#read "tell all the truth but tell it slant
a-ramblinrose · 6 months
“But first and foremost, I learned from Whitman that the poem is a temple—or a green field—a place to enter, and in which to feel. Only in a secondary way is it an intellectual thing—an artifact, a moment of seemly and robust wordiness—wonderful as that part of it is. I learned that the poem was made not just to exist, but to speak—to be company.”
― Mary Oliver, Upstream: Selected Essays
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sweet-prroncito · 7 months
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Based on @susiecarter 's amazing fic that I read two days ago, Tell all the Truth (but tell it slant) 🦇💫
Bc I absolutely adored it and it was mmmmwah, chef's kiss~! ✨️🥺💕
This month I've read a shameful amount of superbat fics, and in all confidence I can say, this one goes in my top 5~
Go make yourself a favor an reAD IT
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zeawesomebirdie · 9 months
Superbat Fake Dating + Identity Porn Rec List
Thanks to @jourquet for asking for this!! I hope you find something here to read!! (And paging @steine-druff as promised!)
These are in no particular order, but generally organised by trope. I tend to read longfic as a general rule, so these recs will reflect that :) the titles contain links to each fic.
Fake Dating
1. A Common Misconception by rotasha; rated T; no archive warnings apply; 91,114 words; 21 chapters; complete
When Bruce Wayne comes out, he accidentally becomes the poster child of bisexuality and realizes his lifestyle of sleeping around needs to come to an end. Clark, being the supportive friend that he is, volunteers to pretend to date him for a year.
You know the rest.
This fic has everything that one could want in fake dating: idiots in love, mutual pining, one bed, fake vacations, miscommunication. It also really captures the superbat dynamic of trusting and yes and-ing each other, even when they probably didn't need to be!
(And if you like this fic, any of rotasha's other works are just as good! I've got a few more of them in this list too)
2. over this threshold by orphean; rated T; no archive warnings apply; 59,283 words; 7 chapters; complete
'I don't understand how tax evasion relates to you going on a date with, do I need to remind you, Bruce Wayne.'
Clark bit his tongue.
'We're going to get married. It's a tax break, not tax evasion.'
'Are you kidding me.' Lois stared. 'That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.'
Bruce asks Clark to marry him for tax reasons. Clark, against his better judgment, agrees.
Exactly what it says on the tin. Some highlights include Bruce buying Clark ridiculously expensive suits, Clark taking forever to tell his mom what's going on, and of course the wedding itself which was just delightful, with speeches from Lois, Alfred, and Dick that had me crying.
3. A Rich Man's Game by malicegreres; rated T; no archive warnings apply; 63,942 words; 13 chapters; complete
The editorial staff of the Daily Planet, currently owned by Bruce Wayne, is trying to organize a labor union. Clark can't explain to his coworkers why he can't participate without jeopardizing the campaign—or tell Batman why he's been so cagey around him lately. When Bruce finds out what's been going on, Clark recruits him to resolve his conflict of interest in the only way Clark can think of: by pretending to date him.
This fic is truly glorius. Of all the ways Clark could have solved this problem, he chose the most convoluted. And surprise surprise, it works!
4. mission parameters by shipyrds; rated E; no archive warnings apply; 33,394 words; 6 chapters; complete
"Bruce." Clark turns towards him, leaning back against a bank of consoles. "We're not actually going undercover. We don't need an elaborate backstory– if anything, it'll be harder to keep straight. It doesn't have to be complicated." He spreads his hands. "Here's a story: we're members of the same elite fighting force. After years of saving each other's lives in the field, we fell in love. That's it."
Bruce swallows past the almost-truth of it. In Clark's warm smooth radio voice, it sounds plausible. It sounds like something that could happen.
Bruce and Clark pretend to be married for diplomatic reasons. When they return to Earth, things are a little different.
Of all the things that normally Bruce says, Clark is the one to insist on a simple coverstory. And of course, from such simple things spirals out a whole entire adventure that doesn't stop just because the mission is over! This fic features a domesticity that neither of them knew they needed until they had it
5. tell all the truth (but tell it slant) by susiecarter [@susiecarter on tumblr]; rated M; no archive warnings apply; 33,007 words; 1 chapter; complete
It takes a while for Batman and Superman to work things out, once Clark comes back from the dead. Pretending to date each other in order to explain why Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent are in the same place so often? Doesn't help as much as you might think.
*slapping this fic like that one meme with the car* this fic can fit so much miscommunication into it, it's truly delightful to read!! Also, yet another fic where Clark fails to mention what's going on to his mother. And of course the constant worrying about each other without actually expressing it, which is truly such a golden trope when it comes to these two!
I'm adding a cut here because this is already very long and we are still only just starting, so click the read more to see the rest ^.^
6. there ain't no star that shines by amosangius [@amosanguis on tumblr]; rated E; no archive warnings apply; 11,713 words; 1 chapter; complete
“I'm not the same person I was back in high school,” Clark says, “and I doubt they all are, either. What would be the point?”
“Oh, Clark,” Bruce is suddenly holding Clark's face with both of his hands, “the point is that I'm going to land us in a helicopter somewhere for all your classmates to see.”
Clark sighs and closes his eyes.
“Say 'yes', Clark,” Bruce orders.
Clark doesn't open his eyes, just says, “Yes, Clark.”
If you thought Bruce buying Clark expensive suits just for their fake dates was excessive, you ain't seen nothing yet!! This fic also features casual bed sharing (and so many references to casual intimacy oh my goodness it's lovely), Bruce Wayne being Rich As Fuck, and Bruce casually being overprotective of Clark in social situations
7. my heart is an open wound by yukla [@yuebings on tumblr]; rated T; no archive warnings apply; 13,367 words; 1 chapter; complete
“—I’ll see you kneel again,” Luthor is hissing, eyes hungry, and Clark is swaying back in discomfort—and as Lois checks their surroundings again, she notices that Wayne is still standing across the room, staring uselessly, as though he believes the sheer force of his murderous gaze would be enough to laser-blast Luthor into oblivion.
Jesus Christ, Lois thinks. I have to do everything around here.
5 times a Daily Planet employee protects Clark Kent, and 1 time Clark Kent protects the Daily Planet.
Or: Clark's coworkers watch as he fake-dates his crush with limited success.
It is probably obvious by now that miscommunication and Bruce's emotions getting in the way of everything are two of my favourite things to read. All of Clark's coworkers are the best, and once again Clark is a self-sacrificing idiot (affectionate)
8. flash in the pan by shipyrds; rated E; no archive warnings apply; 15,951 words; 3 chapters; complete
Here’s the thing. Clark does understand. Superman and Batman are fucking. Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne are not. Clark can handle this. He keeps parts of his life separate all the time.
It’s possible, Clark thinks, as he glares at a lurid tabloid cover of Bruce’s latest scandalous yacht party in the grocery store checkout aisle, that he can’t handle this.
At the Wayne Foundation's annual holiday party, things come to a head.
Okay there is so much I want to say about this fic and yet there are no words that could possibly express just how incredible it is. Bruce coming up with the worst case scenario for literally everything? Check. Clark agreeing to fake date even though he's majorly head over heels and this will likely end in flames? Check. Ma Kent giving the best relationship advice ever? Check. Dick yelling at Bruce when he tries to self sabotage again? Check. Truly one of the best fucking-but-still-pining fics I've ever read!
