, so i think that he would grew fond of someone who shows love adoration and admiration towards him, and i kinda think he would enjoy some simple motherly affection, like brushing his hair, giving him a bath or singing him, show ramsay is daddy book ramsay need his mommy lol but i also think he would not enjoy a really calm person, after all mommy kink or not he is still ramsay, he'd like someone who would hunt with him or even if they dont kill be beside him, i dont think he'd like someone who constantly nag him about the things he do and he would get angry if his lover tries to help his victims or get mad at him for that, he would be feisty that his lover cared for them enough to get mad at him
And unpopular opinion but i think he would like to be claimed (by hickeys or an arm on his waist or a kiss in front of people) as much as he likes to claim, because lets be honest he yearned for approval and acceptance from his father his whole life, he likes the idea of someone thinking him as something to show off rather than the "spare last option" kinda the thing happened with domeric and ramsay with roose, ramsay was the spare last option of roose that he remembered and took near when his only heir died, even if domeric had no bad blood with him, and he was the one who search for and find ramsay despite his father's protests that there is no need for it, he wanted to have a brother and wanted to know him(i have a little skech for that scene that i want to draw as a decent art too,I can show it if you want it is not really good but not the worst too, i actually wanted to make an art blog but when i see some peoples art i am like man, i dont want to embarrass myself with my shitty sketches between people like this haha), only when ramsay killed domeric, he was seen and wanted (well, for only practical reasons but whatever) by his father.
Hi, about your later ask, yeah, i got this rant, i just fell asleep then and when i woke up, i forgot that I have something to reply.
Also dude (gender neutral), show that sketch. Make that art blog. I have one and i am definitely not very good, i am just learning, but there are still people who enjoy it. Idk if you saw it, but there was some post that when people see your works, they aren't "booo, that's ugly", but rather "holy shit, more content".
Sorry for making a motivational speech, but whenever i feel self-conscious, i search "make bad art" on tumblr and those posts usually make me feel better. Also I recently complained to my bf that i made progress in drawing but it seems that i will never be as good as my idols. And he simply replied that i am horny enough for it to motivate me. And i was like dude, i need to also have a talent. And he went just like "you get talent by being too horny for characters xd"
Also, I really wanna see the scene of their meeting. It's enough interesting dynamic as it is, but i like to sometimes imagine how it would look like if Domeric lived and lets say both of them ended up in Dreadfort. I remember some modern au headcanons where Domeric was into true crime (but only in theory lol) so they just spent hours with Ramsay eating fast food and watching crime documentaries (as a big fan of true crime myself, i appreciate this vision of theory brother x practice brother bonding).
Ramsay has daddy, mommy and every possible issue lol yeah, i am afraid i would fail him. At one hand, i like horror and gore, so i could get interested in his hobbies, but i think i would still try to help his victims, even if not escape, then making their life a bit easier. Tbh, before he got captured, I hated Theon. I get he had daddy issues, but he was such a little self-entitled bitch. And also it still makes me laugh how he was kind of idiot at the end of ACoK. Ramsay literally led an army in his flayed man armor and Theon was like "wow, how a servant gets such an armor". Damn, Ramsay even literally said "those are men of my father, and by the way I am Ramsay Bolton, last person who called me snow ate her own fingers" and Theon is just like "Wtf, I don't like your vibe dude. Watch your tone. Your still my servant". Considering how much he talked about fucking, he just had all his blood in his cock instead of his brain.
But Jeyne Pool is a sweet baby, and I probably would try to help her, getting myself in trouble. In general, I think if i got into affair with Ramsay, it would be a passionate one, but eventually one of us would kill the other. Not the best scenario, but i appreciate the dramaticism. And inherent romanticism of holding your lover as they die after you killed them. And you realize some relationships can only be happy in Hell together.
Sorry, I don't know where I was going with that lol.
Also, i totally agree that he likes to be claimed, even though he would be at first like "oh, no, don't do it, i have a reputation to uphold... unless" and it would be clear that he actually enjoys it.
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tomatoscribbles · 1 year
hey, I just saw you mentioned in a post that you're kinda new to the Tekken fandom, and as a long time fan myself, I just wanted to welcome you into the fandom! It always makes me happy to see new people join the fandom! I also love your drawings and au's! (especially the Kaz raising Jin one). I'm one of the few fans who enjoy Tekken more for it's story and characters (the Mishimas anyways) and your art has really made my day whenever I see you post! I'm very exited for your story, I always love it when there is new character based Tekken content and judging by what you've been posting so far it's gonna be amazing! <3 <3 <3
thank you!! to both the welcome and the compliments, theyre very appreciated
that being said, im into the series almost entirely for the story cause i uhm. i. ive never played a tekken game in my life??😅 i fell down a rabbit hole mid last year and watched and read a bunch of stuff, but ive never touched a game personally!! i didnt have them growing up, i dont have but like 2 gaming consoles and no one to play with anyway, everything i know and care about is entirely from looking into it obsessively 😭😭 im here like scared to post this because i dont want to destroy my credibility or anything especially since im planning such a big fic, but like!! you have to deep dive to get story for real in these games anyway so!!
please no one clown on me for this im mocked by my family enough for this fact already sdhfuksdjf
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snipergirl21 · 3 years
hi, I saw your rec list for joe x nicky fics and loved it! thanks a lot for that. do you happen to have some A/B/O recs as well?can be any length and rating (preferably complete? and I dont mind angst as long it has a happy ending). I have read in other fandoms, but not for this one. thank you!!
Hi, Anon. Thank you so much for your ask! I had to really give this one a good think, so it took me a few days to answer it. Full disclosure: you've caught me at a weird point where I've been taking a break from fic reading/writing due to work, so I'm relying on my bookmarks and my own memory, and quite a lot of these are in line with my own personal preferences and/or written by my friends.
I do hope that you will like my choices and maybe explore some other fics written by these authors. I've avoided unfinished/WIP fics (this list is long enough as it is!), except for one, which I will indicate separately (and tell you why it's worth it). Mind the tags on some of these, because they can get super kinky!
1. Wistful is the rain by dana_norram. My favourite omegaverse fic. This one is so beautiful and angsty (but with a happy ending!). Basically it takes the entire lab scene, but adds the drama of an unexpected pregnancy in there. Also has some lovely art by eiseul! I also must recommend the author's other omegaverse fic birth among the ruins, it's just as good.
2. Pretty Woman Walking Down The Street by ejdominus. Also my favourite omegaverse fic (yes, I have two). This one I love because it turns typical alpha/omega dynamics on their head. Imagine alphaNicky picking up omegaJoe for a night of passion, but the night doesn't end the way you might think. The conversations they have are just as passionate as the actual sex, and I can't recommend this one enough.
3. Every You, Every Me by Sholeh675 (Solange956). This one I love, love, love for the story. It's got a great hook; what if infertile omega escort Nicky fell in love with his alpha client Joe while servicing his pregnancy kink? I know I just gave away the plot, but you simple have to read this just for the feels! There's angst, but also a happy ending.
4. Nextdoor A/B/O AU by loflight501. This one is an entire fic series, set in the great Kenzarelli Multiverse. So, while you do have Joe and Nicky in there, there are also other alpha/omega pairings for you to explore, based on Marwan's and Luca's other movie characters! I'm sure you'll find several new favourites just from this one alone.
5. The Breeding and The Royal Omega Contest by Kadma32. Yay, a two-for-one special! I love them because the backstories are so unique. The Breeding is set in a dystopian future, while Royal Omega Contest has a fantasy tinge to it. If you want your omegaverse with a bit of adventure, do give these a read.
6. A/B/O Joe and Nicky Modern AU by In_agony_and_ecstasy. This fic series stands out to me because it's written in first-person, which I normally avoid, but the story here was just so compelling. It's an exploration of their relationship all the way from bonding to baby (spoiler alert) and if you just want something sweet, you should give this a try.
7. Love At First Time by yonge_sonne. This one I would recommend if you want something fresh and kinky. I've never seen omegaverse written this way (with size differences!) but it's so hot and dirty, you definitely should check it out.
8. Marrow Bone by fishie_scribbles. This fic is a little edgy, but the story is so good! Nicky is locked in an unhappy marriage to a rich alpha, and seduces handsome milkman Joe. There is angst but also hot, hot sex. If you want omegaverse with a dark twist, please give this one a read.
9. Milk and Honey by Claire. A loving fic of Joe satisfying Nicky's heat during some downtime in between missions. This one also has some lovely art by eiseul included. And, I have to recommend the author's omegaverse stick figure drawings! They're simple adorable!
10. Repair a heart by Mother_Of_Hedgehogs. This story is so fluffy and sweet. Alpha repairman Joe takes a job in the home of single omega dad Nicky, and immediately begins pining after him. So what will happen when Nicky suddenly goes into heat? Obviously, there is a happy ending here, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it!
11. A Different Kind Of Craving by sparkliblue. This hot fic has a super pregnant Nicky basically jumping on Joe's knot, so definitely give this one a read. What makes this one stand out to me (aside from the obvious) is that this omega Nicky has a vagina, which I've not seen much of in omegaverse. But also super hot!
12. Permanence by elii. This one-shot is about Joe marking Nicky back in their early days, when they think that the mark won't be permanent (but turns out, it is). More than the sex, it's the dialogue I love in this one. It's so mushy and sweet!