9. Operation Sponsalia by Brenda [@brendaonao3 on tumblr]; rated E; no archive warnings apply; 13,610 words; 1 chapter; complete
"When did you first realize you were in love with me?"
Bruce coughs up his wine.
"I mean, in this...whatever this is," Clark clarifies, blushing to the roots of his hair. "I don't think you're really — I mean, I know this isn't —"
"It's alright." Bruce's voice is raspy, but steady. "I know what you mean."
Clark's glad one of them does.
Or: Bruce and Clark have to fake an engagement for ~reasons — featuring a metric ton of very romantic dates, enough floral arrangements to start a flower shop, SO MANY puns, and Clark finally getting to know the real Bruce. :D
Clark doesn't find out that Bruce said to the press that they had been dating long enough to be teasing enagagements until after it's already been said. Was there a better way to explain why Bruce just happened to help save the Kent family farm? Absolutely. And yet they follow through on it anyway, and I love it for them
10. Sham-pagne by ChrisLeon; rated T; no archive warnings apply; 8,248 words; 1 chapter; complete
Superman is spotted visiting Wayne Manor, prompting speculation about how exactly he knows Bruce Wayne. To protect their secret identities, they need a plausible explanation and it seems easy enough to go along with the tabloid theory that they’re sleeping together. All they have to do is pretend to be in a relationship until the speculation dies down and then they can break up move on.
Or: Superman fake-dates Bruce Wayne, we all know how this ends.
This one was fascinating to me because instead of Clark and Bruce dating, it's Superman and Bruce dating, and let me just say I'm so incredibly hinged about it!! I think there is so much potential in that particular version of their dynamic, and this fic was such a beautiful exploration of it!
11. Speaking in Code by Mithen; rated T; no archive warnings apply; 7,459 words; 1 chapter; complete
Clark and Bruce must go undercover at a newlywed resort to try and stop an assassination attempt. Hijinks, UST, and reluctant making out ensue.
First of all, Mithen is a superbat master. Pick any fic of theirs and it will be delightful. Second of all, I could write an entire essay about how much I adore the way they go from irritable about this mission to incredibly enthuasiastic over the course of their two days at the resort, but then we'd be here all day so: if you like banter, one bed, and a case fic this is a brilliant read
12. Kind Truths by Mawiiish [@superbattrash on tumblr]; rated G; creator chose not to use archive warnings; 6,478 words; 1 chapter; complete
Bruce needs help with an undercover mission. Clark can never say no to him even though he probably should before he does something stupid. Like tell Bruce he's in love with him.
“Why me?” Clark can’t help but ask. He tries his very best to keep his voice level, to not sound as desperate as he feels.
“Because I need someone there to watch my back,” Bruce says, a little exasperated. He really shouldn’t have to explain this to Clark of all people, it’s not like they haven’t been on missions together before.
“I get that, but what about Diana? Shayera?” Anyone who doesn’t have a big fat crush on Bruce would do.
Is it obvious I have a thing for Clark agreeing to fake dating despite his big crush on Bruce? This fic is glorious, and features delights such as Bruce metaphorically putting his foot in his mouth, Clark wanting nothing more than to defend Bruce's honor, and one of the most beautiful confession scenes I've ever had the pleasure of reading
13. where i come from by soetry [@soetrys on tumblr]; E; no archive warnings apply; 52,494 words; 11 chapters; complete
Bruce doesn’t have a soulmark, and Clark doesn’t have a soulmark, on an Earth where everyone has a soulmark. Somewhere in there is a simple solution. Somewhere to that solution is an overcomplicated journey. Surely two of the world’s leading superheroes will not take the overcomplicated route?
Surely not?
This one is a little bit of both. The identity porn in this was really well done - Dick is a massive Superman fan, Bruce is unimpressed with both Superman and Clark Kent, and it all goes downhill from there (affectionate). Highlights also include Bruce using a dubiously legal site to crossreference soulmarks, him getting the Superman crest tattooed on his wrist using Kyrptonian tech, and Clark being a self-sacrificing idiot. This is also one of the best soulmate AUs I've ever read!!
Identity Porn
1. Get Over It by rotasha; rated T; no archive warnings apply; 32,378 words; 3 chapters; complete
Bruce needs to get over his inconvenient feelings for Superman and he meets an attractive reporter who he thinks can help him do just that. Little does he know...
Of all the identity porn I've read, this is one of the best! Bruce dating Clark to get over Superman is one of the best things ever and this fic really does a good job of their dynamic!
2. Lost Time Without You by rotasha; rated T; no archive warnings apply; 68,792 words; 21 chapters; complete
In a universe where your soulmate’s injuries show up on your skin, Bruce is convinced he doesn’t have a soulmate, and Clark is seriously concerned for his soulmate’s well-being.
This was my introduction to soulmate!AUs and oh my goodness it was spectacular! The build up to the reveal of their identities was brilliantly done, and the chance encounters that pepper through the lead up to that point were captivating. This fic also features Bruce being a good parent and I really love that for him
3. the cost of being a good dad by Mawiiish [@superbattrash on tumblr]; rated T; creator chose not to use archive warnings; 95,533 words; 10 chapters; complete
Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian are all tired of watching Bruce struggle with the stress of trying to handle the newly formed Justice League. He needs an outlet, he needs to relax, he needs to get out of the house, he needs... he needs to start dating. And what he doesn't know won't hurt him, right?
“Excuse me, I don’t know who you think I am, but I think there’s been a mistake.”
“Bruce, right?” the guy says, albeit less confidently this time. He looks slightly concerned and if Bruce is not mistaken… a tad embarrassed. “Bruce Wayne? You look just like your pictures.”
“My pictures?” Something finally clicks in Bruce’s mind, and he takes a small step back and plasters a smile on his face as to not rouse suspicion. Stalker. “Ah, of course, I’m sorry but I’m late for an appointment.”
This fic features the batkids catfishing Clark on Bruce's behalf, Bruce being a good parent, and the utter chaos of miscommunication that can only come from these two being idiots! It was a delightful read, and of course the batfam in action is always a joy!
4. ship-to-ship combat by pomeloquat; rated M; no archive warnings apply; 62,737 words; 12/13 chapters; incomplete
"Clark. What the hell is this," Lois asks, staring at Clark's Bruceman WIP folder. Clark's first instinct is to fly away, but that would still leave his fic on display for her to see. His second instinct is to blast a hole straight through his laptop screen with his heat vision, which isn't much better.
Clark, in an attempt to make some spare cash, unintentionally stumbles into the world of superhero fanfiction, becomes a prolific writer for Gotham's OTP, and tries his best to fend off rival fans who want him to convert to superbat instead.
Oh my goodness okay. Where to start with this fic. First of all, Clark writing Batman/Bruce Wayne fanfiction is such a brilliant concept. Then add to that the fact that Clark is secretly crushing on Batman at the same time, and the entire comedy of a trainwreck is a delight to witness!
5. I'm Not As Think As You Drunk I Am by Mardiaz173; rated T; no archive warnings apply; 12,920 words; 3 chapters; complete
It was like living in the Twilight Zone. Everyone else believed fervently in Bruce Wayne’s reputation. He was a flirty, stupid, and entitled drunk whose only redeeming quality was his bleeding heart. And yet every time Clark spoke with Wayne, the man was clever, mischievous, and sober with an indecipherable ulterior motive.
And no one believed Clark. Not Lois, not his parents, not even Batman.
Clark insisting upon defending Bruce to everyone much to everyone's dismay is one of my favourite superbat tropes ever, and this fic really does it well! And of course, this fic also features Batman shit talking Bruce, which is always a joy to see!
6. Don't Quote Me by metropolisjournal [@metropolisjournal on tumblr]; rated E; no archive warnings apply; 77,131 words; 20/21 chapters; incomplete
Bruce Wayne has weathered scandal before, and Wayne Enterprises can handle another publicity crisis. What Bruce can’t handle is one crashing up against his plans to infiltrate Lex’s estate. Set during Batman v. Superman.
This was the fix-it for Batman vs Superman that I didn't know I needed until I read it. The identity reveal was so incredibly well written, and the whole fic was stupendous from the very first chapter!
And that's all for now! I hope you find something in here to read, may you enjoy!!
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superbattrash · 8 months
Do you have any Superbat fic recs? Just kind of stumbled on the ship and am already excited by the notion.
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Hiiiii sweetheart! Welcome to the bright and sunny side of superbat shipping ~ *blows dust off my laptop that I haven’t turned on in a month* oh gross, there are actual spiderwebs on it... I'm so sorry, Maggie. Ahem, first of all. Any and all fics by these talented people: @frownyalfred, @superbatdisasterblog, @susiecarter, @sassyresacon1990 (I know I'm forgetting a lot of people but it's been a while okay)
This is just handful of my ultimate favs, if you need more I'm always more than happy to go through my bookmarks!
tell all the truth (but tell it slant) by susiecarter (rated M)
It takes a while for Batman and Superman to work things out, once Clark comes back from the dead. Pretending to date each other in order to explain why Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent are in the same place so often? Doesn't help as much as you might think.
Condersing Conditions by LeCadavre_1904 (rated E)
Before Bruce and Clark fall into bed for the first time, Bruce has an unusual condition.
Clark is as obliging as always.
don't push me (cause I am close to the edge) by LinguisticJubilee (rated G)
Kara huffs out a breath in frustration. “Every Kryptonian has a heartsong. And they’re beautiful, but when you listen to one on its own it feels like something is missing. It’s like...they have something like this too, right?” She gestures outward impatiently, and Bruce forces himself not to flinch at her casual use of they. “Only they have words written down instead.” 
“Soulmates,” Clark says, his voice strained. 
The word hits Bruce like a bullet through the lung. He keeps his face perfectly relaxed, his heartbeat calm and regular, as he realizes (too late, he's always too late) that he should have expected this all along.
fallin' for him was like fallin' from grace by Resacon1990 (rated T)
“But Bruce isn’t gay?” Clark points out, and there’s an awkward moment of everyone clearing their throats and avoiding Clark’s eyes until he turns to stare at Bruce. “Are you?”
Bruce blinks for a moment before offering a sheepish smile. “I’m not… not?” he offers, and Clark feels his brain just about short-circuit at the news.
Or, five times Clark finds himself falling for Bruce, and the one time he does something about it
No Church in the Wild by TheResurrectionist (not rated but OUCH ANGST)
"I'll have a contingency plan."
"If you're the first face he sees, you'll need it."
Bruce brings Clark back by himself.
smokin' in the boys' room - by The Ressurectionist (not rated but both blood and dicks, so rated Misha HAPPY) (I cannot tell you how many times I've reread this one GUUUHHH)
Bruce Wayne -- billionaire playboy, owner of, at most, three brain cells -- beaten up at his own charity gala. Bruce Wayne, CEO of Wayne Enterprises out of nepotism and dumb luck, whose business wasn’t touched by corruption purely because of incompetence -- Bruce Wayne, airheaded and still generous, still kind, bloody in a stall and trying to hide it. 
His hand clenched on the stall door, crumpling it between his fingers. His eyes weren’t burning yet, but barely. 
“Who did this to you?”
I Would I Might Forget That I Am I by susiecarter (rated T)
Clark Kent woke up, ate breakfast, went to work—the same way he did every day. Ordinary.
Except for the part where Superman hadn't been seen in at least a week and nobody knew why, Lois was acting kind of weird, and Bruce Wayne was insisting that Clark was the only reporter he'd allow to run a feature on the crashed alien ship in the park, since Wayne Enterprises had been granted control of the site. And the way Clark felt every time Wayne looked at him a little too long definitely wasn't helping.
But it was fine. Clark was normal, there was nothing wrong with him, and everything was fine.
Satisfaction Brought It Back by slippin_into_dakrness and SpiritsFlame. (rated G) (This one is my comfort comfort comfort read!!!)
Bruce always thought that Superman's cute shtick of rescuing cats from trees was a bid for publicity—until a confrontation with a magic user leaves him stuck as a cat. He learns how mistaken he was when Superman not only rescues him, but takes him back to a small Metropolis apartment. The opportunity to learn more about the alien can't be ignored, but is Bruce ready for everything he will learn about someone he has only ever regarded with distrust and dislike?
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flyingcatstiel · 4 days
SuperbatWeek 2024 fic recs
Day 7: FREE DAY!!! Superbat? | Superbat! | Superbat
a song came after by susiecarter [T, 4,500 word count]
It requires every ounce of will he can bring to bear to force himself to meet Clark's eyes. Clark looks shocked; the expression is undiluted by anger or dismay, though perhaps he simply hasn't had time to grasp what just happened. His eyes are wide, round, impossibly blue. Color is rising into his cheeks. His mouth is half-open, slack, with the slightest damp shine where— "That was," Bruce makes himself say, and then stops. Christ, what word can he use? What adjective is there that acknowledges his trespass fully? "Inappropriate." Inadequate, but it's the best he can do, and Clark needs to hear something, needs to know Bruce recognizes his own mistake for what it is. "I apologize. I—"
Comment - This fic starts where usually fics with a similar trope end. Bruce is out of the dream world where he lived happily with his husband Clark. For thirty years. Now he's to deal with the cold reality where Clark is not his beloved. Muscle memory is his biggest enemy.
Conflated by PamiGami [T, 31,900 word count]
“Are you sure you’re feeling quite all right, sir? I was but fairly sure the head hadn't been impacted.” “No… no, please. Listen. I’m in his body, but I’m not him. I can prove it.” Ill at ease, Clark rubbed at the back of his head, not stopping to think about the weird sensation of feeling not his own curls, but somebody else’s hair. The man continued to stare at him with piercing and scolding eyes. “I believe you.” He nodded. “Mister Wayne doesn’t say please this early in the morning.”
Comment - Somehow, Batman and Superman have switched their bodies, their apartments and their day jobs. Clark and Bruce are left to figure out what to do and why they're sharing a body with some random civilian. Identity shenanigans, full throttle.
Just a Formality by FabulaRasa [E, 4,600 word count]
Bruce and Clark get married, for reasons. And then they fall in love. Nope, it's not Victorian time travel! I am straight up about this.