13. just go now just go go go by everyshootingstar. Ohmaigawd, this fic. It's basically alpha Nicky going into a rut, and he has to confess to alpha Joe that actually he doesn't want an omega, but instead he craves another alpha. There is no sex here, but there is comfort, and something about this one gives me such feels.
14. Your fill of love by nolimepercipere. Ah, this fic is super cute and super yummy (there are three recipes included at the end). Basically alpha Joe ends up feeding his pregnant omega neighbour Nicky, and they fall in love throughout the course of the story. It's so cute, I recommend it for the tender loving romance.
And finally, a WIP fic I love with all my heart. The author is taking a break currently, but you should definitely follow this one, because it's worth waiting for.
15. Backwards by TheLoveliestCrime. Beta Joe falls in love with omega Nicky, who is a surrogate for Joe's friends Andy and Quynh. That's the surface plot, but I promise you, if you want something different from your usual alpha-omega storylines, please consider this beta-omega romance, which really questions the whole idea of fated pairs. The characters are so well-written and the story so well-developed, it made my heart squeeze multiple times.
These are just a few of the omegaverse JoeNicky fics I love, there are so many more, but I left them out as they are WIPs. I would still recommend that you explore the tag and hopefully pick up some and maybe poke the authors into continuing them. 😈
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ashleygren · 5 years
Bnha ships
I recently updated my fandom list and my hero academia was on the list, I also said I might make a list of ships from some of those fandoms. I'm starting with bnha because theres a lot I love/like and its really easy to ship people in it. ATTENTION: if you don't like a pairing on the list thats fine, not everyone will agree with eachother wjen it comes to shipping. I'm a person who believes that as long as you know the difference between fiction and reality (so don't do fictional stuff like murder, torture, etc in real life) you aren't a bad person. So please be kind when interacting with people whos ships differ from yours. I'll write the ship name and which characters it entails.
Dekubowl- deku is just a character I can see ending up with anyone. I do have some deku ships I love more than others tho.
Queer pairings:
Bakudeku- bakugou and deku are my top two favorite characters from the series and a lot of my favorite moments are interactions/development between the two. Bakugou and Midoriya.
Shindeku- I live for grumpy/sunshine ships theyre so cute. These two just seem made for eachother. Shinsou and Midoriya.
Kirideku- grump/sunshine is great but sunshine/sunshine is blinding with how sweet it is, though for specifially these two they're more like an eclipse (maybe not the best word) but they give off so much happiness and motivation I forget they both have a lot of issues with themselves and thier pasts.
Momo x Jiro (earlobe girl)- these two are really cute. Thats it thats the whole reason I like it they look cute.
Ochako x tsuyu- something about these two in the anime made me think they would be a great team (as hero's and girlfriends).
Erasermic- listen i fell in love with eraserheads character as soon as I saw him and then this loud guy cockatiel burst through the door and I was hooked. I like to think theyre secretly married with 5 cats. Eraserhead and Present mic.
Erasermight- its cute and theyre really good dads. Eraserhead and all might
Kamikiri- ketchup and mustard. Theyre bros theyre cute and they can kick your ass.
Het pairings:
Allmight x Inko- i love seeing them interact and Inko deserves the best.
AFO x Inko - theories man those dang theories.
Lida x Ochako- best friends and in love (I know people always talk about red xblue ships but theres quite a few canon and fan blue x pink ships. I think these two count)
Kaminari x jiro- I really like this ship as well don't be surprised if you see these names again in the ot3 part of the list.
Ochako x deku- ok so this one is a bit wierd. I like this ship but I hate how its portrayed in the anime. The way uraka acts around deku and how she thinks about him comes off as out of character for her (just my opinion). Any moment where she is watching or thinking about deku (especially in the last two seasons) takes me out of the immersion and feels really jarring watching it. When its not like the anime I adore this ship.
Ot3 pairings:
Deku x lida x Ochako- what more can I say. They just fit.
Todobakudeku- I don't generally ship todoroki with people cause he feels like that fifth wheel on a date, but this ship is an exception. You got two reckless bois running into danger while boi 3 tries his hardest to be the responsible one (I'll let you decide who is who).
Kiribakudeku- kiribaku is a ship I dont really feel anything for, I see cute art sometimes or they show up in the background of a fic and its nice but I dont go looking for it. Add deku in tho and I'm a sucker for it.
Jiro x Kaminari x momo- just let them be happy together.
Family dynamics:
Erasermic + adopted kids Eri and Shinsou
Eraserhead + adopted Eri and shinsou
All might x Inko + stepson deku
Eraserhead + adopted/protege deku
Eraserhead + adopting any kid who needs a good parent (like todoroki)
AFO + adopted shigaraki (and being a responsible parent to him)
Kurogiri + adopted league of villains
League of villains + adopted deku
Stain + protege/little brother deku
AFO + real son deku (afo is hishashi theory)
All might + protege/son deku
Oh this okay got rather long. I hope someone enjoyed reading it. I'll either make a post of some of my bnha fanfic ideas/wips or update my bbs ship list who knows.
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franeridart · 7 years
Hmmm.. what do you think about the monoma x shinsou ship??
It’s… possibly a good ship? I guess? I’ve seen it around a bit, but ngl I don’t really understand it haha
Anon said: when’s your birthday?
November 13th! It’s still pretty far~
Anon said:you say you like seeing the bakusquad taking care of babies hmmm? draw them maybe? OuO
I did haha
Anon said:Because of your art (you made me fall in love with Bakugou and Kirishima and Kaminari) I started BNHA and got my best friend into it. Now I can’t stop writing them and my friend and I have several AUs already.
This is the best kind of ask omfg !!!!! Glad I could get you into my disaster trio!!! …but also are you maybe gonna share like I’m starved for bakushimanari content a n o n
Anon said:Aw man i was gonna recomend that fic by newamsterdam to you. Like i finished reading it and thought you could like it since you like that other kuroo x teru fic (thanks to you and the anon for that btw) and it seemed your style? Im kinda sad i missed the chance (ok i know this whole ask sounds stupid)
Awwww don’t be sad anon, reccing me bakushima stuff is seriously hard because I might or might not go daily in the ao3 tag to read anything complete that’s been updated and I might or might not be following all fics regularly updating unless they have a character death/angst with no happy ending warning oops - thank you for thinking about me tho!!! That made me happy haha
Anon said:I pestered my friend until he watched (and fell in love with) bnha and now I’m pestering him to look at your blog because your art is top notch and every bnha fan should look at your art imo
Thank??? You???? Holy smokes !!!
Anon said:Aaaaaaa I really love your bakushima art its just so pure and wholesome and makes me really happy when I see it!! ;;u;;
B O I THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:The Uraraka and Bakugou fight!!! !!! !!! Probably my favourite fight in the tournament ahhh just the depth of character from both of them I’m ;; and the “Todoroki isn’t you” line ahhhhhhhhhhh
Haha well my fave is still the bakushima one ngl I’m weak for Bakugou actually having fun, but I feel this!! It’s a great fight and the anime did it so so well too!!!! Can’t wait for next episode tbh aahhhhhhh !!!
Anon said:With the latest chapter, I’m gonna assume Midnight ships the hard bros lmao. But honestly tho, she was me!! I love them!!! It was everything I hoped it to be, the graphics, the focus on their hands, the handshake, thE FREAKING SPARKLES!!!!
It was!!!!!!! Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! And such a sweet surprise too, I thought I wouldn’t get to see it this episode and YET!!!!! I might have yelled hahaha
Anon said:“Three sets of eyes and still can’t see bakugou” 1000% accurate I’m crying
*wiggle eyebrows*  the pun was calling for me
Anon said:Things that automatically make my day better: seeing a notification that says “franeridart has posted a photo”. I always give a little gasp and go “FRANNY!” Before immediately looking at the picture. Even the ones that aren’t for fandoms I’m in are so super cute!! So long story short I love you and your art k bye
Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You’re so sweet oh my g o s h!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *O*
Anon said:Would it be possible to see any bokuroteru or bakushima art in your rb?
Anon said:The bakushima smooches would look great on a notebook/mug/etc !
I added the smooches!!!! And I mean to go through my bakushima stuff to see what else works!! As for the bokuroteru, is there anything specific you’d like to see? Nothing seems worth it tbh haha rip
Anon said:I just bought a bag and a t-shirt and this shirt will be worn at anime expo in July and I would looooooove it if some of YOYR matsuhana S made it into your shop because I would buy all of them
THANK YOU SO MUCH OH MY G O D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:M'cryin the way young Mirio looked was like a colonial American teen. Also holy shit the character development showing Tamaki’s anxiety and pessimism, and then Mirio being the super supportive friend he is and just ugh everything about this chapter was amazing
IT W AS I love it so much Amajiki’s such a good character honestly and his relationship with Mirio is!!! So good!!!! Also long haired Mirio might have been a nod to his liking rock music actually!! I love it!