Comment - Clark didn't know that some things on this earth could be as painful as kryptonite. Things like fake marriage.
Saudade by liodain [T, 20,400 word count]
It's midsummer, 2006. In the wake of his son's death, Bruce Wayne tries to outrun his grief on a cross-country road trip. When his car breaks down on a dusty road in the heart of Kansas, a friendly stranger stops to lend a hand.
Comment - A soft, melancholy start to a beautiful long distance friendship between a grieving father and a Kansas youth with a heart of gold. Also known as a fic where Bruce and Clark meet before the events of Man of Steel and it changes everything.
ship-to-ship combat by pomeloquat [M, 76,800 word count]
"Clark. What the hell is this," Lois asks, staring at Clark's Bruceman WIP folder. Clark's first instinct is to fly away, but that would still leave his fic on display for her to see. His second instinct is to blast a hole straight through his laptop screen with his heat vision, which isn't much better. Clark, in an attempt to make some spare cash, unintentionally stumbles into the world of superhero fanfiction, becomes a prolific writer for Gotham's OTP, and tries his best to fend off rival fans who want him to convert to superbat instead.
Comment - Triple identity shenanigans and a love letter to fandom and shippers. This fic has everything - heartbreak, heartache, unrequited feelings in double doses, self sacrifices and near misses, ship wars and RPF. And on top of that, it's the funniest fic I've read across many fandoms, hands down.
tell all the truth (but tell it slant) by susiecarter [M, 33,000 word count]
It takes a while for Batman and Superman to work things out, once Clark comes back from the dead. Pretending to date each other in order to explain why Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent are in the same place so often? Doesn't help as much as you might think.
Comment - When Batman himself is organizing and micromanaging a fake dating narrative to keep their superhero identities secret, what could go wrong? Apparently, everything. It's the worst time of Clark's life, it's the best time. It's a love story.
And last but not least, some spicy superbat fic recs!
Caught In His Gaze by DontStopHerNow [E, 1,500 word count]
This was supposed to be a stakeout to be sure Clark Kent had not lost his mind due to Kryptonite poisoning. Batman gets more of an eyeful than he expected when Clark does what people do alone in their apartments, though. He cannot look away.
What's In A Name? by frozenpotions [E, 15,000 word count]
Clark accidentally walks— or rather, flies in on Bruce enjoying a private moment. He'd probably have an easier time moving past it all if Bruce hadn't been saying Clark's name.
take a pic, strike a pose by shipyrds [E, 5,600 word count]
It’s probably a good thing Clark’s in private, because when he does check his notifications he almost cracks his phone in half. Bruce has sent him a picture. He’s in the suit, in the Batcave, and there’s probably other things happening in the picture, but Clark can’t really see any of those, because Bruce is– posing? Or maybe the camera just caught him like that; maybe he just happened to be catching his cape one-handed, setting off the sinuous curve of his bicep, the Bat logo straining across his chest. -- Bruce sends Clark a pic. Unfortunately, it goes out to some other people too.
My other superbat fic recs are here.
Happy reading!
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butcherlarry · 7 months
Weekly Fic Recs 56
Another week, another list! I also had another ask, but this time for sad Superbat.
Sad Superbat fic rec list
I normally don't do sad because I a simple woman who loves them some happy endings, but there were a few I recced. Check them out if you're interested!
But now, on to the rest of the list!
left behind by TheResurrectionist - Superbat, complete. Luthor wants an audience with the Justice League, but has to go through Bruce Wayne to do so. For some reason, Bruce's boyfriend, Clark Kent is there during this process. So much shenanigans and inside jokes ensue.
Werewolves Do Not Make Good Empty Nesters by dragonpyre - Batfam, wip. Werewolf, and Tim and Jason join the family early AU! Dick moved out and Bruce is experiencing empty nest syndrome :( Luckily, he found these two abandoned pups to make his nest less empty :)
Lessons Learned by justforthefanfiction - Cloisbat (is that a ship name?), wip. Batman brakes into the Kent's house to talk to Lois about a case. He catches them in a compromising position. Sexy times ensuee
A kindred bond by Nyszu - Superbat, wip. An update to the fic where Bruce gets kidnapped by evil!Supes, but is rescued by his Superman! A breakout at Arkham occurs, and Bruce goes to deal with it.
Get Low by leakypaintpen - Superbat, complete. Bruce spars with Clark after he returns from Warworld and has an "oh no he's hot AND competent" moment.
mission parameters by shipyrds - Superbat, complete. A reread for me! Bruce and Clark have to fake being married for a mission :)
tell all the truth (but tell it slant) by susiecarter - Superbat, complete. Another reread for me! Bruce and Clark start a fake relationship to explain why they are together all the time and to get the media off their back. Feelings and a lack of communication results in much shenanigans :) :) :) :)
Patchwork Pod by Ktkat9 - Superbat and Batfam, wip. More of the mer Bruce fic! Tim has gotten himself in quite the situation!
One day, fate knocked on the door by Speechless_since_1998 - Batfam, complete. Little Timmy travels to Bludhaven to convince Dick to be Robin again. He has a power point and everything! Dick has other concerns, like how this small child traveled to Bludhaven to give a presentation on why he should be Robin again. And why this small child knows he used to be Robin. Shenanigans ensue.
is it my fault? (we've been missing each other) by quidhitch - Batfam, complete. Bruce and Jason bonding times, before and after Jason's death.
The Only by pasdecoeur - Superbat, complete. Someone asked for sad Superbat fic recs, and this one one of the fics I had on the list. The tag the author has is correct, Superbat is fundamentally a tragedy.
Exit Strategy by smilebackwards - Batfam, complete. Tim prepares to leave the Batfam, because the obviously don't need him around anymore (obviously). Unfortunately for him, the rest of the family has a problem with this. Also featuring: bonding time with Damian.
DAMIAN WAYNE GOES TO THERAPY series by orpheusaki - Batfam, stories complete, but series is not. What the title says, Damian goes to therapy. Each story is him bonding with a member of the family, one story about him and Tim, and the other about him and Jason.
Happy Reading!
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vague-shadows · 4 months
Tell all the truth but tell it slant - ACOTAR Azris Fanfiction - Chapter 1/3
For @azrisweek 2024
Day 3 Prompt: Contact
Summary: Azriel's childhood was so lonely that Death itself staged an intervention. Needless to say, he doesn't have very much lived experience with the concept of friendship. Now, several months into his new life at the Illyrian training camp, Azriel has come to an unsettling and embarrassing realization, and he needs answers. Is Eris as clueless as Azriel was? Or has Eris been manipulating him the entire time?
The melody of a familiar overture pulls Azriel’s attention away from the most recent posturing, pointless argument between Rhys and Cassian. He glances around and sees the orange glow of hellhound eyes lingering in the shadows at the edge of camp. He contains his excitement much more easily than usual - the prospect of a heavy conversation looming over what would usually be the highlight of his month.  He and Eris don’t speak all that much - haven’t ever really needed to, with their respective abilities to read people and see shadows - but today’s meeting can’t be an evening of companionable silence. Azriel leaves Rhysand and Cassian to their bickering, silently fading into his shadows and joining the hounds in a loping run to the edge of camp. 
“What’s got you in a minor key, Shadowsinger?” Eris wonders as Azriel and his shadows follow the hounds to their master. 