Anon said:Do you ever wonder if Mirio is maybe too good and one of these days we’re gonna find out he’s actually a bad egg
…Nah. He’s not the only exceptionally good character after all, Deku, Uraraka and Kirishima are right there with him, and Toshi too! Pure characters are a Thing in bnha, which makes sense since they’re all heroes, it’s their job to be good haha
Anon said:Heeyyy so, I have this dream of owning a bookstore, and was wondering if I commissioned so e work, if you’d be ok with me displaying it in my store? Just you know… hypothetically speaking…
Well, as of now my commissions aren’t open so there’s that. But once I’ll open them then it’ll depend on what exactly you commission me to draw, I guess? I dunno! Once my commissions will be open you can contact me off anon and we can talk about it one on one~
Anon said:What do you think of platonic Tokoyami x Tsuyu dynamic? They work so well together! I think they could be good friends! Also do you ship Tokoyami and Shouji? They earned a place in my heart since the training camp!
I love!!!! TokoTsuyu!!!!! Holy heck!!!! I’ve drawn them together a couple of times, their exam together was really amazing I wish I could see more of them interacting! Also they were my first faves in bnha, so seeing them interact has always been like a treat to me haha also yes to ShoujiYami!! Drew that once as well, they’re so cute~ smallest boy x tallest boy, what a good couple !!
Anon said:Have you ever thought about Tetsutetsu x Kendou? I can’t stop thinking about it since the training camp, I love Kendou so much she’s so awesome and sweet, and Tetsutetsu is amazing and a true hero, and they have such a lovely dynamic!
MY MAIN TETSU SHIP !!!!!!! I drew them once too, I love them so so much they’d make such a good couple honestly I should draw them more
Anon said: I love your Hagakure hc you posted! She’s so lovely, I hope she learns how to make herself visible because I can’t imagine meeting people and knowing no one knows how you look like. She’s probably cool with her quirk now, after so many years, but I’m sure she must get upset sometimes…
My fave thing about Hagakure is that she sometimes acts as if she forgets no one can see her - not even in an angst way, like she complains about Mineta looking in their changing room or stuff like that, I can’t tell if she just genuinely forgets or if she’s so used to being invisible that for her is like being visible anyway???? Either way it’s gonna be fun if and when she’ll learn how to make herself visible! 
Anon said:This latest chapters have me shipping Kirideku a little~~~~ haha. Man, I love their interactions, they are so supporting of each other and so work well together. Its nice seeing Deku interact with someone who doesn’t expects anything of him and who is just a friend
Nah, there’s lotsa people who don’t expect anything from him, Deku’s friends love him a lot~ but yeah his interactions with Kiri are fun, most times it’s just Kiri getting excited and being overly energetic as usual and Deku going “ye-yeah!” with his uncertain face, it’s??? fun??? Seeing the members of the bakusquad interact on friendly terms with the dekusquad is always fun for me exactly for that, Deku’s friends are all so mild compared to Baku’s, you notice the squad’s energy even more like this haha
Anon said:(Waifu2x anon) *gasp!* I’m not worthy!!
You keep me in too high regards, anon haha
Anon said:fran!! i saw your art for todays chapter and promptly died all over again. ive fallen in mirio/amajiki hell and i dont wanna get out. ive also taken to using miriama as their ship name too?? so idk what else people use but!! i just need to scream at you how beautiful your art is and i would buy things from you if you ever opened a shop
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Since posting those doodles I’ve heard MiriAma MiriTama MiriMaki MiriJiki TogaAma and TogaJiki and I love??? All of them???? I don’t know which I’ll end up picking honestly I wonder what the main tag is atm haha is there even art for them? There should be t b h
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bangtanhmu · 8 years
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hi hi my friends ! i have finally compiled all of my backstory files & have decided to put them together for u in one giant post since some of u were interested ! i linked the texts where certain info is referenced for some things that u might have missed !!!! n also u don’t have 2 read this @ all like y/n is still YOU these are just like the mini fics i wrote 2 help me write the texts so they’re all unique 2 each individual boy n everyone has their own stories n personalities !
pls put ur reading glasses on 2 protect ur lil eyes bc we are abt to go on a luv~ journey
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Y O O N G I:  custard bread couple
how they met: 
they met @ a clothing store !!! the stylists had finally caught on that yoongi had been taking home his ~work clothes because honestly he had been a lil too lazy to shop or dress himself lately and after he gave them back he was left w very little clean things and didn’t want to go through their communal laundry pile n figure out what was his so he decided to just shop instead. so he went out w the standard celebrity hat + mask disguise combo and tbh noticed y/n working in the shop right away bc she was in the darks section hidden between two racks of sweaters n secretly using her phone. and it was kinda cute n funny to him 1. bc she was slacking off during work and 2. bc she was dressed in white n pastel pink so she did more standing out than blending in. n so yoongi pretended to look thru a rack of black sweaters for a few mins before he cleared his throat n said “is playing hide and seek part of the job?” and y/n obvi jumped bc she didn’t even realize someone had been in that section and dropped her phone on the ground. so she was pouty and ready to kinda say something bratty back but as soon as she took one look @ yoongi n his hat + mask she bursted into laughter and said “you look like a walking police sketch” min yoongi pretty much lost to the demonic possession that is love @ that very moment
backstory: yoongi’s y/n
her parents run an art gallery in gangnam !!! they always gave her lots of freedom 2 pursue her own interests so when she was little she did everything from piano to taekwondo to dance to collecting dragon ball figurines but also rilakkumas. she never rly had 2 worry abt anything bc her parents are super supportive. and now……..because she’s always had so much freedom, she doesn’t exactly know what she wants to do w her life ??? because a lot of things interest her ?? and choosing one thing doesn’t seem like a decision she’s ready to make yet !?? so she got the job @ the clothing store bc she wanted some responsibility  (even tho she breaks company policy n is on her phone half of her shift) and routine. n it made her feel a little less guilty abt being ~taken care of i guess ???? but tbh she doesn’t give herself enough credit bc she does a lot for other ppl ??? esp for her parents like she’s always helping out @ the gallery and running errands hmm other things. she has an older brother who studies film (her fam is generally v artistic) n he’s quite serious n like the definition of perfect child and she likes to tease him a lot but she takes care of him a bit too she’ll call him like “ i dropped off some candles n boxes of tea @ ur apartment bc yesterday you looked so stressed u kinda resembled goku abt to go super saiyan. that can’t be good for ur health !!! take care of urself ”!!!! um tbh when yoongi n y/n were getting to know each other like ~deeply she was kinda worried that he’d be put off by her upbringing bc tho they are not completely polar opposite, his is still very very different from hers and she was afraid that maybe he’d judge her for it but it wasn’t like that @ all !!!! yoongi was v happy & relived (?!!!) to hear this bc he knew that she had 3 pillars of support if he couldn’t be there for some reason and also it was so……….. relieving………. for his heart to know that she hadn’t been hardened by the world ??? and like y/n had been studying his reaction super closely totally prepared for some judgment but the only thought in yoongi’s head was “thank god thank god thank god” because y/n is like his own little heaven & that’s hella cheesy for him to think so it’s probably why he calls her demon instead. he likes that she has many interests because she always has something new to tell him and she knows a little abt everything so when they go out n she explains something to him he feels proud ???? and impressed and smitten ?? and not the usual annoyed bc she talks abt things a lot cuter and with less pretense than namjoon does when he’s being a know it all. but he doesn’t feel like y/n is a know it all. she’s just a sharer !!!! she wants to share everything w yoongi from random facts abt soccer or art or the extensive n complicated backstory of the band gorillaz & she gets excited about it and yoongi LOVES it !!!! he loves that when she’s excited the first thing she thinks abt is telling him so he can be excited too and he loves that he doesn’t have to guess what she’s thinking or feeling bc she tells him everything. she doesn’t hide from him and so he feels like he can’t hide from her and pushes himself to be more honest and open and it’s so relieving to finally be able to fully share himself w someone !!! the only thing that takes years off his life is that yoongi is like 90% of y/n’s impulse control (i think u could tell that in a few texts) lmao
custard bread couple things:
side characters - custard bread lady. y/n’s best friend sooyoung who has a very straightforward and ~jeongguk like personality.
reoccurring themes: custard bread, stop saving his fansite pics, love is demonic possession lmfao, RILAKKUMA VS KUMAMON, this face ;( 
nicknames:  brat (he calls y/n this usually followed by ;( ) demon (they call each other this lmfao) yoongz (y/n calls him this) mim moomgi (y/n calls him this)
how they met custard bread lady:
it was predating. yoongi was walking y/n to work one morning (which….. he’d rather be sleeping but he wouldn’t be able to see her for a week after that so he decided to milk all the time he had) n they decided to stop @ custard bread lady’s shop bc it was open and on the route 2 y/n’s job so it seemed pretty convenient (they had never been there before) n the plan was to get yoongi’s black coffee & y/n’s hot chocolate n get out of there within 5mins which seems like a reasonable plan but little did they know a middle aged man from h e l l would be the customer ahead of them. & every time yoongi tells this story he swears this man must’ve had zero concept of the coffee making process bc he was like ridiculously offended that he’d have to wait a few minutes for his coffee n completely yelling @ custard bread lady for no reason which was……….delaying the production of his coffee even further. n y/n wanted to step in so bad yoongi could see it all over her face she wanted 2 straight falcon punch this middle aged dude all the way to whatever sad desk job he has for disrespecting the god they would come 2 know as custard bread lady. but he knows her. she’s too high maintence for prison.  so yoongi rolls his eyes and very loudly says “just go buy a bottled coffee from f*cking starbucks if ur really in that much of a hurry” and the man turns around like what did u say u punk. who do u think you’re talking to. and yoongi has decided to just completely pretend like he didn’t say anything bc if u dont give demons like this attention they’ll eventually go away so he takes the opportunity 2 step up to the counter n is like “can we have a black coffee n hot chocolate pls we’re prepared 2 wait as long as u need” n custard bread lady is so confused bc the man is like still yelling @ yoongi (who is holding tightly onto y/n so she doesnt turn around like “HE SAIIIIIIIID JUST GO BUY A BOTTLED COFFEE FROM F*C—”) so custard bread lady prepares their order n the guy is yelling @ yoongi who is now scrolling through twitter on his phone & taking mental note of all the new curse words he’s learned from this man and eventually that dude leaves (not without threatening to find yoongi later) and custard bread lady is relieved that he’s gone & is thanking them like they’re some kind of heroes & they’re like we literally didnt do anything @ all. but she’s appreciative anyway n throws in free bread w/ their order and unknowingly changed their lives n taste buds 4ever 🍞
face claim:
gfriend eunha
(idk if these are technically face claims bc i rarely show their faces ! i just like 2 use the same girl for one member to keep the texts consistent & unique 2 them)
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S E O K J I N - ajae couple
how they met: 
they met @ uni !!! seokjin is hardly ever on campus (he’s a v busy man) so he was super super lost n confused trying to find a restroom one day. and while he was wandering through the halls he saw y/n carrying a 50 ft stack (an exaggeration) of coloring books (there’s a reason ehehheh) and even tho his bladder was abt 2 explode he ran over to help her bc it really looked like she’d fall over if a spec of dust landed on top of them. but being suddenly approached by a tall n broad (n handsome) guy startled y/n so s he fell over anyway. and seokjin laughed his rly rly loud goofy laugh as he picked up the coloring books surrounding her and made a rly cheesy  "wow i didn’t think you’d fall for me this quickly"  joke & @ first y/n was completely appalled but then she realized he wasn’t laughing at her he was laughing at his own joke lmao !!!! not everyone is as confident n open as seokjin he has no problem talking 2 ppl but it was kind of not the case for y/n she didn’t rly know what to say or do so he did abt 90% of the talking as he carried the coloring books (he didn’t ask abt them) to wherever they needed to go n y/n did abt 100% of the laughing bc seokjin held back a little not wanting 2 overwhelm her and because he rly liked hearing her laugh for some reason. so they get 2 where y/n needs to go n seokjin puts everything down n jokingly asks if there’s a 50ft stack of colored pencils that he also needs to bring in n she laughs again so he’s satisfied n decides to quit while he’s ahead. before he leaves he asks 4 her number and also directions to the nearest restroom !!!!!!! 
backstory: seokjin’s y/n
she wants to be a teacher. a kindergarten or elementary school teacher❗️👩🏻‍🏫 she’s like a teaching assistant rn n she’s almoooooooost finished w school !!!! i think what she wants 2 do says a lot abt her personality. very patient very kind & gentle !!!!!! and will indulge in ~childish things like games the way seokjin does !!! but i don’t think she’s as outgoing as him she’s more introverted n shy !!!! she’s the oldest in her family n has 2-3 younger siblings so i think that’s part of the reason why she wants to work w kids so much bc she’s good w them and she loves interacting w them and she has more patience than others do so she’s rly good @ taking the time to understand them…………and seokjin lmao. she listens to him like genuinely listens & appreciates what he has to say and it rly means a lot to him bc there’s certain times when he feels under appreciated or like his voice doesn’t matter but she takes him 100% seriously. she encourages all the silly behavior he’s usually told to suppress bc that’s his charm !! and she thinks he’s sincerely funny and cute and interesting and smart. and tbh most people don’t rly remember that seokjin is his family’s maknae and being the oldest of 7 dudes was probably hard to adjust to !!! they talk abt cooking & baking !! it’s usually seokjin leading and y/n assisting but she’s the one who finds the recipes and stuff n gets so excited bc “omg seokjin is gonna LOVE this !!!!!” and tbh she’s so soft for seokjin he still flusters her a lot even tho they’ve been together for a while so whenever she calls him handsome or cute it’s not bc she knows he wants to hear it but bc she’s still like so in awe of him n probably won’t ever stop. family is so important to her & hers really ADORES seokjin like she mentioned how much her mom loves and brags abt him & that makes her so happy ! n it makes him happy too bc he fits right in & he feels like he belongs ! @ the beginning seokjin was rly worried about scaring her off bc she seemed so shy and stuff and he didn’t wanna overwhelm her but they both got comfortable super quickly bc seokjin is such an easy person to be around and once she started opening up he brought out his full personality. and it’s feels so nice to be himself and have someone w/ common interests and someone he can talk to without feeling like he’s whining. he loves her a lot like rly rly rly loves her n is willing to put aside his pride & admit that she might be the most beautiful person on this planet. he loves to take photos of her when they’re out eating n stuff n it makes her shy but he just like loves looking at her and probably spends most of the day remembering her face. but he also loves like how good she is !! like just a genuinely good person w a pure heart and he thinks it’s so cute that all the games she plays are like super mellow nintendo games like animal crossing !!! he probably bought the game too just so he could give her the fruit from his town and bury bells outside of her house. omg he probably screams when he shakes a tree and bees start chasing him and y/n thinks it’s so cute & funny to watch him panic n then complain abt his character’s visual being compromised bc of the stings. tbh they’d be THAT family that has like a yt account where seokjin uploads vids of him & his son’s mario maker map or snack reviews and u can hear y/n laughing in the background as she’s filming. good & pure.
ajae couple things:
reoccurring themes: cooking, food, video games.
face claim:
red velvet irene
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J E O N G G U K - choke slam couple
how they met:
these 2 frogs met outside a convenience store lmao !!!! u know those claw game machines where u spend like a billion quarters just to fail @ winning a plushie 50 consecutive times ??? that’s what guk was doing. mingyu made the mistake of saying those things were impossible and of course guk had to prove him wrong. honestly @ the time he didn’t even know why he had so many quarters in his wallet but he’d later find out that it was one of taehyung’s weird pranks that he’ll forever be grateful for because y/n who was eating her convenience store ramen very very slowly had been watching him lose to the machine 7 times in a row and tbh it was so f*vkifng funny to her and watching the rly cute guy getting scammed by a machine had made her forget abt the mental breakdown she had bc of exams 1hr earlier. so she stuffed her snacks in her backpack n watched him fail just once more before sauntering over as he turned to complain to his friend. y/n smiled n said hey as she put 2 quarters into the machine & guk turned around v v v startled but his surprised rounded eyes soon filled w/ awe ? admiration ? worship ? as y/n managed to successfully capture a plushie within 4 seconds n then slid it into the large pocket of his hoodie after she pulled it out of the slot. but guk couldn’t do much 2 respond bc what tf a goddess was standing in front of him??! this divine and hot as hell supreme being who conquered the cursed claw machine in 1 shot. so y/n taught him the secret to beat the game and mingyu had excused himself after the pair had won two more plushies together and guk didn’t even feel bad that he had forgotten that his friend was there bc this really really interesting convenience store girl was leaning over his shoulder n coaching him as he went for the doramon plushie and her hair smelt like strawberries. when he walked her back to her dorm there were 3 plushies in the pocket of his hoodie, one in his actual hood, 3 in y/n’s backpack and one in her arms.
backstory: jeongguk’s y/n
a student !!! she’s a 1st yr university student. she kinda reflects where guk might be if he was a ~normal dude. i think that’s why the way they met is kinda important bc it was 2 ppl the same age @ the same place @ the same time but @ two completely diff places in life & feeling completely diff emotions. she grew up in a competitive environment bc her dad is a taekwondo instructor and her brother is a well decorated like student athlete type of thing in that sport. omg so she spent a lot of time there and idk why i gave her a tiny bit of sad story but she lived most of her life w/o her mom so it’s always been her & her dad & brother like eating take out n watching sports together @ home and that was more than enough 4 her. only her & yoongi’s y/n & hoseok’s y/n seem to be genuinely interested in idol groups and for her i think it’s bc she rly turned to girl group members for her female role models n stuff !!!!! she’s living away from her dad & brother for university & that’s probably why she was having a hard time that night they met. and bc guk knows she’s alone he gives her a lot of attention (in f2l texts he always wanted to talk on the phone or FaceTime even tho they weren’t together yet & he talked abt how he loves being w her even tho sometimes he’s just keeping her company while she studies) guk’s y/n is smart and witty and confident and guk really really really thinks she’s wonder woman or something. in his eyes she can do ANYTHING they joke a loooooot and roast each other a looooooooot but he truly believes she’s the most capable person in the world and he thinks super super super highly of her. she’s funny and dependable and ambitious and understanding and she respects the creative direction of his dubsmash vids lmao. bc they joke around so much guk always takes the time to let her know how much he cares abt her so she doesn’t miss understand. like in the christmas texts and valentine’s texts he’s one of the only members 2 rly pour out his feelings bc he makes sure to put in the effort during special days. y/n sometimes tells him that he doesn’t need to bc she knows without him having to say it and she doesn’t want him to feel pressured but he thinks it’s really important that she hears it from him. it’s a real concern for him he’s mentioned it a few times that his instinct is to show affection through teasing her & memes but that’s bc he was scared of the vulnerability @ first but now he’s a self proclaimed Emo™ and let’s her know that she’s loved by him. their personalities are really really similar so they understand each other easily but are different enough that they compliment each other well and are literally each other’s partner in crime (they talk abt how much trouble they get into). idk if any of u watch running man but there’s this episode when haha’s wife guest stars and they’re paired as a team and the dynamic is sooooooo guk & y/n bc even tho they’re competitive and she’s yelling @ him to endure just a little bit longer so they can win the challenge she’s still being like affectionate n like calling him pet names while coaching him and after he gets eliminated from another challenge and it’s her turn he does the same for her and they won the show that day by like playing to the other teams weaknesses and gassing each other up @ the same time omg & the last challenge was something romantic like they had to both pick a random floor of the building to meet on and if they chose the same one then they’d win and they both picked their anniversary and won & it was so funny & cute bc they were like screaming. and that’s how guk & y/n are. partners in crime but @ the end of the day Emos In Luv.