“Minor keys are my default. You know that.”
“Yes, but usually I have to endure a few somber chords at most - today my ears are ringing with the dulcet tones of a funeral dirge…so what’s wrong with you?”
“I’m fine,” Azriel replies automatically, voice perfectly neutral. 
“Are you sure about that?” 
Eris raises his eyebrows and pointedly looks down to where several of the hounds have apparently decided that Azriel needs their comfort more than Eris currently needs their protection. 
“It’s not my fault they like me better,” Azriel replies, shrugging as he allows a smug smirk to tug at the corner of his lips. It’s a familiar and oft-used claim that continues to vex Eris even after all these months. His smirk transforms into a full grin when it garners him a petulant scowl from Eris. 
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setthishouseablaze · 5 months
Fortnight - post mortem
(feat. Post Malone)
"I was supposed to be sent away, but they forgot to come and get me
I was a functioning alcoholic till nobody noticed my new aesthetic
All of this to say, I hope you're okay, but you're the reason
And no one here's to blame, but what about your quiet treason?"
To be sent away is to be committed to the psych ward, or sent to jail. From the music video (MV) it seems that in this case it's a reference to an involuntary stay in the psych ward - she's chained up in a bed being made to take pills, however, asylums and prisons are a theme throughout the album as a whole.
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In the opening scenes of the video she is dressed up to look like 1920s movie starlet Clara Bow (who is referenced directly as a song title later on the album.) Her hair is pinned up with an extreme number of upside down bobby-pins which on the right side of her head make the roman numeral for 13, and she is wearing a wedding gown.
Clara Bow is known to have engaged in lavender marriages while having secret affairs with women during her stardom. "dropping hairpins" is a piece of historical queer slang, meaning dropping hints that one is queer, and the inverse, having your hair pinned up means that you're pretending to be straight. Hair pins reference back to the lyrics of Right Where You Left Me "Dust collected on my pinned-up hair." I read this scene as "maximum closeting," by force.
The entire room is shown to be upside down and at an angle which reminds me of the classic Emily Dickinson poem "tell all the truth but tell it slant" Given Emily is a favorite poet of TS the Dickinson reference is likely intentional and it's fair to assume that there are red herrings and metaphors in abundance throughout this song and this album. Remember the 'redherring' error code on the website pre-release.
This song and video also reference A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, which tells the story of a person released from prison who has mental health issues due to being tortured during their prison stay, who is then taken by their family from Paris(!) to London (!!) Book 2 of A Tale of Two Cities is titled "The Golden Thread" which reminds me of Invisible String "one single thread of gold tied me to you," and in the second book we're told the tale of how the golden haired daughter provides financially for her family in addition to repairing and maintaining their good reputation. A Tale of Two Cities feels oh so very appropriate as a touchstone for listening to this album.
"I was a functioning alcoholic" is this metaphorical, literal, or both? Other mentions of use and abuse of drugs and alcohol in her discography include Closure "I'm fine with my spite and my tears and my beers and my candles" Clean "Ten months sober" and Don't Blame Me "My drug is my baby I'll be using for the rest of my life" I think in this case I think it might be both metaphorical and literal. The loss of her love drove her to drink, but also, she was addicted to her illicit love and maybe got away with it until others noticed-?
"All of this to say, I hope you're okay, but you're the reason. And no one here's to blame, but what about your quiet treason?" reminds me again of the song Closure "It wasn't right the way it all went down looks like you know that now. Yes, I got your letter, Yes, I'm doing better. I don't need your closure" It's just as direct, but less aggressive in tone. She hopes her muse is well but they are the reason that she is where she is.
"And for a fortnight there, we were forever
Run into you sometimes, ask about the weather
Now you're in my backyard, turned into good neighbors
Your wife waters flowers
I wanna kill her"
A fortnight is two weeks, though, it may be a metaphorical stand-in here just meaning that for awhile it seemed like they were going to be together forever, but now they are acquaintances who make small talk.
"Now you're in my backyard, turned into good neighbors" reminds me of the ever so quotable line "Good Fences Make Good Neighbours" from Robert Frost's poem Mending Wall, the irony of the poem is that while setting clear boundaries with a wall prevents petty disputes over property lines the constant need to maintain the wall they've built brings the neighbours together to talk. The line is often quoted by people who've never read the poem without heed for the irony. As a reference here it seems very sarcastic - we're good neighbours look how polite and appropriate we are with our boundaries set in stone.
There are many references to gardens and flowers in the TS back catalogue but for me this in particular recalls the lyrics from Clean "The drought was the very worst. When the flowers that we'd grown together died of thirst." and this line translates to me as I hate your partner because they're growing a relationship/family with you, whereas ours is dead.
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The MV shows TS wiping her face to reveal tattoos that almost match those of Post Malone who plays the part of love interest in the MV. The differences are the addition of two tattoos that spell out DDP, an extra heart, and a change from a playboy bunny to what looks like a diamond. The tattoos seem to have been covered with make-up while she was chained up in the asylum, and they disappear as soon as she steps out into the other room - only to reappear onto the face of Post Malone. I don't have any theories about what DDP stands for I would love to hear other peoples. Seeing TS with secret tattoos reminds me of Dress, "made your mark on me a golden tattoo." another song about secret love.
"All my mornings are Mondays stuck in an endless February
I took the miracle move-on drug, the effects were temporary"
Mondays being the most notoriously hated day of the week because it's the start of the work week for many people, and Feb being post-celebration winter in the northern hemisphere, I read this as - all I do is work I'm stuck in a bleak winter that won't end. I've tried every option available to get over you but it didn't work.
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When she enters the writers room she's wearing a mourning dress, which could lend another layer i.e. all my mournings are mondays i.e. all of my break-ups are work/business.
The whole video is in black and white except for the sparks that fly off the pages into the air between their desks, and the fire once she sets things ablaze.
"And I love you, it's ruining my life
I love you, it's ruining my life
I touched you for only a fortnight
I touched you
But I touched you"
This is pretty direct but in context I read it as - I'm still in love with you, I feel stuck, I can't move on and my public image won't let me let you in, we may have only been together for a short time but we were together and I can't/won't forget it.
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In the MV there are an endless array of masked figures also in black mourning attire, all with masks and hats sitting at identical desks disappearing into the horizon. Are these the other tortured poets from history, made to mask and hide behind their typewriters in a black and white world?
"And for a fortnight there, we were forever
Run into you sometimes, ask about the weather
Now you're in my backyard, turned into good neighbors
Your wife waters flowers
I wanna kill her
And for a fortnight there, we were together
Run into you sometimes, comment on my sweater
Now you're at the mailbox, turned into good neighbors
My husband is cheating
I wanna kill him"
"My husband is cheating I wanna kill him" This could be literal cheating, however, she is not literally married so maybe that's a hint - maybe he's violating the terms of a contract? After all she's probably not in love with him since she's pining so badly after the muse of this song-? So, why would she still want to murder him? Maybe they were supposed to get lavender-married but he cancelled the wedding and now everything is in upheaval?
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She is laying on the ground with PM in the middle of an image of herself made up of pages reading from "The Story of US" book, "So many things that I wish you knew. So many walls up, I can't break through" they seem to be stuck there and then they break free, pages flying in the air, and hold each other laughing. The tattoos are now gone from both faces.