choke slam couple things:
reoccurring characters: wonwoo from seventeen. uyoo the dog. y/n’s best friend yerin. the napkin lady from the convenience store (who hates them very much).
reoccurring themes: kermit memes / frogs, RIPPED (as in everything he raises [kids…….or puppies] will be ripped like him), jeon jeongguk vs jeon wonwoo, getting banned from places, choke slams
nicknames: frog girl (he calls y/n this because he claims that she looks like a kermit the frog meme) babe (usually it’s hot babe lmfao and he never calls y/n this directly only when he’s talking abt her……..to her?) 
face claim:
red velvet joy
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J I M I N - snow couple
how they met: 
they met…………@ the dmv hehehehehehh! jimin can’t drive yet but he really really wants to and in korea u gotta take one written test n two driving tests. mini is there for the first driving test n he’s sosososo nervous bc if he fails this he really won’t hear the end of it from the others……….especially jeon jeongguk. he’s gone over the procedure abt a thousand times in his head and he’s convinced that he’s ready but then the small waiting room door opens and in walks y/n dressed in all white & her hair in pretty bun (she looks like she has v important plans after this) and she’s reading the driving manual they gave him after his written test and jimin is surprised bc he for sure thought he’d get celeb privilege n take the test alone (plus its early morning who else would be here). y/n sits beside him and notices he’s not studying @ all so she’s like hey wanna share my book !!!! and omg shy jimin is like o….kay…….sure as she scoots closer to him. n jimin pretends to read the left page but rly he’s looking @ her through his peripheral n listening to her whisper the ~important things on the right page to herself and it’s kinda calming but also making him incredibly nervous. n when y/n notices he’s totally not reading she closes the book and introduces herself and jimin (v shyly) does the same n she tells him that she thinks she has a 3% chance of passing considering that her brother has been teaching her & it took him 3 tries to get his license n mini laughs @ this and says that he has a 5% chance of passing because bc he only studied last night and exactly 0 ppl have been teaching him how to drive. so they go out to take their tests and jimin cheers for y/n and she fails n y/n cheers for jimin & he fails but it’s ok and jimin’s like “it looked like u were playing v bad gta” n y/n’s like “well u looked like u were 8th place in mariokart” and while the instructor went to schedule another test for them they were talking abt the teasing they’d get from their friends n jimin was describing guk like an elementary school bully & y/n was like “ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ he’s probably just jealous bc ur more handsome than he is” & jimin was gooooooone
backstory: jimin’s y/n
wow a BIG CUTIE a real flower girl like if jimin was born a girl he might be the cute n small n secretly devilish y/n !!! i imagine her parents to be business people or at least someone mildly important bc she always maintains a clean appearance (like even when they met early in the morning @ the dmv jimin made note of how well put together she looked)  and i think she likes that image and so does jimin bc he always feels like he’s meeting up w a princess (except on their secret shinee nights……..that’s strictly business) they can relate to each other in that sense bc even though they’re both very much themselves most of the time there’s still pressure to maintain a certain image in the back of their mind n i think that’s why they clicked right away when they met bc as soon as they stopped pretending to study and joked abt how unprepared they were it instantly became so comfortable. they can admit their faults & insecurities to each other w/o dwelling on it so it’s rly rly rly refreshing n jimin always feels like he’s floating on a cloud when he’s with y/n. she adores him really really adores him so much and i think it’s obvious (even tho she teases him bc his reactions are so cute) bc everything reminds her of him ! jimin has said that she thinks everything small and round looks like him  but i really think it’s bc having tiny jimin’s around when she misses him gives her some comfort !!! i don’t think he’s caught on yet bc he still has a hard time comprehending that someone likes him that much & reciprocates his feelings & attachment 100%. she’s the most insecure abt her bf being around so many beautiful ppl !!! n it’s not even that bad like she only ever mentions one group and the only reason it makes her uncomfortable is bc jimin has talked abt them before and jimin is the best guy in the world 2 her so there’s small feelings of “ah am i good enough for him?” but she usually fights those thoughts off. they have so much fun together & they love meeting up outside bc being cooped up is not what they’re abt !!!! but omg jimin is so determined not to waste any opportunity to spend time w her that he sometimes meets up when he’s v exhausted and ends up falling asleep while they’re out (it’s happened twice in daily texts hehe) and y/n doesn’t mind bc she thinks he’s cute even tho it hurts her that he works himself so hard !!! but she’s okay w/ looking after him while he sleeps bc at least she knows for sure that he’s resting. jimin adores her just as much !!! he thinks she’s so funny & amazing & cute & smart and they’re always giggling abt something or talking abt something excitingly but even if they aren’t doing much like if he’s just resting on her lap before he has to leave for a schedule he still feels like he’s on a high. and nothing makes him happier than checking his phone after a super long day n seeing a bunch of goodnight selcas and msgs~ and he appreciates that she feels the need to take care of him bc she’s never really had to take care of anyone before (she's family maknae) and that must mean that he’s rly dear to her so holds that special feeling and takes it with him wherever he goes~
snow couple things:
reoccurring themes: snow app thirst traps, secret shinee thing, apeach, tiny………..park jimin………tears………..
nicknames: mini (y/n calls him this)
what is the secret shinee thing:
okay the secret shinee thing is a………….game? a competition? initially meant to be a stress reliever but it got way too competitive and complicated over time lmfao okay it’s like competitive noraebang + chubby bunny + other special rules !!!!! so the other person picks a shinee song (member solos are allowed too but usually saved for the final round) for you and u have to sing it with 2 marshmallows in your mouth and during a specific members part you have to dance too. and there’s a banned word that u can’t say & u get 5 points deducted from ur score every time u say it and every time u forget to dance. so u have to try to get a high score despite all the challenges and whoever has the highest combined score @ the end wins. okok for example if mini was choosing for you he’d say something like
 ring ding dong 
 banned word: butterfly  
and okay if ur score was like 89 but u said butterfly once and forgot to dance once during jjong’s part then ur score would be 79. & if u were picking for mini you’d say something like
banned word: stay
and the loser has to do like a full game of chubby bunny (i’m imagining jimin rn and dyyyyying) + buy dinner + something embarrassing that the other person gets 2 chose :p
the reason they don’t want anyone to know abt it is because 1. it’s their special game n they’re worried their friends (taehyungandgukbutudidn’thearthatfromthem) might try to take it over 2. they rly look SO ridiculous while playing 3. jimin is actually friends w/ shinee (taemin) and if they found out abt this he’d be mortified 4. they take the competition too seriously heheh :p
face claim:
gfriend yerin
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N A M J O O N - aesthetic couple
how they met: 
omg they met on set !!!! namjoon is super super super super super super lucky that someone else was sick n y/n was sent to the photo shoot instead. longest photo shoot of his life honestly bc he was hung up on her as soon as she wheeled a rack of clothes past him w/o even looking his way. and he couldn’t help but stare as he was getting his hair done and his eyeliner applied and completely ignoring whatever yoongi was complaining about this time bc the peach tones of her outfit n make up n aura were too captivating & his mind couldn’t rly be bothered to focus elsewhere. and y/n totally knew that he had been staring @ her the entire time bc hello this is y/n she’s always 2 steps ahead of namjoon (which he loves bc he’s always been @ the top of whatever he does he’s never had 2 play catch up before) n so she continued to avoid his eyes as she smoothed out the collar of his shirt & joon was holding his breath bc her perfume that he recognized was really the icing on top of the cake. y/n smiled when he was finally styled to her liking and said “you know my sister likes bangtan. she talks abt jimin 24/7, but i’m more into rappers” joon finally woke up as she was walking away and he shouted out a v awkward “ur wearing chanel no5!!!” and y/n laughed @ his clumsy + cute attempt to impress her. n the fact that she was the smooth one during their first meeting still kills joon 2 this day.
backstory: namjoon’s y/n
she’s a stylist —but not all the way up there yet she mostly does styling for photo shoots n doesn’t have like a person or team she exclusively styles for at the moment but she’d rly like one. she’s interested in design & that would be like a dream come tru and namjoon fully believes in her bc she is so unique & brilliant & pretty much other worldly (in a good way) to him that he knows whatever she creates is gonna be good. she’s like namjoon in that she wants to be cultured ! and has probably studied like foreign language (they talked abt english lessons) or art history or some other interesting thing bc she’s always looking for inspiration. she has a younger sister who loves bangtan (her fave member is jimin) & hates namjoon bc of an incident that happened the first time she met him heheheh her dad is a professor n her mom works very hard to raise the family ! n they’re very well mannered n always had high standards for their daughters n even though they’re not authoritarian style parents y/n & her sister always felt like they had to maintain a certain image. so y/n carries herself w/ a lot of grace & namjoon loves it bc he’s (life threateningly) clumsy. @ the beginning he thought that he was way more into her than she was into him but i think we can all tell from the texts that she rly thinks namjoon is the hottest man alive lmao :p and tbh she finds him rly cute & charming especially the quirky way he dresses & the way he smiles w his entire face & the way he needs to fact check everything !!!!! & she really loves that he’s interested in fashion & supports her work bc she loves sharing each other’s opinions of clothes. they rly are the soulmate couple to me bc even their different interests are similar interests like. they go to record shops/cafes because namjoon likes to find weird english music and she likes to look @ the album art & they have this habit of turning two different things into one common thing. kinda like a puzzle. and that’s why i think they were meant for each other. she’s so openly into him like 24/7 and he pretends to be nonchalant but it flusters him & he loves it but he does his best to act ~smooth. it’s also super good & healthy bc he never feels insecure in the relationship and in return he tries his best to treat her like an actual goddess which she has fun w/ sometimes (the pic of him tying her shoes lmao) but they both receive back the love n attention they give ! it’s a rly good balance. y/n has also mentioned being close w/ namjoon’s mom a couple of times now and he loves it bc he’s such a momma’s boi but sometimes he feels like they just get together over tea and compare notes 📝 bc he’ll get calls from his mom like “you broke her sister’s arm !!!!!!!” or texts from y/n like “i can’t believe it took u 2 days 4hrs and 17 minutes to call your mom back, kim namjoon” lmao they just get each other and are so comfortable w/ each other namjoon can lay his head in her lap and talk abt alternate universes for 3 hours n she’ll let him get all of his thoughts out & he listens to her talk extensively abt the different shades of red. they’re each other’s best friend, personal photographer, #1 fan etc etc. just a good n healthy relationship
aesthetic couple things:
reoccurring characters:  y/n’s sister who hates namjoon. y/n’s best friend seungwan.
reoccurring themes: selfie wars, when will y/n’s sister stop hating him?, ryan, mildly suggestive texts. 
nicknames: baby (he calls y/n this)
why does y/n’s sister hate namjoon:
he broke her arm lmaoooooooooooo ! accidentally ofc ! it was the first time y/n was introducing her to him n she was very very worried bc her sister is a fan of bangtan n had high expectations that he’d be the person fans thought he was. so namjoon gave 2 of the tickets that are reserved for his friends & family to y/n  and her sister and they were gonna meet for the first time after the show n probably eat w his parents or something. at least that was the plan. so everything is over and they’re backstage looking for namjoon & y/n goes to the restroom bc um…….their concerts are like 3hrs long friends. and while she’s waiting y/n’s sister spots namjoon n like naturally she gets v excited bc she’s a fan and stuff n she forgets that she’d recognize him even tho he probably wouldn’t recognize her and she reaches her arm out as he passes to say like “yo my sister is in here” bc he looks like he’s trying to call her on his phone but instead it comes out as a loud n excited HEY !!!! and namjoon looks up 2 see a teenage girl reaching towards him n shouting n wearing the tour merch so he jumps to a very bad conclusion n assumes she’s like a sasaeng or something n gets scared n freaks out lmfao he like pushes his arms out to keep her away n this catches her off guard and she stumbles back n loses her footing n falls v awkwardly n suddenly starts yelling y/n’s name (it all happened v fast they both didn’t have time to react) and namjoon finally recognizes the familiar features and puts 2 n 2 together and hes like oh……………………….shit… and y/n comes out of the restroom and sees her sister on the ground looking livid and namjoon standing in front of her looking like he just signed a deal w/ sweet death and she also says oh……………………shit…and after many bribes including getting jimin to sign her cast she still hates him.
face claim:
apink naeun
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T A E H Y U N G - soft couple
how they met: 
they met at noraebang late one night omg !!!! taehyung was there w jimin and we know tae doesn’t drink but y/n truly thought he was drunk outta his mind when she walked into the wrong room n found him singing (yelling) and dancing to gee by snsd. jimin was so embarrassed (even tho he wasn’t the one trying to hit taeyeon’s high notes) and just looked @ the doorway mortified but tae didn’t care n offered y/n the microphone as he continued to follow along to the choreography as best as he could. and of course he gained a duet partner bc y/n was smitten as soon as she saw the pure (non intoxicated heheheh) excitement in his eyes :b y/n forgot abt the friends she was supposed to meet there and stayed with the 95z until their hour was up. tae made jimin pretend to be hungry so he had an excuse to hang out w y/n some more and invited her to mcdonalds w them and he kept sneaking peaks at her as they walked the two blocks bc he honestly was convinced she was an angel n now that he wasn’t being filtered by the multicolored lights of the noraebang room he felt a lil shy and ofc jimin noticed this right away and would giggle whenever taehyung’s eyes would go wide when y/n spoke to him and when he stuttered out her order to the cashier !!!! so mini had his fun bc he knew that would be the last time he’d ever hang out w them n not feel like a third wheel
backstory: taehyung’s y/n
if u asked taehyung abt y/n he would tell you that she’s an angel. an angel that has been sent down from heaven to love n protect him. she’s everything an angel would be: kind and caring and sweet and open and loving. she let’s tae be tae and that’s a v important thing !!! often he gets kinda scolded for behaving too ~weirdly or they tell him not to act so freely when they’re on broadcast but that’s never the case w y/n. he’s never heard those things from her. she accepts everything he shares & treats everything so specially n like it’s the most brilliant idea in the world. whenever he’s super excited texting her abt things she never shuts him down or refuses to play along she always joins in just as excited & encourages him to express his creativity and so he always feels super good & confident & he’s never worried that she’ll think he’s strange. and tbh it’s not like she goes out of her way to baby taehyung, that’s just who she is as a person. like when they first met & she didn’t turn around and walk out the door but rather joined in on the fun he was having w/o missing a beat !!!!! she’s just naturally rly open & accepting & fun so he doesn’t feel like she puts up w/ him out of sympathy or whatever. he knows it’s genuine & that she TRULY does think his thoughts and opinions are smart & unique & interesting & she really does fully trust him. and that’s why he think she’s his angel and he’s always reiterating his appreciation for her n complimenting her n making sure that she never doubts the pure love he has for her. she’s an only child and bc of that she’s very sociable and has a lot of friends and obvi has no problems starting conversations w strangers heheh. and she’s also a student like guk’s y/n (i see her doing something w medicine like studying to be a pediatric nurse or something n i can already imagine taehyung shouting nurse wifey !!!!!! when he gets a paper cut) and i think she puts a lot of pressure on herself to succeed in school & worries a lot more than he does in general & she doesn’t rly have to talk about it for taehyung to recognize it so he’s ALWAYS alwaaaaays talking abt her positive qualities bc he never wants her feeling insecure & he mentions how he’ll always be there to love & support her no matter what’s going on in her life bc like he said he loves her when she’s sad happy hungry sleepy thirsty sneezy but especially SAD bc that’s when she needs him most. they’re rly soft and pure omg everything they do is so cute like the couple items? scream. most of it is taehyung’s idea bc he’s excited to be in love and he wants everyone to know !!!!! even though he technically can’t let anyone know & that’s part of why he dotes on her so much too. this is a 2 way angel street. he’s her angel too and she feels it all the time !!!! there’s always a happy guy around that brings out the best in her !!!! n she loves the spontaneity that taehyung brings into her life bc they try a lot of new things !!!!! but still keep some regular things like they’re always eating mcdonald’s lmao (pls help these kids) and they don’t feel the need to go out as often the way jimin’s couple does. they stay in a lot and cuddle up and that’s just as exciting to them bc they have big imaginations and a lot 2 talk abt. they don’t stay mad @ each other bc theyre bother very forgiving n understanding n bc their fights are never fights like they both are very thoughtful ppl they’d never do things like forget an anniversary or say something hurtful that they don’t mean. bc that’s not who they are as ppl (esp in the relationship) taehyung’s jealousy is very small n usually half serious ! bc everyone likes her (like everyone likes taehyung)! from grandmas they meet when they’re out to kids in her neighborhood to her professors to his members (especially guk but it’s only in a noona - dongsaeng way & he mostly just feeds her & the other gfs info on tae/the other boys) so he gets nervous but she always thinks it’s cute and reassures him !!! there’s lots of communication n support n gassing each other up !!!! as expected from angels !!!!!