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"I love you, it's ruining my life
I love you, it's ruining my life
I touched you for only a fortnight
I touched you
I touched you
I love you, it's ruining my life
I love you, it's ruining my life
I touched you for only a fortnight
I touched you
I touched you"
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In the MV she's back in the asylum now, hair undone/pins gone, strapped to a table surrounded by men about to have electro convulsive therapy (ECT) administered, a black dog runs through the frame. The ECG read-out is showing "I love you it's ruining my life" in the read out of her heart beat. One of the panels in the background reads "Master Control." In literature The Black Dog represents depression.
So, when her hair is unpinned she wants to be publicly out as in love with a woman, and the men who surround her and control her and her music deem it inappropriate, they want to 'fix' her. But, when the ECT runs sparks fly, the machinery overloads, she screams, and PM runs over to release her from the table.
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"Thought of calling ya, but you won't pick up
Another fortnight lost in America
Move to Florida, buy the car you want
But it won't start up till you touch, touch, touch me"
"Thought of calling ya, but you won't pick up. Another fortnight lost in America" You won't answer my calls so we've lost another fortnight of our lives to the American culture wars - reminds me of Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince and Paris, which are also songs about running away.
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They are now outside in a raging storm stuck on top of a mountain with treacherously steep sides, TS sits atop a phone box in a dress that looks like chain-mail, while PM is inside the box making a call begging..
"Move to Florida, buy the car you want but it won't start up till you touch, touch, touch me." TS has said in interview that moving to Florida in this album is a reference to people running away from their mistakes and starting fresh. She's telling the muse to ditch their partner and runaway with her, this ties back to Getaway Car which opens with "It was the best of times, the worst of crimes" which is a direct reference to A Tale of Two Cities which opens "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way".
"Thought of calling ya, but you won't pick up
Another fortnight lost in America
Move to Florida, buy the car you want
But it won't start up till I touch, touch, touch you"
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TS is back in the writers room, tearing open the draws, letting the pages fly into the air, crying, then stone faced in her mourning dress while the pages swirl around her burning. It reminds me of Dear Reader "Dear reader, burn all the files desert all your past lives" The version of her in the asylum smashes down the window.
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And finally the version of TS on top of the phone box reaches down and holds hands with PM. She's created imagery of herself stuck inside cages, boxes, glass boxes, etc over and over through the years and this is the first time we've seen her outside and making contact with another human.
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Conclusion: our protagonist has been held by force in the image of a virginal heterosexual bride, going slowly insane while she pretends that the woman she truly loves is just a friend, and she's now completely fed up and her bearding situation has gone to hell, she's asking her love to runaway with her and she's willing to metaphorically set fire to her history/her body of work to be with the one she loves.
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juurensha · 9 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "juurensha "?
Thanks if you want to answer....
Ooooo such a fun question.
Top 10 fics ever:
Something Borrowed by rageprufrock - the best IwaOi fic, I love it so much, the characterizations are just stellar here (is it ABO, yes, but shush, I love it)
家教 - or - Domestic Education by rageprufrock - the best Guardian fic I've ever read, and I love the Shanghai-ness of it all!
as to which may be the true by susiecarter - identity porn at its best (I was going to pick tell all the truth (but tell it slant) by susiecarter originally, because fake dating, but I've reread this one more, so I think it has to count as my favorite SuperBat fic)
Excessively Clever by astolat and Champion by astolat - I know nothing about Transformers, but astolat's fic made me absolutely adore these robots
The vates series by Lightning on the Wave (starts here ) - just because it takes the HP series world and completely blows it up and adds so much cool lore of its own. Yes, yes, all the characters are basically OC's at this point, and the Drarry gets a bit too much come Year 4, but my god, that lore.
a simple thing by iridan - lovely Mandalorian fic that gives both Din and Boba peace (and ignores the later seasons, thank god)
ships that pass in the night by beethechange - okay, okay, I know it's RPF, and let me caveat by saying, I think the real Ryan and Shane are just good friends, but I really enjoyed the hilariousness of this fic and the innate wistfulness and yearning to it as well.
it's about time that you just unwind by fuckener - idk, I just love two middle-aged snarky guys figuring out their sexualities and working out their trauma together, despite the fact that I have watched It entirely through gifsets
Lithograph by romantic_drift - the Nirvana in Fire fixit fic we all DESERVE
And now I'm going to cheat and stick a few extra under the readmore
Play It Again by metisket - all I have ever wanted is for all the Hales to be alive, so I deeply enjoyed this Sterek AU
Fealty by astolat - Person of Interest was pretty formative for me, and I love nothing more than devotion
Out of This Place by Sineala - sort of fake dating, and I do love Eagle of the Ninth so much, despite it being kind of a terrible movie
Dooku Captured, Pt 2 by DarthNickels - the Stars Wars AU we all deserved
#bakudeku by rageprufrock - it's not a BakuDeku story, its a TodoDeku story, and I love it because it's hilarious
An Unexpected Gift by Miko - an oldie but a goodie, I am still so fond of the Silver Pair from Prince of Tennis
And as for my username juurensha, this all stems from juu's weeb phase (that she never grew out of exactly, so it's actually quite fitting!) Tiny 13/14 year old juu was quite into Bleach and Naruto and was of course coming up with OC's, and specifically for Naruto, wanted to come up with a girl from a weapon's family. Googling random Japanese terms online yielded
meaning rapid weapons fire/or hail of bullets.
13/14 year old weeb juu: close enough!
So, that was my Naruto and Bleach OC's last name. Yes, and then I proceeded to use this super cringe name as my Ao3 username because I assumed that no one else would have used it yet, and here I am!
...I still really like it :DDDD
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beautifulhigh · 11 months
20 Questions aka. Oversharing on the Internet version 92840938. Plus one?
Thank you for for tagging me @welcometololaland. Even though I suck at tag games and answering asks...
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
952,168. Pretty sure the next fic is going to top the million mark when (if) it finally goes up.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
At the moment? 911: Lone Star & Red White and Royal Blue
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Every nation ought to have a right to provide for its own happiness (RWRB). My newest fic and clearly posted at the right time to ride the wave!
Tell all the truth but tell it slant, Success in circuit lies (Lone Star) My post-Sadie fic. I really liked getting to play about with the narrative structure in this one
The tender things are those we fold away (Lone Star) Only Fans fic, my beloved.
But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep (Lone Star) My first Tarlos fic. Written before Gwyn's sudden death and she had a starring role at the start of it. And then I did something similar with Gabriel for my last one. I swear I will never heavily feature any recurring character again.