soft couple things:
reoccurring themes: uses dog pics to represent himself, this couple doodles a lot, tae uses bullet points / report style when he’s trying to make a point without being too serious (ex: missing person report when ur sad, recipe when he’s jealous), emojis, boyfriend daesang, soft memes
nicknames: wifey (he calls y/n this)
face claim:
red velvet seulgi
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H O S E O K - best couple
how they met: 
they met @ the hospital when hoseok was a handful of months old and y/n was a handful of hours! n there’s not much to say abt that initial encounter but their moms are best friends n they grew up together u know. hoseok would cry whenever he fell n scraped his knee & y/n would tell him she loved him n did her best to distract his thoughts as she placed a band aid over the wound. when her parents didn’t get her the doll castle she wanted for her bday hoseok ran home n gathered up all his legos to build one for her. n so they lived w that kind of dynamic (being each other’s knight in shining armor) for a long time n they loved it u know and they could admit that to themselves and to others but as they grew older they would never admit that they ~more than platonic~ loved each other bc “best friends don’t do that”. so hoseok would sit on the edge of y/n’s desk w his arms crossed n his tongue digging into the side of his cheek as another one of their classmates attempted a horribly thought out confession and instead of direct rejection y/n would ramble on abt what a perfect guy shinee’s taemin was. hoseok still instinctively scoffs whenever he hears replay. it wasn’t easy 4 y/n either bc her bff hoseokie whom she had to quickly change the channel for when horror movie ads came on was suddenly this handsome godly dancer n she had to wash her hands for an uncomfortable amount of time as she eavesdropped on the other girls in the restroom gushing over how hot her best friend was and struggled to deal w the fact that she thought the same.
backstory: hoseok’s y/n
we know a little bit abt y/n’s backstory bc hoseok & y/n mention their childhood a lot. like we know that he’s her best friend and that their moms are best friends and we know that she hasn’t loved anyone besides hoseok (except for shinee’s taemin) she’s basically hoseok sunshine but…………w/ a twist. hoseok is a capri sun & she’s lemonade. she’s rly rly sweet but wow if u even look @ hoseok the wrong way ur dead SO DEAD. but hoseok usually talks her out of being confrontational so u’ll probably just get hit w/ the double stink eye from them. to me she’s got an office job !!!! like she’s the mischievous graduate assistant n probably maknae of the office so she’s well loved but has to do things like run to the store n buy pringles for her coworkers when they’re working overtime and the stereotypic coffee run thing~ she brings a lot of joy to the older employees the way hoseok brings a lot of joy to his members & team so they never work her too hard. i think it’s a v comfortable job for y/n & it’s nice to have kind of a ~controlled environment. the beginning of their relationship was a mix of easy & awkward bc even tho it’s what they both wanted for a long time it was still like…….suddenly ur making out w/ ur best friend what the heck is going on. but after that it was so natural !!!! they know each other’s personalities so well that they’re never confused abt what the other needs !!!! tbh everyone was waiting for this to happen. like their moms have been dreaming abt a wedding for years and yoongi + guk had a bet going on and guk lost bc yoongi did some instigating hehehehh. y/n is so friendly & charming & they’ve known her for as long as they’ve known hoseok so they all like her for him bc she’s absolutely his #1 fan. y/n i think worries the least abt his schedule and not seeing him for a bit bc she’s already experienced it as his best friend and if anything it’s easier now bc she knows he’s ~hers. and if she is missing him he’s rly good @ making himself available to her so things get sorted out pretty quickly ! she rly rly rly cares abt him and wants to protect him bc he’s the best person she knows and so like that’s why she gets so worked up even if someone says they don’t like bngtn lmao & she rly cares abt his feelings like they mentioned that she was a fan of taemin when they were in school but ever since she found out it slightly bothered hoseok (f2l texts) she never mentions it (the way guk’s y/n does. not that she doesn’t care abt guk’s feelings. they’re just 2 v diff boys) !!!!!! she’s always giving him compliments and trying to make him feel good she doesn’t want him to feel insecure. hoseok rly loves her bc he truly feels like he has a person in this world who understands him 100% and he never feels like his personality is too much or too little when he’s with her. everything feels perfect & familiar & it’s like his heart’s home is w/ her and not w him.
best couple things:
reoccurring themes: my mom told ur mom to tell me to tell you / family events  (basically all stuff implying that they were childhood bffs turned Best Couple), lee taemin
face claim:
red velvet wendy
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thegeminisage · 7 years
papyrus and sans (2 for 1)
Why I like them: my favorite thing about papyrus is his enduring belief in the best of people he believes in me more than i do
Why I don’t: there is literally nothing not to like he is perfect in every way
Favorite episode (scene if movie): the part where he jumps out of the garbage to train alphys in loving herself no entrance could ever be more perfect
Favorite line: EVERY time he makes a pun, which is actually even more frequently than sans. also “papyrus! he smells like the moon”
Favorite outfit: COOL DUDE THREADS
OTP: papyrus/being aroace
Brotp: papyrus and flowey :’)
Head Canon: autistic papyrus! i love this one a whole lot i wish i saw more of it
Unpopular opinion: i don’t really like stuff where papyrus is secretly--anything. secretly hiding a dark and mysterious past or secretly in the know about more shit than--no, i’m saying this wrong, i read handplates AND underline, that’s not correct. like. okay. the stuff where his happiness and faith in humanity and upbeatness is ~all a lie!~ that kinda stuff. bc my favorite things about him are his confidence and his faith in people and his refusal to be worn down by life’s awfulness. i like to think that’s genuine and anything that portrays it as just an act never really sits right with me.
A wish: i think it would be cool to see him really use the full force of the strength available to him because even though he wouldn’t cheat like sans if he actually used all his strength + his blasters he’d probably be OP as fuck?? where’s the animation with badass papyrus give it to me
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: literally the concept art is my worst nightmare so glad all that was avoided
5 words to best describe them: brave, loving, kind, strong, great
My nickname for them: paps, because pap and pappy both sound weird to me.
Why I like them: i like how relatable he is i too care little for my appearance and never want to get out of bed. also i’m fat and asexual and sans is also asexual (shut the fuck up @ anybody who wants to fight about it), so like we’re #twinning pretty hard 
Why I don’t: he’s become onceler and i see too much accidental porn of him which needs to stop IMMEDIATELY and never, ever happen again. didn’t you guys get the memo he’s asexual?? (i know asexual people can have relationships leave me alone)
Favorite episode (scene if movie): i have 3. the first one is where he asks papyrus if he wants to look at the conveniently shaped lamp, because he’s fucking with the player, frisk, AND his brother ALL at the same time purely for his own amusement and no one else’s. that was when i fell in love with him as character. the second one is when he tells you the story at the mtt resort. and the THIRD one, is, obviously, his entire fight. holy shit. he’s so COOL
Favorite line: basically every time he taunts you when you’re fighting him. “how bout we make it a third” and “we’ll start from twelve” and “heh heh heh did i getcha” jesus christ he’s fucking SAVAGE dude
Favorite outfit: he just has the one but i prefer the variation with the plain hoodie, not the furry one, no mittens, and no socks.
OTP: sans/himself, as toby fox once said. i can tolerate veeeeery lowkey soriel or like, queerplatonic soriel, i guess. i’ve read a few comics and fics with them as a bg pairing and that was all right. i just prefer him as aro/ace and with no one.
Brotp: HIGH KEY sans and toriel like literally the the point where like i said i can tolerate shippy stuff of them if it’s very lowkey
Head Canon: haha i already mentioned the asexuality i guess whoops
Unpopular opinion: DON’T FUCKING SHIP HIM WITH FRISK (or chara) like idc if it’s ~aged up~ that’s...pedophilia, dudes. consensual adults fine okay whatever not my bag but go knock yourselves out but please stop drawing and writing him in child porn, please, please, i’m begging you
A wish: s...stop drawing him in child porn?? 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: i hope he never gets with toriel canonically like the q&a gave us great ship fodder and i’m fine w/ that but should toby fox ever make another game with these guys (and i am certain he will not, but IF) i just want no official sans ship.
5 words to best describe them: garbage garbage meme pun garbage
My nickname for them: OH SHIT IT’S SNAS UNDERTALE
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freckledoctopus · 8 years
How I entered/learned about the said game/show/movie/etc of that fandom I actually read most of Problem Sleuth before reading Homestuck, which took me a couple tries to get into tbh. So I knew about it for a while since I saw that it was another adventure on the mspa website, but it wasnt until i saw a bunch of cool art on my dashboard that I finally gave it another chance ^_^
Fave character I’ll have to go with Karkat even though I could honestly list half the caste here
Least fave character Oh this is hard I love most of them even Vriska grew on me so... i dont think i can choose anyone tbh
OTP(s) Davekat, Rosemary, Johnkat, GamKar, guilty pleasure Dirk/Caliborn 
Pairing that everyone likes but I don’t get John/Dave ---I mean, there are definitely some great fics and art out there of these two but overall just not a ship im into
Fave thing about the fandom The amount of creativity and passion for sure! I like how much its mellowed out 
The most despised thing It... it had a rough childhood phase 2012/2013... *youtube roleplaying and grey paint flashes before my eyes*
If there is something I would change from said game/show/movie/etc., what would it be. It almost seems ridiculous to say this about a 10,000+ panel webcomic, but I wish there was more. At least with the characters because while I know the story being told was that of the Game, Hussie is such a masterful character writer I fell in love with all of the caste and continue to want more ^^
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jellyfishfics · 8 years
I miss you. I feel empty. But i dont know why?? Maybe its been so long that you havent updated SYRM fic of yours. Not that im rushing you. I know what it feels like to lose your muse in writing it coz it happens to me too (art block actually) (1/?)
Hi there nonny! I’m really happy to receive all your messages and the feelings attached to them! I’m gonna put them under a read more since I think this answer will end up being really long…
And coz i miss you. I reread SYRM again. Like every chapter, read word by word with heart. It still amazes me to the core of my bein. Absolute golden creation. It never stoo to fascinate me. I fell in love with it all over again. (2/?) 
Loves seiji once more and more than before. Such an adorable child really. And really great story line. Just everything about it screams awesome and i cant get enough really. How i wish i could tell you personally how awesome you are !! (3/?)
I still remember the day that chapter 19 was released, i felt extremely happy but at the same time, i felt sad too coz its just one chapter more and its over. I dont know what to do like what would i be looking forward to my next day without it(4/?)
Coz really, its like the only thing that keep my mind away from my horrible present life that time( i was actually kicked out of my civil engineering course caused by my 2 times failed major subject) i was so depressed that time (5/?) 
So then i decided to read a fic, and saw yours. I became engrossed to it(uptil now really i still reread time to time). It took me away from my pain it was replaced by mixed emotions from pity to angsty to happiness and then extreme happiness (?/?) 
Its so great it takes me away from i dont know, reality perhaps?? Yeah right reality. My sour salty reality in bein a failure. But that not all that. Since it gave me back my “good mood” to make great life decisions on what to do next(?/?) 
I’m really really happy my fic was able to be a positive influence on you! It’s more than I can ask for when I write, to make the reader’s day a little brighter!
I know what it’s like to read a fic and have it totally blow your mind!! When the words and plot flow together so perfectly that you just sit there like…I’m so utterly amazed. And I’m so flattered you feel this way about mine.
I understand feeling depressed, I’ve been in the same boat for a while now…but I’m working through it, and I want you to get through your sadness too!! I’m happy my fic was able to give you some piece of mind when you hit difficult times.
Personally, I have a lot of mixed feelings toward syrm as a story and I’ve burned myself out on it. For my own happiness and mental health, I’ve decided to move on and work on fic ideas for another fandom. I’m sorry, and I hope you understand.
I’m going to try and answer your individual asks:
1. I’m sorry you feel like you miss me, I’m still around! I’m not very active on tumblr anymore, but I always answer direct messages and I’m very active on twitter. I’m not sure I can do much about your empty feeling except encourage you to keep your head up and look for something that fills the void! And I hope that if you’re going through an art block, you’re able to find your groove again!!
2. Thank you for rereading! It makes me so happy that you love my story enough to read it with such care…it’s the most flattering thing an author can hear! I’m terribly flattered by all your compliments too!
3. Thank you for loving Seiji!!! I was so afraid that no one would love him…you know it’s always hit and miss with OCs. and I’m happy you think I’m awesome, geez just keep stroking my ego lol.
4. Wow, I get the bittersweet feeling of being excited for the next installment of a series you’re into but also dreading the ending! I’m astounded that my story was powerful enough to make you feel this way!!
5. I’m so sorry that happened to you…I understand that uni can be a ton of pressure and civil engineering is such a tough subject!! My brother studies it too, and he has had problems with his classes as well. I hope that you’re in a more stable place right now, but just know that failing classes doesn’t define you.
6. Like I said before, I really am so glad that my fic was able to cheer you up! i hope if you decide to reread again, it will continue to uplift you and motivate you.
7. Listen…reality does suck a lot sometimes, and I feel you when you’d rather bury yourself in fandom and fiction where everything seems better, but I want you to know that you’re incredibly strong. It takes a lot of courage to send a person a message, and it take so much personal strength and courage to talk about your personal issues so openly. I’m glad you came to me, and I hope that writing your issues out made you feel a little lighter. I know it helps me a lot when I can use fanfiction to write out issues I deal with in a new setting with character I love. I hope my answer can also take some pressure away for your shoulders. Unfortunately, you’ll have to do a lot of the heavy lifting yourself…I know this from experience. But if you ever need me, I’ll be here for you!
Stay strong, bold, and keep your head up. There are people who care about you, and I’m one of them!
Thank you for sending me these messages.
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kristnirpresti · 8 years
ooc: so I am all about soulmate AUs, kay. But I saw that one for polyamory and legit wanted to do something like that with Athelstan and Ragnar and Lagertha, or at least write about it in a fic or something cause it like wont leave me head. But I’m gonna post about here just cause I can...
EDIT: This turned into a fic type thing (so its going under a read more), i’ll post legit headcanons about soulmates later. But i’d totally do an AU based off this
So like lets just look at modern (Cause canon is a whole nother thing okay).
So lets also narrow down the AU to just the writing on your skin where whatever you write on your skin shows up on your soulmates skin (i’m going to lovingly ignore if tattoos count for that for now)
So the first time it happens, Athelstan literally freaks out, because he’s in undergrad and its a language he hasn’t studied yet, so he has no idea what it says. He asks a friend, who almost loses there shit because the recognizes two sets of handwriting. Athelstan swears his friend to secrecy. But he finds out the language and begins to learn it.
He keeps it to himself mostly. What is written is fairly easy to hide. He also keeps it to himself because he is active with church and have three soulmates while not unheard of isn’t the most accepted thing, not like they would kick him out though.
After about a year or so, he finally has a good enough of a grasp on the conversations that he always sees to understand what they are saying. He can pick out who is who, he doesn’t know their names though, just knows their personalities.
When he takes art classes he only uses blending sticks only (which means sub part art for him at least) for fear that the charcoal would tell his soulmates that they had a third. They seemed happy, he had no desire to ruin their relationship. Besides if he wrote should he write in English, or Danish, would they understand him if he wrote in the prior.
He keeps track of their conversations, occasional notes graze his skin like pick up Gyda, or get Bjorn to do his homework before TV. They have kids, and Athelstan knows he can never reveal himself, and ruin that. Despite the longing to do just that, to let them know he is lonely especially now that he knows about them. But he can live with the snippits of the life he sees played out before him in writing.
Then one day he sees it, an argument, and it sounds violent, and Athelstan almost feels bad for spying on there life for at least 2 years now. Athelstan feels like he has to do something. He doesn’t know why they fought just that the pleas from the messier hand writing are almost pathetic.
He takes out a pen, and it hovers over the skin on his forearm for a good minute or so. And finally writes, in English so they dont get any wild ideas about the fact that he may live in their country because he most certainly doesn’t. Its a few simple words, “Your love for each other is stronger than one argument. You will be okay.”
He caps the pen, prays that he doesn’t go and wash his arm off immediately hoping that neither of them notice, and tries to forget about it.
He doesn’t wash his arm, but the ink comes off when he showers. And that’s when he noticed no knew writing has appeared. It makes him sad, but he doesn’t think to much about it. When it comes to months with no new writing people start to notice that something is upsetting Athelstan even if he says he is fine.
Its a particularly bad night, and he had cold pizza for dinner, when he gets his pen, and writes in Danish this time, “I’m sorry.”
Again he thinks nothing of it. Either the two no longer wish for him to see their relationship, or they are no longer soulmates, which he didn’t think was possible. He moped a bit longer, at least when they wrote he didn’t feel as lonely, even God couldn’t help him.
Eventually he decided he would not let himself wallow in a pity party. They didn’t want him that much was clear. But that would not hinder his life, he stopped using smudge sticks for art, and let his fingers become covered in charcoal, occasionally it covered his face too. He had a mishap with a drawing he was inking and he was covered in black ink, and ruined his favorite shirt in the process.
When he went to classes he doodled maps on his arms in history, and drew out pictures of what he thought characters looked like in literature. Some days he went with nothing on his skin at all. But usually it was charcoal on his hands and fingers. Some times he thought what his two soulmates thought, but they had been silent ever since he first wrote something. It never occurred that now it could be there turn to watch him.
Athelstan went about his life, then one day in class he saw their writing again, this time it was names. Ragnar, and Lagertha. He almost fell out of his desk and asked to be excused. He rushed to the bathroom and splashed water on his face.
He fumbles for a pen in his pocket, and writes out his name. He returns to class, and has to deal with the waiting game.
He gets a request next, draw a picture of himself. He responds no. They converse like that for a while, they never ask Athelstan where he lives and he never offers it up.
Then one day he gets the message they are coming to London. He freezes not sure what to do. They say they want to see him. He asks why London. They say they did some research his spelling indicted where he from. Athelstan retorted England was not the only place with certain word spelling. They said he also mentioned once where he went to college, they then give him a time and their flight number and expect him to be there at Heathrow to pick them up.
athelstan legit panics and debates not going. He goes anyways. He can’t borrow a car in time, so he takes the train and hopes they don’t mind. he’s poor, but he has found decent enough clothes, and is in his warmest jacket and waits for them at their gate. 
When he first sees them he knows its them. They are walking together, and he just knows. He immediately turns around to walk away, but he finds both of them on either side of him. He feels tiny compared to them, and significantly less good looking, not like he ever thought much of his appearance before, but Ragnar and Lagertha were something else.
he was in awe and speechless, but they didn’t seem to mind, in fact they seemed to share identical smirks that worried Athelstan a little more than it should.
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