Want (Emmerdale) Come back to the Dales, Hawley you coward.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond to 99% of them - hard to come up with a response to a comment that you know someone just cuts and pastes onto all fics they read. (I am grateful for all comments but still...) You took the time to read and leave me a comment, I'm going to acknowledge that.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm going to go with Rumours (Emmerdale) for this. Because while they both die at the end (no reference intended to the book!) there is a whole life for Aaron and Robert before that moment comes.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think most of them? It's all varying degrees of happiness because it depends what has happened to them in the meantime. But it all comes out in the wash.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I once wrote a fic in which I had characters explain why they couldn't take a particular course of action, and I had comments like "this is stupid, why don't they just do x?" which says more about their lack of reading skills. Other than that, not really.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do, but it's more about the feels than the actions.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've never written one, simply because it feels a little too much like crossing the streams. Unless they are canonically in the same 'verse my muse refuses to even consider it. She's a sucker for rules like that.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone translated a Glee fic of mine into Russian (I think? It was a cyrillic language, I remember that) but I am always open to it!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I did a dual narrative fic once and that was great fun.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Don't make me choose between my babies. I can't.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a Tarlos WiP and a Firstprince WiP and I want to finish them both.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I plan. I have pages and pages of planning and research and scribbled lines of dialogue and prose. I know exactly where I'm going with my stories and so the ending always pulls together the strands in the story. There are always hints and clues as to where I'm going, you just gotta pay attention.
(It's OK if you don't. It's rare someone comments on what is supposed to be a throwaway line and wonder why it's in there. Hint: it's because it's not throwaway.)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
More of a weakness for me I think - but consistency. I am a feast or famine writer. I knock out a fic in a week (Only Fans) or I have to drag it kicking and screaming from its coccoon of bedsheets (bank fic)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
If I need to do it then I am putting out pleas on Tumblr for a native speaker to translate the line for me
19. First fandom you wrote for?
"...I plead the 5th."
^ what she said
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Don't make me choose between my babies.
I am super later to this so open tag!
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literallygayshit · 1 year
This is not a drill. Read this fanfic immediately. It is so fucking good
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a-ramblinrose · 1 year
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― Louise Glück, from ‘Mitosis’        Poems 1962-2012
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merelyspecters · 19 days
Been getting into poetry recently! Reading through A Treasury of Favorite Poems. Some of my recent faves, in no particular order:
Fog by Carl Sandburg
The Junk Box by Edgar A. Guest
To an Athlete Dying Young by A. E. Housman
Spring Night by Sara Teasdale
A Little While by Sara Teasdale
To Sleep by John Keats
From Blank to Blank (761) by Emily Dickinson
Tell all the Truth but tell it slant— (1263) by Emily Dickinson
I dwell in Possibility (466) by Emily Dickinson
If you have any recommendations, please send them my way :)
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 10 months
Tell All The Truth But Tell It Slant
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/sVS1jHT by MiladyDisdain Rule number 1: Demons lie. Unless they think the truth will hurt worse. When Sam and Cas put that last syringe of blood into Demon Dean's arm to cure him, he was unconscious. How he got that way involves some commentary from a demon with a very smutty mouth, sharing secrets Dean had every intention of taking to his (most likely early) grave. Sometimes the truth really can set you free, if you can be brave enough to admit it. Words: 2991, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Demon Dean Winchester, Demon Dean Winchester Being an Asshole, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Missing Scene, Season/Series 10, Love Confessions, First Kiss read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/sVS1jHT
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liam-philp · 2 years
Slant - Aaron Schuman: A Close Reading
Slant - Aaron Schuman
A) What does the reader gain from this book? Schuman’s Slant has a disorientating effect. The bizarre newspaper clippings and absurd scenarios in his photographs make the entirety of the work feel unbelievable. When it is revealed at the back of the book that both text and image are in fact real there is no closure, no questions answered - it only leads to more: how could these situations possibly exist? The effect this work had on me personally was the reaffirmation of the absurd of the everyday, in the countless possibilities for - surreal - narratives in the external, pre-existent world. 
B) What type of book is it and why? Monographic, Lyrical, Elliptical
C) Sequencing and editing: Alternates between close-up images of surfaces and wider landscapes, the details of these close-ups support the reading of the images they are paired with (and vice-versa) - a no-trespassing sign littered with dents and holes features an illustration of an idealised middle American family, this is paired with a wider image of a gun store, speaking to the normalisation of violence in the States - or perhaps the decay of American society? Visually the pairing of these two styles lends the book a dynamic flow that maintains the interest of the reader
D) Image/text relationships: The book intersperses the images with newspaper clippings. There is a recurring theme in these small texts around photographers and misunderstandings with the general public. Also the use of photography to fetishise and exploit - leading to a suspicious attitude that breeds these misunderstandings. The Emily Dickinson poem that opens the book features the line “tell all the truth - but tell it slant”. This in combination with the often absurdist content of the image encourages a criticality of viewership, not just in regards to the Schumans photographs, but the entire medium itself.
E) Design: The images are sized at a typical medium scale which remains consistent across the text. This balances with the extreme content of the images and text, grounding the work.
F) Materiality: For images the book uses a relatively heavy-weight matte paper, combining this with a medium-weight eco paper for the pages only featuring text, closely resembling newspaper stock.
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royal-ruin · 2 years
genshin: diluc and kaeya (platonic) fic recs
other genshin fic recs here genshin fic recs by pairing here personal favorites are starred, by the way. everything is complete unless stated otherwise.
The Master of Dawn Winery Doesn’t Drink Wine (and Five Other Things to Know Before Trying to Kill Diluc Ragnvindr) by resince (~4k)
He receives his assignment on a too-hot day when he’s just arrived in Mondstadt. Diluc Ragnvindr is all it says. That is enough for him. But, the more he learns, the more this target seems impossible.
no ships, but a little hint of plantonic diluc/kaeya
tell all the truth but tell it slant by CalicoColors (~6k)
Kaeya accidentally reveals his past only a year after being accepted into the Ragnvindr’s during a fever-driven nightmare.
This changes everything and nothing all at once.
Although Kaeya doesn’t remember, Diluc does. The future changes as Diluc accepts this new truth at a young age.
basically a fix-it fic.
(fire)crackers and cheese by meowy_times (~9k)
[“He’s one of the weird grown-ups. He’s so grumpy all the time… why does he never smile?“
“Hello Jean,” Albedo greets, “We’re here to collect a few extra papers and drop Klee off?”
“Yes, here,” Jean hands Albedo a small stack of loose papers, mostly covered in empty charts that would be filled once they got up to Dragonspine. “And about Klee,” Jean glances around and sighs. “Diluc!” A sound comes from upstairs and Albedo looks up as Diluc, the illustrious winemaker of Mondstadt, pads down the stairs like a grumpy dog.
“Diluc!!” Kaeya grins. He moves toward Diluc, his arms outstretched for a hug. Diluc grunts and avoids it.
“Yes,” Jean clears her throat, “I’ve managed to get the old Cavalry Captain to stay with the Knights for a while – which took quite a bit of convincing. He will also be in charge of watching Klee while we are away.”]
mostly diluc-centric
Taking Care of Yourself (and Sometimes Not) by enbybedo (~2k)
Unfortunately, the tavern was as lively as Charles warned Adelinde it would be. It was packed to the brim with people due the last-minute birthday celebration of one of Mondstadt’s resident drunkards; Diluc didn’t bother to remember which. All he comprehended were the deafening cheers of an intoxicated mass and a stifling atmosphere filled up with the stench of liquor. The walls felt like they were slowly closing in on the pyro user as he absentmindedly wiped down dirty wine glasses and prepared drinks for the large crowd of customers. A voice called out to Diluc, but he could barely register it, being too focused on not collapsing on the job. He continued to clean a spotless glass as he tried to gain his bearings once more, wishing that the world would stop spinning even for just a moment.
*Song of Resistance: Frostborn Loyalty by TheOpticalMouse (~38k)
What if Schubert’s attempts to take over Mondstadt succeeded, and the Traveler never got in the way? What if Mondstadt was left to fend for itself against an insidious evil from within the stone walls that were supposed to protect it?
Diluc MIA Jean captured The City in Chains It falls to Kaeya and the scattered remains of those still free to gather and win their home back.
This tale is one of two parts, told in tandem with StrangeDiamond in their Sister Fic, "Song of Resistance: Flames of Defiance” in a massive collaborative project!
*Song of Resistance: Flames of Defiance by StrangeDiamond (~30k)
When the Lawrence Clan, backed by the Fatui, launches a two-pronged attack against Dawn Winery and Mondstadt, everyone is blindsided. The City of Freedom falls within a matter of hours … but Diluc survives, to rally those outside the city walls to take back their home … and make their enemies pay for all they’ve taken from them.
Sister fic to Song of Resistance: Frostborn Loyalty by TheOpticalMouse
both of these fics are so good, i absolutely love them. you can read them in tandem if you’d like or read them one at a time. personally, i think you’d have the best reading experience if you read them in the order they’re meant to be read though.
Liar, Liar by StrangeDiamond (~19k)
[“Are you trying to tell me … that you are literally incapable of telling the truth right now?” Diluc asks incredulously, because that’s what everything’s adding up to. Kaeya’s expression of relief is his answer, and his words (kind of) confirm Diluc’s theory. “Nope. That’s not what I’m saying at all.”]
Kaeya needs Diluc’s help to cure a rare affliction before it kills him. Diluc just might kill Kaeya himself before all is said and done. (Standalone Fic) Will be updated every day until complete.
The warmth in my heart by softcloudss (~2k)
where Diluc has a relapse of his childhood ailment and Kaeya fusses over the well-being of his brother.
(a self-indulgent work written to satisfy my craving for Diluc being cared for, and Diluc and Kaeya reconciliation)
The Flames of a Man Long Gone by SakuraSloth (~5k)
He stands up, catching another glimpse of scarlet in the darkened window. A familiar jolt shudders through his body, and soon nausea settles in his stomach.
It’s been years, and Crepus’ ghost still plagues his reflection.
Or late-night grief and mitachurls do not mix well.
*The Burden Of Memories by TheOpticalMouse (~51k)
The Abyss order is seeking to find any way it can to destroy Mondstadt. In their attempt to turn Diluc into their puppet, they cannot finish the process before Diluc escapes.
Still, the damage is done.
*Watcher of the Night by COBALT (nacaratskies) (~70k)
At age 22, Diluc Ragnvindr is murdered, with only his estranged brother as a witness.
At age 17, Diluc Ragnvindr woke up.
With memories that weren't his own, a strange connection to his Delusion, and lingering dreams of a world without him in it, Diluc was determined to relive the worst night of his life and get it right this time—no matter the cost.
Unfortunately, his plan did not account for Kaeya.
this one is pretty long, but it’s so worth the time.
Two Liars and a Spy by HAL_berd (~4k)
Following the Stormterror Incident, the Church of Favonius hires professional aid for its traumatized citizenry. This places two of the most powerful men in Mondstadt on the chaise longue over their petty sibling dispute.
Diluc and Kaeya have been going to counseling over their issues, but something's afoot with the counselor, and neither of them particularly care to cooperate. At least not in the way the counselor hopes.
featuring: reconciliation and two absolute menaces.
Distant Echoes by deprecavi (~4k)
Kaeya is grounded, but he turns up at the Angel's Share anyway. However, when he leaves without even finishing his drink, Diluc is concerned and follows him out.
we've taken different paths and traveled different roads by LilacsAndLilies (~6k)
Diluc comes home after three years only to find Kaeya right where he left him – at the Winery. This changed more than either of them could have imagined.
au where kaeya takes over the winery while diluc was gone.
next to your heart by alexithymias (~6k)
Four times Kaeya kisses Diluc, and one time he kisses Kaeya.
it sounds a little suspicious, i know, but read and you’ll understand.
*for living is an exercise in suffering by iellimau (~5k)
There was blood on Diluc’s hands.
He couldn’t see it— no one could. Not while he was still eighteen and just about to leave Mondstadt, not while he was fighting in Snezhnaya, not now in the few months since his return home. But it was there.
or What “recovery” means to a man who’s just come back home.
tw warning: read the tags. this fic concerns things like SH, suicidal ideation, OCD, and more. i’m putting it under diluc and kaeya, but it’s mostly just about diluc.
*Poisoned Dreams by StrangeDiamond (~83k)
Every night now, Diluc dreams of death. Usually Kaeya's. In between these nightmares his life is falling apart. It doesn't take Kaeya long to realize that this is something much more insidious than simple bad dreams. His brother's life and sanity are on the line and there is nothing Kaeya won't do to save him. Bonus chapter added.
Blind Mirror by StrangeDiamond (~76k)
A serial killer surfaces in Mondstadt. One whose signature is eerily similar to the first serial killer Jean and Kaeya ever caught together, four years ago. Right after Diluc left the Ordo. The shadow of the past falls heavily on the new investigation, as the three friends hunt down this threat to their city and are forced to reconcile their lives now with their regrets and mistakes from four years ago.
this one is basically a sequel to the previous one. they can be read seperately but it might be hard to understand diluc and kaeya’s dynamic at first if you don’t read it in order.
This is No Cultivated Heaven by thecrazychatlady (~6k)
Kaeya and Diluc get into a fight so bad that Jean intervenes, demanding Kaeya apologize for wrecking the Angel's Share. He gets a little more than he bargained for. Ragnbros reconciliation fic.
[“What’s this I hear about you and Master Diluc scuffling in front of the Angel’s Share last night? I have three concerned reports from—” these she ticks off on her fingers, “Margaret from the Cat’s Tail, Captain Hertha, and Six-Fingered Jose, all sitting on my desk when I arrived this morning. Not to mention multiple eyewitnesses who said that you went after him with a chair. Explain yourself.”
Kaeya winced. “About that. You may get an invoice from the Dawn Winery fairly soon, on account of the ruined bar…”
“You demolished the bar?” Jean demanded.]
hold me tighter (don’t let go) by mysterious_ky (~3.5k)
Kaeya never tells Diluc his secret, they never fight, he doesn’t get his vision as a result of almost dying at his brother’s hands. Instead he runs.
Kaeya runs for three years.
One night, he comes home.
*Lights Are On (But Nobody’s Home) by enbybedo (~3.5k)
[“Why are you here?” Diluc asked the pane of glass in front of him. Kaeya took a moment to consider his response before speaking.
“The Knights of Favonius are trained to handle mental health emergencies, if the need for that arises. I’m simply here to make sure you aren’t going to put yourself in harm’s way, Master Diluc.”]
tw warning: read the tags. deals with self-harm, suicide attempt, etc.
when the dusk draws on by yesitsalsoagun (~27k)
A week after a relatively confusing clash with the Abyss Order, Diluc is overcome by a mysterious creeping cold. Surely there's no connection between the two...?
[There is. There absolutely is.]
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